Basics of
Retaining Wall Design
10 Edition
A Design Guide for Earth Retaining Structures
Hugh Brooks
John P. Nielsen
Civil & Structural Engineer
Civil & Geotechnical Engineer
Basics of
Retaining Wall Design
10 Edition
A Design Guide for Earth Retaining Structures
Contents at a glance:
1. About Retaining Walls; Terminology
2. Design Procedure Overview
3. Soil Mechanics Simplified
4. Building Codes and Retaining Walls
5. Forces on Retaining Walls
6. Earthquake (Seismic) Design
7. Soil Bearing and Stability
8. Designing the Cantilever Wall Stem
9. Footing Design
10. Pier and Pile Foundations
11. Counterfort Retaining Walls
12. Cantilevered Tilt-Up Walls
13. Wood Retaining Walls
14. Gravity Walls
15. Gabion Walls
16. Segmental Retaining Walls
17. Swimming Pool Walls
18. Pilaster Masonry Walls
19. Restrained (Non-Yielding) Walls
20. Sheet Pile Walls
21. Soldier Pile Walls
22. How Retaining Walls Fail; Effective Fixes
23. Construction Topics and Caveats
24. Design Examples
A. Summary of Design Equations
with Code References
B. Uniform System for
Classification of Soils (USCS)
C. Masonry Design Data
D. Development and Lap Lengths
E. Sample Construction Notes
F. Conversion Factors
G. Reinforcing Bar Basics
and US / Metric Conversions
H. Reference Bibliography
I. Notations and Symbols
J. Glossary
About the authors . . .
HUGH BROOKS has been a consulting
structural engineer for over 40 years
and is a licensed civil and structural
engineer in California. He has managed
Retain Pro Software for over fifteen
years and has authored four
engineering and construction related
books. He writes and resides in
Newport Beach, California.
JOHN P. NIELSEN , Ph.D, is a licensed
civil and geotechnical engineer in
California. His career includes both
university instructor and over twenty
years in private practice as a
geotechnical consultant. He practices
and resides in Palm Desert, California.
Newport Beach, California
9 780976 836490
Publishing Since 1992
Note !!
This document contains only
selected pages from the full
The intent is to give you an idea of
the content, quality, and illustrations
of the full book.
Thank you for taking look inside!
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Why This Book? ....................................................................................................................... viii
The User .............................................................................................................................................. viii
Why It Was Written? ........................................................................................................................... viii
Scope of This Book ............................................................................................................................ viii
Preface ......................................................................................................................................... x
1. About Retaining Walls .......................................................................................................... 1
Evolution of Retaining Structures ........................................................................................................... 1
A Definition ............................................................................................................................................. 1
Types of Earth Retaining Structures....................................................................................................... 1
What The Terms Mean ........................................................................................................................... 5
Retaining Wall Terminology .................................................................................................................... 6
2. Design Procedure Overview ................................................................................................ 7
Design Criteria Checklist ........................................................................................................................ 7
Establish the Design Criteria .................................................................................................................. 8
Basic Design Principals for Cantilevered Walls ...................................................................................... 8
Step-by-Step Design of a Cantilevered Retaining Wall .......................................................................... 9
Design of a Restrained Retaining Wall ................................................................................................. 10
3. Soil Mechanics Simplified .................................................................................................. 13
A Soil Primer ......................................................................................................................................... 13
When is a Foundation Investigation Required? .................................................................................... 15
The Foundation Investigation Report ................................................................................................... 15
The Soil Wedge Theory ........................................................................................................................ 15
Explanation of Terms ............................................................................................................................ 16
Angle of internal friction .................................................................................................................... 17
Soil Bearing Values .............................................................................................................................. 19
Hugh’s Pickle Jar Test .......................................................................................................................... 21
The Precision Illusion ........................................................................................................................... 21
4. Building Codes and Retaining Walls ................................................................................. 23
What Building Code(s) Apply To My Project? ...................................................................................... 23
Building Codes ...................................................................................................................................... 23
Referenced Codes - Publications ......................................................................................................... 24
5. Forces and Loads On Retaining Walls .............................................................................. 25
Determining Loads and Forces ............................................................................................................ 25
Lateral Earth Pressures ........................................................................................................................ 25
The Coulomb Formula .......................................................................................................................... 25
The Rankine Formula ........................................................................................................................... 26
Surcharge Loads .................................................................................................................................. 29
Wind Loads ........................................................................................................................................... 33
Water Table Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 33
Detention Ponds/Flood Walls ............................................................................................................... 34
Cascading Walls ................................................................................................................................... 34
Vertical Loads ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Lateral Impact Loading ......................................................................................................................... 36
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
6. Earthquake (Seismic) Design ............................................................................................. 37
Earthquakes – An Overview ................................................................................................................. 37
When is Seismic Design Required for Retaining Walls? ...................................................................... 38
Seismic Design Background ................................................................................................................. 40
Mononobe-Okabe Equation .................................................................................................................. 42
Seismic for Stem Self-weight ................................................................................................................ 47
7. Designing The Cantilever Wall Stem ................................................................................. 49
Basics of Stem Design ......................................................................................................................... 49
Dowels from Footing into the Stem ...................................................................................................... 50
Horizontal Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcing ............................................................................ 51
Key at Stem-Footing Interface .............................................................................................................. 52
Masonry Stem Design .......................................................................................................................... 52
Concrete Stem Design ......................................................................................................................... 54
8. Soil Bearing and Stability – Cantilevered Walls ............................................................... 59
Tabulate Overturning and Resisting Moments ..................................................................................... 59
Proportioning Pointers .......................................................................................................................... 59
Overturning Moments ........................................................................................................................... 59
Resisting Moments ............................................................................................................................... 60
Vertical Component of Active Pressure From a Sloped Backfil ........................................................... 61
Determining Soil Bearing Pressure ...................................................................................................... 61
Soil Bearing Capacity ........................................................................................................................... 63
Overturning Stability ............................................................................................................................. 64
Sliding Resistance ................................................................................................................................ 64
Footing Keys ......................................................................................................................................... 65
Deflection (Tilt) of Walls ........................................................................................................................ 66
Global Stability ...................................................................................................................................... 67
9. Footing Design .................................................................................................................... 69
Basics of Footing Design ...................................................................................................................... 69
Embedment of Stem Reinforcing Into Footing ..................................................................................... 69
Toe Design ........................................................................................................................................... 70
Heel Design .......................................................................................................................................... 71
Minimum Cover for Footing Reinforcing ............................................................................................... 71
Horizontal Temperature and Shrinkage Reinforcing ............................................................................ 71
10.Pier and Pile Foundations .................................................................................................. 73
Piles, Piers, and Caissons .................................................................................................................... 73
When to Use Piles or Piers? ................................................................................................................. 73
Design Criteria ...................................................................................................................................... 73
Pile Design Example ............................................................................................................................ 74
11.Counterfort Retaining Walls ............................................................................................... 81
Description ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Proportioning ........................................................................................................................................ 81
Design Overview................................................................................................................................... 81
Designing the Wall ................................................................................................................................ 82
Designing the Heel ............................................................................................................................... 82
Designing the Toe................................................................................................................................. 82
Designing the Counterfort ..................................................................................................................... 83
Stability ................................................................................................................................................. 83
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
12.Cantilevered Tilt-Up Walls .................................................................................................. 85
Description ............................................................................................................................................ 85
Construction Sequence ........................................................................................................................ 85
Design Procedure ................................................................................................................................. 86
Free-standing Walls .............................................................................................................................. 86
Erecting the Panels .............................................................................................................................. 86
13.Wood Retaining Walls ........................................................................................................ 87
14.Gravity Walls ....................................................................................................................... 91
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 91
Design procedure ................................................................................................................................. 91
15.Gabion and Multi-Wythe Large Walls ................................................................................ 93
Description ............................................................................................................................................ 93
Design ................................................................................................................................................... 93
Foundation Pressures .......................................................................................................................... 94
Seismic Design ..................................................................................................................................... 95
Gabion Walls Using Mechanically Stabilized Earth .............................................................................. 95
16.Segmental Retaining Walls (SRWs) .................................................................................. 97
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 97
Gravity Wall Design .............................................................................................................................. 98
Check Lateral Soil Pressures ......................................................................................................... 100
The Coulomb Equation ................................................................................................................... 100
Check Inter-Block Shear ................................................................................................................. 100
Check Sliding .................................................................................................................................. 100
Check Overturning .......................................................................................................................... 100
Check Soil Bearing Pressure .......................................................................................................... 101
Soil Bearing Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 101
Seismic Design ............................................................................................................................... 101
Gravity Walls ................................................................................................................................... 101
Geogrid Wall Design ........................................................................................................................... 102
Construction Sequence .................................................................................................................. 103
About Geogrids ............................................................................................................................... 103
Gather Design Criteria .................................................................................................................... 104
Select Masonry Units ...................................................................................................................... 104
Determine Lateral Soil Pressures ................................................................................................... 105
Select Geogrid ................................................................................................................................ 105
Determine Geogrid Embedment ..................................................................................................... 106
Determine Depth of Reinforced Soil (total base width) .................................................................. 107
Check Overturning .......................................................................................................................... 107
CheckSliding at Lowest Geogrid Layer .......................................................................................... 108
Check Sliding at Base ..................................................................................................................... 109
Check Soil Bearing Pressure .......................................................................................................... 109
Soil Bearing Capacity ..................................................................................................................... 109
Seismic Design ............................................................................................................................... 110
Building Codes & Standards ........................................................................................................... 111
Getting Help ........................................................................................................................................ 112
17.Swimming Pool Wall Design ............................................................................................ 113
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
18.Pilaster Masonry Walls ..................................................................................................... 115
Description .......................................................................................................................................... 115
Filler Wall Design ................................................................................................................................ 115
Pilaster Design .................................................................................................................................... 115
Footing Design .................................................................................................................................... 116
19.Restrained (Non-YIielding) Walls ..................................................................................... 117
Description .......................................................................................................................................... 117
Dual Function Walls ............................................................................................................................ 117
At Rest Active Soil Pressure ............................................................................................................... 117
Seismic Force on Non-Yielding (Restrained) Walls ........................................................................... 118
20.Sheet Pile Walls ................................................................................................................. 119
Description .......................................................................................................................................... 119
Design Procedure ............................................................................................................................... 119
References ......................................................................................................................................... 120
21. Soldier Beam Walls .......................................................................................................... 121
Description .......................................................................................................................................... 121
Design Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 121
22.Why Retaining Walls Fail and Cost - Effective Fixes ..................................................... 125
23.Construction Topics and Caveats ................................................................................... 131
Horizontal Control Joints .................................................................................................................... 131
Drainage ............................................................................................................................................. 131
Backfill ................................................................................................................................................ 131
Compaction ......................................................................................................................................... 132
Inspections .......................................................................................................................................... 132
The Geotechnical Investigation .......................................................................................................... 132
Forensic Investigations ....................................................................................................................... 132
24.Retaining Wall Design Examples ..................................................................................... 133
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 223
A. Summary of Design Equations with Code References ................................................................. 223
B. Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) ................................................................................... 225
C. Masonry Design Data ................................................................................................................... 226
D. Development and Lap Lengths ..................................................................................................... 227
E. Sample Construction Notes .......................................................................................................... 228
F. Conversion Factors ....................................................................................................................... 229
G. Reinforcing Bar and US/Metric Conversions ................................................................................ 230
H. Reference Bibliography ................................................................................................................. 231
I. Notations & Symbols .................................................................................................................... 232
J. Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 234
INDEX ....................................................................................................................................... 244
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Page viii
For The User
This book is intended to cover and explain design practices and building code requirements for the design
of earth retaining structures. It is for both the practicing engineer who has become a bit rusty on this
complex subject, and for the engineering student who has already acquired a basic knowledge of statics,
soil mechanics, and the design of simple masonry and concrete structures. Design review agencies will
also find it a useful reference.
Why It Was Written
The design of retaining walls is not an every-day design task. During my many years of providing
technical support for Retain Pro software it became increasingly apparent that many engineers
infrequently design retaining walls and need some brushing-up, particularly on code requirements. It is
also for the civil/structural engineering student to supplement other texts with current design practices and
building code requirements.
Although there is a considerable amount of technical information available, it is widely scattered in
numerous textbooks and technical papers on soil mechanics, foundation engineering, concrete design,
masonry design, and in all sorts of related topics. Despite the many references, a single volume on
retaining wall design for the professional practitioner and civil engineering student could not be found.
Hence this attempt to condense, simplify and compile information from many sources, including my own
experience, into this book. Hopefully, it will ease your comfort level when designing retaining walls and
give you a good overview of the process. For those who want to dig deeper into particular topics a
comprehensive bibliography is attached in Appendix H.
Scope of This Book
This book treats design practices for most types of earth retaining structures: conventional cantilevered
retaining walls: restrained (basement) walls, gravity walls, and segmental retaining walls both gravity and
with geogrids. Other topics include sheet pile walls, tilt-up retaining walls, soldier pile walls, gabion
walls, counterfort walls, pilaster walls and walls with pile or pier foundations. A review of basic soil
mechanics is also included in this book and the appendix offers useful information including a glossary of
We’ll welcome your feedback. You can contact us at [email protected].
Hugh Brooks, PE, SE
October, 2013
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Page x
This tenth edition, like its predecessors, become necessary because building codes change – seismic
design requirements for example – and as we receive suggestions for topics to be added or expanded. To
respond, successive editions have been updated, corrections made and additional materials added. All
design examples have been reviewed, corrections made where needed and explanations added. A glossary
of terminology has been added to this edition.
Another effort for this edition was to explain many of the topics in more detail so it will be helpful to the
engineering student who may be using it as a text. We believe civil engineering students can benefit by
learning building code requirements and design practices used by experienced engineers.
This series of editions began in 1996 as a modest companion manual to accompany my work developing
Retain Pro software. In successive editions it has grown from 93 pages to 250 in this tenth edition, with
many thousands of copies in print.
My objective in each edition was to cover basic design principles and practices in a concise, readable,
manner. This book is not an in-depth treatment of the design of retaining structures. Earth retaining
structures and soil mechanics are far too complex a subject to treat in a single concise volume. There are
dozens of foundation engineering texts and countless technical papers available for review, and of course
there is the Internet. However, finding what you need is time consuming; hence this compendium. The
challenge was to decide what to put in and what to leave out and to put in the most helpful things a
designer – and an advanced engineering student -- need to know to design most types of earth retaining
structures. Surely there will be omissions and errors, but the intent is that you will find this book helpful
in your practice.
We express appreciation to the many of you who have offered valuable suggestions, corrected
errors, read portions of the draft, and faxed informative articles and excerpts from technical
papers. My thanks to each of you. We will all benefit from your input.
And as for the Ninth Edition it is my good fortune and privilege to be joined by co-author John P.
Nielsen, Ph.D, a civil and geotechnical engineer with a distinguished career in academia and geotechnical
consulting practice. He brings many years experience to enhance and expand the scope of this and the
previous edition.
We hope this edition will be helpful in your practice and informative for the engineering student.
And as always, your comments and suggestions will be welcome.
Hugh Brooks, P.E., S.E.
John P. Nielsen, P.E., G.E., Phd
Evolution of Retaining Structures
In the year one-million BC, or thereabouts, an anonymous man, or woman, laid a row of stones
atop another row to keep soil from sliding into their camp. Thus was constructed an early
retaining wall, and we've been keeping soil in place ever since…… with increasingly better
methods and understanding.
The early engineers in the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, Rome and the Mayans were masters
at invention and experimentation, learning primarily through intuition and trial-and-error what
worked and what didn't We marvel at their achievements. Even the most casual observer looks
in wonder at the magnificent structures they created and have stood for thousands of years –
including countless retaining walls. With great skill they cut, shaped, and set stone with such
precision that the joints were paper thin. Reinforced concrete would not be developed for a
thousand years, but they used what they had, and learned how to do it better with each succeeding
structure. Consider the Great Wall of China, for example, where transverse bamboo poles were
used to tie the walls together – a forerunner of today’s “mechanically stabilized earth”. Those
early engineers also discovered that by battering a wall so that it leaned slightly backward the
lateral pressure was relieved and the height could be extended – an intuitive understanding of the
soil wedge theory. Any student of ancient construction methods is awed by the ingenuity and
accomplishments of those early engineers.
Major advances in understanding how retaining walls work and how soil generates forces against
walls appeared in the 18
and 19
centuries with the work of French engineer Charles Coulomb
1776, who is better remembered for his work on electricity, and later by William Rankine in
1857. Today, their equations are familiar to most civil engineers. A significant body of work was
the introduction of soil mechanics as a science through the pioneering work of Karl Terrzaghi in
the 1920s.
Indeed, soil mechanics and the design of retaining structures has advanced dramatically in recent
decades giving us new design concepts, a better understanding of soil behavior, and hopefully
safer and more economical designs.
A Definition:
A retaining wall is any constructed wall that restrains soil or other material at locations having an
abrupt change in elevation.
Types of Retaining Structures
There are many types of structures used to retain soil and other materials. Listed below are the
types of earth retaining structures generally used today. The design of these will be discussed in
later chapters.
Cantilevered retaining walls
These walls which retain earth by a wall cantilevering up from a footing are the most common
type of retaining walls in use today. These walls are classified as “yielding” as they are free to
rotate (about the foundation) because of the lack of any lateral restraint. Cantilevered retaining
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
walls are generally made of masonry or concrete, or both, but can also take other forms as will be
Types of Cantilevered Retaining Walls Include:
Masonry or concrete walls
The stem of a masonry wall is usually constructed of either 8” or 12” deep concrete masonry
block units. The cells are partially or solid grouted, and are vertically reinforced. An eight-inch
block is generally adequate to retain up to about six feet, and a twelve-inch block up to ten to
twelve feet.
The stems of a concrete wall must be formed, and can be tapered for economy, usually with the
taper on the inside (earth side) to present a vertical exposed face.
Hybrid walls, with both concrete and masonry, can also be constructed using formed concrete at
the base, where higher strength is required, then changing to masonry higher up the wall.
A variation for masonry cantilever walls uses spaced vertical pilasters (usually of square masonry
units) with in-filled walls of lesser thickness, usually 6" masonry. The pilasters cantilever up from
the footing and are usually spaced from four to eight feet on center. These walls are usually used
where lower walls are needed – under about six feet high.
Counterfort retaining walls
Counterfort cantilevered retaining walls incorporate wing walls projecting upward from the heel
of the footing into the stem. The thickness of the stem between counterforts is thinner (than for
cantilevered walls) and spans horizontally, as a beam, between the counterfort (wing) walls. The
counterforts act as cantilevered elements and are structurally efficient because the counterforts are
tapered down to a wider (deeper) base at the heel where moments are higher. The high cost of
forming the counterforts and the infill stem walls make such walls usually not practical for walls
less than about 16 feet high. See Figure 1.1.
Figure 1.1 Counterfort retaining wall
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Buttress retaining walls
These are similar to counterfort walls, but the wings project from the outside face of the wall.
Such walls are generally used in those cases where property line limitations on the earth retention
side do not allow space for the large heel of a traditional cantilevered retaining wall.
Gravity retaining walls
This type of wall depends upon the dead load mass of the wall for stability rather than
cantilevering from a foundation.
Stacked and mortar-bonded stone, rubble, or rock walls
These are usually gravity walls relegated to landscaping features with retaining less than about
four feet high. Engineering for such walls is limited, or none at all, and rules-of-thumb prevail
(such as a retained height not more than two or three times the base width). Higher walls need
engineering to evaluate overturning, sliding, soil bearing and to verify that flexural tension does
not exist within the wall (or only as allowed by code for material used) because these walls are
generally unreinforced.
Gabion or crib walls
A gabion wall is a type of gravity wall whereby stones or rubble are placed within wire fabric
baskets. Crib walls are a variation of the gabion method whereby mostly steel bins are filled with
stone or rubble. Another variation is to stack a grillage of timbers and fill the interior with earth
or rubble. Precast concrete crib walls are also widely used.
Wood retaining walls
Wood is commonly used for low height retaining walls. Wood retaining walls usually consist of
laterally spaced wood posts embedded into the soil, preferably into a drilled hole with the posts
encased in lean concrete. Horizontal planks span between the upward cantilevering posts.
Pressure treated wood is used, but even with treatment deterioration is a disadvantage, and wood
walls are generally limited to low walls because height is limited by size and strength of the posts.
Railroad ties are also commonly used for both posts and lagging.
Tilt-up concrete retaining walls
Tilt-up concrete construction has been successfully used for retaining walls, either cantilevered or
restrained at the top. These site-cast panels are set on concrete pads at panel ends, with the
reinforcing projecting out from the bottom. A continuous concrete footing is then cast under the
wall to complete the construction. Tilt-up walls are economical for higher walls, but sufficient
space is needed to cast the panels.
Segmental retaining walls (SRWs)
Many manufacturers offer various systems of stacked segmental concrete units, steel bins, or
other devices that retain soil by stacking individual components. Most are patented systems that
are typically battered (sloped backward), primarily to reduce lateral soil pressure, thus requiring a
minimal foundation. Reinforced concrete footings, steel reinforcing, or mortar are not used.
Stability of SRW gravity walls depends solely upon the dead weight resisting moment exceeding
the lateral soil pressure overturning moment. To attain greater heights – up to 40 feet and more – SRW’s
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
also utilize mechanically stabilized earth (MSE), also called reinforced earth, whereby
geosynthetic fabric layers are placed in successive horizontal layers of the backfill to achieve an
integral soil mass that increases resistance to overturning and horizontal sliding. A variety of
facing block configurations and surface colors and textures are available from many
Bridge abutments
These support the end of a bridge and retain the earth embankment leading to the bridge. Bridge
abutments usually have angled wing walls of descending height to accommodate the side slope of
the embankment. Abutments are designed as cantilever walls, with girder bearing support free to
slide at one end to accommodate horizontal expansion movement of the bridge deck. Design
requirements for bridge structures are usually governed by the code requirements of the American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and state Departments of
Transportation (DOTs) such as California’s CalTrans.
Sheet pile and bulkhead walls
These are generally waterfront structures such as at docks and wharves, but steel sheet piling is
also used for temporary shoring on construction sites. Steel sheet units configured for stiffness or
concrete panels are driven into the soil to provide lateral support below the base of the excavation
or the dredge line. Sheet pile walls cantilever upward to retain earth or are restrained at or near
the top by either a slab-on-grade or tiebacks.
Restrained (Non-yielding) retaining walls
Also called “basement walls” (for residential and light commercial conditions) or “tie-back”
walls. These walls are distinguished by having lateral support at or near the top, thereby with less
or no dependence for fixity at the foundation. Technically, these walls are classified as “non-
yielding” walls because the walls cannot move laterally at the top, as opposed to cantilevered
(yielding) walls. Such walls are usually designed as “pin connected” both at the top and bottom.
The earth pressure creates a positive moment in the wall, which requires reinforcing on the front
of the wall, that is, the side opposite the retained soil. . In some cases it may be cost effective to
fix the base of the wall to the footing to reduce both the bending in the wall and restraining force
required at the top support.
Footings for these walls are usually designed for vertical loads only. However, it is often
desirable to design the lower portion of a basement wall as a cantilevered retaining wall with
fixity at the footing so that backfill can be safely placed to avoid bracing the wall, or waiting until
the lateral restraint at the top is in place, such as a floor diaphragm. Note that conventional wood
floors framed into the top of a basement wall may not provide a sufficient stiffness to allow for
the restrained case,
Anchored (tieback) walls
Anchors or tiebacks are often used for higher walls where a cantilevered wall may not be
economical. Restraint is achieved by drilling holes and grouting inclined steel rods as anchors
into the zone of earth behind the wall beyond the theoretical failure plane in the backfill. The
anchors can be placed at several tiers for higher walls, and can be post-tensioned rods grouted
into drilled holes, or non-tensioned rods grouted into the drilled holes. The latter are also known
as soil nails.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
What the Terms Mean:
Backfill: The soil placed behind a wall.
Backfill slope: Often the backfill slopes upward from the back face of the wall. The slope is
usually expressed as a ratio of horizontal to vertical (e.g. 2:1).
Batter: The slope of the face of the stem from a vertical plane, usually on the inside (earth) face.
Dowels: Reinforcing steel placed in the footing and bent up into the stem a distance at least equal
to the required development length.
Footing (or foundation): That part of the structure below the stem that supports and transmits
vertical and horizontal forces into the soil below.
Footing key: A deepened portion of the footing to provide greater sliding resistance.
Grade: The surface of the soil or paving; can refer to either side of the wall.
Heel: That portion of the footing extending behind the wall (under the retained soil).
Horizontal temperature/shrinkage reinforcing: Longitudinal horizontal reinforcing usually
placed in both faces of the stem and used primarily to control cracking from shrinkage or
temperature changes.
Keyway: A horizontal slot located at the base of the stem and cast into the footing for greater
shear resistance.
Principal reinforcing: Reinforcing used to resist bending in the stem.
Retained height: The height of the earth to be retained, generally measured upward from the top
of the footing.
Stem: The vertical wall above the foundation.
Surcharge: Any load placed in or on top of the soil, either in front or behind the wall.
Toe: That portion of footing which extends in front of the front face of the stem (away from the
retained earth).
Weep holes: Holes provided at the base of the stem for drainage. Weep holes usually have gravel
or crushed rock behind the openings to act as a sieve and prevent clogging. Poor drainage of weep
holes is the result of weep holes becoming clogged with weeds, thereby increasing the lateral
pressure against the wall. Unless properly designed and maintained, weep holes seldom “weep”.
Alternatively, perforated pipe surrounded with gravel and encased within a geotextile can be used
to provide drainage of the backfill.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Cantilevered Retaining Wall Terminology
Cantilevered retaining walls have unique descriptive terminology as illustrated below:
Figure 1.2 Retaining wall terminology
The Four Primary Concerns for the Design of Nearly any Retaining Wall are:
1. That it has an acceptable Factor of Safety with respect to overturning.
2. That it has an acceptable Factor of Safety with respect to sliding.
3. That the allowable soil bearing pressures are not exceeded.
4. That the stresses within the components (stem and footing) are within code allowable limits
to adequately resist imposed vertical and lateral loads. It is equally important that it is
constructed according to the design.
Design Criteria Checklist
Before establishing specific design criteria, the following checklist should be used before starting
your design:
What building codes are applicable?
Do I have the correct retained height for all of my wall conditions?
Is there a property line condition I need to know about?
Is there a fence on top of the wall, or does the wall extend above the retained height?
(exposure to wind)
How deep must the bottom of the footing be (frost considerations?)?
How will I assure that the backfill will be drained?
Will there be any axial loads on top of the wall? If so, the eccentricity?
What about surcharges behind the wall, such as parking, trucks, etc.
If the wall extends above the higher grade, and is a parking area, is there an impact bumper
What is the slope of the backfill? Level?
Is there a water table I need to consider?
Is a seismic design required?
Are there any adjacent footing loads affecting my design?
Should the stem be concrete or masonry, or a combination of the two?
How high is the grade on the toe side, above the top of the footing?
Is there a slab in front of the wall to restrain sliding or provisions to prevent erosion of soil?
Is there lateral restraint at the top of the wall (if so, it’s not truly a cantilevered wall and
requires a different design)?
Do I have a soil investigation report or other substantiation for soil properties: active
pressure, passive pressure, allowable bearing pressure, sliding coefficient, soil density, and
other items I need to consider?
Also consider whether a cantilevered retaining wall is the right solution. If the height of the
wall is over about 16 feet, perhaps a tieback wall would be more economical (caution: be sure
your client has the right to install tiebacks. If the wall is on a property line, there is obviously
a problem). Perhaps a buttressed or counterfort wall would be better for high walls, or using
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
precast panels, or tilt-up to overcome construction constraints imposed by a restrictive rear
property line.
Lastly, determine how many conditions for which you will need a design. Perhaps the same
retained height has several different backfill slopes, say, from level to 2:1. Here you need to
use a little judgment in determining the number of cases. Usually you don’t design for less
than two-foot height increments, unless there are different surcharges or other conditions. To
design for one-foot height increments is not only tedious, but doesn’t save that much material
cost. On the other hand, if the retained height along the length of a wall varies from, say, four
feet to 12 feet, you would not want to specify the 12-foot design throughout. In this case, you
would probably design for 12', 10', 8', 6' and 4'. You rarely “design” a wall less than 4 feet
high, just use a little judgmentunless there is a steep backfill slope or large surcharges, in
which case it should be properly designed.
Establish Design Criteria
The following information will be needed before starting your design. The values shown in
parentheses are only given to illustrate those values frequently used.
Retained heights
Embedment depth of footing required below grade – See geotechnical report
* Allowable soil pressure (1,000 psf to 3,000 psf)
* Passive pressure (150 to 350 pcf)
* Active earth pressure (30 pcf to 55 pcf)
* Coefficient of friction (.25 to .40)
Backfill slope (don’t exceed about 2:1 horizontal: vertical unless approved by the
geotechnical engineer)
Axial loads on stem
Surcharge loads
Wind, if applicable
* Seismic criteria if applicable
* Soil density (110 to 130 pcf)
Concrete and masonry allowable stresses (usually used values in parentheses – also see
Appendix I – Notations & Symbols).
f '
(2,000 psi to 4,000 psi)
(60,000 psi)
(24,000 psi)
(1,500 psi)
(145 psi to 178 psi, strength design)
* These values are usually given in the geotechnical report.
When you have gathered this information, you’re ready to start.
Basic Design Principals for Cantilevered Walls
Stability requires that a cantilevered retaining wall resists both overturning and sliding, and
material stresses including the allowable soil bearing that must be within acceptable values.
To resist forces tending to overturn the wall (primarily the lateral earth pressure against the back
of the wall), the wall must have sufficient weight, including the soil above the footing, such that
the resisting moments are greater than the overturning moments. The safety factor for overturning
should be at least 1.5 – some codes require more.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
To resist sliding, the weight of the wall plus the weight of the soil above the footing plus vertical
loads on the wall and any permanent surcharges multiplied by the coefficient of friction between
the foundation soil and the bottom of the footing, plus the passive pressure resistance force at the
front of the wall, must be sufficient to resist the lateral force pushing on the wall. The
recommenced safety factor against sliding is 1.5. If the soil is cohesive, the coefficient of friction
is replaced by the adhesive bond (see page 20) of the cohesion between the footing and soil, in
The stem must be designed to resist the bending caused by earth pressures, including the effect of
surcharges placed behind the wall, seismic or wind if applicable, impact loads, or axial loads
acting eccentrically on the wall. The maximum bending and shear stresses in a cantilevered wall
will be at the bottom of the stem. Each of these subjects will be discussed later.
Figure 2.1 is a free-body force diagram illustrating stability forces on a cantilevered wall.
Figure 2.1 Free-body of cantilevered retaining wall
Step-by-Step Design of a Cantilevered Retaining Wall
The design usually follows this order:
1. Establish all design criteria based upon applicable building codes. (See checklist above).
2. Compute all applied loads, soil pressures, seismic, wind, axial, surcharges, impact, or any
3. Design the stem. This is usually an iterative procedure. Start at the bottom of the stem where
moments and shears are maximum. Then, for economy, check several feet up the stem (such
as at the top of the development length of the dowels projecting from the footing) to
determine if the bar size can be reduced or alternate bars dropped. Check dowel embedment
depth into the footing assuming a 90° bend (hooked bar). The thickness of the stem may
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
vary, top to bottom. The minimum top thickness for reinforced concrete walls is usually 6-
inches to properly place the concrete, 8-inches at the bottom.
4. Compute overturning moments, calculated about the front (toe) bottom edge of the footing.
For a trial, assume the footing width, to be about 1/2 to 2/3’s the height of the wall, with 1/3
being at the toe.
5. Compute resisting moments based upon the assumed footing width, calculated about the front
edge of the footing.
6. Check sliding. A factor of safety with respect to sliding of 1.5 or more is standard. A key or
adjusting the footing depth may be required to achieve an accepted factor of safety with
respect to sliding.
7. An overturning factor of safety of at least 1.5 is considered standard of practice.
8. Based upon an acceptable factor of safety against overturning, calculate the eccentricity of
the total vertical load. Is it within or outside the middle-third of the footing width?
9. Calculate the soil pressure at the toe and heel. If the eccentricity, e, is > B/6 (B = width of
footing) it will be outside the middle third of the footing width (not recommended!), and
because there cannot be tension between the footing and soil, a triangular pressure
distribution will be the result. Consult with the project geotechnical engineer if this condition
cannot be avoided, as it will result in a substantially lowered allowable soil bearing pressure.
See Figure 8.4.
10. Design footing for moments and shears. Select reinforcing.
11. Check and review. Have all geotechnical report requirements been met?
12. Place a note on the structural sheets and on the structural calculations indicating that the
backfill is to be placed and compacted in accordance with the geotechnical report.
13. Review the construction drawings and specifications for conformance with the design.
Step-By-Step Design of a Restrained Retaining Wall
Similar to the above with some additional steps (italicized):
1. Establish all design criteria based upon applicable building codes. (See checklist above).
2. Compute all applied loads (at-rest earth pressures, seismic, wind, axial, surcharges, impact, or
any others. Select “height” to lateral restraint.
3. Select restraint – level and base of stem design assumptions: pinned - pinned; pinned fixed;
or fixed - fixed. Then based on statics determine the reactions at the top and at the base of
the wall.
4. If a floor slab is present at the top of the footing, check its adequacy to sustain this lateral
sliding force.
5. Design the stem. If the stem is assumed pinned at the base and at the top, the maximum
moment will be a positive moment near mid-height—select stem material, design thickness,
and reinforcing for that location. Usually the same material (concrete or masonry) and
thickness will be used for the full height. Some degree of “fixity” is likely at the top of the
wall even with a pinned “design”.
6. Design the footing. If the stem is assumed fixed at the base check the soil pressure (check
Items 8 and 9 as above) and design for the moments and shears, and select reinforcing. If the
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
stem is assumed pinned at the footing interface, try to center the footing under the wall to
prevent eccentricity. If there is eccentricity check reinforcing at stem-footing interface to
resist that moment because if it exceeds the moment due to eccentricity the soil pressure will
not be uniform Check embedment depth into the footing assuming a 90° bend (hooked bar).
7. Check sliding. If a restraining floor slab is not present, a key or adjusting the footing width
or depth may be required.
8. Check and review. Have all soil report requirements been met?
9. Review the construction drawing for conformance with your design.
All these topics will be discussed later.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
A Soil Primer
The mantle of our earth is composed of water, rock and soil. It is the soil or rock that supports our
structures. We need to understand what soil is, how it behaves, and the properties we need for
design. Soil is a collective term for any mixture of sand, silt, or clay. Soil is not “dirt”, which we
sweep off the floor and wash from our clothes. Dirt is a colloquial term contractors often use,
such as “We underestimated the fill quantity and need to import 200 more yards of dirt (a “yard”
in that terminology means one cubic yard).
Soil is the result of the decomposition of rock. Rocks decompose by weathering, freezing and
thawing, by crushing and grinding along earthquake faults, along planes of failure in landslides,
by the overland movement of glaciers, the tumbling action of rivers and streams, and from the
corrosive inorganic acids present in the atmosphere and derived from plants. Additionally, we
must add heat, temperature changes and pressures within the earth.
Before the mid-1920s, determining how large a footing was needed to support a structure was
rudimentary. It consisted primarily of driving rods into the soil and observing the resistance,
auger borings, test pits, and usually load testing a small area and observing tolerable deformations
from which a footing could be safely sized. Recommended bearing capacities were published in
the handbooks of the day. For instance, the 1916 New York Building Code listed capacity of
various soils. An example: “Sand and clay mixed or in layers” allowed “2 tons per square foot”.
A pioneer to advance soil behavior to a science was Karl Terzaghi (1883-1963) who in 1925
published Erdbaumechanik, which loosely translates to mechanics of soil in construction,
followed in 1926 by Principles of Soil Mechanics. Later, in 1948, he and Peck published the
classic Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice. His studies were based upon application of the
theory of elasticity to mass materials. From his work, and that of others, the term soil mechanics
evolved into geotechnical engineering.
Moving ahead to today, types of soil – sand, silt, or clay, primarily – are classified by particle size
and the composition of the mixture. The distribution of grain size in a soil sample is determined
by a grain size analysis. For example, in a sieve test a sample is passed through successively
smaller sieves, and the amount by weight retained on each sieve is noted as a percent of the total.
With this information the geotechnical engineer can classify the soil per the most-used Uniform
System for Classification of Soil (USCS) that is reproduced in Appendix B. Sieve sizes use a
numbering system where the number indicates the number of openings per inch. For example, a
#4 sieve has four openings per inch, or ¼” each, and a #200 sieve has 200 openings per inch, and
so forth.
Some common designations of soil are:
Boulders > 12”
Cobbles > 3” < 12”
Gravel > #4 sieve < 3”
Sand > #200 sieve < #4 sieve
Silt < #200 sieve
Clay < 0.005 to 0.002 mm
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
There are other classifications systems, such as the AASHTO system (American Association of
State and Highway Transportation Officials), but the USCS classification is most often referred to
in the foundation investigation reports you will read.
Soil is further classified as being cohesive, non-cohesive, or somewhere in between.
Cohesive soil derives its strength primarily from the cohesive bond between particles. Examples
include fine-grained silts and clays.
Non-cohesive, or granular soil, derives its strength from inter-particle friction between grains.
Sand and gravel are examples of non-cohesive soil. Non-cohesive soil is the type usually assumed
for analysis of pressures against a retaining wall.
Expansive soils usually consist of clay, but some silt is also expansive. Expansive soil can lift
footings if water is present or shrink upon drying. Some clays are highly expansive and change in
volume with changes in water content. Such swelling can cause considerable pressure on
retaining structures. It is for this reason that clay backfill should be avoided, and if the site
contains expansive soil, the geotechnical engineer will recommend measures to minimize its
effect, mainly by removal and replacement with suitable material. It is important that water not be
allowed to penetrate expansive soil.
Frost line is a term used in colder climates in the northern US, whereby upper portions of the
ground may freeze seasonally or permanently, with depths ranging from a few inches to eight feet
or more. To prevent the added pressure of swelling because of freezing, foundations should be
placed below the frost line. The geotechnical engineer and applicable building codes will address
this local concern. In areas where the ground is permanently frozen to a great depth, such as
Alaska, local expertise and experience will apply.
Bearing capacity of a soil is an estimate of its capability to support a vertical load in compression.
The shearing strength of the soil is the controlling factor for determining its bearing capacity. The
shear between particles can be either frictional resistance (sliding friction between particles) or in
the case of a clayey soil, cohesion and perhaps interparticle friction. Sandy soil requires
confinement to develop shear strength, as for example a lack of confinement is illustrated when
you step on sand at the beach you will notice the sand displaces sideways under your feet. This
illustrates the lack of frictional forces at work.
When soil samples (cores retrieved from drilling) are taken to the laboratory for testing, the
geotechnical engineer will calculate the bearing capacity of the particular soil by determining its
angle of internal friction, , its unit cohesion, c, and its unit weight.
Most soil mechanics texts will thoroughly cover the several types of shear tests available to the
geotechnical engineer.
The basic equation for shear resistance developed along a plane of rupture is:
s = c + p tan
s = shear strength; p = effective normal stress and c = cohesion, both usually expressed in psf;
and = effective angle of internal friction.
What Building Code(s) Apply To This Project?
Always check with the Building Department having jurisdiction over the project to determine the
code(s) adopted by the jurisdiction and if any local amendments apply. The following codes are
most often adopted or cited.
Building Codes
International Building Code (IBC)
This standard building code has been adopted by most jurisdictions, some with local
modifications (California Building Code, for example). The IBC was a culmination of efforts to
merge into one national building code the Uniform Building Code, Southern Building Code, and
Standard Building Code. The IBC is compiled and published by the International Code Council
(ICC), County Club Hills, Illinois. The series of International Building Codes (e.g. plumbing,
electrical, etc.) are collectively referred to as the “I-Codes”. The IBC Website is The current edition is 2012. IBC 2012 references or modifies other standard
codes, principally ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures.
Uniform Building Code (UBC), '97
This now defunct code, the last in a series first published in 1927 by the International Conference
of Building Officials, was the dominant code in the Western states until replaced by the
International Building Code and California Building Code.
California Building Code (CBC)
This California code was first published in 2001 to replace the ’97 Uniform Building Code. It is
an adaptation of the IBC with minor modifications and is essentially the same as the IBC. The
current edition is 2013. See
NFPA 5000: Building Construction and Safety Code (National Fire Prevention Association)
NFPA 5000 has been promoted in some States. It addresses construction protection and
occupancy features necessary to minimize danger to life and property. The current edition is
NFPA 5000: Building Construction and Safety Code, 2012 Edition. The NFPA web address is This code references ACI 318, ASCE 7 and ACI 530 for structural design issues.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Referenced Publications
IBC 2012, CBC ’10, and other regional codes, often refer to the following standards for structural
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 7-10
Published by American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Reston, VA. This
often referenced publication covers loads and seismic design. See
Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete (ACI 318-11), American Concrete
Institute (ACI), Detroit, MI. The standard for concrete design. See
Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures (ACI 530.1-11)
Also known as MSJC, this masonry code is published jointly by ACI, SEI, and
The Masonry Society.
National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program (NEHRP), developed by the Building
Seismic Safety Council for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).
This is not a code, per se, but is referenced by IBC and NFPA as guidelines for
seismic design. The 2009
Edition NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic
Regulations for New Buildings and Other Structures
contains often referenced
information on seismic design of retaining walls, particularly information in the
Commentary, which is discussed in Chapter 6 of this book. See
Annual Book of ASTM Standards. This is the standard of reference on materials and
processes cited in most codes and specifications. Its 70+ volumes cover over
11,000 specifications. Published by ASTM International, West Conshocken, PA.
National Design Standards for Wood Construction (NDS), 2012. Published by American
Wood Council
Other codes as applicable:
AASHTO LRFD Bridge and Highway Design Specifications, 5
. Edition, 2010, American
Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO),
Washington, D.C. Adopted by most states, some with
amendments (California’s Caltrans for example.)
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). Foundations and Earth Structures,
NAVFAC Design Manual 7.02. This design manual contains information on
many aspects of retaining structures. Refer to for more
information. Many Navy documents are available for download.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Design Manuals. Comprehensive design procedures,
Standards, and sample calculations: The web address is:
Many Corps documents are available for download.
Determination of Loads and Forces
The design of retaining walls may include any or all of the following (each will be discussed in
the text that follows):
Lateral earth pressure
Axial loads
Adjacent footing loads
Surcharge loads
Impact forces
Wind on projecting stem
*Seismic wall self-weight forces and seismic earth pressure force
*Discussed in Chapter 6
Lateral Earth Pressures
The purpose of a retaining wall is to retain soil and to resist the lateral pressure of the soil against
the wall. Most lateral pressure theories are based upon the sliding soil wedge theory. This, in
simple terms, is based upon the assumption that if the wall is suddenly removed, a triangular
wedge of soil will slide down along a rupture plane, and it is this wedge of soil that the wall must
retain. The development of the soil wedge theory was discussed in Chapter 3. There are two
basic equations for computing lateral earth pressures: the Coulomb equation and the Rankine
The Coulomb Equation
The Coulomb Equation where K
is the coefficient of active pressure, which takes into account
backfill slope, friction angle at wall face, angle of rupture plane and angle of internal friction:
(horiz.) = K
cos if α = 90°
= Angle of backfill slope
= Angle of internal friction of the soil
= Wall slope angle from horizontal (90° for vertical face,
° if the back of wall is
battered outward or > 90° if wall battered inward)
= Angle of friction between soil and wall (usually assumed to be 2/3 to 1/2/)
Figure 5.1 The Coulomb equation
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
The Coulomb equation should only be used for gravity, segmental, gabion, and cantilevered walls
having a short heel dimension. The reason is that the Coulomb equation includes a soil-to-wall
friction angle, designated δ, which assumes the moving soil mass contacts the wall face and
activates a shear resistance as the wall deflects. This friction angle δ is generally assumed to be
between 0.5 and 0.7 times the phi () angle. For the case of a cantilevered wall with a larger heel
dimension the soil between the stem and the failure plane can be considered a rigid mass, then δ
in the Coulomb equation or Mononobe-Okabe equation (discussed in the seismic chapter) can be
taken a equal to because with a cantilevered wall the soil above the heel will move in mass
with the wall so that wall friction cannot develop, the failure plane being through the heel of the
If the backfill is level, the inside wall face is vertical, and if zero friction is assumed between the
soil and wall, then the Coulomb equation reduces to the familiar Rankine equation:
= (1 – sin ) / (1 + sin )
The Rankine Equation
The Rankine equation is a simplified version of the Coulomb equation that does not take into
account wall batter or friction at the wall-soil interface. As such, it is a conservative approach to
the design of retaining walls. An example of its use will be described later for both the Coulomb
and Rankine equations. For the case for vertical walls with a level backfill and zero wall friction,
the lateral pressure factor K
will be the same by either approach
Rankine’s approach was to evaluate the stress at a point in the backfill by using Mohr’s circle
concepts to obtain the minimum lateral stress at a point in the backfill. The minimum lateral
stress corresponds to the “active” case. Integration of that stress with respect to depth leads to a
second-order equation (the well-known triangular distribution) for the total lateral force against
the wall.
The use of the Rankine approach is recommended for most cantilevered retaining wall designs. It
is conservative because it predicts a larger active force than that of Coulomb. It’s also simpler to
calculate for most walls, and easily handles sloping backfills and surcharge loads.
The Rankine Equation for active pressure:
= cos
coscos cos
coscos cos
= (horiz.) = K
= Angle of backfill slope
= Angle of internal friction of the backfill soil
Figure 5.2 The Rankine equation
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
If the backfill is level the Rankine equation can be written as: K
Figure 5.3 Rankine free-body of lateral forces on stem
Example: Assume: = 34, = 26.6 (2:1 slope)
Then K
cos 26.6
= 0.41
If the backfill is sloped you need to convert K
to its horizontal component for computing
stem moments and overturning.
Therefore K
horiz. = 0.41 x cos 26.6 = 0.37 and corresponding horizontal equivalent
fluid weight of the soil = 0.37 x say 110 pcf = 40 pcf for a 2:1 backfill slope (= 26.6°).
Earthquakes – An Overview
Although our planet Earth is an incomprehensible 4.5 billion years old it is still cooling and
adjusting. The tectonic plates (tectonic from the Latin: “building”) that wrap our earth continue to
float, move, and rotate, as in past eons, to shape our topography and build mountains. And cause
earthquakes as they lurch along their boundaries.
Earthquakes can occur anywhere. However, in the US the West Coast is most vulnerable as the
Pacific tectonic plate, which covers the entire Pacific Rim, rotates counter-clockwise, northward
along the West Coast, moving about an inch per year as it grinds past its boundary with the
easterly North American plate. This movement is primarily along California’s infamous San
Andreas Fault (so named for the community it passes near San Francisco) and is responsible for
the numerous stress-relieving earthquake jolts occurring daily on the many associated faults.
In California there are over 400 measurable earthquakes each week Many are never felt (those
under magnitude 3.0 are rarely felt). Fortunately, few cause damage. Some larger earthquakes in
California include:
1908, San Francisco, 7.2 (estimated)
1933, Long Beach, 6.4 (estimated)
1940, Imperial Valley, 7.0
1952, Kern County, 7.3
1971, San Fernando, 6.7
1987, Whittier Narrows, 5.9
1989, Loma Prieta, 6.9
1992, Landers, 7.3
1994, Northridge, 6.7
2010, Borrego Springs, 5.4
20xx, The California “Big One”: who knows when or where?
Note: Reports of earthquakes prior to 1935 use estimated Richter magnitudes.
Ironically, however, one of the largest earthquake events occurred mid-continent, near the town
of Madrid on the Mississippi River midway between St. Louis and Memphis. Known as the New
Madrid faults, there were a series of earthquakes in 1811-12 with estimated magnitudes of 7.7.
They were felt as far away as NYC and reportedly rang church bells as far away as Boston.
The largest recorded in North America: 1964, Alaska, 9.2
The largest earthquake ever recorded worldwide was in Chile in 1960 with a magnitude of 9.5.
More recently on 3/11/2011 off-shore Japan, magnitude 8.9.
The term “magnitude” as used in the above list, and in the media, was developed in 1935 by
Caltech professor Charles Richter and colleagues and bears his name “Richter Scale”. They used
data from a seismograph to describe a specific earthquake in terms of seismic energy released. It
is a logarithmic scale (to the base 10) whereby a magnitude 5 earthquake releases about ten times
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
the energy of that of a magnitude 4 (5
/ 4
10). This measure is popular with the media but
does not have a direct correlation to ground acceleration that is used to determine the seismic
force for the design of structures.
Prior to using the Richter Scale, the Mercalli Intensity Scale was developed, which classified
earthquakes based upon their effect at the earth’s surface. It was developed by Guiseppe Mercalli
in 1902 and described in a USGS pamphlet as shown below – the higher the number the more
severe the damage:
(I) - Not felt except by a very few under especially favorable conditions.
(II) - Felt only by a few persons at rest, especially on upper floors of buildings. Delicately
suspended objects may swing.
(III) - Felt quite noticeably by persons indoors, especially on the upper floors of buildings. Many do
not recognize it as an earthquake. Standing motor cars may rock slightly. Vibration similar to
the passing of a truck. Duration estimated.
(IV) - Felt indoors by many, outdoors by few during the day. At night, some awakened. Dishes,
windows, doors disturbed; walls make cracking sound. Sensation like heavy truck striking
building. Standing motor cars rocked noticeably.
(V) - Felt by nearly everyone; many awakened. Some dishes and windows broken. Unstable objects
overturned. Clocks may stop.
(VI) - Felt by all; many frightened and run outdoors, walk unsteadily. Windows, dishes, glassware
broken... books off shelves... some heavy furniture moved or overturned; a few instances of
fallen plaster. Damage slight.
(VII) - Difficult to stand... furniture broken… damage negligible in buildings of good design and
construction; slight to moderate in well-built ordinary structures; considerable damage in
poorly built or badly designed structures; some chimneys broken. Noticed by persons driving
motor cars.
(VIII) - Damage slight in specially designed structures; considerable in ordinary substantial buildings
with partial collapse. Damage great in poorly built structures. Fall of chimneys, factory stacks,
columns, monuments, walls. Heavy furniture moved.
(IX) - General panic... damage considerable in specially designed structures, well designed frame
structures thrown out of plumb. Damage great in substantial buildings, with partial collapse.
Buildings shifted off foundations.
(X) - Some well built wooden structures destroyed; most masonry and framed structures destroyed
with foundation. Rails bent.
(XI) - Few, if any masonry structures remain standing. Bridges destroyed. Rails bent greatly.
(XII) - Damage total. Lines of sight and level distorted. Objects thrown into the air.
The Richter magnitude scale, used mostly by the media and for general intensity comparisons, is
now replaced by site-specific ground accelerations as explained in following sections. An
excellent source of information on earthquakes, including hazard maps, is
When is Seismic Design Required for Retaining Walls?
It depends upon what guides you. The evidence of earthquake damage to properly designed
retaining walls is nearly non-existent, excluding waterfront walls where liquefaction occurred,
and walls poorly designed for static loads. Based on the senior author’s observations and reviews
of inspection reports from both the Northridge and Loma Prieta earthquakes, incidents of damage
were not noted for walls properly designed for static loads. Building code changes are usually
prompted by failures observed, such as that of wall-to-roof diaphragm connections on tilt-up
buildings during the San Fernando earthquake of 1971 which prompted corrective code changes.
However, this does not seem to be the sequence for retaining walls because of the lack of failure
evidence. It can, however, be argued that we have not yet experienced “the big one”, and more
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
may be learned from the Japan magnitude 8.9 earthquake of 3/10/2011. Whether the evidence
supports it or not, (and the authors are not aware of results from seismic simulated tests on
retaining walls) we are guided by IBC ’12 and ASCI 7-10 (or as modified or adopted by
jurisdictional codes):
Current Code Requirements in IBC ‘12
Here is IBC ‘12, 1613.1:
1613.1 Scope. Every structure, and portion thereof, including
nonstructural components that are permanently attached to
structures and their supports and attachments, shall be designed
and constructed to resist the effects of earthquake motions in
accordance with ASCE 7, excluding Chapter 14 and Appendix
l1A. The seismic design category for a structure is permitted to
be determined in accordance with Chapter 1613 or ASCE 7.
This clearly requires all “structures” to be designed for seismic loads. The question is whether a
retaining wall which is unoccupied and not a risk to life safety (unless supporting a building), is
considered such a “structure”? Or is it exempt as permitted by Exception 3: Agricultural storage
structures intended only for incidental human occupancy?
However, the ASCE 7 cited by IBC ‘12, 1613.1, further states in the 2010 edition:
ASCE 7-10 chapter 15.6.1, Earth-Retaining Structures: “This chapter applies to all earth-
retaining structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D, E, or F (Note: these preclude
Seismic Design Categories A, B, and C which are exempt from seismic design because S
is less
than 0.50 -- see following section for definition of S
) The lateral pressure due to earthquake
ground motion shall be determined in accordance with Chapter 11.8.3”. This latter Chapter
states that if a geotechnical investigation report is required (often at the discretion of the building
official) the report shall include “The determination of dynamic seismic lateral earth pressures on
basement and retaining walls due to design earthquake ground motions”. 15.6.1 continues: “The
risk category shall be determined by the proximity of the earth-retaining structure to other
buildings and structures. If failure of the earth-retaining structure would affect the adjacent
building or structure, the risk category shall not be less than that of the adjacent building or
structure. Earth-retaining walls are permitted to be designed for seismic loads as either yielding
or nonyielding walls. Cantilevered reinforced concrete or masonry retaining walls shall be
assumed to be designed as simple flexural wall elements.”
If a geotechnical investigation is required per IBC ‘12, 1803 such a report shall comply with IBC
1803.5.12. Note: that seismic design is not required for wall supporting less than six feet.
1803.5.12 Seismic Design Categories D through F. For
structures assigned to Seismic Design Category D. E or F the
geotechnical investigation required by Secai 1803.5.11 shall also
include all of the following as applicable:
1. The determination of dynamic seismic lateral pressures on
foundation walls and retaining supporting more than 6 feet (1.83 m)
of backfill height due to design earthquake ground motions
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
2. The potential for liquefaction and soil strength loss evaluated for
site peak ground acceleration, earthquake magnitude, and source
characteristics consistent with the maximum considered earthquake
ground motions. Peak ground acceleration shall be determined
based on:
2.1 A site-specific study in accordance with Section 21.5 of ASCE 7;or
2.2 In accordance with Section 11.8.3 of ASCE 7.
3. An assessment of potential consequences of liquefaction and soil
strength loss, including, but not limited to:
3.1. Estimation of total and differential settlement:
3.2. Lateral soil movement;
3.3. Lateral soil loads on foundations;
3.4. Reduction in foundation soil-bearing capacity and lateral soil
3.5. Soil downdrag and reduction in axial and lateral soil reaction
for pile foundations;
3.6. Increases in soil lateral pressures on retaining walls; and
3.7. Flotation of buried structures.
4. Discussion of mitigation measures such as. but not
limited to:
4.1. Selection of appropriate foundation type and depths;
4.2. Selection of appropriate structural systems to accommodate
anticipated displacements and forces;
4.3. Ground stabilization; or
4.4. Any combination of these measures and how they shall be
considered in the design of the structure.
Bottom line: Check with the local building authority for code applicability and interpretation,
and with the geotechnical engineer for their recommendations applicable to retaining walls.
Seismic Design Background
Determining with some rationale how seismic forces act on retaining walls is complex and
impeded by diverse opinions, differing theoretical assumptions, and in-situ tests that don’t match
theoretical approaches. Researchers acknowledge the complexity of this task as code-writers try
to mandate minimum design guidelines for public safety.
This effort is difficult for two reasons. As stated earlier, unlike buildings where we can learn
from failures, reports of damage to reasonably well designed retaining walls (that were not
designed, considering seismic forces) are nearly non-existent (waterfront walls and liquefaction
conditions excluded) therefore there is little to observe and analyze to suggest design remedies.
And as opinioned above, many question the need for adding seismic forces to static-designed
retaining walls, considering both performance history and factors of safety incorporated into the
design of walls. Secondly, and compounding the dilemma, as stated above many of the
theoretical approaches to determine seismic forces on retaining walls each relies upon differing
assumptions that yield differing results, and to in-situ and laboratory tests that didn’t perform as
theory predicted.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
In past years “pseudo-static” (that is, using a static force to simulate a dynamic force) analyses
were conducted for which the inertial effects of ground shaking were represented by a lateral
force, which then made the problem solvable using statics. That force was usually set equal to
0.15W, where 0.15 was assumed to be the effective horizontal ground acceleration and W the
“rigid body mass” portion of the backfill. The line of action of the force was assumed to act
through the center of gravity the rigid soil mass. Factors greater than 0.15 might have been used
based upon a consideration of the “importance” of the wall (now codified as the Importance
The practice of assuming a static equivalent horizontal ground acceleration factor is now largely
replaced with a “site acceleration” based upon site specific spectral analyses. The concept of
spectral analysis, whereby the design acceleration is based upon the characteristics and period of
a structure, was introduced in the 30’s and codified in the 40’s. Accelerations for retaining walls,
which are generally considered “short period” structures (less than 0.2 seconds), use a design
acceleration given for 2% damping with a 10% chance of being exceeded in 50 years. This site-
specific Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) derived from a Maximum Considered Earthquake
(MCE), is given by the geotechnical consultant or can be obtained by maps in IBC ‘12 or ASCE
7-10 (they are the same), or directly from
The pseudo-static approach is useful when analyzing a wall for stability – overturning, soil
bearing, and sliding – but does not give the distribution of seismic lateral force incrementally on
the stem. Resolving this deficiency is discussed in following sections.
Mononobe-Okabe Analysis
The well known and frequently cited Mononobe-Okabe equation (M-O) is an adaptation of the
Coulomb equation to account for seismic forces. The Coulomb equation (discussed in Chapter 5,
Forces and Loads on Retaining Walls) can be used to determine the lateral force on a retaining
wall from earth pressure but does not include the inertial force that the soil backfill impacts on a
retaining wall during an earthquake. One of several solutions to this problem, taking into account
both horizontal and vertical ground accelerations, are the M-O equations that provide seismic
coefficients for active and passive pressure (K
and K
respectively). The development of this
widely accepted work is based on an original work by Japanese professors Mononobe and Okabe
in 1926-29.
Many investigations of dynamic forces on retaining walls are reported in the technical literature.
One of the most important and influential was an ASCE paper titled Design of Earth Retaining
Structures for Dynamic Loads, by Seed and Whitman, the results from which were presented at a
1970 Cornell University conference. In that paper they also cite the pioneering studies by
Mononobe and Okabe. Another contribution was a later ASCE paper by Robert Whitman titled,
Seismic Design and Behavior of Gravity Retaining Walls in 1990. That paper considered the
lateral force to be derived from an inverted triangular wedge of soil behind the wall. Seed-
Whitman proposed a simplified equation, based upon the Mononobe and Okabe theory, for the
combined static and seismic factor, which they termed K
, to be applied to this wedge acting
against the wall. This adaptation of the Coulomb equation to calculate the total (seismic and
static) pressure, introduced the variable , which is defined as the angle whose tangent is the
ground acceleration ( = tan
), resulted in the M-O equation we now use (See Appendix
I for definitions of k
and k
). We note that if the acceleration variable is excluded from the M-
O equation it reverts to the familiar Coulomb equation.
Basics of Stem Design
Here are two very rough rules-of-thumb for assuming stem thickness: If a reinforced concrete
stem, try one inch of thickness for each foot of retained height, but not less than eight inches. If a
masonry stem, 8" is usually adequate for walls about six feet high, and 12" for walls up to 12 feet.
Higher walls, those with sloping backfills, or when surcharge load are present will require thicker
The controlling design condition for reinforcement occurs at the bottom of the stem (top of
footing), where the maximum stem moment occurs. Reinforcing steel must be selected to resist
that moment, however, it is not economical to use the same steel design higher up the wall where
the moment is less (unless the wall is very low). Usually, after the base of the stem is designed,
another design is performed several feet higher, usually at the top of the dowels projecting from
the footing. At that point alternate bars can be dropped, or sizes reduced, for economy. The
diagram in Figure 7.1 illustrates this concept. If the wall is very high, you may want three or four
cut-off levels and perhaps a change in stem thickness, but carefully observe the influence of a
battered wall on stem thickness or changes in (concrete to masonry blocks), material. See Figure
Figure 7.1. Reinforcing placement in stem
A useful rule to remember is that for a triangular lateral active pressure behind the wall, the
moment at the base of the stem diminishes to one-half of that at 0.20H above the base. For
example, for a 10 foot retained height the moment is one half its maximum at two feet above the
base. In nearly all cases the moment at the top of the dowels is about one-half that at the base of
the stem thereby halving the design requirement for continuing lapped reinforcing.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Often the stem projects above the retained height to provide a fence barrier, or a wood fence may
be added to the top of the stem. In such cases, the wind load on that portion above the earth
should be considered in the design, as it contributes to overturning. If the stem is essentially a
yard wall and not a retaining wall and with very little earth retention, then remember that the
wind can blow from either direction which will require that the wall and footing to be checked for
both conditions.
Dowels from Footing into the Stem
The reinforcing at the bottom of the stem usually consists of footing bars bent up into the stem as
dowel bars. Unless the wall is relatively low, say four or five feet, it is not economical to extend
the dowel bars to the top of the wall, because the moment in the stem diminishes rapidly with
height. Vertical dowels must only extend up to where they are not required, at which point either
alternate bars can be dropped, or spliced (lapped) with lesser size bars. However, dowels must
extend up into the stem a distance equal to the development length of the bar, or the required lap
distance for the continuing bars, whichever is greater, provided however, that each bar extends at
least 12 bar diameters beyond the point bars of that size and spacing are not needed for moment.
The lap length required for the continuing bars nearly always governs. The required development
length and lap lengths for both masonry and concrete are shown in the table below. Hooked bar
embedments into the footing are also shown. Note the footnote assumptions at the bottom of the
Bar Size
=1500 psi
Grade 60 Grade 40 2000 psi 3000 psi 4000 psi
#4 L 24 20 20.9 17.1 14.8
9.4 7.7 6.7
#5 L 30 25 26.2 21.4 18.5
11.8 9.6 8.3
#6 L 36 30 31.4 25.6 22.2
14.1 11.5 10.0
#7 L 42 35 45.8 37.4 32.4
16.5 13.4 11.6
#8 L 48 40 52.3 42.7 37.0
18.8 15.4 13.3
(1) Minimum lap for spliced bars, inches, assumes f
= 60 ksi
(2) 40 bar diameters for f
= 40 ksi and 48 bar diameters for f
= 60 ksi (48 bar diameters shown)
(3) Minimum lap is development length x 1.3, assuming Class B splice. Cannot be reduced for stress level
(4) Assumes standard hook and not reduced by ratio A
(required) / A
Note: IBC ‘12, 2107.3, deletes for ASD the following development length equation in MSJC ‘11,
(5) “L” = lap length; “H” = hook bar embedment in inches.
Figure 7.2 Lap splice lengths
and hooked bar embedments (inches)
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Development length in masonry is given in MSJC 2011,
= 1.0 for #3,4,5 bars, 1.3 for #6, 7, and 1.5 for #8
K = Masonry cover but not less than 5 d
= Bar diameter
This equation results in much longer lap lengths than 48 bar diameters and has met with
considerable objection. IBC 2012 modified this requirement (only for Allowable Stress
Design, ASD) to:
= 0.002 d
but not less than 12”. This requires 48 bar diameters for
Grade 60.
Horizontal Temperature / Shrinkage Reinforcing
Horizontal reinforcing is necessary to control cracks because of temperature changes and concrete
shrinkage. Figure 7.3 shows minimum requirements for both concrete and masonry (CMU).
There may be conditions (climate, aesthetics, and better crack control) where additional
reinforcement would be required at designer’s option.
Typical Horizontal Rebar Spacing
.0007 A
Masonry and .002 A
for concrete
Mat’l Thickness #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
Concrete 6 9 17 18 18
Concrete 7 8 14 18 18
Concrete 8 7 12 18 18
Concrete 9 6 11 17 18
Concrete 10 5.5 10 15 18
Concrete 12 9 17 18 18
Concrete 14 8 14 18 18
Concrete 16 7 12 18 18
CMU 6 24 48 48 48
CMU 8 16 32 48 48
CMU 10 16 24 32 48
CMU 12 12 24 32 48
CMU 16 8 16 24 40 48
Figure 7.3 Horizontal temperature/shrinkage reinforcement concrete and masonry walls (inches)
The ACI requirement for reinforcing in both faces of concrete walls over 10 inches thick is
waived for retaining walls in contact with earth per interpretation of ACI – 14.3.4.
Overturning and Resisting Moments
The easiest way to check stability, sliding, and soil pressure, is to set up a table showing each
force and load element, together with the its moment arm measured from the lower front (toe)
edge of the footing. An example of such a table is shown on Design Example #1 in Chapter 24.
The tabular format provides an orderly summary of forces, moment arms and moments for easy
checking of computations.
Proportioning Pointers
Here are a few pointers and guidelines to proportion the footing:
The width of the footing for most conditions will be approximately 2/3 of the retained height.
It is usually most advantageous to have more of the footing width on the heel side of the
stem. This will put more soil weight on the heel to improve sliding and overturning
If there is a property line on the heel side, try to get as much heel width as possible as to
provide the additional soil weight. Otherwise, you will have a sliding problem.
If you need a key for sliding resistance, try to keep its depth less than about one-fourth the
retained height, but recommend not over about two feet.
If there is a property line on the toe side, the heel of the footing may need to be wider because
soil pressures are usually greater at the toe.
Overturning Moments
Overturning moments, as discussed in Chapter 5, are horizontally applied forces multiplied by the
moment arm from the bottom of the footing to the line of action of the force. The primary force
causing overturning is the lateral earth pressure against the wall. Derived from a triangular
pressure diagram, its point of application is one-third the height above the bottom of the footing.
The height used to compute over-turning is on the virtual plane at the back of the footing (i.e.,
where this plane intersects the ground surface). Lateral pressure from a surcharge is a uniform
load applied to the back of the wall, therefore its point of application is one-half the height and
the moment arm is from that point down to the bottom of the footing. See Figure 5.5 which
illustrates both conditions. The overturning moment from the lateral earth pressure is acting
against the virtual plane at the back of footing as illustrated in Figure 8.1.
Wind pressure on the stem projecting above the soil or on a fence sitting atop a wall can also
cause overturning. Wind pressures are computed in accordance with the applicable building code,
and generally range from 12 to 30 psf.
Seismic, if applicable, will also contribute to overturning. That was discussed in Chapter 6.
If there is significant depth of soil or ponded water above the toe of the footing, this lateral force
could be viewed by some as being deductible from the heel-side active force for computing
overturning and sliding. Our recommendation is to disregard this concept because it may not
remain in place during the design life of the wall. Only consider the depth of soil on toe side
below the top of the footing when computing passive resistance.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Figure 8.1 Overturning moments for a cantilevered retaining wall
Resisting Moments
By convention, resisting forces are all vertical loads applied to the footing. These forces include
the stem weight, footing weight, the weight of the soil over the toe and heel, and a surcharge if
applicable and any axial load applied to the top of the wall. The total resisting moment is the
summation of these loads multiplied by the moment arm of each measured from the front bottom
edge of the footing. See Figure 8.2.
The generally accepted factor of safety against overturning is 1.5, although some agencies require
more. When seismic is included, a factor of 1.1 is permitted by IBC ‘12.
Figure 8.2 Resisting moments
To determine overturning and resisting moments, eccentricities and soil pressures, you should
tabulate these values as illustrated on Design Example #1, Chapter 24.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Vertical Component of Active Pressure From a Sloped Backfill
If the backfill is sloped, there is a vertical component of the lateral pressure, which is assumed to
act on a vertical plane at the back of the footing. This vertical component can act to resist
overturning because when the wall starts to rotate there will be a frictional resistance along that
plane. See Figure 8.3.
Figure 8.3 Vertical Component of Active Pressure
There is, however, controversy over whether to use this vertical component for soil pressure
calculations because its use can significantly reduce soil bearing pressure and may not be
justifiable if there is a large heel dimension. Similarly, it may not be justified to add vertical force
to increase friction for sliding resistance. Most texts recommend using the vertical component
only to resist overturning – not to reduce sliding or soil bearing. However, this judgment is left to
the engineer.
Determining Soil Bearing Pressure
The allowable soil bearing value, q
, is within the purview of the geotechnical engineer, and
usually varies from 1000 psf for poorer soil (or without a substantiating soil investigation), to
4000 psf for dense soil.
After you have assumed a footing width, taking into account property lines or other conditions
that may restrict the heel or toe distances, you can determine the applied soil pressure by
determining the eccentricity of the total vertical force load with respect to the centerline of the
footing. This is done as follows: first determine how far from the edge of the toe the resultant
vertical force acts. This is simply the total overturning moment minus the resisting moment,
divided by the total vertical force.
W = Total vertical force (weight of concrete, soil over the heel and toe,
plus loads on the soil backfill)
Basics of Footing Design
The method of reinforced concrete design known as the Strength Design (SD) Method should be
used to design retaining wall footings. Strength Design requires the soil pressure to be factored to
compute shears and moments. See the Design Examples for procedures. Footing design based
upon Strength Design requires factoring the upward soil pressure attributable to lateral earth
pressure by 1.6, and pressure attributable to the weight of earth or other dead loads be factored by
1.2. Because these two components apply to footing factoring it may be reasonable to simplify by
factoring the ASD soil pressure by their average: [(1.6 + 1.2) /2] = 1.4).
Embedment of Stem Reinforcing Steel into Footing
For an adequate moment connection from the stem into the footing it is customary to extend the
stem reinforcing into the footing a depth sufficient to form a 90 bar hooked toward the toe (or
heel if the distance is insufficient). In practice, the footing bars are placed first and extend as
dowels up into the stem to lap with continuing stem reinforcing. See Figure 9.1.
This stem/dowel reinforcement must be hooked into the footing and can be bent 90° and extended
to reinforce the toe. The required embedment length is specified by the following equation (see
ACI 318-11, 12.5):
diameterbar =
d where
d 0.02
= required hooked bar embedment, 6"or
8d but not less than 6 inches
Embedment depth can be reduced by the stress level in the reinforcing depending upon the
application of ACI 318-11,12.5.3 (d) which states that excess reinforcement can be credited
except where “...
anchorage or development is not specifically required...”
Required dimensions and radii of hooked bars are shown on Figure 9.1. Embedment
requirements plus the three inches of protective concrete cover determine the minimum total
depth of the footing.
Figure 9.1 Hooked Bar Bend Requirements
Piles, Piers, and Caissons
Returning wall support options perform essentially the same function: to penetrate soil to a depth
sufficient to achieve greater load bearing capacity than would be provided by a spread footing.
This is achieved either by end bearing or frictional resistance along the lateral area of the shaft, or
PILES accomplish this by being driven (steel, concrete, or timber) to either bear on hard strata or
develop sufficient skin-friction through the depth of penetration. Concrete piles are usually the
choice for retaining walls and abutments, and are either driven precast concrete, or cast-in-place
in drilled bores.
CAISSONS is a term often used interchangeably with piers. Caissons are usually large diameter
piers, but can have narrow shafts with a flared (bell) bottom for greater bearing area. Neither type
is often used for retaining walls.
PIERS is a term used to describe a relatively short cast-in-place concrete shaft foundation. Some
codes define a pier (as opposed to a pile or caisson) as having a depth-to-diameter ratio less than
twelve. A pier’s supporting capacity is achieved by a combination of lateral surface friction and
end bearing but some codes do not allow both combined. If a masonry retaining wall has spaced
pilasters, the pilasters can be cantilevered up from an embedded pier (see Pilaster Masonry Wall,
Chapter 18).
When to Use Piles or Piers?
The recommendation to use piles or piers to support a retaining wall will usually come from the
geotechnical engineer. Conditions which would suggest using piles include poor or compressible
underlying soil, the need for greater lateral resistance, space limitations when a conventional
footing may be too large, or other site-specific concerns. Single-row drilled cast-in-place piers,
aligned under a retaining wall, are probably more commonly used. Single rows of piers are
relatively easy to install, penetrate to better soil, and resist both the vertical and lateral loads
imposed from the wall above. With higher walls a double row of staggered piers is common
practice. The staggering provides from greater overturning resistance and use of smaller diameter
piers. Small implies diameters less than 24”, as opposed to large diameter piers that might be
needed for overturning moment or high retaining walls.
Design Criteria
Design criteria for piers and piles is usually provided by the geotechnical engineer because IBC ’12,
1803.5.5 requires a foundation investigation for deep
foundations “unless sufficient data upon
which to base the design and installation is available”.
This investigation generally includes:
recommended type of piles or piers suitable for the site; allowable capacity curves for the various
alternates, including lateral design criteria; minimum spacing; driving and installation
requirements; testing requirements and related recommendation that include site-specific
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
To aid the geotechnical engineer, the designer should provide the total vertical load imposed by
the retaining wall (weight of stem, footing, soil, surcharges, and any additional axial loads) and
the total base shear (lateral force imposed by the retaining wall). Using the recommendations of
the foundation investigation report the designer can then select the proper size and penetration of
the pier or pile, and provide the appropriate specifications, referencing the foundation
investigation report. It is important that the owner retain the geotechnical engineer to observe all
aspects of the installation for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report.
Pile Design
The structural design requirements for piles are covered in IBC ‘12 Chapters 1808 through 1812.
Lateral stability is an essential consideration for any retaining wall. To resist a lateral force piles
may be either battered or the lateral force can be resisted by bending in vertically aligned piles. In
the latter case, passive and active pressures can be used to determine pile/pier depth.
Consider possible site clearance problems and consult the installing subcontractor for suitability
of your design when using battered piles. Generally, a batter flatter than 1(H): 4 (V) should be
avoided. Combining lateral pile bending with battered pile resistance is not recommended.
Where multiple piles are used the code requires interconnected lateral restraint at the top of the
piles. However for retaining walls this is achieved by the footing which also serves as the pile
Pile Design Example
This example assumes the same vertical load and horizontal force as Design Example #1.
Use two rows of piles, space 4 ft. apart laterally, centered under footing, and, say, 8 ft. on center
Reduce footing width to 7 ft. and increase thickness to 24", therefore footing weight about the
= 4,360 # P
= 9,034 #. e (eccentricity from C.L. ftg.) = 1.54 ft.
Convert to 8 ft tributary length: V
= 34,380 # P
= 72,272 #
Vert. load per pile =
n = number of piles (= 2).
d = distance from c.g. of piles to specific pile (= 2).
= (9034 x 8 )(1.54) = 111,299 ft-lbs.
P = .lbsft785,91
V to each pile = (4,360 x 8)/2) = 17,440 lbs.
The decision to use either a buttress or counterfort depends up site restraints, such as property line
locations, and aesthetics. A “counterfort” wall should not be confused with a “buttressed” wall.
The two are different. A counterfort wall has the stiffening element on the inside of the wall,
within the retained earth. See Figure 11.1. A buttress wall has the counterforts on the outside
exposed side of the wall. Although most counterfort walls are cast-in-place concrete, masonry
can also be used. The design procedures are essentially the same.
Figure 11.1 Typical counterfort wall
The spacing between counterforts for economical design is usually one-half to two-thirds the wall
height. The width of the footing will usually be about two-thirds the wall height, or larger for
surcharges or sloped backfill.
Design Overview
The design of a counterfort wall can be somewhat complex because the number of components
which must be designed differently than for a conventional cantilevered wall. The steps in the
design of a reinforced concrete counterfort wall are as follows (each step will be discussed later):
1. After establishing the retained height, select a spacing for the counterforts, usually one-half to
two-thirds of the retained height. Determine the footing width required and soil bearing at
both the toe and heel because you will need these dimensions to establish the counterfort
dimensions, and for stability calculations design as if the wall is a continuous cantilevered
wall. You can add an estimated weight of the counterforts prorated as a uniform longitudinal
axial load.
2. Design the wall as described in the following section as a two-way slab, fixed at the base and
at the counterfort crossings and free at the top.
3. Design the footing toe as a cantilever from the wall.
4. Design the heel as a longitudinal beam spanning between counterforts.
5. Design the counterfort. It will be a tapered trapezoidal shaped tension member.
6. Check the final design for stability, overturning, sliding, and soil pressures.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Tilt-up concrete construction is a growing segment of the concrete industry and now accounts for
over 50% of all low-rise commercial buildings and about 90% of industrial and warehouse
buildings. Tilt-up yard walls, trash area enclosures, dock walls, and retaining walls are now
commonplace and the use of this technique can be advantageous for retaining walls in general.
This method is particularly advantageous for long walls allowing repetitive use of panels.
The primary advantage of the use of tilt-up concrete is speed of construction and the elimination
of expensive formwork necessary for cast-in-place walls. However, because a crane is necessary
during erection, and because a casting bed is required, provision must be made for stacking
panels on the site. Connections must also be made for joints between panels.
Construction Sequence
After preparing a 3” to 4” thick concrete casting slab (later discarded), edge forms are set, a bond
breaker is sprayed on the bed to prevent bonding of the wet concrete to the casting bed,
reinforcing is placed, and the concrete for the wall is placed. To save casting area, panels can be
stacked on top of each other, separated by a bond breaker, up to five or six slabs high as desired.
Unique to using tilt-up panels for free-standing or retaining walls, a trench for the foundation is
first excavated and the panels set on temporary concrete setting blocks and the panel is
temporarily braced. Dowels project from the bottom of the panels into the footing excavation to
provide a moment connection after the concrete is placed.
Figure 12-1 Tilt-up freestanding panel
These retaining walls are usually constructed by the homeowner or landscape contractor and
rarely exceed three or four feet soil retention. These consist of wood posts embedded into the soil
a sufficient depth to restrain the lateral soil pressure imposed by wood lagging spanning between
the posts. The design is often based upon do-it-yourself books for wood retaining walls. Wood
retaining walls are advantageous for economical construction of low walls (about five feet
maximum earth retention). Such walls do require excavation into the uphill side and the low side
of the wall can be used for planting. An illustration of a wood retaining wall is shown in Figure
Figure 13.1
Typical wood retaining wall
Calculating Lateral Pressures
To design the horizontal lagging, then the cantilevered support posts, the lateral soil pressure can
be determined using the Rankine equation as described in Chapter 5. For example, the lateral
pressure at a depth of three feet, with a soil density of 110 pcf, phi angle of 34°, and a level
backfill, would be 94 psf acting horizontally at the lower most lagging. The lagging at that depth
would be designed for that lateral force along the entire span between posts. The code prescribed
minimum lateral earth pressure for a level backfill is 30 psf/ft, but increases if a sloped backfill
and for different soil types. See IBC ‘12, Table 1610.1.
Lagging Design
Lagging usually consists of planks with a nominal thickness of 2”, 3”, 4”, or 6”. Thicker planks
are generally not economical but may be necessary for higher walls. Allowable stresses are based
upon the species selection and given in National Design Standards (NDS), 2005 Edition. All
stresses should be based upon long-term loading and wet conditions of use. Spacing between
posts is usually determined by how far a 3” plank for a given depth will span – or 6” if necessary.
For the above example, a 3” x 12” plank (dressed dimensions 2-1/2” x 11-1/4”) has a section
modulus (weak axis) of 11.7. in
. Assuming an allowable stress of 900 psi this plank could safely
Gravity walls depend upon bulk weight for stability, as opposed to a cantilevered retaining wall
fixed to a foundation. Some of the many types of gravity retaining walls were described in
Chapter 1. Most gravity retaining walls are relatively low, such as used in landscaping, and do
not require engineering per se – the design is intuitive to the astute builder. Most landscaping
walls do not have a footing, rather are founded on a gravel base.
Note that retaining walls not over four feet from bottom of footing to retained height, and if
without a surcharge, do not require a building permit per IBC ‘12, 105.2(4).
Gabion walls, crib walls, and large-block gravity walls are discussed in Chapter 15.
The design of the more common types of gravity walls composed of rubble, stones, and mass
concrete is discussed in this chapter.
Design Procedure
The design of a gravity retaining wall of concrete or bonded (mortar/grout) stone involves seven
basic steps:
1. Calculate the dead weight of the wall, including all components and any superimposed
surcharge or axial load, plus tributary earth weight over the base.
2. Based upon (1) compute the resisting moment about the front edge of the base.
3. Determine the lateral soil pressure and its line of action. The Coulomb Equation (see Chapter
5) should be used because it includes backfill slope, batter of the wall, and the soil friction
angle at the wall interface. You may consider the use of the vertical component of the active
pressure, which is assumed to act vertically at the back edge of the wall footing. The line of
action for the resultant lateral force is assumed to be the wall friction angle plus the
inclination angle of the wall batter. Alternatively use the Rankine equation with the force
diagram in Figure 14.1.
4. Check stability by computing overturning moment, resisting moment (per above), and
determine factor of safety (1.5 minimum).
5. Check that soil bearing is within code allowable.
6. Check sliding. Coefficient of friction is generally 0.25 to 0.40. If soil is clay, cohesion would
7. Verify that little or no flexural tension exists in the wall. Check at several locations by
calculating the section modulus of the wall and lateral moment at each selected height.
Gabion walls consist of steel wire baskets filled with rock and stacked as units to form gravity
retaining walls. Similar baskets have been used since ancient times and the word “gabion” does
not refer to an inventor but rather to Italian and Latin words meaning “cage”. Today, the cages
are manufactured, generally, in three foot by three foot by three foot steel wire panel sides which
at the job site are unfolded to form a cage, which are filled with rock, tied together, and
assembled into the retaining walls. Since mesh openings are generally 3 inches square, the rock
infill should be 3 inch to 8 inch clean hard stone. Perpendicular to the plane of the wall the
wythes can be 1, 2, 3 or more units deep and can be stacked in successive courses to a height
usually not more than about 15 feet.
Note: The masonry term “wythe” means one vertical section of wall one unit in thickness.
Similar in concept, precast large concrete blocks, which are commercially available from a
number of vendors and concrete plants, can be laid one or more blocks deep (wythes) and stacked
to retain soil to 12 feet or more. Such blocks can be laid with the front exposed side flush or with
successive blocks stepped back.
If the front face is flush, it is customarily tilted into the soil about 6° for aesthetics.
Design Methodology
The cages are wired together and due to their mass they are considered one rigid cohesive mass
for design purposes. Gabion walls are designed or analyzed in the same manner as gravity walls.
Resisting moments are taken about the front lower corner of the first row and overturning
moments are applied to the back face using the Coulomb method for calculating K
. Density of
the gabion units is usually taken as 120 pcf. Refer to Figure 15.1 for conceptual example of a
flush-face wall.
Figure 15.1 Example of gabion wall analysis section
Lateral pressures are computed by the Coulomb equation shown in Figure 15.2.
Segmental block retaining walls (SRWs) are composed of dry-stacked masonry blocks usually
manufactured as proprietary products. They have gained wide acceptance for high earth retention
condition and are seen everywhere: leaning against hillsides alongside highways, behind
shopping centers, providing tiered grade changes for developments, highways, railroads, bridge
abutments and other applications. See Figure 16.1.
Figure 16.1
Example segmental block wall
Advantages include relatively fast construction; at the footing consists of just a gravel levelling
pad, and the units are dry-stacked without mortar, steel reinforcing, or grouting. The designer has
a choice of block sizes, textures, colors and configurations, from a variety of vendors. Retained
heights of 40 feet or more can be achieved (using geogrids) far exceeding economical limits of
conventional masonry or concrete retaining walls. These do, however, have limitations. If a
segmental retaining wall requires geogrids for stability, this requires an available space behind the
wall of approximately 70% or greater of the wall height for the placement of the geogrid
reinforcement layers. If space is unavailable, a segmental wall is not an option. Buried utility
lines or drain lines in the backfill zone may also be constraints for a segmented wall. However,
using the segmental blocks as a fascade is also feasible for soil not walls or soldier beam and
wood-logging walls.
Segmental walls are of two types: pure gravity walls where stability depends solely upon the
resisting moment of the stacked blocks to exceed the overturning moment of the lateral soil
pressure. This stability problem limits the height to four or five feet, although some vendors offer
larger blocks enabling greater retained heights.
Higher walls, the more common type of segmental walls use layers of geogrids placed in the
backfill for soil reinforcement as the wall is constructed. This results in a mass of reinforced soil
(also termed Mechanically Stabilized Earth, MSE) which can be used en masse to improve
resistance to overturning and sliding. To be effective, each layer must be properly connected to
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
the block facing by engaging the geogrid within block joints, and extending behind the wall and
beyond the failure plane a distance sufficient for anchorage. The vertical separation between
geogrid layers is usually two- to three blocks, but varies with design requirements. The length of
the reinforced zone is usually a minimum of 60% to 70% of the wall height.
For many engineers, designing segmental retaining walls is a niche market. Their design can be
quite complex, particularly for higher walls using geogrids, and other improvements that are to be
accommodated in the geogrid reinforced zone, such as caissons, drain liners, shallow foundations
for light weight structures. Consultation with a selected block vendor is recommended and many
offer design software.
Segmental Blocks
Segmental Blocks are concrete blocks with compressive strength of 3,000 psi or greater, and, in
the US, they are manufactured per proprietary designs at licensed local plants. The blocks come
in many choices of texture, color, sizes, and configurations. The blocks vary in size, with the
most commonly used blocks being 8-inch high with depths varying from 10” to 24”. The block
width for the most commonly used blocks is 18 inches. Blocks with dimensions smaller than
these are available for non-engineered landscape applications for retaining heights of about three
feet or less. All of these blocks weigh between 30 and 110 lbs each. So called “big blocks” are
also available from some vendors, weighing two tons or more and placed by small cranes.
The blocks are designed to allow construction of walls with vertical batter -- angle of the wall
face to the vertical -- to as much as over 15 degrees from vertical. To control batter most
segmental blocks have offset lips or other means, such as pins between units, to control the
offsets as successive courses of blocks are placed.
Angle of wall batter = tan
[(offset per block) / (block height)]
Most blocks have interior voids which are infilled with granular backfill material. Weight per
square foot of wall surface is often assumed to be 130 pcf for both block weight and infill.
All vendors have web sites for more information and technical data. Best source: a Google
search for “segmental retaining walls”.
Segmental Gravity Wall Design
For segmental gravity walls to be stable, the resisting moment should exceed the overturning
moment by a factor of safety of at least 1.5. This limits the height of gravity segmental walls to
about four feet, depending upon the batter of the wall and block type. For larger blocks that are in
the market, the gravity wall height can be greater.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Figure 16.2 Forces on gravity SRW walls
The design procedure for gravity walls follows these steps:
Select the block vendor for texture, color, size and configuration desired. This is often dependent
upon proximity to distributors.
1. Determine the retained height required and embedment depth below grade.
Embedment depth is usually one block course or one foot. Total wall height is equal
to the full retaining height, plus the embedment.
2. Determine surcharges, if applicable, from backfill slope or roadway traffic. If seismic
design is required see below for seismic design.
3. Check “hinge height”, which is the height to which blocks can be stacked, with
offsets, before tipping over. The equation for this is:
Hinge height = (block depth) / [(tan (batter angle)]
Don’t stack higher than this or the wall will collapse!
4. Determine soil properties: Soil unit weight and internal friction angle (phi) for both
internal (backfill soil) and external (in-situ, or natural) soil. Backfill should be
granular soils, with phi angle greater than 30 º. Ideally it would be USCS Group GW
(well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines, per Unified Soil
Classification System – see Appendix B). However, for economical reasons, on-
soils such as, clayey sand, silty sand, and sand are also used, provided their phi angle
is considered in the design and compacted property under montering and testing by
Project Geotechnical Engineer.
Swimming pools are constructed in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, curvatures and designed to fit a
specific terrain and soil conditions. One thing nearly all have in common is shotcrete or Gunite walls and
bottoms sprayed over a shaped excavation, and encasing the reinforcing. Plaster or tile is used to provide
a smooth, aesthetic finish.
The terms “shotcrete” and “Gunite” are used interchangeably, but the former refers to wet-mix spraying
whereas the material is mixed in a hopper before exiting the nozzle, whereas the latter is a “dry-mix”
where the material reaches the nozzle dry where water is injected. Shot Crete (we’ll use the generic term)
sticks to the earth and self compacts because of the velocity of application, thereby permitting it to be
used against vertical surfaces. Shot Crete is covered in IBC ‘12, section 1910.
Designing the walls of a pool is unique because not only does the wall usually curve as it descends, but
the strength of the cantilevered wall must resist the greater of earth pressure acting inward with the pool
empty, or the water pressure outward if the exterior grade is lower or of poor soil. The design task is made
further tedious because of the number of cross sections which must be checked (shallow end, deep end,
and intermediate points).
The typical controlling condition is when the pool is empty and earth pressure from the outside governs
the design. However, the condition is often reversed, such as for “infinity pools” or architectural features
where the outside grade is substantially lower, or slopes downward lessening its lateral support value.
There also may be lateral support from of a surrounding deck at or near the top of the wall. All these
conditions must be considered and the walls of the pool designed for the most critical combination of
conditions that may occur. Lateral loading from a surcharge or increased soil pressures because of
expansive soil must also be considered.
Design of swimming pools is a specialty for some engineers and they have developed software (usually
spreadsheets) to make the task less tedious.
The walls and bottom are generally at least 4” thick, generally 5” for floors, and may be more depending
upon design requirements. Typically, #3 bars are used because of the relative ease in bending and
securing to curved surfaces. Number 4 bars can also be used, but #5 bars are difficult to bend and place.
Shot Crete strength is typically 2500 psi minimum, and a low slump suitable for pumping and spraying.
Minimum reinforcing for flexural members is 200 / f
, = 0.0033 for Grade 60 reinforcing. Thus, for a 4"
wall the minimum would be #3 at 9", however, the typical practice pattern is 12" on center each way.
Under slab drainage is recommended on sites with expansive soil with special reinforcement and/or
thickened slab required for sites with expansive soil to protect from uplift along the bottom of the shallow
The classic method of designing swimming pool walls has been to draw to scale (or CAD generated) a
cross section at each location to be investigated. Then divide the wall into segments, usually 12" high.
You can then determine the bending moment and shear at the bottom of each segment by constructing a
table (spreadsheet) showing the active pressure from either earth or water acting at the bottom of each
segment, and the additive (or deductive) moment due to the vertical weight of the segments above acting
at their eccentricity from a reference point. This is illustrated in Figure 17.1. This is a tedious process but
yields satisfactory results for design. Reinforcing is usually placed in the center of the wall, but for higher
moments thicker walls may be needed and off-center reinforcing as the design may require.
Shown in Figure 18.1 is a retaining wall with spaced pilasters and masonry filler walls. Such
walls can be economical for low retaining or freestanding walls. The filler walls, usually 6" or 8"
masonry, span horizontally between pilasters and the pilasters cantilever up from the footing.
Figure 18.1 Pilaster masonry wall
Filler Wall Design
The filler wall spans horizontally between pilasters and those walls usually control the spacing of
the pilasters. Freestanding walls are designed for wind and, if applicable, a seismic force. That
horizontal reinforcing is placed in the center of the wall because lateral wind and seismic loads
can be from either direction. To take advantage of continuity, it may be more economical to place
the horizontal reinforcing at the center and design for the controlling positive (mid-span) or
negative (at pilasters) moments, generally use w (L)
/ 12.
If the filler wall retains earth, some or all of the courses will be subjected to lateral earth pressures
and this controls the thickness of the filler wall. In that case, vertical reinforcing should be placed
on the earth face between pilaster supports. Reduce reinforcing higher up the wall as moment
decreases. The first step would be to determine the lateral pressure at the base of the wall, as
select a wall thickness and vertical reinforcing, and then the reinforcing to span between pilasters.
A minimum amount of horizontal and vertical reinforcing should be used. The combined total
area should be .0002bd, with not less than .0007 in either direction. Vertical reinforcing is often
#4 bars at 32" o.c. or 48" o.c.
Pilaster Design
Pilasters are usually 16" by 16" masonry units, or smaller for lower walls and usually spaced 6’ to
8’ apart. Use conventional procedures for the design. Lateral load reaction to the pilasters from
Retaining walls are broadly defined as either yielding or non-yielding. The former refers to
cantilevered walls, which are free to rotate, thereby allowing a lateral displacement at the top
which activates the soil wedge concept upon which both Rankine and Coulomb theories are
Non-yielding walls are restrained at the top to prevent movement and therefore generate a
reaction at the top and reduce moments at the base of the wall. A typical restrained, non-yielding,
wall is the so called “basement wall”. The designer must assess whether the wall really is
“restrained” at the top against lateral movement. Wood diaphragms may be too flexible.
Lateral restraint at the top can also be accomplished using tie-backs, also called anchored walls,
which are another example of restrained non-yielding walls. These walls use drilled and grouted
anchors placed into the backfill as the wall is constructed to provide lateral restraint. If multiple
levels of lateral restraint are required, such as for a multi-level structure, the design becomes
complex due to varying wall moments, shears and reactions. Tie-back forces can also be affected
by earth movement.
Dual Function Walls
Often it is desirable to prepare two designs for the same wall. For example a basement wall may
be backfilled before the lateral restraint at the top (such a floor or roof diaphragm) is in place. It
can first be designed as a conventional cantilever wall as for an assumed depth of backfill, and
perhaps lessening the factors of safety because of a temporary condition. This would require a
larger footing for overturning and result in a larger moment at the stem base. Then a second
design for the final condition when the top restraint is in place and backfill completed. Then
you’ve covered both conditions, but only if the contractor placed the backfill to meet your
design/soil placement assumption.
If the bottom of a basement wall is fixed at the footing, and assuming a triangular earth pressure
against the wall, the base moment will be about one-half the pin-pin positive moment, and the
positive moment if fixed at the bottom will reduce to about one-quarter the pin-pin positive
moment condition.
“At Rest” Active Soil Pressure
If a wall is restrained from movement at the top and therefore the sliding-wedge active pressure
cannot be mobilized, the lateral soil pressure is somewhat higher. This is termed the “at rest”
pressure, (designated K
) and is applicable to a wall rigidly restrained at the top, such as a
basement wall (but light framing with a flexible diaphragm may be inadequate “restraint” and the
active soil wedge may be activated). The at-rest soil pressure is: K
= 1 – sin , where is the
angle of internal friction. For example, if = 34°, K
= 0.44, as opposed to K
= 0.28 (assuming
level backfill). For sloping backfill, a suggested equation is
= (1 – sin )/(1 + sin β).
For a well-drained granular soil, a typical value for K
= 0.50. For a saturated sandy soil the
density could be 125 pcf giving a lateral pressure of 0.5 (125 – 62.5) + 62.4 = 93.7 pcf. Clayey
soil can be higher. Some agencies require K
= 1.0, giving 110 pcf for a soil density of 110 pcf.
ASCE 7-10 specifies a minimum of 60 pcf for “relatively rigid” walls, and states that basement
Figure 21.1 Typical soldier beam construction
Soldier beam retaining walls are used to temporarily retain soil, such as at a construction site.
They can also serve as permanent retaining walls as shown in Figure 21.3. This concept is
illustrated in Figure 21.1. Steel HP (wide flange) beams are driven into the soil a sufficient
embedment depth to resist by passive pressure the moment imposed by the retained soil. The
soldier beams (also called soldier piles) are usually spaced from six to eight feet apart and can
also be dropped into pre-drilled holes and encased in lean concrete. Soldier beams are usually
cantilevered, but if space is available, and for retained heights over about 15 feet, tiebacks can be
used to reduce the beam size and depth of embedment.
As excavation proceeds on the down-grade side, wood lagging is placed horizontally to support
the retained soil. Lagging is supported at their ends by the beam outer flanges.
Design Procedures
Consult with the geotechnical engineer for design criteria. This information will include nature
of the soil, phi angle, soil density, active and passive allowable pressures, arching factors to use,
and any other site-specific recommendations. It is advisable to also consult with the contractor to
verify the most economical beam selection and any other concerns he or she may have.
There are numerous design methodologies used and most foundation engineering textbooks
propose various design approaches. This text selected a relatively simple procedure which is
often used.
This procedure assumes non-cohesive (sandy) soil. If the soil is clay a different passive
resistance diagram will apply and the geotechnical engineer should be consulted. It should be
noted that although clay is usually assumed to have a zero phi angle, it actually can vary in a
range from 6° to 12° or more.
The above photo is a rare occurrence. No building permit, not engineered, minimal reinforcing in
ungrouted cells, and other oversights.
“Failure” of a retaining wall does not necessarily mean total collapse as shown above, but rather local
signs of impending instability and likelihood of a total collapse. Total collapses are relatively rare. In a
total collapse the wall overturns, slides, topples, or otherwise causes a massive letting loose of the
retained earth with resulting damage above and below the wall. Such walls cannot be saved – the remedy
is rebuilding. The engineer who provided this photo was retained to investigate the deficiencies causing
the collapse and to design a new wall.
Fortunately, retaining walls are quite forgiving, nearly always display telltale signs of trouble alerting an
observer to call for professional evaluation before a collapse. After an evaluation, and determination of
the causes, most walls can be saved.
The most common sign of distress is excessive deflection of the wall – tilting out of plumb – caused by a
structural overstress and/or a foundation problem. Some structural deflection is to be expected and a rule-
of-thumb is 1/16
inch for each foot of height, which is equivalent to one-half inch out-of-plumb for an
eight foot high wall. More than that is suspect. It’s easy to check with a plumb bob.
Here are Twelve Things That Can Go Wrong and Signal Distress:
1. Reinforcing not in the right position. If the stem shows sign of trouble (excessive deflection
and/or cracking) the size, depth, and spacing of the reinforcing should be verified. Testing
laboratories have the devices (usually a magnetic field measuring Pachometer) which can locate
reinforcing and depth with reasonable accuracy, up to about 4 inches depth. For exact
verification you can first locate the reinforcing then chip out to determine its exact depth and bar
size. More elaborate devices are also available if needed – check with your testing laboratory,
they’ll come to you jobsite. Unbelievably, cases have occurred where the reinforcing was placed
on the wrong side of the wall, either through a detailing error, or contractor error. When the
actual reinforcing size, location, and spacing are determined, and perhaps a core taken to verify
strength of stem material, a design can be worked backwards to determine actual design capacity
and thereby guide remedial measures.
Vertical Control Joints
Vertical joints along the length of the wall are intended to control cracking and are largely a
matter of judgment. Shrinkage in a wall cannot be eliminated. As the adage goes, concrete shrinks
and ice cream melts, or “if it ain’t cracked, it ain’t concrete.” We can attempt to control where the
cracks form by forming crack control joints and by increasing the horizontal reinforcing. With a
little more than minimum reinforcing there are few reports of problems when control joints are
100 feet or more for masonry, and somewhat less for concrete. The more horizontal reinforcing,
the less likely vertical cracks will be obvious, and the further apart joints may be spaced. In the
case of a concrete wall, a ratio of 0.002A
is suggested; for masonry 0.0013A
is suggested
(#5 bars at 32" o.c. for an 8" CMU wall).
Vertical joints for both concrete and masonry should be “cold joints”, allowing for movement, but
it is suggested that some horizontal dowels extend into the adjacent wall to assure out-of-plane
alignment. Usually one end of horizontal dowels are wrapped, sleeved, or greased to prevent
Improper drainage causing water seepage into the backfill is the leading cause of retaining wall
problems. Lateral earth pressure design is usually based upon drained soil. Saturated soil can
substantially increase pressures. Therefore it is important to have weep holes at the base of the
wall for any percolating water to escape. In concrete walls drain holes are 3" to 4" in diameter to
facilitate cleaning and spaced five or six feet on center. Gravel should be placed along the inside
base for any water to freely flow, otherwise the only thing coming out of a weep hole will be
“Weep holes” in masonry walls can be provided by leaving the head joints open at alternate
blocks (no mortar in end joints at 32" on center).
In lieu of weep holes, or for basement type walls, horizontally placed perforated Sch 40 pipe
should be laid along the base of the heel adjacent to the stem, slopped to an outlet, and encased in
a generous amount of coarse gravel. It is also recommended to lay a filter fabric over the gravel to
keep out soil fines.
The most important drainage control is to keep water off the top slope as much as possible. This
can be done by slope control, paved swales, paving, or other means. Preventing water from
entering the backfill is critical important because it changes the soil characteristics and increases
lateral pressures.
Backfill material should be sandy non-cohesive material. Clayey soil are to be avoided because
clay swells when wet, causing additional lateral pressure. An excellent practice is to fill the soil
wedge with gravel.
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
Compact the gravel behind the wall with care. You don’t want settlement to occur later. Place the
gravel in layers about one foot thick and start compacting at the face of the wall and work away
from the wall. Gravel is best compacted with multiple passes of a vibrating plate compactor.
If a consultant was employed, he or she will verify that the footings are excavated into the
anticipated soil and indicate any corrections deemed necessary. They can also approve the
backfill material.
Placement of reinforcing dowels projecting from the footing into the wall are critical to the
design, and the Engineer-of-Record (EOR), or a deputy inspector, should verify that the dowels
were properly placed. Several retaining wall failures were attributable to the dowels being on the
wrong face of the wall!
Other inspections may be required by the building official, or by the EOR.
The Investigation
The geotechnical report for a project will nearly always have recommendations for site
preparation (e.g. if fill is present or there is a liquefaction problem) in addition to design criteria
information. This investigation report is usually a part of the contract documents and should be
carefully reviewed and observed.
Forensic Investigations
If a problem is evident, or suspected, an independent engineer may be retained to investigate the
problem. This will involve a review of the design, particularly to determine if the site conditions
match the design criteria (e.g. a wall designed to retain eight feet, and actually retaining ten feet).
The plans will be reviewed for clarity and conformance with the design intent and applicable
building codes. The wall will be measured, deflection checked, and testing done to determine
positioning of reinforcing and material strengths. Cores are often taken to determine both
concrete strength and grout penetration into cells. The geotechnical report will be reviewed and
perhaps more soil samples recommended.
When the cause of the problem is discovered, the most economical solution acceptable to the
owner should be determined. This can be contentious, particularly if opposing parties offer
different solutions. Hopefully the issues can be resolved equitably and with civility without resort
to litigation. If an impasse, mediation can be a very effective and less costly resolution of a
INDEX Page 244
Active soil pressure, 17
Adhesion, piles and piers, 76
Adjacent footing surcharges, 30
Allowable Stress Design (ASD), 54
Anchored walls, 4
Angle of internal friction, 17
Angle of repose, 21
At rest soil pressure, 19
At-rest soil pressure, 117
Axial loads, 35
Backfill, 131
Bearing pressure, soil, 61
Bearing pressure, soil, 61
Boussinesq Method, 30
Bridge abutments, 4
Building Codes, 23
Bulkhead walls, 4
Buttress walls, 3
Caissons, 73
California Building Code, 23
Cascading Walls, 34
Clay soil, 14
Coefficient of friction, 52
Cohesion, 76
Cohesion resistance, 65
Cohesive soil, 14
Compaction, 132
Control joints, 131
Coulomb equation, 25
Counterfort walls, 2, 81
Crib walls, 3
d, 53
Definitions, 5
Deflection of Walls, 66
Design Checklist, 7
Detention walls, 34
Disclaimer, i
Dowels, 49
Drainage, 56, 131
Earthquake design, 37
Equivalent Fluid Pressure (EFP), 17
Expansive soil, 14, 15
Failure plane, 26
Failures, 126
Flexural Strength, 71
Flood Walls, 34
Footing design, 69
Footing keys, 65
Footing Reinforcingt, 70
Footing shear, 71
Forensic Investigations, 132
Foundation investigations, 15
Freestanding walls, 115
Friction resistance, 64
Frost line, 14
Gabion walls, 3, 93
Geogrid Wall Design, 102
Geogrids, 103
Global stability, 67
Gravity walls, 91
Heel Reinforcing, 71
Highway surcharges, 30
Hooked bar embedments, 50
Hydrostatic Pressure, 34
Impact loading, 36
Inspection, 57
International Building Code, 23
, 43, 44
Keys, 65
Keyway, 5, 52
, 45
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
INDEX Page 245
Lagging design, 87
Lap splices, 54
Large block walls, 95
Lateral earth pressure, 28
Lateral earth pressures
SRWs, 97
Lateral Earth Pressures, 25
Lateral soil pressure, 35, 105
Adjacent footing surcharges, 30
Boussinesq Method, 30
Coulomb equation, 25
Highway surcharges, 30
Impact Loading, 36
Mixed Soils, 29
Segmental walls, 111
Lateral wall pressure
Rankine equation, 25
Masonry pilaster walls, 115
Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE), 40
Mercalli Scale, 38
Meyerhof Method, 63
Mononobe-Okabe Analysis, 41
NAVFAC, 24, 32
NFPA, 23
Non-Yielding, 47
Non-Yielding Walls, 118
Overturning moments, 59
Passive resistance, 19, 64
Peak ground accelerations, 40
Pickle Jar Test, 21
Pier design, 75
Piers, 73
Pilaster walls, 115
Pile Design, 74
Piles, 73
Precision Illusion, 21
Rankine equation, 25
Reinforced Earth, 102
Reinforcing, 51
Cover requirements, 54, 56
Development lengths, 50
Footing, 69
Hooked embedments, 50
Horizontal, 51
Maximum, concrete, 55
Maximum, masonry, 54
Minimum, concrete, 55
Minimum, masonry, 54
Shrinkage, 71
Splices, 54, 56
Stem reinforcing, 69
Reinforcing:, 53
Resisting Moments, 60
Restrained walls, 47, 118
Richter Scale, 38
Rupture plane, 16
, 46
Seed and Whitman, 41
segmental retaining walls, 111
Segmental retaining walls, 98
Segmental walls, 3
Seismic, 44
Seismic, 47
Seismic design, 38, 110, 118
Restrained walls, 47, 118
segmental walls, 111
Segmental walls, 97
Stem self-weight, 47
Self-weight, 47
Shear strength, soil, 14
Sheet pile walls, 4, 120
Shrinkage reinforcing, 71
Skin friction, 76
Sliding, SRWs, 109
Sloping backfills, 18
Soil wedge, 15
Soil, mixed types, 29
Soils, 13
Soil , mixed types, 29
Soil Bearing Pressure, 61
Soil bearing values, 19
Soil bearing, SRW's, 109
Soil bearing, ultimate, 63
Soil density, 19
Soil designations, 13
Soil modulus, 20, 66
Soil pressure, 62
Soil, cohesive, 14
Soil, shear strength, 14
Soldier beam walls, 121
Special inspection, 57
SRWs, 97
Stability, 64
Stem Design, 49
Stem design, seismic, 41
Seismic, 44
Strength Design, 54
Surcharge Loads, 29
Surcharges, adjacent footings
Basics of Retaining Wall Design
INDEX Page 246
Surcharges, highway, 30
Swimming pool walls, 113
Temperature reinforcing, 71
Terminology, 1, 6
Terzaghi and Peck Method, 32
Terzaghi, Karl, 13
Tie-back design, 117, 119
Tilt, 20, 66
Tilt of Walls, 66
Tilt-Up retaining walls, 85
Tilt-up walls, 3
Toe Reinforcing, 70
Torsion, 79
Types of Retaining Structures, 1
Uniform Building Code, 23
Uniform System of Soil for Classification, 13
USGS website, 40
Vertical Component, 61
Vertical loads, 35
Vertical loads, axial, 35
Water Table Conditions, 33
Weep holes, 5
Weight, soil, 15
Weights, masonry, 53
Whitney Approximation Method, 78
Wind forces, 33
Wood post design, 88
Wood retaining walls, 3, 87
Wythe definition, 93