Step Plan GDPR Implementation
1 The GDPR applies to all companies processing personal data
in the context of the activities of an establishment in the EU, regardless of whether the processing takes place in the EU or not;
of data subjects who are in the EU (regardless of Company’s seat), where the processing is related to:
the oering of goods/services (even if at “no-cost-basis”) to such data subjects in the EU; or
the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the EU.
Since entering into force in May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR) applies to all entities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and - due to the
extended territorial scope - to a large extent also to entities outside of the EEA. The
GDPR has led to a significant rise in data protection compliance duties. In case of
violations, companies may face fines of up to 4% of the global annual turnover of the
whole company group. Supervisory authorities do not seem to be afraid to push those
limits. In 2019, European supervisory authorities have announced and issued record-
breaking fines of £183 million (UK) and €50 million (France). Even data protection non-
compliance in smaller and less important oces of a company group may now lead
to significant ramifications. As the preparation for the GDPR requires reorganisation
of various internal procedures, it is highly recommendable to follow a structured path
when initiating a GDPR compliance project.
If you have already implemented compliance measures, please be aware of the duty
to regularly audit and potentially update your internal processes. Please see our
guidance on conducting GDPR audits in this regard.
Steps to implement GDPR standards:
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
Step 1
Gap analysis
Step 4
of a compliant
data protection
Step 2
Risk analysis
Step 5
Local Add-on
Step 6
Coping with
the Brexit
Step 3
Project steering
and resource/
budget planning
Step 1
Gap analysis
In order to assess a company’s data protection To
Dos, a “gap analysis” between the current status
of data protection compliance and the obligations
deriving from the GDPR should be carried out.
Thus, in a first step, the company should collect
information about its current data protection ac-
tivities (e.g. (i) which entities / departments process
what kind of data for what purposes, (ii) internal
responsibilities, (iii) how are data subjects’ rights
safeguarded, (iv) have data protection ocers
been appointed, (v) what IT security measures are
in place etc.).
In a second step, the company has to assess which
requirements deriving from the GDPR specifically
Step 2
Risk analysis
The eorts for implementing GDPR requirements are
generally high; not all requirements can reasonably
be fulfilled at once. The company will have to assess
what kind of data processing activities are of big-
gest risk to (i) its business and/or (ii) rights of the data
subjects as well as (iii) which risks most likely lead to
high fines (e.g. by evaluating scenarios that author-
ities have sanctioned with fines in the past), and
arrange its resources respectively. Eorts for data
protection compliance should be higher for risky pro-
cessing activities and lower for less risky processing
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
SNotification obligations (e.g. potential obligation
to inform supervisory authorities within 72 hours of a
data breach, as well as the concerned individuals),
IT/Cyber Security requirements,
Contractual requirements (conclusion of compre-
hensive data processing agreements with external
service providers as well as potentially within the
company group).
Please see the annex for more details regarding the
major requirements deriving from the GDPR. In order
to cope with these obligations, the company must
implement an efficient data protection organisation:
4.1 Data Protection Management System
The GDPR stipulates a number of requirements that are
difficult to handle unless a thorough data protection
management system is implemented. Such system
should work group-wide, as even data protection
issues in smaller company offices may lead to high
fines for the company group as a whole.
(a) Defined roles and responsibilities in the
involved Company entities
Company should set up a structure of persons
responsible for data protection in all of its EU of-
fices as well as a responsible head ocer at the
Headquarters. Respective structure should allow
for (i) easily giving data protection related orders
and/or advice to the involved oces (“top-down
approach”) as well as (ii) communication of data
protection related issues to the head ocer (“bot-
tom-up” communication).
(b) Procedures and concepts
Many of the GDPR obligations can only be eec-
tively implemented if respective concepts, policies
and standard operating procedures (cumulatively
SOPs”) are in place, e.g. regarding data subjects
rights, data breach notification obligations, Data
Protection Impact Assessments etc. Thus, respective
SOPs should be prepared to ensure GDPR compli-
Step 3
Project steering and resource/
budget planning
The GDPR implementation process requires collab-
oration between the company’s European entities,
as well as awareness of the To Dos on the manage-
ment level of the company. The company should
assign project responsibilities to key personnel at the
involved EU oces and designate one “head” pro-
ject manager. This could also be an external advisor.
The company must allocate the required resources.
Planning should in particular cover (i) internal re-
sources, such as personnel required for implemen-
tation, (ii) legal costs as well as (iii) IT costs (e.g. for
supporting software; IT audits etc.)..
Step 4
Implementation of a compliant
data protection structure
The GDPR includes a number of strict data protection
requirements, such as
Comprehensive data subjects’ rights (e.g. regarding
information, access and correction/deletion; right
to data portability; right to object to data process-
ing activities, “right to be forgotten”- obligation to
forward access/deletion requests to third party data
recipients; high requirements for consent declara-
tions etc.),
Organisational requirements (e.g. obligation to have
records of processing activities summarizing internal
data processing activities; necessity of conducting
data protection impact assessments and to appoint
data protection ocers in various cases; obeying
privacy by design and by default requirements to
ensure that data processing systems are privacy-
friendly; obligation to link personal data with the
purposes for which they have been collected as well
as with the legal basis for processing; documenta-
tion of data flows; having deletion concepts etc.),
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
(c) Training
Employees should be trained on their obligations
and responsibilities deriving from the GDPR.
The company should adapt the training to the
employees tasks. In this respect, it makes sense to
map the training requirements in a training concept.
This concept should also reflect the cycle of train-
ing (regular training, training in the event of legal
changes (e.g. due to new regulations, deviating
case law, current guidelines of the supervisory au-
(d) Documentation of Compliance
The company must implement appropriate meas-
ures to demonstrate compliance with GDPR require-
ments. Failure to prove continuous compliance upon
request of supervisory authorities will likely result in
fines. Internal data protection procedures should be
reviewed and updated frequently. For this purpose,
the company should carry out regular internal GDPR
4.2 Data processing agreements
Due to the high number of agreements that the
company must conclude with internal and external
parties, companies should implement a sensible data
processing contract management strategy:
The use of data processors (entities processing
personal data on behalf of the company in com-
pliance with its instructions) will only be permissible
if comprehensive data processing agreements are
concluded. If pre-GDPR agreements exist, these will
have to be checked to see whether they comply with
GDPR requirements or must be updated. This may
also apply for intra-company data sharing (e.g. data
hosting of one group entity for other group entities).
In some cases, various company entities may be
regarded as joint data controllers if they jointly de-
termine the purposes and means of data processing.
In such cases, data processing agreements between
the involved entities generally must be concluded as
If personal data is transferred from the EEA to a
country outside the EEA, additional data transfer
agreements may be necessary.
Step 5
Local Add-on Requirements
Step 6
Coping with the Brexit
Many international company groups have their Eu-
ropean Headquarters in the UK, which longer forms
part of the European Union. Through UK legislation,
GDPR requirements may continue to apply to com-
pany oces in the UK. However, data transfers from
other company oces in the EEA to any UK oce
will require additional safeguards may lead to legal
issues. Aected companies will have to take data
protection precautions for Brexit.
In addition to the EU-wide GDPR requirements, it must
be assessed whether additional national requirements
The EU Member States have broad discretion to en-
act additional national regulations amending and/
or refining the GDPR.
In most EEA countries, additional employment-re-
lated requirements exist regarding the processing of
HR data (such as e.g. requirements to involve works
councils in Germany and France or a labour oce in
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
Most important obligations of the
At a very high level, these are the most important
GDPR requirements:
1. Organisational requirements
1.1 Accountability, Art. 5 Sec. 2
Companies must be able to prove full compliance with
their obligations under the GDPR. In order to document
the lawfulness of their processing activities, companies
must have appropriate measures and records in place.
These must be constantly updated.
1.2 Records of Data Processing Activities, Art. 30
Records of processing activities under the company’s
responsibility must be maintained in most cases.
These records shall generally contain the following
Name and contact details of the company and its
data protection ocer;
The purposes of the processing;
A description of the categories of data subjects and
of the categories of personal data;
The categories of recipients to whom the personal
data have been or will be disclosed including recipi-
ents in third countries or international organisations;
Transfers of personal data to a third country and the
documentation of suitable safeguards;
Envisaged time limits for erasure of the dierent
categories of data;
A general description of the technical and
organisational security measures
1.3 Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA),
Art. 35, 36
Where a data processing activity is likely to result in a
high risk to the rights and freedoms of natural persons,
the company shall, prior to the processing, carry out an
assessment of the impact of the envisaged processing
operations. Companies should consider the regulators
guidelines listing scenarios that always require DPIAs.
If such assessment indicates a high risk that the
company cannot mitigate, the supervisory authority
shall be consulted.
1.4 Data Processors, Art. 28
Companies may use internal or external service
providers to process personal data. These data
processors will process personal data on behalf and
under the instructions of the company. Both parties are
subject to their own data protection obligations under
the GDPR. As an additional compliance requirement,
the parties must conclude a Data Processing
Agreement that specifies their obligations and
allocates responsibilities for the contracted processing
1.5 Data Protection Officer, Art. 37-39
An independent, reliable and knowledgeable data
protection officer must be appointed in case the
company’s core activities consist of
Processing operations which require regular and sys-
tematic monitoring of data subjects on a large scale:
Processing on a large scale of special categories of
personal data (e.g. health, religion, race, sexual ori-
entation etc.) and personal data relating to criminal
convictions and oences.
A group of undertakings may appoint a single data
protection ocer provided that he/she is easily
accessible from each establishment. Local laws may
require the implementation of data protection of-
ficers in additional cases (e.g. in Germany). Thus, one
global data protection ocer steering data protec-
tion EU-wide may prove helpful in order to cope with
diering EU-wide regulations.
1.6 Implementation of Technical and
Organisational Security Measures, Art. 32
Appropriate and reasonable state of the art technical
and organisational measures (TOMs) must be
implemented in order to protect the personal data.
1.7 Data Breach Notifications, Art. 33, 34
In case of personal data breaches with risks to rights
and freedoms of the data subjects, the supervisory
authority shall generally be informed within 72 hours
after the company became aware of the breach. In
case of high risks for the data subjects, they generally
also must be informed about the breach. Compliance
with the notification obligation in the envisioned
time period requires a proper internal data breach
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
1.8 Privacy by Design and by Default, Art. 25
Each company’s processing activities shall
be designed to implement data protection princi-
ples, such as data minimisation, and to integrate
safeguards into the processing in order to protect
data subject rights (e.g. pseudonymisation).
Ensure that, by default, only personal data which are
necessary for the specific processing purpose are
1.9 Representative in the EU, Art. 27
Companies without establishment in the EU must
appoint an EU representative for dealings with
authorities etc. Upside of having a representative:
this will establish a “one-stop-shop” for third country
companies when it comes to notifying data breaches
to the regulator.
2. Material requirements of data processing
Each processing of personal data will require either
valid data subject consent or a legal justification.
Cross-border data transfers to countries outside
the European Economic Area require additional
justification (see above Section 2.1), e.g. use of Privacy
Shield, EU Standard Contractual Clauses or Binding
Corporate Rules (or, in limited cases, consent).
3. Rights of Data Subjects, Art. 12-23
The rights of the data subjects have been
strengthened. In particular, data subjects have the
following rights:
3.1 Information rights, Art. 12-14
Transparent and broad information about processing
must be provided to data subjects.
3.2 Access, deletion, rectification, restriction
rights, Art. 16-19
Data subjects generally have broad access rights with
respect to their data; in some cases, they will also have
the right to have their data deleted, rectified or the
data processing activities restricted.
3.3 Right to Object, Art. 21-22
In some cases, data subjects have the right to object
to the processing of their data on grounds relating to
their particular situation.
3.4 Data Portability, Art. 20
In limited cases, data subjects may even have the right
to request to receive the personal data concerning
them in a structured, commonly used and machine-
readable format and have the right to transmit those
data to another company.
Step Plan GDPR Implementation
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