How do Debt Markets React to Mandatory CSR?
Evidence from the Indian Companies Act 2013
Jitendra Aswani
N. K. Chidambaran
Iftekhar Hasan
October 2019
This paper examines how debt markets price firms’ Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activi-
ties, in a setting where it is not a strategic choice but rather mandated by regulation. Using both
a difference-in-difference and a regression discontinuity empirical specification, the paper reports
that binding CSR rule increase yield-spreads on bonds by 22 basis points. Firms with a business
group affiliation show a reduction in yield spreads and state-owned companies an increase in yield-
spreads. The increase in yield-spreads is mitigated by good governance with well governed firms
having lower yield-spreads. These findings add to the contribution of Manchiraju and Rajgopal
(2017), which reports that such mandatory rules are detrimental to stockholders wealth.
JEL: G30
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Yield Spread, Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD),
Diff-in-Diff, Indian Company Act 2013
Aswani ([email protected]), Chidambaran (chidam[email protected]) and Hasan ([email protected])
are at Fordham University, New York.
We thank Vikas Agarwal, Kose John, Nagpurnanand R. Prabhala Thomas Noe, Prasanna Tantri, Pradeep Yadav
and participants at the NSE-NYU conference on Indian Financial Markets and seminar presentations at Fordham for
their feedback and suggestions. We are grateful for a financial grant from the 2018 NSE-NYU Stern Initiative on the
Study of Indian Financial Markets.
How do Debt Markets React to Mandatory CSR?
Evidence from the Indian Companies Act 2013
This paper examines how debt markets price firms Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activi-
ties, in a setting where it is not a strategic choice but rather mandated by regulation. Using both
a difference-in-difference and a regression discontinuity empirical specification, the paper reports
that binding CSR rule increase yield-spreads on bonds by 22 basis points. Firms with a business
group affiliation show a reduction in yield spreads and state-owned companies an increase in yield-
spreads. The increase in yield-spreads is mitigated by good governance with well governed firms
having lower yield-spreads. These findings add to the contribution of Manchiraju and Rajgopal
(2017), which reports that such mandatory rules are detrimental to stockholders wealth.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Yield Spread, Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD),
Diff-in-Diff, Indian Company Act 2013
I Introduction
Advocates of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) have long argued for a socially responsible
strategy that includes broader participants such as employees, community, environment and lenders.
(e.g. Freeman 1984, Kim, Park, and Wier 2012, Lins, Servaes, and Tamayo 2017, Kitzmueller and
Shimshack 2012, Benabou and Tirole 2010). While CSR diverts cash flows from bondholders and
stockholders, the argument is that firms should view CSR as a value enhancing corporate strategy
(see e.g. Freeman (1984)) as CSR engenders benefits by way of increased goodwill that enhances
productivity and firm performance. Whether CSR is value enhancing or is merely costly social
externality, therefore, depends on the benefits relative to the costs. A rich literature has examined
the net impact of CSR on stockholders. In this paper, we add to the empirical evidence by examining
the impact of exogenously imposed CSR on the bond market.
We focus our analysis on the impact of CSR on the bond markets for multiple reasons. We
expect bond markets to be more sensitive to the positive impact of CSR. Simple logic implies
that spending on CSR activities reduces resources available to meet obligations to bond holders.
However, this may be offset by a rise in cash flow due to the increased goodwill from the firm’s
involvement in the community. Any such positive impact will first the bond markets, debt being
the first claimant on cash flows. CSR may also impact bondholders differently than stockholders.
It is plausible that CSR may serve to reduce the volatility of future cash flows resulting in a positive
impact on bondholders but negatively impact shareholders. Finally, we add to the literature on
the impact of CSR on bond markets in a setting when CSR is exogenously mandated.
That CSR is an important issue can be judged by the emphasis on CSR by corporate leaders
and the resources devoted on social investments. The PwC Global CEO Survey 2016 reveals that
64% of CEOs believe CSR is core to their business rather than being a stand-alone program. U.S.
and European markets had over $8.72 trillion and $11.4 trillion in certified socially responsible
assets in 2015 (Social Investment Forum, 2016). Researchers have previously studied the impact of
CSR on the bond markets. Oikonomou, Brooks, and Pavelin (2014) and Cooper and Uzun (2015)
examine the impact of CSR on credit ratings and the cost of debt. They find that firms engaging in
CSR activities see an increase in credit rating and their cost of debt decreases. Goss and Roberts
(2011) similarly find that CSR firms have a lower cost of bank loans as compared to non-CSR
firms. Several issues cloud the interpretation of these results as they primarily examine firms that
voluntarily engage in CSR activities. Firms that engage in CSR activities voluntarily are those
that expect to benefit from such activities or are profitable enough to have the resources for CSR
To resolve the endogeniety issues in analyzing the impact of CSR on debt markets, we use
a unique setting in India. The Indian government incorporated a clause mandating minimum
amounts of CSR spending for profitable firms as part of the 2013 Company Act. Provisions in the
2013 Act (henceforth the CSR rule) imposed a mandatory requirement that firms meeting specific
cutoffs with respect to Net Worth, Sales, and Net Profit spend at least 2% of their profit on CSE
related activities. Discussions on the CSR provisions began in 2009 and clauses specific to requiring
CSR by profitable firms, were passed by the Lok Sabha in 2012 and was included as Clause 135 of
the 2013 Company Act. We therefore designate 2013 as the CSR YEAR, i.e. the year after which
CSR was required for Indian firms.
The CSR Rule specifies the following cut offs to identify firms
subject to minimum CSR spending: the firm should have either (1) a net worth of Indian Rupees
(INR) 5 billion (about U.S. $83 million) or more; (2) sales of INR 10 billion (about U.S. $167
million) or more; or (3) a net profit of INR 50 million (about U.S. $0.83 million) or more. Firms
meeting this criteria are required to spend 2% of their average net profit, calculated over a three
year period, on CSR related activities.
The exogenously imposed CSR Rule presents a natural
setting for examining the causal impact of CSR on bondholders.
We obtain data on bond issues by Indian firms in the eight year period from 2009 to 2017 from
the SDC Platinum Fixed-Income Issues database. We ignore all preferred stock issues and bonds
with contingent features such as step-up and convertible bonds. We augment the bond issue data
with company data from CMIE’s ProwessDx database. The ProwessDx database is widely used
in studies on Indian markets, e.g. Bertrand, Mehta, and Mullainathan (2002), Gopalan, Nanda,
and Seru (2007), Khanna and Palepu (2000) and Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017) for conducting
research on large sample of Indian firms. As there is no common identifier in between SDC and
Appendix A gives more details on the time line of the passage of the Indian Companies Act. Manchiraju and
Rajgopal (2017) evaluate the market reaction for announcements at the various dates indicated in the time line and
find that 2012 was associated with a significant negative reaction to the passage of the CSR provision in 2012.
Approved CSR activities comprises of: (i) eradicating extreme hunger and poverty; (ii) promotion of education;
(iii) promoting gender equality and empowering women; (iv) reducing child mortality and improving maternal health;
(v) combating HIV, AIDS, malaria and other diseases; (vi) ensuring environmental sustainability; (vii) employment-
enhancing vocational skills; (viii) social business projects; (ix) contribution to the Prime Ministers National Relief
Fund or any other fund set up by the Central Government or the state governments for socioeconomic development,
and relief and funds for the welfare of the scheduled castes, the scheduled tribes, other backward classes, minorities
and women; and (x) such other matters as may be prescribed.
prowess database, we hand match the two datasets using the name of the firm. We are able to
match data for 236 firms with 3,466 bond issues over the nine year period from 2009 to 2017.
We next apply the filters specified by the 2013 companies act to determine whether a firm is
affected by the mandatory CSR rules. The dummy variable AFFECTED is set equal to one if a
bond is issued by a firm that is affected by the CSR Rule and zero otherwise. Of the three criteria,
profit and net worth are the primary determinants of whether a firm is subject to mandatory CSR
spending. We find that there are 3,357 bonds issued by firms affected by the mandatory CSR
Rule and 109 bonds issued by firms not affected by the rule. We use AFFECTED to isolate the
effects of CSR on bond yield-spreads and implement two empirical specifications. First, we use a
Regression Discontinuity Design to capture the differential effects of the CSR Rule on firms that
just meet the CSR cutoff to those that just miss the CSR cutoff. Any CSR effects is likely to be
the sharpest between these two sets of firms. We find that the yield spreads on bonds issued by
firms that just meet the criteria is higher than the yield spreads on bonds that just miss the CSR
criteria. The impact of mandatory CSR on yield-spreads is positive and significant. Second, we use
a Diff-in-Diff approach to examine the impact of the passage of the CSR rule in 2013. Our focus is
on the interaction between the variable AFFECTED and the time dummy POSTCSR that is equal
to one for bonds issued int he period 2013-2016 and zero for bonds issued in the period 2008-2012.
In running our regression, we also control for industry fixed effects. A large percentage of bonds
issued in India are by banks and industry fixed effects controls for unobservable characteristics
across industries. We also control for bond characteristics, such as bond ratings and maturity,
and for firm characteristics. We find that the coefficient on the interaction term AFFECTED and
POSTCSR is positive and significant. Both the Regression Discontinuity Design and Diff-in-Diff
approaches thus show that yields on bonds are higher in the POSTCSR period for firms affected
by the CSR Rule. To explore this further, we individually examine the impact of each of the three
criteria used to determine whether a firm is subject to the CSR mandate. We find that bonds
issued by firms that are subject to mandatory CSR spending based on the individual criteria also
have higher spreads.
Our tests on bonds issued by firms subject to the individual criteria rather than the collective
criteria also address another important methodological issue. Diff-in-diff and RDD tests assume
that the CSR Rule treatment effects, i.e. the the sample of treated firms subject to the CSR Rule
and the sample of non-treated firms, are truly exogenous. While manager’s have discretion on
reported income, it is less likely that manager’s are able to simultaneously manipulate the total
revenue of the firm, its net worth and its total profit. The treatment effect is therefore truly
exogenous in our specification.
Our findings indicate that that mandatory CSR has a detrimental effect on the bond market
and the negative effects of CSR therefore dominate. Mandatory CSR reduces the flexibility firms
have in using their cash flows to meet debt obligations. Such lack of flexibility has a negative impact
on the market’s perceptions of bond value, leading to a higher cost of capital for firms. Moreover,
allowed types of CSR activity benefits society without benefitting the firm. As noted by John,
Nair, and Senbet (2005), socially conscious investments that generate non-monetizeable benefits
to society but are negative NPV for the firm should be rejected by the firm. If such projects are
mandated, shareholders and bondholders can lose value. Mandatory CSR may also exacerbate the
moral hazard between insider managers and shareholders. In a mandatory CSR environment, firms
have to pick from an approved list of acceptable CSR activities to show compliance. Several of the
approved avenues for CSR could allow for private benefits to an insiders.
It is plausible that firms that are not subject to the CSR Rule voluntarily engage in CSR
activity because CSR spending is optimal. Given the lack of data on CSR spending, we cannot
identify and exclude firms that voluntarily engage in CSR activity or examine them separately in
our tests. This raises two issues. One, some firms in our treatment sample would have engaged
in CSR voluntarily and as such should not experience the negative impact of reduced flexibility.
That is, while CSR activity is mandated for treatment firms, the CSR activity matches what would
have been optimal anyways. This effect biases against finding significant effects from the tests as
designed. Our results are however significant in spite of such confounding issues. Two, the lower
credit spreads for some of the bonds issued by firms in the untreated sample could be because
of their voluntary CSR activities. Our basic point however continues to hold requiring firms to
engage in CSR increases bond yield spreads compared to the yield spreads on bonds issued by firms
that are not required to engage in CSR activity.
We extend our analysis of yield-spreads by examining the differential impact of the CSR
Rule by analyzing carefully constructed subsamples based on shareholder ownership and corporate
governance. In addition to comparing affected and unaffected firms, we also analyze the cross-
Reports in the popular press, e.g. The Economic Times on Oct 21, 2015; The Guardian on Apr 05, 2016; and
The Wire on Dec 22, 2018; have alleged that some firms have misused the CSR funds for private and political gain
through Trusts that are lightly supervised.
section of affected firms in these tests. In our first set of extensions, we contrast bonds issued by
firms that have concentrated shareholding, bonds issued by firms affiliated with business groups),
and bonds issued by government owned firms, the government owned. Promoter holdings in India
represent the stake in the firm held by the original founder/promoter of the firm and is many
firms have a higher fraction of shares held by the original founder. CONC HLDG is equal to
one if the level of promoter holding is greater than 52% the median value for the sample, and
zero otherwise. We find that CONC HLDG does not affect yield spreads for affected firms in
the POSTCSR period. The promoters shareholding therefore does not contribute, or ameliorate,
the adverse impact of CSR. We use a dummy variable BG, which is equal to one for firms with
business group affiliations, to examine the impact of group affiliation. Bonds issued by firms that
are affiliated to a business group have lower yields post CSR. Membership in business groups can
result in best practices with respect to CSR and also allow the group firms to collaborate on an
effective CSR strategy. Finally, we identify bonds issued by government owned firms. We define a
dummy variable GOVT OWNED, which is equal to one if the firm is governed owned. We find that
yield spreads are higher in the POSTCSR period for government owned firms. Bonds issued by
state owned firms and stand alone firms unaffiliated with a business group, therefore, are negatively
affected by the mandatory CSR Rule.
In our second set of extensions, we contrast firms with good governance and poor governance.
One measure of good governance is BI, a dummy variable that is equal to one if the bond issuer has
above median board independence and zero if the level of board independence is below the median.
Firms that have a larger fraction of their directors who are independent are considered to be
better governed, with the fraction of independent directors on the board used as a measure of good
governance. Another measure of good governance we use is BIG4, which is a dummy variable equal
to one for firms that are audited by affiliates of leading multinational auditing firms. Affiliates of
large multinational accounting firms have reputational concerns that ensures high quality audits of
their clients. Having an affiliate of a multinational firm can, therefore, improve external monitoring
and is a measure of good governance. We find that yield-spreads are lower for bonds issued by
firms that have a value one for these metrics, i.e. for better governed firms. These results suggest
that better governed companies may be better able to target their CSR spending and maximize
the strategic benefits of CSR activity.
In summary, our findings are consistent with CSR reducing the cash available to meet obliga-
tions and increases the perceived costs of financial distress. Good governance, and group affiliation
mitigates these effects, and suggests that well governed firms may be better able to benefit from
the positive effects of CSR activity. One size, thus, does not fit all. Our result augments the
results of Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017) who show that mandatory CSR activity reduces wealth
of stockholders.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section provides a brief review of
the literature. Section 3 describes our data and methodology. Section 4 presents our results and
Section 5 concludes.
II Relevant Literature
The impact of CSR on value to insiders of the firm has been a subject of much debate in the
literature. As CSR diverts the cash flows of the firm to other stakeholders it is a negative externality
for shareholders and bondholders. Adam Smith and Milton Friedman find little use for CSR and
have argued that firms should only focus on profit maximization. In their view, even CSR that
seeks to mitigate the negative effects of business, e.g. pollution, should be left to the government
and other institutions. Executives engaging in social activities, therefore, do so at the expense of
An alternate stream of thought sees CSR as a strategic activity that can add to firm value.
Freeman (1984) and Kitzmueller and Shimshack (2012) argue that CSR engenders benefits for the
shareholders and bondholders indirectly, by way of increased goodwill that enhances productivity
and firm performance. If executives engage in CSR activities, they will Do well by doing good.
Benabou and Tirole (2010) conclude that CSR, if strategically used, can be a win-win situation for
both society and the firm.
Whether CSR is solely a negative externality or if it indeed can result in value increases for
shareholders and bondholders is an empirical issue. Researchers have tried to explain the relation
between CSR and firm performance in different settings and through different channels. Lys,
Naughton, and Wang (2015) checks three hypotheses: CSR as charity, CSR as investment, and
CSR as signal for firms future performance. Using the sample of Russell 1000 firms over the
sample period from 2002 to 2010, they conclude that firms undertake CSR expenditures when they
anticipate stronger future financial performance i.e. CSR is used as a signaling mechanism for
firms future performance. Martin and Moser (2016) explain the relation between CSR and firm
performance through experimental economics. They conduct an experiment with 90 participants
from which they randomly chose groups of 5 participants. Of this group of 5 people, one act as
manager, another act as current shareholder, and remaining three act as potential investors. The
reaction of investors is noted when the manager discloses a report on green investments and details
on the level of carbon emission and other pollutants. They find that potential investors respond
more positively to voluntary disclosures of a green investment. They also find that managers and
shareholders are willing to bear the marginal cost of the project in order to provide societal benefits.
While these studies have intuitive results, it is difficulty to infer causality. The level of CSR
activity is an endogenous choice of the firm and it is likely that it is the well performing firms who
engage in CSR activity. It is therefore hard to disentangle the effect of CSR from the strategic
investment behavior of the management. Several researchers have tried to resolve the endogeniety
issue and the associated reverse causality problems. Flammer (2015) use data on shareholder spon-
sored CSR proposals that pass or fail by a small margin of votes at annual meetings as an exogenous
shock. They calculate the cumulative abnormal returns surrounding the shareholder proposal vote
for these proposals to infer the impact of exogenous shocks to CSR on firm performance. Using
a difference-in-differences and RDD techniques, they finds that CSR significantly increases firm
performance. Similarly, Lins, Servaes, and Tamayo (2017) show that firms with CSR activities
provided better returns than others at the time of crisis. Studies have also examined the impact
of CSR on Analyst recommendations.Albuquerque, Durnev, and Koskinen (2013)) show that firms
with CSR activities have more positive sell-side analysts recommendations. Bushee and Noe (2000)
show that CSR firms have higher abnormal returns and Deng, koo Kang, and Low (2013) show
that they have higher long-term post acquisition returns.
Researchers have also use mandates on the disclosure of CSR to resolve endogeniety concerns.
Chen, Hung, and Wang (2017) examines how mandatory disclosure of CSR impacts firm perfor-
mance in China. China made CSR disclosure mandatory for a subset of firms from 2008. Using
this an exogenous shock, the authors examine how CSR activities affects the firm profitability and
social externalities for firms listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Ex-
change (SZSE) between 2006-2011. They find that the treatment firms experience a decrease in
return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE), sales revenue and increase in operating costs
and impairment charges. On the other hand, Industrial waste water discharge and the level of SO2
emission reduced after the CSR disclosure mandate.
Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017) use the unique setting of mandatory disclosure in India to
examine the impact on shareholder value. Clause 135 of Indian Companies Act 2013 requires firms
that cross any of the three individual thresholds – (1) a net worth of Indian Rupees (INR) 5 billion
(about U.S. $83 million) or more; (2) sales of INR 10 billion (about U.S. $167 million) or more; or
(3) a net profit of INR 50 million (about U.S. $0.83 million) or more have to spend a minimum
of 2% of their net profit averaged over three years, on CSR activities. The clause was ratified and
passed by the Lok Sabha of the Indian Parliament in 2012 and Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017)
find a significant negative abnormal return associated with the passage of the CSR rule in 2012.
While the average impact of CSR on firms that would have and would not have engaged in CSR
voluntarily, companies that advertise their CSR activity do not have a negative abnormal return.
They conclude that involuntary CSR has a negative impact on shareholder value.
All the articles cited above examine the impact on shareholders, but is useful to examine the
effect on bondholders as well. Oikonomou, Brooks, and Pavelin (2014) andCooper and Uzun (2015)
examine the impact of CSR on credit ratings and the cost of debt. They find that if firm engages in
CSR activities then their credit rating increases and their cost of debt decreases. Goss and Roberts
(2011) similarly find that CSR firms have a lower cost of bank loans as compare to non-CSR firms.
As in the case of studies that examine the impact of CSR on shareholder value, these studies are
subject to the endogeniety problem and reverse causality.
Our paper extends these studies by examining the cost of debt for Indian firms before and after
the passage of the CSR provisions in 2012 and included in the 2013 Companies Act. We focus on the
bond markets for several reasons. If firms spend 2% of profit on CSR, it reduces the funds available
to pay shareholders and debtholders, thereby making the debt riskier. Any positive impact of CSR
would necessarily first impact bondholders when debt is risky. We therefore expect bond markets
to be more sensitive to the positive impact of CSR. CSR may also impact bondholders differently
than stockholders. It is plausible that CSR may serve to reduce the volatility of future cash flows
resulting in a positive impact on bondholders but negatively impact shareholders. Finally, we add
to the literature on the impact of CSR on bond markets in a setting when CSR is exogenously
Our sample consists of bonds issued by Indian firms for which firm level data is available on
Global Compustat. We examine the impact of CSR on bonds issued in the five-year period from
2009 to 2013, the PRECSR period, and the four-year period from 2014-2017, the POSTCSR period.
We use a Regression Discontinuity Design that examines firms that are just above and just below
the cutoffs for mandatory CSR. We also use a Diff-in-Diff approach to compare the yield on bond
issues before and after 2012 for firms affected by the CSR rule and those that are not affected by
the CSR rule.
III Data
The bond issues data for our study are obtained from the SDC Platinum database. SDC Platinum
reports the issue of fixed-income securities by Indian firms in the nine-year period from 2009 to
2017, across several categories. The sample mostly comprises debentures, fixed/straight bonds,
secure bond/debentures, subordinate bond/debentures, and zero-coupon bond/debentures. We
exclude all issues that are preferred stock issues, bond issues that have contingent features, and
when the yield-to-maturity is not reported.
We obtain data on firm fundamentals from the Center for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)
ProwessDx database. As there is no common identifier in between SDC and prowess database, we
hand match the two datasets using the name of the firm. We are able to match data for 236 firms
and 3,466 observations. All the firm fundamentals are from consolidated financial statements data
of ProwessDx. Table 1, Panel A, shows the yearly distribution of these observations. Year 2011
saw the largest number of bond issues. There is no monotonic pattern in the number of bond issues
each year.
Our focus is on the impact of the CSR provision passed in the Lok Sabha of the Indian
Parliament mandating a minimum level of CSR spending. We therefore classify firms as being
affected by the CSR Rule in each year. Specifically, we label a firm as AFFECTED by the CSR
rule if during any fiscal year a firm has either (i) a net profit of INR 50 million (about U.S. $0.83
million) or more; (ii) a net worth of Indian Rupees (INR) 5 billion (about $83 million) or more; or
(iii) sales of INR 10 billion (about U.S. $167 million) or more.
We construct three variables, R1, R2, and R3, that can be used to determine whether the firm
is subject to CSR requirements using the three measures individually. The three variables R1, R2,
and R3 are centered around the cutoff threshold for profit, net worth, and sales, respectively, and
are expressed as the percentage difference from the cutoff threshold as follows:
R1 =
R2 =
NET W ORT H 5, 000
5, 000
R3 =
T OT AL REV ENUE 10, 000
10, 000
with all values specified in INR millions.
To capture the requirements under the 2013 Company Act, we create a measure M that is
equal to the minimum positive value of R1, R2, or R3, if at least one of the three variables is
positive and is the maximum value if all three individual variables R1, R2, and R3 are negative.
We calculate M as follows:
M =
min(R1, R2, R3) if R1 0&R2 0&R3 0
min(R1, R2) if R1 0&R2 0&R3 < 0
min(R2, R3) if R1 < 0&R2 0&R3 0
min(R1, R3) if R1 0&R2 < 0&R3 0
R1 if R1 0&R2 < 0&R3 < 0
R2 if R1 < 0&R2 0&R3 < 0
R3 if R1 < 0&R2 < 0&R3 0
max(R1, R2, R3) if R1 < 0&R2 < 0&R3 < 0
All four variables, M , R1, R2, and R3, are continuous variables. The critical cutoff value for all four
binding score measures, M, R1, R2, and R3, is equal to zero. We therefore develop the following 4
variables to designate firms affected by the 2013 Company Act. AFFECTED that takes a value of
1 if M > 0, AFFECTED R1 that takes a value of 1 if R1 > 0, AFFECTED R2 that takes a value
of 1 if R2 > 0, and AFFECTED
R3 that takes a value of 1 if R3 > 0.
M and AFFECTED are our primary measure to reflect the requirements of the 2013 Act. For
robustness, we run our empirical tests using the collective criterion M and the component specific
criteria R1, R2, and R3. Diff-in-diff and RDD tests require that the CSR Rule treatment effects are
truly exogenous. While manager’s have discretion on reported income, it is ulikely that manager’s
are able to simultaneously manipulate the total revenue of the firm, its net worth and its total
Table 1, Panel B, shows the distribution of bonds issued by Affected/Unaffected firms based
on the criteria described above. There are 3,357 bonds issued by AFFECTED firms and 109 bonds
issued by firms not affected by the mandatory CSR spending requirement. We examine the three
individual criteria as well. There are 3,306 bonds issued affected by the Net Profit criteria, 2,576
bonds issued by firms affected by the Net Worth criteria, and 492 firms affected by the sales criteria.
It is clear, therefore, that the profit and net worth criteria are the primary criteria for determining
whether a firm is subject to Mandatory CSR spending.
We also note that the CSR Rule was passed in the year December 2012 and subsequently
included in the 2013 Indian Company Act. We therefore label the period from 2009 to 2013 as
the PRECSR period and the period from 2014 to 2017 as the POSTCSR period. A total of 2,035
bonds were issued in the PRECSR period, of which 1,352 bonds were issued by AFFECTED firms.
A total of 1,431 bonds were issued in the POSTCSR period, of which 2,005 bonds were issued by
The dependent variables for this study is the yield spread, defined as the offer yield to maturity
minus a reference treasury bill rate. In determining the appropriate benchmark treasury rate, we
match the maturity of the bond to the maturity of the treasury bonds Specifically, if the bond’s
maturity is 1 year or less, we use 1-year T-bill rate, if securitys maturity is 5 years but greater than
1 year then we use 5-year treasury rate
. Table 2 presents data on the yield-spread and other bond
and issuer characteristics for the bonds and issuers in our sample. As shown in the table, the mean
(standard deviation) of yield spread is 2.17% (1.985%).
The control variables used for this study are SIZE, LEVERAGE, TOBIN Q, CREDIT RANK,
and MATURITY. Firm size, leverage, and Tobin Q are calculated as log of total assets, ratio of
long term debt to total assets, and ratio of market value to book value and are for the lagged fiscal
year. All three variables are winsorized at the 1% level. CREDIT RANK, is a rank for securities
rating grade assigned based on ratings given by different rating agencies. In India, mainly three
rating agencies, CARE, ICRA, and CRISIL dominates the market and provides the ratings to
various corporate securities. IProwessDx provides a rating grade, that ranks the bond in terms of
We include perpetual bonds in our sample. As perpetual bonds do not have a maturity, we set the maturity of
the bond to be 100 years and the corresponding treasury rate to be that of the longest maturity treasury security.
safety, in eight steps: Highest Safety, High Safety, Moderate Safety, Adequate safety, Inadequate
Safety, Substantial Risk, High Risk, and Default. We convert these rating grades into ranks from
8 (Highest Safety) to 2 (High Risk) and develop a CREDIT
RANK measure.
As seen in Table
2, CREDIT ANK is available for 3,037 firms. The average credit rank is 7.479% with a standard
deviation of 0.641%. Bond maturity is calculated as difference between issued year and maturity
year. The mean(median) maturity is 7.879 (3.000) years, suggesting that Indian firms largely issue
short-term bonds, with some firms issuing long-term bonds.
IV Research Design
To examine the effect of CSR rule on firms cost of debt, we compare the yield to maturity of
AFFECTED firms to those of UNAFFECTED firms in the PRECSR and POSTCSR period. We
use two approaches to make the comparison, a Diff-inDiff approach and a Regression Discontinuity
Design (RDD).
A Diff-in-Diff Design
We use a diff-in-diff specification around the CSR Year, year 2013. We capture the impact of the
passage of the law using the following regression specification:
Y ieldSpread = α + β
Of interest is β
, the coefficient on the interaction term AF F ECT EDXP OST CSR, that
captures the impact of the exogenous imposition of a minimum level of CSR expenditure. X
represents the set of firm and bond level controls in the regression.
For robustness, we also use component specific measures AFFECTED R1, AFFECTED R2,
and AFFECTED R3 and interaction variables to capture their interaction with POSTCSR.
We We drop one firm from the sample, issued by Bhushan Steel, from our sample.
B Regression Discontinuity Design
We also use a regression discontinuity design (RDD) to document the effect of CSR rule on yield-
spreads The RDD technique has been used in various studies in accounting and finance (see e.g.
Flammer (2015), Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017) and Iliev (2010)) for resolving the different
endogeniety concerns. RDD is applicable in our case as it is difficult for firms to manipulate
three different thresholds used to determine whether they fall under the minimum CSR spending
The inference drawn under an RDD approach are considered to be credible because the as-
signment of individuals in treatment and control groups is “as good as randomized” given that
individuals cannot precisely control the assignment variable near the exogenously determined cut-
offs (Lee and Lemieux 2010).
Our research setting differs from the basic RDD applications listed above, in that the manda-
tory CSR rule relies on more than one rating score to determine treatment status. We, therefore,
implement multivariate RDD (MRDD). To estimate the treatment effects under MRDD, we follow
the binding-score regression discontinuity method of Reardon and Robinson (2012). The Reardon
and Robinson (2012) methodology is intuitively simple and easy to use and reframes the multi-
dimensional vector of rating scores into a single dimension for determining treatment status, and
hence ensures minimal loss of data in estimation.
We fit the following model using zero as the critical value of the binding score.
Y ieldSpread = α + f (M ) + γX + (4)
We use the overall criteria M as the binding score in our regressions. We also use the individual
components R1, R2, and R3 as alternate metrics for robustness. Firms to the right of the cutoff
score of zero are AFFECTED by the mandatory CSR rule whereas firms to the left of zero are
UNAFFECTED. A discontinuity in YIELD SPREAD at the cutoff captures the impact of the
exogenously imposed mandate for minimum CSR spending.
To implement MRDD we use RDPLOT and RDROBUST command in STATA Calonico,
Cattaneo, Farrell, and Titiunik (2017) using M as the binding score variable. The RDPLOT
command generates the plots and RDROBUST tabulates the results. We run MRDD regressions
for full sample and for sample before and after CSR rule, controlling for other covariates, with
Epanechnikov weighting scheme, and a bandwidth of 10 in both the left and right side of the
cut-off point, M = 0. Our results are robust to other choices in these parameter values.
V Empirical Results
In this section we discuss the results of our diff-in-diff regressions and our RDD regressions.
A Base Results
Table 3 shows the results for diff-in-diff regressions. Eight models are presented. Columns 1-4
presents results when controlling only for whether firms are affected by the CSR Rule, the post-
CSR rule period from 2013-2017, and the interaction term between whether firms are affected and
the post CSR rule period. Column 1 uses the overall metric AFFECTED that uses the three
criteria depending on net worth, and sales, as the metric for determining whether the firm is
affected by the CSR Rule. Columns 2-4 present the case when the individual measures alone are
used to determine whether firms are affected by the CSR rule. In these regressions we replace the
variable AFFECTED with AFFECTED R1, AFFECTED R2, and AFFECTED R3, respectively.
POSTCSR is set equal to one for the post CSR period. All the regressions are run with industry
fixed effects based on the Fama-French 30 industry classifications. Models 5 through 8, augment
the regressions in Models 1-4 with control variables.
We find that the coefficient on POSTCSR is negative in all models, but is significant in only
three of the eight models. This suggests that yield spreads are somewhat lower for bonds issued
after 2013, i.e. in the period from 2014-2017. The coefficient on the AFFECTED measures are also
negative but are significant only models 1, 3, and 4, i.e. in the regressions without controls for bond
and firm characteristics. As firms that meet the criteria for the CSR Rule are large and profitable,
it is not surprising that the yields are somewhat lower for AFFECTED firms, but the variation is
explained by bond and firm characteristics. The interaction variables between AFFECTED and
POSTCSR, our variable of interest that captures the impact of exogenously imposed CSR activity,
is positive and statistically significant in seven of the eight models. Thus the impact of the CSR
Rule is robust to using the overall measure M or the individual components R1, R2, or R3, in
determining whether firms are affected by the CSR Rule and with and without controls. The
magnitude of the coefficient vary and reflect the variations in the sample of firms that would be
affected by the CSR Rule using these alternate specifications. Using the criteria for mandatory
CSR as specified by the 2013 Company Act, i.e. firms are subject to mandatory CSR if at least
one of the measures is positive, we find that yield-spreads increase by 0.22% or 22 basis points for
firms affected by the CSR Rule in the POSTCSR period. The result is consistent with mandating
CSR expenditure reduces future cash flows and higher perceived costs of financial distress.
The table also shows the sign and significance of the control variables. Bonds issued by larger
firms have lower credit spreads as large firms are likely to have larger future cash flows and have
have more assets that can serve as collateral. Interestingly bonds issued by firms that have higher
leverage have lower spreads. This is perhaps because firms with higher leverage have greater debt
capacity. The coefficient on CREDITRANK is negative and significant. As expected, higher rated
firms have lower spreads.
The economic significance of the CSR Rule can be examined by adding the coefficients on
POSTCSR (-0.825) and the interaction term (1.046), which is equal to 0.221. While there is a
general decline post 2013, perhaps reflecting robust economic growth in India, the offsetting effects
of mandatory CSR spending increases the cost of capital by 22 basis points.
The 22 basis point increase in yield spreads indicates the significant causal economic effect of
mandated CSR. Earlier studies have shown that voluntary CSR can have positive effects on bond
markets, but such studies are subject to endogeniety and reverse causality issues. Our empirical
design resolves these econometrics issues and allow us to examine the value impact on the bond
markets of CSR spending.
Our findings indicate that that mandatory CSR has a detrimental effect on the bond market.
While the mandate for CSR spending targets firms that are large and profitable, the lack of flexi-
bility has a negative impact on the market’s perceptions of the firms ability to meet its obligations
to debt holders.
Our findings indicate that that mandatory CSR has a detrimental effect on the bond market.
The mandate for CSR spending targets firms that are large and profitable, but the lack of flexibility
reduces the cash flows available to the firm to meet debt obligations. Such lack of flexibility
has a negative impact on the market’s perceptions of bond value, leading to a higher cost of
capital for firms. Mandatory CSR also exacerbates the moral hazard between insider managers and
shareholders. Firms have to pick from an approved list of acceptable CSR activities, which could
allow for private benefits to the insider manager. It is also plausible that all allowed types of CSR
activity benefits society without benefitting the firm. As noted by John, Nair, and Senbet (2005),
socially conscious investments that generate non-monetizeable benefits to society but are negative
NPV for the firm should be rejected by the firm. If such projects are mandated, shareholders and
bondholders can lose value.
We next examine the importance of the 2013 Company Act by using a regression discontinuity
framework. Given that in the post CSR period, there is an exogenously imposed criteria for
mandating a minimum CSR expenditure, we expect to see a discontinuity around the scale measures
centered around zero. That is indeed what we find. Table 4 and Figure 1 present results and plots
for the binding score MRDD. As Table 4 shows, the coefficient on the RDD variable, POSTCSR,
is positive and highly statistically significant. Figure 1 shows the RDD plots. As Panel A of the
figure shows, there is discontinuity at M = 0 in the overall sample. Yield-spreads for bond issued by
firms that just meet the CSR criteria are higher than the yield-spreads for firms that just miss the
criteria. Panel B and Panel C show similar RDD plots for bond issues in the PRECSR period and
POSTCSR period respectively. As shown in these panels, the increased spreads and discontinuity
at M = 0 only exists in the POSTCSR period when the CSR mandate kicks in and not in the
PRECSR period. Our RDD tests thus also confirm that yield-spreads increased after the passage
of the CSR rule.
B Extensions
We augment our base specification with subsample analysis to more fully capture the impact of
the CSR Rule. We extend our base case analysis to consider whether ownership structure of bond
issuers impact on bond yield-spreads. We also examine the impact of corporate governance features
on yield-spreads. Both ownership structure and good governance can impact on the strategic use
of CSR spending to maximize potential benefits.
The extensions we examine also serve another purpose. As Table 1, Panel B shows, the sample
of bonds sold by firms that are not affected by the CSR Rule is relatively small, only 109 of the total
3,466 bond issues are sold by firms not affected by the CSR Rule. We therefore compare subsamples
of bonds sold by AFFECTED firms classified by exogenous variation in order to confirm our results
and examine the cross-sectional characteristics of AFFECTED firms that impact on bond yield-
B.1 Ownership Structure
We develop three measures to capture the differences in ownership structure across firms. One,
we define a dummy variable CONC HLDG, which is equal to one if the shareholding of the firm’s
is greater than the median promoter holdings in the sample.
Two, we develop a dummy variable GOVT OWNED, which is equal to one if either the central
Indian government or the governments of individual states have an equity stake in the firm.
Three, we develop a dummy variable BG, which is equal to one if the firm is affiliated with a
business group. Group ownership can bring professional management and best practices all their
affiliate, improving corporate governance at member firms. Group affiliation can also impose costs
on firms because of potential agency problems between shareholders representing the group and
non-group shareholders. Such intra-shareholder agency concerns are, however, less relevant to the
impact of CSR on debt markets. We argue therefore that group membership should allow firms
to better deal with the externalities imposed by the CSR Rule. To examine the impact of group
membership, we therefore use a dummy, BG, that is equal to 1 if the firm is affiliated with a business
group, and otherwise zero.
Our base results show that mandatory CSR spending increases yield-spreads as the direct
reduction in cash flows is greater than perceived benefits from strategically targeting CSR spending.
However, firms can differ in the ability to utilize their CSR spending strategically. We explore such
cross-sectional differences by examining the impact of CONC HLDG, and GOVT OWNED, and
BG variables.
We run two sets of models. In our first set, we use all data and examine the coefficient on a triple
interaction terms between AFFECTED, POST CSR, and CONC HLDG/Govt Hldg/BG. In our
second set of models, we use only bonds issued by AFFECTED firms and examine the interaction
terms between AFFECTED and CONC HLDG/GOVT OWNED/BG. Table 5 presents the results
of our tests. Columns 1-3 present models for the full sample and Column 4-6 present results
when only using AFFECTED firms. As before, we use several control variables and industry fixed
effects. We find that the coefficient in the triple interaction terms differ for the different ownership
measures. The coefficient on the triple interaction term when using CONC HLDG is insignificant
suggesting the promoter holdings are not an important determinant on how debt markets react to
Founders of Indian firms are designated as promoters of the firm. Promoters of Indian firms tend to hold a large
fraction of shares, even after the firm goes public.
the mandatory CSR Rule. The coefficient on the triple interaction term with GOVT OWNED is
positive and significant and suggest that state owned firms are not as efficient in strategically using
their mandatory CSR spending. The coefficient on the triple interaction term with BG is negative
and significant. Firms belonging to business group can coordinate their CSR spending with other
firms in the group maximizing potential benefits. Group affiliation also increases the resources and
expertise fo better manage the CSR spending of the firm. The table also shows that the coefficients
on the dummies CONC HLDG/GOVT OWNED/BG and the coefficients on the interaction term
between POSTCSR and CONC HLDG/GOVT OWNED/BG in Models 4-6 are similar in sign and
significance as the corresponding variables in Models 1-3 and confirm the ownership effects within
the set of firms subject to the mandatory CSR Rule.
The coefficients on the interaction term AFFECTEDxPOSTCSR in models 1-3 captures the
impact of the CSR Rule on affected firms compared to unaffected firms as before. The coefficients on
the treatment dummy and treatment period is in the range 0.959%-1.29%, indicating a significant
increase in yield-spreads in firms affected by the CSR Rule. Models 4-6 only consider AFFECTED
firms and, therefore, the coefficient on POSTCSR captures both the trend in the interest rates
and the impact of the CSR Rule. The coefficient on POSTCSR in models 4-6 and the sum of
the coefficients on POSTCSR and the interaction term AFFECTEDxPOSTCSR in models 1-3 are
similar in magnitude. The results in models 4-6 also indicate that firms affected by the CSR Rule
see and increase in yield-spreads.
The results for the other control variables are similar to our base case results.
B.2 Corporate Governance
We next examine the impact of corporate governance on the role of the CSR Rule on yield-spreads.
Firms with good corporate governance can be expected to more strategically utilize the publicity
value of CSR spending, even mandated CSR spending. We therefore expect that firms that better
governed firms mitigate the overall negative impact of the mandatory CSR Rule.
To examine this hypothesis, we consider two measures of good corporate governance. The first
measure relates to the degree of board independence. A board composed largely of independent
directors is considered to be an indicator of better corporate governance. We therefore create a
dummy BI that is equal to 1 if the fraction of the board that is independent, is above the median
for the sample. Next we examine the impact of the quality of the firm’s auditors. We develop
a dummy variable, BIG4, that is equal to one if the auditing firm is an affiliate of multinational
auditing firms Deloitte & Touche, PWC, E & Y or KPMG and is otherwise zero. Foreign firms
are not allowed to conduct auditing business in India due to the norms of the 1949 Chartered
Accountants Act and these firms therefore conduct business through their affiliates. We determine
the affiliations based on disclosure on company websites. BIG4 is one for bonds issued by firms
audited by the following accounting companies:
Affiliates of Deloitte & Touche: C. C. Chokshi & Co., S. B. Billimoria Co, A. F. Ferguson &
Co, Fraser & Ross, MCA & Co P. C. Hansotia and Deloitte Haskins & Sells.
Affiliates of KPMG: Bharat S. Raut & Co, SRBC & CO., SRB & ASSOCIATES.
Affiliates of PWC: Price Waterhouse & Co, Lovelock & Lewes, Dalal & Shah.
Affiliates of Ernst & Young: S.R. Batliboi & Co, S.R. Batliboi & Associates
Table 6 presents the results our our tests. Columns 1 and 2 present models that use the en-
tire sample of bond issues and Columns 3 and 4 present models that only examine bonds sold by
AFFECTED firms. Columns 1 and 3 use BI as the proxy for good governance and Columns 2 and
4 use BIG4 as the proxy for good governance, respectively. All regressions are run with control
variables and industry fixed effects. As shown in the table, the coefficient in the triple interaction
term between AFFECTED, POSTCSR and BI/BIG4 is -0.785%/-0.456% and are statistically sig-
nificant. Similarly, the coefficients on POSTCSR and BI/BIG4 in Models 4-6 are -0.769%/-0.458%
and are also statistically significant. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that good
governance ameliorates the negative impact of mandated CSR expenditure. These results are con-
sistent with the hypothesis that good governance ameliorates the negative impact of mandated
CSR expenditure.
As in Table 5, the coefficient on the interaction term AFFECTEDxPOSTCSR captures the
impact of the CSR Rule on affected firms. The coefficient is positive and statistically significant,
consistent with our base case results. The sum of the coefficients on POSTCSR and the interac-
tion term AFFECTEDxPOSTCSR in columns 1-2 is similar in magnitude and significance as the
coefficient on POSTCSR in models 3 and 4, confirming the increase in yield-spreads in regressions
using only AFFECTED firms. The results for the other control variables are similar to our base
case results.
In summary, our results indicate that the cost of debt capital is higher for firms affected by
mandatory CSR rule and complements Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017) findings focused on the
equity market.
VI Conclusions
The debate on the rationale for corporation actions classified as corporate social responsibility
activities has become a focal point among corporations, policy makers, and academics. In this
paper, we examine the impact of CSR on yield-spreads and our analysis contributes to better
understand the broader impact of CSR. Our empirical tests use bond data on Indian firms. The
Indian Parliament passed the 2013 Company Act which mandated a minimum 2% CSR spending
for firms that were considered to be profitable, or have large levels of sales or have high net worth.
CSR spending by Indian firms post 2013, therefore, is not a strategic choice of management, but
is mandated by regulation. Thus unique setting allows us to examine the causal impact of CSR
spending without running into endogeniety or reverse causality issues.
We use diff-in-diff analysis and regression discontinuity models to examine the impact of CSR
spending on bond yield-spreads. Our diff-in-diff analysis shows that the interaction variable between
a dummy variable that indicates whether a firm meets the criteria for mandatory CSR spending
and the time period over which the rule is in effect, has a positive and significant coefficient. Our
regression discontinuity analysis shows a positive and significant jump in yield spreads from firms
that just meet the criteria for mandatory spending compared to firms that just miss the criteria.
Our findings indicate that that bond yield-spreads increased after 2013, by about 22 basis
points, for firms subject to the CSR rule. The negative effects of CSR on bond markets can arise
for several reasons. The mandate for CSR spending targets firms that are large and profitable, but
the lack of flexibility reduces the cash flows available to the firm to meet debt obligations. Such
lack of flexibility has a negative impact on the market’s perceptions of bond value, leading to higher
yield spreads. Mandatory CSR also exacerbates the moral hazard between insider managers and
shareholders. Firms have to pick from an approved list of acceptable CSR activities, several of
which allows for private benefits to the insider manager. It is also plausible that all allowed types
of CSR activity benefits society without benefitting the firm. Socially conscious investments that
have social benefits that cannot be monetized can be negative NPV and reduce firm value.
Our results also reveal that good governance mitigates the negative effects of mandatory CSR
requirements as well-governed firms can target CSR spending more strategically such that the posi-
tive effects of CSR ameliorate the increased costs arising from a reduction in the cash flows available
to pay off debt. Our study implies that any mandatory approach to community commitment by
firms is costly and any regulations designed to promote CSR should offer ample flexibilities in
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Appendix A: Timeline of events related to CSR rule (Manchiraju and Rajgopal (2017))
of the
Bill 2009 in
the Lok
Event # 1
Aug 3, 2009
Event # 2
Aug 31, 2010
Event # 3
Feb 28, 2011
Event # 4
Dec 14, 2011
Event # 5
Jun 26, 2012
Event # 6
Dec 18, 2012
Event # 7
Aug 8, 2013
Event # 1
Aug 29, 2013
For the first
on Finance
inserts the
notion of
CSR in its
Bowing to
pressure, the
Ministry of
that it is
making CSR
and not
goes ahead
with the
CSR and
introduces a
Bill in the
Lok Sabha
on Finance
endorses the
bill with no
new changes
relating to
Bill 2012,
CSR clause,
is passed in
the Lok
Bill 2012 is
passed in
the Rajya
signs the
bill and it
is enacted
FIG. 1.—Timeline of important events related to the passage of the mandatory CSR rule.
August 31, 2010. The Finance Committee introduced the notion of
mandatory CSR for the first time in its report dated August 31, 2010.
Anecdotal evidence and reports in the popular press suggest that the
Finance Committee, perhaps anticipating popular backlash that might
result from a ver y progressive pro-business bill, inserted several new
clauses to make the bill slightly more pro-development. The proposal
mandating CSR spending was among these clauses and noted that:
“every company having [(net worth of rupees 500 crore or more, or
turnover of rupees 1000 crore or more)] or [a net profit of rupees 5 crore
or more during a year] shall be required to formulate a CSR Policy to ensure
that every year at least 2% of its average net profits during the three im-
mediately preceding financial years shall be spent on CSR activities as may
be approved and specified by the company.”
Event # 3: On account of protests from industry, the Ministry of Cor-
porate Affairs announced on February 28, 2011 that it is considering
making only the disclosure, as opposed to the actual spending, of CSR
mandatory. The proposal for mandatory CSR attracted a lot of criti-
cism from companies who argued that what they spend on community
welfare, education, health, development, and environmental activism
is for them to decide. Azim Premji, Chairman of Wipro Ltd., opposed
mandatory CSR and argued that “my worry is the stipulation should
not become a tax at a later stage ... Spending two per cent on CSR is a
lot, especially for companies that are trying to scale up in these difficult
times. It must not be imposed.” He also felt that a distinction should
be made between personal philanthropy and CSR, which is a company
Murli Deora, the Minister of Corporate Affairs (the ministry
From a research design standpoint, as discussed later, it is important to note that these
numerical cutoffs introduced on August 31, 2010, remained unchanged through various iter-
ations of the bill until the bill became law.
Event 1: The Companies Act introduced in the Lok Sabha (the lower house of the Indian parliament)
on August 3, 2009 as the Companies Bill, 2009. The Bill in its original form had no CSR clause.
Event 2: The 2009 version of the Bill referred to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance,
which submitted its report on August 31, 2010. The Finance Committee introduced the notion of
mandatory CSR in its report. Anecdotal evidence and reports in the popular press suggest that
the Finance Committee, perhaps anticipating popular backlash that might result from a progressive
pro-business bill, inserted several new clauses to make the bill more pro-development.
Event 3: On account of protests from industry, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs announced on
February 28, 2011 that it is considering making only the disclosure, as opposed to the actual spending,
of CSR mandatory.
Event 4: The Ministry of Corporate Affairs resisted pressure from corporate houses and went ahead
with the mandatory CSR rule. Keeping in view the recommendations made by the Finance Committee,
a revised Bill was prepared and the original Bill was withdrawn. The new Bill was introduced in the
Lok Sabha on December 14, 2011. The Bill was again referred to the Finance Committee as certain
new provisions, which had not been referred earlier to the committee, were included in this new Bill.
Event 5: The Finance Committee submitted its report on June 26, 2012.
Event 6: The Lok Sabha subsequently approved the Bill on December 8, 2012 and labeled it as the
Companies Bill, 2012.
Event 7: The Companies Bill, 2012 was then considered and approved by the Rajya Sabha (the upper
house of the Indian parliament) on August 8, 2013 as The Companies Bill, 2013.
Event 8: Following the Presidents assent, The Companies Bill, 2013 become law on August 29, 2013.
Appendix B: Variable Definition and Description
Variables Definition
YIELD The bond’s yield to maturity as reported by SDC Platinum
YIELD SPREAD YIELD - Maturity matched Indian Treasury Interest Rate
MATURITY Bond maturity
CSR Year 2013, The year of the passage of the Indian Company Act
PRECSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if year < 2014
POSTCSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if year
is greater than or equal to 2013, otherwise 0.
R1 Is the percentage difference between the firm’s
PRETAX INCOME and INR 50 million
R2 Is the percentage difference between the firm’s
Total Equity value and INR 5 billion
R3 Is the percentage difference between the firm’s
Total Revenue and INR 10 billion
M The minimum positive value of R1, R2 and R3
if at least one of the is positive or the maximum value
if R1, R3, R3, are all negative
AFFECTED R1 Dummy variable, equal to 1 if R1 > 0, otherwise 0
AFFECTED R2 Dummy variable, equal to 1 if R2 > 0, otherwise 0
AFFECTED R3 Dummy variable, equal to 1 if R3 > 0, otherwise 0
AFFECTED Dummy variable, equal to 1 if M < 0, otherwise 0
SIZE Logarithm of total assets
LEVERAGE Ratio of long term debt to total assets
TOBINQ Mkt Value of Equity / (Mkt Value of Equity + Book Value of LT Debt)
BI Dummy variable, equal to 1 if the fraction of independent
directors is higher than the sample median
BIG4 Dummy variable, equal to 1 if the auditor of the firm
aligned with Deloitte, E &Y, PWC, or KPMG
BG Dummy variable, equal to 1 if the firm
is aligned with a business group, otherwise 0
CONC HLDG Dummy Variable, equal to 1 if promoter holding is greater
median holding in the sample, otherwise 0
GOVT OWNED Dummy variable, equal to one if the firm is government owned, otherwise 0
Variables Definition
AFFECTED x POSTCSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED is 1
and POSTCSR is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTED R1x POSTCSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED R1 is 1
and POSTCSR is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTED R2x POSTCSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED R2 is 1
and POSTCSR is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTED R3x POSTCSR Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED R3 is 1
and POSTCSR is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTEDxPOSTCSRxBI Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED is 1
POSTCSR is 1 and BI is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTEDxPOSTCSRxBG Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED is 1
POSTCSR is 1 and BIG4 is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTEDxPOSTCSRxGOVT OWNED Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED is 1
POSTCSR is 1 and GOVT OWNED is 1, otherwise 0.
AFFECTEDxPOSTCSRxCONC HLDG Dummy variable, equal to 1 if AFFECTED is 1
POSTCSR is 1 and CONC HLDG is 1, otherwise 0.
POSTCSRxBI Dummy variable, equal to 1 POSTCSR and BI is 1,
otherwise 0; for AFFECTED firms only
POSTCSRxBG Dummy variable, equal to 1 if POSTCSR is 1
and BIG4 is 1, otherwise 0; for AFFECTED firms only
POSTCSRxGOVT OWNED Dummy variable, equal to 1 if POSTCSR is 1
and GOVT OWNED is 1, otherwise 0; for AFFECTED firms only
POSTCSRxCONC HLDG Dummy variable, equal to 1 if POSTCSR is 1
and CONC HLDG is 1, otherwise 0; for AFFECTED firms only
Table 1: Distribution of Bond Issuers by Year and Affected by CSR Mandate
This table presents data on the distribution of bond issues over the period from 2009 to 2017 in
our sample. Pane A presents the distribution of bond issues by year. Panel B presents the number
of bonds issued by firms that met the cut-off criteria for mandatory CSR in the period before the
law went into effect and in the period after.
Panel A: Bond Issues by Year
Year #Bonds Percent Cumulative
2009 289 8.34% 8.34%
2010 367 10.59% 18.93%
2011 460 13.27% 32.20%
2012 615 17.74% 49.94%
2013 304 8.77% 58.71%
2014 326 9.41% 68.12%
2015 307 8.86% 76.98%
2016 421 12.15% 89.12%
2017 377 10.88% 100.00%
TOTAL 3,466 100%
Panel B: Unaffected/Affected Distribution
0 30 79 109
1 2,005 1,352 3,357
TOTAL 2,035 1,431 3,466
Table 2: Descriptive Statistics
This table presents gives descriptive statistics of the Indian bond firms that issued the 3,446 bond
issues. All variables are winsorized at the 1% level.
Variable #Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
YIELD SPREAD 3,466 2.174 1.485 1.985 0.111 8.200
SALES 3,466 2121.056 1,103.833 2443.321 0.364 8656.865
PROFIT 3,466 264.200 176.602 264.961 -109.483 774.837
NET WORTH 3,466 1835.733 1190.933 1736.816 -71.045 5188.324
TOTAL ASSETS 3,466 8.774 8.874 1.484 3.330 11.685
TOBIN Q 3,466 2.303 2.004 1.382 0.409 6.018
LEVERAGE 3,428 0.509 0.554 0.252 0.022 0.899
MATURITY 3,466 7.879 3.000 16.706 0.000 100.000
CREDIT RANK 3,037 7.479 7.615 0.641 2.000 8.000
Table 3: Bond Yield-Spreads and the CSR Rule: Difference-in-Difference Regressions
This table shows results of a Difference-in-Difference specification on the determinants of the yield-spread for
bonds issue by firms affected/un-affected by the mandatory CSR rule. Columns 1-4 present results with firm
controls for firm characteristics and Columns 5-8 present results including the full set of control variables.
Columns 1 and 5 present results when using all three possible criteria, i.e. profit, net worth, and sales, to
determine whether a firm is subject to mandatory CSR spending. The remaining columns present results
when using the three criteria individually. All regressions are run with industry fixed effects using Fama-
French 30 Industry classification. Standard errors in parentheses. The superscripts,
,**, and * represent
coefficients that are significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% respectively.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
VARIABLES Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield
Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread
POSTCSR -1.592
0.293 -0.249* 0.032 -0.825 -0.676 -0.405** 0.030
(0.307) (0.350) (0.150) (0.102) (0.565) (0.433) (0.164) (0.108)
AFFECTED -0.449* -0.652
(0.267) (0.498)
AFFECTED R1 -0.450 -0.578
(0.303) (0.359)
AFFECTED R2 -0.511
(0.098) (0.126)
AFFECTED R3 -0.486
(0.089) (0.127)
AFFECTED 0.635** 1.046*
xPOSTCSR (0.311) (0.570)
AFFECTED R1 -0.207 0.904**
xPOSTCSR (0.357) (0.440)
xPOSTCSR (0.168) (0.182)
AFFECTED R3 0.248* 0.301**
xPOSTCSR (0.137) (0.143)
SIZE -0.111** -0.107** -0.168
(0.046) (0.044) (0.050) (0.049)
TOBINQ 0.00213 -0.000 0.005 0.009
(0.027) (0.027) (0.027) (0.028)
LEVERAGE -0.378* -0.389** -0.401** -0.302
(0.195) (0.192) (0.190) (0.203)
MATURITY 0.003 0.004 0.004 0.003
(0.002) (0.002) (0.002) (0.002)
(0.0658) (0.0662) (0.066) (0.0665)
(0.265) (0.299) (0.0813) (0.0608) (0.717) (0.672) (0.579) (0.589)
Observations 3407 3407 3407 3407 2978 2978 2978 2978
R-squared 0.102 0.005 0.009 0.011 0.026 0.026 0.031 0.026
Table 4: Bond Yield-Spreads and the CSR Rule: Regression Discontinuity Results
This table presents results for the Regression Discontinuity design. All variables are winsorized at
the 1% level. Superscripts
, ** and * respectively denote statistical significant at the 1%, 5%,
and 10% levels.
Sample Period Method Coef. Std. Err. z P >z [95% Conf. Interval]
Full Sample Conventional 1.172
0.555 2.111 0.035 0.084 2.260
PRECSR Conventional -4.219
1.974 -2.137 0.033 -8.089 -.3495
POSTCSR Conventional 1.60
0.543 2.948 0.003 0.536 2.665
Figure 1: Regression Discontinuity Plots
This figure shows the regression discontinuity plots for the yield on bonds in the PRECSR
period 2009-2013 and the POSTCSR period from 2014-2017. Firms to the right of the cut-
off value 0 subject to mandatory CSR spending and firms to the left of the cutoff value 0
are not subject to the mandate. Panel A presents the plot for the full sample period, Panel
B presents the plot for the PRECSR period and Panel C presents the plot for the POSTCSR period.
Panel A: Full Sample
0 5 10 15 20
-10 0 10 20 30
Sample average within bin Polynomial fit of order 1
Regression function fit
Panel B: Pre CSR Period
-60 -40 -20 0 20
-10 0 10 20 30
Sample average within bin Polynomial fit of order 1
Regression function fit
Panel B: Post CSR Period
0 5 10 15 20 25
-10 0 10 20 30
Sample average within bin Polynomial fit of order 1
Regression function fit
Table 5: Effect of Ownership Structure
This table shows results of a Difference-in-Difference specification on the determinants of the yield-spread
for bonds issue by firms affected/un-affected by the mandatory CSR rule and classified by the safety rank
of the bond. Columns 1 and 3 present results for bonds that are the safest and have the highest rating by
ProwessDx. Columns 2 and 4 present results for bonds where the firms is owned by the government. Column
1 and 2 present results when using both Affected and Un-affected firms. Column 3 and 4 present results
when using only the Affected firms. All regressions are run with industry fixed effects using Fama-French 30
Industry classification. Standard errors in parentheses. The superscripts,
,**, and * represent coefficients
that are significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% respectively.
VARIABLES Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield Yield
Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread Spread
POSTCSR -0.829 -0.846 -0.844 0.311*** 0.109 0.450***
(0.565) (0.562) (0.564) (0.115) (0.0796) (0.153)
AFFECTED -0.645 -0.674 -0.737
(0.498) (0.495) (0.497)
AFFECTED 1.149** 0.959* 1.291**
xPOSTCSR (0.578) (0.567) (0.580)
Conc Holdg 0.00879 -0.00915
(0.0996) (0.101)
GOVT OWNED 0.292** 0.297**
(0.133) (0.133)
BG -0.237* -0.254**
(0.124) (0.126)
AFFECTEDx 0.689***
AFFECTED -0.302*
xPOSTCSRxBG (0.173)
POSTCSRxBG -0.310*
SIZE -0.115** -0.143*** -0.107** -0.108** -0.126** -0.0880*
(0.0458) (0.0459) (0.0459) (0.0515) (0.0514) (0.0515)
TOBINQ -0.00206 0.0842*** 0.0466 -0.00209 0.0855*** 0.0490*
(0.0273) (0.0301) (0.0291) (0.0275) (0.0303) (0.0294)
LEVERAGE -0.391** -0.114 -0.178 -0.349 -0.0271 -0.0855
(0.197) (0.198) (0.200) (0.214) (0.215) (0.218)
MATURITY 0.00349 0.00231 0.00250 0.00390 0.00268 0.00282
(0.00237) (0.00235) (0.00236) (0.00241) (0.00239) (0.00240)
CreditRank -0.393*** -0.463*** -0.422*** -0.381*** -0.463*** -0.426***
(0.0663) (0.0661) (0.0661) (0.0724) (0.0723) (0.0723)
Constant 6.752*** 7.162*** 6.962*** 5.941*** 6.282*** 6.045***
(0.718) (0.715) (0.723) (0.606) (0.604) (0.611)
Observations 2978 2978 2978 2922 2922 2922
R-squared 0.027 0.039 0.032 0.023 0.036 0.029
Sample Full Full Full Affected Affected Affected
Table 6: Effect of Corporate Governance
This table shows results of a Diff-in-Diff specification of the yield-spread for bonds issue by firms affected/un-
affected by the mandatory CSR rule and classified by the issuers governance characteristics. We use two
governance dummies, BI that is equal to one if the firm has above median Board Independence or otherwise
zero and BIG4 that is equal to one is the firm is audited by one of the four multinational auditing firm or
otherwise zero. Columns 1 and 3 present results when using BI, Columns 2 and 4 present results when using
BIG4, respectively. Columns 1 & 2 present results when using the full sample. Columns 3 & 4 present results
when using only AFFECTED firms. All regressions are run with industry fixed effects using Fama-French 30
Industry classification. Standard errors in parentheses. The superscripts,
,**, and * represent coefficients
that are significant at the 1%, 5%, and 10% respectively.
VARIABLES Yield Yield Yield Yield
Spread Spread Spread Spread
POSTCSR -0.811 -0.934* 0.698*** 0.371***
(0.561) (0.564) (0.107) (0.0901)
AFFECTED -0.651 -0.702
(0.494) (0.496)
AFFECTED 1.516*** 1.306**
xPOSTCSR (0.570) (0.570)
BI 0.00279 -0.0142
(0.0934) (0.0952)
BIG4 -0.115 -0.110
(0.0978) (0.0992)
AFFECTED -0.785***
xPOSTCSRxBI (0.146)
AFFECTED -0.456***
xPOSTCSRxBIG4 (0.149)
POSTCSR -0.769***
xBI (0.147)
POSTCSR -0.458***
xBIG4 (0.150)
SIZE -0.128*** -0.109** -0.119** -0.0968*
(0.0455) (0.0458) (0.0510) (0.0513)
TOBINQ 0.0593** 0.0259 0.0595** 0.0257
(0.0282) (0.0275) (0.0284) (0.0278)
LEVERAGE -0.366* -0.403** -0.312 -0.342
(0.194) (0.195) (0.210) (0.211)
MATURITY 0.00207 0.00223 0.00246 0.00257
(0.00235) (0.00235) (0.00238) (0.00239)
CreditRank -0.432*** -0.449*** -0.425*** -0.445***
(0.0655) (0.0662) (0.0715) (0.0725)
CONSTANT 7.018*** 7.175*** 6.211*** 6.300***
(0.716) (0.718) (0.605) (0.609)
Observations 2978 2978 2922 2922
R-squared 0.041 0.034 0.038 0.031
Sample Full Full Affected Affected