fnut-09-1041065 November 1, 2022 Time: 8:16 # 1
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 28 October 2022
DOI 10.3389/fnut.2022.1041065
Mary A. Uyoga,
North-West University, South Africa
Laura Galante,
University of Turku, Finland
Masahide Hamaguchi,
Kyoto Prefectural University
of Medicine, Japan
Tuan T. Nguyen
This article was submitted to
Nutritional Epidemiology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Nutrition
RECEIVED 10 September 2022
ACCEPTED 10 October 2022
PUBLISHED 28 October 2022
Nguyen TT, Cashin J, Tran HT,
Hoang TA, Mathisen R, Weissman A
and Murray JCS (2022) Birth and
newborn care policies and practices
limit breastfeeding at maternity
facilities in Vietnam.
Front. Nutr. 9:1041065.
doi: 10.3389/fnut.2022.1041065
© 2022 Nguyen, Cashin, Tran, Hoang,
Mathisen, Weissman and Murray. This
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Birth and newborn care policies
and practices limit breastfeeding
at maternity facilities in Vietnam
Tuan T. Nguyen
, Jennifer Cashin
, Hoang T. Tran
Tuan A. Hoang
, Roger Mathisen
, Amy Weissman
John C. S. Murray
Alive & Thrive East Asia Pacific, FHI 360, Hanoi, Vietnam,
Alive & Thrive East Asia Pacific, FHI 360,
Washington, DC, United States,
Neonatal Unit and Human Milk Bank, Department of Pediatrics,
School of Medicine and Pharmacy, Da Nang Hospital for Women and Children, The University of Da
Nang, Da Nang, Vietnam,
Department of Maternal and Child Health, Vietnam Ministry of Health,
Hanoi, Vietnam,
Asia Pacific Regional Office, FHI 360, Bangkok, Thailand,
Researcher, Iowa City, IA, United States
The prevalence of early and exclusive breastfeeding in Vietnam remains sub-
optimal. The objective of this study was to determine factors associated with
early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) and exclusive breastfeeding for the first
3 days after birth (EBF3D). We conducted a population-based, cross-sectional
survey of 726 mothers with children aged 0–11 months in two provinces and
one municipality from May to July 2020. Multinomial logistic regression was
used to examine factors associated with EIBF and EBF3D. The prevalence of
EIBF was 39.7% and EBF3D 18.0%. The EIBF prevalence is positively associated
with immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact (SSC) for 10–29 min
(aOR: 2.55; 95% CI: 1.49, 4.37), 30–59 min (aOR: 4.15; 95% CI: 2.08, 8.27),
60–80 min (aOR: 4.35; 95% CI: 1.50, 12.6), or 90 min (aOR: 5.87; 95% CI:
3.14, 10.98). EIBF was negatively associated with cesarean birth (aOR: 0.24;
95% CI: 0.11, 0.51), bringing infant formula to the birth facility (aOR: 0.49; 95%
CI: 0.30, 0.78), purchased it after arrival (aOR: 0.37; 95% CI: 0.24, 0.60), or
did both (aOR: 0.43; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.89). EBF3D was negatively associated
with cesarean section birth (aOR: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.39), vaginal birth with
episiotomy (aOR: 0.40; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.88), bringing formula to the maternity
facility (aOR: 0.03; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.07), purchased it after arrival (aOR: 0.02; 95%
CI: 0.01, 0.06) or did both (aOR: 0.04; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.10). Receiving counseling
from any source was not significantly associated with early breastfeeding
practices. Policy and health service delivery interventions should be directed at
eliminating infant formula from birthing environments, reducing unnecessary
cesarean sections and episiotomies, providing immediate and uninterrupted
SSC for all births, and improving breastfeeding counseling and support.
early essential newborn care, early initiation breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding,
maternity facilities, newborn, policy, the Code, Vietnam
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Breastfeeding is natures perfect food system and the
biological norm for feeding human infants and young children
(1). Early initiation of breastfeeding (EIBF) within the first
hour of life and exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) up to 6 months
are associated with reduced child morbidity and mortality and
provide long-term benefits for both mother and child (2
4). Although almost all mothers are biologically capable of
breastfeeding their children (5) and 95% of babies globally
receive some breastmilk, breastfeeding practices remain sub-
optimal (6). Countries in East Asia and the Pacific have lower
prevalence rates of EIBF (38%), exclusive breastfeeding for the
first 2 days after birth (57%), and EBF up to 6 months (31%)
compared to corresponding global rates of 48, 65, and 44% (7,
8). In Vietnam, rates of EIBF fell nationally between 2011 and
2020 from 39.7 to 23.5% (9, 10); and bottle-feeding rates rose
(from 38.7 to 54.3%) (9, 10). Further, the cesarean section rate
rose from 20.0% nationally in 2011 to 33.4% in 2020, with rates
in some cities above 50.0% (911), a trend that is likely to further
reduce the likelihood of breastfeeding (1215).
These declines have occurred in Vietnam despite efforts
since the 1990s to put in place policies to protect, promote,
and support breastfeeding (16, 17). A number of policies and
regulations have been adopted, including: national legislation on
the Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes (“the Code”)
(1820); public and private hospital accreditation standards
that promote the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (21);
early essential newborn care practice standards for vaginal
and cesarean births, a package of evidence-based interventions
applied in the second stage of labor and early newborn
period to improve maternal and newborn outcomes, including
early and exclusive breastfeeding (2225); policies promoting
breastfeeding counseling and support from pregnancy through
the first 2 years of life (25); and designation criteria
and assessment mechanisms for Centers of Excellence for
Breastfeeding (26).
Early initiation of breastfeeding and EBF for 6 months are
associated with several individual factors including maternal
education, type of work, parity, smoking, race, and ethnicity;
as well as practices during and immediately following childbirth
(2729). Health service-related factors around childbirth known
to influence breastfeeding include cesarean birth, episiotomy,
immediate and uninterrupted skin-to-skin contact (SSC) of
adequate duration, rooming-in of mother and newborn, and
breastfeeding counseling (2729). EIBF and EBF at hospital
discharge are associated with EBF up to 6 months and continued
breastfeeding (3034). Aggressive marketing of commercial
milk formula for infants, children, and pregnant women
impedes breastfeeding and the provision of breastfeeding
support by health workers (2729, 3538).
Given Vietnam’s high institutional birth rate (96.3% in
2020) (10), health facility environments and health worker
behaviors play important roles in influencing early and
exclusive breastfeeding around the time of birth. Adoption
of early essential newborn care protocols in studies of
maternity hospitals in Vietnam has been associated with
improved early and exclusive breastfeeding practices prior
to discharge (24, 34). However, there are limited data
on how widely these protocols are being implemented.
Additionally, the impact of factors around childbirth on post-
discharge breastfeeding practices has not been documented
in a population-based sample of women. Population-based
data from a study investigating breastfeeding promotion,
protection and support in Vietnam provided an opportunity
to examine factors associated with early and exclusive
breastfeeding in a representative sample of Vietnamese women
(39). The primary objective of this study was to identify
maternal and health system factors, including antenatal care
and birth practices, which were associated with early and
exclusive breastfeeding in the first 3 days after birth. The
goal was to use these findings to identify policy and
program interventions to address priority barriers to improve
breastfeeding practices in Vietnam.
Materials and methods
Sample and data sources
Primary data collection was conducted for a population-
based, cross-sectional study reviewing the content,
implementation, and potential impact of policies to protect,
promote, and support breastfeeding in Vietnam. The design
was a population-based, cross-sectional observational survey
using both quantitative and qualitative methods. Data were
collected between May and July 2020. Details of study design,
sampling and data collection tools (Supplementary material)
were presented in a research protocol (39) published prior to
the data analysis.
The sampling frame included two provinces and one
municipality selected to be representative of the different socio-
economic characteristics of Vietnam: Bac Ninh, a province
that is transforming from a predominantly agricultural to a
more industrialized province in Red River Delta Region (north),
with an estimated population of 1,380,000 of which 28% is
urban; Binh Duong, a predominantly industrial province in
the Southeastern Region (south) with an estimated population
of 2,460,000 of which 80% is urban; and Ho Chi Minh City
(HCMC), the most populous city in Vietnam (south), with an
estimated population of 9,040,000 of which 80% is urban (40).
In 2019, there were about 34,200 live births in Bac Ninh, 43,200
in Binh Duong, and 127,400 in HCMC (40).
A stratified multiple-stage cluster sampling design was used
to obtain an estimated minimum sample size of 620 mothers
of children 0–11 months (38, 39). Within each study location,
all sub-districts were divided into three categories: industrial
zone, urban without an industrial zone, and rural without an
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industrial zone; in each category, one district was randomly
sampled. Within each sampled district all sub-districts were
listed, and ten sub-districts randomly selected; and within each
sub-district all mothers of infants aged 0–11 months were listed
using immunization records provided by community health
workers. Mothers of infants aged 0–11 months were then
selected using systematic random sampling. Because the lists
used for sampling were from immunization records, the sample
included both permanent and temporary residents (i.e., migrant
workers) of the selected sub-districts.
Health workers contacted selected mothers and invited them
to participate. If the sampled woman was unable or unwilling
to participate in the survey, she was replaced by another
woman randomly selected from the sub-district list. The non-
response rate was 14.6%. Those who agreed to participate were
contacted by the research coordinators who arranged a time for
a household visit (38, 39). Evaluators visited sampled households
in pairs and obtained written consent from all participants. All
interviews were conducted using a structured questionnaire in
Vietnamese by a team of two trained supervisors in a private
and quiet place with the mother of the child alone (i.e., without
the presence of father, grandmother, or other caregivers).
Quantitative data from mothers were collected electronically
using tablets and uploaded daily to a secure cloud-based server.
A data manager downloaded the data from the cloud-based
server and conducted frequent data quality checks (39).
Definition of variables
Dependent variables
The main outcome variables for this analysis were EIBF
and exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 days after birth
(EBF3D) (41, 42) among infants <12 months, which can be
affected by early practices and facility support around birth.
EIBF was defined as infants who were put to the breast for the
first time within 1 h of birth (41, 42). The mother was asked
“How soon after birth did you put (NAME) to the breast for the
first time?” and if she responded with a time less than 1 h, was
defined as practicing EIBF.
Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 days after birth
was defined as infants who were fed exclusively with breast
milk for the first 3 days after birth. The interviewers asked the
mothers whether their infant had received any of the following
in the first 3 days of birth: breastmilk, breastmilk from another
woman, infant formula/other infant milk, plain water, honey,
sugar or glucose water, lemon juice/herbal tea (e.g., licorice
root), and any other food or drink. A mother who responded yes
to human milk and no to any other food or drink was defined as
practicing EBF3D.
Independent variables
Independent variables for analysis were selected if they were
collected by the survey data collection tools and had been
associated or potentially associated with breastfeeding outcomes
in the World Health Organization (WHO) data synthesis
reviews developed using the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation methodology (32,
43), namely: antenatal care (ANC) contacts, mode of birth
(cesarean section, vaginal with or without episiotomy), SSC,
breastfeeding before separation, rooming-in of mother and
newborn, intention to use infant formula in the perinatal period,
distribution of infant formula samples during the facility stay,
and several sociodemographic characteristics.
Birth mode was defined by using two questions: “Did you
have a cesarean section when you gave birth to (NAME)?” and
for those who had vaginal birth “Did you have an episiotomy
when you gave birth to (NAME)?” Respondents were then
grouped into one of three mutually exclusive categories based
on their responses: (1) Vaginal birth without episiotomy, (2)
Vaginal birth with episiotomy, and (3) Cesarean birth.
Skin-to-skin contact was defined by using three questions:
“After giving birth, was (NAME) placed on your chest skin to
skin?, “How long did it take from (NAME)’s first cry until
(he/she) was put onto your chest?, and “For how long was
(NAME) kept skin to skin on your chest with you with no break
or separation?” Respondents were then grouped into one of six
mutually exclusive categories based on their responses: (1) Not
applied or applied after 1 min and (2) applied within 1 min and
uninterrupted for (a) <10 min, (b) 10–29 min, (c) 30–59 min,
(d) 60–89 min, and (e) at least 90 min (29, 32).
Intention to use infant formula during the perinatal period
was indirectly defined by using two questions: “Did you or your
family member bring any infant formula to the health facility
when you gave birth to (NAME)?” and “Did you or your family
member purchase any infant formula at or near the health
facility shortly after you gave birth to (NAME)?” Respondents
were then grouped into one of four mutually exclusive categories
based on their responses: (1) Did not bring or purchase, (2)
Brought, (3) Purchased, and (4) Brought and purchased (38).
Antenatal care received was defined by both type of provider
and number of care visits received during pregnancy. Women
were asked whether they visited public or private facilities for
each ANC visit and the type of facility categorized into public
health facilities only, both public and private health facilities,
and private health facilities only. The number ANC visits made
between the beginning of pregnancy and birth was categorized
into 0–3, 4–7, and at least 8 times (25, 44).
Birthweight was reported by the mother, and newborns
weighing less than 2,500 g were classified as low birth weight.
Gestational age was defined as the number of weeks of
pregnancy reported by the mother at the time of the birth of
their baby; babies born at less than 37 weeks of gestation were
defined as preterm (45). The number of previous child(ren) was
identified by subtracting one from the total number of child(ren)
the mother had. It was then categorized into zero (first child),
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one and two or more. In addition, we included the sex of the
child (male or female) in the analysis.
Advice received on breastfeeding during pregnancy and in
the first 3 days after birth by a health worker or lay person
was defined as any verbal information, counseling, observation
and breastfeeding assessment with feedback or any other
information received, as reported by the mother.
Socio-economic characteristics of participating women
included age (years), ethnicity (Kinh, the ethnic majority group
in Vietnam, and other ethnicities), marital status (married
or unmarried), education (never attended school, primary
school, junior secondary school, secondary school, diploma
or postgraduate), and employment status (farmer, blue-collar,
white-collar, small trader or self-employed, and unemployed,
homemaker, student or other) (38).
Data analysis
Data analysis was performed using Stata 15.1 (Stata
Inc., College Station, TX, USA). For descriptive analysis, we
analyzed general characteristics, experience during ANC and
feeding practices in the first 3 days after birth. We conducted
multinomial logistic regression to examine associations between
exposure variables and EIBF and EBF3D controlled for potential
confounding factors and adjusted for clustering [e.g., province
or municipality and the 30 primary sampling units (PSUs)
within each province] by using the robust option. We neither
estimated sampling weights nor used them in the analysis
because our primary focus was on the assessment of association
rather than the estimation of prevalence (39). For EBF3D, in
addition to variables included in the regression model for EIBF,
we included the following variables: EIBF, completion of the first
breastfeed before separation, rooming-in, and receipt of a free
infant formula sample during hospital stay.
A total of 726 interviews with mothers with infants aged 0–
11 months (infants) were completed. Of the 726 mothers, 95.3%
were of Kinh ethnicity; and the remaining ethnicities were Hoa
(1.1%), Khmer (1.1%), Muong (0.8%), Nung (0.7%), Tay (0.6%),
Cham (0.1%), Tho (0.1%), and Xtieng (0.1%) (Table 1). Ninety-
nine percent (98.9%) of mothers were married, 62.8% had a
secondary diploma or higher, and 23.1% had a white-collar job
(Table 1).
While most mothers in our sample (98.9%) report
breastfeeding their newborns during the first 3 days of life,
only 39.7% initiated breastfeeding in the first hour after birth
(Table 2). Mothers from HCMC were more likely to report EIBF
(53.1%) while those from Bac Ninh were least likely (30.2%)
(Table 2). During the first 3 days of life, 90.8% of mothers fed
their newborns with their own breastmilk, 1.1% with breastmilk
from other mothers (either donor human milk from a milk bank
or wet nursing), and 3.3% from both (Table 2).
Less than one fifth (18.0%) of mothers reported EBF3D:
the prevalence was higher in Binh Duong and HCMC at 23.7
and 23.5%, respectively, than in Bac Ninh (7.0%) (Table 2).
Infant formula was the most common supplement provided to
newborns in the first 3 days of life, with 79.3% of mothers across
the three provinces (72.0% in HCMC, 73.4% in Binh Duong, and
92.6% in Bac Ninh) reporting that they provided infant formula
to their newborns during this period. Provision of plain water
(16.4%) was the second most common supplement, which was
given on its own in 2.1% of cases and used to mix formula for
the remainder (Table 2). Provision of honey (3.3), sugar water
(0.7%), and lemon juice (0.1%) was far less common (Table 2).
Sampled women were more likely to seek antenatal care
ANC in a private health facility (35.5%) and a mix of public
and private facilities (35.5%) than public facilities (24.2%);
and 71.3% of mothers reported four or more ANC visits
(Table 3). Nearly three quarters of respondents (72.6%) reported
consuming commercial milk formula for pregnant women at
least once during their pregnancy (Table 3), with a similar
prevalence across provinces. About two thirds of respondents
received breastfeeding guidance from a health worker in a
health facility, with the highest prevalence in HCMC followed
by Binh Duong, and lowest in Bac Ninh (Table 3). Nearly
two thirds (59.1%) received breastfeeding advice from another
person, mainly mothers or mothers-in-law, husband, other
family members, neighbors, friends, and co-workers (Table 3).
In our sample, 28.5% of mothers were first-time mothers
(Table 3).
Eighty-nine percent of women gave birth in public health
facilities (59.2% in a public hospital; 29.5% in a public polyclinic)
(Table 4). A high proportion of newborns were born at term
(94.2%), heavier than 2,500 g (95.3%), and birthed by cesarean
(44.6%) or vaginally with an episiotomy (46.1%); 9.2% were
birthed vaginally without an episiotomy. Birth practices were
similar across provinces. Overall, 49.3% of mothers reported
immediate (within 1 min after birth) SSC, with 27.8 receiving
uninterrupted SSC for less than 30 min and 11.6% receiving
uninterrupted SSC for the recommended 90 min (Table 4). The
prevalence of immediate and prolonged SSC for 90 min was
highest in HCMC (18.1%), then Binh Duong (16.2%) and lowest
in Bac Ninh (0.4%) (Table 4).
The prevalence of EIBF showed an increased trend with
the duration of SSC, rising from 23.4% among newborns who
did not receive immediate SSC to around 70% among those
who received immediate and uninterrupted SSC for at least
90 min (Figure 1). The prevalence of EBF3D also showed an
increased trend with the duration of SSC, rising from 12.5%
among newborns who did not receive immediate SSC to 42.9%
among those receiving 60–89 min of uninterrupted SSC, and
34.5% of those receiving over 90 min (Figure 1).
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A third (29.9%) of newborns completed their first breastfeed
before being separated from their mothers and 66.0% stayed
with their mothers from birth (rooming-in) (Table 4). Many
mothers (87.9%) reported bringing infant formula or buying it
near the maternity facility; and 5.9% reported receiving an infant
formula sample during their stay at the facility (Table 4). Just
over half (55.2%) of mothers reported receiving breastfeeding
counseling and support from a health worker during their
hospital stay. More mothers in HCMC received breastfeeding
support by a health worker during the hospital stay (70.0%) than
Binh Duong (59.3%), and Bac Ninh (36.4%) (Table 4). About
one in four mothers (27.0%) received breastfeeding advice from
another person, mainly from mothers or mothers-in-law during
the first 3 days after birth (Table 4).
Multinomial logistic regression showed that women who
received ANC from a mix of both public and private facilities
were significantly less likely (aOR: 0.59; 95% CI: 0.40, 0.87)
to initiate breastfeeding within the first hour than those who
received ANC at public health facilities only (Table 5). The
likelihood of EIBF was significantly lower among those who gave
birth via cesarean (aOR: 0.24; 95% CI: 0.11, 0.51), brought infant
formula to the maternity facility (aOR: 0.49; 95% CI: 0.30, 0.78),
purchased it after arrival (aOR: 0.37; 95% CI: 0.24, 0.60), or did
both (aOR: 0.43; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.89) (Table 5). Mothers were less
likely to practice EIBF in Binh Duong (aOR: 0.42; 95% CI: 0.22,
0.83) and Bac Ninh (aOR: 0.44; 95% CI: 0.21, 0.94) than those
from HCMC. EIBF was significantly more likely if immediate
and uninterrupted SSC was applied for 10–29 min (aOR: 2.55;
95% CI: 1.49, 4.37), 30–59 min (aOR: 4.15; 95% CI: 2.08, 8.27),
TABLE 1 Socio-economic characteristics of mothers of infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam 2020
(n = 243)
Binh Duong
(n = 241)
Bac Ninh
(n = 242)
(n = 726)
Kinh ethnicity 95.1 95.4 95.5 95.3
Age (Mean ± SD; median, p25–p75) 30.7 ± 5.7
31 (27–35)
29.5 ± 5.3
30 (26–33)
29 ± 5.3
29 (25–33)
29.7 ± 5.5
29 (26–34)
Marital status, Married 97.9 99.2 99.6 98.9
Highest level of education:
Primary school or less 18.9 18.3 8.7 15.3
Junior secondary school 26.3 24.5 14.9 21.9
Secondary school 25.5 24.1 30.2 26.6
Diploma, bachelor, or higher 29.2 33.2 46.3 36.2
Main occupation:
Blue-collar or farmer 28.4 35.7 30.6 31.5
White-collar 18.5 22.0 28.9 23.1
Small trader, self-employed, small self-owned business, services 30.5 18.7 32.6 27.3
Unemployed, homemaker, student 22.6 23.7 7.9 18.3
Data presented as % except for age presented as mean ± Standard Deviation (SD) and median and interquartile range. HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City.
TABLE 2 Feeding practices in the first 3 days after birth reported by mothers of infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam, 2020
(n = 243)
Binh Duong
(n = 241)
Bac Ninh
(n = 242)
(n = 726)
Early initiation of breastfeeding 53.1 35.7 30.2 39.7
Exclusive breastfeeding for the first 3 days after birth 23.5 23.7 7.0 18.0
Food and drink given in the first 3 days after birth:
Human milk:
Any 93.4 92.5 89.7 91.9
Mothers’ own milk 93.0 90.5 88.8 90.8
Milk from another mother 3.3 3.3 6.6 4.4
Infant formula/other infant milk 72.0 73.4 92.6 79.3
Plain water 20.6 21.2 7.4 16.4
Honey 4.9 4.6 0.4 3.3
Sugar or glucose water 0.8 1.2 0.0 0.7
Lemon juice/herbal tea (e.g., licorice root) 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1
Data presented as %. HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City.
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TABLE 3 Experience during pregnancy reported by the mothers of infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam, 2020
(n = 243)
Binh Duong
(n = 241)
Bac Ninh
(n = 242)
(n = 726)
Places of antenatal care visits:
Public hospital only 37.4 28.2 7.0 24.2
Both public and private hospital or clinic 25.5 29.5 51.7 35.5
Private hospital or clinic only 37.0 42.3 41.3 40.2
The number of antenatal care visits
0–3 times 6.2 7.5 56.6 23.4
4–7 times 21.4 17.8 25.2 21.5
8 times 72.4 74.7 18.2 55.1
Used commercial milk formula for pregnant women 68.7 79.7 69.4 72.6
Received breastfeeding advice by a health worker from a health facility 81.1 67.2 50.4 66.3
Received breastfeeding advice by another person: 65.8 62.2 49.2 59.1
Mother or mother-in-law 56.0 53.5 39.3 49.6
Husband 22.6 21.6 9.9 18.0
Other family members 24.3 37.3 19.4 27.0
Neighbors, friends, or co-workers 23.0 24.9 21.1 23.0
Nutrition collaborator 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.3
Hamlet health worker 0.4 0.0 2.9 1.1
Women union staff 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1
Number of the previous child(ren)
Zero (this was the first child) 30.5 32.4 22.7 28.5
1 52.3 47.7 39.7 46.6
2 17.3 19.9 37.6 24.9
Data presented as %. HCMC, Ho Chi Minh City.
60–80 min (aOR: 4.35; 95% CI: 1.50, 12.6), or 90 min (aOR:
5.87; 95% CI: 3.14, 10.98). In addition, women who had one
child (aOR: 1.96; 95% CI: 1.26, 3.04) or two or more children
(aOR: 2.41; 95% CI: 1.26, 4.61) were significantly more likely
to practice EIBF than mothers giving birth to their first child
(Table 5). No other variables showed significant relationships
with EIBF.
Exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 days after birth
was less likely among mothers who gave birth by cesarean
section (aOR: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.39), had a vaginal birth
with episiotomy (aOR: 0.40; 95% CI: 0.18, 0.88), brought infant
formula to the maternity facility (aOR: 0.03; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.07),
purchased it after arrival (aOR: 0.02; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.06) or
did both (aOR: 0.04; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.10) (Table 5). Women
who had a primary school or less education were less likely to
practice EBF3D (aOR: 0.22; 95% CI: 0.09, 0.56), as were those
who received a free infant formula sample during their hospital
stay (aOR: 0.12; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.55) (Table 5). No other variables
showed significant relationships with the prevalence of EBF3D.
This study of 726 mothers with infants aged 0–11 months
from provinces representative of the socio-economic
characteristics of Vietnam found a low prevalence of EIBF
(39.7%) and EBF3D (18.0%), and high prevalence of infant
formula use (79.3%). Rates of cesarean birth (44.6%) and
vaginal births with episiotomy (46.1%) were high. Forty-nine
percent of mothers received immediate SSC after birth and
11.6% uninterrupted SSC for the recommended duration
of 90 min or more.
In univariate analysis both EIBF and EBF3D showed an
increased trend with the duration of SSC, with prolonged SSC of
90 min associated with an EIBF prevalence of 70% and EBF3D
of 34%. Eighty-eight percent of mothers brought formula to
the birth hospital or purchased it after arrival. All women in
this population received ANC, with 55% receiving at least eight
contacts and most gave birth at public health facilities. Most
babies were normal birthweight and term. We found that EIBF
was significantly less likely among women who received ANC
at both public and private facilities, gave birth by cesarean,
brought formula to the birth facility, or purchased it after
arrival, or lived in Binh Duong province. EIBF was 2.49–5.66
times more likely if immediate and uninterrupted SSC was
applied 10–90 min after birth; and among women with one
or more children. EBF3D was significantly less likely among
mothers who gave birth by cesarean section, had a vaginal
birth with episiotomy, brought formula to the birth facility
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TABLE 4 Experience during the perinatal period reported by mothers of infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam 2020
(n = 243)
Binh Duong
(n = 241)
Bac Ninh
(n = 242)
(n = 726)
Public hospital (provincial and central levels) 61.7 65.1 50.8 59.2
Public polyclinic, district health center 26.3 18.7 43.4 29.5
Private hospital 11.9 16.2 5.8 11.3
Sex of newborn
Female 51.0 47.7 43.0 47.2
Male 49.0 52.3 57.0 52.8
Birthweight of 2,500 g or heavier 95.9 93.8 96.3 95.3
Birthweight (g)Mean ± SD, median (p25–p75) 3,185 ± 428
3,163 ± 446
3,250 ± 418
3,199 ± 432
Gestational age:
Gestational age of 37 weeks or longer 92.2 95.4 95.0 94.2
Gestational age (weeks)Mean ± SD, median (p25–p75) 38.6 ± 1.4
39 (38–40)
38.8 ± 1.6
39 (38–40)
38.9 ± 1.3
39 (38–40)
38.7 ± 1.4
39 (38–40)
Birth mode:
Vaginal birth without episiotomy 11.5 5.8 10.3 9.2
Vaginal birth with episiotomy 42.8 50.6 45.0 46.1
Cesarean birth 45.7 43.6 44.6 44.6
Skin-to-skin contact:
None or later than 1 min 48.1 47.7 56.2 50.7
Within 1 min any duration 51.9 52.3 43.8 49.3
<10 min 8.6 8.7 21.9 13.1
10–29 min 14.0 14.1 16.1 14.7
30–59 min 7.0 9.1 5.0 7.0
60–89 min 4.1 4.1 0.4 2.9
90 min 18.1 16.2 0.4 11.6
Completed first breastfeed before being separated from mothers 46.5 30.3 12.8 29.9
Rooming-in 54.7 57.7 85.5 66.0
Brought or purchased infant formula by the health facility of birth:
Did not bring or purchase 17.3 14.9 4.1 12.1
Brought 45.3 24.9 64.5 44.9
Purchased 31.3 55.6 19.4 35.4
Brought and purchased 6.2 4.6 12.0 7.6
Received free infant formula sample during the hospital stay 7.0 7.5 3.3 5.9
Received breastfeeding advice by a health worker during the hospital stay 70.0 59.3 36.4 55.2
Received breastfeeding advice by another person during the hospital stay: 30.5 19.9 30.6 27.0
Mother or mother-in-law 25.1 17.4 26.9 23.1
Husband 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.7
Other family members 9.1 2.5 6.6 6.1
Neighbors, friends, or co-workers 2.1 1.2 1.2 1.5
Nutrition collaborator 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1
Hamlet health worker 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1
Women union staff 0 0 0 0
Data presented as % except for birthweight and gestational age presented as mean ± SD.
or purchased it after arrival, and who received a free infant
formula sample during their hospital stay. Mothers who had a
primary school or less education were significantly less likely
to practice EBF3D.
The association of cesarean birth and episiotomy with
reduced likelihood of early and exclusive breastfeeding is
consistent with previous studies (12, 13, 33, 46, 47). Cesarean
births are well recognized as a barrier to successful breastfeeding
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TABLE 5 Multinomial logistic regression analysis of the relationship between key variables and breastfeeding practices reported by mothers of
infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam 2020
Early initiation of Exclusive breastfeeding for the
breastfeeding (n = 726) first 3 days after birth (n = 726)
aOR 95% CI aOR 95% CI
Place of antenatal care visits:
Public hospital only 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
Both public and private hospital/clinic 0.59** (0.40, 0.87) 0.89 (0.45, 1.74)
Private hospital only 0.68 (0.44, 1.05) 1.23 (0.69, 2.17)
The number of antenatal care visits
0–3 times 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
4–7 times 1.03 (0.61, 1.74) 0.74 (0.38, 1.42)
8 times 1.79 (0.86, 3.72) 1.27 (0.46, 3.53)
Received breastfeeding advice during
antenatal visits from a facility-based
health worker
1.36 (0.95, 1.95) 1.30 (0.63, 2.69)
Newborn characteristics
Sex of newborn
Female 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
Male 1.30 (0.92, 1.83) 1.00 (0.58, 1.73)
Birthweight of 2,500 g or heavier 2.40 (0.73, 7.87) 1.04 (0.26, 4.17)
Gestation age of 37 weeks or longer 1.15 (0.53, 2.48) 1.23 (0.62, 2.46)
Birth mode:
Vaginal birth without episiotomy 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
Vaginal birth with episiotomy 0.75 (0.39, 1.46) 0.40* (0.18, 0.88)
Cesarean birth 0.24*** (0.11, 0.51) 0.15*** (0.06, 0.39)
Skin-to-skin contact:
None or later than 1 min 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
<10 min 1.42 (0.75, 2.67) 0.61 (0.20, 1.85)
10–29 min 2.55*** (1.49, 4.37) 0.69 (0.29, 1.63)
30–59 min 4.15*** (2.08, 8.27) 1.19 (0.48, 3.00)
60–89 min 4.35** (1.50, 12.60) 1.04 (0.28, 3.88)
90 min 5.87*** (3.14, 10.98) 1.35 (0.43, 4.23)
Brought or purchased infant
formula at the health facility at the
time of birth:
Did not bring or purchase 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
Brought 0.49** (0.30, 0.78) 0.03*** (0.01, 0.07)
Purchased 0.37*** (0.24, 0.60) 0.02*** (0.01, 0.06)
Brought and purchased 0.43* (0.21, 0.89) 0.04*** (0.02, 0.10)
Received breastfeeding advice after
birth from a facility-based health
1.47 (0.92, 2.34) 1.39 (0.75, 2.59)
Number of the previous child(ren)
Zero (this was the first child) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
1 1.96** (1.26, 3.04) 1.48 (0.71, 3.08)
2 2.41** (1.26, 4.61) 1.80 (0.60, 5.33)
Highest level of education:
Primary school or less 0.69 (0.36, 1.32) 0.22** (0.09, 0.56)
Junior secondary school 0.87 (0.45, 1.69) 1.51 (0.57, 3.95)
Secondary school 1.31 (0.78, 2.20) 1.08 (0.52, 2.27)
Diploma, bachelors or higher 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
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TABLE 5 (Continued)
Early initiation of Exclusive breastfeeding for the
breastfeeding (n = 726) first 3 days after birth (n = 726)
aOR 95% CI aOR 95% CI
Place of residence:
Ho Chi Minh City 1.00 (1.00, 1.00) 1.00 (1.00, 1.00)
Binh Duong 0.42* (0.22, 0.83) 1.43 (0.81, 2.51)
Bac Ninh 0.44* (0.21, 0.94) 0.48 (0.20, 1.15)
Early initiation of
1.47 (0.76, 2.85)
Completed first breastfeed
before being separated from
1.26 (0.66, 2.43)
Rooming-in 1.12 (0.62, 2.00)
Received free commercial
milk formula sample during
the hospital stay
0.12** (0.02, 0.55)
Data from the Code impact study in Vietnam in 2020. Values are adjusted odds ratios (aOR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (95% CI) from Multinomial logistic regression, controlled
for use of commercial milk formula for pregnant women, received breastfeeding advice from lay person during antenatal visits, type of birthplace (public/private health facility), received
breastfeeding advice from a lay person after birth, mothers’ ethnicity, age, and main occupation. We used robust option to account for clustering. Significantly different from the null value
(aOR = 1; two-sided t-tests): *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) and breastfeeding practices reported by mothers of infants 0–11 months, three provinces, Vietnam, 2020.
for a number of reasons including: early separation of
newborns to neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) or nurseries
for observation (24), staff concerns that immediate SSC or
breastfeeding will compromise the procedure, reduce the safety
of mothers and babies, or add to their work burden; physical
organization of the operating room; lack of coordination and
communication between anesthesiology and obstetrics staff;
and the belief that maternal pain after the procedure makes
breastfeeding difficult (48, 49). However, data from Vietnam and
elsewhere show that SSC can be introduced successfully with
cesarean section, is safe for both mothers and newborns, and
can decrease NICU admissions, improve newborn outcomes,
increase maternal satisfaction and exclusive breastfeeding rates
(31, 5052). Similarly, pain following episiotomy may limit the
comfort of the mother and contribute to reported breastfeeding
difficulties (46).
The significant association between EIBF and the duration
of immediate and uninterrupted SSC is consistent with a
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previous study of in eight countries in Asia and the Pacific,
including Vietnam (29). This association remains significant
even in the presence of remarkably high rates of cesarean
birth, episiotomy, and formula availability at birth facilities
and after controlling for low birthweight and preterm birth.
Readiness to breastfeed is highly variable between newborns,
with the mean time of the first breastfeed around 50 min
postpartum. Because a high proportion of mothers require well
over 1 h to complete feeding, longer periods of uninterrupted
SCC allow this process to be completed (50). SSC promotes
thermoregulation, early and exclusive breastfeeding, bonding,
reduced stress, earlier expulsion of the placenta and reduced
risk of bleeding in the mother among other benefits (31, 50, 51).
By preventing separation, newborns are further protected from
the negative consequences of harmful procedures including
early cord clamping, routine suction, and early bathing, which
may slow down the readiness to breastfeed and have other
negative health impacts (53). SSC is often interrupted for
routine care, including weighing and administration of vitamin
K and vaccines, procedures that can be delayed until after
90 min, and which may further interfere with early breastfeeding
(50). During the COVID-19 pandemic, provision of SSC has
been further negatively impacted by inappropriate national
and international guidance recommending the separation
of mothers and newborns to prevent disease transmission
(54). We found that mothers in HCMC were more likely
to practice EIBF. This may suggest better implementation
of early essential newborn care standards in facilities in
this province and therefore better facility staff preparation,
supportive environments, and counseling practices. Since Tu
Du Hospital, an early implementer of early essential newborn
care is present in HCMC and led hospital coaching in the
South of Vietnam, including in Binh Duong province, this
association may explain improved breastfeeding practice at birth
in southern hospitals (34).
We did not find a statistically significant association
between EBF3D and either EIBF or early and uninterrupted
SSC. It has been noted previously in population studies in
Vietnam that EIBF may not lead to EBF3D (33, 47). However,
this finding is not consistent with data from several studies
that have demonstrated SSC to be associated with increased
likelihood of exclusive breastfeeding from hospital discharge
up to 6 months post birth (31). Data from early essential
newborn care implementing hospitals in Vietnam have shown
that SSC is associated with increased likelihood of exclusive
breastfeeding at discharge in hospitals that have conducted staff
clinical coaching and upgraded environments to support SSC
and early breastfeeding using quality processes (24, 29, 52).
It seems therefore that provider behaviors (e.g., unnecessary
medical procedures and separation of mothers and newborns),
caregiver behaviors (e.g., intention to use formula milk), and
lack of an enabling environment for breastfeeding mitigate
the expected effect of prolonged SSC on EBF3D, even when
breastfeeding is initiated early.
The high proportion of mothers who intended to provide
infant formula to their newborns in the first few days of
life (52.5% brought infant formula to maternity facilities
at birth, 35.4% bought infant formula at and nearby the
hospital) is consistent with previous findings that social norms
both within and outside of the health facility encourage
artificial feeding and low self-efficacy toward breastfeeding
(32). Intention to breastfeed may be influenced by a number
of factors, including family and social norms, work status,
availability of childcare, planned cesarean birth, aggressive
marketing of commercial milk formula; and by a lack of effective
breastfeeding counseling particularly during ANC (5557). This
study found that women with previous children were more
likely to provide EIBF, suggesting that previous experience may
play a role in establishing breastfeeding as a norm and for
gaining confidence in breastfeeding techniques as has been
reported in other studies (58, 59). The data showed that
women with primary school education or less were less likely
to practice EBF3D because these women feed the newborns
both infant formula (i.e., a practice allowed by a non-supportive
environment) and other fluids (i.e., as a traditional practice).
This is a concerning finding given that children of mothers
with lower educational attainment are often at higher risk of
poor infant health and require additional support (33, 60, 61).
We found that no other associations between breastfeeding and
education or occupation, with prevalence of formula use similar
across women of all education levels and occupations. These
findings suggest that social norms discouraging intention to
breastfeed have spread widely across geographical regions and
socioeconomic groups (27, 6163).
The finding that 35.4% of mothers bought infant formula
at or nearby the birth hospital and 5.9% received a free
infant formula sample during their hospital stay suggests that
breastfeeding is not being adequately protected or supported
in maternity facilities. The association between the availability
of infant formula in hospital (brought or purchased) and
provision of free samples with reduced likelihood of EBF3D is
consistent with previous findings that commercial milk formula
advertising, promotional materials and formula availability can
limit breastfeeding (32, 64). Commercial milk formula industry
representatives often use tactics that circumvent hospital
regulations to promote formula milk to pregnant women and
new mothers, including collecting contact information and
promoting products like commercial milk formula for pregnant
women that are not covered by the Code (65). These practices
undermine breastfeeding and the provision of breastfeeding
support by health workers during ANC and at the time of birth.
Further, the data also indicate that breastfeeding promotion
and support provided by health workers at ANC and birth
contacts is insufficient to influence breastfeeding practices.
Although all mothers have access to ANC and 76.6% made at
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least four ANC visits, only 66.3% received breastfeeding advice
by a health worker during an ANC visit; and breastfeeding
counseling from a health worker was not significantly associated
with breastfeeding practices, suggesting inadequate quality or
frequency of counseling. This study is limited in not being
able to grade the quality and frequency of advice received.
Women in the sample preferred going to private clinics for
ANC (possibly due to convenience) but giving birth at public
hospitals (possibly due to perceived quality of service). In fact,
the availability of breastfeeding support is likely to be lower, and
Code violations higher in private clinics than public hospitals
(38). Only 55.2% of mothers reported receiving breastfeeding
counseling and support by a health worker around the time
of birth at hospital and the receipt of such support was
not associated with increased EBF3D, suggesting that quality
is suboptimal. Previous studies in Vietnam have shown that
effective breastfeeding counseling and support has a positive
effect on early and exclusive breastfeeding (66), however, if
health workers have insufficient time or skills, quality of support
provided will be low and they may recommend the use of infant
formula when feeding difficulties or concerns arise (60). The
fact that the first-time mothers were less likely to practice EIBF
suggests that maternal experience and confidence are important
contributors to feeding practices at the time of birth and call for
extra support from health staff.
To be effective, breastfeeding support should be predictable,
scheduled, and include ongoing visits with trained health
professionals including midwives, nurses, and doctors, or
with trained volunteers (67). Support may be needed to
tailor advice to specific cultural, geographic, or social settings
(67). In Vietnam, although reproductive health practice
guidelines include breastfeeding counseling (25), counseling
and preventive health are not covered by health insurance (68,
69), which may reduce health worker motivation to provide
these services. In addition, only a few mothers in our sample
received breastfeeding advice and support from village health
workers or nutrition collaborators, indicating that community-
based support services need to be strengthened (66, 70).
Several actions could be taken to strengthen EIBF and
EBF3D based on study findings, focusing on facility policies and
environments before during and after birth to promote, support
and enable early and exclusive breastfeeding practices.
First, policies and environments in hospitals must be
changed to limit the availability of commercial milk formula
and encourage successful breastfeeding (32, 71). Vietnam’s
national legislation on the Code is moderately aligned with
the International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes
(scored at 74 out of 100) (18). Based on the Code in
Vietnam (19, 20), recommended breastfeeding practices and
the Code compliance (Criteria E1.3) have been integrated
as one of 83 criteria under the National Hospital Standards
and Accreditation for both public and private hospitals (21).
However, clinics unaffiliated with hospitals are not regulated
under these standards (21) while private hospitals have low
motivation to meet criteria E1.3. The study further indicates that
many public hospitals are not meeting Code regulations. In the
longer term, it is critical that monitoring and enforcement of
the Code is strengthened across all facilities providing maternity
services. As an immediate first step, maternity hospitals must be
mandated by decree to exclude formula entirely from hospitals
(including preventing it being brought in by patients and
families), ban the distribution of free formula samples and make
it impossible to purchase formula on hospital grounds or in
shops nearby birthing facilities.
Second, the strong association between immediate and
prolonged SSC and EIBF (and potentially also with EBF3D),
indicates that improving this practice for all births should
be a high priority. Study data show that only 49.3% of
women receive immediate SSC and of these, only 11.6%
receive uninterrupted SSC for the recommended 90 min.
Vietnam has guidelines for the implementation of early essential
newborn care for both vaginal (22) and cesarean births (23),
which have been gradually introduced to maternity facilities
nationwide. Early essential newborn care has been demonstrated
to be associated with improved newborn outcomes and
breastfeeding practices in Vietnam (24, 29, 52). Roll out has
used a systematic approach that includes updating policies
and protocols, clinical coaching of staff using adult learning
principles, modifications to environments and birthing room
supports and introduction of a data-driven quality improvement
process, that has resulted in sustained improvements in practices
around birth (72). Priority should be given to the introduction
and expansion of this approach nationally using existing
facilitators and proven methods.
Third, and related to the second point above, early
newborn care practices at cesarean and vaginal births with
episiotomy should be improved to encourage the principles
of effective early essential newborn care. This includes non-
separation of all clinically stable newborns, immediate and
prolonged SSC, initiation of breastfeeding while in SSC
with the mother and effective breastfeeding counseling and
support, including recognition of feeding cues, position, and
attachment. Introduction requires a collaborative approach
between obstetrics, pediatric and anesthesia staff, a practiced
system of actions with allocation of roles and changes
to operating room environments. It has been successfully
introduced in some hospitals in Vietnam, with clearly defined
methods and protocols that should now be introduced more
widely (23, 52).
Ongoing efforts to limit unnecessary cesarean births and the
use of episiotomy must continue. We found that the prevalence
of cesarean birth and episiotomy were high and associated
with lower prevalence of EIBF and EBF3D. The prevalence
of cesarean birth (44.6%) in our study was higher than the
national rate of 34.4% (10) and much higher than the WHO’s
recommended prevalence of between 10 and 15% (12, 13, 46).
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The high rate of episiotomy (46.1% of all births and 83.3%
of vaginal births) suggests that the practice is routine, rather
than restricted as recommended by WHO (73). Episiotomy
is considered a harmful procedure that is associated with
postpartum hemorrhage, postnatal hospitalization for more
than 4 days, and third- or fourth-degree perineal tears (32,
55, 74). Limiting these harmful and unnecessary procedures
should be a high priority at all levels, beginning with national
guidelines and regulations; and integrating with efforts to
improve respectful and evidence-based maternal care, including
those promoted by early essential newborn care. Dealing with
incentives to conduct procedures is an ongoing challenge (13,
15, 52).
Fourth, linked with the second and third points above,
breastfeeding counseling and support at both ANC contacts and
at the time of facility birth must be strengthened. Adequate
support requires staff to have appropriate skills, time and a
motivating environment that supports effective practices. Early
essential newborn care includes a focus on this area, for the
period around birth. Efforts to improve counseling and support
have been demonstrated to be effective in many settings (67).
This gap may require improved medical, midwifery and nursing
pre- and in-service training, task-shifting in clinical settings
and re-organization of care environments to provide adequate
skills, time, and space for adequate counseling (75). It may
also be helpful in Vietnam to include breastfeeding support in
insurance reimbursement packages for ANC and childbirth; and
to strengthen the skills of village health workers or nutrition
collaborators with special focus on first time mothers and those
with lower education. Mass and digital media campaigns may
be useful to create social norms that are more supportive
of breastfeeding.
This study has several strengths, including representative
population-based sampling, use of validated standardized
questionnaires (32, 4144), and use of hand-held devices to
reduce errors during data collection and entry. The data allow
identification of interventions that should be prioritized to
prevent substantial economic and health losses (75). Several
limitations are noted including purposive selection of sampling
areas which may limit national representativeness; use of
immunization household listings which were assumed to
be complete; and inclusion of migrant women in district
sampling lists who may not represent the socio-economic or
cultural characteristics of women in the sampled province.
The impact of these potential sampling biases is believed
to be minor. In-person data collection occurred during the
COVID-19 pandemic, which made some women hesitant
to participate in the interview (a non-response rate of
14.6% was noted). It is not possible to know whether this
group differed significantly on socio-demographic or other
characteristics, although the non-response rate was similar
between all provinces.
Other limitations include recall bias (since women up
to 11 months post birth were included) and reporting bias
(respondents may have been influenced by the desire to
report recommended breastfeeding practices and not report
non-recommended practices such as formula use). However,
validity and reliability for recalled breastfeeding data is reported
as relatively high for survey data, which may have a recall
period up to 24 months (42). Further, previous validation of
the mothers recall of immediate newborn care practices has
shown high levels of agreement between observed and reported
measures of initiation of SSC and duration of uninterrupted
SSC in the first 24–72 h after birth (76). Although the
validity and reliability of reported durations of SSC contact
for recall periods of up to 11 months postpartum were not
yet documented, mothers tend to remember well practices
and events around birth even after 24 months (42). In
addition, the relationships between EIBF and duration of SSC
and associations of EBF3D with availability of formula were
consistent between all provinces and different socio-economic
groups suggesting that systematic bias was not a problem.
Finally, this analysis of existing survey data meant researchers
were unable to measure all potential factors associated with
the likelihood of breastfeeding, including previous breastfeeding
experiences, body mass, smoking, birth companion, difficulties
initiating breastfeeding, availability of childcare or child
support, and perinatal depression. Similarly, the quality and
frequency of breastfeeding counseling and advice received could
not be determined.
This study of 726 mothers with infants aged 0–11 months
from provinces representative of the socio-economic
characteristics of Vietnam found a low prevalence of EIBF
(49.7%) and EBF3D (18.0%), and high prevalence of infant
formula use (79.3%). Barriers to recommended breastfeeding
practices in the first days of life included provider behaviors
and medical procedures (cesarean birth, episiotomy, lack of
immediate and uninterrupted SSC and limited effectiveness
of breastfeeding counseling and support during antenatal care
and around the time of birth) and unsupportive breastfeeding
environments (bringing or purchasing formula milk at the
health facility and receipt of free infant formula samples) at
maternity facilities.
To improve breastfeeding practices, both health care
provider practices and environments at maternity facilities must
be improved. Quality improvement approaches to strengthen
staff coaching, protocols, and health facility environments
should be scaled up to ensure consistent implementation
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of early essential newborn care, including immediate and
prolonged SSC, and to reduce unnecessary cesarean sections
and episiotomies. In tandem, action is urgently needed to
improve breastfeeding counseling and support at all facility
and community contacts around birth; mass and digital media
campaigns may be useful to create social norms that are more
supportive of breastfeeding from birth and during the first days
of life. Stronger enforcement of national policies to regulate the
presence of commercial milk formula industry representatives,
provision of free samples, and availability of infant formula in
public and private health facilities is needed, including ensuring
that formula cannot be purchased in or around hospitals.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will
be made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
This study was conducted according to the guidelines of
the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the Institutional
Review Board (or Ethics Committee) of FHI 360 (protocol code
1383644; approved on April 16, 2019) and Hanoi University
of Public Health (protocol code 019-501/DD-YTCC; approved
on June 12, 2019). Written informed consent for participation
was not required for this study in accordance with the national
legislation and the institutional requirements.
Author contributions
TN, JC, JM, and RM: conceptualization. TN, JC, and JM:
methodology, validation, data curation, and writing—original
draft preparation. TN: software, formal analysis, investigation,
visualization, supervision, and project administration. RM:
resources and funding acquisition. TN, JC, HTT, TAH, AW, RM,
and JM: writing—review and editing. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
This work was supported in part by the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation (Grant Number: OPP50838) and Irish Aid.
The views and opinions set out in this article represent those
of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the position
of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation or Irish Aid. Under
the grant conditions of the Foundation, a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 Generic License has already been assigned to the
author accepted manuscript version that might arise from this
We thank Tina Sanghvi from the Alive & Thrive initiative
at FHI Solutions/FHI 360 Headquarters for the comments and
suggestions to improve this manuscript.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
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