This study guide is to be used in preparation for all Diagnostic Radiology Core and
Certifying exams administered through calendar year 2024.
Study Guide
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1. Core Elements of Professionalism ..................................................................................................... 5
1.1 ABIM Physician Charter for Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium .............................................. 5
1.2 Ethical Considerations Specific to Radiology ................................................................................................. 7
Chapter 2. Core Concepts of Quality and Safety ................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Core Concepts of Quality ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Introduction to Quality ........................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.2 Quality as a Discipline .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.3 2001 Institute of Medicine Report, Crossing the Quality Chasm ....................................................... 10
2.1.4 Core Competencies of the ABMS and ACGME ................................................................................... 11
2.2 Core Concepts of Safety ............................................................................................................................... 12
2.2.1 2000 Institute of Medicine Report, To Err is Human .......................................................................... 12
2.2.2 2015 Institute of Medicine Report, Improving Diagnosis in Health Care ........................................... 12
2.2.3 Human Factors ................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.4 Human Error ...................................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.5 Culture of Safety ................................................................................................................................ 16
Chapter 3. Practical Quality and Safety Applications in Healthcare
................................................................... 20
3.1 Practical Quality Applications in Healthcare ................................................................................................ 20
3.1.1 Daily Management Systems ............................................................................................................... 20
3.1.2 Project-based Improvement Methods ............................................................................................... 21
3.2 Practical Safety Applications in Healthcare .................................................................................................. 27
3.2.1 Periprocedural Care ........................................................................................................................... 27
3.2.2 Hand Hygiene ..................................................................................................................................... 30
3.2.3 Root Cause Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 4. Practical Safety Applications in Radiology ....................................................................................... 33
4.1 MR Safety .................................................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.1 Zoning and Screening ......................................................................................................................... 33
4.1.2 Implanted Devices .............................................................................................................................. 35
4.1.3 MR and Pregnancy ............................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.4 MR-induced Burns ............................................................................................................................. 36
4.1.5 Quenching .......................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Management of Intravascular Contrast Media ............................................................................................ 37
4.2.1 Iodinated Contrast Media .................................................................................................................. 37
4.2.2 Gadolinium-based Contrast Media (GBCM) ....................................................................................... 45
4.2.3 Treatment of Acute Contrast Reactions ............................................................................................. 49
Chapter 5. Reimbursement, Regulatory Compliance, and Legal Considerations in Radiology ............................ 53
5.1 Reimbursement and Regulatory Compliance
.............................................................................................. 53
5.1.1 Coding, Billing, and Reimbursement .................................................................................................. 53
5.1.2 Patient Privacy and HIPAA .................................................................................................................. 55
5.1.3 Human Subjects Research .................................................................................................................. 56
5.2 Malpractice and Risk Management ............................................................................................................. 57
5.2.1 General Principles of Malpractice ...................................................................................................... 57
5.2.2 Malpractice Related to Diagnostic Errors .......................................................................................... 58
5.2.3 Malpractice Related to Procedural Complications ............................................................................. 59
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
5.2.4 Malpractice Related to Communications Deficiencies ....................................................................... 59
5.2.5 Discoverability of Communications .................................................................................................... 62
Chapter 6. Core Concepts of Imaging Informatics ............................................................................................. 63
6.1 Standards ..................................................................................................................................................... 63
6.2 The Reading Room Environment ................................................................................................................. 63
6.3 From Order to Report: Workflow Considerations ........................................................................................ 65
6.4 Data Privacy and Security ............................................................................................................................ 65
6.5 Image Post-processing and Artificial Intelligence ........................................................................................ 66
6.6 Image Artificial Intelligence ......................................................................................................................... 66
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
This study guide has been created to assist examinees in preparing for the noninterpretive skills (NIS)
section of the American Board of Radiology (ABR) Core and Certifying exams administered through
calendar year 2024.
The guide has undergone a few changes compared to the 2021 version. The primary changes in this
version are the expansion of Artificial Intelligence concepts in Informatics and additional content on
decision support to the regulatory chapter. Details of contrast safety and MR safety have also been
updated, reflecting new published guidelines.
The determination of whether specific NIS topics merit inclusion in the study guideand on the
examsis based primarily on two factors. First, material contained in the NIS section should reflect
knowledge that is needed to perform effectively in a modern radiology practice. Second, the public
interest should be served by expecting the examinee to know the material.
Core Elements of Professionalism were deemed to merit inclusion because they reflect basic principles
to which all physicians, including radiologists, should adhere. Core Concepts of Quality and Safety
were included because they reflect underlying principles that drive quality and safety in any complex
environment. Practical Quality and Safety Applications in Healthcare contain quality and safety
strategies as they are applied to healthcare. Practical Safety Applications in Radiology focus on
radiology-specific topics such as MR safety and management of intravenous contrast material.
Reimbursement, Regulatory Compliance, and Legal Considerations in Radiology reflect mechanisms
that external parties use to ensure quality and safety in radiology practice. Informatics and artificial
intelligence represent a growing area where knowledge is integral to the modern practice of Radiology.
The guide covers the majority of general conceptual and practical NIS information contained in the
Core and Certifying exams. However, questions on important subspecialty-specific quality and safety
knowledge and skills are also included on the exams that are not included in this guide, especially
those related to nuclear medicine and other procedure-based specialties. Examinees should be
knowledgeable in basic quality and safety practices relevant to all subspecialties regardless of whether
they are included in this study guide. Physics topics, including radiation safety, are on the exam but
not included in the NIS section.
Examinees are expected to understand general NIS concepts rather than esoteric details. For example,
examinees should understand regulatory requirements that are relevant to daily radiology practice, as
well as their underlying purpose. Less emphasis is placed on more superficial details, such as the
names of the various regulatory agencies.
This study guide will continue to evolve in future years to reflect continuing changes in the non-
interpretive knowledge and skills needed to practice effectively in a modern radiology practice.
We also draw your attention to the references provided at the end of each chapter. We recommend that
you consult these “deeper” resources, which provide perspective and depth of understanding of the
concepts that are only superficially outlined in this study guide.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 1: Core Elements of Professionalism
1.1 ABIM Physician Charter for
Medical Professionalism in the New
Merriam-Webster defines a profession as “a
calling requiring specialized knowledge and
often long and in- tensive academic
preparation.” Professionalism, defined as “the
conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or
mark a profession or a professional person,”
has been characterized as the basis of
medicine’s contract with society. Several
fundamental principles and physician
responsibilities that apply to all professionals in
medicine have been specified in a Physician
Charter supported by the American Board of
Internal Medicine (ABIM). Ten professional
responsibilities support the following three
fundamental principles of medical
1. Principle of primacy of patient welfare.
Physicians must be dedicated to serving
the interest of the patient. Trust is
central to the physician-patient
relationship, which must not be
compromised by market forces, societal
pressures, or administrative exigencies.
2. Principle of patient autonomy.
Physicians must be honest with their
patients and empower them to make
informed decisions about their
treatment. Patients’ decisions about
their care must be paramount, as long as
they are in keeping with ethical practice
and do not lead to demands for
inappropriate care.
3. Principle of social justice. The medical
profession must promote the fair
distribution of healthcare resources.
Physicians should work actively to
eliminate discrimination in healthcare.
The 10 professional responsibilities are
summarized below:
1. Commitment to professional
competence. Physicians must be
committed to lifelong learning of
medical knowledge and team skills
necessary for the provision of quality
care. More broadly, the profession as a
whole must strive to see that all of its
members are competent and must
ensure that appropriate mechanisms are
available for physicians to accomplish
this goal.
2. Commitment to honesty with patients.
Physicians must ensure that patients are
completely and honestly informed
before the patient has consented to
treatment and after treatment has
occurred. Medical errors should be
communicated promptly to patients
whenever injury has occurred.
Physicians should be committed to
reporting and analyzing medical
mistakes to develop appropriate
prevention and improvement strategies.
3. Commitment to patient confidentiality.
Physicians are responsible for
safeguarding patient information.
Fulfilling this commitment is more
pressing now than ever before, given
the widespread use of electronic
information systems. However,
considerations of public interest may
occasionally override this commitment,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
such as when patients endanger others.
4. Commitment to maintaining
appropriate relations with patients.
Given the inherent vulnerability and
dependency of patients, certain
relationships between physicians and
patients must be avoided. In particular,
physicians should never exploit patients
for any sexual advantage, personal
financial gain, or other private purpose.
5. Commitment to improving quality of
care. Physicians should not only
maintain clinical competence, but
should work collaboratively with other
professionals to continuously improve
the quality of healthcare, including
reducing medical errors, increasing
patient safety, improving utilization of
healthcare resources, and optimizing
outcomes of care.
6. Commitment to improving access to
care. Physicians should work
individually and collectively toward
providing a uniform and adequate
standard of care and reducing barriers
to equitable healthcare. These barriers
may be based on education, laws,
finances, geography, or social
discrimination. This commitment entails
the promotion of public health and
preventive medicine, without
promotion of the self-interest of the
physician or the profession.
7. Commitment to a just distribution of
finite resources. To provide cost-
effective health care, physicians should
work with other physicians, hospitals,
and payers to develop evidence-based
guidelines for effective use of healthcare
resources. This includes the scrupulous
avoidance of superfluous tests and
procedures to reduce patient exposure
to harm, decrease health expenses, and
improve access to resources for patients
who need them.
8. Commitment to scientific knowledge.
Physicians should uphold scientific
standards, promote research, and create
new medical knowledge and ensure its
appropriate use. The integrity of this
knowledge is based on scientific
evidence and physician experience.
9. Commitment to maintaining trust by
managing conflicts of interest. Medical
professionals and organizations can
compromise their professional
responsibilities by pursuing private gain
or personal advantage, especially
through interactions with for-profit
companies. Physicians have an
obligation to recognize, disclose to the
general public, and deal with conflicts of
interest that arise in the course of their
professional duties and activities.
Relationships between industry and
opinion leaders should be disclosed,
especially when physicians are
determining criteria for conducting and
reporting clinical trials, writing
editorials or therapeutic guidelines, or
serving as editors of scientific journals.
10. Commitment to professional
responsibilities. Physicians have both
individual and collective obligations to
work collaboratively to maximize
patient care, be respectful of one
another, and participate in the processes
of self-regulation, including remediation
and discipline of members who have
failed to meet professional standards.
The profession should also define and
organize the educational and standard-
setting process for current and future
members. These obligations include
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
engaging in internal assessment and
accepting external scrutiny of all aspects
of their professional performance.
1.2 Ethical Considerations Specific to
The ABIM professional responsibilities largely
overlap with the Code of Ethics as described in
the American College of Radiology (ACR)
Bylaws. However, several principles and rules
of ethics apply specifically to the field of
radiology, as stated by the ACR.
1. Professional limitations. The Bylaws
state that radiologists should be aware
of their limitations and to seek
consultations in clinical situations where
appropriate. Any limitations should be
appropriately disclosed to patients and
referring physicians.
2. Reporting of illegal or unethical
conduct. To safeguard the public and
the profession against physicians
deficient in moral character or
professional competence, radiologists
are expected to report any perceived
illegal or unethical conduct of medical
professionals to the appropriate
governing body.
3. Report signature. Radiologists should
not sign a report or claim attribution of
an imaging study interpretation that
was rendered by another physician,
making the reader of a report believe
that the signing radiologist was the
4. Participation in quality and safety
activities. Radiologists who actively
interpret images should participate in
quality assurance, technology
assessment, utilization review, and
other matters of policy that affect the
quality and safety of care.
5. Self-referral. Referring patients to
healthcare facilities in which
radiologists have a financial interest is
not in the best interest of patients and
may violate the Rules of Ethics.
6. Harassment. Radiologists are expected
to relate to other members of the
healthcare team with mutual respect
and refrain from harassment or unfair
discriminatory behavior.
7. Undue influence. Radiologists should
seek to ensure that the system of
healthcare delivery in which they
practice does not unduly influence the
selection and performance of
appropriate available imaging studies or
therapeutic procedures.
8. Agreements for provision of high-
quality care. Radiologists should not
enter into an agreement that prohibits
the provision of medically necessary
care or that requires care at below
acceptable standards.
9. Misleading billing arrangements.
Radiologists should not participate in
billing arrangements that mislead
patients or payers concerning the fees
10. Expert medical testimony. Radiologists
should exercise extreme caution to
ensure that the testimony provided is
nonpartisan, scientifically correct, and
clinically accurate. Compensation that is
contingent upon the outcome of
litigation is unacceptable.
11. Research integrity. Radiologic research
must be performed with integrity and
be honestly reported.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
12. Plagiarism. Claiming others’ intellectual
property as one’s own is unethical. This
includes plagiarism or the use of others’
work without attribution.
13. Misleading publicizing. Radiologists
should not publicize themselves
through any medium or forum of public
communication in an untruthful,
misleading, or deceptive manner.
American Board of Internal Medicine
Foundation. Medical Professionalism in the
New Millennium: The Physician Charter.
American Board of Internal Medicine
Foundation Website. http://
physician-charter. Accessed October 1, 2016.
American College of Radiology. Code of
Ethics. American College of Radiology
Website. https:// www.acr.org/Member-
Committees/Ethics. Accessed June 13, 2018.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 2: Core Concepts of Quality and Safety
2.1 Core Concepts of Quality
Introduction to Quality
Merriam-Webster defines quality as “a high
level of value or excellence.” The Institute of
Medicine has defined quality of care as “the
degree to which health services for individuals
and populations increase the likelihood of
desired health outcomes and are consistent
with current professional knowledge.” As it
relates to diagnostic imaging and image-guided
treatment, quality can be considered to be “the
extent to which the right procedure is done in
the right way, at the right time, and the correct
interpretation is accurately and quickly
communicated to the patient and referring
physician. The goals are to maximize the
likelihood of desired health outcomes and to
satisfy the patient.”
Several important concepts are connected to
these statements.
First, quality has two important dimensions:
excellence and consistency. It is not enough to
provide excellent care; it must be done on a
consistent basis. Lack of consistency is a marker
of poor quality.
Second, performance must be monitored to
ensure consistent quality. It is unlikely for an
organization to achieve consistent excellent
performance in the absence of performance
standards or measurements.
Third, the goals are twofold: 1) maximize the
likelihood of health outcomes desired by the
patient and 2) satisfy the patient. In other
words, optimizing health outcomes and patient
experience are both important goals of
healthcare. Furthermore, while excellence may
be a subjective term, the ultimate arbiter of
“quality” is the patient. Those who wish to
provide quality care must understand and seek
to achieve consistent excellence from the
perspective of the patientwhich may differ
from that of the provider.
Fourth, the goal is to consistently achieve
desired health outcomes using methods that are
consistent with current professional
knowledge. Achieving excellent outcomes on a
consistent basis depends on consistency in the
methods, or processes, that are used to achieve
those outcomes. Therefore, a major goal of
quality is that of decreasing unnecessary
variation, both in processes and outcomes. In a
practice with multiple professionals, this
generally requires those professionals to
collaborate in developing and adhering to
practice standards based on the evidence.
Quality as a Discipline
Achieving consistent excellence in processes
and outcomes is challenging in healthcare,
including in radiology. However, healthcare is
by no means the only field in which consistent
excellence is desired. Over the past century,
“quality” has emerged as its own discipline of
study and practice, with a set of broadly
applicable definitions, principles, and tools.
Quality control (QC) refers to measuring and
testing elements of performance to ensure that
standards are met and correcting instances of
poor quality. An example of a QC activity is
when a radiologist reviews and corrects errors
in a radiology report before finalizing it.
Quality assurance (QA) refers to a process for
monitoring and ensuring performance quality
in an organization. This includes QC activities,
but also refers to strategies designed to prevent
instances of poor quality. An example of a QA
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
activity is the use of standardized report
templates to minimize errors in reporting
accompanied by verification of appropriate use
with audit-based performance metrics.
Quality improvement (QI) refers to activities
designed to improve performance quality in an
organization in a systematic and sustainable
way. This requires a deliberate effort within an
organization to agree on a measurable
performance objective, measure the relevant
performance, understand the causes of poor
performance, develop and implement strategies
to improve performance, and ensure that those
strategies are embedded in the organization
such that performance will not relapse. An
example of QI is a project whereby radiologists
agree to improve consistency in reporting using
standardized radiology report templates,
implement those templates, monitor radiology
reports and make necessary adjustments, and
ensure that consistency is maintained through
feedback and accountability.
QC is generally considered to be the most basic
level of quality-related activities in an
organization. QA is more comprehensive than
QC and is required to maintain consistently
high performance levels in an organization.
However, QA typically is designed to maintain
rather than improve performance, implying
that quality was presumed to be adequate in
the first place. QI, on the other hand, assumes
that quality is not as good as it could be and
employs strategies to successfully improve
quality through a variety of means, including
changes in processes, systems, and even
organizational structure. As organizations’
focus has transitioned in recent decades from
seeking to maintain the status quo to seeking to
constantly improve performance, the field of
quality has transitioned from relying solely on a
QA approach to one of continuous quality
improvement (CQI).
Quality methods and philosophies have
evolved in several other important ways in the
past several decades:
Rather than being solely the purview of
a “quality department,” quality has
come to be recognized as the
responsibility of everyone in the
organizationespecially organizational
The focus has shifted from detecting
and correcting errors that have already
occurred to improving processes and
systems to prevent errors from
happening or from causing harm.
Frontline staff are increasingly engaged
to help improve processes.
The value of making errors visible
rather than quietly fixing them without
sharing them with the staff is
increasingly recognized. Exposing
errors allows them to be more easily
detected so they can be corrected and
their causes addressed.
2001 Institute of Medicine Report,
Crossing the Quality Chasm
In 2001, the Institute of Medicine (IOM)
published a report entitled, “Crossing the
Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the
21st Century.” In this report, the IOM
committee members maintained that all
healthcare constituencies, including
policymakers, purchasers, regulators, health
professionals, health- care trustees and
management, and consumers, should commit
to a shared explicit purpose to continually
reduce the burden of illness, injury, and
disability, and improve the health and
functioning of the people of the United States.
The committee asserted that healthcare should
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Safeavoiding injuries to patients from
the care that is intended to help them.
Effectiveproviding services based on
scientific knowledge to all who can
benefit and refraining from providing
services to those not likely to benefit
(avoiding underuse and overuse).
Patient-centeredproviding care that is
respectful of and responsive to
individual patient preferences, needs,
and values and ensuring that patient
values guide all clinical decisions.
Timelyreducing waits and potentially
harmful delays for both those who
receive and those who give care.
Efficientavoiding waste, in particular
waste of equipment, supplies, ideas, and
Equitableproviding care that does not
vary in quality because of personal
Since its publication, the IOM “Chasm” report,
which was itself a follow-up to a 2000 IOM
report on medical error, has provided a road
map for individuals and organizations in
healthcare to focus their improvement efforts.
Core Competencies of the ABMS and
To encourage active physician participation in
advancing the goals of continuous
improvement, in 1999 the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and
the American Board of Medical Specialties
(ABMS), which is composed of subspecialty
boards including the American Board of
Radiology, described six core competencies that
all physicians should attain.
Practice-based Learning and Improvement:
Show an ability to investigate and
evaluate patient care practices, appraise
and assimilate scientific evidence, and
improve the practice of medicine.
Patient Care and Procedural Skills: Provide
care that is compassionate, appropriate,
and effective treatment for health
problems and promote health.
Systems-based Practice: Demonstrate
awareness of and responsibility to the
larger context and systems of
healthcare. Be able to call on system
resources to provide optimal care (e.g.,
coordinating care across sites or serving
as the primary case manager when care
involves multiple specialties,
professions, or sites).
Medical Knowledge: Demonstrate
knowledge about established and
evolving biomedical, clinical, and
cognitive sciences and their application
in patient care.
Interpersonal and Communication Skills:
Demonstrate skills that result in
effective information exchange and
teaming with patients, their families,
and professional associates (e.g.,
fostering a therapeutic relationship that
is ethically sound; using effective
listening skills with nonverbal and
verbal communication; and working
both as a team member and, at times, as
a leader).
Professionalism: Demonstrate a
commitment to carrying out
professional responsibilities, adhering to
ethical principles, and being sensitive to
diverse patient populations.
By establishing this set of competencies, the
ACGME and ABMS assert that the skills
necessary to effectively practice medicine in a
modern complex healthcare environment
extend beyond the traditional domains of
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
medical knowledge and individual practice. It
is not enough for professionals to gain adequate
knowledge; they must also continuously
improve their knowledge and practice for the
duration of their careers. They must be not only
technically competent, but also compassionate
and ethical. They must practice effectively not
only as individuals, but also as members of
teams, organizations, and systems of care.
Organizations and leaders who are responsible
for certifying competence of practitioners must
demonstrate adequacy of the professional’s
competence in all domains.
2.2 Core Concepts of Safety
2000 Institute of Medicine Report, To Err
is Human
In 1998, the National Academy of Sciences’
Institute of Medicine (IOM) initiated the
Quality of Health Care in America project to
develop a strategy that would result in
improved quality of care in the United States.
To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health
System, published in 2000, was the first in a
series of reports arising from this project. The
report’s findings that between 44,000 and
98,000 in-hospital deaths per year were
attributable to medical errors made national
headlines, including a suggestion that an
epidemic of death from medical errors
exceeded that from motor vehicle accidents,
breast cancer, or AIDS. The report projected
total societal costs of medical errors to be
between $17 billion and $29 billion.
The report defined medical error as the failure
of a planned action to be completed as intended
or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim,
with the highest risk for errors occurring in
high-acuity environments such as the intensive
care unit, operating room, and emergency
department. The report identified several
fundamental factors contributing to the errors,
including the following: 1) the decentralized
nature of the healthcare delivery system (or
“nonsystem,” as the report calls it); 2) the
failure of licensing systems to focus on errors;
3) the impediment of the liability system to
identify errors; and 4) the failure of third- party
providers to provide financial incentive to
improve safety.
The report authors emphasized that most errors
are multifactorial; most errors can be attributed
to unsafe systems and processes of care as well
as to human error. Therefore, the only strategy
to decrease medical errors that is likely to be
both successful and sustainable in the long run
is to design safety into systems and processes of
care. Blaming and “rooting out the bad apples,”
the authors contended, is not a viable strategy
to decrease error.
2015 Institute of Medicine Report,
Improving Diagnosis in Health Care
In 2015, the IOM issued what it considered to
be a follow-up report to its 2000 report on
medical error, this time focusing on diagnostic
error. In this report, Improving Diagnosis in
Health Care, the IOM committee defined
diagnostic error as “the failure to establish an
accurate and timely explanation of the patient’s
health problem(s) or (b) communicate that
explanation to the patient.” The definition is
purposely patient-focused because, according
to the report, patients are considered to be key
team members in the collaborative efforts
required to prevent diagnostic error.
Quickly establishing a correct diagnosis is
critical to the provision of safe and effective
patient care. The problem of diagnostic error
tends to be underappreciated, for several
reasons. Data on diagnostic error are sparse,
few reliable measures exist, and often the error
is identified only in retrospect. The best
estimates indicate that nearly all Americans will
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
likely experience a meaningful diagnostic error
in their lifetimes. A poll commissioned by the
National Patient Safety Foundation in 1997
found that approximately one in six of those
surveyed had experience with diagnostic error,
either personally or through a close friend or
On average, 10% of postmortem exams were
associated with diagnostic errors that might
have affected patient outcomes. The report
authors maintained that reducing diagnostic
error should be a key component of quality
improvement efforts by healthcare
Similar to the 2000 IOM report, this report
called for objective, nonpunitive efforts to
understand error and to improve systems and
processes accordingly. This includes learning
from both errors and near misses on one end of
the spectrum and from exemplary accurate and
timely diagnoses on the other end. The report
authors viewed the diagnostic process as a
collaborative activity, often between numerous
professionals and professional groups.
Therefore, improving diagnosis often requires
collaborative efforts between professionals to
understand error and improve performance.
The report authors made eight specific
recommendations for improvement in the
diagnostic processes:
Facilitate more effective teamwork
among healthcare professionals,
patients, and their families. Radiologists
and pathologists are an integral part of
the diagnostic team.
Enhance healthcare professional
education and training in the diagnostic
Ensure that health information
technologies support patients and
healthcare professionals.
Develop and deploy organizational
approaches to identify, learn from, and
reduce diagnostic errors and near
misses in clinical practice.
Establish a work system and culture that
supports the diagnostic process and
improvements in performance. This
may include redesigning payment
structures since fee for service (FFS)
payments lack incentives to coordinate
care among team members, such as
communication among treating
clinicians, pathologists, and radiologists
about diagnostic test ordering,
interpretation, and subsequent decision
Develop a reporting environment and
medical liability system that facilitates
Design a payment and care delivery
environment that supports the
diagnostic process. Specifically,
oversight bodies should require that
healthcare organizations have programs
in place to monitor the diagnostic
process and identify, learn from, and
reduce diagnostic errors and near
misses in a timely fashion.
Provide dedicated funding for research
on the diagnostic process and diagnostic
With respect to radiology, the 2015 IOM report
identified failures in communication as being a
significant contributor to diagnostic error. The
report authors made several recommendations
for IT professionals and organizational leaders
to improve communication, including the
Standardize communication policies
and definitions across networked
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Ensure clear identification of the
patient’s care team to facilitate contact
by the radiology team
Implement effective results
management and tracking processes
Develop shared quality and reporting
Human Factors
An obstetric nurse connects a bag of pain
medication intended for an epidural catheter to
the mother’s intravenous (IV) line, resulting in
a fatal cardiac arrest. Newborns in a neonatal
intensive care unit are given full-dose heparin
instead of low-dose flushes, leading to three
deaths from intracranial bleeding. An elderly
man experiences cardiac arrest while
hospitalized, but when the code blue team
arrives, the team is unable to administer a
potentially life-saving shock because the
defibrillator pads cannot be connected to the
defibrillator itself.
Busy healthcare workers rely on equipment to
carry out life-saving interventions with the
underlying assumption that technology will
improve outcomes.
But as these examples illustrate, the interaction
between workers, equipment, and the
environment can actually increase the risk of
consequential errors. Each of these safety
hazards ultimately was attributed to a relatively
simple, yet overlooked, problem with system
The bag of epidural anesthetic was similar in
size and shape to IV medication bags, and,
crucially, the same catheter could access both
types of bags. Full-dose and prophylactic-dose
heparin vials appeared virtually identical, and
both concentrations were routinely stocked in
automated dispensers at the point of care.
Multiple brands of defibrillators exist that differ
in physical appearance as well as functionality;
a typical hospital may have many different
models scattered around the building,
sometimes even on the same unit.
Human Factors Engineering
Human factors engineering as a discipline
attempts to identify and address such problems
in a systematic way. It takes into account
human strengths and limitations in the design
of interactive systems that involve people,
equipment, technology, and work
environments to ensure safety, effectiveness,
and ease of use. A human factors engineer
examines a particular activity in terms of its
component tasks and then assesses the human
physical, mental and skill demands in the
context of team dynamics, work environment
(e.g., adequate lighting, limited noise, or other
distractions), and device design required to
optimally perform a task.
In essence, human factors engineering focuses
on how systems work in actual practice, with
realand falliblehuman beings at the
controls. It attempts to design systems that
optimize safety and minimize the risk of error
in complex environments.
Human factors engineering has long been used
to improve safety in many industries, including
aviation and nuclear power. Its application to
healthcare is relatively recent; pioneering
studies of human factors in anesthesia were
integral to the redesign of anesthesia
equipment, significantly reducing the risk of
injury or death in the operating room.
Human factors engineering asserts that
equipment and processes should be
standardized whenever possible to increase
reliability, improve information flow, and
minimize cross-training needs. Standardizing
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
equipment across clinical settings is one basic
example, but standardized processes are
increasingly recognized as a requirement for
safety. The use of checklists as a means of
ensuring that safety steps are performed, and
performed in the correct order, has its roots in
human factors engineering principles.
Establishing an agreed- upon, standardized
approach for the basic elements of a procedure
allows team members to identify when
unintended variances from that approach occur
(which may represent errors) and frees the team
members to better focus on the unique aspects
of the case.
Effective communication is a critical aspect of
quality and safety in any complex environment.
Communication can be defined as the
meaningful exchange of information between
individuals or groups of individuals; it is often
bidirectional or multidirectional and is
successful when it results in shared
understanding of meaning. Communication
consists of two major parts: 1) conveyance
transmission of information from a sender to a
receiver, and 2) convergenceverification,
discussion, and clarification until both parties
recognize that they mutually agree (or fail to
agree) on the meaning of the information.
Convergence activities are especially critical
when information is ambiguous or when the
negative impact of a miscommunication would
be severe.
High Reliability Organization (HRO)
In modern medicine, care delivery is frequently
performed in a high complexity setting. A so-
called “high reliability organization (HRO)” is
an organization that, despite operating in a
high-stress, high-risk, complex environment,
continually manages its environment
mindfully, adopting a constant state of
vigilance that results in the fewest number of
Many healthcare organizations are attempting
to adopt high-reliability behaviors and
organizational strategies to reduce medical
errors for their patients.
According to the authors of the concept, HROs
maintain resilience through stressful situations
by both anticipating unexpected events and
containing their impact when they occur.
Anticipation has three elements: preoccupation
with failure, reluctance to simplify, and sensitivity
to operations. Containment has two elements:
commitment to resilience and deference to expertise.
These can be described as follows:
1. Preoccupation with failure. Members of
the organization recognize that even
minor lapses can have severe
consequences and tend to be
deliberately watchful for clues that
indicate trouble. The organizations have
processes in place to enable individuals,
teams, and systems to quickly detect
and respond to potential threats before
they result in harm.
2. Reluctance to simplify. When problems
arise, rather than accept simple
explanations, individuals are expected
to dig deeper to understand the source
of the problem.
3. Sensitivity to operations. Members of
the organizationespecially the
leaderscontinuously understand the
messy reality of the details of what is
actually happening in the place of work
rather than what is supposed to be
happening and respond accordingly.
1. Commitment to resilience. It is
assumed that unexpected trouble is both
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
ubiquitous and unpredictable. HROs
recognize that they can never fully
anticipate each unexpected event, so
they empower individuals to adjust and
innovate as necessary and then seek to
learn from those situations.
2. Deference to expertise. No one
individual ever knows everything about
any situation. People with greater
authority often have less useful
knowledge about a situation than those
with lesser authority. HROs overcome
the dangers of hierarchy by enabling
leaders to defer to the relevant expertise,
regardless of its source, while
preserving the organizational structure.
Human Error
People are prone to error, but not all errors are
A commonly used human error classification
scheme is the “skill-rule-knowledge” (SRK)
model. This model refers to the cognitive mode
in which the individual is operating when he or
she commits an error. Actions that are largely
performed automatically, requiring little
conscious attention, are considered skill-based
actions, such as tying one’s shoes or driving on
the open freeway. Actions that require an
intermediate level of attention are considered
rules-based actions, such as deciding which
clothes to wear or when to proceed at a four-
way stop. Actions that require a high level of
concentration, usually in the setting of
situations that are new to the individual, are
knowledge-based actions, such as playing a
sport for the first time or driving in poor
visibility conditions in an unfamiliar city.
Appropriate strategies for ensuring safety in
the face of human error depend on the type of
error committed. Skill-based errors tend to be
amenable to behavior- shaping constraints that
make it hard to perform the wrong action (i.e.,
forcing functions, such as a microwave that
cannot be operated with the door open) and
enablers that make it easy to perform the right
action (i.e., affordances, such as installing a
door handle for pulling and a plate for
pushing). Rules- and knowledge-based errors
tend to be amenable to increased supervision,
additional training and coaching, deliberate
practice, and intelligent decision support.
Note that additional training is generally less
effective for skill-based errors, and behavior
shaping constraints are less effective for rules-
or knowledge-based mistakes. For example, a
radiologist who accidentally dictates “100 mg”
instead of “100 μg” is unlikely to benefit from
an educational course on units of measure in
the metric system. Conversely, a simple clinical
decision-support rule that forces a physician to
order ultrasonography when he or she thinks
that magnetic resonance imaging is warranted
is more likely to be ignored and thus less likely
to be successful than education and consensus-
building efforts. Thus, in learning from an
error, it is important to determine the cognitive
mode in which the individual was operating at
the time.
Culture of Safety
The concept of safety culture originated in
studies of high reliability organizations. High
reliability organizations maintain a
commitment to safety at all levels, from
frontline providers to managers and executives.
According to the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ), this
commitment establishes a “culture of safety”
that encompasses the following key features:
Acknowledgment of the high-risk
nature of an organization’s activities
and the determination to achieve
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
consistently safe operations
A blame-free environment where
individuals are able to report errors or
near misses without fear of reprimand
or punishment
Encouragement of collaboration across
ranks and disciplines to seek solutions
to patient safety problems
Organizational commitment of
resources to address safety concerns
Studies have documented considerable
variation in perceptions of safety culture across
organizations and job descriptions. Historically,
nurses have often complained of the lack of a
blame-free environment and providers at all
levels have noted problems with organizational
commitment to establishing a culture of safety.
The underlying reasons for the underdeveloped
healthcare safety culture include poor
teamwork and communication, a “culture of
low expectations,” and the presence of steep
authority gradients.
Authority Gradient
In an organization with steep authority
gradients, especially where there is fear of
punishment for errors, quality and safety
problems are rarely reported to senior
leadership. In this way, such authority
gradients not only undermine the safety
culture, but increase the difficulty of accurately
measuring error rates.
Measuring and Achieving a Culture of Safety
Perceptions by the staff of poor safety culture
have been linked to increased error rates. Safety
culture can be measured by surveys of
providers at all levels. Available validated
surveys include the AHRQ’s Patient Safety
Culture Surveys and the Safety Attitudes
Just Culture
The traditional culture of individual blame,
which still dominates some healthcare
organizations, impairs the advancement of a
safety culture. However, while blame is
generally an undesirable approach to safety,
individuals need to be held accountable for
their actions to a certain degree. In an effort to
reconcile the need for reducing a focus on
blame and maintaining individual
accountability, the concept of “just culture” was
proposed by David Marx. The just culture
model distinguishes between human error (e.g.,
slips), at-risk behavior (e.g., taking shortcuts),
and reckless behavior (e.g., flaunting firmly
established safety rules). In this model, the
response to an error or near miss is predicated
on the type of behavior associated with the
error, not the outcome or severity of the event.
For example, reckless behavior, in which firmly
established safety norms are willfully ignored,
such as a physician who refuses to perform a
time out before surgery, may merit firm
possibly punitiveaction, even if no patients
were harmed. In contrast, a person who makes
an innocent human error, even if this error
resulted in significant patient harm, would be
consoled since human errors are considered to
be inevitable and not necessarily the result of
negligence. In the middle ground, those
persons who engage in at-risk behaviore.g.,
workarounds of convenience, such as failing to
communicate critical results, that could subvert
established safety precautionsprobably
underestimate the risks of their actions. These
persons are counseled or coached in the Just
Culture Model (Table 2.1).
A safety coach or champion is a person in the
organization who takes ownership of the
processes and fosters the creation and
maintenance of the safety culture, including
oversight of safety-reporting systems whereby
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
safety incidents and near-miss events are
reported and archived. In a safety-reporting
system, the primary focus is on the patient, the
event, and the processes and systems to
identify opportunities for sustainable
improvement. The individual who made the
error should not be the focus of the
investigation, as long as the individual was not
acting recklessly. In other words, the reporting
system should not be used as a means of
instigating punitive action.
The term “second victim” has been coined for a
healthcare worker who is traumatized by an
error or adverse patient event in which they
were involved.
These individuals often feel an intense sense of
guilt, sorrow, and anxiety, and may even
exhibit signs similar to post-traumatic stress
disorder. Many hospitals have begun to
develop internal programs to identify, console,
and advocate on behalf of such individuals.
Three Manageable Behaviors of the Just Culture Model
Behavior or event
Human Error
At-risk Behavior
Reckless Behavior
A product of our current
system design and our
behavioral choices
A choice where the risk
is believed to be
insignificant or justified
A conscious disregard
for a substantial and
unjustifiable risk
Management Strategies
Modify available
Change processes/
Improve training
Redesign system or
Counsel individual
Better incentivize
correct behavior
Modify processes,
training, etc. as needed
Remediate or remove
from the environment
Take punitive action
approach to the
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Balogh EP, Miller BT, Ball JR, eds. Board on
Health Care Services, Institute of Medicine.
Improving diagnosis in health care.
Washington, DC: The National Academy of
Sciences, The National Academies Press,
Committee on Quality of Health Care in
America; for the Institute of Medicine.
Crossing the quality chasm: a new health
system for the 21st century. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press, 2001.
Hillman BJ, Amis ES Jr, Neiman HL,
FORUM participants. The future quality
and safety of medical imaging: proceedings
of the third annual ACR FORUM. J Am Coll
Radiol 2004;1(1):33-39.
Kelly AM, Cronin P. Practical approaches to
quality improvement for radiologists.
Radiographics 2015;35(6):1630-1642.
Kohn LT, Corrigan JM, Donaldson MS, eds.
Committee on Quality of Health Care in
Institute of Medicine. To err is human:
building a safer health system. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press, 2000.
Kruskal JB, Anderson S, Yam CS, Sosna J.
Strategies for establishing a comprehensive
quality and performance improvement
program in a radiology department.
Radiographics 2009;29(2):315-329.
Kruskal JB, Eisenberg R, Sosna J, Yam CS,
Kruskal JD, Boiselle PM. Quality initiatives:
Quality improvement in radiology: basic
principles and tools required to achieve
success. Radiographics 2011;31(6):1499-1509.
Larson DB, Froehle CM, Johnson ND,
Towbin AJ. Communication in diagnostic
radiology: meeting the challenges of
complexity. AJR Am J Roentgenol
Larson DB, Kruskal JB, Krecke KN,
Donnelly LF. Key concepts of patient safety
in radiology. Radiographics 2015;35(6):1677-
Marx D. Console, coach, or punish? In:
a-mole: the price we pay for expecting
perfection. Plano, TX: By Your Side Studios,
A Trusted Credential: Based on Core
Competencies. American Board of Medical
Specialties Website. www.abms.org/board-
core- competencies/. Accessed October 1,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 3: Practical Quality and Safety Applications in
3.1 Practical Quality Applications in
Quality improvement activities can be divided
into two aspects: 1) frequent small
improvement efforts conducted in close
association with the management of the day-to-
day clinical operations and 2) dedicated
improvement projects to address areas of
performance that generally require more
focused improvement efforts.
Daily Management Systems
A daily management system (DMS) provides a
day- to-day operating framework for leaders to
engage with staff to solve problems on a
continuous basis. The objective of the DMS is to
facilitate communication and coordination
within and across organizational units and
roles in the organization. For example, in a
radiology department, a DMS allows for
coordination and communication between 1)
radiologists, technologists, nurses, medical
assistants, IT professionals, administrators, etc.;
2) front line staff, managers, and leaders; and 3)
the radiology department and other units such
as the emergency department, inpatient units,
medical and surgical specialties, etc.
A DMS can be implemented in a variety of
ways to meet local organizational needs.
However, DMS programs tend to have a few
core elements that help them achieve the
programs’ objectives.
Tiered Huddles
A huddle is a brief structured meeting
occurring in an organizational unit in which
participants review what has recently occurred,
the current status of the unit, and what is
anticipated in the near future. First-tier huddles
are held within local units and involve all
frontline staff on service for the day. Unit
leaders then attend huddles at a higher tier,
whose leaders in turn attend huddles at a
higher tier, up to the executive team. Huddles
generally take place at a visibility board (often
simply an organized white board), which tracks
important elements of the daily management
huddles for all staff members to see.
Goal and Metrics Review
Organizational goals help focus the members
on making tangible progress toward better
fulfillment of the organization’s missions.
Performance metrics enable members of the
organization to objectively determine how well
those goals are being met. Ideally such goals
and metrics should be aligned with the stated
values of the organization, including excellence
in care, patient safety, patient and family
experience, efficiency, etc. A brief review of
quantitative metrics at the huddle on a regular
basis helps the organization make iterative
improvements to facilitate continued progress
toward the goals.
Daily Readiness Assessment
A daily readiness assessment reviewed at the
huddle helps the staff be aware of the number
and types of patients to be seen that day and to
determine whether they are prepared to
accommodate their needs. Topics that are
typically reviewed include 1) methods:
ensuring that the proper protocols and plans
are in place to accommodate patients, especially
those with special needs, 2) equipment:
reviewing whether all of the equipment is
operational and staff have appropriate training,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
3) supplies: ensuring that all needed supplies
are available for use, and 4) associates: ensuring
that appropriate staff are in place to meet
patient needs and that any staff shortages have
been accommodated.
Problem Management and Accountability Cycle
Continuous problem solving is a critical
element of the DMS. Staff are encouraged to
identify problems at the daily huddle. Problems
are documented on the visibility board, along
with an “owner” of the problem and an
expected resolution date. Problems that are
more complex often are listed on a separate
board along with the owner of the problem, the
date the issue was first identified, and a date on
which the owner is expected to make a progress
Regular Follow-up
The regular cadence of the daily huddles, along
with the tracking of assignments on the visibility
board, provides a mechanism to routinely follow
up on assignments.
This visibility and follow-up greatly increases
the likelihood that assignments will be
completed or revised as needed.
Frequent Visits to the Workplace
A core tenet of effective management is that one
must see what is happening in the workplace to
truly understand it. Managers and leaders are
encouraged to minimize the time spent in
closed-door meetings in favor of spending time
where the work is done. When individuals visit
the workplace, they are expected to respectfully
observe and ask questions to learn about the
work; they should not give direction, solve
problems, or otherwise interfere with the work
during this time.
Project-based Improvement Methods
Problems that are too difficult to solve using
routine daily problem-solving methods may be
more amenable to dedicated improvement
projects. Several well-known improvement
models exist, including Lean, Six Sigma, and
the Model for Improvement. Each of these
models uses a similar approach to structuring
improvement projects, though framed in
different ways. The following sections
summarize the major steps that the models
Identifying a Problem
As it relates to improvement, the term
“problem” can be interpreted two ways: 1)
something that is difficult to deal with, a source
of trouble, worry, etc. and 2) something to be
worked out or solved, such as an arithmetic
The fact that the problem is a source of trouble
is what drives the organization to decide to
focus improvement in a specific area. Before
beginning the project, leaders should make sure
that it addresses a problem that is of high
importance to the organization, so that it will
receive needed support when challenges arise.
Framing the problem as a challenge to be
solved helps depersonalize the issue and turn it
into an opportunity for improvement. Clearly
defining the problem is the first step in solving
the problem, helping to ensure that the project
team remains focused and aligned as team
members evaluate causes and consider possible
Forming a Team
To effectively carry out the project, a dedicated
team is organized for a limited period of time
and given the guidance, resources, instruction,
and authority needed to make process and
other organizational changes to improve
performance in a sustainable way. Project roles
typically include the following:
Project Sponsor: This individual provides
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
organizational oversight and support,
removing barriers as they arise. The
sponsor should have the organizational
authority to provide resources and
resolve interpersonal conflicts. Projects
may have more than one sponsor.
While sponsors may provide general
guidance and suggestions, they
should be careful to avoid
overstepping their bounds and
assuming the project leader’s role.
Project Leader: The project leader’s role is
to direct and coordinate activities of the
project to ensure its success. The leader
helps assemble the team, manage the
project, delegate and follow up on
assignments, report on progress, alert
the project sponsor when more help is
needed, and ensure the timely
completion of the project. Project leaders
should have strong organizational and
leadership skills.
Project Participants: Participants should
be selected from the areas targeted for
improvement; each organizational unit
included in the process targeted for
improvement must be represented on
the team. It is generally more effective to
select “front-line” staff who perform the
work on a daily basis rather than
supervisors, managers, or other
organizational leaders. Participation
should be voluntary.
Project Coach: The project coach is an
expert in improvement methods who
advises and supports the team. The
coach helps guide the project leader and
team, facilitates communication with the
sponsor, and alerts organizational
leaders when the project appears to be
veering off track. However, the coach
should avoid encroaching on the role of
project leader or performing tasks of the
project participants.
Assessing Current Performance
Improvement project team members are
expected to visit the workplace and spend at
least several hours quietly observing and taking
notes. Team members should respectfully ask
questions to deeply understand the process:
what is done and why it is done that way. They
should convene and discuss their observations,
mapping out the process, and then revisit the
workplace to validate their observations. They
should, to the extent possible, observe all steps
in the process at different times of day and days
of the week.
Measuring Performance
To be able to assess performance in an objective
and repeatable fashion, team members should
develop performance measures. These may
include outcome measures, including those of end
outcomes such as morbidity, patient satisfaction,
and costs, as well as those of intermediate
outcomes, such as service times, error rates, and
supply utilization. In addition to outcomes
measures, process measures can be used such as
adherence to standard work, equipment
utilization rates, and times for each process
After one or more quantitative measures are
established, performance should be tracked and
monitored. Performance can be monitored with
a run chart, which displays data over time. The
run chart should display the mean before the
beginning of the project and at the end of the
project, as well as the performance goal. An
annotated run chart is a run chart that also
indicates the dates and the nature of
interventions implemented during the project
(Fig. 3.1).
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Figure 3.1 Exampleof an annotatedrun chart. Each pointrepresentsthe mean daily
examination completion time. Dates that interventions were implemented are plotted
on the chart and described in the key. The goal for this hypothetical project was to
decrease mean daily examination completion time from 120 minutes to 30 minutes.
Source: Larson and Mickelsen. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2015.
Establishing a Specific Goal
The project team should establish a
performance goal (often referred to as an aim
statement). A commonly used acronym to
describe the attributes of the goal is “SMART,”
meaning that the goal should be specific,
measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound. The goal should state the beginning
performance, the end performance, and the
date (i.e., “from what, to what, by when”). For
example, the goal might state, “Our goal is to
decrease mean daily examination completion
time from 120 minutes to 30 minutes by July 1,
Identifying Causes of Problems
After establishing a measure and a goal and
observing the process in detail, the project team
should seek to discover and document the
causes of problems that negatively impact
performance. A tool for documenting these
causes is a cause-and-effect diagram, also known
as a fishbone diagram (Fig. 3.2).
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Figure 3.2. Cause-and-effect diagram or fishbone diagram. This diagram lists and
categorizes possible contributing causes to the problem of over-ordering of CT scans
in the emergency department (ED). Source: Kruskal et al. Radiographics 2011.
Prioritizing Problem-solving Efforts
After possible causes of problems are
documented, the frequency of those causes
should be measured in some way. Often this is
accomplished with a simple tally sheet, in
which staff members document every time the
problem occurs over a period of time along
with the cause for the occurrence. These can
then be plotted in a Pareto chart (Fig. 3.3),
which illustrates which causes occur most
frequently. The Pareto principle, also known as
the “80/20 rule,” states that a few causes are
usually responsible for the majority of the
problems. Problem-solving efforts can then be
prioritized accordingly.
Developing Solutions through Iterative Testing
After the problem has been thoroughly
investigated, including likely causes, it is the
project team’s task to develop strategies to
solve the problem by making process changes.
However, such changes are rarely successful in
the form in which they are originally conceived
and typically require multiple revisions before
they can be fully implemented. The process of
iteratively testing, refining, and validating
process changes is known as the Plan-Do-
Study-Act (PDSA) cycle.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Figure 3.3. Pareto chart. This chart illustrates which causes are most commonly responsible
for the problem. In this case, the team was seeking to identify the most common types of
unhelpful emergency department (ED) exams. Source: Kruskal et al. Radiographics 2011.
The PDSA cycle is essentially a restatement of
the scientific method. A synonym for a PDSA
cycle is a planned test of change. A cycle starts
with a hypothesis of how a process change will
lead to a desired outcome. The steps include
developing a plan to test that hypothesis
(planning the test), testing the hypothesis
(doing the test), analyzing the data (studying
the results), and drawing actionable
conclusions and determining next steps (acting
Because the effects of process changes are not
known in advance, initial changes are typically
tested on as small a scale as possible and in a
relatively protected environment. It is expected
that many of these proposed changes will be
unsuccessful. For this reason, the team is wise
to generate a number of potential changes
through brainstorming. When a test of change
does not result in the desired outcome, the
project team may wish to modify the approach
and test it again or abandon it altogether and
try a different approach.
Changes are tested on a larger scale only after
they have been proven successful on a smaller
scale. The final determination of whether the
changes are effective in practice is if they result
in improved performance. Hence, it is critical to
continuously monitor performance throughout
the life of an improvement project.
Improvement is generally most effective when
multiple PDSA cycles are run in parallel or in
rapid succession. With each test, the
improvement team gains greater insight and
knowledge of how specific changes impact
outcomesfor better and for worse. Only after
the problems have been worked out and the
team is confident that the changes will result in
the desired improved outcomes are the changes
fully implemented. Despite the fact that
multiple PDSA cycles are needed for most
successful improvement projects, if they are
executed well and kept as small and brief as
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
possible, the process of testing, refining, and
validating changes need not be protracted.
Sustaining the Improvement
Without deliberate mechanisms to sustain
improvements, performance usually reverts to
the initial state. Strategies to increase the
likelihood that results will be sustained include
1) establishing regular measurement and
feedback, 2) using handoffs to enforce
standards by ensuring that all staff expect the
same standard, 3) establishing the practice of
stopping the process and summoning
immediate supervisors whenever a problem is
encountered, 4) embedding checks into the
process, and 5) using high-reliability solutions.
High-reliability Solutions: Process changes may
take many forms, including education and
feedback, standardization of procedures, and
infrastructure and system changes. In general,
processes that rely on education and feedback
tend to result in lower consistency in outcome,
or reliability, than those that rely on
standardization of procedures, which in turn
tend to result in lower consistency of outcome
than those that rely on changes to infrastructure
and organizational culture. As a general rule,
high-reliability process changes are more
effective and require less effort by the process
owner to sustain than low-reliability solutions.
QI Project Management
A project is defined as “a temporary group
activity, designed to produce a unique product,
service, or result.” Project management is the
“application of knowledge, skills, and
techniques to execute projects effectively and
efficiently.” Effective project management
techniques bring order to what can otherwise
be a chaotic process, to help ensure that projects
meet their objectives.
Examples include 1) task management: defining
each task, clearly setting expectations of what is
to be done by whom and by when, and
following up on each task; 2) progress tracking:
keeping people apprised of project progress,
reminding individuals as deadlines approach,
and alerting appropriate individuals when
milestones are missed; 3) conducting effective
meetings; and 4) avoiding mistakes common to
quality improvement.
Donnelly LF. Daily management systems in
medicine. Radiographics 2014;34(2):549-555.
Kruskal JB, Eisenberg R, Sosna J, Yam CS,
Kruskal JD, Boiselle PM. Quality initiatives:
Quality improvement in radiology: basic
principles and tools required to achieve
success. Radiographics 2011;31(6):1499-1509.
Kruskal JB, Reedy A, Pascal L, Rosen MP,
Boiselle PM. Quality initiatives: lean
approach to improving performance and
efficiency in a radiology department.
Radiographics 2012;32(2):573-587.
Larson DB, Kruskal JB, Krecke KN,
Donnelly LF. Key concepts of patient safety
in radiology. Radiographics 2015;35(6):1677-
Larson DB, Mickelsen LJ. Project
management for quality improvement in
radiology. AJR Am J Roentgenol
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
3.2 Practical Safety Applications in
Periprocedural Care
Patient Identifiers
Patient identification is critical to ensure that
the right patient receives the right treatment,
medication, invasive or noninvasive procedure,
and blood products, as well as to reduce the
chance of unnecessary radiation exposure. At
least two patient identifiers should be used
before every procedure. Identifiers can include
patient name, assigned identification number,
telephone number, or other person-specific
identifier (e.g., date of birth, government-issued
photo identification, and last four digits of the
social security number). Transient factors such
as patient’s location or room number cannot be
used. Sources of identifiers may include the
patient, a relative, a guardian, a domestic
partner, or a healthcare provider who has
previously identified the patient. In the case of
a discrepancy between identifiers, the
practitioner should stop and seek additional
information to confirm the identity before
Patient Assessment
Before sedation is initiated, a patient must be
assessed and approved for sedation. Recent oral
intake, recent illness, pulmonary status
(including upper airway), cardiac status,
baseline vital signs, level of consciousness,
pulse oximetry, capnography (if available), and
electrocardiography (when applicable) should
be obtained and documented.
The Joint Commission and the American
Society of Anesthesiologists have defined four
levels of sedation, analgesia, and anesthesia:
1. Minimal Sedation or Anxiolysis. A
drug- induced state, created by the
administration of medications to reduce
anxiety, during which the patient
responds to verbal commands. In this
state, cognitive function and
coordination may be impaired, but
ventilatory and cardiovascular functions
are unaffected.
2. Moderate Sedation/Analgesia. A mildly
depressed level of consciousness,
induced by the administration of
pharmacologic agents, in which the
patient retains a continuous and
independent ability to maintain
protective reflexes and a patent airway
and to be aroused by physical or verbal
3. Deep Sedation/Analgesia. A drug-
induced depression of consciousness
during which the patient cannot be
easily aroused but responds
purposefully after repeated or painful
stimulation. Independent ventilatory
function may be impaired. The patient
may require assistance in maintaining a
patent airway. Cardiovascular function
is usually maintained.
4. General Anesthesia. A controlled state
of unconsciousness in which there is a
complete loss of protective reflexes,
including the ability to maintain a
patent airway independently and to
respond appropriately to painful
It is important to recognize that these “levels”
are actually a continuum. Patients may rapidly
move between the levels and may reach a
deeper level of sedation than desired. Sedation
may result in the loss of protective reflexes.
Thus, all sedated patients require monitoring
regardless of the intended level of sedation.
Patients who are candidates for sedation by a
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
non- anesthesia provider such as a radiologist
must be screened to determine if they have risk
factors that may increase the likelihood of an
adverse outcome. Such risk factors include, but
are not limited to, congenital or acquired
abnormalities of the airway, liver failure, lung
disease, congestive heart failure, symptomatic
brain stem dysfunction, apnea or hypotonia, a
history of adverse reaction to sedating
medications, morbid obesity, and severe
gastroesophageal reflux.
The patient’s American Society of
Anesthesiologists (ASA) Physical Status
Classification should also be assessed. This is a
six-level classification as follows:
Class I - A normal healthy patient
Class II - A patient with mild systemic
Class III - A patient with severe
systemic disease
Class IV - A patient with severe
systemic disease that is a constant threat
to life
Class V - A moribund patient who is not
expected to survive without the
Class VI - A declared brain-dead patient
whose organs are being removed for
donor purposes
Patients in Classes III and IV or with other
significant risk factors may require a
consultation with anesthesiology or the
performance of sedation by an anesthesiologist
or anesthetist. Patients in Class V should not be
sedated by non-anesthesiologists.
When sedation is performed under the
supervision of a radiologist, there must be a
separate qualified healthcare professional
whose primary focus is the monitoring,
medicating, and care of the patient. The patient
must have intravenous access. Continuous
monitoring should include, at a minimum, level
of consciousness, respiratory rate, pulse
oximetry, blood pressure (as indicated), heart
rate, and cardiac rhythm. Similar monitoring is
needed in the recovery period from sedation.
The supervising physician should have
sufficient knowledge of the pharmacology,
indications, and contraindications for the use of
sedative agents, including the use of reversal
agents. A key point related to reversal agents is
that their duration of effect may be shorter than
that of the sedating agent, leading to a risk of
relapse into a deeper level of sedation. It is
recommended that consciousness and vital
signs return to acceptable levels and remain at
those levels for a period of two hours from the
time the reversal agent was administered before
monitoring ends and the patient is discharged.
Informed Consent
Informed consent is required for invasive
image- guided procedures. Apart from legal or
regulatory requirements, patients have the right
to be informed about the procedures they
undergo and may request to speak with a
radiologist even when local policy does not
require the radiologist to initiate an informed
consent process.
Despite the fact that a consent form is often
used to document the discussion, the ACR-SIR
Practice Parameter on Informed Consent for Image-
Guided Procedures states that “informed consent
is a process and not the simple act of signing a
formal document.” Consent can also be
documented by a note in the patient’s medical
record, by a recording on videotape, or by
another similar permanent modality. Consent
should be obtained from the patient or the
patient’s legal representative by a physician or
other healthcare provider performing the
procedure. The final responsibility for
answering the patient’s questions and
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
addressing any patient concerns rests with the
physician performing or supervising the
Elements of informed consent include 1) the
purpose and nature of the intended procedure,
2) the method by which the procedure will be
performed, 3) likely risks, complications, and
expected benefits, 4) risks of not proceeding, 5)
any reasonable alternatives to the proposed
procedure, and 6) the right to decline the
proposed procedure. An exception to these
steps exists when a delay in treatment would
jeopardize the health of a patient who is unable
to provide informed consent (e.g., an
unconscious trauma patient for whom family
has not yet been identified). Since the patient
must be able to understand the consent process
for it to be valid, consent must be obtained
before procedure-related sedation is
When the patient is not able to give valid
consent because of short-term or long-term
mental incapacity, whether from pain
medications or otherwise, or when the patient
has not achieved the locally recognized age of
majority, consent should be obtained from the
patient’s appointed healthcare representative,
legal guardian, or appropriate family member.
In emergency situations when the patient needs
immediate care, the patient’s predetermined
wishes are not known or appropriately
documented, and consent cannot be obtained
from the patient’s representative, the physician
may provide treatment or perform a procedure
“to prevent serious disability or death or to
alleviate great pain or suffering.”
Minors’ Rights in Medical Decision Making Courts
in the United States have recognized that
children younger than 18 years deserve a voice
in determining their course of medical
treatment if they show maturity and
competence. However, rules that govern the
issue of parental rights versus minors’ rights
vary from state to state. States and courts have
never allowed children younger than 12 years
to make medical decisions and exercise self-
determination, whereas adolescents between
ages 12 and 18 (or 19 in some states) experience
a gradual transition to self- determination.
Factors that impact the determination of
adolescents’ rights include the following:
1. Legal determination of maturity, such
as married status, parenthood, self-
sufficiency, or active duty in the armed
2. Evidence that the child is sufficiently
mature to make his or her own
decisions, such as age greater than 14
years; evidence that the minor has the
ability to understand the implications of
treatment, including risks, benefits,
likely short- and long-term
consequences, and alternatives; and
evidence that the minor can make an
informed decision without coercion.
3. Conditions exempting parental
consent, such as seeking testing or
treatment for sexually transmitted
diseases, included HIV; seeking
contraception, prenatal care, or abortion;
or seeking mental health treatment,
emergency care, or treatment of alcohol
or drug abuse after the age of 12 years.
Universal Protocol
Universal protocol refers to the three-part
process of conducting a preprocedure verification,
marking the procedure site, and performing a
preprocedure time out. Note that site marking
may be performed before completing the
preprocedure verification.
1. Preprocedure verification. This is an
ongoing process of information
gathering and confirmation before the
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
procedure. The purpose is to ensure that
all relevant information and equipment
are 1) available before the start of the
procedure, 2) correctly labeled,
identified, and matched to the patient’s
identifiers, and 3) reviewed and are
consistent with the expectations of the
procedure to be performed.
Preprocedural verification may occur at
more than one time and place before the
2. Marking of the procedure site. At a
minimum, a procedure site should be
marked when there is more than one
possible location for the procedure and
when performing the procedure in a
different location could harm the
patient. If possible, the patient should be
involved in the site marking. The site
must be marked by a licensed
independent practitioner who will be
present when the procedure is
performed. In limited circumstances,
site marking may be delegated to
medical residents, physician assistants
(PAs), or advanced practice registered
nurses (APRNs), but ultimately the
licensed independent practitioner is
accountable for the procedure, even
when delegating site marking.
The mark should be made at or near the
procedure site, and should be
sufficiently permanent to be visible after
skin preparation and draping. It should
also be unambiguous and used
consistently throughout the
organization. An organization should
have written alternative processes for
situations such as procedures on
mucosal surfaces or perineum, minimal
access procedures treating a lateralized
internal organ, interventional procedure
cases for which the catheter or
instrument insertion site is not
predetermined (such as cardiac
catheterization), procedures on teeth,
and procedures on premature infants,
for whom the mark may cause a
permanent tattoo.
3. Preprocedure time out. A standardized
time out should be conducted
immediately before an invasive
procedure is started or an incision is
made. The designated member of the
team starts the time out. The time out
should involve the immediate members
of the team, including the individual
performing the procedure, anesthesia
providers, the circulating nurse, the
operating room technician, and other
active participants who will be present
throughout the case. During the time
out, all relevant members of the team
actively communicate and at a
minimum agree on the following:
correct patient identity, correct site, and
procedure to be done. Documentation of
the time out should be performed
according to the organization’s policy.
Hand Hygiene
Hand hygiene refers to cleaning one’s hands by
using either handwashing (washing hands with
soap and water), antiseptic hand wash,
antiseptic hand rub (i.e., alcohol-based hand
sanitizer including foam or gel), or surgical
hand antisepsis.
Alcohol-based hand sanitizers are the most
effective products for reducing the number of
bacteria on the hands. When hands are not
visibly dirty, alcohol-based hand sanitizers are
the preferred method for cleaning one’s hands
in the healthcare setting. Soap and water are
recommended when hands are visibly dirty,
before eating, after using a restroom, or after
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
known or suspected exposure to Clostridium
difficile, norovirus, or Bacillus anthracis.
Hand hygiene should be performed 1) before
eating, 2) before and after having direct contact
with a patient’s skin, 3) after contact with
blood, body fluids or excretions, mucous
membranes, nonintact skin, or wound
dressings, 4) after contact with inanimate
objects in the immediate vicinity of the patient,
5) if hands will be moving from a
contaminated-body site to a clean- body site
during patient care, 6) after glove removal, and
7) after using a restroom. When hands are
cleaned with soap and water, the soap and
water should cover all surfaces of the hands
and fingers. When alcohol-based hand sanitizer
is used, the product should cover all surfaces as
hands are rubbed together. Adequate cleansing
can be achieved in about 20 seconds via either
Root Cause Analysis
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a structured
method used to analyze serious adverse events
to decrease the likelihood of recurrence. The
goal of RCA is to identify both active errors
(errors occurring at the point of interface
between humans and a complex system) and
latent conditions (the hidden problems within
healthcare systems that increase the likelihood
of an adverse event). For example, an active
error occurs when a nurse accidentally
administers a full dose of heparin rather than a
heparin flush; an associated latent condition
might be the fact that the two vials appear
virtually identical and both are routinely
stocked near each other in the same cabinet at
the point of care.
RCAs should generally begin with data
collection to create an objective narrative of the
event based on a review of the medical record
and interviews with people involved. A
multidisciplinary team should then analyze the
sequence of events leading to the error, with the
goals of identifying how the event occurred
(active errors) and underlying conditions that
contributed to the event (latent conditions). It
should be recognized that serious adverse
events are almost never the result of a single
cause, and often are associated with numerous
contributing factors. The RCA should culminate
in an analysis of issues that should be
addressed to decrease the likelihood of
recurrence and a plan for addressing those
issues, including a timeline and individual
In the setting of a serious adverse event,
immediate interventions may be implemented
to quickly reduce the risk of recurrence of a
similar error. However, such quickly generated
solutions typically do not address the root
cause and should only serve as a placeholder
until more reliable and sustainable solutions
can be developed, tested, and implemented.
1. American College of Radiology, Society of
Interventional Radiology. ACR-SIR practice
parameter for sedation/analgesia. American
College of Radiology, Society of
Interventional Radiology.
analgesia.pdf. Accessed June 13, 2018.
2. Brook OR, Kruskal JB, Eisenberg RL, Larson
DB. Root cause analysis: learning from
adverse safety events. Radiographics
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Hand hygiene in healthcare settings.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Website. http://www.cdc.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Accessed October 1, 2016.
4. Hickey K. Minors’ rights in medical decision
mak- ing. JONA’s Healthcare, Law, Ethics, and
Regulation 2007;9(3):100-104.
5. The Joint Commission. National patient
safety goals effective January 1, 2016. The
Joint Commission Website.
/2016_NPSG_HAP.pdf. Accessed October 1,
6. The Joint Commission. Speak UP. The Joint
Commission Website.
sets/1/18/UP_Poster1.PDF. Accessed
October 1, 2016.
7. Kohi MP, Fidelman N, Behr S, Taylor AG,
Kolli K, Conrad M, Hwang G, Weinstein S.
Periprocedural Patient Care. Radiographics
8. Weick KE, Sutcliffe KM. Managing the
unexpected: resilient performance in an age
of uncertainty. San Francisco, Calif: Jossey-
Bass, 2007.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 4: Practical Safety Applications in Radiology
4.1 MR Safety
Three unique magnetic fields in MRI, the static
magnetic field (B
0), time-varying
radiofrequency magnetic field (B
1), and time-
varying gradient magnetic field (dB/dt) all
contribute to specific MR safety challenges.
Because the strong static magnetic field is
always on, the MR environment is associated
with unique safety issues. Safety must be
ensured for all in the MR environment,
including patients, research subjects, MRI
personnel, and visitors to the MR environment.
Greater risk can be presumed related to non-
MR personnel who do not regularly work in the
MR environment. This includes physicians and
nurses who rarely enter the MR suite but may
do so in urgent situations related to acute
patient decompensation. Improperly trained
and inadequately screened security and
cleaning personnel may unknowingly bring
ferromagnetic materials into the MR
environment. Patients’ family members may be
overlooked in screening programs. To address
these and other issues, the American College of
Radiology (ACR) Manual on MR Safety exists
in the form of a free online document which
will be periodically updated.
Management of MR safety is now
recommended to include 3 specific roles: a
designated physician MR Medical Director for
MR safety (MRMD); MR safety officer (MRSO);
and MR safety expert (MRSE). The MRMD
assumes ultimate responsibility for a site’s
operational MR safety and the safe execution of
all MR examinations. They appoint MRSOs and
MRSEs, maintain MR safety policies and
procedures, and appropriately investigate any
MR safety adverse events. The MRSO role,
typically filled by a technologist, ensures that
policies and procedures are followed,
emergency procedures are in place and trained
for, education is appropriate and completed,
among other responsibilities. The MRSE,
typically an MR physicist, is a resource for the
MRMD and MRSOs, rendering expertise
related to the safe use of MR equipment, and
recommendations for appropriate scanning
conditions for patients with implanted devices,
among other roles.
Zoning and Screening
A key concept in MR safety is the conceptual
division of the MR site into four zones, with
progressive monitoring and restriction of entry
into the higher numbered, more controlled
zones. These zones are defined as follows:
Zone I: Access is unrestricted. This zone
includes all areas that are freely accessible
to the public. This is the area through which
patients and others access the controlled
MR environment.
Zone II: This is the interface between the
uncontrolled Zone I and the strictly
controlled Zones III and IV. Zone II may be
used to greet patients, obtain patient
histories, and screen patients for MR safety
issues. Patients in Zone II should be under
the supervision of MR personnel.
Zone III: This is the area where there is
potential danger of serious injury or death
from interaction between unscreened
people or ferromagnetic objects and the
magnetic field of the scanner. The scanner
control room is typically in Zone III. Access
to Zone III must be strictly restricted and
under the supervision of MR personnel,
with physical restriction such as locks or
passkey systems.
Zone IV: This is the MR scanner magnet
room and therefore is the highest risk area.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
This zone should be clearly demarcated and
marked as potentially hazardous because of
the strong magnetic field. Access to Zone IV
should be under the direct observation of
MR personnel. When a medical emergency
occurs, MR trained and certified personnel
should begin basic life support or CPR if
required, while urgently moving the patient
from Zone IV to a magnetically safe
location, and securing the door to Zone IV.
The ACR Committee on MR Safety now
recommends that other than when the door
is open for personnel and patient transit
across the threshold, the door is to be
closed, or is to be protected by a physical
barrier, such as a retractable safety strap,
plastic chain, or specific doorway gate
The major transition happens from Zone II to
Zone III. MR personnel working within Zone III
and Zone IV should have specific education on
MR safety and pass an MR safety screening
process. Therefore, there are two safety levels of
MR personnel which are characterized as Level
1 and Level 2. Level 1 personnel have passed
the facility’s MR safety education requirements
to ensure that they would not be a danger to
themselves or others. Level 1 personnel are not
to be independently responsible for the safety
of others in Zone IV. Level 2 personnel are
more extensively trained, including topics such
as radiofrequency (RF)-induced heating, etc.
Level 2 personnel can be independently
responsible for the safety of others in Zone IV.
All other non-MR personnel and patients
entering Zone III should be appropriately
screened. MR screening begins with a focused
history to identify potential metallic foreign
objects and medical implants. This may be
supplemented as needed by reviewing any
existing radiographs, CT, or MR of the
questioned area as well as operative reports
and implanted devices information in electronic
medical records. When an object or implant is
identified, its MR safety potential should be
assessed specific to the field strength of the
magnet and specific factors such as RF
deposition (e.g., SAR, specific absorption rate).
Objects that are nonhazardous in all MR
environments, such as a plastic tube, are
deemed “MR Safe,” whereas those
contraindicated, such as a ferromagnetic
aneurysm clip, are labeled “MR Unsafe.” “MR
Conditional” devices can be safely scanned
providing the specific conditions for safe
scanning are appropriately adhered to,
including magnetic field strength (e.g., 1.5T or
3T), specific coils that are permissible (e.g.,
some device conditions require use of a local
transmit/receive coil at a distance from a device,
and do not permit use of a receive-only coil
using the magnet RF coil), and specific RF
deposition parameters (e.g. a defined SAR, such
at 1.0 W/kg). Published information is available
regarding the MR safety of most medical
implants, and it is essential that the
manufacturer’s most up to date MR safety
information defining the MR conditions for safe
scanning are used, as these change frequently.
Ferromagnetic objects should be restricted from
entering Zone III whenever practical. All MR
sites should have a handheld magnet (≥ 1000
Gauss) for testing purposes. Ferromagnetic
detection devices, either wall mounted or
handheld, can augment safety screening
processes in helping identify unknown
ferromagnetic objects concealed on a patient,
and some superficial internal implants, such as
pacemakers. To minimize risk of unsafe items
entering Zone IV, and to minimize risk of burns
from potential metallic fibers in clothing, the
ACR Committee on MR Safety now
recommends that all MR patients are changed
into MR safe gowns or scrubs.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Occasionally, devices that are determined to be
ferromagnetic and MR unsafe may be
permitted into Zone III. These must be
appropriately secured or tethered at all times
and be under the supervision of trained MR
The strong magnetic field inherent to an MR
scanner can pose a risk for projectile injury if a
ferromagnetic object (e.g., hospital gurney,
scissors, cell phone) is brought too close in
proximity. There have been reports of projectile
injuries from anesthetic gas or oxygen
cylinders, and even patient deaths. In addition
to injuring patients, projectiles may also cause
extensive damage to the MR unit. It is
important to understand that magnetic
attraction does NOT increase linearly as one
approaches the magnet. The spatial gradient
magnetic field increases very steeply in close
proximity to the magnet such that in a short
distance one can perceive very little magnetic
pull on a ferromagnetic object, and then when
only a short distance closer, the object is
subjected to a tremendously higher attractive
force, typically ripping an object from one’s
grasp in an uncontrolled manner.
Screening is more difficult when the patient is
unconscious or otherwise unable to provide a
reliable history. In such cases, screening should
be performed as effectively as possible from
other sources, such as family members and the
medical record, and the urgency of the
examination should be balanced with the level
of uncertainty of the screening process. An
examination by trained MR personnel should
be performed to assess for surgical scars that
may warrant additional evaluation.
Radiography may be required to assess for
foreign bodies, implants, or devices.
The 5 Gauss line is the point at which the
magnetic field begins to affect electromagnetic
devices such as pacemakers. This line should be
marked on the floors or walls for safety,
particularly when it extends beyond the walls
of the MR scanner room. It is important to
remember that the magnetic field is three-
dimensional. Thus, the restricted area may
extend through the floor and/or ceiling to
adjacent floors.
Implanted devices
Medical devices contain varying amounts of
ferromagnetic material and can be subject to
translational and rotational forces when
interacting with the magnetic field of an MR
unit. In addition, presence of any conducting
metal can result in current generation from the
radiofrequency B
1 field and interactions with
the gradient dB/dt field. All metal-containing
implants are considered either MR unsafe (e.g.,
a ferromagnetic aneurysm clip), or MR
conditional (e.g., a titanium aneurysm clip, a
nitinol stent, an MR conditional cardiac
pacemaker system). There has been at least one
documented case of a fatality due to rotation of
an MR unsafe ferromagnetic aneurysm clip
while the patient was in the MR scanner. If a
patient is identified to have an intracranial
aneurysm clip(s), MRI should not be performed
until the specific manufacturer, model, and
type of (each) aneurysm clip is definitively
identified, and its MR safety conditions
identified. Although a patient may previously
have undergone an MR examination with an
aneurysm clip, that fact alone is not sufficient to
conclude that the clip is MR Conditional.
Cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIED)
similarly can be adversely affected by the B
0, B1,
and dB/dt fields, potentially leading to
complications, including failure to pace,
induction of ventricular fibrillation, and heating
of cardiac tissue adjacent to the leads; these
complications can potentially be fatal. FDA-
labeled MR Conditional pacemakers became
available in February 2011 If MRI is performed
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
on a patient with a MR conditional CIED, the
conditions for scanning must be followed in
their entirety, including attention to magnet
field strength, scanning parameters, and
cardiology programming of the device, and
monitoring the patient throughout the exam in
the presence of ACLS trained personnel, with
ready availability of a crash cart should
resuscitation be necessary. Of note, CIED
systems not specifically labeled as MR
conditional are being scanned at some centers
in an informed consent manner following
guidelines established by the Heart Rhythm
Society and the ACR. Some of the specific
elements that must be in place for this to occur
include: 1) there is to be an institutional
protocol in place with a responsible MRMD and
CIED MD using a Radiology / Cardiology team
approach; 2) medical necessity for the exam; 3)
patient monitoring of ECG and pulse oximetry;
4) defibrillator/monitor with external pacing
available (outside Zone IV); 5) ACLS personnel
in attendance during exam; and 6) appropriate
CIED reprogramming post MRI.
The number of active implanted medical
devices (devices that contain an energy source
such as a battery or can be inductively coupled)
continues to rapidly increase, including many
types of neurostimulators (e.g., deep brain,
spinal cord, hypoglossal nerve, cochlear
implants) and medication pumps. It cannot be
emphasized enough that there must be precise
identification of the make and model of each
component of an implanted device system (e.g.,
in the case of a spinal cord stimulator system,
this is to include the implanted pulse generator
as well as the leads) and if MR conditional, the
conditions for scanning must be strictly
adhered to.
MR and Pregnancy
MRI exposure alone, without the
administration of gadolinium-based contrast
media, has not been shown to have a
detrimental effect on the developing fetus. For
this reason, no special consideration is
recommended during pregnancy regarding
exposure to noncontrast MRI up to 3T at
normal operating mode. However, since it is
impossible to completely exclude the possibility
of any risk whatsoever, patients and clinicians
should consider whether it is safe to delay an
MR examination until the end of pregnancy.
Pregnant healthcare workers may work in an
MRI environment during all stages of
pregnancy, but they should not remain in Zone
IV during data acquisition or scanning.
MR-induced Burns
The possibility of thermal injury and burns,
some severe, in MRI is predominantly due to
the radiofrequency (RF) fields. Physical contact
alone with the inner surface of the bore can
produce burns, and insulating pads are
necessary to keep skin at least 1 to 2 centimeters
from the surface. In a large patient, tightly
wedging a sheet in place of a pad between the
skin and the bore, not maintaining the requisite
distance, creates a distinct risk of burns, and is
specifically not recommended in the ACR
Manual on MR Safety. RF fields can also induce
currents within the body, particularly when a
“closed loop” is formed; for example, if there is
skin-to-skin contact at the inner thighs. If there
is only a small surface area of skin-to-skin
contact, greater current density and resistive
heating can lead to burns. Skin-to-skin burns
have also occurred when overhanging
abdominal panniculus in an obese patient
contacts the upper thigh. Care must be taken to
ensure that padding prevents such situations.
Commercial pads are available that have
notches in them to keep thighs separated,
minimizing this skin-to-skin contact risk.
Other sources of heating can be associated with
metallic fibers in clothing, especially
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
undergarments, and burns related to this have
been reported. To minimize this risk, it is
recommended that patients change out of street
clothes into hospital gowns or similar MR safe
attire. Loops of metallic wire (e.g., from
electronic physiologic monitoring equipment),
patches of metal (e.g., in foil backed medication
patches), and other electrical conduction
circuits may be rapidly heated by RF pulses
during normal operation of an MRI system.
Because of the risk of burns, care must be taken
to prevent such loops or metallic patches from
touching patients’ skin during routine
scanning. As the RF resonant wavelength is a
function of magnet field strength (52 cm at 1.5T
and 26 cm at 3T), leads or other conductors can
have drastically different tendencies to heat in
different magnets.
As noted, certain transdermal patches may
contain aluminum and other conductive metals
that may cause RF burns. If medication patches
are removed for MRI, there must be a clear line
of communication to ensure medication
replacement after the MRI, particularly for
some critical medications (e.g., clonidine foil
backed patches). Occasionally, large tattoos
may undergo heating and cause burns;
application of a cold compress or an ice pack
may be necessary to reduce the risk of skin
The main magnetic field is maintained by
bathing the electromagnetic coils of the MR
scanner in large volumes (typically 1500 to 2000
L) of extremely cold liquid helium (-269°C,
4°K). A “quench” occurs when heating of a
segment of the electromagnetic coils makes
them no longer superconducting. This produces
further heat in the coils, and collectively, these
events produce a rapid change of state of the
liquid helium into a gas (with a 760-fold
increased volume). A specifically designed
quench pipe accommodates the explosive force
of the rapidly boiling helium gas, by allowing it
to escape into the atmosphere.
If a quench pipe fails during a quench (due to
an obstruction or break), the enormous volume
of cold helium gas flowing into the magnet
room (Zone IV) would be extremely hazardous
because it would displace oxygen toward the
floor, creating a significant risk of asphyxiation.
Cold helium gas flooding the room would form
a fog, making it impossible to see. An inward-
swinging door to Zone IV would create the risk
of positive pressure entrapment. Because of
these risks, emergency procedures associated
with a quench should always include
immediate evacuation of Zone IV. A magnet
quench can occur spontaneously due to
equipment failure. In a situation when the
magnetic field must be shut off immediately
(e.g., personnel pinned to the magnet by a
ferromagnetic hospital gurney), a quench can
be initiated by pressing a quench button.
4.2 Management of Intravascular
Contrast Media
Iodinated Contrast Media
Types of Iodinated Contrast Media
All iodinated contrast media are derived from
tri-iodinated benzene rings. Iodinated contrast
media can be classified as ionic or nonionic, and
monomeric or dimeric.
Ionic contrast media dissociate into two
particles in solution (an anion, which contains
the tri-iodinated benzene ring, and a cation,
consisting of sodium or methylglucamine
[meglumine]). Nonionic contrast media are
hydrophilic molecules that do not need to be
conjugated with cations to be water soluble.
They do not dissociate in solution.
Monomeric contrast molecules contain only one
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
tri-iodinated benzene ring, while dimeric
contrast molecules contain two joined tri-
iodinated benzene rings.
At standard iodine concentrations, ionic
monomeric contrast media have the highest
osmolality, roughly four times that of human
serum. They are referred to as high-osmolality
contrast media. These agents are not employed
routinely for intravascular injection in the
United States as they are associated with higher
rates of adverse reactions than are nonionic
monomeric or dimeric contrast media.
Nonionic monomeric contrast media have
about half the osmolality of high-osmolality
contrast media, and roughly twice that of
serum. Nonionic dimers have similar
osmolality to that of plasma and are referred to
as iso-osmolality contrast media. Iso-osmolality
media are sometimes used for intra-arterial
injection (and uncommonly for intravenous
injection), because they cause less discomfort
than do nonionic monomers when injected into
the arteries.
Many nonionic contrast media are approved for
intravascular use in the United States, including
the low-osmolality agents iohexol
), iopamidol (Isovue
), iopromide
), ioversol (Optiray
), and ioxilan
). Only one iso-osmolality contrast
agent has been approved for use: iodixanol
Adverse Reactions to Iodinated Contrast Media
Most patients who receive iodinated contrast
media have no adverse effects. Adverse
contrast reactions of any type have been
reported in up to 3% of patients injected with
nonionic contrast material, though some series
have reported a much lower frequency.
Acute adverse reactions can be categorized as
either physiologic or allergic-like. Physiologic
reactions are dose related. These reactions are
less likely to occur, and when they do occur,
they are less likely to be severe when lower
doses of contrast material are administered.
They are believed to represent direct toxic
effects of the injected contrast media.
The mechanism of allergic-like reactions is not
understood in most patients. However, it is
known that in most patients these reactions do
not represent the antigen-IgE antibody
response characteristic of typical allergic
reactions, such as to penicillin. Therefore,
sensitization due to prior exposure is not
required for an allergic-like reaction to contrast
material to occur. Thus, these reactions are
generally considered to be “allergic-like” rather
than “allergic.” Nonetheless, allergic-like
reactions present with symptoms similar to
those of true allergic reactions. These reactions
are idiosyncratic and can occur from any
administered volume of contrast media.
Acute adverse reactions are categorized as
being mild, moderate, or severe. Examples of
some reactions of different types and severity
as summarized in the ACR Manual on Contrast
Media are as follows:
Mild Reactions: Signs and symptoms are self-
limited and without progression.
1. Mild Physiologic Reactions: Nausea,
vomiting, flushing, warmth, chills,
headache, anxiety, altered taste, mild
hypertension, and spontaneously
resolving vasovagal reaction
2. Mild Allergic-like Reactions: Few hives,
pruritus, limited cutaneous edema,
itchy/scratchy throat, nasal congestion,
repetitive sneezing, stuffy nose
Moderate Reactions: Signs and symptoms are
more pronounced and commonly require
medical management.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
1. Moderate Physiologic Reactions:
Protracted nausea, chest pain, vasovagal
reaction that requires and is responsive to
2. Moderate Allergic-like Reactions: Diffuse
hives, diffuse erythema (with stable vital
signs), facial edema without dyspnea,
wheezing with mild or no hypoxia.
Severe Reactions: Signs and symptoms are
potentially life threatening and can result in
permanent morbidity or death if not managed
1. Severe Physiologic Reactions: Vasovagal
reaction resistant to treatment, arrhythmia,
seizures, hypertensive crisis, pulmonary
edema, cardiopulmonary arrest.
2. Severe Allergic-like Reactions: Diffuse
edema or facial edema with dyspnea,
erythema with hypotension, laryngeal
edema with stridor and/or hypoxia,
wheezing with hypoxia, severe
hypotension and tachycardia, pulmonary
edema, cardiopulmonary arrest.
As noted above, pulmonary edema and
cardiopulmonary arrest can be symptoms of
either severe physiologic or severe allergic-like
Fortunately, a clear majority of acute adverse
reactions to contrast media are physiologic,
mild, and self- limiting, often consisting of
warmth, metallic taste, and nausea. Allergic-
like reactions are much less common,
encountered in < 1% of injected patients. In one
recent series, 0.6% of patients injected with low-
osmolality contrast media had allergic-like
reactions, most of which were mild. Severe life-
threatening allergic-like reactions are extremely
rare, with the incidence of such reactions
estimated to be 0.01% to 0.04% of injected
Risk Factors for Adverse Reactions
Several factors increase the likelihood of an
adverse reaction to contrast media. Patients
with a history of a prior allergic-like reaction to
the same class of contrast media (iodinated or
gadolinium-based) are believed to have
approximately five times the risk of the general
population for having another allergic-like
reaction to that same class of contrast media.
Patients with other allergies and asthma are
about two to three times as likely to have an
allergic-like reaction. Allergies to shellfish or
other iodine-containing products (such as
povidone-iodine [Betadine®]) are not believed
to increase the risk for an allergic-like contrast
reaction beyond that of other allergies. Also, a
history of a prior allergic-like reaction to
gadolinium-based contrast media (GBCM) is
not believed to increase the risk of an allergic-
like reaction to iodinated contrast agents above
that of other allergies and vice versa.
Some patients’ underlying diseases may be
exacerbated by administration of contrast
media. Such disease exacerbations are
considered to be non-allergic-like reactions.
These can occur in patients with severe chronic
kidney disease (CKD) and acute kidney injury
(AKI) (see section on postcontrast AKI), cardiac
arrhythmias, congestive heart failure,
myasthenia gravis, and severe
Additional attention should be paid to the use
of intravascular iodinated contrast media in
patients with thyroid cancer or
hyperthyroidism who are anticipating
treatment with radioactive iodine (131I). Such
patients should not receive iodinated contrast
in the 4 to 6 weeks before anticipated
radioiodine treatment, because the
nonradioactive iodine load delivered by the
contrast media will saturate the thyroid gland
and could render treatment ineffective.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Screening of Patients before Contrast Media
Safe administration of contrast media begins
with a focused patient history to identify the
factors that may increase the likelihood of an
adverse reaction to contrast media.
The likelihood of an allergic-like contrast
reaction may be reduced by premedication.
Premedication may be considered for patients
who are at increased risk of an acute allergic-
like reaction to contrast media. The ACR
Manual on Contrast Media (2020) suggests
consideration of premedication only for
patients who have had a prior allergic-like or
unknown-type reaction to the same class of
contrast media as that to be administered.
However, policies vary by site, but it is
generally agreed in the United States that
premedication is indicated at least in patients
who have had a previous moderate or severe
allergic-like reaction to the same class of
contrast media. Surveys have shown that some,
but fewer, institutions administer
premedication to patients with a history of a
mild allergic-like reaction to the same class of
contrast media, to patients with a history of
allergies to substances other than contrast
media, or to patients with a history of asthma.
The most widely accepted premedication
regimens, or “preps,” involve the use of oral
corticosteroids, with the first dose administered
12 to 13 hours before contrast media injection.
One common adult regimen involves oral
administration of 50 mg of prednisone 13, 7,
and 1 hour(s) before contrast media injection,
and oral administration of 50 mg of
diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) 1 hour before
injection. Another common regimen involves
oral administration of 32 mg of
methylprednisolone 12 and 2 hours before
contrast media injection. While a 12- or 13-hour
oral regimen has been proven effective, and a 1-
or 2-hour oral regimen has been proven to be
ineffective, the precise minimum effective time
for premedication is not known.
Premedication can also be administered to
children who have had prior allergic-like
contrast reactions. One recommended regimen
calls for administration of 0.5-0.7 mg/kg of oral
prednisone at 13, 7, and 1 hours prior to
contrast injection, up to a maximum of 50 mg,
with one dose of oral diphenhydramine
(Benadryl ®) one hour prior to injection, at a
dose of 1 mg/kg, up to a maximum dose of 50
In some situations, patient health can be
seriously jeopardized by having the patient
wait 12 or more hours before a contrast-
enhanced study. In these situations, “rapid”
corticosteroid regimens may be utilized, with
the understanding that limited evidence
supports this approach. The ACR Manual on
Contrast Media (2020) suggests using one of
these regimens in inpatients and Emergency
Room patients. One of the more commonly
used rapid preps consists of intravenous (IV)
administration of 200 mg of hydrocortisone
every 4 hours until the study is performed,
preferably deferring imaging until at least two
doses of hydrocortisone have been
administered. In this rapid prep, 50 mg of
diphenhydramine is also administered 1 hour
before contrast media injection. In the rare
emergency situation where a contrast-enhanced
examination must be performed immediately,
the contrast media may have to be
administered without premedication.
The only proven benefit of corticosteroid
premedication regimens is a reduction in the
number of mild reactions. Studies showing the
reduction in the number of mild reactions after
premedication did not have sufficient numbers
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
of patients with moderate, severe, or life-
threatening reactions to draw statistically
significant conclusions about the ability of
premedication to reduce those reaction rates.
Thus while there is no definite evidence that
premedication protects against moderate,
severe, or life-threatening reactions, it is
typically assumed that there is a positive effect.
The rarity of severe reactions makes it difficult
to prove a benefit of premedication in this
Premedication likely reduces the risk of a
contrast reaction in high-risk patients, but it
does not eliminate it. A contrast reaction that
occurs despite premedication is called a
“breakthrough reaction.”
Even with appropriate use of an accepted
premedication regimen, breakthrough reactions
occur in a small number of high-risk patients.
When they do occur, they are of similar severity
to the initial reaction about 80% of the time, less
severe about 10% of the time, and more severe
about 10% of the time.
A patient who has had an allergic-like reaction
to contrast media despite steroid premedication
can be reinjected in the future after being
premedicated again, if clinical circumstances
require reinjection. Many such patients will not
have a repeat reaction, and if a repeat reaction
occurs, it will most likely be of the same
severity as the previous breakthrough reaction
(e.g., mild subsequent breakthrough reaction if
the previous breakthrough reaction was mild).
The greatest risk of corticosteroid
premedication to patient health is probably the
delay that it causes in the performance of an
imaging study (which can delay disease
diagnosis, increase cost, and, in inpatients,
expose patients to the additional risk of
hospital-acquired infections for longer periods
of time). For such patients, use of the “rapid”
prep has been recommended. While transient
hyperglycemia can occur from three doses of
corticosteroids, it is usually mild and is rarely
clinically significant. Other complications from
a short burst of corticosteroids, such as
exacerbation of infection and peptic ulcer
disease, steroid psychosis, and tumor lysis
syndromes, have been reported, but are very
Postcontrast Acute Kidney Injury and Contrast-
induced Nephropathy
Postcontrast acute kidney injury (PC-AKI) is a
general term used to describe a sudden
deterioration in renal function that occurs after
the intravascular administration of iodinated
contrast media (with clinical onset detectable
within 24 to 48 hours as creatinine accumulates
in the serum). Such injury may occur whether
or not the contrast medium is determined to
have caused the deterioration in renal function.
PC-AKI is a correlative diagnosis, meaning that
AKI can be correlated to, but not proven to be
caused by, the administration of IV contrast.
Contrast-induced nephropathy (CIN) is defined
as a sudden deterioration in renal function
caused by intra- vascular administration of
iodinated contrast media. CIN is a subset of PC-
AKI, that is, those cases of PC-AKI in which
iodinated contrast media is proven or known to
be the cause of the AKI; CIN is more of a
statistical concept because it is difficult in
practice to identify which individual cases of
PC-AKI can be proven to be due to the contrast
media. For example, if a group of patients who
are administered iodinated contrast media have
a higher rate of PC-AKI than a properly chosen
control group of patients not receiving
iodinated contrast media, then the excess rate is
due to CIN, but it is not generally not possible
to identify which patients have PC-AKI from
CIN and which have PC-AKI from causes other
than contrast media.
Nearly all papers published on CIN before
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2006, and many afterwards, considered all PC-
AKI to be CIN. This error has led to
substantially inflated estimates of the rate of
CIN. It is now known that most PC-AKI is not
due to CIN.
CIN was previously believed to be common,
because a clear majority of published studies
that came to this conclusion did not include
control groups of patients who did not receive
contrast media. For this reason, distinction
between CIN and PC-AKI was not possible in
these studies. Additionally, many previous
publications studied patients who had
undergone arteriography rather than IV
contrast media injections. Catheter angiography
may be associated with additional risks to the
patient that could also affect renal function,
including catheter manipulation in the
abdominal aorta (i.e., atheroemboli) and
exposure of the kidneys to more concentrated
contrast media.
With the recent performance of several large
propensity-adjusted controlled retrospective
studies, it is now understood that true CIN is
much less common than previously thought,
and if CIN occurs at all, it is most likely to
develop in patients who have severe CKD
(estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR] <
30 mL/min/1.73 m
) or AKI. CIN occurring in
patients with an eGFR of 45 mL/min/1.73 m
higher is very unlikely, and in patients with an
eGFR between 30 and 45 mL/min/1.73 m
, it is
questionable. As a result, special precautions
for administering intravascular iodinated
contrast media are advised only for patients
with severe CKD or AKI. Administration of
large or multiple doses of contrast media within
24 to 48 hours may also be a risk factor for AKI,
although precise risk thresholds are not well
defined and likely vary by patient condition,
and whether the contrast medium is
administered intra-arterially or intravenously.
This dose-toxicity relationship has been
consistently shown after coronary
arteriography, but has not been conclusively
shown for IV administrations.
The historical definition of PC-AKI refers to an
absolute increase in serum creatinine from
baseline of at least 0.5 mg/dL, or a 25% to 50%
increase in the baseline serum creatinine. The
Acute Kidney Injury Network (AKIN) has
suggested that, regardless of the cause, AKI
should be diagnosed whenever there is 1) an
absolute serum creatinine increase of at least 0.3
mg/ dL; or 2) a percentage increase in serum
creatinine of at least 50% (1.5-fold above
baseline); or 3) a reduction in urine output to
0.5 mL/kg/h for at least 6 hours.
The usual clinical course of PC-AKI (including
CIN) is a rise in serum creatinine beginning
within 24 hours of contrast media
administration, peaking at about 4 days and
then usually returning to baseline by 7 to 10
days. Most affected patients do not have
oliguria. Permanent renal dysfunction is
In addition to severe renal dysfunction, other
previously identified diseases or conditions
may predispose patients to develop AKI, but
most likely, in and of themselves, they do not
specifically predispose patients to develop CIN.
These include diabetes mellitus, dehydration,
cardiovascular disease, diuretic use, advanced
age, multiple myeloma, hypertension, and
Although patients with end-stage renal disease
who are on chronic hemodialysis could
experience additional renal function
compromise (resulting in a further decrease in
any remaining urine output that might be
helpful for managing electrolyte balance), such
a risk is theoretical. Many nephrologists agree
to inject these patients with intravascular
contrast media if a contrast- enhanced study is
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
necessary. There is also a possibility that such
patients, if their fluid status is brittle, could
develop fluid overload as a result of the
administration of even a relatively small
volume of hyperosmolality contrast media.
Because iodinated contrast media have no
significant toxicity if retained in the body after
injection, there is no requirement that chronic
hemodialysis be timed to occur either
immediately before or immediately after
contrast media administration.
Some nephrologists advocate more caution in
administering potential nephrotoxins such as
intravascular iodinated contrast to patients on
peritoneal dialysis because the urine output of
these patients may be more important to their
well-being than for patients on chronic
There is some controversy concerning screening
of patients’ renal function before contrast media
administration if no recent serum creatinine
level/eGFR level is available. Suggested
indications for obtaining a serum creatinine,
from which an eGFR can be determined, have
included a history of renal disease (including
dialysis, renal transplant, solitary kidney, renal
cancer, or renal surgery), hypertension and
diabetes mellitus. If a potentially at-risk
patient’s condition is stable, a creatinine value
within 30 days of contrast administration is
generally considered sufficient.
In patients with severe CKD or AKI who are
considered at increased risk of developing CIN,
several prophylactic strategies should be
considered. Since most iodinated contrast
media are currently administered intravenously
for CT scans, alternatives include performing
only unenhanced scans or using other
modalities such as ultrasound or MR (note that
contrast-enhanced MR performed with certain
MR contrast media is associated with a risk of
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis [NSF] in patients
with severe CKD or AKI see separate section
on NSF). When iodinated contrast media
administration is deemed necessary in high-risk
patients, the lowest possible dose needed to
perform a diagnostic study should be used.
The most widely accepted strategy for
minimizing the risk of PC-AKI in at-risk
patients is IV volume expansion with isotonic
fluids, such as 0.9% saline or Lactated Ringer’s
solution. Some suggested volume expansion
protocols have included administration of
volumes of 100 mL/h for 6 to 12 hours before
contrast administration and continued for 4 to
12 hours after contrast administration. Volume
expansion with sodium bicarbonate solution
instead of saline or Lactated Ringer’s solution
has been used, but it is not clear that this
solution is any more efficacious.
Several other prophylactic agents have been
suggested, but there is no consistent proof that
any of these are effective in preventing PC-AKI
or CIN. Administration of N-acetylcysteine has
been widely studied and is now thought to be
of no value. Other agents, such as mannitol,
furosemide, theophylline, etc., have been
It has recently been shown that prophylactic
administration of high-dose statins appears to be
effective in reducing the risk of PC-AKI after
cardiac catheterization.
Metformin-containing drugs are prescribed as
oral agents of choice for treating many patients
with diabetes mellitus. Metformin is
contraindicated in patients with severe renal
dysfunction because a very small percentage of
these patients develop lactic acidosis, leading to
a reported 50% mortality rate.
There is no direct interaction between iodinated
contrast media and metformin; however, if a
patient receiving metformin develops AKI, the
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
possibility of developing lactic acidosis exists.
The American College of Radiology Committee
on Drugs and Contrast Media currently
recommends that no precautions are necessary
in diabetic patients taking metformin, unless
the patient has CKD and the eGFR is < 30
mL/min/1.73 m
(in which case the patient
should not be taking metformin anyway), the
patient has AKI, or the patient is undergoing
arterial catheterization with the risk of emboli
to the renal arteries. In the latter instances, the
drug should be withheld for 48 hours after
contrast media administration and only
reinstituted if the renal function is reassessed
and found to be acceptable.
Thus, metformin itself is not a risk factor for the
development of CIN, but patients who develop
renal failure while taking metformin are at risk
of developing lactic acidosis.
Iodinated Contrast Media in Pregnancy
Although iodinated contrast media cross the
placenta, there is no evidence that maternal
exposure to intravascular iodinated contrast
media is harmful to the fetus. Specifically, there
is no evidence that fetal exposure to iodinated
contrast media increases mutagenesis or fetal
cancer risk or affects fetal renal function.
Iodinated Contrast Media in Women Who Are
Only 1% of maternally administered contrast
media enters the milk of breastfeeding mothers
and, of this, only 1% of the contrast media in
breast milk is absorbed through an infant’s
gastrointestinal tract.
This represents less than 1% of the
recommended infant dose of iodinated contrast
media that could be used for a contrast-
enhanced imaging study on that infant.
There is no evidence that this tiny amount of
absorbed iodinated contrast media has any
adverse effect on the infant. Although it is
generally accepted that no precautions need to
be taken, it is recommended that a lactating
mother be informed that studies assessing the
risks to an infant are limited. If concerned, the
mother can abstain from breastfeeding for 12 to
24 hours after a contrast-enhanced study is
performed and pump and discard breast milk
that is produced during this time.
Extravasation of IV-administered iodinated
contrast media is an occasionally encountered
complication of intravascular contrast media
administration, usually occurring during CT.
The reported overall rate of extravasation with
power injection for CT ranges from 0.1% to
1.2%. While extravasations are more likely to
occur when poor catheter insertion technique is
utilized, they can be encountered even when
proper technique is employed.
Patients are believed to be at increased risk for
extravasation when more peripheral access sites
are used (such as the hand, wrist, foot, and
ankle) rather than the antecubital fossa, when
utilized indwelling lines have been in place for
more than 24 hours (in which case some degree
of phlebitis may be present), and when there
are multiple punctures into the same vein.
Certain risk factors are believed to be associated
with an increased volume of extravasated
contrast, including inability of the patient to
communicate (as is the case with infants, young
children, and patients with altered
consciousness), severe illness, and debilitation.
Immediately after extravasation of contrast
media occurs, most patients complain of
swelling or tightness and/or stinging or burning
pain at the site of extravasation. Edema,
erythema, and tenderness may be found on
physical examination. Ninety-eight percent of
extravasation injuries resolve with no adverse
sequelae. In the remaining 2% of injuries, some
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
patient morbidity develops because contrast
media can damage adjacent tissue, likely due to
a combination of direct toxic effects and its
hyperosmolality. Adverse effects are usually
self-limited, most commonly consisting of
prolonged pain or swelling.
Severe extravasation injuries occur in < 1% of
patients with extravasations. The most common
and most potentially devastating severe injuries
after extravasation of nonionic contrast media
are compartment syndromes, which result from
mechanical compression. Skin ulceration and
tissue necrosis are less commonly encountered.
Other complications, including lymphedema
and reflex sympathetic dystrophy, are
extremely rare.
Compartment syndromes are more likely to
develop when large volume extravasations
occur, especially into smaller compartments
such as the hand, wrist, or foot, but even large-
volume extravasations most often resolve
without any adverse effects. The risk of a severe
extravasation injury may also be increased in
patients with arterial insufficiency or
compromised venous or lymphatic drainage.
Severe symptoms may not be evident
immediately after the extravasation occurs.
They may develop gradually over time. For this
reason, patients should be monitored to assure
that minor symptoms remain stable or that
minor or more significant symptoms are
resolving or improving. When a
symptomatically stable or improving patient is
discharged from the radiology department, he
or she must be given clear instructions
concerning what new or recurring symptoms
may indicate a severe injury and where and
how to seek prompt additional treatment if
Little can be done to mitigate the effects of
contrast extravasations after they occur.
Elevation of the affected extremity above the
level of the heart is recommended to decrease
capillary hydrostatic pressure. This may
promote resorption of the extravasated contrast
media. Cold compresses or ice packs can be
applied to the site of extravasation. Attempted
aspiration of the extravasated contrast media
and injection of medications into the
extravasation site (such as corticosteroids or
hyaluronidase) are ineffective.
Surgical consultation should be obtained after
an extravasation whenever there is concern for
a developing compartment syndrome or for
tissue necrosis. Ominous symptoms that
indicate the need for prompt surgical
consultation include progressive swelling or
pain, decreased finger mobility, altered tissue
perfusion (manifested by decreased capillary
refill), change in sensation, or skin ulceration or
blistering. In some instances, it may be difficult
to recognize the early signs of a compartment
syndrome. Symptoms concerning for severe
extravasation injury includeworseningpain or
failure of existingpainto improve;decreasingarm,
wrist, or fingermotion;loss of sensation or
paresthesia in the affected extremity; and skin
In general, however, the earliest and most
reliable sign of a severe injury is severe or
progressive pain. It should be noted that there
is no extravasation volume threshold above
which surgical consultation is considered
Gadolinium-based Contrast Media
Classification of GBCM
Most contrast agents used for MRI contain
gadolinium bound within a chemical moiety
called a chelate.
Gadolinium-based contrast media (GBCM) are
classified as linear or macrocyclic, and ionic or
nonionic. In general, macrocyclic GBCM, in
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
which the gadolinium ion is surrounded by a
chelate ring, have more stable binding of the
gadolinium ion within the chelate than do
linear agents, in which the chelate is not in the
form of a ring. Among the linear agents, the
nonionic agents are less stable than the ionic
agents. Table 4.1 summarizes the gadolinium-
containing contrast agents currently available
for use in the United States.
Linear or macrocyclic
Gadopentetate dimeglumine
Gadobenate dimeglumine
Gadoxetate disodium (Eovist
Gadodiamide (Omniscan
Gadoteridol (ProHance
Gadobutrol (Gadavist
Gadoterate meglumine
Ionic Macrocyclic
Table 4.1. Characteristics of approved gadolinium-containing contrast agents.
Indicates agents that have a higher risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)
Indicates agents that have a lower risk for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)
Indicates agent with limited evidence regarding association with nephrogenic
systemic fibrosis (NSF)
Acute adverse reactions to GBCM occur
approximately two to four times less frequently
than acute adverse reactions to iodinated
contrast media. In general, the physiologic and
allergic-like reactions that occur after GBCM
administration are similar to those that occur
after injection of iodinated contrast agents. For
this reason, treatment of contrast reactions to
GBCM is similar to that of contrast reactions to
iodinated contrast media (see separate section
on treatment, to follow).
A clear majority of GBCM reactions are mild
and non-allergic-like (i.e., physiologic),
including coldness at the injection site, nausea
with or without vomiting, headache, warmth or
pain at the injection site, paresthesias, and
dizziness. Rash, hives, and urticaria are the
most frequent allergic-like symptoms; however,
respiratory and cardiovascular reactions can
occur. Fatal contrast reactions have been
reported but are exceedingly rare.
A unique physiologic side effect of gadoxetate
disodium (Eovist
) is transient tachypnea,
which can cause motion artifact on arterial-
phase MRI. It is more common with high
volume, off-label administrations.
Patients at highest risk for adverse reactions to
GBCM are those who have had previous
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
reactions to these agents (even to different
GBCM). Lesser risk factors include other
allergies and asthma. A history of a prior
allergic-like reaction to iodinated contrast
media is not believed to increase the risk of an
allergic-like reaction to GBCM above that of
other allergies.
Some preventive measures can be considered in
patients who have experienced previous
adverse reactions to GBCM. This includes using
a different gadolinium compound for
reinjection. It should be noted that the FDA-
approved package insert for one GBCM
(gadobenate dimeglumine [MultiHance
states that use of this GBCM is specifically
contraindicated in patients who have had prior
allergic-like contrast reactions to ANY GBCM.
Another preventive measure is premedicating
patients with corticosteroids and antihistamines
(using a regimen identical to that used for
prophylaxis of adverse reactions to iodinated
contrast media) before injection. The
effectiveness of premedication before GBCM
has not yet been determined, but premedication
is still often performed, based on evidence
extrapolated from experience with iodinated
contrast media.
GBCM in Pregnancy
GBCM have been classified by the Food and
Drug Administration as pregnancy class C
drugs (no adequate and well-controlled studies
in humans have been performed, although
animal reproduction studies have shown an
adverse effect on the fetus) and are therefore
relatively contraindicated in pregnant patients.
These agents pass through the placental barrier
and enter the fetal circulation. They are then
filtered by the fetal kidneys and excreted into
the amniotic fluid, where they may remain for a
prolonged period. Prolonged presence of the
agent in the amniotic fluid could theoretically
increase the risk of dissociation from the chelate
of the potentially toxic gadolinium ion (see
separate section on nephrogenic systemic
fibrosis, to follow). For this reason, GBCM
should only be administered to pregnant
patients in carefully selected situations in which
the benefit is thought to outweigh the potential
GBCM in Women Who Are Breastfeeding
Only tiny amounts (0.04%) of administered
GBCM are excreted into the milk of
breastfeeding mothers, and only a tiny
percentage of this (1%) GBCM is absorbed
through an infant’s gastrointestinal tract. This
is much less than the allowed GBCM dose,
when a contrast-enhanced imaging study is
needed in an infant. There is no evidence that
the tiny amount of absorbed GBCM has any
adverse effect on a breastfed infant. Therefore,
there is no need for a mother to stop
breastfeeding after a GBCM-enhanced study.
However, as with the administration of
iodinated contrast media, if the mother is
concerned, she can stop breastfeeding for 12 to
24 hours after the study, and pump and discard
any milk produced during this time.
Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF)
Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF) is a
fibrosing disease most evident in the skin and
subcutaneous tissues, but it also may involve
other organs, such as the lungs, esophagus,
heart, and skeletal muscles. Initial symptoms
typically include skin thickening with plaque
formation. Symptoms and signs may progress
rapidly, with some affected patients developing
contractures and joint immobility. Occasionally,
the disease may be fatal. There is no known
effective treatment.
NSF occurs nearly exclusively in patients with
severe CKD (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m
) or in
patients with AKI who have been exposed to
GBCM. Symptom onset can occur from days to
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
years after GBCM administration. Identification
of the GBCM responsible for the precipitation
of this disease is sometimes difficult, because
many patients have received multiple different
MR contrast agents. GBCM agent exposure is
considered to be “confounded” in patients with
NSF who have been exposed to multiple
GBCM; the exposure is considered to be
“unconfounded” when a patient with NSF has
only been exposed to one agent.
NSF has been encountered almost exclusively
after patient exposure to several specific linear
GBCM, with the high-risk agents being
gadodiamide (Omniscan
), gadoversetamide
, no longer manufactured), and
gadopentetate dimeglumine (Magnevist
Higher doses and multiple doses of the higher
risk GBCM are believed to increase the
likelihood of NSF, although cases have
occurred after only a single administration of a
standard dose of GBCM.
Few, if any, cases of unconfounded NSF have
been reported with the lower-risk agents, which
include gadobenate dimeglumine
), gadobutrol (Gadavist
gadoterate meglumine (Dotarem
), and gadoteridol (ProHance
Gadoxetate disodium (Eovist
) is a newer agent
with limited information about its association
with NSF; however, the risk of NSF developing
after gadoxetate disodium administration is
probably very low.
Because most patients with severe CKD who
are exposed to NSF-associated GBCM do not
develop NSF, other factors are believed to be
required for disease development. Additional
suggested risk factors for NSF have included
metabolic acidosis or medications that
predispose patients to acidosis; increased iron,
calcium, and/or phosphate levels; high-dose
erythropoietin therapy; immunosuppression;
vasculopathy; an acute pro-inflammatory event;
and infection. Unfortunately, no consistent
relationship between these factors and NSF has
been identified.
The mechanism of NSF is unknown, although
many experts have speculated that it may result
from dissociation of the gadolinium ion from its
chelate in vivo, with subsequent precipitation
of gadolinium in tissue. This mechanism has
been suggested because the three high-risk
GBCM have lower stability of gadolinium ion
binding to the chelate than do most of the
nonimplicated GBCM. With high-risk GBCMs,
a different ion is thought to be able to replace
the gadolinium ion within the chelate more
easily, thereby freeing up the toxic gadolinium
atom. This replacement process is referred to as
In response to the emergence of NSF,
radiologists have instituted a number of
precautions that have been effective in nearly
eliminating this disease. The most important
precaution is avoiding the high-risk GBCM
(gadodiamide [Omniscan
], gadoversetamide
], and gadopentetate dimeglumine
]) in any patients requiring
contrast- enhanced MRI who might have severe
CKD (eGFR < 30 mL/min/1.73 m
) or AKI. At
institutions where high-risk GBCM are used,
patients referred for contrast-enhanced MRI
should be screened for renal disease (which
may include obtaining eGFR levels in any
patient with a history of a solitary kidney,
kidney transplant, or renal neoplasm; or
hypertension or diabetes mellitus). The three
high-risk GBCM are absolutely contraindicated
by the Food and Drug Administration when the
eGFR is less than 30 mL/min/1.73 m
There is no proof that immediate post-MRI
dialysis reduces the risk of NSF in any high-risk
GBCM- exposed patients.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Gadolinium Retention
Some administered gadolinium remains in the
body after GBCM administration. It has long
been known that this retention occurs in the
skeleton and is greater with linear than
macrocyclic agents.
More recently, investigators have found that
gadolinium is also retained within the brain
(particularly in the globus pallidus and dentate
nucleus). This occurs even in patients with
normal renal function. The amount of
gadolinium accumulation is proportional to the
amount of GBCM that a patient has received. It
is not clear in what state the gadolinium is
retained. As with retention in the bones,
retention in the brain is greater with linear than
with macrocyclic agents.
There is no evidence of any adverse neurologic
effects of this accumulation (even after millions
of GBCM administrations throughout the
world); however, further study is necessary to
determine long-term effects, if any, that
gadolinium deposition in the brain may have.
Treatment of Acute Contrast Reactions
When an allergic-like reaction occurs, rapid
recognition, patient assessment, and diagnosis
are important so that appropriate treatment can
be instituted rapidly.
A responding radiologist should assess the
patient quickly. A brief discussion with the
patient and any present healthcare providers,
when possible, should provide the following
information: the reason for the imaging study, a
description of the patient’s current symptoms,
and a summary of the patient’s health problems
and medications. Vital signs should be obtained
promptly. IV access should be secured. A pulse
oximeter should be available. Oxygen should
also be available and, if administered, should
be given at high doses.
The examining radiologist should quickly
determine the level of patient consciousness,
the appearance of the skin, the quality of
phonation, and the presence or absence of
respiratory and cardiovascular symptoms.
Mild reactions usually resolve within 20 to 30
minutes and do not require medical treatment;
however, some patients with moderate and
severe reactions may initially develop only
mild symptoms. For this reason, all patients
should be monitored until their symptoms have
The management of a contrast reaction depends
on the nature of the reaction and its severity.
Treatments recommended in the ACR Manual
on Contrast Media (2020) for different types of
reactions in adults are condensed and
summarized below.
Hives (Urticaria)
No treatment is needed in most cases.
If symptomatic, administer
diphenhydramine (Benadryl®), 25 to 50
mg orally (PO), intra- muscularly (IM),
or intravenously (IV). Alternatively, use
fexofenadine (Allegra®), 180 mg PO.
Diffuse Erythema
Preserve IV access, monitor vitals, and
use a pulse oximeter.
Give O
2, 6 to 10 L/min (via mask).
If the patient is normotensive, no further
treatment is usually needed; note that
antihistamines should be administered
with caution, as they may exacerbate
existing or developing hypotension.
If the patient is hypotensive, give 1 L of
IV fluids rapidly, either 0.9% normal
saline or Lactated Ringer’s solution.
If hypotension is profound or does not
respond to IV fluids, consider
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
epinephrine IV (1 mg/ 10 mL)
(1:10,000), 1 mL (0.1 mg) slowly into a
running infusion of IV fluids. Repeat as
needed at 5- to 10-minute intervals up to
10 mL total. In the absence of IV access,
consider epinephrine IM (1 mg/mL)
(1:1000), 0.3 mL (0.3 mg), or IM EpiPen
or equivalent (0.3 mL, 1:1000 dilution
fixed). IM epinephrine may be repeated
up to 1 mg total.
Consider calling an emergency response
team or 911 based on the severity of the
reaction and the completeness of patient
response to treatment.
Laryngeal Edema
Preserve IV access, monitor vitals, and
use a pulse oximeter.
Give O
2, 6 to 10 L/min (via mask).
Give epinephrine IM (1:1000), 0.3 mL
(0.3 mg), or IM EpiPen or equivalent (0.3
mL, 1:1000 dilution fixed), or, especially
if hypotensive, epinephrine IV
(1:10,000), 1 mL (0.1 mg) slowly into a
running infusion of IV fluids.
Repeat epinephrine as needed up to a
maximum of 1 mg.
Consider calling an emergency response
team or 911 based on the severity of the
reaction and the completeness of patient
response to treatment
Preserve IV access, monitor vitals, and
use a pulse oximeter.
Give O
2, 6 to 10 L/min (via mask).
Give beta-agonist inhaler albuterol, 2
puffs (90 mcg per puff); can repeat up to
three times. In cases in which
bronchospasm is severe and/or
unresponsive to an inhaler, consider
adding epinephrine IM (1 mg/mL)
(1:1000), 0.3 mL (0.3 mg), or IM EpiPen
or equivalent (0.3 mL, 1 mg /mL 1:1000
dilution fixed), or epinephrine IV (1
mg/10 mL) (1:10,000), 1 mL (0.1 mg)
slowly into a running infusion of IV
Repeat epinephrine as needed up to a
maximum of 1 mg.
Consider calling an emergency response
team or 911 based on the completeness of
patient response to treatment.
Hypotension, Any Cause (systolic blood pressure <
90 mm Hg)
Preserve IV access, monitor vitals, and
use a pulse oximeter.
Elevate legs at least 60 degrees
(Trendelenburg position).
Give O
2, 6 to 10 L/min (via mask).
Consider rapid administration of 1 L of
IV fluids, 0.9% normal saline or Lactated
Ringer’s solution.
Hypotension with Bradycardia (pulse < 60 bpm)
(Vagal Reaction)
If mild, no additional treatment is
usually needed beyond that listed
above for any cause of hypotension.
If severe (patient remains unresponsive
to above measures), give atropine, 0.6
to 1.0 mg IV, into a running infusion of
IV fluids. (Note: lower doses of
atropine may exacerbate bradycardia.)
May repeat atropine up to a total dose
of 3 mg.
Consider calling an emergency
response team or 911.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Hypotension with Tachycardia (pulse > 100 bpm)
(Allergic-like Reaction)
If hypotension persists after the basic
treatment listed above for any cause of
hypotension, give epinephrine IV (1
mg/10 mL) (1:10,000), 1 mL (0.1 mg)
slowly into a running infusion of IV
fluids. Can repeat as needed up to 10
mL (1 mg) total. Alternately, IM
epinephrine (1 mg/mL) (1:1000) could
be given, 0.3 mL (0.3 mg), or IM
EpiPen or equivalent (0.3 mL, 1 mg/mL
1:1000 dilution fixed). IM epinephrine
may be repeated up to 1 mg total.
Consider calling an emergency
response team or 911 based on the
severity of the reaction and the
completeness of patient response to
Unresponsive and Pulseless
Check for responsiveness.
Activate emergency response team or
call 911.
Perform CPR per American Heart
Association protocols.
Defibrillate as indicated if equipment
is available.
May administer epinephrine IV 1
mg/10 mL) (1:10,000), 10 mL (1 mg),
between 2-minute cycles of CPR.
Reaction Rebound Prevention
IV corticosteroids are not useful in
acute treatment of any reaction.
However, IV corticosteroids help
prevent a short- term recurrence of an
allergic-like reaction and may be
considered for a patient having a
severe allergic-like reaction before
transportation to the emergency
Give hydrocortisone, 5 mg/kg IV over
1 to 2 minutes ,or methylprednisolone,
1 mg/kg IV over 1 to 2 minutes.
Hypertensive crisis, pulmonary edema,
seizures or convulsions, and hypoglycemia are
uncommon reactions. If these occur, the
radiologist should refer to standard treatment
sources, including the ACR Manual on Contrast
Pediatric Dosing
Pediatric dosing for some of the
interventions/medications utilized for treating
allergic-like contrast reactions are provided as
Isotonic fluid: 10-20 mL/kg of 0.9%
normal saline or Lactated Ringers up to
a maximum volume of 500-1,000 mL
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl ®): 1
mg/kg up to a maximum of 50 mg
Beta agonist inhaler (Albuterol ®): 2
puffs (90 mcg/puff) for a total of 180
mcg; can repeat up to three times
IM dosing: (up to 30 kg):
epinephrine autoinjector (EpiPen
Jr®) single dose of (0.15 mg)
IM dosing: (over 30 kg patient
weight): use adult autoinjector; or
0.01 mL/kg (0.01 mg/kg) of 1
mg/mL or 1:1000 dilution
(maximum single dose of 0.3 mL
[0.3 mg]); repeated every 5-15
minutes needed up to a
maximum dose of 1 mg (1 mL)
IV dosing: 0.1 mL/kg (0.01
mg/kg) of 1 mg/10 mL or 1:10,000
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
dilution (maximum single dose of
1 mL [0.1 mg]), repeated every 5
15 minutes, as needed up to a
maximum dose of 1 mg (10 mL)
American College of Radiology. ACR
Manual on Contrast Media (version 10.3).
American College of Radiology Website.
Resources/Contrast-Manual. Accessed June
13, 2018. Greenberger PA, Patterson R. The
prevention of immediate generalized
reactions to radiocontrast media in high-
risk patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1991
Greenberger PA, Patterson R. The
prevention of immediate generalized
reactions to radiocontrast media in high-
risk patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1991
ACR Manual on MR Safety
Kanal E, Gillen J, Evans JA, et al. Survey of
reproductive health among female MR
workers. Radiology 1993;187:395-399.
Klucznik RP, Carrier DA, Pyka R, et al.
Placement of a ferromagnetic intracerebral
aneurysm clip in a magnetic field with a
fatal outcome. Radiology 1993;187:855-856.
Klucznik RP, Carrier DA, Pyka R, et al.
Placement of a ferromagnetic
intracerebral aneurysm clip in a
magnetic field with a fatal outcome.
Radiology 1993;187:855-856.
Landigran C. Preventable deaths and
injuries during magnetic resonance
imaging. N Engl J Med 2001;345:1000-1001.
Lasser EC, Berry CC, Mishkin MM,
Williamson B, Zheutlin N, Silverman JM.
Pretreatment with corticosteroids to prevent
adverse reactions to nonionic contrast
media. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1994
Nordbeck P, Ertl G, Ritter O. Magnetic
resonance imaging safety in pacemaker and
implantable cardioverter defibrillator
patients: how far have we come? Eur Heart J
Tsai LL, Grant AK, Mortele KJ, Kung JW,
Smith MP. A Practical Guide to MR
Imaging Safety: What Radiologists Need to
Know. Radiographics 2015 Oct;35(6):1722-
Maloney E, Iyer R, Phillips GS, Menon S,
Lee JJ, Callahan MJ. Practical administration
intravenous contrast media in
children: screening prophylaxis,
administration and treatment of adverse
reactions. Pediatr Radiol 2019; 49:433-
Mervak BM, Cohan RH, Ellis JH, Khalatbari
S, Davenport MS. Intravenous
administered 5 hours before CT
compared with a traditional 13-hour
oral regimen. Radiology 2017; 285:425-
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 5: Reimbursement, Regulatory Compliance, and
Legal Considerations in Radiology
Reimbursement and Regulatory
Coding, Billing, and Reimbursement
Appropriate reimbursement for healthcare
services involves a series of complex and
interconnected steps that often vary depending
on the payer. A number of generalizable
principles based on Medicare rules should
guide best practice efforts to optimize revenue
and compliance activities. These principles of
reimbursement are also important to
understand as they often serve as the basis for
how third-party payors structure their
reimbursement. Traditionally, physician
services and procedures are reimbursed on a
fee-for-service basis. Although this fee-for-
service system of reimbursement forms the
basis for physician reimbursement today, it is
important to recognize that especially with
primary care models, there is a clear shift away
from a volume-based form of reimbursement
(i.e., fee-for -service) towards more value-based
payments requiring attainment of certain
quality measures.
Each service or procedure that a physician
provides is given a unique code called a
Current Procedural Terminology code (CPT)
that in turn is assigned a specific
reimbursement amount. The first step in
obtaining reimbursement for a new service or
procedure is to have it assigned a unique CPT
code. The American Medical Association
(AMA) CPT Editorial Panel, is responsible for
maintaining the CPT code set, including
authorizing new codes, modification of existing
codes, and deletion of codes no longer relevant.
The CPT Editorial Panel is composed of
physicians nominated by national medical
societies, CMS, and other industry leaders. A
separate committee, the AMA CPT Advisory
Committee, assists the CPT Editorial Panel by
making recommendations regarding new
codes and existing codes. The CPT Advisory
Committee is composed of representatives
nominated by national medical societies. For
example, national radiology societies designate
representatives to serve on the CPT Advisory
Committee who then advocate for radiologists
by making recommendations for new or
existing radiology CPT codes.
Each CPT code is assigned a value called the
Relative Value Unit (RVU) based on the
Resource Based Relative Value Scale. This value
is relative in that each value reflects its relative
value compared to other services or procedures
within the specialty as well other medical
specialties. The AMA RBRVS Update
Committee (also known as “The RUC”), makes
recommendations to CMS for RVU valuation
for each CPT code, and is predominantly
composed of physicians representing various
medical societies. The AMA RUC Advisory
Committee, supports the RUC by making
recommendations just as the CPT Advisory
Committee supports the CPT Editorial Panel.
National medical societies can nominate
representatives to the RUC Advisory
Committee who then advocate for their
membership by recommending specific RVU
valuations to the RUC, which in turn makes its
final recommendations to CMS.
Each service or procedure’s total RVUs reflect
the amount of 1) encounter time, intensity,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
effort, and skill (the work RVU); 2) costs of
maintaining a practice, such as equipment,
supplies, and nonphysician staff (practice
expense RVU); and 3) professional liability
expenses (malpractice RVU). Work RVU is used
by many practices to track physician
productivity. Although the Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)
ultimately sets the valuation of RVUs, it has
historically accepted the AMA RUC
recommendations in the vast majority of cases.
Once an RVU is determined for a specific
service or procedure designated by its CPT
code, a multiplier called the Conversion Factor
(CF) is used to determine the actual
reimbursement. Thus, to obtain the actual
reimbursement for a specific procedure, the
RVU for that procedure is multiplied by the CF.
Payment = RVU x CF
The conversion factor is set annually by CMS in
Final Rule of the Medicare Physician fee
schedule. For example, the CF for 2020 was set
by CMS at $36.09 and in 2021 this fell to $34.89.
CMS and private insurers generally pay only
for services deemed medically necessary. CMS
defines medical necessity as “healthcare
services or supplies needed to prevent,
diagnose, or treat an illness, injury, condition,
disease, or its symptoms and that meet
accepted standards of medicine.” In
practicality, the determination of medical
necessity is usually a rules- based
administrative exercise performed at the time a
claim is submitted to a payer, wherein a CPT
service code must match a pre-approved
diagnosis code list. Those diagnosis codes must
be in the form of the International Classification of
Diseases (ICD) system, established by the World
Health Organization, currently in its 10th
revision (ICD-10). ICD-10 codes describe the
signs, symptoms, or specific diagnosis of a
patient that form the indication for a healthcare
service. Terms such as “rule out” or “consistent
with” are not capable of being coded by ICD-10,
and therefore do not meet medical necessity
Reimbursement for radiology services is largely
predicated on the adequacy of documentation
within the physician report. Professional
coders, assisted by software tools, extract
information from radiology reports to assign
both ICD-10 and CPT codes. The Radiology
Coding Certification Board is the primary
organization that credentials professional
medical imaging coders. These individuals
extract ICD-10 information from radiology
reports using any statements 1) about
examination indication and clinical history
provided by the referring physician or patient
and 2) from any specific diagnostic information
located in the findings section or (preferably) in
the impression section of the radiologist’s
report. CPT codes are assigned based on the
specific details of the described service. For
radiography, more views generally translate to
higher complexity codes. For ultrasound, organ
inventory “checklists” apply to abdominal,
pelvic, obstetrical, and extremity imaging. For
CT and MRI, details of contrast administration
(i.e., without, with, or without and with
contrast) determine the CPT code for a specific
body part. Structured template reporting helps
radiologists comply with many of these
reporting requirements, facilitating appropriate
reimbursement and regulatory compliance.
Many private payers, Medicaid plans, and
Medicare Advantage (i.e., not traditional
Medicare indemnity) payers contract with
radiology benefit management (RBM)
companies, and require preauthorization (also
known as precertification) as a condition for
reimbursement for any elective outpatient
advanced imaging service. Before performing
advanced imaging services such as CT, MRI,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
and PET/CT, radiology facilities should
determine whether preauthorization is required
for a particular service for a particular patient
and, if so, whether such preauthorization has
been obtained. Although a necessary condition
for payment, preauthorization by an
outsourced RBM does not always guarantee a
subsequent favorable medical necessity
determination by the insurer itself when a claim
is filed. As a general rule, preauthorization
requirements do not apply to emergency
department and inpatient services.
The consultation of software for imaging
Clinical Decision Support software (CDS) is
technically required for all Medicare outpatient
and certain ED patients when ordering
advanced imaging tests (CT, MRI, and Nuclear
Medicine), although payment consequences
have not yet been defined. This software
further scores appropriateness of imaging
orders in 8 clinical priority conditions;
Coronary artery disease (suspected or
diagnosed), Suspected pulmonary embolism,
Headache (traumatic and nontraumatic), Hip
pain, Low back pain, Shoulder pain (including
suspected rotator cuff injury), cancer of the
lung (primary or metastatic, suspected or
diagnosed) and cervical or neck pain. These
initial 8 clinical priority conditions were
designated by the CMS in 2016 with scores now
being transmitted on provider claims. The list is
likely to grow in future years after the initial
operations testing period. These software
systems are to use appropriate imaging
recommendations from Qualified Provider Led
Entities (QPLEs) which include national
medical societies. The intent is to guide
ordering physicians to the most appropriate
studies for their patients, and this approach is
being attempted by CMS as an alternative to
the pre-authorization process.
The False Claims Act (FCA) protects the
government from being overcharged or sold
substandard goods or services. A false claim is
generally defined as a request for payment for
services that a provider knew or should have
known was false or fraudulent. While the U.S.
Department of Justice does not expect
physicians to be experts in all of these nuanced
matters, it has set an expectation that radiology
practice processes, structures, and cultures be
oriented toward optimizing the integrity of
revenue cycle operations. Best practice
techniques call for formal compliance plans,
with a formally designated compliance officer
and compliance committee appropriately
empowered to oversee these activities. A false
claim ruling can result in fines of up to three
times the billed amount plus $11,000 per claim
filed, because each single exam or service billed
to Medicare or Medicaid counts as a claim. In
2014, the largest radiology practice settlement
occurred for $15.5 Million based upon
allegations at a diagnostic testing facility that it
falsely billed federal and state health care
programs for tests that were not performed or
not medically necessary and paid kickbacks to
physicians. Multi-million dollar settlements
occur almost annually with $5 million being
paid in 2020 to resolve allegations of
unsupervised radiology services and services
provided at unaccredited facilities.
Patient Privacy and HIPAA
Respect for patient privacy is a core
responsibility of a medical professional. The
Privacy and the Security rules of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of
1996 (HIPAA) represent a codification of this
principle in the law. They provide a set of
national privacy standards and bring with them
the power of law. As such, compliance activities
must prioritize patient privacy. HIPAA rules
apply to healthcare providers, plans, and
clearinghouses alike.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
The Privacy Rule establishes national standards
for the protection of individually identifiable
health information, referred to as protected
health information (PHI). The Security Rule
establishes a national set of security standards
for securing PHI when held or transferred in
electronic form. It operationalizes the
protections contained in the Privacy Rule by
addressing both technical and nontechnical
safeguards that organizations must put in place
to secure individuals’ electronic PHI (e-PHI).
Within the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services, the Office for Civil Rights
(OCR) has responsibility for enforcing these
rules with civil money penalties.
The major goals of the HIPAA rules are to
assure appropriate protection of each
individual’s PHI while still permitting the flow
of information necessary to provide and
promote quality healthcare. The following
identifiers are included in the definition of PHI:
1) names; 2) geographic subdivisions smaller
than a state (except for the first three digits of a
ZIP code representing a population greater
than 20,000); 3) all elements of dates (except
year) related to an individual, such as birthdate,
admission date, discharge date, and date of
death; 4) phone numbers; 5) fax numbers; 6)
email addresses; 7) Social Security numbers; 8)
medical record numbers; 9) health plan
beneficiary numbers; 10) account numbers; 11)
certificate and license numbers; 12) vehicle
identification and license plate numbers; 13)
device identifiers and serial numbers; webpage
universal resource locators (URLs); Internet
Protocol (IP) addresses; 16) biometric identifiers
such as finger- and voice-prints; 17) full face or
similar photographs; and 18) any other unique
identifier, characteristic, or code.
As a general rule, an individual’s PHI cannot be
disclosed or transmitted to anyone other than
the individual without that individual’s
authorization. Exceptions include information
disclosed or transmitted when necessary for 1)
the delivery of care or treatment, 2) payment
activities, and 3) healthcare operations
involving quality or competency assurance,
fraud or abuse detection, or compliance. In
addition, when required by law, information
can be released 1) to public health authorities,
2) during investigation of abuse, neglect, or
domestic violence, 3) to oversight agencies, 4)
for judicial and administrative proceeding, 5)
for law enforcement purposes, and 6) for
worker’s compensation.
Human Subjects Research
Properly controlled biomedical research
involving human subjects is essential to
advancing medical knowledge and care.
Unfortunately, human cruelty has occasionally
been perpetrated in the name of research, and
not all human studies have been either
justifiable or useful. The discoveries of such
abuses during Nazi Germany were the basis for
the development of the Nuremberg Code,
which represented the first international
codification of minimal expectations for the
conduct of ethical research involving human
subjects. The Code’s most important principles
were that experiments involving human
subjects should occur only with subjects who
have freely chosen to participate, and in the
context of a clear scientific rationale. The
subsequent Declaration of Helsinki, now
widely regarded as the cornerstone of human
research ethics, has recommended that all
research protocols be reviewed by an
independent committee prior to initiation.
That recommendation led to the development
of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) system
currently in place in the United States, wherein
appropriately constituted groups, usually at the
university or health system level, are formally
designated to review and monitor biomedical
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
research involving human subjects. In
accordance with Food and Drug
Administration (FDA) regulations, an IRB has
the authority to approve, require modifications
in order to secure approval, or deny approval
for proposed research protocols. These review
groups serve important roles in the protection
of the rights and welfare of human research
IRBs are required to ensure a “diversity of
members, including consideration of race,
gender, cultural backgrounds, and sensitivity to
such issues as “community attitudes” and to
register with the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS). Institutions engaged in
research involving human subjects usually have
their own IRBs to oversee research conducted
within the institution or by its staff. However,
institutions without an IRB are permitted to
arrange for an outside IRB to assume oversight
Because the free choice of research subject
participation is a fundamental prerequisite to
ethical research, an IRB carefully scrutinizes all
aspects of consent. The research informed
consent process involves 1) providing adequate
information about a study to potential subjects,
2) providing an adequate opportunity for
subjects to consider all options, 3) responding
adequately to all subject questions, 4) ensuring
that the subject comprehends all necessary
information, 5) obtaining the subject’s
voluntary agreement to participate, and 6)
providing ongoing information as the subject or
situation so requires. In some situations (such
as many studies involving the retrospective
review of imaging), an IRB may waive the
requirement for informed consent when the
research involves no more than minimal risks
to participants, and cannot be practically
carried out without such a waiver. IRBs
typically provide an exemption from formal
protocol review when a project constitutes a
quality improvement activity, as long as the
primary objective is to improve local practice
rather than to create generalizable knowledge.
IRB approval is not required for studies that do
not meet federal definitions of human subjects
research (e.g., studies that utilize open source
public datasets).
Malpractice and Risk Management
General Principles of Malpractice
Malpractice fears have been cited as a cause of
physician burnout and distress, including in
Approximately 7% of all radiologists are named
in a medical malpractice lawsuit each year;
radiology indemnity payments in malpractice
cases average approximately $480,000. The
average radiologist spends approximately 19
months of his or her career with an unresolved
open malpractice claim. Malpractice concerns
have also been identified as a cause of
overutilization of services; more than 90% of
physicians report that they at least sometimes
engage in the practice of defensive medicine.
Malpractice insurance coverage is usually
mandated as a condition of state licensure and
hospital credentialing. “Claims-made” policies
are the most common types of policies and
protect physicians from personal financial
liability, up to a predetermined policy cap, but
only while the policy is in effect. Physicians
with claims- made policies thus usually need to
arrange for tail insurance when changing jobs
or retiring to ensure continued financial
protection. “Occurrence” policies cover any
claim for an event that took place during the
period of coverage, even if a claim is filed after
the policy lapses.
Medical malpractice lawsuits are based on the
tort of negligence, and require four elements:
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
1. The physician must have an established
duty to a patient. For example, duty
would exist for a radiologist to provide
treatment for a patient undergoing a
contrast reaction in the radiology
department but not for interpreting the
contents of a CT scan on a CD in a
patient’s purse in her ICU room unless
those images were submitted for formal
review under established hospital
2. There must have been a breach of duty,
which usually involves a failure to meet
the standard of care. The definition of
standard of care varies by jurisdiction,
but is generally how a reasonable,
prudent, or ordinary physician of a
similar specialty would have acted in
similar circumstances.
3. Causation must exist, in that the breach
must have been the proximate cause of
injuries. A radiologist, for example, may
have negligently missed a lung mass on
a chest radiograph, but establishing that
as the proximate cause of a hemorrhagic
stroke the next day would be difficult.
4. The negligence must result in damages.
In many jurisdictions, emotional
distress, pain, and suffering are
frequently considered remunerative
Claims of negligence against radiologists
generally fall into 3 categories: 1) diagnostic
errors, 2) procedural complications, and 3)
communication deficiencies.
Malpractice Related to Diagnostic Errors
The most common cause of malpractice
lawsuits against radiologists is for alleged
errors in diagnosis. Depending on the clinical
indication and modality, the sensitivity of
imaging in detecting disease is highly variable,
and plaintiff lawyers frequently contend that
any false negative interpretation represents
medical negligence. In considering a chest
radiograph with missed lung cancer, for
example, as many as 90% of cancers are
identifiable in retrospect; a radiologist’s
potential legal exposure is not insignificant.
Hindsight bias represents the tendency for
people with a knowledge of the actual outcome
of a case to believe falsely that they would have
predicted its outcome. This jury bias makes
defending such cases difficult.
Negligent diagnosis claims can be categorized
as related to 1) failures of perception (i.e., not
identifying a finding), 2) failures of
interpretation (i.e., identifying a finding but not
appropriately appreciating or adequately
communicating its significance), or 3)
combinations of both. Diagnostic errors can also
be categorized as 1) cognitive errors (e.g., not
identifying a lung nodule when interpreting a
chest radiograph), which are usually errors of
visual perception (scanning, recognition, and
interpretation), or 2) system errors (e.g., failure
to adequately communicate the presence of that
nodule), which are usually attributed to health
system issues or context of care delivery
As in other medical disciplines, errors in
diagnosis in radiology often result from a
combination or interaction between cognitive
and system errors, such as preliminary reports
by residents that are revised in a final report
but not fully communicated to care teams.
Certain system factors, such as lighting
conditions, shift length, or pace of
interpretation, have been shown to increase the
likelihood of diagnostic errors. Enhanced
awareness of these types of errors helps
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
radiologists identify areas of diagnostic
vulnerability and institute interventions to
improve patient care and mitigate their own
potential risks.
Malpractice Related to Procedural
Any invasive procedure has a risk of
complication. Such complications vary in type
and severity based on the procedure, and can
similarly serve as the grounds for medical
negligence claims. Despite what some plaintiff
lawyers might contend, complications by
themselves do not indicate negligence.
Lawsuits based on procedural complications,
however, are more successfully argued in
scenarios in which a radiologist did not exercise
appropriate care in 1) minimizing the risk of the
complication, 2) identifying complication once
it occurred, or 3) treating the complication. In
the instance of the very common complication
of pneumothorax after a lung biopsy, for
example, a radiologist’s malpractice risk would
increase if he or she 1) used an overly large
needle or chose a trajectory unnecessarily
crossing an aerated lung, 2) did not obtain a
postprocedural chest radiograph, or 3)
discharged the patient to home in the setting of
an enlarging pneumothorax.
Patients and their families are more likely to
sue physicians for damages related to
complications if they believe that details of their
care were withheld. As a result, most risk
managers advocate full and prompt disclosure
of any untoward events, and ongoing
communication about decision-making and
treatment. Detailed and contemporaneous
documentation of events, discussions, and
rationale for decisions in the radiology report
and/or elsewhere in the medical record may
prove helpful in court.
Engaging patients (and their families, when
appropriate) in decision-making before a
procedure also helps set realistic expectations.
The doctrine of informed consent has been
codified in the U.S. courts as a basic right of
self-determination: Any human being of adult
years and sound mind has a right to determine
what shall be done with his body; and a
surgeon who performs an operation without his
patient’s consent commits an assault.” Courts
have subsequently expanded that decision to
apply to procedures other than open operations
and those performed by nonsurgeon
physicians. Necessary elements of informed
consent are described in Section 3.2.1 of this
study guide. Although most hospitals have
standard consent forms in place, additional
detailed documentation in procedure reports
may prove helpful in a claim of negligence.
Malpractice Related to Communications
Appropriate communication of actionable
information from radiologists to clinical
caregivers is a critical component of patient
care. Both courts and regulatory agencies are
increasingly holding radiologists to higher
standards of ensuring prompt communication
of diagnostic information. In fact, a number of
court decisions have focused not only on a
radiologist’s duty to communicate important or
critical findings with referring physicians, but
also on communications with patients
themselves when their treating physicians may
not be available.
Routine Communication
In radiology, routine communication refers to
the creation and delivery of written reports. The
ACR Practice Parameter for Communication of
Diagnostic Imaging Findings outlines
suggested formatting for reports, which
includes relevant demographic information
(e.g., patient name and identifying information,
referring physician, facility information),
examination details (e.g., type and time of
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
examination including contrast administration
information, time of dictation), and report
content recommendations (e.g., findings,
impressions, limitations, complications). It is
acceptable for demographic information and
examination details to be contained in the
metadata associated with the report (rather
than in the dictated report body itself).
Radiology reports are now typically generated
and transmitted electronically.
The final report represents the definitive
documentation of the results of an imaging
examination or procedure. It should be
proofread to minimize typographical errors and
confusing or conflicting statements. The use of
abbreviations or acronyms should be limited to
avoid ambiguity. The final report should be
completed in accordance with all appropriate
state and federal requirements (e.g.,
Mammography Quality Standards Act). A copy
of the final report should be archived by the
imaging facility as part of the patient’s medical
record and be retrievable for future reference.
Retention and distribution must be in
accordance with all state and federal
regulations and facility policies.
Nonroutine Communication
While routine communication is typically
carried out through institutionally established
final reporting mechanisms, certain
circumstances dictate alternative
communication mechanisms to ensure timely
receipt of important diagnostic information.
These include situations warranting
preliminary reports and results of an urgent or
other significantly important nature.
Occasionally, a preliminary report is issued
before the final report, and may be rendered for
the purpose of directing immediate patient
management (e.g., when old comparison
images are not yet available but reporting
cannot wait) or to meet the needs of a particular
practice environment (e.g., by a trainee in a
teaching institution or by a general practice
radiologist when a subspecialist radiologist is
not immediately available). Such preliminary
communications should be archived, since they
may have served as the basis of immediate
clinical decisions. Institutions are expected to
maintain policies for reconciling discrepancies
between preliminary and final reports and for
discrepancies encountered upon subsequent
review of a final report. Any clinically
significant variation in findings or impression
between a preliminary and final interpretation
should be clearly documented and reported as
soon as possible and in a manner that ensures
receipt by the ordering or treating physician.
Clinical situations that may warrant nonroutine
communication include the following:
1. Findings that warrant immediate or urgent
intervention. These are generally new or
unexpected findings on an imaging study
that suggest life-threatening conditions or
those that may require an immediate
change in patient management. Aside from
risk management imperatives, The Joint
Commission (TJC) requires that
professionals “report critical results of tests
and diagnostic procedures on a timely
basis.” TJC-accredited facilities are required
to define critical tests and critical results
and monitor performance in reporting those
results. A critical result is defined as “any
result or finding that may be considered life
threatening or that could result in severe
morbidity and require urgent or emergent
clinical attention.” Examples include
tension pneumothorax, ruptured aortic
aneurysm, acute intracerebral hemorrhage,
and pneumoperitoneum. Each facility has
leeway in defining its own critical tests and
critical results; there is no standard list for
either category. For all critical results,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
communication requires direct contact
between the radiologist and the requesting
or responding clinician or another licensed
healthcare provider responsible for that
patient’s care. In addition, communication
is generally expected to occur within 60
minutes of the time that the observation is
made, and it must be documented. When
the ordering physician or healthcare
provider cannot be contacted expeditiously,
it may be appropriate to convey results
directly to the patient, depending on the
nature of the findings. At some institutions,
these critical results are deemed “Level 1
2. Findings that may not require immediate
attention but nonetheless may seriously
impact a patient’s health, worsen over
time, or result in an adverse outcome.
These include the following: 1) New or
unexpected findings that could result in
mortality or significant morbidity if not
treated in a timely manner. Referred to as
“Level 2 results” by some institutions, these
are less dire than critical results and
generally warrant communication within 12
hours. For such findings, the radiologist
might call the care team directly, or might
request a call service or assistant to call on
his or her behalf. Examples include intra-
abdominal abscess or impending
pathological hip fracture. 2) New or
unexpected findings on an imaging study
that could result in significant but not
immediate morbidity if not appropriately
treated. Deemed “Level 3 results” by some
institutions, communication is not
particularly time sensitive but mechanisms
must be in place to ensure that these
important or potentially important findings
are not overlooked. Examples include a
newly identified lung nodule or solid renal
mass. These findings may be reported
electronically when electronic messaging
tracking mechanisms are in place to make
sure that information was successfully
received and, when necessary,
supplemented by telephone confirmation.
Documentation of all nonroutine
communication should include the date and
time of the communication, the person
reporting the information, the person receiving
the information, and a summary of or reference
to the information that was conveyed.
Informal Communication
Radiologists may occasionally be asked to
provide interpretations that do not result in a
formal report but are nonetheless used to make
treatment decisions.
Such communications may take the form of a
“curbside consult” that may occur informally in
the reading room or during a clinical
conference. These circumstances often preclude
immediate documentation and may also occur
in suboptimal viewing conditions (e.g., no
comparison studies, no original reports, or
inadequate incomplete history). Informal
communications carry additional inherent risk
since the documentation of the clinician
initiating the informal consultation may
constitute the only written record of that
communication. For these reasons, informal
communications are largely discouraged; when
such communications do occur, radiologists
should document them independently from the
referring clinician’s documentation.
Radiology departments are encouraged to
establish processes and policies for reporting
studies performed at outside institutions.
Radiologists who provide consultations of this
nature are encouraged to document any
information conveyed, including formal
interpretations. Although formal second
opinion interpretations are historically non-
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
payable, Medicare and private payers are
increasingly reimbursing radiologists for them
when they are medically necessary and are
billed in accordance with payer rules.
Discoverability of Communications
In malpractice lawsuits, most communication
related to any part of the casewhether written
or oralis considered discoverable and can be
used as evidence at trial. However, certain
important exceptions apply. The attorneyclient
privilege is one of the oldest recognized
privileges for confidential communications. It
encourages clients in all legal matters (not just
malpractice cases) to make full and frank
disclosures to their attorneys, who should then
be better able to provide candid advice and
effective representation. Nearly all
communication between a client and his or her
attorney is protected from discovery. For this
reason, physicians involved in lawsuits are
strongly discouraged from speaking with any
parties other than their attorneys about any
elements of their cases.
Most jurisdictions also protect certain peer
review activities from legal discovery. Peer
review protection laws are designed to provide
an incentive for healthcare providers to
perform ongoing quality improvement
activities without fear of increased tort risk. As
a general rule, no person who participates in
any approved peer review process shall be
permitted or required to testify in any civil
action as to the findings, recommendations,
evaluations, opinions, or other actions of the
peer review process. However,
communications are only protected if they
occur within established peer review processes;
informal conversations with colleagues outside
established peer review processes, for example,
are typically not protected from legal discovery.
American College of Radiology. ACR-SIR-
SPR Practice Parameter on Informed
Consent for Image-Guided Procedures.
American College of Radiology Website.
Resources/Contrast-Manual. Accessed June
13, 2018.
American College of Radiology. ACR
Practice Parameter for Communication of
Diagnostic Imaging Findings.
communicationdiag.pdf. Accessed June
Cooper JA. Responsible conduct of radiology
research: part II. Regulatory requirements
for human research. Radiology 2005;236:748-
Lam DL, Medverd JR. How radiologists get
paid: resource-based relative value scale
and the revenue cycle. AJR Am J Roentgenol
Schoppmann MJ, Sanders DL. HIPAA
compliance: the law, reality, and
recommendations. J Am Coll Radiol
Shields W, Hoffman T. Protecting your
peer-review rights. ACR Bulletin
Thorwarth WT, Jr. From concept to CPT code
to compensation: how the payment system
works. J Am Coll Radiol 2004;1:48-53.
Whang JS, Baker SR, Patel R, Luk L, Castro
A, 3rd. The causes of medical malpractice
suits against radiologists in the United
States. Radiology 2013;266:548-554.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Chapter 6: Core Concepts of Imaging Informatics
6.1 Standards
The Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine (DICOM) standard
(http://dicom.nema.org) is the international
standard that specifies protocols for display,
transfer, storage, and processing of medical
images. The DICOM standard applies to
storage of both pixel-based image data and
metadata. The metadata, located in the
“DICOM header” of the image, contains
information about the image, series, exam,
patient, imaging facility, and scanner. The data
are organized into separate fields, each of
which has a unique identifier so that it can be
queried directly. DICOM transactions enable
data to be queried, retrieved, and transmitted
between systems in an organized fashion. They
also allow for information about an order to be
transmitted between the radiology information
system (RIS) and the modality (e.g., the CT,
MR, or ultrasound machine) rather than having
to be manually entered by the technologist and
risking incorrect data entry.
Standard DICOM data elements are required to
contain specific information while private data
elements can be defined by the vendor. To
enable interoperability between systems,
vendors who implement products that use
DICOM are expected to provide customers
with conformance statements that detail their
use of the DICOM standard.
HL7 (http://www.hl7.org) is the international
standards organization responsible for
developing and maintaining standards for the
exchange, integration, sharing, and retrieval of
medical information (i.e., nonimage data). The
primary HL7 standards are the ones most
frequently used to achieve systems
The HL7 V2 messaging standard is generally
considered to be the most widely implemented
healthcare-related standard in the world. This
text- based standard facilitates the exchange of
medical data by enabling interoperability
between many types of electronic medical
systems that need to communicate. HL7 V3,
while more human-readable, has been less
widely adopted in the industry because of its
increased complexity. The newer HL7 Fast
Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR
standard allows software developers to use
internet transactions to exchange medical data
between systems, increasing the potential for
data exchange between systems.
Ontologies are formal collections of terms and
their inherited or causal relationships. RadLex
(http://www. radlex.org) is the largest
radiology-specific lexicon. It contains more than
68,000 terms that describe imaging anatomy,
procedures, and pathology. A special portion of
the RadLex ontology, the RadLex Playbook,
defines standard imaging exam names,
descriptions, and codes. The RadLex Playbook
has been merged with LOINC (Logical
Observation Identifiers Names and Codes), the
international standard nomenclature for health
measurements, observations, and documents.
6.2 The Reading Room Environment
The PACS (picture archiving and
communications system) is the radiologist’s
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
primary tool for imaging viewing and
interpretation. Basic components of PACS
include a workstation, display, short-term
storage, and long-term archive. PACS
communicates with imaging modalities using
DICOM transactions, and with the RIS and/or
EMR using HL7 transactions that are translated
to and from DICOM. Unlike original PACS
implementations that required a physical
workstation to run, the modern PACS can be
entirely web-based and accessible on mobile
devices as well as on desktop thin clients.
The development of the vendor-neutral archive
(VNA) allows data to be stored in a central
archive that may support viewers for multiple
types of DICOM images (e.g., radiology,
cardiology, operating room, etc.), as well as for
non-DICOM data, including photographs and
pathology slides. Enterprise imaging relies
heavily on VNA technology to facilitate
dissemination, viewing, and storage of medical
imaging data beyond radiology. Determining
how best to format and exchange the metadata
(e.g., patient information, body part, date of
acquisition, etc.) accompanying a non-DICOM
image is a major challenge in enterprise
The radiology information system (RIS) is a
software application that manages all aspects of
an imaging exam, including order
reconciliation, patient scheduling and tracking,
communication with modalities and PACS,
reporting, results notification, and billing. The
RIS may be a standalone application or a
component of the electronic medical record
(EMR) application. Both PACS and RIS can be
used to drive clinical workflow.
Image Displays
The ACR-AAPM-SIIM technical standard
recommends that ideal reading room ambient
lighting fall in the range of 25 to 50 lux. This
level of lighting is similar to standing under a
street light at night in dark surroundings. The
maximum gray value luminance for diagnostic
monitors is recommended to be at least 350
for nonmammographic interpretation
and 420 cd/m
for mammographic
interpretation. By way of reference, top-
performing flat screen televisions on the market
in 2017 have a peak luminance upwards of 400
Compression is used to decrease image file size
to speed up transfer and decrease storage
requirements. Lossless compression is achieved
by decreasing redundant image information
(e.g., the black background of a CT image).
Because image content is preserved, lossless
compression can only reduce image file size by
approximately 3:1. Lossy compression allows
for more substantial image size compression
(on the order of 10:1) by irreversibly discarding
unnecessary or minimally important image
information without significantly
compromising diagnostic quality.
Like all individuals who spend many hours
working on a computer, radiologists are
susceptible to repetitive strain injuries (RSI).
For example, carpal tunnel syndrome
(involving the median nerve) often occurs due
to dorsiflexion of the wrist from upward
angulation of the wrist while typing. Cubital
tunnel syndrome (involving the ulnar nerve)
can occur due to RSI at either the wrist or the
elbow. DeQuervain tenosynovitis occurs
secondary to RSI of the thumb.
Workstation configurations that promote a
neutral body position with the forearm, wrist,
and hand parallel to the floor, lumbar support,
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
and appropriate distance between the user and
the display can help to decrease the incidence
of RSI among radiologists.
6.3 From Order to Report: Workflow
Workflow Steps
Medical imaging depends on interoperability
between many systems, including PACS, RIS,
EMR and imaging modalities, as data are
transferred via DICOM and HL7 transactions.
The process begins with an order placed in the
EMR. HL7 transactions communicate the order
to the RIS (if it is a separate system). The RIS
communicates order information to the relevant
imaging modality (meaning the machine) via
the DICOM Modality Work List, and the
modality communicates with the PACS via
DICOM transactions. The radiologist views the
images on PACS and dictates the report using
voice recognition. The reporting software then
sends the report to the RIS and EMR via HL7
Downtime Procedures
Downtime procedures include disaster
recovery (DR) and business continuity (BC)
procedures. DR policies direct activities that
should be followed in the event of a disaster,
such as a large-scale, unexpected, highly
disruptive event, whether natural or human in
DR policies typically include a description of
off-site data backup systems, including the
frequency of backup cycles, and the steps
required to restore critical data in the event of a
disruption. BC policies refer to the necessary
systematic precautions, backups, and failover
routines required to continue to care for
patients when a system failure (such as a power
outage) occurs under otherwise routine
working conditions.
Radiology systems are considered to be high-
availability (HA) systems. HA systems must have
the ability to perform automated recovery and
failover operations in the event of service
disruption. The uptime expectations of an HA
system can be expressed as a “number of nines.” For
example, PACS is generally expected to perform at
“four nines”, or 99.99% uptime, which translates to
no more than approximately 50 minutes of
downtime a year. Fault tolerance (FT) refers to the
ability of a system to continue to function if one of
its components fails. To avoid single points of
failure, redundancy is built into essential
components of a system (e.g., servers, network
connections, data archives, etc.) to achieve a high FT.
6.4 Data Privacy and Security
De-identification of Images
De-identification involves removing protected
health information (PHI), as defined by HIPAA,
from an imaging examination such that the
identity of the patient cannot be directly
determined based on information contained in
the images or the metadata. However, de-
identified images may contain information that
enables an approved entity to identify the
patient using a key. In contrast, anonymization
involves removing all PHI and other
identifiable data from an imaging examination
such that the identity of the patient is not
revealed and cannot can be re-established in the
future. PHI contained in the metadata can
typically be removed via automated de-
identification processes. In some cases,
“burned-in” PHI (such as in ultrasound images)
also must be removed to fully de-identify
medical images. Because the contours of a
patient’s face can be reconstructed from CT or
MRI of the head, imaging that includes the face
is also considered PHI.
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
De-identification of Report Text
De-identification of report data is less
straightforward than de-identification of image
data, because PHI does not occur in radiology
reports in the same form or with the same
consistency. De- identification of report data
often requires manual review or application of
specialized algorithms.
Tools for de-identification of other medical text,
such as encounter notes or progress notes,
generally do not work as well for radiology
reports, because of the less frequent appearance
of PHI in radiology reports compared to medical
Ransomware attacks occur when bad actors
encrypt files and systems and demand a ransom
in exchange for the decryption key. Such attacks
can be catastrophic to a radiology practice and
its associated hospital or health system. Typical
downtime procedures may not be sufficient for
recovery. Instead, a long-term analog (e.g.,
paper-based) workflow may be necessary to
maintain business continuity while
compromised files and systems are isolated and
data recovery is attempted. Eventually, any
recovered data will have to be reconciled with
new data collected after the attack.
6.5 Image Post-Processing
Post-processing refers to image transformations
performed after acquisition. These
transformations may occur before image
display, interpretation, or quantitative analysis.
Post-processing includes techniques such as
image segmentation, registration, and three-
dimensional (3-D) post-processing using
maximum intensity projections (MIPs),
multiplanar reformats (MPRs), or volume
Segmentation involves isolating or extracting a
region of interest from an image or extracting a
subset of images from an image stack for further
analysis. For example, segmentation of gray matter
and white matter from MRI of the brain may be the
first step to a more advanced analysis of atrophy in
neurodegenerative disorders.
Image registration involves aligning one image set
onto the coordinate space of another image set to
allow a more direct comparison of the two image
sets. Deformations can be rigid (translation,
scaling), affine (shearing), or elastic. Elastic
deformation involves local warping of an image to
better align the target image with the reference
image. Elastic deformation is one type of image
registration that can accommodate changes such as
patient position, lung expansion, or soft tissue
shape changes in aligning image sets.
3-D post-processing is a required component of CT
and MR angiography and can supplement other
advanced imaging, such as cardiac MRI and brain
MRI for tumor analysis. Simple 3-D post-
processing, such as MPRs, MIPs, and volume
rendering, can be performed on most modern
versions of PACS. More elaborate analysis such as
curved planar reformats (CPRs), functional
analysis, and cinematic rendering, however, may
require additional thin-client software and may be
supported by a dedicated team of experts, such as a
3-D lab.
6.6 Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field of
computer science that gives computers the
ability to mimic human intelligence. Machine
learning (ML) is a subfield of AI that enables
computers to learn a task without an explicit
set of instructions. Deep learning (DL) uses
multi-layered neural networks with weighted
connections to analyze data, and works with
both images and text. AI serves as an adjunct to
the human radiologist; at present, few
autonomous AI applications exist for radiology.
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
Supervised learning exposes an algorithm
to a labeled set of training data and then
evaluates how well the resulting model
predicts labels on a different set of test
data. It is important that the test set data
not overlap the training data, so that model
performance is not artificially exaggerated.
Unsupervised learning exposes an
algorithm to a set of data without pre-
defined labels or categories and expects the
algorithm to organize the data.
Unsupervised learning models must be
validated and may not perform as well as
supervised models without further
Training AI Models
Generating training data for radiology
requires experts to label images or text,
which is time- and resource- intensive. A
common pitfall in model training is
overfitting the model to the data, such that
it performs very well on similar data (e.g.,
at the organization where it was trained),
but does not perform as well on data that
are different in some way (e.g., data from
another organization). Labeling images is
task specific and can be as simple as
assigning a label to an entire image or
study (e.g., “normal”, “abnormal”), or it
may require an expert to use segmentation
tools to identify an anatomic structure or
disease process. As with de-identification,
labeling text data or workflow data
requires different tools than labeling image
Deep Learning for Images
Deep learning models use neural networks
with an input layer, multiple hidden layers,
and an output layer to perform inference or
make predictions. Convolutional neural
networks and recurrent neural networks are
DL algorithms often used in radiology
applications. Image data are pre-processed
before use for training or inference to make them
suitable for input to an AI algorithm; this may
include rescaling, cropping, denoising,
histogram equalization, and often
downsampling (sometimes by as much as 10x).
This decrease in image resolution may reduce
the conspicuity of subtle findings in images
unless sufficient training examples are provided.
Natural Language Processing
Natural language processing (NLP) is the analysis
of human language data. Common uses in
radiology reports include detection of critical
findings or follow-up recommendations,
longitudinal lesion monitoring, assessment of
report compliance with practice requirements, or
radiology-pathology correlation. Text documents
are also pre-processed like images, with removal of
stop words and punctuation, conversion to lower
case, and tokenization. Text data can be tokenized
by converting words and phrases to numeric
representations for input into deep learning models
through a process known as embedding.
Deployment Challenges
Major challenges in deploying AI for radiology
include understanding how the “black box” model
produces its results, ensuring that the model
performs reliably in all potential applied settings
and conditions, and efficiently integrating the
model into the clinical workflow. Once deployed,
models should be monitored to identify data drift,
in which model performance degrades over time
due to gradual changes in the data it processes.
Additionally, the way that radiologists interact
with AI should be monitored to guard against
automation bias, in which the computer is always
assumed to be more correct than the human
Bias in AI
Bias in AI can occur due to the training data, the
model architecture, or the conclusions drawn by
end users based on model outputs. Statistical bias
results when a model does not represent the true
2024 Noninterpretive Skills Study Guide
features of the population. One example of
statistical bias is sampling bias, in which the
data used to train the model do not represent
the patients to whom the model will ultimately
be applied. Social bias has the potential to
exacerbate health disparities by adversely
affecting underrepresented populations. For
example, a model may predict better health
outcomes in a patient population that does not
use healthcare resources as frequently, but may
overlook the fact that the use or lack thereof is
related to access to care rather than their state
of health.
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