National Cybercrime Strategy
April 2021
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 2 of 37
As information technology becomes more embedded in our society, cybercrime has become a
common hazard on a global scale. With more than 4.5 billion people online, half of the world’s
population is potentially at risk of falling victim to cybercrime.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the accelerated merging of our physical and cyber spaces
and increased reliance on connectivity for many of our basic tasks, in both our work and personal
An increasingly complex cybercrime landscape combined with the inherent challenges of cross-
border investigations has placed additional strain on global law enforcement.
While the private sector has been transforming itself, the public sector continues to face challenges
posed by a lack of information, strategies, resources, infrastructure and partnerships.
It is important for law enforcement to acknowledge that the current measures, practices and policies
may not be enough to address today’s ever-evolving cybercrime and identify what steps need to be
taken to meet this shortfall.
The public sector must ramp up its preparedness, effectiveness and leadership for collective cyber
resilience. Cybersecurity is both a shared responsibility and a common goal that we must constantly
work towards.
When techniques and tactics are being replicated in attacks on different sectors around the world,
this is where the true value of INTERPOL’s global platform to help investigators exchange
information securely and react rapidly, can be fully appreciated.
As part of these efforts to support our member countries, I am proud to present the INTERPOL
National Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook.
The world is getting more and more connected and INTERPOL will continue to play a central and
unique role as part of the global law enforcement community in our joint fight against cybercrime.
rgen Stock
INTERPOL Secretary General
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 2 of 37
As information technology becomes more embedded in our society, cybercrime has become a
common hazard on a global scale. With more than 4.5 billion people online, half of the world’s
population is potentially at risk of falling victim to cybercrime.
The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the accelerated merging of our physical and cyber spaces
and increased reliance on connectivity for many of our basic tasks, in both our work and personal
An increasingly complex cybercrime landscape combined with the inherent challenges of cross-
border investigations has placed additional strain on global law enforcement.
While the private sector has been transforming itself, the public sector continues to face challenges
posed by a lack of information, strategies, resources, infrastructure and partnerships.
It is important for law enforcement to acknowledge that the current measures, practices and policies
may not be enough to address today’s ever-evolving cybercrime and identify what steps need to be
taken to meet this shortfall.
The public sector must ramp up its preparedness, effectiveness and leadership for collective cyber
resilience. Cybersecurity is both a shared responsibility and a common goal that we must constantly
work towards.
When techniques and tactics are being replicated in attacks on different sectors around the world,
this is where the true value of INTERPOL’s global platform to help investigators exchange
information securely and react rapidly, can be fully appreciated.
As part of these efforts to support our member countries, I am proud to present the INTERPOL
National Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook.
The world is getting more and more connected and INTERPOL will continue to play a central and
unique role as part of the global law enforcement community in our joint fight against cybercrime.
rgen Stock
INTERPOL Secretary General
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 3 of 37
We have entered a paradigm where cyber and physical spaces merge, and digital transformation has
increased our reliance on connectivity.
Law enforcement around the world has witnessed first-hand the unique criminal aspects the COVID-
19 pandemic was breeding, especially the diversifying and growing impact of cybercrime. This
phenomenon has made us rethink our global response and repurpose our global law enforcement
An August 2020 INTERPOL report which studied the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the
global cyberthreat landscape identified national cybercrime strategies as a way to build resilience of
national infrastructure and services, helping countries counter cyberthreats effectively and protect
communities from cyberattacks during the pandemic and beyond.
Under the mandate of “reducing the global impact of cybercrime and protecting communities for a
safer world”, INTERPOL Cybercrime Directorate delivers policing capabilities for tackling cybercrime.
One of its primary objectives is to strengthen and enhance the capabilities of member countries in
order to prevent, detect and investigate cybercrime.
This Guidebook provides INTERPOL member countries with a valuable resource for developing or
updating their national Cybercrime Strategy. It helps gain insight into their current response to
cybercrime and provides a means to design a more robust strategy and programme to overcome
challenges that are hindering a more effective cybercrime response.
I recommend this Guidebook to our member countries to make their countries more resilient and
agile in this highly digitalized world to effectively fight cybercrime.
Craig Jones
Director Cybercrime
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8
2. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity ........................................................................................... 8
2.1 The challenge of defining cybercrime ........................................................................ 8
2.2 Cyber-dependent crime vs cyber-enabled crime ...................................................... 10
2.3 Cybersecurity vs cybercrime .................................................................................... 10
3. Factors that enable Cybercrime ....................................................................................... 12
3.1 Connectivity: more individuals online with low levels of digital security awareness . 12
3.2 Mobility: businesses online with staff working remotely on less secure networks .... 12
3.3 Interconnectivity: cities and homes online, resulting in new forms of vulnerabilities 12
3.4 Sophistication: threat actors with evolving skills and tactics ..................................... 13
3.5 Under-reporting: reluctance to report cybercrime offences ..................................... 14
3.6 Legislation and jurisdiction: lack of criminalisation of cybercrime and cross-
jurisdictional complexity .......................................................................................................15
4. Methodology: Developing a Cybercrime Strategy ............................................................15
4.1 Setting the stage for the strategy ............................................................................ 16
4.2 Strategy formulation ............................................................................................... 19
4.3 Strategy adoption .................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Strategy implementation ......................................................................................... 24
4.5 Strategy monitoring and evaluation......................................................................... 24
4.6 Strategy adjustments and innovation ...................................................................... 25
5. Cybercrime Strategy Template ........................................................................................ 26
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Current cybercrime landscape .................................................................................. 28
5.3 Vision ....................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items................................................. 30
Appendix A: National cybercrime and cybersecurity strategies and regulations ........................ 35
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 4 of 37
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 8
2. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity ........................................................................................... 8
2.1 The challenge of defining cybercrime ........................................................................ 8
2.2 Cyber-dependent crime vs cyber-enabled crime ...................................................... 10
2.3 Cybersecurity vs cybercrime .................................................................................... 10
3. Factors that enable Cybercrime ....................................................................................... 12
3.1 Connectivity: more individuals online with low levels of digital security awareness . 12
3.2 Mobility: businesses online with staff working remotely on less secure networks .... 12
3.3 Interconnectivity: cities and homes online, resulting in new forms of vulnerabilities 12
3.4 Sophistication: threat actors with evolving skills and tactics ..................................... 13
3.5 Under-reporting: reluctance to report cybercrime offences ..................................... 14
3.6 Legislation and jurisdiction: lack of criminalisation of cybercrime and cross-
jurisdictional complexity .......................................................................................................15
4. Methodology: Developing a Cybercrime Strategy ............................................................15
4.1 Setting the stage for the strategy ............................................................................ 16
4.2 Strategy formulation ............................................................................................... 19
4.3 Strategy adoption .................................................................................................... 24
4.4 Strategy implementation ......................................................................................... 24
4.5 Strategy monitoring and evaluation......................................................................... 24
4.6 Strategy adjustments and innovation ...................................................................... 25
5. Cybercrime Strategy Template ........................................................................................ 26
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 28
5.2 Current cybercrime landscape .................................................................................. 28
5.3 Vision ....................................................................................................................... 29
5.4 Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items................................................. 30
Appendix A: National cybercrime and cybersecurity strategies and regulations ........................ 35
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 5 of 37
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
ACCDP ASEAN Cyber Capacity Development Project
CERT Computer Emergency Response Team
CSIRT Computer Security Incident Response Team
DDoS distributed denial-of-service
Europol European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation
ICT information and communications technology
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
ITU International Telecommunication Union
MLAT mutual legal assistance treaties
SMART Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound
UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 6 of 37
Shane Cross, Simon Hirrle INTERPOL
May-Ann Lim - TRPC Pte Ltd
This Guidebook was made possible by the efforts of numerous people throughout the various stages
of its development. Several consultations, workshops, peer reviews and contribution meetings were
held and the ASEAN Cyber Capacity Development Project (ACCDP) would like to thank the following
people involved at the various stages of the Guidebook’s development for their contribution:
Steve Honiss Aardwolf Consulting Ltd
Benjamin Ang - S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological
Claire Pluckrose
Anthony Teelucksingh - United States Department of Justice
Aysha Ahmed Bin Haji - Ministry of Interior of Bahrain
Jeannie Tsang et al - Hong Kong Police Force
Dr. Cristos Velasco
Yoichi Kumota - National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity,
Ismamuradi Abdul Kadir Cybersecurity Malaysia
ASEAN country representatives at the ACCDP Kick-off Workshop
Dong Uk Kim, Pei Ling Lee, Wei Xian Tee - INTERPOL
Legal Notice
This Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook (“Guidebook”) offers general information and guidance on
understanding and approaching cybercrime from a strategic perspective, with the aim of developing
or enhancing a national cybercrime strategy. The information in this Guidebook is obtained from
member countries, private partners and open sources. The expertise and guidance offered in this
Guidebook draw on such information, and are provided for the consideration of the reader at his/her
The examples, descriptions and discussions in this Guidebook are intended as options for
consideration, rather than as recommendations, encouragement or definitive proposals. Any actions,
proposals, measures or policies developed on the basis of thereof, must be taken with reference to
the applicable laws as verified and tested in the relevant jurisdictions by the relevant readers.
INTERPOL bears no responsibility in respect of any such actions, steps, measures or any documents
created based on this Guidebook.
Links to external publications or websites included in this Guidebook are provided as references only,
and do not constitute an endorsement by INTERPOL of those publications or their content. It is the
responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from such
other publications/websites.
Descriptions of the provisions of certain legal instruments in this document are presented as
discussions only and are not, nor may be construed as, proposals on applicable interpretations in
respect of any of these legal instruments.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 6 of 37
Shane Cross, Simon Hirrle INTERPOL
May-Ann Lim - TRPC Pte Ltd
This Guidebook was made possible by the efforts of numerous people throughout the various stages
of its development. Several consultations, workshops, peer reviews and contribution meetings were
held and the ASEAN Cyber Capacity Development Project (ACCDP) would like to thank the following
people involved at the various stages of the Guidebook’s development for their contribution:
Steve Honiss Aardwolf Consulting Ltd
Benjamin Ang - S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological
Claire Pluckrose
Anthony Teelucksingh - United States Department of Justice
Aysha Ahmed Bin Haji - Ministry of Interior of Bahrain
Jeannie Tsang et al - Hong Kong Police Force
Dr. Cristos Velasco
Yoichi Kumota - National Center of Incident Readiness and Strategy for Cybersecurity,
Ismamuradi Abdul Kadir Cybersecurity Malaysia
ASEAN country representatives at the ACCDP Kick-off Workshop
Dong Uk Kim, Pei Ling Lee, Wei Xian Tee - INTERPOL
Legal Notice
This Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook (“Guidebook”) offers general information and guidance on
understanding and approaching cybercrime from a strategic perspective, with the aim of developing
or enhancing a national cybercrime strategy. The information in this Guidebook is obtained from
member countries, private partners and open sources. The expertise and guidance offered in this
Guidebook draw on such information, and are provided for the consideration of the reader at his/her
The examples, descriptions and discussions in this Guidebook are intended as options for
consideration, rather than as recommendations, encouragement or definitive proposals. Any actions,
proposals, measures or policies developed on the basis of thereof, must be taken with reference to
the applicable laws as verified and tested in the relevant jurisdictions by the relevant readers.
INTERPOL bears no responsibility in respect of any such actions, steps, measures or any documents
created based on this Guidebook.
Links to external publications or websites included in this Guidebook are provided as references only,
and do not constitute an endorsement by INTERPOL of those publications or their content. It is the
responsibility of the user to evaluate the content and usefulness of information obtained from such
other publications/websites.
Descriptions of the provisions of certain legal instruments in this document are presented as
discussions only and are not, nor may be construed as, proposals on applicable interpretations in
respect of any of these legal instruments.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 7 of 37
The Cybercrime Strategy Template included in the Guidebook is provided for educational purposes
and as an example/suggestion for consideration only. It is not in any manner binding nor endorsed as
an effective strategy by INTERPOL. Its adoption is at the discretion of the reader, and must be
considered subject to applicable policies, laws and circumstances in the country concerned.
INTERPOL shall not be liable for any damages or harm arising out of its adoption in any jurisdictions.
Copyright Notice
“Copyright © International Criminal Police Organization INTERPOL, 2021
All rights reserved. Applications for the right to reproduce this work - in part or in whole, whether for sale
or for non-commercial distribution - must be submitted to the Press Office of the General Secretariat of
the ICPO-INTERPOL via the Organization’s website ( When the right to reproduce this
publication is granted, the ICPO-INTERPOL would appreciate receiving a copy of any publication that
uses it as a source. This publication is also available in other languages, please contact the Press Office
of the General Secretariat of the ICPO-INTERPOL for more information."
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 8 of 37
1. Introduction
This Guidebook has been produced as part of phase two of the ASEAN Cyber Capacity Development
Project (ACCDP II). The ACCDP is a project that is funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF)
2.0 via the ASEAN Secretariat and with the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs as the project
proponent. INTERPOL is the implementing agency.
This project aims to strengthen the ability of countries to combat cybercrime and work together as a
region and internationally. The ACCDP specifically addresses the need for criminal justice authorities
to develop their cyberskills, knowledge and regional partnerships through tailored activities and
The ACCDP forms part of INTERPOL’s global cybercrime response and supports the implementation
of its global cybercrime strategy. INTERPOL supports national efforts to combat cybercrime and
considers it a global focus area alongside terrorism and organized crime.
Methodology and approach in the development of the Guidebook
The consolidated findings of in-country assessments (National Cyber Reviews) conducted in the first
phase of the ACCDP revealed that there was a clear need in many ASEAN member states (AMS) for
a cybercrime strategy. Thus in phase two of ACCDP this Guidebook was developed.
The development of the Guidebook started with a one-week workshop attended by representatives
from law enforcement, national cyber agencies and external advisors and continued with the input of
various experts from INTERPOL and its member countries.
The information contained in this Guidebook is not tailored to any specific region but instead details
identified good practices which are in use internationally.
Purpose of the Guidebook
The Guidebook is designed to be used by any country looking to develop, review or enhance its
national cybercrime strategy.
The project observed a significant disparity between the anti-cybercrime initiatives, laws and
processes in force in INTERPOL member countries and underlined the importance of more closely
aligning them with international good practices.
This Guidebook was created to provide a methodological approach to the potentially challenging
task of creating or updating a cybercrime strategy.
2. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
2.1 The challenge of defining cybercrime
There is no universally accepted definition of cybercrime. The most common approach is to define
the key terms used in cybercrime investigations. Examining frequently-used definitions will allow us
to identify key concepts and use those definitions consistently in a country’s cybercrime strategy.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 8 of 37
1. Introduction
This Guidebook has been produced as part of phase two of the ASEAN Cyber Capacity Development
Project (ACCDP II). The ACCDP is a project that is funded by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF)
2.0 via the ASEAN Secretariat and with the Singapore Ministry of Home Affairs as the project
proponent. INTERPOL is the implementing agency.
This project aims to strengthen the ability of countries to combat cybercrime and work together as a
region and internationally. The ACCDP specifically addresses the need for criminal justice authorities
to develop their cyberskills, knowledge and regional partnerships through tailored activities and
The ACCDP forms part of INTERPOL’s global cybercrime response and supports the implementation
of its global cybercrime strategy. INTERPOL supports national efforts to combat cybercrime and
considers it a global focus area alongside terrorism and organized crime.
Methodology and approach in the development of the Guidebook
The consolidated findings of in-country assessments (National Cyber Reviews) conducted in the first
phase of the ACCDP revealed that there was a clear need in many ASEAN member states (AMS) for
a cybercrime strategy. Thus in phase two of ACCDP this Guidebook was developed.
The development of the Guidebook started with a one-week workshop attended by representatives
from law enforcement, national cyber agencies and external advisors and continued with the input of
various experts from INTERPOL and its member countries.
The information contained in this Guidebook is not tailored to any specific region but instead details
identified good practices which are in use internationally.
Purpose of the Guidebook
The Guidebook is designed to be used by any country looking to develop, review or enhance its
national cybercrime strategy.
The project observed a significant disparity between the anti-cybercrime initiatives, laws and
processes in force in INTERPOL member countries and underlined the importance of more closely
aligning them with international good practices.
This Guidebook was created to provide a methodological approach to the potentially challenging
task of creating or updating a cybercrime strategy.
2. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity
2.1 The challenge of defining cybercrime
There is no universally accepted definition of cybercrime. The most common approach is to define
the key terms used in cybercrime investigations. Examining frequently-used definitions will allow us
to identify key concepts and use those definitions consistently in a country’s cybercrime strategy.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 9 of 37
One example of this approach is the Commonwealth's 2017 Model Law on Computer and Computer
Related Crime (“Commonwealth Model Law”)
. This law begins by defining some key terms:
“computer data”, “computer data storage medium”, “service provider”, and “traffic data”. Following
these definitions of key terms, the Commonwealth Model Law then identifies the core offences which
it considers to fall within the scope of cybercrime (1) illegal access, (2) interfering with data, (3)
interfering with computer systems, (4) illegal interception of data, (5) illegal devices and (6) child
This approach is very similar to the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe (the Budapest
, which contains initial definitions for “computer system”, “computer data”, “service
provider”, and “traffic data”. The Convention then defines four categories of offences committed by
means of computer systems and information technology. These categories are:
Title 1: Offences against the confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer data and
systems illegal access, illegal interception, data interference, system interference, and misuse
of devices;
Title 2: Computer-related offences computer-related forgery, computer-related fraud;
Title 3: Content-related offences child pornography;
Title 4: Offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights;
Title 5: Ancillary liability and sanctions attempt and aiding or abetting, corporate liability.
Table 1: Comparison of Key Cybercrime Terms
Defined Term
Commonwealth Model Law
Budapest Convention
Computer data
Computer data” means any representation of
facts, information or concepts in a form suitable
for processing in a computer system, including a
program suitable to cause a computer system to
perform a function.
“Computer data" means any representation of facts,
information or conc
epts in a form suitable for
processing in a computer system, including a
program suitable to cause a computer system to
perform a function.
Computer data
“Computer data storage medium” means any
article or material (for example, a disk) from
which information is capable of being
reproduced, with or without the aid of any other
article or device.
(does not define this term)
Computer system” means a device or a group of
inter-connected or related devices, including the
internet, one or more of which, pursuant to a
program, performs automatic processing of data
or any other function;
"Computer system" means any device or a group of
interconnected or related devices, one or more of
which, pursuant to a program, performs automatic
processing of data.
Service provider
Service provider” means: (a) a public or private
entity that provides to users of its services the
ability to communicate by means of a computer
system; and (b) any other entity that processes or
stores computer data on behalf of that entity or
those users.
“Service provider" means: (i) any public or private
entity that provides to users of its service the ability
to communicate by means of a computer system,
and (ii) any other entity that processes or stores
computer data on behalf of such communication
service or users of such service.
Traffic data
Traffic data” means computer data: (a) that
relates to a communication by means of a
computer system; and (b) is generated by a
computer system that is part of the c
hain of
communication; and (c) shows the
communication’s origin, destination, route, time
date, size, duration or the type of underlying
“Traffic data" means any computer data relating to a
communication by means of a computer system,
generated by a computer system that formed a part
in the chain of communication, indicating the
communication’s origin, destination, route, time,
date, size, duration, or type of underlying service.
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Positive outcomes to cybercrime investigations can be contingent upon the successful collection,
analysis and attribution of digital evidence. The term ‘digital evidence’ is used interchangeably with
electronic evidence or e-evidence and refers to information and data that is stored on, received or
transmitted by an electronic device. This includes evidence from digital devices or records obtained
from online service providers.
2.2 Cyber-dependent crime vs cyber-enabled crime
In addition to defining key terms related to cybercrime - which can be a broad term covering a
multitude of offences - it is important to differentiate between ‘cyber-dependent crime’, also referred
to as ‘pure cybercrime’ and ‘cyber-enabled crime’.
The United Kingdom Home Office’s series of
research and analysis documents entitled Cybercrime: a review of the evidence
provides a useful
reference and the following distinction is made between the two concepts:
Cyber-dependent crimes’ (or ‘pure’ cybercrimes) are offences that can only be committed
using a computer, computer networks or other form of information communications
technology (ICT). These acts include the spread of viruses or other malware, hacking and
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. They are activities primarily directed against
computers or network resources, although there may be a variety of secondary outcomes
from the attacks. For example, data gathered by hacking into an e-mail account may
subsequently be used to commit a fraud
Cyber-enabled crimes are traditional crimes, which can be increased in scale or reach by use
of computers, computer networks or other forms of ICT. Unlike cyber-dependent crimes,
which solely rely on ICT, the underlying crimes of cyber-enabled crimes can be committed
without the use of ICT. Two of the most pervasive types of cyber-enabled crimes are fraud
and theft
. An example of this is scam e-mails that try to trick the recipients into transferring
money to an unknown sender.
2.3 Cybersecurity vs cybercrime
While the terms ‘cybersecurity’ and ‘cybercrime’ are interrelated and their interests often intersect,
their meanings are not identical, and the scope of what constitutes ‘cybersecurity’ and ‘cybercrime’
varies from technical, legal and political perspectives.
The table below sheds some light on the scope of each regulatory domain:
Table 2: Defining Cybersecurity and Cybercrime
confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer
data and systems in order to enhance security, resilience,
reliability and trust in ICT. The concept usually covers
political (national interests and security), technical and
administrative dimensions.
Cybercrime is defined as offences committed against computer
data, computer data storage media, computer systems, service
providers. The concept usually covers categories of offences
such as illegal access, interfering with data and computer
systems, fraud and forgery, illegal interception of data, illegal
devices, child exploitation and
intellectual property
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 10 of 37
Positive outcomes to cybercrime investigations can be contingent upon the successful collection,
analysis and attribution of digital evidence. The term ‘digital evidence’ is used interchangeably with
electronic evidence or e-evidence and refers to information and data that is stored on, received or
transmitted by an electronic device. This includes evidence from digital devices or records obtained
from online service providers.
2.2 Cyber-dependent crime vs cyber-enabled crime
In addition to defining key terms related to cybercrime - which can be a broad term covering a
multitude of offences - it is important to differentiate between ‘cyber-dependent crime’, also referred
to as ‘pure cybercrime’ and ‘cyber-enabled crime’.
The United Kingdom Home Office’s series of
research and analysis documents entitled Cybercrime: a review of the evidence
provides a useful
reference and the following distinction is made between the two concepts:
Cyber-dependent crimes’ (or ‘pure’ cybercrimes) are offences that can only be committed
using a computer, computer networks or other form of information communications
technology (ICT). These acts include the spread of viruses or other malware, hacking and
distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. They are activities primarily directed against
computers or network resources, although there may be a variety of secondary outcomes
from the attacks. For example, data gathered by hacking into an e-mail account may
subsequently be used to commit a fraud
Cyber-enabled crimes are traditional crimes, which can be increased in scale or reach by use
of computers, computer networks or other forms of ICT. Unlike cyber-dependent crimes,
which solely rely on ICT, the underlying crimes of cyber-enabled crimes can be committed
without the use of ICT. Two of the most pervasive types of cyber-enabled crimes are fraud
and theft
. An example of this is scam e-mails that try to trick the recipients into transferring
money to an unknown sender.
2.3 Cybersecurity vs cybercrime
While the terms ‘cybersecurity’ and ‘cybercrime’ are interrelated and their interests often intersect,
their meanings are not identical, and the scope of what constitutes ‘cybersecurity’ and ‘cybercrime’
varies from technical, legal and political perspectives.
The table below sheds some light on the scope of each regulatory domain:
Table 2: Defining Cybersecurity and Cybercrime
Cybersecurity is typically defined as the protection of
confidentiality, integrity and availability of computer
data and systems in order to enhance security, resilience,
reliability and trust in ICT. The concept usually covers
political (national interests and security), technical and
administrative dimensions.
Cybercrime is defined as offences committed against computer
data, computer data storage media, computer systems, service
providers. The concept usually covers categories of offences
such as illegal access, interfering with data and computer
systems, fraud and forgery, illegal interception of data, illegal
devices, child exploitation and intellectual property
Regulatory Focus
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 11 of 37
Cybersecurity regulation focuses on protecting national
infrastructure as well as the public and private sector
against cyberattacks.
A strong cybersecurity stance protects computer
systems from unauthorized access or being otherwise
damaged or made inaccessible. It aims to reduce the risk
of cyberattacks and protects against the unauthorized
exploitation of systems, networks and technologies
through the use of technologies, processes and controls
on technical, procedural and institutional levels.
Cybersecurity focuses on the policy and procedure for
securing and protecting systems and assets.
Cybercrime regulation focuses on outlining what the country
considers cyber-dependent crimes and cyber-enabled crimes,
providing the country with instruments to criminaliz
e the
offences and authorising investigation and prosecution of
cybercrime offences.
Cybercrime regulations provide focus on substantive law such as
misuse of devices, procedural law such as preservation of data,
and other provisions such as mutual legal assistance treaties and
evidence collection.
These are put in place in order to protect citizens by identifying
those responsible for committing crimes,
dismantling their
operations, and bringing them as individuals/organized criminal
groups to justice.
Incident Chronology
Cybersecurity regulations typically work to prevent
attacks before they occur. Security is a continuous cycle
including incident response and revision of processes
which happen after the detection of a breach.
Cybercrime regulations generally define and detect criminal
activities in cyberspace after they occur, and provide powers to
law enforcement to investigate the activities after they have
occurred, to bring the offenders to justice.
A cybercrime strategy should, and must, work hand in glove with a cybersecurity strategy. In some
cyber incidents, it may be unclear at the start whether it is a cybersecurity incident affecting personal,
corporate or national infrastructure, or if it is a cybercrime incident where an actual crime is being
committed, or if it is a combination of the two.
In a cybercrime incident, a response would be required from law enforcement and the
criminal justice system, for example the agency responsible for investigating cybercrime.
In a cybersecurity incident, the relevant agency or entity responsible for cybersecurity would
have to be deployed, e.g. a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) or Computer
Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT).
The 2017 report by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) Tools and methodologies
to support cooperation between CSIRTs and law enforcement
also confirmed that CSIRTs and law
enforcement often exchange information during incident handling/investigations, both formally and
informally. Trust was quoted as a key success factor for effective cooperation. The report highlighted
that, despite CSIRTs and law enforcement having different objectives and methods for collecting and
processing information, there is an increased reciprocal understanding of needs between the two
If a country has yet to develop and implement a cybersecurity strategy, the “NCSS Good Practice
Guide” by ENISA is a useful document that can aid in that process
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 12 of 37
3. Factors that enable Cybercrime
A number of factors have contributed to the creation of a lucrative environment for cybercriminals
and a vast population of potential victims. These include (but are not limited to):
3.1 Connectivity: more individuals online with low levels of digital
security awareness
There is a rapid increase in the number of Internet users, and a directly related uptake in the use of
mobile devices, e-commerce, electronic transactions and electronic communication. The generally
poor awareness of cybersecurity and cyber hygiene, particularly amongst vulnerable users such as
the elderly, has led to a dramatic increase in the number of cybercrime victims.
A 2018 study by an American research university showed that the vast majority of home
Internet users have poor cybersecurity awareness, e.g. were not aware of the difference
between antivirus software and firewalls and had poor cyber hygiene, e.g. 67% of survey
participants did not have either updated antivirus software or, in some cases, any antivirus
even installed. Many users also freely share passwords and are quick to share private
information over social networks
3.2 Mobility: businesses online with staff working remotely on less secure
Greater mobility and wider network access have led to a sharp increase in the number of employees
working remotely, including from home. As a direct result, more commercial and official
communication and transactions are being conducted over less secure domestic or public computer
systems and networks (e.g. people working from coffee shops). This has increased the vulnerability
of corporate networks and thereby increased the attack surface for cybercriminals.
A study released in August 2020 by INTERPOL revealed that phishing, online scams, fraud
and other cyberthreats increased by as much as 59% following COVID-19
Amongst other threats, the World Economic Forum (WEF) reported in March 2020 that there
was a need for businesses transitioning to work-from-home arrangements to ensure that
there was a secure method for staff to connect to business-critical applications. There is also
a need to ensure endpoint protection for all devices used by employees to access work
resources online, such as multi-factor authentication
3.3 Interconnectivity: cities and homes online, resulting in new forms of
Smart Cities
The increased accessibility and miniaturisation of computer components has led to an acceleration
in the deployment of Smart City networks and infrastructure. Examples of these networks of
interconnected cities are the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
and India’s Smart Cities Mission
. While
the development of Smart Cities is a major goal for many economies, it also expands potential attack
surfaces available to cybercriminals who target vulnerable smart devices.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 12 of 37
3. Factors that enable Cybercrime
A number of factors have contributed to the creation of a lucrative environment for cybercriminals
and a vast population of potential victims. These include (but are not limited to):
3.1 Connectivity: more individuals online with low levels of digital
security awareness
There is a rapid increase in the number of Internet users, and a directly related uptake in the use of
mobile devices, e-commerce, electronic transactions and electronic communication. The generally
poor awareness of cybersecurity and cyber hygiene, particularly amongst vulnerable users such as
the elderly, has led to a dramatic increase in the number of cybercrime victims.
A 2018 study by an American research university showed that the vast majority of home
Internet users have poor cybersecurity awareness, e.g. were not aware of the difference
between antivirus software and firewalls and had poor cyber hygiene, e.g. 67% of survey
participants did not have either updated antivirus software or, in some cases, any antivirus
even installed. Many users also freely share passwords and are quick to share private
information over social networks
3.2 Mobility: businesses online with staff working remotely on less secure
Greater mobility and wider network access have led to a sharp increase in the number of employees
working remotely, including from home. As a direct result, more commercial and official
communication and transactions are being conducted over less secure domestic or public computer
systems and networks (e.g. people working from coffee shops). This has increased the vulnerability
of corporate networks and thereby increased the attack surface for cybercriminals.
A study released in August 2020 by INTERPOL revealed that phishing, online scams, fraud
and other cyberthreats increased by as much as 59% following COVID-19
Amongst other threats, the World Economic Forum (WEF) reported in March 2020 that there
was a need for businesses transitioning to work-from-home arrangements to ensure that
there was a secure method for staff to connect to business-critical applications. There is also
a need to ensure endpoint protection for all devices used by employees to access work
resources online, such as multi-factor authentication
3.3 Interconnectivity: cities and homes online, resulting in new forms of
Smart Cities
The increased accessibility and miniaturisation of computer components has led to an acceleration
in the deployment of Smart City networks and infrastructure. Examples of these networks of
interconnected cities are the ASEAN Smart Cities Network
and India’s Smart Cities Mission
. While
the development of Smart Cities is a major goal for many economies, it also expands potential attack
surfaces available to cybercriminals who target vulnerable smart devices.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 13 of 37
In 2017, ransomware attacks such as WannaCry and NotPetya highlighted the threat these
kinds of attacks can pose to interconnected networks, compromising a large number of
Smart Homes
Smart Cities are not the only example of mass availability of Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The
growing accessibility of smart home devices for consumers widens the number of potentially
vulnerable devices. Many users of these devices fail to change default passwords or regularly update
their software making them easy targets for attack. Common household items, such as door locks
and refrigerators, have become Internet-capable devices providing an array of new options for
cybercriminals to target.
In 2019, Kaspersky noted that, in the first six months of the year, over 100 million attacks on
smart devices were detected. This number is a dramatic increase from the previous year’s 12
million detected attacks
. The report goes on to say that cybercriminals prefer residential
devices over corporate devices
because they are usually easier targets.
In 2020, Kaspersky honeypots networks of virtual copies of various Internet-connected
devices and applications detected 426 million attacks on IoT devices coming from 742,000
unique IP addresses in the first six months of the year alone. This is a four-fold rise in the
number of attacks, and 2.5 times the number of IPs compared to the same period last year.
3.4 Sophistication: threat actors with evolving skills and tactics
Cybercrime is committed by threat actors with different motivations. They include:
hacktivists who use the Internet as a means of protest
criminals, such as:
o opportunistic or curious beginners testing their skills
o online child abusers
o organized crime groups intent on making money
nation-state sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) groups who carry out espionage,
raise funds or attack critical infrastructure.
Figure 1: Cyberthreat Spectrum
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 14 of 37
Source: unknown
Recent years have seen the evolution of cybercrime-as-a-service, where the ‘corporatisation of
cybercrime’ put cybercriminal services within reach of anyone who is prepared to pay. Such
transactions commonly take place on the DarkWeb, the hidden part of the Internet only accessible
with special browsers. Cybercriminals take advantage of the anonymity of the DarkWeb’s
marketplaces and discussion forums to expand their skills and tools.
One example of cybercrime-as-a-service is Satan malware, which belongs to the
Gen:Trojan.Heur2.FU ransomware family. Satan malware was made available to the public through
a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platform
Large scale ransomware operations that cause widespread disruption and destruction to personal,
corporate and national infrastructure are becoming increasingly commonplace:
In 2020, fitness tracker company Garmin was attacked with the WastedLocker ransomware.
The company reportedly paid $10 million (USD) ransom to the offenders to recover their
systems and prevent user data from being publicly released
In October 2020, the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) posted an
alert on the increase in ransomware activity targeting the healthcare and public health
3.5 Under-reporting: reluctance to report cybercrime offences
In many cases, companies and individuals who are victims of cybercrime do not report the incident to
the authorities. This failure to report crimes means there is a lack of data on how cybercriminals
are operating and the technologies used to commit crimes. Unfortunately, this is extremely
Individual victims are often unaware of how or where to report cybercrime, believe that it is
not worth reporting, or are ashamed that they have fallen victim to a scam
. In many cases,
the incident did not result in loss of life or tangible property (such as personal data or
information), and hence victims are unaware or unsure if they are victims of a crime and
therefore do not report it to the authorities.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 14 of 37
Source: unknown
Recent years have seen the evolution of cybercrime-as-a-service, where the ‘corporatisation of
cybercrime’ put cybercriminal services within reach of anyone who is prepared to pay. Such
transactions commonly take place on the DarkWeb, the hidden part of the Internet only accessible
with special browsers. Cybercriminals take advantage of the anonymity of the DarkWeb’s
marketplaces and discussion forums to expand their skills and tools.
One example of cybercrime-as-a-service is Satan malware, which belongs to the
Gen:Trojan.Heur2.FU ransomware family. Satan malware was made available to the public through
a ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) platform
Large scale ransomware operations that cause widespread disruption and destruction to personal,
corporate and national infrastructure are becoming increasingly commonplace:
In 2020, fitness tracker company Garmin was attacked with the WastedLocker ransomware.
The company reportedly paid $10 million (USD) ransom to the offenders to recover their
systems and prevent user data from being publicly released
In October 2020, the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) posted an
alert on the increase in ransomware activity targeting the healthcare and public health
3.5 Under-reporting: reluctance to report cybercrime offences
In many cases, companies and individuals who are victims of cybercrime do not report the incident to
the authorities. This failure to report crimes means there is a lack of data on how cybercriminals
are operating and the technologies used to commit crimes. Unfortunately, this is extremely
Individual victims are often unaware of how or where to report cybercrime, believe that it is
not worth reporting, or are ashamed that they have fallen victim to a scam
. In many cases,
the incident did not result in loss of life or tangible property (such as personal data or
information), and hence victims are unaware or unsure if they are victims of a crime and
therefore do not report it to the authorities.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 15 of 37
Corporate victims are frequently reluctant to report cybercrime as making the news public is
bad for business and could erode investor or market confidence in the company
. In many
countries, this issue is being addressed by data protection regulations which mandate cyber
incident reporting.
In some cases, victims of cybercrime may find the reporting process to be onerous or unclear,
thus deterring them from reporting the incident.
3.6 Legislation and jurisdiction: lack of criminalization of cybercrime and
cross-jurisdictional complexity
Cybercrime frequently involves cross-border investigations as victims, offenders and infrastructure
can be in different countries. This poses a challenge for investigators as they often discover that other
countries may not have the same laws that criminalize the offence, or there are differing elements
needed to prove the offence has taken place or that there are varying data retention periods for
subscriber data. In some countries, there may even be a lack of legislation and therefore
criminalization of cybercrime, which creates a situation where the country becomes a safe haven for
It is also important for countries’ legal frameworks to allow for adequate time for the collection,
analysis and disclosure of digital evidence. Timelines that are too short may lead to critical evidence
not being obtained, analysed properly or admitted in time, resulting in cybercriminals going
Carrying out effective investigations across multiple jurisdictions also includes partnering with
counterparts in another country in order to further an investigation. This may include conducting
search and seizure of physical and/or digital evidence, or serve judicial authorisations such as
warrants to private sector entities, e.g. telecommunication companies and Internet service providers.
These are just some of the difficulties involved in carrying out effective investigations across multiple
jurisdictions in order to successfully prosecute cybercrime.
4. Methodology: Developing a Cybercrime Strategy
The initial task of developing a cybercrime strategy can seem overwhelming. Having a design process
to follow will aid in crafting a strategy.
There are many models for policy design formulation, but generally the following processes are
Figure 2: Strategy Life Cycle
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 16 of 37
Source: TRPC, 2020
4.1 Setting the stage for the strategy
Before starting to develop a cybercrime strategy, it is important to understand why you are doing it.
Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing forms of transnational crime faced by INTERPOL’s member
countries. While rapid growth in ICT has enabled economic and social growth, an increasing reliance
on the Internet has created more risks and vulnerabilities and opened up new possibilities for criminal
The borderless nature of cybercrime means that law enforcement agencies face challenges in
responding effectively due to the limits of cross-border investigation, legal challenges and diversity
in capabilities across the globe.
A clear strategy is needed for a country to address these challenges and effectively protect its citizens
from cybercrime.
There are many reasons for and benefits of developing a cybercrime strategy, as the following
sections will discuss.
4.1.1 Cybercrime is economically destructive
In the June 2017 global NotPetya cyberattack, ransomware hit global logistics operators and their
customers. Last minute rerouting, compensation, and keeping the global supply chain flowing cost
Maersk up to $300 million (USD)
. The damage was not limited to their company, as their clients
were also severely affected by the incident. Amongst others, medical supply company Merck lost
$870 million (USD); FedEx's TNT Express lost $400 million (USD) and chocolate maker Cadbury lost
$188 million (USD).
This domino effect of cybercrime was equally apparent when a large-scale DDoS attack using the
Mirai botnet was launched against domain name provider Dyn in 2016, paralysing the business of
many of the 178,000 customers who had their Internet domains hosted by the company
. These
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 16 of 37
Source: TRPC, 2020
4.1 Setting the stage for the strategy
Before starting to develop a cybercrime strategy, it is important to understand why you are doing it.
Cybercrime is one of the fastest growing forms of transnational crime faced by INTERPOL’s member
countries. While rapid growth in ICT has enabled economic and social growth, an increasing reliance
on the Internet has created more risks and vulnerabilities and opened up new possibilities for criminal
The borderless nature of cybercrime means that law enforcement agencies face challenges in
responding effectively due to the limits of cross-border investigation, legal challenges and diversity
in capabilities across the globe.
A clear strategy is needed for a country to address these challenges and effectively protect its citizens
from cybercrime.
There are many reasons for and benefits of developing a cybercrime strategy, as the following
sections will discuss.
4.1.1 Cybercrime is economically destructive
In the June 2017 global NotPetya cyberattack, ransomware hit global logistics operators and their
customers. Last minute rerouting, compensation, and keeping the global supply chain flowing cost
Maersk up to $300 million (USD)
. The damage was not limited to their company, as their clients
were also severely affected by the incident. Amongst others, medical supply company Merck lost
$870 million (USD); FedEx's TNT Express lost $400 million (USD) and chocolate maker Cadbury lost
$188 million (USD).
This domino effect of cybercrime was equally apparent when a large-scale DDoS attack using the
Mirai botnet was launched against domain name provider Dyn in 2016, paralysing the business of
many of the 178,000 customers who had their Internet domains hosted by the company
. These
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 17 of 37
incidents highlight the increasing sophistication and contagiousness of the new cybercrime methods
which have evolved from earlier generations of cybercrime incidents such as Stuxnet, a computer
virus which infected at least four oil and gas companies: Baker Hughes, ConocoPhillips, Marathon,
and Chevron
The World Economic Forum's Global Risk Report 2020 estimates the cost of cybercrime damages
could reach $6 trillion (USD) in 2021
A cybercrime strategy defines the necessary steps to take to institute good corporate data
governance and personal cyber hygiene in order to limit economic impact.
4.1.2 Cybercrime enables other crimes
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) cybercrime incidents are
frequently organized by crime networks operating online, which use ransom proceeds and other ill-
gotten gains to fund other forms of serious crime and terrorism
A cybercrime strategy supports counter-terrorism and anti-money laundering (CT/AML) efforts,
and curtails funding mechanisms for organized crime networks.
4.1.3 Cybercrime cripples government functions and can cost lives
Ransomware cyberattacks wreak havoc across all industries. In many cases, essential services are
impacted, such as hospitals and healthcare agencies where lives can be lost as a result of computer
systems being disabled. For example, in 2017, the WannaCry ransomware attack hit the United
Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS), taking down medical systems, in some cases, while
doctors were in the middle of critical operations such as heart surgery
Similarly, in September 2020, a hospital in Düsseldorf, Germany suffered a ransomware attack. Due
to the hospital’s locked systems, a patient with a life-threatening condition had to be transferred to
another hospital, where she died from the delay in treatment
A cybercrime strategy must work in conjunction with a cybersecurity strategy to ensure that
critical services are not disrupted.
4.1.4 Benefits of creating a strategy
Besides offering other benefits, a strategy:
Informs everyone who can contribute positively and reap the benefits
Gains a deeper understanding of a country’s vulnerabilities
Demonstrates progress in addressing the cybercrime challenge
Provides for an established framework of prevention, detection, and response
Raises awareness.
4.1.5 Requirements for a strategy Establish a project authority
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 18 of 37
Development of a national cybercrime strategy requires cooperation from many different
stakeholders. A common challenge in delivering a cybercrime strategy is securing and maintaining
the commitment of relevant parties.
It is therefore important to identify a ‘project authority’ made up of a senior
official, ideally a minister, and a project team with responsibility for developing,
implementing and revising the cybercrime strategy.
The senior official owns the document and needs to ensure that:
the project team receives the necessary cooperation from all key
sufficient resources are available to implement the strategy.
As an example, the senior official could be the Minister of Home Affairs and the project team could
consist of members of the national cybercrime unit. Alternatively, the project team could be a joint
task force.
The project authority also sits on the steering committee (see section 4.2.1).
Having the right leader and project team is essential for the successful delivery of the
cybercrime strategy. Obtain intragovernmental cooperation
For the development of a strategy to be effective, it requires intra-agency cooperation. This can prove
difficult and requires good leadership, effective collaboration, and often compromise. Effective intra-
agency cooperation is crucial for all stages of the project, such as the drafting and implementation of
the cybercrime strategy.
The project authority should consult the relevant partner agencies to obtain their input and support.
Once agreement on the project concept is obtained, it is recommended that the project authority
establish a mechanism to ensure intragovernmental cooperation. This cooperation mechanism may
include periodic meetings of all relevant stakeholders, e.g. as part of a steering committee (see
section 4.2.1).
Ensure you have the buy-in of partner agencies before commencing the project. Secure sufficient budget and resources
It is not unusual for government agencies to have financial and resource constraints. This can impact
the ability to deliver the project and implement a national cybercrime strategy.
For the project to be successful, planning for and allocating dedicated and appropriate resources is
vital. This includes money (i.e. dedicated budget) and people (i.e. dedicated project staff).
Similarly, an adequate allocation of human and financial resources is required for the implementation
of the cybercrime strategy (see section 4.4.).
Ensure you have sufficient resources before commencing the project.
senior official, project team
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 18 of 37
Development of a national cybercrime strategy requires cooperation from many different
stakeholders. A common challenge in delivering a cybercrime strategy is securing and maintaining
the commitment of relevant parties.
It is therefore important to identify a ‘project authority’ made up of a senior
official, ideally a minister, and a project team with responsibility for developing,
implementing and revising the cybercrime strategy.
The senior official owns the document and needs to ensure that:
the project team receives the necessary cooperation from all key
sufficient resources are available to implement the strategy.
As an example, the senior official could be the Minister of Home Affairs and the project team could
consist of members of the national cybercrime unit. Alternatively, the project team could be a joint
task force.
The project authority also sits on the steering committee (see section 4.2.1).
Having the right leader and project team is essential for the successful delivery of the
cybercrime strategy. Obtain intragovernmental cooperation
For the development of a strategy to be effective, it requires intra-agency cooperation. This can prove
difficult and requires good leadership, effective collaboration, and often compromise. Effective intra-
agency cooperation is crucial for all stages of the project, such as the drafting and implementation of
the cybercrime strategy.
The project authority should consult the relevant partner agencies to obtain their input and support.
Once agreement on the project concept is obtained, it is recommended that the project authority
establish a mechanism to ensure intragovernmental cooperation. This cooperation mechanism may
include periodic meetings of all relevant stakeholders, e.g. as part of a steering committee (see
section 4.2.1).
Ensure you have the buy-in of partner agencies before commencing the project. Secure sufficient budget and resources
It is not unusual for government agencies to have financial and resource constraints. This can impact
the ability to deliver the project and implement a national cybercrime strategy.
For the project to be successful, planning for and allocating dedicated and appropriate resources is
vital. This includes money (i.e. dedicated budget) and people (i.e. dedicated project staff).
Similarly, an adequate allocation of human and financial resources is required for the implementation
of the cybercrime strategy (see section 4.4.).
Ensure you have sufficient resources before commencing the project.
senior official, project team
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 19 of 37 Set SMART goals
The cybercrime strategy life cycle should follow the SMART Goals
: they should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant
and Time-Bound. The project should therefore start by establishing
specific goals to be achieved within a specific timeframe, including
measurable milestones and delivery dates.
An example would be identifying the relevant stakeholders of the
different stages of the cybercrime strategy life cycle within six weeks.
Consider adopting this approach to clarify your ideas, focus your
efforts, use your time and resources productively, and
ultimately increase the chances of your project and cybercrime
strategy succeeding.
4.2 Strategy formulation
This is the process where the cybercrime strategy is designed and drafted for the reasons and benefits
set out in 4.1.
4.2.1 Designating the steering committee and identifying key
Studies have shown that the success of public policies is often highly dependent on stakeholder
engagement and management
. Strategies which fail to obtain stakeholder commitment, support,
or ownership, often lack resources and attention and are not a priority.
As a first step, it is useful to create a steering committee comprising of the project authority and other
relevant senior-level officials who should be selected based on their ability to provide strategic
oversight and guidance at the different stages of the cybercrime strategy life cycle.
The steering committee should map out all stakeholders who need to be involved in the cybercrime
strategy formulation. These consulting stakeholders (“the consultants”) would typically come from
government agencies and non-government entities.
Government Agencies:
The National Cybercrime Unit so as to share experience and knowledge in investigating
The lead agency for cybersecurity so as to share experience in cyber incident response and
drafting of cybersecurity policies including strategies;
Other Law Enforcement Agencies so as to provide assistance in understanding the regional
issues and processes for investigating cybercrime, such as e-evidence collection;
Relevant senior official(s) from applicable ministries, particularly those able to lend authority
and support to the cybercrime strategy drafting or adoption. These may include officials from
the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Law or Justice, for example;
Relevant prosecutorial and judicial officials to advise on the application of cyber-related laws
in the country;
Other relevant government officials and teams, such as those from bureaus responsible for
investigating fraud, or officials from ICT Ministries, public safety and security, etc.
Figure 3: SMART Goals
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 20 of 37
Non-Government Entities:
Academics/think tanks capable of providing knowledge of current issues, while also offering
research and drafting skills;
Technology/industry bodies best placed to identify the most significant threats facing
Civil society groups to help raise public awareness;
Regional and international bodies to share perspectives on regional cybercrime threats.
Selecting the right consultants will cover the full gamut of stakeholders’ needs and provide a better
foundation for the drafting of the cybercrime strategy. Any stakeholders who were not consulted in
the early stages but brought on board at a later date may cause disruption and even undermine all
previous efforts.
Following the identification of the consultants, a smaller group of the best suited individuals for the
drafting activity (“the drafters”) is then selected for the subsequent production of the strategy (see
section 4.2.3 Production).
4.2.2 Stocktaking, assessment and analysis
It is crucial for a country to take stock of their available processes, resources and skills to combat
cybercrime. This exercise will also provide valuable insights into areas where there are deficiencies.
As a result of this, a country will have a clearer view of their current cybercrime landscape and can
start to work towards building their desired future in terms of strengthening their overall capability
to combat cybercrime.
The stocktaking audit should take into account the following categories: People and equipment
This audit assesses the human resources available or working in a cybercrime-related function, e.g.
cybercrime and digital forensics personnel, cybersecurity personnel including CERTs.
Some examples of agencies who could be listed here include:
National police agency departments and units
National cybersecurity agency or department (if any)
o National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) and/or CERT
National, regional and state/province level justice or law ministry
o dedicated cybercrime judges
o dedicated cybercrime prosecutors
o investigations branch
Central Authority for managing Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs)
National security or intelligence agency
Other national agencies responsible for cyber-enabled crime (e.g. fraud, exploitation, etc.)
Other state or province-level police services with active cybercrime investigation units.
Each of these agencies should provide a report on the following:
A summary of their agency and relevant unit’s organisational structure and mandate
An explanation of the types of cybercrime that the agency covers
The legal framework they operate in
Current anti-cybercrime initiatives in place by any of the agencies.
Also consider the technological capabilities of the various agencies do they have the right
equipment and related training to do the job?
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 20 of 37
Non-Government Entities:
Academics/think tanks capable of providing knowledge of current issues, while also offering
research and drafting skills;
Technology/industry bodies best placed to identify the most significant threats facing
Civil society groups to help raise public awareness;
Regional and international bodies to share perspectives on regional cybercrime threats.
Selecting the right consultants will cover the full gamut of stakeholders’ needs and provide a better
foundation for the drafting of the cybercrime strategy. Any stakeholders who were not consulted in
the early stages but brought on board at a later date may cause disruption and even undermine all
previous efforts.
Following the identification of the consultants, a smaller group of the best suited individuals for the
drafting activity (“the drafters”) is then selected for the subsequent production of the strategy (see
section 4.2.3 Production).
4.2.2 Stocktaking, assessment and analysis
It is crucial for a country to take stock of their available processes, resources and skills to combat
cybercrime. This exercise will also provide valuable insights into areas where there are deficiencies.
As a result of this, a country will have a clearer view of their current cybercrime landscape and can
start to work towards building their desired future in terms of strengthening their overall capability
to combat cybercrime.
The stocktaking audit should take into account the following categories: People and equipment
This audit assesses the human resources available or working in a cybercrime-related function, e.g.
cybercrime and digital forensics personnel, cybersecurity personnel including CERTs.
Some examples of agencies who could be listed here include:
National police agency departments and units
National cybersecurity agency or department (if any)
o National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) and/or CERT
National, regional and state/province level justice or law ministry
o dedicated cybercrime judges
o dedicated cybercrime prosecutors
o investigations branch
Central Authority for managing Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties (MLATs)
National security or intelligence agency
Other national agencies responsible for cyber-enabled crime (e.g. fraud, exploitation, etc.)
Other state or province-level police services with active cybercrime investigation units.
Each of these agencies should provide a report on the following:
A summary of their agency and relevant unit’s organisational structure and mandate
An explanation of the types of cybercrime that the agency covers
The legal framework they operate in
Current anti-cybercrime initiatives in place by any of the agencies.
Also consider the technological capabilities of the various agencies do they have the right
equipment and related training to do the job?
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 21 of 37 Process: Assessing the legislative and regulatory environment
This takes stock of existing legislative and regulatory mechanisms that deal with cybercrime in the
country. It includes all relevant legislation, international cooperation agreements, internal operating
procedures and standards, local customs and practices etc.
Process issues may fall into the following categories:
Substantive legislation such as laws covering personal data protection or data privacy; laws
criminalising offences such as hacking and data theft; laws criminalising the sale of tools or
services for hacking; laws against online harassment; and laws outlining requirements for
protecting critical infrastructure.
Procedural legislation such as laws on the collection and use of electronic evidence; rules on
search and seizure of electronic evidence; rules on electronic surveillance.
International cooperation agreements such as MLATs, accession to the Budapest
, active use of INTERPOL membership to access international cooperation
The consultants may review existing legislation and identify gaps in the country’s current legal
framework. In some cases, there may also be a need to merge a number of different laws. This could
also include updating laws to adequately criminalize cybercrime and updating regulations which
legalize and provide for the search, seizure and admissibility of electronic evidence in criminal
investigations. In addition to cybercrime legislation, the investigatory power of law enforcement
agencies, jurisdictional issues, data protection, privacy, and commercial law in relation to
confiscation of cybercrime proceeds may need to be reviewed. Self-assessment and analysis
Once the stocktaking audit has been completed, an assessment should be conducted to identify
vulnerabilities and areas for improvement. There are several toolkits available for conducting
national assessments and measuring the cyber capability of a country.
A periodic global cyber assessment by country is conducted by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), which monitors and compares countries’ cybersecurity commitments by examining five
pillars: legal, technical, organisational, capacity building and cooperation. It also factors in results
from other existing assessment tools such as the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) and the Potomac
Institute’s Cyber Readiness Index. The resulting product is referred to as the Global Cybersecurity
Index (GCI)
An in-depth self-assessment tool is the World Bank's 2017 Combatting Cybercrime Assessment Tool
and Toolkit. This resource
is comprised of the Assessment Tool
, which is an automated excel file
that enables a user to determine gaps in their current capacity to combat cybercrime and highlight
areas towards which to direct resources. An accompanying guidebook (the Toolkit
) provides a
contextual background to the Assessment Tool. The first use of the Assessment Tool provides a
baseline which can then be monitored periodically. The Assessment Tool and Toolkit should be used
in tandem.
The ITU’s Global Security Index is generally published once every year but countries can conduct a
self-assessment using the World Bank Assessment Tool and Toolkit at their convenience.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 22 of 37
The results of the assessment that the country performs will highlight vulnerabilities and areas for
improvement. These should be considered as focus areas for the strategy, as discussed in the next
Depending on the assessment tool you use and its output, it may be beneficial to consider structuring
the results using tried-and-tested analysis methods such as:
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
PESTLE political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental.
The method selected should allow policymakers to determine which of the gaps identified from the
self-assessment need to be prioritized for immediate, medium term and long term action. Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
A country will identify the Focus Areas it wishes to address, such as the legal framework, from its self-
assessment and analysis (section Strategic Objectives are then defined for the Focus Area,
e.g. develop a more effective legal framework to investigate and prosecute cybercrime. This will
prompt one or more Action Items that are to be completed by “action owners”, e.g. update existing
cybercrime laws and draft new ones.
Focus Areas those areas the country seeks to improve - are the cornerstone of the strategy which
the country defines based on the results of the self-assessment and analysis. This is the first step in
creating the structure to ensure the country will be in a stronger position to combat cybercrime.
Focus Areas are the broad themes of the strategy and have a longer lifespan than the Strategic
Objectives and Action Items.
Strategic Objectives are clearly defined statements of outcomes that a country aspires to achieve
within a defined timeframe.
Action Items are identified by the project authority and relevant stakeholders (section 4.2.1,
“consultants”) based on their suitability to help attain the Strategic Objectives. Action Items should
follow the SMART model (section 4.1.5) and should try to answer these questions:
How can the Strategic Objective be achieved?
Focus Areas are topics of
interest or concern.
Strategic objectives state more
specifically what you want to achieve
within a certain timeline.
Action Items are more specific and detailed than Strategic
Objectives, they include individual deadlines, success indicators
and an assigned owner to ensure accountability.
Figure 4: Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 22 of 37
The results of the assessment that the country performs will highlight vulnerabilities and areas for
improvement. These should be considered as focus areas for the strategy, as discussed in the next
Depending on the assessment tool you use and its output, it may be beneficial to consider structuring
the results using tried-and-tested analysis methods such as:
SWOT strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
PESTLE political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental.
The method selected should allow policymakers to determine which of the gaps identified from the
self-assessment need to be prioritized for immediate, medium term and long term action. Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
A country will identify the Focus Areas it wishes to address, such as the legal framework, from its self-
assessment and analysis (section Strategic Objectives are then defined for the Focus Area,
e.g. develop a more effective legal framework to investigate and prosecute cybercrime. This will
prompt one or more Action Items that are to be completed by “action owners”, e.g. update existing
cybercrime laws and draft new ones.
Focus Areas those areas the country seeks to improve - are the cornerstone of the strategy which
the country defines based on the results of the self-assessment and analysis. This is the first step in
creating the structure to ensure the country will be in a stronger position to combat cybercrime.
Focus Areas are the broad themes of the strategy and have a longer lifespan than the Strategic
Objectives and Action Items.
Strategic Objectives are clearly defined statements of outcomes that a country aspires to achieve
within a defined timeframe.
Action Items are identified by the project authority and relevant stakeholders (section 4.2.1,
“consultants”) based on their suitability to help attain the Strategic Objectives. Action Items should
follow the SMART model (section 4.1.5) and should try to answer these questions:
How can the Strategic Objective be achieved?
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 23 of 37
Are there existing programmes or mechanisms in place that address the Strategic Objective?
How can the existing programmes or mechanisms be improved?
What new programmes or mechanisms need to be created or developed?
How will these be implemented?
What is the timeline?
How will their success be measured (success indicators)?
Once the Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items have been clearly established, they can
be summarized in a simple reference table, such as the one below:
Table 3: Example of Summary Table for Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
Focus Areas
Strategic Objectives
Action Items
Legal Framework
Develop a more
effective legal
framework to
investigate and
prosecute cybercrime
Draft and implement relevant laws on cybercrime
within 18 months (implementing agency: Ministry of
Secure accession to the Budapest Convention on
Cybercrime within two years (implementing agency:
Joint task force between Ministry of Law and Ministry
of Foreign Affairs)
Capacity Building
Ensure capacity
building for public
servants, particularly
law enforcement,
prosecutorial and
judicial authorities
Develop and establish a cybercrime curriculum and
training for law enforcement authorities, to start
within 12 months (implementing agency: Ministry of
Home Affairs/ Ministry of Public Security or similar)
Develop and establish training on digital evidence
fundamentals for judges and public prosecutors, to
start within 12 months (implementing agency:
Attorney General’s Office, Ministry of Law/Ministry of
Promote national and
information sharing
arrangements and
Create public-private sharing agreements on cyber
intelligence within eight months (implementing
agency: Cybercrime Department of the Police Force)
Put in place a cyberthreat alert system within nine
months between public and private sector, prioritising
critical industries (implementing agency: Joint task
force between Cybercrime Department and Ministry
of Industry and Trade, working with other relevant
4.2.3 Production
The production of the cybercrime strategy is the stage of the strategy life cycle likely to take the most
time. To aid with drafting efforts, this Guidebook provides a template to assist countries (Chapter 5). Stakeholder consultations
An iterative process should be undertaken with the Focus Areas being put forward for discussion with
the stakeholders (“consultants”). This provides contributors to the strategy with the opportunity to
provide input on how progress can be made in the Focus Areas, thus shaping the Strategic Objectives
(see section 5.4). The first draft of the cybercrime strategy
This is the point at which the previously identified group of drafters (section 4.2.1) create a first draft
of the cybercrime strategy bearing in mind the reasons and benefits outlined in section 4.1 and the
results of the stocktaking exercise described in section 4.2.2.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 24 of 37
It is usual practice for a draft strategy to undergo a number of stages of writing, consultation,
feedback, review and amendment. The more thoroughly this is done, the more likely that the final
strategy will achieve stakeholder consensus.
The drafters can refer to the Cybercrime Strategy Template (chapter 5) for a proposed structure of
the document.
4.3 Strategy adoption
Once the strategy formulation process is completed, a finalized draft of the cybercrime strategy is
ready to be presented formally for adoption and implementation.
This process will differ from country to country. Some countries will require the strategy to be
debated in a national assembly, parliament, or some other public policy forum before being
presented for endorsement, e.g. passed in Parliament/National Congress/Assembly, or submitted to
the Head of Government/State for approval.
4.4 Strategy implementation
In order for the cybercrime strategy to succeed, there must be a structured approach to
implementation. The implementation will differ from one country to another but will generally
involve the following steps:
determining the specifics of how the Strategic Objectives will be met (section
developing separate implementation plans per Action Item
allocating adequate human and financial resources.
The project authority together with the consultants needs to develop Action Items and
implementation plans in support of the Strategic Objectives and identify specific officials or units as
owners (“action owners”). The action owners should be representatives from agencies/units that are
the most relevant to the action assigned to them and have the best capability for successfully
implementing it.
These officials or units would then be responsible and accountable for the implementation of the
specific plan assigned to them. As the implementation plans are intended to be executed at a working
level, they should be defined so as to be clearly understood by the implementing agencies (action
The project authority may need to coordinate the implementation of the various plans.
The steering committee may need to assist in securing adequate resources for the implementation
of the various plans. This will ensure that all efforts up to that point were not in vain.
It is recommended that the implementation plans include specific metrics and success indicators to
monitor the progress of each of the Action Items.
4.5 Strategy monitoring and evaluation
In line with the SMART goals (section of the cybercrime strategy, the project authority and
the consultants should also plan for the strategy to be monitored and evaluated at regular intervals,
to keep up the momentum of progress. Failure to continuously monitor the implementation efforts
may jeopardize not only individual Action Items but the entire project.
Continued engagement with and reporting by the action owners on previously defined metrics will
help to keep the implementation of the cybercrime strategy on track. Monitoring should focus on
details about the progress of implementing activities, availability of resources as well as issues and
risks that may be impeding the implementation of the plan. The project authority should be made
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 24 of 37
It is usual practice for a draft strategy to undergo a number of stages of writing, consultation,
feedback, review and amendment. The more thoroughly this is done, the more likely that the final
strategy will achieve stakeholder consensus.
The drafters can refer to the Cybercrime Strategy Template (chapter 5) for a proposed structure of
the document.
4.3 Strategy adoption
Once the strategy formulation process is completed, a finalized draft of the cybercrime strategy is
ready to be presented formally for adoption and implementation.
This process will differ from country to country. Some countries will require the strategy to be
debated in a national assembly, parliament, or some other public policy forum before being
presented for endorsement, e.g. passed in Parliament/National Congress/Assembly, or submitted to
the Head of Government/State for approval.
4.4 Strategy implementation
In order for the cybercrime strategy to succeed, there must be a structured approach to
implementation. The implementation will differ from one country to another but will generally
involve the following steps:
determining the specifics of how the Strategic Objectives will be met (section
developing separate implementation plans per Action Item
allocating adequate human and financial resources.
The project authority together with the consultants needs to develop Action Items and
implementation plans in support of the Strategic Objectives and identify specific officials or units as
owners (“action owners”). The action owners should be representatives from agencies/units that are
the most relevant to the action assigned to them and have the best capability for successfully
implementing it.
These officials or units would then be responsible and accountable for the implementation of the
specific plan assigned to them. As the implementation plans are intended to be executed at a working
level, they should be defined so as to be clearly understood by the implementing agencies (action
The project authority may need to coordinate the implementation of the various plans.
The steering committee may need to assist in securing adequate resources for the implementation
of the various plans. This will ensure that all efforts up to that point were not in vain.
It is recommended that the implementation plans include specific metrics and success indicators to
monitor the progress of each of the Action Items.
4.5 Strategy monitoring and evaluation
In line with the SMART goals (section of the cybercrime strategy, the project authority and
the consultants should also plan for the strategy to be monitored and evaluated at regular intervals,
to keep up the momentum of progress. Failure to continuously monitor the implementation efforts
may jeopardize not only individual Action Items but the entire project.
Continued engagement with and reporting by the action owners on previously defined metrics will
help to keep the implementation of the cybercrime strategy on track. Monitoring should focus on
details about the progress of implementing activities, availability of resources as well as issues and
risks that may be impeding the implementation of the plan. The project authority should be made
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 25 of 37
aware of any delays in good time so that mitigation plans can be put in place. Conversely, the project
authority should also be notified of achievements so that they can be recognized.
4.6 Strategy adjustments and innovation
Just as the initial cybercrime strategy drafting process was an iterative process, the finalized
cybercrime strategy should equally be reviewed on a periodic basis to keep pace with technology,
new attack vectors and the ever-changing needs of the country.
Example: Evolution of New Zealand’s Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Strategy
The example of how New Zealand’s cybercrime strategy progressed illustrates the process that many
countries have embarked upon in order to adopt a guiding framework which remains relevant in view
of evolving economic and societal trends. It also illustrates that a country’s Cybercrime Strategy
needs to be aligned with and fit into a broader scheme of national policies, all of which are subject to
continuous revision cycles.
New Zealand’s 2011 Cyber Security Strategy outlined the
government’s response to the growing cyberthreat by defining
priority areas, initiatives and allocating appropriate resources.
In 2015, a refreshed (second) Cyber Security Strategy with an
accompanying Action Plan was published replacing the 2011 Cyber
Security Strategy; a National Plan to Address Cybercrime
to a Cybercrime Strategy) was also released to ensure an
appropriate cybercrime response by defining the following priority
build capability to address cybercrime
adapt the country’s policy and legislative settings to the
digital age
enhance operational response to cybercrime
use New Zealand’s international connections to combat
In 2019, New Zealand published its 3
Cyber Security Strategy
which outlines updated priority areas on cybersecurity and updated
key focus areas on cybercrime.
Initiatives for
aligning with
National Plan
to address
Updated key
focus areas on
Figure 5: New Zealand’s National Action Plan to
Address Cybercrime
Figure 6: Evolution of New Zealand’s Cybersecurity and Cybercrime Strategy
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 26 of 37
5. The Budapest Convention
While the aim of a country’s cybercrime strategy is to strengthen its overall ability to combat
cybercrime domestically, particular consideration should also be given to aligning it with
international standards and practices. A country developing or updating a Strategy should aim to
have its legal frame and other strategic objectives correspond with the requirements for accession to
the most comprehensive and coherent international agreement on cybercrime and electronic
evidence, the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe, commonly known as the Budapest
5.1 About the Convention
The Convention is the first international treaty on crimes committed via the Internet and other
computer networks, dealing particularly with offences against and by means of computer systems
and data, such as illegal access, illegal interception, data and system interference, computer-related
fraud, child sexual exploitation material or other violations of network security. It also contains a
series of powers and procedures for criminal investigations and the securing of electronic evidence in
relation to any crime where evidence is on a computer system, such as expedited preservation,
searching computer networks or interception.
Its main objective is to pursue a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against
cybercrime, especially by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering international co-operation.
The Convention aims principally at:
(1) harmonising the domestic criminal substantive law elements of offences and connected
provisions in the area of cyber-crime;
(2) providing for domestic criminal procedural law powers necessary for the investigation and
prosecution of such offences as well as other offences committed by means of a computer system
or evidence in relation to which is in electronic form; and
(3) setting up a fast and effective regime of international co-operation.
The Convention was opened for signature in Budapest, Hungary, in November 2001. In 2003, it was
complemented by a Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism committed via a computer system. A new,
Protocol is expected to be available soon to provide for enhanced cooperation and disclosure of
electronic evidence, including direct cooperation with service providers and cooperation in emergency
5.2 Benefits of the Convention
Any country may make use of the Budapest Convention as a guideline, checklist or model law.
However, becoming a Party to this treaty entails additional advantages:
The Convention provides a legal framework for international cooperation on cybercrime and
electronic evidence. Chapter III of the treaty makes general and specific provisions for
cooperation among Parties “to the widest extent possible” not only with respect to
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 26 of 37
5. The Budapest Convention
While the aim of a country’s cybercrime strategy is to strengthen its overall ability to combat
cybercrime domestically, particular consideration should also be given to aligning it with
international standards and practices. A country developing or updating a Strategy should aim to
have its legal frame and other strategic objectives correspond with the requirements for accession to
the most comprehensive and coherent international agreement on cybercrime and electronic
evidence, the Convention on Cybercrime of the Council of Europe, commonly known as the Budapest
5.1 About the Convention
The Convention is the first international treaty on crimes committed via the Internet and other
computer networks, dealing particularly with offences against and by means of computer systems
and data, such as illegal access, illegal interception, data and system interference, computer-related
fraud, child sexual exploitation material or other violations of network security. It also contains a
series of powers and procedures for criminal investigations and the securing of electronic evidence in
relation to any crime where evidence is on a computer system, such as expedited preservation,
searching computer networks or interception.
Its main objective is to pursue a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society against
cybercrime, especially by adopting appropriate legislation and fostering international co-operation.
The Convention aims principally at:
(1) harmonising the domestic criminal substantive law elements of offences and connected
provisions in the area of cyber-crime;
(2) providing for domestic criminal procedural law powers necessary for the investigation and
prosecution of such offences as well as other offences committed by means of a computer system
or evidence in relation to which is in electronic form; and
(3) setting up a fast and effective regime of international co-operation.
The Convention was opened for signature in Budapest, Hungary, in November 2001. In 2003, it was
complemented by a Protocol on Xenophobia and Racism committed via a computer system. A new,
Protocol is expected to be available soon to provide for enhanced cooperation and disclosure of
electronic evidence, including direct cooperation with service providers and cooperation in emergency
5.2 Benefits of the Convention
Any country may make use of the Budapest Convention as a guideline, checklist or model law.
However, becoming a Party to this treaty entails additional advantages:
The Convention provides a legal framework for international cooperation on cybercrime and
electronic evidence. Chapter III of the treaty makes general and specific provisions for
cooperation among Parties “to the widest extent possible” not only with respect to
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 27 of 37
cybercrime (offences against and by means of computers) but with respect to any crime
involving electronic evidence.
Parties are members of the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY). Parties share
information and experience, assess implementation of the Convention, or interpret the
Convention through Guidance Notes.
The T-CY may also prepare additional Protocols to this treaty. Thus, even if a State did
not participate in the negotiation of the original treaty, a new Party is able to participate
in the negotiation of future instruments and the further evolution of the Budapest
Parties to the Convention engage with each other in trusted and efficient cooperation.
Indications are that private sector entities as well are more likely to cooperate with criminal
justice authorities of Parties to the Convention given that Parties need to have a domestic
legal framework on cybercrime and electronic evidence in place, including the safeguards of
Article 15.
States requesting accession or having acceded may become priority countries for capacity
building programmes. Such technical assistance is intended to facilitate full implementation
of the Convention and enhance the ability to cooperate internationally.
5.3 Accession to the Convention
Under Article 37 of the Convention, any State can join the treaty and become a Party to the treaty by
“accession” if the State is prepared to implement the provisions set out in the Convention. The
accession procedure is as follows:
1.Once a (draft) law is available that indicates that a State has already implemented or is likely
to implement the provisions of the Budapest Convention in its domestic law, the Minister of
Foreign Affairs (or another authorised representative) sends a letter to the Secretary General
of the Council of Europe stating the interest of his or her State in acceding to the Budapest
2. The Council of Europe then consults the other Parties and, once an agreement has been reached
among the current Parties to the Convention, the State is invited to accede.
3. The authorities of that State complete their internal procedures similar to the ratification of any
international treaty before depositing the instrument of accession at the Council of Europe.
6. Cybercrime Strategy Template
This chapter provides a template to guide drafters who are in the initial stages of creating their own
cybercrime strategy. It covers the points discussed in previous chapters and provides some additional
guidance on structure and content.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 28 of 37
This template includes recommended elements that are commonly observed in cybercrime
strategies, but we recommend that drafters take their local context and regulatory framework into
There are four main components to a cybercrime strategy:
Current cybercrime landscape - assessment and analysis
Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items.
6.1 Introduction
This first section is an introduction to the country’s cybercrime strategy. It should allow readers to
understand the nature of cybercrime in the country. It may include sub-sections such as those
described below.
6.1.1 Foreword
This could be a message from someone who endorses and drives the strategy such as the competent
minister or another senior political official. This introduction should show why the strategy is
important and demonstrate that it has support and ‘buy-in’ from senior leaders and that there will be
an expectation of delivery. The project authority should also be introduced.
6.1.2 Purpose of the document
This part describes what the strategy will be used for and how it will help the country.
6.1.3 Background on why the strategy is necessary
This could include a short overview of how strategies for addressing cybercrime have evolved in the
country, and provide the justification for the cybercrime strategy (see section 4.1).
Some statistics could be cited (if available), such as the cybercrime incident figures, the number of
local Internet and/or mobile device users, the financial impact on the country and on individual
victims. These figures will put the current cybercrime situation in perspective and statistics on the
uptake of new technologies may provide valuable insight into potential future cybercrime attack
vectors, e.g. vulnerable IoT devices.
Where countries do not have comprehensive data on cybercrime, they could use global figures as an
6.2 Current cybercrime landscape
6.2.1 Cyber-related definitions
This section provides a clear definition of what the government considers to be cyber-dependent
crime, cyber-enabled crime and cybersecurity (sections 2.2 and 2.3). It could also refer to the different
types of cybercriminals or threat actors (section 3.4), and quote statistics on cybercrime that may be
6.2.2 Cybercrime statistics within the country
This section will break down the high-level statistics from section 5.1.3 by relevant metrics, such as
crime type, region, demographic etc. This will help highlight the specific and most prevalent
cybercrimes occurring in the country.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 28 of 37
This template includes recommended elements that are commonly observed in cybercrime
strategies, but we recommend that drafters take their local context and regulatory framework into
There are four main components to a cybercrime strategy:
Current cybercrime landscape - assessment and analysis
Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items.
6.1 Introduction
This first section is an introduction to the country’s cybercrime strategy. It should allow readers to
understand the nature of cybercrime in the country. It may include sub-sections such as those
described below.
6.1.1 Foreword
This could be a message from someone who endorses and drives the strategy such as the competent
minister or another senior political official. This introduction should show why the strategy is
important and demonstrate that it has support and ‘buy-in’ from senior leaders and that there will be
an expectation of delivery. The project authority should also be introduced.
6.1.2 Purpose of the document
This part describes what the strategy will be used for and how it will help the country.
6.1.3 Background on why the strategy is necessary
This could include a short overview of how strategies for addressing cybercrime have evolved in the
country, and provide the justification for the cybercrime strategy (see section 4.1).
Some statistics could be cited (if available), such as the cybercrime incident figures, the number of
local Internet and/or mobile device users, the financial impact on the country and on individual
victims. These figures will put the current cybercrime situation in perspective and statistics on the
uptake of new technologies may provide valuable insight into potential future cybercrime attack
vectors, e.g. vulnerable IoT devices.
Where countries do not have comprehensive data on cybercrime, they could use global figures as an
6.2 Current cybercrime landscape
6.2.1 Cyber-related definitions
This section provides a clear definition of what the government considers to be cyber-dependent
crime, cyber-enabled crime and cybersecurity (sections 2.2 and 2.3). It could also refer to the different
types of cybercriminals or threat actors (section 3.4), and quote statistics on cybercrime that may be
6.2.2 Cybercrime statistics within the country
This section will break down the high-level statistics from section 5.1.3 by relevant metrics, such as
crime type, region, demographic etc. This will help highlight the specific and most prevalent
cybercrimes occurring in the country.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 29 of 37
Some examples of figures and trends which could be reported here include:
the number of cyber-dependent crime attacks by type, e.g. ransomware attacks in a given
the number of cyber-enabled crimes reported in a given period;
the main types of cybercrime (website defacement, ransomware, phishing, child abuse
material, online harassment etc.);
rise in different types of cybercrime as a percentage and actual figures over a given period,
e.g. year-on-year.
The Guide for Criminal Justice Statistics on Cybercrime and Electronic Evidence
lays out the agenda
for compiling criminal justice statistics with key steps for data collection, analysis and cooperation
among multiple stakeholders.
6.2.3 Existing cybercrime authorities
This section identifies all relevant national and state/ provincial level agencies and authorities
responsible for investigating, combating and prosecuting cybercrime. It elaborates on their roles
within the criminal justice system and their mandates (section
The objective is to provide a clear understanding of the responsibility of each authority, their
jurisdiction, investigative areas, initiatives and the scope of cyber-related crimes that they tackle.
6.2.4 Existing legislation
This section of the cybercrime strategy outlines cybercrime legislation which has already been
enacted (section
This may include:
cybersecurity law/act
computer crimes act
substantive criminal laws
procedural laws, i.e. provision of basic subscriber information, traffic data, content data
international cooperation laws and/or agreements, such as MLATs
data protection laws, including data retention regulation for data custodians/data processors
any other act which gives authority to the prevention, investigation or prosecution of
6.2.5 Self-assessment and analysis summary
This section should include the results from the self-assessment and analysis process described in
Section which maps out a country’s capacity to combat cybercrime, as well as any gaps which
need to be addressed. This assessment will serve as the foundation for the identification of the
strategy’s Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items (section 5.4).
6.3 Vision
This section lays down a clear government vision for governing cybercrime. It usually takes the form
of a brief summary of the government’s desired strategic success. Some examples include:
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 30 of 37
The vision of the NCAP is to ensure a safe and secure online environment for Singapore. We
will achieve this by effectively deterring, detecting and disrupting cybercriminal activities. -
Singapore’s National Cybercrime Action Plan (NCAP)
Citizens, business and government can enjoy the full benefits of a safe, secure and resilient
cyber space: working together, at home and overseas, to understand and address the risks,
to reduce the benefits to criminals and terrorists, and to seize opportunities in cyber space to
enhance the UK’s overall security and resilience. - United Kingdom’s Home Office’s Cyber
Crime Strategy
The RCMP Cybercrime Strategy’s vision is to reduce the threat, impact and victimisation of
cybercrime in Canada through law enforcement action. - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP) Cybercrime Strategy
This vision should ideally set a clear whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach for
combating cybercrime, especially as it is a shared responsibility where government, citizens,
businesses and civil society work together to deter, detect and disrupt cybercrime. The clearer the
vision, the easier it will be for leaders and key stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive, consistent
and coherent approach.
6.4 Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
This section of the document will form the largest part of the cybercrime strategy. It follows on from
the self-assessment and analysis (section Based on the results, it will identify the Focus Areas
which the government considers crucial for the effective combating of cybercrime. These should then
be translated into Strategic Objectives and Action Items (section, which can then be assigned
to the relevant agencies (action owners) and tracked (section 4.5).
6.4.1 Focus Areas
As described above, the Focus Areas will be derived from the self-assessment and analysis (section The Focus Areas should then be detailed and clear definitions should be provided together
with a justification for their selection.
6.4.2 Strategic Objectives
Several Strategic Objectives can align to one Focus Area. They state more specifically what should
be achieved within a certain timeline.
6.4.3 Action Items
Action Items are more specific and detailed than the Strategic Objective; they include individual
deadlines, success indicators and an assigned owner to ensure accountability. More than one Action
Item can contribute to one Strategic Objective.
6.4.4 Examples of Strategic Objectives and corresponding Action Items
The following section provides examples for countries looking to develop their cybercrime strategy’s
Strategic Objectives. See also section, particularly table 3. Strategic Objective 1: Develop a more effective legal framework to
investigate and prosecute cybercrime
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 30 of 37
The vision of the NCAP is to ensure a safe and secure online environment for Singapore. We
will achieve this by effectively deterring, detecting and disrupting cybercriminal activities. -
Singapore’s National Cybercrime Action Plan (NCAP)
Citizens, business and government can enjoy the full benefits of a safe, secure and resilient
cyber space: working together, at home and overseas, to understand and address the risks,
to reduce the benefits to criminals and terrorists, and to seize opportunities in cyber space to
enhance the UK’s overall security and resilience. - United Kingdom’s Home Office’s Cyber
Crime Strategy
The RCMP Cybercrime Strategy’s vision is to reduce the threat, impact and victimisation of
cybercrime in Canada through law enforcement action. - Royal Canadian Mounted Police
(RCMP) Cybercrime Strategy
This vision should ideally set a clear whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach for
combating cybercrime, especially as it is a shared responsibility where government, citizens,
businesses and civil society work together to deter, detect and disrupt cybercrime. The clearer the
vision, the easier it will be for leaders and key stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive, consistent
and coherent approach.
6.4 Focus Areas, Strategic Objectives and Action Items
This section of the document will form the largest part of the cybercrime strategy. It follows on from
the self-assessment and analysis (section Based on the results, it will identify the Focus Areas
which the government considers crucial for the effective combating of cybercrime. These should then
be translated into Strategic Objectives and Action Items (section, which can then be assigned
to the relevant agencies (action owners) and tracked (section 4.5).
6.4.1 Focus Areas
As described above, the Focus Areas will be derived from the self-assessment and analysis (section The Focus Areas should then be detailed and clear definitions should be provided together
with a justification for their selection.
6.4.2 Strategic Objectives
Several Strategic Objectives can align to one Focus Area. They state more specifically what should
be achieved within a certain timeline.
6.4.3 Action Items
Action Items are more specific and detailed than the Strategic Objective; they include individual
deadlines, success indicators and an assigned owner to ensure accountability. More than one Action
Item can contribute to one Strategic Objective.
6.4.4 Examples of Strategic Objectives and corresponding Action Items
The following section provides examples for countries looking to develop their cybercrime strategy’s
Strategic Objectives. See also section, particularly table 3. Strategic Objective 1: Develop a more effective legal framework to
investigate and prosecute cybercrime
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 31 of 37
The legal framework of many countries does not effectively criminalize cybercrime. In such
circumstances, the number of cybercrime cases will continue to rise while legislation remains one
step behind.
A Strategic Objective could be to update the legal framework and leverage international frameworks
or instruments to address current challenges that are experienced in the investigation, enforcement
and adjudication of cybercrime.
Action Items with timelines and implementing agency
Draft and deliver a law on cybercrime within a determined period (potential implementing
agencies: Ministry of Law or Department of Home Affairs or Attorney General’s Office);
Ensure accession to the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime within two years (potential
implementing agencies: joint task force between Ministry of Law and Ministry of Foreign
Affairs). Strategic Objective 2: Capacity-building for criminal justice authorities
Cybercrime offences have increased in volume and complexity, which creates additional demand for
the continuous training of criminal justice authorities (e.g. police, prosecutors and judges) dealing
with these crimes. At the same time, digital evidence plays an increasingly important role in many
types of criminal cases. Maintaining the integrity of digital evidence from collection to presentation
in court is often a key component of successful prosecutions.
As digital devices and electronic evidence are components of almost all types of crime, even non-
specialized law enforcement officers require a basic understanding of digital evidence as well as the
proper way to seize it.
Prosecutors and judges rely on the lawful collection of accurate and reliable evidence for presentation
and admission in court. Convictions also often depend on prosecutors and judges sufficiently
understanding digital evidence.
A Strategic Objective could therefore be to build relevant capacity among the nation’s criminal justice
authorities responsible for the prevention, investigation, prosecution and adjudication of cybercrime.
Boosting the investigative capacity of law enforcement officials will make them more effective at
combating cybercrime and may simplify collaboration with other government agencies and private
Increasing the capacity of prosecutors and judges will help them correctly interpret and
introduce/admit electronic evidence in court.
Action Items with timelines and implementing agency
Establish and continuously review a cybercrime training curriculum for law enforcement
within six months (suggested implementing agency: Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of
Public Security or similar);
Conduct a minimum of five cybercrime investigation trainings per year for law enforcement
officers, to start after implementation of the training curriculum (suggested implementing
agency: Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Public Security or similar);
Establish and conduct at least one training on the fundamentals of digital evidence for all
judges and public prosecutors handling cybercrime cases, to start within eight months
(suggested implementing agency: Ministry of Law, Attorney General’s Office). Strategic Objective 3: Fostering partnerships to combat cybercrime
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 32 of 37
While cybercrime and cybersecurity personnel have the responsibility to work towards safer
cyberspace, they cannot succeed alone. The assistance of other national agencies, other countries
and other sectors can be vital for enhancing their knowledge and capabilities.
Intragovernmental collaboration
Some agencies tend to work in silos and the same may be true when it comes to information sharing
between national agencies. Knowledge, intelligence and resources are often spread out over several
agencies with little awareness or poor coordination of information, initiatives, investigations and
capabilities between them.
A Strategic Objective could be to promote inter-agency sharing of information and resources which
can lead to a significantly more effective approach to combating cybercrime.
Intergovernmental collaboration
Offenders communicate and operate across borders without any restriction putting them at an
advantage over the authorities tasked with bringing them to justice.
A Strategic Objective for a country could be to expand its use of international networks, such as law
enforcement and prosecution officials. These networks often exchange information on a reciprocal
basis via mechanisms of varying formality, rendering their work more effective.
National law enforcement agencies have a variety of cooperation mechanisms at their disposal, both
on a formal - MLAT for example - and more informal basis in order to expedite the transfer of
information between agencies. Established 24/7 networks, such as the INTERPOL I-24/7, G8 24/7 High
Tech Crime Network and the 24/7 network of contacts of parties to the Budapest Convention on
Cybercrime have been developed to receive urgent requests for digital evidence and facilitate
international cooperation.
There are also dedicated mechanisms for cybercrime prosecutors, such as the International
Association of Prosecutors' Global Prosecutors E-Crime Network (GPEN).
Public-Private Partnerships
Preventing and investigating complex cyber incidents requires significant technical skills and
resources, which may be more readily available in private-sector organisations than in law
Stronger multi-level collaboration between the public and private sector will go a long way in
enhancing a country’s cybercrime response, while a better informed public will reduce the number of
potential victims.
A Strategic Objective could be to form public-private partnerships across different sectors for the
benefit of both cybercrime prevention and criminal investigation. These partnerships with entities
such as telecommunications providers, financial services and cybersecurity companies may focus on
different aspects such as raising awareness, technical training, analysis and investigation assistance
through information and intelligence sharing. Topics could include information on cyberthreats,
trends, vulnerabilities and how to tackle particular incidents.
An additional Strategic Objective could be to raise awareness amongst the general public about
common cyberthreats. Public-private initiatives like the United Kingdom’s Get Safe Online
provide practical advice to the public on how they can protect themselves, their
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 32 of 37
While cybercrime and cybersecurity personnel have the responsibility to work towards safer
cyberspace, they cannot succeed alone. The assistance of other national agencies, other countries
and other sectors can be vital for enhancing their knowledge and capabilities.
Intragovernmental collaboration
Some agencies tend to work in silos and the same may be true when it comes to information sharing
between national agencies. Knowledge, intelligence and resources are often spread out over several
agencies with little awareness or poor coordination of information, initiatives, investigations and
capabilities between them.
A Strategic Objective could be to promote inter-agency sharing of information and resources which
can lead to a significantly more effective approach to combating cybercrime.
Intergovernmental collaboration
Offenders communicate and operate across borders without any restriction putting them at an
advantage over the authorities tasked with bringing them to justice.
A Strategic Objective for a country could be to expand its use of international networks, such as law
enforcement and prosecution officials. These networks often exchange information on a reciprocal
basis via mechanisms of varying formality, rendering their work more effective.
National law enforcement agencies have a variety of cooperation mechanisms at their disposal, both
on a formal - MLAT for example - and more informal basis in order to expedite the transfer of
information between agencies. Established 24/7 networks, such as the INTERPOL I-24/7, G8 24/7 High
Tech Crime Network and the 24/7 network of contacts of parties to the Budapest Convention on
Cybercrime have been developed to receive urgent requests for digital evidence and facilitate
international cooperation.
There are also dedicated mechanisms for cybercrime prosecutors, such as the International
Association of Prosecutors' Global Prosecutors E-Crime Network (GPEN).
Public-Private Partnerships
Preventing and investigating complex cyber incidents requires significant technical skills and
resources, which may be more readily available in private-sector organisations than in law
Stronger multi-level collaboration between the public and private sector will go a long way in
enhancing a country’s cybercrime response, while a better informed public will reduce the number of
potential victims.
A Strategic Objective could be to form public-private partnerships across different sectors for the
benefit of both cybercrime prevention and criminal investigation. These partnerships with entities
such as telecommunications providers, financial services and cybersecurity companies may focus on
different aspects such as raising awareness, technical training, analysis and investigation assistance
through information and intelligence sharing. Topics could include information on cyberthreats,
trends, vulnerabilities and how to tackle particular incidents.
An additional Strategic Objective could be to raise awareness amongst the general public about
common cyberthreats. Public-private initiatives like the United Kingdom’s Get Safe Online
provide practical advice to the public on how they can protect themselves, their
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 33 of 37
computers and mobile devices and businesses against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other
problems encountered online.
Partnerships with multinational organisations
Partnerships with the right organisations can have a direct impact on a country’s ability to combat
cybercrime as they provide opportunities for information exchange and intelligence sharing which
may help in investigations and other areas. They can also have an indirect impact through networking
and resource exchange in the form of equipment donations or temporary secondments of personnel
to certain partner organisations. International and regional partners can additionally provide avenues
for capacity building and sharing of best practices, an example being this Guidebook.
A Strategic Objective could be to establish and maintain relevant partnerships at the global and
regional level.
At the global level, organisations such as INTERPOL, UNODC, ITU, the World Bank and Information
Sharing and Analysis Centers (ISACs) can be valuable partners.
At the regional level, partnerships with organisations such as ASEAN or ASEANAPOL, Europol, the
African Union, the Organization of American States (OAS), the Economic Cooperation Organization
(ECO), Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Implementing Agency for Crime and Security
(IMPACS), to name but a few, can be highly beneficial.
Action Items with timelines and implementing agency
Create a cybercrime “clearing house”, a central body that deconflicts the work of the various
national stakeholders engaged in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime incidents.
This should also include a single crime reporting channel to prevent duplication of
investigations. Implementation within 12 months, driven by the relevant ministries;
Encourage and optimize the use of relevant 24/7 networks, effective immediately.
Implementing agencies are those responsible for the operation of the criminal justice system,
e.g. Ministry of Home Affairs/Ministry of Public Security, Department of Justice;
Facilitate the concluding of formal intelligence sharing agreements within six months
between public and relevant private sector entities to aid in identifying cyberthreats against
critical industries, i.e. energy, water, healthcare, communication, finance, transportation etc.
Potential implementer: national cybercrime unit;
Promote good cyber hygiene through awareness campaigns such as the annual Safer
Internet Day
in February. Implementation within six months; potential implementers:
national cybersecurity agency and national cybercrime unit;
Fully explore and leverage information and intelligence available from or through
organisations like INTERPOL, e.g. the INTERPOL Global Cybercrime Expert Group (IGCEG)
and Cyber Activity Reports (CAR) with immediate effect. Implementing agency: national
cybercrime unit or relevant ministry.
6.4.5 Appendices Glossary
It may be useful for the cybercrime strategy to also include a glossary which defines key terms,
abbreviations and acronyms.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 34 of 37 References
Links to references which may provide further guidance.
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 34 of 37 References
Links to references which may provide further guidance.
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Appendix A: National cybercrime and cybersecurity
strategies and regulations
This appendix provides a list of publicly available resources and references to which countries may
wish to refer when formulating their own cybercrime strategy. Some countries have chosen not to
publicize their cybercrime strategy, which is an option if there is concern over public disclosure.
In many cases, a cybercrime strategy is designed to complement the cybersecurity strategy. In other
cases, a cybercrime strategy already forms part of the cybersecurity strategy.
Cyber Security Strategy (2020)
National Cyber Security Strategy (2018)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Cybercrime Strategy (2014)
Europe/European Union
Budapest Convention and related standards (2001)
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) - NCSS Good Practice Guide: Designing
and Implementing National Cyber Security Strategies (2016)
New Zealand
National Plan to Address Cybercrime (2015)
Cyber Security Strategy (2019)
Singapore Cybersecurity Strategy (2016)
United Kingdom
National Cyber Security Strategy 2016-2021
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 36 of 37
Cyber Crime Strategy (2010)
United States of America (2018)
National Cyber Strategy of the United States of America
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Guide to Developing a National Cyber Security Strategy (2018)
Cybercrime Strategy Guidebook | Page 36 of 37
Cyber Crime Strategy (2010)
United States of America (2018)
National Cyber Strategy of the United States of America
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Guide to Developing a National Cyber Security Strategy (2018)
INTERPOL is the world’s largest international police organization.
Our role is to assist law enforcement agencies in our 194 member
countries to combat all forms of transnational crime. We work
to help police across the world meet the growing challenges of
crime in the 21st century by providing a high-tech infrastructure of
technical and operational support. Our services include targeted
training, expert investigative support, specialized databases and
secure police communications channels.
Our vision is that of a world where each and every law
enforcement professional will be able through INTERPOL to
securely communicate, share and access vital police information
whenever and wherever needed, ensuring the safety of the
world’s citizens. We constantly provide and promote innovative
and cutting-edge solutions to global challenges in policing and