Pepco and Pepco Energy Services
701 9
Street, NW
Washington, DC 20068
8320 Guilford Road, Suite L
Columbia, MD 21046
December 2011
Benning Road Facility
3400 Benning Road, N.E.
Washington, DC 20019
Prepared By:
Ravi Damera, P.E
Senior Project Manager, AECOM
Prepared By:
Kevin Yue, E.I.T.
Environmental Engineer, AECOM
Reviewed By:
Gary Grinstead, P.G.
Senior Technical Reviewer, AECOM
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1
TASK 1: Community Relations ............................................................................................ 3
1.1 Development and Implementation of Community Involvement Plan .....................................3
1.2 Support the Administrative Record .........................................................................................3
TASK 2: Scoping and Preparation of Work Plans ............................................................. 4
2.1 Review of Existing Data and Development of Conceptual Site Model ..................................4
2.2 Planning Scope of Inves tigation ..............................................................................................4
2.3 Preparation of Work Plans ......................................................................................................5
2.3.1 RI/FS Work Plan .................................................................................................................5
2.3.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan ...............................................................................................6
2.3.3 Health and Safety Plan .......................................................................................................6
2.4 Regulatory Review and Public Comment ...............................................................................6
TASK 3: Remedial Investigation .......................................................................................... 7
3.1 Field Investigation ....................................................................................................................7
3.1.1 Landside Investigation ........................................................................................................7
3.1.2 Waterside Investigation ......................................................................................................7
3.2 Data Analysis and Management .............................................................................................8
3.3 Exposure Assessment and Risk Analysis ..............................................................................8
3.3.1 Human Health Risk Assessment ........................................................................................8
3.3.2 Ecological Risk Assessment ..............................................................................................9
3.4 Remedial Investigation Report ............................................................................................. 10
3.5 Regulatory Review and Public Comment ............................................................................ 11
TASK 4: Feasibility Study ................................................................................................... 12
4.1 Identification of Remediation Requirements and Establishment of Remedial Objectives . 12
4.2 Development and Screening of Remedial Alternatives ....................................................... 12
4.3 Treatability Studies ............................................................................................................... 13
4.4 Detailed Analysis of Alternatives .......................................................................................... 13
4.5 Feasibility Study Report ....................................................................................................... 13
4.6 Regulatory Review and Public Comment ............................................................................ 14
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
List of Tables
Table 1: Sources of Available Information Regarding Site Conditions
List of Figures
Figure 1: Site Location Map
Figure 2: Site Plan and Investigation Locations
Appendix A: Community Involvement Plan Outline
Appendix B: RI/FS Work Plan Outline
Appendix C: Sampling and Analysis Plan Outline
Appendix D: Health and Safety Plan Outline
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
List of Acronyms
CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act
CIP Community Involvement Plan
COPC Contaminants of Potential Concern
CSM Conceptual Site Model
DDOE District Department of the Environment
DQO Data Quality Objective
ERA Environmental Risk Assessment
FS Feasibility Study
FSP Field Sampling Plan
HASP Health and Safety Plan
HHRA Human Health Risk Assessment
NPS National Park Service
NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon
PRG Preliminary Remedial Goal
PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl
QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
RAO Remedial Action Objectives
RBSL Risk-Based Screening Level
RI/FS Remedial Investigation/Feasbility Study
SAP Sampling and Analysis Plan
SLHHRA Screening-Level Human Health Risk Assessment
SOW Scope of Work
SVOC Semi-Volatile Organic Compound
USCG United States Coast Guard
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UST Underground Storage Tank
VOC Volatile Organic Compound
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
AECOM has prepared this Scope of Work (SOW) on behalf of Potomac Electric Power Company (Pepco) and
Pepco Energy Services, Inc. (collectively “Pepco”) to describe the specific tasks to be undertaken in the
performance of a Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) at Pepco’s Benning Road facility (the Site),
located at 3400 Benning Road NE, Washington, D.C. Pepco has agreed to perform the RI/FS pursuant to a
consent decree that was entered by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia on December 1, 2011 (the
Consent Decree). The Consent Decree documents an agreement between Pepco and the District of Columbia
(District) which is part of the District’s larger effort to address contamination in and along the lower Anacostia
The 77-acre Site is bordered by a DC Solid Waste Transfer Station to the north, Kenilworth Maintenance Yard
(owned by the National Park Service, NPS) to the northwest, the Anacostia River to the west, Benning Road to
the south and residential areas to the east and south (across Benning Rd.). The general Site location is shown in
Figure 1. A detailed Site map is provided as Figure 2. Most of the Site is comprised of the Benning Service
Center, which involves activities related to construction, operation and maintenance of Pepco’s electric power
transmission and distribution system serving the Washington, D.C., area. The Service Center accommodates
more than 400 Pepco employees responsible for maintenance and construction of Pepco’s electric transmission
and distribution system; system engineering; vehicle fleet maintenance and refueling; and central warehousing for
materials, supplies and equipment. The Site is also the location of the Benning Road Power Plant, which is
scheduled to be shut down in 2012.
The Site is one of several properties along the Anacostia River that are suspected sources of contamination.
There have been five instances since 1985 in which materials containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were
released at the Site. In each case, Pepco promptly cleaned up the releases in accordance with applicable legal
requirements. Nonetheless, it is suspected that these releases, and possibly other historical operations or
activities at the Site, may have contributed to contamination in the river. In particular, a site inspection conducted
for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in 2008 linked polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH),
PCBs, and inorganic constituents detected in Anacostia River sediments to potential historical discharges from
the Site. The site inspection contractor also stated that currently the Site is properly managed and that any spills
or leaks of hazardous substances are quickly addressed and, if necessary, properly remediated.
The purpose of the RI/FS described herein is to (a) characterize environmental conditions at the Site and the
adjacent segment of the Anacostia River, (b) investigate whether and to what extent past or current conditions at
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
the Site have caused or contributed to contamination of the river, (c) assess current and potential risk to human
health and environment posed by conditions in the river, and (d) develop and evaluate potential remedial actions.
As described below, the RI/FS will have a “landside” component which will focus on the Site itself, and a
“waterside” component that will focus on the shoreline and sediments in the segment of the river adjacent to and
immediately downstream of the Site. The landside and waterside areas of investigation are depicted in Figure 2.
The areas of investigation may be adjusted or expanded during the course of the RI as warranted based on the
findings of the investigation.
The RI/FS will be overseen by the District of Columbia Department of the Environment (DDOE) and will be
performed in accordance with USEPA’s Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations and Feasibility Studies
Under CERCLA, OWSER Directive 9355.3-01, dated October 1988, and other applicable USEPA and DDOE
guidance documents. This Scope of Work describes the specific tasks to be performed as part of the RI/FS. As
provided in the Consent Decree, upon approval of the Scope of Work by DDOE (after consideration of public
comments), Pepco will prepare an RI/FS Work Plan that will describe the specific manner in which the various
RI/FS tasks will be performed, including the specific sampling methodology and the location of sampling points,
and the framework and criteria for analyzing sampling data and evaluating potential remedial options.
DDOE will use the results of the RI/FS to determine whether and to what extent remedial action is warranted and
to select appropriate remedial actions.
This RI/FS SOW consists of the following four specific tasks:
Task 1 – Community Relations
Task 2 – Scoping and Preparation of Work Plans
Task 3 – Remedial Investigation
Task 4 – Feasibility Study
Each of these tasks is described further in the following sections.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
TASK 1: Community Relations
1.1 Development and Implementation of Community Involvement Plan
Pepco will prepare a Community Involvement Plan (CIP) for review and approval by DDOE. The CIP will identify
issues of potential community concern regarding the ongoing environmental activities being performed in and
around the Site, and will outline community involvement activities to be undertaken. The plan will provide the
framework for communicating information to the public about the RI/FS, and shall incorporate procedures for
ensuring that members of the public are provided the opportunity to review and comment on the following
deliverables for at least 30 days prior to final approval by DDOE: (a) this Scope of Work ; (b) the Community
Involvement Plan; (c) the RI/FS Work Plan; (d) the Conceptual Site Model; (e) the Field Sampling Plan; (f) the
Quality Assurance Project Plan; (g) the Health and Safety Plan; (h) the Remedial Investigation Report, and (i) the
Feasibility Study Report. An outline of the CIP is provided in Appendix A.
1.2 Support the Administrative Record
Pepco will support DDOE’s efforts to compile and maintain the administrative record for the RI/FS work, and to
make the record available to the public. Pepco will provide deliverables required hereunder in the format and
number requested by DDOE for that purpose.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
TASK 2: Scoping and Preparation of Work Plans
Scoping is the initial planning process for the RI/FS and it is continued and refined throughout the RI/FS
project. The RI/FS planning process will include the following activities:
Review of Existing Data and Development of Conceptual Site Model (CSM)
Planning the Scope of Investigation
Preparation of Work Plans
Regulatory Review and Public Comment
These activities are further described in the following paragraphs.
2.1 Review of Existing Data and Development of Conceptual Site Model
Pepco will gather and analyze existing available data and information regarding past and present
environmental conditions at the Site and in the adjacent segment of the Anacostia River, including results
from previous investigations and sampling events and information regarding handling and disposal of
waste or hazardous substances at the Site. This information will be used to identify additional data needs
and to develop a preliminary range of potential remedial alternatives. A preliminary list of documents to
be analyzed is presented in Table 1. This list will be revised/updated as additional information becomes
Upon completion of data reviews, information on contaminant sources, pathways, and receptors at the
Site will be used to develop a preliminary conceptual understanding of the Site to evaluate potential risks
to human health and the environment. The CSM will include sources of contamination, affected media,
routes of migration, human and environmental receptors and routes of exposure. The CSM is useful in
identifying further sampling needs and potential remedial technologies to mitigate any identified risks. A
preliminary CSM will be included in the RI/FS Work Plan. The CSM will be updated as more data
becomes available through the RI/FS activities.
2.2 Planning Scope of Investigation
The field investigation will be designed to characterize conditions in soil, groundwater, surface water and
sediment, further refine the CSM, and collect data to support risk assessment and Natural Resource
Damage Assessment (NRDA). Specific data gaps identified during the review of existing data will be
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
used to guide the scope of the investigation. In general, the investigation will include the following
A landside investigation of the Site and select adjacent properties to which access is provided
(e.g., the District Department of Public Works Solid Waste Transfer Station and National Park
Service Kenilworth Maintenance Yard) will address existing soil and groundwater conditions at
the Site, and their effects on the Anacostia River.
A waterside Investigation will primarily address sediment conditions within approximately 10-15
acre portion of the Anacostia River along 2,500 linear feet of the river, approximately 1,500 linear
feet to the south and 1,000 linear feet to the north of the Site’s main storm water outfall, with the
Benning Road Bridge as the approximate southern boundary of the study area. The proposed
study area is based on its proximity to the Site and recent USEPA sampling results.
Additional sampling outside of the initially defined study areas will be planned as may be
warranted by the results of initial investigation activties.
The investigation will focus on PAHs, PCBs, and metals, with limited screening samples for
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, and
dioxins/furans based on knowledge of past operations.
2.3 Preparation of Work Plans
2.3.1 RI/FS Work Plan
Upon completion of the scoping process, Pepco will prepare an overall RI/FS Work Plan for submittal to
DDOE. The Work Plan will describe the overall technical approach for the RI/FS. It will include a
description and analysis of data from previous investigations and remedial actions at the Site and a
description of the preliminary CSM based on information on contaminant sources, pathways and
receptors at the Site. The Work Plan will describe the data gaps to be addressed by the RI and include a
comprehensive description of the work to be performed, the media to be investigated (e.g., air, surface
water, ground water, soil, sediments, etc.), and the methodology to be utilized, and shall describe the
project management approach, communication procedures (including progress reporting to DDOE), and
permit requirements. The Work Plan also will identify each major deliverable and will include a
comprehensive schedule for completion of each major activity. An outline of the Work Plan is included as
Appendix B.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
2.3.2 Sampling and Analysis Plan
A Sampling and Analysis Plan (SAP) will be prepared in conjunction with the RI/FS Work Plan. The SAP
consists of two parts: (a) a Field Sampling Plan (FSP) that provides detailed guidance for all field work by
defining in detail the sampling locations and the sampling and data gathering methods to be used; and (b)
a Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) that describes quality assurance and quality control protocols
necessary to achieve Data Quality Objectives (DQOs) dictated by the intended use of the data. An
outline of the SAP document is provided in Appendix C.
2.3.3 Health and Safety Plan
A Site-specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) will be prepared in conjunction with the RI/FS Work Plan to
ensure safety of Site workers during the investigation activities for both the landside and waterside
investigations. The HASP will be prepared in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (29 CFR
1910.120) and the Construction Industry Standard (29 CFR 1926). The HASP will discuss task-specific
hazard analyses, air monitoring for personnel safety, personal protective equipment recommendations,
Site controls, equipment and personnel decontamination, medical monitoring and training requirements,
and emergency response procedures. With respect to the waterside investigation, the HASP will require
all personnel operating on work boats to be trained for the task at hand and familiar with the United States
Coast Guard (USCG) policies and procedures. All field activities will be conducted in accordance with the
approved HASP. A HASP outline is provided in Appendix D.
2.4 Regulatory Review and Public Comment
The RI/FS Work Plan, SAP and HASP are subject to review and approval by DDOE. DDOE also may
solicit comments from other regional and federal agencies. In addition, DDOE will solicit public comments
on the RI/FS Work Plan, SAP and HASP in accordance with the CIP described above. Pepco will revise
the RI/FS Work Plan, SAP, and HASP, as appropriate to address comments from DDOE, other regulatory
agencies, and the public.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
TASK 3: Remedial Investigation
Pepco will perform a Remedial Investigation (RI) by implementing the SAP and related work plans with
the overall objective characterizing conditions in soil, groundwater, surface water and sediment, and
collecting data to refine the CSM and support risk assessments and Natural Resources Damage
Assessment. Various steps involved in the RI process are described in the following paragraphs.
3.1 Field Investigation
A general description of the technical approach for the RI field investigation is provided below. Additional
technical details will be described in the Work Plan documents.
3.1.1 Landside Investigation
Based on the detailed review of Site history and prior environmental investigations pursuant to Task 2
(Scoping), the landside investigation will include collection and analysis of soil and groundwater samples
at the Site to identify areas that have potential to contribute to surface water or sediment contamination.
The areas to be sampled will include areas where historical PCB spills and cleanups occurred, areas
where petroleum underground storage tanks (USTs) were removed, and current and historical PCB
storage/handling buildings. The sampling effort will proceed in two phases to allow careful review and
consideration of the findings of the initial contaminant delineation phase of work, followed by additional
delineation and optimized risk evaluation. Phase 1 will involve soil borings and Geoprobe sampling to
screen the areas of potential concern and identify any continuing sources of contamination. Phase 2 will
be a detailed hydrogeologic investigation involving the installation and monitoring of groundwater wells
based on the Geoprobe and soil boring data collected in Phase 1. The sampling program will incorporate
a progressive elimination approach that allows the use of screening parameters to screen larger areas to
help focus resources on potential problem areas.
3.1.2 Waterside Investigation
The waterside investigation will be conducted in two primary phases of field work. Data collected during
the first phase of work will be used to refine the scope and nature of work for Phase 2. In general, Phase
1 of the waterside investigation will focus on defining the nature and extent of constituents of potential
concern in sediments adjacent to the Site and selected background locations. Following the evaluation of
Phase 1 findings, Phase 2 will be implemented to refine delineation of chemical data, and add
toxicological, benthic, and geotechnical information from selected portions of the study area. Pepco will
also incorporate a progressive elimination approach into the waterside sampling program. This approach
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
allows the use of screening parameters to screen larger areas to help focus resources on potential
problem areas.
3.2 Data Analysis and Management
Pepco will analyze and evaluate data collected during the field investigations to describe (a) the physical
and biological characteristics of the Site that are relevant to contaminant migration and potential receptors,
(b) the contaminant source characteristics, (c) the nature and extent of contamination, and (d) contaminant
fate and transport. The evaluation will include information relevant to characteristics of the Site and the
adjacent segment of the river necessary to the identification and evaluation of potential remedial
alternatives. The information from the Phase 1 data evaluation will be used to identify areas of interest and
significant data gaps, if any. This information will then be used to optimize the selection of Phase 2
sampling locations.
Pepco will consistently document the quality and validity of field and laboratory data compiled during the RI
according to methods to be specified in the relevant work plans. Pepco will develop an analytical database
for laboratory data and field measurements. Appropriate quality control procedures will be developed to
ensure that the data collected during the investigation are of adequate quality and quantity to support the
intended data uses. A representative sample of the collected data (~10-20%) will be validated at the
appropriate field or laboratory quality control level. The data validation reports will be included into the RI
Report appendices.
Data evaluation will include analysis and presentation of all Site investigation data in an organized and
logical manner so that the investigation results for each medium are apparent. The investigation results will
be reduced, compiled, and presented in tabular and graphical forms.
3.3 Exposure Assessment and Risk Analysis
As part of the RI, Pepco will perform Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments using validated data
obtained during the RI field investigation.
3.3.1 Human Health Risk Assessment
Pepco will conduct a Human Health Risk Assessment (HHRA) in accordance with appropriate USEPA risk
assessment guidance documents. The majority of the Site is covered by impervious paving and/or gravel
and there is no exposure to soils under normal conditions. In addition, the Site is an operating facility with
restricted public access and has health and safety procedures in place to prevent exposure of workers to
any impacted subsurface soils. Accordingly, the risk analysis for the landside will be limited to the
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
evaluation of potential risks to the Anacostia River, and related receptors, as a result of contaminant
migration from landside media.
The HHRA will evaluate potential human health effects using the four step paradigm as identified by the
USEPA in the Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund, Volume I – Human Health Evaluation Manual
(USEPA, 1989). The steps are:
Data Evaluation and Hazard Identification
Toxicity Assessment
Exposure Assessment
Risk Characterization
Initial data evaluation and hazard identification will be conducted in a screening-level human health risk
assessment (SLHHRA). Based on the results of the SLHHRA, Constituents of Potential Concern (COPC)
and environmental media that warrant further evaluation in the baseline HHRA will be identified. The
SLHHRA will include refinement of the preliminary CSM for human health to identify potential receptors and
potential exposure pathways to environmental media at the Site. Concentrations of chemicals in Site media
will be compared to conservative, risk-based screening levels (RBSLs) determined to be protective of
human health under all exposure scenarios. Based on the outcome of the screening evaluation, the media
and COPCs for evaluation in the baseline HHRA will be identified. The HHRA will be used to evaluate
potential human health risks associated with exposure to environmental media at the Site. The results of
the HHRA will be used to help inform the need for any additional evaluation and/or remedial action at the
3.3.2 Ecological Risk Assessment
Pepco will conduct an Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) based on the findings of the waterside field
investigation to evaluate potential ecological risks associated with exposure to environmental media within
or along the Anacostia River adjacent to the Site. The ERA will include the following activities:
Literature review of previous investigations and assessments of conditions in the Anacostia River
Identification of potential exposure pathways
Identification of potentially exposed populations
Screening relative to literature-based ecological risk screening values
Screening level risk assessments and targeted risk calculations
Recommendations regarding the need for additional/expanded risk assessment
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
The ERA will be conducted according to the general tiered approach and methodology provided by the
USEPA Ecological Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (ERAGS): Process for Designing and
Conducting Ecological Risk Assessment, Interim Final (USEPA, 1997), Guidelines for Ecological Risk
Assessment (USEPA, 1998), and The Role of Screening-Level Risk Assessments and Refining
Contaminants of Concern in Baseline Ecological Risk Assessments (USEPA, 2001).
Each successive tier of the ERA process requires more detailed and quantitative data analysis and
interpretation. Conducting assessments in a tiered, step-wise manner maximizes the use of available
information and sampling data, while providing the opportunity to reduce the uncertainties inherent in the
ERA process through the use of focused supplemental data collection to fill key data gaps identified in the
previous tier of the assessment, as necessary.
The results of the ERA will be used to inform the need for any additional evaluation and/or remedial action
at the Site or in the Anacostia River.
3.4 Remedial Investigation Report
Upon completion of field activities and receipt of the analytical data, Pepco will prepare a draft RI Report for
submittal to DDOE. The report will include the following elements:
Site description
Site history and previous investigations/remedial actions
Description of field activities
Results of field activities to determine physical characteristics (e.g., surface water hydrology,
geology/hydrogeology, ecology, etc.)
Nature and extent of contamination
Contaminant fate and transport
Results of the HHRA and ERA
Findings and conclusions
Geologic logs, laboratory data, validation reports, and pertinent field data logs will be included as
Pepco will submit a final RI Report following regulatory review.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
3.5 Regulatory Review and Public Comment
The RI Report is subject to review and approval by DDOE. DDOE also may solicit comments from other
regional and federal agencies. In addition, DDOE will solicit public comments on the RI Report in
accordance with the CIP described above. Pepco will revise the RI Report as appropriate to address
comments from DDOE, other regulatory agencies, and the public.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
TASK 4: Feasibility Study
Pepco will conduct a Feasibility Study (FS) based on the results of the RI. The objectives of the FS are to
(a) identify remediation requirements and establish cleanup levels as necessary to eliminate or prevent
unacceptable risks to human health and the environment, and (b) identify, screen and evaluate potential
remedial alternatives. Various steps involved in the FS process are described in the following
4.1 Identification of Remediation Requirements and Establishment of Remedial Objectives
Pepco will identify areas and volumes of media for which remediation is required either (a) to eliminate or
control conditions in the Anacostia River posing an unacceptable risk to human health and the
environment or (b) to prevent the migration of contaminant from the Site to the river that would cause or
contribute to an unacceptable risk to human health or the environment. All calculations related to area
and volume estimates will be documented in the FS Report. For the areas where a remediation
requirement is identified, Pepco will develop remedial action objectives (RAOs) and preliminary remedial
goals (PRGs) in consultation with DDOE. The PRGs will be developed based on Site-specific risk factors.
The FS Report will describe the rationale for any cleanup levels established.
4.2 Development and Screening of Remedial Alternatives
Remedial alternatives are developed concurrently with the RI phase, with the results of one influencing the
other in an iterative fashion. Pepco will identify and screen a focused set of technologies that have the
potential to achieve the RAOs. This step will follow USEPA presumptive remedy guidance and USEPA’s
Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites (2005). Pepco will develop
general response actions (such as containment, treatment, excavation, pumping, institutional controls (e.g.,
deed restrictions), engineering controls (e.g., encapsulation), or other actions, singly or in combination) for
each medium of interest (e.g., soil, sediment, surface water, ground water) to achieve RAOs, and will
identify and evaluate technologies applicable to each general response action to eliminate those that cannot
be implemented at the Site. Consistent with USEPA guidance, the range of remedial options to be
considered will include, at a minimum (a) alternatives in which treatment is used to reduce the toxicity,
mobility or volume of contaminants, (b) alternatives that involve containment with little or no treatment, and
(c) a no-action alternative. Screening of technologies will be based on effectiveness, implementability, and
relative cost. Technologies retained after the screening process will be assembled into alternatives for each
remediation area.
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
4.3 Treatability Studies
Pepco will perform treatability studies as necessary to assist in the detailed analysis of alternatives.
Treatability studies are generally performed to determine the effectiveness of a technology in achieving
the targeted cleanup levels, to obtain design parameters for a full-scale process, or to screen multiple
process options of a particular technology. Treatability studies are important when technologies have not
been sufficiently demonstrated or characterization data alone is insufficient to predict treatment
performance or to estimate the size and cost of treatment units. Treatability studies can be conducted on
a bench-scale in the laboratory or on a pilot-scale at the Site depending on the study objectives. The
need for treatability studies will be determined once the initial screening of technologies is completed and
sufficient data from the RI are available.
4.4 Detailed Analysis of Alternatives
Pepco will conduct a detailed analysis of the alternatives that have been assembled and retained. This
analysis will consist of an individual evaluation of each alternative against the following evaluation criteria
and a comparative evaluation of all options against the evaluation criteria with respect to one another:
Overall protection of human health and the environment
Compliance with applicable regulations
Long-term effectiveness
Reduction of toxicity, mobility, or volume through treatment
Short-term effectiveness
DDOE acceptance
Community acceptance
4.5 Feasibility Study Report
Upon completion of the detailed evaluation of alternatives, Pepco will prepare a draft FS Report for submittal
to DDOE. The report will (a) document the location and extent of media requiring remediation and describe
the associated cleanup levels and RAOs, (b) describe the results of the identification and screening of
alternatives, and the detailed evaluation of alternatives, and (c) identify a preferred alternative for remedial
Benning Road Facility DRAFT December 2011
RI/FS Scope of Work
Pepco will submit a final FS Report following regulatory review.
4.6 Regulatory Review and Public Comment
The FS Report is subject to review and approval by DDOE. DDOE also may solicit comments from other
regional and federal agencies. In addition, DDOE will solicit public comments on the FS Report in
accordance with the CIP described above. Pepco will revise the FS Report as appropriate to address
comments from DDOE, other regulatory agencies, and the public.
Table 1
Pepco Benning Road Facility
3400 Benning Road, NE
Washington, DC
Sources of Available Information Regarding Site Conditions
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR). 1991. Health Consultation, Anacostia River Initiative,
Washington, District of Columbia. Accessed at:
Anacostia Restoration Potential Workgroup (ARPW). 2009. Annual Report Card.
Anacostia Watershed Toxics Alliance (AWTA). 2009. White Paper on PCB and PAH Contaminated Sediment in the
Anacostia River. DRAFT FINAL. Anacostia Watershed Toxics Alliance. February 23, 2009.
Anacostia Watershed Toxics Alliance (AWTA). Undated. Charting a Course Toward Restoration: A Toxic Chemical
Management Strategy for the Anacostia River.
Behm, P., Buckley, A., and Schultz, Cherie L. 2003. TAM/WASP Toxics Screening Level Model for the Tidal Portion of the
Anacostia River. Final Report. ICPRB. April 2003.
Buchanon, M. 2001. (Draft) Preliminary Contaminated Sediment Management Plan for the Anacostia River. National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Coastal Protection and Restoration Division, Seattle, WA.
Doelling-Brown, P. 2001. Trophic transfer of PCBs in the food web of the Anacostia River. PhD. Dissertation. George Mason
Hill, S., and P. McLaren. 2000. A Sediment Trend Analysis (STA®) of the Anacostia River. GeoSea Consulting (Canada) Ltd.
Brentwood Bay, British Columbia, Canada, December 2000.
Horne, 2005. Revised Draft Cap Completion Report for Comparative Validation of Innovative “Active Capping” Technologies,
Anacostia River, Washington, DC.
Horne, 2007. Final 30 Month Monitoring Report, Comparative Validation of Innovative “Active Capping” Technologies,
Anacostia River, Washington, DC.
Interstate Comission on the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB). 2007. Total Maximum Daily Loads of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
(PCBs) for Tidal Portions of the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. September
28, 2007.
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCG). 2007. Anacostia River Watershed: Environmental Condition and
Restoration Overview. DRAFT. March 2007.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2000. Interpretive Summary of Existing Data Relevant to
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Page 1 of 1
Benning Road Facility
3400 Benning Road, NE
Washington, DC 20019
Job No. 60189104
Pepco Holdings, Inc.
Investigation/Feasbility Study
Source: DeLorme 3-D
TopoQuads© (1999)
SCALE: 1:24,000
June 2011
PHONE: (410) 884-9280
FAX: (410) 884-9271
Appendix A
Community Involvement Plan
RI/FS Scope of Work A-1
Pepco Benning Road Facility
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Site and Project Background
2.1 Site Description
2.2 Areas and Contaminants of Concern
2.3 Regulatory Status
3.0 Summary of RI/FS Project Activities
3.1 Objectives and Purpose of the RI/FS Project
3.2 Current/Planned Project Activities
4.0 Community Involvement Program
4.1 Community Profile
4.2 Community Organizations
4.3 History of Community Involvement
4.4 Community Concerns
4.5 Community Involvement Plan Action Elements
4.6 Time Frame Summary for Community Involvement Activities
Figure 1 – Site Location Map
Figure 2 – Site Plan with Study Areas
Figure 3 – Site Vicinity Map
Appendix A – Consent Decree and December 1, 2011, Court Order
Appendix B – List of Contacts and Interested Parties
Appendix C – Fact Sheets
The CIP has been prepared following the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Community Involvement Plans
guidance available at
Appendix A.
Community Involvement Plan Outline
Appendix B
RI/FS Work Plan Outline
RI/FS Scope of Work
Pepco Benning Road Facility
1. Introduction
2. Site Background and Setting
2.1. Historical Removal Actions and Investigations
2.2. Geology
2.3. Hydrogeology
2.4. Site Description
2.5. Area Description
3. Conceptual Site Model
4. Work Plan Rationale
4.1. Data Quality Objectives (DQO)
4.2. Work Plan Approach
5. RI/FS Tasks
5.1. Project Planning
5.2. Field Investigation Activities
5.3. Data Validation and Evaluation
5.4. Risk Analysis
5.5. Remedial Investigation Report
5.6. Feasibility Study
6. Project Organization
7. Schedule
8. References
9. Appendices
This outline follows the EPA suggested RI/FS work plan format per Guidance for Conducting Remedial
Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA, Interim Final, EPA-540-G-89-004, October 1988.
Appendix B.
Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study Work Plan Outline
Appendix C
Sampling and Analysis
Plan Outline
RI/FS Scope of Work
Pepco Benning Road Facility
1. Site Background
Field Sampling Plan (FSP)
2. Sampling Objectives
3. Sample Location and Frequency
4. Sample Designation
5. Sampling Equipment and Procedures
6. Sampling Handling and Analysis
7. Field Quality Control
1. Project Description
Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP)
2. Project Organization and Responsibilities
3. Quality Assurance Objectives for Measurement
4. Sampling Procedures
5. Sample Custody
6. Calibration Procedures
7. Analytical Procedures
8. Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting
9. Laboratory Quality Control
This outline follows the EPA suggested RI/FS work plan format per Guidance for Conducting Remedial
Investigations and Feasibility Studies under CERCLA, Interim Final, EPA-540-G-89-004, October 1988.
Appendix C.
Sampling and Analysis Plan Outline
Appendix D
Health and Safety Plan
RI/FS Scope of Work
Pepco Benning Road Facility
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction
3. Site Information and Scope of Work
4. Hazard Assessment
4.1. Physical Hazards
4.2. Biological Hazards
4.3. Ultraviolet Hazards
4.4. Chemical Hazards
4.5. Weather Hazards
4.6. Other Hazards
4.7. Task-Specific Safety, Health, and Environment Procedures
5. SH&E Requirements
5.1. HAZWOPER Qualifications
5.2. Site-Specific Safety Training
5.3. Tailgate Meetings
5.4. Hazard Communication
5.5. Hazardous, Solid, or Municipal Waste
5.6. General Safety Rules
5.7. Stop Work Authority
5.8. Client-Specific Safety Requirements
6. Exposure Monitoring Procedures
6.1. Containment Exposure Hazards
6.1.1. PCBs
6.1.2. Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds
6.1.3. Metals
6.1.4. Real-Time Exposure Measurement
6.1.5. Heat and Cold Stress
7. Environmental Program
7.1. Environmental Compliance and Management
8. Personal Protective Equipment
8.1. PPE Doffing and Donning Information
8.2. Decontamination
9. Project Health and Safety Organization
10. Site Control
11. Emergency Response Planning
12. Personnel Acknowledgement
Attachments (Task Hazard Analyses, MSDSs, Spill Reporting Procedures, SOPs)
This outline follows the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Hazardous Waste Operations and
Emergency Response Standard (29 CFR 1910.120) and the Construction Industry Standard (29 CFR 1926).
Appendix D.
Health and Safety Plan Table of Contents Outline