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Common App for
internaonal students
Did you know?
Students from over 200 countries use the Common App to apply to college each year.
colleges have no applicaon fee
for internaonal students.
If you are an internaonal student applying to a university in the U.S., you are not alone! In fact, 1 in 10
students using Common App are just like you.
This resource will review some common quesons internaonal students have when preparing to apply to a
U.S. college or university.
Common quesons
How do applicaon fees work with Common App?
Each college decides the fee that they will charge
to process your applicaon. Not all colleges require
applicants to pay a fee. In fact, you can search
specically for colleges that don’t charge a fee.
You can nd informaon about applicaon fees in the
College Search tab, college’s College Informaon secon, and the Requirements grid.
Tip: On, you’ll nd helpful resources like an Applicaon Guide and Applicaon Diconary.
The Applicaon Requirements grid also lists deadlines, fees, and other requirements for Common App
member colleges.
What are applicaon fee waivers?
Internaonal students may be eligible for a need-based Common App fee waiver. You can nd the
Common App fee waiver in the Prole secon. Some colleges may also oer their own applicaon fee
waiver. It’s important to check each university’s fee waiver policy for internaonal students.
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To learn more, check out our resource on applicaon fees and fee waivers at
What is the deadline to apply to a college or university?
Each college can choose their own admission plans and deadlines. Admission plans include: early acon,
early decision, regular decision, and rolling admission. For informaon about the dierences in these plans,
check out the Applicaon Diconary.
The Requirements grid lists each colleges deadlines. You can see your college’s specic deadlines on the
Keep in mind that to meet an applicaon deadline, you must submit your applicaon materials by 11:59 pm
in your local me zone, not the college’s me zone or any other me zone.
How do I send my transcripts to Common App colleges?
Your counselor will submit transcripts and other school forms on your behalf. If you don’t have a counselor,
you can invite any school ocial who has access to your academic records. We recommend you invite a
school ocial who can speak to your academic performance.
You will invite your counselor on the My Colleges tab in the Recommenders and FERPA secon.
If you have taken any university-level courses, you will note that in the Educaon secon of your
Common App. You will need to request the university to send your transcripts directly to the colleges you
are applying to.
Are there any addional forms I need to submit?
Some colleges will ask for leers of recommendaon to be submied on your behalf. You can learn about
each colleges recommendaon requirements on the College Informaon page.
You’ll need to invite and assign your recommenders to the colleges where you want their leer to go.
Recommender forms can be completed in Common Apps Recommender System, or through one of
Common Apps partners.
What should I do if I need help with my applicaon?
Common App support is available 24/7. Visit the Applicant Soluons Center to view frequently asked
quesons, or contact a support team member.
What should I do if I have a queson specic to a college I am applying to?
While Common App can assist with applicaon-related quesons, somemes you may need to reach out
to a college directly. You can nd contact informaon and links to the college’s admissions website on
their College Informaon page.
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Some quesons that vary by college include:
“Do I need to take any English prociency tests?
“Is it okay if my transcript is not in English?”
“Does this college oer nancial aid for internaonal students?”
Is there support for my recommenders?
Whether its a counselor, teacher, or other recommender providing a leer of recommendaon on your
behalf, we are ready to assist when quesons arise. Recommenders can visit the Recommender Soluons
Center to nd answers to frequently asked quesons, access live chat, or to schedule a call with our
support team.