Boise State University
Marketing and Finance Faculty Publications and
Department of Marketing and Finance
Perceived and Realized Risk Tolerance: Changes
During the 2008 Financial Crisis
Diane K. Schooley
Boise State University
Debra Drecnik Worden
George Fox University
+is document was originally published by the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education in the Journal of Financial Counseling &
Planning. Copyright restrictions may apply. doi: 10.1891/1052-3073.27.2.265
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016, 265–276
© 2016 Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education®
Perceived and Realized Risk Tolerance:
Changes During the 2008 Financial Crisis
Diane K. Schooley
and Debra Drecnik Worden
Using the 2007–2009 Survey of Consumer Finances panel data, this study examined changes in perceived
and realized risk tolerance after the nancial crisis. Households who perceived less risk tolerance were more
likely to have reduced their portfolio risk and vice versa. Furthermore, households whose wealth decreased
were more likely to perceive less risk tolerance and vice versa. Regression analysis revealed that change in risk
tolerance as measured by the change in nancial portfolio risk is related to perceived risk tolerance, education,
life cycle stage, and employment status. Single households, or those households whose head is less educated, or
self-employed or unemployed, may need nancial advice to prevent them from reducing their portfolio risk in
reaction to a nancial crisis.
Keywords: nancial crisis, risk tolerance, portfolio composition, behavioral nance
Associate Dean and Professor of Finance, College of Business and Economics, Boise State University, Boise, ID 83725. E-mail: [email protected]
Professor of Business and Economics, College of Business, George Fox University, 414 N. Meridian Street, 6263, Newberg, OR 97132.
education to ensure that they do not overreact. Otherwise,
they may respond by reducing the risk of their portfolios
and foregoing potential wealth accumulation.
Much research has been devoted to identifying factors that
impact nancial risk tolerance. However, more insight into
the changes in risk tolerance that resulted from the 2008
nancial crisis will help nancial advisors to better coun-
sel their clients. The Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF)
interviewed the same sample of households before and after
the crisis. The responses provide a unique opportunity to
examine how perceived risk tolerance and portfolio risk
changed for the sample over this time period.
This article examines changes in household risk tolerance,
both perceived and measured by investment behavior pre-
ceding the 2008 nancial crisis and at its end. After a lit-
erature review and data and sample descriptions, univariate
analysis considers changes in portfolio risk across changes
in perceived risk tolerance. Because these changes could
depend on how the nancial crisis impacted household
wealth, the analysis distinguishes between households who
experienced a decrease in wealth during the nancial crisis
and those who experienced an increase in wealth. Multivar-
iate analysis then explores the factors that explain changes
any speculate that the recent nancial crisis has
inuenced households to become less tolerant of
nancial risk, that is, more averse to the vari-
ability in returns on investments. Between 2007 and 2009,
many households observed substantial declines in the values
of their stock portfolio and housing assets. Risk tolerance
is modeled, theoretically, to be a function of wealth; these
changes in wealth may have been met with changes in risk
tolerance. Lower risk tolerance, and thus less portfolio
risk, is especially concerning after a downturn. If investors
decrease the risk of their portfolios (hold less stock) in reac-
tion to a decline in the stock market, they may be selling
stock when the market is relatively low, decreasing their
actual wealth, and leading them to miss out on gains as the
market recovers.
Financial advisors make recommendations that can inuence
the nancial risk borne by their clients. According to Finke
and Huston (2003), willingness to take nancial risk is as-
sociated with a signicantly higher net worth and is a strong
predictor of higher net worth for those older than 65 years.
Thus, understanding a client’s risk tolerance is an impor-
tant responsibility for nancial advisors. If indeed individu-
als become temporarily more risk averse during economic
downturns, advisors may need to provide interventional
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016266
in portfolio risk between 2007 and 2009. Finally, results and
a discussion of the implications are provided. This study
extends the literature by identifying characteristics of those
who are most likely to reduce their portfolio risk in reaction
to a downturn in nancial markets.
Literature Review on Risk Tolerance
Insights From Behavioral Finance
Classic theory (Arrow, 1965) proposed that relative risk aver-
sion (RRA) is a function of wealth. Depending on assumptions
about the form of an individual’s utility function, RRA may
be increasing, constant, or decreasing with respect to wealth.
Such conventional theory assumes that individuals are ratio-
nal wealth maximizers. However, individuals do not always
behave according to rational economic model assumptions.
The relatively new eld of behavioral nance combines
psychology with nance to explain why actual behavior
may deviate from that of rational economic agents and can
be inuenced by emotion. Key concepts identied include
availability bias and overreaction. The availability heuristic,
introduced by Tversky and Kahneman (1973) is the notion
that people tend to weight more heavily the information and
events that come to mind more easily. Generally, that leads
to decisions that are based on the latest news or dramatic
and unexpected events. De Bondt and Thaler (1985) found
that investors overreact to new information. In their study,
investors overreacted to bad news, driving stock prices down
disproportionately, and overreacted to good news, moving
stock prices in the opposite direction. Eventually, the prices
rebounded as investors realized that they had overreacted.
Loewenstein, Weber, Hsee, and Welch (2001) proposed a
model of risky choice whereby strong anticipatory emotions
(e.g., fear and anxiety) felt at the moment of decision mak-
ing play a role in the outcome. This risk-as-feelings hypoth-
esis was tested in an experimental setting by Kuhnen and
Knutson (2011); events associated with positive emotions
were found to lead to riskier behavior, whereas those associ-
ated with negative emotions led to more risk-averse behavior.
Empirical studies have shown that traumatic events such as
the 2008 nancial crisis can affect willingness to take risk.
The crisis provided a convenient setting for applying the risk-
as-feelings hypothesis. Using results of a survey of a large
Italian bank’s customers in 2007 and repeated in 2009, Guiso,
Sapienza, and Zingales (2013) found that risk aversion
increased after the 2008 nancial crisis. They found sup-
port for a fear-based model that predicts that investors will
sell stock after a sharp decline. Investors become less risk
tolerant not simply because their wealth declined but also
because of a traumatic event such as the sharp drop in stock
prices. Availability bias impacted their risk tolerance.
In a study of German households, Necker and Ziegelmeyer
(2014) found that those who attributed losses in wealth
between 2007 and 2009 to the nancial crisis experienced
decreased risk tolerance, whereas those who did not attri-
bute losses to the crisis saw no change in risk attitude. They
attributed the change in risk tolerance to a psychological
reaction to the nancial crisis.
Risk tolerance has been found to be relatively stable over
time, but individuals may exhibit time-varying risk aver-
sion in the short run. Guillemette and Finke (2014) found
that although risk tolerance scores were relatively stable in
the long run, they were strongly correlated with recent stock
market movements in the short run. Risk tolerance increased
as stock market valuations increased and decreased during
market downturns. Investors’ appetites for risk tended to
change in reaction to market returns.
Studies have shown that risk tolerance tends to increase
when market returns increase, and decrease when mar-
ket returns decrease (Yao & Curl, 2011; Yao, Hanna, &
Lindamood, 2004). This tendency can be explained by
availability bias or recency effect, a phenomenon whereby
most recent events have the most impact on perceptions.
Unfortunately, if investors act accordingly, they may under-
mine their returns by buying after a gain (when prices are
high) and selling after a loss (when prices are low).
The recency effect is of special concern for young investors
because younger individuals were found to be more sensi-
tive to recent returns than older individuals (Malmendier
& Nagel, 2011). Some nancial advisors have expressed
concern that young investors hold portfolios that are too
conservative, selecting safe investments over equities
(Dagher, 2011; Light, Pilon, & Silver-Greenbert, 2011;
Yousuf, Wang, & Derousseau, 2011). The experience of
the depressed job market and decline in stock prices during
the nancial crisis may explain their reluctance to take risk.
Regrettably, inadequate retirement funds are a likely result
of this low risk tolerance.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016 267
Recent research links behavioral nance constructs to risk
tolerance. Griesdorn, Lown, DeVaney, Cho, and Evans
(2014) investigated how decision-making strategies sug-
gested by the behavioral life cycle hypothesis are related to
risk tolerance. They found a signicant positive relationship
between self-control and risk tolerance. Those who scored
higher in self-control scored signicantly higher in risk toler-
ance. They also found to a lesser extent that mental account-
ing and framing constructs were related to risk tolerance.
Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics
Many empirical studies have shown that demographic
and socioeconomic characteristics impact risk tolerance,
although the evidence is mixed in terms of the direction of
the impact. A preponderance of research has provided evi-
dence that risk tolerance increases with wealth (Griesdorn
et al., 2014; Hartog, Ferrer-i-Carbonell, & Jonker, 2002;
Schooley & Worden, 1996) and income (Gibson, Michayluk,
& Van de Venter, 2013; Hartog et al., 2002). Some evidence
supported the belief that risk tolerance decreases with age
(Gibson et al., 2013; Griesdorn et al., 2014; Hallahan, Faff,
& McKenzie, 2004; Yao & Curl, 2011; Yao et al., 2004);
other studies found the relationship with age to be nonlinear
(Hallahan et al., 2004; Riley & Chow, 1992). Being married
has been shown to have a signicant negative impact on risk
tolerance (Hallahan et al., 2004; Yao et al., 2004), although
McInish (1982) did not nd a signicant relationship. Num-
ber of dependents has also been shown to have a negative
impact on risk tolerance (Hallahan et al., 2004).
Research has provided evidence that education has a posi-
tive effect on risk tolerance (Griesdorn et al., 2014; Hallahan
et al., 2004; Hartog et al., 2002; Yao & Curl, 2011; Yao et al.,
2004). Those who consulted a nancial advisor exhibited
lower risk tolerance (Gibson et al., 2013). Self-employed
workers have been shown to be more risk tolerant than
those who work for others (Colombier, Boèmont, Loeac, &
Masclet, 2008; Hartog et al., 2002; Sung & Hanna, 1996;
Yao et al., 2004). A study of how personality characteris-
tics inuence decisions on entrepreneurial status in German
households found that the probability of entry into self-
employment is higher for those with higher risk tolerance
(Caliendo, Fossen, & Kritikos, 2014). Interestingly, the prob-
ability of exiting from self-employment is higher for those
with low or high risk tolerance but lower for those with me-
dium risk tolerance. They also found evidence that those who
are more risk tolerant are more likely to be self-employed.
Conversely, Halek and Eisenhauer (2001) found evidence
that the self-employed are more averse to downside risk than
those employed by others. The inclusion of socioeconomic
factors in an examination of risk tolerance is supported by
these many and varied results.
The literature supports the notion that investors may not
always behave rationally. They may overreact to bad news
and behave in a more risk-averse manner when they experi-
ence negative emotions. Investors’ reactions to a decrease
in stock prices caused by a traumatic event such as the
nancial crisis can be much more emotional than to a grad-
ual decrease in stock prices. Italian investors became less
risk tolerant after the 2008 nancial crisis. German house-
holds who attributed losses in wealth to the nancial crisis
experienced decreased risk tolerance. Risk tolerance has
also been linked to socioeconomic and demographic char-
acteristics such as the use of a nancial advisor, education
level, stage of life cycle (incorporating age, marital status,
and children), employment status, income, and wealth.
The objective of this study was to examine how changes
in U.S. households’ risk tolerance (realized and perceived)
is related to the 2008 nancial crisis. Contrary to popular
belief, not everyone became less risk tolerant as a result of the
crisis. Univariate analysis tested the hypotheses that a house-
hold became more risk tolerant when its wealth increased
after the crisis and became less risk tolerant when its wealth
decreased after the crisis. Regression analysis tested the hy-
pothesis that realized risk tolerance increased for those who
perceive they became more risk tolerant and decreased for
those who perceive they became less risk tolerant.
Data and Sample
The data for this study were from the 2007–2009 SCF panel.
The SCF is a triennial interview survey of U.S. households
sponsored by the Federal Reserve Board of Governors
(FRB). The purpose of the SCF is to provide a comprehen-
sive view of the nancial behavior of a cross section of U.S.
households. Information is gathered on assets and liabilities
of the household as well as demographic and socioeconomic
characteristics such as age, income, education, and makeup
of the household unit. Attitudes toward risk taking are also
surveyed. Because of the severity of the nancial crisis and
recession, in 2009, the FRB implemented a follow-up sur-
vey of households that had participated in the 2007 triennial
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016268
SCF. The result was a panel database of information from
the pairs of interviews that allowed for comparison between
2007 and 2009.
About 89% (3,862) of the eligible households completed the
panel interview in 2009. To protect the privacy of several
wealthy households, the public dataset was reduced to 3,857.
Furthermore, because of extreme values that indicated data
error, one observation was eliminated from this analysis,
reducing the sample size to 3,856 households. The panel data
are available at the Federal Reserve website (FRB, 2009),
and the surveys are described by Bricker, Bucks, Kennickell,
Mach, and Moore (2011) and Kennickell (2011).
The 2007 SCF was conducted from May through December,
with a few interviews in early 2008. During that time, it was
obvious that the economy was slowing, even though the
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) declared
that the recession began in December 2007. The 2009 rein-
terview was conducted from July through December, with a
few completed in early 2010. Although the economic recov-
ery was not particularly strong, according to the NBER, June
2009 was the ofcial ending of the recession (NBER, 2010).
The conventional denition of nancial risk is uncertainty
in returns. Because equity securities historically have ex-
hibited the highest standard deviation of returns, investors’
risk-taking behavior—their realized risk tolerance—was
measured by the percentage of nancial assets held in equity
securities. Financial assets included transaction accounts,
certicates of deposits, savings and other bonds, stock,
pooled investment funds, retirement accounts, the cash
value of life insurance, and other managed accounts such as
trusts or annuities. Equity securities included stock held di-
rectly or indirectly through mutual funds and trusts. If a fund
was reported as diversied, the SCF coding was employed
to determine the value ascribed to equity holdings.
A household’s perceived risk tolerance was measured by a
response to a survey question. For each year, respondents
were asked to identify their risk tolerance by selecting which
one of the following statements reects the amount of risk
they were willing to take when saving or making investments:
Take substantial nancial risks expecting to earn
substantial returns
Take above-average nancial risks expecting to
earn above-average returns
Take average nancial risks expecting to earn
average returns
Not willing to take any nancial risks
Respondents who selected the “substantial” statement were
viewed to be the most risk tolerant (least averse) and those
who selected the “not willing” statement were considered to
be the least risk tolerant (most averse).
A comparison of the responses in the two interviews pro-
vided a measure of change in perceived risk tolerance after
the nancial crisis. A household who indicated a lower risk-
taking category in 2009, as compared to the 2007 choice,
was deemed to perceive a lower risk tolerance level (more
risk aversion). Conversely, one who indicated a higher risk-
taking category was deemed to perceive a higher risk toler-
ance (less risk aversion).
This study’s investigation of changes in risk tolerance used
both univariate and multivariate analyses. Univariate analy-
sis examined the relationship between wealth changes and
changes in risk tolerance—both perceived and realized
through changes in portfolio composition. The SCF use of
a dual-frame sampling design that oversamples the wealthy
required that an analysis weight be employed so that the
distributions were representative of the populations of U.S.
households. Because previous studies showed that wealth is
signicantly related to risk tolerance, changes in perceived
risk tolerance were examined separately for households who
experienced a decrease in wealth and those whose wealth
increased. Also, changes in perceived risk tolerance and
portfolio risk were examined to determine whether those
who perceived that their risk tolerance had changed adjusted
their portfolio risk (realized risk tolerance) accordingly. The
analysis was extended further to determine if the results
depended on whether wealth had increased or decreased.
Multivariate analysis was then used to examine factors that
impacted the direction and magnitude of the change in the
riskiness of a household’s nancial portfolio (realized risk
tolerance) between the time of the 2007 and 2009 surveys.
The dependent variable “PortRisk07-09” measured the dif-
ference in the percentage of nancial assets held in stock:
2007 minus 2009. The larger the PortRisk07-09, the greater
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016 269
was the reduction in the percentage of nancial assets held
as stock. A negative difference indicates that the percentage
of nancial assets held in stock was greater in 2009 than
it was in 2007. Variables for demographic and socioeco-
nomic factors that have been shown in the literature to im-
pact risk tolerance were included as explanatory variables.
These include the use of a nancial advisor, education level,
stage of life cycle (incorporating age, marital status, and
children), employment status, income, and wealth.
Descriptive Statistics
Table 1 provides the distribution of households whose port-
folio risk declined, increased, or saw no change between
2007 and 2009. Interestingly, the distribution is fairly even.
As shown in Table 1, 35.3% of households decreased the
percentage of stock held in their portfolios, whereas 32.7%
increased the percentage of stock and 32% had no change.
The median decline was 21.1%, whereas the median
increase was 19.8%.
The distribution of households’ perceived nancial risk toler-
ance in 2007 versus 2009, as measured by these responses, is
presented in Table 2. In the aggregate, households appeared
to perceive less risk tolerance in 2009 as compared to 2007.
Six percent fewer households in 2009 reported that they were
willing to take “above-average risk,” as compared to 2007.
And, 6% more households in 2009 reported that they would
not tolerate any risk in investments, as compared to 2007.
Univariate Analyses
As shown in Table 3, overall just over a quarter (25.9%) of
households reported less tolerance for risk after the nancial
crisis. Less than 16% of households reported a higher toler-
ance for risk after the nancial crisis.
Table 3 also illustrates how the change in perceived risk tol-
erance was associated with the change in household wealth,
dened as total assets minus total liabilities. The nan-
cial crisis had a varied impact, with 62.5% of households
experiencing a decrease in wealth and 36.8% experiencing
an increase in wealth. Only 0.7% experienced no change in
wealth. Although the difference was not highly signicant
(p 5 .086), the percentage reporting less risk tolerance was
greater (at 27%) for those households whose wealth de-
creased than for those whose wealth increased (at 24.4%).
A more signicant difference (p 5 .014) appeared for the
percentage reporting more risk tolerance. Only 14.6% of
households whose wealth decreased during the crisis per-
ceived more tolerance for risk, compared to 18% of house-
holds whose wealth increased.
The nancial portfolio composition for households
revealed that the change in wealth and reported risk toler-
ance was associated with a change in investment behav-
ior. Table 4 considers the composition of the portfolio of
nancial assets of households who experienced a change
in wealth during the nancial crisis—across the reported
change in risk tolerance. As discussed earlier, a household’s
TABLE 1. Change in Asset Allocation—Percentage of Financial Assets Held in Stock 2007 Versus 2009
Change in Percentage Held
“PortRisk07-09” Distribution of Households (%) Median Change 2007–2009 (%)
Decline 2007% . 2009%
35.3 21.1
No change 2007% 5 2009%
32.0 0.0
Increase 2007% , 2009%
Note. n 5 3,621; excludes 235 households that had no nancial assets in 2007 and/or 2009.
TABLE 2. Distribution of Financial Risk Tolerance 2007 Versus 2009 “Willing to Take . . . ”
Survey Year
Substantial Risk for
Substantial Returns (%)
Above-Average Risk for
Above-Average Returns (%)
Average Risk for
Average Returns (%) No Risk (%)
2007 3.5 17.5 38.3 40.7
2009 3.3 11.4 39.1 46.2
Note. n 5 3,856.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016270
risk-taking behavior, or realized risk tolerance, was mea-
sured by the percentage of nancial assets held in equity
securities. Furthermore, because of their low standard
deviation of returns, liquid nancial assets were dened
as “risk-free,” and the percentage of nancial assets held
in risk-free securities provided a measure of realized risk
More than 60% of households experienced a decrease in
wealth during the time between the two surveys. Although a
decline in stock valuation alone could cause the percentage
of nancial assets held in stock to decline, it is only for
those households who reported less risk tolerance that the
median percentage declined (23.7% in 2007 to 14.8% in
2009). For those who reported a higher tolerance for risk,
the median percentage of nancial assets held in stock actu-
ally increased from 11.1% in 2007 to 17.1% in 2009. On
the other hand, the median percentage of risk-free assets
increased (from 23.8% in 2007 to 33.2% in 2009) for those
households who reported less risk tolerance.
TABLE 3. Change in Financial Risk Tolerance by Change in Wealth: 2007 Versus 2009
Percentage Reporting a Change in Risk Tolerance
Change in Wealth Between 2007 and 2009 Less Risk Tolerance More Risk Tolerance
Decrease in wealth 27.0% 14.6%
Increase in wealth 24.4% 18.0%
2.96 6.30
p value
Across all households 25.9% 15.8%
Note. n 5 3,836; excludes 20 households with no change in wealth.
*p , .05.
p , .10.
TABLE 4. Portfolio Composition Across Change in Wealth and Risk Tolerance Percentage of Stock to
Financial Assets and Risk-Free to Financial Assets
2007 Versus 2009 (Median Values)
Reported Change in Risk Tolerance
Change in Wealth Between 2007 and 2009 Less Risk Tolerance (%) More Risk Tolerance (%)
Decrease in wealth
Stock/nancial assets: 2007 23.7 11.1
Stock/nancial assets: 2009 14.8 17.1
Risk-free/nancial assets: 2007 23.8 30.0
Risk-free/nancial assets: 2009 33.2 29.3
Increase in wealth
Stock/nancial assets: 2007 18.7 7.1
Stock/nancial assets: 2009 17.1 17.0
Risk-free/nancial assets: 2007 38.2 50.2
Risk-free/nancial assets: 2009 32.6 35.5
Note. n 5 3,621; excludes 235 households that had no nancial assets in 2007 and/or 2009.
Financial assets include transaction accounts, certicates of deposit, savings and other bonds, stock, pooled investment
funds, retirement account holdings, the cash value of life insurance, and other managed accounts such as trusts and
annuities. Stock includes equity shares held directly or indirectly through mutual funds and trusts, both in retirement and
nonretirement accounts. Risk-free assets include transaction accounts, savings accounts, certicate of deposits, and the cash-
value of life insurance.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016 271
About 37% of households experienced an increase in wealth
during the time between the two surveys. For those who
reported less risk tolerance in 2009, the median percentage
of nancial assets held in stock was relatively unchanged.
However, for those who reported higher tolerance for risk,
not only did the median percentage of nancial assets held
in stock increase from 7.1% in 2007 to 17.0% in 2009, but
the median percentage of nancial assets held in liquid
assets declined from 50.2% to 35.5%.
These univariate analyses indicated that the nancial crisis
affected individuals’ attitudes toward risk and the composi-
tion of their portfolio of nancial assets in different ways
depending on how their wealth changed.
Multivariate Analyses
Variable descriptions and statistics for the multivariate
analysis are presented in Table 5.
The change in perceived risk tolerance was included in the anal-
ysis by two indicator variables. The reduction in risk tolerance
was captured by the variable “less risk tolerance,” which took
the value 1 when the household reported lower risk tolerance
in 2009 as compared to 2007. An increase in risk tolerance was
captured similarly by the variable “more risk tolerance.” No
change in perceived risk tolerance was included in the constant
term. Financial sophistication and knowledge was measured by
the variable “UseFinProfAdvisor,” which indicated whether the
household used advice from a nancial professional to make
decisions about savings and investments in 2007. A house-
hold’s behavior was expected to be inuenced during the nan-
cial crisis by an established relationship with an advisor.
The impact of the education level achieved by the household
head was measured by the indicator variables high school,
some college, and graduate degree, with college degree in-
cluded in the constant term. The household’s stage of life and
family structure was measured by a modied version of the
life cycle variable developed by Bojanic (1992). The life cy-
cle variables captured the household head’s age, the presence
of a spouse or partner, and the presence of children. Employ-
ment status variables indicated whether the household head
was self-employed or not employed, as compared to being
employed by others. These socioeconomic factors were mea-
sured at the time of the 2009 reinterview because the analysis
is interested in determining their impact on the change in the
portfolio’s composition between 2007 and 2009.
Only 2% of household heads exhibited a change in educa-
tion level between 2007 and 2009. Although 20% of house-
holds changed life cycle category during that period, the
percentage for each category was minute because of the
number possible. For employment status, 83% of household
heads maintained the same employment status at the time
of the surveys, with the remaining 17% again distributed in
small percentages among the various possibilities.
Table 6 presents results of the linear regression analy-
sis on the change in the ratio of stock to nancial assets
The overall F statistic for the regression had a signicant
p value. Because there is evidence that a change in risk
tolerance is related to wealth, the percentage change in the
household’s wealth during the nancial crisis was included
as a control variable. In addition, the percentage change in
household income was held constant, so that the inuence
of education and employment status could be more clear-
ly identied. Because what is of interest for this analysis
is the change in the portfolio composition, the “starting
value,” that is, the percentage of nancial assets held in
stock in 2007 (PortRisk07), was included as an additional
control variable. A PortRisk07-09 value of 5% is more
noteworthy if the percentage held in 2007 was 7% than if
it was 30%.
Those households who perceived a higher level of risk tol-
erance in 2009 had a signicantly smaller reduction in the
percentage of nancial assets held as stock. In fact, they
could have experienced an increase in this ratio. As ex-
pected, households who reported that they became more
risk tolerant either increased the riskiness of their portfo-
lios or reduced the equity holdings by a signicantly smaller
amount. However, the change in the portfolio composition
was not signicantly different for those households who per-
ceived a lower level of risk tolerance. The other socioeco-
nomic factors must have been the contributing factors to the
change in their portfolios, not their perceived risk tolerance.
Whether the household used a nancial professional to
make savings and investment decisions at the beginning of
the nancial crisis was expected to have an impact on the
change in the portfolio allocation, but it proved to be insig-
nicant. The regression analysis was repeated using indica-
tor variables that measured changes in the use of a nancial
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016272
TABLE 5. Variable Denitions and Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable Denition M
5 change in percentage of nancial assets invested in stock
between 2007 and 2009 (2007 minus 2009)
Explanatory Variables Denition
Change in perceived risk tolerance
Less risk tolerance (more risk
5 1 if the response to the risk tolerance question in 2009 indi-
cated less willingness to take nancial risk than the response
in 2007; 0 otherwise
More risk tolerance (less risk
5 1 if the response to the risk tolerance question in 2009
indicated more willingness to take nancial risk than the
response in 2007; 0 otherwise
No change in risk tolerance/
5 0 if the response to the risk tolerance question in 2009
indicated the same willingness as reported in 2007; in the
5 1 if the household used a nancial professional (lawyer, ac-
countant, banker, broker, nancial planner) in 2007 to make
decisions about savings and investments; 0 otherwise
Education level Highest level of education earned by household head in 2009
High school
5 1 if high school diploma or less; 0 otherwise
Some college
5 1 if attended college, but a degree not earned; 0 otherwise
College degree
5 0 if earned college degree, excludes trade school certicate;
in the constant
Graduate degree
5 1 if earned a graduate degree; 0 otherwise
Life cycle Family structure in 2009
5 1 if single, age younger than 55 years, no children;
0 otherwise
5 1 if married or with partner, age younger than 55 years,
no children; 0 otherwise
Full Nest I
5 1 if married or with partner, age younger than 40 years, with
children; 0 otherwise
Full Nest II
5 0 if married or with partner, age 40 years or older, with
children; in the constant
Empty nest couple
5 1 if married or with partner, age 55 years or older,
no children; 0 otherwise
Solitary survivor
5 1 if single, age 55 years or older; 0 otherwise
Single parent
5 1 if single, any age, with children; 0 otherwise
Employment status Employment status of household head in 2009
Employed by others
5 0 if work for someone else; in the constant
5 1 if self-employed or partnership; 0 otherwise
Not employed
5 1 if unemployed, retired, or otherwise not in labor force;
0 otherwise
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016 273
TABLE 5. Variable Denitions and Descriptive Statistics
Control Variables Denition Median
Income percentage change
5 percentage change in reported household income between
2007 and 2009; income derived from all sources, including
withdrawals from IRAs and pension accounts
Wealth percentage change
5 percentage change in wealth calculated as the difference be-
tween 2007 and 2009 wealth, divided by the absolute value
of 2007 wealth. If a household had zero wealth in 2007, a
value of $1 is in the denominator. Wealth is measured by
household net worth—the total value of all real and nancial
assets owned, including business equity, less the value of all
mortgage and consumer debt outstanding.
5 percentage of nancial assets held in stock in 2007
Note. n 5 3,621; excludes 235 households that had no nancial assets in 2007 and/or 2009. IRAs 5 individual retirement
Descriptive statistics are unweighted because the weight variable is not used in the regression.
TABLE 6. Regression Analysis of Change in Ratio of Stock to Financial Assets: 2007 Minus 2009
Explanatory variable Estimated Coefcient F Statistic p Value
Less risk tolerant (more risk averse) 0.87 0.75 .385
More risk tolerant (less risk averse)
10.82 .001
UseFinProfAdvisor 0.40 0.21 .649
Education level
High school 5.39*** 18.24 .000
Some college 3.57* 5.74 .020
Graduate degree
2.65 .111
Life cycle
Single 3.89* 4.95 .028
0.01 .957
Full Nest I 2.99 2.49 .118
Empty nest couple 0.22 0.03 .860
Solitary survivor 5.46*** 12.33 .000
Single parent 5.17*** 10.53 .001
Employment status
Self-employed 2.12
3.44 .065
Not employed 6.38*** 28.33 .000
Income percentage change 0.00 2.60 .107
Wealth percentage change 0.00 0.03 .858
PortRisk07 0.54*** 984.31 .000
159.95 .000
Note. n 5 3,621. Overall F statistic 5 72.9 with p value 5 .000. The adjusted R
ranged from 0.28 to 0.29 for the ve
separate imputation regressions.
*p , .05. ***p , .001.
p , .10.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016274
professional. That is, additional variables were added to
capture whether the household did not use a nancial plan-
ner in 2007, but did in 2009, and vice versa. All variables
had an insignicant impact on the dependent variable.
Further investigation showed that the use of a nancial
professional was highly correlated with the education sta-
tus of the household head; the probability that a nancial
professional was used increased with education level. Thus,
education level may have captured that effect. And, consis-
tent with the results found in other studies (Griesdorn et al.,
2014; Hallahan et al., 2004; Hartog et al., 2002; Yao & Curl,
2011; Yao et al., 2004), education had the expected positive
effect on risk tolerance in a portfolio.
Those households whose head had less education had a
signicantly larger reduction in the percentage of nan-
cial assets held in stock—compared to those with a college
degree. Those with a graduate degree were not signicantly
The stage of life and family structure proved to be some-
what signicant. Although the presence of children or
age of the household head was not signicantly related to
the change in asset allocation, being single was. Singles,
with or without children, exhibited a signicantly larger
reduction in the percentage of nancial assets in stock
than those who were married or had a partner. This result
runs counter to studies that have shown that being married
negatively impacts risk tolerance (Hallahan et al., 2004;
Yao et al., 2004). Perhaps this was because of the fact that
single households do not have the possibility of a second
source of savings and investment and so were more cau-
tious in investment behavior. The regression analysis was
conducted replacing the life cycle variables with variables
measuring age of the household head and the presence of
a partner or spouse. Similar to the life cycle results, age
proved to be insignicant while being single—without a
spouse or partner—had a signicantly positive impact on
the size of the reduction in the percentage of nancial as-
sets held in stock.
Households with self-employed or nonemployed heads in
2009 exhibited a signicantly larger reduction in the per-
centage of nancial assets held as stock—as compared to
those employed by others. This employment status effect
is in addition to the impact of an income differential and so
is likely a psychological phenomenon. Although previous
studies (Colombier et al., 2008; Hartog et al., 2002; Sung &
Hanna, 1996; Yao et al., 2004) found that the self-employed
were more risk tolerant, those in this study became less risk
tolerant after the nancial crisis. The severity of the nan-
cial crisis and its devastating impact on the job market are
the likely causes of this result.
The question of how risk tolerance changed because of
the 2008 nancial crisis is not a simple one to answer. The
study nds that the change in risk tolerance is related to
the change in wealth experienced. A decrease in wealth is
associated with a higher probability of reporting less risk
tolerance, whereas an increase in wealth is associated with a
higher probability of reporting more risk tolerance. In their
study of the SCF panel data, Bricker, Bucks, Kennickell,
Mach, and Moore (2012) investigated changes in household
wealth and portfolio composition during the nancial crisis.
They suggested that a large majority of households passively
accepted changes in their portfolio composition that were
because of asset revaluation. However, this study found
evidence that refutes the suggestion that households were
passive. The way in which portfolio composition changed
depended on whether wealth increased or decreased.
As also suggested by Bricker et al. (2012), declining stock
values could explain why the percentage of nancial assets
held in liquid assets increased. However, it is only for those
who reported less risk tolerance that the median percent-
age of risk-free assets increased. For those households
who reported a higher tolerance for risk, the median value
remained relatively unchanged. These results reveal a more
than passive response to the nancial crisis. It would be an
odd coincidence if those who reported more risk tolerance
actively managed their portfolios to increase risk, whereas
those who reported less risk tolerance passively accepted
the decreased risk in their portfolios resulting from changes
in market valuations.
Those who perceive that they became less risk tolerant hold
less risky nancial portfolios than they did before the nan-
cial crisis. The danger in decreasing portfolio risk (holding
less stock as a percentage of nancial assets) after an event
such as the 2008 nancial crisis is that investors end up sell-
ing stock when prices are low. In doing so, they could fall
further behind in achieving their nancial goals.
Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, Volume 27, Number 2, 2016 275
Single households, those households whose head has not
earned a college degree or is either self-employed or not
employed, may be especially vulnerable to decreasing
their portfolio risk during major negative economic events.
Financial advisors need to revisit with their clients about
their risk tolerance, especially in light of the call for in-
creased diligence because of the recent nancial crisis.
Although changes in demographic circumstances such as
marriage or having children are overt signs that risk toler-
ance may have changed, market conditions can also change
a client’s tolerance for risk.
Commitment strategies can be used to inuence households’
saving and investment behavior. For example, Smith and
Griesdorn (2014) found that the self-employed were more
likely to make retirement contributions when they employed
savings rules as a commitment strategy. Because those with
more self-control have been shown to be more risk tolerant
(Griesdorn et al., 2014), nancial counselors may be able to
help them become more comfortable taking risk by suggest-
ing some commitment strategies. For example, they could
suggest that their clients make a commitment to maintain a
particular level of risk in their portfolios. As markets uctu-
ate, they may be less tempted to adjust their portfolio risk
accordingly if they are committed to holding a portfolio
with a particular amount of risk.
Clients need to be comfortable with the risk level they are
taking, especially during economic downturns. Advisors can
help investors overcome the recency effect so that market
uctuations do not cause them to change their allocations
dramatically. They can assist clients in maintaining a sense
of perspective so that they can overlook the latest news and
keep a long-term focus.
Guillemette and Finke (2014) suggested that nancial planners
can be of great value by assisting their clients in developing a
long-run strategy to deter them from selling low and buying
high because their risk aversion varies in the short run.
Limitations and Future Research
Although the SCF risk aversion measure is widely used
in risk tolerance literature, readers should interpret results
with some caution. Some studies support the SCF risk mea-
sure as an effective proxy for risk tolerance. For example,
Gilliam, Chatterjee, and Grable (2010) found that the SCF
question indicated an individual’s investment risk tolerance
reasonably well. However, it has been suggested that this
single-item measure may not capture risk tolerance as well
as a multiquestion measure (Grable & Lytton, 2001). Also,
individuals may have limited ability to self-assess their risk
tolerance. The SCF question may serve as a better measure
of investment risk tolerance than nancial risk tolerance.
Even so, the measure does provide some information about
risk tolerance. Future research could further study the re-
sponse to the SCF question as well as explore better mea-
sures for assessing risk aversion.
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