HTSeqGenie: a software package to analyse high-throughput
sequencing experiments
Gregoire Pau, Cory Barr, Jens Reeder, Michael Lawrence
Jeremiah Degenhardt, Tom Wu, Melanie Huntley, Matt Brauer
May 1, 2024
1 Introduction 2
2 Example analysis of two RNA-Seq experiments of lung cell lines 2
2.1 Analysis on a genomic region centered on TP53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 Analysis on the full human genome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Analysis steps 6
3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.2 Preprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.4 Count genomic features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3.5 Coverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Configuration 9
4.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.2 Configuration parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Session Information 12
1 Introduction
The HTSeqGenie package is a robust and efficient software to analyze high-throughput sequencing experiments in
a reproducible manner. It supports the RNA-Seq and Exome-Seq protocols and provides: quality control reporting
(using the ShortRead package), detection of adapter contamination, read alignment versus a reference genome (using
the gmapR package), counting reads in genomic regions (using the GenomicRanges package), and read-depth coverage
2 Example analysis of two RNA-Seq experiments of lung cell lines
2.1 Analysis on a genomic region centered on TP53
In this section, we are analysing two RNA-Seq experiments of human lung cell lines (H1993 and H2073) on a 2 Mb
genomic region centered on the TP53 gene. This region, not the full human genome, has been chosen to provide a
vignette that can be run in a reasonable amount of time.
We first load the package HTSeqGenie. We then load the package LungCancerLines to get the FASTQ files of
the lung cancer cell lines we are going to analyze. These files only cover the TP53 genomic region and have been
subsampled to 2500 reads, due to vignette time constraints.
> library("HTSeqGenie")
> library("LungCancerLines")
To analyze the reads, the package needs a GmapGenome object, which contains the information needed to align
the reads to a reference genome. The package also needs a genomic features object, which is a named list of GRanges
objects containing the genomic features (gene, exon, transcript...) of the corresponding genome. For convenience, this
vignette provides the function TP53Genome, generating a 2 Mb subset of the UCSC hg19 human genome, centered
on the gene TP53, and the TP53GenomicFeatures, producing a RData file containing the associated genomic
features. The next section explains how to build custom GmapGenome and genomic features objects.
> tp53Genome <- TP53Genome()
> tp53GenomicFeatures <- TP53GenomicFeatures()
The samples are analysed with a common set of configuration parameters, specific to RNA-Seq paired-end exper-
iments. Details about these parameters are provided in the Configuration section.
> rtp53 <- list(
+ ## aligner
+ path.gsnap_genomes=path(directory(tp53Genome)),
+ alignReads.genome=genome(tp53Genome),
+ ## gene model
+ path.genomic_features=dirname(tp53GenomicFeatures),
+ countGenomicFeatures.gfeatures=basename(tp53GenomicFeatures)
+ )
The function runPipeline runs the full analysis pipeline, using a list of configuration parameters. The follow-
ing commands analyse the H1993 and H2073 samples. The function returns the path to a directory that contains the
full analysis: bams, QC reports and a results directory which include coverage and count data.
> H1993dir <-,
+ c(## RNASeq TP53genome parameters
+ rtp53,
+ ## input
+ input_file=LungCancerFastqFiles()[["H1993.first"]],
+ input_file2=LungCancerFastqFiles()[["H1993.last"]],
+ paired_ends=TRUE,
+ quality_encoding="illumina1.8",
+ ## output
+ save_dir="H1993",
+ prepend_str="H1993",
+ alignReads.sam_id="H1993",
+ overwrite_save_dir="erase"
+ ))
> H2073dir <-,
+ c(## RNASeq TP53genome parameters
+ rtp53,
+ ## input
+ input_file=LungCancerFastqFiles()[["H2073.first"]],
+ input_file2=LungCancerFastqFiles()[["H2073.last"]],
+ paired_ends=TRUE,
+ quality_encoding="illumina1.8",
+ ## output
+ save_dir="H2073",
+ prepend_str="H2073",
+ alignReads.sam_id="H2073",
+ overwrite_save_dir="erase"
+ ))
Several quality control reports (short reads, alignment, counting) have been generated in the report/ directories
of the paths pointed by H1993dir and H2073dir. The following example uses the function getTabDataFromFile
to get the read counts per gene in both cell lines. Further analysis such as differential expression using replicates can
be performed using the package DESeq.
> library("")
> gc1 <- getTabDataFromFile(H1993dir, "counts_gene")
> gc2 <- getTabDataFromFile(H2073dir, "counts_gene")
> entrez <- as.character(gc1$name)
> hgnc <- unlist(as.list(org.Hs.egSYMBOL)[entrez])
> hgnc <- hgnc[entrez]
> data.frame(entrez=entrez, hgnc=hgnc, H1993.count=gc1$count, H2073.count=gc2$count, row.names=NULL)
entrez hgnc H1993.count H2073.count
1 100128288 LOC100128288 0 0
2 100422983 MIR4314 0 0
3 100500892 <NA> 0 0
4 100506713 ALOX12-AS1 3 1
5 100506755 MIR497HG 16 16
6 100529209 RNASEK-C17orf49 42 72
7 100529211 TMEM256-PLSCR3 37 33
8 100533955 SENP3-EIF4A1 471 479
9 100616406 MIR4521 0 0
10 10462 CLEC10A 0 0
11 1107 CHD3 132 112
12 112483 SAT2 6 12
13 11337 GABARAP 41 56
14 1140 CHRNB1 0 2
15 116840 CNTROB 7 27
16 118432 RPL29P2 0 0
17 124637 CYB5D1 25 17
18 124751 KRBA2 3 2
19 1366 CLDN7 89 30
20 146754 DNAH2 3 2
21 146852 ODF4 0 0
22 147040 KCTD11 7 3
23 162515 SLC16A11 0 0
24 162517 FBXO39 0 0
25 1742 DLG4 1 4
26 1856 DVL2 25 28
27 1949 EFNB3 0 4
28 1984 EIF5A 300 288
29 201232 SLC16A13 4 5
30 201243 SPEM2 0 0
31 2256 FGF11 0 7
32 22899 ARHGEF15 0 0
33 23135 KDM6B 17 8
34 23399 CTDNEP1 50 71
35 23587 ELP5 23 23
36 239 ALOX12 2 0
37 242 ALOX12B 0 0
38 245 ALOX12P2 1 2
39 247 ALOX15B 0 0
40 254863 TMEM256 26 17
41 255877 BCL6B 2 1
42 26168 SENP3 79 47
43 26781 SNORA67 1 2
44 284023 RNF227 0 5
45 284029 LINC00324 1 0
46 284111 SLC13A5 0 1
47 284114 TMEM102 4 2
48 2874 GPS2 43 52
49 29098 RANGRF 5 16
50 3000 GUCY2D 0 0
51 339168 TMEM95 0 0
52 37 ACADVL 148 149
53 374768 SPEM1 0 0
54 399512 SLC25A35 5 19
55 407977 TNFSF12-TNFSF13 3 22
56 432 ASGR1 0 0
57 433 ASGR2 0 0
58 442898 MIR324 0 0
59 4628 MYH10 127 79
60 482 ATP1B2 0 0
61 51087 YBX2 13 13
62 5187 PER1 3 18
63 5198 PFAS 18 39
64 5430 POLR2A 153 160
65 54739 XAF1 0 0
66 54785 BORCS6 2 1
67 55135 WRAP53 18 15
68 57048 PLSCR3 11 14
69 574456 MIR497 0 0
70 57555 NLGN2 0 11
71 57659 ZBTB4 29 47
72 58485 TRAPPC1 36 50
73 59344 ALOXE3 0 1
74 6154 RPL26 207 141
75 643664 SLC35G6 0 0
76 643904 RNF222 0 0
77 6462 SHBG 7 13
78 6517 SLC2A4 0 1
79 652965 SNORA48 0 0
80 652966 SNORD10 0 0
81 6665 SOX15 0 0
82 677763 SCARNA21 0 0
83 6844 VAMP2 6 14
84 7157 TP53 82 69
85 79142 PHF23 16 19
86 80169 CTC1 25 15
87 81565 NDEL1 30 32
88 83659 TEKT1 0 0
89 84314 TMEM107 17 8
90 84316 NAA38 12 8
91 84461 NEURL4 53 67
92 84667 HES7 1 0
93 8711 TNK1 12 4
94 8741 TNFSF13 1 21
95 8742 TNFSF12 2 1
96 9196 KCNAB3 0 0
97 9212 AURKB 23 23
98 92162 TMEM88 0 0
99 9513 FXR2 37 33
100 9526 MPDU1 58 51
101 968 CD68 63 92
102 9744 ACAP1 0 1
2.2 Analysis on the full human genome
This section will be completed later.
3 Analysis steps
3.1 General
The pipeline consists in a set of high-level modules that are configured with a configuration file. See the Configuration
section for a list of all parameters.
The modules are:
preprocessing (preprocessReads)
read alignment (alignReads)
read counting (countGenomicFeatures)
computation of coverage (calculateCoverage)
The following diagram shows a high-level overview of the performed analysis steps:
The pipeline produces the directory logs/, which contains log files about the analysis:
logs/audit.txt: the environment used to run the analysis (pipeline version number, host, R session, PATH, gsnap
version, samtools version)
logs/config.txt: the expanded configuration file used to run the analysis
logs/progress.log: the progress log
3.2 Preprocessing
The preprocessing module applies a sequence of optional steps before read alignment. These optional operations are:
read subsampling (randomly sample a subset of reads from input data)
trimming reads end to a fixed size
filtering reads based on nucleotide qualities
detection of (but not filter) adapter-contaminated reads
creation of ShortRead reports (on a random subset of reads)
bams/processed.aligner_input.fastq: processed FASTQ file(s) given to the aligner
results/adapter_contaminated.RData: RData files containing the names of the detected adapter-contaminated
results/ a tab-separated file containing a summary of the preprocessing step
reports/shortReadReport: HTML ShortRead quality reports
3.3 Alignment
The alignment module uses the gsnap aligner to align reads, and creates the file analyzed.bam, containing reads that
are analyzed by the downstream modules. This file currently contains all uniquely mapping reads (i.e. this is the
concatenation of the *uniq.bam files).
Junction read analysis
Coverage analysis
Insert length analysis
SNV analysis
Genomic Feature Counting
Alignment phase
Convert to bam, sort and index,
extract analyzed reads
Align reads
generate preprocess and
alignment report
Adapter contamination filter
generate ShortRead QA report
Quality filter
Trim reads
rRNA contamination filter
Call SNV
generate variant calling
Plot histogram of
insert lengths
Extract junction ends
Consolidate pair reads
Count genomic features
(Exons, Genes, ncRNA, etc)
Compute RPKM
Genome and TranscriptDb
results/ results/counts.[FeatureName].tab
generate feature counting
bams/*.bam: output aligned bam files
bams/*.bai: corresponding bam indexes
results/ a tab-separated file containing summary alignment information
report/reportAlignment.html: an HTML summary report about alignment
3.4 Count genomic features
This module counts how many reads overlaps with the genomic intervals defined in RData file pointed by the "countGe-
nomicFeatures.gfeatures" parameter. On each interval, RPKM is computed using: (1e9*count) / (nbreads * width),
where count is the number of reads overlapping with the interval, nbreads is the total number of reads being analysed
and width is the width of the interval.
The genomic features are defined as:
A gene region is an interval (i.e. connected) and includes introns, 5’ and 3’ UTRs.
A gene exonic region is an interval union of all exons of a particular gene. It includes 5’ and 3’ UTRs, but not
A gene coding region is a gene exonic region without the 5’ and 3’ UTRs.
A transcript is an interval union of the exons of a particular transcript. It includes 5’ and 3’ UTRs, but not
Non-overlapping exonic regions (DEXSeq) are exons that have been split to remove overlapping regions.
results/ a tab-separated file containing counts, widths and RPKMs
results/ a tab-separated file containing summary count information
report/reportFeatureCounts.html: a HTML summary report about count genomic features
3.5 Coverage
This module computes coverage (read-depth) data.
results/coverage.RData: a RData file containing coverage data
results/ bigwig file for IGB
4 Configuration
4.1 General
Configuration files are written in a DCF format, a sequence of lines containing "<parameter>:<value>". The format
supports comments starting with a sharp (’#’) sign and is whitespace tolerant. The HTSeqGenie pipeline uses a
templated configuration framework where configuration files can inherit parameters from other configuration files,
through the parameter "template_config". Parameters defined after "template_config" override parameters from the
inherited templates.
Default parameters depend on the configuration templates.
4.2 Configuration parameters
Configuration files ultimately derive from the default-config.txt configuration file, which enumerates all available
parameters. The following sections enumerate all available configuration parameters.
template_config: An optional file name containing a template configuration file. To locate it, the software first
looks in the directory defined by the environment variable HTSEQGENIE_CONFIG and, if not found, in the
installed package HTSeqGenie. No default value.
input_file: The path of a FASTQ or gzipped FASTQ file containing the input reads. No default value.
input_file2: An optional path of a FASTQ or gzipped FASTQ file containing the input paired reads in paired-end
sequencing. If present, the parameter paired_ends must be set to TRUE. No default value.
paired_ends: A logical indicating whether the reads are coming from paired-end sequencing. Default is TRUE.
quality_encoding: An optional string indicating which quality encoding is used. Possible values are "sanger",
"solexa", "illumina1.3", "illumina1.5" and "illumina1.8". If absent, a non-robust strategy is tried to guess it. No
default value.
subsample_nbreads: An optional integer. If present, the preprocess module randomly subsamples the indicated
number of reads from the input files before analysis. This feature is disabled by default.
chunk_size: An integer indicating how many reads are present in a chunk. This parameter should not be changed.
Default is 1e6.
max_nbchunks: An optional integer. If present, it sets the maximum number of chunks to be processed. This
parameter is mostly present for debug purposes. This feature is disabled by default.
save_dir: A directory path indicating where the output results should be stored. No default value.
overwrite_save_dir: A string indicating how to overwrite/save data in the save_dir directory. Possible values are
"never", "erase" and "overwrite". If "never", the pipeline will stop if the indicated save_dir is present. If "erase",
the save_dir directory is removed before starting the analysis. Default is "never".
prepend_str: A string that will be preprended to output filenames. No default value.
remove_processedfastq: A logical indicating whether the preprocessed FASTQ files before alignment should be
removed. Default is TRUE.
remove_chunkdir: A logical indicating whether the chunks/ subdirectory should be removed. Default is TRUE.
tmp_dir: A temporary directory where intermediate files will be written to. If set, this should point to a non-
replicated, non-snapshoted directory such as /gne/research/data/bioinfo/ngs_analysis/CGP_3.0/cgptmp. If not
set, temporary files will be written into the save_dir.
num_cores: An integer indicating how many cores should be used on this machine. This value can be overriden
by the ngs_pipeline calling script. Default value is 1.
path.genomic_features: A path to the directory that contains the genomic features RData files used for counting.
No default.
path.gsnap_genomes: A path to the directory that contains Gsnap’s genomic indices. No default.
debug.level: A string indicating which maximal level of debug should be used in the log file. Possible values
are "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO" and "DEBUG". Default is "DEBUG".
debug.tracemem: A logical indicating whether periodic memory information should be included in the log file.
Default is TRUE.
Trim reads A logical indicating whether the reads should be end-trimmed. Default is FALSE.
trimReads.length: An integer indicating to what size (in nucleotides) the reads should be trimmed to. No default
Filter quality A logical indicating whether the reads should be filtered out based on read nucleotide quali-
ties. A read is kept if the fraction "filterQuality.minFrac" of nucleotides have a quality higher than "filterQual-
ity.minQuality". Default is TRUE.
filterQuality.minQuality: An integer. See Default is 23.
filterQuality.minFrac: A numeric ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. See Default is 0.7.
Detect adapter contamination A logical indicating whether reads that look contaminated by adapter sequences
should be reported (but NOT filtered). Default is TRUE.
detectAdapterContam.force_paired_end_adapter: A logical indicating whether paired end adapter chemistry
was used for single-end sequencing. Default is FALSE.
Detect ribosomal RNA A logical indicating whether ribosomal RNAs should be filtered out. Default is TRUE.
detectRRNA.rrna_genome: A string indicating which gsnap genome index to use (-d flag) to detect ribosomal
RNAs. No default value.
ShortRead report A logical indicating whether a ShortRead report should be generated from the preprocessed
reads. Default is TRUE.
shortReadReport.subsample_nbreads: An optional integer indicating how many reads should be subsampled
from the preprocessed reads for generating the report. No value indicates to take all of them (can be memory
and time consuming). Default is 20e6.
alignReads.genome: A string indicating which gsnap genome index to use (-d flag). No default value.
alignReads.max_mismatches: An optional integer indicating how many maximal mismatches gsnap should use
(-m flag). If absent, gsnap uses an automatic value. No default value.
alignReads.sam_id: A string (–read-group-id flag). No default value.
alignReads.snp_index: An optional string containing gsnap SNP database index (-v flag). No default value.
alignReads.splice_index: An optional string containing gsnap splice index (-s flag). No default value.
alignReads.static_parameters: An optional string containing extra gsnap parameters. No default value.
alignReads.nbthreads_perchunk: An optional integer indicating how many threads should be used to process
one chunk (-t flag). If unspecified, the value is set to min(num_cores, 4). This parameter is mostly given for
debug purposes. No default value.
Count genomic features A logical indicating whether counts per genomic feature should be computed. De-
fault is TRUE.
countGenomicFeatures.gfeatures: A filename containing the RData file used by the counting features module.
The full path is "path.genomic_features"/ "countGenomicFeatures.gfeatures". No default value.
Variants A logical indicating whether variant calling should be performed. Default is TRUE.
analyzeVariants.use_read_length: FALSE
analyzeVariants.with_qual: A logical indicating whether variant calling should take mapping quality into ac-
count. Default is TRUE.
analyzeVariants.bqual: Default is 23.
analyzeVariants.bin_fraction: Default is 0.1.
coverage.extendReads: A logical whether reads should be extended in the coverage vector. Default is FALSE
coverage.fragmentLength: Amount by which single ended reads should be extended. Usually defined by the
fragment length. No default value.
5 Session Information
> toLatex(sessionInfo())
R version 4.4.0 beta (2024-04-15 r86425), x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Time zone: America/New_York
TZcode source: system (glibc)
Running under: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
Matrix products: default
BLAS: /home/biocbuild/bbs-3.19-bioc/R/lib/
LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lapack/
Base packages: base, datasets, graphics, grDevices, methods, stats, stats4, utils
Other packages: AnnotationDbi 1.66.0, Biobase 2.64.0, BiocGenerics 0.50.0, BiocParallel 1.38.0,
Biostrings 2.72.0, GenomeInfoDb 1.40.0, GenomicAlignments 1.40.0, GenomicRanges 1.56.0, gmapR 1.46.0,
HTSeqGenie 4.34.0, IRanges 2.38.0, LungCancerLines 0.41.0, MatrixGenerics 1.16.0, matrixStats 1.3.0, 3.19.1, Rsamtools 2.20.0, S4Vectors 0.42.0, ShortRead 1.62.0, SummarizedExperiment 1.34.0,
VariantAnnotation 1.50.0, XVector 0.44.0
Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): abind 1.4-5, BiocIO 1.14.0, bit 4.0.5, bit64 4.0.5, bitops 1.0-7,
blob 1.2.4, BSgenome 1.72.0, cachem 1.0.8, Cairo 1.6-2, chipseq 1.54.0, cli 3.6.2, codetools 0.2-20,
compiler 4.4.0, crayon 1.5.2, curl 5.2.1, DBI 1.2.2, DelayedArray 0.30.0, deldir 2.0-4, fastmap 1.1.1,
GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.12, GenomicFeatures 1.56.0, grid 4.4.0, httr 1.4.7, hwriter, interp 1.1-6,
jpeg 0.1-10, jsonlite 1.8.8, KEGGREST 1.44.0, lattice 0.22-6, latticeExtra 0.6-30, Matrix 1.7-0, memoise 2.0.1,
parallel 4.4.0, pkgconfig 2.0.3, png 0.1-8, pwalign 1.0.0, R6 2.5.1, RColorBrewer 1.1-3, Rcpp 1.0.12,
RCurl 1.98-1.14, restfulr 0.0.15, rjson 0.2.21, rlang 1.1.3, RSQLite 2.3.6, rtracklayer 1.64.0, S4Arrays 1.4.0,
SparseArray 1.4.0, tools 4.4.0, UCSC.utils 1.0.0, VariantTools 1.46.0, vctrs 0.6.5, XML 3.99-0.16.1,
yaml 2.3.8, zlibbioc 1.50.0