Awarded immediately to all members of the scholarly and museum communities (e.g. faculty, graduate students,
curators, etc.) with proof of current institutional af liation and a government-issued driver’s license/identi cation card
or passport. Stack Reader Privileges will also be awarded to independent researchers with speci c projects or interests
as warranted upon approval of a brief application. Stack Reader Privileges expire biannually and are renewable. Stack
Reader Privileges are non-transferable.
· Each time you arrive at the Research Institute’s Plaza level Security desk, you will need to present your Stack Reader
Photo Identi cation Badge to the Security Of cer, who will swipe it through a card reader. The Security Of cer will
place your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge in a badge sleeve and return it to you.
· You are required to wear this Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge at all times while you are in the
Research Library.
· Each time you exit the library (for breaks, lunch, and at the end of the day), you will need to give your badge to the
Security Of cer to swipe through the card reader and return the badge sleeve to the Plaza Security Desk. This allows
us to account for all of our readers both for statistical purposes and in the event of an emergency or evacuation.
· Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badges are non-transferable. · Your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge will
identify you as a Stack Reader to the various Security and Visitor Services staff you may encounter on your way to
the library.
· Your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge is your ticket to bypass the lines and gain priority access to the tram
and shuttle. Be sure to have your badge readily available to show to Visitor Services and Security staff when moving
to the front of the lines for Getty Center transportation.
· Your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge allows you to gain priority entry to the Cafe by showing the badge to
the food services personnel at the Cafe door. Your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge may not be used to gain
priority access to lines inside the cafe or for discounts on food.
· Security will impose a $20 replacement fee for all lost badges.
· Stack Readers are strongly encouraged to attend a library tour as soon as possible. Stop by or phone the Reference
Desk at (310) 440-7390 to sign up for the tour.
· Tours are given on Mondays at 2:00 PM and Thursdays at 10:00 AM, except holidays.
· Stack Readers may use open stack and reading areas of the Research Library between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM,
Monday-Friday. Reserve shelves are available on L2 for the purpose of shelving your checked-out material.
· Open areas, which house approximately 25% of the collections, include the Periodicals Reading Room, the Reference,
book, periodical, and auction catalog stacks, the multimedia area, the public terminals, and the browsable stacks of
the Photo Study Collection. The remainder of the collection is in storage and items must be requested through the
library catalog.
· Your reader badge will not grant you access to the Getty Villa; advance reservations and tickets are required for all
visitors. For more information about the Villa, go to www.getty.edu.
· Before using the browsable collection we encourage you to make an initial appointment with a Reference Librarian
for Visual Resources, who will provide you with an in-depth orientation that is speci c to your needs. To make an
appointment, call (310) 440-7390.
· Stack Readers will be granted access to material in Special Collections (labeled “SPECIAL” in the library cata log)
during the Special Collections Reading Room hours (9:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday) upon request
and completion of paperwork.
· Reservations for the Special Collections Reading Room must be made at least two weeks in advance. To make an
appointment, go to the Reference Desk, or call (310) 440-7390.
· When you arrive at the kiosk, simply present your Stack Reader Photo Identi cation Badge in order to gain access to
the parking structure. The parking fee normally charged will be waived.
· The Getty Research Institute reserves the right to inspect all research materials and personal articles before you
leave the library.
· The Getty Research Institute reserves the right to deny access to its collections.
· The Getty Research Institute is not responsible for personal property.
· Elevator access is limited to the Research Library oors: Plaza, L2, L3.
· Two sets of elevators are available for your use; access to the two elevators is slightly different.
· Single elevator (located near the Plaza Security Desk): may be used anytime.
· Double elevators (located behind the Periodicals Reading Room):
· For security reasons having to do with our very public setting, we currently are
unable to provide you with access from the Plaza level without the assistance of the
Reference Desk staff.
· Should you wish to use the double elevators to go down during the hours the
Plaza Reference Desk is staffed, feel free to ask the Reference Desk staff member
on duty to give you elevator access. During off hours use the single elevator near
the Plaza Security Desk to access the lower oors.
· Lockers for storing personal belongings on a daily basis are located adjacent to the men’s restrooms on the Plaza
level. Items may not be left overnight.
· Laptop computers are permitted in the Research Library. Most study spaces are equipped with outlets for this purpose.
· Stack Readers may access the library catalog and order materials in advance via the Web:
http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/ .
· Stack Readers may access the databases available on the public terminals in the Library. Due to licensing
agreements, access to most databases is restricted to on-site use.
· Public terminals are provided to our patrons for online research purposes only. For this reason, we ask that you
observe the following:
· In the event that others are waiting, please limit your time using the terminals to no more than 20 minutes.
· Public terminals are not to be used for data or word-processing activities.
· Printing from public terminals should be limited to research materials found online.
· Printing out lengthy personal documents or email is not permitted.
· Downloading onto recordable or rewritable compact discs is not permitted.
· Failure to observe these guidelines for use of terminals may result in the termination of your reader privileges.
· Internet access is un ltered at the public terminals.
· Terminals are equipped with privacy screens; they may NOT be removed.
· Be sensitive and avoid the inadvertent viewing of potentially offensive content by others working in the area. Exit
all web sites and close all windows before leaving the terminal.
· Internet use is subject to the Research Library’s Internet Use Policy, a copy of which is attached to this
agreement. Additional copies may be obtained from the Reference Librarian.
· Available at the Plaza Reference Desk between 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
· Reference Desk phone number: (310) 440-7390.
· Available between 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
· Circulation Desk phone number: (310) 440-7477.
· Materials from the Research Library do not circulate outside of the Library.
· Stack Readers may keep checked out materials on Reserve Shelves on L2.
· Open stack books and periodicals must be checked out via Self-Checkout before being taken to reserve shelves,
tables, or carrels. Circulation staff will periodically identify and remove books that have not been correctly
checked out.
· Materials requested from storage will be held at the Circulation Desk for pickup and then transferred to the L2
Reserve Shelves at the end of the week.
· Books are due four months after they are charged out.
· Periodicals and auction catalogs are due one week after they are checked out but can be renewed.
· Recalled books will be removed from Reserve Shelves by Circulation staff and a notice will be left for the Stack
Reader. Stack Readers have the option to recall the book back from the current patron as needed.
· Checked out materials must be returned to the Circulation Desk on L2.
· Readers are encouraged to bring to the attention of library staff all items in need of repair, mis led materials,
discrepancies in cataloging, identi cation of materials, mold, heavy dirt/dust, or any other out-of-the-ordinary
substance or condition of or within the materials.
Use the Library Catalog to request items from Storage (labeled STORAGE).
· Not available to Stack Readers.
· Patron photocopiers are located on each level of the Research Library.
· Stack Readers have access to Patron Copy Rooms only; access to locked Staff Copy Rooms is not available.
· Stack Readers may make copies from materials in the general collections for a charge of $.10 per page.
· A color photocopier is available on Plaza; copies are $1.00 per page.
· Items in fragile condition and those labeled “no photocopying” may not be photocopied.
· Pay for copies from microform reader-printers at the Reference Desk.
· Consult a Reference Librarian to request information regarding photography of Special Collections materials.
· Consult a Reference Librarian for photocopy policies regarding the Photo Study Collection.
· Readers are permitted to take their own digital pictures for study purposes only. Use of a copy stand to copy from
books or journals is available by advance appointment.
· The copyright law of the United States (Title 17 U.S. Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions
of copyrighted material. Use of patron-owned copying equipment such as digital cameras and scanners is subject to
compliance with United States copyright law and any person using his or her own equipment to make copies of
copyrighted material is liable for infringement.
· Readers must be sensitive to others conducting research in the area. The Library reserves the right to request
immediate cessation of use of such patron-owned equipment if the use disturbs other library users.
· Readers may NOT take pictures of staff members or other readers.
· Cellular phones may not be used in the Research Library.
· Pay phones are available on the Plaza level adjacent to the restrooms.
· Campus phones for dialing extensions within the Getty Center are available in the Patron copy rooms. Please refrain
from using phones located in private workstations, the microform reader room, or installed on walls.
· Fax service is not available to Stack Readers.
· Patrons of the Research Library are asked to conduct themselves in a manner appropriate to a quiet research
environment. Please refrain from unnecessary conversation in the library.
· Patrons may not consume food or beverages in the Research Library.
· Smoking is not allowed in the Getty Research Institute building. Consult the Reference staff for designated outside
smoking locations.
· Stack Readers may not bring visitors to the Research Library, unless the guests are planning to work in the Library. If
you would like to have a visitor use the library, please bring him or her to the Plaza Reference Desk and speak with
the Reference staff member on duty, who will determine the appropriate level of access and, if necessary, provide
the visitor with a Stack Reader form.
· Should you have visitors accompany you to visit the Getty Museum while you are in the Research Library, be aware
that the library staff cannot assist your party in locating you at any time, except in the case of an emergency. Be sure
to arrange a time and place to meet your visitors for lunch or at the end of the day.
· Library staff cannot transmit phone messages to Stack Readers, except in the case of an emergency.
· Stack Readers may use the Research Library’s Community Lounge, located on L2, for storing and consuming food
and beverages.
· Coffee and tea, refrigerators, microwave ovens, and vending machines are located in the Lounge.
· No library materials may be brought into the Community Lounge.
· An informational bulletin board for our Readers is posted near the Reference Desk on L2. It provides current
information regarding tours and database training sessions, notices of lectures and events, updates on poli cies and
procedures affecting Readers, a schedule of potential disruptions to your work (such as construction or tours), and a
suggestion box. Please check the bulletin board regularly for updated information.
The Getty Research Institute
Research Library
1200 Getty Center Drive, Suite 1100
Los Angeles, CA 90049-1688
Tel 310 440 7390
©2010 J. Paul Getty Trust
(updated 3/30/10)