Below you will find the Health and Safety (H&S) chapter of the Disney International Labor Standards
(ILS) Guidebook. The Guidebook is intended to increase transparency into the requirements of the ILS
Program. Each chapter begins with a Guiding Principle, meant to set the stage for benchmarks,
violation examples and corresponding ratings. The Guidebook will be released one chapter at a time.
This H&S chapter highlights:
Benchmark requirements and their associated ratings
Definitions of key terms and phrases
Information regarding required training and documentation, including permits and licenses
Required safety procedures and equipment
Recommended preventative measures
This chapter also introduces color-coded ratings for each of the benchmarks. The definitions for the
three rating levels are below.
Minimum Compliance Standard (“MCS”) is applied to violations which fall below the required
level of compliance with Disney’s Supply Chain Code of Conduct (“Code”).
Serious is applied to Code violations that may significantly impact worker safety if not
addressed promptly. When three (3) or more Serious violations are identified in a single audit,
they each will be rated as an MCS violation.
Non-MCS is applied to violations which are less egregious than the ratings above, but remain
issues that should be addressed in order for the Facility to be in full compliance with the Code.
Where Code requirements deviate from local legal requirements, the stricter standard will apply.
Violation ratings are periodically reviewed and updated. Please note that the violation examples
contained in the Guidebook are meant to be illustrative and not exhaustive. Disney reserves the right
to make changes to violations and corresponding ratings, at its discretion, taking into account that
some issues must be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 2
Workers shall be provided with a safe and healthy working environment. Facilities must
implement measures to prevent hazards and minimize workers’ exposure to unsafe and
unhealthy conditions in the workplace and in employer-provided housing.
The Key Compliance Benchmarks apply with respect to the Code of Conduct for
Manufacturers as well as the Supply Chain Code of Conduct announced in March 2022.
The following sections apply to all areas of a facility, including both on-site and off-site
employer-provided housing.
Suppliers must provide workers with a safe and healthy workplace, taking all
necessary steps required to ensure prevention or mitigation of injury or accidents
that may arise from the course of their work, as well as provide guidance on
proper chemical management and disposal. At a minimum, Suppliers must
provide workers with adequate and accessible restrooms, potable water, sanitary
food preparation, storage and eating facilities, personal protective equipment,
safe machinery and tools, training to prevent and mitigate accidents, adequate
temperature control and ventilation, and sufficient lighting.
Suppliers must ensure that all living and dormitory spaces are clean, safe, and fit
for the purpose. Spaces must be secure and allow reasonable freedom of
movement to enter and exit.
Suppliers should create, maintain, and execute emergency preparedness plans
and procedures that are understandable to workers and clearly communicate the
response procedures for various emergencies that may occur including fires,
natural disasters, security, and health-related events. Suppliers should regularly
assess whether buildings are structurally sound.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 3
Benchmark ratings are indicated with the following symbols:
Hazard Assessments
Training & Communication
Workers regularly exposed to occupational hazards must be
provided with health examinations and tested at the frequency
determined by applicable laws and regulations, or at least in the
following situations:
Before being assigned hazardous work;
Periodically while assigned to perform hazardous work;
Upon reassignment back to non-hazardous work;
At resignation or termination of employment; and
Upon request by workers.
Assessments to identify occupational health and safety (OHS)
hazards must be conducted regularly to ensure ongoing compliance
with applicable legal requirements. (Examples of common OHS
assessments can be found in the Preventive Measures section of this
Health and safety trainings must be provided for all workers and
supervisors when hired, upon assignment to a new job, and on an
annual basis thereafter.
Records of health and safety hazard assessments and work area
inspections must be maintained.
Records of internal and third party audits and compliance
inspections by regulatory agencies must be maintained.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 4
Work Environment
Health and safety corrective and preventive action plans, including
documented evidence of hazard control improvements, must be
Records of health and safety training attendance and assessment of
knowledge and/or skills (quizzes, tests, skills demonstrations) must
be maintained.
Records of self-assessments and other evaluations of compliance
with the company’s health and safety policies and procedures and
compliance with applicable legal requirements must be maintained.
A log of work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses, and copies of
accident investigation reports and the actions taken to eliminate
their root causes must be maintained.
All areas of the facility, including employer-provided housing, must
be in compliance with the health and safety requirements outlined
in this chapter and meet all applicable laws and regulations for
occupant safety.
Ventilation in the workplace must be maintained to control the
levels (or concentrations) of airborne contaminants, temperature,
noise, and other environmental factors within allowable limits as
prescribed by applicable laws and regulations.
Lighting must be provided at the level necessary to prevent eye
strain and workplace accidents as required by applicable laws and
regulations, and necessary for workers to perform their tasks
Where proper controls cannot be feasibly maintained, appropriate
procedures must be implemented to minimize adverse health
impact to workers. For example, frequent rest breaks in a cooler
shaded location and ample drinking water should be provided to
those working in high temperature and/or humid environments.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 5
Helpful Definitions
Confined Space: The interior
of a place such as a tank or a
utility vault that is large
enough for a worker to enter
and perform work but is not
designed for occupancy and
has restricted means of entry
or exit.
Emergency Procedures
Evacuation Drills
Elevated work areas, including scaffolds, mezzanines, and aerial
platforms must have guardrails to prevent falls. Where guardrails are
not feasible, workers working in such areas must be provided with
appropriate fall protection devices.
Confined space work must be evaluated for risks and appropriate
control measures must be clearly communicated to workers and
implemented (e.g., confined space entry procedures, permitting
process, personal protective equipment) as required by applicable
laws and regulations.
A written evacuation procedure based on potential emergency
scenarios must be established.
All workers, including new hires, must be trained on emergency
evacuation procedures in a language they understand on an
ongoing basis.
Evacuation procedures and maps must be prominently posted in all
occupied areas and be in a language understood by workers.
Evacuation maps must indicate both primary and secondary exit
routes, the locations of fire extinguishers and alarm points, and the
designated assembly locations outside the building.
Evacuation drills must be conducted for the entire facility once every
six months.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 6
Helpful Definitions
Means of Egress: A
continuous and unobstructed
path of travel from any point
in a building to the outside.
This includes the way of exit
access, such as a corridor, the
exit, and the exit discharge to
outside the building.
Exit: A portion of the means
of egress that is physically
separated from all other
spaces of the building. It
provides a protected way of
travel to the outside. This
includes but is not limited to
exit doors, exit passageways,
and exit stairways.
Occupant Load: Occupant
load is defined as the number
of occupants per story that
the means of egress is
expected to accommodate.
For example, for a space with
400 occupants and two
means of egress, the
occupant load for each is 200.
The minimum sizing of exit
doorways, exit pathways and
exit stairways is based on
occupant load.
Means of Egress
International Fire Code (2021), Section 1005 “Means of Egress Sizing”
Evacuation drills must include:
All workers;
All work shifts; and
All areas of the facility, including on-site and off-site
employer-provided housing.
Note: Large facilities and those with multiple shifts may need to
conduct drills at different times to ensure all workers are included.
Workers with disabilities or special needs must be pre-assigned a
partner to assist them in evacuating during a drill and in case of an
actual emergency.
Means of egress and stairways must be fully accessible at all times
and free from debris, clutter, equipment, and storage that may
impede egress or present a fire hazard.
Emergency lighting for all means of egress pathways (e.g., aisles,
corridors, exit stairways, and ramps) must be installed, functioning,
inspected monthly, and powered by either battery or backup
The minimum width of exit doorways and exit pathways must meet
the stricter of local fire safety regulations or the widths in the
following table
Minimum Width of Exit Doorways and Pathways
Occupant Load per Exit
Doorway or Pathway
Minimum Width
1 160 people
0.8 meters (32 inches)
161 to 200
1.0 meters (40 inches)
201 to 300
1.5 meters (60 inches)
301 to 400
2.0 meters (80 inches)
more than 400
Occupant Load times 5.1
mm (0.2 inches)
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 7
Emergency Exits & Exit Signs
International Fire Code (2021), Section 1005 “Means of Egress Sizing”
International Fire Code (2021), Section 1006 “Numbers of Exits and Exit Access Doorways”
The minimum width of all exit stairways must meet the stricter of
local fire safety regulations or the widths in the following table
Minimum Width of Exit Stairways
Occupant Load per Exit
Minimum Width
1 50 people
0.9 meters (36 inches)
51 150
1.1 meters (44 inches)
151 to 200
1.5 meters (60 inches)
201 to 300
2.3 meters (90 inches)
301 to 400
3 meters (120 inches)
more than 400
Occupant Load times
7.6 mm (0.3 inches)
All means of egress pathways must be delineated and marked with
arrows and signage to indicate the direction of travel to the nearest
Exit doors must:
Be unobstructed and unlocked during working hours,
including overtime hours, or whenever any workers are
present in the facility;
Open with one single motion (e.g., push on a panic
bar, or turn a doorknob, or push down on a door
handle); the use of keys, slide bolts and/or security
codes to open the door are not permitted; and
Open directly to an exit stairway or to the exterior of
the building (i.e., they cannot open into another room
or area, or into another building).
Facilities must have a minimum number of exits based on
occupancy as detailed below
Minimum Number of Exits
Number of Occupants per
Exits per Story
1 - 500 people
Two (2)
501 to 1,000
Three (3)
Over 1,000
Four (4)
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 8
Emergency Equipment
International Fire Code (2021), Section 1017 “Exit Access Travel Distance”
International Fire Code (2021), Section 906.3 “Portable Fire Extinguishers: Size and Distribution”
Exit doors must open in the direction of evacuation (i.e., outward)
and be side hinged (e.g., exit doors cannot be rolling or sliding).
Visible and illuminated signage must be posted at each exit.
The exits must be as far apart as possible (e.g., for a space with two
exits, the exits should be on opposite sides of the space).
For facilities without an automatic sprinkler system, sufficient exits
must be available to ensure that the maximum travel distance for a
person to reach the nearest exit does not exceed 61 meters (200
Fire alarms must be clearly heard and visible from all areas of the
facility and employer-provided housing, as required by applicable
laws and regulations.
A fire alarm control panel, automatic fire sprinklers, smoke detectors
and fire extinguishers must be installed as required by applicable
laws and regulations.
Maximum travel distance to a fire extinguisher cannot exceed 23
meters (75 feet)
or the distance required by applicable laws and
regulations, whichever is shorter.
Inspections of all means of egress, exit components, alarms, and fire
detection and suppression systems must be performed on a monthly
basis. The inspection program should include, but is not limited to:
An inventory of all exit components and emergency
A checklist of the inspection and maintenance tasks to
be performed for each item
Maintenance scheduling based on inspection outcomes
Maintenance of any legally required fire inspection
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 9
Helpful Definitions
Hazardous Materials:
Hazardous materials are
liquids, solids and gases that
present health and safety
hazards to workers,
property, or the
environment. They include
substances that are toxic,
corrosive, combustible,
flammable, reactive or
These substances must be
used safely to minimize the
risk to workers and the
environment during their
handling, use, storage,
transport, and disposal.
Permits & Licenses
Training & Communication
Hazards Management
Inspection and maintenance records, including the date,
work performed (e.g., visual inspection, functional test,
or type of maintenance or repair performed) and the
name of the individual who performed the work
Testing and maintenance of sprinkler system components must be
performed at a frequency recommended by the manufacturer or in
accordance with applicable laws and regulations, whichever is
Permits, licenses, registrations and certifications for the storage,
handling, treatment, and disposal of hazardous materials must be
obtained and maintained as required by applicable laws and
Workers working with hazardous materials must be trained on how
to safely store, handle, transport and use such materials, including
initial and refresher trainings and applicable certifications as
Emergency response procedures must be established to manage
spills, leaks and worker exposure to hazardous materials per
applicable laws and regulations.
Hazardous materials must be properly stored. This includes the
Combustible and flammable materials such as paints,
solvents, sawdust, and compressed gases must be
stored in approved containers in rooms and storage
areas away from open flames or other sources of
Chemicals are stored only in containers approved for
use with the specific type of chemical;
Materials are separated by hazard class (e.g., organic
acids must be segregated from flammables to prevent
the release of toxic or flammable vapors in the event of
a leak or spill); and
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 10
Helpful Definitions
GHS: The UN Globally
Harmonized System of
Classification and Labeling
of Chemicals (GHS) is an
international system
created by the UN to
address the classification of
chemicals by types of
hazard and harmonize
hazard communication
elements, including labels
and safety data sheets.
Safety Data Sheet (SDS):
An SDS provides detailed
information about a
chemical to help ensure
that all workers who handle
chemicals have the hazard
information they need to
safely use, handle and
store them. Some of the
information they provide
includes, physical data (e.g.
flash point and vapor
pressure), physical and
health hazards, first aid
measures, required
personal protective
equipment, and how to
handle spills or leaks.
United Nations Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals:
Storage areas, rooms and cabinets are provided with
secondary containment to prevent releases to the
environment or mixing of incompatible materials in the
event of a leak or spill.
A current inventory of hazardous materials that includes a list of
materials in the workplace, where and how they are stored, and the
volume of each material present must be maintained.
The inventory of hazardous materials must be shared with local
emergency response authorities where required by applicable laws
and regulations.
-compliant Safety Data Sheet (SDS) must be available for
every hazardous material in the facility.
SDS must be in the local language, in languages understood by the
workers, and be immediately accessible to workers in all areas
where chemicals are stored or used.
All containers of hazardous materials must be labeled with a GHS-
compliant hazard label in the local language and in languages
understood by the workers. Labels must include the following:
Signal word indicating the hazard level (e.g., Danger,
Warning, etc.);
Hazard pictograms that illustrate the material hazard
Manufacturer information;
Precautionary statement and first aid instructions;
Hazard statements (for example, “Extremely flammable
gas,” or “Toxic if ingested”); and
Product or chemical name
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 11
Helpful Definitions
Hot Work: Any work using
open flame or heat sources
that could ignite
combustible materials.
Examples of hot work
include welding, cutting,
brazing, pipe soldering, and
metal grinding.
All hot work should be
approved by an authorized
individual at the workplace
who is trained on the
necessary precautions for
hot work management. This
individual is responsible for
granting permits when
combustibles are removed
from the work area where
hot work is performed, wall
and floor openings are
covered, combustible floors
are covered with fire-
resistant materials, a fire
extinguisher is readily
available, a fire watch is
provided, and any other
necessary precautions are
Permits & Licenses
Machinery and electrical system permits, licenses, registration and
certifications must be obtained and maintained as required by
applicable laws and regulations.
Where licensing or certification is required to perform a specific
function (e.g., weld; operate any machinery, equipment or vehicle;
or install, maintain or repair electrical equipment and systems),
workers must be properly trained, licensed, and/or certified as
required by applicable laws and regulations.
Training & Communication
Machine Safety
Machinery and electrical equipment must be provided with signs
and labels indicating the hazards and necessary precautions.
All machinery and electrical equipment signs and labels must be in
the local language and in languages understood by the workers.
Safe operating procedures for all machinery and electrical
equipment must be up to date and readily available for workers who
operate the machinery and electrical equipment.
All safe operating procedures for machinery and electrical
equipment must be in the local language and in languages
understood by the workers.
Required machine safeguards must be securely in place, in good
operating condition, effectively protect against identified hazards,
properly utilized and maintained according to manufacturers’
instructions or recommendations, and tested for proper operation at
the start of every work shift.
Higher risk processes such as welding, torch cutting, brazing and
soldering must be conducted using proper safety measures, such as
a “hot work” permit system.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 12
Helpful Definitions
Control of Hazardous Energy
(Lockout/Tagout): Workers
who service or maintain
machines and equipment
may be exposed to serious
injury or death if hazardous
energy is not properly
Lockout/tagout procedures
require affixing the
appropriate locks and/or
tags to energy-isolating
devices (for example,
switches and valves),
deenergizing machines and
equipment before beginning
work, and training all workers
performing lockout/tagout
procedures. Workers in the
area where lockout/tagout is
performed should be
provided with awareness
Hazardous Energy: During
the servicing and
maintenance of machines
and equipment, the
unexpected startup or
release of stored energy
(e.g., electrical, mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic,
chemical, or thermal) can
result in serious injury or
death to workers.
Electrical Safety
Personal Protective Equipment
All machinery must be reviewed for safety hazards, and safeguards
must be provided to protect workers against the identified hazards.
The types of hazards requiring safeguards include, but are not
limited to:
Hot surfaces
Rotating parts, including in-running nip points
Reciprocating and transverse motions
Cutting, punching, shearing, and bending actions
Detailed preventive maintenance records for all machinery and
equipment safeguarding must be maintained, including, but not
limited to, inspections, functional testing, and scheduled
maintenance and repairs.
Electrical wiring and equipment in damp or wet locations must be
approved for use in such locations in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations.
All electrical wiring and equipment must be covered and insulated
to prevent contact with exposed live parts, per applicable laws and
Electrical equipment and installations must be maintained in a safe
condition through a program of routine inspections and preventive
maintenance at least annually or at a frequency recommended by
the designer or manufacturer, whichever is more frequent.
Lockout/tagout procedures must be in place and followed to
protect workers from unexpected energization, release of
hazardous energy, or startup of machinery and equipment during
repair and maintenance activities.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) must be provided,
maintained, and replaced at no cost to workers.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 13
Training & Communication
Emergency Response
First Aid Equipment
Workers must be provided with PPE that is appropriate for the
hazards involved.
Workers must always wear PPE wherever its use is required by
applicable law to protect the health and safety of workers against
site-specific hazards.
PPE must be stored properly when not in use, inspected prior to
each use, maintained to ensure ongoing effectiveness, and
replaced as required.
PPE must fit workers properly to minimize exposure to hazards.
Workers must be trained to properly use, store, and maintain PPE.
In areas where PPE use is required, postings and signs about the
hazard(s) and type of PPE required must be available in the
language(s) understood by workers.
A sufficient number of licensed medical staff members must be on
duty as required by applicable laws and regulations.
Workers requiring emergency medical attention must receive
appropriate care by trained medical professionals in a timely
Where professional medical attention is not immediately available
for an injured or ill worker, first aid must be administered by trained
facility first aid personnel in a timely manner.
Where there is risk of hazardous materials exposure to eyes, face,
or body, emergency eyewash and shower equipment must be
available and maintained to function properly at all times.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 14
Helpful Definitions
First Aid Kit: A first aid kit
contains supplies essential
for providing first aid to
injured workers, such as
bandages, antiseptic,
scissors, gloves, and hand
sanitizer. The requirements
for kit contents are contained
in ANSI/ISEA standard
Training & Communication
First aid training must be provided at least every three years to
workers responsible for administering emergency first aid. Training
may need to be conducted more frequently to ensure a sufficient
number of trained facility first aid personnel on an ongoing basis.
Workers handling hazardous materials must be trained on
emergency procedures including the location and proper use of the
eyewash and shower equipment.
Emergency phone numbers must be communicated to all workers
and be visibly posted throughout the workplace and worker housing
in languages understood by the workers (e.g., labels containing the
number are affixed on all facility phones).
Signage for emergency equipment must be in languages
understood by the workers.
Toilet Facilities
An adequate number (at least 1 toilet for every 15 workers) of
separate male and female toilet facilities must be provided to
workers. Wherever possible, single stall bathrooms should also be
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / International Safety Equipment Association (ISEA)
Z358.1 (2014) “Emergency Eyewash and Shower Equipment”
The travel distance from any point in the work area to the eyewash
and shower equipment must not exceed 15 meters (55 feet) or 10
seconds of travel time in the event of an emergency
First aid kits must be stocked with supplies appropriate for the
hazards in each area, and be readily accessible in all areas,
including worker housing.
First aid kits must be inspected and refreshed at least monthly, or
more frequently if needed to ensure adequate amounts of
necessary supplies are available and not expired.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 15
Toilet facilities in the workplace and employer-provided housing
must be well-ventilated, well-lit, and have running water (including
hot water where available), soap, toilet paper, and paper towels or
other hand-drying equipment.
Toilet facilities must be maintained in a sanitary condition, be
cleaned twice daily (or more frequently as needed), and supplies
replenished as needed.
Drinking Water
Safe and potable drinking water must be readily available and
accessible to workers at all times in the workplace and employer-
provided housing.
Periodic testing of drinking water must be conducted at least once
per year to ensure that it meets local regulatory requirements for
safe drinking water.
Dining & Food Preparation
All food storage areas, food preparation areas, and worker eating
areas must be inspected and cleaned frequently (for example, before
and after each meal) to maintain sanitary conditions.
Food handlers, cooks and servers must receive required medical
examinations and be trained and certified in food safety as required
by applicable laws and regulations.
All necessary certificates and licenses as required by applicable laws
and regulations must be obtained and maintained for
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 16
Employer-provided housing must be separated from buildings that
contain production processes, warehousing, or chemical storage
Employer-provided housing must be safe and secure. This includes,
but is not limited to:
A reasonable level of privacy
A separate bed for each worker (sharing of beds by
workers on different shifts also known as “hot
bedding” - is not permitted)
Beds arranged no higher than two tiers
Separate accommodations for men and women (both
sleeping rooms and toilets)
Adequate supply of potable water available at all times
Ventilation, both natural and mechanical, to ensure
sufficient air movement in all weather conditions
Employer-provided housing must have a reasonable level of
hygiene and comfort. This includes, but is not limited to:
Adequate natural and artificial lighting
A reasonable amount of personal space and personal
storage for each worker
Clean and sanitary toilet and washing facilities
Helpful Definitions
Housing (Dormitories):
Living accommodations
provided or arranged by the
employer for its workers.
Worker housing is typically a
shared accommodation,
also known as a dormitory,
with two or more workers
per sleeping room, and
common toilet and washing
Hygienic: Free of biological
(bacteria and mold),
infestations of insects or
vermin, accumulations of
trash, and chemical
contaminants that can cause
illness by inhalation,
ingestion or skin contact.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 17
Develop formal and written policies that:
Comply with applicable health and safety laws and regulations, including
obtaining all required building construction, occupancy and equipment
inspections, permits, certifications and licenses.
Maintain a safe and healthy working environment and employer-provided
housing, transportation, and food services.
Provide emergency first aid as well as ongoing medical treatment and
related services needed for a full recovery and return to work for workers
who suffer work-related injuries and illnesses.
Ensure workers’ access to basic needs (e.g., toilet facilities and drinking
water) is unrestricted.
Provide workers with information and training on an ongoing basis about the
health and safety hazards of their jobs and the precautions that are
necessary to prevent injury or illness.
In addition to the Compliance Benchmarks described above, develop and
implement formal written procedures to:
Routinely identify, track and comply with applicable health and safety laws
and regulations.
Regularly conduct assessments to identify occupational health and safety
(OHS) hazards to ensure ongoing compliance with applicable legal
requirements. The type of assessment should be appropriate to site
operations and can include:
Job Hazard Analysis, which breaks jobs down into individual
tasks to identify the hazards each task presents and how to
eliminate or control the hazards
Industrial hygiene (occupational hygiene) surveys to measure
exposures to health hazards such as dusts, vapors, gases,
noise, and ionizing and non-ionizing radiation
Review new equipment and chemicals to identify safety and health hazards
in need of control before beginning to use them.
Perform preventive maintenance for machine guarding, exhaust ventilation
and other hazard controls.
Identify training needs and deliver appropriate health and safety training,
based on legal requirements, customer requirements, worker requests, and
job-specific assessments of health and safety hazards.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 18
Provide, maintain, and replace as required, personal protective equipment
where hazards cannot be controlled by engineering means.
Ensure reporting and investigation of all work-related injuries and illnesses,
including taking appropriate actions to prevent a recurrence.
Encourage workers to report safety and health concerns or offer suggestions
for hazard controls without fear of intimidation or reprisal.
Perform structural integrity inspections of all buildings using visual and non-
destructive testing methods (e.g., ultrasonic testing, electrical resistivity, and
radiographic testing).
Assign accountability to senior management staff for achieving policy
objectives and assign management and other staff for effective
implementation of procedures.
Assign a senior manager with overall responsibility and accountability for
meeting policy objectives and overseeing how the system for managing
health and safety is working.
Ensure that managers, supervisors, and workers have clearly defined roles
and responsibilities. For example, responsibility for ensuring workers are
given appropriate personal protective equipment where it is needed, that
they understand how to use the equipment and they use it consistently.
Ensure that management takes into account suggestions from workers and
addresses concerns in a timely manner.
Provide initial and ongoing training to all managers, supervisors and workers
on the policy and the health and safety risks in the workplace that could
result in illness or injury.
Provide in-depth training for the staff responsible for implementing specific
procedures. For example, workers that perform repairs and maintenance on
equipment that could accidentally become energized and cause injury or
death, must know how to follow lockout/tagout procedures to protect
themselves and others nearby.
Post the company health and safety policy and local laws and regulations
where workers, on-site contractors and visitors can see them and in both the
local language and the languages workers understand. For workers with
difficulty reading, pictograms and photos can help. For example, pictures
and symbols can help communicate workplace hazards such as noise or
chemicals, and the types of protective equipment required.
Encourage workers to report health and safety issues and to make
suggestions for improving workplace health and safety practices.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 19
Health and Safety Committee:
An effective way to improve
company efforts to identify and
control workplace health and
safety hazards.
Involve workers in accident
investigation teams, in
performing work area
inspections, and in developing
and implementing safe work
procedures and other hazard
Helps the company track
achievement of its health and
safety objectives.
Maintain a register of all applicable health and safety laws, regulations and
Disney requirements.
Maintain health and safety committee meeting minutes, action items, and
attendance records.
Conduct regular internal or third party audits and assessments using
qualified personnel.
Set and measure progress on key performance indicators (KPIs). Examples of
KPIs include the percentage of workplace accidents and incidents
investigated for root cause, the number of corrective actions completed on
time, the number of accidents and injuries resulting from the same cause,
and the percentage of workers able to safely evacuate the workplace in the
target time.
Perform regular worker surveys to measure how satisfied they are with
workplace conditions and practices and to understand what would help
them do their jobs more safely and efficiently.
Conduct periodic senior management reviews to evaluate system
effectiveness and update policies and procedures.
Take both corrective and preventive action to address each identified root
cause so that problems do not recur. For example, a facility may first re-train
night shift workers on proper health and safety practices (corrective action)
and then review night production quotas and work schedules to eliminate
tiredness or working too fast as causes of injuries (preventive actions).
Assign task owners, milestones, and completion dates for any corrective and
preventive actions.
Ensure that workers know how to follow any new or revised procedures that
have been developed to address risks through initial and refresher training
as needed.
Measure whether the adjustments in procedures and supporting training are
producing desired results.
Effective: March 1, 2023 | 20
Disney International Labor Standards Program Manual
Occupational Safety and Health:
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (ILO-OSH 2001):
ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety:
SA8000 Standard:
Safety and Health Topics: