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Cardiovascular Intensive Care
Orientation Manual
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Cardiovascular Intensive Care
Orientation Manual
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Welcome to the CVICU at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. We are excited to have you join our
team! Our CVICU is comprised of 27 beds that support our medical cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery
teams. Our nurses care for the sickest paents in the region and manage mulple high acuity therapies in-
cluding: various mechanical cardiac assist devices, connuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT), and ECMO.
To accommodate this acuity, we maintain a nurse to paent rao of 1:1 or 2:1. We are proud of the care that
we provide our paents and look forward to equipping you with the skills necessary to provide the excellent
care for which CVICU has become known.
Aer compleng hospital orientaon, you will join us for a 9-12 week orientaon to CVICU, depend-
ing on your clinical background. Our expectaon during this me is that you advocate for yourself and for
your paents by asking thoughul quesons and ulizing the resources provided to you. During your rst day
on the unit, you will meet with the unit educator to review your orientaon plan and materials. In addion to
your precepted me on the unit, you will complete several classes and online learning modules, including
three device-specic classes and a CVICU Boot Camp that will challenge you to apply the knowledge you have
learned. Throughout your orientaon you will meet with your Clinical Sta Leader (CSL) and Educator to
track your orientaon progress and answer any quesons you may have.
Aer you successfully complete orientaon, you will connue to directly report to your CSL. Our lead-
ership team is commied to providing you with professional development and growth opportunies not only
during orientaon but also throughout your career at Vanderbilt. As you develop prociency and condence
in your nursing pracce in the CVICU, we look forward to helping you grow in your own leadership capabili-
es and work toward your specic career goals.
The CVICU Leadership Team
Kim Carter MSN, RN, CEN - Unit Manager
Kaela Craven, MSN, RN - Interim Nursing Educaon Specialist
Jessica Williams BSN, RN, CCRN - Program Coordinator
Deann Prue, BSN, RN - CSL
Heidi Jo Redenius, BSN, RN - CSL
Michaela Banta, BSN, RN - CSL
Reed Glover, BSN, RN - CSL
Rachel Moore, BSN, RN - CSL
Adam Aycock, BSN, RN - CSL
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I. The Vanderbilt Culture: CVICU Guidelines and Expectaons
What is Magnet?.................................................................................................................................... 8
Shared Governance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8
Aendance Policy …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 9
Scheduling Guidelines ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Standards of Care …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
Bedside Report …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 12
Code Roles and Responsibilies …………………………………………………………………………………………………….…..12
Escalang Issues ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 12
Recommendaon Leers………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... 13
II. Crical Care Foundaons: Care of the Crically Ill Cardiac Paent
Cardiac Structural Anatomy……………………………………………………………………………………………………..………...14
Cardiac Physiology and the Cardiac Cycle………………………………………………………………………………………..….17
Determinants of Adequate Cardiac Output……………………………………………………………………….………………..18
Hemodynamic Monitoring ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...18
Mechanical Venlaon………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………22
Arterial Blood Gas Monitoring……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………...25
III. Crical Care Pharmacology
Vasopressors & Inotropes……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………28
Vasodilators and Anhypertensives…………………………………………………………………………..…………………..……29
Anarrhythmics and Heart Rate Control……………………………………………………………………………………………..31
Neuromuscular Blockade…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….35
IV. Cardiac Surgery: Nursing Care of the Paent Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Preoperave Nursing Care …………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………...37
Coronary Artery Bypass…………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………...38
Valve Replacement …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….39
Heart Transplantaon ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….41
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Lung Transplantaon ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 44
Vascular Surgery………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………….45
V. Medical Cardiology: Nursing Care of the Medical Cardiology Paent
Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and Care of the Post-Intervenon Paent…………………………………..… 47
Targeted Temperature Management…………………………………………………………………………………………...…..49
Management of the Heart Failure Paent……………………………………………………………………...………………...51
Cardiomyopathy ……………………………………………………………………………………..………………………………..52
Cardiogenic Shock……………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………...53
VI. Advanced Therapies and Devices
Temporary Pacemakers ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...…….55
Intra Aorc Balloon Pump (IABP)……………………………………………………………………………..………………………..57
Centrimag ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………… 60
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenaon (ECMO)……………………………………………………………………….………61
Ventricular Assist Device (VAD)………………………………………………………………………………………………………….63
Total Arcial Heart ………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………………… 65
VII. Appendix
Case Study Answers & Raonales …………………………………………………………………………………………………… .69
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CV I CU G ui del i n e s a nd Ex p e ctati o ns
In this chapter, policies and employee expectaons
are reviewed. For a complete list of hospital poli-
cies, please refer to Policy Tech on the Vanderbilt
Nursing homepage. To nd more informaon on
unit stang and holiday policies, please refer to the
CVICU website.
WHAT IS MAGNET?__________________________
Magnet is a highly coveted designaon granted by
the American Nurses Credenaling Center (ANCC)
to hospitals that promote nursing excellence and
quality paent care (American Nurses Credenaling
Center, 2011). The ANCC (2011) recognizes 4 key
strategies that promote exceponal outcomes:
transformaonal leadership, structural empower-
ment, exemplary professional pracce, and innova-
on. As part of our commitment to exceponal out-
comes, the CVICU leadership team acvely pro-
motes professional development, shared govern-
ance, and diversity.
SHARED GOVERNANCE_______________________
The leadership team expects all nurses to parci-
pate in unit or hospital-based commiees as part
of their commitment to the CVICU. These com-
miees represent an essenal part of the shared
governance structure at Vanderbilt and provide an
opportunity for sta to give input on administrave
decisions. While the scope of each commiee may
vary, all commiees serve to support the connu-
ous improvement of paent care delivery. A list of
nursing-sensive hospital commiees can be found
in the educators oce. Descripons of CVICU com-
miees and other opportunies to be involved can
be found in the following secons.
Unit Board
The CVICU Unit Board provides a structure for col-
laborave decision making between CVICU sta and
leadership. Agenda items may come from the sta,
management team, physicians or other disciplines
that serve the CVICU paent populaon. Unit Board
is open to all sta and unit board decisions are
made by consensus agreement. The CVICU Unit
Board meets the rst Tuesday of every month in the
CVICU conference room. A complete copy of the
Unit Board Charter can be found on the CVICU web-
Educaon Council
The CVICU Educaon Council provides a forum to
idenfy educaonal needs of CVICU sta and share
educaonal informaon. Educaon Council Co-
Chairs assist with connuing educaon and act as a
resource for CVICU sta and leadership. Educaon
Council is open to all CVICU sta and management,
and meets on the rst Tuesday of every month. A
complete copy of the Educaon Council Charter can
be found on the CVICU website.
PIPS Champions
On rst and third Tuesday of every month, CVICU
PIPS champions assist members of the leadership
team am and Wound Ostomy Care Nurse (WOCN)
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team to idenfy paents at risk for pressure injury
during the Pressure Injury Prevenon Survey (PIPS).
These nurses also serve as resources to sta and
advocates for paents regarding pressure injury in
the crically ill paent.
ATTENDANCE POLICY_________________________
All dayshi sta are expected to clock in between
0638 and 0645. Nightshi sta are expected to clock
in between 1838 and 1845. The CVICU Kronos me
clock must be used to clock in and out. If, for any
reason, an employee is unable to work a scheduled
shi, the employee must speak with the unit charge
nurse before ve o'clock on the designated shi.
Employee me can be checked and approved by vis-
ing the Kronos website, accessible through Quick
Links on the Vanderbilt Nursing website.
Absence and Tardiness
An employee is considered absent when they are
unavailable for their scheduled shi without prior
approved me o. An employee is considered tardy
if they clock in later than the approved mes, leave
work prior to the end of the assigned shi without
prior approval, or fail to clock in at the designated
me clock.
An occurrence is documented as an absence, tardy
or missed me clock in/out. Leadership uses the grid
in Box 1.1 as a guideline when addressing occur-
rences. Occurrences are tracked on a rolling 12-
month period, provided that the reason for an oc-
currence is not covered by FMLA.
SCHEDULING GUIDELINES_____________________
All full-me sta are required to work four weekend
shis per six-week schedule. Full-me sta are also
required to work one weekend call shi and one
weekday call shi per schedule. Sta may not work
more than ve consecuve shis in direct paent
care without manager approval.
Requesng Time O
On dayshi, up to six sta members may be on va-
caon per week. On nightshi, up to ve sta mem-
bers can be on vacaon per week. Sta may request
up to 14 days (six shis) o at a me. PTO is granted
by rst request except for during the summer
months. During the summer, PTO is granted by sen-
Sta may request preferred o (P-OFF) days when
they would like to be o on a certain day without
taking PTO. Preferred o requests will be consid-
ered unl 1600 on the Wednesday before the
schedule process opens. The scheduling meline is
posted on the CSL oce door. Sta may request up
to six P-OFF days per scheduling period.
1 Occurrence is:
1 Absence
2 Tardies
2 Missed
4 Occurrences
6 Occurrences
8 Occurrences
10 Occurrences
Verbal Warning
Wrien Warning
Final Warning
Days Absent
6 Days
9 Days
12 Days
15 Days
Verbal Warning
Wrien Warning
Final Warning
No Call/ No Show 1 Occurrence
2 Occurrences
3 Occurrences
Wrien Warning
Final Warning
BOX 1.1
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Scheduling Groups
There will be three scheduling groups (Group A,
Group B and Group C). The groups will rotate who
schedules rst during the self scheduling window.
The rst group to sign up during the scheduling pro-
cess will be the last group to be moved from their
requests, the second group will be second to be
moved and the third group the rst to be moved.
Holiday Scheduling
All full-me sta are required to work two major
and two minor holidays. Holiday schedules are de-
termined by sta seniority. Major holidays
(Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New
Years Eve, and New Years Day) are ranked by sta
and determined by mid October. Minor holidays
(Easter, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor
Day) are ranked by sta and determined by mid
February. In addion to the actual holiday, sta will
be assigned to work the day or days surrounding the
scheduled holiday. Sta with greater than ve years
experience on days and greater than three years
experience on nights may request PTO during winter
holidays. Otherwise, vacaons will not be granted
during the week of a major or minor holiday.
Placed on Call
Sta may be placed on call due to low census or
acuity. Nurses may request to be placed on call
(POC) by subming a rst-o request in Vandy-
works. First-o requests can be placed as early at
1700 on the Saturday before the week of the shi
you are requesng. If a nurse places a rst-o re-
quest within 14 hours of the requested shi, they
must verbally nofy the charge nurse prior to that
shi. If a nurse is granted a rst-o request, then
they will go to the boom of the list for rst-o all
other days of the same week. Sta placed on call
for low holiday census will not be eligible to take
call for their next scheduled holiday unless they
are called in within four hours.
Scheduled on Call
When opmally staed, CVICU will have two nurses
scheduled on call (OCN) at all mes. On call nurses
will be ulized aer available oat pool nurses have
been assigned to the unit. If neither OCN has been
called in during the current schedule, the least sen-
ior sta member will be called in rst.
Floang to Other Units
CVICU nurses may oat to other units depending on
paent census or acuity. Nurses with less than six
months seniority or working their on call shi will
not be oated. Nurses who have not oated to oth-
er units will be oated rst. If all scheduled nurses
have oated, then the determinaon will be made
according to last oat dates.
STANDARDS OF CARE_________________________
The CVICU Standards of Care dene the minimum
amount nursing care that a paent receives while
admied to the CVICU at Vanderbilt. Nurses may
give care that exceeds the pracces outlined in the
Standard of Care. Stepdown Standards of Care may
be applied to paents with transfer orders. A com-
plete copy of the standards of care can be found on
the CVICU website and in Learning Exchange. The
Standards of Care Quick Guide can be found in Box
The Standards of Care should also guide
how nurses chart the care they provide.
Use the quick guide to make sure that
all charng is completed accurately each
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Complete Assessment
Fall Risk Assessment
Braden Skin Assessment
EKG Rhythm, Temporary
Pacemaker Sengs
Alarm Limits
Priority Problems
Plan of Care
Cardiac Output, Index and
SVR on PA Cath paents
Transducers Zeroed
Temperature Assessment
Peripheral Pulse Checks
Mouth Care
Focused Re-assessment
IABP Unassisted numbers
Pain Assessment
Restraint Assessment
Vital Signs
Intake and Output
Device vital signs
BOX 1.2
BEDSIDE REPORT____________________________
Bedside report is expected to be completed during
each shi handover. Bedside report should include
the paent and/or family member and review: code
status, fall risk, restraint use, pernent history and a
full system assessment. Nurses should use this op-
portunity to complete a visual inspecon of all
wounds, incisions, drains or other skin issues, includ-
ing pressure ulcers. Orders should be reviewed with
the o-going shi at this me. Visual inspecon of
all IV infusions, including conrmaon of IV concen-
traons and rates should be reconciled with the or-
ders prior to the o-going nurse leaving. The on-
coming nurse is expected to trace all lines from the
pump to the point of entry and ensure that all lines
are labeled and within the expiraon date.
ESCALATING ISSUES__________________________
Occasionally issues arise that must be addressed. It
is the expectaon of the leadership team that any
paent safety or nursing care issue is addressed pro-
fessionally with the involved sta member(s) at the
me that the concern is noted. If the issue is not
able to be resolved, then the sta member should
escalate the concern to the CSL or RSL on duty. For
provider teams, nurses may ulize the CVICU Urgent
Needs Escalaon Pathway (Figure 1.2) to guide the
escalaon of acute or trending changes that, if le
unaended, could potenally result in paent harm.
Just Culture
Vanderbilt subscribes to the Just Culture philosophy
to improve the working environment for sta and
paent safety. Just Culture promotes professional
accountability between the leadership team and
front-line sta by improving system errors, ulizing
mistakes as learning tools, and promong a blame-
free environment (Boysen, 2013). To this end, sta
are encouraged to report or self-report any errors
that occur so that the leadership team can idenfy
any underlying process issues that may have contri-
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-uted to the error. Unless there is reason to suspect
otherwise, the leadership team operates under the
assumpon that any medical errors are non-
malicious in intent and that process improvement or
educaon can prevent future errors of the same
Veritas is Vanderbilts incident reporng tool and
can be accessed on any clinical work staon. Veritas
provides a system in which interdepartmental lead-
ership teams can collaborate to nd a soluon to
complaints or problems.
Codes in the CVICU should be organized with clear
delegaon of roles. If a primary nurse needs to code
a paent, they should promptly press the code
buon and iniate chest compressions. When help
arrives, the charge nurse is responsible for assuring
that all code roles are accounted for. The following
roles should each be assigned to separate nurses:
scribing the documentaon record, managing the
crash cart, and pushing medicaons (Figure 1.1). In
addion to these roles, at least two personnel
should rotate chest compression every two minutes.
Any sta without an ocial code role may be asked
to step outside of the room to facilitate clear lines of
communicaon during the code.
The CVICU Leadership Team will write recommenda-
on leers for graduate school aer the employee
has been a nurse in CVICU for two years.
Figure 1.1
Each code should have a scribe, a nurse pulling drugs from
the crash cart , and a nurse pushing medications in addition
to two compressors.
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Figure 1.2
On the medical cardiology service the nurse should address issues with the resident followed by the fellow. If the issue is
not resolved, notify the CCU attending, and, lastly, the CVICU Cardiology Medical Director. On the surgical service the
nurse should escalate concerns through the nurse practitioner or physician assistant, followed by the intensivist fellow,
intensivist and, nally, the CVICU Surgery Medical Director.
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Ca re o f t he Cr i t i ca ll y Il l Ca rd i ac Patie nt
Nurses working in cardiovascular intensive care
must have a procient understanding of cardiac
anatomy, physiology and hemodynamics. This chap-
ter will review basic cardiac structures and physiol-
ogy in addion to hemodynamic monitoring devices
and parameters. Relevant pulmonary physiology,
venlator modalies, and ABGs will be reviewed.
The normal human heart is a muscular organ that
contains four chambers: two atria in the upper
heart and two ventricles in the lower heart. The
right atrium receives blood from the systemic circu-
laon via the superior and inferior vena cava. The
right atrium then contracts to propel the blood into
the right ventricle. The right ventricles subsequent
contracon propels blood through the pulmonary
arteries into the capillary-rich lung beds for oxygen-
aon. On the le side of the heart, the le atrium
receives oxygenated blood from the lungs and pro-
pels this blood into the le ventricle for systemic
circulaon via the aorta.
Four valves separate the chambers of the heart,
two semilunar valves (aorc and pulmonic) and two
atrioventricular valves (tricuspid and mitral). Appro-
priately named, the pulmonic valve separates the
right ventricle from the lungs while the aorc valve
separates the le ventricle from the aorta. Both
the aorc and pulmonic semilunar valves are rela-
vely small in diameter and receive a high velocity
of blood ejecng from the le and right ventricle.
The atrioventricular valves open during diastole to
allow lling from the atria to the ventricles and
close during systole to prevent retrograde blood
ow into the atria during ventricular ejecon
(Figure 2.2). The atrioventricular valves are held in
posion by the papillary muscles within both ventri-
cles. Valve closure is responsible for the heart
sounds heard on auscultaon with S1 represenng
the closure of the atrioventricular valves and S2
represenng the closure of the semilunar valves.
Figure 2.1 Normal Cardiac Anatomy. Image by sta (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen
Medical 2014". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2).
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Myocardium and Associated Structures
The muscle of the heart, or myocardium, is encased
in the brous pericardial sac. This pericardial sac
holds the heart in posion in the thoracic cavity and
secretes pericardial uid to lubricate the movement
of the heart in the chest. The ventricular myocardi-
um is thicker on the le side of the heart, approxi-
mately 6-11 mm, to generate high pressures need-
ed to circulate blood systemically. Conversely, the
right ventricle is relavely thin-walled and
measures only 2-4mm, generang blood ow to
the low pressure of the pulmonary vasculature
(Figure 2.2).
The Conducon System
Cardiac muscle cells have a resng potenal of
approximately 90mV across their cellular mem-
brane (Sidebotham, McKee, Gillham & Levy,
2007). Specialized pacemaker myocytes spontane-
ously generate electrical impulses to depolarize this
resng potenal, diusing ions across the cell mem-
brane and forcing muscular contracon. The prima-
ry cluster of pacemaker myocytes are housed in
the right atria, known as the Sinoatrial (SA) node.
Understanding valve posion during the
cardiac cycle can inform your clinical
assessment. For example, a systolic
murmur may indicate an incompetent
atrioventricular valve or a stenoc aorc
valve. Both create turbulent blood ow
as the heart ejects blood in systole.
Figure 2.2 The Heart in Cross Secon. Images by OpenStax College - Anatomy & Physiology, Connexions Web site. http://, Jun 19, 2013., CC BY 3.0,
and By Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator - Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator, CC BY 2.5, https://
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Under normal circumstances, the SA node iniates
and conducts this electricity through intermodal
tracts in the atria to the AV node. The AV Node sub-
sequently slows this conducon to allow the atria
to contract, lling the ventricles with blood prior to
ventricular depolarizaon. Finally, the electrical im-
pulse passes quickly through the bundle of HIS, bi-
furcang into the bilateral bundle branches to al-
low for a swi, coordinated contracon of the bilat-
eral ventricles. It is important to note that any dis-
rupon of blood supply to or the anatomic struc-
tures around the SA or AV node can cause conduc-
on abnormalies. Further discussion regarding
conducon abnormalies and their treatment can
be found in Chapter 6.
Coronary Arteries
The coronary arteries provide oxygenated blood to
the myocardium. Branching from the coronary osa
at the base of the aorta, each coronary artery
branches to perfuse unique areas of the heart
(Figure 2.4). Importantly, the Le Anterior Descend-
ing (LAD) artery supplies approximately 55% of the
blood ow to the le ventricle (LV). For this reason,
the LAD is commonly nicknamed the widowmak-
er”. This artery branches into the diagonals and
septal perforators, also supplying oxygen to the
ventricular septum. Approximately 20% of the LV
perfusion is supplemented by the Le Circumex
artery and its branches . The Right Coronary artery
supplies blood to the right ventricle (RV) and the
remainder of the LV. Notably, the Right Coronary
artery branches into the acute marginal, posterior
descending and posterior lateral branches to pro-
vide oxygen to the inferior and posterior of the
heart as well as the AV node.
Figure 2.4 Coronary Arteries, Anterior View. Image by Tvanbr
- Own work, Public Domain,
Figure 2.3 The Conduction System. Image by Cypressvine -
Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
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Cardiac Physiology and the Cardiac Cycle________
The cardiac cycle has two primary phases: systole
and diastole. The closure of the atrioventricular
valves, heard as S1 on auscultaon, marks the onset
of cardiac systole. Electrical conducon through the
ventricle prompts ventricular contracon and in-
creases the pressure within the ventricles, known
as isovolumetric contracon. As this pressure over-
comes aorc and pulmonary artery pressure, the
aorc and pulmonary valves open against the favor-
able pressure gradient and allow for a rapid ejec-
on of blood. Systolic blood pressure, therefore, is
an indirect indicator of cardiac output.
Diastole, or ventricular lling, begins with the clo-
sure of the semilunar valves as the pressure in the
ventricle falls below the resng aorc pressure. The
closing of the semi lunar valves is heard as S2 on
auscultaon. Simultaneously, the low pressure of
the ventricle in diastole allows the atrioventricular
valves to open against a favorable gradient, allow-
ing for rapid inow of blood from the atria. Ventric-
ular relaxaon promotes blood ow into the coro-
nary arteries, perfusing the myocardium during di-
astole. At a normal resng heart rate, diastole rep-
resents two-thirds of the cardiac cycle, promong
adequate oxygenaon and resng of the mycocar-
Figure 2.5 Wiggers Diagram. Public Domain.
Systole commences with the closure of the atrioventricular valves, heard as S1 on auscultation. Moving against a
favorable pressure gradient, the aortic and pulmonary valves opens to allow for a rapid outow of blood as the
ventricles contract. Diastole commences with the closure of the aortic and pulmonary valves. Simultaneously, the
atrioventricular valves reopen to allow for rapid ventricular lling.
Back to Table of Contents 18
Determinants of Adequate Cardiac Output_______
Cardiac output is the amount of blood that the
heart is able to pump in one minute. Measured in
liters/minute, cardiac output quanes the health
of the heart muscle and provides insight into other
physiologic mechanisms contribung to the global
paent picture. At the most basic level, cardiac out-
put is determined by stroke volume and heart rate.
Stroke volume is dened as the volume ejected
with each heart beat (Sidebotham, McKee, Gillham
& Levy, 2007). It is important to note, however, that
many factors impact stroke volume, chief of which
include the following three physiologic concepts:
preload, aerload, and contraclity.
Funconally, preload represents the volume of
blood returning to the heart during diastole. Thus,
preload is generally considered a measurement of
end diastolic volume and is commonly referred to
as lling pressure. Without adequate blood to ll
the ventricles, the heart cannot generate an ade-
quate stroke volume. Preload also indirectly im-
pacts the contraclity of the heart, as described by
Starlings Law of the Heart. This law draws denotes
that increased volume and ventricular stretch in-
creases the force of contracon from the ventricles.
However, the force of contracon does have limita-
ons and parcularly high ventricular volumes may
decrease contraclity of the heart. For this reason,
it is clinically important to assess and opmize uid
status in the crically ill cardiac paent.
Aerload represents the resistance against which
the ventricles must eject and is also representave
of ventricular wall stress. Most commonly, this re-
sistance is secondary to systemic vascular changes
and complex physiologic mechanisms. For example,
a paent who is chronically hypertensive is in a
chronic high aerload state. Conversely, many cri-
cally ill paents may decrease their aerload as a in
stages of sepc or anaphylacc shock. The diastolic
blood pressure is considered to be an indirect
measurement of systemic vascular resistance.
Contraclity represents the ability of the heart to
contract, independent of preload and aerload.
This is essenally a measure of the health of the
myocardium. Unfortunately, there is no direct he-
modynamic measure of contraclity. However,
echocardiography, paent history, and assessment
of ejecon fracon (EF) may inform the conclusion
that the heart is not contracng eecvely.
Hemodynamic Monitoring____________________
Hemodynamic monitoring ulizes invasive lines to
provide and array of data regarding the volume,
pressure and ow of blood throughout the body to
guide treatment decisions. However, the ulity of
these lines is largely based on the accuracy of the
measurement. The following secons will review
the types of hemodynamic monitoring provided in
the CVICU with emphasis on nursing intervenons
to assure the accuracy of these measurements.
Arterial Blood Pressure Monitoring
Arterial lines are lines placed in the radial, brachial
Figure 2.6 A Normal Arterial Waveform
Back to Table of Contents 19
or femoral arteries that transduce the mechanical
pressure changes of systole and diastole into a
pressure changes during the cardiac cycle to the
Phillips monitor. Arterial lines are the gold standard
of blood pressure monitoring, and provide connu-
ous, real-me data. A normal arterial waveform
should have a demonstrable systolic pressure read-
ing (Figure 2.6, A) and a visible dicroc notch
(Figure 2.6, B), represenng the closure of the aor-
c valve.
As with all IV lines transducing pressure, an arterial
line must be transduced using non-compressible
tubing aached to a transducer (Figure 2.7). To en-
sure accuracy, this transducer is leveled to the
heart at the phlebostac axis (5th intercostal space,
mid-axillary line) and zeroed to atmospheric pres-
Central Venous Pressure
Central Venous Pressure (CVP) can be measured by
transducing an internal jugular (IJ) or subclavian
line. This pressure reects the pressure in the IJ or
le atria and is largely a reecon of preload or vol-
ume status. It is important to note that, similar to
an arterial line, the CVP waveform reects mechani-
cal changes in the vasculature. During atrial systole,
the pressure increase in the atria reects posive
pressure toward the IJ catheter (Figure 2.8, A). tri-
cuspid valve closes, a small notch can be seen
(Figure 2.8, C). Finally, as the atria lls again during
atrial diastole, another inux of pressure can be
noted (Figure 2.8, V). Because the pressure trans-
duced is from the venous vasculature, the pressure
gradients between systole and diastole are much
smaller. For this reason, a mean pressure gradient
is considered accurate. Normal CVP ranges from 2-8
mm/Hg. As with all transduced pressures, accuracy
is dependent upon the nurse leveling the transduc-
er to the phlebostac axis and zeroing the pressure
to atmosphere.
Figure 2.7 A schematic of a typical pressure transducer. From
Kruse, J.A., Fink, M.P., Carlson, R.W. [Eds.].
[2003]. Saunders manual of critical care
medicine. Philadelphia: Saunders. Used with permission (El
Sevier, 2019)
Figure 2.8 Central Venous Pressure Waveform. From
Wiegand, D.L. [Ed.]. [2017]. AACN procedure manual for
high acuity, progressive, and critical care [7th ed.]. St.
Louis: Elsevier . Used with Permission (El Sevier, 2019)
Back to Table of Contents 20
Pulmonary Artery Catheters
Pulmonary artery (PA) catheters are catheters in-
serted through the IJ and advanced so that the dis-
tal p rests in the pulmonary artery. Various ports
open along the trajectory of the PA catheter, allow-
ing clinicians to transduce data from mulple places
in the heart. PA catheters connuously transduce a
CVP from the right atrium via a proximal port as
well as pressures from the pulmonary artery via
a distal port. Because the pulmonary arteries
are in the pulmonary circulaon, these pres-
sures are much lower than the systemic pres-
sures. Nonetheless, the pulmonary artery loca-
on is distal to the pulmonic valve, and pres-
sures transduced within the pulmonary artery
should exhibit an arterial waveform paern
with disnct systole, diastole and dicroc notch.
Normal PA systolic pressures should read 20-30
mmHg. Normal PA diastolic pressures should read 5
-10 mmHg. Elevated PA pressures may indicate es-
senal pulmonary hypertension, embolus or other
pathology increasing the vascular resistance in the
lung beds.
PA catheters are oated into the pulmonary ar-
tery by inang a balloon on the p of the catheter
that acts as a sail, pulling the catheter further into
the heart. As the catheter is inially inserted, the
nurse should noce a CVP waveform from the distal
PA catheter port since the catheter is sing within
the right atrium (Figure 2.10, A). As the provider
advances the catheter, the waveform will demon-
strate a dynamic ventricular waveform (Figure 2.10
B). Finally, as the catheter advances past the pul-
monic valve, the waveform assumes the character-
isc arterial waveform and reects the pressures of
the pulmonary artery (Figure 2.10 C). On inseron,
the provider will connue to advance the catheter
unl the balloon wedges in the pulmonary artery
(Figure 2.10, D. Since there are no valves between
the pulmonary artery and the le atrium, the
wedge pressure is considered to be representave
of le atrial lling pressures. Nurses should note
that the wedge pressure assumes a waveform
Figure 2.9 PA Catheter. Image by Chikumaya, Drawn
with Inkscape 0.43 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://
It is important to assess the character of
the PA waveform. If the PA catheter
becomes wedged unintenonally, it could
block blood ow within the heart and
cause pulmonary infarcon. A dampened
or wedged waveforms from the PA
catheter should be invesgated
Back to Table of Contents 21
similar to that of a CVP but with higher mean pres-
sures. Average pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
(PCWP) is 4-12 mmHg. Increased PCWP may indi-
cate uid overload, LV failure, mitral stenosis or mi-
tral regurgitaon. Low PCWP may indicate
hypovolemia or the use of venodilators (Alspach,
2006). Wedge pressures are measured upon inser-
on and PRN by CCU fellows or cardiac surgery
Cardiac Output and Index
PA catheters also allow for the direct measurement
of cardiac output. While there are many methods
to calculate cardiac output, CVICU most commonly
uses a thermodiluonal PA catheter. Using this
method, 10 ml of room temperature normal saline
is rapidly infused through the proximal (CVP) port
of the catheter. The distal end of the catheter then
measures the change in temperature, and uses this
informaon to calculate the rate of blood ow
through the heart in one minute. The average cardi-
ac output ranges from 4-8 L/min, depending on
body size and physiologic demand. To simplify the
evaluaon of this informaon, cardiac output can
Figure 2.10 Normal Waveforms while oating a pulmonary artery catheter. From Urden, L.D., Stacy, K.M., Lough, M.E.
[Eds.]. [2018]. Critical care nursing: Diagnosis and management [8th ed.]. Maryland Heights, MO: Elsevier.
Back to Table of Contents 22
be normalized for a paents body surface area
(BSA). This number, the cardiac index (CI), normally
ranges from 2.5-4 L/min/m
. In the CVICU, a CI less
than 2 L/min/m
is a reportable value to the provid-
er team. A decrease in cardiac output is likely an
indicaon of decreased preload (volume), increased
aerload (resistance) or decreased contraclity.
Paents in moderate to severe sepc shock may
exhibit dramac decreases in aerload that subse-
quently increase the total amount of cardiac out-
Systemic and Pulmonary Vascular Resistance
With the addion of a cardiac output, systemic and
pulmonary vascular resistance can be calculated.
Systemic vascular resistance (SVR) uses the mean
arterial pressure (MAP), CVP, and cardiac output
(CO) to esmate the total resistance to ejecon
during systole. Therefore, the SVR is a direct reec-
on of systemic aerload. Conversely, the pulmo-
nary vascular resistance (PVR) can be calculated us-
ing the mean PA pressure, PCWP and cardiac out-
put. This value uniquely reects the aerload expe-
rienced by the right side of the heart during systole.
Normal SVR ranges from 800-1400 dynes/sec/cm
and normal PVR ranges from 50-250 dynes/sec/cm
. Both SVR and PVR provide tremendous value in
dierenang types of heart failure, types of shock
and determining the course of treatment in mixed
Paents may need to be mechanically venlated for
a variety of reasons, including but not limited to:
inability to protect their airway, respiratory distress
or arrest, sedaon, or severe oxygenaon issues. At
Vanderbilt, the ICU fellow, aending or respiratory
therapist (RT) are the only personnel allowed by
policy to make venlator changes. Nonetheless,
nursing sta must maintain a basic knowledge of
venlator modalies, ancipate venlator changes
related to the paents clinical picture, and trouble-
shoot common alarms.
In a healthy individual, respiratory rate and depth
are determined by the autonomic nervous system.
A negave intrathoracic pressure drives inhalaon
as the diaphragm lowers with each breath. In the
mechanically venlated paent, however, respira-
tory rate and depth care controlled manually. Res-
piraon is instead driven by posive pressure via
the venlator. Venlator modalies are named by
the specic component of venlaon manipulated
in each mode, classically volume control or pressure
control modes. Venlator parameters are reviewed
in Box 2.1. Venlator modes can be compared in
Box 2.2.
Assist Control Venlaon
In assist control (AC) venlaon, a set number of
breaths are delivered in a given amount of me.
This modality can then be further specied as vol-
ume control (VC) or pressure control (PC). In vol-
ume control venlaon, the dal volume of each
respiraon is set, but the pressure required to de-
liver this volume will vary with each breath. By con-
trast, pressure control venlaon sets the amount
of posive pressure that will be used to deliver
each breath, allowing the volume to vary. In both
Aer PA catheter inseron, wedge
pressures should only be obtained on
medical cardiology paents with a
physician order. Due to the risk of PA
rupture and infrequency of use, our
standards of care spulate that only
physicians or advanced pracce providers
wedge paents.
Back to Table of Contents 23
modalies, respiratory rate, posive end expiratory
pressure (PEEP), and amount of oxygen (FiO2) deliv-
ered are set. If the paent aempts to breath in be-
tween these breaths, the venlator will assist the
paent with these breaths to deliver the designated
volume or pressure. This may unintenonally cause
the paent to hypervenlate, and nurses should be
careful to note the dierence between the set num-
ber of venlator breaths and the delivered number
of venlator breaths.
Synchronized Intermient Mandatory Venlaon
In a synchronized intermient mandatory venla-
on (SIMV), the venlator also delivers a set num-
ber of breaths during a given period of me using
pressure or volume control. However, in this modal-
ity, the paent may breathe spontaneously between
the venlator-mandated breaths. Importantly, the
venlator will aempt to synchronize mandatory
breaths with spontaneous paent eort, making
this mode of venlaon more comfortable for the
paent and decreasing the risk of hypervenlaon
(Parillo & Delinger, 2014). This mode of venlaon
requires more paent eort than assist control ven-
laon. The Vanderbilt CVICU most commonly uses
SIMV with a dual control mode of venlaon known
as pressure-regulated volume control (PRVC). In
PRVC, the volume for each respiraon is set, but the
pressure required to deliver this volume is limited.
Pressure Support
Pressure support (PS) mode of venlaon is consid-
ered to be a weaning mode of venlaon. In pres-
sure support, the rate, dal volume and inspiratory
pressure are not set, requiring the paent to iniate
their own breaths and maintain their own respirato-
ry rate.
Alarms and Troubleshoong
Common venlator alarms include: PAW high, High
Respiratory Rate, and Regulaon Pressure Limited.
An airway pressure high (PAW High) alarm indicates
increased airway pressure caused by blockage in the
venlator circuit. Common causes include: paent
coughing or bing the endotracheal tube (ETT), pa-
ent needing to be suconed, the Heat Moisture
Exchanger (HME) needing to be changed, or
crimped tubing. Nurses should assess the paent
and the venlator tubing to address this alarm, suc-
oning the paent as needed. If the HME appears
saturated, nurses may change the HME on the ven-
lator circuit.
High respiratory rate alarms indicate the that respir-
atory rate has exceeded the alarm limit. This may be
caused by pain or anxiety requiring increased seda-
on or by paent decompensaon. Nurses should
address the root cause of the increased respiratory
rate as warranted by the paent picture. Nurses
should also assess whether the respiratory rate
alarm is appropriate for the paent and nofy res-
piratory if the alarm limit should be reconsidered.
FiO2 Fracon of inspired oxygen. The amount
of oxygen delivered to the paent.
PEEP Posive End Expiratory Pressure. The
amount of posive pressure connuously
delivered to the paent to keep the alve-
oli open.
PIP Peak Inspiratory Pressure. The maximum
amount of pressure needed to inate the
desired volume of air. PEEP + PC sengs
The number of respiraons in one mi-
Tidal Volume The volume of air inslled with each res-
piraon. Inspiratory volume should equal
expiratory volume.
Minute Venla-
Tidal volume x respiratory rate. The total
amount of air venlated in one minute.
Measured in L/min.
BOX 2.1
Back to Table of Contents 24
Mode Denion When Used Key Clinical Points
Mandatory Ven-
Delivers set number of breaths at a set
volume per minute synchronized to go
with paents breathing paern
Gives more control
Most post-op paents are
on this and PRVC, allows
paent to do some of the
work. Weaning mode.
Paent can take own breaths but
the set dal volume is not deliv-
ered with those breaths. Pres-
sure support is used for those
Pressure Regu-
lated Volume
Control mode of venlaon with a set
rate, set dal volume, and set PEEP. The
venlator regulates how much pressure
control needed by the set dal volume.
Does not aid spontaneous breaths.
Used in paents with less
compliant lungs such as
ARDs and post op paents.
Combined with SIMV. Al-
ternates modes.
By itself, PRVC is not a
weaning mode.
Control is taken back over by the
venlator, so paent cannot ini-
ate own breaths as easily, thus
can be anxiety producing mode.
CPAP and pres-
sure support
Connuous Pos-
ive Airway
Posive pressure exerted on lungs. Con-
stant pressure through inspiratory and
expiratory cycle. Pressure support added
to help aid in keeping lungs open during
Used before extubaon to
see if paent can breath on
own. Paent creates own
dal volume and rate.
Paent must be able to sponta-
neously breathe.
Volume Control
(also known as
Assist control)
Control venlaon with set rat and set
dal volume. Paent can iniate a breath
and venlator will give a breath
Used for paent with low
spontaneous dal volumes.
Not weaning mode.
Can decrease cardiac output.
Does not have pressure support.
Bi-Vent Inverse expiratory and inspiratory rate.
Prolongs inspiratory me with short expir-
atory me.
ARDS, decreased Sa02 and
increased peak pressures.
Unable to venlate.
Very uncomfortable! Ensure ade-
quate sedaon.
Diusive Respi-
High frequency venlator. High rate with
low dal volumes. Oxygenaon occurs
through diusion. Internal percussion.
ARDs, low Sa02 with in-
creased PIP, unable to ven-
late in other modes.
BOX 2.2
Venlator Modes
A regulaon pressure limited alarm occurs in PRVC
mode when the PIP becomes too high to allow the
venlator to deliver the set dal volume. This may
indicate that the paents lung compliance is de-
compensang or that the paent is ghng the ven-
lator. Nurses should asses their paent to deter-
mine whether the paent appears to be in pain and
ascertain whether increased sedaon is warranted.
If no discernable cause can be determined, the
nurse should nofy respiratory and the care team.
Venlator Weaning
Spontaneous awakening trials (SATs) and spontane-
ous breathing trials (SBTs) should be conducted dai-
ly on venlated paents in collaboraon with the
interdisciplinary care team. Prior to conducng an
SAT, the nurse should complete the SAT safety
screen (Box 2.3). To conduct an SAT, the nurse
Back to Table of Contents 25
should pause sedaon and analgesia infusions unl
an adequate neurological exam can be obtained. If
the paent is able to follow commands with seda-
on weaning, then the nurse should conduct an SBT
safety screen and contact the care team for approv-
al to begin an SBT. If the team approves to paent
to parcipate in an SBT, the RT will place the venla-
tor into pressure support on minimal venlator
sengs. However, if the paent experiences anxie-
ty, agitaon or pain that cannot be managed by prn
medicaon, respiratory distress or any acute cardiac
rhythm changes, the nurse should resume connu-
ous sedaon and contact the RT to place the paent
back on full venlator support. In the CVICU, it is our
goal to extubate paents within six hours of cardiac
surgery unless their clinical exam warrants other-
wise. Once the paent achieves hemodynamic sta-
bility aer surgery, the nurse should collaborate
with the cardiac surgery team to determine when it
will be appropriate to wean sedaon for an SAT.
Arterial blood gases (ABGs) measure the content of
oxygen (PO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in dissolved
in a paents blood. Values generated through an
ABG sample will oer insight into a paents acid-
base balance, determine the source of imbalances,
and guide treatment changes in the crically ill pa-
ent. To maintain normal cellular metabolism, a
narrow pH range of 7.35-7.45 must be maintained.
A pH of less than 7.35 is considered acidoc while a
pH greater than 7.45 is considered alkaloc. Under
normal circumstances, the human body maintains
homeostasis by regulang HCO3– through the kid-
neys and CO2 via the lungs (Figure 2.12). If the pri-
mary abnormality in the ABG is in the paCO2, then
the disturbance is considered respiratory in nature.
If the primary abnormality in the ABG is the HCO3-,
then the disturbance is considered metabolic in na-
ture. To interpret an ABG, the nurse should rst de-
termine whether the pH is normal, acidoc
Figure 2.12 Acid-Base Imbalance. From Betts, J.G, Young,
K.A., Wise, J.A., Johnson, B., Poe, B, Kruse, D.H….DeSaix,
P. Anatomy and Physiology. Houston, Tx: OpenStaxx
SAT Safety Screen
No acve seizures No agitaon
No alcohol withdrawal No paralycs
Normal Intracranial Pressure
No myocardial ischemia
SBT Safety Screen
No agitaon Inspiratory Eorts
Oxygen Saturaon >88%
Fio2 < 50%
PEEP < 7.5 cm H2O
No vasopressor use
BOX 2.3
Back to Table of Contents 26
or alkaloc. The nurse should then determine
whether the paCO2 and HCO3 are within normal
ranges (Box 2.4).
Respiratory Acidosis and Alkalosis
Respiratory acidosis is caused by any condion that
induces hypovenlaon, thus elevang a paents
CO2. This may include primary lung diseases, seda-
on impeding a paents intrinsic respiratory drive,
brain injuries, neuromuscular disorders, pneumo-
thorax, and trauma impeding breathing mechanics,
or incorrect venlator sengs (American Associa-
on of Crical Care Nurses, 2018). Conversely, res-
piratory alkalosis is caused by any condion that
induces hypervenlaon such as hypoxemia, sepsis,
or even anxiety (American Associaon of Crical
Care Nurses, 2018). In mechanically venlated pa-
ents, nurses can expect providers to increase or
decrease a paents minute venlaon by manipu-
lang dal volume and respiratory rate to migate
an acidosis or alkalosis of respiratory origin. An in-
crease in minute venlaon will decrease pH. A de-
crease in minute venlaon will increase pH.
Metabolic Acidosis and Alkalosis
A decrease in HCO3– causes metabolic acidosis.
Causes most commonly include diabec ketoacido-
sis, lacc acidosis, and renal failure (American Asso-
ciaon of Crical Care Nurses, 2018). Metabolic al-
kalosis is characterized by an increase in HCO3 lev-
els and is most commonly caused by diuresis, vom-
ing, or potassium deciency. Notably, massive
transfusion may cause metabolic alkalosis due to
citrate in the preserved blood products.
Paents may parally or completely compensate
for acid-base abnormalies. Paents who have
compensated will demonstrate a normal or near-
normal acid-base balance. To compensate for res-
piratory abnormalies, the kidneys will either ex-
crete or reabsorb addional HCO3-. Compensaon
for respiratory acidosis, therefore, is characterized
by a normal or near normal pH with abnormally in-
creased HCO3 and CO2. Compensaon for respira-
tory alkalosis is characterized by a normal or near-
normal pH with decreased HCO3 and CO2. Renal
compensaon for respiratory abnormalies may
take several days.
To compensate for metabolic abnormalies, a pa-
ent may regulate breathing to retain or remove
CO2. For metabolic acidosis, a paent may increase
their respiratory rate and depth to decrease the
amount of CO2 dissolved in the blood. Conversely,
a paent with metabolic alkalosis may decrease
their respiratory rate and depth to retain CO2. Res-
piratory compensaon occurs faster than metabolic
compensaon, taking only a few hours to compen-
sate for abnormalies.
pH 7.35-7.45 7.31-7.41
P02 80-100 mm Hg 35-40 mm Hg
SaO2 > 94% 70-75%
paCO2 35-45 mm Hg 41-51 mm Hg
HCO3- 22-26 mEq/L 22-26 mEq/L
Base Excess -2 to +2 -2 to +2
Back to Table of Contents 27
Use the knowledge gained in this chapter and the following scenario to answer the quesons below. When you
are ready, check you answers on p. 69.
You are caring for a paent admied to the CVICU yesterday for cardiogenic shock. The paent is
intubated on the following venlator sengs: SIMV/PRVC; FiO2 60%; Rate 12; TV 450; PEEP 8. The
paent has a PA catheter inserted to a depth of 48 cm with the following data populated on the
Phillips monitor: CVP 18 mmHg; PA 45/25, Wedge pressure 24 mmHg.
1. Based on the data presented, you assess that the paent is:
A. Volume overloaded
B. Euvolemic
C. Volume depleted
2. Aer compleng your 0800 thermodiluonal cardiac output measurement, you note that the
paents cardiac index is 1.7 . Based on this informaon, you r rst acon is to:
A. Connue to monitor the paent . This index is expected for a paent in shock.
B. Nofy the provider because the cardiac index is below the threshold for reportable values.
C. Review the paents PVR and SVR to evaluate the type of heart failure the paent exhibits.
3. You send an ABG and note the following values: pH 7.30; PO2 96%; PaCO2 50; HCO3-24. Based on
this informaon, you expect the provider to make what venlator change?
A. Increase the venlaon rate to increase the minute volume
B. Decrease the venlaon rate to decrease the minute volume
C. Increase the venlaon rate to decrease the minute volume
Back to Table of Contents 28
R I T I C A L C A R E P h a r ma colo gy
Crical care nurses are responsible for understand-
ing the therapeuc eects of the drugs that they
administer as well as potenal adverse reacons
and key points of paent educaon. This chapter
will review common classes of drugs ulized in the
CVICU to care for the acutely ill cardiac paent. The
list of drugs included in this chapter is not an ex-
hausve list of drugs administered in the crical
care environment, however. Nurses should use ap-
propriate clinical resources available at the bedside,
such as Lexicomp, to inquire about addional or-
dered medicaons prior to administraon.
Vasopressors and inotropes agents of choice to
manage shock states and hemodynamic instability
in the post cardiac surgery paent. These agents
augment intrinsic cardiac output by acng on the
adrenergic receptors in the sympathec nervous
system to either constrict the peripheral vascula-
ture or augment cardiac contraclity and heart
rate. Specic adrenergic receptors and their physio-
logic funconality can be found in Box 3.1. A com-
parison of hemodynamic consequences of select
vasopressors and inotropes can be found in Box 3.2.
Dopamine augments cardiac output and MAP by
increasing cardiac contraclity, heart rate, and SVR.
Doses typically range from 2 to 20 mcg/kg/min. The
hemodynamic eects of dopamine are dose-
dependent, with increased inotropy between 4 and
10 mcg/kg/min and increased alpha acvity at dos-
es greater than 10 mcg/kg/min (Hardin & Kaplow,
2020). This drug is most commonly trated by pro-
vider order. In recent years, dopamine has fallen
out of favor due to its increased risk of tach-
yarrhythmias at higher doses. Due to the risk of ex-
travasaon, dopamine should be administered
through a central line.
Epinephrine is a potent inotrope and vasopressor,
with parcularly vigorous inotropic properes at
higher doses. Connuous infusions may be iniated
at 1 mcg/min and trated by 1 mcg/min every 2
minutes unl desired eect or a maximum dose of
10 mcg/min is achieved. A provider order is re-
quired to trate epinephrine. Due to risk of extrav-
asaon, epinephrine should be administered
through a central line.
Beta 1 Heart Contraclity
Beta 2 Lungs/
Alpha 1 Vasculature Vasoconstricon
Vasopressin Vasculature Vasoconstricon
Back to Table of Contents 29
Norepinephrine is a both a vasopressor and an in-
otrope. The drug demonstrates much higher anity
for alpha receptors than beta 1 receptors, thus it is
most commonly ulized for post-operave hypo-
tension when a paents SVR is low. Norepineph-
rine is also the inial vasopressor of choice in sepc
shock (Rhodes, 2017). Norepinephrine is trated by
nursing within the parameters outlined in the eStar
order sets. The drug is iniated at 2-4 mcg/min and
trated by 1-4 mcg/minute every 2 minutes to
achieve desired blood pressure goal. The maximum
dose is 30 mcg/min, although providers should be
noed for doses greater than 10 mcg/min. Due to
the risk of extravasion, norepinephrine should be
administered via central line.
Phenylephrine is a vasopressor with a rapid onset
and a short half-life. It is used to treat post-
operave hypotension in paents with decreased
SVR and may be parcularly useful in paents with
tachyarrhythmias due to its lack of B1 smulaon.
Connuous infusion should be started at 20 mcg/
min and trated by 20 mcg/min to desired dose.
The maximum dose is 240 mcg/min. Phenylephrine
may also be given as a 100-500 mcg bolus every 15
minutes and may be used as adjuncve treatment
during rapid sequence intubaon for propofol-
related hypotension.
Vasopressin is a pepde hormone that acts on
vasopressin receptors to increase SVR. While
vasopressin has a variety of clinical uses, it is
most commonly used in CVICU to manage post-
operave hypotension aer reaching maximum
doses of norepinephrine. The drug is iniated at
0.04 units/min and is not trated. Rarely, pro-
viders may increase vasopressin dose to 0.06
units/min for persistent hypotension.
Vasodilators are considered the preferred agents to
treat postoperave hypertension following cardiac
surgery, reducing blood pressure and preserving
cardiac output by reducing aerload (Hardin &
Kaplow, 2020). However, due to increased cost of
commonly used vasodilators, providers will fre-
quently order IV calcium channel blockers and, less
commonly, beta blockers in place of IV vasodilators
immediately following cardiac surgery. Beta block-
ers are the preferred agent following certain cardio-
thoracic procedures such as aneurism repairs due
to their eect on decreasing heart rate, blood pres-
sure and, cardiac output concurrently. Hemody-
namic consequences of select vasodilatory agents
can be found in Box 3.3.
Esmolol is a short-acng β1 selecve beta blocker
used for postoperave hypertension and tach-
yarrhythmias. Esmolol is also the drug of choice for
vascular paents receiving IV beta blockers. Inial
dosing begins at 50 mcg/kg/min and may be trat-
ed by 50 mcg/kg/min every 2-10 minutes to a max
dose 300 mcg/kg/min to achieve therapeuc goals.
Side eects of esmolol include bradycardia and hy-
Although beta blockers are a cornerstone
of heart failure management, beta
blockers should avoided in paents
demonstrang decompensated heart
failure or cardiogenic shock. These
paents rely on increased heart rate to
maintain their cardiac output and may
become hemodynamically unstable with
beta blocker administraon.
Back to Table of Contents 30
For these reasons, esmolol should not be used in pa-
ents in cardiogenic shock or in a second or third
degree hear block (Hardin & Kaplow, 2020). Nurses
should also exercise cauon administering esmolol
concurrently with a calcium channel blocker. Con-
current administraon may exacerbate hypotension
and bradycardia in some paents.
Labetalol is a non-selecve beta-blocker that also
demonstrates inhibitory eects on alpha receptors.
For this reason, labetalol is generally considered to
be the preferred IV beta blocker for blood pressure
control and may be used as a terary agent follow-
ing nicardipine and hydralazine for post-operave
hypertension. Labetalol may be iniated as either a
10 or 20 mg IV push over 2 minutes, given at 10 mi-
nute intervals unl therapeuc target is reached.
Labetalol may also be given as a connuous infusion
starng at 0.5 to 2 mg/minute with a maximum dose
of 10 mg/minute. A total maximum dose of 300
mg/24 hours must be considered during administra-
on. As with esmolol, labetalol should not be used in
paents exhibing decompensated heart failure or
bradyarrhythmia (Hardin & Kaplow, 2020). Due to
the non-selecve beta acvity of labetalol, paent
may be at increased risk of bronchospasm and
should be avoided in paents with bronchospasc
Hydralazine is an IV and PO vasodilator. The IV form
of the drug is commonly used as a second line agent
to manage post-operave hypertension not respon-
sive to calcium channel blockers or other IV vasodila-
tors. Hydralazine may be ordered post-operavely as
a 10-20 mg IV push every four to six hours PRN.
However, due to the risk of reex tachycardia, low-
dose hydralazine is recommended. Hydralazine PO
may also be given to paents in heart failure with
reduced ejecon fracon (HFrEF) who cannot toler-
ate ACE or ARB therapy (Colucci, 2018).
Nicardipine is an IV calcium channel blocker that
causes arterial vasodilaon in peripheral and coro-
nary vasculature (Krako, 2017). The drug is com-
monly used as a rst-line agent for postoperave
hypertension due to the cost of other preferred vas-
odilators such as nitroprusside. Nicardipine IV may
be iniated at 5 mg/hr and trated by 2.5-5mg/hr
every 5 minutes to a maximum dose of 15 mg/hr.
Although nicardipine has minimal chronotropic
eect, reex tachycardia has been reported in the
literature. Nicardipine demonstrates mild negave
inotropic eects and should be used with cauon in
paents with heart failure with le ventricular dys-
funcon (Yancy et al., 2013).
Nitroglycerin is an arterial and venous vasodilator
used as an anhypertensive agent. Due to its eects
on both the arterial and venous vasculature, nitro-
glycerin is eecve at reducing preload, systemic
aerload, and pulmonary arterial pressures. Im-
portantly, nitroglycerin also has eect on dilang the
coronary arteries, making it an excellent drug to
treat myocardial ischemia and funcon as an an-
anginal agent. The drug is available in mulple dos-
age forms, including IV, oral tablet, sublingual solu-
on, and transdermal patch or ointment. IV nitro-
glycerin is iniated at 5 mcg/min and trated by 5
mcg/min every 5 minutes to desired eect. Maxi-
mum dosage of IV nitroglycerin is 400 mcg/min. Hy-
potension may occur in some paents, parcularly
those paents who are hypovolemic. Headache has
also been reported in higher doses.
Nitroprusside is an powerful arterial and venous vas-
odilator used to reduce aerload with secondary
eects decreasing wedge pressure and CVP.
Back to Table of Contents 31
Compared to nitroglycerin, nitroprusside has more
arterial potency. Dosing is iniated at 0.1 mcg/kg/
min and increased by 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min every 2-5
minutes unl desired eect is achieved.
Milrinone and dobutamine are two drugs that in-
crease inotropy while minimizing vasoconstricon
or promong vasodilaon. The combined inotropic
and vasodilatory eect of milrinone and dobuta-
mine make them exceponal drugs to treat end
stage heart failure and cardiogenic shock.
Milrinone is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor used to
treat low cardiac output states by increasing the
amount of available calcium in myocardial ion chan-
nels, thus increasing myocardial contraclity. By the
same mechanism, milrinone decreases intracellular
calcium concentraons in the peripheral vascula-
ture, thus allowing for venous and arterial vasodila-
on (Hardin & Kaplow, 2020). Milrinone is started
as a connuous infusion at 0.375 mcg/kg/min and
trated by provider order by increments of 0.125
mcg/kg/min. Notably, milrinone has a relavely
long half-life of two to three hours, causing the
drugs eect to linger for a prolonged period of
me aer it has been disconnued. The vasodilato-
ry properes of the drug contribute to drug-related
hypotension in some paents.
Dobutamine is a β1 agonist that, unlike other β1
agonists, has minimal eect on α1, minimizing vaso-
constricve properes and decreasing compensato-
ry vasoconstricon as cardiac output improves. Do-
butamine is iniated at 2.5-5 mcg/kg/min and -
trated by provider order to achieve desired eect.
Maximum dose is 20 mcg/kg/min, although higher
doses have anecdotally been reported. Similar to
other β1 agonists, dobutamine demonstrates an
increased risk of tachyarrhythmias but at a lower
incidence than dopamine. Hypovolemia may exac-
erbate drug-related hypotension and paents
should be adequately uid resuscitated prior to or
concurrent with administraon.
Amiodarone is an anarrhythmic given in the
seng of atrial brillaon , ventricular brillaon,
or unstable ventricular tachycardia. The drug in-
creases CO and decreases MAP, HR, SVR, wedge,
CVP, and PVR. It Paents will almost always receive
a loading dose of 150 mg mixed in D5W given over
10 minutes. The infusion will start at 1 mg/min for 6
hours. If the inial rhythm has resolved, the nurse
should ancipate that the provider will drop the
infusion rate to 0.5 mg/min aer 6 hours, maintain-
ing the drip at 0.5 mg/min for the subsequent 18
hours prior to transioning to oral Amiodarone.
Amiodarone may also be used for paents who ar-
rest with a VF/pulseless VT eology and are unre-
sponsive to debrillaon (American Heart Associa-
on, 2018).
Dilazem is a calcium channel blocker used for
heart rate control in the seng of sinus tachycar-
When giving nitroprusside, it is
important to evaluate the color of the
drug. When nitroprusside turns blue, it
has decomposed into cyanide and
should not be given to the paent.
Back to Table of Contents 32
Epinephrine Dopamine Vasopressin
Agonist/ MOA
Primarily alpha,
some beta agonist
alpha Alpha, Beta1,
Beta 2. More
Beta at higher
Alpha, Beta1, Beta2 Vasopressin 1A
Dose/ Titraon 2-20 mcg/min
Titrate by 1-2 mcg/
20-200 mcg/min
Titrate by 20 mcg/
1-10 mcg/min
Titrate by 1
mcg/min with
provider order
1-20 mcg/kg/min
Titrate by 5 mcg/
kg/min with provid-
er order
0.04 units/min
May see 0.06
units/min; do
not trate with-
out order
Concentraon 8mg/250ml
Access Central Central Central Central Central
Uses Increase HR and
contraclity to in-
crease systemic
blood pressure
Alpha agonist that
increases arterial
Increase heart
rate and con-
Alpha, B1,B2
Posive inotrope
increases contracl-
B1 agonist (low
Alpha agonist
(high dose)
V1 agonist that
works on vascu-
lar smooth mus-
cle increase BP
Key Clinical
Nofy team for
levophed doses
greater than 10
mcg/min or for rap-
idly increasing
levophed require-
Can cause bradycar-
dia, not a rst line
drug in post-cardiac
surgery paents
May cause hy-
trend blood
glucose careful-
ly. May increase
Can cause tach-
Consider Use on
high dose
levophed, not to
be used as mono-
Back to Table of Contents 33
Dobutamine Milrinone Nitroprusside Nitroglycerine
Agonist/ MOA
B1 agonist Phosphodiesterase Inhibi-
tor, increases cAMP which
increases Ca++ in heart
Dose/ Titraon 1-30 mcg/kg/min
Titrate with order by 1-2
0.375-0.75 mcg/kg/min
(can go lower too).
MD order to trate.
0.2-10 mcg/kg/
trate for target
BP by 0.1-.0.2
25 mcg-400 mcg.
Titrate by 10 to 25
mcg to lower BP
and decrease chest
Concentraon 250mg/250ml
.45%NaCl, NS, D5W
100mg/250 ml
Access PIV or Central PIV or central Central Central or PIV
Uses Posive Inotrope, smu-
late B1 adrenergic recep-
tors to increase contracli-
ty and reduce le ventricu-
lar lling pressures in heart
failure, post open heart,
pulmonary congeson
Phospho diasterase-
inhibitor, non-adrenergic .
Increases contraclity,
decrease preload, de-
crease aerload. Use in
low CI, heart failure pa-
Potent-direct vas-
odilator. Increases
CO by decreasing
aerload. Used
inially in the post
-op period to de-
crease BP
In MI paents due
to the reducon in
preload thus reduc-
ing cardiac oxygen
demand. Vasodi-
lates primarily
veins. Reduces BP
and chest pain.
Key Clinical
Can Cause tachy- arrhyth-
mias esp aer 72hrs, en-
sure paent if uid volume
Monitor for thrombocyto-
penia. When weaning
watch for changes in CI in
3-6 hours
Protect from light,
monitor for low
SaO2 due to
shunng and aci-
dosis. Team aware
if on >1mcg
Can cause head-
aches, interacts
with Viagra. Pre-
scribed some-
mes to help de-
crease spasms
aer an interven-
Back to Table of Contents 34
tachycardia be given IV push over 2 minutes prior to
iniang the drip. Dilazem may be trated be-
tween 5-15mg every 5 minutes unl desired heart
rate response is achieved. Nurses should monitor
the paent for hypotension, parcularly during bolus
Sedaon infusions are commonly used in crical care
for procedures and to manage anxiety related to
mechanical venlaon. When managing sedaon, it
is important to assess and treat alternave sources
of agitaon such as pain prior to iniang sedaon
therapy (Devlin et al., 2018). Analgesic medicaons
to manage post-operave pain can be found in
Chapter 3. Due to their associaon with ICU deliri-
um, roune use of benzodiazepines should be avoid-
ed. Nurses should assess paent sedaon depth us-
ing the validated Richmond-Agitaon Sedaon Scale
(RASS) at minimum every two hours for paents re-
ceiving connuous sedaon, adjusng the rate of
infusion to meet sedaon targets (Box 3.5). Acons
of select sedaon agents can be found in Box 3.4.
Dexmedetomidine is a selecve alpha2-agonist used
sedaon. The drug does not have analgesic proper-
es. Paents receiving this drug are arousable to
smulaon and have lower rates of delirium com-
pared to other agents such as benzodiazepines. Due
to the minimal eect on respiratory suppression,
dexmedetomidine is the only sedave agent ap-
proved for use in extubated paents. Dexmedetomi-
dine is started at 0.2 to 0.5 mcg/kg/hour and may be
trated by 0.1 to 0.3 mcg/kg/hr to a maximum dose
of 1.5 mcg/kg/hr. Due to the risk of hypotension and
bradycardia, loading doses and boluses are not rou-
nely administered in the ICU. Nurses should moni-
tor for dose-dependent hypotension and brady-
arrhythmia throughout the duraon of therapy.
Ketamine NMDA receptor antagonist that inhibits
the acon of glutamate, an excitatory neurotrans-
mier. The drug has sedave, analgesic, and amnes-
c properes. Although ketamine may be given
through a variety of routes, it is most commonly
used in the ICU for procedural sedaon or as a con-
nuous infusion for sedaon or analgesia to reduce
opioid use. Ketamine may be connuously infused
at 1-2 mcg/kg/min to maintain desired parameters.
If used for procedural sedaon, a bolus of 1 to 4.5
mg/kg may be ordered. Nurses should monitor for
tachycardia and hypertension with ketamine infu-
sion and report an increased heart rate greater than
110 bpm or an increase in systolic blood pressure
greater than 25 mmHg from baseline. Due to its in-
crease on myocardial oxygen demand, ketamine
should be used with cauon in paents with known
coronary artery disease. Ketamine may also induce
hallucinaons or nightmares in some paents.
Combave: violent with sta or a threat to
Very Agitated: Aempts to remove tubes or
lines; aggressive with sta
Agitated: Frequent, non purposeful move-
ment; ghts venlator
Restless: Visibly anxious or apprehensive
Alert and Calm
Drowsy: Not fully alert but sustains eye con-
Light Sedaon: Briey (less than 10 seconds)
Deep sedaon: movement to physical smu-
Unarousable to voice or physical smulaon
Back to Table of Contents 35
Propofol is a GABA agonist that has both sedave
and amnesc properes. Propofol may be trated
from an inial dose of 5 mcg/kg/min by 5 to 10
mcg/kg/min every 5-10 minutes unl desired eect
is achieved. The maximum dose of propofol for con-
nuous sedaon in the ICU is 50 mcg/kg/min.
Propofol may cause dose-related bradycardia and
hypotension, parcularly in paents with underly-
ing cardiovascular disease. For this reason, propofol
infusions are never bolused in CVICU paent popu-
Neuromuscular blocking agents, or paralycs, are
used in conjuncon with sedaon during rapid se-
quence intubaon (RSI) to facilitate intubaon and
during targeted temperature management to pre-
vent shivering. When used for RSI, nurses may be
asked to give a one-me push of a paralyc agent
under physician supervision. The following agents
are used most commonly in RSI: vecuronium,
rocuronium, and succinylcholine. Of these, suc-
cinylcholine has the most rapid onset, between
30-60 seconds, and the shortest duraon of 6-10
minutes. These characteriscs make it an ideal
choice in RSI. However, the drug may cause a pre-
cipitous rise in potassium and should be avoided
in hyperkalemic paents or those with extensive
ssue trauma. The remaining drugs, rocuronium
and vecuronium, have longer duraons of approxi-
mately 30 minutes, making them appropriate choic-
es for procedures such as bedside trach placement.
Cisatracurium is a nondepolarizing paralyc with a
quick onset of 2-3 minutes and a longer duraon of
35-45 minutes. It is the only paralyc rounely giv-
en as a connuous infusion and is part of the tar-
geted temperature management order set to pre-
vent shivering in paents cooled aer cardiac ar-
rest. For paents receiving connuous paralyc,
nurses should monitor the extent of paralysis with a
Train of Four (TOF). Cisatracurium should be iniat-
ed at a rate of 1-2 mcg/kg/minute and trated eve-
ry hour to achieve and maintain a TOF of 1-2
twitches. More informaon regarding TOF manage-
ment can be found in Chapter 5.
Dosage Onset Peak Duraon Side Eects
0.2-0.7 mcg/kg/hr
Max dose 1.5 mcg/
5-10 minutes 15-30 minutes 1-2 hours Bradycardia, hypoten-
sion, oversedaon
10-50 mcg/kg/min <40 seconds Unknown 10-15 min Bradycardia, hypoten-
sion, respiratory depres-
Ketamine 1-2 mcg/kg/min 30-40 seconds Unknown 10-15 min Tachycardia, hyperten-
sion, hallucinaons, res-
piratory depression
A paent should be adequately sedated
prior to giving a paralyc. A Bispectral
Index Range (BIS) monitor is used to
gauge the level of alertness in paralyzed
paents. BIS scores range from 1-100,
with higher numbers correlang with
more alertness. Sedaon should be
trated to achieve a BIS score of 40-60.
Back to Table of Contents 36
Use the knowledge gained in this chapter and the following scenario to answer the quesons below. When you
are ready, check you answers on p. 69.
You are caring for a paent who is admied for decompensated heart failure, awaing a heart
transplant. The CCU team places a PA catheter, obtaining the following data: PA pressure 48/32, CVP
12, SVR 2250, CI 1.7. The team starts the paent on milrionone 0.375 mcg/kg/min.
1. The team asks you to shoot another set of numbers one hour aer the drip is iniated. Which set
of numbers represents the ancipated response to the iniaon of milrinone?
A. PA pressure 55/42, CVP 14, SVR 2500, CI 1.5
B. PA pressure 35/24, CVP 12, SVR 1800, CI 2.0
C. PA pressure 45/35, CVP 12, SVR 2400, CI 1.9
2. The following day, the paent receives a heart transplant. The paent is persistently hypotensive in
the OR and arrives to the unit on epinephrine 3 mcg/min and norepinephrine 8 mcg/min. Which of the
following represents the expected hemodynamic response to levophed?
A. Decrease MAP by decreasing SVR
B. Increase MAP by decreasing SVR
C. Increase MAP by increasing SVR
3. Overnight, the team weaned the levophed. This morning the team asks you to turn the epinephrine
down from 3 mcg/min to 2 mcg/min. When shoong your next set of numbers, you expect:
A. The cardiac index to decrease from 2.4 to 2.2
B. The cardiac index to increase from 2.3 to 2.5
C. The cardiac index to remain unchanged
Back to Table of Contents 37
Cardiovascular intensive care nurses can expect to
care for paents undergoing a wide variety of cardi-
ac procedures as well as vascular procedures that
require a thoracic approach. This chapter will pro-
vide an introducon to the most common proce-
dures received in the CVICU, highlighng standard
preoperave and immediate postoperave care.
Postoperave complicaons will also be reviewed.
Preoperave paent assessment includes a baseline
assessment of heart funcon and comorbidies to
evaluate surgical risk. Standard preoperave labs
include: CBC, CMP, HgA1c, type & screen, and an
urinalysis. Paents taking coumadin at home or pa-
ents receiving heparin preoperavely will also re-
ceive coagulaon studies. Comorbidies such as
COPD, diabetes, renal insuciency, peripheral vas-
cular disease, and heart failure with reduced ejec-
on fracon are associated with increased perioper-
ave risk (Nadim et al., 2018). Addional diagnosc
studies such as 12-lead EKG; echocardiography; CT
or cardiac MRI; cardiac catheterizaon; and pulmo-
nary funcon tests may also be performed pre-
operavely in non-emergent cases. Reviewing pre-
operave results may inform post-operave nursing
assessment, priories, and plan of care.
Paents admied to the ICU prior to surgery require
specic nursing intervenons. Intranasal mupirocin,
used to prevent MRSA infecon, will be ordered eve-
ry 12 hours starng the night before surgery and will
connue unl the paent receives 10 postoperave
doses. Preoperave anbiocs will be ordered to go
to the OR with the paent and will be given by the
anesthesia team within one hour of the rst incision.
Unless the paent has an allergy, standard anbi-
ocs include cefazolin and vancomycin.
Paents should be allowed to shower or receive a
soap and water bath the night before surgery. Aer
the paents have received a soap and water bath,
nurses should provide two preoperave CHG scrubs,
one the night before surgery and one the morning of
surgery as close to the operave me as possible.
Paents should have hair clipped immediately prior
to the second CHG scrub. Paents should be clipped
at minimum four inches wider than any possible inci-
sion. Special aenon should be paid to clipping
groin areas in the event that the surgical team will
need to perform a cut down to the femoral artery.
For urgent or emergent cases, paents should re-
ceive a minimum of one preoperave CHG scrub im-
mediately following paent clipping.
All CVICU paents will be transported to the opera-
ve suite with debrillator pads in place. In lieu of
the standard placement, pads will be placed laterally
on either side of the chest, immediately inferior to
the axilla with the wires tracing up between the
should blades. This placement allows the pads to be
easily accessed during surgery while remaining free
of the surgical eld for a median sternotomy ap-
proach. Paents who will receive mini thoracotomy
approaches should have pads placed in the standard
Nurs i ng C a re of t he Pat ie n t U nd e rgo i ng C a rdi a c Surge r y
Back to Table of Contents 38
CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS___________________
Coronary artery bypass (CAB) is indicated for pa-
ents with mulvessel coronary disease or sever sin-
gle vessel disease that cannot be treated with percu-
taneous coronary intervenon (PCI). To perform a
CAB, the surgeon most commonly accesses the tho-
racic cavity via a median sternotomy incision. Vessel
gras, harvested from the le internal mammary
artery, saphenous veins, or radial artery, are used as
conduits to bypass diseased vessels and restore
blood ow to the myocardium. Gras are sewn into
the proximal aorta and routed into the aected cor-
onary artery just distal to the occluded poron of
the vessel.
CAB is usually performed using cardiopulmonary by-
pass, commonly referred to as on pump(Figure
4.1). In this procedure, the paent is cooled be-
tween 30-34° Celsius, the heart is stopped using car-
dioplegia, and the aorta is cross clamped. Blood is
drained from the right atrium, oxygenated in the by-
pass machine, and returned to the body via a cannu-
la placed distally to the cross clamped secon of the
aorta. Heparin is used to reduce the risk of clot for-
maon in the circuit. Less frequently, CAB will be
performed without use of the bypass machine, re-
ferred to as an o-pump CAB (OPCAB). In this proce-
dure, the surgeon sews gras into the myocardium
while the heart is sll beang. Although OPCAB may
avoid certain risks associated with cardiopulmonary
bypass, it is associated with higher rates of gra oc-
clusion than tradional CAB (Hardin & Kaplow,
2020). Addionally, a paent may need to be con-
verted to an on-pump procedure if the coronary ar-
teries are determined to be parcularly small, the
le ventricular funcon is poorer than expected, or
uncontrollable arrhythmias develop.
Nursing Consideraons
Anesthesia providers will bring paents to the ICU
immediately aer the chest is closed. The use of car-
diopulmonary bypass simultaneously increases the
risk of bleeding and clot formaon. Bleeding may
occur from inadequate heparin reversal; hemodilu-
on and hemolysis during cardiopulmonary bypass;
and bleeding from anastomosis sites. Hypothermia
Figure 4.1. Cardiopulmonary Bypass. By National Heart Lung and
Blood Institute (NIH)
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
(NIH), Public Domain,
Back to Table of Contents 39
exacerbates the risk of bleeding due to the inacva-
on of the clong cascade at low temperatures. The
risk for clot formaon is largely due to the acvaon
of platelets and inammatory mediators when blood
interacts with the bypass circuit. Nurses must re-
main vigilant for signs and symptoms of bleeding,
closely monitoring chest tube output (including the
presence of clots), maintaining chest tube patency,
and monitoring paent labs.
Surgical stress and hypothermia increase the risk of
postoperave hyperglycemia, which has also been
shown to increase postoperave morbidity. Insulin
protocol will be iniated on all postoperave pa-
ents to maintain blood sugars within a normal
range and the paent should be rewarmed as quick-
ly as possible. Following cardiac surgery, paents are
at increased risk of renal dysfuncon, hemorrhagic
stroke, and ischemic stroke. It is important, there-
fore, that nurses perform a comprehensive paent
assessment as quickly as possible and at roune in-
tervals. A comprehensive postoperave workow
can be found in Box 4.1. Provider nocaon param-
eters can be found in Box 4.2 on the following page.
VALVE REPLACEMENT_________________________
Valve surgery is performed to either repair or re-
place diseased cardiac valves. Valvular disease is de-
scribed by the aected valve and the funconal mal-
formaon, either stenosis or regurgitaon. Stenosis
describes a valve with anatomic narrowing that im-
pedes forward blood ow within the heart, most
commonly caused by calcicaons on the valve
leaets, congenital abnormalies, or rheumac
heart disease. Regurgitaon describes a valve that
no longer closes appropriately, allowing regurgi-
tant and inecient blood ow through the heart.
Surgical intervenon is indicated when paents
become symptomac or when ventricular ejec-
on becomes severely impeded.
Open valve replacement is typically conducted via
Hook up arterial line to Phillips monitor* Upon Arrival
Hook up EKG, SPO2, CVP & PA to Phillips
Hook up chest tubes to sucon, marking ini-
al level
Document inial urine output
Shoot cardiac outputs and print rhythm strip*
Trace IV lines from bag to pump to paent
Check OG tube placement and hook up to
Send CBC, coagulaon studies (if bleeding),
and ABG
Apply Bair hugger if paent <36°
Change NS carrier to D5NS per insulin
Protocol; Slowly decrease rate to 30 ml/hr
Administer 2 gm Magnesium Sulfate per pro-
ve Phase
Record vital signs, UOP, and CT output q 15
minutes x4 then q 30 minutes unl CT output
< 100 ml/hr
Shoot cardiac outputs Q1 hour x4 then Q4
Trend labs, parcularly electrolytes, and re-
place per protocol as needed
Titrate vasoacve medicaons to SBP & MAP
BOX 4.1 Open Heart Admission Workow
*Items typically delegated to Help All
Keeping ght control of blood pressure
is important post surgery. MAP must be
high enough to perfuse end organs, but
Increased SBP puts increased pressure
on fresh anastomoses., increasing risk of
Back to Table of Contents 40
a median sternotomy, however, mitral valve and
aorc valve replacement may be performed through
a thoracotomy incision. Both median sternotomy
and thoracotomy approaches require the use of car-
diopulmonary bypass. Replacement valves are either
mechanical or bioprosthec. Mechanical valves are
more durable but also carry a higher risk of throm-
boembolic events, requiring paents to remain on
ancoagulaon aer surgery. While bioprosthec
valves avoid the need for ancoagulaon, these
valves do not last as long as their mechanical coun-
terparts (Hardin & Kaplow, 2020). The decision to
ulize a bioprosthec or mechanical valve is highly
paent specic and discussed during the pre-
operave paent evaluaon.
In recent years, the advent of transcatheter aorc
valve replacement (TAVR) has revoluonized the
treatment of aorc stenosis in paents whose surgi-
cal risk would otherwise be prohibive to open re-
placement. The success of these procedures has
prompted subsequent clinical trials in lower risk sur-
gical paents, increasing excitement that minimally
invasive valve replacement may be available to more
paents in the near future. TAVR is tradionally per-
formed by accessing the femoral artery and deploy-
ing a specially craed mechanical valve atop the ex-
isng aorc valve. The is conducted in a hybrid OR
with a cardiac surgeon and bypass machine available
if the paents clinical condion deteriorates. In-
creasingly, TAVRs are performed under moderate
sedaon and paents are frequently transferred to
cardiac stepdown immediately following sheath re-
Nursing Consideraons
Open valve replacements carry the same risk prole
of CAB procedures and paents should be moni-
tored accordingly. An open heart admission work-
ow can be found in Box 4.1 on the previous page
and provider nocaon parameters can be found in
Box 4.2. In addion to the standard risks of cardio-
pulmonary bypass, paents undergoing valve re-
placement are at increased risk of thromboembolic
events, infecve endocardis, paravalvular leak, atri-
al brillaon, and AV block post procedure (Gaasch
& Zoghbi, 2017). To migate the risk of brady-
arrhythmia postoperavely, pacing wires are usually
kept in place for at least 48 hours aer surgery. Im-
portantly, the acute hemodynamic changes incurred
from replacing a chronically dysfunconal valve may
prompt hemodynamic instability in the immediate
postoperave phase. This requires careful volume
management; close hemodynamic monitoring; and
either inotropic or vasodilatory support (Hardin &
Kaplow, 2020). In spite of these risks, paents are
usually extubated within 6 hours of arrival to the
unit and discharged to stepdown POD 1 or POD 2.
Signs & Symptoms of CVA/TIA CI<2.0 or significant decrease
SVO2<60 SBP<90 or >150
HR >100 or <55 (w/rhythm strips) Loss/Change of extremity pulse, temp, movement
Starting vasoactive drips not initiated prior to arrival in
Levo>10 mcg/min or significant increase
Nipride >2 mcg/kg/min Propofol >50 mcg/kg/min
Chest Tube output >100cc/hr or >25cc/15 min UOP<30 cc/hr
Oxygen Requirement >6LNC after extubation Sat<92%
FiO2 >60% while ventilated pH<7.25
pCO2 >55 pO2<60
PCV <25 or Hgb <7
K<3 or >5.5
BOX 4.2 Provider Nocaon Parameters
Back to Table of Contents 41
TAVR carries a relavely high risk of stroke and post-
operave dysrhythmias. Neurological checks should
be every hour in the immediate postoperave phase
and rounely thereaer. Any neurological changes
should be reported immediately to the provider
team and a STAT CT should be ordered. Addionally,
nurses should carefully monitor TAVR access sites
for signs of bleeding, including signs of retroperito-
neal bleeding, due to the large sheath sizes ulized
for the procedure.
HEART TRANSPLANTATION____________________
Heart transplantaon is indicated for paents who
have failed medical treatment of their heart failure
and connue to exhibit signicant symptoms and
reducon in quality of life, dened as New York
Heart Failure Associaon (NYHA) class III or IV. Fur-
ther informaon about heart failure classicaon
and medical management of heart failure can be
found in Chapter 5. Heart transplantaon may also
be indicated for paent who exhibit recurrent ar-
rhythmias refractory to treatment, cardiomyopathy,
or congenital heart disease in which tradional re-
pair techniques are not applicable (Hardin & Kaplow,
2020). Paents undergo extensive tesng to deter-
mine their eligibility for heart transplantaon, in-
cluding but not limited to: evaluaon of comorbidi-
es such as pulmonary hypertension, diabetes, and
renal dysfuncon; immunizaon status; psychologi-
cal evaluaon as well as an evaluaon of social and
nancial support. Once approved, a transplant coor-
dinator will work with the Organ Procurement and
Transplantaon Network (OPTN) to place the paent
on the naonal waitlist. Paents are listed according
to the severity of their illness, ranked as status 1-6
by the OPTN. Status 1 paents represent the most
acutely ill paents, such as paents who are ad-
mied to the ICU for non-dischargeable bi-
ventricular support. A complete list of organ alloca-
on criteria for medical urgency can be found in Box
4.3 on the following page. Organs are allocated by
Figure 4.2. A) Pictorial diagram showing where the diseased heart is removed for transplant. B) Anastomoses of the
transplanted heart after implantation. By National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NIH) - National Heart Lung and Blood
Institute (NIH), Public Domain,
Back to Table of Contents 42
geographic region, paent size, anbody matching,
and paent acuity. Once an organ has been
matched, a member of the surgical team will travel
to the donor to conduct a nal evaluaon of the or-
gan for transplantaon and the transplant coordina-
tor will contact the paent to alert them that an or-
gan has become available.
Nursing Consideraons
Heart transplantaon is a 6-8 hour operaon. Pa-
ents will arrive to the ICU prior to transplant for
preoperave care. In addion to the usual preopera-
ve nursing care, ICU nurses can expect to send ad-
dional paent-specic anbody labs and assist with
line inseron prior to the paent going to the OR. If
the paent is admied with a PICC line for IV inotro-
py, this line should be removed prior to the paent
going to the OR suite.
The postoperave course of heart transplants pa-
ents is variable and dependent upon recipient, do-
nor, and operave factors. Recipients with preopera-
ve pulmonary hypertension, renal dysfuncon, or
mechanical circulatory support (MCS) are more likely
to have postoperave complicaons. Older donor
age, longer ischemic mes, and recipient-donor mis-
match may also inuence postoperave outcomes
(Hardin & Kaplow, 2020). Bleeding, hypovolemia,
and right ventricular dysfuncon are common com-
plicaons following heart transplantaon. To protect
the right ventricle, paents may arrive to the ICU on
inhaled vasodilators such as Flolan or nitric oxide.
Volume status must also be delicately managed in
the post-heart transplant paent. Hypovolemia may
decrease coronary artery perfusion to a stunned my-
ocardium, however, hypervolemia may overwhelm a
stunned right ventricle (Hardin & Kaplow, 2020).
Lastly, nurses can expect that the post-heart trans-
plant paent will arrive to the ICU with epicardial
pacing between 100-110 bpm. Pacing at a higher
rate not only augments cardiac output postopera-
vely but also smulates the return of sinoatrial
node funcon aer the vagus nerve has been sev-
ered during transplant.
In addion to standard monitoring of the post-
cardiotomy paent, ICU nurses must closely moni-
tor for signs of rejecon. All paents will receive im-
munosuppressive agents immediately prior to trans-
plant (inducon) and for the duraon of their life
thereaer. An-rejecon agents of choice include
calcineuron inhibitors (CNI), anproliferave agents,
and steroids. A list of select an-rejecon agents,
including administraon and specialized considera-
ons, can be found in Box 4.4. Hyperacute rejecon,
caused by allogra mismatch, is rare and occurs
within minutes to hours of transplantaon. Acute
cellular rejecon is more common and occurs most
frequently within the rst 6 months of transplant
(Eisen, 2017). For this reason, cardiac biopsies are
BOX 4.3 OPTN Adult Heart Allocaon Criteria
Status 1 VA ECMO
Non-dischargeable biventricular support
MCS with life-threatening arrhythmia
Status 2 Non-dischargable LVAD
IABP or other percutaneous MCS
Life-threatening arrhythmias w/o MCS
Status 3 Mulple inotropes or single inotrope with connu-
ous hemodynamic monitoring
VA ECMO aer 7 days; Non-dischargeable LVAD
aer 14 days
MCS device with clinical complicaon
Status 4 Dischargeable LVAD
Inotropes without hemodynamic monitoring
Re-transplant, congenital heart disease, amyloido-
sis, certain cardiomyopathies
Status 5 Those waitlisted for mulple organs at a single
Status 6 All remaining candidates
Back to Table of Contents 43
obtained at roune intervals for the rst 6 months
aer transplant. Anbody-mediated rejecon is less
common, but may occur at any me aer transplan-
taon, necessitang lifelong immunosuppression. It
is important to note that mild rejecon is oen
asymptomac and only discovered by roune sur-
veillance. Symptomac or more severe rejecon may
present with new or worsening heart failure symp-
toms from primary gra dysfuncon.
Transplant recipients receive extensive educaon
preoperavely. Nonetheless, ICU nurses must be
prepared to reinforce this educaon during the im-
mediate postoperave course. Since transplant pa-
ents are immunosuppressed, nursing sta, paents,
and family members must pracce meculous infec-
on prevenon measures. In addion to an-
rejecon medicaon, paents will receive prophylac-
c anbiocs and anviral medicaon immediately
following transplant.. Paents will also need to avoid
undercooked meats and wash all fruits and vegeta-
bles prior to consuming them. Raw foods should be
avoided immediately aer transplant. Finally, cardiac
rehab is an important part of postoperave recovery.
All Vanderbilt transplant paents stay locally aer
discharge for frequent appointments with the outpa-
ent heart transplant team and to aend cardiac re-
hab at the Dayani Center.
Medicaon Administraon Special Consideraons Class
Cyclosporine PO or IV
Time sensive: Q12 hours,
dosed at 0600 and
Draw daily lab troughs at 5 am
Use gloves when handling medicaon; do not crush;
must order suspension for per tube
Tacrolimus PO or Sublingual
Time sensive: Q12
hours, dosed at
0600 and 1800
Draw daily lab troughs at 5 am
Use gloves when handling; do not crush, must open
capsule and deliver contents sublingual if una-
ble to swallow pill (wear globes & N95 to do so).
Mycophenolate PO or IV (slowly over 2
Time sensive: Q12
hours, dosed at
0600 and 1800
Use care when discarding. Put IV tubing and bag in
yellow containers.
Use gloves when handling; do not crush
PO or IV (may be given
IVP or piggback de-
pending on dose
Ordered daily
Closely monitor blood glucose
Dose weaned by team based on cardiac biopsies
May be increased if s/s of rejecon
IV (1
dose over 6 hrs,
remaining doses
over 4-6 hrs.)
Used for inducon or steroid-resistant rejecon
MUST use Central access and 0.22 micron lter
Premedicate with Tylenol, Benadryl, steroids. Ana-
phylaxis kit at bedside.
IV infusion over 30
Ordered as inducon ONLY
No premeds needed
BOX 4.4 Select Immunosuppressive Agents
Back to Table of Contents 44
LUNG TRANSPLANTATION_____________________
Lung transplantaon is indicated for paents who
have end –stage lung disease that is no longer re-
sponsive to medical management.. This may include
paents with COPD, cysc brosis, primary pulmo-
nary hypertension, or sarcoidosis. The pre-transplant
evaluaon for lung transplantaon is similarly rigor-
ous to that for heart transplantaon. As with heart
transplantaon, paents are listed according to the
acuity of their clinical status and matched according
to geographical region, organ size, and anbody
screening. Upon arrival to the unit, paents should
receive roune pre-operave care, including the ad-
dional pre-transplant labs. The lung transplant
team prefers their paents to be clipped in the OR
immediately prior to the rst incision.
Nursing Consideraons
Lung transplants are performed using a clamshell
incision, which is parcularly painful postoperavely.
For this reason, all lung transplant paents receive
an epidural prior to extubaon. The Vanderbilt Pain
Management service will insert and set up the epi-
dural in the ICU. Nursing sta are responsible for
monitoring the epidural site at roune frequency,
documenng epidural infusion volumes, and chang-
ing epidural medicaon bags. An epidural quick
guide can be found in Box 4.5.
Much of the postoperave care of lung transplant
paents is geared toward avoiding reperfusion injury
to the allogra. Reperfusion injury presents as se-
vere pulmonary edema of non-cardiac eology with
reduced lung compliance and impaired gas ex-
change. To this end, paents will arrive to the unit
on pulmonary vasodilators and will likely be extubat-
ed with these agents in place. Lung protecve ven-
laon strategies and early extubaon also prevent
unnecessary barotrauma to the new organ. Con-
servave uid resuscitaon will also prevent reper-
fusion injury and nurses should expect to keep lung
paents drier than other populaons, somemes at
the expense of increased pressor ulizaon in the
short term. Paents should not be wedged to avoid
unnecessary pressure on the anastomosis site at the
pulmonary artery.
Aer extubaon, paents will be kept strictly NPO
unl a swallow evaluaon can be completed to de-
crease the risk of aspiraon. As with other trans-
plants, meculous infecon prevenon strategies
To Unlock the Key-
-Press STOP
-Enter Vanderbilt Universal Code
To View the
Current Program
To Change the
-The pump must be stopped and
the keypad unlocked before the
program can be changed
-Press #3 for CHANGE PROGRAM
-Press ENTER at each screen for
variables you want to change
-Use the down arrow to review
the revised program
-Press ENTER
To Change the
-The pump must be stopped and
the keypad unlocked
-Press #1 for NEW CONTAINER
-Press START
-The pump will resume the previ-
ously programmed delivery at
the previously selected container
To Review
History/Event Log:
-Press #1 HISTORY, scroll through
the event log by pressing the
down arrow
BOX 4.5 Epidural Quick Guide
Back to Table of Contents 45
should be employed. Paents will receive a similar
immunosuppression regimen to that previously de-
scribed in this chapter and should be educated re-
garding their medicaons. Lung transplant paents
will also need to follow a transplant-approved diet,
including fully cooked meats and stringent washing
of fresh fruits and vegetables.
VASCULAR SURGERY__________________________
A number of vascular diseases, most commonly aor-
c aneurysm and dissecons, are also cared for in
the CVICU. An aorc aneurysm is dened as a dila-
on of the aorta at least 50% of its normal size
(Sidebotham, Mckee, Gillham, & Levy, 2007). Aneu-
rysms are described by their anatomical locaon.
Ascending aorc and aorc arch aneurysms arise
between the aorc valve and the le subclavian ar-
tery. Descending thoracic and thoracoabdominal an-
eurisms occur distal to the le subclavian artery.
By contrast, an aorc dissecon is caused by a tear
in the inmal layer of the aorc wall that develops a
false lumen. As with aneurysms, dissecons are clas-
sied by anatomical locaon. Type A dissecons
aect the ascending aorta and Type B dissecons
aect the descending aorta. Both diseases are mul-
factorial in origin. Paents may have genec pre-
disposion to the disease, congenital malformaon,
or family history of vascular disease. Comorbidies
such as obstrucve lung disease and a number of
modiable risk factors such as hypertension and
smoking also impact disease prevalence. In the early
stages, aorc malformaons involving the descend-
ing thoracic and abdominal aorta may be treated
medically by managing hypertension and monitoring
the malformaon with roune CT scanning. Malfor-
maons involving the ascending aorta or large mal-
formaons in any part of the descending aorta re-
quire surgical repair.
Nursing Consideraons
Paents receiving open thoracic and thoracoab-
dominal repair will experience signicant uid shis
and potenal blood loss, requiring generous volume
resuscitaon. Neurovascular checks should be per-
formed every hour during the immediate postopera-
ve phase due to the high risk of ischemia following
aorc cross clamp. Up to 40% of paents undergoing
open repair will experience acute kidney injury
(Becker, 2016). Nurses should closely monitor in-
take , output, BUN, and creanine in these paents.
Paents will remain strictly NPO unl they are pass-
ing gas. Nurses should educate paents regarding
pulmonary toilet and facilitate ambulaon TID begin-
ning POD 2.
Thoracic endovascular aorc repair (TEVAR) involves
the inseron of a vascular gra into the aected re-
gion of the aorta via the femoral artery. Endovascu-
lar repair demonstrates decreased surgical risk
across all categories, decreased risk of blood loss,
and is an opon for many descending aorc malfor-
maons. Paents will arrive to the ICU extubated
and transfer to the oor POD 1. As with open repair,
nurses should conduct frequent neurovascular
checks postoperavely.
All thoracic aorc repairs, including TEVAR, will ar-
rive to the unit with a lumbar drain in place due to
the risk of spinal chord ischemia during aorc cross
clamp or gra placement. The lumbar drain will re-
main in place for 24 hours aer the procedure. Nurs-
es should monitor output and CSF pressure hourly
while the drain is open, reporng any output greater
than 50 ml in 4 hours to the vascular team. Unless
complicaons arise, the vascular team will clamp the
lumbar drain POD 1. Nurses should connue neuro-
vascular checks at roune frequency while the drain
is clamped and monitor CSF pressure connuously
unl the drain is removed. If any neurovascular
changes are noted, the nurse should increase the
frequency of the neurovascular checks to Q 15
minutes and nofy the vascular team immediately.
Back to Table of Contents 46
Use the knowledge gained in this chapter and the following scenario to answer the quesons below. When you
are ready, check you answers on p. 69.
You land a paent from the OR following coronary artery bypass and mitral valve replacement. Your
Help All places the paent on the monitor, applies sucon to your chest tubes and OG tube, and
sends a loaded ABG and CBC to the lab.
1. You expect to perform all of the following nursing intervenons within the rst hour EXCEPT:
A. Assess chest tube output every 15 minutes and report output greater than 100 ml/hr
B. Extubate the paent if the STAT ABG is within normal limits
C. Shoot cardiac indices every hour and nofy the provider if the index is less than 2
2. As you prepare to assess your paent, you reect that paents receiving valve replacement surgery
are at parcularly high risk for:
A. Acute Kidney Injury
B. Hyperglycemia
C. Ischemic Stroke
3. Your paents ABG results with the following values: pH 7.36, PO2 96%; PaCO2 42; HCO3-24; K 2.9
PCV 28. Based on these values, you ancipate:
A. Nofying the provider and using the venlator protocol to increase the respiratory rate
B. Nofying the provider and using the nursing algorithm to administer a unit of blood
C. Nofying the provider and using the electrolyte replacement protocol to replete potatassium
Back to Table of Contents 47
Nurs i ng C a re of t he M ed i ca l Ca rd iol o g y Patie nt
Vanderbilt University Hospital CVICU cares for both
cardiovascular surgery and medical cardiology ser-
vice lines. This chapter will provide an introducon
to common paent diagnoses cared for in the medi-
cal cardiology service line, including paents ad-
mied for acute coronary syndrome, cardiogenic
shock, and post-arrest paents. Current pracces in
heart failure management and cardiomyopathy will
also be reviewed.
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is an umbrella term
that covers a wide variety of clinical diagnoses,
ranging from unstable angina to acute myocardial
infarcon. Paents with acute coronary syndromes
present with signs and symptoms of myocardial is-
chemia such as chest pain; pain down one or both
arms; shortness of breath; fague; nausea; vom-
ing; or anxiety. Women are more likely to present
with atypical symptoms such as epigastric, back, or
jaw pain. Notably, those with diabetes, postopera-
ve paent, and the elderly may not present with
typical signs and symptoms of ischemia and should
be treated with a lower threshold for addional
tesng. Paents presenng with these symp-
toms should receive a STAT EKG and cardiac
markers upon arrival to the facility or upon
presentaon of symptoms if already admied.
Unstable Angina
Stable angina is dened by chest pain that fol-
lows a predictable paern such as pain during
exeron or mes of stress. Stable angina may be
relieved by rest or nitroglycerin. By contrast, unsta-
ble angina is characterized by chest pain at rest or
unpredictable chest pain that may or may not be
relieved with nitroglycerin. Paents with unstable
angina may present with new or worsening chest
pain symptoms, however upon further invesga-
on, do not demonstrate increased troponin. Pa-
ents with unstable angina may or may not demon-
strate transient EKG changes. Once the diagnosis of
unstable angina has been determined, management
focuses on resolving the acute ischemic pain and
assessing whether the paent demonstrates acute
hemodynamic compromise. Supplemental oxygen
should be supplied to paents with oxygen satura-
on less than 94%. Unless contraindicated, paents
will receive a beta blocker within 24 hours to de-
crease myocardial oxygen consumpon. Paents
unresponsive to sublingual nitroglycerin or paents
Troponin, indicave of myocardial injury,
may not rise for 2-3 hours aer the
onset of myocardial infarcon. A paent
who presents soon aer onset of chest
pain may not yet demonstrate a
troponin rise and should be monitored
Back to Table of Contents 48
who are persistently hypertensive will receive a ni-
troglycerin drip. Following resoluon of the acute
incident, paents will remain in observaon for at
least 12 hours to trend cardiac markers and monitor
for symptom recurrence.
Non-ST Elevaon MI
Non-ST Elevaon MI (NSTEMI) is characterized by
new or worsening, unrelenng chest pain with posi-
ve biomarkers and either ST depression or T wave
inversion on EKG. NSTEMI is most commonly caused
by a non-occlusive plaque rupture that signicantly
alters blood ow to a poron of the myocardium.
From a nursing standpoint, the care of the NSTEMI
paent is much the same as the care of a paent
with unstable angina. Paents who demonstrate he-
modynamic compromise will likely undergo emer-
gent coronary angiography for potenal percutane-
ous coronary intervenon (PCI). Paents who are
hemodynamically stable will be admied to an inpa-
ent unit for medical management and undergo cor-
onary angiography within 24 hours.
ST-Elevated MI
ST elevated MI is characterized by unrelenng chest
pain with posive biomarkers and elevaon of ST
segment in two or more conguous leads in a 12-
lead EKG. An ST-elevated infarcon, commonly
known as a STEMI, is indicave of complete loss of
blood ow distal to a ruptured coronary plaque. If
blood ow is not restored, the poron of the myo-
cardium supplied by the aected coronary artery will
die. For this reason, the team will acvate a STEMI
alert and the cardiac cath lab immediately if a STEMI
is suspected. The naonal standard for reperfusion,
known as door-to-balloon me is 90 minutes. De-
pending on the aected vessel and the me to
reperfusion, STEMI paents are more likely to be-
come unstable than other ACS paents. For this rea-
son, all STEMI paents post PCI will be admied to
the CVICU for close paent monitoring following in-
Care of the Post-Intervenon Paent
When a diagnosc catheterizaon is warranted, the
Standard Raonale
Acute Myocardial Infarcon (AMI)
Aspirin within 24 hours of arrival
Decreases clong by inhibing platelet aggregaon, decreas-
es vasoconstricon, and decreases the risk of death during
AMI by 70%
Beta-Blocker within 24 hours of arrival
Given early (IV) in the course of AMI, decreases size of infarct,
decreases the incidence of arrhythmias, and decreases the
risk of cardiac rupture
PCI for ST elevaon within 90 minutes of arrival Early reperfusion decreases the size of the infarct
Aspirin prescribed at discharge Decreases clong by inhibing platelet aggregaon
Beta-Blocker prescribed at discharge
Decreases myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing heart
rate and contraclity, protects against sudden death by de-
creasing electrical impulse conducon, and decreases the risk
of a recurrent MI
ACE Inhibitor/Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB)
prescribed for LV dysfuncon (EF < 40%)
Preserves LV funcon by decreasing remodeling (formaon of
scar ssue)
Smoking cessaon counseling provided for current
smokers and those that have quit within 12 months
of admission
Risk factor modicaon – nicone promotes clong, vasocon-
stricon, and increased myocardial oxygen demand
BOX 5.1 ACS Standards and Raonales
Back to Table of Contents 49
intervenonal cardiologist and the cardiac catheteri-
zaon team will choose either a femoral or radial
approach based on the paents anatomy, catheteri-
zaon urgency, and ancipated intervenon. Radial
artery catheterizaon has a lower risk prole post-
catheterizaon and allows the paent to ambulate
faster upon arrival to the unit.
Radial catheterizaons will have a TR band (Figure
5.1) applied to the sheath exit site prior to arrival to
the unit to maintain hemostasis. Upon arrival to the
unit, the cardiac cath team will report the me that
the TR band was applied as well as the me that the
TR band may be deated. At the appropriate me,
the nurse should deate air from the TR band at reg-
ular intervals unl air is completely removed from
the device. During this phase, nurses should monitor
for signs of bleeding and re-inate air as needed to
maintain hemostasis. For more detailed informaon
regarding TR band management, nurses should refer
to the associated order set and TR band policy, avail-
able in PolicyTech.
Intervenonal cardiologists may ulize a variety clo-
sure devices following femoral artery sheath remov-
al. Angioseal, an absorbable anchor and collagen
plug, is the most common closure device ulized.
Nurses may also see other brands of collagen plugs
such as Mynx or Starclose. All collagen plus dissolve
within 30-60 days following deployment, once the
vessel has healed. For larger sheath sites, cardiolo-
gists may choose to use a suture-style closure device
such as Perclose. Regardless of closure device, all
paents following femoral sheath removal should
remain at for a minimum of two hours following
diagnosc angiography and 6 hours following PCI.
During this me, nurses should closely monitor for
signs of oozing or hematoma formaon. If bleeding
or hematoma is noced, nurses should apply pres-
sure 1-2 cm above the puncture site and nofy the
provider team immediately. Less commonly, femoral
sheath removal may result in a retroperitoneal
bleed, characterized by ank pain and hypotension
unresponsive to uid bolus. If a retroperitoneal
bleed is suspected, nofy the provider team immedi-
In addion to monitoring sheath removal sites,
CVICU nurses can expect to administer and provide
educaon about standard post-intervenon medica-
ons. A complete list of ACS standards and their ra-
onales can be found in Table 5.1. Paents who
have received contrast in the lab will receive a bolus
of 1 Liter of crystalloid following intervenon to pre-
vent contrast-induced nephropathy.
Targeted temperature management (TTM) has been
invesgated experimentally and used clinically for
over 100 years to treat paents who do not respond
neurologically following cardiopulmonary arrest. The
raonale for the clinical applicaon of TTM is to de-
crease a paents metabolic rate following arrest,
allowing the injured brain to heal. For each degree a
paent is cooled, there is a 6% reducon in end or-
gan oxygen consumpon. The Vanderbilt Targeted
Temperature Management protocol is based on the
2010 guidelines and protocols established by the
American Academy of Neurology. The following sec-
on of this manual includes a high-level overview of
the protocol, highlighng clinically salient points for
Figure 5.1 TR Band.
Back to Table of Contents 50
implementaon. It is strongly recommended that a
copy of the complete protocol be printed for refer-
ence prior to iniaon of TTM. A complete copy of
the TTM protocol can be found on the CVICU web-
Iniaon and Cooling
Based on a large body of evidence, VUMC has in-
cluded specic inclusion and exclusion criteria to
iniate TTM. A complete list of inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria can be found in Box 5.2. Those paents
who qualify for protocol iniaon will be cooled
with the Arc Sun Targeted Temperature Manage-
ment System. Paents will be cooled to 33 degrees
for 24 hours from their inial downme.
During the cooling phase, paents will experience a
number of physiologic changes. As paents cool to
33 degrees, they oen become bradycardic. This
may or may not result in hemodynamic compromise
for the paent. In this populaon, hemodynamic
instability is dened as hypotension requiring nore-
pinephrine greater than 15 mcg/min or hypotension
that requires the addion of a second inotrope or
vasopressor. If hemodynamic instability presents in
these paents, the protocol prompts providers to
consider increasing the targeted temperature from
33 degrees to 36 degrees.
All TTM paents are paralyzed and sedated through-
out the cooling phase of treatment. This is, in part,
to prevent shivering that increases the paents
metabolic rate while the paent is hypothermic. All
paents have connuous BIS monitoring to measure
level of sedaon, trang sedaon to achieve a BIS
of 40-60. Train of Four (TOF), a peripheral nerve
smulator, is ulized to monitor the degree neuro-
muscular blockade throughout the duraon of the
cooling phase. The TOF may be applied to the ulnar
nerve (Figure 5.2) to elicit a thumb twitch or the fa-
cial nerve to elicit an eyelid twitch (Figure 5.3). TOF
is monitored every hour while a paent is receiving
paralycs, trang paralycs to achieve one to two
twitches for every four smuli given. The number of
MAs required to elicit a response should be noted
in the paents chart. Paralycs and sedaon should
never be disconnued while a paent is cold.
Lastly, it is important to recognize that hypothermia
causes electrolytes to shi across the cellular mem-
brane, requiring judicious use of electrolyte replace-
ment protocols. Potassium is not replaced unless
the serum level falls below 2.8 mEq/L and should be
checked every 6 hours for the rst 24 hours.
The paent will be rewarmed at 0.25 degrees per
hour 24 hours aer the me of their arrest. During
the rewarming phase of treatment, paents are like-
ly to experience rebound hyperthermia. For this rea-
Inclusion Criteria Exclusion Criteria
Arrest with primary cardiac eology Arrest from non-cardiac eology
Ability to iniate TTM within 6-12 hours of ROSC
Paents with known terminal illness, bleeding issues, recent
head trauma or a traumac arrest
18 years or older Pregnancy
Unresponsive and not following commands aer
Awakens spontaneously with purposeful movement and abil-
ity to follow commands
Esmated me from arrest to ROSC <60 minutes
Unwitnessed arrest with suspected prolonged downme AND
inial rhythm unshockable
Inial temperature less than 34C
BOX 5.2 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for TTM
Back to Table of Contents 51
-son, the Arc Sun pads are kept on the paent for
up to 72 hours aer rewarming and acetaminophen
Is scheduled to control for fever. Paralyc infusion
will be disconnued when the paent reaches 36
degrees and sedaon will be weaned when the TOF
returns to four twitches. During any phase of treat-
ment, shivering or suspicion of shivering may be
treated by counter warming extremies with the
Bair Hugger or with demerol.
In the event that a paent needs to be rewarmed
outside of the protocol, the Withdrawal Guidelines
When Disconnuaon Determinaons Are Made
Aer Therapy Iniaon algorithm can be found at
the back of the protocol. Neuroprognocaon is
withheld unl 72 hours aer rewarming to allow
adequate me for paralycs and sedaon to be me-
Management of the Heart Failure Paent________
Heart failure is dened as the inability of the heart
to provide adequate cardiac output to meet the
metabolic demands of end organs. Heart failure is
classied anatomically, physiologically, and by pa-
ent symptomology.
Heart Failure Classicaons
Anatomically, heart failure is categorized as either
le ventricular failure, right ventricular failure, or bi-
ventricular failure. Paents with le ventricular fail-
ure classically present with pulmonary symptoms
such as dyspnea on exeron, orthopnea, or pulmo-
nary edema. Conversely, paents with right ventric-
ular failure classically present with systemic symp-
toms such as ascites or peripheral edema. Paents
with bi-ventricular failure will present with symp-
toms from both categories.
Physiologically, heart failure is categorized as systol-
ic or diastolic hear failure based on the aected por-
on of the cardiac cycle. Systolic hear failure repre-
sents a problem with the hearts ability to pump and
Figure 5.2 Placement of TOF electrodes along the ulnar
nerve. From Wiegand, D.L. [Ed.]. [2017]. AACN procedure manual for
high acuity, progressive, and critical care [7th ed.]. St. Louis: Elsevier.
Figure 5.3 Placement of TOF electrodes along the facial
nerve. From Wiegand, D.L. [Ed.]. [2017]. AACN procedure manual for
high acuity, progressive, and critical care [7th ed.]. St. Louis: Elsevier.
Back to Table of Contents 52
may be caused by a variety of factors including but
not limited to ischemic heart disease, valvular dis-
ease, or poorly controlled hypertension. Systolic
heart failure is also referred to as heart failure with
reduced ejecon fracon (HFrEF) and is character-
ized by an ejecon fracon (EF) less than or equal to
40%.. By contrast, diastolic heart failure represents a
problem with the hearts ability to ll. Diastolic heart
failure may be caused by a variety of factors, includ-
ing but not limited to restricve cardiomyopathies or
valvular diseases. Diastolic heart failure is also re-
ferred to as heart failure with preserved ejecon
fracon (HFpEF) and is characterized by an EF great-
er than or equal to 50%.
Lastly, heart failure is described by the extent to
which it aects the paents funconality. One com-
mon scale used to quanfy heart failure symptoms is
the New York Heart Failure Associaon (NYHA) scale.
This scale ranks paent symptomology from Class I
(least severe) to Class IV (most severe). The Ameri-
can Heart Associaon priorizes certain diagnosc
tests and treatments based partly on a paents NY-
HA scale. Providers may reference these recommen-
daons in addion to the paents complete clinical
picture to escalate a treatment plan for a paent
admied with a diagnosis of heart failure.
Diagnosc Criteria
A diagnosis of heart failure is made based on com-
prehensive clinical exam and diagnosc evaluaon.
Serial weights and jugular vein distenon may be
used to establish and trend volume status in addi-
on to a paents subjecve symptoms. A variety of
tests and procedures may be ordered to evaluate
heart funcon. Biomarkers such as B-type natriurec
pepde (BNP) as well as other natriurec pepdes
have diagnosc value to establish the inial pres-
ence and degree of heart failure. In the acute
seng, BNP will be drawn at minimum on admission
and prior to discharge. Recent data also suggests
that BNP may have value as a primary screening
mechanism for heart failure (Yancy et al., 2017). Ele-
vated troponin levels may indicate cardiac strain
causing ischemia or necrosis (Yancy et al., 2017). In
addion to biomarker tesng, transthoracic echocar-
diography and chest x-ray as well as le and right
heart catheterizaons have diagnosc and prognos-
c value.
Treang Heart Failure
ACE inhibitors and beta blockers remain a mainstay
of heart failure management and have been shown
to decrease both morbidity and mortality in this vul-
nerable paent populaon (Yancy et. al., 2013).
ACE inhibitors work to counteract the acvaon of
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
triggered by pathophysiologic changes in heart fail-
ure. Beta blockers slow heart rate and decrease
blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart and in-
creasing lling me in paents with reduced ejecon
fracon. Paents who cannot tolerate ACE inhibitors
may alternavely be prescribed Angiotensin Recep-
tor Blockers (ARB) or a combinaon of hydralazine
and isosorbide dinitrate.
As heart failure progresses, the addion of aldoste-
rone antagonists and diurecs may be used to fur-
ther counteract uid retenon in heart failure. ICD
placement is recommended for paents with non-
ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy and paents post
MI with le bundle branch paern and EF less than
35% to reduce the risk of sudden cardiac death
(Yancy et. al., 2013). Paents with heart failure re-
fractory to typical medical treatments may be candi-
dates for IV inotropy, mechanical circulatory sup-
port, or heart transplantaon.
Cardiomyopathy is a disease process in which the
structure of the heart is changed in the absence of
ischemic disease, congenital disease, or hypertensive
remodeling (Cooper, Mckenna, and Yeon, 2019).
Back to Table of Contents 53
Cardiomyopathy is categorized as hypertrophic, di-
lated or restricted. Dilated cardiomyopathy demon-
strates marked dilaon, decreased wall thickness,
and impaired contraclity of the myocardium. By
contrast, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy demon-
strates thickening of the le ventricular wall that
impedes diastolic lling. Hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
thy may assume an obstrucve morphology known
as HOCM in which the ventricular septum obstructs
the aorc oulow tract with contracon. Lastly, re-
stricve cardiomyopathy is characterized by im-
paired ventricular lling in the absence of hypertro-
phy or dilaon. The treatment of cardiomyopathy
addresses the type of dysfuncon created and, if
known, treat the root cause of the myopathy.
CARDIOGENIC SHOCK_________________________
Cardiogenic shock is a shock condion in which car-
diac output is acutely unable to meet the oxygen
demands of the end organs. Cardiogenic shock is
characterized by high preload (CVP) as uid congests
the heart. As a compensatory mechanism, the pe-
ripheral vasculature constricts in response to low
cardiac output, increasing SVR. Importantly, this
compensatory mechanism increases oxygen demand
on the heart and precludes a vicious cycle that fur-
ther diminishes cardiac output. Paents may be ad-
mied for cardiogenic shock following an acute
event such as a myocardial infarcon or, alternave-
ly, as an acute exacerbaon of chronic heart failure.
Unlike paents with stable, chronic heart failure,
however, the paent in cardiogenic shock experi-
ences rapid changes to which the body is unaccus-
tomed to adapng. For this reason, paents in cardi-
ogenic shock may be parcularly tenuous to man-
age. Paents suering from cardiogenic shock ap-
pear hypotensive, tachypneic, tachycardic, and oen
cool to the extremies from hypoperfusion. During
the acute phase of shock, paents may require vaso-
pressors and inotropes to support blood pressure
and cardiac output. Paents who do not respond
adequately to these treatments may need tempo-
rary mechanical support to augment cardiac output.
Treatable causes of cardiogenic shock such as acute
valve abnormalies, infarcon, or tamponade
should be ruled out immediately.
Figure 5.4 Cardiomyopathy. From: sta (2014). &quot;Medical gallery of Blausen
Medical 2014&quot;. WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436. [CC BY
3.0 (hps://crea]
Back to Table of Contents 54
Use the knowledge gained in this chapter and the following scenario to answer the quesons below. When you
are ready, check you answers on p. 69.
You are caring for a paent admied from the cath lab following a bare metal stent placement to the
RCA. The paent has a dressing on his le groin access site following sheath removal.
1. The paent complains of back pain and wants to know when he can sit up in the chair. Based on his
intervenon, you inform him that he must lay at for:
A. 2 hours aer sheath removal
B. 4 hours aer sheath removal
C. 6 hours aer sheath removal
2. Based on the area of his infarct, you ancipate that the paent will receive all of the following
medicaons EXCEPT:
A. ACE Inhibitors
B. Aspirin
C. Beta Blockers
3. Over the course of their admission, the paent develops increased fague and signicant peripheral
edema. Based on the clinical history, you suspect these changes may be due to:
A. Bi-ventricular failure
B. Le Ventricular failure
C. Right ventricular failure
Back to Table of Contents 55
d v a n c e d T h e r a p i e s a n d D e v i c e s
Me c ha n ical S u p po r t fo r Ca rd iac Co m p romi s e
Paents experiencing cardiac compromise may
need mechanical support to augment their cardiac
output. This chapter reviews a variety of mechani-
cal assist devices ulized in the CVICU to improve
cardiac output, either temporarily or as permanent
cardiac support. An introducon to device mechan-
ics, nursing sensive acons, and basic trouble-
shoong will be reviewed with each secon.
TEMPORARY PACEMAKERS___________________
Temporary pacemakers are ulized to increase
heart rate and may be inserted for conducon dis-
orders such as heart blocks, rate disorders such as
symptomac bradycardia, or prophylaxis for post-
surgical augmentaon of cardiac output. In the
CVICU, temporary pacing is executed most fre-
quently through the use of epicardial wires placed
directly on the myocardium during surgery. Alterna-
vely, a paent may have pacing wires placed
transvenously, threading either a temp-perm pac-
ing wire or a pacing-capable PA catheter through
the right atrium. In an emergency, transcutaneous
pacing may be ulized.
Nursing Consideraons
When assuming care of a paent with a pacemaker,
nurses should note the mechanism of pacing
(transvenous or epicardial), the part of the heart
being paced (atrial or ventricular), and the mode of
pacing (demand or asynchronous). In a demand
pacing mode, the pacemaker will only pace if the
paents rhythm drops below a set threshold. Asyn-
chronous pacing ignores the paents underlying
rhythm and should never be used on a paent with
an viable intrinsic rhythm. Doing so may result in an
R-on-T phenomenon that causing lethal arrhythmia.
All temporary pacing wires will be connected to a
temporary pacing box. The replacement baery is
taped to pacer at all mes. Baery changes are
done with shi change at 0700 every day and, for
paents that are pacer dependent, two nurses must
be present. The locaon of the back-up pacemaker
should also be conrmed at shi change. If a pa-
ent is asystolic underneath their paced rhythm, a
back up pacemaker box must be at the bedside
with the same programmed sengs as the primary
pacemaker box.
Underlying rhythm should be checked daily by low-
ering the heart rate seng on the temporary pace-
maker unl the underlying rhythm is revealed. If, at
any point, the paent does not tolerate lowering
the rate seng, the nurse should reset the rate to
the original seng and nofy the provider team..
Underlying rhythm check is done only with a pro-
vider at the bedside for paents with life-
threatening underlying rhythms or severe brady-
cardia. Due to the risk of malposion, paents with
transvenous pacers who are pacer dependent are
on strict bedrest unless a specic order is present
to allow paent to chair or bedside commode.
The most common complicaons from temporary
Back to Table of Contents 56
pacing generally fall into two categories: loss of cap-
ture and inappropriate pacemaker sensivity. Loss of
capture occurs when the electrical smuli delivered
by the pacemaker does not result in depolarizaon
of the atria or the ventricle. Failure to capture is not-
ed on EKG by the presence of pacemaker spikes
without corresponding P-waves or QRS complex, de-
pending on the area of the heart being paced. To x
this problem, the nurse must increase the electrical
output from the pacemaker box.
By contrast, sensivity describes the pacemakers
ability to detect intrinsic cardiac electrical acvity.
Therefore, inappropriate pacemaker sensivity oc-
curs when the pacemaker does not sense the hearts
intrinsic electrical acvity correctly. This appears on
EKG as inappropriate pacemaker spikes. If the pace-
maker is too sensive (oversensing), the pacemaker
will inhibit itself inappropriately and underpace the
paent. If the pacemaker is not sensive enough
(undersensing), the pacemaker will overpace the pa-
ent. Both over and under sensing can be dangerous
and require immediate intervenon. Sensivity is
Loss of Capture Increased pacing thresholds due to:
Fluid status changes
Pericardial eusion
Electrolyte or metabolic disturbances
Tissue brosis
Interrupon in pacing system
Dislodged/fractured lead
Ensure connecons secure
Recheck pacing threshold; may need to in-
crease output (mA)
Turn paent
Replace baery
Replace pacemaker
Undersensing Inadequate QRS signal
Electrolyte disturbance
Bundle Branch Block
Fusion Beat
Baery depleon
Increase sensivity (decrease mV) – allows
pacemaker to more readily see intrinsic cardi-
ac acvity
Correct underlying problem
Oversensing Electromagnec interference
Mypotenal inhibion
T waves outside of the refractory period
Dislodged or fractured lead
Inappropriate sensivity seng
Check pacemaker connecons
Decrease sensivity (increase mV) – pacemak-
er is seeing too much
BOX 6.1 Pacemaker Malfuncons
Back to Table of Contents 57
adjusted by manipulang the millivolts (mV) on the
pacemaker box. Increasing the millivolts will de-
crease sensivity and decreasing the millivolts will
increase sensivity. A complete list of causes and
intervenons for loss of capture and inappropriate
sensivity can be found in Box 6.1.
An intra-aorc balloon pump (IABP) is a device in-
serted through a sheath in the femoral artery that
augments cardiac output, decreases aerload, and
improves myocardial oxygenaon. The balloon is sit-
uated in the aorta just distal to the le subclavian
artery and proximal to the renal arteries. The bal-
loon inates during diastole to displace blood into
the coronary arteries, improving myocardial oxygen
supply. The balloon deates just prior to the next
systole. By deang immediately prior to the next
systolic contracon, the balloon does not allow the
aorta an opportunity to recoil, eecvely decreasing
aerload and myocardial oxygen demand. The me-
chanics of an IABP will provide approximately 1.5 L/
min of addional cardiac output.
Nursing Consideraons
As with any large sheath, nurses should closely mon-
itor the site for bleeding and hematoma formaon.
Paents with a femorally-inserted IABP must remain
on bedrest with the head of their bed elevated no
more than 30 degrees. Nurses should monitor urine
output every hour to ensure that the device has not
migrated distally and obstructed the renal arteries.
Figure 6.1 Intra Aortic Balloon Pump Ination and Deation. Counterpulsation. (Courtesy of MAQUET Cardiovascular,
LLC, Wayne, NJ.) Used with permission (El Sevier, 2019).
Back to Table of Contents 58
Peripheral pulses, including upper extremity pulses,
should be monitored at minimum every two hours
and more frequently as needed. Loss of upper ex-
tremity pulses may indicate that the device has mi-
grated too far into the aorta, obstrucng the subcla-
vian arteries. Loss of pedal pulses may indicate distal
clot showering or obstrucon of peripheral perfusion
by the femoral sheath.
Regarding the balloon and console, nurses should
assess the IABP waveforms every hour to ensure
that the balloon is inang and deang appropri-
ately within the cardiac cycle. When funconing ap-
propriately, the balloon should begin augmenng
diastole at the level of the dicroc notch and deate
such that the assisted diastole is lower than the un-
assisted diastole (Figure 6.2). Assisted and unassist-
ed numbers are documented in eStar every two
Nurses also should monitor the tubing that supplies
helium to the balloon every hour. If blood is noted in
the tubing, the nurse should immediately turn o
the balloon pump and nofy the provider team that
the balloon has lost its integrity. Once a balloon con-
sole is turned o, the balloon must be removed by a
provider within 30 minutes to reduce the risk of clot
formaon, which may become dislodged during re-
moval. The character of the helium lumen waveform
may also provide addional informaon regarding
balloon funcon and integrity.
The most common and easily remedied complicaon
from IABP therapy is improper ming. Nurses may
adjust inaon and deaon intervals as needed to
achieve correct ming of the IABP. Because an IABP
uses predicve algorithms to me balloon inaon
and deaon, balloons may have diculty achieving
correct ming in irregular rhythms. If a paent is in
an irregular rhythm, the nurse should place the bal-
loon in the arrhythmia tracking mode, denoted as R
-Trackon some consoles. This mode will automa-
cally deate the balloon in response to a premature
QRS complex, ensuring that the balloon is deated
during systole.
In the event of an emergency, the console should be
Figure 6.2 Correct IABP Timing. (Courtesy of MAQUET
Cardiovascular, LLC, Wayne, NJ.) Used with permission (El Sevier 2019)
IABP Disconnected Reconnect IABP tubing and hit restart”.
Autoll Failure Check helium tank/tubing connecons; ensure tank is open; check helium volume.
Augmentaon Below Set Limit
Check paents hemodynamics and treat as needed; If alarm limit inappropriate for
paent, adjust limit.
Rapid Gas Loss
Observe for blood in tubing; If blood not observed, verify tubing connecons and hit
Check IABP Catheter
Check catheter for kink; verify catheter placement in sheath to ensure balloon is not
in sheath; Consider manually inang and deang the balloon.
BOX 6.2 Common Maquet Alarms and Intervenons
Back to Table of Contents 59
placed in pressure trigger mode so that the IABP will
automacally inate and deate in response to
chest compressions. On Maquet consoles, nurses
can change the trigger in semi-auto mode by ad-
jusng the trigger menu on the console. If an Arrow
console is in autopilot mode, the console algorithm
will move directly into pressure trigger if the EKG
cable is pulled from the console. Alternavely, nurs-
es may place the Arrow console in Operator mode
and change the trigger using the trigger menu.
The Arrow IABP console uses a ered alarm system
in which lower priority alarms result in a message-
only display and higher priority alarms result in an
audible alarm. The Arrow console will provide trou-
bleshoong messages related to each alarm and the
alarm will automacally reset once the incing inci-
dent has been resolved. Gas loss and trigger loss
alarms will default the console to oand should
be invesgated immediately.
The Maquet console uses only audible alarms. Each
alarm will display an error message on the soware
screen. A summary of common Maquet alarms and
associated intervenons can be found in Box 6.2.
An Impella is a temporary mechanical support de-
vice inserted through a tear-away sheath in the
femoral artery. The distal end of the device is situat-
ed in the le ventricle, pulling blood from the le
ventricle and ejecng it across the aorc valve into
the systemic circulaon (Figure 6.3). Depending on
the specic Impella inserted, the device may pro-
vide 2.5L/min, 3.0L/min, or 5.0L/min of addional
cardiac output. Less commonly, an Impella RP may
be inserted through the femoral vein, sing across
the pulmonic valve with the distal p in the pulmo-
nary artery to provide right ventricular support.
Nursing Consideraons
As with an IABP, the sheath, inseron site, and puls
es distal to the inseron site should be monitored at
roune intervals.
An Impella requires a purge uid of dextrose with
heparin running through the device to prevent
blood from entering the motor housing. For a le
ventricular device, the standard purge uid concen-
traon is 12.5 units/ml. For a right ventricular de-
vice, the standard purge uid concentraon is 50
units/ml. Nurses should monitor and document the
purge uid ow rate and pressure hourly for the
duraon of support.
Nurses should also monitor the quality of the motor
current every hour. Motor current is a measure of
the energy intake of the Impella catheter motor.
The energy intake varies with motor speed and the
pressure dierence between the inlet and outlet
areas of the cannula. Monitoring motor current pro-
vides informaon about the catheter posion rela-
Figure 6.3 Impella for Left Ventricular Support
(From Abiomed®, Inc. [2018]. Impella 5.0® heart pump: For patients
with AMI cardiogenic shock [product brochure]. ABIOMED, Inc.:
Danvers, MA.)
Back to Table of Contents 60
ve to the aorc valve. When posioned correctly,
with the inlet area in the ventricle and the outlet
area in the aorta, the motor current is pulsale be-
cause the pressure dierence between the inlet and
outlet areas changes with the cardiac cycle. When
the inlet and outlet areas are on the same side of
the aorc valve, the motor current will be damp-
ened or at because there is lile or no pressure
dierence between the inlet and outlet areas. Im-
pella RP may demonstrate a sporadic and damp-
ened motor current since it crosses two valves on
the venous side of the heart. This should be noted
as a normal variaon for right-sided support.
Lastly, nurses should document device ow rate and
power level, commonly called P-level, hourly. The
greater the P-level, the more support the device is
providing. Impella P-levels range from P-2 to P-8.
If a paent with an Impella codes, nurses should
perform CPR and debrillaon as needed. AbioMed
recommends turning down ow to P-2 during CPR.
Nurses should note, however, that placement moni-
toring and ow calculaons will not be accurate dur-
ing CPR. Once ROSC is achieved, device placement
should be checked immediately with transthoracic
The most common Impella alarm is a sucon alarm.
A sucon alarm is most commonly caused by
hypovolemia. If a sucon alarm is noted, the nurse
should turn the P-level down unl the sucon is re-
leased and nofy the team. If the CVP is below 10
mmHg, the nurse should also request an order for a
bolus to uid resuscitate the paent. However, if
the paent is adequately uid resuscitated, the right
ventricle should be invesgated via transthoracic
In the event that an Impella posion alarm sounds,
nurses should conrm the posion by assessing the
motor current waveform against the Impella place-
ment signal waveform as well as the placement
markers on the Tuohy-Borst valve where the Impella
exits the paents groin. If the placement waveform
or cenmeter markings are noted to be dierent
from the paents baseline, the provider team
should be noed immediately and Impella place-
ment should be re-evaluated with a transthoracic
echo. Placement alarms will not sound with an Im-
pella RP device and placement should instead be
veried with chest x-ray.
Centrimag is a short-term centrifugal support device
for paents in acute heart failure. The device de-
creases ventricular workload by bypassing the
aected area of the heart, improving hemodynamic
condions to opmize myocardial recovery. Cen-
trimag may be ulized to support le ventricular,
right ventricular, or bi-ventricular failure. A cen-
trimag can provide up to 9 L/min of support.
To support the le ventricle, a drainage cannula will
be placed in the le atrium or ventricle with a re-
turn to the aorta. Right-sided support is used less
frequently and is most commonly ulized to support
right ventricular failure following transplant, transi-
ent pulmonary hypertension, or right-sided infarc-
on. To support the right ventricle, a drainage can-
nula will be placed in the right atrium with a return
cannula to the pulmonary artery.
Nursing Consideraons
Nurses should monitor the cannulas to ensure that
there are no kinks and that the cannulas have not
moved. Centrimag cannulas are almost exclusively
placed in the OR via direct cardiotomy and should
be treated with extreme care. Paents with Cen-
trimag support should be reposioned every two
hours but perfusionist and/or provider must be pre-
sent for any addional mobilizaon.
Device ow is controlled by the RPMs set by the
provider as well as the paents intrinsic preload
Back to Table of Contents 61
and aerload. Centrimag RPMs are typically set be-
tween 3,000-4,000 to achieve a ow of 3-4 L/min,
depending on paent size and ventricular funcon.
Pump ow and speed should be documented every
hour for duraon of therapy. In the instance of bi-
ventricular failure, nurses should closely monitor
that right ventricular ow does not exceed le ven-
tricular ow, which could cause pulmonary edema
and worsen the paents clinical condion.
Hypertension may decrease Centrimag ow rate at
a set RPM. Nurses should trate pressors to achieve
a systemic pressure of approximately 90/70 with
mean of 70-80 mmHg. Note that the arterial line in
paents with a Centrimag will oen appear at due
to non-pulsale ow from the device.
Paents receiving Centrimag support are also at risk
for clong and hemolysis. Nurses should monitor
coagulaon labs, including PTT or ACT, at the discre-
on of the provider team. Nurses should also ob-
serve device tubing for brin strands or clot every
hour, paying close aenon to angles and connec-
on points since these areas are parcularly at risk
for clot formaon. To prevent clot formaon around
the ow probe, the ow probe should be moved at
least once per shi. Any new or changed clot should
be reported immediately to the provider team.
Because the Centrimag pump is preload-dependent,
nurses should closely monitor CVP and work with
their provider teams to maintain a CVP of 10-15
mmHg. If the pump does not have enough preload,
the nurse may observe passive swinging of the
drainage cannula, commonly referred to as chug-
ging or chaer. This should be reported to provid-
ers immediately since the provider may decrease
the device speed temporarily to resolve the issue
unl the paents volume status can be ad-
If the primary pump ceases to funcon, the nurse
will need to press the sta assist buon and switch
the pump head to the back up controller immedi-
ately. When switching to a back up controller, the
nurse should always clamp the oulow tubing rst
and then press and hold stop buon on the primary
controller. Stopping the pump without clamping will
allow retrograde ow. Once the pump head is es-
tablished in the back-up pump motor housing, the
device should be turned on and RPMs increased to
10000 prior to unclamping the oulow tubing and
returning the device to the set speed.
Although air entrainment is uncommon in a Cen-
trimag device, it is always an emergency. If air is
noted in the device, perfusion and the provider
team should be noed immediately.
Extra-corporeal Membrane Oxygenaon (ECMO)__
Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenaon (ECMO) is
a treatment plaorm used to support paents in the
seng of severe heart and/or lung dysfuncon.
ECMO is used to support paents whose organ sys-
tems should recover such as those suering from
pneumonia, ARDS, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, or
acute rejecon following heart or lung transplant. It
can also be used as a bridge therapy for those in end
-stage heart or lung disease to either durable me-
chanical support (VAD) or transplant. ECMO is not a
curave therapy. It does, however, allow crically ill
At least two specialized tubing clamps
should be hanging on the Centrimag and
ECMO consoles at all mes. In the rare
instance that a nurse needs to clamp out
the circuit to switch to the back-up
controller or hand crank, these clamps
will not harm the tubing integrity.
Back to Table of Contents 62
paents and their provider team me to explore
their underlying disease dierenal to create a
treatment plan.
There are two types of ECMO support. Veno-Arterial
(VA) ECMO supports a paents hemodynamics and
oxygenaon by bypassing both the cardiac and pul-
monary circulaon. By contrast, Veno-Venous (VV)
ECMO supports a paents oxygenaon only. To
cannulate a paent for ECMO, a large bore cannula
is placed in a primary vein to drain blood into the
ECMO circuit. A centrifugal pump pulls blood from
the venous system using negave sucon. The
blood comes out of the centrifugal pump in a posi-
ve pressure that then pushes blood through an ar-
cial lung (oxygenator). Inside the oxygenator, ox-
ygen is picked up and CO2 is cleared just like in a
paents nave lungs. Blood is then pushed back to
the paent and reinfused through a cannula either
into their venous system (VV ECMO) or to the arteri-
al system (VA ECMO). ECMO always drains blood
from a vein where the blood is returned deter-
mines what kind of ECMO the paent is on and
which organ system is being supported or bypassed.
Nursing Consideraons
Well-supported paents on ECMO may seem very
stable; however, they are in fact among the sickest
paents in the hospital. As such, its important to
remember than an ECMO-trained nurse must be
available to watch the paent at all mes, even if
the paents primary nurses only ancipates being
away from the bedside for a short period of me.
Nurses should be very cauous with the cannulas,
circuity and pump, encouraging families and other
sta to avoid close proximity with pump compo-
nents in order to protect the circuit.
Cannula site dressing changes are done with the
same frequency and manner as central line dressing
changes. It is important not to use alcohol-based
products because these products will break down
the polymers in the ECMO circuitry and cause it to
become brile. Central cannulaon dressing chang-
es are done per the providers discreon.
All ECMO paents, including open chest central can-
nulaon, should be reposioned at minimum every
two hours to redistribute pressure and promote skin
Figure 6.4 A, Peripheral venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation [ECMO] standard cannulation and
circuit. B, Peripheral bicaval cannulation venovenous ECMO standard cannulation and circuit. (From Kaplan, J.A. and others
[Eds.]. [2017]. Kaplans cardiac anesthesia for cardiac and noncardiac surgery [7th ed.]. Philadelphia: Elsevier.)
Back to Table of Contents 63
integrity. As with Centrimag, addional mobility of
ECMO paents should be conducted only with a
perfusionist present. On rare occasions, a paent
may be deemed too unstable for reposioning. In
this case, and aending physician must enter a
Do Not Turnorder. This order must be renewed
every 12 hours.
Air entrainment will cause the ECMO pump to
clamp and forego supporng the paent. As lile
as 0.3 ml of air may cause the pump to clamp. To
prevent air entrainment, it is important that any ve-
nous access lines including central lines, manifolds,
peripheral IVs, and vascaths have a clave. Extreme
cauon should be used when ushing to ensure that
there is no air in the syringe or IV lines. Due to the
high risk of air entrainment, free ow tubing should
be avoided on ECMO paents.
If something happens to cause the ECMO pump to
stop, an ECMO paent will likely become unstable
very quickly. The nurse should press the sta assist
alarm and nofy perfusion using the perfusion pager
immediately, supporng the paents hemodynam-
ics and oxygenaon status unl addional help ar-
rives. In the event that the ECMO pump has lost
power, the nurse should clamp the circuit and tran-
sion pump head to hand crank housing and crank
to desired hemodynamic or oxygenaon goal. Any
addional troubleshoong will be executed by the
provider and perfusion team upon their arrival.
Le Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD)____________
Le ventricular assist devices (LVADs) provide dura-
ble mechanical support to the le ventricle that, un-
like many other devices, allow paents to be dis-
charged from the hospital. Vanderbilt supports
three types of LVADs: Heartmate II, Heartmate III,
and Heartware. All devices are approved as a bridge
to heart transplant or as desnaon therapy.
The Heartmate II pump is an axial ow pump
anastamosed to the apex of the le ventricle and
the ascending aorta. Hearmate II speed ranges from
6,000-15000 rpms (average 9,600 rpms) to provide
3-10 L/min of support. The HMII operates in a xed
speed mode only, which maintains a connuous,
constant ow. The inial speed is set in the oper-
ang room at approximately 6,000 rpm and gradual-
ly increased in increments of 200 rpm with TEE ob-
servaon unl the desired ow is achieved. Adjust-
ments can be made by members of the VAD team
using the System Monitor as needed, depending on
the paents clinical status. When the pump is func-
oning appropriately, an increase in speed (rpms)
will increase ow while a decrease in speed (rpms)
will decrease ow. As speed increases, device power
will also increase.
By contrast, Heartmate III and HeartWare devices
are centrifugal pumps anastamosed to the le ven-
tricle and aorta. The Heartmate III speed ranges
from 3,000-9,000 rpms (average between 4800 and
5800) to achieve a ow of 3-10 L/min. Unlike Heart-
mate II, Heartmate III has generates an arcial
pulse every two seconds by dropping the speed
2000 rpms above and below the set speed. These
speed changes will not be visible on the system
monitor, but may be assessed on the paents arte-
rial waveform. HeartWare devices are xed ow de-
vices that deliver a constant speed between 1800
Strict air precauons should be ulized
for Centrimag and ECMO devices. This
means that no free-ow tubing is hung ,
claves on every access port, and even
small bubbles of air must be
meculously removed from any
medicaon prior to being given.
Back to Table of Contents 64
and 4,000 rpms (average 2400-3200 rpms) to
achieve the desired ow.
Nursing Consideraons
Because LVADs are connuous ow devices, narrow
pulse pressures are a normal variaon in this paent
populaon. Peripheral pulses may not be palpable
and non-invasive blood pressures will be assessed
using a doppler. Vasoacve drips will be trated to
achieve mean arterial pressure (MAP) since systolic
blood pressures are unreliable in VAD paents. With
connuous ow devices, a pulse pressure greater
than 30 mmHg may imply inadequate LV unloading,
and the LVAD speed may need to be increased. If a
pulse pressure greater than 30 mmHg is assessed,
the provider team should be noed. All speed
changes require an MD order. Device parameters
may only be adjusted by an aending physician,
heart failure aending, or surgeon.
All LVAD devices are preload dependent and aer-
load sensive. As such, nurses should ensure that
paents are adequately uid resuscitated, maintain-
ing a CVP between 10 and 15 mmHg. CVP greater
than 20 should be reported to the provider team. To
manage aerload, nurses should maintain a MAP of
60-80 mmHg. Doppled MAPs are correlated with the
paents arterial line at minimum every shi. When
the paents arterial line is removed, doppled MAPs
are recorded every two hours. MAPs greater than
90 should be reported to the provider team since
increased MAP may decrease device ows.
Pump ow, speed, power, and pulsality index are
assessed every hour and recorded in eStar. Pulsali-
ty index (PI) is the magnitude of ow pulses through
the pump. During le ventricular systole, the in-
crease in ventricular pressure causes an increase in
pump ow. Higher values indicate more ventricular
lling and higher nave pulsality, indicang that
the pump is providing less support to the ventricle.
Lower values indicate less ventricular lling and low-
er nave pulsality, indicang that the pump is
providing greater support to the le ventricle. In
Heartmate devices, PI will be provided numerically
on the device screen. In HeartWare devices, the PI is
calculated by subtracng the trough of the pulsali-
ty waveform from the peak of the pulsality wave-
form on the device monitor.
Driveline infecon is a major cause of morbidity and
mortality in VAD paents. For this reason, mecu-
lous driveline care is a nursing priority. As a stand-
ard, operave dressings remain in place for the rst
72 hours. Gauze dressings are applied and changed
daily on post-operave days three through seven. If
site drainage is minimal and conversion is approved
by a VAD Coordinator, Centurion dressings begin on
POD 8. Centurion dressings are changed every three
days and PRN on the implant admission. Nurses
should note that Centurion dressing change fre-
quency during readmissions may vary depending on
the stage of healing, site appearance, and/or home
dressing change schedules previously established by
Figure 6.5 Implanted HeartWare® Ventricular Assist
Device pump. (Courtesy of HeartWare, Inc.,
Framingham, MA.) (El Sevier, 2019)
Back to Table of Contents 65
the paents and their VAD Coordinators.. Centurion
dressings are changed on any day that the paent
showers irrespecve of standard change schedules.
In the event of a cardiopulmonary arrest, chest com-
pressions will not be performed without an order
from an aending physician to decrease the risk of
device dislodgement causing a surgical emergency.
In the event of a cardiac arrest:, the nurse should
rst conrm that the power supply and system con-
troller are operaonal. Next the nurse should deb-
rillate and use medicaons per ACLS protocol.
A sucon event occurs when ows drop below 2.5
L/min and may be due to ventricular collapse or in-
ow occlusion. Ventricular collapse occurs when a
connuous ow VAD aempts to pump more blood
from the le ventricle than is available, resulng in
considerable reducon in ventricular volume. Le
ventricular collapse can be the result of clinical
events aecng le ventricular preload, including
hypovolemia (bleeding), right heart failure, arrhyth-
mia or pulmonary embolus. An inow occlusion oc-
curs when the inow cannula is obstructed, causing
a sucon condion. Temporary inow obstrucon
may also occur as a result of surgical posioning,
paent posion or during straining (valsalva). If a
paent experiences a sucon event, the nurse
should immediately nofy the provider team, sup-
port the paents hemodynamics, and ancipate
treatment of the root cause of the event based on
the paents clinical picture. To provide the nurse
and audible alert of a sucon event, the nurse
should ensure that the sucon alarm is on at the
beginning of each shi.
Other LVAD complicaons may include: PI events,
pump thrombus, right ventricular failure, and ar-
rhythmias. A PI event is characterized by a PI less
than 2 with a correlave drop in device ows and
may indicate that more cardiac support is indicat-
ed. Pump thrombus is characterized by decreased
ows with a correlave increase in pump power and
may indicate the need for further evaluaon and
thrombolyc therapy. Right ventricular failure in the
LVAD paent presents similarly to right ventricular
failure in the paent without mechanical circulatory
support. However, if severe, right ventricular failure
may result in decreased LVAD ow due to inade-
quate le ventricular preload. Arrhythmias are com-
mon in the LVAD paent populaon and should be
treated using the same algorithms ulized in pa-
ents without mechanical circulatory support. Im-
portantly, due to the nature of connuous ow de-
vices, LVAD paents generally tolerate arrhythmias
beer than paents without a connuous ow de-
vice. Treatment type and urgency are determined
by assessing paent clinical status. All new arrhyth-
mias should be reported immediately to the provid-
er team, regardless of the paents clinical status.
TOTAL ARTIFICIAL HEART______________________
Total arcial heart is a durable mechanical support
device approved as a bridge to transplant for pa-
ents with biventricular failure, le ventricular
thrombus, or malignant arrhythmias that preclude
LVAD implantaon. To implant the device, all four
nave valves and both ventricles are removed and
replaced with two mechanical ventricles and four
mechanical valves. Blood is moved through the de-
LVAD paents generally tolerate
arrhythmias beer than paents without
connuous ow devices. Paent
assessment is paramount to determine
what intervenon is most appropriate
and the degree of urgency that this
intervenon requires.
Back to Table of Contents 66
-vice by inang and deang diaphragms within
the ventricles via pneumac drivelines that connect
to the device console.
Syncardia recommends adjusng device parameters
to achieve paral device ll and full ejecon of
blood from the device. Paral ll is dened as bi-
ventricular ll volumes of 50-60 ml for a 70 ml de-
vice, allowing the device to funcon eecvely with
normal variaons in venous return to the heart. Full
ejecon is determined by observing a secondary rise
in pressure, known as the full eject ag, on the pres-
sure waveform (Figure 6.7, A). Full ejecon ensures
that clot does not form within the ventricles due to
blood stasis. Providers may adjust the device beat
rate and percent systole as well pneumac drive
and vacuum pressures to achieve these goals. An
increase in beat rate, or decrease in vacuum pres-
sure will decrease ventricular ll volume. An in-
crease in pneumac drive pressure will increase the
force by which blood is ejected from the ventricles.
Adjustment of device parameters from baseline
should always be viewed as a temporizing measure
and the paents clinical picture must always be tak-
en into account. As with LVADs, only aending phy-
sicians, heart failure aendings, or a surgeon may
adjust device parameters.
Nursing Consideraons
Because device implantaon requires removal of
the nave ventricles, the paent will not have an
QRS complex on EKG. For this reason, EKG is not
monitored on paents with a Total Arcial Heart.
Unlike LVADs and other connuous ow devices,
the Total Arcial Heart is pulsale and will produce
a blood pressure with a pulse pressure within the
normal range. For this reason, automac blood
pressure cus will produce a reliable blood pressure
and doppled pressures are not required.
Nurses should assess device output and ll for both
ventricles every at least every hour and PRN as pa-
ent condion warrants. Device beat rate; percent
systole; le and right drive pressures; and le and
right vacuum pressures are documented every hour.
In addion to these parameters, nurses should mon-
itor the pressure, ow, and average cardiac output
waveforms hourly (Figure 6.7).
The pressure waveform measures the pressure of
air in the pneumac driveline required to generate
systole. A normal pressure waveform will demon-
strate a secondary rise in pressure, known as the full
eject, ag (Figure 6.7, A). The ow waveform
demonstrates the ow of air in L/min moving out of
the pneumac drivelines, deang the ventricular
diaphragms. A normal ow waveform should
demonstrate consistent ow of air from the ventri-
cles throughout diastole, depicted as bilateral paral-
lel lines following the opening of the inow valves
into the heart (Figure 6.7, B). Any change from base-
line should be reported to the provider team.
Figure 6.6 Total Articial Heart. Used with permission.
Syncardia, 2019.
Back to Table of Contents 67
In the event of an emergency, CPR, debrillaon,
and ACLS protocols should not be ulized. If a pa-
ent with a Total Arcial Heart is found without a
pulse, the nurse should rst assess that the driveline
is intact and plugged into the console. If this does
not resolve the issue, the nurse should ensure that
the console is on and funconing appropriately,
switching to the back up console if required. If this
does not resolve the issue, the nurse should switch
to the hand pump, assist with respiraons, and pre-
pare to administer a 1L normal saline bolus. If a pa-
ent with a Total Arcial Heart is found unrespon-
sive with a pulse, the nurse should support respira-
ons and assess for non-cardiac eologies of the
change in level of consciousness such as hypoglyce-
mia, stroke, or hypoxia.
As with other mechanical circulatory devices, the
Total Arcial Heart is aerload sensive. Systemic
or pulmonary hypertension may prohibit the device
from ejecng eecvely. If a full eject ag is lost on
the le pressure waveform, the nurse should rst
assess the paents blood pressure and trate medi-
caons to maintain a systolic blood pressure be-
tween 90 and 140 mmHg. The provider may choose
to increase the pneumac drive pressure to improve
ejecon unl normotension is achieved. If a full
eject ag is lost on the right pressure waveform,
pulmonary vasodilators may be considered.
Cardiac tamponade is a major complicaon in the
immediate postoperave phase following implanta-
on. Cardiac tamponade is characterized by declin-
ing cardiac output on the cardiac output graph
(Figure 6.7, C) that coincides with decreased ll vol-
umes and diastolic ow. If the obstrucon is in the
inow tract, the paent will present with a charac-
terisc rise in CVP. If the obstrucon is in the
oulow tract, a loss of full eject may be observed.
Suspicion of tamponade is a surgical emergency and
should be reported immediately to the provider
Figure 6.7 Expected Waveforms for Total Articial Heart. Used with permission. Syncardia, 2019. A. The pressure
waveform depicts the pressure within the pneumatic drivelines during systole. B. The ow waveform depicts the ow of air
out of the pneumatic drivelines during diastole. C. The cardiac output graph depicts the average cardiac output over time.
Back to Table of Contents 68
Use the knowledge gained in this chapter and the following scenario to answer the quesons below. When you
are ready, check you answers on p. 70.
You assume care of a paent with a le-sided Impella CP placed through the le femoral artery. The
plan is to send this paent for a HeartMate III later in the shi. The paent has a PA cath displaying
the following informaon: PA pressure 35/22 and CVP 5 mmHg.
1. While performing your morning assessment, the Impella sounds a sucon alarm. Your next acon is
A. Turn o the console to prevent hemolysis
B. Turn down the P-Level unl the sucon alarm resolves
C. Press the sta assist buon and wait for help to arrive
2. The sucon alarm resolves. In response to this event, you ancipate the team will:
A. Order a 500 ml uid bolus
B. Pull the Impella within 30 minutes of the console being turned o
C. Increase epinephrine to achieve hemodynamic targets
3. Following implantaon of the paents HeartMate III, the paent enters in to V-Tach. The paents
MAPs drop from 65 to 40. Your next acon is to:
A. Debrillate the paent at 200 J
B. Iniate chest compressions at 120 bpm
C. Push 1 mg epinephrine and obtain an order for lidocaine
Back to Table of Contents 69
Chapter 2
1. A. Raonale: The normal CVP is 2-8 mmHg. A CVP of 18 is elevated and thus represents volume overload.
2. B. Raonale: Although an index of 1.7 may be normal for a paent in cardiogenic shock, this should be
immediately reported to the provider because it is below the threshold for reportable values and requires
treatment. While you may evaluate the paents PVR and SVR, this is not the most urgent acon.
3. A. Raonale: The paent is exhibing respiratory acidosis. To relieve this condion, the minute venla-
on should be increased by increasing the respiratory rate.
Chapter 3
1. B. Raonale: Milrionone will decrease aerload (SVR) and improve cardiac contraclity, thus improving
the cardiac index.
2. C. Raonale: Levophed is an alpha agonist and will improve blood pressure by increasing SVR.
3. A. Raonale: Epinephrine is an inotrope. Decreasing an inotrope will decrease the paents cardiac index.
An index below 2 should be reported to the provider team.
Chapter 4
1. B. Raonale: The goal to extubaon for post-cardiotomy paents is 6 hours. The other answers reect
appropriate intervenons for the rst hour aer surgery.
2. C. Raonale: All post-cardiotomy paents are at increased risk of hyperglycemia and acute kidney injury,
however, valve replacement is associated with a higher risk of embolic, ischemic stroke.
3. C. Raonale: A potassium less than three requires nocaon of the provider team and treatment using
the nurse-driven replacement protocol. The ABG does not require venlatory intervenon. Nurses must
contact a provider to obtain an order for blood.
Chapter 5
1. C. Raonale: A paent must remain at for 6 hours aer sheath removal if an intervenon is performed
in the cath lab. If the paent does not receive intervenon in the cath lab, they must remain at for two
hours aer sheath removal
C l i n i c a l C a s e S t u d i e s :
A n s w e r s a n d R a t i o n a l e s
Back to Table of Contents 70
2. A. Raonale: Although the paent may have other indicaon to receive an ACE inhibitor, ACE inhibitors
are indicated for le sided infarcons only in order to prevent ventricular remodeling. Aspirin and beta
blockers are indicated for both right and le-sided infarcons.
3. C. Raonale: The symptoms described are indicave of right ventricular failure, which is consistent with
the paents presenng infarcon.
Chapter 6
1. B. Raonale: If a sucon alarm sounds, the nurse should immediately turn down the P-level to relieve
the sucon and support the paents hemodynamics as needed. The console should not be turned o
unless therapy is about to be disconnued. While the nurse may choose to hit the sta assist buon,
immediate measures must be taken while the nurse is in the paent room.
2. A. Raonale: Sucon alarms are most commonly caused by hypovolemia. The nurse should ancipate
a uid bolus is needed since the paents CVP is less than 10 mmHg. Increased inotropic support
would only be indicated if right ventricular failure was suspected. Turning o the console is not indicat-
ed for a sucon alarm.
3. A. Raonale: Debrillaon is the appropriate intervenon for V-Tach. CPR is contraindicated in paent
with an LVAD, although all other components of ACLS protocol are followed. Per ACLS protocol, deb-
rillaon is the priority intervenon for V-Tach. Epinephrine is only indicated aer the second shock in
pulseless V-Tach.
Back to Table of Contents 71
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