Metering and Billing FAQs
If you have a photovoltaic (pv) system installed on or near your home and you have questions about your energy bills,
you’re not alone. To help boost your solar billing knowledge, we’ve put together the following FAQs.
How do you measure the energy I use?
When you use the sun’s power to generate electricity,
the amount you produce and use varies throughout the
year. In some months, you may produce more than you
need, so there’s energy left over. And other months,
you’ll use more energy than you produce. We use net
and production meters to keep track of this give and take.
The net meter moves forward when electricity flows
from our grid into your home or business, and backward
when electricity flows from your PV system onto our
grid. This bi-directional energy flow measures and
distinguishes kilowatt-hours (kWh) being taken from
the grid (used) and being put on the grid (produced).
We read this information on a monthly basis:
• Ifyouproducemoreelectricitythanyouuse,you’re
considered a “net producer” and you won’t be billed
for any kWh during that billing cycle. Any excess kWh
are stored in your Solar Bank for future use. (Refer
to Solar Bank information on page two.)
• Ifyouusemorethanyouproduce,you’llbebilled
for the difference (net kWh).
The production meter is a standard meter that’s set
up for payment of Renewable Energy Credits (RECs)
rather than for billing. It’s used to calculate your
monthly REC payments.
Uses from grid 1,000 kWh Uses from grid 200 kWh
Puts on grid 100 kWh Puts on grid 300 kWh
Billed for 900 kWh Billed for 0 kWh
Solar Bank = 0 kWh Solar Bank = 100 kWh
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How is AHIC determined?
We use a sophisticated cost calculator
to determine this amount, which also
factors in the fuel associated with
generation and any applicable economic
purchase transaction costs.
Whats the Solar Bank and how do I use it?
If you’re a net producer and your PV system produces more energy than you use, the excess
kilowatt-hours are credited to your virtual Solar Bank. You can choose one of the following
options for your Solar Bank credits.*
• Continuous Rollover Credits: Any excess generation from your net-metered PV system will
be rolled over month-to-month, year-to-year and held in a Solar Bank. The credits will never
expire, and will be used whenever your consumption from the grid exceeds your generation
on the net meter. However, you cannot cash out your Solar Bank, and no credit will be given
if you move or stop service. Credits cannot be transferred between Xcel Energy accounts or
to a new homeowner if a customer moves.
• Waive Your Decision: You choose to waive the decision until a later date. By waiving
your decision, you will default to year-end payout. Any excess generation from your
net-metered PV system will be rolled over month-to-month and held in a Solar Bank.
Xcel Energy will cash out your Solar Bank at the end of the year, and send you a check
for the excess energy in the first quarter of the following year. We buy this excess energy
at a rate called “average hourly incremental cost of energy” (AHIC) from the previous
12 months. By choosing to waive your decision, you can still make a one-time choice to
move to Continuous Rollover Credits at any time during the life of your contract.
Uses from grid 400 kWh Uses from grid 400 kWh Uses from grid 500 kWh
Puts on grid 600 kWh Puts on grid 300 kWh Puts on grid 300 kWh
Net kWh –200 kWh Net kWh 100 kWh Net kWh 200 kWh
Solar Bank 0 kWh Solar Bank 200 kWh Solar Bank 100 kWh
Billed for 0 kWh Billed for 0 kWh Billed for 100 kWh
Solar Bank = 200 kWh Solar Bank = 100 kWh Solar Bank = 0 kWh
Will I still have to pay other electric fees?
As a Solar*Rewards customer, you are not exempt from fees charged
to all electric customers, even when you produce more electricity than
you use. These fees include, but are not limited to,
Service and Facility fees, General Rate Schedule
Adjustment (GRSA) and Renewable Energy
Standard Adjustment (RESA). Whether you’re
a residential customer, or a commercial customer,
you can find rate information online.
*If you are a customer who wants to make an election
after your application has been completed, or are taking
over a previously owned PV system, you’re able to make
an election by filling out a Solar Bank Election Form, which
is available on our website at
How will my solar generation be reflected on my bill?
Here are a few sample bills for PV rate customers. Your bill will look similar to one of the following, based on your meter type.
• XcelEnergyinstallstwotypes*ofnetmeters:standardnetmetersandSentinel
net meters.
• Ifyouhaveaproductionmeter,you’llreceiveaseparatebill,soyou’llreceivetwobillseachmonth.
For your reference, we’ve added labels to help explain the bill layout, what each row description means and how the numbers
are calculated. (These references will not appear on your bill.)
*Meter type is not optional. The Xcel Energy metering department assigns meters based on amp rating and service voltage.
Also, depending on when your system was installed, you may not have both a net and pv production meter.
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This meter is marked with a yellow label on its face that reads “NET/PV METER.
This meter is marked with a red label on its face that reads “NET.
METER NUMBER : 0000000000 Read Dates: 12/20/12 – 01/22/13 (33 Days)
Total Delivered by Xcel
37376 Actual 36403 Actual 973 kWh
Total Delivered by Customer
3187 Actual 3148 Actual 39 kWh
Net Delivered by Xcel
934 Actual Actual 934 kWh
Net Generated by Customer
0 Actual Actual 0 kWh
METER NUMBER : 0000000000 Read Dates: 09/17/12 – 10/16/12 (29 Days)
Total Energy
4411 Actual 4132 Actual 279 kWh
Net Delivered by Xcel
279 Actual Actual 279 kWh
Net Generated by Customer
0 Actual Actual 0 kWh
This line shows the total energy you usedit’s calculated by taking the amount of energy you used,
and subtracting any excess energy you produced from your previous bill (your excess generation).
This line shows the amount of electricity your system delivered to the grid.
This line represents the actual kilowatt-hours that you’re being billed for.
This line reflects what’s in your Solar Bank and does not account for the net production or total
production of your system. If excess generation is greater than your consumption in a single read
cycle, the difference is shown here. In this case, the customer used more electricity from the grid
than their system delivered, so the net is actually 0. If you had any credits stored in your Solar Bank
from the previous billing cycles, those credits will be figured into this line as well.
This line shows the net of what you have used or produced – it’s calculated by taking the amount
of energy you used, and subtracting any excess energy you produced from your previous bill (your
excess generation).
This line represents the actual kilowatt-hours that you’re being billed for.
This line reflects what’s in your Solar Bank and does not account for the net production or total
production of your system. If excess generation is greater than your consumption in a single read
cycle, the difference is shown here. In this case, the customer used more electricity from the grid
than their system delivered, so the net is actually 0. If you had any credits stored in your Solar Bank
from the previous billing cycles, those credits will be figured into this line as well.
Please note:
One of these two
readings will always
be zero. If you’re a net
user, Net Generated
by Customer will be
zero, and if you’re
a net producer,
Net Delivered by
Xcel Energy will
be zero.
Please note:
One of these two
readings will always
be zero. If you’re a net
user, Net Generated
by Customer will be
zero, and if you’re
a net producer,
Net Delivered by
Xcel Energy will
be zero.
This line shows the total system production for the billing period.
Your REC payment credit is calculated by multiplying Total Energy Used in kilowatt-hours,
by the REC price, which is dependent on the agreed contract price.
METERING AND BILLING FAQs COLORADO | © 2014 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark
of Xcel Energy Inc. | Public Service Company of Colorado, an Xcel Energy Company. |
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If you need help understanding your
actual bill, please call 1-800-895-4999
to speak with an energy expert,
or send us an email at
How do I know how much energy my system
produced? Is that reflected on the bill?
As a solar customer, of course you’re interested in knowing how much
total energy your system is producing. However, you won’t find that
information on your Xcel Energy bill.
Our net meter only measures energy that touches our grid (if we deliver
energy to your home, or if you deliver energy to our system), so that we
can track how much energy we need to bill you for, or how much we
owe you. Unfortunately, if your PV system produces energy thats
used by your home and doesn’t ever make it to the grid, that isn’t
captured on your bill.
However, if you have both a Sentinel meter AND a production
meter, you can calculate the amount of solar energy your home
used up during a billing period.
1) Before you start, grab your net and production meter bills
(be sure they cover the same billing period) and locate the
“Meter Reading Information” tables on each one.
2) On your production meter bill, look in the “Usage” column and
find the kWh amount shown. Write it down. (On the sample bill
it’s 357 kWh.)
3) Next, on your Sentinel meter bill, find the “Total Delivered by
Customer” line, and then locate the number in the “Usage”
column. Write it down. (On the sample bill, it’s 39 kWh.)
4) Subtract the Step 3 amount from Step 2. The end
calculation is the amount of solar energy in kWh your home
used during that billing period that never touched the grid.
(Example: 357 kWh – 39 kWh = 318 kWh)
*Important notes:
– If you have a standard net meter, you won’t have the information needed for
this calculation.
The usage on the production bill will never match the usage of total delivered
by customer, unless there was no generation of electricity at the home.
Why isn’t my system producing more energy?
How do I know if my bill is accurate?
There are a variety of variables that can impact your PV production and
your energy use. If you’re concerned, you can always call us. But first,
consider the following:
• Check to see if your inverter, net meter and production
meter are all working correctly. Reach out to your installer to
investigate if you believe there is a problem with the inverter they
installed. If your installer checks your system and discovers that one
of our meters isn’t functioning as it should, call customer service
and an Xcel Energy meter technician can visit your home to
investigate the equipment and test the system’s electric readings.
• Think about other changes that may have increased your
energy use. Have you purchased a new electric vehicle or installed
any electrical equipment, since receiving your last bill(s)? Do you
have more people living in your home (for instance, a new child
or a grandparent)? Has the weather fluctuated substantially (i.e.
seasonal changes, extreme temperature swings)?
• Is your system new? Without at least a couple months worth of
production and billing data, it can be difficult to tell if a system is
producing as it should. If your system is new, we suggest monitoring
it for a few more months to see if there is a significant increase or
drop in production. That can help diagnose a potential problem.
METER NUMBER : 0000000000 Read Dates: 12/20/12 - 01/22/13 (33 Days)
Total Energy 503 Actual 146 Actual 357 kWh
Sm Prgm Mnthly Rec Pmt 357 kWh -$0.040000 $14.28 CR
Total -$14.28 CR