The Dark Web and Cybercrime
Report #: 202007231300
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Dark Web Background
What is the Dark Web?
What is Tor?
Is the Dark Web Synonymous with
What Kind of Criminal Activity
Occurs on the Dark Web?
What Sites Exist on the
Cybercriminal Dark Web?
Forums vs Markets
The Life Cycle of Stolen Data
Case Study
Incident Overview
Site Overview
Actor Overview
Incident Timeline
Sample Data Overview
Incident Takeaways
Non-Technical: managerial, strategic
and high-level (general audience)
Technical: Tactical / IOCs; requiring
in-depth knowledge (sysadmins, IRT)
Slides Key:
What is the Dark Web?
Technically, overlay networks that use the Internet and require specific
software or credentials to access.
Surface web: indexed by Google, does not require special software or
credentials to access
Deep web: not indexed by Google, requires special software or credentials
to access:
HHS’s internal SharePoint, a bank account portal
Dark web: requires Tor Browser, may require additional credentials, all Tor
urls end in .onion
Dread (dark web forum), dreadditevelidot[.]ONION
Note: do not attempt to visit this site on a corporate network
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
What is Tor?
Created by the U.S. Naval Research Lab
in 1995
The Tor Project (nonprofit) created in
Privacy focused internet browsing and
site hosting
Route traffic through multiple nodes and
encrypt at every step of the way
Layers of encryption are compared to an
onion, hence The Onion Router and the
top level domain .onion
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Is the Dark Web Synonymous with Crime?
Many people use the dark web for totally legitimate reasons political
dissidence, private communication, etc
Many people also use the dark web because of the cybercriminal
communities that thrive there
Silk Road (and Silk Road 2.0, 3.0, etc), Alphabay, Hansa, Dream, etc
Many of those cybercriminal communities also use surface web sites or
other privacy focused hosting solutions (I2P, etc.)
Colloquially, “the dark web” sometimes refers to cybercriminal communities that
use these other methods
For example, some security researchers would consider the surface web
(.com) site Raid Forums or RAID to be part of the dark web even though it is
not a .onion
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
What Kind of Criminal Activity Occurs on the Dark
Famous for narcotics
While many of the most
famous dark web
marketplaces were
primarily drug
marketplaces, these
sites are not
particularly relevant for
our purposes
The exception may be
pharmaceutical sales,
which can be
addressed in a later
Huge ecosystem for
payment card fraud and
identity theft
Sites that exist only to
sell payment cards
often have thousands
to millions of cards in
Many of these sites
also sellfullz” or full
identity packs for
identity theft purposes
Cybercrime and
Economy of tools/raw
supplies to commit
Spinoff services of
experts act as “hackers
for hire” for less
experienced actors
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
What Sites Exist on the Cybercriminal Dark Web?
Focus on forums and marketplaces
Both sites may have different barriers to entry
Invite only
Particular nationality/political alignment (Commonwealth of Independent States
Entry price
Must be vouched for
Provide proof of crimes committed
May focus on drugs/contraband or stolen data/cybercrime/fraud, but
generally not both
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Forums vs Markets
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
May be used to coordinate sales,
no ecommerce function
Difficult to track sales
Discussion focused
Share wisdom, tactics, techniques,
and procedures, etc
Community-led discussion
Ecommerce site similar to those
you might find on the surface web
Buyers can rate sellers
Site generally has escrow system
More susceptible to shutdown due
to exit-scamming or law
enforcement action
May have a partner forum for
discussion or internal message
Dark Web Cybercrime Culture
Scams between users, between users and site administrators, between
buyers and sellers abound
Credible accusations of scamming or “ripping” can result in bans and
Site admission policies and reputation points are used to keep bad actors
out of sites and evaluate the behavior of users on specific sites
Actor establish personas across long periods of time and multiple sites to
show their credibility
Networks of actors across sites can distribute stolen data widely
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
The Life Cycle of Stolen Data
Stolen data tends to filter down through communities, eventually landing in
open forums or large marketplaces
Data is sold and resold, traded and retraded, repackaged, many times
One potential life cycle
Traded between close associates or sold to known buyers
Posted for sale in closed forums with high barriers to entry
Posted for sale in closed forums with lower barriers to entry
Posted for sale on multi-good marketplaces
Posted for free on forums
Posted for free on paste sites
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Section Takeaway
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Security researchers use context about sites,
actors, and markets to evaluate and respond to
content on these sites.
What Happened:
On May 6, 2020, Raid Forums user greenmoon2019 posted in the site’s sample section an unlockable link to
100,000 medical records with dates of birth (DOBs) and a specific medical identifier number linked to a
healthcare entity. On May 11, 2020, the entity confirmed that this dataset did not contain valid data. On May
13, the actor removed the post.
Why Does It Matter:
This incident illustrates several key principles that can be applied in future incidents (and when live data does
1. Cyber criminals may not accurately identify data
2. Understanding the site, actors, and context matters
3. Quick incident response and teamwork make a difference
Incident Overview
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Raid Forums (RAID)
Surface web underground hacking forum
Founded in 2015
Hosts discussion of hacking topics, advertisements and solicitations of
leaked or cracked databases, and provides a master list of all data
shared on the site
No ecommerce functionality, although vendors use the site’s private
message features to coordinate sales
Not clear what has been sold or who buys it
Some parts of the site can be accessed without creating a free
Registering with the site unlocks some content
Site credits unlock stolen datasets and can be purchased from
the site directly or earned through posting and commenting
Low barrier to entry
Reputation points:
interactions with other users
Positive reputation: hundreds to thousands of points
Negative reputation may result in a ban
Site Overview
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Above: Raid Forums Logo
Threat Actor greenmoon2019
Joined RAID on January 5, 2019
Internal and external analysts assess this actor’s
reliability as a “B” usually reliable.
On May 6, 2020 had 254 reputation points
Posts generally well received
No forum members had accused this actor of
scamming or “ripping.
No identified profiles or aliases of this actor on
other surface or dark web sites.
History of posting free samples of databases
Mostly not healthcare/HPH related
Two that were HPH related (addressed on next
Previously sought or sold phone, mortgage, and other
consumer records for residents of U.S., Canada, New
Actor Overview
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Threat Actor greenmoon2019
History of posting free samples of databases, including two HPH databases in September 2019
Actor posted 100,000 records from a “Premium Health Insurance Long form database… Total 4 Million Data
This actor advertised the dataset as containing the following fields:
Actor Overview (continued)
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Threat Actor greenmoon2019
Actor also posted a 100,000 record sample of “US Ailment data.”
Ailment databases allow threat actors to target individuals with certain medical conditions
The data lists consumer PII alongside any aliments or medical conditions the individual suffers from.
This data was allegedly of the format: (Header:
Other users praised the quality of both datasets
On May 14, 2020, actor posted an advertisement for 21 U.S. and Canadian consumer databases, including
datasets above
Claims that the databases are “exclusive and cleaned.”
This could indicate that, while users downloaded the 100,000 samples provided on previous posts,
the actor has not successfully sold the complete databases to any buyers.
Actor Overview (continued)
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
May 6
Actor posts advertisement for medical data on RAID
May 7
Analysts discover RAID post
Begin internal investigation by alerting affected entity
May 8
Sample of 100,000 records downloaded and sent to affected entity for analysis
May 11
Affected entity confirms that the data is not valid
May 13
Actor removes advertisement and sample data from RAID following criticism from
multiple users about data quality
May 14
Actor posts advertisement for 21 databases, including Health Insurance Long
Form database and Ailment list
Incident Timeline
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Sample Data Overview
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Original post provided five sample records for free, with 100,000 sample records available to download in
exchange for eight site credits
Format: phone1 firstname lastname address1 city state zip email dob gender primarypolicy
Analysis of the 100,000 downloaded records revealed:
Data included entity-specific identifier numbers
The affected entity identified 4,078 valid identifiers, but only six identifiers accurately matched
to the correct last name.
The six records with matching identifiers and surnames include relatively common surnames:
Adams, Allan, Harrison, Murphy, Smith, and Williams.
No other demographic data associated with the record matched. These matches were false
positives rather than indicators of valid records.
Analysts did not identify valid identifiers for 95,933 records.
Several identifier numbers contained characters that the affected entity confirmed do not appear in
valid identifiers.
Comparison of records against open sources identified actual individuals that fit the demographics of the
alleged data
These records did not contain valid identifiers
Incident Takeaways #1
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Cyber criminals may not accurately identify data
This actor claimed that they acquired the fake data from a third party reseller
Stolen data is a commodity market
Reselling is common and follows a “trickle down” pattern
While it appeared to be data from this healthcare entity and may have been actual data of
American citizens it didn’t stand up to scrutiny
Do not assume that an actor knows the origin of stolen data
Incident Takeaways #2
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Understanding the site, actors, and context matters
Familiarity with the standards and etiquette of a site provides context to posts
The higher the barrier to entry of a site, the more likely information is to be legitimate (or that
the actor believes it is legitimate)
Heavily moderated sites are less likely to host scammers
Identify other aliases and past behavior of the actor
Is the actor active on other related sites?
What is the actor’s reputation?
How long has the actor been a member of this site?
Has the actor previously posted similar content?
Other context can be helpful when evaluating an incident or threat actor
Repeat interactions with other users
Credible accusations of scamming or “ripping”
Repeat interactions with moderators or other authority figures
Incident Takeaways #3
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Quick incident response and teamwork make a difference
Ability to verify is important
Because analysts were able to work with the affected entity and provide data quickly, the
affected entity was able to identify the data as fake
While evaluating context is important, all data should be treated as genuine until proven
Post was removed without incurring media attention or panic
Threat actor can be monitored going forward
Reference Materials
The Untold Story of Silk Road, Wired
Stolen credit card info on the dark web tripled in 6 months, Yahoo
The Tor Project
Cybercrime-as-a-Service Economy: Stronger Than Ever, BankInfoSecurity
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
Upcoming Briefs
Securing 5G (20AUG20)
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
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These recommendations are advisory and are
not to be considered as Federal directives or
standards. Representatives should review and
apply the guidance based on their own
requirements and discretion. HHS does not
endorse any specific person, entity, product,
service, or enterprise.
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HC3 works with private and public sector
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Visit us at:
TLP: WHITE, ID# 202007231300
www.HHS.GOV/HC3 (202) 691-2110 HC3@HHS.GOV