Simulation Modeling Sciences
Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-mission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly
owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA0003525.
CUBIT User Tutorial
Geometry and
Mesh Generation Toolkit
CUBIT Fast-Start Tutorial
16. Cubit Scripting with
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Python is a well established, widely accepted
scripting language. Its use within the
engineering community continues to grow.
Some useful links to learn Python
Official website:
Getting started:
Tutorial (2.7):
Reference (2.7):
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Enabling the Script Tab from Cubit
Select Tools Options
Select “Show Script
The script tab will
allow direct entry of
python commands.
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Python Journal Editor
Access from menu
Access from toolbar
Journal Editor with Cubit commands Journal Editor with Python commands
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Custom Toolbars
Access editor from
Access editor from
Example custom toolbar
Execute a series of
Python commands at
the click of a button
Execute a Python
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Custom Toolbars
Include “#!python” to tell Cubit to
interpret the commands as Python
(necessary for this tool only)
Create a custom tool button and
write Python commands in place,
just like Cubit commands.
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Custom Toolbars
Create a Python script
button and choose a Python
script to run.
Select the Python script to
(Optional) choose a directory
from which to run the script.
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Cubit Interface
Primarily, a query interface into Cubit
double mesh_size =
cubit.get_mesh_size(“volume”, 22);
Accessible via C++ or python
Change state by using cubit.cmd(“ ... “)
import cubit
cubit.cmd(“create brick x 10 y 10 z 10”)
cubit.cmd(“mesh volume 1,3,5”)
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Example 1
Open with the journal editor
Play the script
Change the parameters
Play again
Simulation Modeling Sciences
Example 2
Create a python script to compute and print the
minimum shape metric for all volumes. Consider
using the following CubitInterface functions
CUBIT User Tutorial
In the Cubit Journal File (Python) Editor
Simulation Modeling Sciences
Example 2
CUBIT User Tutorial
all_vols = cubit.get_entities("volume")
min_quality = 1.0
for vol in all_vols:
vhexes = cubit.get_volume_hexes(vol)
for hex in vhexes:
q = cubit.get_quality_value("hex", hex, "shape")
if q < min_quality:
min_quality = q
print 'min quality = ', min_quality
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Cubit Extended Interface
Create “pythonic” objects in Cubit
Reduce (but not eliminate) id issues
bri = cubit.brick(10,5,3)
cyl = cubit.cylinder(12,2,2,2)
vols = cubit.subtract([cyl], [bri])
v = vols[0].volumes()
print dir(v[0])
print v[0].id()
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Python Help
Help Manual online or built-in Appendix/Python
Python prompt
print dir(object)
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Black Box Cubit
Cubit can also be run from inside python
Set your environment variable PATH to include
the installed Cubit libraries
You may also need to set PYTHONPATH to the
same place
Run Python
import cubit
cubit.cmd(“brick x 10”)
This allows you to run Cubit programatically and
interact with other tools.
Simulation Modeling Sciences
Example 3
CUBIT User Tutorial
Copy your script from Example 2 to a text editor
Add the ability to import a mesh
Make the script you created above run on the
hexes in the mesh and print the result
In the native operating system using python 2.7
Simulation Modeling Sciences
Example 3
CUBIT User Tutorial
import sys
# add Cubit libraries to your path
import cubit
cubit.cmd('import mesh geom "mesh.g"')
all_vols = cubit.get_entities("volume")
min_quality = 1.0
for vol in all_vols:
vhexes = cubit.get_volume_hexes(vol)
for hex in vhexes:
q = cubit.get_quality_value("hex", hex, "shape")
if q < min_quality:
min_quality = q
print 'min quality = ', min_quality
Simulation Modeling Sciences
CUBIT User Tutorial
Cubit can support some additions to the GUI
Add new menu items
Add new dialogs
Cannot currently add new control panels
Use PyQt5 - a python interface to Qt
from PyQt5 import QtGui
QtGui.QMessageBox.question(None, “Title”, “Hello”)