Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows
Ve r s i o n 4 .6
Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows
Ve r s i o n 4 .6
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 61.
This edition applies to version 4.6 of IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and to all subsequent
releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1995, 2011.
US Government Users Restricted Rights Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Chapter 1. Overview .........1
Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows SDK
Overview ...............1
Chapter 2. Edit Connection Settings . . 3
Edit Connection Settings with the Client Connection
Utility ................3
Start the Client Connection Utility .......3
Add and Delete Node Connection Definitions . . . 4
Add a Node ..............4
Delete a Node ..............5
Add a User ...............5
Delete a User ..............6
Update Node Properties ..........6
Define a Default Node or Default User .....7
Import Registry Settings ..........7
Export Registry Settings ..........8
Print Registry Settings Report.........8
Chapter 3. Apply the C API ......9
The C Applications Programming Interface ....9
Compile and Debug ............9
Activate Tracing .............9
Standard C API .............10
View Sample Programs ..........11
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class
Interface ..............13
Compile and Debug ...........13
Manipulate Nodes ............13
Create an Object to Connect to a Node .....14
Manage Connections ...........15
View Information ............16
Control the Return of Information .......16
Execute Sterling Connect:Direct Commands . . . 18
Manage Exception Conditions ........19
Manage Administrative Functions .......20
Multithreaded Access and Blocking ......22
Objects On The Stack ...........22
Chapter 5. Apply the ActiveX Control
Interface ..............25
Submit Process .............25
Display Select Statistics Results ........26
Chapter 6. Apply Automation Servers 33
Apply Automation Servers .........33
Create Virtual Servers Using the Node Factory . . 33
Use Automation Objects ..........37
Chapter 7. Enhance Security and
Automate File Opening with User Exits. 41
User Exits ...............41
Apply Enhanced Security..........41
Apply Automated File Opening .......43
Chapter 8. Structure Types ......45
Structure Types .............45
NETMAP_DESC_STRUCT Structure ......45
USER_STRUCT Structure ..........46
MESSAGE_STRUCT Structure ........48
NETMAP_MODE_SNA Structure .......48
NETMAP_MODE_TCP Structure .......49
NETMAP_NODE_STRUCT Structure ......49
NETMAP_PATH_STRUCT Structure ......50
PROCESS_STRUCT Structure ........51
NODE_STRUCT Structure .........54
STATISTICS_STRUCT Structure........55
TRACE_STRUCT Structure .........55
TRANSLATE_STRUCT Structure .......56
Chapter 9. Return Codes .......59
C++ Class and the C API Functions Return Codes 59
Notices ..............61
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 iii
iv IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 1. Overview
Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows SDK Overview
Use the IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows Software
Development Kit (SDK) to extend an application to include the automated file
transfer capabilities of Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows. SDK uses a
32-bit interface for C and C++ as well as an OLE automation server for Visual
Basic applications. SDK also provides ActiveX controls for Submit Process and
Select Statistics commands.
v C API functions—Standard and registry API functions. The standard functions
allow you to connect to a Sterling Connect:Direct node, execute Sterling
Connect:Direct commands, manage command response data, and retrieve error
information. The Registry API functions store and retrieve client connection
information to and from the Registry. The C API is implemented using the C++
v C++ Class interface—Provides the foundation for the other Sterling
Connect:Direct interfaces and provides Visual C++ programmers an
object-oriented interface to Sterling Connect:Direct.
v ActiveX control interface—Uses the CDSubmit and CDStatistics functions to
submit Processes to the server and display statistics from the statistics database.
v Direct Automation Servers—Provides an automation wrapper around the
Sterling Connect:Direct SDK C++ classes. They provide direct automation
support for languages like Visual Basic. The Sterling Connect:Direct Automation
Servers provide the following primary classes that map directly to the CDNode,
CDProcess, and CDStatistics classes in the SDK C++ classes:
v User exits—Provides a way to customize Sterling Connect:Direct operations.
User exits are user-defined dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that are loaded and
called when the user exit is enabled through an initialization parameter. Two
user exits are provided: one for enhanced security and one for automated file
Before you can use the SDK tools, you can run the Client Connection Utility to
configure server access information, such as TCP/IP information. Alternatively, you
can let your SDK application specify the access information. Some SDK languages
also support the Logon Configuration Utility (LCU files).
Distribute an Application
The following SDK files are required to be included when distributing an
application developed with this SDK.
v For C++ applications:
v For C applications:
CdCapi.dll ("C" wrapper for cdcore.dll)
v For VB - Automation Server
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 1
v For VB - Active X
DLL files are loaded by using the following algorithm:
1. The directory containing the .exe that is loading the .dll
2. The current directory
3. The system directory (system32)
4. The Microsoft Windows directory
5. The directories list in the PATH environment variable.
Also, the OCX files must registered in the following manner:
v regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct
v regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct
Or you may use the "/s" option to do so without bringing up a dialog box:
v regsvr32 /s "C:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct
v regsvr32 /s "C:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct
In addition, when using the automation server, you also need to register
CDAuto.dll. For example:
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct v4.6.00\SDK\CDAuto.dll"
If you are using the automation server, you must also register your Type Library
files (.TLB) using regtlib.exe. Regtlib.exe is distributed with Visual Studio 6 and
above and has updates available in the service packs or in other Microsoft
Windows Library updates.
Note: CDCoreD.dll and CDCapiD.dll are debug versions and do not need to be be
distributed with the application.
Applications may also require the Microsoft Visual Studio Redistributable
Runtimes. Not every system has this installed by default.
For checking about required DLLs, Microsoft's Dependency Walker (depends.exe)
is the tool to use. It lists in detail all DLLs required by an application. The tool is
included in the Resource Kit, Microsoft Windows 2000 Support Tools, Visual Studio
and other packages.
2 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 2. Edit Connection Settings
Edit Connection Settings with the Client Connection Utility
To use the SDK to create your own programs, you must create connection settings
for each user.
Two methods are available to create local node definitions. You can use either
Sterling Connect:Direct Requester or the Client Connection Utility. If you want to
use Sterling Connect:Direct Requester, refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for
Microsoft Windows System Guide for instructions.
The Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows client software uses the
Microsoft Windows Registry to store its configuration information. The Sterling
Connect:Direct Client Connection Utility allows you to update the connection
settings within the Registry.
CAUTION: Use the Sterling Connect:Direct Client Connection Utility to update
Registry settings for Sterling Connect:Direct API connections, rather than editing
them directly.
You can view, edit, and update Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows
connection settings in the Windows Registry with the Client Connection Utility.
The connection settings enable communication between the user interfaces and the
Sterling Connect:Direct server. You can set up and update connection settings by:
v Adding a node
v Deleting a node
v Adding a user
v Deleting a user
v Updating node properties
v Defining a default node or user
To facilitate updating connection settings on multiple servers, you can import and
export connection settings using the Client Connection Utility. After you configure
the connection for a server, you can export the server's settings for use on other
servers. You can then import the settings into the target server's Registry. You can
also print connection settings.
Start the Client Connection Utility
About this task
To start the Client Connection Utility:
1. Click Start > All Programs > IBM Sterling Connect:Direct > v4.6.0.
2. Select CD Client Connection Utility. The Client Connection Utility main
window is displayed.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 3
Add and Delete Node Connection Definitions
Use the Client Connection Utility to add new nodes, look at node properties, and
delete existing nodes.
The Sterling Connect:Direct Client Connection Utility enables you to add new
nodes and identify their properties, such as node name, TCP/IP address, and port
number. These properties establish a node so you can access it from Sterling
Connect:Direct Requester or the Command Line Interface (CLI).
You can also use the Client Connection Utility to delete existing nodes.
Add a Node
About this task
To add a Sterling Connect:Direct node:
1. Select File > New Node. The Node Properties dialog box displays:
2. To add a node that is registered in the Active Directory:
a. In Operating System, select Windows.
4 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
b. Select the node to add from Active Directory Nodes. The name, address,
and port fields are automatically updated with information from the Active
Directory list.
3. To add a node that is not registered in the Active Directory:
a. In the Name field, type the name of the Sterling Connect:Direct node you
want to add.
b. If necessary, change the value in Operating System.
c. In Address, type the TCP/IP address of the new node.
d. The Port field automatically defaults to 1363; if necessary, type in a different
port number.
4. To specify the new node as the default node, click Set as the Default Node.
5. Click OK to save your settings and close Node Properties.
6. Select File > Save to save the new settings.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Delete a Node
About this task
To delete a Sterling Connect:Direct node:
1. In the Client Connection Utility main window, select the node you want to
2. Select Edit > Delete.
3. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
4. Select File > Save to delete the node.
Note: Changes made to the node settings are not written to the Registry until
you select Save.
The node is no longer displayed in the Client Connection Utility window.
Add a User
About this task
To add a new Sterling Connect:Direct user:
1. In the Client Connection Utility main window, select the node where you want
to add a new user.
2. Select File > New User to display the User Properties dialog box.
Chapter 2. Edit Connection Settings 5
3. Type information into the following fields:
v Name—type the name of the new user. Either type the user name as defined
in the Microsoft Windows setup, such as lmore, or type a fully qualified user
name in the UPN format, such as [email protected]
v Password type the password defined for the user.
v Verify Password—retype the password defined for the user.
4. Click Remember Password to automatically reload the password when you
attach as this user.
5. Click Set as the Default User if you want the new user to be the default user
for the node.
6. Click OK to save the settings and close User Properties.
7. If the verification password you typed does not match the initial password, you
receive a message indicating that the passwords do not match. Retype the
verification password and click OK.
8. Select File > Save to save the settings.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Delete a User
1. If the user names are not displayed, click the plus (+) sign next to the node
containing the user you want to delete.
2. Select the user you want to delete.
3. Select Edit > Delete.
4. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
5. Select File > Save to save the new configuration.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Update Node Properties
About this task
To update node and user properties:
6 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
1. Do one of the following:
v To update a node, highlight the node you want to configure.
v To update user properties, highlight the user you want to configure.
2. Select File > Properties.
3. Make the appropriate changes.
4. Click OK to save your settings and return to Node Properties.
5. Select File > Save to save the settings.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Define a Default Node or Default User
About this task
To define a default node or default user:
1. Take one of the following actions:
v To define a default node, highlight the node.
v To define a default user, highlight the user.
2. Select Options > Set as Default to set the default node or user.
3. Select File > Save to save the settings. The default node or user is displayed in
the main Client Connection Utility window as bold text.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Import Registry Settings
About this task
To import registry settings from a file:
Chapter 2. Edit Connection Settings 7
1. Select the node in which to import the Registry settings.
2. Select File > Import. A message displays informing you that all settings will be
3. Click Yes. The Open dialog box displays.
Note: Importing a Registry settings file causes all current changes to the
selected node to be lost if they have not been saved.
4. Select the Registry settings file you want to import (.REX extension) and click
OK. The imported Registry settings are applied to the node you selected.
5. Select File > Save to save the settings.
Note: Changes made to node settings are not written to the Registry until you
select Save.
Export Registry Settings
About this task
To export Registry settings to a file:
1. From the Client Connection Utility main window, select the node containing
the Registry settings you want to export.
2. Click File > Export.
3. Name the exported Registry file with a REX extension and click OK. The
Registry settings in the file can now be imported into another computer or
Print Registry Settings Report
About this task
To generate and print the registry settings report:
1. To preview the Registry settings report before printing it:
a. Select File > Print Preview.
b. Click Zoom In to enlarge the text and read the report.
2. To print the report:
a. Select File > Print.
b. If necessary, select a printer.
c. Click OK. A report of all Registry settings is generated.
Note: Additional node detail is provided if the node has been used at least
once by the client software.
8 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 3. Apply the C API
The C Applications Programming Interface
The Sterling Connect:Direct C applications programming interface consists of
Standard and Registry API functions. The Standard API functions connect to a
Sterling Connect:Direct node, execute Sterling Connect:Direct commands, manage
command response data, and retrieve error information. The Registry API
functions store and retrieve client connection information to and from the Registry.
The C API is implemented using the C++ Classes. This interface is used by C
Compile and Debug
When you are ready to compile the program created with the API, include the
CDCAPI.H header file. Including the CDCAPI.H file in your project automatically
links a program with the appropriate import library. Debug configurations link
with the CDCAPID.LIB and release configurations link with the CDCAPI.LIB.
The CDCAPI.LIB and CDCAPID.LIB files contain the following information:
v Name of the DLL to dynamically load at run time.
v Definitions of all exported functions. This is used by the linker to resolve all
calls to the CDCAPI.DLL.
When the program runs or the DLL is loaded, the appropriate CDCAPI.DLL is
loaded. The CDCAPI.DLL is dynamically loaded when a release configuration is
executed, and the CDCAPID.DLL is dynamically loaded to support debug
The C APIs are based on the core C++ APIs. This required API layer is contained
in CDCORE.DLL (or CDCORED.DLL if compiling for debug mode). The
appropriate core DLL must be in your path for the C APIs to work properly.
Activate Tracing
The Output window of the Microsoft Visual Studio displays trace messages.
The following table describes the tracing parameters. Use the trace parameters to
activate tracing.
Parameter Description
CdGetTraceFlags(unsigned int*
Retrieves the current trace settings for the Sterling
Connect:Direct API.
CdSetTraceFlags(unsigned int
Sets new trace settings for the Sterling Connect:Direct
Provides a file name to the tracing facility. If a file is
defined, trace messages are written to the Output
window and specified file.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 9
Standard C API
Use the Standard API functions to connect to a Sterling Connect:Direct node,
execute Sterling Connect:Direct commands, manage command response data, and
retrieve error information.
The C API is implemented using the C++ Classes. This interface is used by C
Handles simplify object and memory management by referencing a particular
object. Pass a handle to an API to uniquely identify an object. The Sterling
Connect:Direct C API uses the following types of object handles to return node,
Process, statistics, message, and trace information:
v Node Handles—Represent the Sterling Connect:Direct node that is the target of
the operation. It is a virtual connection to a Sterling Connect:Direct node. The
node handle is a special type of object handle; it holds information about the
node but does not return data from the node.
A node handle is created by calling the CdConnect() function and passing it the
node name, user ID, password, and protocol within a NODE_STRUCT structure.
After you finish with a node handle, you call the CdCloseHandle() to close it.
Closing the handle releases the virtual connection and any internal resources
associated with it. The node handle is no longer valid on subsequent operations.
Note: You are responsible for closing the node handle and for releasing any
resources that you allocate.
v Process Handles—Handles returned from a submit command or from a Process
object, which is created when a select process, change process, or delete process
command is executed. The following example demonstrates the select process
command returning a Process:
if (CdExecuteCommand (hNode, “SELECT PROCESS”, &hProc))
if (CdGetProcRec(hProc, &Proc))
printf("%d %s/n", Proc.ProcessNumber, Proc.ProcessName);
v Statistic Handles—Statistics objects that are returned after a select statistics
command is executed.
v Message Handles—Message objects that are returned when a select message
command is executed.
v Trace Handles—Trace objects that are returned when a traceon or traceoff
command is executed.
Block the Calling Thread
CdWaitOnProcess()—Use this function to serialize Sterling Connect:Direct Process
execution. This function blocks the calling thread until the specified Process is no
longer in the TCQ. It takes a Process handle that contains references to the target
Process object. Any Process object handle can enable you to specify Processes to
10 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
wait on. Use this method to wait on a Process returned from a submit command
and any Process returned by the select process command.
Retrieve Error Text
v CdGetErrorText()—Call this function to translate return code values into
messages that explain the error. This helps the user understand the error
message and provides a method for logging meaningful trace messages within
an application.
v CdGetDetailedError()—Use this function to retrieve messages one at a time until
CD_ENDOFDATA is returned. This call fills in the MESSAGE_STRUCT structure
with a detailed error message for node, parser, and connection errors. The
messages are erased upon entry to any other API to prepare for other potential
The C Application Programming Interface is synchronous; when an API that
performs a complex function (such as the CdConnect() or CdExecuteCmd()
functions) is called, the caller's thread is blocked until the request is completed or
until a failure occurs. The caller's thread blocks while waiting for other threads to
finish the request.
If the CdConnect() function is called from a Microsoft Windows application, it
should not be called from the primary user interface (UI) thread. Calling the
function from the UI thread causes the user interface of the program to run slowly.
View Sample Programs
Sample programs are available for viewing.
Refer to the documentation CD directory, SDK\Samples for the C, C++, and Visual
Basic sample code. The sample code contains the following:
v The CSample1.C sample program demonstrates how to connect to a node,
execute a command, and view the data returned by the node.
v The CSample2.C sample program demonstrates a more complex transaction of
connecting to a node, submitting a Process, waiting for completion, and
requesting statistics for the Process.
v CPPSamp1
v CPPSamp2
v VBAuto
v VBStat
v VBSubmit
v VBSubmit2
Chapter 3. Apply the C API 11
12 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface
Compile and Debug
Include the CDSDK.H header file to use the C++ interface. CDSDK.H
automatically links the program with the appropriate import library. Debug
configurations link with the CDCORED.LIB, and the release configurations link
with the CDCORE.LIB.
Note: You do not need to add the LIB to the LINK section of the project or
The CDCORED.lib and CDCORE.lib files contain the name of the DLL to
dynamically load at run time and class definitions for the linker to resolve the
Sterling Connect:Direct SDK symbols included in the CDSDK.H file. When a
program executes or a DLL is loaded, the appropriate CDCORE.DLL is loaded.
Applying.DLL is dynamically loaded when a debug configuration is executed and
to support a release configuration.
Manipulate Nodes
Component Group classes provide methods to make changes on a Sterling
Connect:Direct node.
The Component Group classes represent Sterling Connect:Direct entities and
provide methods to manipulate an object to generate changes on the Sterling
Connect:Direct node. Use the following classes to manipulate nodes:
Class Description
CDNode Contains the high-level Sterling Connect:Direct functionality.
It returns network map, initialization parameters, and
translation table information as well as User and Proxy
objects that maintain node information and execute command
CDUser Contains the user functional authority information. Use to
add, delete, and update functional authorities on the Sterling
Connect:Direct node, including Network map Access Flags,
Command Access Flags, Control Flags, Process Statement
Flags, and default directories.
CDProxy Contains the Sterling Connect:Direct proxy information. Use
to add, delete, and update proxy information on the Sterling
Connect:Direct node. The remote user proxy contains
information for operations initiated from a remote Sterling
Connect:Direct node and defines relationships between a
remote node and local user IDs.
CDTranslationTable Contains and maintains the translation table information that
translates data being sent to other nodes and provides
methods for setting and retrieving translation information.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 13
Class Description
CDTrace Holds the trace criteria. It contains all the fields returned
from the node with the TRACEON command, with no
parameters and provides access methods for all of the Trace
CDNetmapNode Contains the network map node information.
CDNetmapDesc Contains the description for a network map node.
CDNetmapPath Contains the network map path information.
CDNetmapMode Contains the network map mode information.
When using the C++ Class interface, no sequence must be followed when using
the C++ classes. All objects are self-contained and are not dependent on any other
classes when fully constructed. Each object's constructor is different and some of
the objects require another object to be built successfully.
The first and most important class is the CDNode class. This class is the first one
to use when interacting with any Sterling Connect:Direct node.
While the only prerequisite for constructing a class is the creation of the objects
needed by the constructor, the following example shows a possible sample
execution sequence:
CDNode creation
CDSelectProcCommand creation
CDProcIterator creation
(Use the data)
CDProcIterator destruction
CDSelectProcCommand destruction
CDNode destruction
The Sterling Connect:Direct CDNode class serves as the virtual Sterling
Connect:Direct node. It enables you to manipulate and send commands to the
actual Sterling Connect:Direct node. You manipulate this object through the use of
the CDNode methods and issue commands to the node using Command objects.
Calling these methods and using the objects sends KQV streams to the physical
Sterling Connect:Direct node. See the C++ API Reference Guide for more
Create an Object to Connect to a Node
The name of the Sterling Connect:Direct node and the connection information is set
at object creation time using the CDNode constructor. If a parameter is not
supplied (NULL pointer), the default value for that parameter is read from the
Registry. During construction, the CDNode object attempts to connect to the
physical Sterling Connect:Direct node using the protocol information contained in
the Registry. If the connection fails, the CDConnectionException is returned. If the
connection is successful but the logon is denied by the server, a CDLogonException
is returned.
The CDNode object creates and removes the connection to the Sterling
Connect:Direct node as needed. Connections are shared and reused as different
requests are made. The following section of the class definition displays the
methods to construct a CDNode object and methods to retrieve node information:
14 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
// Constructor for CDNode
int nProtocol=CD_PROTOCOL_TCPIP);
CDNode(LPCTSTR szFilename);
CDNode(const CDNode &Node);
//Node Information Methods
const CString GetName() const;
LPCTSTR GetCDName() const;
LPCTSTR GetUserid() const;
LPCTSTR GetServer() const;
int GetProtocol();
The following two examples illustrate two different methods for creating a
CDNode object. The first method creates the CDNode object locally on the stack.
The second example creates a dynamic allocation of a CDNode object from the
stack. Both methods then execute a SELECT PROCESS command using the
CDNode object.
CDSelectProcCmd cmd;
//Execute the "SELECT PROCESS" command
CDProcIterator it = cmd.Execute(MyNode);
CDNode *pNode = new CDNode("MYNODE", "MYUSERID", "MYPASSWORD");
CDSelectProcCmd cmd;
//Execute the "SELECT PROCESS" command
CDProcIterator it = cmd.Execute(pNode);
delete pNode;
Manage Connections
Use the CDNode class to manage Sterling Connect:Direct connections. The
CDNode class creates and deletes connections to the Sterling Connect:Direct node
as needed and deletes the connections if they are idle for a specified period of
The connections are stored in an array and are created and assigned by the
CDNode object when a command requests a connection to the physical node.
Connections are reused when they are idle and are deleted if they remain idle for
an extended period of time. Because each connection consumes resources on both
the client and the server, use them as efficiently as possible. The DisconnectAll
member function is used to disconnect all connections to all nodes.
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface 15
View Information
Record Group classes allow you to view information about processes, statistics,
messages, and users.
Use the following classes to obtain information:
Class Description
CDProcess Contains all of the Process criteria information returned from a SUBMIT or
SELECT PROCESS command after a Process is submitted. You can submit a
Process for execution using one of the following methods:
Create a CDSubmitCmd object and initialize the parameters. Next, call the
CDSubmitCmd::Execute() method and specify the CDNode object to run on.
Call the CDNode::Submit() method and specify the text of the Process. This
method internally creates the CDSubmitCmd object and calls the Execute()
CDStatistic Provides two methods for holding statistics information.
GetAuditField() Method—Because audit data is optional, and different
records have different KQV keys, use a single method to access the data. To
retrieve a value, call GetAuditField(), passing the KQV key for the desired
The GetAuditMap() function retrieves all audit fields defined in the current
record. An MFC CMapStringToString object maps from KQV keywords to
the corresponding values. This method enables you to view each association
in the map to determine what audit fields are available and to ask the map
for the value of the given field.
CDMessage Holds information about a specific message that is retrieved from the
Sterling Connect:Direct node.
CDUser Holds the user functional authority information to add, delete, and update
functional authority information on the Sterling Connect:Direct node.
Control the Return of Information
Use iterators to enumerate through multiple returned objects.
Commands and methods store multiple items in an iterator. The iterator provides
methods to enumerate through each returned object.
Commands that retrieve a single record from the server block the calling thread in
the Execute() method until the data arrives. The data is then put into a record
object and returned. Other commands, like select statistics, can potentially return
hundreds of records. If the Execute() method blocks until all records are returned,
it can take longer to receive any feedback. If the records are all returned in one
large block instead of being consumed one at a time, the computer slows down.
To solve these problems, commands that potentially retrieve multiple records
return an iterator object as soon as the first record arrives. As data is returned, a
background thread automatically appends to the iterator. The iterator has a
connection to the server and the command object is not involved. This method
16 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
allows you to process records as they arrive. The following example demonstrates
the select process command returning a process iterator:
CDSelectProcCmd cmd;
CDProcIterator it = cmd.Execute(node):
Accessing Iterator Records
The iterator keeps an internal list of all records returned from the server. Use the
following commands to control iterator records:
v HasMore()—Call this method to determine if any records are available in the list.
Note: You must always call HasMore() before calling GetNext(). It is not legal to
call GetNext() if there are no records.
v GetNext()—If HasMore() returns TRUE, obtain the next record in the list using
this command. It removes the next record from the list and returns it.
When all records are received from the server, the server notifies the iterator that
the command is complete. After all records are removed using GetNext(),
HasMore() returns FALSE.
If the iterator's list is empty, but the server has not notified the iterator that the
command is complete, the iterator cannot determine whether there are more
records. In this case, HasMore() blocks until more records are received from the
server or a completion notification is received. Only then can the iterator return
The following is an example of accessing statistics records using an iterator:
CDSelectStatCmd cmd;
CDStatIterator it = node.Execute (cmd);
while (it.HasMore()) {
CDStatistic stat = it.GetNext();
// use the statistics object }
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface 17
Execute Sterling Connect:Direct Commands
Command Group classes execute Sterling Connect:Direct commands against
Sterling Connect:Direct nodes.
Class Description
CDCommand The base class for all Sterling Connect:Direct command objects.
It wraps the parser within a class and enables methods for data
manipulation. Each derived class provides an Execute() method
to execute the command and return the resulting data or object.
If the result is several items, the command object returns a
iterator object that holds the data. The following CDCommand
class definition shows the type of methods available in this
// Constructor for CDCommand
CDCommand(LPCTSTR pCommand=NULL);
virtual ~CDCommand();
virtual void ClearParms();
void SetCommand(const CString& strCmd);
virtual CString GetCommand() const;
virtual CString GetKQC() const;
// Execute() methods are provided by each
// derived command class.
CDSelectStatCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the SELECT STATISTICS parameters. When you call the
Execute() method, an iterator data object is dynamically created
and attached to the connection assigned by the CDNode object
to execute the command.
CDSelectProcCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the SELECT PROCESS parameters. When you call the Execute()
method, the CDProcIterator object is created dynamically and
attached to the connection assigned to execute the command.
The following example demonstrates the CDSelectProcCmd
CDSelectProcCmd cmd;
CDProcIterator it = node.Execute(cmd);
while (it.HasMore()) {
CDProcess proc = it.GetNext();
// use the process }
CDChangeProcCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the CHANGE PROCESS parameters. When the Execute()
method is called, an iterator data object is dynamically created
and attached to the connection assigned to execute the
command. A CDProcIterator is attached to the iterator data and
returned from the Execute() method.
CDDeleteProcCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the DELETE PROCESS parameters. When the Execute() method
is called, a CDProcData object is dynamically created and
attached to the connection assigned to execute the command. A
CDProcIterator is attached to the iterator data and returned
from the Execute() method.
18 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Class Description
CDSelectMsgCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the SELECT MESSAGE parameters. When you call the Execute()
method, the command is executed and the resulting message
text is stored in the internal CDMessage object
CDStopCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
the STOP parameter. When you call the Execute() method, the
command is executed.
CDSubmitCmd Used for submitting a Process object for execution on a node. It
enables you to set the options of the SUBMIT command and
then execute the command on a node. When you call the
Execute() method, a CDProcess object is dynamically created
and attached to the connection assigned to execute the
command. The following example demonstrates the
CDSubmitCmd class:
CDSubmitCmd cmd;
cmd.SetFile ("myproc.cdp");
CDProcess proc = node.Execute(cmd);
CDTraceOnCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to set
and retrieve trace options from the Sterling Connect:Direct
node. The TraceOnCmd class handles all the options available
from the TRACEON command. The Execute() method returns a
CDTrace object that contains the current trace state.
CDTraceOffCmd Derived from the CDCommand base class, it enables you to
clear trace options from the Sterling Connect:Direct node. The
CDTraceOffCmd class handles all of the options available from
the TRACEOFF command. You call methods to clear the desired
trace parameters and then call the Execute() method. The
Execute() method returns a CDTrace object that contains the
current trace state.
Manage Exception Conditions
Exception Group classes manage exception conditions. Sterling Connect:Direct
generates Exception Group classes if an exception condition is encountered while a
request is being processed. Following is an exception scenario where a message is
pushed into the exception before the initial throw.
Function A calls Function B, and Function B calls Function C. Function C is a
helper routine called by many routines so it does not include information specific
to a task. Since the exception occurred in C, it throws the exception. A message
describing the error is added and flagged as a technical message.
Function B traps the exception. A message describing the error is added and
flagged as a user message. User messages are displayed in dialog boxes. For
example, a user message reads: Communication with the server has been lost.
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface 19
The CDMsgException class stores the messages as an array of strings. The
messages are stored in a last-in first-out (LIFO) order because messages added later
are more general as the exception moves up the call stack.
Following is a description of the Exception Group classes:
Class Description
CDMsgException The base exception class for all Sterling Connect:Direct
exception objects. It provides a message stack for
CDConnectionException This exception is generated when communication with the
node is lost or cannot be established.
CDCommandException Generated when an object cannot be executed because
parameters are invalid, including a submitted Process
containing errors.
CDLogonException Generated if the Sterling Connect:Direct node rejects the
user ID and password supplied in the logon attempt. You
can respond to this exception by prompting the user for
the correct logon information.
Manage Administrative Functions
Helper Group classes provide common functionality, such as dialog boxes and
thread creation and termination.
20 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Manage Administrative Functions
Class Description
CDLogonDlg The Sterling Connect:Direct common logon dialog box enables you to
write your own logon applications. The CDLogon dialog box enables
you to change the node, the user ID and password to connect to the
Sterling Connect:Direct node as well as enable the Remember
Password check box, click the Configure button to save new server
logon information and change the title.
Below are the components of the CDLogonDlg class:
Node—Specifies the Sterling Connect:Direct node to which the user
wants to logon.
userid—Specifies the user ID for the Sterling Connect:Direct node.
Password—Specifies the password defined for the user ID.
Remember Password—Specifies whether the user wants the
password to persist after the user logs off. If the check box is
enabled, the password is retrieved to set the password field of the
dialog box when the logon dialog is displayed. This prevents the
user from having to re-type the password information for the
session. Enabling the check box also specifies whether or not to write
the password information as nonvolatile data. Nonvolatile keys
persist after the user logs off. If the user does not enable the
Remember Password check box, the password only persists until the
user logs off.
The Sterling Connect:Direct Logon dialog box does not perform the
logon. It captures the entries and returns them to the calling
Normally, the programmer creates a CDLogon dialog box, sets the
parameters, and calls the DoModal() function to display and run the
dialog box. If the user clicks the OK button, then the CDLogonDlg
class returns IDOK and a logon is attempted using the supplied
connection information. If the user clicks the Cancel button, the
CDLogonDlg class returns IDCANCEL and the logon is cancelled.
After a user successfully logs on to the Sterling Connect:Direct node,
the connection information is written to the Registry under the
CDExceptionDlg Displays the exception dialog box. The dialog box displays the
information in the exception object
CDThread Coordinates the clean termination of threads and provides a thread
class that can unblock object
CDBeginThread Creates a worker thread for use with API objects.
Return Values A pointer to the newly created thread object.
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface 21
Create A Thread Example
The following example illustrates how to create a thread:
void SomeFunc()
CDThread* pThread = CDBeginThread(ThreadFunc);
} void ThreadFunc(LPARAM lParam)
CSomeCmd cmd(...);
CDProcess proc = cmd.Execute(...);
DWORD dwId = proc.GetId();
SetDlgItemInt(IDC_SOMECONTROL, (int)dwId);
Terminate A Thread
In the preceding sample code, the only blocking that takes place is in the Execute()
function. Execute() blocks until the Process information returns from the server. To
terminate the thread without waiting, call CDThread::Exit, which signals any
blocking CD objects in the thread to stop blocking and throw a thread exit
exception. In the previous example, if CDThread::Exit is called, an exception is
thrown, and no return object is returned from the Execute() function.
Note: It is not possible for one thread to throw an exception in another.
CDThread::Exit sets flags in the CDThread object that other CD objects use.
When CDThread::Exit is called, CDThread::IsExiting returns TRUE. You can use
this method in loops to determine when to exit because CD objects only throw the
exception when they are blocking.
Do not call the Win32 TerminateThread. TerminateThread does not give the
thread a chance to shut down gracefully. Calling TerminateThread can corrupt
the state of the CD objects. CD objects use critical sections and other resources
that must be managed carefully.
Catch the Exception
It is not necessary to catch the CDThreadDeath exception. If not caught, the
exception unwinds the stack, destroying all objects on the stack, and the CDThread
object itself handles the exception. To provide clean-up for heap allocated items,
the exception can be caught. Rethrowing the exception is not required.
Multithreaded Access and Blocking
Because the Sterling Connect:Direct C++ Class API uses multiple threads, the API
objects are thread safe. The API objects provide efficient blocking for use in
multithreaded programs.
Objects On The Stack
Use the stack to ensure efficiency and reduce complexity.
22 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
C++ programs that make good use of exceptions move as much data from the
heap to the stack as possible. This ensures that destructors run and memory is
released when an exception occurs. It also reduces the complexity of the program
by eliminating many pointers, reducing the chances of memory leaks, and letting
the compiler ensure that objects are valid (as opposed to pointers that could be
NULL or bad).
To ensure objects are used on the stack efficiently, most CD objects store their data
externally. The following example is of an iterator object that holds 500 statistics
When the iterator is created, an iterator data object is also created to hold the
records. The data object also has a reference count that indicates how many objects
are using the data. When an object is copied, the new object (the copy) is linked to
the data and the reference count of the data object is incremented. There are still
only 500 records (not 1000), and the reference count is now 2.
When connected objects are destroyed, they decrement the reference count in the
data object. When the reference count reaches 0, the data object is also destroyed.
The following figure provides an example of the efficiency possible when shared
data is copied:
1. void Func()
2. (
3. Iterator itFinal = CreateIterator();
4. }
6. Iterator CreateIterator()
7. {
8. CSomeCmd cmd(...);
9. Iterator itLocal = node.Execute(cmd);
10. return itLocal;
11. }
On line 3 the sample code calls the CreateIterator() function. The CreateIterator()
function returns an iterator, called itLocal. This iterator is created on line 9 and
returned on line 10.
At line 11 the C++ compiler creates a temporary copy of itLocal before destroying
it. As part of the copy, the iterator data reference count is incremented to 2. When
itLocal is destroyed, the reference count drops to 1 so that the records are not
Next, the C++ compiler constructs itLocal on line 3 by passing the temporary to its
copy constructor. The reference count is again incremented to 2 because both
iterators are pointing to it. The temporary is then destroyed, reducing the reference
count to 1.
The result is that an unlimited number of records are passed to the stack with little
more than the copying of two pointers and some reference counting.
Chapter 4. Apply the C++ Class Interface 23
24 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 5. Apply the ActiveX Control Interface
Submit Process
The Sterling Connect:Direct CDSubmit control is a command line control that
submits Processes to the server. Because submitting a Process can be a lengthy
procedure, the Execute command returns immediately. When a Process is
submitted and the server responds, or a time-out occurs, the client is notified
through the SubmitStatus event. Additionally, the client can request notification
when the Process has completed on the server. Properties for the CDSubmit control
Property Description
Node=nodename The name of the node that you want to connect to. The node name
must be valid in the Microsoft Windows system Registry.
User=userid The user ID used to log on to the Sterling Connect:Direct node.
Password=password The password used by the user ID to log on to the node.
Text=text The text of the Process.
Use the following methods to submit a process:
Method Description
Execute(BOOL bWait) Submits the Process to the server. An event is fired when the
server responds to notify the client of the status of the
submit. If bWait is TRUE, another event is fired when the
Process completes on the server.
Sets the symbolic value for symbolic. Call for each symbolic
in the Process.
ClearSymbolics Clears all symbolics. Call before submitting a Process to clear
the previous values.
The following events are activated by the CDSubmit control:
Events Description
Submitted Describes whether the Process is accepted by the server.
Completed The ProcessComplete event is sent when the Process is no longer
in the server's queue. Because more resources are required to wait
on a Process, this event is only fired if requested in the call to
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 25
Events Description
Error The standard error event. Possible codes are:
CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED—cannot log onto the node.
CTL_E_DEVICEUNAVAILABLE—cannot connect to the node.
CTL_E_OUTOFMEMORY—out of memory.
CTL_E_ILLEGALFUNCTIONCALL—an unknown error. The error
message describes the error.
Display Select Statistics Results
The CDStatistics control is a multi-column list that displays SELECT STATISTICS
command results. The CDStatistics control properties determine the node that you
are connected to, logon information, and selection criteria. The following figure
shows the CDStatistics control where only the message ID and message text are
The following table lists the CDStatistics control properties:
Property Description
ColCount=nnnnn The number of columns to display. The range for the
ColCount value is 1–32,000.
Col=nnnnn The current column. The range for the Col value is 1–32,000.
ColWidth=nnnnn The width of the current column (Col) in pixels. The range
for the ColWidth value is 0–32,000.
Header The column header text for the current column. Provide text
for the value or leave it blank.
Row=nnnnn... The current row. If set to 0, the current row is the header.
The range for the Row value is 0–Infinity, where the number
of rows is limited only by memory.
RowCount=positive integer The number of rows in the list, not including the header.
This field is read-only and is determined by the number of
records returned by the server.
26 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Property Description
Node=node name The name of the node to which you want to connect. The
node name must be valid in the MicrosoftWindows NT
system Registry.
User=userid The user ID used to log on to the Sterling Connect:Direct
Password=password The password defined to allow the user ID to log onto the
Field The statistics structure field the current column is displaying.
Valid values are Process Name, Process Number, Condition
Code, Feedback, MsgId, MsgText, MsgData, LogDateTime,
StartDateTime, StopDateTime, Submitter, SNode, RecCat, and
ccode=(operator, code) Selects statistics records based on the completion code
operator and return code values associated with step
termination. The condition code operator default is eq. You
must specify the return code. Refer to dfile=destination
filename | (list) below for valid operators and values.
dfile=destination filename |
Searches all copy termination records (CAPR category, CTRC
record ID) to find those with a destination file name
matching the file name or list of file names specified.
This parameter is not supported in a UNIX environment.
pname=Process name |
generic | (list)
Selects Process statistics by Process name, a generic name, or
a list of names. The name can be 1–8 alphanumeric
characters long.
pnumber=Process number |
Selects statistics by Process number or a list of Process
numbers. Sterling Connect:Direct assigns the Process number
when the Process is submitted.
reccat=caev | capr | (caev ,
Selects statistics based on whether the record category is
related to events or to a Sterling Connect:Direct Process.
The default for this keyword depends on the other search
criteria specified. If you specify Process characteristics, such
as Process name, Process number, or Submitter, the default is
capr. If you perform a general search using startt or stopt,
the default is caev and capr.
caev specifies that the retrieved statistics file records include
those related to Sterling Connect:Direct events, such as a
Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown.
capr specifies that the retrieved statistics file records include
those related to one or more Sterling Connect:Direct
rnode=remote node name |
generic | (list)
Selects statistics file records by remote node name, a generic
node name, or a list of node names. The range for the
remote node name is 1–16 alphanumeric characters long.
sfile=filename | (list) Searches all copy Process Termination records (CAPR
category, CTRC record ID) to find those with a source file
name matching the name or list of names you specify.
Chapter 5. Apply the ActiveX Control Interface 27
Property Description
startt=([date | day] [, time]) Selects statistics starting with records logged since the
specified date, day, or time. The date, day, and time are
positional parameters. If you do not specify a date or day,
type a comma before the time.
date specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy),
which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If
you only specify date, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The
current date is the default.
day specifies the day of the week. Values are today,
yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday. If you specify a day of the week,
Sterling Connect:Direct uses the previous matching day.
time specifies the time of day coded as hh:mm:ss[am | pm]
where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. You
can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour format. If you
use the 12-hour format, then you must specify am or pm.
The default format is the 24-hour format. The default value
is 00:00:00, which indicates midnight. If you specify only the
day value, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
stopt=([date | day] [, time]) Retrieves statistics including records logged up to and
including the specified date, day, or time. The date, day, and
time are positional parameters. If you do not specify a date
or a day, type a comma before the time.
date specifies the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy),
which you can code as mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If
you only specify date, the time defaults to 00:00:00. The
current date is the default.
day specifies the day of the week. Values are today,
yesterday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday, and Sunday. If you specify a day of the week,
Sterling Connect:Direct uses the previous matching day.
time specifies the time of day coded as hh:mm:ss[am | pm]
where hh is hours, mm is minutes, and ss is seconds. You
can specify the hour in either 12- or 24-hour format. If you
use the 12-hour format, then you must specify am or pm.
The default is the 24-hour format. The default value is
00:00:00, which indicates midnight. If you specify only the
day value, the time defaults to 00:00:00.
28 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Property Description
submitter=(node name,
userid) | generic | (list)
Selects statistics by the node name and user ID of the
Process owner (submitter). You can also specify a generic
name and user ID or a list of names and user IDs. The
maximum combined length, including the node name and
user ID, is 66 characters.
Valid completion code operators for the ccode property are
listed below:
eq|=|==Equal (default)
ge | >= | => Greater than or equal
gt|>Greater than
le | <= | =< Less than or equal
lt | < Less than
ne | != Not equal
Valid completion codes for the ccode property are listed
0 Successful execution of the Process.
4 A warning-level error was encountered. The statement
probably completed normally, but verify the execution
8— An error occurred during Process execution.
16 —A severe error occurred during Process execution.
Chapter 5. Apply the ActiveX Control Interface 29
Property Description
recids=record id | (list) Specifies selection by record ID or a list of record IDs. This
parameter identifies particular types of statistics records,
such as a copy termination records or initialization event
AUPR Authorization file processing
CHGP Change Process command issued
COAC Communication activated
CMLT CMGR listen thread terminated
CRHT Sterling Connect:Direct copyright
CSTP Child Process stopped
CTRC Copy control record written
CTRM Child Process terminated
CUKN Child Process unknown status
CXIT Child Process exited
DELP Delete Process command issued
FLSP Flush Process command issued
FMRV Formatted Header (FMH) received
FMSD Formatted Header (FMH) sent
GPRC Get Process issued
IFED If statement ended
IPPR Initialization parameter processing
LIOK Listen okay
NAUH Node Authorization check issued
NMOP Network map file opened
NMPR Network map processing
NUIC Sterling Connect:Direct Initialization complete
NUIS Sterling Connect:Direct start initialization
NUT1 Sterling Connect:Direct phase one termination
complete status
NUT2 Sterling Connect:Direct phase two termination
complete status
NUTC Sterling Connect:Direct termination complete
NUTR Sterling Connect:Direct termination requested
NUTS Sterling Connect:Direct termination started
30 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Property Description
recids=record id | (list)
PERR Process error detected
PFLS Process flushed
PMED Process Manager ended
PMIP Process Manager Initprocs thread initialized
PMMX Process Manager Max Age thread initialized
PMRC Process Manager release cell thread initialized
PMST Process Manager started
PPER Pipe error
PRED Process ended
PSAV Process saved
PSED Process step detected
PSTR Process started
RNCF Remote server call failed
RTED Run Task command completed
RJED Run Job command completed
RFIP Refresh command issued
SBED Submit complete
SELP Select Process command issued
SELS Select Statistics command issued
SEND Session end issued
SERR System error
SHUD Sterling Connect:Direct shutdown
SIGC Signal caught
SMED Session Manager ended
SMST Session Manager started
SNHI APPC started
STOP Stop Sterling Connect:Direct command issued
SUBP Submit command issued
Chapter 5. Apply the ActiveX Control Interface 31
Property Description
recids=record id | (list)
TCPI TCP started
TRAC Trace command issued
UNKN Unknown command issued
USEC User Security check issued
xxxx Record types identified by the first four characters
of the message ID
The CDStatistics control provides the following methods:
Method Description
BOOL Execute() Executes the SELECT STATISTICS command and stores the returned
records in the control. If the control was already retrieving records,
the previous command is stopped and the old records are removed
from the control.
Clear Clears the existing records from the display. The Clear method does
not stop retrieval.
The following events are controlled by CDStatistics.
Method Description
Complete Sent after all records are retrieved.
Error The standard error event. Possible codes are:
CTL_E_PERMISSIONDENIED—cannot log onto the node.
CTL_E_DEVICEUNAVALIABLE—cannot connect to the node.
CTL_E_OUTOFMEMORY—out of memory.
32 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 6. Apply Automation Servers
Apply Automation Servers
The Sterling Connect:Direct Automation Servers provide an automation wrapper
around the Sterling Connect:Direct SDK C++ classes.
The Automation Servers provide direct automation support for languages like
Visual Basic. This section provides a reference for the automation objects and
information about applying them.
Create Virtual Servers Using the Node Factory
The node factory creates node objects, which act as virtual servers. Virtual servers
represent a Sterling Connect:Direct server (a node). The Automation Server Node
Factory provides the following properties:
Property Description
Node Name The name of the node to connect to. The node name is set using the Sterling
Connect:Direct Client Connection Utility.
Userid The user ID to use when connecting to the node.
Password The password for the user ID to connect to the node.
The Sterling Connect:Direct Automation Server Node provides the following
Method Description
SelectStats(criteria) Criteria specifies the complete SELECT STATISTICS string.
SelectProc(criteria) Criteria specifies the complete SELECT PROCESS string.
Submit(text) The text specifies the Process to SUBMIT.
Identify Active Processes
The Process object represents a Process running on the node. The records are
returned as Process objects, stored in a ProcCollection container. The Sterling
Connect:Direct Automation Server Process object provides the following properties:
Property Type Description
ProcessName String The Process name.
ProcessNumber Long The Process number assigned by Sterling
Connect:Direct when the Process is placed in the
ConditionCode Long The return code.
Feedback Long Provides additional return code information.
MsgId String The message identifier.
MsgText String The message text field.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 33
Property Type Description
MsgData String Message substitution fields.
LogDateTime Date The logged time stamp.
SchedDateTime Date The date and time the Process is scheduled to be
SubmitNode String The name of the node from which the Process was
Submitter String The user ID of the person submitting the Process.
PNode String The primary or controlling node in the Process.
SNode String The secondary or partner node in the Process.
Status String The status of the Process in the queue.
Retain String Specifies whether the Process is to be retained in
the TCQ for future submission.
Hold String The TCQ hold status of the Process.
Class Long The session class on which the Process is
Priority Long The TCQ selection priority of the Process.
ExecPriority Long The operating system execution priority of the
Queue String The logical queue where the Process is currently
located (Execution, Hold, Wait, or Timer).
Step Name String The currently executing step of the Process.
LocalNode String Specifies whether the primary or secondary node
is the local node and has primary control.
FromNode String Specifies whether the primary or secondary node
is the source node in a copy.
SimpleCompress Boolean Specifies whether to perform repetitive character
ExtendedCompression Boolean Specifies whether to perform repetitive string
Checkpoint Boolean Specifies the use of checkpointing in a copy step.
Restart Boolean Specifies whether the Process is restarted.
SourceFile String The name of the source file.
TotalBytes Long The number of data bytes read or written.
TotalRecs Long The number of data records read or written.
SentBytes Long The number of data bytes sent.
Sent RUs Long The number of RU bytes sent.
DestFile String The name of the destination file.
Identify Statistic Records
The Statistic object represents the records in the statistics database. They are
returned from a SELECT STATISTICS query. The Sterling Connect:Direct
Automation Server Statistic object provides the following properties:
34 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Property Data Type Description
ProcessName String The Process name.
ProcessNumber Long The Process number assigned by Sterling Connect:Direct
when the Process is placed in the TCQ.
Feedback Long Provides additional return code information.
MsgId String Message identifier.
MsgText String Message text.
MsgData String Message substitution fields.
LogDateTime Date The logged time stamp.
StartDateTime Date The start time stamp.
StopDateTime Date The stop time stamp.
Submitter String The submitter's user ID.
SNode String The secondary node name.
RecCat String The record category.
RecId String The record identifier tag.
Chapter 6. Apply Automation Servers 35
Property Data Type Description
GetAuditField String Returns the audit field value.
The GetAuditField() function supports the following audit
information field names:
"Step Name"
"Primary Node Name"
"Secondary Node Name"
"Link Fail"
"Member Name"
"Bytes Read"
"Records Read"
"Bytes Sent"
"RUs Sent"
"Bytes Written"
"Records Written"
"Bytes Received"
"RUs Received"
"RU Size"
"Local Condition Code"
"Local Message ID"
"Other Condition Code"
"Other Message ID"
"PNode Accounting Info"
"SNode Accounting Info"
"Local Node"
"Standard Compression"
"Extended Compression"
"Scheduled Date/Time"
"Start Date/Time"
"Stop Date/Time"
"Submit Date/Time"
"From Node"
36 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Property Data Type Description
String Returns the audit field value.
The GetAuditField() function supports the following audit
information field names:
"Source File"
"Source Disposition #1"
"Source Disposition #2"
"Source Disposition #3"
"Destination File"
"Destination Disposition #1"
"Destination Disposition #2"
"Destination Disposition #3"
"Substitution String"
"Submitter Node"
Use Automation Objects
Create node objects, select processes, and select statistics using automation objects.
This topic explains how to use the node factory and nodes, select statistics, and
select Processes. The Sterling Connect:Direct automation objects use late binding,
so you must dimension your variables as type Object.
Create Node Objects
The Sterling Connect:Direct node factory creates node objects. These node objects
serve as virtual servers and represent a connection to a Sterling Connect:Direct
server (node).
To obtain a connection (and therefore a node), you must use the node factory.
Create the node factory using the ProgID CD.NodeFactory:
Dim factory as Object
Set factory = CreateObject (“CD.NodeFactory”)
To determine the node you want to connect to, set the properties of the factory
object. Next, call CreateNode to connect to the node. If the connection is successful,
a node object returns. Otherwise, an error is thrown indicating the cause of the
factory.NodeName = “CD.Node1"
factory.UserId = “user1"
factory.Password = “password”
Dim node as Object
Set node = factory.CreateNode()
The node name refers to the name used by the Client Connection Utility. You must
set up the nodes that you want to connect to using the Client Connection Utility
prior to using the Sterling Connect:Direct SDK.
Chapter 6. Apply Automation Servers 37
Node Usage
The node object represents the connection to a Sterling Connect:Direct node. Using
the node enables you to select statistics or Processes.
Select Processes
To select Processes, you must first format a select Process command and pass it to
the SelectProc method. The records return as Process objects and are stored in the
ProcCollection container. Because a background thread populates the collection, it
is returned to the caller before it is completely filled. Therefore, the only access
method available is using the For Each construct.
Note: The usual Count property is not available because the count is not known
until all records are returned.
Dim procs as Object ; the process collection
Dim proc as Object ; each process record
Set procs = node.SelectProc ("SELECT PROCESS ")
For Each proc in procs
Debug.Print proc.ProcessName
Next proc
Select Statistics
To select statistics records, you must format a select statistics command and pass it
on to the SelectStats method of the node. The records return as Statistic objects
stored in a StatCollection container. Because a background thread populates the
collection, it returns to the caller before it is completely filled. Therefore, the only
access method available is using the For Each construct.
Note: The usual Count property is not available because the count is not known
until all records are returned.
Dim stats as object ; the Statistics collection
Dim stat as Object ; each statistic record
Set stats = node.SelectStats ("SELECT STATISTICS")
For Each stat in stats
Debug.Print stat.RecId
Next stat
Because the server can send records slowly, the interface can be jerky while
reading records. Because records are read using a background thread, it useful to
select the statistics before time-consuming tasks like constructing windows. This
method enables the server to send records in background.
Automation Class Errors
The automation classes use the standard Visual Basic error-handling mechanism.
When an error is raised in an automation object, no real value is returned from the
function. For example, if an error is raised in the node factory example in the
Create an Object to connect to a Node topic (see related link below), the node does
not have a value (it has the default value of nothing) because CreateNode has not
returned anything.
38 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
When the Sterling Connect:Direct automation objects raise an error, they set the
error number to a Sterling Connect:Direct SDK error value and store a description
in the error text.
Chapter 6. Apply Automation Servers 39
40 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 7. Enhance Security and Automate File Opening with
User Exits
User Exits
You can customize Sterling Connect:Direct operations with user exits. User exits
are user-defined dynamic link libraries (DLLs) that are loaded and called when the
user exit is enabled through an initialization parameter. Two user exits are
provided: one for enhanced security and one for automated file opening.
Apply Enhanced Security
Apply Passticket Support
Use passtickets to implement enhanced security. A passticket is a one-time
password generated on the primary node and passed to the secondary node within
10 minutes, where it is validated before further processing is performed. Sterling
Connect:Direct passticket support is implemented by the user as a user exit called
from the Sterling Connect:Direct session manager during Process execution. To
enable the security exit, specify the name or path name of the security exit DLL in
the value of the security.exit parameter.
See Changing Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Settings in the IBM
Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows System Guide or Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows Help for a description of the security.exit parameter. If the
DLL is not in the search path of the server, then you must specify the fully
qualified file name of the DLL.
The user's security exit must contain the GeneratePassticket() and
ValidatePassticket() functions. The parameters for these functions are defined in the
userexit.h header file. The userexit.h header file is in the Sterling Connect:Direct
samples directory. If the security exit cannot be found or loaded, or if the
addresses of the two required functions cannot be resolved successfully, an error
message is generated and Process execution terminates.
v The passticket is only valid for 10 minutes after it is generated. As a result, the
system clocks on the two nodes should be synchronized.
v When generating passtickets, Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows fills
in the GENMSG_T structure fields and passes the structure to the security exit.
The security exit should generate the passticket, fill in the GENMSG_REPLY_T
structure fields, and return an appropriate return code to Sterling
v When validating a passticket, Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows fills
in the VALMSG_T structure fields and passes the structure to the security exit.
The security exit validates the passticket, fills in the VALMSG_REPLY_T
structure fields, and returns an appropriate return code to Sterling
Connect:Direct. If the passticket is successfully validated, Sterling Connect:Direct
for Microsoft Windows continues as if the Process is using a remote user proxy.
A proxy must be defined on the remote node for the effective ID being used on
the SNODE for the Process.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 41
Security Exit Structure
Following is a list of the security exit structures:
v GENMSG_T—Sends a message to the local node to allow the security exit to
determine the user ID and security token (passticket) to use for remote node
authentication. The GENMSG_T contains:
Submitter ID
Local node ID and password
Remote node ID and password
Local node name
Remote node name
v GENMSG_REPLY_T—The user exit GeneratePassticket() function fills the
GENMSG_REPLY_T structure. The GENMSG_REPLY_T contains:
Status value of GOOD_RC (0) for success, or ERROR_RC (8) for failure.
Status text message. If the status value is failure, then status text message is
included in the error message.
ID to be used for security context on the remote node.
Passticket to use in conjunction with the ID for security on the remote node.
v VALMSG_T—The message sent to the remote node to allow the security exit to
validate the user ID and passticket. The VALMSG_T contains:
Submitter ID
Local node ID and password
Remote node ID and password
Local node name
Remote node name
ID to be used for security checking from the local node
Passticket generated on the local node
v VALMSG_REPLY_T—The user ValidatePassticket0 function fills the
VALMSG_REPLY_T structure. The VALMSG_REPLY_T contains:
GOOD_RC (0) if the reply was a success or ERROR_RC (8) for failure.
Status text message. If the status value is failure, the status text message is
included in the error message.
ID to be used for security context the remote node side. This value may or
may not be the same ID as in the generate message.
Passticket to use in conjunction with ID for security on the remote node.
Security Exit Sample Code
The following header file and sample code files for passticket implementation are
copied to X:\installation directory\Server\samples during the installation. You can
use them as examples to follow in implementing your real-life security exit.
v userexit.h—Contains defined constants used for passtickets, the structures that
are passed to the passticket functions, and the function prototypes.
v usersamp_skel.c—Consists of the GeneratePassticket() and ValidatePassticket()
functions. The GeneratePassticket() function replies with a hard-coded ticket, fills
in the structure, and returns a valid return code. It demonstrates what should be
input and output by the exit. The ValidatePassticket() function returns a good
return code indicating that the passticket passed in is valid. There is no real
checking done in this routine.
42 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
v userexit_samp.c—Demonstrates a sample implementation of passticket support.
It works if the same exit is on both sides. The GeneratePassticket() and
ValidatePassticket() functions call the Passtk() function which performs the
actual generation, or validation of the passticket.
The sample user exit can be compiled and linked into a DLL using Microsoft
Visual C++. The userexit_samp.sln and userexit_skel.sln files can be found in the
same samples directory where userexit_samp.c and userexit_skel.c is found.The
exit was tested using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
Apply Automated File Opening
Use the file open exit feature to override the values specified in the COPY
statement. The file open exit is an initialization parameter (file.exit) that you can
set to point to a user-written DLL. You can customize Sterling Connect:Direct
COPY operations by defining values in the file open exit DLL that override the
COPY statement parameters.
Apply the File Open Exit
Sterling Connect:Direct file open support is implemented as a user exit called from
the Sterling Connect:Direct session manager during Sterling Connect:Direct COPY
statement execution. To enable the file open exit, change the value of the file.exit
initialization parameter to the name or path name of the file open exit DLL.
Refer to Changing Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Settings in the
IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows System Guide or Sterling
Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Help for a description of the file.exit
parameter. If the DLL is not in the search path of the server, then you must specify
the fully qualified file name of the DLL.
The user's file open exit must contain the FileOpen() function. The parameters for
this function are File_Open and File_Open_Reply. These parameters are pointers to
corresponding structures in the userexit.h header file. The userexit.h header file is
in the Connect:Direct samples directory.
File Open Exit Structures
The file open exit contains the following types of structures:
v FILE_OPEN: The FILE_OPEN structure contains the information that
implements the file open user exit. The FILE_OPEN structure contains the
following components:
int oflag—Flags that Sterling Connect:Direct uses to open the file.
int srcdstflag—Specifies whether the file is a source file (the file to read) or a
destination file (the file to write to).
char user_name[MAX_USER_NAME]—Specifies the name of the user that
submitted the Process.
COPY_T copy_ctl—Points to the Sterling Connect:Direct Copy Control Block
data structure that contains information concerning the COPY operation about
to be performed.
COPY_SYSOPTS_T cp_sysopts—Points to the Sysopts data structure that
contains a representation of all of the COPY operation sysopts that Sterling
Connect:Direct supports. Refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Process
Language Reference Guide for more information about COPY sysopts.
Chapter 7. Enhance Security and Automate File Opening with User Exits 43
v FILE_OPEN_REPLY: The FILE_OPEN_REPLY structure contains information that
specifies whether the file exit operation succeeded. The FILE_OPEN structure
contains the following components:
HANDLE hFile—Contains a valid file handle if the file was opened
char filename[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]—Contains the actual name of the file
opened by the file open exit.
Access Sample Code
The following header file and sample code files for file open exit implementation
are copied to X:\installation directory\Samples during Sterling Connect:Direct for
Microsoft Windows installation.
v userexit.h
v FileOpenDLL.CPP
44 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 8. Structure Types
Structure Types
Following is a list of the common C and C++ Class interface structures, constants,
and their descriptions.
v USER_STRUCT Structure
v NODE_STRUCT Structure
v TRACE_STRUCT Structure
All of the common C and C++ Class API structures are contained within the
CONNDIR.H header file.
The NETMAP_DESC_STRUCT structure contains the Netmap Node Description
information. Use this structure to retrieve and set the Netmap Node Description
struct Netmap_Desc_Struct
typedef struct Netmap_Desc_Struct NETMAP_DESC_STRUCT;
Member Description
Name [MAX_NODE_NAME_LEN+1] The node name.
ContactPhone [MAX_PHONE_NUMBER+1] The phone number of the person responsible
for this node.
ContactName [MAX_CONTACT_NAME+1] The name of the person responsible for this
Description [MAX_DESCRIPTION+1] Node description information.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 45
The USER_STRUCT structure contains the User Functional Authority information.
Use this structure to retrieve and set user functional authorities.
struct User_Struct
TCHAR UpdateNetmap;
TCHAR UpdateUser;
TCHAR UpdateProxy;
TCHAR ChangeProcess;
TCHAR DeleteProcess;
TCHAR SelectProcess;
TCHAR SubmitProcess;
TCHAR SelectStats;
TCHAR SecureRead;
TCHAR SecureWrite;
TCHAR Trace;
TCHAR SelectNetmap;
TCHAR SelectMessage;
TCHAR Refresh;
TCHAR ProcessCopy;
TCHAR ProcessRunJob;
TCHAR ProcessRunTask;
TCHAR ProcessSubmit;
TCHAR InheritRights;
TCHAR TrusteeAssign;
TCHAR FileAttributes;
TCHAR ExecutionPriority;
TCHAR ProcessSend;
TCHAR ProcessReceive;
TCHAR UpdateTranslation;
TCHAR DownloadDirectory[MAX_DIRECTORY_NAME+1];
typedef struct User_Struct USER_STRUCT;
Member Description
UpdateUser Specifies permission to update other user functional
UpdateProxy Specifies permission to update proxy user
ChangeProcess Gives a user permission to issue CHANGE PROCESS.
DeleteProcess Gives a user permission to issue DELETE PROCESS.
SelectProcess Gives a user permission to issue SELECT PROCESS.
SubmitProcess Gives a user permission to issue SUBMIT PROCESS.
46 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Member Description
SelectStats Gives a user permission to issue SELECT
SecureRead Gives a user permission to read Sterling
Connect:DirectSecure Plus network map fields.
SecureWrite Gives a user permission to modify Sterling
Connect:Direct Secure Plus network map fields.
Stop Gives a user permission to issue the STOP Sterling
Connect:Direct server command.
Trace Gives a user permission to start and stop Sterling
Connect:Direct tracing.
SelectNetmap Gives a user permission to get the network map
objects from the Sterling Connect:Direct server.
SelectMessage Gives a user permission to get Sterling Connect:Direct
message information from the Sterling Connect:Direct
Refresh Gives a user permission to execute the REFRESH
INITPARMS commands.
ProcessCopy Gives a user permission to issue a COPY command
within a Process.
ProcessRunJob Gives a user permission to issue a RUN JOB
command within a Process.
ProcessRunTask Gives a user permission to issue a RUN TASK
command within a Process.
ProcessSubmit Gives a user permission to issue a SUBMIT command
within a Process.
Inherit Rights The Inherit Rights flag.
TrusteeAssign The Trustee Assign flag.
UpdateACL The Update ACL flag.
FileAttributes The File Attribute flag.
SNodeId The Remote Node ID flag.
ExecutionPriority Gives a user permission to change execution priority.
ProcessSend The Process Send flag.
ProcessReceive The Process Receive flag.
UpdateTranslation Gives a user permission to update the translation
table information.
The default download directory.
The default upload directory.
The default Process file directory.
The default program file directory.
Chapter 8. Structure Types 47
The MESSAGE_STRUCT structure contains the Sterling Connect:Direct message
information. Use this structure to retrieve the message information. It contains the
unique message identifier.
struct Message_Struct
int ConditionCode;
int Feedback;
typedef struct Message_Struct MESSAGE_STRUCT;
Member Description
MsgId [MAX_MESSAGE_ID+1] The message identifier that uniquely identifies this
ConditionCode The return code accompanying the message.
Feedback Additional return code information.
The message text.
Message substitution fields.
The NETMAP_MODE_SNA structure contains the Netmap SNA Mode information.
This structure is part of the NETMAP_MODE_STRUCT for SNA modes.
struct Netmap_Mode_Sna
long lMaxRUSize;
short MaxPacingSize;
short MaxNetSessLimit;
typedef struct Netmap_Mode_Sna NETMAP_MODE_SNA;
Member Description
lMaxRUSize The maximum RU size.
MaxPacingSize The maximum pacing size.
MaxNetSessLimit The maximum net session limit.
48 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
The NETMAP_MODE_TCP structure contains the Netmap TCP/IP Mode
information. This structure is part of the NETMAP_MODE_STRUCT for TCP/IP
struct Netmap_Mode_Tcp
long lBufferSize;
long lPacingSendCount;
long lPacingSendDelay;
char tcp_crc[4];
typedef struct Netmap_Mode_Tcp NETMAP_MODE_TCP;
Member Description
lBufferSize The buffer size.
lPacingSendCount Pacing send count.
lPacingSendDelay Pacing send delay.
char tcp_crc[4] Whether TCP CRC checking is on.
The NETMAP_NODE_STRUCT structure contains the Netmap node information.
Use this structure to retrieve and set the Netmap node information.
struct Netmap_Node_Struct
BOOL bDetail;
int LongTermRetry;
long lLongTermWait;
int ShortTermRetry;
long lShortTermWait;
int MaxPNode;
int MaxSNode;
int DefaultClass;
int RemoteOSType;
typedef struct Netmap_Node_Struct NETMAP_NODE_STRUCT;
Chapter 8. Structure Types 49
Member Description
Name [MAX_OBJECT_NAME_LEN+1] The node name.
bDetail Specifies detail-included flag.
LongTermRetry Long-term retry interval.
lLongTermWait Long-term wait interval.
ShortTermRetry Short-term retry interval.
lShortTermWait Short-term wait interval.
MaxPNode The maximum number of local nodes.
MaxSNode The maximum number of remote nodes.
DefaultClass The default class.
RemoteOSType Remote node operating system type.
TcpModeName [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The TCP/IP communications mode name.
TcpAddress [MAX_TCP_ADDRESS+1] The node's TCP/IP address.
SnaModeName [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The SNA communications mode name.
SnaNetName [MAX_NET_NAME+1] The SNA net name.
SNA partner name.
SnaTPName [MAX_TPNAME+1] The TP name.
The NETMAP_PATH_STRUCT structure contains the Netmap path information.
Use this structure to retrieve and set the Netmap path information.
struct Netmap_Path_Struct
BOOL bDetail;
int Transport;
int Adapter;
int Protocol;
int SnaLULocAddr;
int SnaLUSessLimit;
int TCPMaxTimeToWait;
int DialupHangon;
char DialupEntry[MAX_DIALUP_ENTRY+1];
char DialupUserid[MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1];
char DialupPassword[MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1];
typedef struct Netmap_Path_Struct NETMAP_PATH_STRUCT;
50 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Member Description
Name [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The path name.
bDetail The detail flag.
Transport Transport type.
Adapter Specifies the adapter.
Address [MAX_ADDRESS] The adapter address.
CustomQLLC[MAX_CUSTOM_ADDRESS+1] The custom or QLLC adapter address.
Protocol The protocol type.
SnaProfileName[MAX_PROFILE_NAME+1] The SNA profile name.
SnaLocalNetId [MAX_LOCALNETID+1] The SNA local net ID.
SnaPUName [MAX_PUNAME+1] The SNA PU name.
SnaLUName [MAX_LUNAME+1] The SNA LU name.
SnaLULocAddr The SNA LU local address.
SnaLUSessLimit The SNA LU session limit.
TCPMaxTimeToWait TCP maximum time to wait.
DialupHangon Number of seconds to stay connected after
dialup hangon completes.
DialupEntry[MAX_DIALUP_ENTRY+1] Dialup entry name.
DialupUserid[MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] Dialup user ID.
DialupPassword[MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] Dialup password.
ModeName [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The mode name used by this path.
The PROCESS_STRUCT structure contains the Sterling Connect:Direct Process
information. This structure is sent to the client from the Sterling Connect:Direct
server upon accepting a Process for execution. It is also sent in response to a
SELECT PROCESS command. It contains the Process name, Process number, and
Chapter 8. Structure Types 51
struct Process_Struct
DWORD ProcessNumber;
int ConditionCode;
int Feedback;
time_t LogDateTime;
time_t SchedDateTime;
TCHAR SubmitNode[17];
TCHAR Submitter[65];
TCHAR PNode[17];
TCHAR SNode[17];
TCHAR Status[3];
TCHAR Retain;
int Class;
int Priority;
int ExecPriority;
TCHAR Queue[5];
TCHAR Function[6];
TCHAR StepName[9];
TCHAR LocalNode;
TCHAR FromNode;
BOOL bStandardCompression;
BOOL bExtendedCompression;
BOOL bCheckpoint;
BOOL bRestart;
TCHAR SourceDisp1;
TCHAR SourceDisp2;
TCHAR SourceDisp3;
__int64 ByteCount;
__int64 RecordCount;
__int64 XmitBytes;
long XmitRUs;
TCHAR DestDisp1;
TCHAR DestDisp2;
TCHAR DestDisp3;
BOOL bSecurePlusEnabled;
BOOL bSignature;
typedef struct Process_Struct PROCESS_STRUCT;
Member Description
The Process name.
ProcessNumber The Process number.
ConditionCode The return code.
Feedback Specifies additional return code information.
MsgId [MAX_MESSAGE_ID+1] The message identifier field.
MsgData [MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT+1] The message text field.
52 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Member Description
MsgData [MAX_MESSAGE_DATA+1] The message substitution data.
LogDateTime The logged time stamp.
SchedDateTime The scheduled time stamp.
SubmitNode [17] The submitter's node.
Submitter [65] The submitter's user name.
PNode [17] The primary node.
SNode [17] The secondary node.
Status [3] The current status.
Retain The retain flag.
Hold The hold flag.
Class The class.
Priority The current priority.
ExecPriority The current execution priority.
Queue [5] The current queue that contains this Process.
Function[6] The function executing in the Process.
StepName [9] The current step name.
LocalNode The local node flag.
FromNode The from node flag.
bStandardCompression The standard compression indicator.
bExtendedCompression The extended compression indicator.
bCheckpoint The checkpointing enabled indicator.
bRestart Restart indicator.
SourceFile [MAX_FILENAME+1] The source file name.
SourceDisp1 The source displacement 1.
SourceDisp2 The source displacement 2.
SourceDisp3 The source displacement 3.
ByteCount The total byte count.
RecordCount The total record count.
XmitBytes The sent byte count.
XmitRUs The sent RU count.
DestFile[MAX_FILENAME+1] The destination file name.
DestDisp1 The destination displacement 1.
DestDisp2 The destination displacement 2.
DestDisp3 The destination displacement 3.
bSecurePlusEnabled The Secure+ enabled flag.
EncAlgName[MAX_OBJECT_NAME] The effective encryption algorithm.
bSignature Specifies the effective signature setting.
Chapter 8. Structure Types 53
The NODE_STRUCT structure contains the Sterling Connect:Direct node
information. This structure contains the node name, the login information,
operating system information, and protocol information. This information is stored
in the Registry and is sent to the client after successfully logging on.
struct Node_Struct
long ApiVersion;
long SecurePlusVersion;
int CompLevel;
int SelectedOSType;
int OSType
int SubType
BOOL bTemporary;
BOOL bRememberPW;
int Protocol TCHAR TcpAddress[MAX_TCP_ADDRESS+1]
typedef struct Node_Struct NODE_STRUCT;
Member Description
Name [MAX_NODE_NAME_LEN+1] The Sterling Connect:Direct node alias name.
CDName [MAX_NODE_NAME_LEN+1] The Sterling Connect:Direct node name.
Server [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The file server name.
ApiVersion The API version.
SecurePlusVersion The Secure+ version; value is 0 if Secure+ is
not supported.
CompLevel The KQV Communications Compatibility
SelectedOSType The user-selected operating system type.
OSType The operating system type.
SubType Specifies subtype information.
Userid [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The user name.
Password [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The user-defined password.
bTemporary Specifies to hold the user information
bRememberPW Specifies to save the password in the
Protocol Protocol type.
54 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
The STATISTICS_STRUCT structure contains the Sterling Connect:Direct statistics
information for a Process. This structure is sent to the client as a result of a
struct Statistic_Struct
DWORD ProcessNumber;
int ConditionCode;
int Feedback;
time_t LogDateTime;
time_t StartDateTime;
time_t StopDateTime;
TCHAR Submitter[65];
TCHAR SNode[17];
TCHAR RecCat[5];
TCHAR RecId[5];
typedef struct Statistic_Struct STATISTIC_STRUCT;
Member Description
The Process name.
ProcessNumber The Process number.
ConditionCode The return code.
Feedback Additional return code information.
MsgId [MAX_MESSAGE_ID+1] The message identifier field.
MsgText [MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT+1] The message text field.
MsgData [MAX_MESSAGE_DATA+1] Message substitution data.
LogDateTime The logged time stamp.
StartDateTime The start time stamp.
StopDateTime The stop time stamp.
Submitter [65] The submitter's user ID.
SNode [17] The secondary node name.
RecCat [5] The record category.
RecId [5] The record identifier tag.
The TRACE_STRUCT structure contains the trace information. Use this structure to
retrieve the trace information.
Chapter 8. Structure Types 55
struct Trace_Struct
TCHAR cMainLevel;
TCHAR cCommLevel;
TCHAR cCMgrLevel;
TCHAR cPMgrLevel;
TCHAR cSMgrLevel;
TCHAR cStatLevel;
long cbFilesize;
BOOL bWrap;
BOOL bPNode;
BOOL bSNode;
int PNums[4];
TCHAR DestNodes[4] [17];
typedef struct Trace_Struct TRACE_STRUCT;
Member Description
cMainLevel MAIN trace level.
cCommLevel The COMM trace level.
cCMgrLevel CMGR trace level.
cPMgrLevel PMGR trace level.
cSMgrLevel The SMGR trace level.
cStatLevel STAT trace level.
szFilename[MAX_FILENAME+1] The trace file name.
cbFilesize The size of the trace file.
bWrap Specifies whether to wrap when cbFile is reached.
bPNode The PNODE trace flag.
bSNode The SNode trace flag.
PNums[8] Specifies an integer array of up to four Process
PNames[8] [MAX_PROCESS_NAME+1] The string array of Process names.
DestNodes[8] [17] The string array of destination node names.
The TRANSLATE_STRUCT structure contains the translation table information.
Use this structure to retrieve and set the translation table information.
56 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
struct Translate_Struct
BYTE Table[256];
int ConditionCode;
int Feedback;
typedef struct Translate_Struct TRANSLATE_STRUCT;
Member Description
FileName [MAX_OBJECT_NAME+1] The name of the file where the translation
information is stored.
Table [256] The actual translation table information.
MsgId[MAX_MESSAGE_ID+1] The message identifier that uniquely
identifies a message.
ConditionCode The return code that accompanies a
Feedback Additional return code information.
MsgText[MAX_MESSAGE_TEXT+1 The message text.
MsgData[MAX_MESSAGE_DATA+1] The message substitution field.
Chapter 8. Structure Types 57
58 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
Chapter 9. Return Codes
C++ Class and the C API Functions Return Codes
CDAPI.H Return Code Values
This table describes the return code values defined in CDAPI.H.
Name Description
CD_NO_ERROR No error detected.
CD_ENDOFDATA No more data available.
CD_PARM_ERROR Invalid parameter detected.
CD_INITIALIZE_ERROR Initialization failed or initialization has not been
CD_CONNECT_ERROR Error occurred during attach processing.
CD_CONNECT_CANCELLED Attach operation cancelled by the user.
CD_CONNECTED_ERROR Invalid Sterling Connect:Direct server name.
CD_DISCONNECT_ERROR Sterling Connect:Direct server disconnected from the
CD_NODENAME_ERROR The Name field not set and the default not found.
CD_USERID_ERROR Invalid user ID specified.
CD_ADDRESS_ERROR Invalid TCP/IP address.
CD_PROTOCOL_ERROR Invalid or unsupported protocol specified.
CD_HANDLE_ERROR Invalid handle.
CD_HANDLE_TYPE_ERROR The wrong handle type specified.
CD_LOGON_ERROR Error while logging on to the Sterling Connect:Direct
server. The user ID or password may be invalid.
CD_DIALOG_ERROR Dialog box not created correctly.
CD_CANCEL An error occurred creating the dialog box or
retrieving the entered information.
CD_BUSY_ERROR Operation failed. Connection is currently busy.
CD_IDLE_ERROR Operation failed. Connection is currently idle.
CD_KQV_ERROR Invalid KQV stream detected.
CD_NOT_FOUND Object not found.
CD_ALREADY_EXISTS Object already exists.
CD_ALLOCATE_ERROR Allocation error occurred.
CD_NODE_ERROR Invalid network map node.
CD_PARSER_ERROR Parser detected an error.
CD_ACCESS_DENIED Object access denied.
CD_SEND_ERROR Error while sending error.
CD_RECEIVE_ERROR Error while receiving error.
CD_CONNECTION_ERROR A connection error occurred.
CD_REGISTRY_ERROR An error occurred while opening the Registry.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1995, 2011 59
Name Description
CD_TIMEOUT_ERROR Time-out value was reached.
CD_BUFFER_ERROR The buffer is not big enough to hold all of the items
in the list.
CD_COMMAND_ERROR The command was not recognized.
CD_PROCESS_ERROR The Process status is HE, held in error.
CD_UNDEFINED_ERROR An unknown exception.
CD_NOT_SUPPORTED An unknown exception.
60 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
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62 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
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, Gentran:Control
, Gentran:Director
, Gentran:Plus
, Gentran:Server
, Gentran:Viewpoint
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, and Sterling Integrator
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64 IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows: SDK Programmer Guide
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