Determination of Myo-Inositol (Free and
Bound as Phosphatidylinositol) in Infant
Formula and Adult Nutritionals
Lillian Chen, Brian De Borba, and Jeffrey Rohrer
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Sunnyvale, CA, USA
Application Note 1083
Key Words
Dionex CarboPac MA1 Column, Dionex CarboPac PA1 Column,
Column Switching, Au Disposable Working Electrode,
Dionex OnGuard II RP Cartridge
Myo-inositol is one of the most abundant sugars in the
body, where it occurs in its free form and as a component of
phosphoinositides in cell membranes. It plays an important
role in various biological functions, including the regulation
of cell osmolality,
phosphoinositide-mediated processes of
cell signaling,
formation of the neural system,
pulmonary surfactant phospholipid production.
Studies indicate relatively high concentrations of myo-
inositol in human breast milk (~1200 µmol/L),
that exogenous myo-inositol is required for postnatal
development of formula-fed infants. Unless fortified with
myo-inositol, milk-based infant formula can provide the
infant with only 20% as much inositol as from an equal
amount of human breast milk.
Therefore, it is necessary
to add myo-inositol to infant formula to prevent nutritional
deficiency. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
requires myo-inositol to be added to nonmilk-based
formula at a minimum concentration of 4 mg/100 kcal.
The Life Sciences Research Office Expert Panel of the
American Society for Nutritional Sciences recommends
4–40 mg/100 kcal of myo-inositol in all types of infant
To ensure that infant formula and adult
nutritionals meet the minimum requirements for myo-
inositol, simple and fast methods to determine myo-
inositol content in these food products are needed.
The existing methods for the determination of myo-inositol
include enzymatic analysis,
gas chromatography (GC),
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
anion-exchange chromatography methods.
sample derivatization of myo-inositol is required for
separation by GC
and HPLC when optical detection is
In contrast, high-performance anion-exchange
chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection
(HPAE-PAD) requires no derivatization and offers high
sensitivity and selectivity for the determination of myo-
inositol. AOAC Official Method 2011.18 describes an
HPAE-PAD method with column switching to determine
myo-inositol (free and bound as phosphatidylinositol) in
infant formula and adult nutritionals.
AOAC Official
Method 2012.12 describes an HPAE-PAD method coupled
with microwave-assisted acid hydrolysis and enzymatic
treatment for total myo-inositol determination.
This study evaluates and describes execution of the
HPAE-PAD method combined with the column-switching
technique described in AOAC Official Method 2011.18.
For the determination of myo-inositol bound as
phosphatidylinositol (hereinafter referred to as bound
myo-inositol), myo-inositol is released from its bound form
using acid hydrolysis prior to chromatographic analysis.
To evaluate an HPAE-PAD method for the determination
of free and bound myo-inositol in infant formula and
adult nutritionals
Thermo Scientific
chromatography (IC) system, capable of supporting
high-pressure IC, including:
− DP Dual Pump
− EG Eluent Generator
− DC Detector/Chromatography Compartment
Thermo Scientific Dionex AS-AP Autosampler with
Sample Syringe, 250 µL (P/N 074306) and 1200 µL
Buffer Line Assembly (P/N 074989)
ED Electrochemical Detector (without Cell,
P/N 072042)
Electrochemical Cell (no Reference Electrode or
Working Electrode, P/N 072044)
pH, Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode (P/N 061879)
Gold on Polytetrafluoroethylene (Au on PTFE)
Disposable Electrode (P/N 066480)
Thermo Scientific Dionex EGC 500 Potassium
Hydroxide (KOH) Eluent Generator Cartridges
(P/N 075778)
Thermo Scientific Dionex CR-ATC 500 Continuously
Regenerated Anion Trap Column (P/N 075550)
Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-3000/5000 EG Vacuum
Degas Conversion Kit (P/N 063353)
Vial Kit, 10 mL, Polystyrene with Caps and Blue Septa
(P/N 074228)
Thermo Scientific
Chromatography Data System software, version 7.2
Reagents and Standards
Deionized water (DI), Type I Reagent Grade, 18
MΩ-cm resistance or better
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl), Fisher Scientific
Ultrapure Reagent, 32–35%
(Fisher Scientific P/N A466)
Acetic Acid, Glacial, Certified ACS, 99.7 w/w %
(Fisher Scientific P/N A38S)
Sodium Hydroxide Solution, 50% w/w
(Fisher Scientific P/N SS254)
Methanol (CH
OH), Certified ACS, 99.8%
(Fisher Scientific P/N A412)
U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) Inositol Reference Standard
(Fisher Scientific P/N NC0189755)
• L-a-Phosphatidylinositol from Glycine max (soybean),
~50% by Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC),
P/N P6636)
Metaphosphoric Acid, Stabilized (Fisher Scientific
P/N AC21922)
Chloroform, Ethanol as Preservative, Certified ACS,
99.8% (Fisher Scientific P/N C298)
Hexane, Certified ACS, 98.5% (Fisher Scientific
P/N H292)
Diethyl Ether, 99+%, Stabilized with Ethanol
(Fisher Scientific P/N AC41005
Thermo Scientific
Syringe Filters,
Polyethersulfone (PES), 0.2 µm (Fisher Scientific
P/N 09-740-61A)
• AirTite
All-Plastic Norm-Ject
Syringes, 5 mL, Sterile
(Fisher Scientific P/N 14-817-28)
Thermo Scientific
Cartridges, 1 cc (P/N 057083)
Thermo Scientific
Silica Solid-Phase
Extraction (SPE) Cartridge, 500 mg Bed Weight, 3 mL
Column Volume (Thermo Scientific P/N 60108-315)
Fisher Scientific
Easy Reader
Tubes, Sterile, Polypropylene, 15 mL Flat Cap
(Fisher Scientific P/N 07-200-886)
LC Pump Priming Syringe, 5 mL, Glass Syringe, Fixed
Luer Lock (SGE Analytical Science P/N 008762)
Stainless Steel 304 Syringe Needle, Noncoring Point,
Gauge 16, L 6 in. (Sigma-Aldrich P/N Z108782)
Fisherbrand Magnetic Micro Stirring Bars, 10 × 3 mm
(Fisher Scientific P/N 14-513-65)
Nalgene Narrow-Mouth Bottles, HDPE, 125 mL
(Fisher Scientific P/N 03-313-87A)
Standard Reference Material (SRM) 1849, National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST),
Milk-based infant formula (from a local store)
Soy-based infant formula (from a local store)
Adult nutritional liquid (from a local store)
Conditions (Applicable to Figures 2–7)
Dimension 1
Column: Thermo Scientific
PA1 Guard, 4 × 50 mm (P/N 043096)
Eluent: 750 mM Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)
Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/min
Injection Volume: 20 µL
Backpressure: 800900 psi
Dimension 2
Column: Dionex CarboPac MA1 Guard, 4 × 50 mm
(P/N 044067)
Dionex CarboPac MA1 Analytical, 4 × 250 mm
(P/N 044066)
Eluent: 15 mM KOH
Eluent Source: Dionex EGC 500 KOH Cartridge with
Dionex CR-ATC 500 Trap Column
Flow Rate: 0.4 mL/min
Injection Volume: 20 µL
Temperature: 30 °C
Detection: PAD, Au on PTFE Disposable Working Electrode
Backpressure: 28002900 psi
Conductance: 2841 nC
Noise: ~16 pC/min peak-to-peak
Run Time: 25 min
Waveform for the ED:
Preparation of Solutions and Reagents
750 mM NaOH
Weigh 120 g of 50% NaOH into a 2 L polypropylene
volumetric flask containing ~1.9 L degassed DI water.
Dilute to volume with degassed DI water and mix well.
Transfer to a 2 L plastic eluent bottle pressurized with
helium or nitrogen to prevent intrusion of carbon dioxide
from the air.
1000 mg/L Myo-Inositol Stock Solution
Accurately weigh ~0.100 g myo-inositol and
quantitatively transfer to a 50 mL volumetric flask. Dilute
to volume with DI water and mix well. Store at 4 °C for
up to 3 months.
100 mg/L Myo-Inositol Secondary Stock Solution
Transfer 5 mL of 1000 mg/L myo-inositol stock solution
to a 50 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with DI
water and mix well. Prepare this solution daily.
Myo-Inositol Working Standard Solutions
Dilute 100 mg/L myo-inositol secondary stock solution
with the appropriate amount of DI water to prepare 0.02,
0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 mg/L standards.
0.5% HCl Solution
In a well-ventilated hood, add 1.25 mL concentrated HCl
to ~200 mL DI water in a 250 mL volumetric flask. Dilute
to volume with DI water and mix well.
6% Metaphosphoric Acid Solution
Weigh 6.0 g metaphosphoric acid into a 100 mL
volumetric flask. Dissolve and dilute to volume with DI
water. Mix well. Store at 4 °C.
1 N Sodium Chloride
Weigh 5.8 g sodium chloride into a 100 mL volumetric
flask. Dissolve and dilute to 100 mL with DI water.
Chloroform:Methanol (2:1)
In a well-ventilated hood, measure 60 mL chloroform and
30 mL CH
OH separately in a glass graduated cylinder,
then mix well in a 250 mL glass bottle.
Hexane:Diethyl Ether (80:20)
In a well-ventilated hood, measure 80 mL hexane and
20 mL diethyl ether separately in a glass graduated
cylinder, then mix well in a 250 mL glass bottle.
Hexane:Diethyl Ether (50:50)
In a well-ventilated hood, measure 50 mL hexane and
50 mL diethyl ether separately in a glass graduated
cylinder, then mix well in a 250 mL glass bottle.
Methanol:Chloroform:Water (75:15:10)
In a well-ventilated hood, measure 75 mL CH
15 mL chloroform and 10 mL DI water separately in a
glass graduated cylinder, then mix well in a 250 mL
glass bottle.
Sample Preparation
Dionex OnGuard II RP Cartridge Preparation
Pass 5 mL CH
OH followed by 10 mL DI water through
the 1 cc cartridge at a maximum flow rate of 4 mL/min.
To increase throughput, up to 12 cartridges can be
prepared simultaneously using the Dionex OnGuard
Sample Prep Workstation (P/N 039599).
Sample Preparation for Free Myo-Inositol
For the powdered products (i.e., SRM 1849 and milk-
and soy-based infant formulas), accurately weigh 2.5 g
(±10%) of each powder in separate 20 mL polypropylene
bottles, then add 20 mL DI water to dissolve the samples.
Transfer 1 mL of reconstituted liquid to a 50 mL beaker.
For liquid products (i.e., the adult nutritional liquid),
shake well before use, then transfer 1 mL of the product
to a 50 mL beaker. Add 30 mL of DI water to the beaker
containing the reconstituted liquid or liquid products.
0.00 0.1 Off On Off Off
0.20 0.1 Off On On On
0.40 0.1 Off On Off Off
0.41 –2 Off On Off Off
0.42 –2 Off On Off Off
0.43 0.6 Off On Off Off
0.44 0.1 Off On Off Off
0.50 0.1 On On Off Off
* Setting required on Dionex ICS-3000/5000/5000
but not used in older Dionex IC systems; reference electrode
in AgCl mode
Add the appropriate amount (~0.6–2 mL, depends on
the sample type) of 0.5% HCl to each sample to adjust
the pH to 4.5 ± 0.2. Quantitatively transfer the sample to
a 50 mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with DI water,
and mix well. Apply ~6 mL of the solution to a 1 cc
Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge, discarding the first
3 mL of the effluent. Then filter the remaining cartridge
effluent through a 0.2 µm PES syringe filter prior
to injection.
Sample Preparation for Phosphatidylinositol
Method 1: Cleanup using the HyperSep Silica
SPE Column
For powdered products (i.e., SRM 1849 and milk-
and soy-based infant formulas), accurately weigh 2.5 g
(± 10%) of each powder in separate 125 mL polyethylene
bottles, then add 20 mL DI water to dissolve the samples.
Transfer 1 mL of the reconstituted liquid to a 15 mL
centrifuge tube.
For the adult nutritional liquid, transfer 1 mL of the
product to a 15 mL centrifuge tube. Add 2.5 mL CH
and a stir bar to each centrifuge tube and stir for at least
20 min. Add 5 mL chloroform and stir for at least 5 min.
Remove the stir bar with a stir bar retriever. Add 1.25 mL
of 6% metaphosphoric acid and 0.25 mL of 1 N NaCl,
then mix well. Centrifuge at 6200 rpm at 2 °C for 15 min.
After centrifugation, in a well-ventilated hood, carefully
insert a long wide-bore flat-end stainless steel needle (i.e.,
with a noncoring point where the sharp end has been
removed by machine-cut) attached to a 5 mL glass
gas-tight syringe into the chloroform layer near the
bottom of the centrifuge tube. Be careful not to disturb
the upper aqueous CH
OH layer and protein layer (In this
study, when the protein was not on the walls of the tube,
it was contained in a thin layer between the chloroform
and methanol phases.). Slowly draw out as much of the
chloroform layer as possible. Transfer the chloroform-
containing phosphatidylinositol to a clean 15 mL
centrifuge tube. Place the centrifuge tube in a 60 °C water
bath and evaporate the chloroform with nitrogen in the
solvent evaporator.
Sample cleanup
Due to the use of hazardous volatile elution solvents,
this step must be conducted in a well-ventilated hood.
Configure a sample preparation station in the hood.
Condition a 500 mg silica SPE cartridge with 3 mL
hexane. Add 0.5 mL chloroform:methanol (2:1) to
dissolve the residue in the bottom of centrifuge tube left
from the solvent evaporation. Quantitatively transfer the
dissolved residue to the conditioned silica SPE cartridge,
then rinse the SPE cartridge with 1.5 mL hexane:diethyl
ether (80:20) and discard the eluent. Rinse the SPE
cartridge with 1.5 mL hexane:diethyl ether (50:50),
2 mL methanol, and 2 mL methanol:chloroform:water
(75:15:10); collect all effluents in a single 15 mL
centrifuge tube. Evaporate the collected effluents with
nitrogen in a 60 °C water bath in the solvent evaporator.
Add 20 µL concentrated acetic acid and 1 mL
concentrated HCl to the residue left in the centrifuge tube
from the sample cleanup step and tightly cap the tube.
Heat the tube in a 110 °C oven for 2 h. Cool to room
temperature. Dilute the sample with ~10 mL DI water.
Slowly add 0.625 mL 50% (w/w) sodium hydroxide.
Transfer the sample to a 25 mL volumetric flask and
dilute to volume with DI water. Filter an aliquot of sample
through a 0.2 µm PES syringe filter prior to injection.
Precautions: During the first solvent evaporation, it is
important to evaporate as much of the chloroform as possible
so that the composition of the solvent used to dissolve the
residue for the SPE cleanup will not be changed significantly.
This will maximize the amount of phosphatidylinositol
retained by the SPE column during the loading. To ensure the
quantitative transfer of residue from the centrifuge tube to the
SPE column, use the elution solvents to rinse the tube, then
transfer the elution solvents to the SPE column.
Method 2: Cleanup using the Dionex
OnGuard II RP Cartridge
Use the same extraction procedure described in Method 1.
Use the same hydrolysis procedure described in Method 1,
except do not filter through the syringe filter after the
sample dilution.
Sample cleanup
Apply ~6 mL of the sample solution to a 1 cc Dionex
OnGuard II RP cartridge, discarding the first 3 mL of the
effluent. Then filter the remaining effluent through a
0.2 µm PES syringe filter prior to injection.
Sample Preparation for Recovery Study
Free myo-inositol
For the powdered infant formula products, spike known
volumes from the 1000 mg/L myo-inositol stock that are
equivalent to 50, 100, and 150% of the native amount in
the 2.5 g powder before reconstitution. For the adult
nutritional liquid, spike known volumes from the
1000 mg/L myo-inositol stock that are equivalent to
50, 100, and 150% of the native amount in the 1 g of
liquid in the centrifuge tube.
Bound myo-inositol
The phosphatidylinositol from Glycine max was used as
the spiking material in this study, but this reagent only has
an estimated purity of ~50% by TLC from the supplier.
Therefore, the material was analyzed using acid hydrolysis
to determine an actual purity of myo-inositol.
To prepare 1000 mg/L of phosphatidylinositol solution,
accurately weigh 50 mg of phosphatidylinositol, transfer
it to a 50 mL volumetric flask, dissolve, and dilute to
volume with chloroform. Transfer 0.1 and 0.2 mL of the
1000 mg/L phosphatidylinositol into two separate
centrifuge tubes. Add 20 µL concentrated acetic acid and
2 mL concentrated HCl to each tube. Place the tubes in a
110 °C oven for 2 h. Cool to room temperature.
Quantitatively transfer the hydrolysate to a 50 mL
volumetric flask and dilute to volume with DI water.
Apply ~6 mL of the solution first through a 1 cc Dionex
OnGuard II RP cartridge, discarding the first 3 mL of the
effluent. Then filter the remaining effluent through a
0.2 µm PES syringe filter prior to injection.
The Certificate of Analysis of phosphatidylinositol from
the supplier indicates two fatty acid groups (18:0) in the
structure of this molecule (MW 867.14). The purity of the
phosphatidylinositol material was calculated based on the
amount of myo-inositol measured against the amount of
myo-inositol calculated from the MW.
In this study, the purity of the phosphatidylinositol
spiking material was 18.5%. To prepare 1000 mg/L of
myo-inositol (phosphatidylinositol solution), accurately
weigh 0.260 g of phosphatidylinositol dissolved in 10 mL
of chloroform. For SRM 1849, spike known volumes of
100 mg/L of myo-inositol (phosphatidylinositol solution)
equivalent to ~50, 100, and 150% of the native level
in 2.5 g powder before reconstitution. For powdered
milk- and soy-based infant formula samples, spike
known amounts of 1000 mg/L of myo-inositol
(phosphatidylinositol solution) at ~50, 100, and 150%
of the native level to 2.5 g powder before reconstitution.
For the adult nutritional liquid, spike known amounts of
1000 mg/L of myo-inositol (phosphatidylinositol solution)
at ~50, 100, and 150% of the native level to 1 g liquid in
the centrifuge tube, then proceed to the remaining sample
preparation steps to determine the bound myo-inositol.
System Preparation and Configuration
Install and configure the Dionex AS-AP Autosampler in
Push Full mode. Follow the instructions in the Dionex
AS-AP Autosampler Operator’s Manual (Document No.
065361-07) to calibrate the sample transfer line to ensure
accurate and precise sample injections.
Condition the Dionex EGC 500 KOH cartridge before
first use by running 50 mM KOH at 1 mL/min for
45 min. For more information on installation and
operation of the Dionex EGC 500 KOH cartridge,
consult the product manual (Document No. 065018-04).
To obtain optimal cartridge performance, install 0.003 in.
(i.d.) PEEK backpressure tubing between the outlet of the
high-pressure degas tubing assembly and the inlet of the
sample injector to achieve a total system backpressure
greater than 2000 psi.
Install the vacuum degas conversion kit in the EG module
to allow sufficient removal of the hydrogen gas formed
with KOH eluent generated by the EG to help maintain a
stable baseline. Refer to the Dionex ICS-3000 EG Vacuum
Degas Conversion Kit Installation Instructions (Document
No. 065067) for more information. Note that the eluent
degasser in the Dionex ICS-5000
HPIC IC system has
one Vent in place of the Regen In and Regen Out of the
Dionex ICS-3000 system. Therefore, connect the tube
from the Degasser Port on the bottle cap to the Vent on
the eluent degasser (refer to Figures 8 and 9 in Document
No. 065067). Ensure that all connections and fittings for
the vacuum degasser are vacuum tight. If there is a leak in
the vacuum system, the baseline will be unstable.
Each Dionex CarboPac column is shipped in a specific
solution and requires a unique startup procedure before
use. Refer to the column manual (Document No. 031824)
for the startup procedure for these columns. After
finishing the column startup, configure the injection valve
plumbing for the column switching in the lower
compartment of the DC (Figure 1). Use the 6-port Valve 1
(on the left) for sample loading from the autosampler.
Install the Dionex CarboPac PA1 Guard and MA1 Guard
and Analytical columns on the 6-port Valve 2 (on the
right). After connecting the column inlet, connect the
Dionex CarboPac MA1 column outlet to the ED cell.
Keep the lengths of the connecting tubing to a minimum.
Figure 1. Valve-switching configurations with time table.
Valve Switching Configuration Time Table
Time (min) Configuration
0.00 1
1.50 2
11.2 1
Dionex AS-AP
Pump 1
Pump 2
Dionex AS-AP
Pump 2
Configuration 2
Configuration 1
Dionex CarboPac MA1
Valve 1
Valve 2
Valve 1
Valve 2
Dionex CarboPac MA1
Pump 1
PA1 Guard
PA1 Guard
The legend in Figure 1 shows the time table for valve
switching. Valve 1 is controlled by the AS-AP
autosampler, while Valve 2 is controlled by the DC. To
set the commands for valve switching in the Instrumental
Method, go to the Script Editor page and click on Stop
Run Stage. Then click on Insert Time on the Home
ribbon and type 1.500 in the inserted row under the
Time column. Click on Stop Run Stage again, then
on Insert Command on the Home ribbon, and type
DC.InjectValve_2.LoadPosition in the inserted row under
the Command column. Click on Stop Run Stage again,
then on Insert Time on the Home ribbon, and type 11.200
in the inserted row under the Time column. Finally, click
on Stop Run Stage again, then on Insert Command on the
Home ribbon, and type DC.InjectValve_2.InjectPosition
in the inserted row under the Command column.
After configuring the system, set the flow rate of Pump 1
at 0.4 mL/min to deliver DI water through the Dionex
EGC 500 KOH cartridge and set the KOH concentration
at 15 mM. Set the flow rate of Pump 2 at 0.4 mL/min to
deliver 750 mM KOH through Dimension 2. Allow the
system to equilibrate for at least 45 min before injecting.
Results and Discussion
Separation and Detection
The samples were first injected onto a Dionex CarboPac
PA1 guard column using 15 mM KOH, which resolves
myo-inositol from other late-eluting carbohydrates.
At 1.5 min after the injection, the 6-port Valve 2 was
switched to the Load position and Pump 2 delivered
750 mM NaOH through the Dionex CarboPac PA1 guard
column to elute the strongly retained carbohydrates from
the guard column to waste. Meanwhile, myo-inositol was
further separated on a Dionex CarboPac MA1 column.
The high-purity KOH eluent used for separation on the
Dionex CarboPac MA1 column was generated by the
Dionex EGC 500 cartridge, which eliminates the need for
manual preparation of KOH eluent and ensures excellent
run-to-run reproducibility. Glycerol and myo-inositol
were both present in the infant formula and adult
nutritional liquid samples treated for the determination
of bound myo-inositol. Using 30 mM KOH eluent as
described in AOAC Official Method 2011.18, glycerol
and myo-inositol were eluted at 10.80 min and
11.82 min, respectively.
For samples containing high concentrations of glycerol,
the resolution was compromised. To achieve a baseline
separation between myo-inositol and glycerol, the
concentration of the eluent was optimized to 15 mM
KOH; the retention times of glycerol and myo-inositol
were then 10.85 min and 12.09 min, respectively. The
resolution varied with the concentrations of these two
analytes in different samples. For a sample containing a
relatively high concentration of glycerol, the resolution
improved from 1.34 to 1.49 after the optimization.
Samples treated with a Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge
tended to have greater amounts of glycerol and myo-
inositol than those treated with the SPE cartridge. A
chromatogram of a 2 mg/L myo-inositol standard is
shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2. The 2 mg/L myo-inositol standard.
Table 1. Calibration, LOD, and LOQ for myo-inositol.
A Au on PTFE disposable electrode that offers the
convenience of simple installation and no electrode
polishing was used for the detection of myo-inositol.
Under the recommended experimental conditions, one
disposable electrode can last for ~4 weeks of continuous
use. The background response will gradually increase as
the electrode ages.
Calibration, Limit of Detection (LOD), and
Limit of Quantitation (LOQ)
A calibration curve with eight concentration levels
ranging from 0.02 to 4 mg/L was constructed for myo-
inositol. The calibration curve of peak area versus
concentration was fit using linear least squares regression
analysis that yielded a coefficient of determination (r
greater than 0.999. To determine the LOD and LOQ, the
baseline noise was first determined by measuring the
peak-to-peak noise in the 14–15 min segment of the
baseline where no peaks elute but close to the peak of
interest. The LOD and LOQ were then calculated from
the average peak height of seven injections of 0.02 mg/L
myo-inositol. The results of the calibration, LOD, and
LOQ are summarized in Table 1.
Coefficient of
Myo-Inositol 0.024 0.9996 1.6 5.4
Linear fit
LOD = 3× signal-to-noise ratio (S/N)
LOQ = 10× S/N
Sample: 2 mg/L Myo-Inositol Standard
Peak: 1. Myo-Inositol 2 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
Figure 3. Free myo-inositol in (A) SRM 1849, (B) milk-based powdered infant
formula, (C) soy-based powdered infant formula, and (D) adult nutritional liquid.
A 15% signal offset has been applied.
Table 2. Summary of myo-inositol (free and bound as phosphatidylinositol) in triplicate infant formula and adult nutritional samples.
Sample Analysis
Free myo-inositol
Figure 3 shows typical chromatograms of free myo-
inositol in infant formula and adult nutritional samples.
The NIST SRM 1849 contains 40.3 mg/100 g free
myo-inositol, which is within range of the certified value
(39.8 ± 2.6 mg/100 g). The milk- and soy-based infant
formulas contain relatively similar amounts of free
myo-inositol, 35.8 mg/100 g (7.16 mg/100 kcal) and
34.7 mg/100 g (6.94 mg/100 kcal), which are 119 and
116% of the labeled inositol values on the infant formula
packages (6 mg/100 Cal), respectively. Compared to the
infant formula samples, the adult nutritional liquid
sample contains a significantly lower concentration of free
myo-inositol. The results of these samples are summarized
in Table 2.
Sample Analyte/Sample Preparation
Amount (mg/100g
(mg/100 kcal)
Replicate 1 Replicate 2 Replicate 3 Average RSD
SRM 1849
Free Myo-Inositol/None 40.0 40.6 40.2 40.3 0.73 8.05
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
0.832 0.867 0.820 0.840 2.84 0.16 8
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
1.15 1.09 1.17 1.14 3.68 0.227
Infant Formula
Free Myo-Inositol/None 35.7 35.6 36.2 35.8 1.00 7.16
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
5.22 5.32 5.32 5.29 1.07 1.06
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
6.06 6.00 5.96 6.01 0.80 1.20
Infant Formula
Free Myo-Inositol/None 34.7 34.9 34.4 34.7 0.79 6.94
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
8.48 8.34 8.32 8.38 0.97 1.68
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
10.7 10.6 10.8 10.7 0.80 2.14
Free Myo-Inositol/None 0.337 0.344 0.332 0.338 1.93 0.0675
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
2.54 2.66 2.74 2.65 3.82 0.530
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
2.60 2.62 2.68 2.63 1.50 0.527
mg/100 g expressed as myo-inositol in original product
n = 3
NIST-certified value = 398 ± 26 mg/kg
The labeled inositol value for the infant formula package is 6 mg/100 cal. The label states that one scoop of the infant formula
powder (8.8 g) provides 44 cal. Therefore, the measured myo-inositol amount in mg/100 g is converted to mg/100 kcal
(1 cal = 1 kcal).
Peak: A B C D
1. Myo-inositol 1.00 0.904 0.878 0.0681 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
Bound myo-inositol
Two sample preparation methods were examined
in this study. Method 1 follows AOAC Official
Method 2011.18 that contains three steps: extraction of
phosphatidylinositol from the sample using chloroform,
isolation of phosphatidylinositol from other fats in the
sample using a silica SPE column, and hydrolysis of
phosphatidylinositol to free myo-inositol using
concentrated acid.
During SPE cleanup (i.e., the second
step), phosphatidylinositol is initially retained on the
column while the other fats are removed from the column
by nonpolar eluents. As the polarity of the eluents
increase, phosphatidylinositol is eluted from the column
and collected.
Method 2 uses the same extraction step but proceeds to
acid hydrolysis after the extraction without the SPE
cleanup step. After myo-inositol is released from
phosphatidylinositol, the hydrolysate is passed through a
Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge to remove the
hydrophobic substances, including the fats from the
sample extract. The concentrations of bound myo-inositol
found in the samples using the two methods are
summarized in Table 2.
The concentrations determined by Method 1 are
~73–88% of that determined by Method 2. However,
both methods generated the same results for the adult
nutritional liquid sample. The possible reason for the
lower amount determined using Method 1 may be due to
loss of phosphatidylinositol during SPE cleanup. Because
phosphatidylinositol has hydrophilic and hydrophobic
structural characteristics, it is not strongly bound to the
silica phase. During the cleanup, a certain amount of
phosphatidylinositol can be eluted off the column with
other fats. Comparably, the treatment using the Dionex
OnGuard II RP cartridge removes the fats after the
myo-inositol has been released, thus minimizing loss of
the analyte. Method 2 also offers the advantage of
shorter sample preparation time by eliminating the
solvent evaporation.
Glycerol was found in all the samples prepared for the
determination of bound myo-inositol. Glycerol was well
resolved from myo-inositol at 10.9 min (see Figure 4,
Chromatogram A). Figures 4–7 demonstrate the release of
free myo-inositol from the bound form using the two
sample preparation methods applied to each sample and
spiked sample studied here.
In the milk- and soy-based infant formulas, bound
myo-inositol is a small percentage of the total myo-
inositol (the sum of free myo-inositol and
phosphatidylinositol, as defined in AOAC Standard
Method Performance Requirements 2011.007).
contrast, the amount of bound myo-inositol is ~8× the
concentration of the free form in the adult nutritional
liquid sample.
Figure 4. Myo-inositol from phosphatidylinositol in (A) 2 mg/L glycerol, (B) SRM
1849, and (C) SRM 1849 with 100% spike prepared using Method 1; (D) SRM
1849 and (E) SRM 1849 with 50% spike prepared using Method 2. A 15%
signal offset has been applied.
Figure 5. Myo-inositol from phosphatidylinositol in (A) milk-based powdered
infant formula and (B) milk-based powdered infant formula with 50% spike
prepared using Method 1; (C) milk-based powdered infant formula and (D)
milk-based powdered infant formula with 100% spike prepared using Method 2.
A 15% signal offset has been applied.
Figure 6. Myo-inositol from phosphatidylinositol in (A) soy-based powdered
infant formula and (B) soy-based powdered infant formula with 150% spike
prepared using Method 1; (C) soy-based powdered infant formula and (D)
soy-based powdered infant formula with 50% spike prepared using Method 2.
A 15% signal offset has been applied.
Figure 7. Myo-inositol from phosphatidylinositol in (A) adult nutritional liquid and
(B) adult nutritional liquid with 100% spike prepared using Method 1; (C) adult
nutritional liquid and (D) adult nutritional liquid with 100% spike prepared using
Method 2. A 15% signal offset has been applied.
Peaks: A B C D E
1. Glycerol 2
2. Myo-inositol 0.0408 0.0666 0.0566 0.0821 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
Peaks: A B C D
1. Glycerol
2. Myo-inositol 0.260 0.376 0.301 0.591 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
Peaks: A B C D
1. Glycerol
2. Myo-inositol 0.423 0.904 0.531 0.806 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
1. Glycerol
2. Myo-inositol 1.00 1.70 1.02 1.81 mg/L
0 5 10 15 20
Table 3. Recoveries of free myo-inositol and myo-inositol from phosphatidylinositol in selected infant formula and adult nutritional samples.
Sample Accuracy and Precision
The accuracy of the methods was verified by determining
the recoveries of free and bound myo-inositol in spiked
SRM 1849, milk- and soy-based infant formulas, and
adult nutritional liquid samples. For free myo-inositol,
USP inositol reference standard was used to prepare the
spiking solutions. For bound myo-inositol, the
phosphatidylinositol spiking material was analyzed to
determine its actual purity. Two different concentrations
were prepared from the spiking material and each was
analyzed in triplicate. The purity was 18.5% with a RSD
(n = 6) of 4.85. Therefore, the phosphatidylinositol
spiking solutions were prepared based on this purity. The
myo-inositol and phosphatidylinositol reference materials
were spiked at 50, 100, and 150% of the native amount
of myo-inositol in the samples.
The recoveries of free myo-inositol were in the range of
92.6–109% (Table 3). The recoveries of bound myo-
inositol were in the range of 63.0–81.4% using Method 1
and in the range of 80.5–106% using Method 2 (Table 3).
The lower recoveries using Method 1 may be due to the
loss of phosphatidylinositol during SPE cleanup, as
discussed in the Sample Analysis section. Low recoveries
of phosphatidylinositol in food samples using a similar
SPE cleanup sample preparation were reported in
other studies.
Free Myo-Inositol
Myo-Inositol from Phosphatidylinositol
HyperSep Silica SPE Treatment Dionex OnGuard II RP Treatment
Area RSD
(n = 3)
Area RSD
(n = 3)
Area RSD
(n = 3)
SRM 1849 1.00 0.20 0.0411 0.86 0.0557 0.29
SRM 1849
with 50% Spike
0.460 1.44 0.59 94.6 0.0200 0.0537 2.73 63.0 0.0280 0.0814 0.93 91.8
SRM 1849
with 100% Spike
0.980 1.90 0.61 92.1 0.0400 0.0671 2.95 65.0 0.0560 0.112 0.33 101
SRM 1849
with 150% Spike
1.26 2.18 0.90 93.6 0.0600 0.0839 4.35 71.3 0.0840 0.134 1.76 93.7
Milk-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
0.923 0.43 0.261 0.89 0.301 0.35
Milk-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 50% Spike
0.419 1.38 0.49 109 0.140 0.375 0.42 81.4 0.150 0.447 1.48 97.2
Milk-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 100% Spike
0.838 1.74 1.07 97.7 0.280 0.452 0.83 68.3 0.300 0.588 1.26 95.7
Milk-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 150% Spike
1.26 2.18 0.23 99.8 0.420 0.565 0.26 72.4 0.450 0.719 2.61 93.0
Soy-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
0.860 0.14 0.424 0.32 0.534 1.32
Soy-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 50% Spike
0.434 1.27 0.61 93.6 0.212 0.574 0.28 70.7 0.260 0.810 0.42 106
Soy-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 100% Spike
0.868 1.70 1.53 97.4 0.424 0.709 0.24 67. 2 0.520 1.00 0.35 90.8
Soy-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
with 150% Spike
1.30 2.11 2.75 95.8 0.636 0.902 0.5 75.2 0.780 1.35 0.8 104
Adult Nutritional Liquid 0.0689 1.22 1.03 0.54 1.01 0.59
Adult Nutritional Liquid
with 50% Spike
0.0342 0.102 1.58 95.8 0.505 1.40 0.57 73.1 0.500 1.46 0.67 89.9
Adult Nutritional Liquid
with 100% Spike
0.0683 0.13 4 2.14 94.7 1.01 1.69 0.33 65. 4 1.00 1.82 0.36 80.5
Adult Nutritional Liquid
with 150% Spike
0.102 0.164 1.99 92.6 1.52 2.05 0.97 6 7.3 1.50 2.32 0.31 87.4
Method precision was evaluated with both intraday and
between-day analysis. Table 2 shows the results of three
replicates analyzed on the same day. The RSDs of
myo-inositol content found in the selected samples are in
the range of 0.729–3.82%. Table 4 shows the results
obtained on three days. The RSDs of the between-day
analysis of the selected samples are in the range of
This study describes an HPAE-PAD method (AOAC
Official Method 2011.18) to determine free and bound
myo-inositol in infant formula and adult nutritional liquid
samples. A column-switching technique is used to
effectively remove the strongly retained carbohydrates in
the sample matrix, thereby reducing run time. PAD with a
Au on PTFE disposable electrode offers high sensitivity
while eliminating the need for sample derivatization and
electrode polishing.
For the determination of bound myo-inositol, this study
compares the results obtained using a silica SPE column
as described in AOAC Official Method 2011.18 versus
using a Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge. The results
demonstrate that the Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge
produced higher content and provided improved
recoveries of bound myo-inositol in the samples. The
Dionex OnGuard II RP cartridge also reduces the
time-consuming process and hazardous chemicals
associated with use of the silica SPE column. The
analysis of NIST SRM 1849 produced results within the
specified certified value range, thus confirming accurate
results for determination of free myo-inositol. Therefore,
this work validates AOAC Official Method 2011.18 and
offers possible improvements with modifications to the
sample preparation and separation conditions for samples
containing high concentration of glycerol relative to
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Table 4. Precision of myo-inositol determination in infant formula and adult nutritional samples over three days.
Sample Analyte/Sample Preparation
Results (mg/100g)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Average
SRM 1849
Free Myo-Inositol/None 40.4 40.2 39.8 40.1 0.68
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
0.832 0.808 0.822 0.821 1.46
Myo-Inositol Bound as
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1.16 1.15 1.11 1.14 2.35
Milk-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
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Myo-Inositol Bound as
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5.22 5.32 5.25 5.26 1.04
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
6.04 6.02 6.00 6.02 0.30
Soy-Based Powdered
Infant Formula
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
8.97 8.34 8.47 8.59 3.88
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
12.0 11.7 10.7 11.5 6.24
Adult Nutritional
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/SPE Cartridge
2.58 2.54 2.50 2.54 1.47
Myo-Inositol Bound as
Phosphatidylinositol/RP Cartridge
2.53 2.62 2.76 2.64 4.51
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