NAME: ______________________________________ DATE: ____________________________ PR: ________
Blackout poetry is when a page of text usually an article from a newspaper or a page from a book is completely blacked
out (colored over with permanent or black marker so that it is no longer visible) except for a select few words. When only
these words are visible, a brand-new story or message is created from the existing text.
Use one of the provided pages below and make your own blackout poem. Your poem should tell a story or message about the
Holocaust or somehow express the impact the Holocaust left on society. See the example posted to Mrs. Sellers’ website if
you need assistance - you will not receive credit if your blackout poem matches mine exactly. If you have a newspaper at
home or a preferred piece of text you would like to use for your blackout poem, feel free to use that instead! Just make sure
to ask parent permission first. Black marker works best but any writing utensil can be used for your blackout poem.