Advice to use infant formula and free samples are common in
both urban and rural areas in China: a cross-sectional survey
Jia Li
, Tuan T Nguyen
, Yifan Duan
, Roger Mathisen
and Zhenyu Yang
School of Business, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, Peoples Republic of China:
Alive & Thrive Southeast Asia, FHI 360, Hanoi, Vietnam:
National Institute for Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center
for Disease Control and Prevention, No.27 Nanwei Road, Xicheng District, Beijing 100050, Peoples Republic of
Submitted 1 September 2020: Final revision received 24 November 2020: Accepted 21 December 2020: First published online 8 January 2021
Objective: To examine the association between the place of residence and receiv-
ing free samples and advice to feed the baby with infant formula.
Design: A cross-sectional study.
Setting: The current study covered twelve counties/districts in China.
Participants: 5112 mothers with infants aged 05·9 months.
Results: About 16 % of the mothers received free samples of infant formula. During
pregnancy, this likelihood was higher among mothers in small and medium cities
(OR: 1·96; 95 % CI 1·14, 3·38) and non-poor rural counties (OR: 4·65; 95 % C I 1·65,
13·14) compared with mothers in big cities. During the hospital stay, it was lower in
big cities. After dis charge, it was lower in poor rural counties (OR: 0·14; 95 % CI
0·05, 0·41). About 26 % of the mothers were advised to feed their infants with infant
formula. The likelihood of receiving advice to feed the baby with infant formula
from hospitals was lower in non-poor (OR: 0·37; 95 % CI 0·21, 0·66) and poor rural
counties (OR: 0·35; 95 % CI 0·13, 0·91) than in big cities. Mothers in non-poor rural
counties were less likely to receive advice from traditional mass media (OR: 0·17;
95 % CI 0·06, 0·48), while mothers in small and medium cities were more likely to
receive advice from modern mass media (OR: 1·84; 95 % CI 1·20, 2·80) compared
with mothers in big cities.
Conclusions: The promotion strategy of infant formula varies from different places
of residence in China. The study suggests the need to strengthen enforcement of
relevant regulations, especially within health facilities and through modern mass
Breast-feeding support
Infant formula
International Code
of Marketing of
Breastmilk Substitutes
Aggressive promotion of breastmilk substitutes (BMS) is
one of the key barriers to successful breast-feeding and
thus poses dangers to infant health
. Previous studies
showed that inappropriate marketing of BMS affects
breast-feeding behaviours of women as well as medical
practice of healthcare workers related to supporting
. For example, misconceptions related
to feeding and intention to feed infant formula at birth were
associated with increased feeding of infant formula in the
first 3 d of life, which is associated with increased feeding
of infant formula and premature cessation of breast-
. Studies in China also revealed that mothers
who received advice to feed the baby with BMS had a lower
prevalence of exclusive breast-feeding and continued
. Promotion of infant formula hinders
progress towards achieving the Global Nutrition Targets
and Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by most
Infant formula sales are high and increasing in East Asia,
including in China
. Indeed, China is the largest infant
formula market in the world
. The sale of baby food in
China, around 90 % of which was formula milk, doubled
in just 5 years from 2010 to 2014, and then one and a half
fold from 2014 to 2018
. BMS manufact urers and dis-
tributors employ various tactics to promote their products.
In addition to direct promotion to mothers and their
families via television, social media and home visits, man-
ufacturers and distributors promote BMS indirectly via
incentives, free samples and activities within the health ser-
vice setting during pregnancy, hospital stay and after
Public Health Nutrition: 24(8), 19771988 doi:10.1017/S1368980020005364
*Corresponding author: Email [email protected]
© The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of The Nutrition Society. This is an Open Access article, distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution licence (, which permits unrestricted re-use, distri-
bution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Published online by Cambridge University Press
. Distribution of free samples of infant for-
mula or promotio nal materials to pregnant women typi-
cally happens during consultations and events organised
by BMS manufacturers and distributors, where they famil-
iarise women with the prod ucts and aim to increase the
preference for certain types of infant formula to use in
the future
. The promotion of infant formula during
the hospital stay and after discharge through health work-
ers and BMS representatives is also common in China
Additionally, cross-promotion (e.g., similar labelling,
ambiguous messages) across BMS product categories
(e.g., milk formula for pregnant women, preterm babies,
infants and toddlers) is a common practice of BMS manu-
facturers and distributors to circumvent the national Code
legislation, creating confusion for families
Given the negative impact of BMS promotion and
aggressive marketing tactics, regulating the inappropriate
practices of BMS companies has been identified as a critical
intervention to protect and build supportive environments
for breast-feeding
. The World Health Assembly adopted
the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk
Substitutes (hereafter the Code) in 1981 to prohibit the
advertising and promotion of BMS
. Even though 136
out of 194 countries have adopted some forms of national
legal measures adhering to the Code by 2020, robust
measures are in place in only a few countries to eliminate
inappropriate promotion of BMS
. According to this
report, only some provisions of the Code are included in
the current regulations in China
. The main policy,
Administrative Measures for the Marketing of Breastmilk
Substitutes (hereafter the Measure) issued in 1995
, was
abolished in 2017, leaving the marketing of BMS in
China weakly regulated (online supplementary
Appendix A).
Furthermore, the China Food and Drug Administrat ion
introduced a new regulation in 2016 to establish standards
for infant formula
, creating opportunities for certain
brands to market themselves as high quality to help expand
their market into medium and small cities and rural areas
where substandard products were commonly used
the Chinese economy develops, rising income makes infant
formula more affordable for mothers in lower socio-
economic groups (e.g., rural or urban poor). Introduction
of the universal two-child policy in 2015 is projected to
result in a significant increase in birth rate, especially in
small cities and rural areas of China
. BMS companies
might have captured those policy gaps and socio-
demographic dynamic changes to expand their market in
China. Previous studies in China have focused on the
promotion of infant formula in big cities
. Thus, info r-
mation about the promotion of infant formula in less-
urbanised areas in China is limited.
To address this gap in the literature, we analysed data
from a large-scale population survey to examine the asso-
ciation between the place of residence and receiving free
samples and advice to feed the baby with infant formula
among mothers with infants aged 05·9 months. We
hypothesised that the promotion of BMS varied across
places of residence.
Study design and data collection
In the current study, we used secondary data from 10 408
mothers with infants aged 0 11 months old who partici-
pated in a cross-sectional survey on determinants of
breast-feeding practices in China
. Infants were approxi-
mately equally distributed across each month group. A
more detailed description of the study has been describ ed
. To summarise, survey samples were selected
via a multi-stage stratified cluster sampling approach. All
districts/counties were categorised into four strata, namely
big cities, small and medium cities, non-poor rural counties
and poor rural counties. Among twelve districts/counties
selected in the first stage, four were from big cities, four
were from small an d medium cities, two were from non-
poor rural counties and two were from poor rural counties.
In the second stage, four clusters were randomly selected
via probability proportional to size sampling method. In
each selected cluster, the data collection team visited the
corresponding immunisation clinic and invited mothers
who brought their 011-month-old children to the clinic
for immunisation to participate in the study. In total, the sur-
vey included face-to-face interviews of 10 408 mothers
with infants aged 011 months old.
Data were collected between September 2017 and
January 2018 in collaboration with research teams at the
provincial level Center for Disease Control and
Prevention. A structured questionnaire was programmed
into smartphones or tablets and then used for data collec-
tion (online supplementary Appendix B). Written consent
from all participants was obtained.
Study variables
Outcome variables
Promotion of infant formula in the current study was
defined as having received free samples of infant formula
or advice to feed the baby with infant formula, which was
assessed using two retrospective questions. The first ques-
tion was when did the mothers receive free samples of
infant formula? We examined three time points: (1) during
pregnancy, (2) during hospital stay and (3) after discharge
as well as an overall measure of receiving free samples of
infant formula (No, when the mother did not receive any
free samples of infant formula in any of the three time
points; and Yes, for any alternative scenarios). The second
question was whether the mothers received advice to feed
the baby with infant formula, and if yes, from where. We
examined four circumstances: (1) from hospitals where
the mother gave birth, (2) from traditional mass media
1978 JLiet al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
(e.g., TV, radio, magazine or book), (3) from modern mass
media (e.g., websites, online shopping malls, websites and
platform from hospitals or doctors, and social media such
as Weibo and WeChat) and (4) from family members,
relatives or friends.
Exposure variables
The place of residence was the main exposure in the cur-
rent study. The whole of China can be divided into twenty-
three provinces, five autonomous regions, four centrally
administered municipalities and two special administrative
regions, which are then subdivided into prefectures,
counties/districts and townships
. We sampled
districts/counties from big cities, small and medium cities,
non-poor rural counties and poor rural counties. Big cities
refer to central districts of municipalities directly under the
Central Government, cities under separate state planning
or provincial cities with a population over a million.
Small and medium cities refer to all districts/counties
except the central districts of big cities and county-level
cities. Poor rural counties refer to counties that are key tar-
gets in the national poverty alleviation and development
. Non-poor rural counties refer to all remain-
ing counties.
Covariate variables
Maternal and paternal characteristics include level of edu-
cation (primary or below, junior high school, high school or
college and university or higher) and occupation (e.g.,
unemployed, agriculture relate d, industry related and
white-collar or professionals). Maternal age ( 25, 2635
and 36 years) and ethnicity (Han and others) were also
collected. Child and perinatal characteristics consist of
age in months, gender, first birth, having at least one ante-
natal visit, place of birth (maternity facilities at national or
provincial levels, at municipal level, at county level and
others), caesarean birth, length of stay in health facility after
birth if extended (vaginal births: 4 d; caesarean births:
7 d) and special care service for the mothers such as hir-
ing a nanny or staying in a postpartum care centre during
the first month afterbirth
. For the first set of outcome var-
iables on receiving free samples of infant formula, we con-
trol for all of the above-mentioned covariates. For the
second set of outcome variables about receiving advice
to feed the baby with infant formula, we also consider addi-
tional covariates including reasons for being advised on
feeding infant formula (perceived breast-feeding difficul-
ties in hospital and after discharge) and hospital lack of
referral for breast-feeding supporting organisations at
Statistical analysis
From 10 408 mothers interviewed, we selected 5261 moth-
ers with infants aged 05·9 months. Then, we further
excluded 149 records (< 3 % of 5261 records) due to
missing values in outcome variables and covariates to come
up with the final sample for statistical analysis of 5112.
Sensitivity analysis with the complete sample displayed
very similar findings with those reported in the current
study. The selection of mothers with infants aged
05·9 months was to minimise recall bias of the exposure
to infant formula free sample and advice.
All the data analysis was conducted using survey com-
mand in Stata 15.0 (Stata Inc.) to consider survey design
effect. First, we used descriptive analyses to report the
prevalence of exposure and covariate variables, and strati-
fied outcome variables by the place of residence. Then, we
used multivariate logistic regression models to examine
factors associated with receiving free samples or receiving
advice to feed the baby with infant formula. We used big
cities, mothers with a university education or higher, and
mothers who worked as white-collar workers or
professionals as the reference groups in the multivariate
logistic regression models.
General characteristics
Among 5112 mothers with infants 05 months old (mean
age of 2·5 months), 86·1 % belonged to the Han ethnicity,
63·3 % were between 26 and 35 years old, 21·4 % had at
least a college degree and 44·7 % participated in business,
professional or industry-related occupations (Table 1).
Mothers in rural areas tended to be younger, had less edu-
cation and were less likely to work as white-collar workers
or professiona ls (Table 1). Fathers of infants had similar
educational and occupational patterns as mothers
(Table 1).
About half of the sample were boys and 46·8 % were the
first child. Almost all mothers had antenatal care, delivered
at a health facility and spent some days after births at the
health facility. The prevalence of caesarean births was
38·8 % and 32·5 % of the mothers had an extended stay
in a maternity facility after delivery (vaginal births: 4d;
caesarean births: 7 d).
About a quarter of mothers felt they had diffic ulty with
breast-feeding during the hospital stay or after discharge.
Less than 10 % of the mothers hired a nanny or stayed in
a postpartum care centre during the first month after birth,
and the majority of whom lived in big cities. Only one of
every ten mothers was referred to a breast-feeding support-
ing centre at discharge.
Receiving free samples of infant formula
About 16 % of mothers received free samples of infant for-
mula: 6·3 % received the sample during pregnancy, 3·5 %
during their hospital stay and 6·3 % after discharge
(Fig. 1). Although there were some variations by the place
of residence, the 95 % CI were overlapping in most
Promotion of infant formula in China 1979 Published online by Cambridge University Press
pairwise comparisons, except for free infant formula sam-
ple after discharge: 1 % of mothers in rural poor counties v.
4 % in small and medium cities and 5 % in non-poor rural
counties (Fig. 1).
In multivariate logistic regression models, the likelihood
of receiving free samples of infant formula during pregnancy
was higher for mothers in medium and small cities (OR: 96;
95 % CI 14, 3·38) and in non-poor rural counties (OR: 4·65;
95 % CI 65, 13·14) than in big cities (Table 2). This result
indicated that mothers in non-poor rural counties were more
than four times more likely to receive free samples than
those in large cities. Compared with mothers in big cities,
mothers in other areas were more likely to receive free sam-
ples of infant formula during hospital stay; however, this dif-
ference was only significant in non-poor rural counties (OR:
2·06; 95 % CI 1·04, 4·09). In contrast, mothers in big cities
were more likely to receive free samples after discharge,
especially when compared with mothers in poor rural
counties (OR: 0·14; 95 % CI 0·0541) (Table 2). The likeli-
hood of receiving free samples after discharge was higher in
mothers working in agricultural sector (OR: 1·99; 95 % CI
1·12, 54) or unemployed (OR: 59; 95 % CI 1·24, 05) than
white-collar workers or professionals. The likelihood of
mothers who received free samples of infant formula after
discharge from private hospitals was higher than received
by mothers who gave birth in maternity facilities at national
and provincial levels (OR: 1·74; 95 % CI 07, 2·84), but lower
than received by mothers in maternity facilities at the county
(OR: 41; 95 % CI 0·26, 63) and municipal (OR: 0·51; 95 %
CI 0·29, 0·89) levels.
Table 1 Characteristics of participants (in percentage)
All sample
(n 5112)
Big cities
(n 1797)
Medium and small
cities (n 1663)
Non-poor rural
areas (n 833)
Rural poor
areas (n 819)
Parental characteristics
Maternal ethnicity
Han 86·1 84·1 80·3 99·0 88·9
Maternal age
25 years 25·2 13·0 30·4 29·1 37·7
2635 years 63·3 69·7 60·4 65·3 53·4
36 years 11·4 17·3 9·3 5·6 8·9
Maternal education levels
University or higher 21·4 44·1 15·2 3·1 3·1
High school or college 36·5 39·0 40·2 40·9 19·3
Junior high school 34·9 15·1 34·3 54·0 60·1
Primary or below 7·1 1·8 10·3 1·9 17·6
Maternal occupations
White-collar or professionals 36·0 57·1 33·0 21·5 10·4
Industry related 8·7 9·6 9·8 8·8 4·2
Agriculture related 17·3 2·8 15·0 16·6 54·3
Unemployed related 38·1 30·5 42·2 53·2 31·1
Paternal education levels
University or higher 22·1 46·4 14·9 2·8 2·9
High school or college 35·3 38·1 38·1 35·8 23·2
Junior high school 35·8 13·8 37·8 57·4 58·1
Primary or below 6·8 1·7 9·3 4·1 15·8
Paternal occupations
White-collar or professionals 48·2 70·0 47·1 35·3 15·9
Industry related 28·4 23·3 28·9 45·6 21·0
Agriculture related 18·5 2·9 18·2 17·4 54·6
Unemployed related 4·9 3·8 5·8 1·7 8·5
Child and perinatal characteristics
The first birth 46·8 52·9 47·8 32·5 45·9
The child was male 50·2 50·4 50·5 50·1 49·2
Had antenatal visits 95·2 93·4 97·4 98·1 91·5
Health facilities the mothers gave births
National and provincial levels 18·5 44·8 4·0 0·4 8·7
Municipal level 29·3 40·5 38·2 10·2 6·1
County level 50·3 10·1 57·5 88·2 85·2
Others (mostly private) 1·9 4·7 0·3 1·2 0·0
Caesarean delivery 38·8 33·9 43·2 48·0 30·9
Long stay in health facility after births* 32·5 27·8 29·0 15·6 67·0
Had breastfeeding difficulties in hospital 26·3 36·4 21·9 20·8 18·7
Had breast-feeding difficulties after discharge 26·5 39·8 20·0 20·0 17·3
Hired a nanny or stayed in a postpartum care
centre during the first month afterbirth
7·6 16·6 4·9 1·1 0·1
Hospital where the woman gave birth did not
recommended breast-feeding supporting
centre at discharge
92·4 88·2 96·1 98·7 87·9
*Long stay in health facility after births: vaginal births: 4 d; caesarean births: 7d.
1980 JLiet al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Receiving advice to feed the baby with infant
About 26 % of mothers in this sample received advice to
feed the baby with infant formula: 11·4 % from hospitals,
5·1 % from tradi tional mass media like TV, radio, magazines
and books, 8·6 % from modern mass media such as the
internet and social media and 3·1 % from family members,
relatives or friends (Fig. 1). More mothers in big cities
received this advice from the hospitals and traditional mass
media (e.g., TV, radio, magazine and books) than those liv-
ing in other areas (Fig. 1). Receiving the advice from
modern mass media such as internet and social media
was higher in big cities th an in rural poor counties (non-
overlapping 95 % CI) (Fig. 1).
Multivariate logistic regression models showed that the
likelihood of receiving advice to feed the baby with infant
formula from hospitals was lower in non-poor rural
counties (OR: 0·37; 95 % CI 0·21, 0·66) and poor rural
counties (OR: 0·35; 95 % CI 0·13, 0·91) than in big cities
(Table 3). The likelihood of receiving advice to feed the
baby with infant formula from mass media was lower in
non-poor rural counties for traditional mas s media (OR:
0·17; 95 % CI 0·06, 0·48) but higher in small and medium
cities for modern mass media (OR: 1·84; 95 % CI 1·20,
2·80) compared with mothers in big cities. The likelihood
of receiving advice to feed the baby with infant formula
was similar across most education levels, while it slightly
differed across occupations of mothers and fathers
(Table 3). Notably, mothers working in industry were more
likely to receive advice to feed the baby with infant formula
from modern mass media (OR: 1·53; 95 % CI 1·23, 1·91) and
family members, relatives or friends (OR: 1·66; 95 % CI1·0 2,
2·72), and fathers working in industry (OR: 1·44; 95 % CI
1·10, 1·89) for traditional mass media compared with those
working as white-collar workers or professionals. The
prevalence of receiving advice to feed the baby with infant
formula was higher in mothers giving birth in maternity
facilities at national and provincial levels than in other level
facilities (Table 3). Mothers who encountered breast-
feeding difficulties during their hospital stay were more
likely to receive advice to feed the baby with infant formula
from hospitals (OR: 1·42; 95 % CI 1·05, 1·92), modern mass
media (OR: 1·54; 95 % CI 1·21, 1·97) and family members,
relatives or friends (OR: 1·60; 95 % CI 1·23, 2·09) (Table 3).
Moreover, mothers were more than two times as likely to
receive advice of using infant formula from their family
50 %
40 %
30 %
20 %
10 %
50 %
40 %
30 %
20 %
10 %
Any circumstances
Any sources/
Hospital to give
Traditional mass
Modern mass media
During pregnancy During hospital stay After discharge
Fig. 1 Prevalence (%, 95 % CI) of receiving free samples of infant formula (A) and advice (B) among mothers with infants < 6 months
old in China by the place of residence * for non-overlapping 95 % CI. Traditional mass media: TV, radio, magazine or book; modern
mass media: Websites, online shopping malls, websites and platform from hospitals or doctors, and social media such as Weibo and
, big cities; , small and medium cities; , non-poor rural areas; , poor rural areas
Promotion of infant formula in China 1981 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 2 Factors associated with receiving free samples of infant formula among mothers with infants < 6 months old in China,
Any circumstances During pregnancy During hospital stay After discharge
(n 5112) (n 5112) (n 5112) (n 5112)
OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI
Residence (reference: big cities)
Small and medium cities 0·94 0·52, 1·70 1·96* 1·14, 3·38 1·44 0·72, 2·88 0·41 0·15, 1·12
Non-poor rural areas 1·76 0·64, 4·82 4·65** 1·65, 13·14 2·06* 1·04, 4·09 0·45 0·17, 1·19
Poor rural areas 0·56 0·19, 1·70 0·98 0·30, 3·19 1·55 0·63, 3·80 0·14*** 0·05, 0·41
Parental characteristics
Maternal age (reference: 25 years)
2635 years 0·97 0·81, 1·17 1·04 0·82, 1·31 0·88 0·65, 1·18 1·03 0·73, 1·44
36þ years 0·72 0·50, 1·02 0·77 0·41, 1·44 0·77 0·45, 1·33 0·77 0·49, 1·21
Maternal ethnicity (reference: others)
Han 1·96* 1·07, 3·58 1·31 0·67, 2·56 3·18* 1·22, 8·27 2·24* 1·05, 4·75
Maternal education levels (reference: university or higher)
High school or college 1·01 0·77, 1·30 0·97 0·72, 1·31 0·92 0·54, 1·56 1·05 0·73, 1·51
Junior high school 1·13 0·74, 1·72 1·16 0·95, 1·41 1·26 0·59, 2·69 0·88 0·44, 1·77
Primary or below 0·72 0·35, 1·48 0·34* 0·13, 0·86 0·95 0·29, 3·10 1·09 0·34, 3·51
Maternal occupations (reference: white-collar or professionals)
Industry related 0·91 0·71, 1·18 1·04 0·74, 1·46 0·67 0·44, 1·02 0·90 0·60, 1·36
Agriculture related 0·74 0·44, 1·26 0·43* 0·22, 0·83 0·54 0·19, 1·51 1·99* 1·12, 3·54
Unemployed 1·01 0·73, 1·40 0·88 0·62, 1·23 0·62 0·33, 1·14 1·59*** 1·24, 2·05
Paternal education levels (reference: university or higher)
High school or college 1·23 0·94, 1·62 0·97 0·66, 1·41 1·39 0·76, 2·51 1·43* 1·02, 2·00
Junior high school 0·98 0·77, 1·24 0·85 0·55, 1·32 0·84 0·35, 2·03 1·32 0·82, 2·12
Primary or below 0·92 0·54, 1·58 1·08 0·52, 2·27 0·35* 0·12, 1·00 1·38 0·48, 3·96
Paternal occupations (reference: white-collar or professionals)
Industry related 0·91 0·68, 1·22 0·94 0·67, 1·33 0·74 0·42, 1·30 0·94 0·61, 1·43
Agriculture related 0·67** 0·51, 0·87 0·72 0·46, 1·15 1·26 0·79, 2·01 0·21*** 0·13, 0·35
Unemployed 0·65 0·42, 1·00 0·58* 0·35, 0·96 0·28 0·06, 1·24 0·83 0·36, 1·93
Child characteristics
The first birth 1·01 0·85, 1·19 0·91 0·71, 1·16 0·99 0·68, 1·45 1·18 0·88, 1·59
The child was male§ 06 0·93, 1·20 1·00 0·71, 1·42 1·16 0·96, 1·40
Age in months|| 1·07** 1·02, 1·13 1·10* 1·00, 1·21
Perinatal characteristics
Had antenatal visits 0·99 0·71, 1·39 1·91 0·87, 4·20 0·44** 0·26, 0·73 1·11 0·55, 2·25
Health facilities the mothers gave births (reference: at national
or provincial levels)
Municipal level 0·73 0·47, 1·14 0·95 0·57, 1·56 0·78 0·33, 1·84 0·51* 0·29, 0·89
County level 0·49*** 0·34, 0·72 0·55 0·28, 1·06 0·65 0·31, 1·35 0·41*** 0·26, 0·63
Others (mostly private facilities) 2·20** 1·22, 3·97 1·64 0·64, 4·22 2·72 0·85, 8·75 1·74* 1·07, 2·84
Caesarean births¶ 1·22 1·00, 1·49 1·18 0·94, 1·49 0·99 0·75, 1·30
Long stay in health facility after births†† 0·90 0·61, 1·32 0·92 0·69, 1·24 0·64 0·32, 1·31
Hired a nanny or stayed in a postpartum care centre
during the first month afterbirth‡‡
0·88 0·41, 1·92 0·40 0·09, 1·72
Values are adjusted OR and 95 % CI from survey multivariate logistic regression models.
Significantly different from the null value (OR of 1): *P < 0·05, **P < 0·01, ***P < 0·001.
§Gender of the child was not controlled for since it was unknown during pregnancy.
||Age in months was not controlled for since it is not related to receiving free samples of infant formula during pregnancy and hospital stay.
¶Caesarean births were not controlled for since it was unknown during pregnancy.
††Long stay in health facility after births: vaginal births: 4 d; caesarean births: 7 d. It was not controlled for since it was unknown during pregnancy.
‡‡Hired a nanny or stayed in a postpartum care centre during the first month afterbirth was not controlled for since it happened after discharge.
1982 JLiet al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
Table 3 Associate factors of receiving advice to feed the baby with infant formula among mothers with infants < 6 months old in China,
Any sources/circum-
stances (n 5112) Hospitals (n 5112)
Traditional mass
media§ (n 5112)
Modern mass media||
(n 5112)
Family members,
relatives or friend
(n 5112)
OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI
Residence (reference: big cities)
Small and medium cities 0·83 0·45, 1·53 0·65 0·38, 1·11 0·57 0·27, 1·21 1·84** 1·20, 2·80 0·94 0·293·00
Non-poor rural areas 0·69 0·34, 1·39 0·37*** 0·21, 0·66 0·17*** 0·06, 0·48 0·84 0·44, 1·62 1·31 0·523·31
Poor rural areas 0·73 0·39, 1·36 0·35* 0·13, 0·91 0·51 0·20, 1·28 1·19 0·73, 1·94 1·80 0·674·84
Parental characteristics
Maternal age (reference: 25 years)
2635 years 1·14 0·93, 1·40 1·11 0·80, 1·54 1·33 0·87, 2·02 1·12 0·80, 1·56 1·10 0·731·64
36þ years 1·25 0·93, 1·67 1·18 0·75, 1·87 2·13*** 1·36, 3·34 1·20 0·77, 1·87 0·65 0·341·26
Maternal ethnicity (reference: others)
Han 1·30 0·93, 1·81 1·51 0·92, 2·49 1·13 0·61, 2·09 1·61** 1·15, 2·27 0·62 0·321·23
Maternal education levels (reference:
university or higher)
High school or college 1·08 0·91, 1·28 1·15 0·80, 1·66 1·38 0·80, 2·38 1·02 0·68, 1·53 0·89 0·601·30
Junior high school 0·90 0·71, 1·15 1·11 0·79, 1·57 1·12 0·51, 2·43 0·73 0·43, 1·23 0·70 0·271·80
Primary or below 0·65* 0·44, 0·96 1·23 0·75, 2·00 0·72 0·24, 2·18 0·49 0·23, 1·07 0·65 0·20·16
Maternal occupations (reference:
white-collar or professionals)
Industry related 1·14 0·82, 1·58 0·90 0·50, 1·63 0·94 0·43, 2·06 1·53*** 1·23, 1·91 1·66* 1·022·72
Agriculture related 0·74 0·46, 1·21 0·93 0·46, 1·86 0·63 0·23, 1·71 1·17 0·67, 2·03 0·50 0·131·94
Unemployed 0·99 0·81, 1·21 0·97 0·75, 1·27 0·88 0·66, 1·17 1·19 0·91, 1·57 1·21 0·771·90
Paternal education levels (reference:
university or higher)
High school or college 1·26 0·90, 1·77 1·29 0·89, 1·88 0·90 0·66, 1·22 1·08 0·72, 1·61 1·09 0·462·57
Junior high school 1·10 0·71, 1·72 1·11 0·69, 1·78 0·84 0·41, 1·71 1·09 0·68, 1·73 0·86 0·252·89
Primary or below 1·34 0·75, 2·39 1·47 0·68, 3·17 0·55 0·19, 1·61 1·05 0·54, 2·05 0·40 0·062·91
Paternal occupations (reference:
white-collar or professionals)
Industry related 0·86 0·72, 1·02 0·86 0·68, 1·08 1·44** 1·10, 1·89 0·87 0·64, 1·19 0·86 0·581·27
Agriculture related 0·59** 0·43, 0·81 0·80 0·47, 1·37 0·77 0·28, 2·13 0·46*** 0·31, 0·71 0·41 0·101·72
Unemployed 0·74 0·47, 1·15 0·78 0·36, 1·67 0·69 0·32, 1·49 0·43* 0·22, 0·84 1·65 0·634·31
Child characteristics
The first birth 1·20 0·96, 1·51 1·13 0·91, 1·39 1·30 0·89, 1·88 1·17 0·93, 1·47 1·24 0·712·15
The child was male 1·03 0·90, 1·18 1·11 0·88, 1·38 1·01 0·78, 1·29 0·93 0·79, 1·08 1·04 0·781·39
Age in months 1·10** 1·03, 1·18 1·00 0·92, 1·08 1·09 0·99, 1·19 1·12** 1·04, 1·19 1·21*** 1·101·33
Perinatal characteristics
Had antenatal visits 1·20 0·86, 1·68 0·77 0·46, 1·28 1·00 0·44, 2·26 1·15 0·87, 1·52 2·33 0·757·23
Health facilities the mothers gave births
(reference: at national or provincial
Municipal level 0·76* 0·61, 0·96 0·66*** 0·53, 0·82 1·02 0·59, 1·76 0·58** 0·38, 0·86 1·77* 1·102·85
County level 0·64** 0·47, 0·86 0·58*** 0·43, 0·78 0·69 0·44, 1·08 0·37*** 0·24, 0·55 2·26* 1·034·92
Others (mostly private facilities) 1·11 0·50, 2·47 0·63 0·30, 1·31 0·34*** 0·24, 0·47 0·32*** 0·17, 0·60 0·47 0·121·87
Caesarean births 1·21 0·97, 1·52 1·15 0·86, 1·54 1·06 0·84, 1·35 0·98 0·68, 1·41 1·22 0·921·64
Promotion of infant formula in China 1983 Published online by Cambridge University Press
members, relatives or friends if they encountered breast-
feeding difficulties after discharge (OR: 2·37; 95 % CI
1·69, 3·33).
Principal results
In the current study, we found that the promotion of infant
formula in the form of free samples and advice was
common in China. Mothers reported receiving infant for-
mula promotion from multiple channels and at different
time points including during pregnancy, hospital stay
and after discharge.
First, the likelihood of receiving free samples of infant
formula was still high (about 20 % in big cities and 16 %
overall). This likelihood is lower than what has been found
in previous studies in six big cities in China
. In a sample
of almost 300 mothers recruited from outpatient clinics in
seventeen hospitals in 2012, previous study documented
that 40 % of the mothers received free samples of infant for-
mula; 76 % received samples in or near hospitals, mostly by
BMS sale representatives (61 %) and health workers
(37 %)
. Our study was a population-based study across
the country with a sample size of more than 5000 mothers,
and thus the findings might not be readily comparable to
the hospital-based studies in big cities. The lower preva-
lence of receiving free samples of infant formula, however,
might indicate a certain progress towards promoting
breast-feeding in China, including strengthening the
baby-friendly environment through baby-friendly hospital
and the implementa tion of early essential
newborn care (EENC)
. Most of the hospitals participat-
ing in the studies
had been accredited as baby-friendly
hospitals and thus would have good background to shift
back to a supportive environment for breast-feeding. A
recent report by China Consumers Association on the pro-
motion and sales of BMS revealed that mothers who gave
birth to their babies in non-baby-friendly hospitals were
more likely to use BMS
. In addition, introduction of
EENC in the last decade in China may have helped to
improve early and exclusive breast-feeding practices in
the hospitals
, leading to a decline in the use of infant for-
mula and support continuing breast-feeding
In addition, the infant formula promotion in terms of
providing free samples in China might have expanded to
target mothers in lower socio-economic groups and in rural
areas. For example, our data showed that more mothers in
small and medium cities and non-poor rural counties
received free samples compared with mothers in big cities
during pregnancy and their hospital stay. The proportion of
mothers who received free samples after hospital discharge
was about the same across all areas. Socio-economic status
of the mothers and fathers was not a factor, suggesting that
BMS manufacturers and distributors are expanding their
focus to the whole population. More importantly, the
Table 3 Continued
Any sources/circum-
stances (n 5112) Hospitals (n 5112)
Traditional mass
media§ (n 5112)
Modern mass media||
(n 5112)
Family members,
relatives or friend
(n 5112)
OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI OR 95 % CI
Long stay in health facility after births†† 0·83 0·67, 1·01 1·03 0·86, 1·22 1·09 0·83, 1·42 0·96 0·70, 1·31 0·74 0·471·16
Hired a nanny or stayed in a postpartum
care centre during the first month after-
1·13 0·71, 1·80 1·11 0·83, 1·49 1·33 0·91, 1·94 1·00 0·71, 1·41 0·402·12
Breastfeeding difficulties in hospital 1·53*** 1·24, 1·89 1·42* 1·05, 1·92 0·96 0·65, 1·39 1·54*** 1·21, 1·97 1·60*** 1·232·09
Breast-feeding difficulties after discharge 1·36** 1·10, 1·69 1·19 0·93, 1·53 0·91 0·70, 1·20 1·14 0·85, 1·52 2·37*** 1·693·33
Hospital where the woman gave birth did
not recommended breast-feeding support
centre at discharge
1·01 0·75, 1·35 1·05 0·78, 1·43 0·75 0·42, 1·34 0·85 0·65, 1·10 0·76 0·391·50
Values are adjusted OR and 95 % CI from survey multivariate logistic regression.
Significantly different from the null value (OR of 1): *P < 0·05, **P < 0·01, ***P < 0·001.
§Traditional mass media: TV, radio, magazine or book.
||Modern mass media: Websites, online shopping malls, websites and platform from hospitals or doctors, and social media such as Weibo and WeChat.
††Long stay in health facility after births: vaginal births: 4 d; caesarean births: 7d.
1984 JLiet al. Published online by Cambridge University Press
likelihood of mothers receiving free samples of infant
formula after discharge was higher in mothers working
in agriculture or unemployed than those working as
white-collar or professionals. Compared with mothers with
university or higher education level, the likelihood of
receiving free samples of infant formula after discharge
was higher in mothers with high school or college educa-
tion level. By introducing free samples of infant formula in
various locations and time points, the BMS manufacturers
and distributors might increase the use and dependence on
infant formula
Second, we found that one of every four mothers received
advice to feed the baby with infant formula. This prevalence
was higher when they gave birth in national or provincial hos-
pitals. In China, patients tended to pursue higher quality
healthcare services, including births in tertiary and secondary
. To reach more mothers, BMS manufacturers and
distributors would target national and provincial hospitals and
their health staff, who then might promote infant formula or
tolerate violations
. For example, a study in Hangzhou and
Shenzhen cities revealed that around 60% of health workers
recommended infant formula to mothers
. Vague statements
about the benefits of infant formula might have been used to
impose it as a solution for vulnerable mothers (e.g., mental
distress, pressure of feeding and caring for her child)
Giving advice to feed the baby with infant formula might
be an easy solution for health staff who did not have enough
time, knowledge and/or skills to support a mother to success-
fully breastfeed her infant
. A study in Wuhan revealed
that only one of every five female physicians and nurses
received any breast-feeding training and coaching after
graduation and their knowledge was surprisingly poor
Breast-feedi ng education, training and coachi ng programmes
in both China and other countries have proven to be effective
in improving knowledge and practice of health staff
It is essential to build capacity of health staff to support moth-
ers from pregnancy, during their hospital stay and after
Moreover, mothers who encountered breast-feeding
difficulties during their hospital stay were more likely to
receive advice to feed the baby with infant formula from
hospitals, modern mass media as well as their family mem-
bers, relatives or friends. Those mothers greatly needed
support to overcome breast-feeding challenge. As dis-
cussed above, a lack of time, capacity and skills of health
workers to support breast-feeding might explain the higher
prevalence of receiving advice of feeding infant formula
from hospitals. Advice of feeding infant formula may come
from multiple sources through modern mass media. First,
BMS manufacturers and distributors are using modern mas s
media to reach more mothers and fathers. The BMS man-
ufacturers and distributors might still make use of existing
traditional mass media in cities such as TV, radio, maga-
zines and books. An adjusted logistic regression model
showed that the prevalence of receiving advice to feed
the baby with infant formula from modern mass media in
big cities was as high as that in non-poor and poor rural
counties but lower than that in small and medium cities.
Predominant platforms of modern mass media were
WeChat moments or QQ chats (50·6 %), maternal and baby
product malls (49·4 %) and organisations or companies
websites, WeChat or Weib o (37·8 %). A recent stud y also
found many infant formula promotions on parenting apps
in China
. Inappropriate promotion of BMS products
through modern mass media is difficult to monitor and
sanction compared with traditional mass media
Specifically, mothers may get advice of infant formula feed-
ing from social media. China has the worlds largest number
of internet users and most active environment for social
. Social media is a good channel in China as com-
puters, tablets, smart phones and internet plans are acces-
sible and affordable, as well as popular among members of
younger generations
. Infant feeding advice from family
members (especially spouses) and friends might shape the
practices of the mothers directly or indirectly through daily
interactions and use of social media. Thus, future interven-
tions should include immediate social networks of mothers
especially their family members
Third, since abolishment of the Measure in 2017, only
the Maternal and Infant Health Care Law and its
Implementation Measures
and the Advertising Law
have provisions regarding the regulation of the inappropri-
ate marketing of BMS in China. There are still major gaps in
these two laws compared with the requirem ents of the
Code and in view of the actual needs for regulating the mar-
keting of BMS in China. The current report from WHO,
UNICEF and IBFAN shows that policies in China cover only
few provisions of the Code and has big gaps in informa-
tional/educational materials, promotion to general public,
promotion in health care facilities, engagement with
health workers and systems, labelling, monitoring and
. China would benefit from strengthening
policies and regulations in alignment with the Code
because it would create a legal corridor for breast-feeding
promotion, protection and supports in all settings
. For
example, giving free sample and advice on using BMS in
health facilities and point-of-sales would then become
illegal and be regulated
. In addition to regulating tradi-
tional media, modern mass media should be regulated
. To monitor contents in modern mass media, max-
imising the role of international and governmental organi-
sations, civil society groups in report violations can be an
effective measure
. Given BMS companies are using
and sponsoring groups or individuals to use modern media
channels to promote their products, media firms should
ensure the contents are compliant to the Code and national
Strengths and limitations
Compared with previous studies, the current study has sev-
eral strengths. Firstly, by using data from a large sample of
Promotion of infant formula in China 1985 Published online by Cambridge University Press
mothers from various locations and of different socio-
economic status, it provides updated information on the
marketing of BMS in China and compares promotional tac-
tics of BMS manufacturers and distributors across different
locations. Secondly, limiting the sample to mothers of infants
09 months reduced recall bias of exposure to infant for-
mula promotion. However, the current study also faced sev-
eral limitations. Health systems in twelve sample sites
selected in the first stage have comparatively higher levels
of executive capacity, which may be correlated with their
capacity to provide a better supporting environment for
maternal and child health. Thus, cautions are needed when
generalising results suggested in the current study nationally
and comparing these results with existing literature. Second,
responses of mothers may still suffer from recall bias and
social desirability bias. Third, the cross-sectional nature of
the current study might suggest the possible associations
between the place of residence or socio-economic status
with the exposure to infant formula promotion rather than
confirm the association. However, the reverse association
would be small: it is more likely that a BMS manufacturer
or distributor targets a certain group of mothers than expo-
sure to infant formula promotion changes the place of resi-
dence or socio-economic status of the mothers. Fourth,
although we capture key information relating to BMS, the
content of our questionnaire was not as exhaustive as the
complete list of the WHOs NetCode Assessment Module
Nonetheless, we captured two main aspects of infant formula
promotion: free samples and advice to feed the baby with
infant formula. Also, several questions are left unanswered
by the survey. For example, it is not clear who recommended
the formula in the hospitals, whether they received antenatal
and postnatal care at the same hospital where they deliver.
In conclusion, the promotion of infant formula in the form
of free sam ples and advice is common in surveyed areas in
China. The promotion has targeted women from different
socio-economic groups, place of residence and at various
time points such as during pregnancy, delivery, postnatal
period and beyond . The study findings would suggest
the need to strengthen regulation and enforcement of the
Code that restricts the promotion of BMS, especially within
health facilities and through modern forms of media. The
local government, health sector, media, civil groups, moth-
ers and family members in less urbanised areas should also
be prepared to protect recommended breast-feeding prac-
tices and against the negative effect of BMS promotion.
Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Joy Del Rosso,
Jessica Escobar-Alegria, Sujata Bose and Andres Martinez
from Alive & Thrive/FHI 360 Headquarters for their com-
ments and suggestions to improve this manuscript.
Financial support: The study was partially funded by the
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to China Development
Research Foundation (grant number OPP1152715) and
Alive & Thrive (grant number OPP50838). Conflict of inter-
est: None of the authors had a conflict of interest related to
any part of the current study or manuscript. Authorship:
The authors responsibilities were as follow s: J.L., T.T.N.
and Z.Y. designed the study; Y.D. and Z.Y. collected the
data; J.L. and T.T.N. analysed the data; J.L., T.T.N., Z.Y.
and R.M. interpreted the data; J.L. and T.T.N. drafted this
manuscript and R.M., Y.D. and Z.Y. provided critical intel-
lectual feedback to help revise the manuscript. All authors
have read and approved the final manuscript. Ethics of
human subject participation: The current study was con-
ducted according to the guidelines laid down in the
Declaration of Helsinki and all procedures involving
research study participants were approved by the
Medical Research Ethnics Committee at the National
Institute for Nutrition and Health at the Chinese Center
for Disease Control and Prevention (NINH, China CDC).
Written informed consent was obtained from all subjects.
Supplementary material
For supplementary material accompanying this paper
please visit
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