YuJa: Quick Guide
YuJa is a media platform that allows you to create lecture videos using either your
webcam, your screen or both. It has editing features that allow you to trim your
video of excess recording that maybe you don’t want (perhaps if you didn’t turn off
the recording and began talking to your dogyou can cut this out). This tutorial is to
show you how to get started with YuJa.
YuJa allows you to create videos for individual courses. In YuJa, this is referred
to as “channels.” Each course has its own channel.
To set it up, look for the YuJa link on the white navigation bar within
your course.
If you have a video already that you want to place in YuJa, click Upload.
To begin a video, click on Create Recording.
Log into
canvas.okstate.edu with your O-Key and select the
course you want to work in.
Setting up YuJa in Your Course
If you do not see it, you will need to click
on Settings (at the bottom of the while
navigation bar). Then click on the tab
named Navigation. Scroll down to find
YuJa and click the three dots next to it.
Click Enable. Scroll down to the bottom
and click the orange Save button.
You should now see the YuJa link on the navigation bar. Click it to access YuJa.
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YuJa: Quick Guide
When you have the recorder downloaded, click the Start button. Depending on your
computer, you may have to click Create Recording again.
Now that you have the YuJa recorder installed, you can begin creating a video.
You have several options to choose from:
Video: This is a traditional video of your face using your webcam and
microphone (most laptops come with both).
Screencast: This is when YuJa records the your monitor screen, where you
might have a Powerpoint. The microphone will record your voice as you speak
but there will not be a video of your face while you talk.
Both Video and Screencast: Your computer screen will be the prominent area
recorded, but your speaking self will be in a smaller box in the corner of the
After clicking the Start button,
another window will pop up. Click
on Open YuJa Software Capture.
A small window will pop up. First
time users, you will need to
download and install the
recorder. Click Download and
follow the instructions.
Recording a Video or Screencast
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YuJa: Quick Guide
You will see the following screen.
Click the red Start button when you are ready.
On the left is the toolbar that you will choose what you want to have
recorded. The top three are the ones you need to look closely at.
VIDEO: You’ll see under Video that there is a Yes or a No. You can click the
dropdown arrow in the circle to change from Yes (you want to video your
face as you speak) or No (you do not want your face recorded).
AUDIO: Your computers microphone will be listed. You can check how well
it is working by speaking. In the center of the screen under Mic Source,
you can see the purple bar fluctuate as you speak, letting you know that
your mic is working. If the bar shows nothing at all, click the dropdown
arrow in the circle next to Audio to choose another microphone on your
SCREEN: Choose Yes if you want your computer screen recorded. If you
want to do both (recording your face and your screen), make sure it says
Yes under both Video and Screen.
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YuJa: Quick Guide
Once you have pressed the Start button, your screen will flash a 3-second countdown
before beginning to record.
If you are doing a screencast, go ahead and have your Powerpoint (or other
materials) ready and after you press Start, you can minimize your browser quickly.
Don’t worry if your video isn’t perfect. Remember, most students these days have
been watching homemade YouTube/Snapchat/TikTok videos for years and most of
those are not of the best quality. The point is: You’ll do fine.
It will take a few minutes for your video to process in YuJa. Give it about 3-5
minutes and then click on your YuJa link in your Canvas navigation bar again
to refresh the page.
Once you’ve started recording, a tiny (very tiny)
toolbar will show up at the bottom of your
screen. It has a Pause Recording button and a
Stop Recording button.
After you have pressed Stop
Recording, a new screen will pop
up. Click Save.
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YuJa: Quick Guide
Now that you have copied the embed link, it’s time to put it
in your class for students to see.
Hover your mouse over the
video and a black sidebar will
display. Click the More link.
After clicking the More link, a screen will pop up with several
options. Click on the Links option. Then highlight the entire code
in the box under Embed this Video. You can place your cursor in
the box and press Ctrl+A to select all, then Ctrl+C to copy.
After a couple minutes, click on
Manage Media to see your video.
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YuJa: Quick Guide
Save your Page or Assignment or Discussion. Once saved, you should be able to
see your video and press play.
Do not forget to publish the Page, Assignment or Discussion.
If you want to know more about editing your videos in YuJa, see their Video
Tutorials website.
In your Canvas course, you will want to embed the video where it makes
most sense. If it is part of the learning materials, you will want to embed it
on a Page. If students are meant to view it before completing an Assignment
or a Discussion, you may want to place the video there. Most instructors
choose to embed videos on a Page within Modules.
Once you are in the Edit mode of the Page, Assignment or Discussion, you
have your Rich Text Editor toolbar.
Click on the pale blue V in the
middle of the editing toolbar.
Scroll down the dropdown box
until you see YuJa.
Click on YuJa and a screen will
pop up with all your videos.
Click on the video you want to
What is embedding? When you embed a video into your Canvas course, your
students can watch it directly in their course. They do not click a link that takes
them to another tab or window.
Embedding a Video or Screencast
Questions about YuJa? Contact:
Kristin Winterrowd
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