Employee Handbook
Guilford County Schools
2020-2021 Academic Year
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 2 | P a g e
Vision, Mission and Values. ........................................................................................................... .9
Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators.................................................................................. 10
Nondiscrimination Policy and Equal Employment Opportunity .................................................... 13
General Employee Responsibilities .............................................................................................. 15
Compliance with Board Policy ..................................................................................................... 15
Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct..................................................................................... 15
Corporal Punishment and Force ................................................................................................... 15
Sexual Harassment of Students: Prohibition.................................................................................. 15
Selection of Instructional Materials .............................................................................................. 16
Outside Employment ................................................................................................................... 17
Identification Badges ................................................................................................................... 18
Badge Display and Replacement ............................................................................................ 18
Event Admission with Badge ................................................................................................. 18
Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect/Reporting Information to Outside Agencies . 18
Copyrighted Materials ................................................................................................................. 18
Criminal Records Check: Employees and Substitutes ..................................................................... 19
Criminal Records Check: ACES and Pre-K Employees ..................................................................... 19
Criminal Records Check: Volunteers ............................................................................................. 20
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace ................................................................................................ 20
Changes in Employment Records................................................................................................. 21
New Employees: Electronic Employment Documents .................................................................. 21
School Calendars ......................................................................................................................... 22
Notification of Supervisor ...................................................................................................... 22
Unapproved Absences ........................................................................................................... 22
Automated Substitute Employee Management System (AESOP) ........................................... 22
Closing of School .......................................................................................................................... 23
Ten-month Employees .......................................................................................................... 23
Eleven- and Twelve-month Employees .................................................................................. 23
Technology ................................................................................................................................. 25
Administration of Medication to Students ................................................................................... 26
Communicable Diseases: Employee Safety ................................................................................... 26
Health Certificate ........................................................................................................................ 26
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Weapons on Educational Property .............................................................................................. 27
Email and Electronic Transmissions Capabilities ............................................................................ 30
Business Use ......................................................................................................................... 30
No Expectation of Privacy ...................................................................................................... 30
Social Media ................................................................................................................................ 30
Personal and Professional Responsibility ............................................................................... 31
Security and Privacy Settings ................................................................................................. 31
Student Communications ...................................................................................................... 31
“Friendingand “Following” .................................................................................................. 31
District Image ........................................................................................................................ 31
Statements to the Media ............................................................................................................. 32
Employee Relations..................................................................................................................... 33
Reporting Alleged Violations of Law or Ordinance ......................................................................... 33
Duty to Report ....................................................................................................................... 33
Human Resources Intervention ............................................................................................. 35
Grievances: Employees ................................................................................................................ 35
Removal of Information ........................................................................................................ 36
File Review ............................................................................................................................ 36
Exit Interviews ............................................................................................................................. 37
Classified Employment ................................................................................................................. 40
Employment of Substitutes .......................................................................................................... 42
Re-employed or Volunteer Retired Employees .............................................................................. 42
Employment of Retirees Subject to the Earnings Cap ............................................................. 42
Salary .................................................................................................................................... 43
Benefits: Cap on Hours Worked to Preserve Retiree Medical Coverage .................................. 43
Reemployed Retirees in Job-Sharing Positions ....................................................................... 43
Salary .................................................................................................................................... 43
Benefits ................................................................................................................................. 43
Classified Personnel .................................................................................................................... 44
Licensed Personnel...................................................................................................................... 44
Performance Growth Plans .......................................................................................................... 44
Licensed Employees .............................................................................................................. 44
Classified Employees ............................................................................................................. 45
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Pay Plan Administration ........................................................................................................ 45
Paydays ................................................................................................................................. 45
Payroll Deductions ................................................................................................................ 46
Income Tax Withholding Forms... .......................................................................................... 46
12 Month Pay Option - State Employees’ Credit Union Summer Cash Account. ...................... 46
Hiring Rate/Starting Salary/Salary Adjustments .................................................................... 46
License Guidelines ....................................................................................................................... 51
Requirements........................................................................................................................ 51
Disclosure of Criminal Convictions ......................................................................................... 51
Renewal Guidelines ............................................................................................................... 51
Chart of Renewal Guidelines ................................................................................................. 51
Professional Learning and Leadership.......................................................................................... 53
Professional Learning and Leadership: GCS Sponsored Activities ................................................... 53
GCS-Sponsored Activities ............................................................................................................... 53
Beginning Teachers and Professional Support ............................................................................... 54
Professional Learning and Leadership: National Board Certification ......................................... 56
Resignation: Classified Employees ................................................................................................ 57
Resignation: Licensed Employees ................................................................................................. 58
Resignation: Medical Benefits ...................................................................................................... 58
Resignation and Leave Balances ................................................................................................... 58
Resignation and Final Payout........................................................................................................ 59
Employment Definitions............................................................................................................... 60
Permanent Employee ............................................................................................................ 60
Full-time, Regular Employee .................................................................................................. 60
Part-time Employee............................................................................................................... 61
Interim Employee .................................................................................................................. 61
Temporary Employee ............................................................................................................ 61
Employee Discounts - GCS 4 Le$$ ................................................................................................. 61
Employment/Salary Verifications ................................................................................................. 61
Enrollment in Benefits.................................................................................................................. 61
Enrollment Deadline.............................................................................................................. 61
Benefits Online Enrollment.................................................................................................... 61
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Employee and Dependent Data (Legal/Government Names Only) ......................................... 61
Benefit Election Status Changes ............................................................................................. 62
Employee Error ..................................................................................................................... 64
Deadline for Change in Benefits ............................................................................................. 64
Change Requests ................................................................................................................... 64
Name Change ........................................................................................................................ 64
Insurance .................................................................................................................................... 64
Dental Insurance ................................................................................................................... 66
Flexible Benefits .................................................................................................................... 67
Term Life Insurance ............................................................................................................... 67
Whole Life Insurance ............................................................................................................. 67
Comprehensive Legal and Identity Theft Protection ............................................................... 68
Insurance: Removing Children from Coverage............................................................................... 68
Dental and Life Insurance ...................................................................................................... 68
Health Insurance ................................................................................................................... 68
Health, Dental, FSA and Vision .............................................................................................. 68
Life Insurance: Term Life Continuation................................................................................... 68
Life Insurance: Whole Life Continuation ................................................................................ 68
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ........................................................... 68
Liability Insurance ........................................................................................................................ 69
NC HealthSmart Wellness Programs ............................................................................................. 69
Workers’ Compensation .............................................................................................................. 69
Documentation ..................................................................................................................... 69
Medical Treatment ................................................................................................................ 70
Compensation ....................................................................................................................... 70
Additional Benefits ................................................................................................................ 70
Episode of Violence...................................................................................................................... 71
Miscellaneous Benefits ................................................................................................................ 71
Employee Assistance ............................................................................................................. 71
Social Security ....................................................................................................................... 71
401(k) .................................................................................................................................... 72
403(b) Annuities .................................................................................................................... 72
457 Deferred Compensation Plan .......................................................................................... 72
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State Employees’ Credit Union .............................................................................................. 72
Retirement System ...................................................................................................................... 72
Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System .............................................................. 72
Employees Hired On or Before July 31, 2011 .......................................................................... 72
Employees Hired On or After August 1, 2011 ......................................................................... 73
Retirement Effective Dates .................................................................................................... 73
Beneficiaries .......................................................................................................................... 73
Refund of Retirement Contributions ...................................................................................... 73
Death Benefit ........................................................................................................................ 74
ORBIT .................................................................................................................................... 74
Holidays ...................................................................................................................................... 75
General Holidays ................................................................................................................... 75
Religious Holidays ................................................................................................................. 75
Leaves and Absences ................................................................................................................... 75
Attendance ........................................................................................................................... 75
Short-Term Leaves of Absence............................................................................................... 76
Long-Term Leaves of Absence................................................................................................ 76
Absences of More Than Ten Days .......................................................................................... 77
Death in Family ..................................................................................................................... 79
Leave without Pay ................................................................................................................. 79
Other Employment While on Leave ....................................................................................... 80
Return from Long-term Leave of Absence .............................................................................. 80
Sick Leave .............................................................................................................................. 80
Extended Sick Leave (Teachers and Media Specialists Only) ................................................... 81
Voluntary Shared Leave (Donated Leave) .............................................................................. 81
Personal Leave ...................................................................................................................... 82
Annual Leave (Vacation) ........................................................................................................ 83
Vacation Leave Accrual Rates ................................................................................................ 83
Bonus Vacation Leave ........................................................................................................... 84
Families First Coronavirus Response Act………………………………………………………………………..……86
Family and Medical Leave Act............................................................................................ 8590
Parental Leave....................................................................................................................... 89
Military Leave ....................................................................................................................... 90
Medical Leave for Employee* ................................................................................................ 90
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 7 | P a g e
Medical Leave to Care for Family* ......................................................................................... 91
Military Caregiver Leave ........................................................................................................ 91
Qualifying Exigency Leave...................................................................................................... 91
Educational Leave ................................................................................................................. 92
Professional Leave with Deduction ........................................................................................ 93
Professional Leave without Deduction................................................................................... 94
Officers of Professional Organizations ................................................................................... 94
Community Responsibility ..................................................................................................... 94
Jury Duty and Court Attendance ............................................................................................ 94
Elected Officials ..................................................................................................................... 95
Parental Involvement in Schools Leave .................................................................................. 95
Exhibits ....................................................................................................................................... 96
Coronavirus Staff Flow Chart………………………………………………………………………………………………….....97
Contact List.................................................................................................................................. 96
Use of Personal Leave Chart ......................................................................................................... 99
Guilford County
students will
graduate as
citizens prepared
to succeed in
higher education,
or in the career of
We believe the different experiences individuals
bring to our schools are strengths. Embracing
diverse cultures, perspectives and abilities enables
students and adults to feel valued and safe, a key
prerequisite for learning and growth. We are
committed to providing an environment where
students and staff from all cultures and
backgrounds can succeed.
We are committed to developing a culture where
our employees identify with and understand the
feelings of our students and parents as well as their
We are committed to creating equitable and
inclusive schools where adults take ownership for
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 8 | P a g e
their choice.
student learning outcomes and make sure students
have what they need to succeed in school and in
life. We will acknowledge and dismantle systems,
processes and mindsets that perpetuate race,
poverty, disability and English language status as
predictors of achievement. We will align resources
to create equitable opportunities for students and
employees. We will eradicate achievement gaps.
We are committed to fostering a work environment
where the goal is not to manage innovations, but to
become innovative. Problems are identified,
ownership of those problems is assumed by the
adults in the district and everyone works together
as agents of the solution until the problems are
solved. We will not stop until obstacles are
removed, solutions found, and clear and compelling
goals are established.
We are committed to creating a school district that
acts with honesty and forthrightness, holding
ourselves to high academic and ethical standards,
and dealing with everyone with respect.
Your Employee Handbook for Guilford County Schools
To employees new to our district team, welcome” and to returning
faculty and staff “welcome back”. We look forward to another
successful year. We revise the Employee Handbook each year to
provide up-to-date information regarding your employment with the
school district. We provide you with highlights of the information you
need regarding what you can expect from the district and what we
expect from you. Please note that each school may have site-based
guidelines not contained in this handbook or official Board documents.
Additionally, district-wide divisions and departments (e.g. Payroll) may
have their own procedures. Please ensure that you understand and observe applicable laws, policies and
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 9 | P a g e
Please note that Guilford County Schools’ policies and procedures, whether or not contained in this
handbook, are not an employment contract nor are they terms of an employment contract. The school
district's employees (other than employees in positions covered by North Carolina General Statute 115C-
325, or employees who have specific employment contracts) are employees at will. This means the
employee or the school district has the right to end the relationship at any time, with or without reason.
Please be attentive to changes in policies and/or procedures implemented during the year. Because we always
seek to improve the usefulness of this handbook, you are encouraged to send written suggestions or ideas
regarding its content to feedback@gcsnc.com.
Please accept our best wishes for a great year and we appreciate your dedication to the students of
Guilford County Schools.
Shirley Morrison Ed.D.
Chief Human Resources Officer
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 10 | P a g e
Handbook Goal and Confirmation of Receipt
Our goal for this handbook is to answer your questions about employment-related matters, benefits and
procedures. Please read it carefully. It is important to note that this handbook is general in its coverage of
Guilford County Schools’ policies and procedures. Also, please review the published policies of the Board of
Education and comply with regulations developed by district to support these policies. You can find the
board policies on the GCS website at www.gcsnc.com. While this handbook summarizes provisions about
employment, benefits and related subjects, the information is subject to change and board policies and
regulations will always be the governing reference. GCS confirms your receipt of the handbook through the
acknowledgment that you have access to it on our website and email.
At Will Employment
North Carolina is an at-will employment state, which means that the district has discretion to end
employment. Unless your termination violates a specific law or violates the terms of your contract, the
district may terminate you for any reason. This handbook does not create or imply a contract.
Code of Ethics for North Carolina Educators
The purpose of the Code of Ethics is to define standards of professional conduct. The responsibility to
teach, the freedom to learn, and the guarantee of equal opportunity for all are essential to the
achievement of these principles. The professional educator acknowledges the worth and dignity of every
person and demonstrates the pursuit of truth and devotion to excellence, acquires knowledge, and
nurtures democratic citizenship. The educator strives to
maintain the respect and confidence of colleagues,
students, parents and legal guardians, and the community,
and to serve as an appropriate role model. The educator
exemplifies a commitment to the teaching and learning
processes with accountability to the students, maintains
professional growth, exercises professional judgment, and
personifies integrity. To uphold these commitments, the
educator demonstrates a:
Commitment to the Student
Protects students from conditions within the
educator’s control that circumvent learning or are
detrimental to the health and safety of students.
Maintains an appropriate relationship with
students in all settings; does not encourage,
solicit, or engage in a sexual or romantic
relationship with students, nor touch a student in
an inappropriate way for personal gratification,
with intent to harm, or out of anger.
Evaluates students and assigns grades based upon the students’ demonstrated competencies and
Disciplines students justly and fairly and does not deliberately embarrass or humiliate them.
Holds in confidence information learned in professional practice except for professional reasons or
in compliance with pertinent regulations or statutes.
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Refuses to accept significant gifts, favors, or additional compensation that might influence or appear
to influence professional decisions or actions.
Commitment to the School and School System
Utilizes available resources to provide a classroom climate conducive to learning and to promote
learning to the maximum possible extent.
Acknowledges the diverse views of students, parents and legal guardians, and decisions; does not
proselytize for personal viewpoints that are outside the scope of professional practice.
Signs a contract in good faith and does not abandon contracted professional duties without a
substantive reason.
Participates actively in professional decision-making processes and supports the expression of
professional opinions and judgments by colleagues in decision-making processes or due process
Commitment to the Profession
Provides accurate credentials and information regarding licensure or employment and does not
knowingly assist others in providing untruthful information.
Takes action to remedy an observed violation of the Code of Ethics of North Carolina Educators and
promotes understanding of the principles of professional ethics.
Pursues growth and development in the practice of the profession and uses that knowledge in
improving the educational opportunities, experiences, and performance of students and colleagues.
Prepared by the NC Professional Practices Commission
Adopted by the State Board of Education 1997
Standards of Professional Conduct for North Carolina
The standards listed here represent the professional conduct that shall be the basis for Guilford County
Schools and the North Carolina State Board of Education review for the performance of educators. These
standards shall establish mandatory prohibitions and requirements for all educators and employees of
Guilford County Schools (hereby referred to as educators). Violation of these standards shall subject an
educator to investigation and disciplinary action by Guilford County Schools or the State Board of Education.
Educators shall adhere to the standards of professional conduct contained and represented by these
standards. Any intentional act or omission that violates these standards is prohibited.
Generally Recognized Professional Standards
Educators shall practice the professional standards of federal, state, and local governing bodies.
Personal Conduct
Educators shall serve as a positive role model for students, parents, and the community. Because the
educator is entrusted with the care and education of small children and adolescents, the educator shall
demonstrate a high standard of personal character and conduct.
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Educators shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation in the
performance of professional duties including the following:
Statement of professional qualifications
Application or recommendation for professional employment, promotion, or licensure
Application or recommendation for college or university admission, scholarship, grant, academic
award, or similar benefit
Representation of completion of college or staff development credit
Evaluation or grading of student or personnel
Submission of information in the course of an official inquiry by Guilford County Schools or the State
Board related to facts of unprofessional conduct, provided, however, that an educator shall be given
adequate notice of the allegations and may be represented by legal counsel; and
Submission of information in the course of an investigation by a law enforcement agency, child
protective services, or any other agency with the right to investigate, regarding school-related
criminal activity; provided, however, that an educator shall be entitled to decline to give evidence
to law enforcement if such evidence may tend to incriminate the educator as that term is defined by
the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Conduct with Students
Educators shall treat all students with respect. Educators shall not commit any abusive act or sexual
exploitation with, to, or in the presence of a student, whether or not that student is or has been under the
care or supervision of that educator, as defined below:
Any use of language that is considered profane, vulgar, or demeaning
Any sexual act
Any solicitation of a sexual act, whether written, verbal, or physical
Any act of child abuse, as defined by law
Any act of sexual harassment, as defined by law and
Any intentional solicitation, encouragement, or consummation of a romantic or physical relationship
with a student, or any sexual contact with a student. The term “romantic relationship” shall include
dating any student.
Confidential Information
Educators shall keep in confidence personally
identifiable information regarding students or their
family members that is obtained in the course of
professional service, unless disclosure is required or
permitted by law or professional standards, or is
necessary for the personal safety of the student or
Rights of Others
Educators shall not willfully or maliciously violate the constitutional or civil rights of a student, parent/legal
guardian, or colleague.
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Required Reports
Educators shall make all reports required by Chapter 115C of the North Carolina General Statutes.
Alcohol or Other Controlled Substance
Educators shall not:
Be under the influence of, possess, use, or consume on school premises or at a school sponsored
activity a controlled substance as defined by North Carolina General Statutes 90-95, the Controlled
Substances Act, without a prescription authorizing such use.
Be under the influence of, possess, use, or consume an alcoholic beverage or a controlled substance
on school premises or at a school-sponsored activity involving students or
Furnish alcohol or a controlled substance to any student except as indicated in the professional duties
of administering legally prescribed medications.
Compliance with Criminal Laws
Educators shall not commit any act referred to in North Carolina General Statute 115C-332 and any felony
under the laws of the United States or of any state.
Public Funds and Property
Educators shall not misuse public funds or property, funds of a school-related organization, or colleague’s
funds. Educators shall account for funds collected from students, colleagues, or parents/legal guardians.
Educators shall not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement, expenses, or pay.
Scope of Professional Practice
Educators shall not perform any act as an employee in a position for which licensure is required by the rules
of the SBE or by Chapter 115C of the North Carolina General Statutes during any period in which the
educator’s license has been suspended or revoked.
Conduct Related to Ethical Violations
Educators shall not directly or indirectly use or threaten to use any official authority or influence in any
manner that tends to discourage, restrain, interfere with, coerce, or discriminate against any subordinate or
any licensee who in good faith reports, discloses, divulges, or otherwise brings to the attention of Guilford
County Schools, the State Board, or any other public agency authorized to take remedial action, any facts or
information relative to actual or suspected violation of any law regulating the duties of persons serving in the
public school system, including but not limited to these standards.
Nondiscrimination Policy and Equal Employment
The Guilford County Board of Education believes in the dignity of all individuals and the worth of their labors.
To this end, the board will ensure that all applicants for employment and all employees are employed,
assigned, supervised, promoted, compensated and terminated in full compliance with state and federal equal
opportunity statutes. No applicant for employment or current employee should experience discrimination
based on race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, physical handicap, sexual
orientation or disability. The policy does not extend any rights beyond those granted by state and federal law.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 14 | P a g e
Concerns in this area should be discussed with your supervisor or with your supervisor's supervisor. If you
remain concerned, you should contact the Federal Compliance Officer in the Information/Special Services
Division, or the Executive Director of Human Resources or Chief Human Resources Officer responsible for
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GAAA Legal Reference: Title VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended;
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; American Disabilities Act, 1991)
In compliance with federal laws, Guilford County Schools administers all educational programs,
employment activities and admissions without discrimination because of race, religion, national or ethnic
origin, color, age, military service, disability, marital status, parental status or gender, except where
exemption is appropriate and allowed by law. Refer to the Board of Education’s Discrimination Free
Environment Policy AC for a complete statement.
Direct inquiries or complaints regarding Title IX to:
Guilford County Schools Compliance Officer Think this should be Wanda Legrand
120 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: 336-370-8154
Direct inquiries or complaints regarding Section 504 to:
Director of Exceptional Children
120 Franklin Boulevard
Greensboro, NC 27401
Phone: 336-370-8103
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 15 | P a g e
General Employee Responsibilities
Compliance with Board Policy
It is your responsibility of to familiarize yourself with policies of the Board. You will be held accountable for
compliance with those policies and will be updated on any
revisions by the supervisor.
Code of Ethics and Standards of Conduct
You are responsible for both integrity and the consequences of your actions. You must exhibit the highest
standards of honesty, integrity and fairness. Your conduct should be such as to protect your integrity
and/or reputation and that of the district. You shall perform your job in a competent and ethical manner
without violating the public trust or applicable laws, policies and regulations.
Corporal Punishment and Force
The board of education believes that a discipline can be maintained without the use of corporal punishment
and force and that harsh physical punishment does not improve students' in-school behavior or academic
performance. As a result, you are prohibited from using corporal punishment; this also includes student
teachers, substitutes and volunteers. While the district prohibits the use of corporal punishment as a means of
discipline, you are allowed to use reasonable force to control behavior or to remove a person from the scene in
the following situations:
1. to quell a disturbance threatening injury to others;
2. to obtain possession of weapons or other dangerous objects on the person or within the control of a
3. for self-defense;
4. for the protection of persons or property; and
5. to maintain order on school property, in the classroom or at a school-related activity on or off school
(Reference: G.S. 115C-390; Board of Education Policy JD)
Sexual Harassment of Students: Prohibition
You, as an employee of Guilford County Schools are expected to provide learning environments for students
that are free of sexual harassment. You shall not engage in a romantic or sexual relationship with any
student enrolled in Guilford County Schools whether or not it is consensual. Any student who believes that
he/she has been subjected to sexual harassment by any employee(s) of Guilford County Schools and any
student or employee who has knowledge of sexual harassment or inappropriate staff-student relations should
1. the facts of the incidents, and
2. the names of all the individuals involved in any material way immediately to the student’s principal
or to the supervisor of the person reporting the incident. There will be an immediate investigation
of the incident.
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It is a Class I felony for teachers, school administrators, student teachers or coaches at any age, and other
school personnel at least four years older than a student to take indecent liberties with that student during or
after the time both were present together in the same school, but before the student ceases to be a student at
that school.
School personnel who are not teachers, school administrators, student teachers or coaches, and who are less
than four years older than the student, who take indecent liberties with a student victim are guilty of a Class A-
1 misdemeanor. Consent is not a defense. Legal marriage to the student is a defense to this crime.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GAMAA; G.S. 14-202.4)
License: Certification Renewal
The North Carolina State Board of Education requires all licensed employees to maintain a valid, North
Carolina Professional Educator’s License. Each license
holder is responsible for knowing and satisfying
license renewal requirements. Failure to renew your license makes you ineligible for employment. You may
contact Recruiting and Staffing for additional information.
Scope of Professional Practice
Educators shall not perform any act as an employee in a position for which licensure is required by the rules
of the State Board of Education or by Chapter 115C of the North Carolina General Statutes during any
period in which the educator’s license has been suspended or revoked.
Selection of Instructional Materials
The Board of Education recognizes the
importance of using a variety of instructional
materials in addition to adopted textbooks, to
meet the instructional needs of students.
Materials for classrooms and school library
media centers will be selected by the
appropriate professional personnel in
consultation with the administration, faculty,
students and the community.
Final purchase decisions are the responsibility
of the Superintendent or his/her designee. If
instructional materials and/ or activities
contain content, language or context(s) that
may be sensitive to students or parents, approval of the site administrator is required prior to use.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy IFA: Administrative Procedure IFA-P)
During the course of work, you may become aware of confidential information about Guilford County
Schools’ business, including but not limited to: information regarding Guilford County Schools’ finances,
software and computer programs, suppliers, and knowledge, skills and abilities of personnel. You may also
become aware of similar confidential information concerning Guilford County Schools’ students. It is
extremely important that all such information remain confidential. If you, without authorization, copy,
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 17 | P a g e
remove (whether physically or electronically), use or disclose confidential information, you may be subject
to disciplinary action up to and including termination. You shall not use confidential information obtained in
the course of employment for pecuniary benefit or allow another employee to do so.
Public Funds and Property
As a GCS employee, you shall not misuse public funds or property, funds of a school-related organization, or
colleague’s funds. Employees shall account for funds collected in the course of their duties and shall not
submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement, expenses, or pay.
As an employee, you shall not accept gifts from any person or group desiring to do business with the
school system except for nominally valued instructional products or advertising items that are widely
distributed. This is not intended to prohibit the receiving of nominal or appropriate gifts by school
personnel from students and parents.
Conflicts of Interest
The Guilford County Board of Education recognizes the importance of avoiding conflicts of interest. All business
district transactions should be lawful and must respect generally accepted fair trade practices. As an employee
you should refrain from engaging in inappropriate business-related behavior. You shall not:
1. engage in selling goods or services to the Board.
2. engage in or have a financial interest in any activity that conflicts or raises a reasonable question of
conflict with duties or responsibilities in the school system.
3. engage in any type of private business during the employee's school day or at school site.
4. engage in work of any type where the source of information for a customer, client, or employer
originates from school system data.
5. accept gifts from any person or groups desiring or doing business with the school system, except for
nominally valued instructional products or advertising items, which are widely distributed.
6. provide employee directories to anyone who wishes to use them for pecuniary purposes.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GAG)
Outside Employment
Your responsibilities with Guilford County Schools are prioritized over any outside employment. Outside
employment is generally not allowed when it prevents you from
performing responsibilities in an effective
manner or when it raises a question of conflict of interest with the outside employer. An employee of
Guilford County Schools, you shall not engage in selling
goods or services to the public school system and
shall not engage in or have a financial interest,
directly or indirectly, in any activity that conflicts or raises a
reasonable question of conflict with duties and responsibilities in the school system. No staff member shall
engage in any type of private business during school time or on school property.
Goods Used by the Schools: You may not serve as an agent for any manufacturer,
merchant, dealer,
publisher or author of any merchandise to be used in the Guilford County Schools. No school employee
may receive any gift, reward or promise of reward for recommending or procuring
the use of any goods by
the Guilford County Schools.
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Private Business Interest: No staff member shall engage in any type of private business during school
time or on school property.
Identification Badges
Badge Display and Replacement
You must visibly display your Guilford County Schools photo identification badge while on any property owned
or leased by the board during school hours or at any time you are acting in the course and scope of
employment with the Board. You receive your badge upon your employment. Your badge remains the property
of Guilford County Schools; if you leave employment, you are required to return your badges to your
supervisor. You can replace a lost badge for the cost of $4.00 by calling the Benefits Department at 370-8348.
We produce replacement badges from 3:00 PM until 4:35 PM, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Event Admission with Badge
As an employee, you have free admission to most middle and high school athletic events upon presentation of
you identification badge. Free admission is for you only. You may be required to present an additional photo
identification for admission. This does not apply to admission to state play-off contests, which are controlled by
the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.
Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse and
Neglect/Reporting Information to Outside Agencies
If you suspect that a child is the victim of child abuse or neglect, you have a legal responsibility and
duty to report the case immediately to the principal, designee or supervisor, and Central Office. When
a principal, designee or supervisor receives a report of suspected child abuse or
neglect, the report
must be communicated immediately to the Department of Social Services (DSS) and Central Office.
This is mandatory.
In the absence of the principal or
designee, or where that authority refuses to comply with the North
Carolina Child Abuse and Neglect
Reporting Law, you shall immediately make an oral report to DSS.
Once the suspected abuse
or neglect is reported, school employees should refrain from further
investigation. If the child needs medical attention, the reporting employee should inform the child
protective services investigator
when making the report. Information regarding suspected child abuse
or neglect should be shared only among appropriate school staff asked to assist in the investigation by
Copyrighted Materials
Guilford County Schools requires that you be knowledgeable of and adhere to all provisions of current Federal
copyright law, Title 17 of US Code, and Congressional “fair use” guidelines. The district recognizes and supports
the limitations on unauthorized duplication and use of copyrighted materials in all formats, as well as
contractual and licensing agreements pertaining to the instructional use of all formats, including electronically
transmitted materials. Willful or serious violations are in violation of expected standards of behavior may result
in disciplinary action in accordance with board policy. The legal and insurance protection of the district will not
extend to you if you unlawfully copy or unlawfully use copyrighted materials.
(Reference: Title 17 of US Code; Congressional “Fair Use” Guidelines)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 19 | P a g e
Criminal Records Check:
Employees and Substitutes
The district has an obligation to provide a safe place
for learning, so if you are a rehired, newly hired or
substitute, the district will conduct a criminal
record check. The district will also conduct random
criminal record checks on current employees
including substitutes.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBDC;
Administrative Procedure GBDC-P)
Criminal Records Check: ACES and Pre-K Employees
PRE-K and ACES programs are licensed by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and
require an additional Criminal Background Check (CBC). New hires in these programs must complete the
CBC process and obtain a qualification letter prior to starting work. Employees in these programs are
required to complete the CBC process every three years.
Employees should submit receipts for completion of their CBC and fingerprinting to the respective Central
Office Department - Director Extended Learning (ACES) or Director-Early Learning (Pre-K)
Criminal Backgroud Check Process:
1. Go to NCDHHS website and review video tutorials: https://ncchildcarecbc.nc.gov/
2. Obtain NCID (NC Identity Management Service): https://ncid.nc.gov/idmdash/
3. Begin CBC application process: https://ncchildcarecbc.nc.gov/ContinueLogin
4. You will need to enter your addresses for the past 5 years. If you have lived out-of-state in
the past 5 years, a person from DHHS will email you with information about how to apply
for each state’s background check. This may involve additional costs.
5. At end of CBC application, you will be asked to pay $26.50 fee with credit card (Visa or
MasterCard only).
6. Once application is complete, within 7 days you need to get your fingerprints LIVESCAN. Be
sure to take your valid ID and $10 cash.
7. LIVESCAN fingerprinting options (click on link for locations and times):
o Greensboro Police Department
o Guilford County Sherriff
o High Point Police Department
8. Once your CBC application and fingerprinting is complete, you will receive an email from
the DHHS CBC Portal with your results - you will need to log in with your NCID.
9. If cleared, you will receive a letter stating you are QUALIFIED under the NC Child Care Act.
10. New Hires must upload this letter to your GCS application before you can be approved by
Human Resources to begin work. Employees must submit a copy of this letter to the
respective Central Office Department.
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Criminal Records Check: Volunteers
The district depends on the generosity of volunteered time. If you are interested in volunteering at a
specific school, please contact the school’s office. Reasonable background inquiries and checks are required
for all volunteers (interns, student teachers, tutors or similar roles) who may have unsupervised contact with
students. To volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Registration. As a GCS employee, if you would like to
volunteers at a school or event, you are also required to register. If you would like to volunteer, but do not
know where to start or which schools could use assistance, please contact GCS District Relations at 336-
370-8353. The district’s Human Resources Division will review the results and notify the principal and volunteer
coordinator of the results and recommendations. Individuals who provide false information, may be denied
the privilege to volunteer.
You cannot volunteer without a completed background check and an approved recommendation from the
district. This includes volunteering for field trips. If you registered online for the previous school year, you
should update your registration and resubmit the application.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBDCA)
Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
Guilford County Schools is committed to a safe and healthy work environment, free of the presence of
alcoholic beverages or unlawful controlled substances. The district prohibits you from possessing, using,
manufacturing, dispensing, selling, distributing, or being under the influence of illegal drugs, and from the
use, sale, distribution or possession of drug paraphernalia.
You are also prohibited from unlawfully possessing, using, manufacturing, dispensing, selling, distributing or
being under the influence of alcohol. This policy is in effect: (a) during school hours, (b) while on any
property owned or leased by the Board, (c) at any time during which you are acting in the course and scope
of your employment with the Board, and/or (d) at any other time that your violation of this policy has a
direct and adverse effect upon the performance of your job.
This policy does not include the lawful and proper use of drugs prescribed by a doctor or over-the-
counter medications; however, you shall not report to work or engage in normal duties, if drugs
prescribed by a doctor or over-the-counter medications visibly and/or knowingly impair you. Failure to
observe this policy may result in further disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The district reserves the right to test you for drugs and alcohol if your duty is to drive a vehicle, repair
vehicles or equipment, and provide armed security. This policy extends to other persons in similar safety
positions any time prior to or during employment. The district reserves the right to test you upon
reasonable suspicion of drug or alcohol use. If you refuse to submit to a diagnostic test to detect alcohol
and/or drug use or refuse to submit to search procedures after reasonable suspicion is established, you
may be suspended immediately pending consideration of a decision to terminate employment.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 21 | P a g e
If you violate this policy, you will be subject personnel action including, but not limited to: 1. termination
of employment, 2. the requirement that the employee satisfactorily participate in an Administration-
approved drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation, 3. suspension, with or without pay, 4. conditional
continuation of employment, or 5. any combination of these actions.
Facilities, Equipment and Property, including Intellectual
Equipment essential in accomplishing job duties is often expensive and difficult to replace. When using
property, employees are expected to exercise care, perform required maintenance, and follow all operating
instructions, safety standards, and guidelines.
Employees shall notify the principal/supervisor if any equipment, machines, or tools appear to be damaged,
defective, or in need of repair. Prompt reporting of loss, damages, defects, and the need for repairs could
prevent deterioration of equipment and possible injury to employees or others. Principals/supervisors can
answer any questions regarding an employee’s responsibility for maintenance and care of equipment.
Employees are prohibited from any unauthorized use of Guilford County Schoolsintellectual property, such
as audio and video tapes, printed materials and software. Employees must be in compliance with copyright
laws. Improper, careless, negligent, destructive, or unsafe use or operation of equipment can result in
discipline, up to and including dismissal.
Further, Guilford County Schools is not responsible for any damage to employees’ personal belongings
unless the employee’s principal/supervisor provided advance approval for the employee to bring the
personal property to work.
Changes in Employment Records
It is your responsibility to update a change in name, address, and telephone
number changes as well as
additional educational degrees. Prompt notification will help maintain accurate employment records for
pay, leave, salary verification and other purposes. You may do this through the Employee Self-service
portal on the GCS Website.
New Employees: Electronic Employment Documents
All permanent part-time/fulltime employees are required to complete an electronic employment and
benefits packet. Your packet is emailed once the candidate’s employment has been finalized. The
must be completed and submitted by the deadline per the instructions provided.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 22 | P a g e
Attendance and Punctuality
School Calendars
The Guilford County Board of Education adopts a school calendar each year. The calendar may be adjusted
for inclement weather or other emergency situations. You may find the district calendar as well as the
calendars for each school on the GCS Website.
You perform an important function with the district. Operating effectively takes cooperation and
commitment from everyone. Attendance and punctuality are very important. Unnecessary absences and
lateness are expensive, disruptive and place an unfair burden on your fellow employees, students, and
principal/supervisors. The district expects excellent attendance from every employee; Excessive
absenteeism or tardiness will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
It is recognized, however, that there are times when absences and tardiness cannot be avoided. In such
cases, you are expected to notify your principal/supervisor as early as possible, but no later than the start
of the work day. Asking another employee, friend or relative to give this notice is improper and constitutes
grounds for disciplinary action. If you are a teacher needing a substitute, you must use the procedures
established by your supervisor and the District, including use of the AESOP the automated substitute
employee management system.
Notification of Supervisor
Guilford County Schools and its students depend on your contribution and performance of your duties each
workday. When you are absent or delayed for any reason, you must notify your supervisor of the inability to
report to work by the scheduled time, using procedure designated by him/her. If you fail to provide timely
notification, a salary deduction may be made for time not worked (non-exempt employees).
Unapproved Absences
Your timely and daily attendance is important to the success of the district. Unsupported absences or
departures from your work site without authorization pose a barrier to the district’s ability to perform
effectively. It is unacceptable and can be considered sufficient cause for dismissal. The appropriate supervisor
or the Human Resources Department may require at any time, a statement from a medical doctor or other
acceptable proof that you were unable to work. This documentation is required for absences of more than five
(5) consecutive days. At no time are you required to provide confidential medical information to your
Automated Substitute Employee Management System (AESOP)
Guilford County Schools uses an automated substitute employee management system (AESOP) which tracks
the reporting of specific school-based employee absences and calls substitute employees when needed. If you
are a school-based employee, with the exception of custodians and child nutrition staff, you are expected to
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 23 | P a g e
enter each absence into this system by telephone or through AESOP Internet access, regardless of whether a
substitute is required or obtained. Employees receive training at their respective work sites to properly access
AESOP and report absences. The requirement to report absences via AESOP does not relieve you of any
additional absence reporting required by the principal or supervisor.
Closing of School
In case of school cancellation, delayed opening and/or early dismissal of
school due to emergency and/or hazardous conditions, the district will
notify you of the official closing via the ConnectEd telephone message
system, the district’s public access television channel and the district’s
website. GCS notifies television and radio stations when necessary, early
on the mornings(s) of hazardous conditions. When school is cancelled for
the day due to hazardous conditions, the cancelled day(s) will be
rescheduled in the school calendar at the direction of the
Ten-month Employees
If school is cancelled for the day, and you are a ten-month employee, (e.g. teacher, School Nutrition Services
employee, etc.) you should report to work at the normal starting time or select one of the following options:
1. unscheduled vacation, if available,
2. make up time as arranged with the principal/supervisor,
3. use personal leave (licensed instructional personnel only), or
4. take leave without pay.
It is your responsibility to contact your principal/supervisor to regarding these plans.
If school is cancelled for the day on a mandated or optional teacher workday, and you are scheduled to work
(teachers and affected 10-month employees only), you should report at the normal starting time or select one
of the following options:
1. use unscheduled vacation, if available,
2. make up time with approval of principal/supervisor,
3. use personal leave (licensed instructional personnel only), or
4. take leave without pay.
If you are a School Nutrition Services employee, in the case of inclement weather you should make up the
missed day when the school day is rescheduled. For example, if the make-up date is a teacher workday, you
may use annual leave for the day missed due to inclement weather; if the make-up day is a non-paid day on the
SNS calendar, the missed day due to inclement weather becomes the non-paid day. SNS managers are advised
via email or supervisors whether to report to work based on delivery schedules. It is your responsibility to
contact your principal/supervisor to regarding these intentions.
Eleven- and Twelve-month Employees
If school is cancelled for the day, and you are an 11-month or 12-month employee (including central office
staff), you should report to work at the normal starting time or select one of the following options:
1. use unscheduled vacation, if available,
2 make up time with approval principal/supervisor, or
3. take leave without pay.
It is your responsibility to contact your principal/supervisor regarding these intentions. The superintendent or
his/her designee will announce any change in the time for employees to report to work.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 24 | P a g e
Employees Working after Hours
If you are an ACES group leader/clerk and or other employee who works after-school hours must follow the
guidelines above for emergency closing.
Delay for Students
If school opening is delayed for students, and you are a school-based, non-administrative instructional
employee, you are expected to report at least fifteen (15) minutes before the time designated for students to
arrive; this time (delayed opening) will not have to be made up. All other employees are expected to report at
the regular work times. There is an exception if you are a bus driver or child nutrition employee whose
schedule under such conditions, is determined in advance. If you are unable to meet this timeline, you must
contact your principal/supervisor to discuss your arrival time and/or possible options to take leave or to make
up time you missed.
Early Dismissal
If school is dismissed early, teachers and other school-based employees will be dismissed fifteen (15) minutes
after all students have departed. This time will not have to be made up. A principal (or a designated
representative) must remain at the school until notified by the Director of Transportation (or a representative)
that all students who ride school buses assigned to that school have been delivered to their afternoon
destinations. Central office personnel will be dismissed at the discretion of the Superintendent; however, when
schedules are modified due to excessive heat, all staff members are expected to work the normal work
*This procedure excludes calendar make-up provisions for year-round schools. Following the loss of day(s) by
year-round schools, the principal will submit a proposed make-up plan for review and approval.
Make-up Time
Make-up time must be within the guidelines of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). If you are a non-exempt
employee, you may not work more than 40 hours per work week. (Please refer to “Overtime” section of this
(Reference: North Carolina G.S. 115-C-316(2); Administrative Procedure AFC-P)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 25 | P a g e
All technology resources employed by Guilford County Schools should be used in a responsible, legal and
ethical manner. Guilford County Schools’ Internet connection exist in the belief that the information and
interaction available are valuable additions to educational resources.
As a user, you are required to follow all standards, policies, and procedures related to the use of technology
in Guilford County Schools. You are responsible for you actions and activities involving the network. Some
examples of unacceptable users are: circumventing safety configurations, modifying setup policies,
modifying settings on machines, attaching unauthorized devices, etc. Incidents and violations of the AUP
policy by employees will be referred to the Human Resources Division for review.
The Technology Policies, Procedures and Standards Manual provides policies for using all technology
resources in a responsible, legal and ethical manner. Examples of issues addressed in the manual include,
minimum standards for networked computers, relocation of equipment, computer donations, personally-
owned software, email accounts for non-employees, password resets, use of email and approved software
Requests for Service
Requests for approved technology services may be submitted to Technology Services through the school or
department’s technology contact person and the web-based Help Desk Ticket System. Any application not
pre-approved requires review and approval of the TARC. The complete Technology Policies, Procedures and
Standards Manual and the Staff Laptop Guidelines can be found on the GCS Website.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 26 | P a g e
Workplace Health and Safety
Administration of Medication to Students
The Guilford County Board of Education recognizes that under certain circumstances it will be necessary for
students to take medication during school hours or after school hours while participating in extra-curricular
activities or tutorials. The General Statutes permit public school employees, when given the authority by
the Board, to administer medication prescribed by a doctor upon written request of the parent/guardian.
The Board authorizes school system personnel to administer medications in the case of a student who has a
chronic health problem, or a student with an unusual health problem where emergency measures may be
School staff may administer medication to students at school only if the health care provider deems it
necessary for the medication to be given during the school hours and if a parent/guardian requests it in
writing. Medication shall be administered in accordance with the health care provider's instructions and
established procedures. The school will assume no liability for students who self-medicate or for the
transportation of medication to and/or from school. The school and its personnel and the Board of
Education will assume no liability for complications or side effects of medications when administered in
accordance with the instructions provided by the parent/guardian and health care provider.
A student with asthma or a student subject to anaphylactic reactions, or both, may possess and self
administer medication as prescribed for treatment, during the school day, at school sponsored activities or
while in transit. The student must demonstrate to the school nurse, or the nurse's designee, the skill level
necessary to use the asthma mediation and any device that is necessary to administer the medication. The
student's parent or guardian must provide written authorization including medical verification as outlined
in JGCD-P.
Communicable Diseases: Employee Safety
Our goal as a district is to provide a safe and secure environment for you and all students, maintaining a
balance between the
need to protect the rights of you and our students, and the need to control the spread
of serious communicable diseases and conditions. We address situations of employees with communicable
diseases or conditions on a case‐by case basis. If you are diagnosed with a serious communicable disease
that may pose a significant risk of transmission in your current position, you must report this to your
immediate supervisor, who should contact the Director of Benefits immediately.
For more information, contact the Benefits Department.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBRAB)
Health Certificate
Upon initial employment, you and employees who have been separated from public school employment more
than one school year must file a completed Guilford County Schools/North Carolina Public Schools "Health
Examination Certificate". This certifies freedom from any communicable disease, including tuberculosis or any
disease, physical or mental, which would impair your ability to perform your job duties prior to reporting to
work. Health Certificates are available on the Guilford County Schools Website. The board, superintendent or
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 27 | P a g e
his/her designee may require you to take a physical examination if it is deemed necessary and it is believed to
serve the health and safety of you, the district’s employees and/or students.
(Reference: G.S. 115C-323)
Tobacco, e-Cigarette and Vaping-free Environment
The use of tobacco, e-cigarette and vaping products is a
health, safety and environmental hazard for students,
employees, visitors and school facilities. In addition, the
Board recognizes that it has an obligation to promote a
healthy learning and working environment, free from
unwanted smoke and vaping chemicals for the students,
employees and visitors in the school system. You, nor
visitors are permitted under any circumstances to use
tobacco or vaping products in or on the rounds of any
facility owned or leased or contracted by Guilford County
Schools. For the purposes of this policy, tobacco and vaping
product is defined to include cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, hookah pens, e-hookahs, vape pipes, cigars,
pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, and any other items containing or reasonably resembling tobacco, tobacco
products or inhaled non-prescription products. Tobacco use includes smoking, chewing, dipping, or any
other use of tobacco products.
Weapons on Educational Property
The Board of Education practices prohibits unauthorized weapons on educational property. Educational
property includes any school building or bus, school campus, grounds, recreational area, athletic field or other
property owned, used, or operated by any board of education for the administration of any school. It is a
violation of District policy to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any gun, rifle, pistol, or other
firearm of any kind on educational property or to a curricular or extracurricular activity sponsored by a school.
It is a felony for any person to possess or carry, whether openly or concealed, any dynamite cartridge, bomb,
grenade, mine, or powerful explosive as defined in G.S. 14 284.1, on educational property or to a curricular or
extracurricular activity sponsored by a school. It is misdemeanor for any person to possess or carry, whether
openly or concealed, any BB gun, stun gun, air rifle, air pistol, bowie knife, dirk, dagger, slingshot, leaded cane,
switchblade knife, blackjack, metallic knuckles, razors and razor blades (except solely for personal shaving),
firework, or any sharp pointed or edged instrument except instructional supplies, unaltered nail files and clips
and tools used solely for preparation of food, instruction, and maintenance, on educational property. Any
person who in violation of state law brings a firearm or other weapons onto school property, possesses a
weapon on school property, or encourages or enables another to bring or possess any weapon on school
property will be reported to law enforcement authorities. The policy specifically excludes the following:
(a) a weapon or explosion used solely for educational or school--sanctioned ceremonial
purposes, or used in a school--approved program conducted under the supervision of
an adult whose supervision has been approved by the school authority;
(b) a handgun in a closed compartment or container within the person’s locked vehicle or in
a locked container securely affixed to the persons vehicle if the person has a concealed
handgun permit valid under state law or is exempted by state law from needing a permit
to carry a concealed handgun (the person may unlock the vehicle to enter or exit the
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 28 | P a g e
vehicle provided the handgun remains in the closed compartment at all times and the
vehicle is locked immediately following the entrance or exit);
(c) firefighters, emergency service personnel, North Carolina Forest Service personnel, and
any private police employed by the school board, when acting in the discharge of their
official duties;
(d) law enforcement officers.
Duty to Report: Workplace Safety
The health and safety of employees and students are of critical concern to Guilford County
Schools. Guilford County Schools is committed to comply with all health and safety laws applicable to our
mission. To this end, you shall ensure that work areas are kept safe and free of hazardous conditions. You
are required to be conscientious about workplace safety, including proper operating methods, and
recognize dangerous conditions or hazards.
You shall report any unsafe conditions or potential hazards your supervisor immediately. You should report
any suspicion of a concealed danger present on Guilford County Schools premises, or in a product, facility,
piece of equipment, process or business practice for which the system is responsible to your supervisor
Periodically, Guilford County Schools may issue rules and guidelines governing workplace safety and health,
as well as the handling and disposal of hazardous substances and waste. You should familiarize yourself
with these rules and guidelines, as strict compliance will be expected.
You must report any workplace injury, accident or illness to your principal/supervisor or administrator as
soon as possible, regardless of the severity of the injury or accident.
Workplace Violence
Guilford County Schools is committed to providing a safe workplace. Our goal is to minimize the risk of
personal injury to employees and damage to Guilford County Schools and personal property. Employees are
specifically discouraged from engaging in any physical confrontation with a violent or potentially violent
individual. However, employees are expected and encouraged to exercise reasonable judgement in
identifying potentially dangerous situations and to notify the principal/supervisor of suspected problems.
Troubled individuals often exhibit one or more of the following behaviors or signs. Be vigilant to recognize:
Over-resentment, anger and hostility; extreme agitation; making ominous threats such as bad
things will happen to a particular person, or a catastrophic event will occur.
Sudden and significant decline in work performance.
Irresponsible, irrational, intimidating, aggressive or otherwise inappropriate behavior reacting to
questions with an antagonistic or overtly negative attitude.
Discussing weapons and their use and/or brandishing weapons in the workplace; overreacting or
reacting harshly to changes in Guilford County Schools policies and procedures
Personality conflicts with co-workers; obsession or preoccupation with a coworker or supervisor;
attempts to sabotage the work or equipment of a co-workers.
Excessively blaming others for mistakes and circumstances; demonstrating a propensity to behave
and react irrationally.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 29 | P a g e
Prohibited Conduct
You shall not use threats, threatening language or any other acts of aggression or violence. It will not be
tolerated. A threat includes any verbal or physical harassment or abuse, any attempt at intimidating or
instilling fear in others, menacing gestures, flashing of weapons, stalking or any other hostile, aggressive,
injurious or destructive action undertaken for the purpose of domination or intimidation. To the extent
permitted by law, employees, students and visitors are prohibited from carrying weapons onto any Guilford
County Schools premises.
Procedures for Reporting a Threat
It is important for Guilford County Schools to be aware of any potential danger in its schools or worksites.
You shall report any potentially dangerous situations, including threats by co-workers, immediately to the
principal/supervisor. Reports of threats are confidential to the extent maintaining confidentiality does not
impede the system’s ability to investigate and respond to the complaints. All threats will be promptly
investigated. You will not be subject to retaliation, intimidation or disciplinary action as a result of reporting
a threat in good faith under this guideline. Violation of the policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal.
If you are the target of a threat made by an outside party, you should follow the steps detailed in this
section. Our goal is to take every effective step it can to protect you, students and guests from the threat
of a violent act by an employee, a student or by anyone else.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 30 | P a g e
Email and Electronic Transmissions Capabilities
Technology and the Internet offer staff members the resources from thousands of computers and millions of
individual people all over the world. You may have access to email, information and news, advertisements,
discussion groups and university and government libraries around the world.
Business Use
Guilford County’s email, office communications and Internet capabilities are to enable you to more efficiently
perform your duties, to support research and education and to extend the resources of Guilford County
Schools. To that end, all uses of electronic transmission capabilities must support the goals and educational
philosophy of the school district.
No Expectation of Privacy
You should be aware that there is no reasonable expectation of privacy with regard to your use of, and
transmission of information over, district-owned computers and computer networks. The school district
reserves the right to monitor use and transmission and to take appropriate disciplinary action if it can be
reasonably determined that you have violated acceptable use standards.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy EFE)
Social Media
The importance of teachers, students and parents engaging, collaborating, learning and sharing in these
digital environments is a part of 21st century learning. To this aim, Guilford County Schools has adopted the
following guidelines to provide direction for
instructional employees, students and the
district community when participating in online
social media activities. Whether you choose to
participate in an online network or any other
form of online publishing or discussion is your
decision. Information produced by you as a GCS
employee is a reflection on the entire District
and is subject to the District's Acceptable Use
Policy. Personal postings, even if marked
private, may also be subject to relevant GCS
policies and procedures, as well as to relevant
local, state and federal laws.
User-created content online designed in a collaborative environment where users share opinions,
knowledge and information with each other. Tools include, but are not limited to, (a) blogs, (b) Wikis, (c)
social networking sites, (d) photo and video-sharing sites, (e) social bookmarking, (f) podcasting and
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 31 | P a g e
Personal and Professional Responsibility
Guilford County Schools encourages district employees with a personal online presence to be mindful of
the information they post. Your online behavior should reflect the same professional and personal
standards of honesty, respect and consideration that you use face-to-face and in work-related settings.
Please note that even if you delete personal information, it still may be stored on the Website’s server.
Information that is marked “private” rarely is private on the Internet. It is very easy for “friends” to copy
and paste information about you and send it or forward it to others, for example. There is no realistic
expectation of privacy on the Web.
Security and Privacy Settings
You should also ensure that content associated with you is consistent with your work at GCS and your role
as a public school/State employee. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with the appropriate
security settings for any Social media (personal or professional) that you may use. Be sure that the settings
are such that any personal content may only be viewed by your intended audience.
Be aware that, even if your privacy settings are set properly, it is still possible for anyone who you have
allowed to see your profile to copy and paste text and send it to someone else. It is also easy for others to
“tag” or identify you in photos that they publish with or without your knowledge and permission. Similarly,
if you enable settings such as Facebook’s ability to allow “friends of friends” to view your content, it is
extremely likely that unintended viewers will have access to pictures and other personal content.
Student Communications
It is inappropriate for you to use email, text messaging, instant messaging or social networking sites to
discuss with a student activities not related to school. Appropriate discussions would include the student’s
homework, class activity, school sport, club, or other school-sponsored activity. You should send electronic
communications with students simultaneously to multiple recipients, not to just one student, except where
the communication is clearly school-related and inappropriate for persons other than the individual student
to receive (for example, emailing a message about a student’s grades).
Friendingand “Following”
Your engagement with students in personal social-networking friendships on Myspace, Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat or other social networking sites is prohibited. It is strongly discouraged with parents or
guardians of students. The District recognizes that because of the tight-knit community of GCS, you may
have students or parents of students who are family members or close personal friends; however, the
District cautions you against engaging in such social-networking friendships with these individuals. Use your
official, school- or work-related page(s) instead.
A recommended response to inappropriate “friend” requests on you personal pages is: “If you are a student
or parent requesting to be my “friend,” please do not be surprised or offended if I ignore your request. As
an employee of Guilford County Schools, district procedures and practices prohibit me from friending
students or and discourages me from friending parents on my personal pages. Please friend our school’s
(and/or classroom’s, department’s, Guilford County Schools’ Facebook pages, etc.)”
District Image
Material that you post on social networks that is publicly available to those in the school community must
reflect the professional image applicable to your position and not impair your capacity to maintain the
respect of students and parents/guardians or impair your ability to serve as a role model for children.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 32 | P a g e
While social media can be a powerful communication tool and an educational tool for students and
parents, you are responsible for content you publish online. Be mindful that what you publish will be public
for a long timeprotect your privacy. Social media in the classroom is an extension of your physical
classroom. What is inappropriate in your classroom is inappropriate online. Teachers who use social
networking to interact with students and/or parents in an educational manner or as a communication tool
must find ways to interact without giving students and parents access to personal information and posts.
When contributing online do not post confidential student information. Do not post pictures of any
students on your personal sites. Use a GCS provided email as your email contact for official or school-
related pages. Do not use your GCS provided email as a username or email contact for personal pages.
Please remember that all GCS policies and procedures, as well as relevant local, state and federal laws
(copyright, fair use, Family Education Right to Privacy Act, personnel statutes, criminal statutes, etc.) apply
to social media communications.
Statements to the Media
All media inquiries regarding Guilford County Schools and its operation should be referred to the
Communications Department. Only the Superintendent, the Chief of Staff, or designee is authorized to
make or approve public statements pertaining to Guilford County Schools or its operations. Any employee
wanting to write and/or publish an article, paper, or other publication on behalf of Guilford County Schools
must first obtain approval from their principal/supervisor and the Director of Communications.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 33 | P a g e
Employee Relations
Reporting Alleged Violations of Law or Ordinance
As a Guilford County Schools employee, you are expected to observe and obey all laws and ordinances, as well
as all policies and procedures of our Board of Education.
Duty to Report
If you are charged with or arrested for any violation(s) of a criminal, or serious traffic vehicular law (e.g.
vehicular homicide, hit and run) or ordinance, or any such law classified as a felony or for which a conviction
could lead to incarceration, you must report this in writing to the administrator of your department, office or
school to which you are assigned no later than the next scheduled business day.
It is your responsibility to keep your administrator informed of the judicial process in your matter. Upon
judicial action, you must report the disposition and pertinent facts in writing to the administrator no later than
the next scheduled business day following adjudication.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBDC)
In cases involving your hospitalization and/or incarceration (jail) involving the stated violation, you must report
the alleged violation within 24 hours after release. The report must include all pertinent facts concerning the
alleged violation(s). Following receipt by the administrator, the confidential report will be forwarded no later
than one scheduled business day, to the Executive Director for Human Resources or administrative designee
for review. After review, the Executive Director will provide recommendations as to what action, if any, is
appropriate. Failure to truthfully and timely report charges, as noted above, may subject you to disciplinary
action up to and including dismissal.
Harassment, Bullying, Discrimination of Staff: Prohibition
The Guilford County Board of Education believes that all employees are entitled to work in environments free
of harassment, bullying and discrimination. If you believe you have been the victim of harassment, bullying
and/or discrimination in the course of your work with the district, you are encouraged to report the alleged
acts, including the facts of the incident(s) and the name(s) of the individual(s) to your immediate supervisor in a
timely manner.
Discrimination means any act or
failure to act that unreasonably
and unfavorably differentiates
treatment of others based solely
on their membership in a socially distinct group or category such as race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age or
disability. Discrimination may be intentional or unintentional.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 34 | P a g e
Harassment and Bullying
Harassment or bullying behavior is any pattern of gestures or written, electronic, or verbal
communications, or any physical act or threatening communication that either places a student or
employee in fear of personal harm or creates a pervasively hostile work or educational environment. A
hostile work or educational environment means that the victim subjectively views the conduct as
harassment or bullying and that the conduct is objectively severe and pervasive enough that a reasonable
person would agree that the conduct creates an abusive, intimidating, hostile or offensive work or
educational environment. A hostile work or educational environment must be created by pervasive or
persistent harassment or bullying but can also be created by a single incident if that incident is determined
to be sufficiently severe.
Harassment and bullying include, but are not limited to negative or antagonistic behavior that appears
motivated by an individual’s differentiating characteristic such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national
origin, gender, socioeconomic status, academic status, physical appearance, or mental., physical,
developmental or sensory disability. Examples of behavior that may constitute bullying or harassment
include, but are not limited to:
Verbal taunts,
Name-calling and put-downs,
Epithets, derogatory comments or slurs,
Lewd propositions,
Exclusion from peer groups,
Rumor spreading,
Extortion of money or possessions,
Implied or stated threats,
Impeding or blocking physical movement,
Offensive touching,
Physical interference with normal work or school behavior,
Visual insults such as the creation or display of derogatory posters or cartoons.
While it is not easy to define precisely what types of conduct constitute sexual harassment, examples of
prohibited behavior include but are not limited to:
Deliberate unwelcome touching that has sexual connotations or is of a sexual nature,
Suggestions or demands for sexual involvement accompanied by implied or overt promises of
preferential treatment or threats,
Sexual grooming,
Continued or repeated offensive sexual flirtations,
Repeated verbal remarks about an individual’s body,
Sexually degrading words used toward or to describe an individual,
Sexual assault,
Sexual violence,
The display of sexually suggestive drawings, objects, pictures, or written materials.
Acts of verbal, nonverbal or physical aggression, sexual grooming, intimidation or hostility based on sex,
which do not involve actual physical sexual activity, may be determined serious enough to create a hostile
work or educational environment if determined to be sufficiently severe or pervasive. Should this behavior
cause the victim to view the conduct as bullying or harassment and the conduct is objectively severe or
pervasive enough that a reasonable person would agree that it is bullying or harassment, a complaint
should be filed.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 35 | P a g e
Human Resources Intervention
If your immediate supervisor is directly involved or if you prefer discussing the concern with someone in
Human Resources, you should report your concern to the Chief Human Resources Officer or the Executive
Director for Human Resources. If members of the board, the superintendent or any senior staff members are
involved, you should report your concerns to the board attorney. An immediate investigation of the claims will
take place and upon evidence of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination, will take appropriate disciplinary
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GAMA)
You, students, volunteers and visitors are expected to behave in a civil and respectful manner. It is the
policy of Guilford County Schools to prohibit the intentional or unintentional discrimination, harassment or
bullying of any student or employee. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action,
up to and including dismissal. Volunteers and visitors who violate this policy will be directed to leave school
property and/or reported to law enforcement if such action is warranted or required by law.
Reporting for a Student
You are required to report any actual or suspected violations of this policy concerning students and
encouraged to report any situation concerning your own or other employee’s suspected discrimination,
harassment or bullying.
The Board believes that complaints should be handled as close to their origin as possible and resolved by
the individuals closest to the complaint. If you have concern and the situation cannot be resolved at this
level, you shall continue through your department’s chain of supervision. If the issue remains unresolved,
you may contact the Human Resources Division. It is the Board’s intent to provide the means for resolving
each complaint in a fair and impartial manner.
If you want to file a complaint against another employee, you shall make an effort to discuss and attempt
to resolve the problem directly with the employee or their supervisor. If discussion with the supervisor does
not resolve the problem or if the complaint is against your direct supervisor, then you shall discuss and
attempt to resolve the problem with that individual’s immediate supervisor. The Board prohibits retaliation
against any person who reports an act of discrimination, harassment, or bullying, or files a complaint.
Grievances: Employees
Guilford County Schools encourages you to constructively attempt to resolve differences workplace conflict
through open communication because it is usually more effective. The board supports administrators to
actively attempt to address employees concerns. If you have a concern, you should attempt to resolve it
through discussion with your supervisor first. If your issue is not resolved, you should communicate to his/her
supervisor. If these attempts are not successful, you may contact the Human Resources Division.
If you have a grievance against the school district or against another employee within the district, you must
have the opportunity for an orderly presentation and impartial review of your grievance. You may have
representation at any formal step in the grievance process. You can find more information in the board policies
or from the Human Resources Division.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GAE; Administrative Procedure GAE-P)
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Personnel Files
The Superintendent or designee shall maintain a personnel file for each employee that contains any complaint,
commendation, or suggestion for correction or improvement about the employee’s professional conduct,
except that the Superintendent or designee may elect not to place in a teacher's file (i) a letter of complaint
that contains invalid, irrelevant, outdated, or false information or (ii) a letter of complaint when there is no
documentation of an attempt to resolve the issue. The complaint, commendation or suggestion must be signed
by the initiating person and will be placed in the employee’s file only after five days' notice to the employee.
Any denial or explanation relating to the complaint, commendation or suggestion by employee will be placed in
the file.
Removal of Information
You may petition the Guilford County Schools Board of Education to remove any information from your
personnel file that you think invalid, irrelevant or outdated. The Board may order the Superintendent to
remove that information if it finds the information is invalid, irrelevant or outdated. Requests regarding
personnel files should be directed to the Human Resources Division.
File Review
If you would like to review your personnel file, contact the Human Resources Division to schedule an
appointment. Every employee may have access to his/her own personnel file (with the exception of pre-
employment data) during working hours, provided reasonable notice is given.
(Reference: G. S. 115C-307(e); 115C-325 (b); 115C-319, 320 and 321; Board of Education Policy GAK;
Administrative Procedure GAK-P)
Suspension or Dismissal of Classified Staff
Guilford County Schools may suspend, demote or dismiss a classified employee for reasonable cause
including, but not limited to, the following:
Absence without notification
Abuse of leave privileges
Violation of the district’s drug free workplace policy
Discourteous, offensive, racial, discriminatory or abusive conduct or language toward other
employees, students or the public
Dishonesty or theft
Intentional violation of school system policy or conviction of a felony
Falsifying any information supplied to the school system including, but not limited to, information
supplied on application forms, employment records or any other school system records
Inefficiency in the performance of duties
Insubordination including, but not limited to, refusal to do assigned work, or failure to follow a
reasonable request made by the employee’s principal/supervisor
Unexcused absence or tardiness
Failure to possess a valid driver’s license when it is a requirement of the position
Classified employees required to hold North Carolina commercial driver’s licenses who have a
verified positive test for a controlled substance or who have a positive alcohol test result or upon
presenting reasonable suspicion, refuse to be tested for alcohol or controlled substances
Suspensions, demotions and dismissal are documented in writing. All classified employees are at will
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 37 | P a g e
Exit Interviews
Guilford County Schools values feedback and offers employees leaving the district to the opportunity to
participate in an exit interview. The purpose of an exit interview is to help us identify gaps in our processes,
better attract and retain talent and reduce turnoveressentially to gain feedback on your experience as an
employee. This helps us determine if there are areas for improvement, whether it is onboarding, recruitment,
or experience within the specific school or site you are leaving.
If you leave the district’s employment, it is not a requirement that you participate in a formal exit interview
with Human Resources Department staff; however, if you request an exit interview to provide feedback to the
district, you will be given that opportunity. The district may also request the interview of selected personnel
upon separation from employment.
If you desire an exit interview, please indicate that on the resignation form or contact your Staffing Specialist at
(336) 378-8806.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 38 | P a g e
Employment, Compensation and
Employee Classifications
Permanent Employee
A permanent employee is defined as an individual employed with the expectation of ongoing employment
if present needs and funds continue.
Temporary Employee
A temporary employee is hired for a specified length of time to perform a specific job. Temporary
employees hired for less than six full pay periods generally do not earn benefits and does not participate in
the retirement system.
Full-time Employees
Full-time employees are employed to work at least 30 hours per week and are eligible for full benefits.
Full benefits include:
Option to enroll in all insurance plans offered by the school system
Leave days accrued for annual, sick, etc., as appropriate for position and years of service
Paid holidays as indicated on the school calendar
Leaves of Absence, as appropriately eligible
Teachers and State Employees’ Retirement System
Voluntary participation in 401(k) and/or 403(b) retirement savings plans
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
General Liability Insurance
Part-time Employees
Part-time employees who work at least 20 hours per week, but less than 30, are eligible for pro-rated
(partial) benefits.
Pro-rated benefits include:
Health insurance may be purchased by paying the employee and employer’s cost
Prorated leave days accrued for annual and sick
Prorated paid holidays as indicated on the school calendar
Leaves of Absence, as eligible
Voluntary participation in 403(b) retirement savings plan
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
General Liability Insurance
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 39 | P a g e
Classified Employees
Classified employees are employees who do not requires licensure issued by NCDPI and are “at will
employees. Classified employees may be designated exempt or nonexempt consistent with the Fair Labor
Standards Act and may be paid on either an hourly or yearly wage. Classified positions include, but are not
limited to: office support, maintenance, bus drivers and transportation support, child nutrition employees,
and paraprofessionals.
Licensed Employees
Licensed employees are employees who require an educator license issued by NCDPI.
Substitute Teachers
Substitute Teachers are employed only on an as needed basis and are not considered to be full-time
permanent employees. Substitute teachers are considered at-will employees. This means that either the
substitute or Guilford County Schools has the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time,
with or without reason.
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statutes 96-8(10)e, substitute teachers shall not be considered
unemployed for days or weeks, including summer months or when school is not in session, when not called
to work.
Employee Volunteers
Employees may volunteer to work at school events, provided the work is clearly at the employee’s option,
is in a different capacity from the employee’s regularly-assigned duties and is performed on an occasional
or sporadic basis. Classified employees who are nonexempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act shall not be
approved to coach on a voluntary basis if the employee's’ regular duties or responsibilities are the same or
of similar nature as the duties of a coach.
Recruitment and Selection of Employees
It is the policy of the board to provide all applicants with equal employment opportunities and to provide
current employees with training,
compensation, promotion and other
benefits of employment without
regard to an individual's real or
perceived race, color, sex, religion,
creed, political belief, age, national
origin, linguistic and language
differences, sexual orientation,
gender identity/expression,
socioeconomic status, height,
weight, physical characteristics,
marital status, parental status, or
disability except where exemption is
appropriate and allowed by law.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 40 | P a g e
Guilford County Schools goal is to hire the most qualified candidates for each position. The district actively
seeks candidates from local, as well as regional and national colleges and universities. Additionally, the
district recruits candidates through non-traditional routes, such as residency (formerly known as lateral
entry) and other alternative licensure programs. The board is also committed to diversity. To further this
goal, the recruitment and employment program is designed to attract a diverse pool of qualified applicants.
We evaluate candidates on their merits and qualifications for positions. Vacancies are publicized on the
districts website so that you may learn of promotional opportunities. If you are interested in and qualify for
a vacancy, you should follow the application procedure for that position.
The district selects candidates for employment based on assessed ability to fulfill duties identified in the job
description as well as performance standards established by the board. Each candidate, prior to being
recommended for hire or assigned to a permanent position will be subject to a reference check, a criminal
record check and other processes required by the superintendent in an effort to assure that only the most
qualified individuals are hired.
Student Teachers/Administrative Internships
The district supports the preparation of individuals who desire to be educators. We work collaboratively
with educational agencies to prepare prospective teachers, administrators, and others for working with
students because we believe that a collaborative team approach for educator preparation is most
effective. We also believe that it is important to promote equity for all students and our collaboration
reflects this priority.
Teachers and administrators must meet minimum state requirements as well as local expectations to serve
as cooperating teachers or supervising administrators. Requirements include, but are not limited to the
1. completion of three years of successful teacher/administrator experience,
2. a license in the subject area of the student teacher or in administration for administrative internships,
3. Demonstration of highly effective performance as defined by the Superintendent/designee and
4. demonstration of high ethical standards in compliance with the North Carolina Professional Code of
Ethics and District School Board policies.
Additionally, the district strives to provide student teachers and administrative interns with placements and
experiences working with diverse students and communities that are representative of our District.
Classified Employment
The Human Resources Division sends letters of appointment to classified staff upon employment with the
district. Interim letters of appointment are also sent to classified employees who fill positions that (1) are
temporarily vacant, (2) work with a single student (interpreters only), (3) are specially funded for a duration. If
you are a classified employee, you are an "at will" employee. "At will" provides that you can be dismissed from
employment for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without
warning, as long as the reason is not illegal.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 41 | P a g e
Assignment and Transfer
Sometimes the reassignment and transfer of classified staff is necessary. You may initiate a transfer or the
administration may initiate it. The salary impact of a transfer will depend on whether the move is a promotion,
a demotion or lateral transfer.
An approved, self-initiated transfer for classified employees may occur at any time. You are not required to
submit any documentation to the Human Resources Division in order to transfer and may make direct contact
with principals or other administrators regarding vacancies. The actual date of transfer is determined by both
the losing and gaining administrators, but the date should not exceed 60 days after the transfer has been
approved by the Chief Human Resources Officer or designee. If the transfer is a promotion, then the move
must take place within fourteen (14) calendar days.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GCM)
Assignment and Transfer: Licensed
Sometimes the reassignment and transfer of licensed staff is in the best interest of children. You may initiate a
transfer or the administration may initiate it. The salary impact of a transfer will depend on whether the move
is a promotion, a demotion or lateral transfer. Generally, self-initiated transfers of licensed employees are
avoided during the school year except under limited conditions relative to criteria, exemptions, and notice for
a. The employee transfer period is established by Human Resources based upon the date when
position allocations are confirmed and staffing projections have been finalized for the upcoming
school year. If you desire a transfer, you must complete the appropriate online application provided
by the Human Resources Division.
b. Transfers for the upcoming school year
occur during the transfer period
established by Human Resources, and is
published for all licensed personnel.
c. Principals/supervisors should access
the Licensed Employee Transfer Only
pool of interested internal candidates
through the GCS online application.
Principals/supervisors should interview
at least one transfer applicant (if
available) for each vacancy.
d. If a principal plans to nominate a
transfer candidate, he/she should immediately notify the sending principal/ supervisor of that
e. To ensure school stability, no school shall lose more than an established number of employees
based on the school’s average daily membership (ADM) of its current licensed staff in one year due
to self-initiated transfers without the consent of the Superintendent or Chief Human Resources
f. In the case of unusual or extenuating circumstances, you may request a transfer by providing a
written explanation in support of your request to the appropriate school support officer. The Chief
Human Resources Officer will review the request with the School Support Officer and advise the
employee of the appropriate discretion.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 42 | P a g e
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBM-P)
Employment of Substitutes
Substitutes for teacher and teacher assistants must have 48 semester hours of coursework or an Associate’s
Degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 to qualify. As an approved substitute, you must work in the classifications
for which you are approved; for example, if you are approved to substitute for a teacher assistant, you cannot
substitute for a teacher without additional approval as a substitute teacher. If you are a current non-exempt
employee, and are also approved to substitute, you may not exceed the 40-hour work week provisions of
the Fair Labor Standards Act.
Licensed: Substitutes are required for licensed personnel absences for positions that deliver direct
instructional services to students. The principal must request a substitute in writing to the
Chief Human Resources Officer (c/o the Director of Staffing Operations) in order to employ
substitutes for school counselors and media specialists. Teacher Assistants may be
employed as substitutes in accordance with specified procedures.
(Reference: Administrative Procedure GBRJA-P; North Carolina Public Schools Financial Procedures Manual)
Classified: Substitutes for all classified personnel may be employed on the recommendation of the
principal/supervisor and with the approval of the Chief Human Resources Officer (c/o the
Director of Staffing Operations) or through approved procedures to cover absences for a
specified period of time.
(Reference: Administrative Procedure GBRJB-P)
Only substitutes approved by Human Resources may work as a substitute employee.
Contact the Recruiting and Staffing Office at 378-8820 or 370-8382, for additional information.
Re-employed or Volunteer Retired Employees
Employees who have retired from the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System may be considered
for re-hire to a part-time position or a temporary (less than six months) full-time position. It is the retiree’s
responsibility to ensure that all NC teachers and State Employees Retirement System requirements for working
after retirement are met.
Retiree Volunteers
"Retirement" means the termination of employment and the complete separation from active service after
a specified period of time with no intent or agreement, express or implied, to return to service. In order for
a member's retirement to become effective in any month, the member must render no service, including
part-time, temporary, substitute, or contractor service, at any time during the six months immediately
following the effective date of retirement. For purposes of this, service as a member of a school board or as
an unpaid bona fide volunteer in a local school administrative unit shall not be considered service."
Employment of Retirees Subject to the Earnings Cap
Retirees employed under this section must meet certain conditions:
1. The individual must have ended employment with the school system in good standing.
2. Retirees must have been retired at least six months.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 43 | P a g e
3. It is the responsibility of the retiree to contact the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement
System to determine the earnings cap and monitor their earnings upon re-employment to
ensure they do not exceed the earnings cap.
4. Appointment will be made on an interim basis for no more than one year at a time.
5. The hiring administrator must provide a written justification to support the recommendation
to hire.
Retirees are paid according to salary schedules established for the position or the district’s licensed substitute
rate .
Benefits: Cap on Hours Worked to Preserve Retiree Medical Coverage
Retirees working full-time thirty (30) or more hours per week will not earn benefits unless they cancel their
retirement benefits. Retirees in the North Carolina Teachers and State Retirement System may only work fewer
than thirty (30) hours per week for Guilford County Schools in order to maintain retiree medical insurance. It is
the retiree’s responsibility to manage the average hours cap to preserve his/her retiree medical benefits.
Retirees who work more than thirty hours per week risk losing retiree medical coverage and becoming liable
for medical expenses paid during the period in which he/she worked full time as a rehired retiree.
Retirees working part-time, 20 hours per week but less than 30 hours may earn pro-rated part-time benefits
(e.g. leave) from the school system and continue to receive retirement benefits.
Job-sharing for School Employees
To allow job sharing, the board of education must designate one or more positions as job-sharing positions.
An employee in a job-sharing position is a person who:
a. is employed by a local board of education less than-full- time, and
b. is sharing a position with one other employee of the same job classification.
Job-sharing provisions apply to both certified personnel and non-certified personnel.
Reemployed Retirees in Job-Sharing Positions
Because the benefits for staff employed in job-sharing positions include retirement, retirees can only be
employed in temporary job-sharing positions. Retirees employed in temporary job-sharing positions do not
earn leave benefits.
If you are in a job-sharing position, you will be paid pro-rata based on the salary schedule for the position.
Experience for certified personnel is credited at the rate prescribed in the Licensure Policy. For non-
certified employees, experience credited for salary purposes follows local policy. Service rendered by a
school employee in a job-sharing position will be credited at the rate of one-half year for each regular
school year of employment.
If you are in a permanent job-sharing position and work at least 20 hours per week, you will receive paid
legal holidays, annual vacation leave, sick leave and personal leave on a pro-rata basis. You also receive
service credit under the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System as provided in G.S.135-4(b) and
insurance benefits as provided in G.S. 135-40.2. You earn retirement credit at a rate of one-half year of
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 44 | P a g e
retirement credit for each regular school year of employment. Your participation in the State Health Plan is
an optional benefit. If you elect to participate in the State Health Plan, the district unit pays a percentage of
the Plan’s total non-contributory premiums and you pay the balance.
(Reference(s): G.S. 115C-302. 1; G.S. 115C-316; G.S. 135-4(b); G.S. 153-40.2; NCGA 2003, S.B. 701 and NC
Benefits and Employment Policy Manual)
Employment of Relatives
It is the policy of Guilford County Schools avoid placing any new employee or fill any vacant position with an
employee who would be under the direct supervision of a member of that employee’s immediate family.
Immediate family includes the employee’s spouse, child, parent, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-
law, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, grandmother, grandfather, grandson,
granddaughter, stepmother and stepfather. Should two employees at a particular site enter into one of the
familial relationships listed above when one is in a supervisory or evaluative role over the other this
constitutes a conflict of interest one employee will be reassigned as soon as reasonably possible.
The Guilford County Board of Education places a high priority on both engaging and assisting you to develop
throughout your term of employment. The evaluation process involves the assessment of our performance.
The performance evaluation is a continuing process for the purpose of identifying strengths and areas for
growth of the individual and improving the quality of work.
Classified Personnel
If you are a classified employee, you are an at-will employee and should be evaluated at minimum once every
fiscal year; however, if you receive ratings that are all at or above "satisfactory" levels, the formal evaluation
may take place every two years as long as your performance continues to meet "satisfactory" levels. Your
supervisor must document the satisfactory performance during alternate years by completing the “Certification
of Classified Employee Performance” form. Your evaluator may conduct an appraisal at any time deemed
necessary. Both you and the evaluator must sign to indicate that the employee has read the completed
evaluation form.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GCI)
Licensed Personnel
You can find specific procedures that comply with North Carolina laws and State Board of Education regulations
regarding the evaluation of licensed personnel in Board of Education Policy GBI.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBI; Board of Education Policy GBDB; G. S. 115C-333)
Performance Growth Plans
Licensed Employees
A performance growth plan or action plan refers to any written strategy to help an employee improve or gain
greater competence. This includes monitored and directed growth plans. North Carolina General Statute 115C-
333 and Board of Education Policy GBIA require a Performance Growth Plan for any licensed employee who
receives a rating of “below standard”, “unsatisfactory”, “developing” or “not demonstrated” on any function of
the employee’s performance evaluation, unless the Superintendent recommends dismissal, demotion or non-
renewal of the employee. Under state law, teachers are required to enter into the Superintendent's plan for
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 45 | P a g e
professional development.
Limitations on Appeal: A performance growth plan or action plan cannot be appealed:
1. The placement on a plan of a licensed employee who receives a rating of below standard,
unsatisfactory, developing, or not demonstrated is required by statute.
2. The ratings received on an evaluation result in the placement of an employee on a growth plan.
3. The fact that an administrator does not meet every requirement set forth in a growth plan provided
that there has been substantial compliance.
(Reference: G.S. 115C-307 (e); G.S. 115C-333; Board of Education Policy GBIA)
An individual Growth Plan will be developed and reviewed at least annually. Beginning teachers must be rated
“proficient on all North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards on the most recent Teacher Summary Rating
Form in order to be eligible for the Continuing Professional License (CPL).
(Reference: North Carolina Teacher Evaluation Process)
Classified Employees
Performance Plan: If you are a classified employee who receives an overall performance rating below
"satisfactory" level on his/her performance evaluation, you must participate in a performance improvement
plan designed to improve your performance in the deficient area(s).
Any employee may respond in writing to the evaluation and have the response placed in his/her personnel
evaluation file.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GCI)
Payroll and Salary Administration
Pay Plan Administration
In addition to the State Teacher's Salary Schedule,
there are locally adopted salary schedules for
positions employed by the Board of Education.
Guilford County Schools’ Pay Plan recognizes
experience as the basis for pay increases within the
established pay range.
Pay Schedule: Employees are paid either monthly on
the 15th of the month or the last day of the month,
or semi-monthly on the 15th and last day of the month. Each paycheck includes earnings for all work
performed through the end of the previous payroll period. Contact the Payroll Department at 336 370-8370
for additional information on pay dates. In the event that a regularly scheduled payday falls on a weekend or
bank holiday, employees’ bank accounts will be credited on the revised pay date.
Direct Deposit Required: All employees including substitutes are required to enroll in the Direct Deposit
Program. You must complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement for Automatic Deposit or Payroll
Card Enrollment Form. After the Direct Deposit Authorization Agreement is received and processed, a test
transaction is made from Guilford County Schools’ account and the employee's bank account; as a result,
please allow six to eight weeks before deposits can be made directly to your account.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 46 | P a g e
View Paycheck Information: You may view your paycheck information (paystubs) online, by visiting the GCS
Website’s Employee Self-service link. Any questions or requests for the Direct Deposit Authorization
Agreement should be directed to the Payroll Office at 336-370-8367.
Payroll Deductions
Federal and State income taxes, social security tax and retirement contributions, tax liens, etc. will be payroll-
deducted as required by law and the board of education. No other payroll deductions from your pay for
contributions to charitable or other organizations will be made without your prior approval and in accordance
with locally established procedures.
Income Tax Withholding Forms: You may get federal (form W-4) and state (form NC-4) from the payroll office,
Benefits Department or the Guilford County Schools Website for the purpose of changing income tax
withholding information. Changes in exemptions and deductions may be made at any time during the year.
12 Month Pay Option - State Employees’ Credit Union Summer Cash Account: Ten- and 11-month employees
may choose to enroll in the State Employees’ Credit Union Summer (SECU) Cash Account as a structured
method to save for summer “reserves”. The Summer Cash Account is available to all SECU members who work
fewer than 12 months per school year. During the working months, payroll deductions are made from your
checks, forwarded to SECU and deposited in your Summer Cash Account. Funds from your Summer Cash
Account (including earned interest) will be automatically transferred into your requested SECU checking or
share accounts during the non-working month(s). You can receive more information on the SECU Summer
Cash Account from any of the SECU branches.
12 Month Pay Option - Guilford County Schools 12 Month Pay Option: Ten-month employees may choose
to enroll in the Guilford County Schools’ 12-month pay option by completing the 12-month pay option form
from their schools/departments, to be completed and submitted to the Payroll by 5:00 pm on the first
teacher workday (traditional calendar).
Hiring Rate/Starting Salary/Salary Adjustments
Teacher and/or State Salary Schedules: Teachers and other staff paid on the teacher and/or state salary
schedules are placed on the schedule and step-certified by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
based on years of experience and degree(s) held. The district provides a local supplement to these salaries.
District Level Licensed Salary Schedules: Employees assigned to these schedules are paid in accordance with
the degree and experience level on their North Carolina educator license. Each schedule indicates rates for
Bachelor’s degree level, Master’s degree level and Six-Year/Advanced degree level and Doctorate degree level.
All district level positions requiring an educator license are assigned to one of these schedules.
Master Salary Schedule (for Non-licensed positions): New employees assigned to the Master Salary Schedule
who sufficiently verify previous work experience may receive credit for experience in accordance with
provisions for experience criteria.
Bus Driver Salary Schedule: New employees assigned to the Bus Driver Salary Schedule who sufficiently verify
previous work experience may receive credit up to the maximum of the Bus Driver Salary Schedule in
accordance with the provisions for experience criteria.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 47 | P a g e
Salary Corrections: Employees are encouraged to monitor their pay vouchers to assure proper placement on
the appropriate salary schedule. Errors in salary placement (underpayments and overpayments) will be
corrected upon discovery. Salary adjustments will be effective retroactively, to the date the error occurred.
However, under no circumstances will a retroactive salary adjustment be made for more than twelve (12)
months prior to discovery. All adjustments will be made effective on the first day of the appropriate pay period.
Co-Curricular Supplements: Exempt employees and community volunteers (non-faculty) may receive a
nominal fee for performing co-curricular activities such as coaching or activity sponsorship at the
discretion of the principal. With the receipt of a nominal fee, a separate agreement must be completed for
each activity. For more information, please refer to the co-curricular guidelines on the GCS website.
Longevity: Employees on the District level licensed salary schedule and classified, regular full-time and part-
time employees (20 hours or more a week) are eligible for yearly longevity payments after completing 10 years
of State of North Carolina service. As of the 2014-15 school year, teachers and instructional support no longer
earn longevity benefits. The NC General Assembly incorporated these funds in to the salary schedules to
provide higher salaries at each step. As of the 2017-18 school year, school-based administrators (principals
and assistant principals) no longer earn longevity benefits.
Longevity payment is made the last working day of the employee's anniversary month. The payment is
calculated according to a scale based upon annual state salary and years of qualifying service:
Years Completed Longevity Percentage
10 but less than 15 1.50%
15 but less than 20 2.25%
20 but less than 25 3.25%
25 or more years 4.50%
Establishing Longevity: Upon hire, an employee’s longevity date is established with the district based on
verifiable, qualifying state service. New employees must complete the State of North Carolina Service-
Employee’s Record (Form 103) provided during New Employee Orientation. Employees with qualifying
state service must send the NC State Service Transfer Form to their last employer for completion.
Longevity and Leaves of Absence: Eligible employees on leaves of absence receive longevity payments
upon return from leave.
Questions regarding longevity should be directed to Human Resources Operations (336)378-8822.
Overtime: Guilford County Schools abides by all applicable sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The
Guilford County Schools will properly record all applicable overtime accrued for each covered
employee. This overtime policy is applicable to all employees of the Guilford County Schools who are
covered under the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The school district's intention is to assure
good faith compliance with FLSA to the extent applicable to the Guilford County Schools.
1. Exempt - All employees classified as "Exempt" from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor
Standards Act are paid for the accomplishment of assigned accountabilities rather than being paid
for the number of hours worked in a work week. For example, a full-time exempt employee would
be expected to work a 40 hour week at a minimum. Hours in excess of 40 by an exempt employee,
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 48 | P a g e
performing work that is usual and customary is considered "accomplishment of assigned
accountabilities" for which there is no additional compensation whether in time off or pay.
2. Non-Exempt - All employees classified as "Non-Exempt" from the overtime provisions of the Fair
Labor Standards Act must be paid for overtime hours worked or given compensatory time
off. Overtime is paid or compensatory time given to non-exempt employees for hours in excess of
40 actually worked in a work week. However, work schedules can be reduced within a week to
offset extra hours worked earlier in the week so as not to exceed 40 and thereby avoid an
"overtime" situation. The work week begins Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and ends on Friday at 12:00
p.m. (midnight).
3. Approval to Work Overtime - No overtime hours will be worked by non-exempt employees unless
approved in advance by the employee's Department Head, and when for overtime pay, by the
divisional Chief who is responsible to budget for such expenses. Work by a non-exempt employee
which has not been requested by management but is nonetheless endured or permitted is still
considered work time by FLSA. Therefore, no non-exempt employee will voluntarily work prior to
or after regularly scheduled hours, because such time would be considered overtime when in
excess of 40 hours in the work week, even though the work had not been specifically authorized.
Supervisors/Department Heads are responsible for ensuring that overtime hours are authorized,
recorded, and properly documented for compensatory time off or overtime pay in accordance with
the established record keeping forms and instructions. Non-exempt employees working beyond
the normal work week without specific approval, and supervisors who permit this, will be subject to
disciplinary action.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 49 | P a g e
Licensed Employment
Contracts for Licensed Employees
Teacher One-year Contract*:
To receive a one-year contract, a teacher must:
a. hold a valid, initial or continuing North Carolina Professional Educator’s License;
b. have met all required North Carolina State Board of Education content area exams;
c. be employed in a continuing position for six months or more
One-Year Contracts are subject to annual renewal/non-renewal based on the Principal’s recommendation.
Teacher Two-Year Contract*
To be recommended for a two-year contract, a teacher must:
a. have been employed by the Board as a teacher for at least three consecutive years;
b. have received a rating of at least “proficient” on all standards on the two most recent annual
c. not be on a monitored or directed growth plan, mandatory improvement plan, or corrective
action plan currently and not have been on any such plan at any time during the current or
previous school year;
d. not have received any of the following during the current or previous school year: a demotion, a
suspension without pay, or a reprimand, warning, or disciplinary action that is documented in the
teacher’s official personnel file; and
e. not have other relevant performance or conduct information in his or her personnel file that
would support a decision to disqualify the teacher from a multi-year contract.
Teacher Four-Year Contract*
To be recommended for a four-year contract, a teacher must:
a. have been employed by the Board as a teacher for at least five consecutive years;
b. meet the criteria for a two-year contract; and
c. possess at least one of the following qualifications:
have received a rating of at least “accomplished” on vast majority of the standards
on the evaluation instrument in the most recent annual evaluation;
be National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certified, or similarly
certified by another nationally respected, performance-based process and
professional organization.
demonstrate effectiveness with different/all student subgroups during the past two
years using one or more validated assessments of student or teacher performance;
be licensed in an area in which the school system is experiencing difficulty recruiting
and retaining qualified applicants or that is otherwise in high demand, as
determined by the Superintendent or designee.
*Teacher = All Licensed Teachers and Support Staff such as Counselors, Media Specialists, Psychologists,
Social Workers, Speech Language Pathologists and Curriculum Specialists
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 50 | P a g e
Career Contracts
Career contracts and career status (tenure) will remain in effect if the teacher obtained the status in
Guilford County Schools prior to the 2013-14 school year.
Interim Contracts
Issued to Licensed Employees in the following circumstances:
Employed in a temporarily vacant position;
Does not hold an initial or continuing North Carolina Professional Educator’s License (i.e. validated
license, Residency (formerly known as Lateral Entry), Provisional, Emergency or Limited License);
Retirees who are employed less than 30 hours/week;
Employed less than 100%;
Employed for less than 6 months.
Interim contracts are for a specific period of time, not to exceed one school year.
Administrative Contracts
Principals and assistant principals, as well as certain directors and supervisors who have not attained career
status under the provision of North Carolina General Statute 115C-325 will be issued initial two-year
contracts and are eligible for extensions of four (4) years according to the provisions of North Carolina
General Statute 115C-287.1.
If any licensed employee believes that he/she has not been issued the correct contract or the correct
number of years of probationary status, it is the employee’s responsibility to advise the Recruiting and
Staffing office, so that any discrepancy can be reviewed and appropriately resolved.
As an eligible instructional licensed employee, you will be issued a contract upon employment with Guilford
County Schools. Changes to teacher contracts are under consideration by the state legislature. We will
communicate approved changes will be communicated with licensed employees as soon as it becomes
Important: If any licensed employee believes that he/she has not been issued the correct contract, it is the
employee’s responsibility to advise the Director of Staffing, so that any issue can be reviewed and appropriately
(Reference: G.S. 115C-325 and G.S. 115C-287.1)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 51 | P a g e
License Guidelines
State law requires that all employees in licensed
positions hold appropriate licensure for their
subject(s), grade level(s) or professional
assignment(s). "Appropriate" may mean a
regular five-year license or a provisional license
or endorsement valid only for the school year
specified. As a licensed employee, it is your
responsibility to maintain a valid license in the
area of assignment. If you hold a license that is
due to expire during the year, you must furnish
documentation of completion of the required
renewal credits, PraxisPearson test scores,
semester hours of coursework, etc. to the
Staffing Office.
Disclosure of Criminal Convictions
If you hold an expiring license, you must provide information on any conviction of a felony or crime other than
a minor traffic offense since the first N.C. license was issued. You must complete the online state-mandated
form providing this information and submit it to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction for the
license extension to be valid.
Renewal Guidelines
The number of continuing education units (CEUs) required to renew a Continuing North Carolina
Professional Educator’s license is 8.0.
Chart of Renewal Guidelines
Credits required to Renew Continuing licenses expiring on or after June 30, 2019
Grades K-5
3 Academic Subject Area Aligned to NC Prof. Teaching Standard 3 and 4
3 Literacy - As defined in GS 115C-296
2 Digital Learning Competencies
Grades 6-12
3 Academic Subject Area - Aligned to NC Prof. Teaching Standard 3 and 4
2 Digital Learning Competencies
3 General
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 52 | P a g e
3 Executive's Role - Align with the expectations of the North Carolina School Executive Standards
2, 4, and 5, focused on the school executive's role as instructional, human resources, and
managerial leader
2 Digital Learning Competencies
3 General
Student Services Personnel (Counselors, Media Specialists, Social Workers, Psychologists and Speech
Language Pathologists with a Teaching Area)
3 Professional Discipline Area (Licensure area/Subject area)
2 Digital Learning Competencies
3 General
Note: The definition of teacher includes instructional support personnel. Subject to change based on NC
State Board of Education policy updates
For detailed information, refer to policy TCP-A-005 on the NC Public Schools website
Earning Credit
You may earn credit for attending locally sponsored workshops, college and university courses, activities
offered by various outside organizations and locally approved "independent study" activities. Prior approval is
required to earn renewal credit for all activities offered by any entity other than Guilford County Schools,
including colleges, State Department of Public Instruction, universities, technical schools and community
colleges. "Prior approval" means that you must request approval before the beginning date of the activity.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 53 | P a g e
Professional Learning and Leadership
Professional Learning and Leadership: GCS Sponsored
The Guilford County School system encourages employees to use all available opportunities for professional
development. Specialized training sessions, in addition to renewal credit opportunities, are made available
to employees of the district.
GCS-Sponsored Activities
Individual schools or various divisions within Guilford County Schools often conduct staff development
activities that award Continuing Education Units CEU’s to employees who participate in these courses. In
these cases, the Office of Professional Development must approve the workshop before renewal credit can
be offered. Requests should be made four weeks prior to the start date of the workshop.
Workshops must meet the following standards:
1. To receive credit, a workshop must have a minimum of five (5) clock hours of direct training by
an instructor. (.5 CEUs will be granted)
2. Workshop meeting times should be a minimum of two (2) hours per session. CEU’s are only
granted for up to 6 hours of staff development per day.
3. For all-day workshops, a one-hour lunch break must be provided to all participants. It is not
acceptable to reduce or eliminate the lunch break to release participants early from the
4. For a 10-hour course, only one (1) of the 10 hours can be an outside assignment.
5. Hours of credit for online courses are determined collaboratively by the online design team and
the Office of Professional Development.
6. Course content and instructional activities should be designed in a sequential manner to
achieve outcomes for a specific population.
7. The course must be led by
qualified personnel and directly
supervised by the sponsoring
school or department. Credit is
granted on the basis of course
8. No partial credit is given to any
workshop participant.
Participants who miss more than
30 cumulative minutes of any
workshop are not eligible for
9. Participants must obtain a PD
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 54 | P a g e
Account to register for approved GCS/site-based courses. Participants who attend, but do not
register before the last day of the course, will not receive CEU credit.
The Professional Development contact designated by the school’s principal must create the online course
description and session information and request approval from the Office of Professional Development.
Course approval submissions should be completed four (4) weeks prior to the start date of the workshop.
Literacy Course Approval
The “Application for Literacy Course Approval” form should be submitted with the online request for course
approval if literacy credit is requested. The form should be completed and submitted electronically to the
Office of Professional Development at p[email protected].
Registration and Credit
Upon approval, the workshop will be posted on the Professional Development website. Participants should
register for the approved GCS workshop prior to the start date of the workshop. Instructors are responsible
for printing the attendance sheet, noting participant credit, signing the workshop roster and submitting it
to the Office of Professional Development, at Laughlin, 7911 Summerfield Road, Summerfield, NC 27358,
within three (3) working days after completion of the workshop. Upon receipt of the roster, attendance will
be marked and CEU credit posted for the participants. Documentation can also be emailed to
profdev@gcsnc.com. If documentation is emailed or faxed, the original should be kept by the employee.
Beginning Teachers and Professional Support
Guilford County Schools New Teacher Support Program focuses on building the capacity of its beginning
teachers to promote high achievement among students. It provides a comprehensive induction program,
called Right Start, to ensure that new professionals have the support to become the most effective
teachers possible.
Right Start
Right Start includes an orientation, professional development seminars, and ongoing support at the
beginning teachers’ schools. Right Start orientation consists of pre-service workshopsan introduction to
Guilford County Schools, including curriculum, policies and procedures, professional development, North
Carolina teaching standards, and the North Carolina evaluation process. Orientation is followed by ongoing
professional development. Beginning teachers receive continuous support at their schools by an induction
coach, a lead mentor, and an assigned mentor.
Beginning Teacher Support Program
The Beginning Teacher Support Program (BTSP) is a three-year program that extends professional
education preparation and offers the support necessary for an individual's professional growth.
Required Participation: If you are a teacher who did not receive a continuing license prior to January 1,
1998, and have less than three years of appropriate service (generally public school service) in your areas of
initial licensure you are required to participate in the Beginning Teacher Support Program.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 55 | P a g e
Out-of-State Applicants: If you are an out-of-state applicant, you are not subject to BTSP requirements if
your North Carolina license results from reciprocity or completion of a National Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE), approved education program, and if you have three or more years of
appropriate experience. Not all states have NC reciprocity, and not all out-of-state colleges and universities
are NCATE approved. If you are an out-of-state applicant with less than three years’ experience, you must
participate in BTSP.
Individuals Renewing Licenses: If you renew your expired license, you do not have to participate in BTSP if
you have three or more years of appropriate experience at the time of license renewal. Without this
experience, you are subject to BTSP requirements.
Mentor Support: Year I, Year II, and Year III beginning teachers (BT) in Guilford County Schools are assigned
a Mentor/Support Team, consisting of the principal/supervisor (or designee) and a trained mentor, usually
from the same subject area or grade level. A minimum of six consecutive months of participation is
required per school year for the "year" to count toward fulfillment of the BTSP requirement.
Continuous Professional Growth Requirement: If you are an initially licensed teacher, you are required by
the state to show continuous professional growth as determined by each school district. Guilford County
Schools requires that you document your continuous professional growth on your professional
development transcript logs. Workshops and courses must be approved through the Professional
Development Website and must be taken within the fiscal year of July 1 to June 30.
Completion of BT requirements in one teaching area satisfies the BT requirements for all other teaching
areas. Once continuing licensure is earned in one teaching area, additional teaching areas do not require a
BT experience. If you are an initially-licensed teacher who is assigned to subject areas in which you hold a
provisional license, you may not earn a continuing license until the specific license provisions have been
satisfied. If you are an initially-licensed teacher who needs additional assistance beyond that provided by
assigned mentors, contact the Office of Induction and Success at 665-8000.
Continuing Professional License (CPL) will be granted when you, as a BT have successfully completed the
required professional growth as prescribed by the LEA, licensure requirements, and three years of teaching,
and when the designated local official has notified DPI that there is no knowledge related to the character
or conduct to deny licensure to teach in North Carolina.
Professional Learning and Leadership: Non-GCS Courses
All events that are not sponsored by GCS must receive prior approval. To request prior approval to earn
renewal credits for attending a NON-GCS course, workshop, seminar, conference, etc., you should request
approval via the GCS Professional Development website before attending an event for CEU credit. Failure to
obtain prior approval, may disallow CEU credit. Requests should be made three weeks prior to the start
date of an event. CEU credit cannot be awarded for any course with less than five (5) hours of instruction.
Requests should be made three (3) weeks prior to the start date of an event. CEU credits may not be posted
if you do not get prior approval for the event. The Office of Professional Development will review the
request, and if it is not approved for credit, you will be informed by GCS email. If the request is not
approved, notification will be sent within two to three (2-3) weeks upon receipt of the request.
To receive credit, a copy of the Certificate of Completion giving the amount of contact hours and/or CEUs
must be submitted to the Office of Professional Development at Laughlin Professional Development Center,
7911 Summerfield Road, Summerfield, NC 27358. Documentation can also be emailed to
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 56 | P a g e
profdev@gcsnc.com. The original document should be kept by the person requesting credit.
1. College Credit: Submit Transcript (or copy). Only university/college transcripts will be accepted.
2. Non-College Course: Submit a copy of the Certificate of Completion and Agenda if CEU credit is
not printed on the certificate.
3. Conference: Submit a copy of the Certificate of Completion, Conference Syllabus, and SS-4
form that can be downloaded from the GCS Professional Development website.
Credit is recorded until the appropriate document is submitted to the Office of Professional Development.
Professional Learning and Leadership: National Board
CEU credit is earned for the completion of National Board Certification. If you are a teacher, you may
choose to use the CEU’s for the current renewal cycle or “bank” them for the next renewal cycle. In order
to receive credit, you must submit a copy of the congratulatory letter from NBPTS to the Staffing
Department and indicate if the renewal credits
are to be applied to the current renewal cycle or
the next cycle. You may not use a portion of the
NBPTS CEU credit for the current renewal cycle
and “bank” a portion for the next cycle.
Completion of the process for National Board
Certification is acceptable to complete renewal
requirements for your next renewal cycle, even
if you do not achieve national certification.
You may direct questions concerning licensure
renewal to the Recruiting and Staffing
Department at 336-370-8318, and questions
concerning the renewal credit approval process
to the Office of Professional Development at
Refer to the GCS Professional Development website for additional information.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 57 | P a g e
Employee Non-renewal and Separation
Retention and Non-renewal of Non-tenured, Licensed
The most important aspect of attaining excellence in education is the quality of the teaching staff and the
administrative staff. In striving for excellence, the district seeks to employ and reemploy teachers and
administrators who possess, have exhibited, and continue to strive for excellence in their preparation for,
performance of, and contribution toward the educational process. Achievement of a proficient rating on
the North Carolina Teacher and Administrator summative evaluation is the expected standard of
performance for teachers and administrators in this school system; however, proficient performance is not
assurance to any teacher or administrator of rights to employment or reemployment. Teachers and
administrators are accountable for striving for a summative rating of distinguished on all performance.
Performance and contribution to the education process as measured by appraisals factors in decisions to
employ and reemploy teachers and administrators.
Basis for Nonrenewal
The board, upon the superintendent's recommendation, may refuse to renew the contract of any non-
tenured teacher for any cause it deems sufficient, provided that the cause may not be arbitrary, capricious,
discriminatory, or for personal or political reasons, or because the teacher engaged in activities that are
protected by the United States Constitution or the North Carolina Constitution. For more information,
please refer to § 115C-325.
Notice of Nonrenewal
The superintendent shall notify teachers of any recommendation not to renew teachers’ employment in
accordance with State statute. (Reference: G.S. 115C-325)
Resignation: Classified Employees
A classified employee is required to submit a written resignation notice at least fourteen (14) calendar days
prior to the effective date. If you do not provide sufficient notice, that fact will be included in your employment
record and may harm your future reemployment possibilities.
If you are resigning during the summer months, you must provide a notice of at least fourteen (14) days prior
to start date for employees for the next school year. Administrative employees should provide at least sixty
(60) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of the resignation. All resigning employees should
indicate on their resignation forms if they will be moving directly to another North Carolina LEA or state agency.
A resignation accepted by the superintendent or his/her designee, may not be withdrawn by the employee.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GCO)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 58 | P a g e
Resignation: Licensed Employees
The Superintendent or his/her designee is authorized to accept resignations from employees on behalf of the
Board. All resigning employees should indicate on their resignation forms if they will be moving directly to
another North Carolina LEA or state agency. Once a resignation is accepted by the Superintendent, it may not
be withdrawn by the employee. When it becomes necessary for a licensed employee to cancel his/her contract
or terminate employment, a written resignation notice should be received at least thirty (30) calendar days
prior to the effective date in accordance with General Statue 115C-325(0). Administrative employees should
provide at least sixty (60) calendar days written notice prior to the effective date of the resignation. In addition
to jeopardizing future reemployment possibilities, failure to provide a timely notice may constitute grounds for
license revocation.
If you are resigning during the summer months, you must provide a notice of at least thirty (30) days prior to
start date for employees for the next school year.
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBO)
Resignation: Medical Benefits
1. If you are paid fewer than 12 months in a year, have made contributions for the non-work months, and
your employment terminates at the end of the school year, you will continue to be covered by medical
insurance through the end of the period for which premium contributions have been made, with the
understanding that if you are not employed by another State-covered employer under this Plan at
the beginning of the next academic year, the you will refund to Guilford County Schools the amount
of the employer's cost paid for them during the non-paycheck months;
2. If you are a 10-, 11- or 12-month employee and are terminated before the 16th of a calendar month
you medical insurance ends at the end of the month; if employment is terminated on the 16th or later
in the month and you have made the required contribution for any coverage in the following month,
that coverage will be continued to the end of the calendar month following separation.
3. Medical premium overpayment for the summer months will be refunded in the final payout.
Resignation: Communication
Separating employees will receive a:
1. Separation Letter: detailing the effective date of the separation; notice to return GCS property and other
relevant information.
2. COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act) Notification: notifying eligibility to continue
certain medical benefits after separation.
Resignation and Leave Balances
Following a resignation, the distribution of leave balances is as follows:
1. Contact Payroll: If you resign and are directly hired by another North Carolina public school system,
sick leave, annual leave, eligible bonus leave and personal leave balances must be transferred to the
hiring school system. You must contact the Payroll Department (336) 433-7190 and request the
transfer of leave balances to avoid payment for annual leave.
2. Leave in Case of Transfer between LEAs: If you resign and are transferring to another NC LEA or to a
state agency, and the new employment is obtained within 31 calendar days from the date of
separation (as reported by the resigning employee), sick leave, annual leave, eligible bonus leaves and
personal leave balances must be transferred to the hiring school system.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 59 | P a g e
3. Annual Leave in Case of Transfer to/from Other State Agencies: Leave may be transferred to and
from a state agency or institution, community college, public university, technical institute, or from
and organization covered by the State Personnel Act (e.g. some county agencies of mental health,
public health, social services, or emergency management) if the agency is willing to accept the
transfer. All or any portion of the unused leave may be accepted.
4. Non-acceptance of Credit: If the receiving agency refuses to accept credit for unused annual vacation
leave or bonus leave, you will be paid in a lump sum for up to 30 days or 240 hours of accumulated
annual vacation leave and for the bonus leave.
5. Banking of Leave: If you separate and are not immediately rehired in another North Carolina school
system, the sick leave and personal leave are kept in a “bank” for 60-63 months (based on your
months of service) and payment is made for annual leave days. Reinstatement of sick and personal
days must follow the provisions of G.S.115c-336.
6. Charter Schools: There is no provision for public school employees to transfer leave to or from
charter schools
Resignation and Final Payout
1. Unused Leave: If you separate, you must be paid in a lump sum for accumulated annual vacation
leave, not to exceed a maximum of 30 days or 240 hours, and for bonus leave upon separation from
service. Separation from service includes resignation (unless the employee is transferring to
another LEA or state agency), dismissal, reduction-in- force, death, service retirement, beginning
long-term disability benefit or change to temporary status.
2. Timing: To ensure an accurate final payout of leave balances, the Payroll Department pays out any
eligible leave balances the month after your last regular pay date, for example: if the
termination/retirement is in May, you will receive the leave payout at the end of June. This delay
allows time for final reporting of leave usage to be received and processed by Payroll.
3. Leave Deficit: If you are overdrawn with respect to leave, a deduction in the appropriate amount
must be made from the final payout.
4. Retirement: A deduction for retirement must be made from all lump-sum payments of annual
vacation leave. Receipt of lump-sum leave payment and retirement benefits is not considered to be
dual compensation.
5. Overpayment and Funds Owed to Guilford County Schools: Guilford County Schools will deduct
any overpayments or funds owed to the district from a final payout as allowed by law.
If you leave GCS and apply for unemployment compensation, GCS provides the required information to the
Division of Employment Security regarding your separation. Generally, 10-month employees by statute are
not considered unemployed during the summer months or when school is not in session. In addition,
short-term substitutes are not generally eligible for unemployment compensation when there is no work
The Division of Employment Security determines your eligibility for unemployment compensation and it
your responsibility to ensure that you provide truthful and accurate information during the application
process. It is advisable to contact the Division of Employment Security for information regarding rights and
responsibilities. It is a Class A felony to improperly obtain more than $400 in unemployment benefits.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 60 | P a g e
Employee Benefits
The Benefits Department provides support to all GCS employees and their covered dependents. Its goal is
to give courteous and timely care to every employee situation. Self-service options are also available for
your convenience. To help us prepare for the meeting and serve you better, we request appointments for
the items marked by asterisks:
Leave Planning*
Disability Planning*
Benefits Enrollment Assistance
Life Insurance Claims*
Accommodation Requests
Workers’ Compensation
Employment Definitions
Permanent Employee
A permanent employee is a person employed with the expectation of permanent employment to fill a position
that is to be permanent if present needs and funds continue, or employed for at least six full consecutive
monthly pay periods to replace one or more employees who are on leave of absence without pay; and may be
full-time or part-time.
Full-time, Regular Employee
A full-time employee is a person employed at least 30 hours per week and eligible for full benefits. (This
definition does not necessarily apply to Visiting International Faculty or retirees returning to work.)
Full benefits may include:
1. Insurance plans offered by the district
2. Financial plans offered by the district
3. Leave days (sick, annual etc.)
4. State Teachers’ and Employees’ Retirement System
5. Longevity payments
6. Leave of absence
7. NC State Employees Credit Union
8. General liability insurance
Full-time Employee (Not Eligible for Benefits)
This category of an employee is an employee who regularly work 30 hours or more per week, but who are
otherwise ineligible for standard/full benefits.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 61 | P a g e
Part-time Employee
A part-time employee is a person employed at least 20 hours per week, but fewer than 30; eligible for pro-
rated (partial) benefits. This does not necessarily apply to Visiting International Faculty or retirees returning to
Pro-Rated (partial) benefits may include:
1. health insurance may be purchased paying the employee and employers’ cost
2. leave days (sick, annual etc.) earned on a pro-rated (partial) basis for years worked
3. longevity payments
4. leave of absence
5. NC State Employees’ Credit Union
6. tax-deferred annuities 403 (b) programs
7. general liability insurance
Interim Employee
An interim employee is a person employed on a temporary basis to fill a position for a designated period of
time and/or is employed to replace an employee on leave. This can be full-time or part-time.
Temporary Employee
A temporary employee is a person employed less than 20 hours per week, or employed in an interim position
for less than six (6) full consecutive monthly pay periods.
Employee Discounts - GCS 4 Le$$
Businesses throughout Greensboro and the surrounding counties are showing their appreciation and
support by offering GCS employee discounts. Enjoy great perks at retail stores, parks, and apartments,
sporting events and other venues by regularly checking GCS 4 Le$$, formerly Employee Express.
Employment/Salary Verifications
The Benefits Department also assists you with salary and employment verifications. Salary verifications (for
loans, mortgages, social services, etc.) generally require a 48-hour turnaround for active and recently-
separated employees. For employment verifications requiring documentation of job history, please allow 5-
10 business days for processing.
Enrollment in Benefits
Enrollment Deadline
Benefits-eligible employees are required to complete the enrollment process to elect their benefits. If you do
not enroll within 30 days of your hire date, you will have to wait until annual enrollment before you can enroll.
Benefits Online Enrollment
All new hire benefits enrollment is online. The Benefits Department is available to help you if you need special
assistance and if you are changing benefits elections due to a qualifying life event.
Employee and Dependent Data (Legal/Government Names Only)
Employees should enroll using their legal names and those of their dependents. Generally speaking, this is the
name under which you file your tax rerun, or the name reflected on your social security card. You must also
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 62 | P a g e
provide accurate social security numbers for yourself and each dependent. Failure to do this may result in the
inability of the IRS to confirm required medical insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act, jeopardize
continued insurance coverage and subject you to an IRS penalty.
Changes in Employee Benefits Status and Qualifying Events
Benefit Election Status Changes
Certain benefit changes for pre-tax health or dental insurance and flexible benefits (vision and cancer) are
regulated by federal and state agencies. This means that you may not make mid-year changes to plans in
which the premiums are paid on a pre-tax basis. If one of the following qualifying events occurs during the
plan year, you may be allowed to change (add, terminate, increase or decrease) current election(s) in pre-tax
benefits. The change must be completed within 30 days of the event and must be the result of one of the
events below; the changes requested must be consistent with the change in status.
Qualifying Events for Medical Plan
You are a timely enrollee for health coverage if you apply for coverage and/or add or remove dependents
within a 30-day period following any of the qualified life events listed below:
1. You are newly hired;
2. Your marital status changes due to marriage, death of a spouse, divorce, legal separation, or
3. You obtain a dependent through marriage, birth, adoption, placement in anticipation of adoption, or
foster care placement of an eligible child;
4. A significant change (at least $50 per month) in the health premium benefits in the plan covering
spouse and/or dependents;
5. You or your dependents experience an employment status change that results in the loss or gain of
coverage under another health benefit plan, and each of the following conditions is met:
a. You and/or your dependents are otherwise eligible for coverage under the State Health Plan;
b. You and/or your dependents were covered under another health benefit plan at the time this
coverage was previously offered and you declined enrollment due to the other coverage; and
c. You and/or your dependents lose coverage under another health benefit plan due to i) the
exhaustion of the COBRA continuation period, or ii) the loss of eligibility for that other
coverage for reasons including, but not limited to, divorce, loss of dependent status, death of
the employee, termination of employment, or reduction in the number of hours of
employment, or iii) the termination of the other plan's coverage, or iv) the offered health
benefit plan not providing benefits in your service area and no other health benefit plans are
available, or v) the termination of employer contributions toward the cost of the other plan's
coverage, or vi) meeting or exceeding the lifetime maximum, or vii) the discontinuance of the
health benefit plan to similarly situated individuals;
d. You or your dependents become Medicare eligible;
e. Your dependent ceases to be an eligible dependent (dependent child turns 26);
f. You, your spouse, or your dependents commence or return from an unpaid leave of absence
such as Family and Medical Leave or military leave;
g. You receive a qualified medical child support order (as determined by the plan administrator)
that requires the plan to provide coverage for your children;
h. If you, your spouse or dependents experience a cost or coverage change under another group
health plan for which an election change was permitted, you may make a corresponding
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 63 | P a g e
election change under the Flex Plan (e.g. your spouse’s employee significantly increases the
cost of coverage and as a result, allows the spouse to change his/her election) (not applicable
to the Health FSA);
i. If you change employment status such that you are no longer expected to average 30 hours of
service per week but you do not lose eligibility for coverage under the State Health Plan (e.g.
you are in a stability period during which you qualify as full-time), you may still prospectively
revoke your election provided that you certify that you have or will enroll yourself (and any
other covered family members) in other coverage providing minimum essential coverage (e.g.
the Market place) that is effective no later than the first day of the second month following the
month that includes the date the original coverage is revoked;
j. You may prospectively revoke your State Health Plan election if you certify your intent to
enroll yourself and any covered dependents in the Marketplace for coverage that is effective
beginning no later than the day immediately following the last day of the original coverage
that is revoked;
k. You or your dependents lose coverage due to loss of eligibility under Medicaid or the
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and apply for coverage under this Plan within 60
days; or
l. You or your dependents become eligible for premium assistance with respect to coverage
under this Plan under Medicaid or CHIP and apply for coverage under this Plan within 60 days.
Note: Obtaining third-party, non-group coverage (e.g. Marketplace/”Obamacare”) outside of annual
enrollment under the Affordable Care Act is not a qualifying event.
In addition, eligible surviving spouses and any eligible surviving dependent child of a deceased retiree, teacher,
State employee, member of the General Assembly, former member of the General Assembly, or Disability
Income Plan beneficiary are considered timely enrollees if they were enrolled at the time of the member’s
death and elect to continue coverage within 90 days after the death of the former State Health Plan member.
Qualifying Events for Flex Plans
You are a timely enrollee for flex coverage if you apply for coverage and/or add or remove dependents within a
30-day period following any of the qualified life events listed below:
1. Marriage
2. Divorce - Legal Separation - Annulment
3. Death of spouse
4. Birth or adoption of child
5. Placement of child in foster care
6. Termination or commencement of employment by spouse or covered children
7. Change from part-time to full-time, or full-time to part-time employment status by employee or
8. The taking of an unpaid leave of absence by either the employee or spouse
9. Attainment of limiting age, change in student status or marriage of dependents
10. Entitlement of Medicare or Medicaid by employee, spouse; or dependent required, by court order, to
provide coverage for child(ren)
Completion of benefits enrollment must occur within 30 days of employment or the qualifying life event
(except as specifically described above) in order to enroll in coverage for the current plan year. If you do not
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 64 | P a g e
enroll when first eligible must wait until the next annual enrollment period if you are still eligible. Proof of prior
coverage, if applicable, must be submitted to the Benefits Department. Retirees and surviving spouses are not
required to experience a qualifying event if they wish to un-enroll themselves or their dependents from the
Plan; they may un-enroll at any time.
If you add dependent coverage, you are required to present eligibility documentation upon making a benefits
change prior to the 30-day enrollment window. If you do not provide the appropriate documentation within
the specified time, it may result in loss of coverage for the dependent(s).
Employee Error
It is your responsibility to ensure that dependents and other covered family members are eligible for coverage
and that necessary changes in coverage are made in a timely manner. The IRS does not allow mid-year changes
to plans with pre-tax premiums (without a qualifying event) due to employee error. Employee error is not a
qualifying event. GCS will generally not reimburse you for premiums paid when you fail to terminate coverage
in a timely manner. This includes premiums paid for dependents who have aged out of coverage, ex-spouses,
Deadline for Change in Benefits
When a status change (qualifying event) occurs that changes coverage needs, you must go to www.shpnc.org
within 30 days of the event and enter the plan change. Documentation to verify the change must be sent to the
Benefits Department immediatelyno later than thirty days after the qualifying life event.
Change of Address, Telephone and Name
Change Requests
Employees may make changes by completing the Change Requestonline on the Guilford County Schools
Website, under the employees tab.
Name Change
Guilford County Schools requires that payroll and benefits documents reflect your legal name. Generally, this is
the name you use when filing annual tax returns. If you legally change your name, you must complete a name
change form, available from the Benefits Department. You must also provide appropriate documentation
(marriage license, new social security card, court order, etc.) to process a name change. Depending on the
position and the nature of the change, e.g. change in beneficiary or name change on teaching license, other
forms may be required. Name changes must be made in writing on the appropriate forms.
The information provided in this handbook is intended to be general in nature and for illustrative purposes
only. The plan document and summary plan description for each plan serve as the legal authority for that plan.
Benefits are subject to change.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
Effective January 1, 2015, the district began offering coverage to employees (and their dependents) who
regularly work 30 hours or more per week the opportunity to enroll in adequate and affordable coverage under
its employer-sponsored plan.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 65 | P a g e
Dependent Children and Age Limitations
It is your responsibility to ensure that dependent children who age out of a plan’s eligibility or otherwise
become ineligible (e.g. no longer a full time student), are removed from coverage with a written request or
appropriate form sent to the Benefits Department. GCS is not responsible for reimbursement of premiums due
to failure to remove a dependent in a timely fashion (within 30 days).
Health Insurance
All permanent full-time employees of
Guilford County Schools are eligible for
group insurance provided by the State
Health Plan and administered by Blue
Cross Blue Shield. The insurance provides
coverage for covered hospital and
medical expenses. The plans are the
80/20 plan, the 70/30 plan (Preferred
Provider Plans or PPOs), and the High
Deductible Health Plan. The annual
enrollment period for health insurance is
determined by the State Health Plan;
however, it is typically in October of each year. Plan design, premiums and options are subject to change each
plan year. For comprehensive information, visit the State Health Plan Website at www.shpnc.org.
Insurance coverage requires premium contribution from you. Premiums are typically deducted from your
salary each payday. If you work a ten-month schedule and only receive ten paychecks directly from GCS, you
also have an additional premium deduction (escrow) each payday to cover the two summer months during
which no deduction can be taken.
Employee Responsibility for Premiums While on Leave without Pay: If you are an active employee and do
not receive a paycheck for some reason, for example, leave without pay, you are responsible for making
timely premium payments each month. Premiums must be paid in full for all insurance coverage in force.
Partial payments are not accepted. It is your responsibility to pay the designated premiums if applicable
each month regardless of receipt of a monthly invoice.
By state and IRS policy, failure to make full and timely payments will result in the termination of your insurance
coverage. If insurance is cancelled due to non-payment of premiums, you will be unable to re-enroll in the
coverage unless you experience a qualifying life event, return to work or re-enroll during annual enrollment.
Employees Returning from a Leave of Absence: Upon returning from an unpaid leave of absence, you have
30 days from your date of return to make changes in insurance.
Dependent Coverage: Eligible employees may elect to have a spouse and/or children covered by the same plan
by paying a set monthly premium. Children can be covered for health insurance only up to age 26 regardless
of student or marital status providing the child is not eligible for other employer-sponsored health benefit
We generally collect your benefits premiums through payroll deduction one month in advance as a pre-tax
deduction. For employees who paid in ten (10) installments, a monthly escrow is also deducted to cover the
cost of health insurance premiums during the summer months. Permanent part-time employees working a
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 66 | P a g e
minimum of twenty (20) hours per week may purchase health insurance if they pay the total premium
(employee and employer costs).
Premiums: Currently, all health plans require an employee contribution to premium for employee-only
coverage. (The premium may be contingent upon completing a tobacco use attestation.) Coverage for
dependents requires employee contribution equal to the cost of the coverage.
Claims: Claims under the State Health Plan should be filed as soon as possible after services are received. It is
the employee's responsibility to file claims. Some providers may file claims for you. Claim forms are available
on the State Health Plan Website.
Plan Changes: You can generally make changes online health and/or dental plans during the annual
enrollment periods. Changes in current coverage options may be made with a documented "qualifying
event" if the changed enrollment is completed within thirty (30) days of the event. "Qualifying events"
include but are not limited to: birth of a child, change in marital status, etc. See Benefit Election Status
changes. Contact the Benefits Department with questions concerning health insurance and speak with any
insurance representative or contact the NC Smart Choice Blue Options PPO Plans’ customer service at 1-888-
234-2416. The State Health Plan requires documentation for all qualifying life events and you must upload the
documentation when you make the enrollment change or submit that documentation prior to the end the 30-
day period to the Benefits Department.
(Reference: The State of North Carolina Comprehensive Health Benefit Plan)
Dental Insurance
The district offers permanent full-time employees optional dental coverage. Premiums are employee-paid.
Three dental plans are available and eligible employees may enroll in only one (1) plan.
Direct Reimbursement Plan: With the Direct Reimbursement Plan, you pay the bill and submit the claim with a
copy of the receipt, to the Plan Supervisor for a fifty (50) percent reimbursement. Claim forms are located on
the Guilford County Schools Website.
Ameritas Standard Plan: The Ameritas Standard plan allows the claim to be submitted to the insurance
company; you pay the remaining fee.
Ameritas PPO: The Ameritas PPO allows you to visit a network of dental providers who charge negotiated
(reduced) rates for covered services. Visiting a network provider can offer additional savings for covered
employees and dependents.
Dependent Coverage: You may elect cover a spouse and/or eligible children by the same plan by paying a
monthly premium. Unmarried children up to age 26 are eligible for coverage. It is the employee’s responsibility
to terminate coverage when a dependent is no longer eligible for the plan. GCS will not reimburse you for
premiums paid when you do not terminate a dependent upon reaching the age of 26.
Enrollment: The annual enrollment period for dental insurance is usually October of each year. The effective
date of coverage is January 1. Once you are enrolled, no changes in coverage options may be made during the
plan year unless you experience a benefit election status change/qualifying event. Additional information is
available from the Benefits Department or on the GCS Website.
(Reference: The Guilford County Schools Website)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 67 | P a g e
Flexible Benefits
Guilford County Schools’ permanent full-time employees are offered flexible benefits plan. This plan offers you
an opportunity to save money by paying for eligible non-reimbursed medical expenses, dependent care
expenses, dental, supplemental hospital, cancer insurance and vision insurance with pre-tax dollars.
(Supplemental disability insurance and whole life insurance are offered only on an after-tax basis.)
The annual enrollment period for flexible benefits is October of each year. The effective date of coverage is
January 1. Once you are enrolled, no changes in coverage options may be made during the plan year unless you
experience a benefit election status change/qualifying event. Additional information is available in the Benefits
Department. The plan year for the Flexible Benefits program is January 1 through December 31 of each year.
The Plan Document and Summary Plan Description for the GCS Flexible Benefits Plan are located on the
Guilford County Schools Website. Note: You must re-enroll in flexible spending accounts (medical and
dependent care) each year. Other flexible benefits plans
carry over from year to year. The flexible benefits plan is
chosen through a competitive bid process and is
periodically subject to change.
(Reference: Guilford County Schools Flex Benefits Plan
Document, Guilford County Schools)
Term Life Insurance
The Guilford County Board of Education provides all basic
group term life insurance coverage in the amount of
$5,000 to permanent full-time employees. You may elect
to purchase additional coverage for yourself, a spouse
and/or eligible children with premiums payroll-deducted.
Children up to age 26 are eligible for coverage. Coverage above $150,000 for a new employee and coverage
above $30,000 for the spouse must be approved by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company after submission of a
statement of health. If is you responsibility to notify the Benefits Department in writing as soon as your child
terns 26 years of age to have them removed from coverage.
If you desire additional coverage after the initial election is completed, you must be approved by Metropolitan
Life. There is no annual enrollment period for term life insurance. The term life insurance plan has an
Accelerated Benefits Optionfeature, which may allow partial benefits if a medical doctor diagnoses you with
a terminal illness. You may change beneficiaries and lower coverage at any time. To increase coverage, you
must complete a “Statement of Healthbe approved by the life insurance carrier. You may make changes to
term life coverage during annual enrollment. You may change your beneficiary at any time. You should review
and update you beneficiary periodically.
If you remain in active service beyond the age of 70, the combined amount of basic and optional insurance
reduces based on a published schedule. More information is available in the Benefits Department.
Whole Life Insurance
Whole Life insurance is available through our flexible benefits program. This plan features guaranteed: level
premiums, cash values and reduced paid-up life insurance at retirement. Coverage is portable and can be
purchased on employee, spouse, children and grandchildren.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 68 | P a g e
Comprehensive Legal and Identity Theft Protection
Guilford County Schools offers full-time employees a comprehensive legal plan that provides nationwide
coverage and includes services such as will preparation, motor vehicle services, mortgage document assistance
and IRS audit assistance. The Identity Theft Protection plan offers free credit reports, continuous credit
monitoring and identity restoration. The plan year is January 1 through December 31 of each year. Annual
enrollment is generally held in October of each year.
Insurance: Removing Children from Coverage
Dental and Life Insurance
If you have chosen to insure your children with dental and/or life insurance may do so until the child turns 26.
For more information, contact the Benefits Department. It is your responsibility to notify the Benefits
Department when a dependent is ineligible for coverage. Removal of child’s coverage executed by paper form.
Forms are located on the Guilford County Schools Website, under “Forms and Handbooks”.
Health Insurance
Adult children, who have reached the age of 26 must be removed from the plan at www.shpnc.org. It is your
responsibility to notify the Benefits Department when a child or spouse is no longer eligible for coverage.
Insurance: Continuation of Coverage Following Separation
from Employment (including COBRA)
Health, Dental, FSA and Vision
Continuation of group health, dental insurance coverage, the medical reimbursement flexible spending account
and vision insurance may be available to you, your spouse and/or dependents under the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA-Health Insurance) and the Public Health Service Act (PHSA-Dental
Insurance) as required by federal law. Qualifying events are governed by these COBRA regulations.
You pay for continuation of this coverage at full cost of the group rate(s), plus an administrative fee, as allowed
by federal law. If you separate from employment, you will receive a termination letter from the Benefits
Department, explaining termination of benefits and your rights, if any, under COBRA under separate cover.
Life Insurance: Term Life Continuation
Continuation of term life insurance coverage is available for the you or your family through conversion or
portability. Information is provided at separation.
Life Insurance: Whole Life Continuation
Continuation of whole life insurance is available through direct billing. Information provided at separation.
HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
The HIPAA Act is a federal law that was passed in 1996, with additional guidelines issued December 4, 2002.
A portion of this federal law is called the “Privacy Rule.” Through the Privacy Rule, the federal government
seeks to protect and keep private an individual’s personal health information (PHI). Our covered benefits
plans are HIPAA compliant. PHI cannot be released to others without your written authorization.
Authorization forms can be downloaded from the State Health Plan (see below) and are available from the
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 69 | P a g e
Benefits Department. An excellent source for additional HIPAA information can be found on the State
Health Plan Website at www.shpnc.org.
Liability Insurance
All employees of Guilford County Schools are covered by the Board of Education's School Professional Legal
Liability Insurance Policy. Each claim has a $1,000,000 limit of liability and an aggregate limit of $1,000,000. The
program covers legal liability for an act, error or omission in services rendered in the discharge of school district
duties. The school system also carries general liability insurance coverage.
The NC General Assembly’s 2011-12 Appropriations Act directed the North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction to implement a new Excess Educator’s Legal Liability policy covering all employees, including
new hires, tutors and volunteers. Through the policy, responses are provided to claims for professional
activities on a member insured in the course and scope of his or her duties as an employee of a NC
education agency or accredited public school district, state education agency or charter educational
institution. Coverage is automatic and is in excess of that currently provided by the District e.g. commercial
general liability, errors and omissions, employment practices liability and any other valid and collectible
For more information, including a copy of the policy please see below:
1. http://www.professionalliabilitync.com or
2. Chartis insurance at 800-849-0200 or contact@professionalliabilitync.com.
3. http://www.professionalliabilitync.com/claims/ (claims information)
NC HealthSmart Wellness Programs
The NC HealthSmart Wellness Programs are online tools
to help employees manage their personal health. Visit
www.shpnc.org and click on NC HealthSmart. The NC
HealthSmart Website includes:
1. Health Risk Assessment (HRA) survey
2. Personal Action Plan based on your HRA
3. Lifestyle improvement programs
4. Health information references for any
health or medical question
Workers’ Compensation
Provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act are applicable to all paid employees. Workers' Compensation
provides medical benefits and a weekly compensation benefit equal to 66 2/3 percent of the employee's
average weekly earnings for the year prior to the work-related injury or illness, up to a maximum established
by the Industrial Commission each year.
If you are injured on the job, you must report the injury to your immediate supervisor immediately following
the accident. The employer’s “Report of Injury to Employee (Form 19)” must be completed immediately online
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 70 | P a g e
by the principal/supervisor or other designee, giving all of the pertinent detail of the work-related accident or
illness. The completed “Employee Statement(Statement B) must accompany the Form 19. Forms are available
on the Key Risk and Sedgwick Websites. You should be given an authorization form (for medical treatment),
which also includes a list of approved medical facilities to be used for the first or initial visit and the Form 19 by
your supervisor/principal.
Medical Treatment
If an injury requires medical attention, you must be seen first by a medical doctor at a medical facility approved
by our Workers’ Compensation carriers. If you decide not to use an approved facility, the payment for the
medical service you receive may be delayed or denied. Any treatment needed after the first or initial visit can
only be authorized by the Workers’ Compensation carrier. If you are injured on the job in a compensable
accident requiring medical or therapy visits during regularly scheduled working hours in order to reach
maximum medical improvement, you will not be charged leave for time lost from work for required treatment.
Paid time should be limited to reasonable time for treatment and travel; any excess time will be charged as
vacation/bonus or sick leave or leave without pay.
Eligible employees receive the WorkersCompensation weekly benefit after the required waiting period of
seven (7) calendar days (including Saturday and Sunday), effective on the eighth day of the disability. During
the seven-day waiting period, you may choose to use available sick leave, annual leave or bonus leavein this
order. You may also take leave without pay for the seven (7) day waiting period. While on workers’
compensation leave, you are in pay status and will continue to receive total state service credit. The weekly
benefit may be supplemented with the use of partial sick or vacation/bonus leave earned prior to the injury.
This can provide an income approximately equal to your take-home or net pay.
Additional Benefits
If your injury results in disability of more than 21 calendar days, the Workers' Compensation weekly benefit is
allowed from the date of disability. While on Workers' Compensation leave, you continue to accumulate
vacation and sick leave if you earned this leave while working. Leave days earned while on Workers'
Compensation leave will be added to your leave account upon return to work. Absences due to a workers'
compensation covered injury or illness will count as part of your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
entitlement for that year.
If you are absent for more than ten (10) days due to a workers’ compensation compensable injury or illness,
you must also complete a “Request for Leave of Absence” form. Failure to complete this form may result in
incorrect payment. Please refer to the Leaves of Absence section for more requirements and information.
You are responsible for facilitating correct and timely processing of medical/prescription services by informing
all concerned parties (GCS Benefits Department, the pharmacy and the Workers’ Compensation carrier) of the
status of the claim. Notification of these parties ensures that bills are paid in a timely manner. Transportation
costs may be eligible for reimbursement.
Important: Workers' Compensation claims should not be with a health insurance carrier. All treatment, tests,
equipment or prescriptions must have prior authorization before the appropriate carrier can pay them. Failure
to follow Industrial Commission guidelines could jeopardize eligibility for Workers’ Compensation benefits.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 71 | P a g e
Returning to Work and Light Duty Work
To return work after a workers’ compensation injury or accident (as well as any medical leave of absence), you
must submit a physician’s release to the Benefits Department for approval prior to your return to work. Only
the Benefits Department can authorize your return to work; your principal or supervisor cannot. Requests for
accommodation or modified duty will be handled on an individual basis depending on the assigned position,
the nature accommodation and what serves the best interest of your safety and health and interest of students
as well as the district.
(Reference: The Provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act G. S. 115c-337; State Personnel Manual
Employee Benefits and Awards section 6)
Episode of Violence
Any permanent full-time employee who suffers an injury and is disabled while engaged in the course of his or
her employment may receive full salary if the injury or disability arose from an episode of violence and the
employee did not participate in or provoke the violence. The employee meets the definition of permanence by
having been in full payroll status for six (6) consecutive months.
The salary can continue for one year, the continuation of the disability, or the time during which the
employee is unable to engage in his or her employment because of the injury, whichever period is shorter.
While receiving regular salary under this provision, the employee is not eligible to receive weekly salary
benefits under Workers’ Compensation. However, the employee may receive medical, hospital, drug and
related expense payments from Workers’ Compensation if applicable. The employee is not required to use
any paid leave (sick, annual, personal, etc.) if the approved absence is due to an episode of violence.
An employee who has experienced an episode of violence must complete the same forms as in a Workers’
Compensation claim. Refer to the Workers’ Compensation section.
Miscellaneous Benefits
Employee Assistance
You and covered dependents may receive counseling services through the covered employees’ health
insurance plan. You may access services directly from licensed providers and file a medical claim or make
payment arrangements as a private payer. All assistance is confidentialbetween the employee and the
counseling service provider.
Savings Bonds
The U.S. Department of Treasury stopped issuing paper savings bonds through payroll deduction. If you are
interested in savings bonds, visit www.treasurydirect.gov and create an account. Treasury Direct can debit your
personal bank account.
Social Security
All employees participate in the social security system. The district also contributes to social security as your
employer. Benefits may include retirement, pensions, disability payments and survivor's insurance. The tax rate
for contributions is determined annually.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 72 | P a g e
All full-time employees are eligible to participate by payroll deduction in the 401(k) program administered by
the State of North Carolina through Prudential Retirement. Contact the Benefits Department for information
and enrollment forms. Information may also be obtained from the Prudential Retirement Website at
www.prudential.com/ncplans or call
403(b) Annuities
All employees earning a consistent monthly income
are eligible to participate in the 403(b) Plan available
through payroll deduction. The 403(b) plan is
administered by a third party administrator, TCG
Administrators. Participants in the 403(b) Plan are
assessed an administrative fee of $1.50 per month via
payroll deduction. For additional information call 1-
457 Deferred Compensation Plan
All permanent employees are eligible to participate in
the State of North Carolina 457 Deferred
Compensation Plan administered by Prudential. A 457
plan is similar to a 403(b) plan where contributions are
made through payroll reduction, occur on a pre-tax basis and accumulate tax-deferred until withdrawn. The
minimum monthly contribution is $20. For more information, call 1-866-627-5267.
State Employees’ Credit Union
All employees, except individuals employed through contracted services, may join the North Carolina State
Employees’ Credit Union. Upon obtaining membership, your spouse, children and parents may become
members. In addition, substitutes paid by Guilford County Schools are eligible to obtain membership in the
credit union. Information is available from the State Employees’ Credit Union’s Website: www.ncsecu.org and
from the Benefits Department.
Information regarding amusement park discounts is available from the State Employees’ Credit Union Website
at www.ncsecu.org.
Retirement System
Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System
All permanent full-time employees are required to join the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement
System. Eligible employees contribute 6% of gross salary (pre-tax) to the Retirement System. Guilford
County Schools makes a contribution as established by the North Carolina General Assembly for each
permanent full-time employee. Monthly benefits at retirement are based upon the employee's four (4)
highest consecutive years of salary, years of state service and/or age at retirement.
Employees Hired On or Before July 31, 2011
After five (5) years of creditable service, an employee hired prior to August 1, 2011 is considered "vested"
and may be eligible for benefits from the retirement system. Full, unreduced retirement benefits may be
received at age 65 with five years of service; age 60 with 25 years of service, or at any age with 30 years of
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 73 | P a g e
service. Reduced benefits may be received at age 50 with 20 years of service or age 60 with five years of
If an employee was hired before October 1, 2006 and meets the age and service requirements for full or
reduced retirement, the employee may be eligible for free health insurance depending on the plan
selected. For employees first hired on or after October 1, 2006:
1. Full coverage as retired employees requires 20 or more years of retirement service credit.
2. Employees with 10 years but less than 20 years of retirement service credit will be eligible for
coverage under the Plan on a partially contributory basis (50/50).
3. Retired teachers, State employees and members of the General Assembly with less than 10 years of
retirement service credit are eligible for coverage under the Plan on a fully contributory basis if first
hired on or after Oct 1, 2006.
Employees Hired On or After August 1, 2011
The NC General Assembly reduced the creditable service requirement for vesting for active employees
hired on or after August 1, 2011 to five (5) years from the previous ten (10) years of creditable service.
Retirement Effective Dates
All retirements are effective the first day of the month. Licensed employees are asked to sign a resignation
form and to give a 30 calendar day notice, so as to provide a smooth transition. Classified employees are
asked to sign a resignation form and to give a 14 calendar day notice. Principals and administrators are
asked to sign a resignation form and to give a 60 calendar day notice.
It is extremely important that permanent full-time employees designate beneficiaries with the retirement
system. If the beneficiaries are not on file upon death, benefits transfer to your estate.
Change of retirement beneficiaries is possible at any time prior to retirement and under certain option
provisions after retirement. If you have less than ten (10) years of service, the beneficiary(ies) can be changed
through ORBIT, the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System’s secure Website. If you have more
than ten (10) years of service, the beneficiary (ies) must be changed by completing Form 2RC “Designating
Beneficiary(ies) for Retirement System Contributions” and Form 2DB-Designating Beneficiary(ies) for the
Death Benefit”.
Refund of Retirement Contributions
If you terminate employment with the State, you may request a refund of contributions (penalty assessed) or a
rollover of contributions into an IRA (no penalty assessed) as an alternative to a monthly pension. You should
complete Form 5 “Withdrawing Your Retirement Service Credit and Contributions”. Form 5 should not be
completed until the date of your terminationnot earlier. The refund is not available until sixty (60) days after
the effective date of resignation or termination per State Law. If you are an interim employee, you may not
withdraw your funds during the months of June, July, August or September. Interim employees may apply for
withdrawal of funds after October 1.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 74 | P a g e
Death Benefit
A death benefit between $25,000 and $50,000 is payable to a designated beneficiary after you have completed
one year (365 days) as a contributing member of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System. The
amount paid is determined by your annual salary. Your retirement contributions are also paid to the
designated beneficiary. The death benefit remains in place for 180 days following an employee’s resignation.
The online retirement system portal is provided by the NC Retirement System. Active employees may register
and gain access to current account information as well as perform calculations for retirement planning.
Visit www.myncretirement.com to register. For more detailed information, refer to the Teachers’ and State
Employees’ Retirement System’s Website: www.myncretirement.com.
(Reference: State Board of Education Policy, "Your Retirement Benefits: Teachers' and State Employees'
Retirement System of North Carolina")
Employee Disability: A comprehensive short-term and long-term disability income plan is provided by, and at
the employer's expense for permanent full-time employees who are members of the Teachers' and State
Employees' Retirement System and meet certain state service requirements. Please note: donated leave may
not be used beyond the 60
day of disability.
Short-term Disability: The short-term disability plan is available to disabled employees with at least one
year (365 days) of contributory retirement service within the last 36 months. It begins on the 61st day of
disability and provides monthly income equal to 50 percent of one-twelfth of the annual base salary, local
supplement (if applicable), and longevity for up to 365 calendar days, with a maximum of $3,000 per
month. Short-term disability benefits may be extended for as many as 365 days beyond the original short-
term period if approved by the State Medical Board.
You are required to provide in a timely manner, completed:
1. Form 701 Request
2. Form 703 Earnings Report
3. Form 7A Medical Report of Disability Eligibility Review
4. Any additional documents and information that may be requested by the Benefits Department to
supplement, clarify of reconcile information to make a determination.
Long-term Disability: The long-term disability income plan begins after the short-term plan ends for the totally
and permanently disabled permanent full-time employee with five years of contributory retirement service.
The five years of service must be within the previous eight years. The long-term disability plan provides
monthly income equal to 65 percent of one-twelfth of the annual base salary, local supplement (if applicable),
and longevity, up to $3,900 per month until you qualify for unreduced retirement benefits. Long-term benefits,
however, are coordinated with Social Security disability payments and Workers' Compensation benefits. If you
are a permanently disabled employee, you may choose to apply for retirement disability if eligibility
requirements are met. Contact the Benefits Department for details.
You are required to provide in a timely manner, completed:
1. Form 701 Request
2. Form 703 Earnings Report
3. Form 7A Medical Report of Disability Eligibility Review
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 75 | P a g e
4. Form 704 Request for Additional Benefits
5. Any additional documents of information that may be requested by the Benefits Department to
supplement, clarify of reconcile information to make a determination.
For more detailed information refer to the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System Website:
www.myncretirement.com. Click on Benefits Handbook under Retirement, and then click on Teachers’ and
State Employees’ Retirement System Booklet.
(Reference: Disability Income Plan of the State of North Carolina, www.myncretirement.com.
General Holidays
Holidays are determined by the State Board of Education. The local board of education determines when
holidays are scheduled in the school calendar. Guilford County Schools develops and adopts employment
calendars for ten-month and twelve-month employees each year that include the appropriate holidays. Paid
holidays are granted only to employees who are in the position on the day on which the holiday is scheduled or
in pay status for one-half or more of the workdays of the month. Temporary employees are not entitled to paid
Religious Holidays
Absence from work for bona fide religious holidays may be allowed for a maximum of two days in any one
school year with prior approval from the Superintendent or his/her designee. Bona fide religious holidays
generally are considered to be those holidays that appear on the National Conference of Community and
Justice “Interfaith Calendar.” Any other request will require appropriate documentation. Written requests
should be submitted to the Chief Human Resources Officer at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed
Absence for these religious holidays will be with full pay; however, the employee must agree to make up the
amount of time for which his or her absence has been excused. The time must be made up at a time agreed
upon by the employee and his or her immediate supervisor. Absences will not be granted for bona fide
religious holidays which fall on days that the school system is not in operation.
(Reference: Financial Policy and Procedures Manual)
Leaves and Absences
Guilford County Schools’ employees are encouraged
to use available leave benefits options when
necessary. However, you should carefully consider
the impact that the absence(s) will have on the
overall instructional program and on the
achievement of students. Even the best substitute
employee cannot provide the high level of continuity
of service provided by the regular employee. Every
employee absence diminishes the overall quality of
the instructional program. Unused accumulated sick
leave and/or annual vacation leave can significantly enhance an employee’s financial entitlements at
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 76 | P a g e
retirement or upon separation from employment with the school district. More detailed information is
contained in the publication, “Guilford County Schools Employee Guide: Leaves and Absences,” available on the
Guilford County Schools Website.
Short-Term Leaves of Absence
A leave of absence for a period of up to ten (10) workdays will be considered a short-term leave of absence. A
short-term leave of absence may be with or without pay.
Short-term leave of absence with pay: The appropriate supervisor has authority to approve a leave of absence
with pay for a period of up to ten (10) days for appropriate reasons. Paid leave (annual leave, eligible
miscellaneous bonus leave, sick leave, personal leave and extended sick leave) will be used in accordance with
state regulations and may be advanced up to the amount that will be earned within the current fiscal year with
the approval of the employee’s supervisor.
Short-term leave of absence without pay: The appropriate supervisor has authority to approve up to five (5)
days of leave without pay for appropriate reasons. The appropriate supervisor's superior has authority to
approve up to an additional five (5) days of leave without pay for appropriate reasons. A full day's salary
reduction will be made for each day you are absent.
Long-Term Leaves of Absence
A leave of absence for a period exceeding ten (10) workdays will be considered a long-term leave of absence. A
long-term leave of absence may be with or without pay. Guilford County Schools requires the employee to use
available paid leave before going on leave without pay. Sick leave, annual leave and personal leave may not be
advanced when an employee is requesting a long-term leave of absence. Only leave which is earned until such
time as the employee goes off the payroll may be used. Employees may be eligible for a leave of absence, but
ineligible to Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave. Employment protection under the FMLA does not
eliminate the district’s ability to address prior performance issues through disciplinary action, up to and
including dismissal.
Paid Leave: Annual leave, miscellaneous bonus leave, sick leave, personal leave, and extended sick leave will
be used in accordance with state regulations. During the period of paid leave, employees continue to earn full
Long-term Leave of Absence with Pay: The Benefits Department has authority to approve a leave of absence
with pay for a period exceeding ten (10) workdays for the allowable reasons listed below.
Long-term Leave of Absence without Pay: The Benefits Department has authority to approve a leave of
absence without pay for a period exceeding ten (10) workdays for the allowable reasons listed below.
Allowable reasons for which long-term leave of absence may be requested are:
1. Military leave, for active duty;
2. Parental leave, for the birth or adoption of a child or placement of a foster child for a period of
up to twelve (12) calendar months;
3. Medical leave, for personal illness or temporary disability that prevents an employee from
performing his or her usual duties, for a period up to twelve (12) calendar months in excess of
sick leave provisions;
4. Family medical leave, in order to provide care for an immediate family member who is
critically ill, for a period up to twelve (12) calendar months;
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 77 | P a g e
5. Educational leave, if the employee is enrolled in a full-time program at a college or university,
in accordance with Board of Education Policy GBRL, for a period up to twelve (12) calendar
6. Qualifying Exigency leave, when eligible employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent (the
military member or family member) is on covered active duty or call to covered active duty
status (or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty). For
Regular Armed Forces members, the Final Rule defines “covered active duty or call to
covered active duty status” as duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed
Forces to a foreign country.
For a member of the Reserve components of the Armed Forces (members of the National
Guard and Reserves), “covered active duty or call to covered active duty status” means
duty during the deployment of the member with the Armed Forces to a foreign country
under a federal call or order to active duty in support of a contingency operation.
NOTE: The “Armed Forces” is defined as the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast
7. Military Caregiver leave for an employee who is a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin
of a Veteran or other covered service member recovering from a serious medical injury or
illness sustained in the line of active military duty. In order for the care of a Veteran to qualify
as Military Caregiver Leave, the Veteran must have served in active service within five (5) years
preceding the date on which he or she needs care
8. Leaves under #2, #3, #4, #6 and #7 are also given in conjunction with FMLA, the federal Family
Medical Leave Act
Benefits Continuation While on Leave without Pay: Employee Responsibility
GCS offers insurance coverage to all eligible employees. This coverage may require a premium payment
from the employee. Premiums are typically deducted from an employee’s salary each pay day. Employees
who work a ten-month schedule and only receive ten paychecks directly from GCS also have an additional
premium deduction (escrow) each pay day to cover the two summer months during which no deduction
can be taken.
When an active employee does not receive a paycheck for some reason, for example, leave without pay,
the employee is responsible for making timely premium payments each month. Premiums must be paid in
full for all insurance coverage in force. Partial payments are not accepted. It is the employee’s responsibility
to pay the designated premiums, if applicable, each month regardless of receipt of a monthly invoice.
By State and IRS policy, failure to make full and timely payments will result in the termination of insurance
coverage. If insurance is canceled due to non-payment of premiums, an employee will be unable to re-
enroll in the coverage unless he/she experiences a qualifying life event, returns to work or re-enrolls during
annual enrollment.
Employees returning to work after an unpaid leave of absence has 30 days from his/her date of return to
make changes in insurance.
Absences of More Than Ten Days
A request for a leave of absence form must be completed and submitted to the Benefits Department if the
absence is for more than 10 days. These absences must be approved by the Benefits Department. The
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 78 | P a g e
exceptions to this procedure are: military leave (for annual training and annual physical), the use of extended
sick leave, and the use of voluntary shared leave. The Request for Leave of Absence” form (HUM-F001) must
be completed for each of these exceptions even if the absence is 10 days or less. The appropriate
documentation for the type of leave requested must also be submitted to the Benefits Department for
approval. Employees may be eligible for a leave of absence, but ineligible to Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
leave. Employment protection under the FMLA does not eliminate the district’s ability to address prior
performance issues through disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Employees should be mindful
of the following:
1. Incomplete and Untimely Documents: Incomplete and untimely leave documents will delay the
processing of a leave requests, voluntary shared leave and other decisions. In order to ensure
timely and accurate pay, the Benefits Department must receive complete and accurate leave
documentation by the 23
of the prior month for employees paid mid-month and by the 5
the month for employees paid at month-end to ensure processing for the next pay period. Leaves
are only processed after receipt of all accurate and complete documentation.
2. Compliance with Policies and Procedures: An employee on an approved leave must comply with
the District's procedures for requesting leave/approved absence and provide additional
documentation as requested. Falsification of this form or any supporting document may be grounds
for disciplinary action, up to and including denial of leave and dismissal.
3. Processing Priority: Timely and bonafide urgent requests for leave with accurate and complete
documentation supporting the leave will be given priority processing status in determining leave
time available and approval. The Benefits Department is unable to expedite requests that are
delayed due to untimely submission or incomplete/inaccurate documentation. If there is a conflict
in information submitted, the Benefits Department reserves the right to use dates provided in
supporting documentation, e.g. physician’s statement as the dates of the leave. The employee is
responsible for ensuring that supporting documentation is correct. The employee is responsible for
ensuring that the Benefits Department receives supporting documentation from a 3
party, e.g. a
4. Accrued Leave: Each employee is responsible for knowing the status of his/her available (unused)
leave. This information is available through the last pay period via the self-service portal. An
employee requesting leave is responsible for ensuring that adequate leave is available or be
prepared to take leave without pay. The Benefits Department is unable to verify leave balances or
the amount of donated leave needed for full pay via phone or email.
5. Voluntary Shared Leave: Voluntary shared leave may only be used during the 60-day waiting
period for short term disability for an employee’s own medical condition. Leave donations from
GCS employees must be accurate, complete and received by the Benefits Department on or before
the 23
of the month for employees paid mid-month and the 5
of the month for employees paid
at month-end to ensure processing for the next pay period. Leave donations from other agencies
require verification and will be processed upon verification and on the same schedule. Employees
donating leave should send the donation forms directly to the Benefits Department. The Benefits
Office determines the number of days eligible employees are able to receive and donate based on
policy. Donated leave must be received no later than 30 days after the end of the leave.
Employees may not use GCS resources, e.g. email, for solicitation for voluntary shared leave.
6. Protected Medical Information: All medical information related to this leave should be sent to the
Leave Specialist or Workers’ Compensation Specialist in the Benefits Department. Employees are
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 79 | P a g e
not required to discuss protected medical information, including the specific nature of a medical
leave with his/her supervisor.
7. Return to Work: Employees must return to work as indicated on the leave documents. An
employee on medical leave must submit a release to return to work notice from his/her provider
to the Benefits Department for approval as soon as possiblepreferably at least 5 days prior to
the return to work:
a. Any restrictions must be approved by the Benefits Department in writing prior to the return
to work.
b. The Benefits Department is the only Department that can approve the return to work.
8. Adjustments to Leave Dates: If an employee needs to extend the leave, he/she is responsible for
providing appropriate documentation, preferably at least 5 days prior to the original leave ending
date. Failure to return to work as expected and without notice may result in action affecting
employmentup to and including interruption of pay and dismissal. Return to work without prior
written approval by the Benefits Department may result in a delay of pay.
9. Employees Paid in Advance (e.g. certified employees): An employee in a position for which he/she
is paid in advance is not eligible for resuming the advance pay until he/she physically returns to
work. This is to prevent possible overpayment. Employees must return to work by the 23
of the
month if paid mid-month and by the 5
of the month if paid at month end to ensure being paid in
advance at the next scheduled payroll. Employees returning to work after these dates will resume
the paid-in-advance schedule at the next practical payroll.
10. Continuation of Benefits (All Employees): If a leave is unpaid, the employee is responsible for all
miscellaneous deductions made through payroll deduction, including such items as health, dental,
life insurance, cafeteria benefits, etc. unless they are declined while on leave. In the event of leave
without pay, the employee should make arrangements with the Benefits Office to maintain
coverage and pay as billed for benefits received while on leave. Unpaid premiums will result in
termination of benefits.
11. Work While on Leave: Employees on medical leave are discouraged from working. It is expected
that an employee on leave ensure that the supervisor and colleagues filling in during the absence
have information necessary to provide continuity in the performance of duties, e.g. grades,
instructional materials, lesson plans, etc. The Benefits Department must approve employment and
volunteer assignments while on any leave of absence.
Death in Family
Employees may use sick leave for time off for bereavement for death in immediate family.
Leave without Pay
Guilford County Schools requires the employee to use available paid leave before going on leave without pay.
An employee may be granted a leave of absence without pay for periods as granted in the discretion of the
Superintendent and in accordance with the rules and regulations adopted by the School Board. Extended
leaves of absence may be granted in accordance with local rules and regulations. Whenever possible,
employees will give advance notice of requests for leave of absence as documented in the "Employees' Guide:
Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools Website under Human Resources/Forms and
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 80 | P a g e
Handbooks. The Board may determine when the leave will begin or end, based on a consideration of the
welfare of the students and the need for continuity of instruction.
(Reference: NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual)
Other Employment While on Leave
Except for specific authorization found in the state disability plan, it is not the practice of the school district to
authorize a leave and allow employees to accept other employment. Employees should consider this
limitation prior to requesting leave. Any exceptions to this practice should be requested by the employee at the
time leave approval is sought. Any employee on an approved leave of absence should request approval from
the Benefits Department prior to accepting other employment. The request will be reviewed and a letter of
notification will be mailed to the employee. If an employee is receiving short-term disability and working at
another job, name of employer, gross and net earnings and date of payment must be reported to the
Benefits Department.
Return from Long-term Leave of Absence
When an employee returns to work from an approved long-term leave of absence without pay, the school
district will attempt to place that employee in his/her original position if possible. However, in cases when this
is not possible, the employee will be placed in an equivalent position at another location within the school
district. An employee returning to work from a medical leave (for self) must provide a note from the medical
provider releasing the employee to return to work. An employee returning to work after an absence of one
year or more must submit a new North Carolina Health Certificate to the Benefits Department. If insurance
benefits were canceled while on leave of absence, it is the employee’s responsibility to re-enroll. An employee
can call the Benefits Department for more information and assistance in enrolling in insurance benefits.
Sick Leave
Sick leave is earned by all permanent employees at the rate of one (1) day for each monthly pay period they are
working or on paid leave for one-half or more of the workdays in the pay period (pro-rated for part-time - 50
percent or more). This leave may be used for personal illness, injury, temporary disability, illness or death in the
immediate family, or employee medical appointments.
Approval: For periods of ten (10) working days or less, employees must complete a "Leave Request" (form FIN-
FO17) available in the school/department office to request/document the absence. The immediate site
supervisor is authorized to approve requests from employees for use of accumulated sick leave for up to ten
(10) consecutive days. Requests for more than five (5) consecutive days must be accompanied by a doctor's
statement. The appropriate supervisor or the Human Resources Department may require, at any time, a
statement from a medical or other acceptable proof that the employee was unable to work. For periods of
more than ten (10) working days, employees must complete a "Request for Leave of Absence" (form HUM-
F001) also available in the school/department office and the GCS Website. The Benefits Department has
authority to approve requests from employees for use of accumulated sick leave for a period exceeding ten
(10) workdays.
Charging: Sick leave must be charged in half-day minimums. It may only be taken within existing guidelines for
personal illness, or an illness or death in the immediate family as defined by the State Board of Education.
Unused sick leave can be added to length of service for pension computation at retirement. Effective October
1, 1989, sick leave balances are restored for employees who separate from service and return to
employment in a permanent status within 60 months (63 months for teachers).
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 81 | P a g e
(Reference: NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual; Guilford County Schools Employee Guide: Leaves and
Extended Sick Leave (Teachers and Media Specialists Only)
Eligibility: Permanent full-time or part-time classroom teachers and media specialists, who are absent due to
their own personal illness or injury in excess of their accumulated sick leave and available annual leave will be
allowed extended sick leave of up to twenty (20) workdays throughout the regular term of employment.
Deductions: Employees on extended sick leave receive full salary less the required substitute deduction. This
deduction is mandatory whether or not a substitute is employed. The standard deduction is $50 a day. In order
for a new employee to be eligible, he/she must have reported to work.
Approval: If the absence is 10 days or less, the employee must complete the “Request for Leave of Absence”
form; (HUM-F001) available in the school/department office and the GCS Website. If the absence is for more
than 10 days, a Request for Leave of Absences form (HUM-F001) must be completed. Both forms require
medical documentation. This information must be submitted to the Benefits Department for approval.
Requests to use extended sick leave should be made no later than five (5) days after the extended sick leave
begins. If this is not possible, employee must provide written justification to the Director of Benefits. Extended
sick leave is not available beyond the waiting period for Worker’s Compensation Leave (7 days) and Short-Term
Disability Leave (60 days).
Voluntary Shared Leave (Donated Leave)
The purpose of voluntary shared leave (donated leave) is to provide economic relief for employees who are
likely to suffer financial hardship because of a prolonged absence or frequent short-term absences caused by a
serious medical condition. The serious medical condition must be documented by a medical doctor, and follow
the definition and guidelines as set forth in the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993.
Eligibility: Only permanent full-time or part-time employees who have exhausted all accumulated paid leave
(sick leave, annual leave, miscellaneous bonus leave if applicable) are eligible to receive donated leave. An
employee need not exhaust personal leave and the 20 days of extended sick leave to be eligible for voluntary
shared leave.
An employee who is eligible to receive benefits from the State of North Carolina Disability Income Plan and/or
a private supplemental disability insurance policy is not eligible to receive donated leave. Voluntary shared
leave may be used during the required sixty (60) day waiting period for the Disability Income Plan or any
applicable waiting period under a private policy.
The following two (2) conditions must be met before an eligible employee can request Voluntary Share Leave:
1. Must be absent for more than five (5) consecutive days or a series of more than five (5) days over a
period of six (6) months due to the same medical reason.
2. Must be absent due to a serious medical condition (as defined by the Family Medical Leave Act of
1993) of self or immediate family member.
Requests: Employees may apply for donated leave by completing three forms:
1. Application for Voluntary Shared Leave” (form HUM-F021)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 82 | P a g e
2. Request for a Leave of Absence” (form HUM-F001)
3. U.S. Department of Labor” (forms WH-380E and WH-380-F).
Forms are located in the Benefits Department and on the GCS Website. The U.S. Department of Labor” form is
used to document a serious medical condition. Submit forms to the Benefits Department.
Application may also be made by a third person acting on the employee's behalf if the employee is unable to
make application. The application must include a doctor's statement, and an authorization for release of
medical information signed by the person who is suffering the medical condition (or parent or guardian of a
minor). This release may also be signed by any legally authorized party.
Employees may not use the GCS email system or other GCS technology to request donated leave. An employee
and/or supervisor may not use mass solicitation (group solicitation of GCS employees) outside of his/her own
work location. Employees are discouraged from distributing any medical information, including his/her own, as
the district is unable to ensure confidentiality. Employees not complying with this policy may be denied use of
donated leave and face disciplinary action.
Leave Donation: Any eligible employee in the school system may donate annual vacation leave to any
approved employee in the same school system. Family members may donate annual vacation leave,
miscellaneous bonus leave or sick leave to immediate family members in the same school system, another N. C.
school system, community college or state agency as defined by the State Board of Education. Effective
January 1, 2011, sick leave may be donated to an employee of a public school system (LEA). A public school
employee cannot donate more than five days of sick leave per year to any one, non-family member.
Employees of a school system may donate annual vacation leave to the immediate family of a co-worker if the
co-worker’s immediate family member is eligible for donated leave and works in another school system, state
agency or community college. In order to donate leave an employee must complete a "Authorization to
Donate Leave(form HUM-F020) and submit it to the Benefits Department. The form may be obtained from
the Benefits Department or the GCS Website.
Timelines: Requests to use voluntary shared leave and requests to donate leave must be received in the
Benefits Department before the leave begins or before the employee returns to work. If this is not possible,
employee must provide written justification to the Director of Benefits. Anyone who would like more
information should contact the Benefits Department. Donated leave must be received no more than 45
calendar days after the end of an authorized leave in order to be used.
(Reference: NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual, Guilford County Schools Employee Guide: Leaves and
Personal Leave
Personal Leave is earned only by permanent full-time or part-time classroom teachers and media specialists. All
such full-time instructional personnel earn personal leave at the rate of .20 days for each full month of
employment not to exceed two (2) days per year. Part-time personnel earn at a prorated share, the rate for
full-time employees.
Accumulation: Personal leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until June 30 of each
year. Eligible employees may carry forward to July 1 a maximum of five (5) days of personal leave; the
remainder of the personal leave will be converted to sick leave on June 30. At the time of retirement,
accumulated personal leave may be converted to sick leave for creditable service towards retirement.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 83 | P a g e
Use: Personal leave may be used only upon the authorization of the employee’s immediate supervisor.
Personal leave may not be taken on the first day the employee is required to report for the school year, on a
required teacher workday, or days scheduled for State testing, or on the day before or the day after a holiday
or scheduled vacation day, unless the request is approved by the principal. On all other days, if the request is
made at least five (5) days in advance, the request will be automatically granted subject to the availability of a
substitute teacher, and the employee cannot be required to provide a reason for the request. With the
approval of the supervisor, a teacher can use Personal Leave without a substitute teacher deduction on an
optional workday.
Eligible employees using accrued personal leave will receive full salary less the required substitute deduction,
except for using personal leave on non-protected teacher workdays. Eligible employees using accrued personal
leave on non-protected teacher workdays will receive full salary. To use a personal leave day, the employee
must complete a “Leave Request” (form FIN-017) available in the school/department office.
Transfer: Employees may transfer personal leave days between local school administrative units. The local
school administrative unit will credit an employee who has separated from service and is re-employed within
60 months from the date of separation with all personal leave accumulated at the time of separation. Local
school administrative units will not advance personal leave. See “Use of Personal Leave Chart” in the Appendix.
(Reference NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual; Guilford County Schools Employee Guide- Leaves and
Absences; HB 15; HB 2436-Section 26.21a)
Annual Leave (Vacation)
Guilford County Schools values the contributions, health and well-being of each employee. The purpose of paid
annual vacation leave is to allow and encourage all employees to take time off from work. G.S. 115C-316
requires that the first ten (10) days of annual leave earned by 10- or 11-month employees during any fiscal year
be scheduled for use in the school calendar adopted by the local Board of Education.
Annual vacation leave will be earned as follows:
Vacation Leave Accrual Rates
Years of Leave Days
12 Month Full-time
State Service per Period Accrual Carryover
< 5 1.17 14 days (112 hours) 30.000
5 < 10 1.42 17 days (136 hours) 30.000
10 < 15 1.67 20 days (160 hours) 30.000
15 < 20 1.92 23 days (184 hours) 30.000
≥20 2.17 26 days (208 hours) 30.000
Leave Accumulation: Annual vacation leave may be accumulated without any applicable maximum until June
30 of each calendar year. On June 30 accumulated annual vacation leave in excess of 30 days will be converted
to sick leave so that only 30 workdays of annual vacation leave are carried forward to July 1 of each year. An
employee with more than 30 days of annual vacation leave who separates from employment prior to June 30 is
not eligible for this conversion and will be paid a maximum of 30 days or 240 hours.
Employees are eligible to request additional available annual vacation leave during each year for a stated
purpose. State and local regulations determine when annual leave may be taken. Annual leave must be
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 84 | P a g e
authorized by the immediate supervisor and the employee must complete a "Leave Request" (form FIN-F017)
available in the school/department office to request/document the absence. Guilford County Schools requires
annual vacation leave to be used in one-half or whole day units.
All full-time and part-time permanent employees who work or are on paid leave (including paid holidays and
when on Worker's Compensation) for one-half or more of the workdays in a monthly pay period, earn annual
vacation leave based on the length of total State of North Carolina service. Annual vacation leave for a part-
time permanent employee will be computed on a pro- rata basis.
School Nutrition Services personnel who require a substitute normally may not take annual vacation leave at
any time that students are scheduled to be in attendance.
Instructional Personnel and Bus Drivers: In 2012, the legislature amended the law permitting
instructional employees and bus drivers who work 11 or 12 months in a year-round or extended year
and require substitutes to use annual vacation leave on days students are in attendance with prior
approval of the principal or supervisor.
Bus Drivers: Bus drivers who work less than 20 hours per week and who are not otherwise entitled to earn
vacation as described above are entitled to earn one day per year (equal in length to one regular workday for
each driver) if:
1. They are employed to drive a regular daily route (i.e., they are not substitute drivers), and
2. They were employed as regular drivers the entire previous school year.
Bonus Vacation Leave
Special 2017-2018 Annual Bonus Leave
Any full-time permanent employee eligible to earn leave and employed on July 1, 2017 shall receive 3 days
of annual leave. Unused leave may be carried over but has no cash value at termination.
Prior Bonus Vacation Leave Eligibility
Bonus vacation leave was received in three special distributions during the 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-
2005 school years. In each of the three special distributions, eligible employees in permanent full-time, 12-
month positions received bonus vacation leave. The leave was received pro-rata if employed less than full-time
and/or less than 12 months. Unused bonus leave granted in 2012 expired on June 30, 2013 and was not eligible
for carry over.
Bonus vacation leave balance is tracked separately and carries forward each year until used or paid out at
retirement or separation. It is not included in the 30-day limit of the annual vacation leave that can be
carried forward on June 30
each year and does not roll into sick leave. Bonus vacation leave may be
donated under the same rules and provisions as annual vacation. Bonus vacation leave can be used under
the same circumstances and provisions as annual vacation leave.
An employee who transfers between local administrative units or to or from a state agency must have all
unused bonus vacation leave transferred to the new school system or state agency. Upon separation from
employment, any unused bonus vacation leave balance will be paid out at the daily rate at the time of
separation. The payment is in addition to the annual vacation leave balance (up to 30 days) that is paid at
(Reference: Public Schools of North Carolina Benefits and Employment Policy Manual)
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 85 | P a g e
Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) is one of several federal laws that focuses on our
needs in coping with developing realities surrounding health and employment. The FFCRA introduces two
new pay/leave benefits for employees with paid sick leave or expanded family medical leave for specified
reasons related to COVID-19. The FFCRA will expire December 31, 2020.
There are two main components of the Act: Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Emergency Family
Medical Leave Act Expansion (E-FMLAE). These programs will add to other employee leave benefits (i.e.
sick leave accruals, LOAs or the classic Family Medical Leave Act).
o EPSL provides employees additional two (2) weeks of paid sick leave for COVID-19 related reasons.
100% of daily rate of pay, up to cap ($511 daily/$5,110 over the two week period)
for employees who are under government required quarantine; employees who
are self-quarantine as directed by healthcare provider or are experiencing COVID
symptoms and seeking medical care.
2/3 of daily rate of pay, up to cap ($200 daily/$2,000 over the two week period) for
those employees who cannot work due to care requirements for individuals
effected by COVID-19 as above OR who cannot work because of son/daughter’s
childcare requirements as a result of COVID-19 school or childcare
provider closures.
The EPSL can coordinate with the E-FMLAE benefit.
o E-FMLAE is a temporary expansion of FMLA ‘classic’ for employees with at least 30 days of service.
Provides for 12 weeks of leave (beyond the EPSL benefit) for those employees who
cannot work due to childcare requirements as a result of COVID-19 school or
childcare provider closures
First two weeks (2) are unpaid (but employee can take EPSL or other paid leave
during first two weeks), then 2/3 of daily rate of pay, up to cap ($200 daily/$10,000
over 10 weeks; or 12,000 total over the 12 week leave period including the EPSL
Employees requesting leave under FFCRA may elect to use leave balances to
supplement the leave as outlined above when the leave is requested for cases of
personal illness or to care for an ill family member, as noted in FCPS Regulation
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 86 | P a g e
Coronavirus Scenarios and FAQs
Employee is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID-
o Supervisor must be notified immediately of the quarantine or isolation order.
o Employee must leave the workplace/school immediately
o Employee may choose to apply for Emergency Paid Sick Leave by completing the
Request for Leave of Absence Form (Eligible employees will receive up to 80 hours
of 100% paid leave as long as the leave is taken prior to December 31, 2020. Part-
time employees will receive the equivalent of up to 80 hours of part-time pay.) or
employee may telework or teach remotely, if applicable.
o Employee may return to work after the order is lifted.
Employee has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine because they may have
been exposed to COVID-19
o Supervisor must be notified immediately.
o Employee must leave the workplace/school immediately
o Employee may choose to apply for Federal Paid Sick Leave by completing the
Request for Leave of Absence Form (Eligible employees will receive up to 80 hours
of 100% paid leave as long as the leave is taken prior to December 31, 2020. Part-
time employees will receive the equivalent of up to 80 hours of part-time pay.) or
employee may telework or teach remotely, if applicable.
o Employee is requested to provide documentation from healthcare provider to the
Benefits Office in Human Resources.
o Employee may return to work with a Doctor’s release that states one of the
Person may return to workplace/school 14 days after last close
contact, if no symptoms develop nor do they have a positive COVID-
19 test.
Person may return to workplace/school 10 days after the date of
their first positive COVID-19 diagnostic test, assuming they have not
subsequently developed symptoms since their positive test
Employee is experiencing at least one of the COVID-19 symptoms (Fever • Chills • Shortness of
breath or difficulty breathing • New cough •New loss of taste or smell) and is seeking a medical
o Supervisor must be notified immediately.
o Employee must leave the workplace/school immediately
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 87 | P a g e
o Employee may choose to apply for Federal Paid Sick Leave by completing the
Request for Leave of Absence Form (Eligible employees will receive up to 80 hours
of 100% paid leave as long as the leave is taken prior to December 31, 2020. Part-
time employees will receive the equivalent of up to 80 hours of part-time pay.) or
employee may telework or teach remotely, if applicable.
o Employee is requested to provide documentation from healthcare provider to the
Benefits Office in Human Resources.
o Employee may return to work with a Doctor’s release that states one of the
o Employee is requested to provide documentation from healthcare provider to the
Benefits Office in Human Resources.
o Employee may return to work with a Doctor’s release that states the following:
Person may return to workplace/school, following normal school
policies, if they receive confirmation of an alternative diagnosis from
a health care provider that would explain the COVID-19-like
symptom(s), once there is no fever without the use of fever-reducing
medicines and they have felt well for 24 hours.
Employee is caring for an individual subject to an order of isolation or quarantine or has been
advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine related to COVID-19.
o Supervisor must be notified immediately.
o Employee may choose to apply for Federal Paid Sick Leave by completing the
Request for Leave of Absence Form (Eligible employees will receive up to 80 hours
at 2/3 paid leave as long as the leave is taken prior to December 31, 2020. Part-time
employees will receive the equivalent of up to 80 hours of part-time pay at 2/3
rate.) or employee may telework or teach remotely, if applicable.
o Employee is requested to provide documentation from healthcare provider to the
Benefits Office in Human Resources to verify the need to provide care.
o Employee may return to work with documentation that care is no longer needed
Employee is caring for their child whose school or place of care is closed (or child care provider is
unavailable) due to COVID-19 related reasons.
o Supervisor must be notified immediately.
o Employee should complete the Request for Leave of Absence Form. (Employees
may use emergency paid sick leave if they are unable to perform work at the
worksite or remotely because they are caring for a son or daughter whose school or
child care facility has been closed, or the child care provider is otherwise
unavailable, due to COVID-19 precautions. This leave may be taken only if there is
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 88 | P a g e
no other suitable person available to care for the son or daughter. In addition, for
any son or daughter who is over the age of 14, the employee must explain any
special circumstances that require the employee to provide care. Employees may
take this leave intermittently and should work with their supervisor to make
appropriate arrangements. This paid leave may be taken as the first two weeks of
twelve weeks to which the employee is entitled under the Emergency FMLA
Expanded Leave for Child Care (12 Weeks of Leave Available through December 31,
2020). The EFMLAE leave will pay two-thirds of employee salary for 10 weeks.
Employee may use annual leave to subsides for the other one-third of their salary.
EFMLEA is another type of leave under the FMLA. Employees who have used FMLA
leave in the prior 12 months, in accordance with GCS’s policy, are only entitled to
the amount of the 12-week leave remaining.
o The first 10 days of EFMLEA are unpaid. However, an employee may choose to be
paid by using any available Emergency Sick Leave and/or any other applicable leave
offered by GCS that the employee has accrued.
o After the first ten days, the remaining ten weeks of leave will be paid at a rate of
two-thirds the employee’s regular rate of pay up to $200 per day. Employees are
required to use any existing applicable leave, including PTO and vacation leave, to
supplement this EFMLEA pay up to the employee’s normal weekly earnings
o Employee may return to work with documentation that care is no longer needed
Employee is experiencing any other substantially-similar condition specified by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services such as; received a letter from a medical provider that
states you are high risk or considered to part of a vulnerable population.
o Employee may choose to apply for Emergency Paid Sick Leave by completing the
Request for Leave of Absence Form (Eligible employees will receive up to 80 hours at
two-thirds paid leave as long as the leave is taken prior to December 31, 2020. Part-
time employees will receive the equivalent of up to 80 hours of part-time pay at two-
thirds rate.) or employee may telework or teach remotely, if applicable.
o Employees who believes they are entitled to leave under this provision must submit
letter of evidence to Benefits Office in Human Resources to support this reason and
explain the circumstances.
Family and Medical Leave Act
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), an act of the federal government, allows eligible employees to take
unpaid leave for up to twelve (12) weeks during each 12-month FMLA leave year. Guilford County Schools
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 89 | P a g e
requires an employee to use available paid leave before taking leave without pay. Guilford County Schools
must maintain any employer-paid health benefits while the employee is on FMLA leave. Employment
protection under the FMLA does not eliminate the district’s ability to address prior performance issues through
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
Reasons: FMLA may be taken for the following reasons:
1. The birth of a child of the employee and in order to care for the child;
2. The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;
3. Taking care of the employee's spouse, child or parent who has a serious health condition;
4. Taking care of a service member recovering from a serious injury or illness sustained in the line of
active duty. This also applies to a veteran, if the veteran was on active duty within five (5) years of
the date the Veteran needs care. (Must meet eligibility requirements);
5. A serious health condition of the employee that makes the employee unable to perform the
functions of the employee's position; or
6. The notification of spouse, son, daughter or parent being called to active duty and has been
deployed to a foreign country as a member of the Armed Forces. This applies to any member of
the Armed Forces whether reservists or full-time military personnel.
An employee is eligible for FMLA leave if both of the following conditions are met:
1. The employee has worked for Guilford County Schools for at least twelve (12) months, which need
not be consecutive; and
2. The employee has worked at least 1,250 hours for Guilford County Schools during the twelve (12)
month period immediately preceding the beginning of the FMLA leave.
Calendar: The FMLA leave year is a rolling twelve-month period measured forward from the date the
employee first takes FMLA leave after completion of any previous FMLA leave year. The full text of the FMLA
policy is contained in the "Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools
Parental Leave
All full-time permanent or part-time permanent employees may take a leave of absence without pay for up to
twelve (12) calendar months to care for a newborn child, a newly adopted child or a child placed in foster care.
Guilford County Schools requires an employee to use available paid leave before taking leave without pay.
Use of appropriate earned leave during the time of the leave (annual vacation leave, miscellaneous bonus
leave, sick leave, extended sick leave, personal leave and voluntary shared leave) will not extend the 12-month
period of parental leave to which the employee is entitled. However, the Board of Education may determine
when the leave will begin or end, based on a consideration of the welfare of the students and the need for
continuity of service.
Benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act are available to eligible employees requesting Parental Leave.
An employee may apply for a parental leave by completing the “Request for a Leave of Absence Form (form
HUM-F001). The employee’s doctor must complete the “U.S. Department of Labor Form” (WH-380-E).
Please refer to the "Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools
Website for more detailed information with respect to requesting a Parental Leave.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 90 | P a g e
Military Leave
The granting of military leave to full-time
or part-time permanent employees is an
obligation of the State to the defense
effort of the nation and to the protection
of the State itself. Generally, employees
may be granted up to fifteen (15) days of
leave with pay during the federal fiscal
year for military t raining. An employee
called to active duty will take leave without
pay unless he/she chooses to use available
annual leave. Important Note: The
Request for a Leave of Absence” (form
HUM-F001) must be submitted to the
Benefits Department for any amount of time away from the job due to military duties such as annual training,
annual physical or active duty.
Public school employees, including charter school employees, on leave of absence for state or federal military
duty under honorable service status, for required training, or for special emergency management service will
be paid the difference in military base pay and public school salary, including non-performance based bonuses,
when the military pay is less than the public school salary. The employee must request differential pay within
12 months from the date of separation or discharge.
All military leaves of absence will be administered in accordance with federal and state laws.
Please refer to the "Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools
Website for more detailed information with respect to requesting a Military Leave.
(Reference: Public Schools of North Carolina Benefits and Employment Policy Manual, Section 10; Uniformed
Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act; Reference: Guilford County Schools Employee’s “Guide to
Leave and Absences”; G. S. 115-C-302.1)
Medical Leave for Employee*
All full-time permanent or part-time permanent employees may take a leave of absence without pay for up to
twelve (12) calendar months in excess of sick leave provisions for personal illness or temporary disability that
prevents an employee from performing his or her usual duties. Guilford County Schools requires an employee
to use appropriate earned leave during the time of the leave (annual vacation leave, miscellaneous bonus
leave, sick leave, extended sick leave, personal leave and voluntary shared leave). However, the Board of
Education may determine when the leave will begin or end based on a consideration of the welfare of the
students and the need for continuity of service. Benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act are available
to eligible employees requesting Medical Leave.
An employee may apply for a medical leave by completing the “Request for a Leave of Absence Form” (form
HUM –F001). The employee’s doctor must complete the “U.S. Department of Labor Form” (WH-380-E). Please
refer to the "Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools Website for
more detailed information with respect to requesting a Medical Leave.
*Employees who work less than four (4) hours per day are not considered part-time and are, therefore,
ineligible for a medical leave. They must resign their position if they cannot work due to their own illness or that
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 91 | P a g e
of a family member. However, employees who resign under these circumstances will be given consideration for
Medical Leave to Care for Family*
All full-time permanent or part-time permanent employees may take a leave of absence without pay for up to
twelve (12) calendar months to care for the employee's immediate family member with a serious health
condition. Guilford County Schools requires an employee to use appropriate earned leave during the time of
the leave (sick leave, annual vacation leave, miscellaneous bonus leave, personal leave and voluntary shared
leave). However, the Board of Education may also determine when the leave will begin or end, based on a
consideration of the welfare of the students and the need for continuity of service.
Benefits under the Family and Medical Leave Act are available to eligible employees requesting Medical Leave
to Care for Family. An employee may apply for a medical leave to care for an immediate family member by
completing the Request for a Leave of Absence Form” (form HUM –F001). The employee’s immediate family
members doctor must complete the U.S. Department of Labor Form (WH-380-F). Please refer to the
"Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on the Guilford County Schools Website for more
detailed information with respect to requesting a Medical Leave to Care for Family.
*Employees who work less than four (4) hours per day are not considered part-time and are, therefore,
ineligible for a medical leave. They must resign their position if they cannot work due to their own illness or that
of a family member. However, employees who resign under these circumstances will be given consideration for
Military Caregiver Leave
An employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin of a member of the Armed Forces can
now take up to 26 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave in a single 12-month period to care for the service
member or covered veteran undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy for a serious injury or
illness sustained in the line of active duty. This applies to veterans if the veteran was on active duty within five
(5) years of the date the veteran needs care. The leave can be taken intermittently or on a reduced leave
schedule when medically necessary. An employee may apply for a Military Caregiver leave by completing the
Request for a Leave of Absence Form” (form HUM-F001). The service member’s doctor must complete the
U.S. Department of Labor Form” (WH-380).
(Reference: NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual)
Qualifying Exigency Leave
An employee can take up to 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave in a 12-month period because of any
qualifying exigency” arising out of the fact that an employee’s spouse, son, daughter or parent has been
notified of an impending call to covered active duty and has been deployed to a foreign country as a member
of the Armed Forces. This applies to any member of the Armed Forces whether Reservists, National Guard or
Regular Armed Forces.
Eligible employees may take qualifying exigency leave for any of the following reasons:
1. short term deployment
2. military events and related activities;
3. childcare and school activities;
4. financial and legal arrangements;
5. counseling;
6. rest and recuperation;
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 92 | P a g e
7. post-deployment activities;
8. additional activities; or
9. care for a military member’s parent who is incapable of self-care when the care is necessitated by the
member’s covered active duty.
Eligible employees who request qualifying exigency leave to spend time with a military member on Rest and
Recuperation leave may take up to fifteen days of leave. Supporting documentation may be needed for
approval of leave. An employee may apply for a Qualifying Exigency leave by completing the “Request for a
Leave of Absence (form HUM-F001) and form WH-384.
(Reference: NC Benefits and Employment Policy Manual)
Educational Leave
Employees of Guilford County Schools, who are eligible to take a leave of absence and are enrolled as full-
time students at college or university should make every effort to schedule their classes in so far as possible
after their regular duty hours. If the employee has exhausted all measures and must schedule a class
before the end of the workday the following options are available:
1. In lieu of taking any professional
days, a total of eighty (80) hours
of release time may be taken for
educational purposes. The
employee should make a written
work request, including the class
schedule, to his/her supervisor.
2. If the employee must be absent
for more than one hour any given
day, a substitute is required. The
cost of a one-half day substitute
will be deducted from the
employee's wages.
3. Twelve-month employees
enrolled in full-time summer school may use vacation time to account for the day(s) absent.
4. Employees enrolled in internships will:
a. Request placement in writing for fall semester by June 1 and placement
for second semester by November 15 in conjunction with the
college/university placement request.
b. Be governed by the number of hours to be served in the internship by
the sponsoring college or university.
c. Present a proposal or plan, approved by the college or university, to
the Executive Director of Human Resources for review. If the proposed
plan cannot be accommodated during the school year in terms of
before, during or after school hours, then the employee must secure a
leave of absence from his/her position (full-time) to fulfill the
internship requirement or request the Executive Director of Human
Resources for placement in Guilford County Schools year-round
summer programs, if appropriate placement is available.
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 93 | P a g e
d. Receive approval and be assigned to their current school/department
or assigned to a different school/department by the Executive Director
of Human Resources, after consulting with the principal/supervisor and
the appropriate Executive Director.
5. Any approved request and schedule will be forwarded to the employee's
personnel file.
To take an unpaid educational leave, an employee at least sixty (60) days in advance must: complete the
“Request for Leave of Absence” form (HUM-F001), attach appropriate documentation, indicating a full-time
registered student, and submit all documents to the Benefits Department. Once received, the employee
will be contacted for an appointment with the appropriate Benefits Specialist.
Educational leave may be granted for full-time study as defined by an accredited college or university. The
maximum length of an educational leave is one calendar year, except for employees participating in the North
Carolina Principal Fellows' Program. Failure to request an educational leave sixty (60) days in advance in writing
could result in denial of the leave. Please refer to the "Employees' Guide to Leaves and Absences" available on
the Guilford County Schools Website for more detailed information with respect to requesting an Educational
(Reference: Board of Education Policy GBRL)
Educational Leave for NCAE Officers
Educational leave for the purpose of serving as an officer in the NCAE must now meet the requirements of
educational leave in order for the educational service to remain credited on their State Retirement System
Employees must complete the form for educational leave, and will also have to complete the employee
portion of Form 463F “Requesting Continuation of Contributions and Credit for Planned Educational Leave”
and submit it to the Benefits Office. The form will be forwarded to the State Retirement System by the
Benefits Department. This form is required for each elected term and will initiate notification of the amount
the employee will need to contribute each month for retirement. Effective July 1, 2013, retirement will no
longer be deducted from the monthly paycheck during service for the NCAE and the employee will need to
pay the monthly retirement contribution to remain credited on the State Retirement System records.
Payment must be paid via check to the Guilford County Schools Payroll department no later than the last
business day of the month. The Payroll Department will remit the funds to the State Retirement System for
the employee’s benefit.
Leave is limited to no more than six years of educational leave (after July 1, 2013) over the career term.
The employee must return to work for a school in the State Retirement System or state government within
one year of the term’s end for duration of at least three years (absent death or disability) at the end of the
Professional Leave with Deduction
All full-time or part-time permanent employees are eligible for professional leave. Permanent public school
employees who have professional responsibilities, or who need to attend meetings of professional
associations, may be absent with pay minus a salary deduction for substitute teachers. The deduction is
mandatory whether or not a substitute is employed. Such absences must be approved by the Superintendent
or his/her designee (usually the Principal at a school or designated administrative supervisor at other sites) and
will be allowed for a period not exceeding three (3) successive days for in-state meetings and five (5) successive
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 94 | P a g e
days for out-of-state meetings. Absences for this purpose may not exceed ten (10) days for the school year. The
limitation will not apply to a person who is a local or district president or president-elect, state or national
officer of a professional education, or a person selected as the National Teacher of the Year. The Office of the
Deputy State Superintendent will upon request determine the eligibility of the professional association.
Professional Leave without Deduction
Permanent public school employees attending meetings or performing duties as members of the State Board
of Education, the State Textbook Commission, the Board of Governors of the Governor’s Schools or required
attendance at a case manager’s hearing will receive full salary. Permanent public school employees completing
assignments for, or serving on a commission or committee appointed by the Governor, the State
Superintendent, the State Board of Education, or the General Assembly will receive full salary. Substitutes for
these persons will be paid from the same funding source as the employee being replaced.
Officers of Professional Organizations
Upon the recommendation of the local superintendent, local boards of education may grant leave with pay for
elected officers of professional organizations, provided the organization pays the full salary and all benefit costs
for the employee on leave. During such leave with pay, the employee will earn sick, personal and annual
vacation leave and receive paid holidays. Employees will be eligible to use leave as they would when in active
status with the school system.
Community Responsibility
Upon approval of the supervisor, a full-time or part-time public school employee may be granted leave to
represent the school or administrative unit at community functions such as the funeral of a school child or his
parent. Absences of this type will quality for full salary during the days absent.
Proper provisions will be made for the continuation of the employee's regular work by making satisfactory
arrangements within the system or by employment of a substitute. Substitutes employed for these absences
will not be paid from state funds.
Jury Duty and Court Attendance
Jury Duty: Full-time or part-time public school employees will retain full salary when absent from work to serve
on a jury. The employee is entitled to regular compensation in addition to payment for jury duty.
Court Attendance by Duty or Subpoena: Full-time or part-time public school employees retain full salary for
absences from school due to court attendance related to their official duty. The employee also will receive full
salary when subpoenaed, except as noted in section (b). Out-of-state subpoenas are not binding on North
Carolina residents, unless that state and North Carolina have an interstate subpoena agreement.
Any fees except travel reimbursement received by a school employee serving in an official capacity as a witness
will be returned to the employing school administrative unit to be credited to the same fund from which the
employee is paid. Substitutes employed for these absences will be paid from the same source of funds as the
employee’s salary (local, federal or state).
Court Attendance for Personal Reasons: Full-time or part-time public school employees who are absent for
appearance in court as plaintiffs, defendants or witnesses for personal matters, even if subpoenaed, will not be
entitled to receive any salary payment for those days, unless they are using appropriate earned leave. (Note:
School personnel, who are responding to subpoenas for civic responsibilities such as a witness to a crime, are
eligible for paid court attendance leave).
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Elected Officials
Full-time or part-time public school employees serving as elected government officials may, with their
supervisor's approval, choose to use appropriate earned leave to attend to the responsibilities of their elected
Parental Involvement in Schools Leave
Eligibility and Rate of Earning: In accordance with G.S. 95-28.3, any employee who is a parent, guardian or
person in loco parentis may take up to four hours per fiscal year to attend or otherwise be involved at his or her
child’s school. There is no requirement that the employer pay an employee while taking this leave. However,
the local school district may allow the employee to use eligible accrued leave in lieu of non-paid parental
involvement leave. Leave granted for this purpose is subject to the following conditions:
1. The leave will be at a mutually agreed upon time between employer and employee,
2. The employer may require an employee to provide a written request at least 48 hours before the time
desired for the leave, and
3. The employer may require that the employee furnish written verification from the child’s school that
the employee attended or was otherwise involved at the school during the time of leave.
Definition of School: For the purpose of this policy, “school” is defined as any:
a. Public
b. Private church school, church of religious charter, or nonpublic school that
regularly provides a course of instruction,
c. Preschool, or
d. Child day care facility.
(Reference: G.S. 95-28.3)
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COVID-19 Staff Flow Chart
Contact List
The telephone numbers listed below are for your convenience, should you have questions regarding the
subjects listed.
Action Plans | 336-370-8341
Address Changes | 336-370-8348
Administrative Cohorts | 336-370-8340
Administrative Intern Placements | 336-370-8341
Administrative Interns | 336-370-8341
AESOP | Substitute Questions| 336-378-8820
Applications | 336-370-8319
Beginning Teacher Status | 336-378-8806
Beneficiary Changes | 336-370-8348
Benefits | 336-370-8348
Coaches (non-faculty, paid volunteer) | 336-370-8319
Contract Administration | 336-378-8806
Criminal Record Checks | 336-378-8806
- Substitutes | 336-378-8820
Death Claims | 336-370-8348
Disability | 336-370-8166
Employee Grievances | 336-370-8341 or 336-378-8821
Employee Records | 336-370-8825
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 97 | P a g e
Employee Relations | 336-370-8341 or 336-378-8821
Employment Verifications (salary only, loans, social services) | 336-370-8348
Exit Interviews | 336-378-8806
Evaluations | 336-378-8806
Extended Employment Agreements | 336-378-8806
GCS Act | 336-378-8823
Hiring | 336-378-8806
Identification Badges | 336-370-8348
Insurance | 336-370-8348
Lateral Entry | 336-378-8823
Leaves of Absence | 336-370-8166
Legal (HR) | 336-370-8341
-Lateral Entry | 336-378-8823
-Current Employees | 336-378-8806
Longevity | 336-370-8091
Name Changes | 336-370-8348
NCEES Technical Assistance | 336-370-8091
New Employee Orientation | 336-378-8806
Principal of the Year | 336-378-8821
Recruitment and Staffing | 336-370-8319 or 336-378-8806
Renewal/Non-renewal | 336-370-8341
Resignation | 336-370-8341
Retirement | 336-370-8348
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 98 | P a g e
Salary Administration | 336-370-8091 or 336-378-8822
Salary Verification (experience/prior service verifications) | 336-370-8348
See also Employment Verifications
Substitutes | 336-378-8820
Student Teachers | 336-370-8319
Teacher of the Year | 336-378-8821
Transfers | 336-378-8806
Tutors | 336-378-8806
Unemployment Compensation | 336-370-8348
Workers' Compensation | 336-370-8351 or 336-370-8007
Guilford County Schools Employee Handbook 2020-2021 99 | P a g e
Use of Personal Leave Chart
(1) In accordance with Section 5.1.2. Benefits & Employment Policy Manual
(a) Personal leave may be used only upon authorization of the immediate supervisor
(b) Unless approved by the principal, a teacher shall not take personal leave on the first
day teachers are required to report for the school year, on required teacher workdays,
on days scheduled for State testing, on the last working day before or the next
working day after holidays or annual vacation days scheduled in the calendar.
(c) On all other days, if the request is made at least five days in advance, the request shall
be automatically granted subject to the availability of a substitute teacher.
(d) A teacher who requests personal leave at least five days in advance cannot be
required to provide a reason.
(e) Personal leave may be used on any instructional day or workday except as noted in (b)
Calendar Days
Can Use
Personal Leave
without a
Can Use
Personal Leave
With Deduction?
Can Use Annual
Vacation Leave?
No, traditional
Yes, in extended
year or year-
round school
only and with
LEA Mandatory
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(2) G.S. 115C-84.2.(a)(4) To allow teachers to complete instructional and classroom
administrative duties.
(3) Optional Workdays Workdays that may be designated as inclement weather make-up
days, or otherwise not specified in 115C-84.2 and/or Section 7.29.(b) G.S. 115C-
238.29F(d)(1). Teachers may use annual leave. Optional training and meetings may be
scheduled; however, teacher attendance cannot be required.
(4) 5 of the 15 non-instructional days must be designated as days that teachers may take
accumulated annual leave (optional workdays).
(5) Limited to the accrued personal leave balance as of the leave date.
(6) Workdays that the local board can designate as mandatory workdays; if not mandatory,
optional workday provision applies.
(7) Mandated Workdays Teacher attendance is required for district or school-level
professional development, planning meetings, grading, etc. Annual and personal leave
may not be taken.
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Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for North Carolina Educators
Policy Identification Priority: Quality Teachers, Administrators, and Staff Category: Qualifications
and Evaluations Policy ID Number: QP-C-014
Policy Title: 16 NCAC 6C .0601 and 16 NCAC 6C .0602 Policy regarding the Code of Ethics for North
Carolina Educators
Current Policy Date: 02/05/1998
Other Historical Information: Previous board dates: 06/05/1997
Statutory Reference:
Administrative Procedures Act (APA) Reference Number and Category: 16 NCAC 6C .0601 and
Preamble: The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to define standards of professional conduct.
The responsibility to teach and the freedom to learn, and the guarantee of equal opportunity for
all are essential to the achievement of these principles. The professional educator acknowledges
the worth and dignity of every person and demonstrates the pursuit of truth and devotion to
excellence, acquires knowledge, and nurtures democratic citizenship. The educator exemplifies a
commitment to the teaching and learning processes with accountability to the students, maintains
professional growth, exercises professional judgment, and personifies integrity. The educator
strives to maintain the respect and confidence of colleagues, students, parents and legal
guardians, and the community, and to serve as an appropriate role model.
To uphold these commitments, the educator:
I. Commitment to the Student.
A. Protects students from conditions within the educator’s control that circumvent learning
or are detrimental to the health and safety of students.
B. Maintains an appropriate relationship with students in all settings; does not encourage,
solicit, or engage in a sexual or romantic relationship with students, nor touch a student in
an inappropriate way for personal gratification, with intent to harm, or out of anger.
C. Evaluates students and assigns grades based upon the students’ demonstrated
competencies and performance.
D. Disciplines students justly and fairly and does not deliberately embarrass or humiliate
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E. Holds in confidence information learned in professional practice except for professional
reasons or in compliance with pertinent regulations or statutes.
F. Refuses to accept significant gifts, favors, or additional compensation that might
influence or appear to influence professional decisions or actions.
II. Commitment to the School and School System
A. Utilizes available resources to provide a classroom climate conducive to learning and to
promote learning to the maximum possible extent.
B. Acknowledges the diverse views of students, parents and legal guardians, and colleagues
as they work collaboratively to shape educational goals, policies, and decisions; does not
proselytize for personal viewpoints that are outside the scope of professional practice.
C. Signs a contract in good faith and does not abandon contracted professional duties
without a substantive reason.
D. Participates actively in professional decision-making processes and supports the
expression of professional opinions and judgments by colleagues in decision-making
processes or due process proceedings.
E. When acting in an administrative capacity:
1. Acts fairly, consistently, and prudently in the exercise of authority with
colleagues, subordinates, students, and parents and legal guardians.
2. Evaluates the work of other educators using appropriate procedures and
established statutes and regulations.
3. Protects the rights of others in the educational setting, and does not retaliate,
coerce, or intentionally intimidate others in the exercise of rights protected by
4. Recommend persons for employment, promotion, or transfer according to their
professional qualifications, the needs and policies of the LEA, and according to
the law.
III. Commitment to the Profession
A. Provides accurate credentials and information regarding licensure or employment and
does not knowingly assist others in providing untruthful information.
B. Takes action to remedy an observed violation of the Code of Ethics for North Carolina
Educators and promotes understanding of the principles of professional ethics.
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C. Pursues growth and development in the practice of the profession and uses that
knowledge in improving the educational opportunities, experiences, and performance of
students and colleagues.
Adopted by the State Board of Education June 5, 1997.
The purpose of these rules is to establish and uphold uniform standards of professional conduct
for licensed professional educators throughout the State. These rules shall be binding on every
person licensed by the SBE, hereinafter referred to as "educator" or "professional educator," and
the possible consequences of any willful breach shall include license suspension or revocation. The
prohibition of certain conduct in these rules shall not be interpreted as approval of conduct not
specifically cited.
History Note: Authority G.S. 115C-295.3;
Eff. April 1, 1998.
(a) The standards listed in this Section shall be generally accepted for the education profession and
shall be the basis for State Board review of performance of professional educators. These
standards shall establish mandatory prohibitions and requirements for educators. Violation of
these standards shall subject an educator to investigation and disciplinary action by the SBE or
(b) Professional educators shall adhere to the standards of professional conduct contained in this
Rule. Any intentional act or omission that violates these standards is prohibited.
(1) Generally recognized professional standards. The educator shall practice the
professional standards of federal, state, and local governing bodies.
(2) Personal conduct. The educator shall serve as a positive role model for students,
parents, and the community. Because the educator is entrusted with the care and
education of small children and adolescents, the educator shall demonstrate a high
standard of personal character and conduct.
(3) Honesty. The educator shall not engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit,
or misrepresentation in the performance of professional duties including the following:
(A) statement of professional qualifications;
(B) application or recommendation for professional employment, promotion, or
(C) application or recommendation for college or university admission, scholarship,
grant, academic award, or similar benefit;
(D) representation of completion of college or staff development credit;
(E) evaluation or grading of students or personnel;
(F) submission of financial or program compliance reports submitted to state,
federal, or other governmental agencies;
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(G) submission of information in the course of an official inquiry by the employing
LEA or the SBE related to facts of unprofessional conduct, provided, however, that
an educator shall be given adequate notice of the
allegations and may be represented by legal counsel; and
(H) submission of information in the course of an investigation by a law
enforcement agency, child protective services, or any other agency with the right to
investigate, regarding school-related criminal activity; provided, however, that an
educator shall be entitled to decline to give evidence to law enforcement if such
evidence may tend to incriminate the educator as that term is defined by the Fifth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
(4) Proper remunerative conduct. The educator shall not solicit current students or parents
of students to purchase equipment, supplies, or services from the educator in a private
remunerative capacity. An educator shall not tutor for remuneration students currently
assigned to the educator's classes, unless approved by the local superintendent. An
educator shall not accept any compensation, benefit, or thing of value other than the
educator's regular compensation for the performance of any service that the educator is
required to render in the course and scope of the educator's employment. This Rule shall
not restrict performance of any overtime or supplemental services at the request of the
LEA; nor shall it apply to or restrict the acceptance of gifts or tokens of minimal value
offered and accepted openly from students, parents, or other persons in recognition or
appreciation of service.
(5) Conduct with students. The educator shall treat all students with respect. The educator
shall not commit any abusive act or sexual exploitation with, to, or in the presence of a
student, whether or not that student is or has been under the care or supervision of that
educator, as defined below:
(A) any use of language that is considered profane, vulgar, or demeaning;
(B) any sexual act;
(C) any solicitation of a sexual act, whether written, verbal, or physical;
(D) any act of child abuse, as defined by law;
(E) any act of sexual harassment, as defined by law; and
(F) any intentional solicitation, encouragement, or consummation of a romantic or
physical relationship with a student, or any sexual contact with a student. The term
"romantic relationship" shall include dating any student.
(6) Confidential information. The educator shall keep in confidence personally identifiable
information regarding students or their family members that has been obtained in the
course of professional service, unless disclosure is required or permitted by law or
professional standards, or is necessary for the personal safety of the student or others.
(7) Rights of others. The educator shall not willfully or maliciously violate the constitutional
or civil rights of a student, parent/legal guardian, or colleague.
(8) Required reports. The educator shall make all reports required by Chapter 115C of the
North Carolina General Statutes.
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(9) Alcohol or controlled substance abuse. The educator shall not:
(A) be under the influence of, possess, use, or consume on school premises or at a
school-sponsored activity a controlled substance as defined by N.C. Gen. Stat. § 90-
95, the Controlled Substances Act, without a prescription authorizing such use;
(B) be under the influence of, possess, use, or consume an alcoholic beverage or a
controlled substance on school premises or at a school-
sponsored activity involving students; or
(C) furnish alcohol or a controlled substance to any student except as indicated in
the professional duties of administering legally prescribed medications.
(10) Compliance with criminal laws. The educator shall not commit any act referred to in
G.S. 115C-332 and any felony under the laws of the Unite States or of any state.
(11) Public funds and property. The educator shall not misuse public funds or property,
funds of a school-related organization, or colleague's funds. The educator shall account for
funds collected from students, colleagues, or parents/legal guardians. The educator shall
not submit fraudulent requests for reimbursement, expenses, or pay.
(12) Scope of professional practice. The educator shall not perform any act as an employee
in a position for which licensure is required by the rules of the SBE or by Chapter 115C or
the North Carolina General Statutes during any period in which the educator's license has
been suspended or revoked.
(13) Conduct related to ethical violations. The educator shall not directly or indirectly use
or threaten to use any official authority or influence in any manner that tends to
discourage, restrain, interfere with, coerce, or discriminate against any subordinate or any
licensee who in good faith reports, discloses, divulges, or otherwise brings to the attention
of an LEA, the SBE, or any other public agency authorized to take remedial action, any facts
or information relative to actual or suspected violation of any law regulating the duties of
persons serving in the public school system, including but not limited to these Rules.
History Note: Authority G.S. 115C-295.3;
Eff. May 1, 1998.
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We look forward to another successful year and hope that this handbook will serve as a useful
resource in your search for general information and a guide to specific policies and procedures when
more details are needed. Please refer to the GCS website at www.gcsnc.com for more details or to
your supervisor regarding questions concerning policies and expectations.
Any suggestions for improvement or changes may be forwarded to any committee member. We
welcome your feedback.
The Handbook Committee:
Carla Alphin
Alison Coker
Alan Hooker
Michael Laclair
Dr. Shirley Morrison
Alison Yates
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