Rural Development
Service Report 58
A Cooperative Feasibility Study Guide
Feasibility Study
This guide provides rural residents with information about cooperative
development feasibility studies. It defines the feasibility study and discusses
their necessity and limitations. First steps in feasibility study development are
described and key actions, including important components of a
comprehensive study, are detailed. Also offered are criteria for selecting and
working with consultants, information for developing assumptions,
and study assessment factors.
Key Words
feasibility study, cooperative development,
consultant, assumption, decision.
John W. Brockhouse, Jr., and James J. Wadsworth completed the revision of
this guide. The report was first authored by James Matson in 2000 while he
was employed with Rural Development. The authors acknowledge revision
contributions from Bruce Pleasant, with USDA Rural Development in
North Carolina, and James Matson, now a private consultant
based in South Carolina.
By John W. Brockhouse, Jr.
and James J. Wadsworth
A Cooperative Feasibility Study Guide
Publications and information are also available on the Internet.
The Cooperative Programs Website is at:
First published: December 2010
Revised: August 2016
The Cooperative Business Development Process .................................................................................................... 4
Definition of a Feasibility Study.................................................................................................................................... 6
What Is a Feasibility Study?................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Why Prepare Feasibility Studies? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Lender Considerations .....7
Feasibility Study Limitations .....8
First Steps in Feasibility Study Development............................................................................................................. 9
Step 1—Decide Whether To Proceed With a Study........................................................................................................................................19
Step 2—Define the Project ..................................................................................................................................................................................19
Step 3—Group Commitment and Leadership ...................................................................................................................................................10
Use of Advisors and Consultants .....11
Step 4—Understand Sound Group Decision-making......................................................................................................................................12
Feasibility Study Key Actions........................................................................................................................................13
1. Deciding Who Will Conduct the Study (Consultant Selection Criteria)....................................................................................................13
Feasibility Study Working Relationships .....15
2. Development of Project Assumptions............................................................................................................................................................16
3. Determining Components of the Feasibility Study Report ..........................................................................................................................16
Executive Summary .....18
Introduction .....18
Industry Background .....18
Marketing .....18
Operational and Technical Characteristics .....20
Financial Statements and Projections .....20
Summary and Recommendations .....21
Appendix .....22
4. Accepting/Rejecting the Study........................................................................................................................................................................22
5. Group Decisions After Accepting the Study .................................................................................................................................................23
Appendix A—Sequence of Events in Cooperative Development..................................................................................................................25
Appendix B—The Feasibility Study vs. the Business Plan.............................................................................................................................26
Appendix C—Sample Feasibility Consultant Selection Criteria ....................................................................................................................26
Appendix D—USDA RD Summary Guide for Feasibility Studies Included in Applications for Business & Industry
Loan Guarantees (Instruction 4279-B)......................................................................................................................................27
Appendix E—Sample Pro Forma Cash Flow .....................................................................................................................................................28
Appendix F—Sample Pro Forma Income Statements.....................................................................................................................................30
Appendix G—Sample Pro Forma Balance Sheets...........................................................................................................................................31
Appendix H—Sample Pro Forma Ratio Analysis..............................................................................................................................................32
References and Information Sources................................................................................................................................................................24
Figure 1—The Cooperative Business Development Process ........................................................................................................................15
Figure 2—Guidelines for Group Decisions........................................................................................................................................................12
Figure 3—Key Actions for Feasibility Studies...................................................................................................................................................13
Figure 4—Criteria of a Good Feasibility Study Consultant..............................................................................................................................14
Figure 5—Questions for Developing Assumptions ..........................................................................................................................................17
Figure 6—Example Outline of Feasibility Study Report Components ...........................................................................................................19
IN MOST CASES, developing a business is a
complex undertaking that consists of a number of
stages. In cooperative development, following a
step-by-step deliberative process is important
because of the need to review progress and obtain
input from potential members after each step
before making a decision about whether to
proceed with the project. The report “How to
Start a Cooperative” (RBS CIR 7), presents a 12-
step sequence of events recommended for creating
a cooperative business (see Appendix A).
This guide elaborates on the fourth of the 12-
step event sequence: conduct a feasibility study. A
feasibility study is an integral part of cooperative
business development. Conducting a feasibility
study is not a theoretical research project, but
rather is a focused study for a specific group that
wants to explore forming a cooperative business.
Figure 1 condenses the sequence of events of
the cooperative development process into four
stages and shows how the feasibility study fits
within that process. The feasibility study occurs
during the deliberation stage when the focus is on
whether to proceed with a project. (It should be
noted that the steps in Figure 1 are sometimes
approached and completed in a different order
than shown. The specific order of the steps taken
in a development project will be contingent on the
type of venture being explored and the wishes of
those involved.)
The amount of time required in the cooperative
business development process depends on the
complexity of the proposed business and the
attributes of the group involved. Typically, it takes
1 to 2 years for a cooperative development project
to be completed, although there are some cases
where projects are completed faster and others
that take longer.
The time needed to complete the feasibility
study step varies widely from project to project,
Define Project
Proceed with study?
Identify Economic Need
Determine the economic need. Leaders meet to discuss issues and to determine the economic
need that a cooperative might meet.
Hold an exploratory meeting. Hold a meeting of potential member-users to decide if interest is
sufficient to support a cooperative.
Conduct a member-use analysis and initial market analysis.
Conduct a feasibility study.
Prepare a business plan.
Employ legal council to draft and complete legal papers.
Hold first meeting of the cooperative.
Convene first board of directors meeting.
Hold a membership drive.
Acquire capital
Hire a manager
Acquire equipment and facilities, begin operations.
*See Appendix A and CIR 7 “How To Start a Cooperative” for more information on these stages and the individual
steps involved in the entire development process.
again depending on the characteristics of the
group requesting the study, as well as the specific
aspects of the venture, such as technological
complexity, project scale, marketing conditions,
member involvement, and financial planning
factors, etc. However, a good rule of thumb for
the feasibility analysis step for most development
projects is 3 to 6 months.
THIS SECTION CLARIFIES what a feasibility study is by
providing an extensive definition, explaining why studies
are conducted, outlining their limitations, and defining
the process of a feasibility analysis through the
identification of four key factors.
What Is a Feasibility Study?
A feasibility study is an analytical tool used during a
business development process to show how a business
would operate under a set of assumptions. These
assumptions often include such factors as the technology
used (the facilities, equipment, production process, etc.),
financing, (capital needs, volume, cost of goods, wages,
etc.), marketing (prices, competition, etc.), and so on.
The study is usually the first time in a project
development process that many key pieces and
information about the project are assembled into one
overall analysis. The study must show how well all of
these pieces fit and perform together. The result will be
an overall assessment of whether the proposed business
concept is technically and economically feasible.
Feasibility studies should also provide sensitivity analyses
of the business given changes in key assumptions. One
should note that a simulation or projection model, while
useful, is not a substitute for a comprehensive feasibility
study. This type of model is sometimes used in a “pre-
feasibility” study done early in the project timeline to
provide a first-cut evaluation of the proposed business idea.
The feasibility study evaluates the project’s potential
for success. The perceived objectivity of the evaluation is
an important factor in the credibility placed on the study
by potential members, lenders, and other interested
parties. For this reason, it is important to hire a
consultant with no formal ties to equipment
manufacturers or marketers, for example, so that an
unbiased evaluation of operating potential and efficiency
can be made. Also, the creation of the study requires a
strong background both in the financial and technical
aspects of the project. For these reasons, outside
consultants conduct most studies, although the project
leadership normally has input as well.
Feasibility studies for a cooperative are similar to those
for other businesses, with one exception. Potential
members use the feasibility study to evaluate how a
cooperative business idea would enhance their personal
businesses rather than to determine the return on
investment they would receive on invested stock. A study
conducted for an agricultural marketing cooperative, for
example, must address the project’s potential impact on
members’ farming operations in addition to analyzing
economic performance at the cooperative level. In other
cases, such as food cooperatives, the value to the member
is access to consumer goods or services, possibly at lower
prices, and is not based on the economic return to the
cooperative itself. Cooperative businesses are developed
first and foremost to serve members’ needs and enhance
their economic well-being. However, to do so, they must
operate efficiently and compete effectively in the marketplace.
Why Prepare Feasibility Studies?
Developing any new business venture is difficult.
Taking a project from the initial idea through the
operational stage is a complex and time-consuming effort.
Most ideas, whether a potential cooperative or an
investor-owned business, do not develop into an
operational entity. When ideas do make it to the
operational stage there is a high failure rate (many within
the first 6 months). Thus, before potential members
invest in a proposed business project, they must
determine if it can be economically viable and then they
must decide if investment advantages outweigh the risks
involved—a feasibility study is the means by which these
decisions are made. Without feasibility studies the
percentage of startups that fail would be higher.
Many cooperative business development projects are
fairly expensive undertakings that can also be confusing
to potential members. Proposed cooperatives often
involve operations that substantially differ from those of
the members’ individual businesses, and cooperative
operations may involve risks with which the members are
unfamiliar—another reason that a feasibility study is so
important. It should provide a clear understanding of
project risk to help members decide whether to invest in
the proposed business.
Members participate in the development of the
feasibility study and thus are educated about various
aspects of the project, which will help them decide
whether to move to the implementation stage. In
addition, this knowledge helps prepare members of the
steering committee to become the board of directors, as
often happens if the project is implemented.
While the costs of conducting a study may seem high
to the potential members, they are relatively minor when
compared with the total project investment that will be
required. The expenditure for a feasibility study is
actually inconsequential if it saves an unprofitable venture
from going forward, thus preventing the larger capital
investment needed to start most new businesses, as well as
the time and effort involved, from taking place. And if the
Define Project
Proceed with study?
study shows that a project is indeed feasible, it provides
the group with some concrete useful data that can be used
in subsequent business plans and projections.
Feasibility studies are useful and valid for many kinds
of business development projects. Evaluation of whether
to start a new business, by either new groups or
established businesses, is the most common, but not the
only usage. Studies can help groups decide to expand
existing services, build or remodel facilities, change
methods of operation, add new products, or even merge
with another business. A feasibility study assists decision-
makers whenever they need to consider alternative
development opportunities.
Feasibility studies permit planners to outline their
ideas on paper before implementing them. This can
reveal errors in project design before implementation is
made. Potential stumbling blocks can be identified and
decisions made about whether they could be effectively
addressed if the project goes forward.
Applying the knowledge gained from a feasibility study
can significantly lower overall project costs by keeping
adverse designs and planning concepts from being made.
A feasibility study presents and clarifies the risks and
returns associated with the project so that prospective
members can evaluate them. There is no “magic number”
or correct rate of return a proposed cooperative needs to
obtain before a group decides to proceed. The acceptable
level of return and appropriate risk rate will vary for
individual members depending on their respective
personal situations and need for the proposed services of
the cooperative.
Lender Considerations
A proposed project usually requires both risk capital
from members and debt capital from banks and/or other
financiers to become operational. Lenders typically
require an objective evaluation of a project when they
consider a loan investment, and a feasibility study often
provides the first look at those aspects.
While some groups often try to involve a lender early
in the process, a feasibility study is often conducted with
an eye toward explaining the project to potential
financiers. Lenders have different requirements from the
study than group members. Lenders are most interested
in the project’s ability to pay back loans while group
members are interested in the benefits to them of using
the cooperative.
Attain Group Commitment
Appoint Leaders
Many groups work with lenders with whom they have
an established personal or business relationship. This may
expedite the process of obtaining financing. Nevertheless,
the lender must know and understand the unique aspects
of cooperatives and fully understand the characteristics
and potential of a proposed project. The feasibility study
will help them in this regard.
Lenders’ primary concerns focus on repayment, their
risk exposure, and a project’s strengths and weaknesses.
Lenders classify these concerns into the “5-C’s”:
Capacity—what is the group’s ability to repay the
Capital—what assets are being financed with the
loan and how much is requested?
Character—who are the principals of the project?
What is their background?
Collateral—what is being used to secure the loan?
How is it valued?
Conditions—what additional factors can affect the
The odds for financing diminish if a lender does not
fully understand the project and is unable to review the
potential financial results through a sound economic and
financial analysis. Success or failure of a business
opportunity often hinges on obtaining adequate lender
financing. For this reason, it is often a good strategy, if
possible, to consult with potential lenders prior to
conducting a feasibility study to determine what factors
they will focus on given the type of project. Such a
consultation can shorten the time that a lender needs to
approve project financing, or even improve the ability of
securing financing. However, while a feasibility study is
important for providing information that will help in
gaining finances from a lender, it should not be
conducted merely to prove to them that a project is
viable. It must only be undertaken when the proposed
project is being seriously considered for implementation
by dedicated potential members.
Feasibility Study Limitations
Although a feasibility study is a useful tool for project
deliberation, it has limitations. A feasibility study is not
an academic or research paper, but is a pragmatic
information and data analysis document. It is confidential
to the group for which it is conducted, and is not for
public dissemination. A completed study should permit a
group to make better decisions about the strategic issues
of its specific project.
The study is also not a business plan, which is
developed later in the project development process and
functions as a blueprint for a group’s business operations
for implementation (see Appendix B).
Given a group’s decision to proceed after evaluating a
feasibility study’s results, the business plan presents the
group’s intended responses to the critical issues raised in
the study. Many of the outcomes presented in the
feasibility study form the basis for developing a business
plan if a decision to proceed is made.
A feasibility study is not intended to identify new ideas
or concepts for a project. These ideas should be clearly
identified before a study is initiated. The study may
invalidate certain ideas that are part of the original vision.
Assumptions that are partially developed from these
ideas provide the basis for the feasibility study, so the
more realistic they are, the more value the study’s
findings will have for a group’s decision-making.
A study should not be conducted as a forum merely to
support a desire that a project be successful. Rather, it
should be an objective evaluation of a project’s chance for
success. Even studies with negative conclusions are useful
for group decisions.
As stated earlier, financiers may require a feasibility
study before providing loans, but this should not be a
study’s only purpose. Although a study can enhance a
banker’s ability to evaluate a project, the primary goal
should be to aid a group’s ultimate decision on going
forward, not only whether financing can be secured.
A feasibility study will not determine if the project will
be initiated, since that depends on the potential members,
who will invest in and become the owners of the business.
However, the information, data, and facts offered in a
study, given realistic assumptions, provide the basis for a
decision. Potential members must decide if the benefits
justify the risks involved in their continuing the project
and the study findings will assist them in that assessment.
A study uses basic project assumptions to develop an
analysis, shows how results vary when assumptions
change, and provides guidance as to critical elements of a
project. Conducting a study should provide the group
with project-specific information to assist it in making
decisions. This should lower the risk of continuing with a
business development project that ultimately would fail.
SOME INITIAL STEPS must take place as a group pro-
gresses toward fully assessing a project. First, the group
must decide on whether to proceed with a feasibility
study. Second, the project must be accurately defined.
Third, there must be strong commitment and leadership
from the group, and fourth, those involved must fully
understand the process of making sound decisions.
Step 1
Decide Whether To Proceed with a Study
The first step for a group to take is to fully deliberate
the necessity of even conducting a feasibility study. The
group must carefully consider whether it is ready and
prepared to have a study conducted.
Because a group’s resources are likely limited, it is
important that the group be ready to proceed with the
project and the feasibility study before allocating the
necessary resources. It could very well be that the study
needs to be put off until another time because of a lack of
support from prospective members, not enough capital to
proceed, or any other given reason. Once the decision is
made to invest the time and resources in a feasibility
study, the group proceeds to define the project.
Step 2
Define the Project
In a successful cooperative development project, a core
group of people must feel a strong need to work together
to solve a problem or take advantage of a business
opportunity. Working together provides the context for a
cooperative business project. What the project will entail
must be understood and the group must believe the idea
is worth pursuing. Often, a few individuals provide the
spark for an idea, but group interaction permits them to
hone an idea and develop sufficient interest. When
defining a project early on, a group often discovers
common interests that a potential cooperative business
may be able to address.
Cooperative businesses work best when participants
see a mutual benefit from working jointly rather than
acting alone to achieve a goal. Members voluntarily
choose to belong to a cooperative because they see some
potential benefit. When a project can be addressed
jointly, potential member interest exists, and benefits are
possible, then a cooperative can be the solution.
To clearly define a development project, a number of
factors should be included in spelling out the project idea.
The project idea should be:
Leaders and other potential member-users identify
the economic need the cooperative might fulfill.
Understandable (described in such a way that the
objective is clear);
Significant enough to warrant group action;
Capable of providing economic and/or technical
solutions to a problem or opportunity;
Economically and socially fitting for a group; and
Considered a reasonable business solution.
When all these elements exist in a project idea, the
potential exists for developing a successful cooperative. If
any are lacking, the concept should be rethought and the
project definition revised before proceeding with the
feasibility study steps.
A carefully defined project idea will provide the
steering committee and group with a foundation from
which to judge the project as it proceeds.
Here is an example of a project idea statement: A
member-owned cooperative that will process and market
members’ soybeans for the farmers of “ABC valley,” to
meet the area’s high demand for soybean meal and
soybean byproducts, and to provide strong value-added
economic benefits to members.
The group then may provide some key points in
addition to an idea statement to further clarify how the
project will meet necessary economic, business, and
technical factors.
Step 3
Group Commitment and Leadership
For a cooperative development project to have a
chance at success, it must have individuals involved who
are committed to the defined idea. A critical mass of
potential members should be involved because having
sufficient support for a proposed concept is crucial. The
specific number for a critical mass will of course depend
on the type of products involved, the scope of what the
business will do, and the economic resources that will be
needed. A smaller number of individuals who are fully
committed to a project, provided they have sufficient
product, capital, or demand for services, can have a
higher chance of success than a larger number who are
only partially committed.
Thus, the key is not necessarily the number of people
involved, it’s the level of commitment they have. This is
especially true for cooperatives, since the members
themselves must use the products or services for the
cooperative to succeed.
Although when a development project is a complex
endeavor that will involve a highly technical processing
plant (for example, an ethanol or biofuel processor, or a
meat plant or grain mill), then having a larger number of
committed people becomes very important.
Clearly, commitment and loyalty to an idea cannot be
overstated. It can be measured several ways, such as
attendance at organizational meetings, positive potential
member survey results, the amount of willingness to
become involved and personally invested in a project, and
financial backing when requested.
Financial support from potential members is perhaps
the best measure of support. For instance, are people
willing at the start to contribute to finance all or part of a
feasibility study? Asking potential members for an initial
contribution can help sort out those who are serious
about the effort from those who are not.
The second step in the events for starting a
cooperative outlined in Appendix A indicates that a
steering committee of potential members should be
formed from a group for guiding the project. A steering
committee represents the larger group and takes the
major leadership role in the project.
Groups need people who are leaders to assume control
of a project and to be part of the steering committee. An
important prerequisite is that they be willing to join the
proposed cooperative and commit to financing it and
using its services. Chosen or volunteered leaders must be
people that will be active participants in the development
process as they will ultimately be responsible for making
key decisions and plotting the project’s direction within
the steering committee.
The steering committee must also ensure that all
potential members involved feel free to voice their
opinions and viewpoints about a project. Different
perspectives are important considerations for developing
a new business, and if alternative strategies or options are
suggested and deemed important to evaluate, they should
be brought into play during the feasibility study process
so they can be properly assessed.
Define Project
Proceed with study?
Attain Group Commitment
Appoint Leaders
Hire Consultant
Determine Study Components
In USDAs Cooperative Service Report 54, “Creating
‘Co-op Fever’: A Rural Developer’s Guide to Creating
Cooperatives” (see references or http://www.rurdev., author Bill Patrie
mentions the following five characteristics of a “project
champion” who provides strong leadership:
1. Credibility
2. Financial stability
3. Basic knowledge of the industry
4. Willingness to accept the servant leadership role
5. A developer, not a promoter
Patrie defines these five characteristics (verbatim)
as follows:
Credibility—Is the individual personally credible in
his/her neighborhood? They need not be the biggest
farmer or the most active in commodity associations, but
they must be respected for their judgment. Avoid
individuals who have tried every new idea that has come
around and are suckers for anything new. I look for
people who finish what they start and can take a long-
term view.
Financial Stability—Is the individual capable of
keeping his/her house in order? Producers who have
failed before (especially if they have gone through
personal bankruptcy) usually lack the credibility with
other producers and lenders to lead the project. They
must be able to devote time away from their personal
business to help develop the cooperative. This criterion is
extremely limiting because many producers lack the time
it takes to do the work without jeopardizing their
individual operations. I once worked with a cooperative
whose interim board chair wanted to use organizational
funds to buy clothes. Her argument was that she would
make a better impression on investors if she could afford
to dress well.
Basic Knowledge of the Industry—Is the individual
familiar with the industry in a comprehensive way? Most
value-added cooperatives are also vertically integrated.
The project champion must have a basic understanding of
the entire industry—from the first steps of production
through processing to marketing to the final consumer.
This is a tall order and can’t be easily filled. The
“Madison Principles”
are critical at this stage of
leadership selection.
Often, producers become enamored of a
manufacturing technology or an available building and
want to quickly close the deal to own the facility or the
equipment. A true project champion must lead the group
through a market analysis prior to analyzing processing
facility and equipment needs. If an individual can’t be
found who has this basic understanding of the industry,
then I look for a person who is willing to learn.
Willingness To Accept the Servant Leadership
Role—The project champion is often uncompensated.
They will frequently be criticized, often unfairly, and
sometimes insulted. Thin-skinned or quick-tempered
people often do not last in the pressure-cooker environ-
ment of creating a new cooperative enterprise. I look for
a project champion who has balance in her/his life. They
must have patience, people skills, a good sense of humor,
and a sense of what is ridiculous.
A Developer, Not a Promoter—This is development
work, not promotion. Promotion may get column inches
in the local paper and a 30-second spot on the 6 o’clock
news, but it won’t build a financially viable company.
While enthusiasm is important, it can’t replace critical
common sense and solid business judgment.
These five attributes are important in a “project
champion” or leader of a cooperative development project.
Use of Advisors and Consultants
Outside advisors and consultants can be useful to a
group during the business formation process. However,
outsiders, no matter how well intentioned, should not be
put into overall leadership positions. If they are, the
process often becomes more “top down” directed rather
than internally directed by prospective members, and in
this case, potential conflicts may arise and the focus of the
group’s vision may be skewed.
At the same time, a group should feel free to seek
outside experienced consultants to help guide it through
The “Madison Principles” are 12 principles for cooperative development practitioners to follow. They were developed by the members of Cooperation
Works! in Madison, Wisconsin, in 1985. See
the development process, or perhaps to aid just a specific
aspect of the process. For example, extension agents or
lenders that interact closely with a group may be willing
to help; accountants and lawyers may provide assistance
in specific areas such as bookkeeping, legal structure, and
drawing up legal documents; and advisors, such as USDA
cooperative development specialists or development
practitioners from a cooperative development center, can
help the group with all or some aspects of the
development process, and may even provide direct
technical assistance with feasibility studies or business plans.
Outside consultants are useful because of their
experience and expertise with the development process
and because they also work in an objective manner to
ensure that all potential members’ ideas, thoughts, and
concerns are considered and that assumptions and
information are accurate and realistic. (See the
“Feasibility Study Key Actions” chapter for more
information on choosing a consultant.)
Step 4
Understand Sound Group Decision-making
As stated above, strong and committed leaders are
essential for defining a project and deciding if a feasibility
study should be conducted. Informed leadership with
enlightened self-interest and a commitment to group
action is needed. Leaders must maintain a strong focus on
the decisions to be made and be able to create an
environment where participants are encouraged to be
active and involved in discussions, creativity, and
For a project to succeed, all potential members of a
new cooperative business venture must be kept informed
about project details as they evolve so that they buy into
and feel committed to the project.
To assist with decision-making, those on a steering
committee should ask two questions: (1) If a bad decision
is made, what would be the cost? and (2) If no decision is
made, what would be the cost? If the cost of making a
wrong decision is relatively small, do not spend much
time, money, or effort on the decisionmaking process. On
the other hand, if the cost of committing an error could
be large, it’s better to put more resources into
determining the pros and cons of the decision and
defining all of the issues before choosing an option.
In practice, this is not always easy to implement given
the different personalities involved and the personal
preferences for making decisions. Some may be slower to
learn, need more time to contemplate before making a
decision, or have aversions to high risk. On the other
hand, some members may want to go ahead and make a
decision before relevant information has been gathered
and fully assessed. Balancing diverse aspects within a
group can be difficult, but working to do so is paramount.
Thus, decision-making often is one of the greatest
initial challenges that a group faces in developing a
project. Figure 2 presents some guidelines to assist
groups with the decision-making process. Given the
difficulty in making decisions, some groups or individuals
try to avoid it. There is always more information that can
be gathered, but there is also a cost to taking more time
to deliberate. A decision must be made when further
investigation costs more than new information is worth.
Unanimous agreement is not required to move forward; a consensus approach is better.
Never decide to proceed based solely on negative reactions, such as resentment or envy toward
middlemen, lenders, etc.
A few reliable persons are superior to a larger number of doubtful persons.
Base decision-making on economic and social realities faced by the cooperative.
Make each decision only once.
Once a steering committee and group have made the
decision to proceed with a feasibility study, there are a
number of key actions that need to be taken.
Figure 3 provides, in chronological order, the actions or
decisions that have to be made. The key actions for a
feasibility study include: deciding who will conduct the
study, development of project assumptions, determining
which components (study areas) will be included to make
the study comprehensive, accepting or rejecting the
completed study, and group decisions after accepting the
Deciding Who Will Conduct the Study (Consultant
Selection Criteria)
Although in principle it is possible for a project group
member to conduct the feasibility study, normally, an
outside consultant is hired to do it. Most prospective
members and financiers view an objective evaluation of a
project concept via an outside practitioner as important.
This objectivity often provides a group with helpful
information that might have been overlooked by one who
is participating directly in the project.
Hiring a consultant to create a feasibility study is an
important decision, and thus the steering committee or
group must use care when selecting that person (or firm).
In practice, consultants have differing levels of ability and
usually a consultant will be strong on some points and
weaker on others. The key is to select a feasibility
practitioner who is skilled in cooperative development
and versed in areas relevant to the type of project.
Figure 4 provides possible criteria to use for selecting a
qualified consultant. The steering committee will need to
determine if a consultant is technically proficient enough
to undertake a feasibility study and whether he or she has
significant experience in doing so. The committee should
review samples of previously prepared studies and speak
with others for whom the person or firm has worked
before contracting with them. It is important that a
consultant have the traits required to work well within
group situations.
Consultants should have experience in the industry
under study. Otherwise they may not correctly identify
critical factors. Given business complexity, it is almost
impossible for one person to have experience in all areas.
Some consulting firms resolve this issue by having their
feasibility specialist work with contracted industry
experts. In any case, it is important to research many
sources for all the pertinent information possible about
an industry.
A team approach may, in some instances, be utilized to
develop a study. For example, a cooperative development
specialist could work jointly with industry specialists to
create a feasibility study.
The consultant should also understand the unique
aspects of cooperatives. Tax implications, distribution of
net margins (profits), management, and other business
considerations (e.g., governance) of cooperatives differ
from those of other businesses and the nuances of each
must be properly presented.
The consultant should avoid preconceived notions
about how the project will function. The study should not
be an “off-the-shelf” document assembled from
previously created studies. Rather, the consultant should
pay particular attention to the ideas that the group has
developed and craft a unique study suited to the group’s
needs. The consultant should work closely with the group
and be receptive to its suggestions. Also, the consultant
should be prepared to make technical revisions or to
1. Deciding who will conduct the study.
2. Development of project assumptions.
3. Determining components for a comprehensive
4. Accepting/rejecting the study.
5. Group decisions after accepting the study.
correct errors given group recommendations and wishes.
Revisions are a normal part of the study development
process. Revisions should focus on the validity of the
assumptions and the technical design of the study.
Using an outside consultant brings objectivity to the
feasibility study rather than merely providing the results
that the group wants. Consultants have a legal obligation
to provide a responsible analysis. They should not be
asked to alter the results merely to conform to members’
desires for a project’s viability.
Timeliness is an important consideration when
selecting a consultant. Projects are time sensitive. Usually,
decisions to proceed await information provided in the
feasibility study. So care and diligence required for a well-
crafted study must be balanced against the desire for
speed. A qualified consultant must be able to complete a
well-designed study within a timeframe that serves the
group’s needs. On the other hand, the timeline must be
realistic. And, a consultant can only progress as fast as a
group makes the required decisions, provides information
to the consultant, and carries out its other project
Cost is an important factor. The expertise and skills
that consultants offer a project must be weighed against
their cost. A quicker timeline could increase a consultant’s
fee. Preparing a pre-feasibility analysis may decrease the
effort required to complete the feasibility study and
reduce the cost.
Some public programs offered by the USDAs Rural
Business-Cooperative Service, community development
offices, the Small Business Administration, some
cooperative development centers, and local business
incubator programs provide technical assistance at little
or no cost to groups creating feasibility studies. There are
also grant programs available such as USDAs Value-
Added Producer Grants program, which can provide
funding for a feasibility study if a project meets the
program’s criteria and is selected. This program requires
a one-to-one matching contribution from the applicant.
A consultant should provide the data used to generate
the financial tables and scenarios reported in the
feasibility study and, preferably, an electronic spreadsheet
format that can be easily manipulated. Although
requesting this information can moderately increase the
cost of a feasibility study, access to the actual data permits
the group to use the information for later needs with
greater flexibility. The group shouldn’t, however, expect
the consultant to continually revise the study after it has
been finalized. This data can also reduce the cost of
creating the business plan, if the group proceeds to that
stage. Additionally, it can decrease the effort required for
revisions, if in the future the group changes the project’s
Has previous experience conducting feasibility studies.
Has experience with the industry to be studied, or access to experience and associated professionals.
Works independently and objectively (e.g., of equipment manufacturers, marketers, etc.).
Understands cooperatives fully (their operations, governance, financial workings, etc.).
Is willing to listen to the groups’ ideas.
Works closely with designated contact members of the steering committee or group.
Is willing to revise study given feedback.
Accomplishes the study within an agreed upon timeline.
Works within the group’s designated budget.
Is a strong writer with skills in data analysis and spreadsheet design and presentation.
Provides clear, useful information in the completed study.
assumptions to differ from those in the study.
Once the consultant has been selected, the group
should provide detailed instructions on the study
requirements. There should be a legally binding contract
between the parties. The group should consult legal
counsel for assistance. The contract should state clearly
the requirements and role of both the group and the
consultant. It should have timelines, delivery dates,
explicit deliverables, and what is to be accomplished
before payment is made. Often, the consultant receives a
downpayment before the feasibility study has been
conducted. The balance is paid only after the study has
been reviewed and accepted by the group (and possible
financiers if appropriate). This gives the group more
leverage to encourage timeliness or revisions. The
contract should designate a third-party arbitrator to
resolve any disputed items.
A complex, large-scale project may require several
consultants to complete various aspects of the study.
Multiple consultants can reduce the group’s dependency
on a single person or company. It also can permit the
group to select experts from several fields. However, it
also can complicate the coordination and consistency of
the information received.
Before signing the contract, the group should discuss
with the consultant arrangements for cost overruns, time
delays, revisions, and what considerations will be made
for these issues. Changes after signing the contract can be
costly or delay the study results. All parties should be
clear about what to expect prior to signing the contract
and initiating the study. (See Appendix C for a point-
award system for selecting a consultant based on select
Feasibility Study Working Relationships
A few qualified members of the steering committee (if
the committee is a large one), or the entire steering
committee (if it is a small one) should be designated to
work closely with the consultant or person developing the
study. These group members must see that the feasibility
study properly presents and reflects the right aspects of
the project as it has been designed, and in accordance to
the defined assumptions. Through this working
relationship the study should be tracked through all of its
stages and its ideas reviewed and clarified.
Steering committee members with appropriate
backgrounds and the ability to commit sufficient time to
working with the consultant should be selected. These
contact members represent the group’s interests to the
consultant. They are the contact to provide clarification
and additional information that the consultant may
require. Plus, they should provide periodic reports to the
group about the study’s progress. They also should work
with other group members and advisors to gather the
information needed for the feasibility study. These
members are obliged to express the wishes of the entire
group and not just their own views.
Members or outside financiers will often perceive the
reliability of the entire study based on its least accurate
piece. An otherwise well-conducted feasibility study could
Define Project
Proceed with study?
Attain Group Commitment
Appoint Leaders
Hire Consultant
Determine Study Components
Industry Background
Financial Projection
be viewed as inaccurate or useless because of a simple
mistake. To prevent this, the feasibility study should be
carefully examined for overall clarity and logical
consistency—is the language appropriate; is the
document well organized; and can someone who is not
familiar with the project understand the study and its
findings? Reviewers should confirm that the study’s
assumptions are clearly documented, well described,
justified, and as accurate as possible.
Although the contact members take the lead in
working with the consultant, others should review the
study carefully before the group decides to accept it.
Advisors such as USDA cooperative development
specialists or Extension agents can provide an objective
review and offer insights on content or study
assumptions. This outside review can be especially useful
when the group has used consultants to prepare the
report. Often, a series of draft reports are presented to
the group as the study proceeds. Issues identified that
warrant changes to the study are then conveyed to the
Development of Project Assumptions
Key project assumptions should be determined at the
initiation of a feasibility study. Usually an assumption is
thought of as something that is taken for granted, but in
the current context assumptions provide the basis for the
project and therefore need to be carefully thought out
and developed. Since the group cannot analyze every
variation of a project, it must provide boundaries within
which the study will be carried out. The consultant, if one
is being used, can assist in the development of
assumptions by providing objective knowledge and
expertise. He/she should also ask the group difficult
questions to narrow the range of assumptions and make
sure they are as accurate as possible, as well as justifiable.
Figure 5 provides four questions and some clarifying
statements that a steering committee or group should
address as it develops assumptions for the feasibility
The steering committee or group may not be able to
provide all of the required detail for each of the
assumptions that need to be developed, so again, using an
experienced practitioner/consultant to help research and
develop some of the assumptions may be necessary.
Furthermore, some of the assumptions will have more
than one option to study. That’s where sensitivity analysis
will come into play. Other questions that help determine
proper assumptions might arise as well, depending on the
type of project. It is up to the steering committee and
those conducting the study to explore all avenues when
determining the assumptions needed for a full analysis in
a study.
Considering more than one potential business
structure and/or alternative business process is not a
problem at this stage. However, it is important that an
analysis be conducted in the feasibility study for each
identified project scenario so that the steering committee
or group can assess them.
Determining Components of the Feasibility
Study Report
A comprehensive feasibility study will contain all the
ingredients necessary for the steering committee and
group to make a sound decision on whether to proceed
with a project. Although studies vary depending on the
type and scope of the proposed business, all reports must
contain enough elements to present a comprehensive
view of the project. While some specific project details
may be undecided, such as plant location or who the
manager will be, a report must contain enough
information and analyses to determine a project’s
potential for success or failure.
The feasibility study report serves as the written
representation of the group and its potential cooperative
business. Potential members, financiers, and others will
use this document to help determine their level of
support for the project. The report’s appearance as well as
its content can influence people’s perception of it. Thus,
the layout should be professional, well organized, and
well written.
The appearance of and specific aspects included in the
report will vary depending on the project, the group, and
the consultant who prepares the study. Thus, there is no
required length or number of components for a study
report, but the study must provide an organized format
with enough critical information and analyses pertinent
to the project to help the group make an insightful
Key elements will change depending on the nature of
Appendix D provides the USDA Rural Development summary guide for what a feasibility study should contain for a business applying for USDA Business
and Industry guaranteed loans (note that the criteria in the guide can be incorporated into a feasibility study).
each project. As a rule of thumb, if reasonable changes in
a factor could make the project change from successful to
unsuccessful, it is a key element.
Examples could be the technology of production,
volume of inputs, the market for goods sold, marketing
channel, personnel costs, prices paid, and capital costs.
Figure 6 provides a general example outline of the major
components a feasibility study might contain. This
How/why is the proposed cooperative needed (as determined by the potential members)?
Define the assumed products and/or services to be handled or provided (there can be more than
one and each should be clearly defined).
Explain the proposed cooperative’s comparative advantage (e.g., define what the market is
demanding and what producers do well).
Describe the proposed cooperative's benefit to members (e.g., enhanced marketing, higher
marketing prices, lower prices for products purchased, more efficient and lower cost services, etc.).
What is the potential membership base and volume of product for the project? (This data is normally
gathered via a survey of potential members.)
Define the level of potential support by producers who would have the opportunity to participate.
Describe the approximate number and size of the producers who are likely willing to participate.
Define the potential volume of products or services.
Explain the potential for future expansion of membership and volume.
How well will the cooperative fit into the market?
Define the projected prices for both inputs and outputs.
Define the projected volume of sales.
Explain the size of the market and how the cooperative fits in (e.g., market share).
Determine the potential for strategic alliances.
What are the financial and organizational needs for the project?
Estimate overall capital needs and describe potential sources of this capital.
Define the level of financing needed and potential lenders.
Describe the legal requirements, documents or agreements, permits, and inspections.
Describe the facilities and equipment needed and whether they will be purchased, built, or leased,
and estimate how much they will cost.
Estimate the management requirements and skills, and the cost of obtaining the appropriate
example includes eight major components, but the exact
number and order of components for different studies
could very well vary from these. In addition to the
potential items listed in the outline below or others
determined given the project, a study should include a
title page, the name of the person(s)/firm who conducted
the study, and a table of contents.
General descriptions of each of the sample
components included in Figure 6 are described in the
following sections (sections include relevant outline items).
I. Executive Summary
A. Summary of the Important Findings and
It is important to have a concise summary of the
critical segments of the report in an executive summary at
the front of the report. This will allow reviewers to gain a
strong sense of the report’s significant information and
major findings before they proceed with reading the
entire study. Each major part of the report should be
briefly and clearly summarized. When applicable to the
major findings and final conclusions, significant data
reflecting concrete analysis should be provided, and a
summary of the key recommendations listed. This
segment of the report should provide a context from
which the reader will be able to better decipher all the
components and findings of the report.
As a means of setting the foundation for the study, it is
important to also identify the steps completed for the
project up to the current point in time, and the names of
those heavily involved (the steering committee members
at least).
II. Introduction—Project Description and Justification
A. Description of the project
B. General setting and need for project
C. Work already completed, pertinent dates, and
those involved in the project
This section is usually somewhat brief and simply
introduces the cooperative project and provides some
justification for its need. Information as to when the
project process began and in what stage it is now should
be offered. In general, size and scope of the project,
membership aspects, methodology employed for data
collection, marketing and economic conditions,
competition, relevant technical factors, economic and
community conditions, etc., can all be briefly introduced
to provide the reviewer/reader with an overall general
conception of what the cooperative project entails.
III. Industry Background
A. Basic background information on the industry
B. Economic conditions of the industry
C. Implications and feasibility of entering industry
The state and status of the industry within which the
cooperative will operate should be described in as much
detail as possible and be broken down into geographic
applicability (i.e., foreign, domestic, regional, local) to the
project. The study should include charts and graphs of
industry trends (e.g., volume, prices, byproducts, etc.), as
well as a complete assessment of the competitive
environment to properly define the need or fit of the
cooperative within the industry sector. Pertinent data
from industry organizations is helpful if it can be acquired.
Government regulations and policies within the
industry in question should be fleshed out and their
relevance to the proposed business explained. Any
regulations that might need to be met (e.g.,
environmental impact assessments, permits, etc.) should
be clarified and analyzed. Costs associated with the
government regulations and policies of an industry will
need to be documented for the financial projections section.
IV. Marketing
A. Market potential for goods to be handled or
services to be provided
B. Markets to be served (current and future) and
their attributes
C. Ease or limitations of entering the market
D. Marketing plan (strategies to be followed,
associated costs, summary of key actions)
E. Overall assessment of the marketing situation
and plan
A. Summary of the Important Findings and Recommendations
NTRODUCTIONProject Description and Justification
A. Description of the project
B. General setting and need for project
C. Work already completed, pertinent dates, and those involved in the project
A. Basic background information on the industry
B. Economic conditions of the industry
C. Implications and feasibility of entering industry
A. Market potential for goods or services to be handled
B. Markets to be served (current and future) and their attributes
C. Ease or limitations of entering the market
D. Marketing plan (strategies to be followed, summary of key actions)
E. Overall assessment of the marketing situation and plan
A. Supply of labor and its quality (including management)
B. Supply of key inputs needed for operations
B. Technical characteristics and specifications of required plant and equipment
C. Assessment of potential operational capacity and efficiency
D. Location considerations (if one has not been already selected) and assessment (if one has been selected)
A. Projected revenues, operating costs, and net income
B. Capital requirements, potential and actual sources of equity, accumulation schedule, investment schedule
(plant, equipment, human resources, etc.)
C. Pro forma cash flow statement
D. Income, balance sheet, and sources and uses of funds statements
E. Equity accumulation plan and financial ratio analysis
F. Financial plan summary (description of how it will all fit together)
A. Concise Summarization of the Major Findings
B. Recommendations and Concluding Comments
C. Development schedule (remaining key steps and accompanying dates for action)
A. Appendices (additional spreadsheets)
B. Important supplemental information
C. Notes, credentials, and references
Various components of the project’s proposed
marketing plan, whether for products to be marketed or
goods to be sold, need to described and analyzed. The
marketing environment should be fully described. The
description should include how the product or products
will be introduced and channeled into available markets.
A description of potential customers, processors,
handlers, etc. should also be provided.
Procurement and sales strategies for commodities or
goods to be purchased and/or sold should be described.
This section should address market demand implications,
marketing costs, transportation issues, coordination with
others in the market chain (e.g., brokers, venders,
manufacturers, processors, pooling, etc.), the quality and
form of the products to be marketed, and an overall
strategic assessment of marketing the product or
products. When applicable, information from market
outlook reports (e.g., USDA and other government
agencies) that provide forecasts on specific crops,
products, and industries are helpful for providing a
context for the marketing plan.
Relevant charts, graphs, and tables should be provided
to present a clear picture of the marketing environment.
If it’s a value-added venture, the implications of
marketing the resulting products should be defined. How
those products fit into existing markets given
competitors’ similar products should be researched and
reported. From the overall marketing analysis, an
assessment of the feasibility of the proposed marketing
plan should be included.
V. Operational and Technical Characteristics
A. Supply of labor and its quality (including
B. Supply and costs of key inputs needed for
C. Technical characteristics and specifications of
required plant and equipment
D. Assessment of potential operational capacity and
E. Location considerations (if one has not been
already selected) and assessment (if one has been
This section lays out the operational aspects and
procedures of the proposed business including: the supply
of labor and its quality; which key inputs will be required
(raw materials such as soybeans or wheat, for example),
their source (supported by a survey of potential members,
if applicable) and their cost; the technical characteristics
(e.g., the type of plant design required, equipment,
facilities, building systems, etc.); the feasibility of finding
proper management; location aspects; and operational
issues or options; etc. The study should address the
ability of the project to operate efficiently within the
scope of the project’s parameters.
It is important to provide information on the technical
aspects of the project and to show how the proposed
technologies will work within the context of the entire
project. In projects with unproven technologies, this can
be the most important aspect of a study and it provides a
basis for close assessment. In projects with proven
technologies, the study can serve to correct design flaws
before costly mistakes are implemented.
If the project requires construction of a sophisticated
facility, such as a meatpacking or soybean processing
plant, professionals such as architectural, engineering, or
management specialists will need to be consulted early in
the process. The needed expertise should be described in
the feasibility study. Assistance that will be needed for
loan agreements, legal contracts, and construction should
be documented also.
If a location has been selected, the study should
address the implications of that location—is it efficiently
situated for the potential labor supply, is it adequate for
delivery and distribution channels, does it meet city/town
ordinances and regulations, will permits be required,
resources be available to cover its costs, etc.? If a location
has not been selected, the feasibility study may provide
some prerequisite stipulations, data, and standards by
which to choose a location given the type of project,
industry, and technology involved.
VI. Financial Statements and Projections (pro forma
A Projected revenues, operating costs, and net
B. Capital requirements, potential and actual
sources of equity, equity accumulation schedule,
investment schedule (land, plant, equipment,
human resources, etc.)
C. Pro forma cash flow statement
D. Income, balance sheet, and sources and uses of
funds statements
E. Equity accumulation plan and financial ratio
F. Financial plan summary (description of how it
will all fit together)
Possible economic outcomes are a prominent part of a
feasibility study and are critical in the overall assessment
of a project. Therefore, it is extremely important to do a
thorough and careful job with the financials. Financial
projections are usually made for 3 years. Cash flow
statements should be monthly, while income statements
and balance sheets should be monthly or quarterly for the
first year and then annual for the second and third years.
Financial statements and projections stem from valid
and objective assumptions. Financial assumptions, such as
capital requirements, equity needs, prices, human
resources needed, and other factors, will come into play
here. Because the economics of the project are so
important to project assessment, assumptions must be in
line with the reality of the situation and should not be
overly optimistic or simplistic. Assumptions such as price
forecasts/projections should be based on solid facts, such
as historical prices and changes that have occurred in the
industry which may affect the outlook. The sources for
the facts and the rationale for key assumptions should be
well documented either in the report body or in an
Most feasibility studies begin with pro forma cash flow
statements based on the assumptions and other data
collected about the project, such as equity collected,
product volume, purchases, sales, and expenses, for
example. Besides equity, revenue streams and operating
costs, the pro forma statements must include repayment
and interest on potential short-term and long-term debt
and/or other investments in the project. The cash flow
statements (usually done on a monthly basis) must clearly
show when capital is introduced and when it is repaid.
This is important for indicating the project’s repayment
capacity, a critical consideration for a lender or investor.
For a sample pro forma cash flow statement, see
Appendix E.
Also included in this section are income statements,
balance sheets, and sources and uses of funds statements
(or statements of cash flows). These pro forma statements
provide important information beyond the cash flow
analysis. The plan for accumulating needed member
equity adds even more information by providing dates,
sources, and amounts of equity expected (this information
will be likely obtained from a potential member survey).
Another useful analysis to include is a ratio analysis where
ratios are developed from the pro forma statements. For
example, current ratios, debt ratios, assets turnover,
return on net worth, return on investment, return on
sales, etc., should be formulated and compared during the
projected years. For sample pro forma operating, balance
sheet, and ratio statements, see Appendices F, G, and H,
In the financial analysis, the study should show the
impact of varying key project assumptions. This
controlled variation, called sensitivity analysis, permits
planners to view which project elements are the most
susceptible to positive and negative changes. For example,
what impact does a 10-percent reduction in sales volume
have on net margins?
The sensitivity analyses conducted should then be
studied, and those that are potentially realistic should be
developed into specific scenarios, which would involve
looking at all aspects of how the proposed possible
changes would affect the project. Both “worst-case”
possibilities and optimistic scenarios should be created for
comparison purposes. A comparison table and discussion
should be developed so that it’s easy to assess the
differences between scenarios.
The financial section should summarize all the
findings of the financial analyses and provide an overall
assessment of the financial and economic implications of
the project. The financial impacts at both the cooperative
and member level should be detailed.
VII. Summary and Recommendations
A. Concise Summarization of the Major Findings
B. Recommendations and Concluding Comments
C. Development schedule (remaining key steps
and accompanying dates for action)
To finalize the study, the last section of text should
summarize all of the major points that the information
and analyses throughout the report provided. This will
allow the reader to fully comprehend all the different
pieces of the study and how they work in conjunction
with each other.
The project’s impact on potential members should be
addressed. Project benefits, for example projected
payment to members for product delivered to the
cooperative, and patronage refunds should be
summarized. Potential members should gain an
understanding of the benefits the proposed cooperative
would provide them and be able to use that information
to decide whether to join.
The section should clearly describe any important
factors that the steering committee needs to consider as it
works toward implementing a full assessment of the
business and making a decision on whether to proceed.
Some other aspects of the study that might be covered in
the summary include any possible project risks for
potential members or other investors, potential legal and
governmental setbacks that could come into play, and
time-critical factors, among others.
If the study shows that the project is clearly feasible,
this section should describe any important work that still
needs to be done and actions that need to be taken (with
relevant dates) as the group works toward a solid business
plan and implementation. If the study found that more
information, resources, etc. are needed before the project
will be feasible, it should clearly state such discrepancies
and provide recommendations for potential actions that
could alleviate the issues.
VIII. Appendix
A Appendices (additional spreadsheets)
B. Important supplemental information
C. Notes, credentials, and references
The appendix of the report should include
supplemental tables, spreadsheets, charts, and
information—that are related to the analysis and
descriptions in the report’s body—that will provide the
reviewer with a greater understanding of the project.
Some examples of supplemental information, which will
be highly dependent on the type of business being
studied, might include:
Background information on assumptions used in the
analysis if not fully described in the body of the study
(some might be derived from potential spreadsheet data
given as examples here).
Monthly inventory tracking spreadsheets for
commodities to be handled, purchased,processed, sold
Monthly sales price spreadsheets for commodities to
be handled, purchased, processed, sold, etc.
Capital purchase and depreciation schedules for land,
buildings, equipment, parts, etc.
Employee schedules and salary/wage information for
any staff that will be hired (management, sales
representatives, administrative staff, warehouse
personnel, laborers, etc.).
Debt repayment schedules for different categories of
borrowing (real estate, equipment, working capital, etc.).
Pro forma financial statements (cash flow, operating,
balance sheet, etc,) for different scenarios studied, but
that weren’t a major focus in the body of the report.
Other industry or territorial information, such as
commodity or product alternative uses and sources,
commodity processing yield data, demographic data,
competitive data and mapping, etc.
Credentials of those involved in developing or
assisting with the study.
References used in the study and resources that will be
useful as the project progresses.
In some cases, this stated supplemental information
will have been addressed in the study’s main sections, so it
won’t have to be included in the appendix unless more
information is deemed to be required.
Accepting/Rejecting the Study
The steering committee usually makes the preliminary
decision to accept or reject a completed feasibility study.
The steering committee—which has been working
closely with the consultant—has the most knowledge of
the feasibility study and thus should make a
recommendation to accept or reject the study. The final
decision then rests with the entire group after a full
The decision to accept or reject a consultant’s work
should not be influenced by the findings of the feasibility
study, but rather by its quality. A well-crafted, but
negative, study can prevent learning the same
information later in the project process at considerable
trouble and expense. By the same token, a feasibility
study with positive returns should not be accepted merely
because it makes the project seem possible. Thus, the
primary objective of the study is not to promote the
business start-up but rather to provide an honest
evaluation of the project’s feasibility; that is, its prospect
for success.
Study approval should be based on the study’s technical
merits. Does it fulfill the work expectations that the
group had when contracting with the consultant? Are the
study assumptions reasonable and well explained? Is the
project conceptualized in a manner very similar to what
the steering committee communicated? Does the study
contain significant facts, analysis, and accuracy? Is the
study sufficiently comprehensive for a full analysis of the
If key information is lacking or not felt to be properly
analyzed, the study should be revised. If the committee
thinks that other marketing avenues should be explored,
or that changing conditions warrant further study, for
example, then it should ask for those analyses to be done.
In most cases, if major changes occur to the project
idea as presented in the feasibility study, the group should
have the consultant revise it to reflect these changes or
initiate a new study. This permits the group members to
make decisions with all applicable information.
Group Decisions After Accepting the Study
After the study’s quality has been deemed acceptable,
the steering committee and group need to decide whether
to proceed with the project.
Positive results from a feasibility study do not
necessarily imply that the group should proceed with the
project. Several factors could cause the group to stop or
to revise the project:
The situation/environment has significantly changed
since work on the study was completed;
The group has chosen another project it considered
more beneficial;
The risks are deemed greater than the group is willing
to accept;
Capital, size, or capacity requirements are more than
the group can accommodate; or,
New information shows key study assumptions to be
Negative study results do not necessarily signify that a
group should stop developing the project. The group may
cautiously proceed even if study results are negative. Any
decision to continue should carefully weigh the risks
involved and openly declare those to all involved before
making a decision to proceed. Here are some reasons for
the group to consider continuing with a business plan and
project implementation when the study did not provide
favorable results:
The situation/environment has improved since the
study was completed;
Critical assumptions of the study are found to be
unduly harsh or negative, or have significantly changed;
More potential members and/or product volume have
been identified;
Define Project
Proceed with study?
Attain Group Commitment
Appoint Leaders
Hire Consultant
Determine Study Components
Industry Background
Financial Projection
Study Summary
Go, or No Go?
The group feels that more producers or volume
will participate once the project is closer to
The group has found a partner to share the cost,
risk, capacity, etc; or,
Technical limitations of machinery or design have
been resolved.
The group should not proceed to develop a
business plan with negative issues still pending. It is
important that the steering committee and group
address any recommendations and limitations the
feasibility study outlines before it takes the time and
approves the expense that a business plan will take.
If a decision is made to proceed with the project,
the steering committee and group should first look at
the study’s recommendations to see what, if anything,
needs to be accomplished before a business plan is
developed. For example, does the study advise
exploring joint ventures with processors or other
industry partners or organizational structures (such as
a limited liability company), obtaining marketing
contracts from prospective members, getting
attorney assistance to meet Federal or State security
laws, researching other marketing avenues, etc.?
Written records of the decision-making process
should be made and retained. The steering
committee and group have a legal responsibility for
adequate due diligence. An attorney should be
apprised of project developments as they occur—in
this case the acceptance, rejection, or need for further
analysis—of the feasibility study. The attorney needs
this information to provide appropriate legal counsel
to the steering committee and group as it proceeds.
If all issues, recommendations, and limitations are
fully explored, and the project is declared feasible, the
group and steering committee proceed to develop a
business plan (which is part of Step 7, in “How to
Start a Cooperative”, CIR 7). Many components and
analyses contained in the feasibility study will be used
in the business plan. The steering committee and
consultant should work to identify those parts that
are relevant and acceptable for inclusion in the
business plan. With the development of the business
plan, the steering committee and group will work
toward completing the remaining events/steps of
development, as explained in CIR 7.
Patrie, William. “Creating ‘Co-op Fever’: A Rural
Developer's Guide to Forming Cooperatives,” Service Report
54, Rural Development, United States Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC, July 1998.
“How To Start a Cooperative, Cooperative Information
Report 7, Rural Development, U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Washington, DC, Revised April 2015.
“Co-ops 101, An Introduction to Cooperatives” (CIR 55) is
a good information source for those needing a greater
understanding of cooperatives; it is available from USDA
Cooperative Programs.
The Agricultural Marketing Resource Center has
extensive information on value-added businesses available
at This site also provides links to resources
for feasibility studies and business planning.
Outside advisors can assist in the development process
as well as be providers of other sources of background
information. There are a number of cooperative
development centers around the nation with the sole
purpose of being practitioners of cooperative development.
Some of these centers belong to the “Cooperation Works!”
cooperative development network
( However, there are
centers outside of that network as well. Those interested in
developing cooperatives can benefit from contacting a
cooperative development center in their state or region (if
there is one) for assistance.
USDA Websites:
Department of Agriculture:
USDA Cooperative Programs:
USDA Cooperative Programs (publications):
USDA Rural Development:
USDA Rural Development can also assist you from its State Offices. Please
look up and contact the Rural Development State Office within your state:
Outside websites/resources:
University of Wisconsin Center for Cooperatives:
Quentin Burdick Center for Cooperatives:
Identify Economic Need
01. Determine the economic need. Leaders meet to discuss issues and to determine the economic need that a
cooperative might meet.
02. Hold an exploratory meeting. Hold a meeting of potential member-users to decide if interest is sufficient to support a
a. Sub-step: select a steering committee to lead and move process forward.
03. Conduct a member-use analysis and initial market analysis. Survey the potential member-users.
a. Sub-step: hold a second member exploratory meeting.
04. Conduct a feasibility study. This helps determine if the proposed cooperative is feasible based on assumptions,
researched information, and member-use and initial market analysis.
a. Sub-step: hold a third member exploratory meeting.
05. Prepare a business plan. Complete an indepth business plan using feasibility study as foundation.
06. Employ legal counsel to draft and complete legal papers. Articles of incorporation and bylaws provide legal standing
and how the cooperative will conduct business consistent with State statutes.
a. Sub-step: hold fourth member exploratory meeting.
07. Hold first meeting of the cooperative. Approve bylaws, discuss business plan, elect first board of directors.
08. Convene first board of directors meeting. Elect officers, appoint committees, discuss next steps.
09. Hold a membership drive, if necessary for more members and commitment.
10. Acquire capital. Raise from members and by borrowing, as needed.
11. Hire a manager. Board seeks and hires a qualified manager.
12. Acquire equipment and facilities, begin operations. Board and manager determine equipment and facilities
necessary; manager hires employees.
* From “How To Start a Cooperative”, Cooperative Information Report 7 (page 6, Figure 1); See report for more detailed information on this table.
GROUPS SOMETIMES confuse the role of two tools used in
business project development—the feasibility study and the
business plan. The feasibility study helps determine whether
to proceed with implementing the business while the
business plan spells out how it will be implemented. Each
has common components. Assuming positive feasibility study
results, much of its information is incorporated into the
business plan.
The feasibility study is conducted during the deliberation
phase of project development before financing is secured. It
shows if the project concept can be viable. This analytical
tool includes several scenarios for the group to use in
determining if it continues the project. If, after completing a
feasibility study, the group decides to not proceed, there is
no need to create a business plan.
If the group decides to proceed, it prepares a business
plan for project implementation. The plan serves as a
blueprint not only for implementation but also for what
actions the group will take during project operations. The
business plan usually contains less emphasis on scenarios
than the feasibility study.
Typically, it highlights only the scenario selected by the
group as the most promising. The business plan is much
more focused on what action steps will be taken during and
after project implementation.
The business plan is created after the feasibility study.
Project details, which required assumptions for the feasibility
study, have been decided. Standard business plans include
details such as key management personnel, business
location, the financial package, product flow, and possible
The feasibility study should be an independent review of
the project by one or more experts outside of the group. In
contrast, the group itself typically develops its business plan
internally, sometimes with the assistance of a consultant. It
needs to be based on group members’ vision for the
business, since they will be the owners. The group revises
the plan with information from bankers and investors once
the project situation becomes more defined.
Although this difference is not as important for project
development considerations, the feasibility study is only used
prior to implementation. In contrast, businesses continue to
use and revise their business plans after a project has been
implemented. The feasibility study refines the group's initial
ideas, while the business plan uses information from the
study to further prepare the project to evolve into an
operating business.
Points Awarded
Previous experience creating feasibility studies (0-20) ______________
Knowledge of the industry to be studied (0-15) ______________
Qualifications of principal researchers or team (0-10) ______________
Understanding of the cooperative structure (0-10) ______________
Proposed interaction with designated members (0-15) ______________
Verbal presentation/communication skills (0-10) ______________
Reasonableness of cost (0-15) ______________
Miscellaneous intangible (0-5) ______________
Total Score 100 ______________
* Adapted from USDA's Cooperative Service Report 54, “Creating 'Co-op Fever': A Rural Developer's Guide to Forming Cooperatives.”
A FEASIBILITY STUDY by a recognized independent consultant
may be required by the Agency for start-up businesses or
existing businesses when the project will significantly affect
the borrower’s financial operations. An acceptable feasibility
study should include, but not be limited to:
(a) Economic feasibility. Information related to the project
site; availability of trained or trainable labor; utilities; rail, air,
and road service to the site; and the overall economic impact
of the project.
(b) Market feasibility. Information on the sales organization
and management, nature and extent of market and market
area, marketing plans for sale of projected output, extent of
competition, and commitments from customers or brokers.
(c) Technical feasibility. Technical feasibility reports shall be
prepared by individuals who have previous experience in the
design and analysis of similar facilities or processes
proposed in the application. The technical feasibility reports
shall address the suitability of the selected site for the
intended use including an environmental impact analysis.
The report shall be based upon verifiable data and contain
sufficient information and analysis so that a determination
may be made on the technical feasibility of achieving the
levels of income or production that are projected in the
financial statements. The report shall also identify any
constraints or limitations in these financial projections and
any other facility or design-related factors which might
affect the success of the enterprise. The report shall also
identify and estimate project operating and development
costs and specify the level of accuracy of these estimates
and the assumptions on which these estimates have been
based. For the purpose of the technical feasibility reports,
the project engineer or architect may be considered an
independent party provided neither the principals of the firm
nor any individual of the firm who participates in the
technical feasibility report has a financial interest in the
project, and provided further that no other individual or firm
with the expertise necessary to make such a determination
is reasonably available to perform the function.
(d) Financial feasibility. An opinion on the reliability of the
financial projections and the ability of the business to
achieve the projected income and cash flow. An assessment
of the cost accounting system, the availability of short-term
credit for seasonal business, and the adequacy of raw
materials and supplies.
(e) Management feasibility. Evidence that continuity and
adequacy of management has been evaluated and
documented as being satisfactory.
Pro forma cash flow statement, FY 20XX*
Item Mth 1 Mth 2 Mth 3 Mth 4 Mth 5
Cash Receipts
Cash sales**
Credit collections
Commission fees
Interest income
Cash Paid Out
Employee wages
Payroll expense
Bad debts
Outside services
Repairs & maintenance
Accounting & legal
Property taxes
Other taxes
Interest on loans***
Principal payment***
Capital purchases
Income taxes
Other withdrawl
Beginning balance
Ending balance
*May have multiple statements for different years.
**May have more than one cash sale and purchases line (more commodities/products).
***May have more loan and interest payment lines if more loans are obtained.
Mth 6 Mth 7 Mth 8 Mth 9 Mth 10 Mth 11 Mth 12 Totals
Pro forma income statements, FY 20XX – FY 20XX*
Item FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX
INCOME $ $ $ $ $
Cash sales
Commission fees
Total sales
Cost of goods sold
Employee wages
Payroll expense
Bad debts
Payroll expense
Outside services
Repairs & maintenance
Accounting & legal
Property taxes
Other taxes
Operating income
Interest expense
Unallocated earnings
Allocated earnings
* This example shows five-year projections but many projects focus on just three years. Operating
statement line items will vary in description and inclusion depending on project.
Pro forma balance sheets, FY 20XX – FY 20XX*
Item FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX
ASSETS $ $ $ $ $
Current assets
Accounts receivable
Prepaids (e.g., insurance)
Total current assets
Fixed assets
Machinery & equipment
Less: accumulated depreciation
Total fixed assets
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Taxes payable
Patronage refunds payable
Line of credit
Interest payable
Total current liabilities
Long term liabilities
Machinery and equipment note
Real estate and building
Total long term liabilities
Total liabilities
Member Equity
Common stock
Preferred stock
Allocated earnings
nallocated earnings
Per unit capital retains
Total member equity
* This example shows five-year projections but many projects focus on just three years. Balance
sheet line items will vary in descriptions and inclusion depending on project.
Pro forma financial ratio analysis, FY 20XX – FY 20XX*
Item FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX FY 20XX
Current ratio
(current assets/current liabilities)
Debt ratios
(total debt/total assets)
(total debt/member equity)
Average collection period
(receivables/sales per day)
Total assets turnover
(sales/total assets)
Profitability ratios
Return on equity
(net margins/total equity)
Return on Invesment
(net margins/Investment)
Return on sales (net margins/sales)
* This example shows five-year projections but many projects focus on just three years.
Ratio analysis items will vary in descriptions and inclusion depending on project.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and
policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and
institutions participating in or administering USDA programs
are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender
expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status,
family/parental status, income derived from a public
assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation
for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity
conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all
programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by
program or incident.
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of
communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large
print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact
the responsible Agency or USDAs TARGET Center at (202) 720-
2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal
Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program
information may be made available in languages other than
To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online
at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any
USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide
in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To
request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992.
Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington,
D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email:
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Rural Business–Cooperative Service
Stop 3250
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20250-3250
Rural Business–Cooperative Service (RBS) provides
research, management, and educational assistance to
cooperatives to strengthen the economic position of
farmers and other rural residents. It works directly
with cooperative leaders and Federal and State
agencies to improve organization, leadership, and
operation of cooperatives and to give guidance to
further development.
The cooperative segment of RBS (1) helps farmers and
other rural residents develop cooperatives to obtain
supplies and services at lower cost and to get better
prices for products they sell; (2) advises rural residents
on developing existing resources through cooperative
action to enhance rural living; (3) helps cooperatives
improve services and operating efficiency; (4) informs
members, directors, employees, and the public on how
cooperatives work and benefit their members and
their communities; and (5) encourages international
cooperative programs. RBS also publishes research
and educational materials and issues Rural
Cooperatives magazine.