Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX
User Guide
Ve r s i o n 4 .1
Last updated: 17 September 2014
Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX
User Guide
Ve r s i o n 4 .1
Last updated: 17 September 2014
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 85.
This edition applies to version 4.1 of IBM Sterling Connect:Direct and to all subsequent releases and modifications
until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2014.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring
Processes ..............1
Overview of the Command Line Interface ....1
Starting the CLI ............1
Stopping the CLI ............1
CLI Commands ............1
CLI Job Control ............3
CLI History Commands .........4
Overview of Sterling Connect:Direct Commands . 4
Submitting a Process...........6
Changing Process Parameters .......13
Deleting a Process from the TCQ ......15
Removing a Process from the Execution Queue 17
Stopping Sterling Connect:Direct ......18
Viewing a Process in the TCQ .......19
Monitoring Process Status in the TCQ ....22
Determining the Outcome of a Process ....26
Generating a Detailed Output Report for a
Process ...............34
Generating a Summary Report for a Process . . 34
Running System Diagnostics........35
Chapter 2. Process Queuing .....39
Overview of the Transmission Control Queue . . . 39
Scheduling Sterling Connect:Direct Activity....39
Progression of a Process Through the TCQ ....40
The Execution Queue ..........41
The Wait Queue ............42
The Timer Queue ...........43
The Hold Queue............43
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct
Utilities ..............45
Introduction to Translation Tables .......45
Creating a Translation Table ........45
Compiling a Translation Table Using the ndmxlt
Utility ...............46
Example—Creating a Translation Table ....46
Example—Modifying a Model Translation Table 47
Using Translation During File Transfer
Operations .............47
Translation Table Error Messages ......48
Accessing Sterling Connect:Direct Messages . . . 48
Message File Content ..........48
Message File Record Format ........49
Displaying Message Text .........49
Precompressing/Decompressing Files Using the
Standalone Batch Compression Utility .....50
Special Considerations for Using the Standalone
Batch Compression Utility ........50
Using the Standalone Batch Compression Utility 51
Example—Precompress a Text File......53
Example—Precompress a Text File With
Codepage Conversion ..........53
Example—Precompress a Binary File .....53
Example—Decompress a Text File ......53
Examples—csdacomp Command Help ....54
Example—Decompress a File on the Remote
Node During the Copy Step ........54
Example—Send Precompressed File to z/OS and
Storing It as Precompressed ........54
Validate Configuration Files .........55
Configuration Reports ...........55
Generating a Configuration Report on the Base
Installation .............56
Generating a Configuration Report on Sterling
Connect:Direct Secure Plus for UNIX .....57
Generating a Configuration Report on Sterling
Connect:Direct for SWIFTNet for UNIX ....58
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 61
Introduction to Writing Custom Programs ....61
Compiling Custom Programs ........61
Writing Custom C Programs.........63
Creating a Connection to Sterling Connect:Direct
Using ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() . 64
Terminating a Connection Using
ndmapi_disconnect() or ndmapi_disconnect_c() . 65
Receiving Responses Using ndmapi_recvresp() or
ndmapi_recvresp_c() ..........66
Sending a Command to Sterling Connect:Direct
Using ndmapi_sendcmd() or
ndmapi_sendcmd_c() ..........71
Writing Custom C++ Programs ........72
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits .....77
User Exit Programs ............77
User Exit Functions............77
Initializing Communications with exit_child_init()
or exit_child_init_c() ..........78
Waiting for a Message Using recv_exit_msg() or
recv_exit_msg_c() ...........79
Passing a File Descriptor Using send_exit_file()
or send_exit_file_c() ..........79
Sending a Message to Sterling Connect:Direct
Using send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msg_c() . . 80
Overview of User Exit Messages .......81
Statistics Exit Message ..........81
File Open Exit Messages .........81
Security Exit Messages .........82
User Exit Stop Message .........84
Copy Control Block ...........84
Exit Log Files..............84
Notices ..............85
Index ...............89
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 iii
iv Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes
Overview of the Command Line Interface
The Command Line Interface (CLI) enables you to submit Sterling Connect:Direct
Processes and commands from a native command line environment. You can also
use the Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface to perform some of these
Starting the CLI
1. If you have not defined the NDMAPICFG environment variable, type the
following command for the appropriate shell, where d_dir is the path to the
Sterling Connect:Direct subdirectory.
In the C shell:
% setenv NDMAPICFG d_dir/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
In the Bourne or Korn shell:
$ NDMAPICFG=d_dir/ndm/cfg/cliapi/ndmapi.cfg
$ export NDMAPICFG
2. Type the following command to invoke Sterling Connect:Direct CLI. Type
options as required:
$ direct [-P string -s -t n -e nn -n name -p nnnnn -x -r -h -z]
Stopping the CLI
Stop the CLI operation by typing Control-D or quit at the prompt.
CLI Commands
Refer to the following table for a description of the command options and sample
command entries:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 1
Option Description Value
Sample Command
-P Identifies the custom string to
use at the command line
If the prompt string includes
spaces or special characters,
enclose it in single or double
quotation marks.
The prompt string can also be
specified in the ndmapi.cfg file.
If a prompt string is specified
on the command line and in
the ndmapi.cfg file, -P takes
When the default prompt
(“Direct”) is overridden, the
new prompt string is shown at
the command line prompt and
in the welcome banner display.
text string
Up to 32 characters.
$ direct
$ direct -P”Test CD
on Medea”
-s Suppresses standard output.
Use this option to view only
the completion status of a
none $ direct -s
-t n Enables the CLI/API trace
option. The level number, n,
identifies the level of detail in
the trace output.
Specify one of the
following level
1—Provides function
entry and function exit.
This is the default.
2—Provides function
entry and exits and
basic diagnostic
information, such as
displaying values of
internal data structures
at key points in the
execution flow.
4—Enables a full trace.
All diagnostic
information is
$ direct -t 4
2 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Option Description Value
Sample Command
-e nn Defines the error level above
which the CLI automatically
exits. If the returned error code
is greater than the error level
specified, the CLI automatically
Use this command within shell
This parameter prevents
unwanted execution of
commands following a
command that generates an
error above the specified level.
When the CLI terminates, it
returns a UNIX exit code that
can be tested by the shell.
Valid values in the
error level code are:
0—Indicates successful
4—Indicates warning.
8—Indicates error.
catastrophic error.
$ direct -e 16
-n name Identifies the host name of the
computer where the Sterling
Connect:Direct server (PMGR)
is running.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
Sterling Connect:Direct
host name
$ direct -n hostname
-p nnnnn Identifies the communications
port number for the Sterling
Connect:Direct node.
Note: Invoking direct with -p
or -n overrides the settings in
the ndmapi.cfg file.
1024–65535. The format
is nnnnn.
$ direct -p 2222
-x Displays command input on
standard out. Use this
command when debugging
none $ direct -x
-r Makes the Process number
available to user-written shell
scripts. The CLI displays a
special string, _CDPNUM_
followed by a space, followed
by the Process number.
none $direct -r | grep
-h Displays command usage
information if a Sterling
Connect:Direct command is
typed incorrectly.
none $ direct -h
-z Appends a newline character
after a prompt.
none $ direct -z
CLI Job Control
Sterling Connect:Direct enables you to switch the CLI Process between the
foreground and the background in shells that support job control. This capability
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 3
enables you to edit the text of saved Processes, issue UNIX commands, and resolve
Process errors without exiting and reentering the CLI. Use the following
commands to switch the CLI Process:
v Press the suspend character (Control-Z) to stop or suspend the CLI Process.
v Issue the fg command to move the CLI Process to the foreground.
Note: If you experience problems with job control, contact your system
administrator for suggestions on additional UNIX commands to use.
CLI History Commands
Sterling Connect:Direct enables you to use the history commands available with
UNIX. History commands do not need the semicolon (;) at the end of the
command. The following table lists the available history commands:
Command Description
!! Repeat the last command one time.
!#n Set the number of commands to store in the
history buffer. The default history buffer size
is 50 commands.
!n Repeat command number <n> in the history
!<string> Repeat command beginning with the string
!? List the contents of the history buffer.
Overview of Sterling Connect:Direct Commands
You control and monitor Sterling Connect:Direct Processes using the following
Note: The CMGR currently limits the size of a Process file to 60K bytes.
Command Abbreviation Description
submit sub Makes Processes available for execution.
change process cha pro Changes the status and modifies specific characteristics,
of a nonexecuting Process in the TCQ.
delete process del pro Removes a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
flush process flush pro Removes an executing Process from the TCQ.
stop stop Stops Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX and returns
control to the operating system.
select process sel pro Monitors both executing Processes and Processes
waiting for execution. You can specify the search criteria
and the form in which the information is presented.
select statistics sel stat Retrieves information from the statistics file. You can
specify the search criteria and the form in which the
information is presented.
view process view pro View a Process in the TCQ where the local node is the
Pnode. View process can only display Processes running
on the local node since only the Pnode has the
information required to display a Process.
4 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Abbreviations for Common Sterling Connect:Direct Commands
The following table lists valid abbreviations for commonly used parameters for
Sterling Connect:Direct commands:
Parameter Abbreviation
detail det
quit q
recids rec
release rel
pname pnam, pna
pnumber pnum
sunday sun
monday mon
tuesday tue
wednesday wed
thursday thu
friday fri
saturday sat
today tod
tomorrow tom
Restricting the Scripts and UNIX Commands Users Can Execute
System administrators and other network operations staff can restrict the scripts
and UNIX commands that you can execute with the run task and run job Process
statements. System administrators and other network operations staff can enforce
the following limits on the capabilities you have with Sterling Connect:Direct:
v The capability to send or receive files; you may be limited either to sending files
only or to receiving files only.
v The locations to or from which you can send or receive files; you may be limited
to specific local or remote nodes.
Check with the system administrator for a list of specific restrictions for your user
Sterling Connect:Direct Command Syntax
Use the same command syntax for commands typed at the CLI prompt or used as
the command text parameter for an ndmapi_sendcmd() function. Refer to “User
Exit Programs” on page 77, for details on function calls. The following conventions
are used when typing commands:
v When selecting a password or user ID, do not use Sterling Connect:Direct
v Be aware that user names and file names are case sensitive.
v Type an individual command keyword in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed-case
v Terminate all commands with a semicolon (;).
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 5
v When typing commands, type the entire command name or type the first three
characters or abbreviate specific parameters. Refer to “Abbreviations for
Common Sterling Connect:Direct Commands” on page 5for a list of
v Do not abbreviate Process statements and parameters.
v File names, group names, user IDs, and passwords are variable length strings
and can be any length.
v A Sterling Connect:Direct node name is 1–16 characters long. The name of a
record in the netmap describing a remote node is typically the remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name, but can be any string 1–256 characters long. You can
also specify a remote node name as an IP address or hostname and a port
number or port name.
“Generic” Parameter Value
When the word generic is specified as a parameter value in a syntax definition,
provide a string that can include the asterisk (*) and question mark (?) characters.
These characters provide a pattern matching or wildcard facility for parameter
values. The asterisk matches zero or more characters, and the question mark
matches any single character. The following sample illustrates the use of the
asterisk and question mark characters:
The generic Process name specified in the previous sample shows a specification
that matches all Processes beginning with the letter A, followed by any single
character in position two with the string PROD5 in positions three through seven.
The asterisk takes the place of zero or more characters beginning in position eight.
“List” Parameter Value
When (list) is a parameter value, you can specify multiple parameter values by
enclosing the group in parentheses and separating each value with a comma. A list
can also include generic values. The following command illustrates a list:
(pnumber1, pnumber2, pnumber3)
Submitting a Process
The submit command makes Processes available for execution and enables the
software to interpret the Process statements contained in the specified files.
Parameters specified in the submit command override the same parameters
specified on the Process statement. There are no required parameters. However, if
you do not specify a file name for the file parameter, the text of the Sterling
Connect:Direct Process must follow the submit command. Following are the
parameters for the submit command:
Parameter Description Values
file The name of the Process file. The file name can
include a path name indicating the location of
the Process.
This parameter must be the first parameter.
file name including the path name
6 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Values
class The node-to-node session on which a Process
can execute. A Process can execute on the class
specified or any higher session class. The
default class is specified as the sess.default
parameter of the local.node record in the
initialization parameters file.
A numeric value from 1 to the value of maximum
concurrent local node connections
(sess.pnode.max). The default value is 1. The
value cannot be greater than the maximum
number of local sessions with primary control.
crc Determines if crc checking is performed. This
parameter overrides settings in the
initialization parameter, the network map, and
the Process.
Note: The user must be assigned authority to
change the crc settings in the user authority
on—Turns on crc checking.
off—Turns off crc checking. The default is off.
hold Determines if the Process is placed in the Hold
When a Process is submitted with retain=yes
or retain=call, Sterling Connect:Direct ignores
the hold parameter.
yes | no | call
yes—Specifies the Process is placed in the Hold
queue in HI status until it is released by a change
process command. A Process submitted with
hold=yes is placed on the Hold queue even if you
specify a start time.
no—Specifies that the Process executes as soon as
resources are available. This is the default.
call—Specifies that the Process is held until a
connection is established between the remote
node and the local node. At that time, the Process
is released for execution.
maxdelay How long the submit command waits for the
submitted Process to complete execution. This
parameter is useful when the command is
issued by a shell script. When this parameter is
specified, the script waits until the Process
completes before it continues execution. The
return code of the Process is stored in the $?
variable if you are using the Bourne or Korn
shell and in $status variable if you are using
the C shell, which the shell script can use to
test the results of Process execution. If you do
not specify maxdelay, no delay occurs.
If the time interval expires, the submit
command returns a warning status code and
message ID to the issuing Process or CLI/API.
The Process is not affected by the time interval
expiration and executes normally.
unlimited | hh:mm:ss |0
unlimited—Waits until the Process completes
hh:mm:ss—Waits for an interval no longer than
the specified hours, minutes, and seconds.
0—Waits until the Process completes execution. If
you specify maxdelay=0, you get the same results
as when you specify maxdelay=unlimited.
newname A new Process name that overrides the name
in the submitted Process.
A name up to 256 characters long
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 7
Parameter Description Values
notify The user e-mail to receive Process completion
messages. This parameter uses the rmail utility
available in the UNIX System V mail facility to
deliver the completion messages.
Note: Sterling Connect:Direct does not validate
the e-mail address or user ID supplied to the
notify parameter. Invalid e-mail addresses and
failed E-mail attempts are handled according
to the local mail facilities configuration.
username@hostname or user@localhost
pacct A string containing information about the
PNODE. Enclose the string in double quotation
pnode accounting data up to 256 characters
pnodeid Security user IDs and passwords at the
PNODE. The pnodeid subparameters can
contain 1–64 alphanumeric characters.
id [, pswd]
id—Specifies a user ID on the PNODE.
pswd—Specifies a user password on the
PNODE.If you specify pnodeid, you must also
specify id. Identify the ID first and the pswd last.
prty The priority of the Process in the Transmission
Control Queue (TCQ). A Process with a higher
priority is selected for execution before a
Process with a lower priority. The prty value
does not affect the priority during
1–15, where fifteen is the highest priority. The
default is 10.
retain Determines if Sterling Connect:Direct retains a
copy of the Process in the TCQ. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns a Process number to the
Process when it is placed in the retain queue.
When the Process is run, the Process number
assigned to the retain Process is incremented
by one. For example, if the Process is assigned
the Process number of 1445 in the retain
queue, the Process number is 1446 when the
Process is executed.
If you specify a start time and set retain=yes,
the Process remains in the Timer queue in HR
status and is submitted at the appropriate
interval. For example, when
startt=(Monday,2:00), the Process runs each
Monday at 2:00 AM. When startt=(,1:00), the
Process runs daily at 1:00 AM. Sterling
Connect:Direct does not provide a way to run
a Process hourly. To do this, you must use the
UNIX cron utility.
If no start time is identified, you must issue a
change process command to release the
Process for execution. Do not code the startt
parameter when you specify retain=initial.
yes | no | initial
yes—Specifies that the system retains the Process
in the Hold queue in HR status after execution.
no—Specifies that the system deletes the Process
from the TCQ after execution. This is the default.
initial—Specifies that the system retains the
Process in the Hold queue in HR status for
automatic execution every time the Process
Manager initializes.
sacct Specifies accounting data for the SNODE.
Setting this value in the submit statement
overrides any accounting data specified in
snode accounting data up to 256 characters.
Enclose the string in double quotation marks.
8 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Values
snode Identifies the name of the secondary node.
Setting this value overrides the snode value in
the Process statement. The snode parameter is
required either on the submit command or
Process statement.
name | host name | nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or
name | nnnnn]]
name—Specifies the node name of the remote
node. The secondary node name corresponds to
an entry in the network map file.
host name—Specifies the name of the host
computer where the remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node is running.
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn or
—Specifies the IP address of the remote node in
IPv4 or IPv6 format: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn (IPv4) or
[;port number |nnnnn]—Identifies the
communications port. You can only use this
parameter with the host name or IP address
parameters. The nnnnn value is a decimal number
from 1,024–65,535.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 9
Parameter Description Values
snodeid Specifies security user IDs and security
passwords on the SNODE. The snodeid
subparameters can contain one or more
alphanumeric characters.
If Sterling Connect:Direct finds that a Process
has no snodeid parameter or defines a
snodeid parameter and the initialization
parameter proxy.attempt is set to y, then any
password specified on the snodeid parameter
is ignored. A proxy user record is a remote
user record in the userfile.cfg, which
corresponds to the user name specified on the
snodeid parameter. If no proxy user record
exists, the snodeid parameter must contain a
valid user name and password for a UNIX
user who has a corresponding local user record
in the userfile.cfg file.
When proxy.attempt=n and no snodeid is
defined, Sterling Connect:Direct uses the
submitting ID and node to find a Remote User
Information record in the User Authorization
Information file. If Sterling Connect:Direct
cannot find a match, then that user cannot
send or receive files.
If the initialization parameters file parameter
proxy.attempt is set to y, users are not required
to specify a password for the snodeid
parameter. This capability enables the id
subparameter to contain a dummy user ID to
be used for translation to a local user ID on
the remote system. The use of a dummy user
ID offers improved security because neither the
sender nor the receiver are required to use an
actual user ID.
Reserved keywords cannot be used in the
snodeid field.
id [,pswd [,newpswd]]
id—Specifies a user ID on the SNODE.
pswd—Specifies a user password on the SNODE.
If you specify id, you do not have to specify
pswd. This capability enables the id parameter to
contain a dummy ID to be used for translation to
a local ID on the remote system.
newpswd—Specifies a new password value. On
certain platforms, the user password changes to
the new value on the SNODE if the user ID and
old password are correct (refer to documentation
on the specific platform). If the SNODE is a UNIX
node, the password does not change.
If you specify pswd, you must also specify id. If
you specify newpswd, you must also specify
pswd. Type the values in the order of id, pswd,
and newpswd.
10 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Values
startt Identifies the date, day, and time to start the
Process. Sterling Connect:Direct places the
Process in the Timer queue in WS (Waiting for
Start Time) status. The date, day, and time are
positional parameters. If you do not specify
date or day, a comma must precede time.
Do not code the startt parameter when you
specify retain=initial.
[date | day][,hh:mm:ss [am | pm]]
date—Specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and
year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy
or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the time
defaults to 00:00:00, which indicates midnight.
The current date is the default.
day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are
today, tomorrow, yesterday, monday, tuesday,
wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, and
hh:mm:ss [am | pm]—Specifies the time of day in
hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). You
can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour
format. If you use 12-hour format, then you must
specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour
format. The default value is 00:00:00, which
indicates midnight. If you specify only the day
value, the time defaults to 00:00:00. This means
that if you submit a Process on Monday, with
monday as the only startt parameter, the Process
does not run until the following Monday at
name 1
name 2
name n
Specifies a symbolic parameter assigned a
value. The value is substituted within the
Process when the symbolic parameter is
The value for the symbolic parameter must be
in double quotation marks if it is a keyword or
contains special characters. If you want to
reserve the double quotation marks when the
symbolic name is resolved in the Process,
enclose the double-quoted string in single
quotes, for example:
&filename = “‘filename with spaces'”
The symbolic name itself must not be a subset
of any other symbolic name. (You cannot have,
for example, a symbolic name called &param
and another symbolic name called &parameter
in the same Process.)
variable string 1
variable string 2
variable string n
The symbolic name cannot exceed 32 characters.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 11
Parameter Description Values
tracel Specifies the level of trace to perform for a
Process. Tracing by Process can be turned on in
the submit command or as part of the Process
If you identify the snode or pnode
immediately after the trace level definition, the
trace level is turned on for all Processes
submitted to and from the node identified.
snode | pnode
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in the
trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—The basic level that
provides function entry and function
exit.2—includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace. Basic
diagnostic information, such as values of internal
data structures at key points in the execution
flow, are displayed.
snode—Specifies to trace only the SNODE SMGR.
pnode—Specifies to trace only the PNODE SMGR.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the trace
output is directed. If you do not specify a file
name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name CMGR.TRC. The length of the name value
is unlimited.
Example - Submit a Process That Runs Every Week
The following command submits the Process named payroll:
submit file=payroll retain=yes startt=monday pacct=“1959,dept-27";
Because retain=yes is specified in this sample, the Process is retained in the TCQ
after execution. The Process starts next Monday at 00:00:00 and runs every Monday
thereafter. Process accounting data is specified for the PNODE.
Example - Submit a Process with a Start Time Specified
The following command submits the Process named copyfil:
submit file=copyfil snode=vmcent startt=(01/01/2008, 11:45:00 am);
Because startt is specified, the Process executes on the first day of January 2008 at
11:45 a.m.
Example - Submit a Process with No File Value
The following command submits a Process without a file parameter value, but
with the Process statements typed at the CLI command prompt:
Direct> sub do_copy process snode=node1
step01 copy from (
to (
pend ;
Process Submitted, Process Number = 5
12 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Example - Submit a Process and Turn On Tracing
The following command submits the Process named copy.cdp:
submit file=copy.cdp tracel=4 pnode;
Because tracel is specified and the pnode parameter is included, an SMGR and
COMM full trace is performed on the Process. Trace information is written to the
default file SMGR.TRC.
Changing Process Parameters
The change process command modifies specified parameters for a nonexecuting
You specify the Processes to be changed by Process name, Process number,
secondary node name, and submitter.
You can change the class, destination node, and priority. You can place a Process
on the Hold queue or release a Process from the Hold queue by issuing a change
process command with either the release or hold=no parameter.
If you submit a Process with a startt parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct places the
Process on the Timer queue. If a Process fails, you can move it to the Hold queue
by specifying the change process command with hold=yes. Sterling Connect:Direct
then places the Process in the Hold queue in HO status. You can release the
Process for execution at a later time.
You can set tracing for an existing Process by setting the tracel parameter to 1, 2,
or 4. You can turn off tracing for a Process by setting trace1 to 0.
Specify at least one of the following search criteria parameters:
Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the Process to be
changed by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to
8 alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for the Process name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more pname
list—Specifies a list of Process names.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
pnumber Locate the Process to be
changed by Process number.
Sterling Connect:Direct
assigns the Process number
when the Process is
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 13
Parameter Description Value
snode Locate the Process to be
changed by the secondary
node name. This parameter
can be used to specify a
specific remote node, a
generic value for matching
remote node names (using
pattern matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for the remote node name. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching
characters, evaluates to a list of zero or
more remote node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in
parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
submitter Locate the Processes to be
changed by the node
specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node name)
and user ID of the Process
owner. The character length
of this parameter is
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the
node specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value
for node specification and user ID. This
generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to
a list of zero or more node specifications
and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification
and user ID pairs. Enclose the list in
parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
The optional parameters for the change process command are the following:
Parameter Description Value
class Changes the node-to-node
session on which a Process can
execute. A Process can execute
on the class specified or any
higher session class. The
default class is specified as the
sess.default parameter of the
local.node record in the
initialization parameters file.
The default is 1.
14 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
hold Moves the Process to the Hold
or Wait queue.
yes | no | call
yes—Places the Process in the Hold
queue in HO status until it is released
by another change process command.
no—Places the Process in the Wait
queue in WC (Waiting for Connection)
status; the Process executes as soon as
resources are available. This is the
call—Places the Process in the Hold
queue in HC (Hold for Call) status
until the remote node (SNODE)
connects to the local node (PNODE) or
another Process is submitted. At that
time, Sterling Connect:Direct releases
the Process for execution
newsnode Specifies a new remote node
name to assign to the Process.
new remote node specification
prty Changes the priority of the
Process on the TCQ. Sterling
Connect:Direct uses the prty
parameter for Process
selection. A Process with a
higher priority is selected for
execution before a Process
with a lower priority. The prty
value does not affect the
priority during transmission.
1–15, where 15 is the highest priority. If
you do not specify prty, the default is
release Releases the Process from a
held state. This parameter is
equivalent to hold=no.
tracel Changes the level of trace to
perform for a Process.
If you identify the SNODE or
PNODE immediately after the
trace level definition, the trace
level is turned on for all
Processes submitted to and
from the node identified.
level—Specifies the level of detail
displayed in the trace output. The
default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic
level that provides function entry and
function exit.2 —Includes level 1 plus
function arguments.4—Enables a full
trace. Basic diagnostic information,
such as values of internal data
structures at key points in the
execution flow, are displayed.
The following command changes the remote node name for the Process named
cdproc to a new remote node, paris:
change process pname=cdproc newsnode=paris;
Deleting a Process from the TCQ
The delete process command removes a nonexecuting Process from the TCQ.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 15
You select the Process to delete by Process name, Process number, secondary node
name, submitter, or any combination of the search criteria parameters. Specify at
least one of the following search criteria parameters:
Parameter Description Value
pname Identify the Process to delete
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and for z/OS.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name up to 8
alphanumeric characters long.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list
of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
pnumber Identify the Process to delete
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted. Valid
Process numbers range from
number |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma (,).
snode Identify the Process to delete
by the secondary node name.
This parameter can be used
to specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
submitter Identify Processes to delete
by the node specification and
user ID of the Process owner.
The character length of this
parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for
node specification and user ID. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more node
specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
16 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
The following command deletes all nonexecuting Processes submitted by user ID
cduser on node dallas:
delete process submitter=(dallas, cduser);
Removing a Process from the Execution Queue
The flush process command removes Processes from the Execution queue. You
select the Process to remove by Process name, Process number, secondary node
name, submitter, or any combination of the search criteria parameters. Specify at
least one of the following search criteria parameters:
Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the Process to
remove by Process name.
The Process name is
limited to 8 characters on
Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows
and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list
of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
pnumber Locate the Process to
remove by Process
number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
snode Locate the Process to
remove by the secondary
node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node
The secondary node
name typically contains
the 1–16 character remote
Sterling Connect:Direct
node name, but can be
any string up to 256
alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify
a remote node name as
an IP address or
hostname and a port
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a specific
remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote node
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 17
Parameter Description Value
submitter Locate the Processes to
remove by the node
specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID of the
Process owner.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node
specification and user ID. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more node
specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
The flush process command has the following optional parameters:
Parameter Description Value
force Forcibly terminates an executing
Process or terminates a Process
in an orderly fashion as the step
completes. This parameter is
useful if a Process is in the
executing state and waiting for
unavailable resources.
yes—Specifies to forcibly and immediately
terminate the Process. The SMGR also
terminates immediately.
no—Specifies to terminate the Process in an
orderly fashion as the step completes. The
SMGR closes the statistics file and then
terminates. This is the default.
hold Places the terminated Process in
the Hold queue where it can be
released for re-execution.
yes—Specifies to place the Process in the
Hold queue in HS status after the Process
is terminated.
no—Specifies to delete the Process from the
TCQ after the Process is terminated. This is
the default.
The following command flushes all executing Processes named “Rome” from the
Execution queue:
flush process pname=rome force=yes;
The following command flushes all executing Processes on node alma submitted
by user ID jones:
flush process submitter=(alma, jones);
Stopping Sterling Connect:Direct
The stop command initiates an orderly Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown sequence
or forcibly terminates the software. After you run the stop command, no new
Processes are allowed to run and no new connections with remote systems are
established. Commands can be issued and users can sign on until the server
18 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
You can specify the force, immediate, quiesce, or step parameters with the stop
Note: The force parameter is required when running Sterling Connect:Direct with
the LU6.2 feature on any supported platform other than AIX.
Following are the parameters for the stop command:
Parameter Description
force Forcibly terminates Sterling Connect:Direct
and returns control to the operating system.
immediate Begins an immediate, but orderly shutdown
of all activity and terminates Sterling
Connect:Direct. The software terminates
connections, writes statistics records, closes
files, and shuts down.
quiesce Runs all executing Processes to completion
before shutting down Sterling
Connect:Direct. No new Processes are
started. This is the default value.
step Shuts down Sterling Connect:Direct after all
currently executing Process steps are
complete. The software writes statistics
records, closes files, and shuts down. All
active Processes are retained in the TCQ.
Processes restart when the software is
The following command forcibly terminates Sterling Connect:Direct and returns
control to the operating system:
stop force;
Viewing a Process in the TCQ
The view process command is used to view Processes in the TCQ when the local
node is the PNODE. You can search by Process name, Process number, queue,
secondary node, status, owner of the Process, or any combination of the search
criteria parameters.
You also can specify more than one Process in the search criteria.
There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not specify an
optional parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct selects all Processes executing or
waiting for execution. Following are the optional parameters for the view process
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 19
Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the Process to view
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a
list of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
pnumber Locate the Process to view
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma.
queue Specifies the Processes to be
viewed by the specified
queue names.
all | exec | hold | wait | timer
all—Selects Processes from all queues. This is
the default.
exec—Selects Processes from the Execution
hold—Selects Processes from the Hold queue.
timer—Selects Processes from the Timer
wait—Selects Processes from the Wait queue.
snode View the Process by the
secondary node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node names.
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
20 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
status Specifies the Processes to be
viewed by Process status. If
you do not specify a status
value, information is
generated for all status
| WC | WR | WS | (list)
EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes
from the Execution queue.
HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=call.
HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select
Processes held due to a connection error.
HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=yes.
HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select
Processes held by a change process
command issued with hold=yes.
HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with retain=yes or
HS (Held Due to Execution
Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes
suspended by a flush process command
issued with hold=yes.
PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with a maxdelay
parameter and assigned PE status by the
Process Manager just before a Session
Manager is created to execute the Process.
After the Session Manager initializes, the
Process is placed on the Execution queue and
the status is changed to EX.
WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to
select Processes that are ready for execution,
but that all available connections to the
remote node are in use.
WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select
Processes that are waiting for restart after
session failure.
WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to
select Processes waiting for a start time.
These Processes are on the Timer Queue.
list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 21
Parameter Description Value
submitter Locate the Processes to view
by the node specification (the
Sterling Connect:Direct node
name) and user ID of the
Process owner. The length of
this parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct
node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for
node specification and user ID. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching
characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more
node specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
The following command displays the specified Process number:
view process pnumber=1;
Monitoring Process Status in the TCQ
The select process command displays information about Processes in the TCQ.
The search criteria provide flexibility in selecting Processes. You can search for a
Process by Process name, Process number, queue, secondary node, status, owner of
the Process, or any combination of the search criteria parameters.
You also can specify more than one Process in the search criteria. You can request
either a detailed report about the selected Process or a short report.
There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not specify an
optional parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct selects all Processes executing or
waiting for execution. Following are the optional parameters for the select process
Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the Process to select
by Process name.
The Process name is limited
to 8 characters on Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft
Windows and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a
list of zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
pnumber Locate the Process to select
by Process number. Sterling
Connect:Direct assigns the
Process number when the
Process is submitted.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate
each value with a comma.
22 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
queue Specifies the Processes to be
selected by the specified
queue names. The default is
all | exec | hold | wait | timer
all—Selects Processes from all queues. this is
the default.
exec—Selects Processes from the Execution
hold—Selects Processes from the Hold queue.
timer—Selects Processes from the Timer
wait—Selects Processes from the Wait queue.
snode Locate the Process by the
secondary node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node
The secondary node name
typically contains the 1–16
character remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node name,
but can be any string up to
256 alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify a
remote node name as an IP
address or hostname and a
port number.
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a
specific remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters,
evaluates to a list of zero or more remote
node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node
specifications. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 23
Parameter Description Value
status Specifies the Processes to be
selected by Process status. If
you do not specify a status
value, information is
generated for all status
EX (Execution)—Specifies to select Processes
from the Execution queue.
HC (Held for Call)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=call.
HE (Held due to Error)—Specifies to select
Processes held due to a connection error.
HI (Held Initially)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with hold=yes.
HO (Held by Operator)—Specifies to select
Processes held by a change process
command issued with hold=yes.
HR (Held Retain)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with retain=yes or
HS (Held Due to Execution
Suspension)—Specifies to select Processes
suspended by a flush process command
issued with hold=yes.
PE (Pending Execution)—Specifies to select
Processes submitted with a maxdelay
parameter and assigned PE status by the
Process Manager just before a Session
Manager is created to execute the Process.
After the Session Manager initializes, the
Process is placed on the Execution queue and
the status is changed to EX.
WC (Waiting for Connection)—Specifies to
select Processes that are ready for execution,
but that all available connections to the
remote node are in use.
WR (Waiting for Restart)—Specifies to select
Processes that are waiting for restart after
session failure.
WS (Waiting for Start Time)—Specifies to
select Processes waiting for a start time.
These Processes are on the Timer Queue.
list—Specifies a list of status values. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
24 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
submitter Locate the Processes to
select by the node
specification (the Sterling
Connect:Direct node name)
and user ID of the Process
owner. The length of this
parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Connect:Direct
node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for
node specification and user ID. This generic
value, containing pattern-matching
characters, evaluates to a list of zero or more
node specifications and user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses,
and separate each value with a comma.
detail Specifies the type of report
(short or detailed) that
Sterling Connect:Direct
generates for the selected
yes—Generates a detailed report.
no—Generates a short report. This is the
The following command displays a short report for the specified Process number:
select process pnumber=9 detail=no;
Output from the command is displayed in the following table:
PR01 9 root cd.unix.pj EXEC EX
The following command displays a detailed report for the specified Process
select process pnumber=9 detail=yes;
Output from the command is displayed in the following table:
Process Name => pr01 Class => 9
Process Number => 9 Priority => 8
Submitter Node => cd.unix.pj PNODE => cd.unix.pj
Submitter => sub1 SNODE => cd.unix.pj
Retain Process => no Header Type => p
Submit Time => 19:52:35 Schedule Time =>
Submit Date => 05/22/1996 Schedule Date =>
Queue => EXEC
Process Status => EX
Message Text =>
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 25
Determining the Outcome of a Process
The select statistics command is used to examine Process statistics from the
Sterling Connect:Direct statistics file. The type of information in the statistics report
includes copy status and execution events.
The search criteria provide flexibility in selecting information you want to display.
The parameters used with the select statistics command determine search criteria
and the form in which the information is presented. You can specify records to
select by condition code, Process name, Process number, identification type,
category, secondary node, start time, stop time, and submitter node specification
and user ID.
There are no required parameters for this command. If you do not indicate a
search requirement with an optional parameter, Sterling Connect:Direct selects all
statistics records; however, the volume of records can be excessive. Following are
parameters for the select statistics command:
Parameter Description Value
ccode Selects statistics records
based on the completion
code operator and return
code values associated
with Step Termination.
You must specify the
return code.
operator, nn
operator—Specifies the completion code operator.
Following are the valid completion code
eq or = or == (equal) This is the default.
ge or >= or => (greater than or equal)
gt or > (greater than)
le or <= or =< (less than or equal)
lt or < (less than)
ne or != (not equal)
The return code is the exit status of the UNIX
command or the Sterling Connect:Direct Process
or command.
nn—Specifies the return code value associated
with Step Termination.
destfile Selects statistics based on
a destination file name.
This parameter can be
abbreviated as dest.
dest=/path/file name
For example:
sel stat dest=/sci/payroll/june.payroll;
This parameter can be used in combination with
the srcfile parameter to select statistics based on
a source file name and a destination file name,
for example:
sel stat srcf=/sci/accounting/june.payroll
26 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
pname Locate the statistics to
select by Process name.
The Process name is
limited to 8 characters on
Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows
and Sterling
Connect:Direct for z/OS.
name | generic |(list)
name—Specifies the Process name, up to 8
alphanumeric characters.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
Process name. This generic value, containing
pattern-matching characters, evaluates to a list of
zero or more pname strings.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose the
list in parentheses, and separate each value with
a comma.
pnumber Locate the statistics to
select by Process number.
Sterling Connect:Direct
assigns the Process
number when the Process
is submitted.
number from 1–99,999 |(list)
number—Specifies the Process number.
list—Specifies a list of Process numbers. Enclose
the list in parentheses, and separate each value
with a comma.
reccat Specifies whether the
selection of statistics file
records is based on events
or related to a Process.
CAEV—Specifies that the selection of statistics
file records is related to an event, such as a
Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown.
CAPR—Specifies that the selection of statistics
file records is related to one or more Sterling
Connect:Direct Processes.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 27
Parameter Description Value
recids Specifies the statistics file
records to be selected by
record ID. This parameter
identifies particular types
of statistics records, such
as a copy termination
records or Sterling
initialization event
record id |(list)
record id—Selects statistics file records for the
specified record ID.
list—Specifies a list of Process names. Enclose the
list in parentheses, and separate each value with
a comma.
Following are the valid record ID values:
APSM—License Management failure generated.
CHFA—Change Functional Authority command
CHGP—The change process command issued.
CHPX—Change Proxy command issued.
CRHT—Copyright statement.
COAC—Listen connection enabled for either API
or a remote node.
CSPA—Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus
failure generated.
CSPE—Strong Password Encryption event.
CSTP—Child Process stopped.
CTIM—Command Manager inactivity timer
CTRC—Copy termination record.
CTRM—Child Process terminated.
CUKN—Child Process unknown status.
CXIT—Child Process exited.
DELP—The delete Process command issued.
DLFA—Delete Functional Authority command
DLPX—Delete Proxy command issued.
FLSP—The flush Process command issued.
FMRV—Error occurred in function management.
information receive operation.
FMSD—Error occurred in function management.
information send operation.
GPRC—Error occurred while getting Process.
28 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
IFED—The if statement ended.
LIEX—License expired.
LIOK—Listen okay.
LSED—Local Process Step Ended.
LSST—The record ID of a step on the local node.
LWEX—License expires within 14 days.
NAUH—Node Authorization check issued.
NINF—Sterling Connect:Direct information
generated at startup.
NMOP—Network map file opened.
NMPR—The network map is updated through
Sterling Connect:Direct Browser User Interface,
Sterling Control Center Console, or KQV
NUIC—Initialization complete.
NUIS—Initialization started.
NUTC—Termination completed.
NUTS—Termination started.
PERR—Process error.
PFLS—Process flushed.
PPER—Pipe Error.
PRED—Process ended.
PRIN—Process interrupted.
PSAV—Process saved.
PSED—Process Step Ended.
PSTR—Process started.
QCEX—A Process moved from another queue to
the EXEC queue.
QCWA—A Process moved from another queue to
the WAIT queue.
QCTI—A Process moved from another queue to
the TIMER queue.
QCHO—A Process moved from another queue to
the HOLD queue.
QERR—Test Mode error event.
RFIP—Refresh initparms command issued.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 29
Parameter Description Value
RJED—The run job ended.
RNCF—Remote node connection failed.
RSED—Remote Process Step Ended.
RSST—The record ID of a step on the remote
RTED—The run task ended.
RTRS—Run Task Restarted.
RTSY—Run task restarted. Re-syncing with run
task that was executing.
SBED—The submit ended.
SCNT—Max session count.
SCPA—Step end status.
SELM—Select message command issued.
SELP—The select Process command issued.
SELS—The select statistics command issued.
SEND—Session ended.
SERR—System error.
SFSZ—Size of the file submitted.
SGON—User signed on using KQV Interface or
Command Line Interface.
SHUD—Shutdown occurred.
SIGC—Signal caught.
SLFA—Select func. Authority command issued.
SLIP—Select initparms command issued.
SLNM—Select netmap command issued.
SLPX—Select proxy command issued.
SLSG—Select signature command issued.
SPAC—S+ cmd add key certificate.
SPAT—S+ cmd add trusted root certificate.
SPCL—S+ cmd add alias node.
SPCN—S+ cmd add node.
SPDN—S+ cmd delete node.
30 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
SPGC—S+ cmd select ciphersuites.
SPRK—S+ cmd rekey parmfile.
SPSC—S+ cmd select key certificate.
SPSN—S+ cmd select nodes.
SPST—S+ cmd select trusted root certificates.
SPSY—S+ cmd sync netmap.
SPUC—S+ cmd change key certificate.
SPUN—S+ cmd change node.
SPUT—S+ cmd change trusted root certificate.
SPVP—S+ cmd validate parmfile.
SSTR—Session start.
STOP—The stop command issued.
SUBP—The submit command issued.
SUBV—Validate Process command issued.
TRAC—The trace command issued.
TZDI—The time zone of the local node
represented as the difference in seconds between
the time at the local node and the Coordinated
Universal Time.
UNKN—Unknown command issued.
USEC—Security check for user ID failed.
USMG—Sterling Connect:Direct is shutting
VEWP—View Process command issued.
Logged messages may not have an explicitly
defined record id. These messages default the
record id to the first four characters of the
message. Some examples are listed below.
XCMM—Command manager (CMGR) messages.
XCPR—Copy receive.
XCPS—Copy send.
XIPT—Communication errors.
XLKL—Low-level TCQ record locking errors.
XMSG—Message sent to user exit.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 31
Parameter Description Value
XPAC—Process parsing message.
XPAE—Parsing error occurred when a Process or
command was submitted.
XPAM—Parsing error occurred when a Process
or command was submitted.
XPMC—Process manager (PMGR) connection
error messages.
XPML—PMGR statistics log error messages.
XPMP—PMGR error messages when checking
permission on the Sterling Connect:DirectSelect
XPMR—PMGR RPC and miscellaneous error
XPMT—PMGR termination error messages.
XRPM—Run task or run job error messages.
XRRF—Relative record file access error messages.
File structure is use for TCQ.
XSMG—Session manager (SMGR) error
XSQF—File access error messages.
XSTA—User exit program started.
XTQG—A single TCQ error message group.
XTQZ—A single TCQ error message group.
snode Locate the statistics file
record by the secondary
node name. This
parameter can be used to
specify a specific remote
node, a generic value for
matching remote node
names (using pattern
matching), or a list of
multiple remote node
The secondary node name
typically contains the
1–16 character remote
Sterling Connect:Direct
node name, but can be
any string up to 256
alphanumeric characters
long. You can also specify
a remote node name as
an IP address or
hostname and a port
remote node specification | generic |(list)
remote node specification—Identifies a specific
remote node name.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for the
remote node name. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates
to a list of zero or more remote node names.
list—Specifies a list of remote node specifications.
Enclose the list in parentheses, and separate each
value with a comma.
32 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
srcfile Selects statistics based on
a source file name. This
parameter can be
abbreviated as srcf.
srcf=/path/file name
For example:
sel stat srcf=/sci/accounting/june.payroll;
This parameter can be used in combination with
the destfile parameter to select statistics based on
a source file name and a destination file name,
for example:
sel stat srcf=/sci/accounting/june.payroll
startt Selects records produced
both at and since the
specified time. The date
or day and time are
positional. If you do not
specify date or day, a
comma must precede
[date | day][,hh:mm:ss [am|pm]]
date—Specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and
year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy
or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the
time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the
day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are
today, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, and sunday.
hh:mm:ss [am | pm]—Specifies the time of day
in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss).
You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour
format. If you use 12-hour format, then you must
specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour
format. The default value is 00:00:00, which
indicates midnight. If you specify only the day
value, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
stopt Specifies that Sterling
Connect:Direct searches
for statistics records up to
and including the
designated date, day, and
time positional
parameters. If you do not
specify date or day, a
comma must precede
[date | day] [, hh:mm:ss [am|pm]]
date—Specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and
year (yy), which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy
or mm-dd-yyyy. If you only specify date, the
time defaults to 00:00:00. The current date is the
day—Specifies the day of the week. Values are
today, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday,
friday, saturday, and sunday.
hh:mm:ss [am | pm]—Specifies the time of day
in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss).
You can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour
format. If you use 12-hour format, then you must
specify am or pm. The default is the 24-hour
format. The default value is 00:00:00, which
indicates midnight. If you specify only the day
value, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 33
Parameter Description Value
submitter Locate the statistics
records to select by the
node specification (the
Sterling Connect:Direct
node name) and user ID
of the Process owner. The
character length of the
parameter is unlimited.
(node specification, userid)|generic |(list)
node specification, userid—Specifies the node
specification (the Sterling Control Center Select
node name) and user ID.
generic—Specifies a nonspecific value for node
specification and user ID. This generic value,
containing pattern-matching characters, evaluates
to a list of zero or more node specifications and
user IDs.
list—Specifies a list of node specification and
user ID pairs. Enclose the list in parentheses, and
separate each value with a comma.
detail Specifies the type of
report (short or detailed)
that Sterling
Connect:Direct generates
for the selected Processes.
yes—Generates a detailed report.
no—Generates a short report. This is the default.
Generating a Detailed Output Report for a Process
You can use the select statistics command to generate a detailed report for a
Process. The following command generates a detailed report for Process number 9:
select statistics pnumber=9 detail=yes startt=(08/10/2008);
The report consists of all records from August 10, 2008.
A sample statistics output for two steps only is listed in the following section. Use
the table of recids in “Determining the Outcome of a Process” on page 26 to
interpret the Record ID. The Record ID can change for each Process step displayed.
The completion code indicates whether the Process executed successfully or
produced an error condition.
To display the long text of the message, issue the ndmmsg command.
Generating a Summary Report for a Process
You can use the select statistics command to generate a summary report for a
Process. The following command generates summary statistics for Process number
sel stat pnumber=9 detail=no startt=(08/10/2008);
The report consists of all records from August 10, 2008.
Sample output that describes all Process steps in summary form is displayed in the
following table:
P PSTR 08/10/2008 09:10:39 PR01 9 0 XSMG200I
P IFED 08/10/2008 09:10:44 PR01 9 0 XSMG405I
P CTRC 08/10/2008 09:10:44 PR01 9 0 XSMG405I
P IFED 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 4 XSMG400I
34 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
P RTED 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 0 XSMG400I
P IFED 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 4 XSMG400I
P CTRC 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 0 XSMG405I
P CTRC 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 8 XSMG405I
P CTRC 08/10/2008 09:10:45 PR01 9 8 XSMG405I
To avoid lengthy search times when issuing the select statistics command, archive
or delete statistics files regularly. Also, use the startt and stopt parameters to
bracket the desired stats as closely as possible. Execution of a Process generates
multiple statistics records. Sterling Connect:Direct closes the current statistics file
and creates a new statistics file every midnight. It can also close the current file
before midnight if the file size exceeds the value set for the file.size initialization
parameter. The default file size is 1 megabyte.
Statistics files are in the d_dir/work/cd_node directory. Names of the statistics file are
in the format Syyyymmdd.ext, where yyyy indicates year, mm indicates month,
and dd indicates day. The extension (ext) begins as 001. The extension is
incremented by one each time a new statistics file is created in a single day.
Running System Diagnostics
The diagnostic command, trace, enables you to run system diagnostics and
troubleshoot operational problems. Use the trace command with the appropriate
parameter listed in the following table to enable and disable runtime traces within
the Process Manager, Command Manager, and Session Manager components of the
software. For Session Manager traces, you can run a trace for a specific node.
The Command Manager trace is turned on immediately for the client that issued
the trace command. After the trace command is issued, all clients that make
connections are also traced. Session Manager traces go into effect immediately.
The trace command has the following parameters:
Parameter Description Value
cmgr To trace the Command
level=0 |1|2|4
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in
the trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic level
that provides function entry and function
exit.2—Includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace. Basic
diagnostic information, such as values of
internal data structures at key points in the
execution flow, are displayed.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the
trace output is directed. If you do not specify a
file name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name CMGR.TRC. The length of the name
value is unlimited.
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 35
Parameter Description Value
comm To trace the data sent to
and received from a remote
Sterling Connect:Direct
system within the Session
Manager. You can set this
trace independently from
or in conjunction with the
smgr trace.
If you run both the comm
and smgr traces, trace
output for both traces is
directed to the file name of
the trace last specified.
level=0 |1|2|4
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in
the trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic level
that provides function entry and function
exit.2—Includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace that
provides basic diagnostic information, such as
values of internal data structures at key points
in the execution flow.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the
trace output is directed. If you do not specify a
file name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name COMM.TRC. The length of the name
value is unlimited. The default file name is
pmgr To trace the Process
level=0 |1|2|4
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in
the trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic level
that provides function entry and function
exit.2—Includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace that
provides basic diagnostic information, such as
values of internal data structures at key points
in the execution flow.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the
trace output is directed. If you do not specify a
file name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name PMGR.TRC. The length of the name
value is unlimited.
36 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
smgr To run the trace for Session
Managers created after
issuing the trace command.
Currently executing Session
Managers are unaffected.
If you run both the comm
and smgr traces, trace
output for both traces is
directed to the file name of
the trace last specified.
level=0 |1|2|4
snode | pnode | tnode
level—Specifies the level of detail displayed in
the trace output. The default is 4.
0—Terminates the trace.1—Is the basic level
that provides function entry and function
exit.2—Includes level 1 plus function
arguments.4—Enables a full trace that
provides basic diagnostic information, such as
values of internal data structures at key points
in the execution flow.
snode—Specifies to trace only the SNODE
pnode—Specifies to trace only the PNODE
tnode—Identifies the node on which to
perform the trace. If you want to gather trace
information for more than one node, identify
more than one node in this parameter.
file—Specifies the name of a file where the
trace output is directed. If you do not specify a
file name, the file is created in the Sterling
Connect:Direct working directory with the file
name SMGR.TRC. The length of the name
value is unlimited. The default file name is
The following sample trace command performs a level 2 trace on the Session
Manager for the node called ath3500ry and writes the output to the file Smgp.trc:
trace smgr pnode tnode=ath3500ry level=2 file=Smgp.trc;
A partial sample trace output is illustrated in the following section. A trace
identifies the Process ID and the function, the month and day, and the time in
microseconds. The first column contains the Process ID. Column two indicates the
month and day in the form of MM/DD. Column three indicates the time in the
form of HH:MM:SSSS. The last column indicates the function. An arrow pointing
to the right indicates the function was entered. An arrow pointing to the left
indicates the function was exited. Some of the functions are indented, which
indicates nesting. An indented arrow indicates that the function was called by the
preceding function.
indicates that the function was called by the preceding function.
498 05/18 15:13:0104 cm_sendcmd_1 entered.
498 05/18 15:13:0206 -> ndm_error_destroy
<- ndm_error_destroy: ok
498 05/18 15:13:0506 -> ndm_error_create
<- ndm_error_create: ok
498 05/18 15:13:0708 ndm_cmds_free entered.
ndm_cmds_free exited.
498 05/18 15:13:0801 ->ndm_parser_jdi
Chapter 1. Controlling and Monitoring Processes 37
498 05/18 15:13:0806 -> ndm_error_create
<- ndm_error_create: ok
498 05/18 15:13:0916 ->Parser: SELPRO
498 05/18 15:13:0926 ->bldexp
<-bldexp: Null argument value,
don&apos;t add.
498 05/18 15:13:1116 ->bldexp
498 05/18 15:13:1136 -> ndm_crit_comp
498 05/18 15:13:1155 ->compile
<- ndm_crit_comp: Handle
<-bldexp: ok
38 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 2. Process Queuing
Overview of the Transmission Control Queue
The TCQ controls Process execution as Sterling Connect:Direct operates. After you
submit a Process, it is stored in the TCQ. The TCQ consists of four queues:
Execution, Wait, Timer, and Hold.
After you submit a Process, you can monitor the status, modify specific
characteristics, and stop execution by using the appropriate commands. The
commands listed in the following table allow you to perform these tasks:
Command Definition
change process Change the status and modify specific
characteristics of a nonexecuting Process in
the TCQ.
delete process Remove a nonexecuting Process from the
Wait, Timer, and Hold queues.
flush process Remove an executing Process from the
Execution queue.
select process Monitor Processes in the TCQ, including
those Processes that are executing.
view process View Processes in the TCQ.
Scheduling Sterling Connect:Direct Activity
Sterling Connect:Direct places a Process in a queue based on the parameters that
affect scheduling. You can specify scheduling parameters in the Process statement
or the submit command.
Scheduling parameters are listed in the following section:
v retain=yes|no|initial
v hold=yes|no|call
v startt=[([date|day] [, hh:mm:ss | [am | pm]])
The following table shows how scheduling parameters affect the logical queues.
Parameter Queue Comments
None of the
parameters specified
Wait The Process remains in the Wait queue until
Sterling Connect:Direct establishes a session with
the remote node. After a session is established,
the Process moves to the Execution queue.
retain=yes Hold A copy of the Process executes once, unless you
specify a startt parameter value. Specify a day or
time or both for the Process to start.
retain=no Wait (if no other
parameters are
The Process remains in the Wait queue until
Sterling Connect:Direct establishes a session with
the remote node. The default is no.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 39
Parameter Queue Comments
retain=initial Hold A copy of the Process remains in the Hold queue
and executes every time the Process Manager is
retain=yes and
hold=no or hold=call
Hold A copy of the Process remains in the Hold queue
to be executed when released.
hold=yes Hold You can execute the Process by specifying the
change process command with the release
hold=no Wait (if no other
parameters are
The default for hold is no.
hold=call Hold The Process remains in the queue until the
remote node starts a session with the local node
or another Process starts a session with that
remote node.
startt Timer When the scheduled day or time occur, the
Process is moved to the Wait queue.
Each Process in the TCQ has an associated status value. Each status value has a
unique meaning that is affected by the logical queue in which the Process is
placed. Status values for each queue are shown in the tables in the following
sections. You can use the select process command to examine that status of
Processes in the TCQ. For example, the following command displays all Processes
in the TCQ with execution status:
select process status=EX;
Progression of a Process Through the TCQ
This section describes each logical queue of the TCQ and the progression of a
Process through these queues. The following figure illustrates the four logical
queues and their associated parameter values:
40 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
The Execution Queue
Processes are placed in the Execution queue after Sterling Connect:Direct connects
to the remote node. Processes normally come from the Wait queue, but also can be
placed in the Execution queue by a submit command with maxdelay=0 specified.
Processes in the Execution queue can be in execution (EX) status or pending
execution (PE) status. Processes with EX status are exchanging data between two
Sterling Connect:Direct nodes. Processes with PE status are waiting for Process
start messages to be exchanged between the local node and the remote node.
Processes usually have PE status assigned for a very short period of time.
Chapter 2. Process Queuing 41
After a Process successfully completes, it is automatically deleted from the
Execution queue. A flush process command with hold=yes moves a Process from
the Execution queue and places it in the Hold queue. When a session is
interrupted, the Process moves from the Execution queue to the Timer queue if
retry values are specified. If connection is not made before the retry values are
exhausted or if retry values are not specified, the action taken depends on the
conn.retry.exhaust.action parameter. By default, the Process moves to the Hold
The following table shows the status values for the Execution queue:
Element Comment
PE Pending Execution is the initial queue status
when a Process is submitted with
EX Execution status indicates that the Process is
The Wait Queue
Processes in the Wait queue are waiting for a new or existing connection to become
available between the local node and the remote node.
Processes can come from the Hold queue or the Timer queue. Processes also can be
placed in the Wait queue by a submit command with no parameters specified,
submit with retain=no, or submit with hold=no.
After the connection is made, Processes automatically move to the Execution
The following table shows the status values for the Wait queue:
Status Comment
WC This status indicates the Process is ready to
execute as soon as possible, but no session is
available. Other Processes may be executing
with the SNODE, and no other sessions are
available. This Process runs as soon as a
new session is created or an existing session
becomes available.
WR This status indicates that the Process is in
retry status. The number of retries and
intervals between retries is specified in the
network map.
WA This status indicates the initial queue status
when a Process is submitted without a hold
or retain value. This Process is ready to
execute as soon as possible.
WS This status indicates that the Process is
waiting for the PNODE to continue the
42 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
The Timer Queue
Processes are placed in the Timer queue by a submit command with the startt
parameter specified. Processes in the Wait for Start Time (WS) status are waiting
for the start time to arrive before moving to the Wait queue. Processes also are
placed in the Timer queue in Retry (WC) status if one of the following error
conditions occur:
v If a file allocation error occurs when a Process is executing on either the local or
the remote node, and the file allocation error is identified as a condition to retry,
the Process is placed in the Timer queue. The Process is then retried using the
short-term and long-term retry parameter definitions. This capability enables a
Process that was unable to execute because a file that it called was unavailable
to be retried at a later time.
v If a connection error occurs while a Process is executing, the intelligent session
retry facility places all Processes scheduled for the node, including the executing
Process, in the Timer queue. This capability eliminates the overhead required to
retry each of the Processes on the node even though the connection is lost.
v If CRC checking is activated, a Process that generates a CRC error is placed in
the Timer queue.
Sterling Connect:Direct automatically tries to execute the Process again based on
the number of times to retry and the delay between retries as specified in the
network map parameters.
Processes move from the Timer queue to the Wait queue. A change process
command with hold=yes specified moves the specified Process from the Timer
queue to the Hold queue. The following table shows the status values for the
Timer queue:
Status Comment
WR This status indicates that the Process is in
retry status. The number of retries and
intervals between retries is specified in the
network map.
WS This status indicates that the Process is
waiting for the PNODE to continue the
HR Held Retain indicates that the Process was
submitted with retain=yes or retain=initial
specified and has already executed. The
Process can be released later by a change
process command with release specified.
WC This status indicates the Process is ready to
execute as soon as possible, but no session is
available. Other Processes may be executing
with the SNODE, and no other sessions are
available. This Process runs as soon as a
new session is created or an existing session
becomes available.
The Hold Queue
Processes in the Hold queue are waiting for operator intervention before they
progress to the Wait queue. This queue enables operators of the local node and
remote node to coordinate and control Process execution.
Chapter 2. Process Queuing 43
Processes are placed in the Hold queue by a submit command with retain=initial,
retain=yes, or hold=yes parameters specified. Processes submitted with hold=call
also are placed in the Hold queue. Processes are moved from the Timer queue to
the Hold queue by a change process command with hold=yes specified.
Additionally, Processes are moved from the Execution queue to the Hold queue by
aflush process command with hold=yes specified.
Processes are moved from the Hold queue to the Execution queue by a change
process command with the release parameter specified.
The following table shows the status values for the Hold queue:
Status Comment
HC Held for Call indicates that the Process was
submitted with hold=call specified. A
session started from either node causes the
Process to be moved to the Wait queue in
WC status. The Process is placed in the
Execution queue when the Process is
selected for execution.
HI Held Initially indicates that the Process was
submitted with hold=yes specified. The
Process can be released later by a change
process command with release or hold=no
HE Held due to error specifies that a session
error or other abnormal condition occurred.
HO Held by Operator indicates that a change
process hold=yes was specified.
HR Held Retain indicates that the Process was
submitted with retain=yes or retain=initial
specified and has already executed. The
Process can be released later by a change
process command with release specified.
HS Held for Suspension indicates that the
operator issued a flush process command
with hold=yes specified. The Process can be
released later by a change process command
with release specified.
44 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities
Introduction to Translation Tables
Sterling Connect:Direct translates data from one character set code to a different
character set code, such as from ASCII to EBCDIC, based on a character translation
table in the d_dir/ndm/xlate directory. Sterling Connect:Direct provides a default
character translation table for use during file transfer operations or you can modify
this table using the utility program called ndmxlt.
Creating a Translation Table
1. To create a translation table, either copy the file called /cd_dir/cdunix/ndm/
src/def_send.sxlt or /cd_dir/cdunix/ndm/src/def_recv.sxlt, where cd_dir is the
directory where Sterling Connect:Direct is installed, and rename it or modify
this file.
2. Use a text editor to add the new values to the table in the file you created.
3. Compile the updated file with the ndmxlt utility.
4. Replace the default translation table in the d_dir/ndm/xlate with the updated
table. Each table is 256 bytes long.
Following is a sample translation table:
# This file contains an example of defining an ASCII-to-EBCDIC translation table and
# then changing it to translate lowercase to uppercase.
# Define the ASCII-to-EBCDIC table.
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 05 15 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F
10 11 12 13 3C 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F
40 5A 7F 7B 5B 6C 50 7D 4D 5D 5C 4E 6B 60 4B 61
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 7A 5E 4C 7E 6E 6F
7C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
D7 D8 D9 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 AD E0 BD 5F 6D
79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 91 92 93 94 95 96
97 98 99 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 C0 4F D0 A1 7F
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F
90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F
A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB AC AD AE AF
B0 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 BA BB BC BD BE BF
C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 CA CB CC CD CE CF
D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 DA DB DC DD DE DF
E0 E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9 EA EB EC ED EE EF
F0 F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 FA FB FC FD FE FF
# Change the lowercase characters to uppercase.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
D8 D9 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9
Each byte stores the character value for the target character set. The source
character set is used as an index into the table. For example, an ASCII blank (Hex
20) would locate the byte at offset Hex 20 in the translation table. If the byte at
location Hex 20 contains Hex code 40, that would translate to an EBCDIC code
indicating a blank character.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 45
Compiling a Translation Table Using the ndmxlt Utility
Before you begin
You can create or modify a translation table tailored to your requirements with the
ndmxlt utility program.
To invoke the ndmxlt utility, type the following command at the UNIX prompt:
$ ndmxlt -ssourcefile -ooutputfile [ -rradix] [ -ffiller] -mxlatefile
The parameters for the ndmxlt command are listed in the following table:
Parameter Description Values
-ssourcefile The path and file name of the translation
table source file. If no value is specified,
input is read from STDIN.
Path and name of translation
-ooutputfile The path and file name of the translation
table output file.
Path and name of translation
output file
-rradix The radix or base of the source file input
data. All numeric values whether from
command line options or input data are
interpreted based on the radix setting.
x—Hexadecimal. This is the
The default is x.
-ffiller A filler byte value. The entire table is
initialized to this value before the input
data is scanned and applied to the table.
Any keyboard character,
number, or special character,
plus control characters
entered using a preceding
For example, “\0” is null.
-m The path and file name of a model
translation table. If specified, the model
table is read in and then the input data is
scanned and applied to the table. This
capability permits creating a number of
different tables that are variations from a
single base table without having to specify
all 256 bytes of input data for each table.
Path and file name of the
model translation table
Example—Creating a Translation Table
About this task
Perform the following steps to create a sample translation table that changes
lowercase characters to uppercase characters:
1. Make a copy of the sample translation table located at cd_dir/ndm/src/
2. Open the new translation table with a text editor.
46 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
3. Add the following lines to the bottom of the table. It should look like the table
in “Creating a Translation Table” on page 45when you have added this
# Change the lowercase characters to uppercase.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
D8 D9 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9
4. Copy the modified file to cd_dir/ndm/src and name it UpperCaseEBC.sxlt.
5. Compile the new translation table using the following syntax:
ndmxlt -s../src/UpperCaseEBC.sxlt -oUpperCaseEBC.xlt
6. To use this translation table, add the following sysopts parameter to the copy
copy from file=filename
to file=filename
Example—Modifying a Model Translation Table
About this task
Perform the following steps to modify a model translation table. This method,
when implemented, reads the model table and writes it to a new file. It then reads
the input data and makes changes to the table created.
1. Create a file called FourLinesUpperCase.sxlt and add the following lines to the
# Change the lowercase characters to uppercase.
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
D8 D9 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7 E8 E9
2. Copy the modified file to cd_dir/ndm/src.
3. Type the following command to compile this file and create a translation table
called fourLineUpperCase.xlt:
ndmxlt -s../src/FourLineUpperCase.sxlt -oFourLineUpperCase.xlt -mdef_send.xlt
4. To use this translation table, add the following sysopts parameter to the copy
copy from file=filename
to file=filename
Using Translation During File Transfer Operations
Translation is specified in the copy statement of a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.
You can use the default translation table or create a new table.
Translation is specified in the copy statement of a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.
You can use the default translation table or create a new table.
To use the default translation table, type the following copy statement:
copy from file=abc
to file=xyz
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 47
To specify a customized table for data translation, include the following sysopts
subparameter in the copy statement, where pathname/filename identifies the
translation table:
copy from file=filename
to file=filename
Refer to the UNIX section of the IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct Processes Web site
processhome.html for additional details concerning translation table specification
with a copy statement.
Translation Table Error Messages
The following table displays the error messages that are generated by ndmxlt:
Diagnostic Number Description
XXLT001I Invalid directive
XXLT002I Input file open error
XXLT003I Model file open error
XXLT004I Invalid filler value
XXLT005I Invalid offset value
XXLT006I Invalid radix value
XXLT007I Invalid table value
XXLT008I Table data out of bounds
Accessing Sterling Connect:Direct Messages
The Sterling Connect:Direct message file contains records with text for all
messages, including errors and messages from Sterling Connect:Direct servers
other than the host server. You can add and delete message records with a text
editor. The message file resides in d_dir/ndm/cfg/cd_node/msgfile.cfg. You can
display message text with the ndmmsg command.
Message File Content
The message file is structured much the same way as other Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration files. Each record is a logical line in a text file that consists of one or
more physical lines. Each record has a unique name, a message ID, and fields that
make up the message text.
The message record definitions provide for symbolic substitution, which permits
including actual file names or other variable information within the text to more
specifically identify a problem. Symbolic variables begin with the ampersand
character (&).
The format of Sterling Connect:Direct message IDs is listed in the following table:
X Indicates Sterling Connect:Direct
48 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
xxx is a 3-character Sterling Connect:Direct component identifier
nnn is a 3-digit decimal number
I is the standard, though not required, suffix
Message File Record Format
The following example shows the format of the message file record. Each record
can be up to 4K bytes long. Optional parameters and values are in brackets.
message id [long.text detailed message explanation] [ issuing module name] short.text
message summary
Following are the parameters for the message file record:
Parameter Description Values
long.text A string that explains the message in detail. A text string The name of the source module issuing the
message ID.
Source module name
short.text A summary of the message. This field is
Summary message, up to
72 characters
The following example illustrates a sample message record for XCPS008I:
:short.text=File is not VB datatype.:\
:long.text=File is not variable block. Change sysopts datatype to\
either binary or text to transfer this file.\
\nSYSTEM ACTION-> the copy step failed and CD processing\
continued with the next process step.\
\nRESPONSE-> change the sysopts datatype to either\
binary or text.:\
Displaying Message Text
Use the ndmmsg command to display text in the message file. You can display
both short and long text.
The following command illustrates the format for ndmmsg:
ndmmsg -f msgfname [-l | -s] msgid1 [msgid2 [msgid3 [...]]]
Following are the parameters for the ndmmsg command. If you do not specify an l
or s parameter, both short and long text are displayed.
Parameter Description
-f Specifies the name of the message file.
-l Displays the long text of a message.
-s Displays the short text of a message.
Following is a sample ndmmsg command:
ndmmsg -f /usr/ndmunix/msgfile.cfg XCMG000I
Output from the command is displayed in the following example:
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 49
short.text=CMGR RPC call returns NULL
long.text=The ndmapi_sendcmd RPC call made by the API to the CMGR returns a
NULL pointer.There is probably an RPC error.ndm.action=None
user.action=First, check if the ndmcmgr is still running; it could have
been killed accidently.If so, then abort the current CLI and restart the
CLI. If the same problem occurs again, try to increase the value of wait
time (if set) in the API configuration file (ndmapi.cfg).
Precompressing/Decompressing Files Using the Standalone Batch
Compression Utility
The Standalone Batch Compression Utility (cdsacomp) enables you to precompress
files and then transfer the precompressed files to remote Sterling Connect:Direct
nodes using Sterling Connect:Direct Processes. You have the following options for
decompressing the files. A file can either be:
v Decompressed as it is received by the remote node (available on all Sterling
Connect:Direct platforms)
v Stored on the remote node and later decompressed offline using cdsacomp
(available only on Sterling Connect:Direct and Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS).
Because cdsacomp can be used offline, it allows you to allocate some of the
overhead associated with compression to non-peak times. For example, if you need
to send the same file to several remote nodes, use this utility so that the file is
precompressed only one time. You can also use cdsacomp to determine how much
compression can be achieved for a file without having to transmit the file.
The cdsacomp utility is located in the Sterling Connect:Direct /bin directory.
Special Considerations for Using the Standalone Batch
Compression Utility
Consider the following when you are using cdsacomp to precompress files:
v If you precompress a file with the cdsacomp utility, then you cannot specify any
compression options in your Sterling Connect:Direct Process when you copy that
v You cannot specify data transformations (xlate, codepage, strip blanks, and so
on) when sending a precompressed file with :precompress=yes: sysopts (for
on-the-fly decompression). The following transformation options are available:
v If you precompress a file with the cdsacomp utility on a Sterling Connect:Direct
node, then you cannot specify a checkpoint interval in your Sterling
Connect:Direct Process if you decompress the file as it is received by the remote
v When you are copying a precompressed file to z/OS without :precomp=yes: (for
deferred decompression):
The Copy operation must specify DCB information for the destination file.
The physical block size of the destination file on Sterling Connect:Direct for
z/OS must match the logical block size of the precompressed source file on
Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX.
The logical block size of the source file defaults to 27920 unless overridden by
the -b parameter.
50 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Using the Standalone Batch Compression Utility
Before you begin
To invoke the standalone batch compression utility (cdsacomp), type the following
command at a UNIX prompt:
Following are the parameters for the cdsacomp utility:
Parameter Description Values
-m Specify which mode to use: precompress
or decompress. This argument is
compress | decompress
The default is compress.
-i Specify the input file to precompress or
decompress. This argument is required.
full or relative path of input file
-o Specify the output file to save. If the
output file already exists, it is
overwritten. This argument is required.
full or relative path of output
-z Use this option with “-m compress” to
override default compression values. This
argument is optional.
When decompressing, the values used
during compression are used.
level, window, memory
level—Compression level.
The range is 1–9. The default
is 1.
1—Provides the least
compression, but is the
9—Provides the most
compression, but is the
window—The size of the
compression window and
history buffer. Increasing the
window increases the
compression, but uses more
virtual memory. The range is
9–15. The default is 13.
memory—The amount of
virtual memory to allocate.
The range is 1–9. The default
is 4.
1—Uses the least virtual
9—Uses the most virtual
-x Use this option to translate the file.
If this parameter is not specified, the file
is not translated.
This parameter is mutually exclusive
with -codepage.
full path to translate table file
| relative path to translate
table file
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 51
Parameter Description Values
-p Use this option to specify codepages for
file conversion. Default is no codepage
This parameter is mutually exclusive
with -xlate.
source codepage, destination
-d Specify the datatype of the file.
When you use “-m compress”, the
datatype values result in the following:
v text
Strips newline characters from each
Supports -s and -a parameters
Uses data attributes of
blocksize=23040, recfm=vb,
lrecl=23036, dsorg=ps
v binary
Uses data attributes of
blocksize=23040, recfm=u, lrecl=0,
Does not support -s and -a parameters
v VB
Does not support -x, -p, -s, and -a
Uses data attributes of
blocksize=23040, recfm=vb,
lrecl=23036, dsorg=ps
When you use “-m decompress”, the
datatype values result in the following:
v text
Inserts newline characters into each
Supports the -s parameter
v binary
Does not support the -s parameter
v VB
Does not support -x, -p, and -s
text | binary | VB
The default is text.
-b Specify the block size of the output file.
This parameter is valid only when you
specify “-m compress” for the
compression option.
The range is 4096–32760. The
default is 27920.
-s Use this option to strip trailing blanks.
This parameter is valid only when you
specify “-d text” for the datatype of the
The default is y.
52 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Values
-a Use this option to replace zero-length
records with a single, blank character.
This parameter is valid only when you
specify the following: “-d text” and “-m
The default is y.
Specify n if the data is
copied to an i5OS or
mainframe node.
-h Use this option to display online help for
the utility.
No values are available for
this parameter.
Example—Precompress a Text File
In this example, the source file is a text file named source.file which is
precompressed into a destination file named compressed.file. The file is translated
using the default translation table, /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_send.xlt. Trailing
blanks are stripped. Default settings for ZLIB tuning, checkpoint interval and block
size are used.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d text
-i source.file
-o compressed.file
-x /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_send.xlt
-s y
Example—Precompress a Text File With Codepage Conversion
In this example, the source file is a text file named zzz.sac which is precompressed
into a file named zzz.txt. The file is converted from EBCDIC-US to ASCII using the
codepage option. Default settings are used for parameters that are not specified.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d text
-i zzz.txt
-o zzz.sac
Example—Precompress a Binary File
In this example, the source file is a binary file named source.file which is
precompressed into a destination file named compressed.file. Default settings are
used for parameters that are not specified.
cdsacomp -m compress
-d binary
-infile source.file
-outfile compressed.file
Example—Decompress a Text File
In this example, the source file is a precompressed text file named compressed.file
which is decompressed into a destination file named dest.file. The file is translated
using the default translation table, /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_recv.xlt. Default
settings are used for parameters that are not specified.
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 53
cdsacomp -m decompress
-d text
-i compressed.file
-o dest.file
-x /home/cd/ndm/xlate/def_recv.xlt
Examples—csdacomp Command Help
Requesting a summary of cdsacomp command parameters and help options:
cdsacomp -h
Example—Decompress a File on the Remote Node During the
Copy Step
The “precomp=yes” parameter is used when the file was compressed by the
cdsacomp utility prior to this Process. The file is transferred by this Process as a
pre-compressed file. It is then decompressed by special processing as it is received
on the remote node.
sample process snode=cdunix1
step01 copy
Example—Send Precompressed File to z/OS and Storing It as
The precompressed file is copied to the z/OS node with PNODE sysopts of
“datatype=binary”. The destination file is not decompressed. The DCB settings of
the original precompressed file are preserved on the z/OS node. The specified
checkpoint interval will be used during the file transfer. The file can be
decompressed with the z/OS cdsacomp utility.
sample process snode=cdunix1
step01 copy
dcb=(blksize=27920, lrecl=0, dsorg=ps, recfm=u)
54 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Validate Configuration Files
When you manually edit any of the five text-based Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration files, the Configuration Checking Utility (cfgcheck) enables you to
validate these files offline. The following files can be validated using this utility:
userfile.cfg, initparm.cfg, netmap.cfg, ndmapi.cfg, and sysacl.cfg.
Note: The Strong Access Control File (sysacl.cfg) will be validated only when the
user running the Configuration Checking Utility is a root user.
By default, cfgcheck is run with no arguments and attempts to find all five of the
configuration files in the current working directory. If all of the Sterling
Connect:Direct components are not installed, then some of the files will not be
found. For example, if the Command Line Interface (CLI) is installed but the
Sterling Connect:Direct server is not installed, only the ndmapi.cfg file will exist in
the installation directory. Therefore, only the ndmapi.cfg file will be validated.
When cfgcheck is run with no arguments, the utility will report that the other
configuration files were not found.
Note: Before you can execute cfgcheck, you must set the NDMAPICFG
environment variable. For more information, see “Overview of the Command Line
Interface” on page 1.
To invoke cfgcheck, type the following command at the UNIX prompt:
$ cfgcheck -t -h -f filename.cfg
The cfgcheck command has the following arguments:
Argument Description
No arguments (default) When no arguments are specified and the
cfgcheck utility is run by a non-root user, it
searches the cfg/ directory for the
following configuration files: initparm.cfg,
netmap.cfg, userfile.cfg, and ndmapi.cfg.
When a root user runs cfgcheck, the utility
also searches the SACL/ directory to locate
the sysacl.cfg file.
-h Prints the help screen and exits.
-t Turns on tracing and prints verbose debug
-f filename.cfg Specifies a configuration file name to
validate, where filename is the name of one
of the configuration files. You can specify
multiple -f arguments. When the -f
argument is used, cfgcheck will not
automatically search for other configuration
files from the file specified.
Configuration Reports
You can generate a report of your system information and Sterling Connect:Direct
configuration information using the Configuration Reporting Utility (cdcustrpt).
Configuration reports can be generated for the following Sterling Connect:Direct
v Base installation of Sterling Connect:Direct
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 55
v Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for UNIX
v Sterling Connect:Direct for SWIFTNet for UNIX
During the Sterling Connect:Direct installation, cdcustrpt is installed in the
<installation>/etc/ directory.
Generating a Configuration Report on the Base Installation
Before you begin
When you use cdcustrpt to generate a report on the base Sterling Connect:Direct
installation, it reports the following types of system information:
v Name and other information of the operating system
v Space on file systems
v Virtual memory statistics
v Contents of the Sterling Connect:Direct installation directory
In addition to reporting system information, cdcustrpt invokes the Configuration
Checking Utility (cfgcheck) to validate the syntax of the five text-based
configuration files (if they are available and if the user has access to the files) and
to report on the contents of the configuration files. For more information on
cfgcheck, see “Validate Configuration Files” on page 55.
In this procedure, default values are computed by the utility based on the location
and name of the installed Sterling Connect:Direct and are provided in brackets “[
]”. Press Enter to accept the default values.
To invoke cducustrpt and generate a report of the base installation:
1. Type the following command at a UNIX prompt:
% cdcustrpt
2. Type the full path where Sterling Connect:Direct is installed and press Enter.
3. Type the full path and name for the report that will be generated and press
The report is generated in the location you specified, and any error messages
are displayed as shown in the following example:
% cdcustrpt
Enter full path of Connect:Direct destination directory:[/sci/users/jbrown1/cd40]:
Enter full path and name for this support report file:[/sci/users/jbrown1/cd40/etc/]:
ls: /sci/users/jbrown1/cd40/ndm/SACL: Permission denied
cdcustrpt ended
In this example, the user does not have root access, so the Strong Access
Control File (sysacl.cfg) can not be accessed. The following example shows an
excerpt from a sample report:
56 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
####### Connect:Direct for UNIX 4.0.00 configuration report #######
Connect:Direct for UNIX Version 4000, Build 00, IBM/RS6000 AIX, Fix date:
Install directory: /sci/users/jbrown1/cd40
Local Node name: jb_aix40
Report for: jbrown1
===== Begin: Environment and system information =====
System: AIX skyglass 3 5 00CE208E4C00
Disk usage:
Filesystem 512-blocks Free %Used Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4 262144 64216 76% 2479 4% /
/dev/hd2 8126464 2708688 67% 37802 4% /usr
/dev/hd9var 262144 18448 93% 613 2% /var
/dev/hd3 786432 363600 54% 424 1% /tmp
/dev/fwdump 524288 507752 4% 17 1% /var/adm/ras/platform
/dev/hd1 262144 216520 18% 167 1% /localhome
/proc - - - - - /proc
/dev/hd10opt 524288 52168 91% 3688 6% /opt
/dev/fslv00 121634816 13629040 89% 264984 15% /sci
scidalnis01:/export/nis01 1677670392 512499192 70% 0 -1% /home/nis01
Memory statistics:
System Configuration: lcpu=4 mem=3824MB
kthr memory page faults cpu
----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa
1 1 400072 2327770000 0041805 197 0 1 99 0
Generating a Configuration Report on Sterling Connect:Direct
Secure Plus for UNIX
If cdcustrpt detects the Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus directory in the
installation directory, <installation>/ndm/secure+/, it invokes the Sterling
Connect:Direct Secure Plus Command Line Utility ( to report on Secure+
parameters. If Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus is detected, you are prompted to
enter the path to the Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameters file (the
default location is provided in brackets “[ ]”), for example:
Enter full path of Secure+ parmfile
directory: [/sci/users/jbrown1/cd40/ndm/secure+/nodes]:
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 57
The following example shows an excerpt from a sample report:
===== Begin: Secure+ parameters =====
All secure+ nodes:
* Secure+ Command Line Interface *
* Connect:Direct for UNIX v4.0.00 *
* Copyright (c) 1999, 2008 Sterling Commerce Inc. *
* All Rights Reserved. *
SPCLI> display all;
2007/10/19 14:27:37 parmfile upgraded: SPV4
2007/03/27 09:25:14 jbrown1
2007/03/22 09:54:55 jbrown1
Generating a Configuration Report on Sterling Connect:Direct
for SWIFTNet for UNIX
If cdcustrpt detects the SWIFTNet directory in the installation directory,
<installation>/ndm/SwiftNet/, it includes the contents of the CDSwiftnet.cfg file in
the report. Values for password parameters are replaced by a string of asterisks (*).
The following example shows an excerpt from a sample report:
Begin: /sci/users/jbrown1/swift31/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3/cfg/CDSwiftnet.cfg
===Content of /sci/users/jbrown1/swift31/ndm/SwiftNet/Version3/cfg/CDSwiftnet.cfg===
# Connect:Direct UNIX for SWIFTNet 3.1.00 configuration file.
# Concatenate the RequestorDN and ResponderDN to these directories for the Request
# This directory must be specified to use the #OLDEST_FILE feature.
58 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
# Connection information for Connect:Direct’s API port. (Used when forwarding files
to the back office.)
Passwd="******** "# this is a test
userid/password file generated by the LCU>"
Chapter 3. Sterling Connect:Direct Utilities 59
60 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs
Introduction to Writing Custom Programs
The Sterling Connect:Direct Application Programming Interface (API) allows you
to write custom programs in either C or C++ to use with Sterling Connect:Direct.
With the C functions or the C++ classes, you can create programs to perform the
following tasks:
v Establish a connection to the Sterling Connect:Direct server
v Disconnect from the server
v Receive command responses from the server
v Send commands to the server
This topic describes the format of the Sterling Connect:Direct API functions and
classes and provides samples of their use. Sample programs are provided that use
the Sterling Connect:Direct API functions and classes to issue commands and
receive responses from the Sterling Connect:Direct server.
Compiling Custom Programs
After you write a custom program, you must compile it, usingaCorC++
compiler. Refer to the following information to determine what minimum C++
compiler version to use for each platform:
Platform C++ Compiler
AIX IBM XL C++ V8.0 for AIX
Sun Solaris SPARC/x86 C++5.7
HP aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.03.73
HP-Itanium aCC: HP ANSI C++ B3910B A.06.07
Linux c++ version 3.3.3
Use the commands defined in the following table to compile a custom C++
program using the C++ API calls:
Platform C++ Compile Command
64-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -q64 -qinline -I../include -+ -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -lbsd -ldl
-lsrc -lpthreads
32-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlC -qinline -I../include -+ -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc
32-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a
-L/usr/ucblib -L/usr/lib -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
Note: If /usr/ucblib is not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, add -R/usr/ucblib to the compile
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 61
Platform C++ Compile Command
64-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -xarch=generic64 -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C
-L/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -L/usr/lib/sparcv9
-L/usr/ucblib/amd64 -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
-R/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -R/usr/ucblib/amd64
32-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -AA -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld
64-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -AA +DD64 -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a
-L/usr/lib/pa20_64 -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s
32-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s
64-bit /opt/aCC/bin/aCC +DD64 -I../include -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/hpux64
-lrpcsvc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lunwind
32-bit g++ -m32 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
Note: If you are compiling for Linux z/OS, change -m32 to -m31.
64-bit g++ -I../include -O -DLINUX -o sdksample sdksample.C ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
To build a C++ program using the C API calls, such as the apicheck.C sample
program, replace the sdksample.C parameter with the name of the C++ program
and rename the output file parameter, -o sdksample, to the name of the output file
you want to create such as apicheck.
Use the commands defined in the following table to compileaCprogram:
Platform C Compile Command
32-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlc -I../include -+ -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc -lC -lpthreads
64-bit /usr/vacpp/bin/xlc -q64 -I../include -+ -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -lbsd -ldl -lsrc -lC
32-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -L/usr/ucblib
-L/usr/lib -lCstd -lsocket -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl -lCrun
Note: If /usr/ucblib is not in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable, add -R/usr/ucblib to the compile
64-bit /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc -xarch=generic64 -DBSD_COMP -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c
-L/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -L/usr/lib/sparcv9
-L/usr/ucblib/amd64 -lsocket -lCstd -lCrun -lrpcsoc -lnsl -lelf -ldl
-lCrun -R/usr/ucblib/sparcv9 -R/usr/ucblib/amd64
62 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Platform C Compile Command
32-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl
-lstd_v2 -lCsup_v2
64-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc +DD64 -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/pa20_64 -lnsl
-ldld -Wl,+s -lcl -lstd_v2 -lCsup_v2
32-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -lrpcsoc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl
-lstd_v2 -lCsup -lunwind
64-bit /opt/ansic/bin/cc +DD64 -I../include -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -L/usr/lib/hpux64
-lrpcsvc -lnsl -ldld -Wl,+s -lcl -lstd_v2 -lCsup -lunwind
32-bit gcc -m32 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
64-bit gcc -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis /usr/lib64/
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
32-bit gcc -m31 -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi.a -ldl -lnss_nis
64-bit gcc -I../include -O -DLINUX -o apicheck apicheck.c ../lib/ndmapi64.a -ldl -lnss_nis /usr/lib64/
Note: A 64-bit Linux OS installation is required to compile 64-bit binaries.
Writing Custom C Programs
If you write a custom program using the C API calls, you must include the header
file ndmapi.h and link it with ndmapi.a. A sample program called apicheck.c is
For Java programming, you can call the C API functions by using the JNI and the
libndmapi shared objects: for HP and for the other
supported platforms. Although the JNI is supported, the Sterling Connect:Direct
Java Application Interface is recommended for Java programs that invoke the
services of Sterling Connect:Direct.
Note: The environment variable NDMAPICFG must be set to the pathname of the
client configuration file. Refer to “Overview of the Command Line Interface” on
page 1 for instructions on setting the environment variable.
Use the following Sterling Connect:Direct API functions for C and C++ programs:
C++ Function C Function Description
ndmapi_connect() ndmapi_connect_c() Establishes a connection with the server.
Specify the node to connect to in the
ndm_nodespec pointer or in the CLI/API
Configuration Information file. If the call is
successful, NDM_NO_ERROR is returned.
Control returns to the application when the
connection is established and is ready for the
first API request.
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 63
C++ Function C Function Description
ndmapi_sendcmd() ndmapi_sendcmd_c() Sends commands to Sterling Connect:Direct.
You must provide the command text. The
resp_moreflag is a pointer to the flag
indicating that more responses are pending
for the executed command. Invoke
ndmapi_recvresp_c() for C programs or
ndmapi_recvresp() for C++ programs to
retrieve the extra responses. Only the select
process and select statistics commands
require the use of ndmapi_recvresp_c() for
use with C and ndmapi_recvresp() for use
with C++.
ndmapi_recvresp() ndmapi_recvresp_c() Receives responses to commands sent to
Sterling Connect:Direct. The contents of the
response buffer are returned.
ndmapi_disconnect() ndmapi_disconnect_c() Terminates the API connection.
Three types of Sterling Connect:Direct command responses are returned by these
v Informational responses return information about the submitted command.
v Data responses, stored in the resp_buffer, contain data records.
v Error responses return ERROR_H, a pointer to a linked list of all errors found.
The ID field values are fixed for use when debugging. The msgid, feedback, and
rc fields are specified by Sterling Connect:Direct and are referred to in message
text. The subst field points to a string that contains substitution variable
information to be inserted appropriately in the message text. The error control
structure keeps track of the current and total number of errors. You can move
through the errors by using the next pointer in error entry blocks.
The following code defines the ERROR_H structure:
#define NDM_ERR_ENT_T struct NDM_ERR_ENT_S
#define NDM_ERR_CTL_T struct NDM_ERR_CTL_S
struct NDM_ERR_ENT_S
int32 id;
char msgid[MSGIDLEN];
int32 feedback;
int32 rc;
char *subst;
struct NDM_ERR_CTL_S
int32 id;
int32 cur_entry;
int32 num_entries;
Creating a Connection to Sterling Connect:Direct Using
ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c()
Use ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() to create a connection to Sterling
Connect:Direct so that an application can send commands and receive responses
64 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
from the commands. Control returns to the application when the connection is
established and Sterling Connect:Direct is ready for the first API request or when
an error condition is set.
Following is the format for the ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() function:
int32 ndmapi_connect ERROR_H error, char * ndm_hostname, char * ndm_portname
The following table describes the parameters for the ndmapi_connect() or
ndmapi_connect_c() function:
Parameter Description Value
error A pointer to a Sterling Connect:Direct-defined structure
that contains error information or status information.
ndm_hostname A pointer to the text specification of the Sterling
Connect:Direct host to which the connection is made. If
this parameter is not specified, the host name is
determined by first checking the environment variable
TCPHOST. If no value is specified, the
field in the CLI/API configuration file is checked. If no
value is specified, the gethostbyname() command is
invoked and the default value of ndmhost is used.
ndm_portname A pointer to the host port number. If this parameter is
not specified, the environment variable TCPPORT is
checked. If no value is specified, the value of the
tcp.port in the CLI/API configuration file is checked. If
no value is specified, the default value 1363 is used.
The ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect_c() function has the following return
Parameter Description
NDM_NO_ERROR A session was established with the server.
NDM_ERROR A session was not established with the
server. Consult the error structure for
detailed error status.
The following sample function illustrates the use of ndmapi_connect() to connect
to the sun1 host:
rc=ndmapi_connect (error, "sun1", "3122");
Terminating a Connection Using ndmapi_disconnect() or
Use ndmapi_disconnect() or ndmapi_disconnect_c() to terminate a connection to
Sterling Connect:Direct that was established by a call to ndmapi_connect() or
ndmapi_connect_c(). The ndmapi_disconnect() or ndmapi_disconnect_c()function
call is the following:
void ndmapi_disconnect
There are no parameters and no return codes for ndmapi_disconnect() or
ndmapi_disconnect_c(). Following is a sample ndmapi_disconnect() function:
ndmapi_disconnect ();
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 65
Receiving Responses Using ndmapi_recvresp() or
Use ndmapi_recvresp() or ndmapi_recvresp_c() to receive responses that are
associated with a previous command sent from the application. Following is the
format for ndmapi_recvresp() or ndmapi_recvresp_c():
int32 ndmapi_recvresp ERROR_H error int32 * resp_length, char * resp_buffer,
int32 * resp_moreflag
Following are the parameters for ndmapi_recvresp() or ndmapi_recvresp_c():
Parameter Description Value
error A pointer to a Sterling
Connect:Direct-defined structure that
contains error information or status
resp_length A pointer to the length, in bytes, of the
application buffer to receive the
response. The API sets this parameter to
the number of bytes returned.
Pointer to number of bytes
returned or 0 if you no longer
want to receive responses.
Setting this field to zero purges
all queued responses.
resp_buffer A pointer to the application buffer that
receives the command or submit
response. This buffer should allocate
4096 bytes.
The format of resp_buffer is a free-form
text record structure. Field names are
four characters long and all uppercase.
The data can be any length and can
include blanks. The structure is:
field name=data | field name=data |...
For example:
SUBM = username | PNUM = 12 |
PNAM = proc1 |...
A local buffer, with a size greater
than or equal to that set by
resp_length and filled in by
ndmapi_recvresp() or
The CLI passes the resp_buffer to
AWK for parsing. Valid values
ADMN—Sterling Connect:Direct
administrator name
ADPH—Sterling Connect:Direct
administrator phone number
CCOD—Completion code
CSDS—Copy step start
CSPE—Secure+ enabled indicator
CSPP—Secure+ protocol
CSPS—Secure+ cipher suite
66 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
DBLW—Destination file blocks
DBYW—Bytes written
DBYX—Bytes received
DCOD—Destination completion
DDAY—Submit date
DDS1—Destination disposition 1
DDS2—Destination disposition 2
DDS3—Destination disposition 3
DESC—Sterling Connect:Direct
administrator description
DFIL—Destination file
DLDR—Download directory
DMSG—Destination message ID
DNVL—Destination number of
DRCW—Records written
DRUX—RUs received
DVCN—Destination file volume
DVOL—Destination volume
DVSQ—Destination file volume
sequence number
ECMP—Extended compression
ECPR—Extended compression
ECTP—Extended compression
ETMC—Ela[sed clock time
ETMK—Elapsed kernal time
ETMU—Elapsed user time
FROM—Copy sending node
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 67
Parameter Description Value
ICRC—CRC indicator
LCCD—Local completion code
LCLP—Local IP address and port
LKFL—Link fail
LMSG—Local message ID
LNOD—Local node
MSGI—Message ID
MSGT—Message text
MSST—Short text
OCCD—Other completion code
OERR—Other node in error
OMSG—Other message ID
PACC—PNODE account
PCRC—CRC indicator
PFIL—Process file
PNAM—Process name
PNUM—Process number
PPMN—PDS member name
RECC—Record category
RECI—Record ID
RETA—Retain Process
RMTP—Remote IP address and
port number
RSTR—Process restarted
SACC—SNODE account
SBID—Submitter node ID
SBLR—Source file blocks sent
68 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Parameter Description Value
SBND—Submitter node name
SBYR—Bytes read
SBYX—Bytes sent
SCMP—Standard compression
SCOD—Source completion code
SCPR—Standard compression
SDDY—Schedule date
SDS1—Source disposition 1
SDS2—Source disposition 1
SDS2—Source disposition 2
SDS3—Source disposition 3
SELA—Elapsed time of the event
SFIL—Source file
SFSZ—source file size
SMSG—Source message ID
SNAM—Step name
SNVL—Source number of
SRCR—Records read
SRUX—RUs sent
SSTA—Start time of the event
STAR—Start log date/time for
STAT—Process status
STDL—Copy termination record
(CTRC) log time
STIM—Schedule time
STOP—Stop time of the event
STPT—Stop time of the event
(STOP duplicate)
STRT—Start time of the event
(SSTA duplicate)
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 69
Parameter Description Value
SUBM—Submitter ID
SUBN—Submitter node
SUMM—Summary output
SVCN—Source file volume count
SVOL—Source volume array
SVSQ—Source file volume
sequence number
TIME—Submit time
TZDI—Local time zone delta
from GMT
ZLVL—Zlib compress level
Zlib—memory level
Zlib—window size
resp_moreflag Indicates that more ndmapi_recvresp()
or ndmapi_recvresp_c() calls must be
issued for more information. This flag
occurs only on select process and select
statistics commands.
The ndmapi_recvresp() or ndmapi_recvresp_c() function has the folliowing return
Return Code Description
NDM_NO_ERROR The function completed successfully.
NDM_ERROR An error occurred. Consult the error
structure for detailed error status.
TRUNCATED Data is truncated because the receiving
buffer is too small.
Following is a sample ndmapi_recvresp() function:
int32 rc, resp_length;
int32 resp_moreflag;
char resp_buffer[makbuf];
rc= ndmapi_recvresp (error,
70 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Sending a Command to Sterling Connect:Direct Using
ndmapi_sendcmd() or ndmapi_sendcmd_c()
Use ndmapi_sendcmd() or ndmapi_sendcmd_c() to allow a command to be sent to
a Sterling Connect:Direct application. Following is the format of
ndmapi_sendcmd() or ndmapi_sendcmd_c():
int32 rc, resp_moreflag;
struct sendcmd_data ret_data;
rc=ndmapi_sendcmd (error,
"select process pnumber=2,",
Following are the parameters for ndmapi_sendcmd() or ndmapi_sendcmd_c():
Parameter Description Value
error A pointer to a Sterling Connect:Direct-defined structure
that contains error information or status information.
cmd_text A pointer to the null-terminated text string that specifies
the command to send to Sterling Connect:Direct. The
command text must be followed by a semicolon and
terminated with a null.
When you use the submit=filename command from the
API, ensure that you allocate enough storage for the
Process text. The text of the Process submitted is
returned in the text string associated with this parameter
when the function completes. If you do not allocate
enough storage for the Process text, a core dump can
Pointer to a text
resp_moreflag A pointer to the flag that indicates that more responses
are pending for the command just executed. Invoke
ndmapi_recvresp() or ndmapi_recvresp_c() to retrieve
the extra responses.
Pointer to a flag
ret_data A pointer to a structure containing internal response
information for a command. The structure is:
struct sendcmd_data {
char * cmd_name;
ulong cmd_id;
long data1;
long data2;
long data3;
Pointer to a
sendcmd_data Provides the caller with some information about the user
request. Because parsing of command text occurs at the
CMGR, the End User Application (EUA) has no way to
identify the command that was submitted, unless it
generated the text.
about the user
cmd_name A pointer to a string with the name of the command
submitted. The CLI uses this pointer to display
completion messages. This field enables you to display
unique completion messages without any knowledge of
a specific command in the EUA.
Pointer to name
of command
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 71
Parameter Description Value
cmd_id A four-byte identifier of the command that was found in
the command text. Following are the four-byte
/**************Command IDs*******************/
#define CHANGE_PROCESS 0x43484750 /* "CHGP" */
#define DELETE_PROCESS 0x44454c50 /* "DELP"*/
#define FLUSH_PROCESS 0x464c5350 /* "FLSP" */
#define SELECT_PROCESS 0x53454c50 /* "SELP"*/
#define SELECT_STATISTICS 0x53454c53 /* "SELS" */
#define SUBMIT 0x5355424d /* "SUBM" */
#define TRACE_API 0x41504920 /* "API " */
#define TRACE_CMGR 0x434d4752 /* "CMGR" */
#define TRACE_SMGR 0x534d4752 /* "SMGR" */
#define TRACE_PMGR 0x504d4752 /* "PMGR" */
#define TRACE_COM 0x434f4d4d /* "COMM"*/
#define TRACE 0x54524143 /* "TRAC" */
#define STOPNDM 0x53544F50 /* "STOP" */
The CLI uses these identifiers to ensure that rules are
being followed. For instance, if an ndmapi_sendcmd
returns with the resp_moreflag set and the cmd_id is not
generates an error.
data1, data2,
and data3
For future expansion. data1 is used with the submit
command to return the Process number. data2 is used
with the submit command to return the result of the
Process (0, 4, 8, or 16)
The ndmapi_sendcmd_c() function call has the following return codes:
Return Code Description
NDM_NO_ERROR or Process Number The function completed successfully.
NDM_ERROR An error occurred. Consult the error
structure for detailed error status.
Following is a sample ndmapi_sendcmd() function:
int32 rc, resp_moreflag;
struct sendcmd_data ret_data;
rc=ndmapi_sendcmd (error,
"select process pnumber=2 ;",
Writing Custom C++ Programs
If you write a custom program using C++ API calls, you must include the class
called ConnectDirectSession. The calling program must instantiate
ConnectDirectSession and call the send and receive functions. A sample program
called sdksample.C is provided. To write a custom C++ program, create a
ConnectDirectSession class. The class contains the ConnectDirectSession interface
and a constructor and destructor call to allocate and release the storage associated
with the class. This class is the interface to the Sterling Connect:Direct methods
and provides connection, command, data retrieval, and error services. Each method
returns either CD_SUCCESS or CD_FAILURE.
72 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Note: The environment variable NDMAPICFG must be set to the pathname of the
client configuration file. Refer to “Starting the CLI” on page 1for instructions on
setting the environment variable.
To use the ConnectDirectSession class, your application must include the
cdunxsdk.h header file provided in the installation and must link with the
ndmapi.a file. Following is a sample ConnectDirectSession class program:
#include "cdunxsdk.h"
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
void getError(ConnectDirectSession& cdSess);
ConnectDirectSession cdSess;
char processText[16384];
if (cdSess.SessionINF->Connect() == CD_SUCCESS)
strcpy(processText,"submit maxdelay=unlimited sdksample process snode=SNODENAME ");
strcat(processText,"copy00 copy from (file=sample.txt pnode)");
strcat(processText," to (file=sample.000 snode disp=rpl) ;");
if (cdSess.SessionINF->SendCommand(processText) == CD_SUCCESS)
printf("%s completed, pnumber = %ld.\n",
sprintf(processText, "SELECT STATISTICS PNUMBER=%ld DETAIL=YES ;", cdSess.SessionINF-
(cdSess.SessionINF->SendCommand(processText) == CD_SUCCESS)
void getError(ConnectDirectSession& cdSess)
if (cdSess.SessionINF->GetFirstError())
printf("\nError Message: %s", cdSess.SessionINF->GetMsgID());
printf("\nError Feedback: %d", cdSess.SessionINF->GetFeedBackCode());
printf("\nError RC: %d", cdSess.SessionINF->GetReturnCode());
printf("\nError SUBST: %s\n", cdSess.SessionINF->GetSubstitute()); }
printf("\nError Message: %s", cdSess.SessionINF->GetMsgID());
printf("\nError Feedback: %d", cdSess.SessionINF->GetFeedBackCode());
printf("\nError RC: %d", cdSess.SessionINF->GetReturnCode());
printf("\nError SUBST: %s\n", cdSess.SessionINF->GetSubstitute());
The ConnectDirectSession class methods are described in the following table:
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 73
Method Description Parameter Return Values
Connect Provides a connection to the
Sterling Connect:Direct server.
Connect() with a void parameter
connects to the hostname and
port specified in the client
configuration file.
void or a
pointer to an
IP address
and port.
DisConnect Disconnects the current session. void CD_SUCCESS or
SendCommand Sends a Sterling Connect:Direct
command to the server for
Pointer to a
text buffer.
ReceiveResponse Receives the response from a
previously issued command,
such as the select statistics
void CD_SUCCESS or
GetResponse Retrieves the response from the
ReceiveResponse call.
void Pointer to a
response buffer.
GetResponseLength Returns the length of the
previously received response
void Length of the
response buffer from
the previously
issued call.
MoreData Returns a value indicating if
outstanding data from the
previously issued send
command call is available. If the
return value is TRUE, call
ReceiveResponse again to
retrieve more data.
void TRUE—If more data
is outstanding.
FALSE—If no data
is outstanding.
GetCommandName Returns the command name of
the previously issued send
command, such as the submit
void Pointer to a
command name
GetProcessNumber Returns the Process number of a
previously issued submit
void Process number of a
submit command.
-1—If no submit
command can be
GetProcessCount Returns the number of Processes
affected by the last send
command that issued a delete,
change, or flush process.
void Process number of a
submit command
that issued a delete,
change or flush
-1—If no submit
command can be
GetCurrentError Moves the error data pointer to
the current error in the list.
void TRUE—If successful
current error exists.
GetNextError Moves the error data pointer to
the next error in the list.
void TRUE—If successful
FALSE—If no more
errors are found.
74 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Method Description Parameter Return Values
GetPreviousError Moves the error data pointer to
the previous error in the list.
void TRUE—If successful
previous error
GetFirstError Moves the error data pointer to
the first error in the list.
void TRUE—If successful
FALSE—If no error
is found.
GetLastError Moves the error data pointer to
the last error in the list.
void TRUE—If successful,
otherwise FALSE.
GetMsgID Retrieves the message of the
current error data block.
You must call one of the
GetXXXXError methods before
calling this method in order to
retrieve the proper results.
void Return Value:
Pointer to a message
ID if data block is
GetFeedBackCode Returns the feedback code of the
current error data block.
void Feedback code.
GetReturnCode Returns the Sterling
Connect:Direct return code.
void One of the valid
return code: 1,4,8,16.
GetStatus Returns the status. void Sterling
status code.
GetSubstitute Returns the current substitution
buffer associated with the error.
void Pointer to a
substitution buffer.
DisplayError Displays the current error chain
to an output location.
Pointer to a
file I/O
Return Value:
Returns the highest
error found in the
error chain or -1 on
Following is the ConnectDirectSession class header:
#include <stdio.h>
// Error enumeration.
typedef enum CDErrorCode
} CDErrorCode;
// <<Interface>>
class CDSession
// Communication methods...
virtual CDErrorCode Connect(void) = 0;
virtual CDErrorCode Connect(char *IpAddress, char *IpPort) = 0;
virtual CDErrorCode DisConnect(void) = 0;
virtual CDErrorCode SendCommand(char *CmdText) = 0;
virtual CDErrorCode ReceiveResponse(void) = 0;
Chapter 4. Writing Custom Programs 75
// Methods for retrieving ReceiveResponse data...
virtual const char *GetResponse(void) = 0;
virtual int GetResponseLength(void) = 0;
virtual bool MoreData(void) = 0;
// Methods for retrieving SendCommand return data...
virtual const char *GetCommandName(void) = 0;
virtual long GetProcessNumber(void) = 0;
virtual long GetProcessCount(void) = 0;
// Methods to iterate over error collection ...
virtual bool GetCurrentError(void) = 0;
virtual bool GetNextError(void) = 0;
virtual bool GetPreviousError(void) = 0;
virtual bool GetFirstError(void) = 0;
virtual bool GetLastError(void) = 0;
// Methods to retrieve error data...
virtual const char *GetMsgID(void) = 0;
virtual int GetFeedBackCode(void) = 0;
virtual int GetReturnCode(void) = 0;
virtual int GetStatus(void) = 0;
virtual const char *GetSubstitute(void) = 0;
// Method to display error collection...
virtual int DisplayError(FILE *Output) = 0;
class ConnectDirectSession
// Interface classes
CDSession *SessionINF;
76 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits
User Exit Programs
The user exit API functions allow you to write custom programs to use with
Sterling Connect:Direct. The user exit programs are used by Sterling Connect:Direct
to invoke user-specific logic at strategic points within Sterling Connect:Direct
execution. User exit programs must be C or C++ language programs and cannot be
shell scripts. The PMGR invokes the Statistics user exit program when you start
Sterling Connect:Direct and the exit runs as long as Sterling Connect:Direct runs.
The SMGR invokes the File Open and Security user exits for each session and
stops them when the particular session terminates.
Note: exit_skeleton.c and exit_skeleton.C contain working examples of all three
exits and can be made with the make_exit_c and make_exit_C make files.
The user exit programs are described in the following:
Program Description
File Open Exit Sterling Connect:Direct sends a message to
this user exit program to open the source or
destination file during processing of the
copy statement. The File Open Exit opens
the source file and identifies the file
descriptor. This exit can perform any sort of
processing to file names or directory names.
It can also redirect the open request to other
files as needed.
The File Open Exit program (named
“exit_skeleton” in this example) must be
owned by root and the setuid bit must be
set. Use the following commands:
% chown root exit_skeleton
% chmod u+s exit_skeleton
Security Exit The Security Exit enables you to implement
your own security system or provide access
to a third-party security system.
Statistics Exit The Security Exit enables you to implement
your own security system or provide access
to a third-party security system.
User Exit Functions
A connection between the user exit and Sterling Connect:Direct is established when
the user exit program calls the exit_child_init() or exit_child_init_c() function. The
connection is terminated through a specially designated stop message. The types of
messages are defined in the include file user_exit.h. The following functions
facilitate communications between the user exit and Sterling Connect:Direct:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014 77
C++ Function C Function Description
exit_child_init() exit_child_init_c() Use this function as the first line in a user exit
program to initialize communications between
Sterling Connect:Direct and the user exit program.
recv_exit_msg() recv_exit_msg_c() Used by both Sterling Connect:Direct and the user
exit program to receive a message from the other
Process. The receive exit messages wait for a
response from the other Process.
send_exit_file() send_exit_file_c() The user exit program uses this function when it
has opened a file for Sterling Connect:Direct. This
function uses underlying UNIX methods to pass
an open file descriptor. from one Process to
send_exit_msg() send_exit_msg_c() Both Sterling Connect:Direct and the user exit
program use this function to send a message to
the other Process. Send messages are followed
with a receive message to get the response from
the other Process.
Initializing Communications with exit_child_init() or
Use the exit_child_init() or exit_child_init_c() function as the first line of code of
the user exit program to initialize communications. This function performs a check
to verify that each side is ready to communicate. Following is the format of the
exit_child_init() function:
int exit_child_init( char * logfile )
The exit_child_init() or exit_child_init_c() function has the following parameter:
Parameter Description Value
logfile The name of the log or trace file that is opened for
use by the user exit programs. Because the file open
and security exit are started by SMGR, which is
running as root, the exits also run as root. Running
the exits as root can cause problems with file
permissions of the log file, so logfile enables you to
easily change owner or permissions on the file. See
the sample exit in d_dir/ndm/src/exit_skeleton.c
for more details.
Name of log file or
trace file
The exit_child_init() or exit_child_init_c() function have the following return
codes. Return codes for the function are defined in ndmapi.h.
Return Code Description
GOOD_RC Communications between Sterling
Connect:Direct and the user exit program
were successfully initialized.
ERROR_RC Communications between Sterling
Connect:Direct and the user exit program
could not be initialized.
78 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Waiting for a Message Using recv_exit_msg() or
The recv_exit_msg() or recv_exit_msg_c() function waits until it receives a message
from Sterling Connect:Direct. Control is suspended until a message is received or
an error occurs. The recv_exit_msg() has the following format:
int recv_exit_msg( int exit_flag )
int * msg_type,
char * recv_buf,
int * recv_buf_len
The recv_exit_msg() or recv_exit_msg_c() functions have the following parameters:
Parameter Description Value
exit_flag A flag to specify the recipient ID. The only valid
value a user exit program can use is
msg_type A pointer to the name of the received message.
Messages are requests from Sterling Connect:Direct
and the associated response from the user exit
Pointer to message
recv_buf A pointer to the memory location of the message. Pointer to message
recv_buf_len The length in bytes of the message to be received. Length of message
The recv_exit_msg()or recv_exit_msg_c() functions have the following return codes.
Return codes for the function are defined in ndmapi.h.
Return Code Description
GOOD_RC The message was received successfully.
ERROR_RC An error occurred and the message was not
received successfully. Possible causes
include: Sterling Connect:Direct terminated,
an invalid value used for the exit_flag
parameter, or the receiving buffer not large
enough to hold the message received.
Passing a File Descriptor Using send_exit_file() or
Use the send_exit_file() or send_exit_file_c() function to pass a file descriptor from
one Process to another Process. Following is the format of send_exit_file():
int send_exit_file int exit_flag
int fd
Following are the parameters for send_exit_file() or send_exit_file_c():
Parameter Description Value
exit_flag A flag to specify the sender ID. The only valid value a
user exit program can use is EXIT_PROGRAM.
fd The file descriptor of a file that the user exit program
opened in the place of Sterling Connect:Direct, similar to
one returned by the open(2) function.
File descriptor
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits 79
The send_exit_file() or send_exit_file_c() function calls have the following return
codes. Return codes for the function are defined in ndmapi.h.
Header Header
GOOD_RC The file descriptor was received successfully.
ERROR_RC An error occurred and the file descriptor
was not sent successfully. Possible causes
include: Sterling Connect:Direct terminated,
an invalid value used for the exit_flag or fd
parameters, or the last message sent was not
Sending a Message to Sterling Connect:Direct Using
send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msg_c()
The send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msgc() function enables the user exit program to
send a message to Sterling Connect:Direct. This function returns control to the
caller immediately after the message is queued.
Following is the format of the send_exit_msg() function:
int send_exit_msg int exit_flag
int msg_type,
char * send_buf,
int send_buf_len
Following are the parameters for send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msg_c():
Parameter Description Value
exit_flag A flag to specify the sender ID. The only valid
value a user exit program can use is
msg_type A message name. Messages are requests from
Sterling Connect:Direct and the associated response
from the user exit program.
Pointer to message
send_buf A pointer to the memory location of the message to
be sent.
Pointer to message
send_buf_len The length in bytes of the message to be sent. Length of message
Following are the return codes for send_exit_msg() or send_exit_msg_c(). Return
codes for the function are defined in ndmapi.h.
Return Code Description
GOOD_RC The message was sent successfully.
ERROR_RC An error occurred and the message was not
sent successfully. Possible causes include:
Sterling Connect:Direct terminated or an
invalid value is used for the exit_flag or
msg_type parameters.
80 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Overview of User Exit Messages
Sterling Connect:Direct sends and receives messages, using the send_exit_msg()
and the recv_exit_msg() functions for a C++ program or the send_exit_msg_c()
and the recv_exit_msg_c() functions foraCprogram. For the exact definition of
the data sent in each message, see the files located in d_dir/ndm/include/
user_exit.h and d_dir/ndm/include/user_exit2.h.
Note: The copy control block is defined in user_exit2.h.
Statistics Exit Message
The statistics exit has only one type of message, the STATISTICS_LOG_MSG.
Sterling Connect:Direct sends a STATISTICS_LOG_MSG to the user exit program.
Every time Sterling Connect:Direct writes a statistic record, this message provides
an exact copy of the character string. The STATISTICS_LOG_MSG contains the
Sterling Connect:Direct statistics record.
File Open Exit Messages
The file open exit has four types of messages:
The file open exit has the following limitations:
v The oflag parameter passed to the user exit is already calculated based on the
file disposition, as explicitly specified on the copy statement or using the default
value. If the user exit changes the oflag to truncate and the original disposition
is mod meaning the copy will append to the end of file if the file already exists,
then the user exit causes the Process to behave differently from how the Process
language is documented.
v Do not change the file type specified by the Process. For example, if the Process
specifies a regular file, the user exit cannot open and return a file descriptor for
a pipe. No facility is available to modify contents of the copy control block and
return it to Sterling Connect:Direct.
v If the oflag specifies opening a file with write access and the user exit changes
access to read-only, Sterling Connect:Direct will fail when it attempts to write to
a read-only file.
v The upload and download parameters that restrict directory access are ignored
for this user exit.
During the copy statement process, Sterling Connect:Direct sends a
FILE_OPEN_OUTPUT_MSG to the user exit program to open the destination file.
v The open function oflag parameter (for example,
v The open function mode parameter, which controls file permissions
v UNIX user ID that will own the file
v UNIX group ID that will own the file
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits 81
v UNIX user name
v A copy of the Sterling Connect:Direct copy control block
v A copy of the Sterling Connect:Direct parsed sysopts structure (the copy control
block contains the actual raw version from the process)
The user exit program sends a reply message to the Sterling Connect:Direct
v Status value of zero for successful or non zero for failure
v Status text message (if status value is failure, status text message is included in
the error message)
v Pipe pid (for pipe I/O, the UNIX process ID of the shell process that is
performing the shell command for pipe I/O)
v Actual file name opened (to be used in statistics log messages)
If the status value is zero for successful, the user exit program must immediately
call send_exit_file() or send_exit_file_c() to send the file descriptor of the opened
file to Sterling Connect:Direct.
During the copy statement Process, Sterling Connect:Direct sends a
FILE_OPEN_INPUT_MSG to the user exit program to open the source file. The
v The open function oflag parameter (for example, O_RDONLY)
v The open function mode parameter, which controls file permissions
v UNIX user ID that will own the file
v UNIX group ID that will own the file
v UNIX user name
v A copy of the Sterling Connect:Direct copy control block
v A copy of the Sterling Connect:Direct parsed sysopts structure (the copy control
block contains the actual raw version from the Process)
This message type is used when the user exit program sends a reply message to
the Sterling Connect:Direct FILE_OPEN_INPUT_MSG. The
v Status value of zero for success or non zero for failure
v Status text message (if status value is failure, status text message is included in
the error message)
v Pipe pid (for pipe I/O, the UNIX process ID of the shell process that is
performing the shell command for pipe I/O)
v Actual file name opened (used in statistics log messages)
Security Exit Messages
The security exit contains four types of messages:
82 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
If the security exit is used, Sterling Connect:Direct relies on it for user ID
authentication. If the security exit is not implemented correctly, security can be
Sterling Connect:Direct sends a generate message to the user exit program at the
start of a session to establish a security environment. The PNODE sends the
GENERATE_MSG to the security exit to determine a user ID and security token to
use for authentication on the SNODE. The GENERATE_MSG contains:
v Submitter ID
v PNODE ID password, if user specified one
v SNODE ID password, if user specified one
v PNODE name
v SNODE name
The user exit program sends a reply message to Sterling Connect:Direct. The
v Status value of zero for success or non zero for failure
v Status text message (if status value is failure, status text message is included in
the error message)
v ID to use for security context on the SNODE side (may or may not be the same
ID as in the generate message)
v Security token used in conjunction with ID for security context on the SNODE
Sterling Connect:Direct sends a validate message to the user exit program. The
SNODE sends the VALIDATE_MSG to the security exit to validate the user ID and
security token received from the PNODE. The VALIDATE_MSG contains:
v Submitter ID
v PNODE ID password, if user specified one
v SNODE ID password, if user specified one
v PNODE name
v SNODE name
v ID to use with security token
v Security token (password, PASSTICKET, or other security token)
Chapter 5. Writing User Exits 83
The user exit program sends a reply message to the Sterling Connect:Direct
v Status value of zero for success or non zero for failure
v Status text message (if status value is failure, status text message is included in
the error message)
v ID used for security context
v Security token to use in conjunction with ID for security context
User Exit Stop Message
Sterling Connect:Direct sends the stop message, STOP_MSG, when all useful work
for the user exit is complete and to notify the user exit to terminate. A user exit
should terminate only when a stop message is received or if one of the above
listed user exit functions returns an error code.
Copy Control Block
The copy control block structure contains the fields, which control how Sterling
Connect:Direct Processes the copy statement Process file.
Exit Log Files
If user exit programs are specified in the initparm.cfg, Sterling Connect:Direct
creates exit logs. Exit log files are provided specifically for the user exit programs
and are used for debug and trace type messages. The user exit program is started
with the log file already opened on STDOUT and STDERR. The exit log files are:
v stat_exit.log
v file_exit.log
v security_exit.log
Note: You can access the log files through the normal printf() and fprintf
(stderr,...) functions.
The log files are located in the installed (d_dir) working directory:
84 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
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86 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
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88 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Special characters
-e nn parameter, direct command 3
-h parameter, for direct 3
-n name parameter, direct command 3
-p nnnnn parameter, direct command 3
-r parameter, direct command 3
-s parameter
direct command 2
-t nn parameter, direct command 2
-x parameter, direct command 3
-z parameter, direct 3
&symbolic name parameter, submit
command 11
"Generic" Parameter Value 6
"List" Parameter Value 6
Accessing Sterling Connect
Direct Messages 48
API function calls 61
exit_child_init_c() function 78
exit_child_init() function 78
ndmapi_connect_c() 64
ndmapi_connect() 64
ndmapi_disconnect_c() 65
ndmapi_disconnect() 65
ndmapi_recvresp() 66
ndmapi_sendcmd() 71
ndmapi_sendcmd()_c 71
recv_exit_msg_c() 79
recv_exit_msg() 79
send_exit_file_c() 79
send_exit_file() 79
send_exit_msg_c() 80
send_exit_msg() 80
C program, compile command 62
C++ program, compile command 61
ccode parameter
select statistics command 26
cfgcheck utility
arguments 55
change process command
description 4
format 13
overview 13
Changing Process parameters 13
class parameter
change process command 15
submit command 7
CLI Commands 1
CLI history commands 4
CLI Job Control 3
cmd_id parameter 72
cmd_name parameter 71
cmd_text parameter 71
cmgr parameter, trace command 35
Codepage conversion 53
comm parameter, trace command 36
change process 4, 13
conventions 5
delete process 4, 15
flush process 4, 17
select process 4, 19, 22
select statistics 4, 26
stop 4, 18
trace 35
view process 4
Command abbreviations 5
Command Line Interface (CLI)
description 1
ndmmsg 49
ndmxlt 46
Compile command for a C++ program
AIX 61, 62
HP 62, 63
Linux 62, 63
LinuxS390 63
Sun 61, 62
Compiling a Translation Table 46
Compiling Custom Programs 61
Configuration Checking Utility
arguments 55
Configuration files
validate 55
Configuration Report
Sterling Connect:Direct for SWIFTNet
for UNIX 58
Configuration reports 55
Copy Control Block 84
Creating a connection using API function
calls 64
Creating a translation table 45
Creating a Translation Table 46
csdacomp Command Help 54
Decompress a file on remote node during
copy step 54
Decompress a text file 53
delete process command 4, 15
destfile parameter, select statistics
command 26
detail parameter
change process command 25, 34
Detailed report for a Process 34
Determing the outcome of a Process 26
direct command
parameters, -h 3
parameters, -P 2
parameters, -r 3
parameters, -z 3
Displaying message text 49
error parameter
ndmapi_connect() function 65
ndmapi_recvresp() function 66
ndmapi_sendcmd() function 71
Error responses 64
Example - Submit a Process that runs
weekly 12
Example - Submit a Process with a Start
Time 12
Example - Submit a Process with No File
Value 12
Example Submit a Process and Turn on
Tracing 13
Execution queue 41
Exit log files 84
file_exit.log 84
stat_exit.log 84
exit_flag parameter
recv_exit_msg() function 79
exit_flag parameter, send_exit_file()
function 79
exit_msg parameter
recv_exit_msg() function 80
File Open Exit Messages 81
filename parameter 6
flush process command 4, 17
Generating a Configuration Report 55
base installation 56
Generating a Configuration Report on
Sterling Connect:Direct Direct for
hold parameter
submit command 7
Hold queue 43
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2014
informational responses, API 64
Initializing communications using user
exit functions 78
logfile parameter
exit_child_init() function 78
Managing Processes 39
maxdelay parameter 7
message ID format 48
Message file
record format 49
Message File Content 48
Message file record format 49
Message files
overview 48
Message text 49
Modifying a translation table 47
Modifying translation tables 46
Monitor Process Status in the TCQ 19
Monitoring Process status 22
Moving a CLI process
foreground 4
msg_type parameter, recv_exit_msg()
function 79
msg_type parameter, send_exit_msg()
function 80
ndm_hostname parameter 65
ndm_portname parameter 65
ndmapi_connect() or ndmapi_connect()_c
format 65
ndmapi_recvresp() function
example 70
ndmxlt command parameters
-ffiller 46
-m 46
-ooutputfile 46
-rradix 46
-ssourcefile 46
newname parameter, submit
command 7
newsnode parameter, change process
command 15
pacct parameter 8
Parameters, scheduling for the TCQ 39
Passing a file descriptor using user exit
functions 79
pmgr parameter, trace command 36
pname parameter
change process command 13, 17, 20,
22, 27
delete process command 16
pnodeid parameter, submit command 8
pnumber parameter
change process command 13, 17, 20,
22, 27
delete process command 16
select statistics command 27
Precompress a Binary File 53
Precompress a Text File 53
Precompress a text file with codepage
conversion 53
Precompressing/decompressing files 50
Process progression - TCQ 40
Process report
detailed 34
summary 34
prty parameter
change process command 15
submit command 8
queue parameter 20, 23
change process command 20, 23
reccat parameter
select statistics command 27
Receiving responses using API function
calls 66
recids parameter
select statistics command 28
recv_buf_len parameter 79
release parameter 15
Remove a Process from the TCQ 15
Removing a Process from the Execution
Queue 17
resp_buffer parameter 66
resp_length parameter 66
resp_moreflag parameter
ndmapi_recvresp() function 70
ndmapi_sendcmd() function 71
Restricting Scripts and Commands 5
ret_data parameter 71
retain parameter 8
sacct parameter 8
Scheduling activity 39
Scheduling parameters 39
Security Exit Messages 82
select process command 4, 19, 22
select statistics command 4, 26
format 26
Send precompressed file to z/OS and
store as precompressed 54
send_buf parameter
recv_exit_msg() function 79
send_exit_msg() function 80
send_buf_len parameter 80
sendcmd_data parameter 71
Sending a command using function
calls 71
Sending a message using user function
exits 80
smgr parameter, trace command 37
snode parameter
change process command 14, 17, 20,
23, 32
delete process command 16
submit command 9
snodeid parameter 10
srcfile parameter
select statistics command 33
Standalone Batch Compression Utility
special considerations 50
startt parameter
select statistics command 33
submit command 11
Statistics Exit Message 81
status parameter
select process command 21, 24
Status values
overview 40
Sterling Connect:Direct command
syntax 5
Sterling Connect:Direct Commands 4
stop command 4, 18
Stopping Sterling Connect:Direct 18
Stopping the CLI 1
stopt parameter 33
select statistics command 33
submitter parameter
change process command 14, 18, 22,
25, 34
delete process command 16
Submitting a Process 6
Summary report for a Process 34
System diagnostics 35
hold parameter 39
overview 39
Process progression 40
startt parameter 39
Terminating a connection using API
function calls 65
The Timer Queue 43
trace command 35
format 35
Translation 47
Translation table
compiling 46
creating 45, 46
modifying 47
Translation table error messages 48
Translation Tables 45
User Exit Functions 77
User Exit Messages 81
User Exit Programs 77
User Exit Stop Message 84
90 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
User Exit Stop Message (continued)
Using the Stand-alone Batch Compression
Utility 51
Using translation during file transfer
operationg 47
translation table and the copy
statement 47
Validate configuration files 55
view process command 4
Wait queue 42
Waiting for a message using user exit
functions 79
Wildcard facility 6
Writing Custom C Programs 63
Writing Custom C++ Programs 73
Writing Custom Programs 61
92 Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX: User Guide
Product Number: xxxx-xxx
Printed in USA