The Impact of Divorce on Children
By: David H. Demo and Alan C. Acock
Demo, David H., and Alan C. Acock. (1988) The impact of divorce on children. Journal of Marriage and the
Family 50, 619-648
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With the acceleration of the divorce rate from the mid- 1960s to the early 1980s, the number of nontraditional
families (such as single-parent families and reconstituted families) have increased relative to intact, first-time
nuclear families, This article reviews empirical evidence addressing the relationship between divorce, family
composition, and children's well-being. Although not entirely consistent, the pattern of empirical findings suggests
that children's emotional adjustment, gender-role orientation, and antisocial behavior are affected by family
structure, whereas other dimensions of well-being are unaffected. But the review indicates that these findings
should be interpreted with caution because of the methodological deficiencies of many of the studies on which
these findings are based. Several variables, including the level of family conflict, may be central variables
mediating the effect of family structure on children.
High divorce rates in the United States over the past 20 years have resulted in numerous changes in American
family life, with perhaps the most important consequences bearing on children whose families were disrupted, In
1970, 12% of American families with children under age 18 were headed by single parents. By 1984, one- fourth
of American families and nearly 60% of black families were headed by single parents (see Table 1). Millions of
other children live in two- parent but reconstituted families, separated from at least one biological parent, in fact,
Furstenberg, Nord, Peterson, and Zill's recent analysis (1983) indicates that less than two-thirds of American
children live with both biological parents.
A number of studies use recent social and demographic trends to predict children's future living arrangements, and
while these predictions vary, the consensus is that most youth will spend some time prior to age 18 in a single-
parent household (Bumpass, 1984, 1985; Furstenberg et al., 1983; Hofferth, 1985, 1986; Norton and Glick, 1986).
Hofferth (1985) suggests that the percentage of black youth who will live with one parent for some period of time
prior to age 18 may be as high as 94%, while for white children the corresponding figure is 70%, Norton and
Glick's (1986) analysis yields a lower estimate but still projects that 60% of American children will live in a single-
parent family before reaching age 18.
These trends in family composition have major implications for the life course of children and their well-being.
The purpose of this article is to review and assess recent empirical evidence on the impact of divorce on children,
concentrating on studies of nonclinical populations published in the last decade. We also direct attention to a
number of important theoretical and methodological considerations in the study of family structure and youthful
well-being. We begin by briefly describing some of the theoretical propositions and assumptions that guide
research in this area.
Consistent with the Freudian assumption that a two-parent group constitutes the minimal unit for appropriate sex-
typed identification (Freud, 1925/1961), anthropologists, sociologists, and social psychologists have long
maintained the necessity of such a group for normal child development. Representative of structural- functional
theorizing, Parsons and Bales (1955: 16-17) argued that one of the basic functions of the family is to serve as a
stable, organically integrated "factory" in which human personalities are formed.
Similarly, social learning theory emphasizes the importance of role models, focusing on parents as the initial and
primary reinforcers of child behavior (Bandura and Walters, 1963). Much of the research adopting this perspective
centers on parent-child similarities, analyzing the transmission of response patterns and the inhibitory or
disinhibitory effect of parental models. The presence of the same-sex parent is assumed to be crucial in order for
the child to learn appropriate sex-typed behavior. This assumption is shared by developmental and symbolic
interactionist theories, various cognitive approaches to socialization, and confluence theory, as well as
anthropological theories (Edwards, 1987).
It logically follows that departures from the nuclear family norm are problematic for the child's development,
especially for adolescents, inasmuch as this represents a crucial stage in the developmental process. Accordingly, a
large body of research literature deals with father absence, the effects of institutionalization, and a host of
"deficiencies" in maturation, such as those having to do with cognitive development, achievement, moral learning,
and conformity. This focus has pointed to the crucial importance of both
parents' presence but also has suggested that certain causes for parental absence may accentuate any negative
effects, Lynn, for example, asserts (1974: 279):
The research on the relationship between father absence and the general level of the child's
adjustment reveals that the loss of a father for any reason is associated with poor adjustment, but
that absence because of separation, divorce, or desertion may have especially adverse effects.
Some researchers suggest even more dire outcomes whenever parental separation, divorce, or desertion occur.
Among these are vulnerability to acute psychiatric disturbances, the child's aversion to marriage, and proneness to
divorce once they do marry (Anthony, 1974). In sum, two general propositions are suggested:
Children reared in households where the two biological parents are not present will exhibit lower levels of
well-being than their counterparts in intact nuclear families,
The adverse effects on youthful well-being will be especially acute when the cause of parental absence is
marital separation, divorce, or desertion
Divorce and Family Structure
In examining research that addresses these two propositions, it is important to distinguish between studies
investigating the effects of family structure and those investigating the effects of divorce, Most studies compare
intact units and single-parent families, guided by the assumption that the latter family structure is precipitated by
divorce. Of course, this is not always the case, Single-parent families consist of those with parents who have never
married, those formed by the permanent separation of parents, and those precipitated by the death of a parent.
Simple comparisons between one- and two-parent families are also suspect in that two-parent families are not
monolithic. First-time or nondivorced units differ from divorced, remarried units in which stepparents are
involved. In addition, little recognition has been given to the fact that families of different types may exhibit
varying levels of instability or conflict, a potentially confounding variable in establishing the effects of family
structure, In short, most investigations of the linkage between family structure and youthful well-being have failed
to recognize the complexity of present-day families.
While family composition is a critical consideration in assessing the impact of divorce on children, we must also
examine the unique events, disruptions, and transitions characterizing the divorce process that are not experienced
by children and other members of nondivorced families. In particular, there are significant changes in family
composition, parent-child interaction, discipline, and socioeconomic circumstances, as well as the emotional
reactions that parents and children have to divorce. These events are accompanied by changes in extrafamilial
relations and social networks, often as a result of stigma attached to divorced parents and their children. Although
stepfamilies are beyond the scope of this review, researchers must also distinguish the consequences of divorce
from those of remarriage and subsequent changes in family composition (see Ganong and Coleman, 1984, for a
review of the emerging literature on reconstituted families and their impact on children).
Bearing in mind these conceptual distinctions, we now move to a systematic review of recent evidence on the
impact of divorce on children and adolesecents.
A substantial amount of research has examined the effects of family structure on children's social and
psychological well-being. Many studies document negative consequences for children whose parents divorce and
for those living in single- parent families, But most studies have been concerned with limited dimensions of a quite
complex problem. Specifically, the research to date has typically (a) examined the effects of divorce or father
absence on children, ignoring the effects on adolescents; (b) examined only selected dimensions of children's well-
being; (c) compared intact units and single-parent families but not recognized important variations (e.g., levels of
marital instability and conflict) within these structures; and (d) relied on cross- sectional designs to assess
developmental processes.
Social and psychological well-being includes aspects of personal adjustment, self-concept, interpersonal
relationships, antisocial behavior, and cognitive functioning. It should be noted that some of these variables (e.g.,
personal adjustment) have been the subject of voluminous research, while others (e.g., interpersonal relations) have
received relatively Iittle attention. In Tables 2 to 6 we outline selected studies published since 1975 that were
designed to compare the wellbeing of children and adolescents Iiving in intact families and families disrupted by
Personal Adjustment
Personal adjustment is operationalized in various ways by different investigators but includes such variables as
self-control, leadership, responsibility, independence, achievement orientation, aggressiveness, and gender-role
orientation (see Table 2). As we see when examining the 16 studies outlined in Table 2, there arc also wide
variations in sample size and composition. But the overall pattern of empirical findings suggests temporary
deleterious effects of parental divorce on children's adjustment, with these effects most common among young
children (Desimone-Luis, O'Mahoney, and Hunt, 1979; Hetherington, Cox, and Cox, 1979; Kurdek, Blisk, and
Siesky, 1981; Wallerstein and Kelly, 1975, 1980a).(2) Kurdek and Siesky (1980b, c) suggest that older children
adjust more readily because they are more Iikely to discuss the situation with friends (many of whom have had
similar experiences), to understand that they are not personally responsible, to recognize the finality of the
situation, to appreciate both parents for their positive qualities, and to recognize beneficial consequences such as
the end of parental fighting and improved relations with parents.
On the basis of her review of research conducted between 1970 and 1980, Cashion (1984: 483) concludes: "The
evidence is overwhelming that after the initial trauma of divorce, the children are as emotionally well-adjusted in
these [female-headed] families as in two-parent families." Investigations of long-term effects (Acock and Kiecolt,
1988; Kulka and Weingarten, 1979) suggest that, when socioeconomic status is controlled, adolescents who have
experienced a parental divorce or separation have only slightly lower levels of adult adjustment.
In two other studies Kinard and Reinherz (1984, 1986) observed elementary school children in three different
family situations (never-disrupted; disrupted prior to starting school; and recently disrupted) and found that
children in recently disrupted families suffered pronounced and multidimensional effects: problems in atten-
tiveness at school, lowered academic achievement, withdrawal, dependency, and hostility. While their findings are
not definitive, Kinard and Reinherz speculate that either "the effects of parental divorce on children diminish over
time; or that the impact of marital disruption is less severe for preschool-age children than for school-age children"
(1986: 291). Children's age at the time of disruption may also mediate the impact of these events on other
dimensions of their wellbeing (e.g., self-esteem or gender-role orientation) and thus will be discussed in greater
detail below (also, see Rohrlich, Ranier, Berg-Cross, and Berg- Cross, 1977, for a clinical perspective on the
impact of divorce on children of different ages). But two variables that critically affect children's adjustment to
divorce are marital discord and children's gender.
Marital discord. A significant pattern in the empirical literature is that personal adjustment, like other dimensions
of well-being, is not related to family structure but is adversely affected by parental discord (Ellison, 1983; Rosen,
1979). Kurdek and Siesky's (1980b) extensive data on children who had experienced their parents' divorce
indicated that, although learning of the divorce and adjusting to the loss of the noncustodial parent were painful,
children indicated that these adjustments were preferable to Iiving in conflict. Many studies report that children's
adjustment to divorce is facilitated under conditions of low parental conflictboth prior to and subsequent to the
divorce (Guidubaldi, Cleminshaw, Perry, Nastasi, and Lightel,
1986; Jacobson, 1978; Lowenstein and Koopman, 1978; Porter and O'Leary, 1980; Raschke and Raschke, 1979;
Rosen, 1979) .
Children's gender. Children's gender may be especially important in mediating the effects of family disruption, as
most of the evidence suggests that adjustment problems are more severe and last for longer periods of time among
boys (Hess and Camara, 1979; Hetherington, 1979; Hetherington, Cox, and Cox, 1978, 1979, 1982; Wallerstein,
1984; Wallerstein and Kelly, 1980b).(3) Guidubaldi and Perry (1985) found, controlling for social class, that boys
in divorced families manifested significantly more maladaptive symptoms and behavior problems than boys in
intact families. Girls differed only on the dimension of locus of control; girls in divorced households scored
significantly higher than their counterparts in intact households.
One explanation for boys' greater difficulties in adjusting to parental divorce is that typical postdivorce living
arrangements are quite different for them than for girls. While custodial mothers provide girls with same-sex role
models, most boys have to adjust to living without same- sex parents. In examining boys and girls living in intact
families and in different custodial arrangements, Santrock and Warshak (1979) found that few effects could be
attributed to family structure per se, but that children living with opposite-six parents (mother-custody boys and
father-custody girls) were not as well adjusted on measures of competent social behavior. While Father custody is
rare, this study illustrates the importance of examining variations in postdivorce family structures (and specifically
the combination of parent's gender and child's gender) for estimating the effects of divorce on children.
Along related lines, a number of researchers have examined gender-role orientation and, specifically, the relation
of father absence to boys' personality development. Most of the evidence indicates that boys without adult male
role models demonstrate more feminine behavior (Biller, 1976; Herzog and Sudia, 1973; Lamb, 1977a), except in
lower-class families (Biller, 1981b). A variety of studies have shown that fathers influence children's gender role
development to be more traditional because, compared to mothers, they more routinely differentiate between
masculine and feminine behaviors and encourage greater conformity to conventional gender roles (Biller, 1981a;
Biller and Davids, 1973; Bronfenbrenner, 1961; Heilbrun, 1965; Lamb, 1977b; Noller, 1978). Lamb (1977a)
argues that because gender identity is usually developed by age 3 and because family influences are central to this
process, the effects of father absence on gender- appropriate behavior may be most pronounced among boys who
are very young (ages 5 and under) at the time of family disruption. Beyond early childhood, gender roles are
largely established and children experience increasingly diverse extrafamilial social contexts and relationships that
bear on their development.(4) But it should be reiterated that these effects have been attributed to father absence
and thus would be expected to occur among boys in all female-headed families, not simply those that have
experienced divorce.
The claim has also been made that boys' adjustment problems are often compounded by custodial mothers'
denigrating the masculinity of absent fathers, an occurrence that is particularly likely in black matriarchal families
(Biller and Davids, 1973), The assumption here is that boys are trying to be masculine without the benefit of the
same-sex role model and that the absent role model is portrayed as undesirable. However, most of the research on
boys' adjustment fails to consider the quality or quantity of father-child contact or the availability of alternative
male role models (e.g., foster father, grandfather, big brother, other male relatives, coach, friend, etc.), which
makes it difficult to assess the impact of changing family structure on boys' behavior. There are also limitations
imposed by conceptualizing and measuring masculinity-femininity as a bipolar construct (Bern, 1974;
Constantinople, 1973; Worell, 1978), and there is evidence that boys and girls in father- absent families are better
described as androgynous (Kurdek and Siesky, 1980a).
Positive outcomes of divorce. While much of the literature on divorce and children seems ideologically driven
and biased toward emphasizing negative effects on children (Edwards, 1987; Raschke and Raschke, 1979), the
tendency of children in single-parent families to display more androgynous behavior may be interpreted as a
beneficial effect. Because of father absence, children in female-headed families are not pressured as strongly as
their counterparts in two- parent families to conform to traditional gender roles, These children frequently assume
a variety of domestic responsibilities to compensate for the absent parent (Weiss, I979), thereby broadening their
skills and competencies and their definitions of gender-appropriate behavior. Divorced parents also must broaden
their behavioral patterns to meet increased parenting responsibilities, thereby providing more androgynous role
models. Kurdek and Siesky (1980a: 250) give the illustration that custodial mothers often "find themselves needing
to acquire and demonstrate a greater degree of dominance, assertiveness, and independence while custodial fathers
may find themselves in situations eliciting high degrees of warmth, nurturance, and tenderness."
Aside from becoming more androgynous, adolescents living in single-parent families are characterized by greater
maturity, feelings of efficacy, and an internal locus of control (Guidubaldi and Perry, 1985; Kalter, Alpern,
Spence, and Plunkett, 1984; Wallerstein and Kelly, 1974; Weiss, 1979). For adolescent girls this maturity stems
partly from the status and responsibilities they acquire in peer and confidant relationships with custodial
Finally, the relationship between family structure and personal adjustment (and other dimensions of well-being)
must be viewed as reciprocal. The child's psychological state prior to changes in family structure is an important
element in the child's ability to adjust to new situations and relationships. There is evidence (Kurdek et al., 1981)
that children and adolescents with an internal locus of control and a high level of interpersonal reasoning adjust
more easily to their parents' divorce and that children's divorce adjustment is related to their more global personal
In Table 3 we summarize studies examining the impact of divorce on children's self-concept. A series of studies by
Parish and his collaborators indicates that children in divorced, non-remarried families have lower self- esteem
than children in intact families (Parish and Dostal, 1980; Parish and Taylor, 1979; Young and Parish, 1977).
Measuring children's self-evaluations in 1979 and again in 1982, Parish and Wigle (1985) demonstrated that
children whose family structure was intact throughout the study had the highest self-evaluations, while those
whose parents divorced in the intervening years experienced declining self-evaluations, and those whose parents
were divorced throughout the 3-year period apparently adjusted to their new situations and reported higher self-
evaluations than they had previously. As is the case for most research on children of divorce, however, the studies
conducted by Parish and his associates did not investigate pre- or postdivorce levels of family conflict.
Marital discord. The bulk of evidence summarized in Table 3 is consistent with the findings on personal
adjustment; that is, family structure is unrelated to children's self-esteem (Feldman and Feldman, 1975; Kinard and
Reinherz, 1984; Parish, 1981; Parish, Dostal, and Parish, 1981), but parental discord is negatively related (Amato,
1986; Berg and Kelly, 1979; Cooper, Holman, and Braithwaite, 1983; Long, 1986; Raschke and Raschke, 1979;
Slater and Haber, 1984). Because this conclusion is based on diverse samples of boys and girls of different ages in
different living arrangements, the failure to obtain effects of family structure suggests either that family
composition really does not matter for children's self- concept or that family structure alone is an insufficient index
of familial relations. Further, these studies suggest that divorce per se does not adversely affect children's self-
concept, Cashion's (1984) review of the literature indicates that children living in single- parent families suffer no
losses to self-esteem, except in situations where the child's family situation is stigmatized (Rosenberg, 1979),
Cautioning that considerably more research is needed before firm conclusions can be drawn, Long (1986: 26)
suggests that future work investigate "Hetherington's (1979) idea that a stable home in which parents are divorced
is better for a child than is a 'conflict- ridden' home where both parents are present."
Although countless studies have examined global self-esteem, two critical limitations characterize this body of
research: (a) nearly all of these studies are cross-sectional, which restricts the assessment of developmental change
and stability in self-concept; and (b) little is known about the various dimensions of self-concept (e.g., self-
efficacy, nonevaluative self-descriptions) other than overall self-esteem. It is necessary, therefore, to examine
different dimensions of self-concept as they change over time and as they relate to different structures and patterns
of family interaction.
Cognitive Functioning
Most of the research relating cognitive functioning to family structure (summarized in Table 4) has assessed
cognitive performance by using standardized intelligence and academic achievement tests or scholastic grade-
point averages. Many of these studies find that family conflict and disruption are associated with inhibited
cognitive functioning (Blanchard and Biller, 1971; Feldman and Feldman, 1975; Hess and Camara, 1979; Kinard
and Reinherz, 1986; Kurdek, 1981; Raclin, 1981).
Two important reviews of research on children in fatherless families produce different conclusions: Herzog and
Sudia (1973) conclude that children's school achievement is not affected by father absence, but Shinn (1978)
concludes that father absence has a number of detrimental effects on children's intellectual performance. Basing
her conclusions on 30 studies that met reasonable methodological criteria, Shinn reports that "financial hardship,
high levels of anxiety, and in particular, low levels of parent-child interaction are important causes of poor
performance among children in single-parent families" (1978: 316). In this section we summarize the differential
effects of family disruption on academic performance by gender and social class and offer some insights as to the
mechanisms by which these effects occur.
Children's gender. Some studies suggest that negative effects of family disruption on academic performance are
stronger for boys than for girls (Chapman, 1977; Werner and Smith, 1982), but most of the evidence suggests
similar effects by gender (Hess and Camara, 1979; Kinard and Reinherz, 1986; Shinn, 1978). While females
traditionally outscore males on standardized tests of verbal skills and males outperform females on mathematical
skills, males who have experienced family disruption generally score higher on verbal aptitude (Radin, 1981).
Thus, the absence of a father may result in a "feminine" orientation toward education (Fowler and Richards, 1978;
Herzog and Sudia, 1973). But an important and unresolved question is whether this pattern results from boys
acquiring greater verbal skills in mother-headed families or from deficiencies in mathematical skills attributable to
father absence. The latter explanation is supported by evidence showing that father-absent girls are disadvantaged
in mathematics (Radin, 1981).
Children's race. There is a limited amount of evidence that father absence is more harmful to the intelligence and
academic achievement of black children (Sciara, 1975), especially black males (Biller and Davids, 1973), but most
studies show academic achievement among black children to be unaffected by family structure (Hunt and Hunt,
1975, 1977; Shinn, 1978; Solomon, Hirsch, Scheinfeld, and Jackson, 1972), Svanum, Bringle, and McLaughlin
(1982) found, controlling for social class, that there are no significant effects of father absence on
cognitive performance for white or black children. Again, these investigations focus on family composition and
demonstrate that the effects of family structure on academic performance do not vary as much by race as by social
class, but race differences in the impact of divorce remain largely unexplored. As Table 4 illustrates, we did not
find any studies that compared white and black populations of children in divorced and nondivorced families.
Family socioeconomic status. A review by Hetherington, Camara, and Featherman (1983) underscores the
importance of social class as a mediating variable. They note small differences favoring children in two-parent
families on standardized tests of intelligence and academic achievement that decrease when socioeconomic
circumstances are controlled. Differences remain, however, on measures of school performance (e.g., grade- point
average), with children in one- parent families at a disadvantage. In a study of predominantly while working-class
children, Kinard and Reinherz (1986) investigated the impact of marital disruption on specific dimensions of
school performance. Fourth-graders whose families were recently disrupted (i.e., children whose parents divorced
since the children entered school) had lower scores on language aptitude and a composite measure of academic
achievement than children in never-disrupted families or families in which disruption had occurred several years
earlier. But no group differences were detected in mathematics achievement, When maternal education was
controlled, there were no differences in reading achievement. In fact, maternal education had a stronger effect on
school performance than did marital disruption. Differences in teacher assessments of productivity disappeared
when gender and maternal education were controlled (Kinard and Reinherz, 1984).
These findings direct attention to a major methodological problem indicated in earlier reviews (Herzog and Sudia,
1973; Shinn, 1978), namely, inadequate attention to the role of social class in moderating the effects of family
disruption on children's academic performance. When social class is controlled, children in female- headed
families fare no worse than children from two-parent families on measures of intelligence (Bachman, 1970; Kopf,
1970), academic achievement (Shinn, 1978; Svanum et al., 1982), and educational attainment (Bachman,
O'Malley, and Johnston, 1978).(6) Further, Svanum et al, (1982: 143) point out that there are many considerations
in deciding whether to control for SES in examinations of cognitive performance. While much of the observed
variance in cognitive performance may be attributable to SES, "the role that SES assumes in the underlying
processes of father absence and cognitive development is unclear at this stage of research." In order to disentangle
the intricate effects of family structure and SES on children's cognitive performance, family researchers need to
examine the socioeconomic history of intact families and those in which disruption occurs, to examine the
economic resources available to children at various stages of cognitive development, and to assess changes in
economic resources and family relationships that accompany marital disruption.
Family processes. In recent years important insights have been gained into the specific processes by which marital
disruption may affect children's school performance. First, family disruption alters daily routines and work
schedules and imposes additional demands on adults and children living in single-parent families (Amato, 1987;
Furstenberg and Nord, 1985; Hetherington et al., 1983; Weiss, 1979). Most adolescents must assume extra
domestic and child care responsibilities, and financial conditions require some to work part-time. These burdens
result in greater absenteeism, tardiness, and truancy among children in single-parent households (Hetherington et
al., 1983). Second, children in recently disrupted families are prone to experience emotional and behavioral
problems such as aggression, distractibility, dependency, anxiety, and withdrawal (Hess and Camara, 1979; Kinard
and Reinherz, 1984), factors that may help to explain problems in school conduct and the propensity of teachers to
label and stereotype children from broken families (Hess and Camara, 1979; Hetherington et al., 1979, 1983).
Third, emotional problems may interfere with study patterns, while demanding schedules reduce the time available
for single parents to help with homework. In support of the latter point, Furstenberg and Nord (I985) examined
parent-child interaction patterns in different family types and found few differences in time spent together in social
and recreational activities, but found that resident parents in reconstituted and single-parent families were much
less likely than parents in intact families to help with homework. In sum, a variety of personal, family, and school
processes operate to the detriment of academic performance among children of divorce,
Interpersonal Relationships
Compared to the large bodies of research on personal adjustment, self-concept, and cognitive functioning,
relatively few studies have examined interpersonal relations among children and adolescents in different family
structures (see Table 5). Generally, investigations have focused on peer relations among children and dating
patterns among adolescents.
Peer relations. Studies of preschool children (Hetherington et al., 1979) and preadolescents (Santrock, 1975;
Wyman, Cowen, Hightower, and Pedro-Carroll, 1985) suggest that children in disrupted families are less sociable:
they have fewer close friends, spend less time with friends, and participate in fewer shared activities, Stolberg and
Anker (1983) observe that children in families disrupted by divorce exhibit psychopathology in interpersonal
relations, often behaving in unusual and inappropriate ways. Other studies suggest that the effects are temporary.
Kinard and Reinherz (1984) found no differences in peer relations among children in intact and disrupted families,
but those in recently disrupted families displayed greater hostility. Kurdek et al. (1981) conducted a two-year
follow-up of children whose parents had divorced and showed that relationships with peers improved after the
divorce and that personal adjustment was facilitated by opportunities to discuss experiences with peers, some of
whom had similar experiences. However, Guidubaldi and Perry (1985) observed a much different pattern: among
boys, those from divorced families had greater contact with friends, and among girls there were no differences by
family structure.
Dating patterns. Hetherington (1972) reported that adolescent girls whose fathers were absent prior to age 5 had
difficulties in heterosexual relations, but Hainline and Feig's (I978) analyses of female college students indicated
that early and later father-absent women could not be distinguished on measures of romanticism and heterosexual
An examination of dating and sexual behavior among female college students found that women with divorced
parents began dating slightly later than those in intact families, but women in both groups were socially active
(Kalter, Riemer, Brickman, and Chen, 1985). Booth, Brinkerhoff, and White (1984) reported that, compared to
college students with intact families, those whose parents were divorced or permanently separated exhibited higher
levels of dating activity, and this activity increased further if parental or parent-child conflict persisted during and
after the divorce. Gender did not mediate the effects of divorce on courtship, nor did the age at which parental
divorce occurred. Regarding adolescent sexual behavior, the findings consistently demonstrate that males and
females not Iiving with both biological parents initiate coitus earlier than their counterparts in intact families
(Hogan and Kitagawa, 1985; Newcomer and Udry, 1987). But Newcomer and Udry propose that, because parental
marital status is also associated with a broad range of deviant behaviors, these effects may stem from general loss
of parental control rather than simply loss of control over sexual behavior. Studies of antisocial behavior support
this interpretation.
Antisocial Behavior
Many studies over the years have Iinked juvenile delinquency, deviancy, and antisocial behavior to children Iiving
in broken homes (Bandura and Walters, 1959; Glueck and Glueck, 1962; Hoffman, 197I; McCord, McCord, and
Thurber, 1962; Santrock, 1975; Stolberg and Anker, 1983; Tooley, 1976; Tuckman and Regan, 1966).
Unfortunately, these studies either relied on clinical samples or failed to control for social class and other factors
related to delinquency. However, as shown in Table 6, a number of studies involving large representative samples
and controlling for social class provide similar findings (Dornbusch, Carlsmith, Bushwall, Ritter, Leiderman,
Hastorf, and Gross, I985; Kalter et al., 1985; Peterson and Zill, 1986; Rickel and Langner, 1985). Kalter et al.
(1985) studied 522 teenage girls and found that girls in divorced families committed more delinquent acts (e.g.,
drug use, larceny, skipping school) than their counterparts in intact families. Dornbusch et al. (1985) examined a
representative national sample of male and female youth aged 12- 17 and found that adolescents in mother-only
households were more Iikely than their counterparts in intact families to engage in deviant acts, partly because of
their tendency to make decisions independent of parental input, The presence of an additional adult (a grandparent,
an uncle, a lover, a friend) in mother-only households increased control over adolescent behavior and lowered rates
of deviant behavior, which suggests that "there are functional equivalents of two-parent familiesnontraditional
groupings that can do the job of parenting" (1985: 340). Peterson and Zill (1986) examined children of virtually
the same ages (12-16) and found a higher incidence of behavior problems among children who had experienced
marital disruption.
A tentative conclusion based on the evidence reviewed here is that antisocial behavior is less Iikely to occur in
families where two adults are present, whether as biological parents, stepparents, or some combination of
biological parents and other adults. Short-term increases in antisocial behavior may occur during periods of
disruption, however, as children adjust to restructured relationships and parents struggle to maintain consistency in
disciplining (Rickel and Langner, 1985). It is reasonable to expect that an important variable in predicting
antisocial behavior is the level of family conflict, but most research has failed to examine the nature and quality of
familial relationships in intact and other family structures. Peterson and Zill (1986) demonstrated that, when social
class was controlled, behavior problems were as Iikely to occur among adolescents Iiving in intact families
characterized by persistent conflict as among those Iiving in disrupted families. A related and often overlooked
concern in tracing the effects of family structure on children's well-being is the quality of parent- child
relationships experienced by children in different Iiving arrangements, Peterson and Zill found that "poor parent-
child relationships lead to more negative child behavior, yet maintaining good relationships with parents can go
some way in reducing the effects of conflict and disruption" (1986: 306), Hess and Camara's (1979) analyses of a
much smaller sample yielded a similar conclusion: aggressive behavior in children was unrelated to family type
but was more common in situations characterized by infrequent or low-quality parent-child interaction and parental
Summary of Empirical Evidence
The empirical evidence on children of divorce, although inconsistent in places, is punctuated by a number of
consistent findings, Research on personal adjustment suggests that young children, particularly boys, suffer
temporary deleterious effects when their parents divorce, while adolescents are not as much affected by family
structure as by parental discord. Adolescents living in single-parent families also acquire certain strengths, notably
a sense of responsibility, as a consequence of altered family routines. Likewise, the evidence on self- concept
indicates that family structure is unrelated but parental discord is negatively related to children's self- esteem. We
cannot be certain of the degree to which family structure influences children's academic performance (or other
aspects of cognitive functioning) because t he effects of race and social class have not been controlled. But the
available body of research demonstrates that children in single-parent families are slightly disadvantaged in school
performance. The evidence on interpersonal relationships is sparse but suggests that children in disrupted families
experience problems in peer relations, while adolescents in such families tend to be more active in dating and
sexual relations. Research on antisocial behavior consistently illustrates that adolescents in mother-only
households and in conflict-ridden families are more prone to commit delinquent acts.
In this section we discuss some of the principal limitations of research assessing the impact of divorce on children.
In most cases we do not cite individual studies because many of the problems pertain to virtually all of the extant
research. However, the reader should consider these problems in evaluating the findings of particular studies.
Nonrepresentative Samples
Sampling is a virtually universal dilemma for researchers. There are excellent national surveys that analyze
demographic variables but largely ignore social psychological issues such as personal adjustment or self- concept.
Alternatively, there are excellent studies that incorporate these social psychological factors but are based on
convenience samples.
Among the most problematic nonrepresentative samples are those that rely on clinical populations. While these
studies are crucial to our understanding of children and adolescents who are most severely influenced by divorce,
they tell us little or nothing about the typical experience following divorce. Since most children whose parents
divorce do not receive professional help, such studies can be very misleading about the consequences of divorce
for the majority of youth.
While nonrepresentative samples have shortcomings, national surveys typically involve reanalysis of data collected
for other purposes and for which the effects of divorce are not a central concern, Because these surveys are not
designed to investigate the consequences of divorce, many theoretically important variables are either excluded or
poorly operationalized and important control variables are often absent.
What Family Structures Are Being Compared?
Generally, investigations of family structure rely on classification schemes, such as father absence, in which the
types derive from different events. For example, many military families are classified as father-absent, but the
absence is temporary, the father's income is available to the family, and no social stigma is attached. Alternatively,
a single-parent household may consist of a 25-yearold never-married woman and her five children. Other families
are father-absent as the result of death, permanent separation, or divorce. A central problem in identifying the
effects of family structure is that all of these families are frequently classified as one monolithic family form called
"father-absent." One investigation involved five types of black family structures (male-headed, parent-incarcerated,
separated, divorced, and widowed) and found that these arrangements varied in role structure, family cohesiveness,
and parent-child relationships (Savage, Adair, and Friedman, 1978). For
example, separated parents spent considerably less time with their children than parents in other family structures,
and women with incarcerated husbands were most inclined to use corporal punishment on their children. Until
family researchers distinguish father-absent families in terms of the cause and length of father absence, the quality
of mother- child interaction, and the availability of other male role models, the conclusions drawn must be viewed
with skepticism.
Failure to Control for Income or Social Class
Perhaps the most significant limitation of research linking family structure and children's well-being, as Tables 2-6
reveal, is a failure to examine the moderating or mediating effects of income or social class. With very few
exceptions, the studies rely on samples of children in one socioeconomic category, usually the middle class, for
whom the economic consequences of divorce are dissimilar to those of children in lower socioeconomic
categories. As a result, it is impossible to distinguish the effects of divorce and family structure from those of
socioeconomic conditions. In explaining academic achievement, for example, the classic study by Coleman et al.
(1966) demonstrated that income is more important than family structure (see also Herzog and Sudia, 1973;
Rainwater and Yancey, 1967). Thus, effects that appear to be caused by divorce may actually be the result of
inadequate incomethe loss of the father being relatively less critical than the loss of his financial contribution.
Economic factors are important considerations in explicating causal processes for several reasons (see Greenberg
and Wolf, 1982; Hill and Duncan, 1987; Kinard and Reinherz, 1984; McLanahan, 1985). First, low- income,
single-parent mothers are more Iikely to work and, as a result, may provide inadequate supervision (Colletta,
1979). Children's behavioral problems associated with "mother-absence" (Hill, Augustyniak, and Ponza, 1986)
may therefore be attributable to low income and the need for maternal employment rather than being the result of
single-parent family structure per se, Second, the effects of marital disruption on children may be indirect,
operating through the economic and emotional impact of divorce on custodial mothers (Longfellow, 1979; Shinn,
1978). As mothers adjust to divorce, single-parenthood, and lower economic status, their anxiety and emotional
distress may induce anxiety and stress in children, which in turn may hinder children's academic performance
(Kinard and Reinherz, 1986). Failure to examine socioeconomic variation in single-parent families thus obscures
the specific processes through which marital disruption affects children. Third, children in single-parent
households are more Iikely to assume adult roles at an early agefor example, working full-time and being
responsible for younger siblings, responsibilities that require many adolescents to leave school (Kelly and Wal
lerstein, 1979; Weiss, 1979). The effects (both positive and negative) of these accelerated Iife course transitions are
consequences of economic deprivation.
Other issues related to income and social class need to be considered. First, it is not clear whether the effect is due
to inadequate family income or loss of family income. Single-parent families precipitated by divorce may be poor
as a result of a sudden loss of income. Dramatic changes in Iifestyle, financial instability, and loss of status may
affect children indirectly through custodial parents' loss of control and altered chi ldrearing practices. Increased
labor force participation or increased transfer payments may help, but the net effect is still a dramatic loss of
income (Cherl i n, 1981; Hoffman, 1977; Weitzman, 1985).
While many families lose a stable middle-class environment and encounter stigmatization and financial instability,
other families experience relatively minor changes. Santrock and Warshak (1979) report that postdivorce income
losses were severe for mother-custody families but not for father-custody families, Further, the source of income is
an important consideration, in that welfare dollars may stigmatize the poor and child support payments are
unreliable (Bould, 1977).
The generally negative effects of divorce on family income must also be distinguished from the effects of divorce
on female labor force participation and single mothers' personal income. Using the National Longitudinal Survey
to trace the marital and work careers of women over a I0-year period, Porter (1984) found that divorced, never-
remarried women earned more than the continuously married or the currently married (also see Corcoran, 1979).
The long-term positive effect of divorce on the earning power of women needs to be recognized and may explain
why most of the adverse effects of divorce diminish over time. Employed single
mothers may provide stronger role models than dependent mothers in intact families, fostering egalitarian sex role
attitudes among both women and men whose parents divorced (Kiecolt and Acock, 1988).
Ecological Fallacy
A common error in social research is termed the "ecological fallacy," occurring when relationships examined at the
aggregate level are assumed to apply at the individual level. Herzog and Sudia (1973), for example, report several
studies that correlate the proportion of single-parent households with the incidence of delinquency and other
behavior problems in census tracts. But even substantial correlations tell us nothing about whether the delinquents
come from two-parent or single-parent families. Rather than providing information on family structure, such
correlations may indicate the aggregate effects of poverty, discrimination, inadequate education, and lack of
Failure to Examine Contextual Factors
A number of contextual factors that distinguish the Iiving conditions of children in intact and disrupted families
may be Iinked to behavioral differences between the two groups. Glenn and Supancic (1984) note that divorced
persons participate less in church activities than married persons. While parents' religious orientations are
individual-level factors, involvement in church activities provides a contextual variable. If children Iiving in
single-parent households are systematically less Iikely to be exposed to other children who are active in a church,
this may have a substantial impact on their adjustment. Evidence supporting this kind of contextual effect is
provided by Coleman, Hoffer, and Kilgore (1982). They found that, although children from single- parent
households were much more Iikely than those from two-parent families to drop out of public schools, there was no
difference in Catholic schoolsa result that illustrates a contextual effect involving norms and social networks
operating in the Catholic community.
Another contextual variable is urban residence. Single-parent households are far more common in urban areas.
Urban areas provide a different environment for children than do suburbs, rural areas, or small towns. The quality
of the educational system and the exposure to deviant subcultures are two correlates of residential patterns that
may affect children who Iive in a female-headed household. Contextual factors have an important influence on all
children, regardless of family structure, adequacy of parenting, or income. Other contextual factors that influence
children include the number of fatherless children in their school, neighborhood SES, presence of a gang
subculture, presence of peer groups using drugs (Blechman, Berberian, and Thompson, 1977), and the geographic
mobility of peers. Research has yet to disentangle such contextual factors from the direct effect of family structure.
Contextual factors may prove as important as the immediate family history of the child.
Lack of Longitudinal Designs
Among the hundreds of studies on children of divorce, there are only a pair of widely cited longitudinal studies
(Hetherington et al., 1978, 1979; Wallerstein and Kelly, 1980b), and even these studies have serious
methodological Iimitations (Blechman, 1982; Cherl in, 1981). Yet adjustment to changes in family structure is a
developmental process. Retrospective data are rarely used, so typical cross-sectional comparisons of children
Iiving in disrupted families with children in intact families provide very Iittle, if any, information on the
socioeconomic history of these families, level of family conflict, parent- child relations, and so on. If, for example,
children from single-parent households were formerly in two-parent households that were poor and conflict-ridden,
any problems the children now have may be scars from long ago rather than a direct consequence of the divorce. A
partial solution is to collect retrospective information on numerous theoretically relevant dimensions of family Iife
prior to the divorce (and to collect the same retrospective information on intact families). Unfortunately, most of
the extant studies rely on cross-sectional information, and family researchers must therefore be cautious in
interpreting results.
There is reason to question the validity of the family composition hypothesis. Theoretically, it has been assumed
that the nuclear family is the norm and, by implication, that any departure from it is deviant and therefore
deleterious to those involved, Even if this were the case, no theoretical perspective recognizes that these effects
may be short-lived or otherwise mitigated by compensatory mechanisms and alternative role models. In the
absence of a parent, it is possible that developmental needs are met by other actors.
It is simplistic and inaccurate to think of divorce as having uniform consequences for children. The consequences
of divorce vary along different dimensions of well-being, characteristics of children (e.g., predivorce adjustment,
age at the time of disruption) and characteristics of families (e.g., socioeconomic history, pre- and postdivorce
level of conflict, parent-child relationships, and maternal employment). Most of the evidence reviewed here
suggests that some sociodemographic characteristics of children, such as race and gender, are not as important as
characteristics of families in mediating the effects of divorce. Many studies report boys to be at a greater
disadvantage, but these differences usually disappear when other relevant variables are controlled. At present, there
are too few methodologically adequate studies comparing white and black children to conclude that one group is
more damaged by family disruption than the other.
Characteristics of families, on the other hand, are critical to youthful well-being, Family conflict contributes to
many problems in social development, emotional stability, and cognitive skills (Edwards, 1987; Kurdek, 1981),
and these effects continue long after the divorce is finalized. Slater and Haber (1984) report that ongoing high
levels of conflict, whether in intact or divorced homes, produce lower self-esteem, increased anxiety, and a loss of
self-control. Conflict also reduces the child's attraction to the parents (White, Brinkerhoff, and Booth, 1985).
Rosen (1979) concludes that parental separation is more beneficial for children than continued conflict, and
Blechman (1982) proposes that parent absence is not the key to adjustment problems but simply a surrogate for
more fundamental causes, including family conflict and a hostile family environment. Such conflict and hostility
may account for adolescent adjustment problems whether the family in question goes through divorce or remains
intact (Hoffman, 1971). The level of conflict is thus an important dimension of family interaction that can
precipitate changes in family structure and affect children's well-being.
Maternal employment is another variable mediating the consequences of divorce for children. Divorced women
often find the dual responsibilities of provider and parent to be stressful (Brofenbrenner, 1976). But studies in-
dicate that women who work prior to the divorce do not find continued employment problematic (Kinard and
Reinherz, 1984); the problem occurs for women who enter the labor force after the divorce and who view the loss
of time with their children as another detriment to the children that is caused by the divorce (Kinard and Reinherz,
1984), As a practical matter, the alternative to employment for single-parent mothers is likely to be poverty or, at
best, economic dependency. The effects of maternal employment on children's well-being need to be compared to
the effects of nonemployment and consequent poverty.
Other bases of social support for single-parent mothers and their children must also be examined. The presence of
strong social networks may ease the parents' and, presumably, the child's adjustment after a divorce (Milardo,
1987; Savage et al., 1978). However, women who are poor, have many children, and must work long hours are
likely to have limited social networks and few friends. Typically, the single mother and her children are also
isolated from her ex-husband's family (Anspach, 1976). By reuniting with her family of origin, the mother may be
isolated from her community and new social experiences for herself and her children (McLanahan, Wedemeyer,
and Adelberg, 1981). Kinship ties are usually strained, as both biological parents and parents-inlaw are more
critical of the divorce than friends are (Spanier and Thompson, 1984). Little has been done to relate these
considerations about kinship relations and social networks or divorced women to the well-being of children and
adolescents. We believe that these social relations are important, but empirical verification is needed.
Methodologically, research in support of the family composition hypothesis has been flawed in a number of
respects (Blechman, 1982). As described above, most studies (a) rely on simplistic classifications of family
structure; (h) overlook potentially confounding factors such as income and social class; (c) use nonrepresentative
samples; (d) examine limited dimensions of social and psychological well-being; (e) fail to assess possible
beneficial effects deriving from different family structures; and (f) rely on nonlongitudinal designs to detect
developmental processes.(7)
In order to address the deficiencies of previous research, future studies must compare the four most prevalent
family structures: (a) intact nuclear families with parents in their first marriage; (6) reconstituted families where
one biological and one stepparent are present; (c) single-parent families consisting of a divorced or separated
mother and child; and (d) mother-child units where the parent has never been married. Important variations within
these structures must also be examinedfor example, mother-custody and father-custody families, Our review
suggests that researchers need to explore the effects of factors that may intervene between family structure and
youthful well-beingfactors mediating the impact of changing family forms. Social class, marital quality, parent-
child relations, and contextual factors are important considerations in tracing the effects of family structure on
children's social and psychological well-being. Not least, longitudinal designs should be employed, allowing
estimation of the duration of any detected adverse effects. To the extent that we lack systematic evidence of this
kind, the processes through which divorce and family structure affect children's well-being remain largely
An earlier version of this article was presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society,
Atlanta, April 1987. The authors express their appreciation to John N, Edwards for sharing many valuable insights
related to the focus of this review. They also thank him and K. Jill Kiecolt for critical and constructive suggestions
on an earlier draft, Theodore D. Fnller for demographic consultation, Sampson Lee Blair for assistance in
assembling the vast Iiterature reviewed here, and the anonymous reviewers for their thorough comments and useful
(1) In cases where a study involves measures of multiple dimensions of well-being, the study is Iisted in each
corresponding table. Not included in the tables are studies of clinical populations (e.g., Jacobson, 1978;
Wallerstein, 1984; Wallerstein and Kelly, 1975, 1980a, 1980b), studies that do not involve comparisons of
children in disrupted families with children in intact families, and studies examining aspects of divorce
other than children's well-being (e.g., analyses of demographic trends and examinations of adult children of
(2) Other studies focusing on the timing of divorce provide evidence that children's adjustment is unaffected by
the length of time since marital disruption (Hodges, Wechsler, and Ballantine, 1979; Kalter and Rembar,
I981; Santrock, I975).
(3) Other studies, several using predominantly white samples (e.g., Kinard and Reinherz, 1984), and one
involving a predominantly black sample (Kellem, Ensminger, and Turner, 1977) report no gender
differences in adjustment.
(4) Another study presents evidence that male gender role development is unaffected by the timing of father
absence and by the availability of male siblings and father substitutes, but father absence is associated
nevertheless with "less appropriate" gender role orientation (Drake and McDougall, 1977).
(5) This is not to say that such responsibilities and status have uniformly positive effects, Weiss (1979)
contends that these arrangements may have benefits for older children but may lead to excessive self-
reliance among younger children. Even for adolescents, however, the nature of confidant relations is
important in that discussions of adult issues (e.g., mother's sex Iife, work stress) may be deleterious. There
is also the risk of losing this status when the mother remarries, thus creating further problems,
(6) Featherman and Hauser (1978) obtained different results in controlling for social class and race. They
found that American males born between 1907 and 1951 who Iived in one-parent families completed
approximately three-fourths of a year less schooling than their counterparts who Iived with both parents.
The same pattern held for Canadian males and females.
(7) The recent National Survey of Families and Households contains extensive data on diverse family
structures and child outcomes, Five groups were oversampled: single-parent families, families with
stepchildren, cohabiting couples, recently married couples, and minorities. Detailed information on life
history and family relations was collected, and a 5-year follow-up is planned. Documentation is available
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