Lesson 1: What Is the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
Summary of Lesson Content
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Lesson Overview
On February 28, 2003, President Bush issued Homeland Security Presidential Directive–
5. HSPD–5 directed the Secretary of Homeland Security to develop and administer a
National Incident Management System. NIMS provides a consistent nationwide template
to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to work
together during domestic incidents.
This lesson will describe the key concepts and principles of NIMS, and the benefits of
using the system for domestic incident response. At the end of this lesson, you should
be able to describe these key concepts, principles, and benefits.
What is that National Incident Management System?
NIMS is a comprehensive, national approach to incident management that is applicable
at all jurisdictional levels and across functional disciplines. The intent of NIMS is to:
Be applicable across a full spectrum of potential incidents and hazard scenarios,
regardless of size or complexity.
Improve coordination and cooperation between public and private entities in a
variety of domestic incident management activities.
NIMS Compliance
HSPD-5 requires Federal departments and agencies to make the adoption of NIMS by
State and local organizations a condition for Federal preparedness assistance (grants,
contracts, and other activities) by FY 2005.
Jurisdictions can comply in the short term by adopting the Incident Command System.
Other aspects of NIMS require additional development and refinement to enable
compliance at a future date.
Why Do We Need a National Incident System
Emergencies occur every day somewhere in the United States. These emergencies are
large and small and range from fires to hazardous materials incidents to natural and
technological disasters.
Each incident requires a response. Whether from different departments within the same
jurisdiction, from mutual aid partners, or from State and Federal agencies, responders
need to be able to work together, communicate with each other, and depend on each
Until now, there have been no standards for domestic incident response that reach
across all levels of government and all emergency response agencies.
The events of September 11 have underscored the need for and importance of national
standards for incident operations, incident communications, personnel qualifications,
resource management, and information management and supporting technology.
To provide standards for domestic incident response, President Bush signed Homeland
Security Presidential Directive–5. HSPD-5 authorized the Secretary of Homeland
Security to develop the National Incident Management System, or NIMS. NIMS provides
for interoperability and compatability among all responders.
Lesson 1: What Is the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
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NIMS Concepts and Principles
NIMS provides a framework for interoperability and compatibility by balancing flexibility
and standardization.
NIMS provides a flexible framework that facilitates government and private
entities at all levels working together to manage domestic incidents. This
flexibility applies to all phases of incident management, regardless of cause, size,
location, or complexity.
NIMS provides a set of standardized organizational structures, as well as
requirements for processes, procedures, and systems designed to improve
NIMS Components
NIMS is comprised of several components that work together as a system to provide a
national framework for preparing for, preventing, responding to, and recovering from
domestic incidents. These components include:
Command and management.
Resource management.
Communications and information management.
Supporting technologies.
Ongoing management and maintenance.
Although these systems are evolving, much is in place now.
Command and Management
NIMS standard incident management structures are based on three key organizational
The Incident Command System (ICS), which defines the operating
characteristics, management components, and structure of incident management
organizations throughout the life cycle of an incident
Multiagency Coordination Systems, which define the operating characteristics,
management components, and organizational structure of supporting entities
Public Information Systems, which include the processes, procedures, and
systems for communicating timely and accurate information to the public during
emergency situations
Lesson 1: What Is the National Incident Management System (NIMS)?
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Effective incident management begins with a host of preparedness activities. These
activities are conducted on a “steady-state” basis, well in advance of any potential
incident. Preparedness involves a combination of:
Planning, training, and exercises.
Personnel qualification and certification standards.
Equipment acquisition and certification standards.
Publication management processes and activities.
Mutual aid agreements and Emergency Management Assistance Compacts.
Resource Management
When fully implemented, NIMS will define standardized mechanisms and establish
requirements for describing, inventorying, mobilizing, dispatching, tracking, and
recovering resources over the life cycle of an incident.
Communications and Information Management
NIMS identifies the requirements for a standardized framework for communications,
information management, and information-sharing support at all levels of incident
Incident management organizations must ensure that effective, interoperable
communications processes, procedures, and systems exist across all agencies
and jurisdictions.
Information management systems help ensure that information flows efficiently
through a commonly accepted architecture. Effective information management
enhances incident management and response by helping to ensure that
decisionmaking is better informed.
Supporting Technologies
Technology and technological systems provide supporting capabilities essential to
implementing and refining NIMS. Examples include:
Voice and data communication systems.
Information management systems, such as recordkeeping and resource tracking.
Data display systems.
Supporting technologies also include specialized technologies that facilitate ongoing
operations and incident management activities in situations that call for unique
technology-based capabilities.
Ongoing Management and Maintenance
DHS established the NIMS Integration Center to provide strategic direction and oversight
in support of routine review and continual refinement of both the system and its
components over the long term.
Lesson 2: Command and Management Under NIMS—Part 1
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Lesson Overview
Analysis of past responses indicates that the most common cause of response failure is
poor management. Confusion about who’s in charge of what and when, together with
unclear lines of authority, have been the greatest contributors to poor response.
The Command and Management Under NIMS—Part 1 lesson introduces you to identify
the benefits of using ICS as the model incident management system.
Incident Command and Management
NIMS employs two levels of incident management structures, depending on the nature of
the incident.
The Incident Command System (ICS) is a standard, on-scene, all-hazard
incident management system. ICS allows users to adopt an integrated
organizational structure to match the needs of single or multiple incidents.
Multiagency Coordination Systems are a combination of facilities, equipment,
personnel, procedures, and communications integrated into a common
framework for coordinating and supporting incident management.
NIMS requires that responses to all domestic incidents utilize a common management
The Incident Command System—or ICS—is a standard, on-scene, all-hazard incident
management concept. ICS is a proven system that is used widely for incident
management by firefighters, rescuers, emergency medical teams, and hazardous
materials teams.
ICS represents organizational “best practices” and has become the standard for incident
management across the country.
ICS is interdisciplinary and organizationally flexible to meet the needs of incidents of any
kind, size, or level of complexity. Using ICS, personnel from a variety of agencies can
meld rapidly into a common management structure.
ICS has been tested for more than 30 years and used for:
Planned events.
Fires, hazardous materials spills, and multicasualty incidents.
Multijurisdictional and multiagency disasters, such as earthquakes and winter
Search and Rescue missions.
Biological outbreaks and disease containment.
Acts of terrorism.
ICS helps all responders communicate and get what they need when they need it. ICS
provides a safe, efficient, and cost-effective recovery strategy.
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ICS Features
ICS has several features that make it well suited to managing incidents. These features
Common terminology.
Organizational resources.
Manageable span of control.
Organizational facilities.
Use of position titles.
Reliance on an Incident Action Plan.
Integrated communications.
Common Terminology
The ability to communicate within ICS is absolutely critical. Using standard or common
terminology is essential to ensuring efficient, clear communications. ICS requires the use
of common terminology, including standard titles for facilities and positions within the
Common terminology also includes the use of “clear text”—that is, communication
without the use of agency-specific codes or jargon. In other words, use plain English.
Uncommon Terminology: “Response Branch, this is HazMat 1. We are 10-24.”
Common Terminology: “Response Branch, this is HazMat 1. We have completed our
Organizational Resources
Resources, including all personnel, facilities, and major equipment and supply items used
to support incident management activities, are assigned common designations.
Resources are “typed” with respect to capability to help avoid confusion and enhance
Manageable Span of Control
Maintaining adequate span of control throughout the ICS organization is critical. Effective
span of control may vary from three (3) to seven (7), and a ratio of one (1) supervisor to
five (5) reporting elements is recommended.
If the number of reporting elements falls outside of this range, expansion or consolidation
of the organization may be necessary. There may be exceptions, usually in lower-risk
assignments or where resources work in close proximity to each other.
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Organizational Facilities
Common terminology is also used to define incident facilities, help clarify the activities
that take place at a specific facility, and identify what members of the organization can be
found there. For example, you find the Incident Commander at the Incident Command
Post. Incident facilities include:
The Incident Command Post.
One or more staging areas.
A base.
One or more camps (when needed).
A helibase.
One or more helispots.
Incident facilities will be established depending on the kind and complexity of the incident.
Only those facilities needed for any given incident may be activated. Some incidents
may require facilities not included on the standard list.
Use of Position Titles
ICS positions have distinct titles.
Only the Incident Commander is called Commander—and there is only one
Incident Commander per incident.
Only the heads of Sections are called Chiefs.
Learning and using standard terminology helps reduce confusion between the day-to-day
position occupied by an individual and his or her position at the incident.
The titles for all supervisory levels of the organization are shown in the table below.
Organizational Level Title
Incident Command Incident Commander
Command Staff Officer
General Staff (Section) Chief
Branch Director
Division/Group Supervisor
Unit Leader
Strike Team/Task Force Leader
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Reliance on an Incident Action Plan
Incident Action Plans (IAPs) provide a coherent means to communicate the overall
incident objectives in the context of both operational and support activities. Written IAPs
documenting planned decisions should be considered whenever:
Two or more jurisdictions are involved.
The incident continues beyond one operational period.
A number of organizational elements have been activated.
It is required by agency policy.
IAPs depend on management by objectives to accomplish response tactics. These
objectives are communicated throughout the organization and are used to:
Develop and issue assignments, plans, procedures, and protocols.
Direct efforts to attain the objectives in support of defined strategic objectives.
Results are always documented and fed back into planning for the next operational
Integrated Communications
Integrated communications include:
The “hardware” systems that transfer information.
Planning for the use of all available communications frequencies and resources.
The procedures and processes for transferring information internally and
Communications needs for large incidents may exceed available radio frequencies.
Some incidents may be conducted entirely without radio support. In such situations,
other communications resources (e.g., cell phones or secure phone lines) may be the
only communications methods used to coordinate communications and to transfer large
amounts of data effectively.
Effective accountability at all jurisdictional levels and within individual functional areas
during an incident is essential. To that end, ICS requires:
An orderly chain of command—the line of authority within the ranks of the
incident organization.
Check-in for all responders, regardless of agency affiliation.
Each individual involved in incident operations to be assigned only one
supervisor (also called “unity of command”).
Lesson 3: Command and Management Under NIMS—Part 2
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Lesson Overview
While ICS has proven itself to be effective for all types of incidents, other levels of
coordination may be required to facilitate management of:
Multiple concurrent incidents.
Incidents that are nonsite specific, such as biological terrorist incidents.
Incidents that are geographically dispersed.
Incidents that evolve over time.
Single Incident Command
When an incident occurs within a single jurisdiction and there is no jurisdictional or
functional agency overlap, the incident should be managed by a single Incident
Commander who has overall incident management responsibility. NIMS calls this Single
Incident Command.
For example, The Public Works Department has responded to a water line break. While
other agencies may be involved, the incident is mainly a public works responsibility. The
Incident Commander would be from the Public Works Department.
Unified and Area Command
In some situations, NIMS recommends variations in incident management. The two most
common variations involve the use of Unified Command and Area Command.
What Is Unified Command?
Unified Command is an application of ICS used when:
There is more than one responding agency with responsibility for the incident.
Incidents cross political jurisdictions.
For example, a Unified Command may be used for:
A hazardous materials spill that contaminates a nearby reservoir. In this incident,
the fire department, the water authority, and the local environmental authority
may each participate in a Unified Command.
A flood that devastates multiple communities. In this incident, incident
management personnel from key response agencies from each community may
participate in a Unified Command.
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How Does Unified Command Work?
Under a Unified Command, agencies work together through the designated members of
the Unified Command to:
Analyze intelligence information.
Establish a common set of objectives and strategies for a single Incident Action
Unified Command does not change any of the other features of ICS. It merely allows all
agencies with responsibility for the incident to participate in the decisionmaking process.
What Is an Area Command?
An Area Command is an organization established to:
Oversee the management of multiple incidents that are each being managed by
an ICS organization.
Oversee the management of large incidents that cross jurisdictional boundaries.
Area Commands are particularly relevant to public health emergencies because these
incidents are typically:
Not site specific.
Not immediately identifiable.
Geographically dispersed and evolve over time.
These types of incidents call for a coordinated response, with large-scale coordination
typically found at a higher jurisdictional level.
What Does an Area Command Do?
The Area Command has the responsibility for:
Setting overall strategy and priorities.
Allocating critical resources according to the priorities.
Ensuring that incidents are properly managed.
Ensuring that objectives are met.
Ensuring that strategies are followed.
An Area Command may become a Unified Area Command when incidents are
multijurisdictional or involve multiple agencies.
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How Is a Area Command Organized?
An Area Command is organized similarly to an ICS structure but, because operations are
conducted on-scene, there is no Operations Section in an Area Command. Other
Sections and functions are represented in an Area Command structure.
Mutiagency Coordination Systems
On large or wide-scale emergencies that require higher-level resource management or
information management, a Multiagency Coordination System may be required.
What Are Multiagency Coordination Systems?
Multiagency Coordination Systems are a combination of resources that are integrated
into a common framework for coordinating and supporting domestic incident
management activities. These resources may include:
What Do Multiagency Coordination Systems Do?
The primary functions of Multiagency Coordination Systems are to:
Support incident management policies and priorities.
Facilitate logistics support and resource tracking.
Make resource allocation decisions based on incident management priorities.
Coordinate incident-related information.
Coordinate interagency and intergovernmental issues regarding incident
management policies, priorities, and strategies.
Direct tactical and operational responsibility for the conduct of incident management
activities rests with the on-scene Incident Commander.
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Multiagency Coordination System Elements
Multiagency Coordination Systems include Emergency Operations Centers (EOCs) and,
in certain multijurisdictional or complex incidents, Multiagency Coordination Entities.
EOCs are the locations from which the coordination of information and resources
to support incident activities takes place. EOCs are typically established by the
emergency management agency at the local and State levels.
Multiagency Coordination Entities typically consist of principals from
organizations with direct incident management responsibilities or with significant
incident management support or resource responsibilities. These entities may be
used to facilitate incident management and policy coordination.
Emergency Operations Centers
EOC organization and staffing is flexible, but should include:
Resource dispatching and tracking.
Information collection, analysis, and dissemination.
EOCs may also support multiagency coordination and joint information activities.
EOCs may be staffed by personnel representing multiple jurisdictions and functional
disciplines. The size, staffing, and equipment at an EOC will depend on the size of the
jurisdiction, the resources available, and the anticipated incident needs.
Multiagency Coordination Entity Incident Responsibilities
Regardless of their form or structure, Multiagency Coordination Entities are responsible
Ensuring that each involved agency is providing situation and resource status
Establishing priorities between incidents and/or Area Commands in concert with
the Incident Command or Unified Command.
Acquiring and allocating resources required by incident management personnel.
Coordinating and identifying future resource requirements.
Coordinating and resolving policy issues.
Providing strategic coordination.
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Multiagency Coordination Entity Postincident Responsibilities
Following incidents, Multiagency Coordination Entities are typically responsible for
ensuring that revisions are acted upon. Revisions may be made to:
Other capabilities necessary for improved incident management.
These revisions are based on lessons learned from the incident. They should be
coordinated with the emergency planning team in the jurisdiction and with mutual aid
Lesson 4: Public Information Summary of Lesson Content
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Lesson Overview
Because public information is critical to domestic incident management, it is imperative to
establish Public Information Systems and protocols for communicating timely and
accurate information to the public during emergency situations. This lesson describes
the principles needed to support effective emergency Public Information Systems.
The Public Information lesson introduces you to the Public Information Systems required
by NIMS.
Public Information During Domestic Incidents
Under ICS, the PIO is a key member of the command staff. The PIO advises the Incident
Command on all public information matters related to the management of the incident,
including media and public inquiries, emergency public information and warnings, rumor
monitoring and control, media monitoring, and other functions required to coordinate,
clear with proper authorities, and disseminate accurate and timely information related to
the incident.
The PIO establishes and operates within the parameters established for the Joint
Information System—or JIS.
The JIS provides an organized, integrated, and coordinated mechanism for providing
information to the public during an emergency.
The JIS includes plans, protocols, and structures used to provide information to the
public. It encompasses all public information related to the incident.
Key elements of a JIS include interagency coordination and integration, developing and
delivering coordinated messages, and support for decisionmakers.
The PIO, using the JIS, ensures that decisionmakers—and the public—are fully informed
throughout a domestic incident response.
Coordination of Public Information
During emergencies, the public may receive information from a variety of sources. Part
of the PIO’s job is ensuring that the information that the public receives is accurate,
coordinated, timely, and easy to understand.
One way to ensure the coordination of public information is by establishing a Joint
Information Center (JIC). Using the JIC as a central location, information can be
coordinated and integrated across jurisdictions and agencies, and among all government
partners, the private sector, and nongovernmental agencies.
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A JIC is the physical location where public information staff involved in incident
management activities can collocate to perform critical emergency information, crisis
communications, and public affairs functions.
JICs provide the organizational structure for coordinating and disseminating official
Organizations Retain Their Independence
Incident Commanders and Multiagency Coordination Entities are responsible for
establishing and overseeing JICs, including processes for coordinating and clearing
public communications. In the case of a Unified Command, those contributing to joint
public information management do not lose their individual identities or responsibilities.
Rather, each entity contributes to the overall unified message.
Levels of JICs
JICs may be established at various levels of government. All JICs must communicate
and coordinate with each other on an ongoing basis using established JIS protocols.
When multiple JICs are established, information must be coordinated among them to
ensure that a consistent message is disseminated to the public.
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JIC Characteristics
JICs have several characteristics in common:
The JIC includes representatives of all players in managing the response. This
may include jurisdictions, agencies, private entities, and nongovernmental
Each JIC must have procedures and protocols for communicating and
coordinating effectively with other JICs, and with the appropriate components of
the ICS organization.
A single JIC location is preferable, but the JIS should be flexible enough to accommodate
multiple JICs when the circumstances of the incident require.
JIC Organization
A typical JIC organization is shown below.
Additional functions may be added as necessary to meet the public information needs of
the incident.
Lesson 5: Preparedness Summary of Lesson Content
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Lesson Overview
Preparedness is a key phase of the emergency management cycle. Through
preparedness, jurisdictions take actions to prevent, mitigate, respond to, and recover
from emergencies.
This lesson covers preparedness measures that are required under NIMS. At the end of
this lesson, you should be able to identify the ways in which NIMS affects how your
jurisdiction prepares for incidents and events.
What Is Preparedness?
Preparedness is critical to emergency management. Preparedness involves all of the
actions required to establish and sustain the level of capability necessary to execute a
wide range of incident management operations.
Preparedness is implemented through a continual cycle of planning, training and
equipping, exercising, and evaluating and taking action to correct and mitigate.
A major objective of preparedness is to ensure mission integration and interoperability in
response to emergent crises across functional and jurisdictional lines.
Preparedness also includes efforts to coordinate between public and private
organizations. Preparedness is the responsibility of individual jurisdictions, which
coordinate their activities among all preparedness stakeholders. Each level of
government is responsible for its preparedness.
NIMS provides tools to help ensure and enhance preparedness. These tools include:
Preparedness organizations and programs that provide or establish processes
for planning, training, and exercising
Personnel qualification and certification
Equipment certification
Mutual aid
Publication management
National-level preparedness standards related to NIMS will be maintained and managed
through a multijurisdictional, multidiscipline center, using a collaborative process at the
NIMS Integration Center.
Using NIMS as a basis, all preparedness stakeholders will be able to attain and sustain
the level of readiness necessary to respond to the range of domestic incidents facing
America today.
Preparedness Organizations
Preparedness organizations represent a wide variety of committees, planning groups,
and other organizations. These organizations meet regularly to coordinate and focus
preparedness activities. The needs of the jurisdiction will dictate how frequently the
organizations must meet and how they are structured.
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Responsibilities of Preparedness Organizations
Preparedness organizations at all levels should follow NIMS standards and undertake the
following tasks:
Establishing and coordinating emergency plans and protocols
Integrating and coordinating the activities and jurisdictions within their purview
Establishing guidelines and protocols to promote interoperability among
jurisdictions and agencies
Adopting guidelines and protocols for resource management
Establishing priorities for resources and other response requirements
Establishing and maintaining multiagency coordination mechanisms
Preparedness Planning
Preparedness plans describe how personnel, equipment, and other governmental and
nongovernmental resources will be used to support incident management requirements.
These plans represent the operational core of preparedness and provide mechanisms
Setting priorities.
Integrating multiple entities and functions.
Establishing collaborative relationships.
Ensuring that communications and other systems support the complete spectrum
of incident management activities.
Types of Plans
Jurisdictions must develop several types of plans, including:
Emergency Operations Plans (EOPs), which describe how the jurisdiction will
respond to emergencies.
Procedures, which may include overviews, standard operating procedures, field
operations guides, job aids, or other critical information needed for a response.
Preparedness Plans, which describe how training needs will be identified and
met, how resources will be obtained through mutual aid agreements, and the
facilities and equipment required for the hazards faced by the jurisdiction.
Corrective Action or Mitigation Plans, which include activities required to
implement procedures based on lessons learned from actual incidents or training
and exercises.
Recovery Plans, which describe the actions to be taken to facilitate long-term
Training and Exercises
Organizations and personnel at all governmental levels and in the private sector must be
trained to improve all-hazard incident management capability. These organizations and
personnel must also participate in realistic exercises to improve integration and
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Training and Exercises and the NIMS Integration Center
To assist jurisdictions in meeting these training and exercise needs, the NIMS Integration
Center will:
Facilitate the development of and dissemination of national standards,
guidelines, and protocols for incident management training.
Facilitate the use of modeling and simulation in training and exercise programs.
Define general training requirements and approved training courses for all NIMS
users, including instructor qualifications and course completion documentation.
Review and approve, with the assistance of key stakeholders, discipline-specific
training requirements and courses.
Personnel Qualification and Certification
Under NIMS, preparedness is based on national standards for qualification and
certification of emergency response personnel. Managed by the NIMS Integration
Center, standards will help ensure that the participating agencies’ and organizations’ field
personnel possess the minimum knowledge, skills, and experience necessary to perform
activities safely and effectively.
Standards will include training, experience, credentialing, currency, and physical and
medical fitness. Personnel who are certified to support interstate incidents will be
required to meet national qualification and certification standards.
Equipment Certification
Incident managers and emergency responders rely on various types of equipment to
perform mission-essential tasks. A critical component of operational preparedness is that
equipment performs to certain standards, including the capability to be interoperable with
equipment used by other jurisdictions.
To facilitate national equipment certification, the NIMS Integration Center will:
Facilitate the development and/or publication of national equipment standards,
guidelines, and protocols.
Review and approve lists of emergency responder equipment that meet national
Mutual Aid Agreements and Emergency Management Assistance Compacts
Mutual aid agreements and Emergency Management Assistance Compacts (EMACs)
provide the means for one jurisdiction to provide resources or other support to another
jurisdiction during an incident. To facilitate the timely delivery of assistance during
incidents, jurisdictions (including States) are encouraged to enter into agreements with:
Other jurisdictions.
Private-sector and nongovernmental organizations.
Private organizations, such as the American Red Cross.
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Publication Management
The NIMS Integration Center will manage publications dealing with domestic incident
management and response. Publication management will include:
The development of naming and numbering conventions.
Review and certification of publications.
Methods for publications control.
Identification of sources and suppliers for publications and related services.
Management of publication distribution.
The NIMS Integration Center will manage a wide range of publications—from qualification
information and training courses to computer programs and best practices.
Lesson 6: Resource Management Summary of Lesson Content
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Lesson Overview
Resource management involves the coordination and oversight of personnel, tools,
processes, and systems that provide incident managers with timely and appropriate
resources during an incident. Historically, resource management has been an issue at
incidents, both large and small. Resource management is an area of special attention
under NIMS.
This lesson will cover requirements for resource management under NIMS. At the end of
this lesson, you should be able to describe how NIMS affects the way resources are
managed before, during, and after an incident.
What Is Resource Management?
Resource management involves four primary tasks:
Establishing systems for describing, inventorying, requesting, and tracking
Activating those systems prior to, during, and after an incident
Dispatching resources prior to, during, and after an incident
Deactivating or recalling resources during or after an incident
The basic concepts and principles that guide resource management and allow these
tasks to be conducted effectively are addressed by NIMS. These concepts and principles
are described on the following screens.
Resource Management Concepts
Resource management under NIMS is based on:
Providing a uniform method of identifying, acquiring, allocating, and tracking
Classifying kinds and types of resources required to support incident
Using a credentialing system tied to uniform training and certification standards.
Incorporating resources contributed by private sector and nongovernmental
Resource Management Principles
Five key principles underlie effective resource management:
1. Advance planning: Preparedness organizations working together before an
incident to develop plans for managing and using resources
2. Resource identification and ordering: Using standard processes and methods
to identify, order, mobilize, dispatch, and track resources
3. Resource categorization: Categorizing by size, capacity, capability, skill, or
other characteristics to make resource ordering and dispatch more efficient
4. Use of agreements: Developing preincident agreements for providing or
requesting resources
5. Effective management: Using validated practices to perform key resource
management tasks
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Managing Resources
Resource management involves the coordination and oversight of tools, processes, and
systems that provide Incident Commanders with the resources that they need during an
To assist local managers, NIMS includes standard procedures, methods, and functions in
its resource management processes.
By following the standards established by NIMS, resource managers are able to identify,
order, mobilize, dispatch, and track resources more efficiently.
Resource “typing” involves categorizing resources by capability based on measurable
standards of capability and performance—for example, a 500-kilowatt generator.
Resource typing defines more precisely the resource capabilities needed to meet specific
requirements—and is designed to be as simple as possible to facilitate frequent use and
accuracy in obtaining resources.
Certification and credentialing help ensure that all personnel possess a minimum level of
training, experience, physical and medical fitness, or capability for the position they are
tasked to fill. NIMS also ensures that training material is current.
Resource managers use various resource inventory systems to assess the availability of
assets provided by public, private, and volunteer organizations.
And resource managers identify, refine, and validate resource requirements throughout
the incident using a process to identify:
What and how much are needed.
Where and when it is needed.
Who will be receiving it.
Because resource requirements and availability will change as the incident evolves, all
entities must coordinate closely beginning at the earliest possible point in the incident.
Requests for items that the Incident Commander cannot obtain locally must be submitted
through the EOC or Multiagency Coordination Entity using standardized resource-
ordering procedures.
Resource managers use established procedures to track resources continuously from
mobilization through demobilization.
Resource tracking and mobilization are directly linked. When resources arrive on-scene,
they must check in to start on-scene in-processing and validate the order requirements.
Managers should plan for demobilization at the same time that they begin the
mobilization process. Early planning for demobilization facilitates accountability and
makes transportation of resources as efficient as possible.
Recovery involves the final disposition of all resources. During recovery, resources are
rehabilitated, replenished, disposed of, or retrograded.
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Managing Resources (Continued)
Reimbursement provides a mechanism for funding critical needs that arise from incident-
specific activities. Processes and procedures must be in place to ensure that resource
providers are reimbursed in a timely manner.
Together, each of these resource management processes create an integrated, efficient
resource management system.
Lesson 7: Communications, Information Management, and Supporting Technology
Summary of Lesson Content
NIMS Page 1
Lesson Overview
Effective communications, information management, and supporting technology are
critical aspects of domestic incident management. This lesson will cover the ways in
which NIMS supports these areas. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Describe the advantages of common communication and information
management standards.
Explain how NIMS will influence technology and technological systems required
for emergency response.
Describe the purpose of the NIMS Integration Center.
Concepts and Principles
NIMS standards for communications, information management, and supporting
technology are based on several concepts and principles. These concepts and principles
are described on the following screens.
Communications and Information Management Principles
Communications and information management under NIMS are based on the following
concepts and principles:
A common operating picture that is accessible across jurisdictions and
agencies is necessary. A common operating picture helps to ensure
consistency at all levels, among all who respond to or manage incident response.
Common communications and data standards are fundamental. Effective
communications, both within and outside the incident response structure, are
enhanced by adherence to standards.
Principles of Supporting Technologies
NIMS will leverage science and technology to improve capabilities at a lower cost. To
accomplish this, NIMS will base its supporting technology standards on five key
1. Interoperability and compatibility. Systems must be able to work together.
2. Technology support. All organizations using NIMS will be able to enhance all
aspects of incident management and emergency response.
3. Technology standards. National standards will facilitate interoperability and
compatibility of major systems.
4. Broad-based requirements. NIMS provides a mechanism for aggregating and
prioritizing new technologies, procedures, protocols, and standards.
5. Strategic planning and R&D. The NIMS Integration Center will coordinate with
DHS to create a national R&D agenda.
Lesson 7: Communications, Information Management, and Supporting Technology
Summary of Lesson Content
NIMS Page 2
Managing Communications and Information
NIMS communications and information systems enable the essential functions needed to
provide a common operating picture and interoperability for:
Incident management communications.
Information management.
Interoperability standards.
The NIMS Integration Center will also develop a national database for incident reports.