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Attachment & Human Development
ISSN: 1461-6734 (Print) 1469-2988 (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rahd20
The development of attachment in separated and
divorced families
Judith Solomon PhD & Carol George PhD
To cite this article: Judith Solomon PhD & Carol George PhD (1999) The development of
attachment in separated and divorced families, Attachment & Human Development, 1:1, 2-33, DOI:
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14616739900134011
Published online: 28 Jul 2006.
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The development of
attachment in separated and
divorced families
Effects of overnight visitation, parent and
couple variables
ABSTRACT This study represents the first systematic investigation of the
effects on infant attachment to mother and to father of the increasingly
common practice of overnight visitation (time-sharing) with the father in
separated and divorced families. There were 145 infants (ages 12 to 20 months)
and their mothers (and 83 fathers) who participated in the study. Parents
completed questionnaires, were interviewed about their relationship with the
baby, and were observed with their infants in the Strange Situation. Infants in
separated/divorced families who had regular overnight visits with father (n =
44) were significantly less likely to be classified as secure and more likely to be
classified as disorganized or unclassifiable in their attachment to mother than
infants in a married comparison group (n = 52). Attachment classification to
father was unrelated to visiting (time-sharing) arrangements, but infants were
significantly more likely to be classified disorganized/unclassifiable with father
in the separated/divorced groups (n = 39) than in dual-parent families (n = 44).
Disorganized'attachment to mother in the Overnight group was associated with
maternal reports of low parent communication and high parent conflict, and
with low maternal psychological protection of the infant, assessed from
maternal interviews. Consistent with Bowlby's and Rutter's context-sensitive
views of the effects of separation, the results suggest that repeated overnight
separations from the primary caregiver are associated with disruption in
mother-infant attachment when the conditions of visitation are poor, i.e. when
parents are unable to provide adequate psychological support to the child.
divorce - attachment - separation - caregiving - representation
of relationships
It is generally well known that nearly half of all marriages in the United States
end in divorce (Glick & Lin, 1986). 1 It is less generally appreciated, however,
Attachment & Human Development
Vol. 1 No. 1
April 1999 2-33
Copyright © Routledge 1999 ISSN 1461-6734
that divorce is most likely to involve young children: over half of the children
who experience divorce do so by age 6; 75% of these children are under age
3 (Emery, 1988). When we consider the number of children whose separated
parents were never married, it is obvious that an even larger number develop
their primary relationships to mother and to father in the context of a divided
family. To date, there have been no systematic studies on the development of
parent-infant relationships in this context, on the question of how very
young children cope with various visitation and access arrangements, or on
possible compensating, buffering, or risk factors. The present study was
designed to address these issues.
The effects
on attachment of overnight visiting away from
the mother
Reflecting contemporary shifts in attitudes toward the needs of young chil-
dren and the role of fathers, a sizable minority of separating parents choose,
or are required by the courts, to establish time-sharing arrangements for the
infant that include overnight visiting schedules away from the primary care-
taker, usually the mother. Findings from California indicate that over a third
of children aged 2 or younger participate in overnight visitation with a second
parent (Maccoby, Depner, & Mnookin, 1988). Despite the prevalence of such
arrangements, concerns about how they may influence the development of
infant-mother attachment relationship have been expressed. Several early
but often cited authorities advised against any overnight visitation away from
the primary caregiver for children under 3 years of age (Goldstein, Freud, &
Solnit, 1973; Hodges, 1986; Skafte, 1985). Similar cautions continue to be
emphasized in publications for families and court personnel (e.g. King
County Family Court Services, 1989; Spokane County Superior Court,
1996). This advice is based primarily on the results of classic studies of the
effects of prolonged separations from the mother. The basic finding of a
number of such studies is that infants aged 6 to 36 months who undergo
separation from the mother of a week or more display a predictable sequence
of shifts in mood and behavior that can culminate in a cool detachment from
the mother and other potential caregivers. Upon reunion, initial detachment
gives way to hypervigilance, dinging, or aggression for days or weeks and to
continued hypersensitivity to real or potential separation up to several
months later (Bowlby, 1980, 1973, 1982; Heinicke & Westheimer, 1965;
Robertson & Robertson, 1971).
Alternative hypotheses
It is not clear how relevant the classic separation studies are to the divorce
situation. In contrast to the conditions that prevailed in early studies, infant
overnight visitation in cases of separation and divorce most often involves
short-term but repeated separations from the mother in the care of a second
parent who is familiar and emotionally invested in the relationship.
Nevertheless, the attachment and divorce literatures permit us to generate
three alternative hypotheses about how time-sharing arrangements and
family dissolution might influence infant-mother attachment. The first of
these, here termed the simple separation hypothesis, is based on the notion
that separations are in and of themselves a threat to infant attachment security
with mother. It is derived largely from the early, detailed observations of
young children undergoing separations made by Robertson and Robertson
(1971) and Heinicke and Westheimer (1965), who emphasized how factors
such as the length of separation, the repetition of separations, and brief visits
within the separation influenced the child's reactions. Although well aware
of moderating influences, these investigators tended to emphasize the risks
to the infant-mother relationship of separation even under favorable cir-
cumstances. This view has been a very persistent one, as demonstrated by the
continuing debate about the effects of early day care. Several early studies
found that infants who began day care before 12 months of age were more
likely than infants who entered day care later to develop insecure-avoidant
attachments to the mother. This was interpreted as a direct consequence of
repeated daily separations of the infant from the mother (Bargolow &
Vaughn, 1987; Belsky, 1986; Blehar, 1974) based largely on the similarity
between the avoidance observed in Ainsworth's Strange Situation and the
avoidance of the mother shown by infants who have experienced prolonged
separations. These studies were criticized on several grounds, however, par-
ticularly with regard to whether variations in day care quality may have influ-
enced infant adjustment (Phillips, McCartney, Scarr, & Howes, 1987). The
most recent multi-site investigation of this question has failed to replicate the
original findings (NICHD Early Child Care Research Network, 1997; but
see Sagi, 1998). Because the simple separation hypothesis continues to exert
a strong influence on judicial and public policy, it needs to be addressed
explicitly in the context of the divorced family.
In contrast to the simple separation hypothesis, Bowlby (1973, 1980) and
Rutter (1972) emphasized a more context-sensitive view, in which separation
effects are moderated by the conditions of separation and reunion. Obser-
vations of young children undergoing long separations under varying cir-
cumstances (Heinicke & Westheimer, 1965; Robertson & Robertson, 1971)
demonstrated that a familiar and sensitive caretaking environment during
separation can mitigate or even prevent infant distress and detachment. In an
hypothesis based on individual cases, Bowlby also expressed concern that
adverse responses on the part of the mother to the infant's initial clinginess
and anger following separations might lead to enduring changes in the
mother-child relationship. This aspect of Bowlby's hypothesis has not been
tested systematically in human infants, but it is supported by findings from
non-human primates: infant rhesus monkeys whose mothers are rejecting of
contact after brief separations are more clinging and hypervigilant than
infants whose mothers are accepting (Hinde & Spencer-Booth, 1968). Thus,
in the context-sensitive view, the infant's response to separation from the
mother constitutes a special vulnerability or risk for attachment insecurity
that may be potentiated and maintained by adverse conditions, or that may,
under supportive conditions, be prevented. More recent support for the
context-sensitive hypothesis is found in the only study of overnight separ-
ation that has made use of Ainsworth's attachment classification procedure.
Sagi, van IJzendoorn, Aviezer, Donnell, and Mayseless (1994) found more
insecure-ambivalent attachments to mother among Kibbutz infants who
experienced daily overnight separations in comparison to infants who slept
with parents, but found no effect of occasional longer separations. They
attributed the overnight separation results to the lack of senskive caregiving
in the overnight sleeping situation.
A third hypothesis, which we term the simple context hypothesis, is sug-
gested by the divorce literature, which is based almost entirely on the study
of children of preschool age and older. Marital separation and divorce present
challenges to the establishment of secure infant-mother attachment that
potentially are independent of any effects that might be due to overnight
separation. The first two years following separation are known to be a chaotic
and stressful time, often characterized by changes in residence, a return to
work or longer work hours for mothers, new infant day care arrangements,
and, in particular, a 'diminished capacity to parent' on the part of both mothers
and fathers (Wallerstein, 1991). Given the exceptional psychological demands
made upon the parents in the early divorce period, higher than normal levels
of insecure attachments among divorcing parents would not be unexpected.
Three variables have emerged in the divorce literature as particularly
important to the child's social and emotional well-being: parent conflict
(Amato & Keith, 1991; Amato & Rezac, 1994; Block, Block, & Gjerde, 1988;
Cherlin et al., 1991; Emery, 1982; Hess & Camera, 1979; Johnston, Gonzalez,
& Campbell, 1987); parent communication (Johnston, 1990); and the parents'
psychological adjustment to divorce (Kline, Tschann, Johnston, & Waller-
stein, 1989; McKinnon & Wallerstein, 1986). These variables may influence
infant-mother attachment through their effect on maternal sensitivity (e.g.
et aL,
1989; Lyons-Ruth, Connell, Grunebaum, & Botein, 1990; Radke-
Yarrow, Cummings, Kuczynski, & Chapman, 1985), or through direct effects
on the infant's emotional state and behavior (Cummings, Iannotti, & Zahn-
Waxler, 1985; Davies & Cummings, 1998; Osofsky, 1995; Scheeringa &
Zeanah, 1995).
The present study was designed to differentiate among these three
hypotheses. Thus, if overnight visitation, by itself, has deleterious effects on
infant-mother attachment, we would expect more insecure attachments, par-
ticularly avoidant ones, among infants participating in overnight visits with
father as opposed to infants without overnights or in maritally intact families;
this effect should be more pronounced the longer and/or more frequent the
overnight separations are and the earlier such arrangements are put into place.
Alternatively, results that demonstrate an interaction between contextual
VOL. 1
variables and attachment for infants undergoing overnight separations would
tend to support the context-sensitive hypothesis. Finally, if the context of
divorce rather than the visitation schedule is most important, we would
expect higher levels of attachment insecurity in all divorcing families in com-
parison to maritally intact ones.
The effects of
time-sharing schedules on attachment to father
An additional area of interest in this study was the development of
infant-father attachment in the context of divorce. Relatively little is known
about the factors that are important to the development of this relationship,
even in maritally intact families (Belsky, 1996). In dual-parent families, the
amount of father involvement (time spent with the infant) has been reported
to have either a small but significant or no effect on quality of infant-father
interaction or attachment (Volling & Belsky, 1992; Cox, Owen, Henderson,
& Margand, 1992; Easterbrooks and Goldberg, 1984). Certainly, fathers can
be sensitive caretakers to infants (Cox
et al.,
1992; Field, 1978) and their
relationships with their infants are most likely to be judged secure, at least
in maritally intact families (Belsky, 1996; Cox
et aL,
1992; Easterbrooks &
Goldberg, 1984; Main & Weston, 1981). The basis for secure attachment to
father, however, has been difficult to pin down (Belsky, 1996) but may reflect
the father's sensitivity in the context of play or exploration rather than in
caregiving contexts (Cox
et al.,
1992; Grossmann, 1997; Solomon & George,
in press, a). Perhaps for this reason, most infants prefer their mothers as a
haven of safety (Lamb, 1976) and more easily 'forgive' their fathers after a
long separation, i.e. are less likely to avoid or be angry at him following a
long separation (Bowlby, 1980; Heinicke & Westheimer, 1965). Thus, what
is known about infant-father attachment in dual-parent families suggests
that time-sharing arrangements in separated and divorced families may have
relatively little influence on that relationship. On the other hand, when the
infant does not have daily contact with the father, the amount and pattern-
ing of their time together might have greater impact. Many separated fathers
believe that overnight access to the infant is a prerequisite to establishing or
maintaining a relationship with the young child. Court and mental health
personnel often encourage frequent father-visits, with or without
overnights, because of concerns that in the absence of frequent contact, the
very young child will be unable to establish an attachment to the father at
all (e.g. Hodges, 1986). For heuristic reasons, therefore, we can hypothesize
that overnight visitation and longer, more frequent and more regular visits
will promote secure infant-father attachment when the parents are
Regardless of the role of time-sharing arrangements, there is good reason
to believe that contextual variables (marital conflict, parent communication
and father psychological adjustment) will be associated with differences in
infant-father attachment. Indeed, studies of dual-parent families suggest that
fathering is even more influenced by these factors than is mothering (Belsky,
1996; Belsky, Gilstrap, & Rovine, 1984; Feldman, Nash, & Aschenbrenner,
1983). One reason for this is that the infant-father relationship is to some
degree mediated by the mother who may be either supporting or inhibiting
depending upon her perception of the father's competence and her willing-
ness to participate with the father in interactions with the young child (Parke,
1995). This would lead us to hypothesize that insecure infant-father attach-
ments would be more common in separated and divorced families than in
maritally intact ones.
The sample
The sample consisted of 145 mothers and their children 12 to 20 months of
= 15.9 months; 79 (55%) boys; 66 (45%) girls). Forty-four of the
infants participated at least once a month in overnight visitation with the
father (Overnight group). Forty-nine infants saw their fathers at least once
per month but had no overnight stays with him (No overnight group). Fifty-
two infants lived in intact (two-parent) families (Married group). Eighty-
three fathers also participated in the study (22 Overnight; 17 No overnight;
44 Married).
Sample characteristics are shown in Table 1. Mothers and fathers were
mature and represented a wide range of incomes and ethnicities. Statistical
tests examining the descriptive variables included paired comparisons
between (1) the Visitation (Overnight + No overnight) and Married groups,
and (2) the Overnight and No overnight groups, using Pearson chi-squares
or ANOVA, as appropriate. In the comparisons of the Visitation and Married
groups, results showed that whereas mothers and fathers in the various family
groups were similar in age and ethnicity, married parents reported signifi-
candy higher education and income and married mothers were less likely to
work full time than mothers in the visitation groups. Visitation mothers were
more likely than married mothers to have had a previous marriage (i.e. to
someone other than this baby's father) and were significantly more likely to
be in counseling at the time of the study, but all three groups reported high
participation in counseling in the past. Finally, Visitation group infants were
about 1 month older than Married group infants when seen in the laboratory
with father. Only one variable significantly differentiated Overnight group
mothers from No overnight group mothers: the former were more likely to
have children from a previous marriage, which may indicate some between-
group differences in lifestyles before the baby's birth.
In Table 2, the Overnight and No overnight groups are compared with
respect to separation, custody and legal variables of interest. It is noteworthy
that many couples had separated before the child's birth and about 20% of
Table I
Sample characteristics: means and percentages
Variable Mothers Fathers
Overnight No overnight Married Overnight No overnight Married
Parent's age
Education ~
Income b
Employed full time
Ethnicity: % white
Previous marriage? c
Previous children? d
Counseling (current) ~
Counselling (past)*
29.00 28.67 30.30 32.67 32.81 31.85
(6.59) (6.79) (6.79) (5.60) (5.75) (6.04)
3.07 3.25 3.67* 2.77 3.24 3.87*
(1.47) (1.47) (1.40) (.97) (1.48) (1.57)
2.71 2,76 3.80* 3.05 3.00 4.11"
(I .30) (1.33) (1.28) (1.00) (1.41) (1.22)
46.2% 48,9% 16.3%* 75% 75% 78.3%
63.4% 58.0% 66.7% 55% 61.4% 68.8%
33.3% 33.3% 17.3%* 21.4% 23.1% 26.1%
36.0% 15.9% + 19.6% 30.8% 25.0% 20.5%
1.9%* 36.4% 29.4% 4.3%
67.5% 66.0% 51.9% 57.0% 53.8%
Infant characteristics
Baby's ageg
16.56 15.78 15.33
(2.52) (2.34) (2.23)
Attends day care 59.1% 59.2% 42.3%
Hours day care I~
37.48 40.29 32.41
(16.39) (12.69) (14.53)
Start day care i
5.95 5.10 5.59
(5.08) (3.67) (4.41)
17.17 16.39 15.73"
(2.84) (2.14) (2.28)
aHighest degree: 1 = < HS [high school]; 2 = HS; 3 = some college; 4 = two-year degree; 5 = BA; 6 = MS; 7 = doctorate, blncome (annual), coded in thou-
sands: 1 = < 5; 2 = 5-10; 3 = 11-25; 4 = 26-50; 5 = 51-75; 6 = > 75. chad marriage previous to one with current partner (ex-partner). dHad children from a
previous relationship, eParticipating in counseling/therapy currently, fParticipated in counseling/therapy in past. gBaby's age (in months) at time of labora-
tory session with particular parent, hHours in day care per week. iAge (in months) at which baby started day care. *Pearson chi-square or ANOVA" Visi-
tation (Overnight + No overnight) vs. Married, p < .05 (at least). +Pearson chi-square or ANOVA: Overnight vs No overnight, p < .05.
2 Separation, custody and legal variables: visitation groups
Variable Overnight No overnight
Mean SD Mean SD
Length of separation (months) 11.0 7.97 11.19 7.55
Baby's age at separation (months) 5.00 8.07 3.92 7.37
N % N %
Prior stable relationship 35 80% 49 100%
Legal custody
Mother 8 19% 24 48%**
Joint 34 81% 26 52%
Physical custody
Mother 28 64% 49 100%**
Joint 16 36% 0
Restraining orders ~
Mother 7 33% 2 9%*
Father 18 86% 23 100%
Total 21 48% 23 47%
Formal mediation b 35 80% 31 62% +
~Restrailfing orders filed against mother or father.
SFormal mediation to resolve custody disputes.
+Fisher's exact,
1,p < .10.
*Fisher's exact,
1,p < .05.
**Pearson chi-square,
= 2, p < .05 (at least).
couples had no stable relationship at the time the child was conceived. These
figures reflect the great fragility of the prior couple relationships in this
sample and highlight the fact that the parent-infant relationships were
developing during a period of tremendous turmoil and loss in the life of the
parents. As expected, joint legal and physical custody were more common in
the Overnight than No overnight group. It is interesting to note that while
restraining orders against the father were common in both groups, mothers
in the Overnight group were significantly more likely than No overnight
mothers to have restraining orders against them. This suggests that there was
a higher level of mutual threat and mistrust among the Overnight families
than the No overnight families. About 70% of the separated families had
undergone formal mediation, which is required in California when there is a
disagreement about custody or visitation. It is estimated that only about 10%
of divorcing couples with children (all ages combined) undergo mediation in
the county from which most of the families were drawn (Duryee, 1991).
Possibly a higher proportion of parents with infants enter mediation.
Alternatively, recruitment methods may have resulted in an unrepresentative
number of disputing families in the present sample. There was a statistical
VOL. 1
trend for mediation to be more common among the Overnight than the No
overnight families, which may indicate greater disagreement between the
parents in the former group about the care of the child.
Of the demographic, marital history and legal variables showing group
differences, none was significantly correlated with attachment security (see
below) and no attempt was made to control for them in subsequent analyses.
Separated and divorced families were recruited from several sources in the
San Francisco Bay Area including contact information made available to us
by the Family Court Service, Alameda County (California), newspaper
advertisements, and referrals from local day care centers, family attorneys
and mental health workers. Married comparison families were recruited from
newspaper advertisements, local day care centers and referrals from other
study participants. Eligibility requirements for all subjects included (1) infant
was first-born of the couple; (2) infant age was 12 to 18 months (at time of
first laboratory visit); and (3) parents' age was at least 18 years. The follow-
ing additional eligibility requirements applied to separated/divorced families
only: (1) parents separated for at least three months; (2) father visits child
regularly at least once per month; and (3) if overnight visiting existed, the plan
had been in effect for at least one month.
Where referral information was available from Family Court Services,
mothers and fathers were sent a letter describing the study followed by one
or several attempts to make telephone contact. Of 97 eligible mothers who
were reached by telephone, 68 (70%) agreed to participate. Of 68 eligible
fathers reached by telephone, 46 (68%) agreed to participate. Across all three
groups, a total of 172 mothers agreed to participate (117 separated/divorced;
55 married comparison). Twenty-three mothers (20 separated/divorced; 3
married) were dropped because of either repeated failure to appear for labora-
tory sessions or failure to complete any of the questionnaires. Of the 101
fathers recruited across the three groups (49 separated/divorced; 52 married),
15 were dropped for failure to appear (7 separated; 8 married). An additional
4 separated/divorced mothers (and 3 fathers) were dropped from analyses
because overnight visitation had been in effect for less than one month (n =
3) and/or because arrangements could not be classified as either Overnight
or No overnight (parents took turns caring for child in mother's home
('birdnesting'), n = 2).
Every parent was sent a packet of questionnaires for completion before par-
ticipating in a single laboratory session with his or her infant. Separated and
divorced parents also were interviewed separately in their homes about the
history of their relationship with the other parent and about the separation.
The laboratory session began with the Strange Situation, a standardized
sequence of episodes, lasting approximately twenty minutes, which includes
two separations from and reunions with the parent (Ainsworth, Blehar,
Waters, and Wall, 1978). The Strange Situation was videotaped from an
adjoining room through a one-way mirror. Following this, parents were
administered a modified version of the Caregiving Interview (Aber, Slade,
Berger, Bresgi, & Kaplan, 1985; George & Solomon, 1989,1996). In this semi-
structured interview, parents described themselves as parents and their
relationship with the child in the course of responding to questions about
challenging and pleasurable aspects of the relationship and about daily and
unusual separations. Separated and divorced parents were asked specifically
about the visitation arrangements, their feelings about them and the process
by which the schedule had been arranged. During the interview, which lasted
approximately one hour, the child was entertained by the 'playmate' from the
Strange Situation, as much as possible, outside the interview room. The
session ended with the parent completing the packet of questionnaires, if
necessary, and as time allowed. Some parents left without entirely complet-
ing forms and returned them later. A few parents did not complete forms
entirely, resulting in somewhat different sample sizes for analyses depending
upon the form or variable. Parents were paid modest financial compensation
following the completion of their laboratory visit and questionnaires.
The infants' laboratory sessions with mother and father were administered
by different personnel and were scheduled at least one month apart. An
attempt was made to counterbalance order by parent gender, but it was more
difficult to schedule fathers, so that in 61% of cases the babies visited the
laboratory with mother first.
Attachment classifications
Attachment classifications were completed by
highly trained classification judges blind to all information about the families
(the first author, Donna Weston, PhD, and a team of three judges at the Uni-
versity of Washington, Seattle). Children were classified into four groups -
secure; avoidant; ambivalent; and disorganized - in accordance with pub-
lished guidelines (Ainsworth
et aL,
1978; Main & Solomon, 1990). In ad-
dition, cases were judged 'unclassifiable' when the baby's behavior did not
match any of the classification groups well. Most often such infants showed
an incoherence in attachment strategies that was not well captured by estab-
lished indices of disorganization. For example, some infants were avoidant
on first reunion, but inconsolable at second reunion; others were aggressive,
defiant, deliberately provoking of anger, or caregiving toward the parent; a
few seemed 'hypercompliant' (Crittenden & DiLalla, 1988). Because these
children lacked coherent strategies and/or their behavior seemed to resemble
the controlling classification that is a sequela to infant disorganization in later
childhood (Main and Cassidy, 1988), unclassifiable (U) cases were combined
with disorganized cases for the purpose of analysis. Sessions with an infant's
mother and father were classified by different judges.
Agreement on main classification group (ABCD/U) between the first
author and Weston was 94% (n = 16; Kappa = .89, p < .000) and between the
first author and the Seattle team was 80% (n = 20; Kappa = .71,p < .000). The
first author consulted Dr M. Main and Dr D. Weston on difficult cases. The
Seattle classifications were arrived at by two classifiers, working indepen-
dently; discrepancies between classifiers were resolved in consultation with
Dr S. Spieker. For all cases on which there was consultation, the final classifi-
cation was arrived at by consensus. For the reliability cases, the final classifi-
cation was contributed by the judge (or team) who had originally been
assigned to that case. There was no effect of session order (mother or father
first) on classification with either parent (chi-squaremo~e r = 1.84, df = 2 p =
.40; cb-i-squarefathe~ = 3.96, dr= 2, p = .14).
Visitation arrangements Mothers provided information about the visitation
schedule in written form in the questionnaire and when interviewed. Infor-
mation included exact days and times, when the plan was initiated, earlier
plans, and whether or not visits were supervised by them. The two reports
were compared to ensure accuracy. When there was a discrepancy between
the formal plan and what had actually transpired (this usually emerged in the
interview) coding was revised accordingly. Arrangements were extremely
idiosyncratic, requiring over 40 codes to represent key variations in plans.
Plans were summarized with respect to five variables: (1) the total time spent
with father per month (counted in terms of whole days, with an 8-12 hour
block of time = 1 day, or half days, being less than 8 hours); (2) the number
of overnights per month; (3) the (highest) number of consecutive nights spent
away from mother; (4) continuity (whether the infant saw father weekly, bi-
weekly, or monthly); and (5) number of transitions to father's care per month
(when mother was present during visits, there was considered to be no tran-
sition). In addition, three variables reflecting the amount of experience the
infant had with the current visitation plan were taken directly from mothers'
questionnaire responses: (/) how long the plan had been in effect, coded from
1 (1-2 weeks) to 7 (12-18 months); (2) the mother's rating of how wellparents
hadadhered to the schedule, overall, rated from 1 (= 100%) to 5 (= 0%); and
(3) in the last month, also rated from 1 (= 100%) to 5 (= 0%).
Psychological protection To assess the degree of protection provided by
the mother to the infant in the context of visitation with the father, a bipolar
scale was developed for use with verbatim transcripts of the Caregiving
Interview. This was a five-point scale with the odd numbered scores anchored
by specific definitions. A mother was given a high score on the Psychological
Protection Scale when she described herself as taking specific, active measures
to avoid or mitigate the child's insecurity or distress in the context of
visits with the father. Examples include demanding a particular visitation
arrangement based on her assessment of the infant's needs; modifying
arrangements to avoid distressing the child; and providing support and
reassurance to the infant before, during, or after visits. Mothers also received
high scores when they convincingly described themselves as having no con-
cerns about how visitation was affecting the child. Low scores were given
when mothers described specific instances in which they failed to take action
to avoid or to mitigate psychological ill-effects of visitation despite their
observation that the child was distressed or their concern that visitation was
psychologically harmful. Mothers could also receive low scores if they
described actions taken for the infant's benefit but evaluated these as ineffec-
tive and themselves as helpless or ineffectual.
Rating from verbatim transcripts of the Caregiving Interview was com-
pleted by two individuals who were blind to the hypotheses of the study and
all other information about the family. The correlation between raters' scores
on a sample of independently rated transcripts was .87 (n = 12, p < .001).
Raters agreed 100% on whether the transcripts provided enough information
to be rated.
Couple conflict
The Straus Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) is a brief self-report
instrument designed to estimate the level of conflict in a relationship and the
tactics used to express conflict (Straus, 1979). Subjects are asked to rate the
frequency with which they and their partner engaged over the last 12 months
in a set of 18 conflict tactics ranging from 'Discuss the issue calmly" to 'Use
a gun'. A 6-point scale ranging from 0 to 'more than 20 times' is used. Internal
validity for the three subscales tapped by the items (reasoning; verbal aggres-
sion; and violence) is high and adequate construct validity for the scale has
been demonstrated in a wide variety of studies (Hertzberger, 1991; Straus,
1979). Because there is greater question about the reliability of men's scores
than women's (Browning & Dutton, 1986; Jouriles & O'Leary, 1985) only
mothers' scores were used following the suggestion of Browning and Dutton.
Analyses for the present study were confined to the verbal aggression and
violence subscales. For the purposes of data reduction, mothers' ratings of
their own and their partners' scores on verbal aggression and violence were
summed to provide a single estimate of couple conflict (Cronbach's alpha =
.82; item-scale correlations ranged from .58 to .74). Because the distribution
of scores was highly skewed, the range was divided into quartiles and couples
were assigned a score from I to 4 representing the quartile into which their
scores fell (CTS 1-10 = 1; 11-22 = 2; 23-39 -- 3; 40-108 = 4). Straus reports
that 80% of mothers from maritally intact families reported 22 or fewer con-
flict acts.
Couple communication
The Ahrons Communication Scale (Ahrons, 1981)
is a self-report instrument in which parents are asked to rate on a scale from
1 (never) to 5 (always) how much they discuss and share decision-making with
their partner on ten aspects of the child's daily life including major decisions,
day-to-day problems, personal and developmental accomplishments, medical
problems, socialization, and their co-parenting relationship. Scores on all ten
items are summed to represent a single communication score. Only mothers'
ratings were used. Ahrons reports very high internal consistency (.93 for
mothers, n = 54) and the scale has been used successfully in previous studies
of divorce to assess the co-parenting alliance (e.g. Johnston, 1990).
Current psychological adjustment
The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI;
Derogatis & Spencer, 1982) was used to assess overall psychological adap-
tation of parents. The inventory consists of 53 items reflecting 9 subscales
(somatization; obsessive-compulsive; interpersonal sensitivity; depression;
anxiety; hostility; phobic anxiety; paranoid ideation; psychoticism) that
parents rate on a scale from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely) according to how
much discomfort the symptom has caused them during the past three
months. The subscales are positively correlated to corresponding MMPI
scales and show excellent test-retest and internal consistency reliability
(Derogatis & Melisaratos, 1983). Overall levels of psychological discomfort
are represented by mean severity of items (Symptom Severity) and the
number of symptoms rated 1 or higher (Total Symptoms). Raw scores were
converted to normalized T scores based on large-scale studies of normative
populations provided by the authors. These scales were highly intercorre-
lated (r = .91, women; r = .93, men) so that only the Symptom Severity scale
was used in subsequent data analyses.
Mother-infant relationship
Relation of family group to attachment.
The distribution of attachment
classifications across the three family groups is shown in Table 3. Loglinear
analysis was employed to test for the effects of family group (Overnight, No
overnight, Married) and attachment classification (B, A/C, 2 D/U) on the cell
frequencies. This procedure is equivalent to the Pearson chi-square pro-
cedure but allows for 'ANOVA-Iike' specification of main and interaction
effects in the analysis of contingency tables. The analysis revealed a signifi-
cant family by attachment interaction (Likelihood ratio chi-square = 10.34,
= 4, p = .035). Follow-up loglinear paired comparisons among the three
family groups showed that the interaction was largely accounted for by a sig-
nificantly different distribution of attachment classifications in the Overnight
as compared with the Married group (Likelihood ratio chi-square = 9.85,
= 2, p = .007). The distribution of attachment classifications in the Overnight
and No overnight groups differed at the trend level (Likelihood chi-square =
2, p =. 10) while the No overnight and Married groups were similar
(Likelihood ratio chi-square = .76,
2, p = .69).
Table 3 Distribution of attachment classifications to mother across family groups
Attachment classification
Overnight No overnight Married
n(%) n(%) n(%)
adjusted residual adjusted residual adjusted residual
B 7 (16%) 15 (31%) 19 (37%)
-2.18 .45 1.65
A 6 (14%) 13 (27%) 13 (25%)
-1.22 .34 .57
C 2 (5%) 0 2 (4%)
.87 -1.45 -.70
D/U 29 (66%) 21 (43%) 18 (35%)
3.03 -.70 -2.22
Note 1 The adjusted residual is the standardized residual divided by the estimated standard
error. The asymptotic distribution is standard normal.
Note 2 Likelihood ratio chi-square = 10.34, dr= 4, p = .035 (attachment group C combined
with group A for this analysis).
Although the pattern of findings suggests an effect of overnight visitation
on attachment, the family group differences apparently were not due to a
specific increase in avoidant relationships in the Overnight families. Looking
at the adjusted standardized residuals (shown in Table 3) it is clear that the
Overnight group was distinguished from the Married and No overnight
groups by lower than expected numbers of secure classifications and higher
than expected numbers of disorganized classifications. Indeed, the number of
A/C classifications in the Overnight group also appears to be somewhat
lower than expected. This unanticipated finding clearly requires replication,
but for heuristic purposes the distinction between organized insecure (A/C)
and disorganized classifications was maintained in subsequent data analyses.
Where appropriate, and as noted, the Bonferroni correction procedure was
used for post-hoc comparisons among the three attachment groups (Secure;
Insecure/Organized; and Disorganized/Unclassifiable) in recognition of the
greater number of comparisons entailed. 3
Effects of variations in visitation plans The reduced proportion of secure
attachments (and of organized attachments more generally) in the Overnight
group could suggest a direct effect of overnight visitation on infant-mother
attachment. To further test this hypothesis we undertook two MANOVAS
involving visitation variables. In the first analysis, the six visitation plan vari-
ables that were relevant to both the Overnight and No overnight conditions
(total time with father; number of transitions between mother's and father's
care; overall regularity of visits; regularity in the last month; continuity of
plan (e.g. weekly, biweekly, monthly); and length of time the current plan had
been in effect) were entered into a MANOVA analysis with family group and
attachment classification (B, A/C, D/U) as independent factors. The analysis
revealed a significant multivariate effect for family group (Wilks' Lambda (6,
67) = 11.01,p < .000) but no significant effect for attachment security (Wilks'
Lambda (12, 134) = 1.031, p = .424), or for the interaction between factors
(Wilks' Lambda (12, 134) = 1.16,p = .318). Follow-up univariate tests of the
multivariate family group effect revealed that Overnight and No overnight
infants' schedules differed significantly with respect to the infant's total visit-
ing time with father, reflecting in large part the inclusion of overnight time in
the calculation of this variable
(Overnight) = 13.89 'days' per month,
(No overnight) = 5.44 'days'; F = 10.15t (1, 72), p = .001), and with
respect to the continuity of visits, infants in the No overnight group being
more likely to have weekly access to their fathers than infants in the
Overnight group
(Overnight) = 3.57,
(No overnight) = 3.90, F
(1, 72) = 2.41, p = .045).
The second MANOVA was undertaken within the Overnight group alone.
Total number of overnights and the highest number of consecutive overnights
away from mother were dependent variables and attachment was the inde-
pendent factor. This analysis showed no significant multivariate effect (Wilks'
Lambda (4, 80) = 1.058, p = .38). Taken together, these analyses tend to dis-
confirm the simple separation hypothesis, that is, they suggest that variables
other than the infant's response to overnight separations explain or moder-
ate the effects of overnight visitation.
Maternal psychological protection
According to the context-sensitive
hypothesis, infant security in separated families should be a function of the
psychological buffering and protection provided to him or her by the mother
in the context of visitation. Thus, mothers who reported that they adapted
the visitation arrangements to the infant's needs and were responsive to signs
of his or her distress during separations and reunions would be more likely
to have children whose attachment to them was classified as secure. Results
of an ANOVA, with mothers' scores on the Psychological Protection Scale
Table 4
Psychological protection: related to attachment with mother and family
Attachment classification Overnight No overnight
N Mean SD N Mean SD
B 7 3.71 1.30 14 4.18 1.15
A/C 6 3.33 1.21 12 3.00 0.75
D/U 21 2.48 1.12 12 3.58 0.95
Total 34 2.88 1.27 38 3.62 1.07
Ns are slightly lower because 13 transcripts were judged as having insufficient infor-
mation to rate.
as the dependent variable, and family group and attachment as independent
factors, shown in Table 4, confirmed this hypothesis: the effect of attachment
security on visitation protection was significant (F (1, 76) = 7.36, p = .008).
Family group was not significantly related to protection scores and there was
no interaction between independent variables. Bonferroni-corrected post-
hoe multiple comparisons of the three attachment groups revealed that
mothers of secure infants were significantly higher on psychological protec-
tion than mothers of both insecure/organized and disorganized infants;
mothers of insecure/organized avoidant infants were also significantly higher
on this dimension than mothers of disorganized infants.
Contextual variables: communication, conflict and psychological symptoms
The relation to attachment classification and family group of the three con-
textual variables - two reflecting couple interaction (Couple communication;
Couple conflict) and one reflecting the mother's psychological functioning
(Symptom severity) - was tested in a MANOVA procedure in which security
and family group were the independent factors. The data and results of analy-
ses are shown in Table 5. The analysis revealed, as expected, a significant
multivariate effect for family group (Wilks" Lambda (6, 256) = 9.21,p < .000).
Subsequent univariate tests indicated that all three contextual variables made
a significant contribution to this effect (Fs (2,130) > 3.28, ps < .03). Multiple
comparisons using the Bonferroni correction confirmed that married
mothers reported significantly more communication and less conflict with
their spouses and less psychological distress than mothers in the separated
The multivariate effect for attachment classification was not significant,
indicating that contextual variables were not uniformly related to
infant-mother attachment in the various family groups (Wilks' Lambda
(6, 256) = 1.029, p = .36), and disconfirming the simple context hypothesis.
The family by attachment interaction effect was significant (Wilks' Lambda
(12, 339) = 2.91, p < .001), however, as predicted by the context-sensitive
hypothesis. Follow-up exploration of this interaction consisted of univariate
analyses of the three contextual variables, tests for simple effects of attach-
ment group when significant univariate effects were found, and post-hoe
Bonferroni-corrected comparisons of the attachment groups for significant
simple effects. This procedure revealed that couple communication and con-
flict made significant contributions to the interaction effect (F (communi-
cation) (4, 130) = 3.69, p = .007; F (conflict) (4, 130) = 2.85, p = .026). Conflict
was significantly related to attachment in the Overnight group (F (2, 39) =
7.22, p = .002) but was unrelated to attachment in the No overnight and
Married groups. Within the Overnight group, post-hoe Bonferroni-corrected
paired comparisons showed that mothers of secure infants reported signifi-
cantly less conflict than mothers of disorganized infants. Communication
was related to attachment at the statistical trend level in all three attachment
groups (F (Overnight) (2, 39) = 2.60, p = .09; F (No overnight) (2, 44) = 2.70,
Table 5 Mothers: family and attachment group differences on contextual variables
Varmble Attachment Overnight No overnight
Mean SD Mean SD
Mean SD
Post-hoe a
Communication B 33.71 11.97 23.00 12.37
A/C 31.50 13.01 19.67 10.50
D/U 23.48 12.37 28.76 11.02
Total 26.71 12.91 24.72 11.72
Conflict B 2.00 .82 2.93 1.07
A/C 3.25 1.16 2.67 1.15
D/U 3.41 .80 2.67 1.06
Total 3.14 1.00 2.74 1.07
Symptom severity B 60.00 9.52 54.28 5.11
A/C 53.13 13.74 61.00 7.31
D/U 60.00 9.72 58.19 12.57
Total 58.69 10.63 57.74 9.77
38.84 7.86 M > O, N b
41.57 6.33
34.71 11.63
38.20 9.23
2.05 .97 M < O, N b
1.79 .80
2.24 1.03 B < D c
2.04 .95
54.05 8.39 M < O, N b
51.50 8.43
54.06 10.16
53.34 8.93
Note 1 Analyses are based on subjects with complete data on all four variables. Total N = 139.
n: (B) = 14, (A) = 12, (D) = 21. Married n: (B) = 19; (A) = 14; (D) = 17.
~Results of Bonferroni-correeted post-hoc comparisons, p < .05.
bComparison of family groups.
cComparison of attachment groups within Overnight family group only.
Overnight n: (B) = 7, (A) = 8, (D) = 27. No overnight
p = .08; F (Married) (2, 47) = 2.32, p =.11), with lower communication appar-
ently being associated with attachment disorganization in the Overnight and
Married groups and higher communication being associated with disorgani-
zation in the No overnight group.
Father-infant relationship
Our hypothesis concerning the effects of visitation patterns on infant-father
attachment was the very general one, endorsed by many fathers, that
overnight visitation would enhance the quality of father-child attachment.
We therefore followed a similar analysis plan to that used for mothers. We
began with a loglinear analysis of the effects of family group on attachment
classification group frequencies. As shown in Table 6, there were essentially
Group A and C classifications with father in the visitation groups (1 C in
the Overnight group; 2 As in the No overnight group). To facilitate com-
parison with the maternal data, where the distinctions between the secure and
disorganized classifications appeared to be most important, the A and C cases
were combined with secure cases to yield a secure vs. disorganized compari-
son for this and subsequent analyses. Loglinear analysis with attachment
(Organized; Disorganized) and family group (Overnight; No overnight;
Married) as independent factors showed a significant interaction of family
group with attachment organization (Likelihood chi-square ratio = 7.39,
= 2, p = .024). In contrast to the findings with mothers, however, organized
attachments with father were significantly less common than disorganized
ones in both of the visitation groups in comparison with the Married group
(Likelihood ratio chi-square (Overnight × Married) = 4.49,
1, p = .034;
Table 6
Distribution of attachment classifications to father across family groups
Attachment classification
Overnight No overnight Married
n(%) n(%) n(%)
adjusted residual adjusted residual adjusted residual
B 8 (36%) 5 (29%) 16 (36%)
-0.16 -0.54 0.29
A/C 0 2 (12%) 13 (30%)
-2.57 -0.76 2.88
c 1 (5%) 0 2 (5%)
0.27 -0.90 0.48
D/U 13 (59%) 10 (59%) 13 (30%)
1.73 1.44 -2.70
Note 1 The
adjusted residual is the standardized residual divided by the estimated standard
error. The asymptotic distribution is standard normal.
Note2 Likelihood ratio chi-square = 7.3 9, df = 2,p = .O2 4 (attachment groups A, B and C com-
bined for this analysis).
Likelihood ratio chi-square (No overnight x Married) = 3.93,
= 1,
p = .047), that is, attachment was unrelated to the presence or absence of
overnight visitation.
Effects of variations in visitation plans
As for mothers, two MANOVAS
were undertaken to determine whether aspects of the visitation arrangements
influenced attachment organization with father. The first MANOVA, based
on visitation variables in common to the Overnight and No overnight groups
(total time with father; number of transitions; overall regularity of visits;
regularity in the last month; continuity of the plan; and length of time the
current plan had been in effect) revealed an expected multivariate effect of
visitation (family) group (Wilks' Lambda (6, 19) = 4.18,p = .008) but no effect
of attachment organization and no interaction. Follow-up univariate analy-
ses showed that only one variable contributed significantly to the visitation
group effect: fathers with overnights had about twice as much time overall
with the infant as fathers without overnights (F (1, 24) = 13.45, p < .001). The
second MANOVA examined the relation between attachment organization
and the overnight visitation variables (total number of overnights per month;
number of consecutive overnights) within the Overnight group. This analy-
sis showed no multivariate effect of attachment to father.
Contextual variables related to infant-father attachment: communication,
conflict and psychological symptoms
The relation to family group and
attachment organization of the three contextual variables (Couple com-
munication; Couple conflict; and Symptom severity) was determined
through MANOVA. These data are summarized in Table 7. Significant mul-
tivariate effects were found for family group (Wilks' Lambda (6, 146) = 5.53,
p = .000) and attachment (Wilks" Lambda (4, 73) = 3.34,p = .024), but in con-
trast to mothers there was no interaction effect. Follow-up univariate analy-
ses showed significant family group differences for all three contextual
variables (Fs > 4.55,
2,75,ps < .02). Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc com-
parisons of family groups showed significantly higher communication and
lower conflict for Married than both Overnight and No overnight fathers and
significantly less severe psychological distress for Married as opposed to No
overnight fathers. Only the communication variable showed significant uni-
variate effects for attachment classification, with lower communication
scores reported for fathers whose infants' attachment to them was classified
as disorganized (F (1, 75) = 8.57, p = .005).
Table 7 Fathers: family and attachment group differences on contextual variables
Variable Attachment Overnight No overnight Married Post-hoc ~
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Communication Organized 31.00 13.84 26.14 10.57 40.21 6.65 M > O, N b
Disorganized 21.77 8.57 21.20 9.21 33.38 13.00
Total 25.55 11.69 23.24 9.79 38.10 9.48
Conflict Organized 2.56 1.13 2.86 1.07 1.97 .94 M < O, N b
Disorganized 3.23 .93 2.70 .95 2.31 1.03
Total 2.95 1.05 2.76 .97 2.07 .97
Symptom severity Organized 62.00 9.76 65.86 16.80 56.66 11.10 M < N b
Disorganized 60.08 12.64 63.40 10.81 53.08 9.95
Total 60.83 11.34 64.40 13.16 55.55 10.77
Note 1 Infants classified B, A, or C are combined in the Organized category.
Note 2 Analyses are based on subjects with complete data on all four variables. Total N = 8t. Overnight n: (organized) = 9, (disorganized) = 13. No
overnight n: (organized) = 7, (disorganized) = 10. Married n: (organized) = 29, (disorganized) = 13.
~Results of Bonferroni-corrected post-hoc comparisons, p < .05.
bComparison of family groups.
Research demonstrating the negative effects of maternal separation in infancy,
combined with studies of divorce in older children, has led some pro-
fessionals to advise against infants participating in overnight visitation with
father. Given that this concern has never been examined empirically for chil-
dren below the age of 3 or 4, the guiding question of this study was whether
overnight visitation with father in infancy appears to threaten attachment
security in the infant-mother relationship. The study was designed to criti-
cally evaluate the validity of three alternative hypotheses reflecting (1) the
effects of overnight separation on infant attachment behavior (simple separ-
ation hypothesis), (2) the effects of maternal psychological protection and the
divorce and marital separation context, or (3) the interaction between these
factors (context-sensitive hypothesis). Consistent with Bowlby's (1980) and
Rutter's (t972) proposals, the results appeared to support the context-
sensitive hypothesis and to disconfirm the alternatives: infants who had
experienced regular overnight visiting with the father were less likely to be
classified as secure and more likely to be judged disorganized or unclassifi-
able in attachment to mother than infants who did not have overnights or
who were being raised in intact families. This effect was moderated, however,
by the psychological context of overnight visitation: mothers of securely
attached infants in the Overnight group described themselves as active and
effective in providing psychological protection to the infant in the context of
visitation and reported lower conflict with the child's father. Notably, this
finding is generally consistent with findings from the NICHD day care
studies in which the combination of low maternal sensitivity and poor child
care quality was associated with greater attachment insecurity. Because
attachment disorganization has been found to be a risk factor for behavioral
maladaptation over the course of later development (Carlson, 1998; Moss,
Rousseau, Parent, St Laurent, & Saintonge, 1998: Lyons-Ruth, 1996;
Solomon, George, & De Jong, 1995), these findings merit careful consider-
Limitations of the study
As this was the first systematic study of its kind, it is especially important to
enumerate the limitations of the data before going on to consider their
interpretation and implications. An important area of concern is the repre-
sentativeness of the divorce and comparison samples. The great majority of
separated or divorced families (70%) had participated in formal mediation,
which is required in California whenever there is a dispute regarding custody
or visitation. It is possible that had we been able to locate more non-disput-
ing couples, the distribution of attachment classifications, especially in the
Overnight group, would have been different. Court-ordered mediation may
also introduce a number of unknown but psychologically important biases
into the 'assignment' of couples to the Overnight and No overnight groups.
The fact that the sample was comprised of first-born children and the young
age of the children should also be considered in generalizing results since
both factors may contribute to the infant's vulnerability to potential ill-
effects of overnight separation. The Married comparison group also had
fewer secure and more disorganized/unclassifiable relationships than might
be expected. Similar patterns have been noted before in other normative
samples from this area both from our laboratory and others (George &
Solomon, 1996; Main, personal communication; Silverman, 1990; Solomon
1995). This suggests to us that certain self-selection biases may prevail in
this region. The high level of past involvement in psychotherapy reported by
the comparison group suggests that it may have included a disproportionate
number of individuals with more troubled pasts who therefore had special
interest in psychology or the particular topic of the present study. The distri-
bution of classifications may also have been influenced by the use of the dis-
organized category, which typically results in fewer secure classifications
than the standard Ainsworth coding system (Lyons-Ruth & Jacobvitz, in
press; Lyons-Ruth, Repacholi, McLeod, & Silva, 1991; Main & Weston, 1981;
Vondra, Hommerding, & Shaw, in press), and by the greater diversity in
income and ethnicity than has been reported for other samples (e.g.
et aL,
1978; Belsky, Campbell, Cohn, & Moore, 1996). We note
that these factors work against finding a difference between the Divorce
group and the Married group rather than the reverse.
Separation-related stress and the assessment of attachment
A more profound methodological and interpretive problem concerns the
meaning of attachment classification for infants undergoing overnight visita-
tion. Ainsworth designed the Strange Situation to make use of a 'natural cue
to danger', i.e. separation from the mother, to activate the attachment system
et aL,
1978) for the purpose of assessing a general quality of the
relationship across situations, including, but not limited to, separation and
reunion. In recognition of the fact that a recent separation can resutt in a tem-
porary disturbance in infant behavior, researchers typically refrain from
assessing dyads following a separation or at times of family crisis. The present
study, of course, required that we violate this practice, although it should be
noted that infants who had shifted to an overnight schedule less than a month
earlier were excluded from the sample.
In the context of a study of divorce and visitation schedules, what is typi-
cally treated as methodological 'noise' may be theoretically significant. Based
on the classic separation and day care literatures (e.g. Bargolow & Vaughn,
1987; Blehar, 1974; Heinicke & Westheimer, 1965) we expected avoidant
rather than disorganized relationships to predominate in the Overnight
group. This raises a question about the meaning of disorganized and unclas-
sifiable attachments in the present context. Attachments are said to be
disorganized when the infant seems to lack a single, coherent attachment
strategy with respect to the parent (Main & Solomon, 1986, 1990). Previous
studies in both high- and low-risk samples have shown disorganized attach-
ments to be associated with certain kinds of maternal psychopathology
et al.,
1990; Vondra
et al.,
in press), unresolved trauma in the
maternal history (Ainsworth & Eichberg, 1991; Lyons-Ruth & Block, 1996;
Main & Hesse, 1990), and profound disturbances in caregiving characterized
by frightening and frightened parental behavior (Carlson, Cicchetti, Barnett,
& Braunwald, 1989; Jacobvitz, Hazen, Thalhuber, Burns, & Gordon, 1997;
Lyons-Ruth and Jacobvitz, in press; Lyons-Ruth & Block, 1996; Main &
Hesse, 1990; Schuengal, Bakersman-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, in
press). However, given the overall findings of the study, we propose that the
high levels of disorganized attachments in the Overnight group have a differ-
ent origin. That is, they may reflect the effects on infants of separation from
primary caregivers under adverse conditions.
There is some precedent in the literature for this view. Ainsworth
et aL,
1978) reported that when the Strange Situation was
repeated twice in two weeks, infants who were formerly classified as avoidant
were extremely difficult to classify. At the time of the Ainsworth study,
coders tended to 'force' the infant's classification into the secure group, but
a number of these infants might now be classified as disorganized (Main &
Solomon, t986, 1990). Additionally, a careful reading of the classic literature
on the behavior of young children following prolonged separation from the
mother reveals that the child's behavior under those circumstances is more
similar to that which we now describe as a disorganized pattern in the Strange
Situation than to avoidant or resistant attachment classifications. For
example, Robertson and Bowlby (cited in Heinicke & Westheimer, 1965)
described one little girl as running eagerly toward her mother's door, crying
'Mummy! Mummy!', and then abruptly turning away and withdrawing upon
seeing her mother. This is a 'pathognomic' indicator of disorganized attach-
ment in the Main & Solomon system and there are numerous examples of it
directed toward mother or toward father in the present sample. Heinicke and
Westheimer observed many instances of
sudden, out-of-context
angry, pro-
vocative, or defiant behavior directed toward the mother mixed with
approach, contact, or avoidance. This unexpected juxtaposition of behaviors
was observed frequently in the present sample and usually resulted in the case
being judged unclassifiable. In the context of prolonged separation, this
behavior has been viewed as a reflection of the breakdown of deactivating
defenses that have come into play within the child in the course of coping
with separation (Bowlby, 1973). The possibility that overnight visitation
under adverse circumstances can lead to disorganization of attachment
behavior also raises important questions about the meaning and measurement
of the attachment security construct. Are such children truly more insecure
in the sense that Mnsworth intended or are they simply more anxious or
angry about the separation experience itself? Longitudinal investigation is
clearly required to determine whether this kind of disorganized attachment
behavior is stable and has significant developmental consequences (Solomon
& George, in press, b).
Protective and risk factors in attachment to mother
Overnight visitation was not inevitably associated with disorganization of
infant-mother attachment. Some infants were secure. Others appeared to be
at least what we have termed 'good enough' or adequate, that is, they were
classified as avoidant or resistant (George & Solomon, in press, a, in press, b;
Solomon & George, 1996). No particular characteristic of the visitation
arrangements themselves, including their number, duration, patterning, or
the age at which visitation was begun, appeared to be a risk or protective
factor in relation to attachment. This may in part reflect limited variability in
our sample: 80% of overnight infants spent only one or two nights away from
mother on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Possibly, more complex analyses than
were permitted by the present sample size (e.g. using age at which overnight
visitation began as an additional independent variable) would have revealed
scheduling effects.
The risk and protective factors that did emerge - conflict between the
parents and the mother's active psychological protection of the child - may
readily be understood as influences on the conditions of separation and
reunion from the infant's point of view. Interviews revealed that intense con-
flict between parents and/or the frigid avoidance of all communication were
common occurrences during transitions in the infant's care. Johnston and
Campbell (1988) made a similar observation regarding transitions involving
older children in high-conflict divorces. An atmosphere of tension and hos-
tility may heighten the infant's anxiety and need for reassurance both during
separations and reunions and in general (Davies & Cummings, 1998).
This leads to what we see as an important link between the mother's per-
ception of herself as active and effective in providing psychological protec-
tion to the infant and the quality of the infant's attachment to her. We found
that mothers in the Overnight group who described themselves as helpless or
failing to provide protection were significantly more likely to have babies
whose attachment was disorganized. Some mothers acquiesced to visitation
schedules or failed to adapt schedules to their infants' needs because they
sought to propitiate fathers whom they saw as threatening or intimidating.
Others failed to reassure a distressed infant or even rejected it because of
anger toward the father, fears of being rejected by the baby, a belief that the
infant had to learn to adjust, or a general feeling of helplessness. The conse-
quence of this for the infant is that both before and after separations, pre-
cisely when the attachment system is likely to be strongly aroused, the
mother was oblivious and sometimes angry and threatening to him or her.
Although it is our impression that under other circumstances many of these
mothers were able to maintain organized ('good enough') care, we speculate
that the mother's failure to respond sensitively and/or her frightening
behavior at these times of high arousal may be sufficient to disorganize the
infant's attachment behavior during laboratory separations and reunions.
Patterns of communication between parents about the child were related
to attachment in a complex way. Whereas in the Overnight and Married
groups high communication was generally associated with organized attach-
ments, the inverse was true in the No overnight group. Interviews revealed
that Overnight mothers depended upon communication with the father to
help organize their caregiving in the context of repeated separation from the
infant. In contrast, No overnight mothers whose infants had organized
attachments to them tended to exclude the father, reflecting the mothers'
greater sense of competence and authority in relation to the infant. High
communication between parents in the No overnight group appeared to
result from the mother's attempt to involve the father more, both for the
baby's sake and her own.
Attachment to father
Results showed that overnight visitation was neither an advantage nor a dis-
advantage to infant-father attachment. The frequency of disorganized
infant-father attachment was higher in both visitation groups in comparison
with the married group, while the number of organized relationships with
father was lower. This suggests that something in the context of divorce,
rather than in the infant's response to prolonged separation from the father,
has a disorganizing effect on the infant-father relationship. It is noteworthy
that mothers' reports regarding the level of communication about the child
with the father were strongly and positively related to organized
infant-father attachment organization in all family groups, including the
maritally intact ones. Thus, consistent with results from previous normative
studies (Belsky, 1996; Belsky
et aL,
1984; Feldman
et aL,
1983; Parke, 1995),
fathers in all three family constellations may be dependent on approval from
and communication with the mother to establish a relationship with the child
in the early years. The most extreme example of this dependence, we believe,
could be observed among two infants in the No overnight group who were
judged unclassifiable and who may actually have failed to become attached
to the father at all. These infants cried, called and searched frantically (pre-
sumably for the mother) during the laboratory session with the father and
were completely uninterested in using and/or unable to use the father as a
secure base. (Similar behavior has been observed among infants who experi-
enced early removal from the mother's care following maltreatment and who
were judged to be unattached; Jacobsen & Miller, in press.) These fathers had
visited with the infant only in the mother's presence and either did not take
the initiative in responding to the infant during the visits or were not per-
mitted to do so by the mother. Thus, not only were these fathers rendered
incompetent or ineffectual, but their babies may not have had an opportunity
to develop an attachment to them due to the mother's physical or psycho-
logical presence. These cases again underline the difficulty of interpreting in
the present context an attachment measure that was developed for normative
samples, although we must emphasize that in the remainder of cases there was
no indication that infants were not attached to their fathers. Indeed, the
prevalence of disorganized attachment in both Overnight and No overnight
conditions may reflect the fact that whether or not the infants had overnights
with their fathers, they experienced repeated and sometimes prolonged sep-
arations from them. Infant attachment behavior with father may, as a result,
have become disorganized in a way that parallels the process outlined earlier
for infants and mothers.
Ultimately, we are hampered in our discussion of father-infant attachment
by the small number of visitation fathers, by limitations in our general under-
standing of infant-father attachment (Belsky, 1996; Solomon & George, in
press, a), and by the fact that, as a group, fathers were less articulate about
their experiences. We did not attempt to rate fathers along the dimension of
psychological protection because we found that it was the exceptional father
who expressed concern about how the baby coped with visitation. In many
cases, quite understandably, fathers were more preoccupied about whether
they would have any relationship with the baby at all and with abstract con-
ceptions of their role in the baby's life. The fathers in this study did not wish
to abdicate caregiving, but many were nevertheless rendered helpless as care-
givers by the reality of the separation, the infant's age and their inexperience,
as much as by their relationship with the mother and by the court's inter-
Implications for intervention and policy
The results of this study suggest that visitation has different meanings for
mothers and fathers with Overnight and No overnight time-sharing plans
and we believe that intervention and planning should reflect these differences.
Mothers whose babies visit overnight with father approach visitation pri-
marily as a form of separation. Any psychological problems these mothers
bring to the relationship appear to be overshadowed by how the couple
manages separation, reunion and interaction, and how they support and
protect the child. These issues, rather than the details of place, frequency, or
duration of visits, should be in the forefront of mediation, evaluation and
intervention with these families. In contrast, for parents whose babies do not
visit overnight with father, intervention might first focus on resolving the
mother's feelings toward the father (those that prevent her from giving the
father up or those that prevent her from allowing the father a more meaning-
ful involvement with the baby). The meaning of visitation for fathers was
similar, regardless of visitation group. In either case, fathers felt that they did
not have sufficient opportunity to develop a meaningful relationship with
their babies. We suggest that developmental guidance and facilitation of a
meaningful father-infant relationship will have greater impact than any
specific change in the amount or patterning of the time they spend together.
This research was supported by a grant to the first author from the Bureau
of Maternal and Child Health Research Program (MCJ-060616). Portions of
the data were presented at the biennial meetings of the Society for Research
in Child Development, Indianapolis, IN, March 1995; and at the biennial
meetings of the International Conference on Infant Studies, Providence, RI,
April 1996. Correspondence and reprint requests should be sent to: Judith
Solomon, 1233 Peralta Avenue, Berkeley, CA, 94706, USA. Telephone:
(510)524-6626. Fax: (510)526-1048. E-mail: [email protected]
We thank Judith Wallerstein, Janet Johnston, Victor Battistich, Alicia
Lieberman and Louis Sander for inspiration and support. We gratefully
acknowledge the work of Donna Weston, Susan Spieker, Susan Paris, Bonnie
Conley, Joyce Morn and Mary Main on attachment classifications; and the
assistance in data collection and coding of Follin Armstrong, Jennifer Aubert,
Rebecca Burke, Wendy Coulson, Bethanee Crabtree, Michelle Daly, Natalie
Fisher, Kari Frasch, Gina Hassan, Peggy Hines, Vance Hitchner, Ondine
Landa, Andrea Prescott, Kristen Reinsberg, Carla Rosenberg, Katherine
Rosenblum and Marcia Taborga.
Judith Solomon, PhD, is at the Judith Walterstein Center for the Family in
Transition, Corte Madera, CA, USA and Carol George, PhD, is at Mills
College, Oakland, CA, USA.
1 The National Center for Health Statistics estimated that 43% of new marriages
ended in divorce in 1988. More recent figures are not available.
2 Because, as is commonly found in normative US samples, there were so few C clas-
sifications (4) these were added to the A group to expedite analysis and interpre-
tation in this and all subsequent analyses involving attachment to mother.
3 Since some children who were judged to be disorganized/unclassifiable also showed
relatively high avoidance of mother in the Strange Situation, it was possible that
overnight visitation might still be associated with higher avoidance that was not
reflected in the classifications themselves. To test this possibility we carried out a
one-way ANOVA with visitation (family) group as the factor and total avoidance
(Episodes 5 and 8) as the dependent measure. The group means for avoidance were
very close and the overall F was non-significant (F = .342,
= 3, 143, p = .71)
suggesting again that overnight visitation was unrelated to avoidance of the mother.
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