The Advanced Computing
Sytems Association
OPINION Musings 2
SYSADMIN Fear and Loathing in the Routing System 5
From x=1 to (setf x 1): What Does
Configuration Management Mean? 12
http:BL: Taking DNSBL Beyond SMTP 19
Centralized Package Management
Using Stork 25
Managing Distributed Applications
with Plush 32
An Introduction to Logical Domains 39
PROGRAMMING Insecurities in Designing XML Signatures 48
COLUMNS Practical Perl Tools: Why I Live at the P.O. 54
Pete’s All Things Sun (PATS):
The Future of Sun 61
iVoyeur: Permission to Parse 65
/dev/random 72
Toward Attributes 74
BOOK REVIEWS Book Reviews 78
USENIX NOTES 2008 USENIX Nominating Committee
Report 82
Summary of USENIX Board of Directors
Meetings and Actions 83
New on the USENIX Web Site:
The Multimedia Page 83
CONFERENCE LISA ’07: 21st Large Installation
SUMMARIES System Administration Conference 84
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Organized in cooperation with USENIX, the IEEE and IEEE Com-
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JULY 2–4, 2008, ROME, ITALY
Abstract submissions due: March 9, 2008
Co-located with USENIX Security ’08
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Paper submissions due: March 28, 2008
Co-located with USENIX Security ’08
JULY 28, 2008, SAN JOSE, CA, USA
Co-located with USENIX Security ’08
JULY 29, 2008, SAN JOSE, CA, USA
Position paper submissions due: May 28, 2008
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Extended abstract and paper submissions due: May 8, 2008
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VOL. 33, #1, FEBRUARY 2008
Rik Farrow
Jane-Ellen Long
David Couzens
Casey Henderson
Michele Nelson
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Suite 215, Berkeley,
California 94710
Phone: (510) 528-8649 FAX:
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;login: is the official
magazine of the
USENIX Association.
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published bi-monthly by the
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$85 of each member’s annual
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OPINION Musings 2
SYSADMIN: Fear and Loathing in the Routing System 5
From x=1 to (setf x 1): What Does
Configuration Management Mean? 12
http:BL: Taking DNSBL Beyond SMTP 19
Centralized Package Management
Using Stork 25
Managing Distributed Applications
with Plush 32
An Introduction to Logical Domains 39
PROGRAMMING: Insecurities in Designing XML Signatures 48
COLUMNS: Practical Perl Tools: Why I Live at the P.O. 54
Pete’s All Things Sun (PATS):
The Future of Sun 61
iVoyeur: Permission to Parse 65
/dev/random 72
Toward Attributes 74
BOOK REVIEWS Book Reviews 78
USENIX NOTES 2008 USENIX Nominating Committee
Report 82
Summary of USENIX Board of Directors
Meetings and Actions 83
New on the USENIX Web Site:
The Multimedia Page 83
CONFERENCE : LISA ’07: 21st Large Installation
REPORTS System Administration Conference 84
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2 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
can’t wait for the future to arrive, such as
the coming of warmer weather. And some-
times it seems that people pine for the
poorly remembered past, as if it were some-
how better than what we face today. Right
now, I want to talk about sysadmins and
ponder whether they are looking ahead
while wishing for an imagined past.
In this issue you will find the summaries for LISA
’07, including the summary I wrote about John
Strassner’s keynote. John spoke about experiences
with a project at Motorola where researchers had
created a functioning example of network auto-
nomics. This is a complex system, with many dif-
ferent active components all contributing to deci-
sions that result in changes in configuration. The
FOCALE architecture (see slide 23 of his presenta-
tion on the LISA ’07 page [1]) has a Context Man-
ager, a Policy Manager, and an Autonomic Manag-
er, as well as a machine learning component, all of
which are involved in controlling the creation and
modifications of device configurations.
FOCALE is a working system. It actually helps to
simplify a terribly complex control setup that in-
cludes seven different groups of administrators
(see slide 4). John carefully began his talk by ex-
plaining the existing situation found in many
telecommunications companies (think cell phone
operators). He explained the limitations of the cur-
rent network management, including the need for
human involvement in analysis before anything
can be done. And he described what he means by
autonomics, going way behind the infamous four
self-functions of self-configuration, self-protection,
self-healing, and self-optimization made famous by
IBM [2, 3]. John considers these benefits, seeing
the way forward via knowledge about component
systems, the context in which they operate, and an
ability to learn and reason, to follow policy deter-
mined from business rules, and to adapt offered
services and resources as necessary.
I thought John’s talk described groundbreaking re-
search, where a real autonomic system was work-
ing to make a network function more smoothly.
But others at the conference weren’t nearly as hap-
py. The most common complaint, one that really
stuck with me, was that there was “too much
math” in his solution. I wondered whether the two
equations found on slide 47 (shades of calculus!)
were to blame. But then I read Alva Couch’s article
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(page 12) and realized that perhaps the real problem was something com-
pletely different. The real problem has to do with two things: a mindset, and
being stuck in the past.
The Mindset
Alva Couch explains something I have had difficulty understanding since I
first encountered the concept, way back when I was a college student. I
found languages such as FORTRAN and ALGOL easy to comprehend, but
LISP and APL unpleasant to use. I’ve recently learned that there is a “seman-
tic wall” between these two languages, to borrow from Alva. Using a more
modern example, the C language is bottom-up, or imperative. You write a
sequence of commands, and they are executed in order. Functional pro-
gramming languages, such as LISP or Haskell, work top-down, where the
entire program is a single expression. In a functional language, the expres-
sion describes the desired result without specifying how the result is de-
Now consider how system administration gets accomplished today. Some-
one requests a change to a service, and sysadmins go about changing the
configuration, an imperative operation. If something breaks, the sysadmins
set about uncovering the cause of the problem and adjusting the configura-
tion to solve the problem—again, a bottom-up approach.
What John Strassner, and Alva Couch, suggest requires a mindset that is
very different. Instead of acting imperatively, getting right into the nitty-grit-
ty of configuration editing, autonomics requires a more functional, top-
down approach. I believe that a lot of sysadmins will find this approach in-
imical to the way they have carried out their duties for their entire working
And thus the past, in which we do things the way they have always been
done, becomes an obstacle to a future where some things will need to be
done differently. We are really not that different from people riding horse-
drawn carriages in 1907 complaining about the noisy and dangerous horse-
less carriages.
Autonomic computing does not mean the end of understanding and editing
configuration files. It will mean that this task will consume less of the sysad-
min’s working day. I expect autonomics, in some form, will evolve, regard-
less of kicking, screaming, and temper tantrums or editorializing against its
adoption. And the people who develop autonomics may not be sysadmins
but researchers willing to take a top-down, instead of a bottom-up, ap-
So times change: either the world becomes more complicated, or it appears
more complicated because it now works differently. Remember, there are
still many people living in developed countries who do not use electronic
communication such as email, IM, and text messaging. Don’t get left behind.
The Lineup
I had often wondered about anycasting, so I contacted ISC and found Joe
Abley willing and able to describe the pros, cons, and sheer aggravation sur-
rounding the use of anycasting in IPv4. Anycasting is not a solution that
many can use, but I believe you should be aware of it.
Alva Couch follows with his article that examines mindsets, or the semantic
wall I also attempted to describe in this editorial. Learning more about the
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 3
differences between imperative and functional programming languages is
not the point of Alva’s article; the example is just used to demonstrate what
he considers the crux of building real autonomic computing systems.
Eric Langheinrich next tells us about a method for controlling access to Web
content that relates to anti-spam techniques. Through the use of scripts and
a scoring service, you can configure your Web server to deny content to
crawlers looking for certain content, such as email addresses, to be used in
later UCE.
We next have two articles related to papers presented at LISA ’07. A group
from the University of Arizona describes Stork, a package management sys-
tem designed for use in clusters and PlanetLab. Once you have installed
your distributed applications, you can consider managing those applications
using Plush, the second in this set of articles.
Octave Orgeron then continues his tutorial on Solaris LDoms, with a focus
on advanced topics in network and disk configuration. He is followed by
Aditya Sood, who explains problems with XML signing.
We have a new columnist starting with this issue of ;login:. Peter Galvin,
longtime tutorial instructor at USENIX conferences as well as the Solaris
columnist for the now-defunct Sys Admin, has agreed to write about Solaris
for ;login:. I am happy to help provide a new home for Pete’s column and
hope that many of you will continue to enjoy reading it.
And, as mentioned, we have summaries of LISA ’07, as well as of four of the
workshops that occurred before the main conference began.
Starting with this issue, ;login: will include a cartoon courtesy of User-
Friendly. We are thankful to David Barton for allowing us to lighten up our
pages with some relevant humor.
Times are changing. But then times always change, and those changes often
prove upsetting and difficult even to consider, much less accommodate.
What sysadmins face today is an exploding number of computers, and com-
puter-enabled devices, that must be managed. We need to look toward new
technologies that will make managing these devices easier, even if the transi-
tion will be difficult. And I can’t imagine it will be easy.
[1] LISA ’07 Technical Sessions:
[2] Home page for IBM’s Autonomics project:
[3] Wikipedia page, with more links about autonomics at the bottom:
4 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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fear and loathing
in the routing
Joe Abley is the Director of Operations at Afilias
Canada, a DNS registry company, and a technical
volunteer at Internet Systems Consortium. He likes
his coffee short, strong, and black and is profoundly
wary of outdoor temperatures that exceed 20°C.
some circles the merest mention of the
word can leave you drenched in bile; in oth-
ers it’s an overused buzzword which trig-
gers involuntary rolling of the eyes. It’s a
technique, or perhaps a tool, or maybe a re-
volting subversion of all that is good in the
world. It is “here to stay. It is by turns “use-
ful” and “harmful”; it “improves service sta-
bility,” “protects against denial-of-service at-
tacks,” and “is fundamentally incompatible
with any service that uses TCP.”
That a dry and, frankly, relatively trivial routing
trick could engender this degree of emotional out-
pouring will be unsurprising to those who have
worked in systems or network engineering roles
for longer than about six minutes. The violently di-
vergent opinions are an indication that context
matters with anycast more than might be immedi-
ately apparent, and since anycast presents a very
general solution to a large and varied set of poten-
tial problems, this is perhaps to be expected.
The trick to understanding anycast is to concen-
trate less on the “how” and far more on the “why”
and “when.” But before we get to that, let’s start
with a brief primer. Those who are feeling a need to
roll their eyes already can go and wait outside. I’ll
call you when this bit is done.
Nuts and Bolts
Think of a network service which is bound to a
greater extent than you’d quite like to an IP address
rather than a name. DNS and NTP servers are good
examples, if you’re struggling to paint the mental
image. Renumbering servers is an irritating process
at the best of times, but if your clients almost al-
ways make reference to those servers using hard-
coded IP addresses instead of names, the pain is far
Before the average administrator has acquired
even a small handful of battle scars from dealing
with such services, it’s fairly common for the ser -
vices to be detached from the physical servers that
house them. If you can point NTP traffic for at any server you feel like, moving
the corresponding service around as individual
servers come and go becomes trivially easy. The IP
address in this case becomes an identifier, like a
DNS name, detached from the address of the server
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that happens to be running the server processes on this particular afternoon.
With this separation between service address and server address, a smooth
transition of this NTP service from server A to server B within the same net-
work is possible with minimal downtime to clients. The steps are:
1. Make sure the service running on both servers is identical. In the case
of an NTP service, that means that both machines are running
appropriate NTP software and that their clocks are properly
2. Add a route to send traffic with destination address
toward server B.
3. Remove the route that is sending traffic toward server A.
Ta-da! Transition complete. Clients didn’t notice. No need for a mainte-
nance window. Knowing smiles and thoughtful nodding all round.
To understand how this has any relevance to the subject at hand, let’s insert
another step into this process:
2.5. Become distracted by a particularly inflammatory slashdot comment,
spend the rest of the day grumbling about the lamentable state of the
server budget for Q4, and leave the office at 11 p.m. as usual,
forgetting all about step 3.
The curious result here is that the end result might very well be the same:
Clients didn’t notice. There is no real need for a maintenance window.
What’s more, we can now remove either one of those static routes and turn
off the corresponding server, and clients still won’t notice. We have distrib-
uted the NTP service across two origin servers using anycast. And we didn’t
even break a sweat!
Why does this work? Well, a query packet sent to a destination address ar-
rives at a server which is configured to accept and process that query, and
the server answers. Each server is configured to reply, and the source ad-
dress used each time is the service address. The fact that there is more than
one server available doesn’t actually matter. To the client (and, in fact, to
each server), it looks like there is only one server. The query-response be-
havior is exactly as it was without anycast on the client and on the server.
The only difference is that the routing system has more than one choice
about toward which server to send the request packet.
(To those in the audience who are getting a little agitated about my use of a
stateless, single-packet exchange as an example here, there is no need to
fret. I’ll be pointing out the flies in the ointment very soon.)
The ability to remove a dependency on a single server for a service is very at-
tractive to most system administrators, since once the coupling between
service and server has been loosened, intrusive server maintenance without
notice (and within normal working hours) suddenly becomes a distinct pos-
sibility. Adding extra server capacity during times of high service traffic
without downtime is a useful capability, as is the ability to add additional
For these kinds of transitions to be automatic, the interaction between the
routing system and the servers needs to be dynamic: that is, a server needs
to be able to tell the routing system when it is ready to receive traffic des-
tined for a particular service, and correspondingly it also needs to be able to
tell the routing system when that traffic should stop. This signaling can be
made to work directly between a server and a router using standard routing
protocols, as described in ISC-TN-2004-1 [1] (also presented at USENIX ’04
[2]). This approach can also be combined with load balancers (sometimes
6 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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called “layer-4 switches”) if the idea of servers participating in routing pro-
tocols directly is distasteful for local policy reasons.
This technique can be used to build a cluster of servers in a single location
to provide a particular service, or to distribute a service across servers that
are widely distributed throughout your network, or both. With a little extra
attention paid to addressing, it can also be used to distribute a single service
around the Internet, as described in ISC-TN-2003-1 [3].
Anycast Marketing
Some of the benefits to the system administrator of distributing a service us-
ing anycast have already been mentioned. However, making the lives of sys-
tem administrators easier rarely tops anybody’s quarterly objectives, much
as you might wish otherwise. If anycast doesn’t make the service better in
some way, there’s little opportunity to balance the cost of doing it.
So what are the tangible synergies? What benefits can we whiteboard proac-
tively, moving forward? Where are the bullet points? Do you like my tie? It’s
Distributing a service around a network has the potential to improve service
availability, since the redundancy inherent in using multiple origin servers
affords some protection from server failure. For a service that has bad failure
characteristics (e.g., a service that many other systems depend on) this
might be justification enough to get things moving.
Moving the origin server closer to the community of clients that use it has
the potential to improve response times and to keep traffic off expensive
wide-area links. There might also be opportunities to keep a service running
in a part of your network that is afflicted by failures in wide-area links in a
way that wouldn’t otherwise be possible.
For services deployed over the Internet, as well as nobody knowing whether
you’re a dog, there’s the additional annoyance and cost of receiving all kinds
of junk traffic that you didn’t ask for. Depending on how big a target you
have painted on your forehead, the unwanted packets might be a constant
drone of backscatter, or they might be a searing beam of laser-like pain that
makes you cry like a baby. Either way, it’s traffic that you’d ideally like to
sink as close to the source as possible, ideally over paths that are as cheap as
possible. Anycast might well be your friend.
Flies in the Ointment
The architectural problem with anycast for use as a general-purpose service
distribution mechanism results from the flagrant abuse of packet delivery
semantics and addressing that the technique involves. It’s a hack, and as
with any hack, it’s important to understand where the boundaries of normal
operation are being stretched.
Most protocol exchanges between clients and servers on the Internet involve
more than one packet being sent in each direction, and most also involve
state being retained between subsequent packets on the server side. Take a
normal TCP session establishment handshake, for example:
1. Client sends a SYN to a server.
2. Server receives the SYN and replies with a SYN-ACK.
3. Client receives the SYN-ACK and replies with an ACK.
4. Server receives the ACK, and the TCP session state on both client and
server is “ESTABLISHED.”
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This exchange relies on the fact that “server” is the same host throughout
the exchange. If that assumption turns out to be wrong, then this happens:
1. Client sends a SYN to server A.
2. Server A receives the SYN and replies with a SYN-ACK.
3. Client receives the SYN-ACK and replies to the service address with an
4. Server B receives the ACK and discards it, because it has no
corresponding session in “SYN-RECEIVED.”
At the end of this exchange, the client is stuck in “SYN-SENT,” server A is
stuck in “SYN-RECEIVED,” and server B has no session state at all. Clearly
this does not satisfy the original goal of making things more robust; in fact,
under even modest query load from perfectly legitimate clients, the view
from the servers is remarkably similar to that of an incoming SYN flood.
It’s reasonable to wonder what would cause packets to be split between
servers in this way, because if that behavior can be prevented perhaps the
original benefits of distributed services that gave us all those warm fuzzies
can be realized without inadvertently causing our own clients to attack us.
The answer lies in the slightly mysterious realm of routing.
The IP routing tables most familiar to system administrators are likely to be
relatively brief and happily uncontaminated with complication. A single de-
fault route might well suffice for many hosts, for example; the minimal size
of that routing table is a reflection of the trivial network topology in which
the server is directly involved. If there’s only one option for where to send a
packet, that’s the option you take. Easy.
Routers, however, are frequently deployed in much more complicated net-
works, and the decision about where to send any particular packet is corre-
spondingly more involved. In particular, a router might find itself in a part
of the network where there is more than one viable next hop toward which
to send a packet; even with additional attributes attached to individual
routes, allowing routers to prioritize one routing table entry over another,
there remains the distinct possibility that a destination address might be
reached equally well by following any one of several candidate routes. This
situation calls for Equal-Cost Multi-Path (ECMP) routing.
Without anycast in the picture, so long as the packets ultimately arrive at
the same destination, ECMP is probably no cause for lost sleep. If the desti-
nation address is anycast, however, there’s the possibility that different can-
didate routes will lead to different servers, and therein lies the rub.
Horses for Courses
So, is anycast a suitable approach to making services more reliable? Well,
yes and no. Maybe. Maybe not, too. Oh, it’s all so vague! I crave certainty!
And caffeine-rich beverages!
The core difficulty that leads to all this weak hand-waving is that it’s very
difficult to offer a general answer when the topology of even your own net-
work depends on the perspective from which it is viewed. When you start
considering internetworks such as, well, the Internet, the problem of formu-
lating a useful general answer stops being simply hard and instead becomes
From an architectural perspective, the general answer is that for general-
purpose services and protocols, anycast doesn’t work. Although this is
mathematically correct (in the sense that the general case must apply to all
possible scenarios), it flies in the face of practical observations and hence
8 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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doesn’t really get us anywhere. Anycast is used today in applications ranging
from the single-packet exchanges of the DNS protocol to multi-hour,
streaming audio and video. So it does work, even though in the general case
it can’t possibly.
The fast path to sanity is to forget about neat, simple answers to general
questions and concentrate instead on specifics. Just because anycast cannot
claim to be generally applicable doesn’t mean it doesn’t have valid applica-
First, consider the low-hanging fruit. A service that involves a single-packet,
stateless transaction is most likely ideally suited to distribution using any-
cast. Any amount of oscillation in the routing system between origin servers
is irrelevant, because the protocol simply doesn’t care which server process-
es each request, so long as it can get an answer.
The most straightforward example of a service that fits these criteria is DNS
service using UDP transport. Since the overwhelming majority of DNS traf-
fic on the Internet is carried over UDP, it’s perhaps unsurprising to see any-
cast widely used by so many DNS server administrators.
As we move on to consider more complicated protocols—in particular, pro-
tocols that require state to be kept between successive packets—let’s make
our lives easy and restrict our imaginings to very simple networks whose be-
havior is well understood. If our goal is to ensure that successive packets
within the same client-server exchange are carried between the same client
and the same origin server for the duration of the transaction, there are
some tools we can employ.
We can arrange for our network topology to be simple, such that multiple
candidate paths to the same destination don’t exist. The extent to which this
is possible might well depend on more services than just yours, but then the
topology also depends to a large extent on the angle you view it from. It’s
time to spend some time under the table, squinting at the wiring closet. (But
perhaps wait until everybody else has gone home, first.)
We can choose ECMP algorithms on routers that have behavior consistent
with what we’re looking for. Cisco routers, for example, with CEF (Cisco
Express Forwarding) turned on, will hash pertinent details of a packet’s
header and divide the answer space by the number of candidate routes avail-
able. Other vendors’ routers have similar capabilities. If the computed hash
is in the first half of the space, you choose the left-hand route; if the answer
is in the other half, you choose the right-hand route. So long as the hash is
computed over enough header variables (e.g., source address and port, des-
tination address and port) the route chosen ought to be consistent for any
particular conversation (“flow,” in router-ese).
When it comes to deploying services using anycast across other people’s net-
works (e.g., between far-flung corners of the Internet), there is little certain-
ty in architecture, topology, or network design and we need instead to con-
centrate our thinking in terms of probability: We need to assess benefit in
the context of risk.
Internet, n: “the largest equivalence class in the reflexive transitive
symmetric closure of the relationship ‘can be reached by an IP packet
from’’ (Seth Breidbart).
The world contains many hosts that consider themselves connected to the
Internet. However, that “Internet” is different, in general, for every host—it’s
a simple truism that not all the nodes in the world that believe themselves to
be part of “the” Internet can exchange packets with each other, and that’s
even without our considering the impact of packet filters and network ad-
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 9
dress translation. The Internet is a giant, seething ball of misconfigured
packet filters, routing loops, and black holes, and it’s important to acknowl-
edge this so that the risks of service deployment using anycast can be put
into appropriate context.
A service that involves stateful, multi-packet exchanges between clients and
servers on the Internet, deployed in a single location without anycast, will
be unavailable for a certain proportion of hosts at any time. You can some-
times see signs of this in Web server and mail logs in the case of asymmetric
failures (e.g., sessions that are initiated but never get established); other fail-
ure modes might relate to control failures (e.g., the unwise blanket denial of
ICMP packets in firewalls which so often breaks Path MTU Discovery). In
other cases the unavailability might have less mysterious origins, such as a
failed circuit to a transit provider which leaves an ISP’s clients only able to
reach resources via peer networks.
Distributing the same service using anycast can eliminate or mitigate some
of these problems, while introducing others. Access to a local anycast node
via a peer might allow service to be maintained to an ISP with a transit fail-
ure, for example, but might also make the service vulnerable to rapid chang -
es in the global routing system, which results in packets from a single client
switching nodes, with corresponding loss of server-side state. At layer-9,
anycast deployment of service might increase costs in server management,
data center rental, shipping, and service monitoring, but it might also dra-
matically reduce Internet access charges by shifting the content closer to the
consumer. As with most real-life decisions, everything is a little grey, and
one size does not fit all.
Go West, Young Man
So, suppose you’re the administrator of a service on the Internet. Your tech-
nical staff have decided that anycast could make their lives easier, or perhaps
the pointy-haired guy on the ninth floor heard on the golf course that any-
cast is new and good and wants to know when it will be rolled out so he can
enjoy his own puffery the next time he’s struggling to maintain par on the
eighth hole. What to do?
First, there’s some guidance that was produced in the IETF by a group of
contributors who have real experience in running anycast services. That the
text of RFC 4786 [4] made it through the slings and arrows of outrageous
run-on threads and appeals through the IETF process ought to count for
something, in my opinion (although as a co-author my opinion is certainly
Second, run a trial. No amount of theorizing can compete with real-world
experience. If you want to know whether a Web server hosting images can
be safely distributed around a particular network, try it out and see what
happens. Find some poor victim of the slashdot effect and offer to host her
page on your server, and watch your logs. Grep your netstat -an and look for
stalled TCP sessions that might indicate a problem.
Third, think about what problems anycast could introduce, and consider
ways to minimize the impact on the service or to provide a fall-back to allow
the problems to be worked around. If your service involves HTTP, consider
using a redirect on the anycast-distributed server that directs clients at a
non-anycast URL at a specific node. Similar options exist with some stream-
ing media servers. If you can make the transaction between clients and the
anycast service as brief as possible, you might insulate against periodic rout-
ing instability that would be more likely to interrupt longer sessions.
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Fourth, consider that there are some combinations of service, protocol, and
network topology that will never be good environments for anycast to work.
Anycast is no magic wand; to paraphrase the WOPR [5], sometimes the only
way to win is not to play.
[1] J. Abley, “A Software Approach to Distributing Request for DNS Service
Using GNU Zebra, ISC BIND9 and FreeBSD,” ISC-TN-2004-1, March 2004:
[2] USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ’04) report, ;login:,
October 2004, page 52.
[3] J. Abley, “Hierarchical Anycast for Global Service Distribution,” ISC-TN-
2003-1, March 2003:
[4] J. Abley and K. Lindqvist, “Operation of Anycast Services,” RFC 4786,
December 2006.
[5] “War Operation Plan Response”:
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12 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
From x=1 to (setf x 1):
what does configuration
management mean?
Alva Couch is an Associate Professor of Computer Sci-
ence at Tufts University, where he and his students
study the theory and practice of network and system
administration. He served as Program Chair of
LISA ’02 and was a recipient of the 2003 SAGE Out-
standing Achievement Award for contributions to
the theory of system administration. He currently
serves as Secretary of the USENIX Board of Directors.
workshop this year at LISA brushed against
autonomic configuration management, but
as usual “there were no takers. The lessons
of autonomic control in network manage-
ment (also called “self-managing systems”)
seemed far removed from practice, some-
thing to think about 10 years from now.”
Meanwhile, many talks throughout the con-
ference (including the keynote, a guru ses-
sion, and several technical papers) dis-
cussed automatic management mecha-
nisms, although some speakers stopped
short of calling these self-managing” or
“autonomic. Autonomics were almost a
theme. But, in my opinion, these speakers
made few converts. I stopped to think about
why this is true, and I think I have a simple
explanation. Its all about meaning.
The meaning crisis that system administrators face
is very similar to the crisis of meaning that plagued
the programming languages community in the
past: There is a difference in semantics between do-
ing things autonomically and doing things via tra-
ditional configuration management. “Semantics”
refers to “what things mean.” The difference is so
small, and yet so profound, that the community is
not fully aware of it. But it places so crippling a
wall between autonomics and traditional configu-
ration management that it is worthy of comment in
Operational and Axiomatic Semantics
In programming languages, there is a “semantic
wall” between statically typed languages such as C
and dynamically typed languages such as LISP. The
difference between these languages seems small
but is actually profound. The meaning of a C pro-
gram is easily defined in terms of the operations of
the base machine. This is called operational seman-
tics. By contrast, the interactions between a LISP
interpreter and the base machine are not useful to
understand. Instead, one expresses the meaning of
statements via axiomatic semantics: a mathemati-
cal description of the observable behavior resulting
from executing statements, without reference to
the underlying way in which statements are actual-
ly implemented.
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To understand this subtlety, consider the difference between the semantics
of the C statement x=1 and the LISP statement (setf x 1). For x=1 there is an
empowering operational (also called “bottom-up”) semantic model that
“there is a cell named X into which the value 0x00000001 is written.” The
operational semantics of (setf x 1), however, are not particularly empower-
ing. There is a symbol named x that is created in a symbol table (indexed by
name), and there is a numeric atom containing the value 1, and those are as-
sociated via the property “symbol-value” of the symbol x. At a deeper level,
index trees become involved. But those facts about the LISP version of x are
not important and not empowering except to people developing LISP. The
axiomatic (“top-down”) equivalent for the meaning of this statement is that
“after (setf x 1), the symbol x refers to the atom 1.” The details of implemen-
tation are stripped, and only the valuable functional behavior is left.
The Semantic Wall of Configuration Management
We now face a similar semantic wall between systems that exhibit “auto-
nomic” behaviors and systems that “automate” configuration management.
The latter utilize operational semantics (like x=1), whereas the former uti-
lize axiomatic semantics (like (setf x 1)). This difference may seem unimpor-
tant, but it is central enough to cripple the discipline.
Current configuration management tools such as BCFG2, Puppet, and
Cfengine utilize an operational semantic model similar to that of x=1 in C.
The “meaning” of each tool’s input is “what it does to the configurations of
machines.” Regardless of how data is specified, its final destination in a spe-
cific configuration file or files is what it “means.” For example, regardless of
the way in which one specifies an Internet service, one knows that it must
end up as an entry in /etc/xinetd.conf or a file in /etc/xinetd.d; its “meaning”
is defined in terms of that final positioning within the configuration of the
By contrast, autonomic systems are configured via axiomatic semantics; the
parameters specified have no direct relationship to the actual contents of
files on a machine, nor is the understanding of that correspondence impor-
tant or empowering, because the relationship between the parameter and
the realization of that parameter (in terms of the behavior that it engenders
or encourages) is too complex to be useful. For example, a specification that
“the Web server must have a response time less than 2 seconds for each re-
quest” has little to do with the actual identity of the Web server or how that
result might be achieved. In a very deep sense, that information is not useful
in understanding the objective.
To utilize autonomics effectively, we need to progress from a semantic model
in which x=1 is defined operationally to a semantic model in which (setf x 1)
is defined axiomatically. This was a big step in programming languages and
is an equally daunting step in configuration management. But, as I will ex-
plain, not only do current tools not contribute to that progress, they actually
work actively against it, by reinforcing practices that entrench us needlessly
in operational semantics and distance us from the potential for axiomatic
Abstraction and Meaning
Current approaches to configuration management, such as Cfengine,
BCFG2, and Puppet, attempt to close the gap via what some authors call
“raising the level of abstraction” at which one specifies configuration. How-
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ever, simply raising the level of abstraction cannot scale the semantic wall
between operation and behavior. One hard lesson of programming language
semantics is that it is not just necessary to “abstract” upward from the ma-
chine; one must also create a model of behavior (in an axiomatic sense) with
which one can reason at a high level, and with simpler semantic properties
than the full operational model. Simply raising the level of abstraction does
not automatically create any model other than the existing operational mod-
el of “bits on disk.” Without an empowering semantic model, it is no easier
to reason about a high-level description based upon operational semantics
than it is to reason about a low-level description of the same thing.
Authors of configuration management tools frequently wonder why the lev-
el of adoption of their tools is so low. The answer, I think, lies in this issue of
semantics. The tools do not “make things easier to understand”; they make
things that remain difficult to understand easier to construct. No matter
how skillfully one learns to use the tool, one is committed to an operational
semantic model, in which one must still understand what “bits on disk”
mean in order to understand what a tool does. The tool thus represents
“something extra to learn” rather than managing “something that one can
afford to forget.”
There is no doubt that current tools save much work and raise the maturity
level of a site but, alas, they fail to make the result easier to understand. It
is thus not surprising that less experienced administrators with much left
to learn about “bits on disk” shy away from having to learn even more than
before. If configuration management represents “something else to learn”
rather than “something easier to master,” it is no surprise that use of config-
uration management tools finishes dead last in priority among inexperi-
enced system administrators. If tools are to become attractive, they must
represent “less to learn” rather than “more to learn.”
Modeling Behavior
A successful model of configuration semantics would allow one to avoid ir-
relevant detail and concentrate on important details. The gulf between “au-
tomated” and “autonomic” configuration management is so great, however
(like the gulf between C and the logic-programming language Prolog), that
some intermediate semantics (e.g., those in LISP) might help. If, as well,
this intermediate semantics is straightforward enough to be empowering,
then we have a semantic layer we can use to bridge between “automatic”
and “autonomic” models. The current semantics has the character of C’s
x=1, where as this intermediate semantics might have the character of LISP’s
(setf x 1).
Consider, for example, the intermediate semantics of file service. The “bot-
tom-up” semantic model of this is that what one writes into configuration
files leads to some fixed binding between each client (embodied as a ma-
chine) and some file server. The “top-down” model of file service can be ex-
pressed in a much simpler way. There is some “service” (that potentially can
move from server to server) and some “pool of clients” (that must share the
same service), but there is no binding between that service and a particular
server, because that would be irrelevant to specifying the goal of providing
that service. Instead, there is an expectation of service behavior that is miss-
ing from the bottom-up semantic model. That behavioral objective is that
whatever file a user writes to the service is persistent across any kind of net-
work event or contingency, and it can be recovered later by reading it back
from the service via the same pathname. The way that this behavioral objec-
tive is met is not central to reasoning about the requirement. The objective
14 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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is not a property of a specific machine, but of the management process itself;
if the server changes, the file still (hopefully) persists, as much by the ac-
tions of human administrators (in recovering it from backups) as by the ac-
tions of software.
By contrast, the bottom-up model of file service is limiting in simple but
profound ways. Saying “server X should provide Network File System (NFS)
service to client Y” (or even “some server in a pool P should provide NFS to
client Y”) is similar to saying X=1. There are implicit limiting assumptions
about how this might be done. In particular, we have implicitly decided in
the former statement that NFS is the objective rather than a means toward
an objective. A file service is semantically very much like (setf x 1), in which,
by some unspecified method, two operations to which we refer as “write”
(such as executing (setf x 1) in LISP) and “read” (analogous to referencing x
after the setf) have consistent behaviors. This model is simple, but NFS is
relatively complex, and there are many ways of assuring this kind of behav-
ior other than by using NFS.
An axiomatic model of file service thus differs drastically from the opera-
tional model. The entities are not machines, but users, and the axiomatic
formulation is that, for each user, writing content to a path results in that
content being available henceforth via that path. For simplicity, we might
notate this “behavioral axiom” as:
User –(Path:Content)-> filesystem
to mean that for an entity that is a “User,” interactions with the entity
“filesystem” comprise associating a “Path” with “Content” and being able to
retrieve that content via that path. “User,” “Path,” and “Content” are types
that refer to sets of potential entities, whereas “filesystem” is an entity. The
arrow represents a dominance relationship, in which any entity of type
“User” is dominant in creating content; “filesystem” is subservient in
recording and preserving that relationship.
Modeling Services
One advantage of such a model is that many details that are purely imple-
mentation drop out of the model. The most important facet of a DHCP rela-
tionship between server and client is that the server specifies the address of
the client:
DHCP –(MAC:IPaddress)-> Client
whereas the client is accessible through that address. There are many ways
of assuring the latter, but one of the more common is “dynamic DNS,” in
DHCP –(Name:IPaddress,IPaddress:Name)->DNS
This means that DHCP specifies the name-IP mapping to DNS in accordance
with its data on active clients. DNS returns this to the clients via:
DNS –(Name:IPaddress,IPaddress:Name)->Client
This means that a client asking for an “IPaddress” for a “Name” or a “Name”
for an “IPaddress” gets the one that DHCP specified originally. The “Name”
to “MAC” mapping is specified by an administrator, e.g.:
These are all dominance relationships very much like the one that describes
file service.
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This level of detail is independent of irrelevant detail, such as how this map-
ping is accomplished. Caching, timeouts, and formats of mappings are (at
this level) irrelevant details. The important details include dominance rela-
tionships and behavioral predictions, including that the address assigned by
DHCP is indeed the address by which the host can be located via DNS.
The beauty of this scheme is that we describe “how things should work” but
not “how this behavior is assured.” The former is empowering; the latter is
more or less irrelevant if our tools understand the former. But current tools
do not understand the former; neither can they assure this behavior without
a lot of help from human beings.
Promises, Promises . . .
The astute reader will realize that this notation is very similar to that of
promise theory, and the even more astute reader will realize that promise
theory does not include a globally valid semantic model. Promises are a con-
cept introduced by Mark Burgess to provide a simple framework for model-
ing interactions between agents during configuration management. A prom-
ise is a declaration of behavioral intent, whose semantic interpretation is up
to the individual agent receiving each promise. A promise between agents
assumes as little as possible about behavior, while at the same time being as
clear as possible about the intention of the promise. The “type” of a promise
is a starting point for the agent’s determination of the promise’s “meaning,”
which is an emergent property of the promise, tempered by local observa-
tion by the receiver of its validity or lack thereof.
My notation, by contrast, globally defines expected interactions and their re-
sults. Promises enable local interactions, whereas the notation here attempts
to describe overarching intent. Thus my semantics may look as though it
describes promises but, because it describes intent as a global invariant, it
is not like promises at all. Promise theory is one level up from my model in
complexity, in not assuming that agents can be trusted to cooperate.
Coming to Closure . . .
In like manner, anything that implements the semantics of my notation is a
closure, in the sense that it exhibits semantic predictability based upon an
exterior description of behavior. This is how “closure” is defined.
It is well documented that building a closure is difficult and requires chang -
es in the way we think about and notate a problem, but so is building a LISP
interpreter in C, and we managed to do that. Most of the difficulties inher-
ent in both tasks (building a closure or building a LISP interpreter) lies in
letting go of lower-level details and scaling the semantic wall without look-
ing back or down.
This is what we currently cannot bring ourselves to do.
And, because this is exactly what autonomic tools do, we are setting our-
selves up for a rude awakening in which our tools and practices lag far be-
hind the state of the art.
Science, Engineering, or Sociology?
We, our tools, and our practices are faced with a semantic wall. On one side
of the wall lie operational semantics. On the other side lie axiomatic seman-
tics. We have two choices: Scale that wall ourselves or let someone else scale
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it for us. If we sit still and let others do the climbing, that climbing will be
done by systems engineers who understand little of the human part of sys-
tem administration. If we instead take an active role, higher-level semantics
can evolve in accordance with our human needs as system administrators, in
addition to the needs of our organizations.
And the way I think we can take an active role may be somewhat surprising.
One can take a role in this revolution even if one uses no tools and does
everything by hand!
The Power of Commonality
It is easy to forget that the widely accepted Common LISP standard was pre-
ceded by a plethora of relatively uncommon LISPs. There are a million dif-
ferent ways to create a LISP language that conforms to the LISP axioms for
behavior. But there aren’t currently a million LISP implementations to match
these interpretations, because high-level semantics become more useful if
there is one unique way to describe their meanings in operational terms.
Even though the operational semantics of LISP are not particularly easy for
the novice to grasp, these same semantics give the expert a strong and uni-
versally shared semantic model that aids in performance tuning and in de-
bugging of the interpreter itself. If one person fixes a bug in this common
model, everyone using the model benefits from the fix.
This is a hard fact for the typical system administrator to swallow. We pride
ourselves in molding systems in our own images. We locate files where we
can find them, and we structure documentation according to personal taste.
This all comes with “being the gods of the machine,” as one system adminis-
trator put it. Our tools, molded in our images, support and enforce the view
that customization and molding systems to our own understandings is a
necessary part of management.
It is not.
There are, in my mind, roughly three levels of maturity for a system admin-
Managing a host
Managing a network
Managing business process and lifecycle
As one matures, one gradually understands and adopts practices with in-
creasingly long-term benefits of a broader view. But even at the highest level
of maturity in this model, one is not done. There remains another level of
understanding and achievement:
Managing the profession
Managing the profession entails doing things as part of one’s practice that
benefit all system administrators, and not just the administrators at one’s
own site.
It would have been easy to allow LISP to “fragment” into many languages, at
no cost to the individual programmer. There would have been, though, a
cost to the profession if there were 100 LISPs. It would have limited sharing
and would have stifled development.
But this is exactly the juncture where we sit with configuration management
now. There are a million ways to assure behavior, and everyone has a differ-
ent way. Our tools support and encourage this divergence. It is like having a
million different LISPs with the same axiomatic semantics and different im-
plementations, for no particularly good reason!
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In other words, a semantic model is not enough to take system administra-
tion to the next level. That model must also be shared and common, and it
must refer to and be implemented via shared base semantics.
To raise the level of modeling, it is necessary to do the following:
Avoid incidental complexity and incidental variation.
Seek shared standards.
Evolve a common semantic base from those standards.
Incorporate best practices in that base.
The end product of this process is a set of shared standards that form a com-
mon semantic base that tools can implement and support.
What does this mean to you? It is really simple: If something hurts the pro-
fession, stop doing it. One example of a hurtful practice is our arbitrarily
differing ways for assuring behavior. We place our personal need to remem-
ber details over the professional need for standards and consistency.
There are millions of ideas for where packages and files should be lo-
cated in a running system. Let’s all choose one and stick with it!
There are millions of ways to configure services, all of which accom-
plish the same thing. Let’s choose one of these.
Life is much simpler if, for example, we choose as a profession to run
each service on an independent virtual server.
Let us endeavor to leave every system in a state any other professional
can understand.
Let us utilize our tools not for divergence, but for convergence to a common
standard for providing and maintaining services that is so strong in seman-
tics that we can forget the underlying details and “close the boxes.” Let us
support each other in protecting those standards against deviations that fos-
ter personal rather than professional objectives. If there is exactly one “best
way” to provide a service, then we can all use that way, and the “institutional
memory” of the profession as a whole becomes smaller and more manage-
Will this ever happen? That is not a question of science, but one of sociolo-
gy. Tool builders build their careers (and livelihoods) by encouraging adop-
tion of “their personal views” on semantic intent. Meanwhile, the tools we
have available for configuration management are still at the x=1 stage. One
can throw abstraction at a problem—without semantics—and the intrinsic
difficulty of the problem does not change. Only when we can define func-
tion based upon the abstraction, rather than upon its realization, can we
move beyond abstraction to a workable semantics for configuration in
which the internals of the configuration process become unimportant, as
they rightly deserve to be.
This will be hard work, socially and technically, but the end product will be
a profession whose common mission is to make all networks sing.
18 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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http:BL: taking
DNSBL beyond
Eric Langheinrich is CTO and Co-founder of Unspam
Technologies, Inc., and an expert in the field of detec-
tion and identification of malicious network activity.
Eric and his team at Unspam pioneered the Project
Honey Pot.
have benefited from the use of various Do-
main Name Blacklists (DNSBLs) in the fight
against spam. Through efficient DNS look -
ups, mail servers can check individual con-
necting clients against various black lists.
Major DNSBLs include SpamHaus, SORBS,
SURBL, and MAPS. These DNSBLs provide
mail servers with the ability to decide how
client requests are handled from hosts
based on individual blacklist criteria. Hosts
are able to decide to block requests, allow
requests, or perform extra spam filtering
scrutiny on messages from hosts based on
results from blacklist lookups.
Mail servers, however, are not the only network re-
source that needs to be protected from malicious
machines. Web servers face a constant assault from
malicious Web robots that are harvesting email ad-
dresses, looking for exploits, and posting comment
spam. At the most basic level, these malicious ro-
bots rob a site of significant bandwidth. More im-
portantly, by allowing these robots to troll your site
you open yourself to the possibility of future at-
tacks via spam or Web-based vulnerabilities.
Project Honey Pot’s (
new http:BL service is similar to a traditional mail
server DNSBL, but it is designed for Web traffic
rather than mail traffic. The data provided through
the service empowers Web site administrators, for
the first time, to choose what traffic is allowed onto
their sites. By stopping malicious robots before
they can access a Web site, the http:BL service is
designed to save bandwidth, reduce online threats,
and decrease the volume of spam sent to the gate-
way by preventing spammers from getting email
addresses in the first place.
Each day, thousands of robots, crawlers, and spi-
ders troll the Web. Web site administrators have
few resources available to tell whether a visitor to a
site is good or malicious. Project Honey Pot was
created as an open community to provide this in-
formation to Web site administrators, enabling
them to make informed decisions on whom to al-
low onto their sites.
Project Honey Pot is a distributed network of de-
coy Web pages that Web site administrators can in-
clude on their sites to gather information about ro-
bots, crawlers, and spiders. The project collates
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20 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
data on harvesters, spammers, dictionary attackers, and comment spammers
and makes this data available to its members to help them protect their Web
sites and inboxes.
Web site administrators who want to participate in providing data to Project
Honey Pot do so by installing a script on their site. Web site administrators
include hidden links on their existing pages to the honeypot script. The
links are designed to be hidden from human visitors but followed by robots.
The honeypot script, when accessed, produces a Web page. Hidden on the
page are trap elements, including unique email addresses and Web forms. If
information is sent to these trap elements, then it is recorded by Project
Honey Pot and included in the http:BL. Scripts are published open source
and are currently available for PHP, Perl, ASP, Ruby, ColdFusion, and SAP
Currently, Project Honey Pot has tens of thousands of installed honeypots
and members in over 114 countries spanning every continent but Antarcti-
ca. Members can also participate in the project by “donating” MX records
from their domains to the project. Donated MXs extend the network, allow-
ing Project Honey Pot to track spam servers and dictionary attackers. Do-
nated domains allow Project Honey Pot to generate a virtually unlimited
number of spam trap email addresses that are difficult to detect. Together,
these resources help gather information on malicious Web robots.
The http:BL service makes this data available to any member of Project Hon-
ey Pot in an easy and efficient way. To use http:BL, a host need simply per-
form a DNS lookup of a Web visitor’s reverse IP address against one of the
http:BL DNS zones. Then http:BLs DNS system will return a value that indi-
cates the status of the visitor. Visitors may be identified as search engines,
suspicious, harvesters, comment spammers, or a combination thereof. The
response to the DNS query indicates what type of visitor is accessing the
Web site, the threat level of the visitor, and how long it has been since the
visiting IP was last seen on the Project Honey Pot network.
Each user of http:BL is required to register with Project Honey Pot. Each
user of http:BL must also request an Access Key to make use of the service.
All Access Keys are 12 characters in length, are lowercase, and contain only
alpha characters (no numbers).
All queries must include your Access Key followed by the IP address you are
seeking information about (in reverse-octet format) followed by the List-
Specific Domain you are querying. Imagine, for example, you are querying
for information about the IP address and your Access Key is
abcdefghijkl, then the format of your query should be constructed as follows:
[Access Key] [Octet-Reversed IP] [List-Specific Domain]
Two important things to note about the IP address in the query: First, the IP
address is of the visitor to your Web site about which you are seeking infor-
mation; second, the IP address must be in reverse-octet format. This means
that if the IP address visits your Web site and you want to ask
http:BL for information about it, you must first reverse the IP address to be
formatted as
Note that if you reverse the order of the octets (the numbers separated by
the periods) you do not reverse the IP address entirely. For example, if you
were querying the IP address, the following are examples of
correct and incorrect examples of reverse-octet format:
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 20
Value Meaning
0 Search Engine
1 Suspicious
2 Harvester
4 Comment Spammer
8 [Reserved for Future Use]
16 [Reserved for Future Use]
32 [Reserved for Future Use]
64 [Reserved for Future Use]
128 [Reserved for Future Use]
Three scenarios exist for responses from the http:BL service. The cases in-
clude (1) not listed, (2) listed, and (3) known search engine. A majority of
IP addresses do not appear in http:BLs records. If the IP queried does not
appear, http:BL will return a nonresult {NXDOMAIN}. A query for a listed
entry or search engine will receive a reply from the DNS server in IPv4 for-
mat with three of the four octets containing data to provide information
about the visitor. The intention is for this to allow flexibility in how the Web
site administrator treats the visitor rather than a simple black-and-white re-
sponse (e.g., the administrator may want to treat known harvesters differ-
ently from known comment spammers, by blocking the former from seeing
email addresses while blocking the later from POSTing to forms).
Responses for listed entries will have one of two predefined formats depend-
ing on whether the entry is for a known search engine or for a malicious bot.
The fourth octet represents the type of visitor. Defined types include “search
engine,” “suspicious,” “harvester,” and “comment spammer.” Because a visi-
tor may belong to multiple types (e.g., a harvester who is also a comment
spammer) this octet is represented as a bitset with an aggregate value from 0
to 255. A chart outlining the different types is shown in Table 1. This value is
useful because it allows you to treat different types of robots in different ways.
Because the fourth octet is a bitset, visitors who have been identified as
falling into multiple categories may be represented. See Table 2 for an expla-
nation of the current possible values.
IPs are labeled as “suspicious” if they engage in behavior that is consistent
with a malicious robot but malicious behavior has not yet been observed.
For example, on average it takes a harvester nearly a week from when it
finds an email address to when it sends the first spam message to that ad-
dress. In the meantime, the as-of-yet-unidentified harvester’s IP address is
seen hitting a number of honeypots, not obeying rules such as those set
forth by robots.txt, and otherwise behaving suspiciously. In this case, the IP
may be listed as suspicious.
The third octet represents a threat score for the queried IP. This score is as-
signed internally by Project Honey Pot based on a number of factors, such as
the number of honeypots the IP has been seen visiting and the damage done
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 21
during those visits (email addresses harvested or forms posted to). The
score ranges from 0 to 255, where 255 is extremely threatening and 0 indi-
cates that no threat score has been assigned.
Project Honey Pot assigns threat scores to IP addresses observed on the Proj-
ect Honey Pot network as part of the http:BL service. Threat scores are a
rough guide to determine the threat that a particular IP address may pose
and therefore should be treated as a rough measure. Although threat scores
range from 0 to 255, they follow a logarithmic scale, which makes it ex-
tremely unlikely that a threat score over 200 will ever be returned.
Different threats calculate threat scores slightly differently. For example, a
threat score of 25 for a harvester is not necessarily as threatening as a threat
score of 25 for a comment spammer. A harvester’s threat score is determined
based on its reach (the number of honeypots it has hit), its damage (the
number of email messages that have resulted from its harvests), its activity
(the frequency of visits over a period of time), and other factors.
The second octet represents the number of days since the last activity was
observed by the IP on the Project Honey Pot network. This value ranges
from 0 to 255 days. This octet is useful in helping you assess how stale the
information provided by http:BL is and, therefore, the extent to which you
should rely on it.
The first octet is always 127 and is predefined to not have a specified mean-
ing related to the particular visitor.
The following is an example of a hypothetical query and hypothetical re-
sponse, which will be referenced throughout the rest of this section:
The response means the visitor has exhibited suspicious behavior on the
Project Honey Pot network, has a threat score of 5, and was last seen by the
project’s network 3 days ago.
Search engines represent a special case. Known search engines will always
return a value of zero as the last octet. It is not possible for a search engine
to be both a search engine and some kind of malicious bot. Search engines
found to be harvesting or comment spamming will cease to be listed as
search engines.
In the case of a known search engine indicated by the fourth octet being 0,
the third octet becomes a serial number identifier for the specific search en-
Value Meaning
0 Search Engine (0)
1 Suspicious (1)
2 Harvester (2)
3 Suspicious & Harvester (1+2)
4 Comment Spammer (4)
5 Suspicious & Comment Spammer (1+4)
6 Harvester & Comment Spammer (2+4)
7 Suspicious & Harvester & Comment Spammer (1+2+4)
>7 [Reserved for Future Use]
22 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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gine. The second octet is reserved for future use.
With the launch of the http:BL service, Project Honey Pot released the
module mod_httpbl Apache. The mod_httpbl module provides an efficient
mechanism for Web site administrators to take advantage of Project Honey
Pot’s http:BL service. The mod_httpbl module provides for server-level deci-
sion making based on http:BL data.
Rules are defined within the httpd.conf (Apache configuration) file and are
indicated by the HTTPBLRBLReqHandler directive. Rules are structured in
the form of [A] : [B] – [C] : [D] – [E] : [F] Action String where:
[A]—A bitmask [0–255] of the HTTP methods (in decimal representa-
tion). For example:
[B]—The lower bound for DNSBL value octet 2
[C]—The upper bound for DNSBL value octet 2
[D]—The lower bound for DNSBL value octet 3
[E]—The upper bound for DNSBL value octet 3
[F]—A bitmask [0–255] of the offending type (in decimal representation)
that should match
ACTION_STRING—Action to take when rule is matched. Currently sup-
ported options include “allow,” “deny,” and “allow-xlate-emails.” For ex-
ample, consider the following Action String:
# Serve all search engines, but replace email address text and links in HTML content.
HTTPBLRBLReqHandler 255:0-255:0-255:0 allow-xlate-emails
# Deny known comment spammers the ability to POST.
HTTPBLRBLReqHandler 2:0-255:0-255:4 deny
# Serve all harvesters, but replace email address text and links in HTML content.
HTTPBLRBLReqHandler 255:0-255:0-255:2 allow-xlate-emails
# Deny known exploiters the ability to request via HTTP method HEAD
HTTPBLRBLReqHandler 4:0-255:0-255:8 deny
# Deny any requests originating from IPs known to Project Honey Pot to be suspicious
or offensive.
HTTPBLRBLReqHandler 255:0-255:0-255:255 deny
The Apache module allows for granular rule sets to be defined based on an
HTTP method bitset at the directory, virtual host, and server levels. The
mod_httpbl rules extend basic “allow or deny” functionality to include redi-
rects to virtual Honey Pot pages and the rewriting of email links and email
address text to customized values automatically based on the http:BL query
result values. For example, consider this rule set:
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_aaa)
<Directory ~ ^/dir1/>
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_bbb)
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_ccc)
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_ddd)
<Directory ~ ^/dir1/images/>
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_eee)
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_fff)
HTTPRBLReqHandler (criteria_ggg)
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 23
24 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
Members of the Project Honey Pot community have also provided http:BL
implementations back to the community, including implementations for
Drupal, phpBB, WordPress, and OddMuse. Additionally, members have
posted sample code for several scripting languages in the http:BL develop-
ment bulletin boards.
In a continuing effort to reduce threatening traffic, Project Honey Pot, in
conjunction with its members, will continue to identify sources of malicious
traffic and provide open platform tools to Web site administrators to help
safeguard systems, save bandwidth, reduce online threats, and decrease the
volume of spam sent to the gateway by preventing spammers from getting
email addresses in the first place.
Thanks to USENIX and SAGE Corporate Supporters
USENIX Patrons
Microsoft Research
USENIX & SAGE Partners
Ajava Systems, Inc.
SSL Certification
rTIN Aps
Tellme Networks
USENIX Partners
Cambridge Computer Services, Inc.
cPacket Networks
EAGLE Software, Inc.
GroundWork Open Source
Ripe NCC
Sendmail, Inc.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
UUNET Technologies, Inc.
SAGE Partners
Stock Footage and
Stock Photography
MSB Associates
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 24
centralized package
using Stork
Justin Samuel is an undergraduate student at the
University of Arizona with an interest in security. In
addition to research, he teaches a secure Web appli-
cation development course.
Jeremy Plichta is a senior majoring in computer sci-
ence at the University of Arizona. He plans on pursu-
ing a career as a software engineer after graduating.
Justin Cappos is a Ph.D. student at the University of
Arizona. His research interests revolve around build-
ing large distributed systems.
on multiple systems can be one of the duller
aspects of system administration. One has
to deal with varied sets of packages, each
replicated on numerous machines, and
bring up new systems, with the complica-
tion of those that are almost like the others,
but not quite. In many cases, great amounts
of time could be saved and more than a few
mistakes avoided by using tools specifically
created to make this job easier.
A Better Way
Picture an admin sitting down to upgrade a certain
package on 40 boxes, install new software on 100
others, and remove an unused package from every
box on the network. Rather than undergo hours of
tedium, the admin starts up her Stork management
tool and five minutes later she’s done. She knows
that her systems are hard at work applying the
changes she’s specified. What about the systems
that are currently offline? No problem. They’ll ap-
ply the changes the next time they come online.
And newly purchased systems? They’ll be automat-
ically updated to have the correct configuration.
Stork is the name for a collection of package man-
agement tools. Among the features it provides are:
Central management of packages that should
be installed on a distributed set of computers.
The ability to organize systems into logical
groups for ease of management.
Increased speed and reliability of file transfers
by utilizing a variety of efficient and redun-
dant protocols.
Secure architecture utilizing public-key
cryptography for digital signatures.
Low-upkeep repository not requiring a central
repository administrator.
Space, network bandwidth, and CPU savings
in some virtual machine environments.
Fast and efficient update awareness through
the use of a publish/subscribe system for up-
date notification.
In this article we’ll focus on how to use the Stork
tools for centralized management.
How Stork Works
There are three fundamental components of the
Stork architecture:
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Client tools: These are package dependency resolution tools similar to
yum and apt. In addition to dependency resolution, they also follow
instructions from signed configuration files.
Management tools: The management tools are the utilities administra-
tors use to create the signed configuration files that act as the instruc-
tions to the client tools. The management tools are generally used by
an administrator on his or her own computer.
Repository: A repository is a Web server where configuration files cre-
ated by the management tools are stored so that the client tools can ac-
cess them.
Administrators can use one of the management tools to specify which pack-
ages should be installed on a node. The management tools create the neces-
sary configuration files, digitally sign them with the user’s private key, and
can even upload them to a repository.
The client tools, running on each machine, determine which packages to in-
stall, upgrade, or remove based upon the contents of the configuration files
the administrator created. If the actions require downloading package files
from the repository, the client tools also verify that the package files to be in-
stalled are themselves trusted according to the configuration files.
Currently, the client and management tools run on UNIX-like operating sys-
tems, with active usage including Fedora, Gentoo, and Arch Linux. The
package formats supported at this time are RPMs and tarballs, with deb file
support in development. The client tools can wrap around any existing
package management utilities that are installed on a system, so support can
be added for any other package formats a user may desire.
Signatures and Trust
By having the client tools ensure that every configuration file downloaded
from the repository is signed by a trusted administrator, the client tools can
be certain that no configuration files have been tampered with. This allows
unrelated organizations to safely share the use of a single repository: The
client tools do not trust files because they are signed by a repository key, but
rather because they are signed by an actual administrator’s key.
As verifying a digital signature requires knowing in advance the public keys
whose signatures should be trusted, this begs the question: How do the
client tools know which public keys those are? There are two main ap-
proaches to making sure the client tools know which administrator keys to
trust. These are not mutually exclusive.
The first approach is for an administrator to directly configure the client
tools to trust specific keys. For example, trusted keys can be configured at
the time the client tools are installed on each system. After that initial setup,
new keys can be securely distributed via packages installed using Stork, for
The other approach that can be used is to integrate the client tools with an
existing method an organization has to distribute or to answer queries for
such keys. For example, PlanetLab [1] makes available the ability for a sys-
tem to fetch the keys that belong to that system’s administrators. Since a
module in the client tools makes use of this secure PlanetLab API that pro-
vides access to these keys, the client tools can be used on PlanetLab without
the need to manually distribute trusted keys to each system.
The client tools can be used in environments with multiple administrators.
To accommodate this, the client tools will ensure that, for any given config-
26 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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uration file, they are using the most recent version of the file in the reposito-
ry that has a valid signature of a trusted administrator. Thus, when another
administrator uploads a new version of the file in which the groups are de-
fined, the client tools will use the newer one.
Organizing Systems into Groups
An important optimization for managing systems is a group. A group is sim-
ply a logical association of multiple systems defined by the administrator of
those systems. The fact that groups are purely a logical organization is very
important: The systems in a group do not need to be connected in any way
and a single system can be a member of multiple groups. Groups exist for
the sole purpose of simplifying the job of the administrator, who may want
multiple systems to have some of the same packages installed.
Stork has three types of groups: simple, composite, and query result.
Simple groups allow users to manage a collection of systems as if they were a
single system. One can declare that machines 1, 2, and 3 are part of group G
and can then simply say that package X should be installed on group G. This
would result in each of machines 1, 2, and 3 installing package X. There is
no limit to how many systems can be in a group.
Composite groups are created by performing an operation on existing
groups. The supported operations for combined groups are UNION, INTER-
SECT, COMPLEMENT, and DIFFERENCE. Composite groups do not have
systems directly added. Instead, the systems in the group are chosen by the
operation and the membership of the other groups. For example, combined
group H may be defined as the UNION of group I and group J and will con-
tain all of the systems appearing in either group I or group J. Groups I and J
can be any types of groups, including composite groups.
Query result groups are computed based on some property of the network.
PlanetLab is a major user base of Stork and therefore the management tools
provide support for building groups from the result of CoMon [2] queries.
For example, a group to refer to all nodes with more than 1 GB of free disk
space could be created using the CoMon query select=’gbfree > 1’. Queries
are evaluated at the time of group creation. Administrators who wish to have
query result groups that automatically update can reevaluate the query re-
sult groups periodically via a cron job.
Management Tools
There are two main management tools for administering systems that are
running the client tools: a graphical tool (a.k.a. the GUI) and a command-
line tool called storkutil. These tools make it easy for administrators to cre-
ate the signed configuration files that need to be uploaded to the repository.
Both tools are cross-platform and require that python and openssl be in-
stalled. Let’s first take a look at using the GUI to manage systems.
The information that the GUI asks for when it is first started is a username
and password that will be used to authenticate with the repository, as well as
the location of a private key (with optional password). The private key is
used to sign configuration files. The corresponding public key is what the
client tools will use to verify that the signatures on downloaded configura-
tion files are legitimate.
After the GUI verifies the repository login information and validity of the
private key, the user can begin configuring the groups and desired package
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installation actions. The GUI retrieves the latest configuration files from the
repository and displays any groups and package installation actions that
were previously defined. To add a new group, click on the “add group” but-
ton and give the group a name. Next, proceed to either add nodes to form a
simple group, make this a combined group by defining it as a union or inter-
section of other groups, or make it a dynamic group by setting a network
property such as a CoMon query.
After the new group is created, it important to define package management
actions for the group. That is, define packages that should be installed, up-
graded, or removed for all of the nodes of the group. To install or upgrade
a package, either specify the name of the package (e.g., “gnupg”) and let
the client tools, when they run on the systems, attempt to find a gnupg
package file that is trusted or provide a gnupg package file that is stored lo-
cally. When providing a package file that is stored locally, the GUI will take
care of adding trust of this specific package file to the configuration files in
addition to uploading the package file to the repository so that it is available.
If any changes are made in the GUI, an icon shows that the local state is out
of sync with the repository. One can then sync with the repository, which
means that the new configuration files and any newly added package files
will be uploaded to the repository.
The GUI is the most convenient tool for day-to-day management of systems
using the client tools. However, some situations require command-line tools
that can perform these tasks. All of the same functionality for configuration
file modification and generation that is done by the GUI can be done using
the command-line tool
Here’s an example using to add a new group with the name
EXAMPLE_NODES with one system,, in the group: pacgroups include EXAMPLE_NODES
Then, to add more systems to the same group: pacgroups include EXAMPLE_NODES \
Finally, to say that all of the systems in the new group should install gnupg: pacpackages group EXAMPLE_NODES install gnupg
The command-line tool will have taken care of generating the
configuration files as well as signing them with the private key. The one
thing that the GUI does that doesn’t is upload the files to the
repository for us. Uploading the files to the repository is something that can
be scripted, if desired (for example, using curl).
After the configuration files are generated and uploaded to the repository
using either the GUI or the command-line tools, the client tools running on
any of the nodes will retrieve these newest files and take any actions neces-
sary based on them.
Where Stork Can Help
Stork’s design makes it quite flexible in terms of the roles it can perform for
an administrator. However, its primary focus, and that for which it is opti-
mized, is centralized management of many systems.
It is common for administrators to have a base configuration for all of their
systems. Various systems may then have specialized software needs depend-
ing upon the additional job requirements of the people using those systems
28 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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or the services they provide. For example, everybody in the finance depart-
ment may need a database program that others in the organization do not.
Further, all of the secretaries and executives may require a specific calendar
management program. Stork makes it easy to manage the software installed
for different groups of users. You can even allow a system to be in multiple
groups, thus allowing the finance department’s secretary to have both the
database and the calendar management software installed.
Stork’s system of secure file transfer, fast and efficient propagation of changes,
and ability to use tarballs as packages make it very useful not only as a pack-
age management system but also as a configuration management system. For
example, suppose an administrator wants to install a set of custom scripts
that cron will run periodically on all of his systems to monitor disk usage.
The administrator can package these scripts as a tarball and use the manage-
ment tools to install the tarball on all machines. The fact that Stork manages
tarballs in a similar way to RPM packages gives the administrator consider-
able control and flexibility without the overhead that can be involved in us-
ing traditional package formats to meet these needs. The tarball packages can
be easily checked for installation, removed cleanly, or even used to satisfy de-
Incorporating package file security decisions made by other users is simple
with Stork’s user trust system. This trust system allows an administrator to
include, in real time, another user’s repository-published list of untrusted
packages into his or her own list. This can be very useful in many organiza-
tions with a separate IT department that focuses on security. Although this
department may publish lists of packages that should not be installed be-
cause of known security problems, traditionally it can be hard for system ad-
ministrators to keep up with the latest changes to such published lists. How-
ever, by being able to automatically include the other department’s package
trust decisions, no further work is needed to stay current with the list of
packages to avoid, which can consist of packages marked as untrustworthy
by name, version, or hash. With this setup, the system administrators can
know that Stork will automatically prevent these untrustworthy packages
from being installed.
Other Solutions
There are other tools available for performing centralized management, but
none are intended to work the same way as Stork. These other systems are
generally configuration management systems that can be used for some de-
gree of package management.
One method used for configuration management is remote command execu-
tion. The tools that provide the ability to remotely execute commands on a
set of nodes all utilize multiple secure shell connections that originate from
the administrator’s own computer. Of these, many are oriented toward spe-
cific networks, such as PlanetLab. One such system is pssh [3], which pro-
vides parallel versions of the openssh tools, including versions of ssh and
scp. Using pssh, an administrator could execute a package management
command on all of their active systems simultaneously. Major disadvantages
with this approach include having to manually repeat the process for new
systems brought online or for systems that were previously down and have
been brought back online; limited groups functionality (done by utilizing
files that contain lists of hosts), but having no functionality similar to Stork’s
composite groups; and an administrator having to make potentially hun-
dreds or thousands of shell connections directly from the administrator’s
own computer in order to install, upgrade, or remove packages.
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Other solutions that provide similar functionality, all using this same ap-
proach, include:
Plush [4], which includes a graphical interface (see page 32).
pShell [5], a command-line-only and PlanetLab-specific tool.
PlMan [6], which includes a graphical interface and the ability to find
PlanetLab nodes by CoMon queries.
Although package management on large numbers of systems would be easi-
er using these tools compared with having to manually access each system
to do so, none of them focuses on providing efficient and easy-to-use cen-
tralized package management. Using them for this purpose would be far
from ideal, as none of them handles common cases such as nodes that are
down at the time a command is issued or automation of setting up new
nodes that come online.
A more robust way to perform configuration management is to use a power-
ful configuration management system such as Cfengine [7]. Configuration
management systems usually involve a central server that provides configu-
ration information to all nodes, where this configuration information is of-
ten in a format or language specific to the system. These systems provide
considerable general-purpose system administration functionality, such as
ensuring that certain files on all nodes are the same, configuring backups,
and instructing nodes to perform basic package management actions such as
installing a specific package.
Configuration management systems, however, often lack the specialized
functionality for secure, centralized package management that Stork pro-
vides. For example, Stork can be used securely even when an administrator
does not run his or her own repository but instead uses a shared repository.
As no actions are taken by the Stork client tools unless the signatures of
configuration files are verified as having been created by an administrator,
the security of the nodes using the repository does not depend on the secu-
rity of the repository itself.
Stork is not intended to be a configuration management system, just as tools
such as Cfengine are not intended to provide the package management func-
tionality that Stork does. In general, Stork provides a high degree of flexibili-
ty and security for centralized management, with the focus being on pack-
age management. The package management functionality of Stork, which
includes very easy-to-use and lightweight packaging by means of tarball
packages, allows it to function as a configuration management system in
many cases.
For administrators responsible for multiple systems, centralized package
management such as that provided by Stork can save time as well as pre-
vent frustration and mistakes. An administrator need only define once the
package management actions the systems should perform. Using Stork alle-
viates much of the burden of administering large numbers of systems. For
more information or to download Stork, please visit the Stork Web site at
30 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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[1] A. Bavier, M. Bowman, B. Chun, D. Culler, S. Karlin, S. Muir, L. Peter-
son, T. Roscoe, T. Spalink, and M. Wawrzoniak, “Operating System Support
for Planetary-Scale Network Services,” Proceedings of NSDI ’04 (USENIX As-
sociation, 2004).
[2] K. Park and V.S. Pai, “CoMon: A Mostly-Scalable Monitoring System for
PlanetLab,” ACM Operating Systems Review, 40(1) (January 2006):
[3] pssh:
[4] J. Albrecht, C. Tuttle, A.C. Snoeren, and A. Vahdat, “PlanetLab Applica-
tion Management Using Plush,” ACM Operating Systems Review, 40(1) (Jan-
uary 2006):
[5] “pShell: An Interactive Shell for Managing Planetlab Slices”:
[6] “Planetary Scale Control Plane”:
[7] M. Burgess, “Cfengine: A Site Configuration Engine,” USENIX Comput-
ing Systems, 8(3), 1995.
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32 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
managing distrib-
uted applications
with Plush
Jeannie Albrecht is an Assistant Professor of Comput-
er Science at Williams College in Williamstown, Mas-
sachusetts. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Sci-
ence from the University of California, San Diego, in
June 2007 under the supervision of Amin Vahdat and
Alex C. Snoeren.
Ryan Braud is a Ph.D. student at the University of Cali-
fornia, San Diego, where he works under the direction
of Amin Vahdat in the Systems and Networking Re-
search Group. His interests include high-performance
file distribution protocols and tools for building and
debugging distributed systems, among others.
Darren Dao is a graduate student at the University of
California, San Diego, where he works under the di-
rection of Amin Vahdat in the Systems and Network-
ing Research Group. He received his B.S. in Computer
Science from the University of California, San Diego,
in 2006.
Nikolay Topilski is pursuing his M.S. in Computer Sci-
ence at the University of California, San Diego, where
he also received his B.S. He works with Amin Vahdat,
and his area of concentration is distributed network
Christopher Tuttle is a Software Engineer at Google in
Mountain View, California. He received his M.S. in
Computer Science from the University of California,
San Diego, in December 2005 under the supervision
of Alex C. Snoeren.
Alex C. Snoeren is an Assistant Professor in the Com-
puter Science and Engineering Department at the
University of California, San Diego, where he is a
member of the Systems and Networking Research
Group. His research interests include operating sys-
tems, distributed computing, and mobile and wide-
area networking.
Amin Vahdat is a Professor in the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering and the Director
of the Center for Networked Systems at the Universi-
ty of California, San Diego. Before joining UCSD in
January 2004, he was on the faculty at Duke Universi-
ty from 1999 to 2003.
uted applications is difficult. In addition to
the usual challenges associated with soft-
ware development, distributed applications
are often designed to run on computers
spread across the Internet, and therefore
they have to be robust to highly variable32
network conditions and failures that are in-
evitable in wide-area networked environ-
ments. As a result, developers spend a sig-
nificant portion of their time deploying and
debugging distributed applications on re-
mote machines spread around the world.
Plush aims to ease this management bur-
den for a broad range of distributed appli -
cations in a variety of execution environ-
No one can deny the success of the Internet. With
the growing popularity of pocket-sized network-
capable devices such as the iPhone, the Internet
has become an integral part of our society, working
its way into every aspect of our lives. As the num-
ber of Internet users continues to increase, the user
demand for Internet-based services, including
banking Web sites, news Web sites, and search en-
gines, also increases. In response to this growth,
many of these services require more computing
power to achieve acceptable levels of performance.
In short, companies need more than a single com-
puter—or even a single room full of computers—
to satisfy the computing needs of their customers.
Thus, more and more services are turning to dis-
tributed applications, which spread their workload
among a distributed set of computers, to help meet
the user demand.
Distributed applications have the potential to dras-
tically improve the scalability, fault tolerance, and
reliability achieved by an Internet-based service.
However, building distributed applications also in-
troduces many new challenges to software devel-
opers. When using a distributed set of resources,
developers need mechanisms for locating and con-
figuring remote computers and for detecting and
recovering from the failures that are inherent in
distributed environments. In response to these
challenges, many developers write complex scripts
to help automate the tasks of connecting to re-
sources, installing the needed software, starting the
execution, and monitoring performance. Most of
these scripts are customized to work for a specific
application in a specific execution environment,
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 32
and thus they are not easily extended to help other developers with similar
We want to find a solution to this problem by providing a general-purpose
distributed application management system that simplifies these manage-
ment tasks for a broad range of applications in a variety of execution envi-
ronments. Ultimately, we hope to eliminate the need for customized man-
agement scripts for deploying, running, and monitoring distributed applica-
tions in any wide-area networked environment.
Plush to the Rescue
Our solution to the problem is a system called Plush. Plush is a distributed
application management infrastructure that leverages the insight that there
are many similarities in the common tasks provided by customized manage-
ment scripts. In particular, the first step is typically to locate and configure
resources capable of hosting the application. After the resources are config-
ured with the required software, the execution is started. Upon the comple-
tion of an execution, the scripts perform “cleanup” actions to ensure that
the resources are left in a usable state for future executions. Rather than
reinventing the same functionality repeatedly for each application and each
execution environment, Plush automates these tasks and allows developers
to define their application- and environment-specific details separately,
making it easy to run applications in different distributed environments
without rewriting or recreating customized scripts.
By eliminating the need for customized management scripts, Plush allows a
wider range of developers to deploy and manage distributed applications
running on hundreds of machines worldwide. Plush provides software de-
velopers with a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) called Nebula so
that even novice developers can experiment with a distributed set of resources
for hosting their applications. For more experienced developers, Plush also
provides a command-line interface for managing distributed applications.
Finally, for developers who wish to interact with the functionality of Plush
from within a program or script, Plush exports an XML-RPC interface.
Aside from the user interfaces, the architecture of Plush consists of two main
components: the controller and the client. In most usage scenarios, the Plush
controller runs locally and responds to input received from the software de-
veloper. The clients run on all remote resources involved in an application. In
order to achieve scalability in Plush, the controller and clients build a com-
munication tree for exchanging messages (Fig. 1). After establishing this tree,
the controller communicates with the clients throughout the duration of an
application’s execution, both by sending instructions and by exchanging ap-
plication management and status information. The Plush user interfaces in-
teract directly with the controller, giving the developer a way to “remotely
control” the resources hosting the application in a user-friendly way.
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Plush in Action
To gain a better understanding of how Plush works, in this section we de-
scribe the tasks that Plush performs to manage a typical distributed applica-
tion. These tasks are illustrated in Figure 2. More detailed information about
the design and implementation of Plush can be found in our paper [1].
Before Plush can manage an application, the developer must provide the
Plush controller with a description of the application and the desired re-
sources for hosting the application. Typically, this is accomplished by creat-
ing a Plush application specification. When using Nebula (the Plush GUI),
software developers create their application specification using a set of ap-
plication “building blocks” that can be combined in an arbitrary fashion to
define the custom control flow for their executions. There are separate
blocks for describing resources and processes, so that developers are free to
deploy applications on different resources without redefining any aspect of
their execution. A resource in Plush is any computing device capable of con-
necting to the network and hosting an application. Developers use arrows
connecting blocks to indicate the order in which various processes run
within an execution. The right side of Figure 3 illustrates a sample applica-
tion specification that uses the Plush building blocks. For command-line
users, an XML file defines the application specification, which is loaded at
the Plush prompt at startup.
Once a developer creates an application specification, Plush has all of the in-
formation it needs to manage and configure a specific distributed applica-
tion using a particular set of resources. From the developers’ perspective,
their job is done! At this point they can sit back and let Plush assume con-
trol of the application. After parsing the application specification provided
by the developer, the Plush controller begins to locate and configure the de-
sired resources. Depending on the target execution environment, this may
involve using an external resource discovery service such as SWORD [7] to
find resources with specific characteristics or creating new virtual machines
for hosting the application with Shirako [5] or Usher [6]. Once the con-
troller creates or locates the resources, the controller installs the Plush client
software and then initiates a connection to each client. The clients’ first task
is to install the required software on the remote resources. Each client sepa-
rately obtains the needed software packages and runs any necessary installa-
tion commands and then sends a message to the controller indicating that
software installation is complete.
After the controller determines that a sufficient number of resources have
been successfully configured, the controller instructs each client to start the
34 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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application’s execution. The clients continue to inform the controller about
application status changes throughout the duration of the execution. Some
distributed applications operate in phases, where each resource involved in
the application must compete a specific phase of execution before any re-
source proceeds on to the next phase. These applications typically require
some form of distributed synchronization to ensure that the phases execute
correctly across all resources. Plush provides support for a range of synchro-
nization requirements in distributed applications [2]. In order to provide
this synchronization, the controller maintains a list of each client’s status at
all times. The controller then determines when it is safe to allow an applica-
tion to move on to the next phase of execution, and it instructs the clients
accordingly. Therefore, not only does Plush manage the initial starting of the
application, but it also ensures that multi-phased applications start each
phase of execution at the correct time.
Detecting and recovering from failures is one of the most challenging as-
pects of running an application on resources spread around the world. To
accomplish this in Plush, the clients running remotely monitor the status of
the application and resources. If a client detects a problem, ranging from in-
sufficient disk space to unexpected program termination, the client sends a
message to the controller describing the failure. The controller then decides
how to recover from the problem. Plush provides built-in mechanisms for
recovering from many common failures, and in most cases, Plush is able to
detect and recover from errors before the developer is even aware that a
problem occurred. Some failures may require finding new resources for
hosting the application, whereas others may only require restarting a failed
process on a single resource. For more elaborate application-specific recov-
ery, developers can use the Plush XML-RPC interface to implement their
own failure-recovery routines and then register to receive callbacks from the
controller when Plush detects failures. The GUI also lets users visualize
their execution with color-coded dots on a map of the world (shown on the
left side of Fig. 3), allowing them to easily monitor the status of their appli-
cation by simply watching the dots change colors. Thus developers who use
Plush no longer need to spend a significant portion of their time writing
monitoring scripts and babysitting executions running on a distributed set
of machines in order to keep their applications running.
The final task that Plush completes is to clean up the resources that host the
application so that they are left in a usable state for future applications or fu-
ture phases of execution. The cleanup procedure ensures that all processes
exit cleanly, removing any unnecessary files and returning the state of each
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 35
resource to what it was before the execution began. In general, this proce-
dure may run at any time during the application’s execution, although in
most applications it is typically only run between phases or at the comple-
tion of the execution. When the controller receives messages from all clients
indicating that the execution has ended (or receives input from the develop-
er indicating that the execution should be aborted), the controller instructs
the clients to kill any remaining processes associated with the application.
After killing all processes, the clients also remove any unnecessary files
that were created as a result of the execution. Once all clients complete the
clean up actions, the controller instructs the clients either to continue with
the next phase of execution or to disconnect from the Plush communication
tree and stop the client process.
Performance Evaluation
To demonstrate how well Plush recovers from failures in a wide-area net-
worked environment, Figure 4 evaluates Plush’s ability to detect host fail-
ures and subsequently to find and configure replacement resources for
SWORD running across PlanetLab. SWORD is a wide-area resource discov-
ery service that requires each host to download and install a 38-MB software
package before starting the execution. PlanetLab is a distributed execution
environment consisting of 800+ resources spread across 40+ countries. In
this experiment, Plush starts SWORD on 100 randomly selected PlanetLab
machines, including some machines behind DSL network links. After 1250
seconds, we manually kill SWORD on 20 of the initial 100 machines to sim-
ulate host failures. The Plush clients independently notify the controller of
the failures, and the controller locates and configures replacement resources
for the ones that failed. The SWORD service is fully restored across 100 ma-
chines 1000 seconds later.
Using Plush to manage this application allowed us to avoid writing a custom
script that probed for and recovered from host failures. Particularly for long-
running services such as SWORD, developers need automated mechanisms
for monitoring the behavior of the execution and coping with problems that
arise. It is unrealistic to expect the developer of a service to constantly mon-
itor its performance, but at the same time, a service must quickly and auto-
matically recover from failures since other developers may rely on the func-
tions that it provides. When using Plush, clients running on the PlanetLab
resources monitor the service’s performance at all times and automatically
recover from failures. More details about this experiment are discussed in
the paper by Albrecht et al. [1].
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How Do I Use Plush?
Plush is an open-source, publicly available software package that can be ob-
tained from the Plush Web page [8]. Plush is implemented in C++, and it
runs on most UNIX-based platforms. It depends on several C++ libraries, in-
cluding those provided by xmlrpc-c, curl, xml2, zlib, math, openssl, read-
line, curses, boost, and pthreads. In addition, the command-line user inter-
face requires packages for lex and yacc. (We typically use flex and bison.) If
you intend to use Plush on PlanetLab, the controller uses several simple Perl
scripts for interacting with the PlanetLab Central database. The only re-
quirement related to network connectivity is that the Plush controller must
be able to SSH to all remote resources.
Nebula is also publicly available. Nebula is implemented in Java and runs on
any platform that supports Java, including most UNIX-based platforms,
Windows, and Mac OS X, among others. Nebula communicates with the
Plush controller using the XML-RPC programmatic interface. XML-RPC is
implemented in Nebula using the Apache XML-RPC client and server pack-
ages. One additional benefit of using Nebula is that because it communi-
cates with the Plush controller solely via XML-RPC, it is not necessary to
run Nebula and the Plush controller on the same machine. If Nebula and
Plush run on separate machines, after starting Nebula locally, developers
have the option, using the Nebula preference menu, of specifying a Plush
controller process running remotely.
Plush is currently in daily use worldwide. We have used Plush to successful-
ly manage a variety of distributed applications, ranging from long-running
services to short-lived, multi-phased computations. These applications were
run in several different resource environments, including PlanetLab, Model-
Net [9], and clusters of Xen [3] virtual machines. Although user feedback
thus far has been largely positive, our goal is to make Nebula and Plush as
user-friendly as possible, so we welcome all comments, suggestions, and
feedback. If you would like further information, please visit our Web site
(, and feel free to contact any of the authors if
you have additional questions.
[1] J. Albrecht, R. Braud, D. Dao, N. Topilski, C. Tuttle, A.C. Snoeren, and
A. Vahdat, “Remote Control: Distributed Application Configuration, Man-
agement, and Visualization with Plush,” Proceedings of the USENIX Large In-
stallation System Administration Conference (LISA), 2007.
[2] J. Albrecht, C. Tuttle, A.C. Snoeren, and A. Vahdat, “Loose Synchroniza-
tion for Large-Scale Networked Systems,” Proceedings of the USENIX Annual
Technical Conference (USENIX), 2006.
[3] P. Barham, B. Dragovic, K. Fraser, S. Hand, T. Harris, A. Ho,
R. Neugebauer, I. Pratt, and A. Warfield, “Xen and the Art of Virtualization,”
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Operating System Principles (SOSP),
[4] A. Bavier, M. Bowman, B. Chun, D. Culler, S. Karlin, S. Muir,
L. Peterson, T. Roscoe, T. Spalink, and M. Wawrzoniak, “Operating Systems
Support for Planetary-Scale Network Services,” Proceedings of the
ACM/USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
(NSDI), 2004.
[5] D. Irwin, J. Chase, L. Grit, A. Yumerefendi, D. Becker, and K. G. Yocum,
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 37
“Sharing Networked Resources with Brokered Leases,” Proceedings of the
USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX), 2006.
[6] M. McNett, D. Gupta, A. Vahdat, and G.M. Voelker, “Usher: An Extensi-
ble Framework for Managing Clusters of Virtual Machines,” Proceedings of
the USENIX Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA),
[7] D. Oppenheimer, J. Albrecht, D. Patterson, and A. Vahdat, “Design and
Implementation Tradeoffs for Wide-Area Resource Discovery,” Proceedings of
the IEEE Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC),
[8] Plush Web page:
[9] A. Vahdat, K. Yocum, K. Walsh, P. Mahadevan, D. Kosti´c J. Chase, and
D. Becker, “Scalability and Accuracy in a Large-Scale Network Emulator,”
Proceedings of the ACM/USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and
Implementation (OSDI), 2002.
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an introduction to
logical domains
Octave Orgeron is a Solaris Systems Engineer and an
OpenSolaris Community Leader. Currently working in
the financial services industry, he also has experience
in the e-commerce, Web hosting, marketing services,
and IT technology markets. He specializes in virtual-
ization, provisioning, grid computing, and high avail-
;login:, I walked you through the installation
and configuration of the Logical Domain
(LDom) technology. In this article, I’ll talk
about advanced topics concerning configu-
ration networking and storage. The discus-
sion here will give you a deeper understand-
ing of the two most challenging resources
to administer with LDoms.
Is It a Guest Domain?
When one is remotely logged in, it is difficult to
determine whether the environment is in a guest
domain. The Solaris operating system will behave
and function like a normal standalone server. The
most obvious place to see the difference is in the
device tree:
Notice how short the device tree is and that many
of the devices are under the “/virtual-devices@100”
nexus. All of the networking and storage devices
are virtualized, a clear indicator that the system
you are logged into is a guest domain. Beyond
these hardware subtleties, it is difficult for a user or
developer to tell the difference. However, from an
administrative point of view, networking and stor-
age are critical aspects of any environment.
Advanced Networking
Networking with LDoms can be complicated, de-
pending on the goals you wish to accomplish. As
such, it is important to have a clear understanding
of what is possible where networking is concerned.
ldom1:~ $ cat /etc/path_to_inst
# Caution! This file contains critical kernel state
“/iscsi” 0 “iscsi”
“/pseudo” 0 “pseudo”
“/scsi_vhci” 0 “scsi_vhci”
“/options” 0 “options”
“/virtual-devices@100” 0 “vnex”
“/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200” 0 “cnex”
“/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@0” 0 “vnet”
“/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/network@1” 1 “vnet”
“/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@0” 0 “vdc”
“/virtual-devices@100/channel-devices@200/disk@1” 1 “vdc”
“/virtual-devices@100/console@1” 0 “qcn”
“/virtual-devices@100/ncp@6” 0 “ncp”
“/virtual-devices@100/random-number-generator@e” 0 “n2rng”
“/virtual-devices@100/n2cp@7” 0 “n2cp”
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 39
Virtual switches, or VSWs, are virtual devices that provide the functions of a
basic layer 2 network switch and packet demultiplexer. The VSW enables
network communications between guest domains on the same VSW and the
external network to which the VSW is connected. For internal traffic, the
VSW classifies incoming packets based on the target VNET MAC address
and switches the packets to the destination VNET device. For external traffic,
it acts like a forwarding agent between VNET interfaces and external clients.
The MAC address of a VSW or a VNET can be automatically assigned or
specified during creation. Normally, the automatic assignment of MAC ad-
dresses should not cause conflicts with other MAC addresses on your net-
works. However, if a conflict does arise, you can specify the MAC address.
This can also be handy if you are going to use DHCP for assigning IPs or
have a specific application requirement. For example:
This may also be useful if you want the MAC address for a VSW to be the
same as the physical network port to which it is connected:
By default, when a VSW is created, the primary domain is incapable of com-
municating directly with the guest domains on that VSW. For the primary
domain to be able to communicate with the guest domains directly, it must
be connected to the VSW. This can be done by either plumbing the VSW in
addition to the physical network device or only plumbing the VSW. The sec-
ond option consumes fewer IPs and can prevent confusion:
This plumbing enables the primary domain to communicate directly with
the guest domains that are connected to the VSW without having to trans-
verse the physical network. However, this can expose your primary domain
to insecure networks. The primary domain should be protected from public
access because of its importance. If the primary domain does not need to be
connected to the same network your guest domains are on, the underlying
physical network device or VSW can be left unplumbed.
VSWs can also be configured for private networking. Such private networks
can be useful for configuring communications only among LDoms. This is
accomplished by not specifying a physical network device to bind with the
primary:~ # ldm add-vsw primary-vsw4 primary
primary:~ # ldm list-bindings primary
primary-vsw3 00:14:4f:96:f6:75 e1000g3 switch@ 3 prog,promisc
primary~ # ifconfig e1000g0
e1000g0: flags=201000802<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:96:f6:72
primary:~ # ldm add-vsw mac-addr=0:14:4f:96:f6:72 net-dev=e1000g0 primary-vsw0 primary
primary:~ # ifconfig e1000g0 down unplumb
primary:~ # mv /etc/hostname.e1000g0 /etc/hostname.vsw0
primary:~ # svcadm restart network/physical
primary:~ # ifconfig vsw0
vsw0: flags=201000802<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
ether 0:14:4f:96:f6:72
40 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
primary:~ # ldm add-vsw mac-addr=8:20:4f:ab:cd:ef net-dev=e1000g6 primary-vsw6 primary
primary:~ # ldm add-vnet mac-addr=00:14:4f:f9:c6:96 ldom1-vnet2 primary-vsw6 ldom1
primary:~ # ldm add-vsw primary-vsw4 primary
primary:~ # ldm list-bindings primary
primary-vsw3 00:14:4f:96:f6:75 e1000g3 switch@3 prog,promisc
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 40
primary-vsw4 00:14:4f:f8:d4:a6 switch@4 routed
Notice the differences between these VSWs. When a physical network de-
vice is specified, the VSW is enabled with layer 2 switching with the under-
lying hardware in programmed and promiscuous mode. If a physical net-
work device is not specified, the VSW is enabled with layer 3 IP routing in
nonpromiscuous mode.
If a physical network port were to go offline, this could potentially cause a
major outage for your guest domains. One of the ways you can reduce the
risks of such an outage is to configure IPMP (IP Multi-Pathing), thereby en-
abling multiple network paths to handle the fail-over of IPs in the event of a
NIC or connection failure. IPMP also load-balances outgoing traffic. The
easiest option is to configure it within the guest domain. This is accom-
plished by configuring at least two VNETs into a guest domain that are con-
nected to separate VSWs on the same physical network, then configuring
IPMP with IP-probe-based error detection in the guest domain:
IP-based probing configures the interfaces to ping each other to determine a
failure. This determination is required with guest domains because the link
status information from the physical network devices is not propagated up
through the VSWs. Although such a procedure will provide IP fail-over for
your guest domain, it does consume additional IPs for each guest domain
you configure with IPMP. Other methods are discussed in the LDom admin-
istrator guide [1].
Networking features such as bridging, VLAN tagging, and link aggregation
are not yet supported with LDoms. However, they are being worked on in
the OpenSolaris community [2].
Advanced Storage
As was demonstrated in the previous article, storage can be virtualized in in-
teresting ways to support LDoms. The difficult part is figuring out which
storage option to use. The chart in Table 1 can be used as a quick reference.
primary:~ # ldm add-vnet ldom1-vnet0 primary-vsw0 ldom1
primary:~ # ldm add-vnet ldom1-vnet1 primary-vsw2 ldom1
ldom1:~ # cat /etc/hostname.vnet0 broadcast + group net1 -failover deprecated up
addif ldom1/24 broadcast + up
ldom1:~ # cat /etc/hostname.vnet1 broadcast + group net1 -failover deprecated up
ldom1:~ # ifconfig -a
NOFAILOVER,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
groupname net1
ether 0:14:4f:fb:49:89
vnet0:1: flags=201000843<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST,IPv4,CoS> mtu 1500 index 2
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
CoS> mtu 1500 index 3
inet netmask ffffff00 broadcast
groupname net1
ether 0:14:4f:fb:f3:12
primary-vsw4 00:14:4f:f8:d4:a6 switch@4 routed
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 41
* Currently, only works with Solaris Express Build 75 and higher.
DASD, SAN, iSCSI, virtual disk images, ZFS volumes, and SVM meta-de-
vices can be virtualized as either boot or data storage for guest domains.
Let’s start out and take a look at DASD:
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c3t2d0s2 ldom4-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c3t3d0s2 ldom4-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom4-vdsk0 ldom4-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom4
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom4-vdsk1 ldom4-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom4
ldom4:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
1. c0d1 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
DASD storage is simple and consumes little overhead. However, you are lim-
ited by the amount that can be installed internally or attached externally to
your server. In the event of a system failure, that storage would have to be
manually migrated to a standby server.
SAN storage has many benefits, including performance, reliability, and
portability among servers. Solaris 10 and above include support for SAN
connectivity. Although third-party drivers and FC HBAs may work on stand-
alone servers, they may not work with LDoms. This is also true with SAN
multi-pathing software. STMS (a.k.a. MPXIO) should be utilized. STMS can
only be utilized in a service domain that has direct access to the FC HBAs,
such as the primary domain. The SAN infrastructure and multi-pathing are
completely transparent to guest domains. This situation will change in the
future when FC HBAs can be virtualized using NPIV, which provides guest
domains with a virtualized FC HBA instance [3]. Here is an example of vir-
tualizing SAN storage:
Virtualized for Non-Virtualized
Storage Option Jumpstart Guest Domains for Guest Domains
DASD Yes Yes No
SAN Yes Yes No
iSCSI Yes Yes Yes
ZFS volumes Yes* Yes Yes
SVM meta-devices Yes* Yes Yes
Virtual disk images Yes Yes No
NAS No No Yes
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c6t60060160B5681200B2CE5AD37981DB11d0s2 ldom5-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/sc6t60060160B5681200B3CE5AD37981DB11d02 ldom5-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom5-vdsk0 ldom5-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom5
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom5-vdsk1 ldom5-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom5
ldom5:~ # format
0. c0d0 <DGC-RAID5-0219 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 64 sec 10>
1. c0d1 <DGC-RAID5-0219 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 64 sec 10>
42 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c3t2d0s2 ldom4-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c3t3d0s2 ldom4-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom4-vdsk0 ldom4-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom4
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom4-vdsk1 ldom4-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom4
ldom4:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
1. c0d1 <SUN72G cyl 14087 alt 2 hd 24 sec 424>
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 42
iSCSI has some interesting advantages over SAN storage owing to its low en-
try costs and the ubiquity of Ethernet. Combined with dedicated network-
ing or 10Gb Ethernet, it can be a viable solution for virtualization. iSCSI tar-
gets can be virtualized for guest domain storage and they can be used direct-
ly by guest domains. However, OpenBoot does not support iSCSI, so neither
standalone servers nor guest domains can boot directly from it at this point.
Hopefully, this will change in the future.
For iSCSI to be utilized as boot storage for a guest domain, it must first be
Guest domains can also make use of iSCSI for additional storage directly:
ZFS and SVM can be used to create volumes or meta-devices that can be vir-
tualized for LDoms, allowing a very granular level of control over how stor-
age is utilized. These volumes will appear as local disks in a guest domain.
However, in Solaris 10 these volumes are crippled in the sense that they are
not virtualized as whole disks and are presented with only slice 0. This pre-
vents them from being utilized for Jumpstart or for booting. Luckily, this has
already been fixed in OpenSolaris as of build 75 and will be back-ported to
Solaris 10 at some point in the future. Here is a demonstration of how ZFS
volumes can be utilized with LDoms:
primary:~ # iscsiadm list target
Alias: storage/ldom3-vdsk0
ISID: 4000002a0000
Connections: 1
Alias: storage/ldom3-vdsk1
ISID: 4000002a0000
Connections: 1
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t01000003BA16E64B00002A004747D0F9d0s2 ldom3-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/dsk/c2t01000003BA16E64B00002A004747D0FBd0s2 ldom3-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom3-vdsk0 ldom3-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom3
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom3-vdsk1 ldom3-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom3
ldom3:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 4 sec 160>
1. c0d1 <SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 4 sec 160>
ldom1:~ # iscsiadm list target
Alias: storage/ldom1-vdsk2
ISID: 4000002a0000
Connections: 1
ldom1:~ # format
2. c1t01000003BA16E64B00002A004747B609d0 <SUN-SOLARIS-1 cyl 32766 alt 2 hd 4 sec 80>
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 43
Virtual disk images provide a wide range of flexibility as they can be stored
on DASD, SAN, iSCSI, and NAS. When combined with the use of advanced
file systems, such as ZFS, LDoms can be quickly replicated and provisioned.
Here is a demonstration of this type of flexibility:
primary :~ # ldm list-bindings primary | grep ldom1 | grep img
primary-vds0 ldom1-vdsk0 /ldoms/local/ldom1/ldom1-vdsk0.img
ldom1-vdsk1 /ldoms/local/ldom1/ldom1-vdsk1.img
primary :~ # zfs list /ldoms/local/ldom1
ldoms/ldom1 25.0G 72.0G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom1
primary :~ # ldm list ldom1
ldom1 ctive -n—- 5000 4 4G 0.2% 16h 11m
As we can see, ldom1 is using virtual disk images that are on a ZFS file sys-
tem. We can utilize ldom1 as a template for future LDoms by logging into it
to perform a sys-unconfig to remove the host configuration and bring ldom1
to a halt. Then we can take a ZFS snapshot and clone:
primary :~ # ldm list ldom1
ldom1 bound ——- 5000 4 4G
primary :~ # zfs snapshot ldoms/ldom1@copy1
primary :~ # zfs clone ldoms/ldom1@copy1 ldoms/ldom6
primary :~ # zfs set mountpoint=/ldoms/local/ldom6 ldoms/ldom6
primary :~ # zfs list ldoms/ldom6
ldoms/ldom6 16K 72.0G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom6
primary:~ # ls /ldoms/local/ldom6
ldom1-vdsk0.img ldom1-vdsk1.img ldom1-vdsk2.img
The ZFS snapshot is a point in time copy that does not use any additional
space. When we take a ZFS clone, only the data that is changed will con-
sume space. Now let’s rename the virtual disk images and add them to our
new LDom:
primary:~ # zfs create -V 10gb ldoms/ldom2-vdsk0
primary:~ # zfs create -V 10gb ldoms/ldom2-vdsk1
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/ldom2-vdsk0 ldom2-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /dev/zvol/dsk/ldoms/ldom2-vdsk1 ldom2-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom2-vdsk0 ldom2-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom2
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom2-vdsk1 ldom2-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom2
ldom2:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
1. c0d1 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
primary :/ldoms/local/ldom6 # mv primary 1-vdsk0.img ldom6-vdsk0.img
primary :/ldoms/local/ldom6 # mv primary 1-vdsk1.img ldom6-vdsk1.img
primary :~ # ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/local/ldom6/ldom6-vdsk0.img ldom6-vdsk0@primary-vds0
44 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
primary :~ # ldm list-bindings primary | grep ldom1 | grep img
primary-vds0 ldom1-vdsk0 /ldoms/local/ldom1/ldom1-vdsk0.img
ldom1-vdsk1 /ldoms/local/ldom1/ldom1-vdsk1.img
primary :~ # zfs list /ldoms/local/ldom1
ldoms/ldom1 25.0G 72.0G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom1
primary :~ # ldm list ldom1
ldom1 active -n—- 5000 4 4G 0.2% 16h 11m
primary :~ # ldm list ldom1
ldom1 bound ——- 5000 4 4G
primary :~ # zfs snapshot ldoms/ldom1@copy1
primary :~ # zfs clone ldoms/ldom1@copy1 ldoms/ldom6
primary :~ # zfs set mountpoint=/ldoms/local/ldom6 ldoms/ldom6
primary :~ # zfs list ldoms/ldom6
ldoms/ldom6 16K 72.0G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom6
primary:~ # ls /ldoms/local/ldom6
ldom1-vdsk0.img ldom1-vdsk1.img ldom1-vdsk2.img
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 44
primary :~ # ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/local/ldom6/ldom6-vdsk1.img ldom6-
primary :~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom6-vdsk0 ldom6-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom6
primary :~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom6-vdsk1 ldom6-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom6
primary :~ # ldm bind ldom6
primary :~ # ldm start ldom6
LDom ldom6 started
primary :~ # ldm list ldom6
ldom6 active-t —- 5003 4 2G 25% 25s
Once we connect to the console for ldom6 and boot it, we can configure it
for usage by following the standard host configuration screens. Once that is
completed, we can start using ldom6:
ldom6:~ # uname -a
SunOS ldom6 5.11 snv_75 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120
ldom6:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
1. c0d1 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
primary:~ # zfs list ldoms/ldom6
ldoms/ldom6 382M 71.7G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom6
primary:~ # du -sh /ldoms/local/ldom6
25G /ldoms/local/ldom6
Notice that our cloned LDom is actually only using about 382 MB of space
in the ZFS storage pool. Using this method can save considerable amounts
of storage for each LDom. Since virtual disk images are just sparse files, they
can be easily migrated among different storage types and even burned to
DVD disks for portability.
NAS storage cannot be used for Jumpstart, but it can be utilized for storing
virtual disk images. This enables NAS storage to consolidate virtual disk im-
ages for LDoms and make them easily accessible for a farm of LDom-capable
servers. Here’s how:
primary:~ # df -h /ldoms/nas/ldom7
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
92G 11G 82G 12% /ldoms/nas/ldom7
primary:~ # mkfile 10g /ldoms/nas/ldom7/ldom7-vdsk0.img
primary:~ # mkfile 10g /ldoms/nas/ldom7/ldom7-vdsk1.img
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/nas/ldom7/ldom7-vdsk0.img ldom7-vdsk0@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/nas/ldom7/ldom7-vdsk1.img ldom7-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom7-vdsk0 ldom7-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom7
primary:~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom7-vdsk1 ldom7-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom7
ldom7:~ # format
primary :~ # ldm add-vdsdev /ldoms/local/ldom6/ldom6-vdsk1.img ldom6-vdsk1@primary-vds0
primary :~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom6-vdsk0 ldom6-vdsk0@primary-vds0 ldom6
primary :~ # ldm add-vdisk ldom6-vdsk1 ldom6-vdsk1@primary-vds0 ldom6
primary :~ # ldm bind ldom6
primary :~ # ldm start ldom6
LDom ldom6 started
primary :~ # ldm list ldom6
ldom6 active t—- 5003 4 2G 25% 25s
ldom6:~ # uname -a
SunOS ldom6 5.11 snv_75 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5120
ldom6:~ # format
0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
1. c0d1 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
primary:~ # zfs list ldoms/ldom6
ldoms/ldom6 382M 71.7G 25.0G /ldoms/local/ldom6
primary:~ # du -sh /ldoms/local/ldom6
25G /ldoms/local/ldom6
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 45
0. c0d0 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
1. c0d1 <SUN-DiskImage-10GB cyl 34950 alt 2 hd 1 sec 600>
Within a guest domain, NAS storage can be accessed via standard NFS and
can be utilized for sharing common storage such as home directories, appli-
cation binaries, and application data.
One of the things you may have noticed is that all of the storage examples
shown here are configured with at least two virtual disks for each guest do-
main. This is because the virtualized boot disks for the guest domains are
mirrored. The mirroring is handled by SVM and in the future ZFS. This in-
creases the reliability of your guest domains and enables features such as
Live Upgrade, which is used for Solaris release upgrades.
ldom1:~ # metastat -p
d20 -m /dev/md/rdsk/d21 /dev/md/rdsk/d22 1
d21 1 1 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s1
d22 1 1 /dev/rdsk/c0d1s1
d10 -m /dev/md/rdsk/d11 /dev/md/rdsk/d12 1
d11 1 1 /dev/rdsk/c0d0s0
d12 1 1 /dev/rdsk/c0d1s0
ldom1:~ # df -h /
Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on
/dev/md/dsk/d10 7.9G 4.5G 3.3G 58% /
ldom1:~ # swap -l
swapfile dev swaplo blocks free
/dev/md/dsk/d20 85,5 16 2097584 2097584
The mirroring of the virtual boot disks in a guest domain is only the begin-
ning. SVM and ZFS can be utilized to manage any additional storage that is
virtualized into a guest domain or connected through other means such as
iSCSI, enabling a wide range of configurations and possibilities for manag-
ing storage.
There are some key things to keep in mind with LDoms and storage:
Virtualized storage cannot be shared among guest domains. This can
prevent certain storage applications, such as clustered file systems,
from functioning.
When storage is virtualized, low-level SCSI system calls are not imple-
mented. This can affect certain third-party volume managers or appli-
cations that expect such low-level access to SCSI targets.
Using SVM or ZFS in the service domain for managing guest domain
storage can increase the I/O overhead. As such, at least 4 GB of memo-
ry should be allocated to your primary domain.
Backups should be performed from your guest domains. If you have a
guest domain that is using virtual disk images, it should be shut down
before being backed up. This will prevent the backups of the images
files from being “fuzzy.”
This article has demonstrated many of the advanced networking and storage
configurations. This background should enable you to make informed deci-
sions when configuring LDoms in conjunction with your networking and
46 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 46
storage infrastructures. In the next article, I will demonstrate other ad-
vanced topics that center around hardware design, resource management,
and manageability.
[1] LDoms Administration Guide 1.0:
[2] OpenSolaris LDoms Community:
[3] OpenSolaris NPIV Project:
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48 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
insecurities in
designing XML
Aditya K Sood, a.k.a. 0kn0ck, is an independent securi-
ty researcher and founder of SecNiche Security, a se-
curity research arena. He is a regular speaker at con-
ferences such as XCON, OWASP, and CERT-IN. His other
projects include Mlabs, CERA, and TrioSec.
gy is on high heels nowadays, but potential
insecurities have been encountered be-
cause of insecure programming practices.
This article discusses the weak spots in the
coding of XML signatures and related opera-
tions. The procedural approach involves in-
line cryptography to combat application
vulnerabilities. Stress is placed on secure
coding practices.
This article encompasses the practical problems in
designing XML signatures through the use of APIs.
XML signatures are used to provide security to data
of any kind, whether XML or binary. The confiden-
tiality, integrity, and authenticity of the message
have to be preserved when designing a SOAP re-
quest for communication. XML API functionality
is very versatile but at the same time protection
measures have to be included to prevent loss of
data. Verification of data on the client end becomes
a formidable task, owing to the persistence of er-
rors, leading to failure of the post-verification sign-
ing process. The prerequisites will be listed and
discussed from the application point of view to
thwart Web-based errors in XML signing of mes-
XML Digital Signatures
The digital signing of messages has become an effi-
cient security measure. XML signatures are being
used extensively to initiate a realm of security. The
implementation is done through Apache structural
libraries or XML digital signature APIs. However,
using digital signatures is not devoid of implemen-
tation problems. This article serves to dissect the
process of implementation of XML API.
XML security is considered an intermediate pro -
cess in designing Java security components. As
such, the element of security is implemented be-
fore interaction with an application. The major
component is XWSS, which stands for XML Web
Service Security. This component functions direct-
ly with the Apache XML security provider.
To understand XWSS, let’s look first at the XML
security stack.
The APIs are standardized under JSR 105. The two
pluggable components present are the Apache
XML Security Provider and the SUN Java Cryptog-
raphy Architecture (JCA) Provider. Both compo-
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 48
nents interface directly with the JCA component. The JSR 105 standard is
implemented through the Apache XML Security Provider, which ensures
proper interaction with the XWSS component. So, overall a message is
signed with an XML signature before an application receives it. The use of
XML APIs is an effective method for protecting data integrity. The cryptog-
raphy architecture followed is elucidated in Figure 1. The practical imple-
mentation is made possible through the design of cryptographic libraries
imported during the time of execution.
Let’s have a look at the XML signature packages:
The java.xml.crypto package contains classes that are used directly in
the implementation of design and generation and encryption of mes-
sages through the digital XML signature.
The java.xml.crypto.dsig package comprises interfacial components
that describe the cryptographic-related W3C specifications. It is used
in signing and validation of digital signatures.
The javax.xml.crypto.dsig.keyinfo package constitutes interfaces to
various key structures that are defined in the W3C XML digital signa-
ture recommendation.
The javax.xml.crypto.dsig.spec package contains classes for input pa-
rameters such as digests and keys.
The javax.xml.crypto.dom and javax.xml.crypto.dsig.dom packages
contain DOM-related classes.
The presentation of these various packages is initiated to trigger the JAVA
Cryptography Architecture. The XML signature structures are implemented
by the various interfaces provided by these crypto packages. For example,
the Key-related interfaces Keyinfo, KeyName, KeyValue, and PGPData are
defined on the basis of the W3C recommendations. Developers basically
generate abstract factories such as XMLSignatureFactory or KeyInfoFactory
based on the interfaces provided by these crypto packages. Developers also
create their own URI dereferencing implementation based on the URI deref-
erence class.
Secure coding is a precursor to secure implementation. Improper handling
and implementation can marginalize the entire structure of Web applica-
tions. These implementation problems are described next.
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 49
Let’s have a look at the XML signature layout (see Fig. 2).
The example in Figure 2 clearly depicts the implementation structure of an
XML signature. It comprises a Keyinfo structure, which further incorporates
the KeyValue. The full structure is placed into an envelope for transmission
across the entities for secure communication. The XML signature specifica-
tions are based on the W3C recommendations and are applied directly on
defined benchmarks. The benchmarks here refer to the standard specifica-
tion provided by the W3C for effective structural design of XML documents
and related applications. It actually provides a hierarchical implementation
of XML objects. Also present is the signed info structure, which holds the
desired information bearing the signature. It is implemented in a canonical
form, in which a reference element is called by a URI. The value of the URI
is always undertaken as a string. If the string is empty or NULL, then the
root of the document is defined by that URI.
With this introduction to XML digital signatures, we can now dissect the
implementation problems that cause discrepancies in communication.
Parsing Anatomy in Instantiating a Signature
The very first problem occurs in developing the instantiation of an XML dig-
ital signature. Parsing is actually undertaken by a JAXP builder library. Usu-
ally the builder library is present in a default state to be used independently.
The developer can make a mistake in parsing an XML signature instance ob-
ject through the predefined builder library. The proper implementation hier-
archy is shown in Figure 3.The benchmark of standard XML implementa-
tion seen in Figure 3 is a basic procedure for designing an XML signature.
First a signature instance object is created, then the Name space is set. Once
this is done the builder library is called to parse the created object. Let’s have
a look at the code:
50 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = builder.parse(new FileInputStream(argv[0]));
The code is stated in the hierarchy provided in Figure 3. The flaw occurs
mainly in setting NameSpaceAware true and in argument-passing in parsing
through file-streaming. File-streaming is a process in which file-handling
functions are dynamically used based on the variance of input. Because
argv[0], the value of the input parameter changes when different numbers
of arguments are passed. If the proper argument is not passed, the instantia-
tion of the XML signature goes awry, because it affects the signature stats. So
parsing must be taken into account to hinder any further passing of errors
in the signature. If the instantiation is not done properly, it can cause strin-
gent errors in the application of the signature. Thus developers should be
careful in accomplishing this task.
Signature Specification Error Checks
Once the object is instantiated, the next step is to specify a signature, which
then has to be validated. The major problem occurs when the error checks
are not implemented properly, and consequently wrong elements are not fil-
tered and get passed as such. For example, in the absence of a string check,
an application error occurs whenever a null string or large string is passed.
During signature specification the error checks have to be executed by the
developers to ensure that security is not constrained. Overlooked errors
have the potential to throw the entire application into disarray. Let’s look at
the code for a better view:
NodeList nl = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS(XMLSignature.XMLNS, “Signature”);
if (nl.getLength() == 0) { throw new Exception(“Cannot find Signature element”);}
As you see, handling errors during object implementation mutes their im-
KeySelector Problem in the Validation Context
The validation context states that the context in which an XML signature in-
stance is validated by passing input parameters. For instance, if a developer
is using a DOM (Document Object Model), the developer has to instantiate
a DOM validation context instance. The problem occurs mainly in passing
the reference parameters to the generated validation context. In this a Key -
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 51
Selector KeyValue and a reference to a signature element are passed. The
coding flaw occurs in passing the KeySelector pair and elements. This ham-
pers the process of validation and leads to false references.
The following code represents the implementation of KeyValue and KeySe-
lector structures:
Actually, KeySelector tries to find a suitable key for the validation of data.
The Key is stored in KeyValue. So a wrapper class is designed for applying
this. Remember, to subdue the impact of KeySelector problems, KeySelector
exceptions should be implemented with desired checks. The context is im-
plemented as follows:
Developers should take this into account in developing robust signatures.
Mismanagement in Assembling XML Signature Components
Once different components are designed and articulated with code, they
must be assembled into a singular object. This assembly is required because
the application of a signature is possible only after the completion of the
centralized object (i.e., XML signature object). As stated earlier, the applica-
tion calls DOM to get the handle of the required XML signature, which is
possible through the XMLSignatureFactory object. Three steps must be
completed prior to the implementation:
Signing the URI of an object
Specifying the digest method
Transforming the enveloped layout
Whenever an application calls a specific code related to XML signatures
from the server, a URI is required to complete the action. The URI describes
the root of the element. If a mismatch occurs in passing arguments, informa-
tion can be leveraged, because the infection vector is randomized and it can
direct the execution vector in any sphere of application.
The envelope transformation causes the signature to be removed prior to the
calculation of the signature value. Insecurity occurs in passing arguments.
In this example, no specific object is supplied but a null string is subjected
as an argument and the transformation object is set directly. This is bad pro-
gramming practice in the context of signature designing. Look at this code
DOMValidateContext valContext = new DOMValidateContext (new KeyValueKeySelector(), nl.item(0));
private static class KeyValueKeySelector extends KeySelector {
public KeySelectorResult select(KeyInfo keyInfo, KeySelector.Purpose purpose, AlgorithmMethod
method,XMLCryptoContext context) throws KeySelectorException {
if (keyInfo == null) { throw new KeySelectorException(“Null KeyInfo object!”); }
SignatureMethod sm = (SignatureMethod) method;
List list = keyInfo.getContent();
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
XMLStructure xmlStructure = (XMLStructure) list.get(i); if (xmlStructure instanceof KeyValue) {
PublicKey pk = null; try { pk = ((KeyValue)xmlStructure).getPublicKey(); } catch (KeyException ke) {
throw new KeySelectorException(ke); }
// make sure algorithm is compatible with method
if (algEquals(sm.getAlgorithm(), pk.getAlgorithm())) { return new SimpleKeySelectorResult(pk); } } }
throw new KeySelectorException(“No KeyValue element found!”); }
static boolean algEquals(String algURI, String algName) {
if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase(“DSA”) && algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1)) {
return true; } else if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase(“RSA”) &&
algURI.equalsIgnoreCase(SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1)) { return true; } else { return false;} } }
52 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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Reference ref = fac.newReference
(“”, fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null),
Collections.singletonList (fac.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED,
(TransformParameterSpec) null)), null, null);
References should be applied with caution; the wrong reference points to
the wrong application entity, thereby creating considerable inefficiency. The
SignedInfo object should be created carefully with argument fusing. The
problem here is that the first parameter in the reference is supplied as [“ ”],
but it should be supplied with some proper argument or NULL (pointing to
no memory). Reference parameters should be supplied in a correct manner
with standard objects, as follows:
Reference ref = fac.newReference(“#object”,
fac.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null));
Once the SignedInfo object is created, key generation comes next. The keys
should be handled and generated in a standard manner in the context of the
specific application:
KeyInfoFactory kif = fac.getKeyInfoFactory(); KeyInfo object:
KeyValue kv = kif.newKeyValue(kp.getPublic());
KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(kv));
XMLSignature signature = fac.newXMLSignature(si, ki);
Strict vigilance is required for assembling XML signature components. The
issues presented here cover some of the major problems related to XML sig-
nature designing.
Application security requires a well-planned and security-oriented coding
layout to work efficiently. Dethroning insecure vectors requires secure cod-
ing practices. Application functionality can be jeopardized by the absence of
even one of these factors. Protection should be applied through effective
mechanisms or by adopting a security development life cycle when design-
ing applications. Secure coding is considered to be a good proactive defense
in combating application flaws.
[1] M. Bartel, J. Boyer, B. Fox, B. LaMacchia, and E. Simon, “XML-Signature
Syntax and Processing,” in W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Con-
sortium, 12 February 2002, D. Eastlake, J. Reagle, and D. Solo, editors:
[2] T. Imamura, B. Dillaway, and E. Simon, “XML Encryption Syntax and
Processing,” in W3C Recommendation, World Wide Web Consortium, 10
December 2002, D. Eastlake and J. Reagle, editors:
[3] D. Eastlake and K. Niles, Secure XML: The New Syntax for Signatures and
Encryption (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002).
[4] J. Rosenberg and D. Remy, Securing Web Services with WS-Security: De-
mystifying WS-Security, WS-Policy, SAML, XML Signature and XML Encryp-
tion (Indianapolis: Sams, 2004).
SignedInfo si = fac.newSignedInfo (fac.newCanonicalizationMethod (CanonicalizationMethod.
INCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS, (C14NMethodParameterSpec) null),
fac.newSignatureMethod(SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1, null), Collections.singletonList(ref));
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 53
54 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
practical Perl tools:
why I live at the P.O.
David N. Blank-Edelman is the Director of Technology
at the Northeastern University College of Computer
and Information Science and the author of the
O’Reilly book Perl for System Administration. He has
spent the last 22+ years as a system/network admin-
istrator in large multi-platform environments, in-
cluding Brandeis University, Cambridge Technology
Group, and the MIT Media Laboratory. He was the
program chair of the LISA ’05 conference and one of
the LISA ’06 Invited Talks co-chairs.
[email protected]
deceased Southern writer and a nod to her
fan Steve Dorner, I’d like to take some time
this issue to explore how Perl can help you
with the business of manipulating data
that resides on mail servers. Sending mail
from Perl is a fairly well-known process
(heck, it is even in the Perl FAQ; see perldoc
perlfaq9 for more details), but the process of
pulling data down from a server or moving
it around on that server could use a little
more explanation.
(Quick aside: I intentionally used the formulation
“data on mail servers” instead of mailboxes or mail
messages in that last paragraph. The AUP-breaking
hacks that let you treat outsourced mail systems
like Gmail as remote data stores have forever
changed my view of just what is or can be stored
on those servers. I’ll return to the usual conven-
tions now.)
Before we dive into the how of this process, I think
it is reasonable for you to demand a good answer to
the why. There are a whole host of reasons why you
might want to automate mail operations like this
via Perl. Some of these reasons are immediately ap-
parent if you run the mail server in question. For
example, to truly test that your mail system is
working it is important to be able to check that
your users can actually read their mail. I’ve pub-
licly advocated that people write round-trip tests
for mail systems that involve sending automatic
mail to a test account that is then retrieved in a
similarly automated fashion. This is far better than
just a simple banner scrape to show your MTA is
still listening on a socket.
If you don’t run any mail servers you are still likely
to encounter situations where automated mail-ma-
nipulation knowledge could be useful. For exam-
ple, if your ISP does not perform spam filtering to
your satisfaction, you could pull down all of the
mail in your inbox, run it through whatever rigor-
ous tests suit your fancy (no doubt involving some
goat entrails) and then act on the messages before
they can sully your mail reader. If that ISP can’t do
server-side filtering, your program could take over
that job as well. The list goes on.
POP3 Goes the Weasel
Let’s start someplace simple. The POP3 protocol,
documented in RFC1939, offers a relatively un-
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complicated way for a client to interact with a mail store. In most cases a
POP3 client will:
1. Connect to a POP3 server and authenticate as a known user (known
as a mailbox).
2. See if there is new mail.
3. Request the contents of the first new message and squirrel it away on
the local machine.
4. Request that the server delete that message.
5. Repeat #3 and #4 for every remaining new message.
6. Signal that it is done with the connection and exit (with the server
performing the actual deletion of data for the messages marked as
deleted in step #4).
This set of six steps shows virtually all of the operations available in the pro-
tocol. The only two things of interest we did not mention are how “new
messages” are handled and the TOP command. Let’s quickly hit those two
subjects in that order.
If a client always deletes all of the messages once it has downloaded them,
it is trivial to determine when a message is new and requires downloading:
Anything found in the mail store is by definition “new.” But it isn’t always
advantageous to delete upon reading. The most common case where this is-
n’t desirable is one where a user wants to have two separate POP3 clients
looking at the same mailstore (e.g., your home machine and your work ma-
chine). One of them simply downloads the mail; the other will both down-
load and delete it.
The client that doesn’t delete the mail needs a way of remembering which
messages it has seen before so it doesn’t download them a second time. This
is typically done using the POP3 UIDL command. UIDL asks the server to
display a “unique-id listing” for a message or for each message on the server.
This gives the client a piece of information that uniquely identifies each
message on the server, which it can cache for future reference when decid-
ing which messages to download. UIDL is officially “optional” in the RFC,
but I have yet to see a modern POP3 server that didn’t implement it.
I know that you are about to suffer from the DTs because you haven’t seen
any Perl code yet in this column, but hang on for a couple of more sentences
because I want to mention one more POP3 feature I think will come in
handy for you. POP3 also has an optional TOP command that allows the
client to request the headers of a message followed by the first N lines of a
message. This allows a client to get a peek at the contents of a message with-
out having to download the whole thing.
Phew. With that verbiage out of the way, let’s get to some code:
use Mail::POP3Client;
my $pop3 = new Mail::POP3Client(
USER => ‘user’,
PASSWORD => ‘secretsquirrel’,
HOST => ‘’,
USESSL => ‘true’,
die ‘Connection failed: ‘ . $pop3->Message() . “\n”
if $pop3->Count() == -1;
print ‘Number of messages in this mailbox: ‘ . $pop3->Count() . “\n\n”;
print “The first message looks like this: \n” . $pop3->Retrieve(1) . “\n”;
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This code uses the Mail::POP3Client module to connect to the POP3 server
(over SSL, natch), retrieve the number of messages present, and then display
the first message. There are a few POP3-oriented modules available on
CPAN (the other popular one being Net::POP3), but I tend to like this one
because the methods it provides mostly map directly to the commands in
the protocol. If I had one quibble it would probably be that “mostly” part be-
cause I’d prefer it to offer methods I can infer from the RFC (even as an op-
tion) rather than making up its own. For example, it provides Retrieve(),
also known as HeadAndBody(), whereas RFC calls that RETR.
Still, you can probably guess how you could extend this code to do more so-
phisticated things. Delete(message #) can be called to mark a message for
deletion. Uidl() is available to you, returning an array whose contents contain
the “unique-id listing” for each message or messages sought. TOP is even
present in the form of a Head() method, and so on. Both the Head() and
HeadAndBody() methods will return either a scalar or an array based on their
calling context, so it is easy to get a mail header or message in the form de-
sired by packages such as Mail::SpamAssassin.
IMAP and You Never Go Back
I don’t want to dwell on POP3 any longer, because we have some more inter-
esting fish to fry. The other protocol people use for interacting with their
mail data is IMAP4. IMAP4 is a significantly more powerful (read: complex)
protocol. Its basic model is different from that of POP3. With POP3 it is as-
sumed that the POP3 client polls the POP3 server and downloads mail peri-
odically. With IMAP4 a client connects to a server for the duration of the
mail reading session. (Warning: There is a little hand-waving here, because
of something known as disconnected mode, which we’ll talk about in a sec.)
With POP3 the client is expected to do all of the heavy lifting in the process.
With IMAP4 the discussion between the server and the client is much richer
and so the protocol has to be considerably smarter. Smarter how?
1. IMAP4 can deal with multiple mail folders and their contents
(including other folders). RFC3501 says, “IMAP4rev1 includes
operations for creating, deleting, and renaming mailboxes, checking
for new messages, permanently removing messages, setting and
clearing flags, RFC 2822 and RFC 2045 parsing, searching, and
selective fetching of message attributes, texts, and portions thereof.”
2. IMAP4 has support for disconnected clients. In disconnected mode a
client can operate on a local cache of a mailbox even when not
connected to its server. Later the client will play the changes back to
the server to bring the local cache and the server’s copy into sync. This
is what allows you to sit on a plane without network access, deleting
and filing mail, later to have those changes be propagated to the server
when you get back on the Net.
3. IMAP4 has a much more granular understanding of an individual mail
message. POP3 lets us grab a mail message’s headers or headers plus N
of the first lines of the message body. IMAP4 lets us say, “Give me the
part of the message body that includes the message text but don’t send
me the data for the embedded attachments.” It does this by grokking
MIME natively.
4. Since this isn’t a user-visible thing, you never hear about this last
feature in POP3 vs. IMAP4 comparisons. If you watched the
discussion between a POP3 client and server (actually, most client-
server discussions), it would look like this: command from client,
reply from server, command, reply, command, reply . . .
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With IMAP4, the client can send a slew of commands at one time and
have the server send responses to any of those commands anytime in
the session. The two don’t have to communicate in lockstep with each
other. Each command is prefixed with a unique tag that the server will
repeat back at the beginning of the response for that command. This
lets both sides keep track of what has been asked and what is being
Note that your code doesn’t have to be written in a highly asynchro-
nous manner using this capability (and in fact the examples in this
column won’t be), but it is good to know it exists if you do need to
write high-performance IMAP4 code.
I just want to mention up front that given the complexity of the protocol,
working with IMAP4 isn’t always as intuitive as you’d like. Unfortunately,
we don’t have enough room in this column to look at all of the little squirrel-
ly bits, so I’m going to constrain myself to very simple examples. If you start
to write your own programs you must read the relevant RFCs (RFC2060 at a
minimum, RFC2683 suggested) plus the documentation for whatever Perl
module you choose to use.
For the sample code we’re about to see, I’ll be using my current preferred
IMAP module, Mail::IMAPClient. This is the same module that forms the
basis of the superb imapsync program (
imapsync/dist/), a great tool for migrating data from one IMAP4 server to
another. In addition to the vote of confidence because of imapsync, I like
this module because it is mostly complete when it comes to features while
still offering the ability to send raw IMAP4 commands should it become
necessary. The other module that I would consider looking at is
Mail::IMAPTalk by the primary developer behind Even though
it hasn’t been updated in a few years, the author assures me that the current
release still works well and is in active use there.
So let’s dig into some IMAP4 code. As an example we’ll use some code that
connects to a user’s mailbox, finds everything that was previously labeled as
spam, and moves those messages to a SPAM folder. We’ll start with connect-
ing to the IMAP server:
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use Mail::IMAPClient;
my $s = IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerAddr =>’’,
PeerPort => ‘993’,
Proto => ‘tcp’);
die $@ unless defined $s;
my $m = Mail::IMAPClient->new(User => ‘user’, Socket=>$s,
Password => ‘topsecret’);
This code is a little more verbose than I’d like, but I thought it was impor-
tant to demonstrate how one uses an SSL connection to connect to the
server. Mail::IMAPClient doesn’t have SSL built in in the same way
Mail::POP3Client does, so we had to construct an SSL-protected socket by
hand and pass it to Mail::IMAPClient.
Once connected, the first thing one typically does is tell the server which
folder to operate on. In this case we’ll select the user’s INBOX:
Now that we have a folder selected, it’s time to get to work. Let’s find all of
the messages in our INBOX that have the X-Spam-Flag header set to YES:
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my @spammsgs = $m->search(qw(HEADER X-Spam-Flag YES));
die $@ if $@;
Now that I have a list of messages in @spammsgs, I can move each one over
to the folder named SPAM:
foreach my $msg (@spammsgs){
die $m->LastError unless defined $m->move(‘SPAM’,$msg);
Once we’ve moved all messages we can close the mailbox and log out of the
$m->close(); # expunges currently selected folder
There’s a hidden detail in the first of these two lines of code that I feel com-
pelled to mention. You might remember from the POP3 discussion that we
talked about messages being “marked as deleted.” The same tombstoning
process takes place here as well. Deletes are always a two-step process in
IMAP4 (flag as \Deleted and expunge messages marked with that flag).
When we requested that a message be moved, the server copied the message
to the new folder and marked the message in the source folder as being
deleted. Ordinarily you would need to expunge() the source folder to actual-
ly remove the message, but RFC2060 says that a CLOSE operation on a fold-
er explicitly expunges that folder, so we get away without having to do it
I’d like to show only one more small IMAP4 example because there’s still
one last major topic left to cover in this column after IMAP4. I mentioned
that IMAP can take apart messages (specifically, into their component MIME
parts). Here’s some code that demonstrates it. In the interests of saving
space, I’ll leave out the code from the last example that performed the initial
SSL socket/connect to server and INBOX select:
my @digests = $m->search(qw(SUBJECT digest));
foreach my $msg (@digests) {
my $struct = $m->get_bodystructure($msg);
next unless defined $struct;
# messages in a mailbox get assigned both a sequence number and
# a unique identifier. By default Mail::IMAPClient works with UIDs
print “Message with UID $msg (Content-type: “,$struct->bodytype,”/”,
“) has this structure:\n\t”,
join(“\n\t”,$struct->parts) ,”\n\n”;
This code searches for all of the messages whose subject has the word “di-
gest” in it. For each message it attempts to parse the structure of the mes-
sage and print out a list of parts it finds. Here’s a small snippet of output you
might expect from the code:
Message with UID 2457 (Content-type: TEXT/PLAIN) has this structure:
Message with UID 29691 (Content-type: MULTIPART/MIXED) has this structure:
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If we needed to access just one of the parts of the message we can call body-
with the message number and part number. For example:
print $m->bodypart_string(29691,’4’);
prints out the footer of the message with UID 29691:
Perl-Win32-Database mailing list
To unsubscribe:
Mail::IMAPClient uses the Parse::RecDescent module to take apart MIME
messages. I find that it works most of the time but has some issues with cer-
tain messages. If you are doing a lot of MIME groveling you may find that
you’ll either want to call a dedicated MIME parser or look at the module
Mail::IMAPTalk mentioned earlier, which has the ability to parse messages
into easy Perl structures. If we used Mail::IMAPTalk to fetch the body struc-
ture of that message and turned on its spiffy parse mode, here’s an excerpt of
what we would see stored for the footer part of the message:
3 HASH(0x85bf38)
‘Content-Description’ => ‘Digest Footer’
‘Content-Disposition’ => HASH(0x85d9cc)
empty hash
‘Content-ID’ => undef
‘Content-Language’ => undef
‘Content-MD5’ => undef
‘Content-Transfer-Encoding’ => ‘7BIT’
‘Content-Type’ => HASH(0x85d0f8)
‘charset’ => ‘us-ascii’
‘IMAP-Partnum’ => 4
‘Lines’ => 4
‘MIME-Subtype’ => ‘plain’
‘MIME-TxtType’ => ‘text/plain’
‘MIME-Type’ => ‘text’
‘Remainder’ => ARRAY(0x856528)
0 undef
‘Size’ => 193
Make All the Hairy and Scary Code Go Away
There remains one last thing to mention: If all of this gnarly POP3 and
IMAP4 code has you worried, there are a few modules out there that attempt
to abstract out the details necessary for dealing with mail on a POP3 or
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IMAP4 server. For example, the Email::Folder family (part of the Perl Email
Project, at lets you write code like
this (from the doc):
use Email::Folder;
use Email::FolderType::Net;
my $folder = Email::Folder->new(‘imaps://’); # read INBOX
print $_->header(‘Subject’) for $folder->messages;
The other package worth considering is the all-singing-all-dancing MailBox.
Here’s what the author says: “The MailBox package is a suite of classes for
accessing and managing email folders in a folder-independent manner. This
package is an alternative to the Mail::Folder and MIME::* packages. It ab-
stracts the details of messages, message storage, and message threads, while
providing better performance than older mail packages. It is meant to pro-
vide an object-oriented toolset for all kinds of e-mail applications, under
which Mail User Agents (MUA) and mail filtering programs [sic].”
MailBox is a highly engineered package with tons of functionality (which
may be a good or a bad thing in your eyes). It ships with enough module
tests to choke a horse (which is likely to be a good thing from your manage-
ment’s perspective). MailBox actually uses Mail::IMAPClient under the hood
to do its IMAP4 work, but you’ll never know it because it abstracts all of the
IMAP4 details away for you.
With that pointer, it is time to exit. Have fun manipulating your mail data
from Perl. Take care, and I’ll see you next time.
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Pete’s all things
Sun (PATS):
the future of Sun
Peter Baer Galvin ( is the
Chief Technologist for Corporate Technologies, a pre-
mier systems integrator and VAR (
Before that, Peter was the systems manager for
Brown University’s Computer Science Department.
He has written articles and columns for many publi-
cations and is coauthor of the Operating Systems Con-
cepts and Applied Operating Systems Concepts text-
books. As a consultant and trainer, Peter teaches tuto-
rials and gives talks on security and system
administration worldwide.
in ;login:. Thanks are owed to USENIX for giv-
ing me the opportunity to write about All
Things Sun in this lovely journal. I previous-
ly wrote a column for Sys Admin magazine
(, may it rest in
peace. Before that I wrote for SunWorld, may
it also rest in peace. Hopefully this tragic cy-
cle will be broken at ;login:! If you’ve seen
my previous writings, you’ll know I like to
cover the gamut of topics around Sun, So-
laris, and sometimes more general informa-
tion technology issues. Experience is the
best teacher, and the best source of topics
to write about, so I’ll draw on my work and
play experiences to try to save the reader’s
time (and sometimes money)—pointing
out the good, the bad, and the ugly of all
things Sun. Feedback is always welcome, so
feel free to let me know what you think
about the column and/or suggest topics to
write about.
This month I thought it would be nice to cover
something near and dear to those who use or are
thinking about using Sun products: the future of
The Future of Sun
History is full of inflection points. And only history
can tell the long-term results of those inflections.
Consider Sun a few years ago. If one were to create
a checklist of vendors and their advantages and
features, there were many rows in which Sun
lacked the all-important checkmark. Solaris 9 was
a strong Sun asset, but it ran only on SPARC. Sun
made only SPARC systems, and SPARC was not the
best choice in many circumstances. Sun was seem-
ingly “closed” and “proprietary.” This fact was not
lost on IT managers, who were consistently choos-
ing other solutions to their post-dot-com boom in-
Fast forward to the Sun of today and ones sees that
the company has certainly closed the “checkmark
gap.” One inflection point was the open sourcing
of Solaris (and many other Sun software assets). Of
course, as with most things Sun does, that move
was not without controversy. Sun chose to create a
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new license—the CDDL—rather than use an existing one. Another inflec-
tion was the release of Solaris 10, arguably the most advanced and feature-
rich operating system in history. A third was the purchase of Andy Bechtol-
sheim’s company Kealia. Andy, when he is not being a world-class venture
capitalist [1], is designing world-class x86 systems for Sun.
In November 2007 Sun inflected again. This time the area was Solaris,
specifically OpenSolaris. OpenSolaris has been the tagline for the open
sourcing of Solaris. And although there are several OpenSolaris distribu-
tions, there was no official “OpenSolaris distribution.” Project Indiana,
headed by former Debian founder Ian Murdock, has morphed into “the”
OpenSolaris distribution. The OpenSolaris distribution is a brave, new Sun.
For one thing, it is not 100% backward-compatible with Solaris 10. Sun
prides itself on the backward compatibility of its operating systems. (In fact
it was rumored to be a firing offense for a Sun engineer to break that com-
patibility.) But when ZFS is the root file system, and a new package system is
the cornerstone of a distribution, backward compatibility apparently has to
go. By combining those two aspects, OpenSolaris is able to have a liveCD
format to “try before you install” (and also can be booted from a USB stick!).
It also becomes more, well, Linux-like in its ease of adding new software
packages from the network and having those packages manage themselves
(with versioning, seamless upgrades, and dependency management).
Eggs are clearly being broken, but whether the result is an omelet or some-
thing far less tasty won’t be known for a while. A preview release (with very
limited functionality) of OpenSolaris (a.k.a. Project Indiana) was made
available in November and is expected to be production-ready in a few
months. You can find it on the OpenSolaris Web site [2]. Just what “produc-
tion-ready” means is a bit of an open issue, but Sun is saying that it will sup-
port OpenSolaris for those with support contracts. A crucial question for
Sun (and its customers) is how ISVs will respond to the new release. Appli-
cations make or break a distribution. Where does that leave Solaris and its
next releases? Clearly those will continue for quite a while, but one version
of future history has those tapering off and OpenSolaris continuing as, for
all intents and purposes, the Solaris. This preview release is one view of the
OpenSolaris future. There is considerable internal and external debate about
it, so before it sees production there could be more radical changes (and less
backward compatibility) or a rollback on some features to create more com-
patibility. The problem statement of Project Indiana is also available from
the OpenSolaris Web site [3].
In the meantime, Sun engineers continue to do work on new operating sys-
tem components and continue checking them in (performing a “putback”)
at Those projects are then cherry-picked for inclusion in
Solaris releases as well as use in other distributions. There are many interest-
ing and useful changes taking place. These are worth tracking, and trying in
OpenSolaris, because they can be tested for stability and functionality well
before you need to plan their use in production. Some of the most interest-
ing projects include:
CIFS: including CIFS as a kernel-level server
Caiman: a redo of the Solaris installer
Clearview, which unifies the feature set provided by network devices
Crossbow: deep network virtualization for resource control, perfor -
mance, and security
DTrace providers, which enable DTrace to probe more languages and
system aspects such as NFS V4
ZFS on-disk encryption
ZFS boot-ability
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The full list and access points to each project’s Web pages and discussion
groups are online [4].
Perhaps the most major recent putback was the inclusion of
the “xvm” project. This project is based on the Xensource virtualization
code. Once this project is ripe, Solaris will be the “Dom0,” or host, operat-
ing system and Solaris will support many “DomU” guests, including Win-
dows, Linux, BSD, Solaris x86, and pretty much anything that runs on x86
hardware. This feature will only work on x86 hardware (of course), so a new
inflection will be Solaris x86 having different features from Solaris SPARC.
Solaris SPARC on UltraSPARC T1 and T2 CPUs has its own hypervisor-like
virtualization called LDoms (covered in the August and October 2007 issues
of ;login:). Add to that the CPU-independent Solaris Containers and there is
a wealth (overabundance?) of virtualization choices for Sun, which would
be a good topic for a future column.
The OpenSolaris Web site [5] is a great portal into Sun. The discussion fo-
rums there are lively and populated by interested users and Sun employees.
Sun frequently seeks feedback there about how a specific feature should
work, and about the relative priorities of specific features. Gone are the days
when Sun was a black box, emitting an occasional product, with users com-
plaining that Sun didn’t listen. At least Sun is now listening (and, even more
important, discussing). How this evinces itself in products is an open sub-
ject, but clearly progress is being made. Of course the OpenSolaris source
code is available there as well, along with some source code tours. The ZFS
tour is a thing of beauty, as is the DTrace source code itself.
Not all code is available on before it ships. Recently Sun cre-
ated the “Solaris 8 Migration Assistant” (S8MA, née project Etude) and
launched it as a production-ready unbundled package without (yet) putting
it on By the way, S8MA is a very interesting solution to the
problem of having lots of Solaris 8 (on SPARC) systems and not wanting to
do a full migration of the applications to Solaris 10. S8MA will do a physi-
cal-to-virtual capture of a Solaris 8 system and install it in a special Solaris
8–compatible container on Solaris 10. Several Solaris 8 environments could
fit on modern Solaris 10 hardware, allowing consolidation as well as reduc-
ing rack space and power and cooling needs as those Solaris 8 systems are
retired. Those Solaris 8 applications can continue running in that S8MA
container until the end of life of Solaris 8 or until you make the move to run
them natively on Solaris 10. As this is a new feature, my recommendation is
to test it thoroughly and then plan on deploying old development and QA
environments on it before attempting production conversions.
Another project that has my attention is “xvm ops center.” This project
ships in early 2008 and appears to be (yet another) attempt by Sun to create
a Solaris administration and provisioning tool. The project is supposed to be
released under the GPLv3 license, which gives it a much higher likelihood
of success than previous closed-source attempts.
The Future of Sun, Revisited
Certainly, this is not your Mama’s Sun. Solaris and OpenSolaris (both the
distribution and the Web site) are welcome changes from the old slower-
moving Sun. Signs of the revitalization of Sun are everywhere. Take, for ex-
ample, the inclusion of Solaris components in other operating systems. My
other favorite operating system, Mac OS X Leopard, includes DTrace, read-
only ZFS, and other components from OpenSolaris. Of course Mac OS X is
built on FreeBSD, which also has those features.
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Another sign of the times is that Solaris is being installed and supported by
Sun competitors. As of December 2007, HP, IBM, and Dell allow the pur-
chase and preinstallation of Solaris on some of their systems. Dell has gone
from one end of the spectrum to the other, offering both Solaris and the
OpenSolaris distribution (once it is available, presumably!) preinstalled and
supported on all of their blades and rack-mount servers. Who knows where
this is all heading, but can OpenSolaris on Dell’s desktops and laptops be far
behind? (See the eWEEK article [6].)
Many IT managers don’t yet seem to realize that Sun makes x86 systems
(both AMD and Intel) that are certified for Red Hat, SUSE, and VMware.
Unfortunately, Sun has not yet announced the inclusion of the VMware
“ESX Lite” firmware in its systems, somewhat limiting them as a VMware
choice. ESX Lite is a new feature as well, so Sun may include it as it ripens.
The most stunning change in Sun moving from “the SPARC/Solaris Compa-
ny” to “a tier-1 multi-OS systems provider” was the recent deal with Mi-
crosoft. Sun is now a Microsoft Windows OEM, allowing Sun to preinstall
and provide support for Windows on all of its x86 systems.
It used to be easy to fill in vendor-feature checklists and cross Sun off IT
vendor lists. Those days appear to be gone, with Solaris and OpenSolaris ex-
panding their feature sets and platforms, and Sun’s platforms supporting
more and more operating systems. The future of Sun seems brighter than it
has been since the good ol’ dot-com days. (It was difficult to avoid quoting
Timbuk3 here, but I managed, and you are welcome.)
Next Time
There are certainly many interesting Sun topics to cover here in the future.
In the next issue security will come to the fore. There’s a new security sheriff
in town—and it’s publishing security standards documents for many operat-
ing systems, complete with scripts to test the level of security on a system
compared to the standard. Such efforts should be applauded, but how does
it work in the real world? Tune in to PATS to find out.
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permission to parse
David Josephsen is the author of Building a
Monitoring Infrastructure with Nagios (Pren-
tice Hall PTR, 2007) and Senior Systems Engi-
neer at DBG, Inc., where he maintains a gag-
gle of geographically dispersed server farms.
He won LISA ’04’s Best Paper award for his co-
authored work on spam mitigation, and he
donates his spare time to the SourceMage
GNU Linux Project.
is an adversarial relationship among the
services we provide, the emergent security
controls we put in place to protect them,
and our monitoring tools? It works like this:
We install a service—a Linux box, for exam-
ple—and then we want to monitor it, so we
use a monitoring system with ICMP echo re-
quests (we ping it). Then, like clockwork,
along comes portknocking, a clever bit of se-
curity-related trickery to muck things up.
I once had a friend whose love life worked the
same way. He’d get a good thing going, and then
along would come his French ex-girlfriend to mess
things all up. He knew it was coming. He could see
it a mile away, but she was just so cute and clever
that he couldn’t ever resist (and this too he knew).
He even had a name for it. He called it a “malheur à
trois” (doom triangle). Eventually he moved to
Arkansas (a state, I’m told, that’s like kryptonite to
the French).
You and I both know that we can’t resist port-
knocking no matter what state we run to (it’s that
cool), which is why we use flexible monitoring sys-
tems. We need to be able to work around things
such as security-related trickery from time to time.
And if it can happen to ping, it can happen to pret-
ty much any service we run, so I thought it would
make an interesting subject for a monitoring article
or twelve. But rather than bore you with ICMP, I’d
rather cover something a bit more complex and
practically useful.
If HTTP loses the monitoring popularity contest to
ICMP, it’s not by much. And being a stateless proto-
col, with oodles of strange and intricate authenti-
cation mechanisms, it’s an ideal candidate for us to
take a look at. As a bonus, HTTP follows the mal-
heur à trois pattern perfectly. Long ago we made a
bunch of simple Web sites, for which we created a
bunch of simple monitoring tools, and then along
came single sign-on and Web services.
The safest way to make sure a Web site is function-
al is to request the page and parse it for some text.
This accounts for pretty much everything that
could go wrong, including application server trou-
ble and even a malfunctioning database back end.
But nowadays everyone is using form-based au-
thentication, session cookies, and magically encod-
ed URLs to handle Web site security. It’s not
enough that our tools support basic auth anymore,
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 65
they need to act like real users, filling out forms, making multiple requests,
and maintaining application state.
In this article I’ll show you how to use a personal Web proxy to dissect typi-
cal modern HTTP authentication. Then I’ll get you started scripting the
monitoring of your Web apps with good-ol’ wget. The general idea is to cap-
ture a valid authentication session with your Web site, and then extract and
replay the key elements. In short, you’ll perform a man-in-the-middle attack
followed by a replay attack (and without ever removing your white hat).
To play along at home, you’ll need to get a Web proxy, but not a proxy in the
squid sense. You’ll need a special-purpose proxy that will show you the con-
tent of the HTTP requests and replies between you and the site you want to
monitor. Several of these exist, and I’m not particularly fond of any of them,
but the one I tend to use the most often is Burp Proxy [1], which is part of a
suite of tools called the Burpsuite. Launch Burpsuite, or the tool of your
choosing, and point your browser at it by configuring your browser to use a
proxy. For specifics on the use of Burp Proxy, check the help file [2].
Most proxies of this type, including Burp Proxy, have something akin to an
“intercept” button. When intercept is “on” the proxy will intercept requests
and prompt you to either allow or deny them. For our purposes, this isn’t
necessary, so I advise you to turn intercept off. With intercept off, all of the
requests are still captured and stored, but you aren’t prompted for anything.
The stored requests are available in the history tab in Burp Proxy.
The Web app security I’m reverse-engineering today is actually in use by a
real publicly facing entity. I simply poked around the various services-based
sites I use on a regular basis for one that had a good mix of authentication-
related stuff. I’ve anonymized the headers in the listings to avert phone con-
versations with angry lawyers. For the purposes of the article, assume that
we need to monitor a shrubbery management app at This
site is part of a larger, landscape-related management services organization,
and as such they use single sign-on at, so you can man-
age shrubbery and a little path running down the middle without having to
log in twice.
HTTP conversations, as I’m sure you’re already aware, are made up of a
header and data section (similar to SMTP conversations). The server and
client can use the headers to talk about things such as the HTTP version
number and supported features. They’ll also use the headers to pass cookies
back and forth. The data section is for, well, data. Obviously, where authen-
tication is concerned most of the interesting stuff is in the header section.
The notable exception is when a form is used to collect the user name and
password. When this happens, we’ll be interested in the POST data from the
client. Generally the client will make a request of the server, to which it re-
ceives a reply. In HTTP, the server can only react to what it is asked for, so
the server uses things such as HTTP redirects to influence the client when it
needs to. Requests take one of two forms: GET requests and POST requests.
POST requests are used for submitting sensitive information such as user
names and passwords.
To keep things simple in the example that follows, I’ve filtered out quite a
bit of extraneous stuff such as requests for graphics and style sheets. I’ve
also summarized a bunch of requests that provided me authentication-relat-
ed cookies, because they weren’t necessarily relevant to our automating
things later. What’s left are four key transactions that we’ll need our moni-
toring script to replay to get things working. My point in telling you this is
that in real life it takes a bit of time to separate the wheat from the chaff. Be
66 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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So let’s get started. I’m intimately familiar with this shrubbery site, as I use it
quite a lot, so I already know that to monitor the page I want, I’m going to
have to fill out a form, and I already know the URL of the authentication
page, but I don’t start my capture there. First I load a public page to see if it
passes me any cookies. Many authentication setups expect you to act like a
human, and when you don’t they’ll redirect you somewhere that suits their
needs. For example, if you show up at an authentication page without cer-
tain cookies, then the authentication code may freak out because it can’t fig-
ure out what you’re asking for permission to see.
Freaking out will probably entail redirecting you back to some public sec-
tion of the site. Automating reactions to this kind of thing can be difficult to
do. Instead, act like a human and go someplace public first the way a human
would. Firing up my proxy and loading the front page, I get the headers in
Listings 1a and 1b. Listing 1a shows a request for the main page of mysite,
and Listing 1b shows the reply. Sure enough, the server immediately hands
me a session cookie. This is a pretty strong indication that our script is going
to need to save and present cookies when we monitor this site in the future.
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Cache-Control: public
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5BC21F0AC321558C088C4D13ADC35F0D;
Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:03:22 GMT
Content-Length: 11086
With the proxy in place, I proceed to make a request for something secure.
For a few moments I’m bounced around to various pages on the site. Each of
these represents some back-end application code that is attempting to deter-
mine who I am and whether I am allowed to view what I’m asking for. Along
the way I pick up several more cookies and get transferred to HTTPS. One of
the cookies is a monster called “s_sess,” which appears to contain very spe-
cific information about what I’m asking to see. Another cookie, “s_pers,”
has some gobbledygook that’s probably associated with who I appear to be
and what level of access I currently possess. Eventually, the application de-
cides that I can’t be trusted and punts me to its parent single sign-on author-
ity, authsite. The header of this last request, the one just before I’m redirect-
ed to authsite, is Listing 2a.
GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060308 Firefox/
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Cache-Control: public
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=5BC21F0AC321558C088C4D13ADC35F0D;
Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-1
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:03:22 GMT
Content-Length: 11086
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 67
As you can see, I’ve presented the various cookies I received in my interaction with
mysite. The reply in Listing 2b is a redirect to the authsite. Before we go, we’re given
a few tracking cookies for good measure. So our monitoring scripts are certainly go-
ing to need to handle cookies if they expect to play well with this shrubbery manage-
ment site. We could use our proxy to withhold some of these cookies, just to see
which of them are actually required by the site and which are just nice to have, but
the safest thing to do would probably be to make sure our script gets all of them. This
appears to be a JSP back end after all, and one never knows what those Java guys are
At authsite, we’re ping-ponged around for a while, picking up more cookies in the
process. Finally, we’re presented with a simple form asking us for our user name and
password. Listing 3a displays the POST header and data that I send to authsite. Our
new cookies are presented to the form processor as well as my user name and pass-
word, which can be seen toward the end of the POST URL. The server responds with
some more cookies and a 302 redirect, as seen in Listing 3b. This redirect is to anoth-
er URL on the authsite, and it appears to be related to requesting SSO-related creden-
tials to access our originally requested shrubbery-related content.
GET /home.jsp?cat=5 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060308 Firefox/
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: JSESSIONID=5BC21F0AC321558C088C4D13ADC35F0D;s_sess=%20s_cc%3Dtrue%3B%20s_sq
%252526ot%25253DA%252526oi%25253D1%3B; s_pers=%20s_dfa%3Dauthsiteprod
HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Set-Cookie: StaticTrackingCookie=dzGTdukyUUTcrTcOGzUd; Expires=Mon, 09-Dec-2075 20:17:50 GMT
Set-Cookie: TrackingCookie=24Od2TmMzzdhvdh8O4z2; Path=/
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:03:42 GMT
POST /myshrubberybbage/logon/us/action?request_type=LogLogonHandler&location=us_logon2 HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060308 Firefox/
Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
68 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 68
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: s_vi=[CS]v1|474464E90000173B-A170C2800002396[CE]; SaneID=; s_sess=
%25253D2%252526ot%25253DIMAGE%3B; s_pers=%20s_dfa%3Dauthsiteprod%7C1195667265665
%3B; s_cc=true
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 337
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:04:06 GMT
Server: IBM_HTTP_Server/ Apache/2.0.47 (Unix) DAV/2
Set-Cookie: shrubberyboxvalue=d9ad1ab0-02271d96-5153a860-770139b1;;Path=/; Secure
Cache-Control: no-cache=“set-cookie,set-cookie2”
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie: shrubberyboxpub=7d38d1a8936edc29f58b2859d260885e;;Expires=
Fri, 13-Nov-2037 17:04:06 GMT;Path=/
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Keep-Alive: timeout=30, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2007 17:04:08 GMT
Server: IBM_HTTP_Server/ Apache/2.0.47 (Unix) DAV/2
Set-Cookie: MR=4;;Expires=Sat, 30-Jul-2039 18:50:49 GMT;Path=/
Cache-Control: no-cache=“set-cookie,set-cookie2”
Expires: Thu, 01 Dec 1994 16:00:00 GMT
Set-Cookie:;Expires=Sat, 30-Jul-2039 18:50:49 GMT;Path=/
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Keep-Alive: timeout=30, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html;charset=ISO8859-1
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 363
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 69
When we follow the redirect, we’re presented with the reply in Listing 4.
This reply links us back to the shrubbery site by way of a Meta Refresh Tag.
The URL in the tag is what I refer to as a “Magic URL.” As you probably al-
ready know, authsite cannot give us a “yeah, he’s good” cookie, since cook-
ies can only be read by the domain that wrote them. Mysite can’t read cook-
ies authsite gave us. Instead, authsite gives us an authentication token in the
URL. The magic URL should be cryptographically verifiable by mysite,
should work only for us, and should be robust against replay attacks by
folks pretending to be us (hence the magic). In practice it is rarely any of
these things.
So how in heck do we automate all of this? In fact, it turns out to be pretty
simple with the old standby, wget. This great piece of software handles cook-
ies (if you tell it to), automatically follows redirects, and generally just does
the right thing. With wget we can get from public site to SSL-enabled, pro-
tected content in three commands:
The key cookie-related options are
—keep-session-cookie, —save-cookies,
—load-cookies. They’re all pretty self-explanatory. The save and load op-
tions take a filename as an argument and save cookies to, or load them from,
the given file. The option —keep-session-cookies is necessary when you’re
dealing with JSP-style session cookies, since they won’t be saved by default.
The first two commands use
—delete-after to get rid of the file once it’s
downloaded, since we’re not really interested in parsing any but the final
content for errors. The last command uses —post-data to post the data we
captured in Listing 3a. Once the data is posted, wget will automatically fol-
low the redirects and meta-refresh, providing and saving cookies as neces-
sary, finally providing a file called parseme.html. This file is the content we
originally wanted, and it may be parsed to discover the state of the site.
This works great, and even lends itself to code reuse if you think ahead a lit-
tle bit. The only caveat is perhaps that, because this particular POST data
contains dates and times, you may have to programmatically generate them
every time you run the script. This is pretty simple to do in any language
you happen to fancy. More complicated authentication schemes may force
<meta http-equiv=“Refresh” content=“1;
wget —no-check-certificate —delete-after —keep-session-cookies \
—save-cookies mmmcookies
wget —no-check-certificate —delete-after -keep-session-cookies \
—save-cookies mmmcookies —load-cookies mmmcookies \
wget —no-check-certificate —keep-session-cookies \
—save-cookies mmmcookies —load-cookies mmmcookies \
-O parseme.html —post-data=‘request_type=authreg_ssologin&
70 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 70
you to parse tidbits out manually in interim steps, but I rarely run into
something that wget doesn’t just handle. If you’re finding yourself doing a
lot of parsing through interim HTML files for this or that, you might want to
have a look at webInject [3]. It’s another great tool which handles most of
the error checking for you and even has a Nagios Plugin mode (but it
doesn’t automatically follow redirects, which is a bit of a drag).
Take it easy.
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 71
72 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
Robert G. Ferrell is an information security geek bid-
ing his time until that genius grant finally comes
employment I have cause to examine
logs from a wide variety of systems. I am
often struck by the utter uselessness of the
so-called error codes displayed in some of
these, inasmuch as no reliable and conven-
ient means seems to exist to match the
cryptic numerics with any functional de-
scription of the problem they purport to
represent. Even when the harried system
administrator does manage to stumble
across a Rosetta Stone for decoding these
mystical glyphs, the explanations are, more
often than not, about as useful as a fork in a
tomato-soup–eating contest. (Note to the
analogy-impaired: thats not very useful.)
RodentSoft Corporation
RatsNest 2007, SP666
Misinformation Base Article #XC4-2347-0099-
System Error Codes.
Code Meaning
100 System error. Or possibly not
222 Switching to toaster-only mode
557 Bad juju
560 Could be a problem
601 Service engine soon
747 CPU not found. How are you reading this?
911 Please exit to the rear
1024 Bad code in some library or other
5555 Oopsie
6767 Sumpin’ ain’t right
8080 Probably time to reboot
9999 Consider getting a typewriter
UNIX isn’t entirely immune from this malady, but
in my experience the issue there, rather than error
codes that don’t tell you anything, is error mes-
sages that give you more information than you
want to know or, at times, are willing to fall for.
One of the driving forces behind this phenomenon
is probably the lemming-like explosion of *nix
variants available for the eager consumer to deploy
and enjoy. Every flavor wants to stand out from the
pack. What better way than rolling your own cus-
tom error codes, available for a limited time only
with two proofs of purchase (some parts may not
exist)? By my conservative estimate there are 2,357
better ways, in point of fact. But they never ask me.
I was digging around in a closet the other day look-
ing for Christmas presents I misplaced during the
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 72
Reagan era when I came across an ancient pizza box containing my SPACK-
LE-1 processor with the 0.8-MHz frontside micro-bus (and a petrified slice
of pepperoni with extra mushrooms). To give you an idea of how old this
computer is, the backplane was made by Sopwith.
Anyway, I decided to fire that puppy up. I broke out the priming fluid and
hand crank and in no time (less than two hours) I was chugging along the
information goat trail. This system, being the relic it is, had a messages log
(which I had to translate on the fly using that was re-
plete with interesting errors, some of which have never before been seen
in civilized society. In pursuit of esoteric knowledge and a modicum of
sanity (I am, if nothing else, ever the optimist), I plumbed the depths of
a file system grown fully hoar and uncovered the antediluvian artifact
/usr/include/sys/errornonono.h, from which I here liberally and unabash -
edly quote:
#define EEEE 900 /* Poltergeist discovered in system */
#define EEOW 901 /* Chassis dropped on foot */
#define E@#*! 902 /* Monitor dropped on same foot */
#define ENUFF 903 /* SMTP flame limit reached */
#define EIEIO 904 /* Barnyard odor detected */
#define EEEW 905 /* Keyboard jammed with old tuna */
#define EH? 906 /* Microphone input not enabled */
#define EBERT 907 /* Streaming video rejected */
#define ENEBRI8 908 /* Unreadable configuration data */
#define EYEEYE 909 /* Talk Like a Pirate Day notification */
#define EGOLD 910 /* Deprecated */
#define ELMER 911 /* Vendor FUD alert */
#define EEHAW 912 /* Extreme overclocking in progress */
#define EMO 913 /* All display colors set to #000000 */
#define EGAD 914 /* Language file needs updating */
#define EZZZT 915 /* Electrical short detected */
#define ENTROP 916 /* File system randomization underway */
#define EGON 917 /* Warning: streams crossed */
#define ESSSS 918 /* Mouse ingested by passing snake */
#define ENDER 919 /* Numerous bugs in system */
#define EGGCESS 920 /* Too many shells installed */
#define EBAY 921 /* Cheap surplus components failure */
#define EZ2C 922 /* Extra large font selected */
#define EARWIG 923 /* Contact exterminator ASAP */
#define ENRON 924 /* Auditing disabled */
Boy howdy, that puts the “head” in “header,” don’t it?
N.B.: Auditing those pesky security logs does not consist of glancing at them
briefly over a cup of double mocha decaf before you get back to Homestar
Runner. You actually have to pay attention to logged events and look them
up ’n’ stuff. Maybe, if the planets are right, you might even want to do some-
thing about them.
This has been a public service announcement by the Council for Clearing
Things Up.
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 73
74 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
toward attributes
USENIX Standards Liaison
being revised at present, and one proposal
the two revision projects have in common is
to include syntax for attributes, a feature
present as an extension in most modern C
and C++ compilers.
Attributes allow the programmer to give additional
hints to the compiler about how to generate code.
They decorate variables, functions, and types. Both
C and C++ have numerous places within their
standards (and an enormous number, when one
considers currently deployed applications) where
attributes would help.
There are of course many ways to invent a syntax
for a new language feature. One way is to invent
new keywords in the language to represent the new
feature. However, this robs from the end-user’s
name space and is generally regarded as a bad thing
to do, unless the keyword uses an already reserved
name space (which, in C, means it has to start with
an underscore). Another alternative is to find some
currently illegal combination of punctuation marks
and make them a legal way of introducing the new
feature. This cannot break existing programs . . .
they wouldn’t have compiled with older compilers.
However, it does make it harder to use the pre-
processor to mimic the new standard on an older
But, as I stated earlier, most modern compilers
have already implemented attributes as an exten-
sion. GCC calls them attributes, whereas Mi-
crosoft’s Visual C++ compiler calls them “declspec”
(and almost every other compiler follows one or
the other of these). In both cases, the existing prac-
tice has been, in fact, to use a new keyword. Both
of them prefix their new keyword with two under-
score characters, to put it into the name space re-
served for the implementation.
Let’s look at a trivial example of using attributes to
decorate a function. I’m sure everyone who pro-
grams in C or C++ has at some time written a func-
tion something like the following:
void fatal(const char *msg)
extern FILE *logfile;
if (logfile) {
fprintf(logfile, “Fatal: %s\n”, msg);
fprintf(stderr, “Fatal: %s\n”, msg);
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 74
This simple function does some cleanup and exits the application on a fatal
error. The function doesn’t return; it calls exit(). There are a couple of things
an optimizing compiler wants to be able to do with a function that doesn’t
return: remove dead code that follows a call to a nonreturning function
and be able to notice that it doesn’t need to worry about return paths follow-
ing such a call. (Ever had that annoying error message “file.c:13: warning:
control reaches end of non-void function”?) A function that doesn’t return
doesn’t need to clean up the stack after itself, either.
Current existing practice in GCC allows you to add an attribute to the func-
tion prototype to indicate this:
__attribute__((noreturn)) void fatal(const char *);
The Microsoft compiler spells it slightly differently, but with the same effect:
__declspec(noreturn) void fatal(const char *);
The two committees, C and C++, are taking a very different approach to
adding attributes.
The C Approach
The C committee wants to follow existing practice as much as possible; it is
therefore looking at the __attribute__((xx)) and __declspec(xx) syntaxes close-
ly. The committee will likely pick one rather than the other, and it may con-
sider cleaning up the name a little. (All those underscores surely do look
ugly!) They could go for new keywords for every attribute (e.g., noreturn)
as a top-level keyword, but that would be very inflexible and hard to extend
(al though there is precedent, since some of the current keywords, such as
register, are really attributes). And remember what I was saying about key-
words: Adding new keywords to the language is always going to be an uphill
battle, as the users’ name space is invaded. The syntax itself, however, is felt
to be less important than the semantics of attributes. The intent of the com-
mittee is to select a common set of attributes that most vendors already sup-
port and to standardize what these attributes actually mean. To allow for
further extension of this, the standardized attributes will have stdc_ prefixed
to their name. The current proposal lists:
stdc_noreturn: Applies to a function, indicating that the function does
not return.
stdc_pure: Applies to a function, indicating that the function has no
side effects and will always return the same result for the same argu-
ments (allowing the optimizer to possibly cache results).
stdc_warn_unused_result: Applies to a function and will cause the com-
piler to issue a warning diagnostic if the result is not used (e.g., mal-
loc() would be an example where this is appropriate).
stdc_nonnull: Applies to a parameter to a function, indicating that the
argument cannot be null.
stdc_unused: Applies to a parameter to a function or to a variable, indi-
cating that this parameter or variable is not used, but only required to
ensure that the function has the correct signature.
stdc_deprecated: Applies to a function, permitting the compiler to
warn if the function is used.
stdc_align: Applies to any variable, indicating the alignment of that
stdc_thread: Applies to any local variable, indicating that there should
be a separate copy of the variable for each thread (GCC has a keyword,
__thread, to do this).
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 75
stdc_packed: Applies to a structure or union, indicating that no
padding should be included, minimizing the amount of memory re-
quired to hold the type. It is also applicable to an enum type, indicat-
ing that the smallest integral type appropriate be used (e.g., a packed
enum with fewer than 256 discrete values should be stored in a char).
Other attributes may yet be added to this list. In particular, the committee
spent considerable time at its most recent meeting discussing the cleanup at-
tribute from GCC, comparing it to the try {} finally {} construct added to Mi-
crosoft’s compiler. A paper on this subject is expected at the next meeting, in
April 2008.
The C++ Approach
The C++ committee, in contrast, loves to invent! If no new keywords are to
be added to the language, why not invent a whole new syntax? Their pro-
posal currently describes the syntax for adding attributes and only a few of
the attributes themselves (noreturn, final, and align). The proposed syntax
adds attributes surrounded by [[...]], after the definition. Currently both
GCC and the Microsoft compiler expect attributes before the thing that they
modify, though GCC can accept them after in some circumstances. So the fa-
example above would become:
void fatal(const char *) [[noreturn]];
This syntax certainly doesn’t suffer from the excess of underscores and gen-
eral ugliness in the existing practice. It is certainly true that, by using the
currently implemented extensions, the syntax can very rapidly get to be so
opaque as to be almost unreadable:
int i __attribute__((unused));
static int __attribute__((weak)) const a5
__attribute__((alias(“__foo”))) __attribute__((unused));
// functions
__attribute__((weak)) __attribute__((unused)) foo()
__attribute__((alias(“__foo”))) __attribute__((unused));
__attribute__((unused)) __attribute__((weak)) int e();
The C++ proposal uses some aspects of the GCC syntax, but it removes
that which the committee deems to be controversial. As stated, instead of
__attribute__, which is long and makes a declaration unreadable, the propos-
al uses [[ ]] as delimiters for an attribute. For a general struct, class, union, or
enum declaration, it will not allow attribute placement in a class head or be-
tween the class keyword, and the type declarator. Also, unlike the GCC at-
tribute and Microsoft declspec, an attribute at the beginning will apply, not
to the declared variable, but to the type declarator. This will have the effect
of losing the GCC attribute’s ability to declare an attribute at the beginning
of a declaration list and have it apply to the entire declaration. The commit-
tee feels that this loss of convenience in favor of clearer understanding is de-
class C [[ attr2 ]] { } [[ attr3 ]] c [[ attr4 ]], d [[ attr5 ]];
attr2 applies to the definition of class C
attr3 applies to type C
attr4 applies to declarator-id c
attr5 applies to declarator-id d
Another aspect of the C++ proposal is to apply attributes to things other
than simply variables, functions, and the like—for instance, to blocks and to
translation units (or files). This aspect of attributes has no real implementa-
76 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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tion experience, although some compilers use the #pragma or _Pragma con-
struct from C for something similar. So, for a global decoration or a basic
statement, you might say:
using [[ attr1]];
to have attr1 apply to the translation unit from this point onward. Similarly,
for a block, one might have:
using [[attr1]] { }
Now attr1 would apply to the block in braces. For a control construct, an
annotation can be added at the beginning:
for [[ attr1 ]] (int i=0; i < num_elem; i++) {process (list_items[i]); }
where attr1 applies to the for control flow statement.
The C++ committee is also nearing the end of their revision process, where-
as the C committee is just starting. If the C++ committee does indeed settle
on the current proposed syntax, they will set new existing practice for the C
committee to follow.
Several people have complained that recent changes to both C and C++ have
led to divergence; neither committee appears to be able to follow the other’s
lead without making similar changes in an incompatible fashion. An exam-
ple of this divergence was the introduction of variadic arguments to func-
tions. C++ uses “...” following the last formal parameter, but in C there must
also be a comma (“, ...”). Indeed, some have noted that the only compatible
extension that both languages have adopted is the // comment construct! So
it will be interesting to see whether the introduction of attributes provides
another place where the two languages diverge or a place where the two
committees can actually work together for a change.
C is, after all, supposed to be a language compatible with C++. Once, C was
a strict subset of C++, though it is no longer. But how far should they di-
verge? How much effort should we spend on maintaining the relationship
between the languages?
I’m personally torn on the best way forward with attributes, in both lan-
guages, and would appreciate feedback.
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book reviews
Carl Albing, JP Vossen, and Cameron Newham
O’Reilly, 2007. 622 pp.
ISBN 978-0-596-52678-8
Bash Cookbook is another strong entry in the well-
known Cookbook series published by O’Reilly Me-
dia. The authors have created a large collection of
examples designed to address common tasks and
problems as well as to educate readers about run-
ning commands and writing shell scripts under
The book consists of a great many relatively short
problem/task-plus-solution discussions (with relat-
ed items loosely gathered into chapters). One of
the strengths of the book is that these examples are
placed in realistic computing contexts, so, e.g., de-
termining the amount of time between two dates is
considered with respect to NTP rather than as a
coding exercise in isolation. The most extensive
examples focus on text processing, simple parsing,
and automating operations on files and directories.
Sound best practices advice is integrated into virtu-
ally every discussion.
My initial assumption was that this book was about
bash shell scripting, based on bash in the title and
familiarity with other works in the series. However,
although items involving bash scripts do comprise
somewhat more than half of the book, it also con-
tains a great deal of information that is neither
bash-specific nor scripting-related. Much of the
book focuses on basic UNIX commands in reason-
able detail (most notably grep, find, sort, and date),
along with related topics such as I/O redirection
and pipes, wildcards and quoting, and search
paths. The various items concerned with scripting
ultimately cover a comprehensive range of relevant
information, including basic script structure, file
I/O, user prompting, arguments and variables, con-
trol structures and functions, script invocation
methods, and security.
Several chapters in this work deserve special men-
tion. The first chapter is an excellent tutorial for
absolute beginners with bash and also includes
useful information such as how to obtain bash for
Windows and a list of Web sites offering free shell
Chapter 12 is the jewel at the center of this work. It
discusses a series of very well-crafted scripts solv-
ing problems of great interest to many people:
copying MP3 files to a player, creating a Web photo
album for a picture directory (a great first example
of generating HTML), and the like. I wish that this
chapter had contained many more examples.
The book also provides a comprehensive yet com-
pact reference appendix to all things bash: invoca-
tion options, prompt strings (including ANSI color
escapes), built-in commands, shell variables, test
command operators, arithmetic, and so on. I’ve
made myself a copy that I keep closer than my
In general, titles in the O’Reilly Cookbook series
seem to reject systematic organization and take a
more exploratory, meandering pathway through
their subjects. This book is no exception. I find
both the ordering of the chapters and the sequenc-
ing of items within chapters very arbitrary. In addi-
tion, subjects that seem to this reader to be closely
related can be separated by hundreds of pages. This
is not surprising, given that the work is designed to
be read in a random-access manner, like an ency-
clopedia. However, this design has the conse-
quence that readers who want to explore certain
topics in detail will find themselves jumping
around in the text quite a bit. Fortunately, the in-
dex is excellent, so finding information is not a
All in all, this is a very useful and well-written
book about running UNIX commands and shell
scripting in the bash shell. It should appeal to three
types of readers. People who have already begun
writing bash shell scripts, perhaps after reading a
more discursive introductory book, will find a
wealth of real-world example fragments and scripts
discussed in detail. People who are looking for so-
lutions to specific problems or techniques to spe-
cific tasks will find many helpful items within the
book. Finally, people who prefer to just jump in
78 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
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and start trying things can use this book to learn
about bash, again as both a command environment
and a scripting language. Such people learn better
from contextual exploration than from more ab-
stract and linear discussions, and this book is per-
fect for them. All of the elements of bash scripting
are included in the book, although the path con-
necting them is far from a straight line.
Steve Souders
O’Reilly, 2007. 168 pp.
ISBN 10: 0-596-52930-9; ISBN 13: 978-0-596-52930-7
The author of this book is the Chief Performance
Yahoo! at Yahoo!. The subtitle holds a hint of the
premise that instead of tuning the back-end sys-
tems for maximum performance from the perspec-
tive of the people developing on or administrating
those machines, we should instead be focusing on
tuning the overall system for maximum perfor -
mance from the perspective of the people using the
system. The author shows that Web site perform-
ance from the user perspective depends much
more on the front-end architecture and on how the
overall Web pages are designed and much less on
the back-end throughput and how fast they can
crank out the HTML. Therefore, by following the
80/20 rule, we should be working on tuning the
front end and not the back end.
The author clearly explains his methodology, list-
ing all the tools he uses in his testing, including the
tools that he developed to help implement his
methodology—with links for everything. In each
of the chapters, the author also provides links to
sample code that he has on the Web that demon-
strates the technique described. Thus, the reader
can see firsthand what he is talking about, and how
the page is sped up by making the change being
highlighted. In all, there are forty-three examples
provided, demonstrating how the overall rule be-
ing discussed in a given chapter affects various dif-
ferent aspects of the Web page.
The book is organized according to fourteen key
steps that can be taken to optimize the front-end
performance of a Web site, in order of importance.
However, on first glance, the particular order of the
rules might not seem to make the most sense. For
example, the reader might think that they should
be looking at using a Content Delivery Network as
one of the last things to optimize their Web site (af-
ter all local optimization has been applied). Never-
theless, by the end of Chapter Two, the reader will
be convinced as to why this is the second rule. The
reader might still choose to consider CDNs after
local optimization, but will at least understand
why CDNs are important.
Some of the chapters are very short (just two or
three pages); others are longer (ten or fifteen
pages). The author doesn’t seem to feel the need to
make any chapter longer than necessary, which re-
sults in a pretty thin book. However, although the
book is packed with information, the presentation
is light and easy to read. There’s a full fourteen-
course meal here, but each plate is as small as it
can reasonably be, and each serving is already cut
up into nice little bite-size chunks. This reviewer
read the whole book on a flight lasting less than
two hours.
The author also deconstructs the top ten Web sites
on the Internet (by volume), including both his
own site and major competitors, as well as some
others the reader might not have otherwise expect-
ed. He is constructive when applying criticism, but
he is also refreshingly honest when the competitors
do well according to his methodology. Most sur-
prisingly, he publicly applies the same type of criti-
cism to his own site, when it does not perform as
well as it could.
Some of the rule names (also used as the chapter ti-
tles) would seem to be obvious, but on further ex-
planation the reader comes to understand the full
scope of the issue at hand and how this affects the
overall user experience and apparent speed of the
Web site. Some of the later rules actually relate to
and reexpress earlier rules, despite their inclusion
in the list. Regardless of some of the apparent obvi-
ous names, most of the useful information is actu-
ally found within the chapters themselves, so there
is little harm in listing the rules:
1. Make fewer HTTP requests.
2. Use a Content Delivery Network.
3. Add a (far-in-the-future) Expires Header.
4. Gzip components.
5. Put stylesheets at the top.
6. Put scripts at the bottom.
7. Avoid CSS expressions.
8. Make Javascript and CSS external
(or internal).
9. Reduce DNS lookups.
10. Minimize (or obfuscate) Javascript.
11. Avoid redirects.
12. Remove duplicate scripts.
13. (Eliminate or) configure Etags.
14. Make Ajax cacheable.
The comments in parentheses are recommended
alterations by this reviewer. Once the reader has
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 79
80 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
completed the chapter in question, the reason for
the alterations should become clear.
The author provides tips and tricks that make it
obvious how some of these things can be done.
For example, sites that have lots of dynamic con-
tent may think they can’t implement rule #3. How-
ever, the author shows that by including the ver-
sion of the object in question within the URL to
the object, the front-end engineer can still add a
far future “Expires:” header and make sure that
the object is cached for as long as possible, while
maintaining the dynamism of the site—all that is
re quired is to switch to a different URL for a differ-
ent version of that object when it gets updated.
In the case of CDNs he not only tells the reader
which ones are the most commonly used and
which ones are “low-cost” alternatives, he also out-
lines free solutions that are available. In addition,
he mentions some external CDN testing services
that can be used to make sure that the reader sees
the global perspective on their site, and not just
the very distorted picture of how it looks from the
high-speed local connectivity the internal workers
have from their workstations sitting right next to
the servers.
The author also provides browser-specific guidance
as to why the reader might want to do certain
things in certain ways as opposed to other alterna-
The one problem with this book is that it is written
from the perspective of a group that has complete
and total control over every aspect of their mega-
site, write their own tools, etc. However, most sites
on the Internet today are likely to be implemented
with Content Management Systems (e.g., Drupal,
Joomla!, Mambo), wikis (e.g., WikiMedia, TWiki,
MoinMoin), or blogging software (e.g., WordPress,
Moveable Type, Bloxsom, LiveJournal), or are host-
ed at commercial blogging sites (e.g., TypePad,
Blogger, LiveJournal, MySpace). Much of the front-
end engineering for sites implemented with tools
such as these will be encoded into the toolkit itself,
and therefore it will be difficult to actually apply
these rules.
This is not the fault of the author, but it would be
very useful if a companion book were to be pro-
duced that took the Yahoo! methodology outlined
and showed the reader how to implement as much
of that as possible within a variety of popular tools.
Since I’m not really a Web developer or administra-
tor myself, I don’t expect to get much more out of
it, so my review copy (already well-thumbed) will
be handed over to the Webmaster at one of the
open-source projects I help support, and I will be
buying several more copies for other Webmasters
and Web developers. I’ve definitely had my per-
spective on this field, and on performance tuning
in general, permanently altered. I only wish some-
one would buy a few thousand copies of this book
and freely distribute them to the key people in the
various communities for Web developers, because
I believe that everyone on the Internet would bene-
fit from a universal application of these concepts.
Amber Schroader and Tyler Cohen
Syngress, 2007. 400 pp.
ISBN 978-1-59749-163-1
If you are looking for a cutting-edge book on the
forensic procedure for Alternate Data Storage
(ADS) devices, this is not the book for you. If you
are looking for an introductory look at how ADS
devices can be examined, this might be the book
for you. Considering the caliber of some of the au-
thors, I have to admit that I was a bit disappointed.
I don’t do forensics every day, but when I do, I pre-
fer to have a more authoritative reference than this
book provides. To be fair, much of my disappoint-
ment stems from the chapter on PDA, Blackberry,
and iPod Forensic Analysis. I have some degree of
experience in this area and was hoping to expand
my horizons, and I was really let down. If you are
interested in Blackberry hacking in particular,
avoid this book altogether: 30 minutes on Google
will give you far more than this chapter.
The other chapters are a bit more solid, but there is
a lot of introductory text that can be found in plen-
ty of other forensics books. I got the impression
that there wasn’t enough PDA/handheld-specific
material to justify a $60 book, so the obligatory
background filler was used to inflate the book to a
final size of approximately 300 pages (not counting
the index).
Now that I have all that negativity out of my sys-
tem, I’d like to focus on the chapters that I did find
informative. The first is Chapter 5, which address-
es email forensics. As email clients become more
and more advanced, extracting the actual data be-
comes more difficult. It’s one thing to grep through
someone’s mutt or pine mailbox, but another thing
entirely to analyze an Outlook PST file. One thing
that did confuse me a bit is that the chapter starts
out by outlining the exchange between a client and
server, but the analysis deals solely with client sys-
tems. I was hoping for some tips on analyzing an
email server, but unfortunately that was not the
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 80
case. The next chapter I liked was Chapter 6, on
router forensics. Again, I thought there was a little
too much introductory material, but I was happy to
see network infrastructure addressed in the book.
The final two chapters deal with CD/DVD and MP3
forensics, respectively. The CD/DVD chapter is par-
ticularly comprehensive, and it should serve as a
great reference. The MP3 chapter is also fairly com-
plete in that it focuses on MP3 players not only as
media devices but also as potential platforms for al-
ternative uses, such as running Linux. Good stuff.
In summary, I would say that this book is a little
too lean for the price tag, as only four of the chap-
ters really piqued my interest. If you have no real
experience in forensics and have a pressing need to
analyze an iPod, this is probably a reasonable book
to pick up. If you have some forensic background
and are interested in nonstandard forensics, I’d rec-
ommend perusing the book at your local bookstore
before actually ordering a copy. If you are an ad-
vanced forensic examiner, I’d wait for the next revi-
sion. I think this book has plenty of potential, but
it just didn’t live up to that potential this time
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Communicate directly with the
USENIX Board of Directors by
writing to [email protected]g.
Michael B. Jones,
Clem Cole,
Alva Couch,
Theodore Ts’o,
Matt Blaze,
Rémy Evard,
Niels Provos,
Margo Seltzer,
Ellie Young,
USENIX Nominating Committee
The USENIX Association is gov-
erned by its Bylaws and by its Board
of Directors. Elections are held
every two years, and all eight Board
members are elected at the same
time. Four of them serve at-large
and four serve as statutory officers:
President, Vice-President, Secretary,
and Treasurer.
Per Article 7.1 of the Bylaws of the
USENIX Association, a Nominating
Committee proposes a slate of board
members for the membership’s con-
sideration. As a practical matter, the
purpose of the Nominating Commit-
tee is to balance continuity and ca-
pability so as to ensure that the in-
coming Board is composed of per-
sons shown by their actions to be
both dedicated to the Association
and prepared to lead it forward.
The USENIX Nominating Commit-
tee is pleased to announce the candi-
dates whom we have nominated for
the upcoming USENIX Board of Di-
rectors election:
President: Clem Cole, Intel
Vice-President: Margo Seltzer, Har-
vard University
Secretary: Alva Couch, Tufts Univer-
Treasurer: Brian Noble, University of
At Large: Matt Blaze, University of
Gerald Carter,
Rémy Evard, Novartis
Niels Provos, Google
We are very pleased that all of these
exceptional individuals have agreed
to devote their time and talents to
serving the USENIX Association and
the advanced computing communi-
Ballots and election materials will be
mailed to all members in February.
82 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
Members of the USENIX Association re-
ceive the following benefits:
FREE SUBSCRIPTION to ;login:, the Associ-
ation’s magazine, published six times
a year, featuring technical articles,
system administration articles, tips
and techniques, practical columns on
such topics as security, Perl, net-
works, and operating systems, book
reviews, and summaries of sessions at
USENIX conferences.
ACCESS TO ;LOGIN: online from October
1997 to this month:
DISCOUNTS on registration fees for all
USENIX conferences.
ences online:
DISCOUNTS on the purchase of proceed-
ings and CD-ROMs from USENIX
SPECIAL DISCOUNTS on a variety of prod-
ucts, books, software, and periodi-
THE RIGHT TO VOTE on matters affecting
the Association, its bylaws, and elec-
tion of its directors and officers.
membership or benefits, please see membership/
or contact offi[email protected]g.
Phone: 510-528-8649
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 82
USENIX Executive Director
The following is a summary of the
actions taken by the USENIX Board
of Directors from September
through December, 2007.
Member Benefits
A new policy for USENIX proceed-
ings was approved: they will no
longer be offered as a members-only
benefit for the first 12 months after
publication, but instead will be
available immediately to everyone.
A new SAGE member benefit was
approved: all system administration
articles from ;login: will be made ac-
cessible by SAGE members on the
USENIX Web site.
USENIX will sponsor AsiaBSDCon at
a $5,000 level for 2008. Requests for
sponsorship of other BSD-related
conferences are encouraged.
USENIX sponsorship of the USA
Computing Olympiad was increased
to $20K for the 2007–2008 season,
which includes hosting the USA In-
vitational Computing Olympiad and
sending the top four competitors to
the International Olympiad in Infor-
matics in Egypt in August.
USENIX Conferences
It was agreed to co-locate the 2nd
USENIX Workshop on Offensive
Technologies with the USENIX Se-
curity Symposium in 2008.
Fabian Monrose was appointed to
serve as program chair for the 2009
USENIX Security Symposium.
A proposal to organize a workshop
on Large-scale Exploits and Emer-
gent Threats (LEET ’08) was ap-
proved. It evolved from the combi-
nation of two other workshops, the
ACM Workshop on Recurring Mal-
code (WORM) and the USENIX
Workshop on Hot Topics in Under-
standing Botnets (HotBots ’07).
The NSDI steering committee’s rec-
ommendation to have Jennifer Rex-
ford and Emin Gün Sirer serve as
program co-chairs for NSDI ’09 was
The Board agreed with the recom-
mendation to have Tadayoshi Kohno
and David Dill serve as co-chairs for
the third USENIX/ACCURATE Elec-
tronic Voting Technology Workshop,
to be held in August 2008.
A proposal from Jeff Mogul to co-lo-
cate a workshop at NSDI in April on
organizing conferences for computer
systems was approved.
It was agreed to continue in-cooper-
ation status with CHIMIT in 2008.
It was agreed to accept proposals
from the prospective program chairs
to have the 2008 HotDep and SysML
workshops co-located at OSDI. A
proposal for co-
locating a workshop on supporting
diversity (women and minorities) in
systems research was approved. This
will be a continuation/extension of a
similar workshop held at SOSP in
A steering committee was formed to
look into USENIX sponsoring a
workshop to bring together scien-
tists from academia and industry to
encourage interdisciplinary research
on multicore computing. Subse-
quently James Larus and Sahsha Fe-
dorova were appointed as program
co-chairs for this workshop, which
has not yet been scheduled.
It was agreed that USENIX would
become more active in soliciting
new topics for workshops. A request
for proposals was published as part
of the Call for Papers for the 2008
USENIX Annual Technical Confer-
Registration Fees
In order to keep up with rising costs
(especially catering) in 2008, regis-
tration fees for technical sessions at
all conferences except LISA will be
increased slightly (in most cases, by
$15 per day) to 3-day fees of $725.
LISA fees will be raised by $10 per
day (to $730 for 3 days). Tutorial
registration fees will increase by $10
per day for the USENIX Annual
Technical Conference ($645 for 1
day) and by $20 for FAST ($245).
Peter Honeyman was appointed to
be the USENIX liaison to the Com-
puting Research Association, effec-
tive mid-2008.
Future Board Meetings
The next Board meetings will be
held on February 29 in San Jose, CA
(alongside the FAST conference)
and on June 23–24 in Boston, MA
(alongside the USENIX Annual
Technical Conference.)
A subcommittee of the Board, con-
sisting of Niels Provos, Rémy Evard,
Margo Seltzer, and Ellie Young, was
formed to create an agenda for a
strategic planning session at the
February meeting. As part of assem-
bling data to help make this session
productive, a survey of the member-
ship was approved.
The Board thanked Hal Stern for his
efforts in the past year in getting
three servers donated to USENIX by
Sun Microsystems.
USENIX Marketing Director
Looking for MP3s from past confer-
ences? Want to watch the keynote
from LISA ’07? Check out the Multi-
media page on the USENIX Web
multimedia/. You’ll find MP3s of the
invited talks from LISA ’07, USENIX
Security ’07, USENIX Annual Tech
’07, and LISA ’06. Also available are
videos from the LISA ’07 and
USENIX Security ’07 invited talks.
login_february08-articles:login June 06 Volume 31 1/17/08 11:03 AM Page 83
84 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
Saurabh Arora
Mukarram Bin Tariq
Leah Cardaci
Marc Chiarini
Rik Farrow
Nathaniel Husted
Kevin James
Ski Kacoroski
Kimberly McGuire
Will Nowak
Shaya Potter
Chris St. Pierre
Josh Simon
Gautam Singaraju
Anu Singh
Tung Tran
LISA ’07: 21st Large Installation System
Administration Conference
Dallas, TX
November 1116, 2007
Autonomic Administration: HAL 9000 Meets Gene
John Strassner, Motorola Fellow and Vice President,
Autonomic Networking and Communications, Motorola
Research Labs
Summarized by Rik Farrow
John Strassner gave a keynote that was, strangely, con-
sidered to contain too much math for most of the audi-
ence. John began by demonstrating his motivation for
coming up with a system that can function when there
are seven different groups controlling over 60 sets of
services, all—theoretically, at least—striving to satisfy
the same business goals. Part of the problem with this
picture (see his slide 4 diagram on the LISA ’07 Web
site), is that it is much too complicated for mere mor-
tals to understand how the different groups can work
together. The other issue is that the data within each
group is not compatible—that is, each group is a verti-
cal stovepipe, with systems not designed or originally
intended to be shared among groups.
Even the meanings of goals, such as Service Level Agree-
ment (SLA), are different among the various groups. At
the management level, an SLA specifies the point where
lowered performance means a loss of income, whereas at
the network administration level, the SLA specifies the
percentage of bandwidth to be allotted to each customer.
The end result is that there is no single policy that
works across all levels, from management all the way
down to specific devices such as routers.
John’s view of autonomics means that system adminis-
trators will be freed from lower-level, repetitive tasks
and allowed to manage systems at a higher level. The
sysadmin will not be removed from management, but
from knowing how to find and tweak various configura-
tions files. The change to the use of autonomics will be
gradual, with people and autonomic systems working in
John’s group, working within Motorola, has already pro-
duced working tools for managing telecommunication
networks. This set of tools is designed to sense changes
in a system and its environment, analyze these changes
to protect business goals, and plan and execute reconfig-
uration. As all of this occurs, the system learns by ob-
serving the effects of reconfiguration, as well as through
people providing positive reinforcement of behaviors that
work. So this system encompasses machine learning as
well as autonomics. And this is the point where John
may have lost some of his audience, as slide 47 contained
login_February08_summaries.qxd:login summaries 1/17/08 11:50 AM Page 84
two equations (just two!), leading many people to later
comment there was “too much math.”
John summed up by quoting Einstein: Everything should be
as simple as possible, but not simpler. Æleen Frisch then led
off the Q&A by pointing out that she liked slide 40 (com-
paring goals from five different levels) as a concrete exam-
ple. John responded that there are parallel efforts going on
in his labs, and although most work gets down using CLI,
all monitoring is done using SNMP—and there is no map-
ping between the two. He doesn’t expect to see Cisco and
Juniper standardize on a global lingua franca, but he said
that we do need to standardize the higher-level language
used to describe configuration goals (see Alva Couch’s arti-
cle about this elsewhere in this issue). Mark Burgess then
asked how autonomics can help simplify the organizational
diagram (with the seven groups) that somewhat resembles a
Borg cube. John pointed out the stovepipe nature of the
cube, where different groups of admins really don’t talk to
each other. Autonomics is about building abstractions, start-
ing at the business details and going down to CLI.
Alva Couch pointed out that John had missed the self-pro-
tection ontology, in that sysadmins need to be able to de-
fend themselves, that is, not be blamed for mistakes made
by autonomics. John agreed, mentioning that his research
system includes safety policies that prevent the autonomic
system from acting before a human has reviewed the logs
and potential changes. Andrew Hume asked what happens
when the autonomic system has conflicting policies, as
seen in the HAL 9000 killing off astronauts. John pointed
out that the Policy Manager involves using many tools de-
signed to prevent this type of conflicting policy from being
created and that the learning loops are also supposed to
prevent this type of thing blowing up on you. Another per-
son wondered how new sysadmins could be taught if the
autonomic system has relieved the need to perform mun-
dane tasks. John responded that the tools they are develop-
ing will help, but that they will not solve every problem.
Summarized by Saurabh Arora (ar[email protected])
PolicyVis: Firewall Security Policy Visualization and
Tung Tran, University of Waterloo; Ehab Al-Shaer, University
of Waterloo and DePaul University; Raouf Boutaba, University
of Waterloo, Canada
Tung Tran presented PolicyVis, a tool to help manage com-
plex policies using visualization of firewall rules and policies.
He started by giving background on firewall policy manage-
ment and then provided motivation for doing things a better
way to help manage the complexities involved. Then he gave
an overview of the PolicyVis tool, which he is developing
with his professor Ehab-Al-Shaer at the University of Water-
loo. PolicyVis is more than just a visual aid for policy man-
agement. It uses rectangles, colors, symbols, and notations to
visualize segments and rules and supersets of investigated
scope. It also supports compressing and zooming. Tung then
used case studies to explain PolicyVis. These case studies in-
cluded scenarios for investigating firewall policy for accepted
traffic by an administrator, visualizing rule anomalies, and vi-
sualizing distributed policy configuration. He finished with an
overview of the complex tasks involved in managing firewall
policies, its misconfiguration, and vulnerabilities.
The PolicyVis Web site is
Inferring Higher Level Policies from Firewall Rules
Alok Tongaonkar, Niranjan Inamdar, and R. Sekar, Stony Brook
Alok Tongaonkar took the stage with interesting research
on firewall management. He gave a problem statement of
the usage of numerous low-level filtering rules which are
configured using vendor-specific tools that either generate
low-level firewall rules from a given security policy or find
anomalies in the rules. Then he proposed a technique that
aims to infer the high-level security policy from the low-
level representation. The approach involves generation of
flattened rules using packet classification automata (PCA).
Assisted Firewall Policy Repair Using Examples
and History
Robert Marmorstein and Phil Kearns, College of William & Mary
Robert Marmorstein began by explaining the difficulties in-
volved in firewall repair and explained how policies are dy-
namic, long, and complex. Then he mentioned error detec-
tion using a passive query tool. He stressed that there is no
way to automate error correction; we can only give partial
specification to the tool. His technique is to use Multiway
Decision Diagrams (MDD) and perform logical queries
against a decision diagram model. Using the query logic,
the system administrator can detect errors in the policy
and gain a deeper understanding of the behavior of the
firewall. The technique is extremely efficient and can
process policies with thousands of rules in just a few sec-
onds. Although queries are a significant improvement over
manual inspection of the policy for error detection, they
provide only limited assistance in repairing a broken pol-
icy. He gave an example of this technique on a representa-
tive packet, illustrating that the firewall complies with or
(more importantly) deviates from its expected behavior.
The project is hosted on sourceforge and researchers are
invited to join it:
The Biggest Game of Clue® You Have Ever Played
Don Scelza, Director, CDS Outdoor School, Inc.
Summarized by Nathaniel Husted ([email protected])
Don started his talk by stating his objectives for the ses-
sion. The session was not to teach the attendees about
how to beat their kids at Clue, nor was it really about per-
son search and search management. It was aimed more at
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those who were responsible for systems and were scared to
death about what to do with a big one. It was about how
to handle very large-scale problems. He provided examples
of these large-scale problems by mentioning some of the
search incidents he was involved from 2004 to 2007. Two
incidents included autistic males lost in the wilderness, an-
other included a lost woman in stormy conditions, yet an-
other included a lost woman with a history of strokes and
brain damage, and there were multiple incidents that in-
volved females being abducted. He also mentions an IT-
specific event after the World Trade Center incident in
2001 and a hacking incident in 2004.
Don then outlined the attributes of large-scale problems
and their solutions. Many of the problems are time-critical.
They may also involve loss of human life or of property.
Some may even be criminal in nature. The solutions to
these large-scale problems will generally involve numerous
people. They might also involve numerous organizations
and even law enforcement. Before you can solve any of
these problems, you should have a plan. Even if the prob-
lem is not covered in the planning, the sheer fact that a
plan was created helps you solve the problem. Don pro-
vided an example of this with a story about Captain Alfred
Haines, a pilot. In 1989 his DC10 lost its hydraulic con-
trols. Although this loss was not covered in the plans, the
plans allowed him to cross off what wasn’t the problem
and decide how to try and land the plane safely without
According to Don, the three best things to know during
your planning are your history, your theory, and your
–subject. In the realm of lost-person search, this involves
knowing what type of events have taken place in a specific
area and the characteristics those events have in common.
It’s also good to note whether there is a common solution
when similar events have taken place. Also, look at how
previous problems were solved. Finally, make sure to look
up and know any theories in your field that could help
find the solution. You should also know your subject. In
the case of lost-person search, there is a set of behaviors
lost persons are most likely to exhibit.
Don then described the theory used in the lost-person
search field, entailing concepts such as Probability of Area
(POA), Probability of Detection (POD), and Probability of
Success (POS). The POD is the probability of the searcher
detecting an object if it was in a specific area. The POA is
the probability that the subject is in a specific area. The
POS is equal to the POA multiplied by the POD and is the
probability that if the subject is in a specific area, the sub-
ject will be detected.
Don stressed that you should know your resources when
solving a problem. You should know what certifications
your resources have and whether they will help or hinder
the search. Resources also have a cost. Finally, you need to
be aware of how to get your resources if they are not cur-
rently available and how long it will take to receive those
resources. In the case of lost-person search, there are
ground resources, dog resources, and aircraft resources.
Don also had advice for what to do after a large-scale prob-
lem has been solved. He suggested that you review what
actions were taken during the situation as well as what
went well and what went poorly. The review session
should also cover what needs to be changed in the pre-
planning stage. The review group should also decide what
data needs to be cycled into history and statistics. If the
situation could have been prevented, the review group
should make note of that as well. However, Don warned
that these review sessions can easily turn into finger-point-
ing sessions, so they must be implemented carefully. An
example of such a review was the Hug a Tree program.
This program was developed after a boy was lost in 1981
for four days. On the fourth day his body was found two
miles from the campsite. The problem was that he kept
moving around. A review of this situation led to the Hug a
Tree program, in which young children were taught to
stand still by hugging a tree.
Don ended by urging everyone to go and enact a plan
when they returned to the office by posing questions such
as: What history do you need to find out? What team will
you put together to help you? What do you need to do
when you get to the office? What preplanning and re-
sources need to be on hand? Finally and probably the most
important, Where will you get coffee?
In the question and answer period, Don was asked how an
ICS would be scaled down to an organization with few in-
dividuals. Don replied that there were times when only
two people were in the command structure during an inci-
dent he was involved in. One of the benefits of a good ICS
plan is that the structure can be grown as time proceeds.
Don said that this sort of growth was one of the benefits of
In response to how much IT was used in search and rescue
and whether there was a contingency plan, Don replied
that IT is heavily used in search and rescue. People in Ops
use it to print maps and people in Plans use it for spread-
sheets. He also said that many things are still done by
hand and when computers malfunction or something stops
working, paper forms provide the needed backup.
The next questioner asked whether Don needed volunteers
to help design and implement a computerized system for
search and rescue. Don answered with a resounding yes
and suggested that anyone who wanted to help should
contact him. His email is
The next question dealt with morale and energy issues
during extended searches. Don mentioned that as time
progressed during a long search, he brought in counselors
to sit down and talk with the individuals helping with the
search. The counselors wore brown vests and acted incog-
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nito. One of the keys to maintaining morale is to keep the
team briefed on the current status. The commander is the
driving person who keeps everyone motivated. The key,
Don said, is communication.
The final questioner asked how one might work around
the fact that best practice can be a competitive advantage
in the private sector. Don acknowledged that this is a
problem and that corporate citizens need to figure out how
to sanitize their plans so that they can provide the infor-
mation to others. Don also mentioned that talking to peo-
ple at conferences such as LISA is one of the best ways to
share information while staying under the radar.
Deploying Nagios in a Large Enterprise Environment
Carson Gaspar, Goldman Sachs
Summarized by Josh Simon ([email protected]g)
In his invited talk “Deploying Nagios in a Large Enterprise
Environment,” also known as “If You Strap Enough Rock-
ets to a Brick You Can Make It Fly,” Carson Gaspar dis-
cussed how a project went from skunk-works to produc-
tion and how monitoring was explicitly delayed until after
an incident. Their Nagios (version 1.x) installation had
several initial problems:
Performance: By default, Nagios (pre 3.x) performs
active checks and can’t exceed about three checks per
second and did a fork()/exec() for every statistical sam-
ple. Also, the Web UI for large or complex configurations
takes a long time to display (an issue fixed in 2.x).
Configuration: Configuration files are verbose, even with
templates. It’s too easy to make typos in the configura-
tion files. Keeping up with a high churn rate in moni-
tored servers was very expensive.
Availability: There were hardware and software failures,
building power-downs, patches and upgrades, and issues
of who monitors the monitoring system when it’s down.
Integration and automation: Alarms need to integrate
with the existing alerting and escalation systems, and
they need to be suppressed in certain situations (e.g.,
when a building is intentionally powered down). Provi-
sioning needed to be automatic and integrated with the
existing provisioning system.
They solved or worked around these problems by switch-
ing from active to passive checks (which gets them from 3
to 1800 possible checks per second), splitting the configu-
ration to allow multiple instances of Nagios to run on the
same server, deploying highly available Nagios servers (to
reduce any single points of failure), and generating the
configuration files from the canonical data sources (for ex-
ample, so any new server gets automatically monitored).
They also created a custom notification back end to inte-
grate with their Netcool infrastructure and to intelligently
suppress alarms (such as during known maintenance win-
dows or during scheduled building-wide power-downs).
The monitoring system design criteria specified that it had
to be lightweight, with easy to write and easy to deploy ad-
ditional agents, avoid using the expensive fork()/exec()
calls as much as possible, support callbacks to avoid
blocking, support proxy agents to monitor other devices
(such as those where the Nagios agent can’t run, such as
NetApps), and evaluate all thresholds locally and batch the
server updates.
The clients evolved over time; some added features in-
cluded multiple agent instances, agent instance-to-server
mapping, auto reloading of configuration and modules on
update, automatically reexecuting the Nagios agent on up-
date, collecting statistics instead of just alarms, and per-
forming SASL authentication among components. The
servers evolved as well, with split-off instances based on
administrative domain (such as production application
groups versus developers), high availability, SASL authenti-
cation and authorization, and service dependencies.
The project initially involved a single project with fewer
than 200 hosts but was eventually scaled up to large sec-
tions of the environment. Documentation and internal
consultancy are critical for user acceptance, as is the archi-
tecture for the eventual adoption in production for the en-
terprise. For example, one HP DL385G1 (dual 2.6 GHz
Opteron with 4 GB RAM) is running 11 instances with
27,000+ services and 6,600+ hosts, and it’s using no more
than 10% CPU and 500 MB RAM.
Application Buffer-Cache Management for Performance:
Running the World’s Largest MRTG
David Plonka, Archit Gupta, and Dale Carder, University of
Awarded Best Paper!
No summary available.
Scaling Production Repairs and QA in a Live Environment
(or How to Keep Up Without Breaking the World!)
Shane Knapp, Google Inc.
Hardware Ops Release Engineering (or How I Learned to
Stop Worrying and Love the Red Tape)
Avleen Vig, Google Inc.
Summarized by Leah Cardaci (lcar[email protected])
Shane Knapp and Avleen Vig both related their experiences
with dealing with scaling issues for Google’s Hardware Op-
erations (HWOps) group. Shane began by briefly relating
his history in Google, from starting out in a tech center in
2003 to his current work in technical project management.
He then went on to describe the changes in the nature of
HWOps from 1999 to the present. Until 2003, HWOps
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had few machines to deal with and was able to use manual
processes, physical records, and noncentralized data stor-
age. However, the group saw growth in many areas includ-
ing machines, technical information to track, and employ-
ees to coordinate. The group adopted automation for key
processes such as installation, centralized their data stor-
age, and are currently developing the next series of tools.
Shane described the current workflow of machine repairs.
This high-level overview followed the process from the
time the machine is assigned for repair to the time it is re-
leased. He then went on to cover how HWOps was able to
scale its services to deal with the enormous increase in ma-
chines and employees. One additional challenge to this
process was the fact that the changes made have to be
made in a live environment, so releases had to be well
The initial improvements were made by looking at the key
areas that had problems or were slowing down the overall
process. In addition a choice was made to develop and fol-
low the process at a high level. This level of focus allows
the individual sites to follow and develop their own
process at the floor level, which is important given the di-
versity of the various sites involved in the overall hardware
repair process. There has also been a shift from the group
being a black box to the rest of the company to now using
in-house technologies.
Being involved in the development of HWOps has pro-
vided several insights into how to deal with the challenge
of growth and deployment in a live environment. It is im-
portant to adopt standard languages and coding styles in
order to allow projects to be passed on and maintained. Al-
though it is good to lock down the key parts of the process
to allow streamlining, it is also essential to build in flexi-
bility. Planning is crucial and the process should be as visi-
ble as possible. One of the hardest lessons learned was that
sometimes you have to use the solution that is available
now, even if it is not the best solution. The technologies
used should be chosen carefully. For example, Python is a
better choice for their purposes than Perl, because it is eas-
ier to code consistently and is more readable, allowing for
easier maintenance. It is important to centralize data and
use a consistent scheme so that new employees can easily
understand the meaning of the data. Automate as much as
possible, but workflow must be understood before automa-
tion tools can be developed. Statistical analysis can help to
identify areas of the process requiring additional work.
The biggest lesson learned was simply to be careful when
making changes. The consequences of any change must be
fully understood. Everyone affected by the changes needs
to be informed that they will take place. In case something
does go wrong, it is important to have a rollback plan to
restore normal operation. Be thoughtful when granting
Avleen Vig went on to cover his experiences working on
release engineering for HWOps. Avleen has been with
Google since 2005 and worked in HWOps to develop in-
group tools and release engineering processes. At first,
there was no release engineering in HWOps. However,
with the extreme growth seen, it became necessary to
adopt a formal release process.
He went on to describe the current state of release engi-
neering at HWOps. Before a release can happen, there
must be a plan for deployment, a plan for rolling it back,
testing, and notes describing the changes for the end users.
Each release is categorized into one of three categories:
critical, important, all the rest. These categories dictate re-
lease requirements such as minimum warning time.
The timing of a release is crucial. Releasing during week-
ends, holidays, or other times when staffing will be light
should be avoided. Notify all those affected when a release
has been successfully completed as well as when some-
thing goes wrong.
A key lesson learned is that it is important not to get
mired in the red tape and to allow for flexibility. For exam-
ple, it is better for a crucial fix to go out on a Friday in-
stead of the following Monday even if that goes against the
practice of not deploying on the weekend.
After the talk, the group was asked whether a change con-
trol board was used for their change control review. The
process had just changed to include the involvement of a
formal change control board.
Avleen was asked about the burn-in hardware testing
process. He replied that this involved stress testing of the
hard drive, RAM, floating point unit, and other areas.
When asked about the biggest differences made in stream-
lining the process, the presenters replied that looking at
the life of repairs for machines helped. They were able to
identify machines that continually failed and replace them.
A Service-Oriented Data Grid: Beyond Storage
Bruce Moxon, Senior Director of Strategic Technology and
Grid Guru, Network Appliance, Inc.
Summarized by Will Nowak ([email protected])
The term “Storage Virtualization” is now used to describe
any level of storage abstraction. Bruce Moxon helped to
shepherd the audience through the fog and understand
various current and future storage technologies. Bruce first
took a look at conventional storage and how that works in
the enterprise. Typical situations, such as overloading a
single cluster node while the other nodes remain underuti-
lized, were tackled.
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By using NetApp products as a talking point, some generic
solutions to common problems were illustrated. Technolo-
gies such as vFiler allow storage administrators to segre-
gate service-specific storage into its own virtual file server
instances. This abstraction enables load sharing, or easy
migration in the event of an overloaded server.
Other types of virtualization, such as data virtualization,
were also touched upon. Bruce gave an example of a thin
client test lab at a NetApp facility in RTP. This test lab uti-
lized blade servers and a series of NetApp filers to simulate
a large client load on the filer hardware. Each blade could
boot from the network, using a virtualized file system
image. This allowed the total lab to use only the base file
system storage cost, plus a small storage cost for client
personalization. This type of virtualization provides a
tremendous savings in raw storage allocation.
In the storage futures discussion, Bruce made several com-
parisons of Old World technology, such as the typical NFS
file server, to new technologies such as the Google File
System or its open source equivalent, the Hadoop File Sys-
tem. Bruce suggested that these distributed file systems,
which take advantage of low-cost generic hardware, would
continue to gain traction where they are applicable. Other
interesting developments, such as storage appliance in-
serts, in-line encryption, and storage direction engines,
were also touched upon.
The consensus of the session was to bring home the poten-
tial advantages of looking at a virtualized storage infra-
structure. Abstract out your storage requirements to better
serve your customers.
Summarized by Shaya Potter
Stork: Package Management for Distributed VM
Justin Cappos, Scott Baker, Jeremy Plichta, Duy Nyugen, Jason
Hardies, Matt Borgard, Jeffry Johnston, and John H. Hartman,
University of Arizona
Scott Baker presented a new approach to package manage-
ment for administering large numbers of virtual machines.
Because each virtual machine is an independent entity, this
provides good isolation. However, it also results in an inef-
ficient use of resources, owing to the inability to share file
system state; namely, each VM has its own disk and each
disk will be cached separately by the underlying physical
machine, causing increased contention for both memory
and disk resources.
To solve this problem, they introduce the Stork package
management system, which enables secure and efficient
inter-VM sharing of file system content. Stork has two
characteristics. First, its package manager, similar to tools
such as apt and yum, is combined with a publish-subscribe
mechanism that enables VMs managed by Stork to be au-
tomatically notified of package updates. Second, it enables
packages to be stored in the “stork nest” and then shared
with any VM on the same host.
When a package is installed into a system with a stork
nest, it is first installed in the local machine’s file system
as well as into the stork nest. Every file within the stork
nest is marked with the NOCHANGE/Immutable bit, pre-
venting it from being modified. The nest’s version is then
shared with the VM by overwriting all of the package’s
files, excluding files marked as configuration files, with
hard links to the version of the file in the nest. As many
VMs on the host can make use of the same packages, they
will each use only the version that is contained within the
nest, enabling efficient sharing of files in a secure manner.
Stork is currently used on PlanetLab machines, and it has
been shown to offer significant disk space savings for most
packages. One notable exception of this is the j2re pack-
age, where a large amount of data was unpacked during
the packages post-install scripts. If the files were to be
repackaged in the already extracted state, this issue would
be avoided. [Editor’s note: There is a much more detailed
article about Stork in this issue.]
Decision Support for Virtual Machine Re-Provisioning in
Production Environments
Kyrre Begnum and Matthew Disney, Oslo University College,
Norway; Æleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting; Ingard Mevåg,
Oslo University College
Kyrre Begnum presented an approach to managing large
numbers of virtual machines, involving notably on what
physical machine they should be provisioned. This is a
hard problem because system administrators need to opti-
mize for physical machine redundancy to enable physical
servers to be removed for maintenance, without compro-
mising the ability to use virtual machines as well as re-
move bottlenecks resulting from resource conflicts.
To enable system administrators to solve this problem,
they introduce three metrics to help determine where a
virtual machine should be deployed. The first metric fo-
cuses on the amount of server redundancy. If we were to
remove a physical machine from a clustered environment,
could we redeploy the virtual machines contained within it
to the other machines within the cluster? This is notably a
problem with Xen, as it does not allow the host to over-
provision the memory resource. To quantify this, they in-
troduce the notation R/S to express the redundancy level
of a cluster, where R is the number of servers currently in
use within the cluster and S is the number of servers that
can be removed from the cluster.
The last two metrics deal with resource conflicts. Many re-
sources that a VM will use are shared, one important one
being disk IO. If multiple VMs on a single physical ma-
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chine make heavy use of that resource, their overall per-
formance will suffer owing to contention in use of that re-
source. To determine where a virtual machine should be
deployed, we need to know what conflicts exist between
virtual machines in their use of shared resources. The Re-
source Conflict Matrix enables administrators to measure
the level of conflict between virtual machines deployed on
their servers. The final metric enables them to measure the
value of conflict on a particular server with the focus on
minimizing the level of conflict.
OS Circular: Internet Client for Reference
Kuniyasu Suzaki, Toshiki Yagi, Kengo Iijima, and Nguyen Anh
Quynh, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and
Technology, Japan
Kuniyasu Suzaki presented an approach for booting virtual
machines over the Internet. The OS Circular framework
enables a virtual machine to fetch a disk image over the
Internet using HTTP and demand-page the disk blocks
that are needed as they are needed. These blocks will then
be cached locally so that they do not have to be constantly
To enable this demand-paging model, OS Circular divides
a file system image into 256-KB compressed blocks, where
each block becomes its own file, named by the SHA1 hash
of its data. This enables the VM to verify that the data was
fetched correctly. Each file system has a mapping file that
maps block numbers to the correct SHA1 named file; a file
system is mounted by making use of the mapping file and
demand-paging and caching the blocks as needed. A file
system can be updated by creating new SHA1 named files
for the updated blocks and updating the mapping appro-
One problem with demand-paging a file system is that net-
work latency can have a severe impact on the file system,
especially on an initial boot of it, when no data is cached
locally. To optimize latency, they leverage ext2optimizer to
profile the file system and place files needed by the boot
processes to be placed at the beginning of the file system.
By removing fragmentation normally existing in a file sys-
tem and leveraging read-ahead techniques, one can mini-
mize the overhead from the network latency.
Secure Isolation of Untrusted Legacy Applications
Shaya Potter, Jason Nieh, and Matt Selsky, Columbia
Shaya Potter presented an approach to contain independ-
ent services and their individual application components.
Software services need to be contained because software is
buggy and those bugs can result in security holes, provid-
ing an attacker with access to the system. However, serv-
ices are made up of many interdependent entities, so con-
taining those entities appropriately can be difficult.
To resolve these issues, Potter et al. introduce two abstrac-
tions, Pods and Peas. Pods provide a lightweight virtual
environment that mirrors the underlying operating system
environment. Processes within a Pod are isolated from the
underlying system, and as such Pods are able to isolate an
entire service. Because a Pod is hosted on a regular ma-
chine, it does not need many of the resources regular ma-
chines need (e.g., what’s needed for booting), enabling it
to contain just the resources needed for the entire service.
The second abstraction, the Pea, enables a simple access
control mechanism on the resources made available to the
Pod. The overriding principle is that just because a process
is within the Pod does not mean it needs access to the re-
sources the Pod makes available. Peas are notable, when
compared to existing containment systems such as Janus
and Systrace, for performing file system security in the
correct location, namely the file system itself, and therefore
they do not suffer from common “time of check, time of
use” race conditions. Peas also implement a simple-to-un-
derstand configuration language that leverages the skills
system administrators and users already have to perform as
part of their daily tasks. Finally, access control rule cre-
ation can be difficult because the knowledge necessary to
build rules is divided between the developers, who know
the minimum needs of the application, and the administra-
tor, who defines local security policy, so Shaya Potter
demonstrated a rule composition mechanism that enables
a developer to provide a minimal rule set that defines the
minimal needs of the applications while enabling the ad-
ministrator to build upon that and to define what local
policy one wants to apply to the application.
Who’s the Boss? Autonomics and New-Fangled Security
Gizmos with Minds of Their Own
Glenn Fink, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Summarized by Marc Chiarini (mar[email protected])
In this talk, Glenn Fink tells us that autonomic computing
(AC) is coming, albeit much more slowly than we think.
He also suggests that our jobs are not in danger in the near
future, though a sysadmin’s duties will change significantly
as the world transitions to AC technologies. To put things
in perspective, Fink gives us a “personal guesstimate” of
how far along we are on the four big cornerstones of auto-
nomic computing as defined by IBM: self-configuration at
60 percent (with tools such as Cfengine, Puppet, and
BCFG2 aiding this process); self-healing at 25 percent (an
admittedly generous estimate, because most of the aca-
demic work on this has been in the security arena); self-
optimization at 10 percent (another generous estimate, as
we only know how to do this in very specific domains);
and finally self-protection at 40 percent (where there has
been a lot of good research into detecting and responding
to attacks and general failures). Of course, these progress
markers do not average out to 33 percent for the whole of
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AC, because we have no clear way as yet of integrating the
various systems that implement these processes.
Fink presents autonomic computing as a direction (or con-
tinuum) rather than a goal. This is to say that it will al-
ways be difficult to draw a bright line between AC and
non-AC systems; we will be able to watch the changeover
happening, but we won’t be able to “see it happen.” Like
many other evolutionary processes, autonomic computing
is being driven by the necessity to meet demand for ser -
vices. IT infrastructure growth has been exponential in re-
cent years. Combined with a software crisis (over budget,
beyond schedule, buggy, and difficult to maintain), a hard-
ware crisis (in which volume overtakes reliability), a tech
education crisis (a lack of qualified high-tech workers),
and the (relatively) prohibitive costs of IT personnel, this
growth rate is unsustainable without automation or exces-
sive outsourcing. Unless we want nearly everyone in IT to
lose their jobs, we need to think hard about how to build
autonomic systems.
When we start deciding what AC should look like, we
quickly fall into a contest between the purist and the prag-
matist. The purist believes that maintenance is the domi-
nant long-term cost, that system populations should be as
homogeneous as possible, that policy should be centrally
defined, and that admins should be significantly con-
strained to avoid conflict with autonomic processes. By
contrast, the pragmatist thinks that downtime is the domi-
nant cost and decentralized quick fixes (by almost any
means) in a highly heterogeneous environment are the way
to go. Fink suggests something in the middle: Ensure that
pragmatic fixes feed back into an established, inspected,
and trusted library of practices that is open-sourced. All
autonomic computing will be done under human supervi-
sion, with the added goals of communicating why deci-
sions were made and how those decisions relate to other
autonomic systems.
Fink spent the last half of the talk enumerating both a
wish list and a fear list concerning autonomic computing.
In his conversations with colleagues and IT professionals,
he discovered three characteristics that will be most im-
portant: AC systems should act like a junior sysadmin, in-
vestigating and reporting with lots of little open-ended
tasks; they should be able to robustly handle real-world
situations with little or no supervision; and they should be
able to communicate like a human, providing sufficient
detail in a natural language context. Of the prodigious list
of fears, the most important were probably issues of trust,
process verification, and delegation. How do I know the
system is doing what it should? Can I trust the system to
verify existing agreements or negotiate new agreements
with other systems?
In the end, Fink believes that our jobs are in danger, not
from autonomics, but from outsourcing. Autonomics will
be able to take care only of well-defined tasks and prob-
lems, and someone will always be needed to verify auto-
nomic behavior and adherence to business objectives. The
ways in which AC will change the profession are manifold:
Computers will be trusted with more kinds of work, re-
sulting in fewer tedious tasks; sysadmins will have more
time to help users (hone those social skills now!); there
will be natural dividing lines among AC specialists (as wit-
nessed in the medical fields), and ultimately it is the spe-
cialists (e.g., DB and storage) who will be impacted more
than the nuts-and-bolts system and network administra-
tors. Finally, much more ethnographic study of both IT
professionals and users will be necessary before AC is
ready for prime time.
No Terabyte Left Behind
Andrew Hume, AT&T Labs—Research
Summarized by Josh Simon ([email protected]g)
Andrew Hume discussed the disk dilemma: Space is cheap,
so users want, get, and use more of it. However, this leads
to all sorts of interesting problems, such as how to parti-
tion and how to back up the disk (especially when you get
toward terabytes on the desktop). Traditional tools (such
as dump) take 2.5 days to back up 250 GB. Making the
space available from servers can be problematic (given
local or networked file systems and the associated prob-
lems with network bandwidth). We’ve talked about these
issues before, but there are still no good solutions.
Let’s take a hypothetical example of recording a TiVO-like
service without any programming wrappers. Recording
everything all the time for both standard and high-defini-
tion programming leads to about 1.7 petabytes per year of
data, even assuming no new channels get added. This is
too big for the desktop, so we’ll need to use space in the
machine room: a 2U or 3U generic RAID unit at 2–4 TB/U
costs up to $1,500/TB, and you’d need 133 of them per
year. This uses 16 TB per square foot and requires 27 feet
of aisle space per year with modest power and cooling. But
that’s a lot of money and space. We can possibly be clever
by looking at the access patterns; for example, we can
move the older and less-accessed shows off to tape, or
keep only the first 5 minutes of the show on disk and the
rest on tape, and thanks to a tape library (e.g., an LTO-4
with 800 GB/tape and 120 MB/s sustained write at 60-s
access and a 2.5-PB library costs $172/TB and uses 41 TB
per square foot, and expansion units are $7/TB and 79
TB/square foot) we can still provide every TV show on de-
mand with no user-visible delays. Sounds good, right?
Wrong. It gets worse when you realize the fallibility of
media. Ignoring the issues with tape (such as oxide decay,
hardware becoming obsolete, and so on), we’ve got prob-
lems with disks.
Here’s the reality about using disks, networks, and tapes:
Things go bad, trust nothing, and assume everything is out
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to get you. You don’t always get back what you put out.
Compute a checksum for the file every time you touch it,
even when it’s read-only. Yes, it’s paranoid, but it’s neces-
sary if you really care about data integrity, especially with
regard to disk and tape. Andrew is seeing a failure rate of
about one uncorrectable and undetected error every 10 ter-
abyte-years, even in untouched, static files.
As disk use grows, everyone will see this problem increas-
ing over time. The issue of uncorrectable and undetected
errors is real and needs attention. We need a way to ad-
dress this problem.
The LHC Computing Challenge
Tony Cass, CERN
Summarized by Leah Cardaci (lcar[email protected])
Tony Cass discussed the challenges associated with work-
ing toward the debut of CERN’s Large Hadron Collider
(LHC), which will deploy next year. Cass began with an
introduction to CERN and LHC. CERN’s goal is to “push
back the frontiers of knowledge” by investigating impor-
tant scientific questions. (For example, one major question
is why certain elements are heavier than others; one theory
is the existence of the Hick’s field.) This often involves the
deployment of new technologies to support the research
performed. CERN’s goals are to unite people from different
countries and cultures and help train future scientists.
Cass gave a brief overview of four LHC experiments:
ATLAS, CMS, ALICE, and LHCb. Each of these experi-
ments will produce about 40 million events per second,
which will be analyzed and reduced to a few hundred good
events per second. This means the four experiments will
require around 15 petabytes of storage per year. The three
steps of data handling are reconstruction, analysis, and
simulation. CERN is responsible for reconstruction and
data retention; other locations deal with analysis and simu-
lation. Overall, enormous computing resources are re-
quired. The challenges involved in running these experi-
ments are having sufficient computing capacity, managing
the high number of machines required, tracking and dis-
tributing the data, and understanding the state of the re-
sulting highly complex system.
A three-tiered system is used for data handling. Tier 0 is
the accelerator center, responsible for recording and pro-
cessing the data from the accelerator and long-term stor-
age. Tier 1 centers are responsible for distributing the data
to researchers, as well as for analysis of the data. Tier 2
centers are involved in simulation and end-user analysis.
Grid technology was adopted to provide the high amounts
of computing resources needed. This involves three grid
infrastructures, EGEE, OSG, and NorduGrid. The project
had to meet certain levels of interoperability for submis-
sion of jobs through the system and administration of the
system. Reliability will be a continuing challenge once the
experiment is launched and the project has increasing reli-
ability goals to meet.
Management of machines is provided by ELFms Vision, a
custom toolkit developed by CERN and others to provide
a system that would meet all of the project’s needs. Quat-
tor provides scalable installation and configuration man-
agement. Lemon provides monitoring, including looking at
information outside of the individual computers, such as
UPS status. LEAF, a collection of high-level workflows, au-
tomates tracking nodes’ physical status as well as their
configuration status. Integration with Quattor and Lemon
allow for a great deal of automation in the management of
nodes. This design has allowed CERN to deal with the
great increase in machines added throughout the prepara-
tion, and it will continue to scale further. A huge amount
of data has to be stored and distributed for this experi-
ment, which poses another challenge. The accelerator pro-
duces an average of 700 MB per second of data, and the
system will need to be able to support almost twice that
amount to allow for recovery. There are three different
types of access use cases: sustained transfer to a remote
site, rapid transfer of data set to nodes, and long-running
analysis access of data on a server. Each type has its own
requirements and creates a different footprint on the data
servers. No existing system met all needs, so CERN devel-
oped CASTOR, the CERN Advanced STOrage system.
CASTOR is based on databases, schedules the data distri-
bution to prevent overwhelming the system, and also
schedules based on priority. Continuing challenges will be
keeping the data lifetime long enough, dealing with the
disparity of capacity vs. IO rates, integrating different data
systems without interfering with the use of the system,
and handling the export of data.
The final challenge is to manage the incredibly complex
system developed to support the LHC experiments. This
has been aided by the use of a user status view, which
shows the current status of all the jobs for a single site,
pulling the information from the (possibly many) nodes
they are running on. This also involves grid monitoring
and a new visualization technique to help managers focus
on the critical problems in the system.
Overall, the project involves many challenges related to its
size and complexity. So far, many of these challenges have
been met, but the real test will begin once the system goes
into full operation.
Cass was asked whether the group was ever in a situation
where waiting to buy machines would be more cost-effec-
tive. He replied that they had seen those situations, but at
their scale there was a greater latency because of deploy-
ment time, so that had to be take into consideration.
Another question was whether CERN was concerned
about malicious attempts to corrupt the data. Cass replied
that they didn’t think the project was high-profile enough
for their data to be a target, but they had considered that
their computing resources could be a target.
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Summarized by Marc Chiarini (mar[email protected])
Policy Driven Management of Data Sets
Jim Holl, Kostadis Roussos, and Jim Voll, Network Appliance,
IT departments frequently ask Network Appliance for a
unified software and hardware infrastructure that will pro-
vide them with easily managed and well-protected storage
and data services. The primary reason for this request is to
optimize the use of physical resources and reduce com-
plexity, thereby reducing cost. A typical way to achieve this
goal might be to use shared storage arrays that allow mul-
tiple disparate disks to be viewed and acted upon as single
logical entities. Unfortunately, organizations rarely use a
single vendor for their storage infrastructure, and even
when they do, there exist incompatibilities among prod-
ucts and service tiers. There are frequently too many indi-
vidual storage containers because of data growth and repli-
cation, making management very difficult and resulting in
under- or over-provisioning of both storage and protection.
Instead of having a unified physical storage and data man-
agement layer, customers tend to engage in two separate
disciplines: storage management (e.g., how many and what
kinds of disks, controllers, and LUs are needed) and data
management (e.g., how resources are used, backup disci-
pline, replication discipline, where to place files, data-
bases). Since data management relies on storage manage-
ment, large organizations often end up manually translat-
ing the former into the latter by way of the help desk.
Roussos’s team developed software to handle the automatic
right-sizing and placement of storage resources.
The unified storage and data management software pre-
sented in the paper introduces three abstractions: a re-
source pool, a data set, and a policy. A resource pool is a
fixed amount of physical capacity, performance, and IOPs
along with well-defined sets of capabilities, such as dedu-
plication, replication, and redundancy. It allows easier
management and optimization across more storage con-
tainers. A data set is a collection of data and the replicas
that use a single data management policy. Data sets ab-
stract storage containers and locations from the data and
reduce the number of objects to manage. A policy de-
scribes how a data set should be configured with regard
to protection and provisioning. Policies establish clearly
defined roles, with storage architects constructing them,
data admins selecting which ones are used, and a confor-
mance engine configuring storage according to the selected
policy. The conformance engine performs multiple tasks,
including monitoring current configurations, alerting ad-
ministrators to policy violations, and reconfiguring auto-
matically when possible.
Roussos gave a very compelling comparison between a tra-
ditional graph of storage infrastructure and a view of the
same graph in terms of data sets, which greatly simplifies
and clarifies things. The take-away from the presentation
was that a unified data and storage management layer
vastly reduces the number of entities that must be man-
aged and the number of steps required to perform tradi-
tional tasks. Lastly, it gives admins the advantage of con-
formance monitoring, to continually check that everything
is laid out according to plan.
ATLANTIDES: An Architecture for Alert Verification in
Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Damiano Bolzoni, University of Twente, The Netherlands;
Bruno Crispo, Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands, and Univer-
sity of Trento, Italy; Sandro Etalle, University of Twente, The
For those system administrators who are not quite familiar
with the security aspect of our profession, IDSes (or Intru-
sion Detection Systems) are software systems (sometimes
coupled with hardware) that are designed to detect (and
sometimes take action against) malicious activities occur-
ring on a host or in a network. ATLANTIDES deals exclu-
sively with attacks in a network. There are two approaches
to detection: signature-based approaches, which search
network packets for specific predefined and well-known
sequences of bytes, and anomaly-based approaches, which
gather statistics about the packets “normally” seen on the
network and indicate when those statistics stray signifi-
cantly from the norm. Network IDSes are considered an ef-
ficient second-line defense (after firewalls) because they
are virtually transparent to the monitored network and
generally do a decent job. There are some significant dis-
advantages to both types of detection, however, that can
greatly reduce the cost/benefit ratio: Signatures must be
carefully selected for a particular site in order to reduce
the number of false alarms that are generated; anomaly-
based detection uses a threshold to raise alarms, which
must also be tuned. In short, these tasks threaten to over-
whelm IT security personnel.
Bolzoni’s team proposes a solution that greatly reduces the
management workload resulting from required detection
tuning and verification of alerts. ATLANTIDES is an anom-
aly-based network IDS that can be combined with any tra-
ditional NIDS to efficiently improve the rate of false posi-
tive alarms. Instead of watching incoming network traffic
for signatures or anomalies, the system learns over a short
time (one to seven days depending on the diversity of out-
going traffic) what “normal” output traffic looks like.
Whenever the incoming NIDS would normally raise an
alert on suspicious activity, the ATLANTIDES correlation
engine determines whether the output traffic seems suspi-
cious as well. If so, an alert is raised that, because of this
double-checking, has a high likelihood of being true. If
there is a mismatch between what the input NIDS sees and
what ATLANTIDES sees, the system can be configured to
either discard the alarm as a false positive or, in the case of
a potential false negative (incoming traffic looks OK, but
outgoing does not), escalate the severity of the alarm.
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To determine the efficiency and accuracy of ATLANTIDES,
Bolzoni’s team ran tests against both a well-known Internet
traffic data set (DARPA99 multiprotocol) and a recently
captured unfiltered HTTP traffic data set. In the case of the
DARPA data, the tests showed a reduction of between 50%
and 100% in the false positive alarm rate when compared
to use of a single NIDS alone. In the HTTP traffic set, AT-
LANTIDES also improved the rate by more than 50%. The
observed maximum output analysis rate was around 100
MB/s. The team plans to do further testing with more real-
world data in the near future, but they are very excited
about the results so far.
PDA: A Tool for Automated Problem Determination
Hai Huang, Raymond Jennings III, Yaoping Ruan, Ramendra
Sahoo, Sambit Sahu, and Anees Shaikh, IBM T.J. Watson
Research Center
Ruan presented a system that improves the efficiency with
which system administrators can analyze and respond to
trouble tickets. The motivation for this research was a lack
of robust, tailored, and easy to use tools for problem deter-
mination. System administrators (yes, even folks at IBM)
tend to troubleshoot in an ad-hoc, time-consuming man-
ner; they build different customized scripts for different
platforms and frequently reinvent the wheel; the knowl-
edge they gain is usually stuck in their heads and cannot
be easily leveraged.
The PDA approach is threefold: attempt to characterize the
nature of real-world problems by analyzing problem tickets
and their resolutions; provide a common platform to stan-
dardize monitoring and diagnosis tools (also known as
probes); and capture problem determination knowledge in
expressible rules. The approach collects both high-level
system vitals and “drill-down” problem analysis steps. The
study utilized about 3.5 million trouble tickets generated
over 9 months and analyzed the ticket distribution and
time spent resolving tickets across a wide range of prod-
ucts and within the products themselves.
Ruan’s team discovered several interesting statistics: 90%
of the tickets resulted from trouble within 50 applications,
the top two being a mail app (20%) and a VPN app (10%).
Within the mail app, 70% of the tickets came from only
11% of its modules. Within the VPN app, 70% of the tick-
ets came from only 8% of its modules. More important
than this distribution of trouble tickets across applications
was the amount of time it took to resolve OS problem
tickets, roughly an order of magnitude longer on average.
Taken in combination, application and configuration prob-
lems related to problems with a particular OS made up the
majority of tickets. Thus, PDA is designed to focus on is-
sues stemming from OS and system software misconfigura-
PDA implements a thin probe model, in which generic
checks are made on managed servers on a scheduled basis.
The probes can be built via native commands, scripts, ex-
isting tools, or even specialized executables. The probes
transmit standardized key/value pairs to a rules engine that
checks potentially extensive yes/no decision trees for com-
pliance, asking for more probe information when neces-
sary. If a violation is discovered, the engine executes what-
ever action was specified in the rule sets, which might en-
tail terminating future probes, sending an alert to a Web
interface or email, or taking corrective action. New probes
and rules can be authored via a simple Web interface that
leverages existing collections of trouble tickets, probes,
and rules.
In future work, Ruan’s team hopes to address issues with
the security of authored probes and also investigate the
possibility of making probes and rule sets shareable across
different platforms and sites.
Experiences with Scalable Network Operations at
Erik Nygren, Chief Systems Architect, Akamai Technologies
Summarized by Shaya Potter ([email protected])
Akamai deploys a large, worldwide-distributed network
that provides many services, including HTTP/HTTPS, live
and on-demand streaming, and app delivery. Akamai is
such an integral part of the Internet that we use it every
day without even realizing it.
Akamai distributes its servers all over the world, as those
who use the Internet are highly distributed as well. Ac-
cording to Akamai’s measurements, one has to be on 1000
separate networks to be close to 90% of Internet users. By
distributing servers toward the edges, they gain greater
performance and reliability and are able to absorb traffic
peaks better, as they avoid congestion points that occur
where networks peer. In fact, ISPs want Akamai, as it saves
them money because the traffic never leaves their network.
To distribute content to its distributed machines, Akamai
deploys its own overlay network to create a highly reliable
tunnel among the machines. Today the tunnel includes
28,000 machines in 1,400 locations. As Akamai uses com-
modity machines and network links, it expects lots of
faults, so it has to treat failures as a normal occurrence. The
primary way of dealing with this is with large amounts of
redundancy. Redundant machines can be easily repurposed,
enabling Akamai to handle faults even within a single clus-
ter of machines. For instance, in a single cluster of ma-
chines, a “buddy” of a machine that goes down can take
over for it by simply grabbing the IP of the failed machine
and handling requests that are directed to it. Geographic
and network redundancy combined with multipath com-
munication in its overlay network enable Akamai to handle
faults within the network links. Finally, the company has
fully redundant NOCs distributed around the world, so
that no one NOC has functionality that cannot be replaced
by another NOC.
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To manage all these computing systems, Akamai has im-
plemented a query system that enables efficient real-time
monitoring of its systems. It uses a relational database
model, in which each machine provides a set of tables that
contains information about its current state. Akamai’s
query systems compose the information provided by the
machines into a set of 1400 distinct tables, with table up-
dating occurring in the 1–3-minute range. This enables
alerts to be created via regular SQL queries and the man-
agement of a large number of machines in a more auto-
matic manner.
Ganeti: An Open Source Multi-Node HA Cluster Based on
Guido Trotter, Google
Summarized by Will Nowak ([email protected])
Guido Trotter gave an overview of Ganeti, outlining its
goals and usage, provided a road map for the future, and
made a valiant attempt at a live demo. Ganeti is a open
source management layer that rides on top of a vanilla Xen
setup, allowing management of multiple nodes in a cluster.
Tasks such as provisioning, management, failover, and
some disaster recovery are handled by the Ganeti software
package. Ganeti’s goals are formulated much like other
Google technologies. The project aims to increase avail-
ability, reduce hardware cost, increase machine flexibility,
and add a layer of service transparency. Ganeti was also de-
signed to scale linearly, be hardware agnostic, be broadly
targeted, and maintain small, iterative development.
Ganeti leverages Xen currently, but Guido mentioned that
in the future they hope to support other virtualization
technologies. The toolkit is written in Python, using LVM,
DRBD, and MD for storage and Twisted with SSH for RPC.
Ganeti is best supported on Debian-based systems, but
porting to other Linux distributions should be trivial.
Questions were raised regarding overlap with the Linux
HA project. Guido’s response was that Ganeti was designed
at Google internally to fit a specific need that available
software could not fill and that he would be interested in
seeing how the two products could better serve each other.
More information on Ganeti can be found at
Summarized by Saurabh Arora (ar[email protected])
Usher: An Extensible Framework for Managing Clusters
of Virtual Machines
Marvin McNett, Diwaker Gupta, Amin Vahdat, and Geoffrey
M. Voelker, University of California, San Diego
Marvin explained the motivation of their research, which
was to help system administration become more effective
and allow sharing among multiple resources efficiently.
Their approach is to use virtual clusters (i.e., to deploy
multiple VMs on each physical machine). The tool they
are developing, called Usher, simplifies VM administration.
The best part about Usher is its extensible architecture.
Marvin and his team have done extensive work in making
Usher extensible, by providing user application APIs and
VMM wrappers and using plug-ins to add new functional-
ity to Usher. The available plug-ins as of now are LDAP, IP
Manager, and DNS. Usher has been successfully deployed
in the following places: the Russian Research Center at the
Kurchatov Institute, UCSD CSE System, and research proj-
ects such as spamscatter and spaceshare. The Usher Web
site is
When asked whether Usher is available for all virtualiza-
tion technologies, Marvin replied that it is only available
for Xen, but you can easily write a wrapper for vmware,
KVM, etc.
Remote Control: Distributed Application Configuration,
Management, and Visualization with Plush
Jeannie Albrecht, Williams College; Ryan Braud, Darren Dao,
Nikolay Topilski, Christopher Tuttle, Alex C. Snoeren, and
Amin Vahdat, University of California, San Diego
Jeannie Albrecht gave an overview of building distributed
applications and introduced us to the Develop-Deploy-
Debug cycle of a distributed application. Then she focused
on challenges involved in this cycle of locating and config-
uring distributed resources. She also stressed the chal-
lenges involved in recovering from failures in a distributed
deployment. The goal of her research is to develop abstrac-
tions for addressing the challenges of managing distributed
applications. She took the specific example of developing a
distributed application, say Bytetorrent, for the presenta-
tion. She started with different phases of the application
and discussed evaluation through management architec-
ture such as PlanetLab. She explained the hurdles involved
in each phase of the example application, and here she
proposed a distributed application management infrastruc-
ture—Plush. She explained the Plush architecture and how
it can acquire resources, configure resources, and start and
monitor applications. Plush has a beautiful graphical user
interface, called Nebula, that is used to describe, run,
monitor, and visualize deployed applications. The Plush
home page is
Everlab: A Production Platform for Research in Network
Experimentation and Computation
Elliot Jaffe, Danny Bickson, and Scott Kirkpatrick, Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, Israel
Everlab was spawned from the EU-funded research project
Evergrow, which was proposed for large-scale network
management. Elliot Jaffe began by giving an overview of
Evergrow. During that project, they felt the need for a bet-
ter management system, so they moved toward PlanetLab,
which is very tightly secured and offers centralized man-
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agement. But the consortium of the EU project was not
very supportive in joining PlanetLab, so they came up with
Everlab. He mentioned that Everlab is inviting researchers
to join and use its underloaded resources (as opposed to
the overloaded resources of PlanetLab). Elliot came up with
a few noteworthy conclusions about research projects in
general: (1) funding is only for research; (2) release, de-
ployment, and management are not research; (3) there is a
difference between a flash-in-the-pan system and a comput-
ing standard. He then asserted that sound funding should
be made available for deployment and management as well.
The Everlab home page is
Using Throttling and Traffic Shaping to Combat Botnet
Ken Simpson, Founder and CEO, MailChannels
Summarized by Leah Cardaci (lcar[email protected])
Ken Simpson gave an overview of his approach to fighting
spam, which is based on the concept of attacking spam by
attacking the economics of spam. He began by relating his
personal work history on dealing with spam, from his be-
ginnings with ActiveState to forming a company with
other former ActiveState employees.
Simpson went on to provide a history of the spam problem,
noting that his was a rough view and anyone was free to
correct mistakes during the Q&A session. In 2002, spam
had not been a major problem, was not a crime in most
areas, and was handled using regular expression filters. In
2003, spam had made mail almost unusable, the CAN-
SPAM act was created, and the spammers went underground
in response. In 2004 Bill Gates announced that spam would
be beaten in two years. Now spam is a fully criminal en-
deavor, run by organizations such as Russian gangs.
Covered next was the economics of spam. Simpson sug-
gested that the current way of handling spam, filters, will
not be able to have an impact on the overall economics of
spam. Although current filters are fairly accurate, the ease
in increasing the volume of messages means that the spam-
mers can always win the game of averages.
Currently, spam is being sent from compromised comput-
ers, which are organized into botnets controlled by a bot
herder. The botnets are rented to the spammers by the bot
herder, providing a constantly changing set of machines
from which to send messages and thus overcome blacklist-
ing. This doesn’t mean that blacklisting is not useful; in
fact it allows a great deal of spam to be blocked and keeps
systems from being overwhelmed with traffic. Also, the use
of blacklists now means that a given botnet will quickly
lose its ability to spam, and new machines must be com-
promised constantly to keep up.
Botnet herders are only paid once the final SMTP accept-
ance message is received, so they will not profit if the mail
is blocked by a blacklist or filtered. For this reason, spam
software has an extremely short timeout compared to legit-
imate mail servers, which follow the three minutes recom-
mended in the RFC.
The current state of affairs is that spam filtering is reaching
the limit of its possible increase in accuracy, and identify-
ing zombies to simply block traffic from them is very diffi-
cult. Simpson suggests a new approach designed to attack
spam by removing the profit in it. This approach uses both
blacklisting and whitelisting, and then throttles all suspi-
cious traffic to see whether it will reach the very short
timeout of the spam software.
Simpson went on to discuss a case study of the deploy-
ment of this system. In this case, a pharmaceutical com-
pany saw a overnight reduction from 70% of mail being
spam to 20% being spam. The system is deployed in soft-
ware at the edge of the network. One challenge introduced
by this system is the fact that the throttling of suspect traf-
fic requires a great increase in the number of concurrent
connections the mail servers must handle. The solution
was to introduce a system in front of the mail server that
handles the throttling and to use real-time SMTP multi-
plexing to reduce the connections the server has to handle.
Looking at the suspicious traffic revealed that 80% of those
machines that dropped the connection were running a
consumer version of Microsoft Windows.
Simpson was asked whether the spam software won’t sim-
ply be adjusted to increase the timeout window once this
approach was widely accepted. He replied that there is typi-
cally a long time before spammers adjust to such measures,
and that this would still affect overall profitability owing to
the short time before the machine is placed on a blacklist.
Someone pointed out that people did in fact care about
spam in 1995. He went on to point out that spammers can
react very quickly to changes in spam defense.
Another audience member suggested that the current
profit margin was so high that it seems unlikely that seri-
ous damage can be done to the profitability of spam.
Summarized by Marc Chiarini (mar[email protected])
Master Education Programmes in Network and System
Mark Burgess, Oslo University College; Karst Koymans, Uni-
versiteit van Amsterdam
In this talk, Burgess discussed the philosophical and tech-
nical difficulties of supporting a traditionally vocational
subject within a strong academic framework. One of the
biggest controversies involves the question of teaching
what is viewed not as a discipline, but rather as a set of
technical skills. How do we teach something that most
people believe is only gained through experience? Who
should teach it, professors or practitioners? What material
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should be used? One quickly becomes mired in a plethora
of questions for which the promise of a good answer does
not even exist. Burgess suggests the following: that the
“discipline” needs to be described in a fairly rigorous form
that can be handed down for posterity. It cannot be pre-
sented as currently practiced, because it changes too fast;
we need to find paths to and from other disciplines that
will promote an awareness of the subject; we should try to
preserve the hands-on, engineering-focused aspect of sys-
tem administration; it is important to stay in touch with
rapid industrial development (something for which other
academic disciplines are not well known); and finally and
perhaps most importantly, we need to make it well known
that the formalization of system and network administra-
tion does not belittle those who have learned the subject
by other means. We should not think of system adminis-
tration in universities as replacing everything that people
have learned the hard way, but rather as a way to docu-
ment those efforts and hand down the best parts.
In the second half of the presentation, Burgess gave the au-
dience a more complete description of the nature of the pro-
grams at each university, which, although developed sepa-
rately, are remarkably similar in scope and direction. The
Amsterdam University program, which is compressed into
one year, speaks volumes about the ability to teach system
and network administration as a core academic discipline.
Oslo University College offers a two-year program divided
into four semesters. The first semester is spent giving stu-
dents background knowledge with courses such as network-
ing, firewalls, info security, and system administration fun-
damentals. The second semester teaches students to stand
on their own two feet, with a course heavy on lab work, a
course on how to read research papers, and a course on
ethics. The third semester attempts to make students think
critically about what they’ve learned and adds some special-
ized courses. The last semester culminates in a thesis that
draws on the foundation of the previous coursework.
The subject of university education is very different from
self-learning or even targeted training (such as that pro-
vided at LISA). Accredited academic courses immerse a
student in a common culture, not only granting knowl-
edge about the world but also teaching the processes re-
quired for abstraction and the development of generalized
theoretical frameworks out of specific empirical evidence.
This common culture aids in the understanding and ad-
vancement of most subjects, and judging from the success
of the two programs detailed in the paper (with three
groups of students from each program having gone on to
professional IT positions in various organizations), system
administration is no exception.
On Designing and Deploying Internet-Scale Services
James Hamilton, Windows Live Services Platform
In this presentation, James Hamilton gave the audience a
whirlwind tour of the Microsoft Live Platform and how he
and his team, driven by the past 20 years of experience,
developed best practices for building “operations-friendly”
services. Three key tenets empower Hamilton’s practices:
Expect failures—try hard to handle them gracefully; keep
things simple, since complexity breeds problems; and
automate everything, because automated processes are
testable, fixable, and ultimately much more reliable. An-
other strong guiding belief is that 80% or more of opera-
tions issues (in Internet-scale services) originate in design
and development, primarily of applications. As a conse-
quence, if one wants low-cost administration, one must
abandon the long-held view that there must be a firm sep-
aration among development, test, and operations.
What tasks do operations folk perform in Internet-scale
service environments? Because the services change fre-
quently, 31% of their time is spent deploying new applica-
tions and features, and 20% entails incident management
for problems with known resolutions. According to Hamil-
ton, if done right, both of these are eminently automatable.
The most important reason for automating simple incident
management is not the relatively small cost of personnel;
rather, it is the fact that the more frequently a human
being touches software or hardware, the greater the
chances of breaking something.
When automated, these tasks may improve the operations-
friendliness of your infrastructure by a factor of 2. But
Hamilton takes things to the limit with a tenfold increase
via recovery-oriented computing (ROC), better designs for
applications, automatic management and provisioning, in-
cremental release, graceful degradation, and admission
control. ROC assumes that software and hardware will fail
frequently and unpredictably. Applications and servers
should be heavily instrumented to detect failures. Different
failures are caused by two different types of bugs: Bohr
bugs cause repeatable functional failures and were usually
generated in development. Monitoring should report these
with high urgency. Eisenbugs usually occur because of a
confluence of ill-timed software and hardware events. Re-
covering from them involves a series of steps such as re-
booting, re-imaging, and finally replacing offending ma-
On the application side, there are some best practices to
follow: Develop and test in a full environment; continually
perform service health checks in production; make ser -
vices run on fault-isolated clusters of servers; implement
and test the tools that operations will use as part of the
service; and partition and version everything. The princi-
ples for auto-management and provisioning include the
following: Expect to run services over geographically dis-
tributed data centers, even if you don’t do it now (making
your service resilient to high latency); manage “service
roles” as opposed to servers (i.e., develop one image, test
on that image, and install that image on identical servers);
force-fail all services and components regularly, when peo-
ple are around to fix them (i.e., if you don’t test an execu-
tion path, expect it not to work); and most importantly,
make certain that rollback is supported and tested before
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deploying any applications. Rollback works if you always
use an incremental process with two or more phases. Fi-
nally, when capacity planning, remember that no amount
of “head room” is sufficient. Unimaginable spikes will al-
ways occur. Instead of wasting resources, find less resource-
intensive modes to provide degraded services. If you’re ulti-
mately backed into a corner, Hamilton gives you permis-
sion to practice admission control (e.g., drop requests from
new users).
RepuScore: Collaborative Reputation Management
Framework for Email Infrastructure
Gautam Singaraju and Brent ByungHoon Kang, University of
North Carolina at Charlotte
No one who uses a computer needs to hear another story
about how bad the email spam crisis has become. But did
you know that NACHA (an electronic payment associa-
tion) estimated 2004 losses to phishing alone at US $500
million? Email providers and researchers have been fight-
ing spam in various ways for a long time, through content-
based filtering, real-time blacklists (RBL), PGP, bandwidth
throttling, sender authentication (DKIM, SenderID, SPF,
etc.), certification schemes (e.g., Habeas and SenderPath),
and reputation management (Gmail). All of these handle
spam to different degrees and organizations tend to employ
more than one technology to keep ahead of spammers. But
why should organizations (especially those with a small
user base) fight this menace in relative isolation? Why not
band together to leverage their various chosen technolo-
gies as a powerful antidote to spam? RepuScore proposes
to aid this collaboration.
RepuScore, an open-source effort, allows organizations to
establish the accountability of sending organizations based
on that sender’s past actions. It can be deployed alongside
any existing sender authentication technique and collects
reputation votes (in favor of or against senders) from exist-
ing spam classification mechanisms and individual users.
Each organization computes its own reputation “view” of
the world and submits it to a central RepuScore authority,
which in turn continually generates global sender reputa-
tions (i.e., how much can I trust this sender?). The archi-
tecture is hierarchical: Each participating domain main-
tains one or more RepuServers, which classify senders via
filters and compute local history-weighted reputation
scores for each peer. These statistics are aggregated in a
single RepuCollector that averages reports from every
server. A single vote on reputations is then sent to a cen-
tral RepuScore authority, which implements a weighted
moving average continuous algorithm.
The original RepuServer algorithm works as follows: In
each interval, a current reputation is computed for every
sender domain (domains from which email was received)
as CurRep = (# of good emails)/(total # of emails). The re-
ported reputation is then calculated as alpha * Reporte-
dRep(previous interval) + (1 - alpha)*CurRep, where alpha
is a correlation factor that essentially determines the im-
portance placed on the past reputation of the sender. A
lower alpha emphasizes current reputation over past repu-
tation, and vice versa.
Singaraju remarks that the ideal behavior for a reputation
management system is to have a slow increase in reputa-
tion as an organization “proves” itself, but a quick decrease
in reputation if an organization starts behaving badly. To
achieve this, the researchers modified the original algo-
rithm to only increase reputation if the sender improved
from one interval to the next, and to decrease reputation if
the sender did worse than in the previous interval. In vari-
ous tests, high values of alpha were able to achieve the de-
sired behavior while remaining resilient to various attacks
(e.g., Sybil attacks, which weaken reputation systems by
creating a large number of pseudo-identities). RepuScore
does make some assumptions—for example, that all Re-
puServers at your location are secure and reporting correct
information and that many organizations are participat-
ing—in order to deliver an effective solution.
Homeless Vikings: BGP Prefix Hijacking and the Spam
David Josephsen, Senior Systems Engineer, DBG, Inc.
Summarized by Tung Tran ([email protected])
Dave said that in the history of spam wars, there are two
primary categories of defense: IP-based and content-based
spam filters. Dave asked the question, “Who is the biggest
user of SPF?” The answer: spammers. (The audience mem-
ber providing this correct answer received a free book from
He then explained BGP prefix hijacking (prefix hijacks
make the IPs of others your own) and gave an example to
show how it works. Moreover, he pointed out the funda-
mental reason for BGP’s vulnerability: BGP is designed for
cooperative use. He showed us how to be a spammer: Get
a T1 connection or be a shady ISP.
The Q&A was very intense, with the main discussion fo-
cusing on IP-based and content-based spam filters. The
first questioner disagreed with the speaker’s theory about
the attack (BGP prefix hijacking). Dave admitted that the
BGP attack might not be too popular. Some questioners
raised the issue that content-based spam filtering is not
scalable and IP-based filtering is cheaper and still works.
They supported their argument by mentioning their spe-
cific issue: receiving more than 1 million messages a day.
However, the speaker and some others disagreed with this
idea. They said that the problem lies not with the content-
based filter, but with the implementation of this method.
They also asked those who support the IP-based method
to publish a paper to better outline their idea.
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Beyond NAC: What’s Your Next Step?
Mark “Simple Nomad” Loveless, Security Architect, Vernier
Networks, Inc.
Summarized by Nathaniel Husted ([email protected])
Mark said that Network Access Control (NAC) provides a
way of regulating and controlling access to the network. A
NAC initiates this process when the machine starts up and
tries to access the network. NACs are also a way of enforc-
ing policy on the endpoints of the network. Mark specifi-
cally stated they are neither a security nor policy solution
but an enhancement.
Mark also discussed how NACs should be implemented
and how they should perform. He illustrated this by telling
a story: A VP is at an airport, trying to make a very large
business deal that is worth hundreds of thousands or even
millions of dollars. The VP has visited various Web sites,
thereby infecting his computer with malware, viruses, and
other programs of ill repute. The question posed at the end
of this story was, Do you allow him onto your network to
look up some information and close the deal? Mark said
that ideally you should, but make sure he only has access
to the resources he needs to complete the deal. This will
mitigate much of the damage he could do if he had full
network access.
The NAC should also be an inline solution and it should
be very fast. The latency should be under 1 millisecond
and should be in the microsecond range. This includes any
IDS or IPS services involved in the solution. The solution
must react to events in real time. It also must be able to
react to a very large number of these events. It must work
as well with thousands of users as it does with one user.
The IDS and IPS services the NAC implements must also
be state of the art. They must be able to decompress GZIP
traffic on the fly and handle the numerous protocols that
are out there. The NAC should also be seamless and scala-
ble. It should require no changes to the existing infrastruc-
ture, regardless of the size of the infrastructure.
Another problem with implementing a NAC is deciding
upon ownership. Mark said that one customer actually did
not purchase a NAC solution because the customer could
not decide what department within the organization would
have control of the NAC. Since so many different depart-
ments are involved in a NAC solution, choosing who runs
it is an integral part of its deployment.
NACs are also not a static solution; they need to adapt. At-
tackers are constantly finding ways to bypass NAC solu-
tions. These attackers were not botnets or external sources,
but contractors and evil end users. Many users will do this
just to avoid NAC policies. This can be done by spoofing
various data. This data spoofing generally involves default
policies applying to equipment such as printers. Also, cer-
tain MAC addresses that are allowed to manage items on
the network are prime spoof targets. NACs have to adapt
not only to attacks but also to new technology. They have
to support all platforms and changes to those platforms.
They also need to adapt to policy changes (e.g., a directive
forbidding management accounts from being allowed on
local computers). NACs also need to enact policy post-au-
thentication and be able to cover a broad range of policy
decisions, such as allowing IM but disallowing file transfer
within IM. Mark suggested that the IPS be tied into the
system and able to enforce these policy changes on the fly.
Another important factor of a NAC is its ability to cope
with the ever-increasing mobile workforce. The NAC must
work over wireless, dial-in, and VPN interfaces. The NAC
also must deal with contractors and guests who require ac-
cess at your organization. Mark suggested that all NACs
should at least have the ability to access the Internet and
use a single printer.
NACs are not a replacement for perimeter technology. An-
tivirus servers, firewalls, and other network security de-
vices are still needed to protect against client-side attacks.
You should also have technology in place to protect against
alternate routes of attack.
Mark also discussed some things that NAC vendors do not
tell you. The first is that after authentication, users still
could be doing bad things. It is possible for the user to
spoof information that checks for system compliance so
that their virus-laden computer can connect to the Inter-
net. Mark again stressed the fact that, to be effective, the
NAC solution must be inline, in the core, in the perimeter,
and everywhere else on the network. The system must be a
mediator among all users on the network, and some NAC
solutions are not. Vendors also will not tell you that NACs
only control access to network resources and do not con-
trol access to applications and data independent of net-
work resources. Mark also said that tunneling protocols
can bypass virtually all vendors on the market. Also, NACs
do not help if sensitive material in need of protection re-
sides in the data that can be accessed. One example Mark
gave involved a person with legitimate data access collect-
ing data snippets and combining them to form a position
for insider trading.
Mark finished his talk by discussing where NACs are head-
ing. He sees future NACs being able to identify more than
just who is accessing the network; they will also identify
what data they are using and what applications they are
using to access that data. Future NACs will be able to use
layered profiles to limit network access. They will limit ac-
cess based on user identity, application usage, and data
usage. He also sees NACs providing easy correlation of
events to help administrators put seemingly unconnected
events together to solve a bigger security puzzle. Mark also
sees NACs providing more automated reactions to events
on the network than current IPS solutions. In general, he
sees NACs becoming more automated as time progresses.
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There were few questions asked during this session but the
answers provided were detailed. Mark was asked his opin-
ion of signature-based IDS and IPS systems and how viable
he thought they were in the immediate future. Mark said
that he wasn’t a big fan. He suggested that a company have
at least one commercial solution but should back it up
with Snort. He also suggested that a company should use a
combination of both anomaly- and signature-based systems
to cover the full range of scenarios.
The second question concerned agents and the effective-
ness of NACs against encrypted traffic such as SSH. Mark
explained that an agent would ideally be in programmed
Java to allow for maximum cross-platform usage. In gen-
eral the NAC will be unable to read SSH traffic, but in
some regards it can be predictable. He said that some stud-
ies have shown that the first thing an administrator does
when logging into a machine is type su. This has a clearly
defined length and could be detected even if the traffic is
encrypted. There is nothing more that can be analyzed
from the encrypted traffic beyond correlation.
The final question was about the validity of Gumjack (sys-
tems on a USB device) in NAC situations. Mark said that it
could scale well but you would have to buy a Gumjack de-
vice for every employee’s computer, so the logistics and
economics could be daunting.
The Economic Meltdown of Moore’s Law and the Green
Data Center
Kenneth G. Brill, Executive Director, Uptime Institute
Summarized by Kimberly McGuire ([email protected])
According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors on a
piece of silicon will double every 24 months. In fact, the
number of transistors on a piece of silicon has been dou-
bling every 18 months, faster than originally predicted by
Moore’s Law. However, this increasing rate of computa-
tional performance is greater than the rate of power effi-
ciency improvement. The result of multiplying increasing
computational performance with energy efficiency im-
provement is that more and more electricity is being con-
sumed at the plug. In 2005, Dr. Koomey of Stanford and
the Uptime Institute estimates that servers used 1.2% of
the electricity generated in the United States; this figure is
up from 0.6% in 2000.
This lag in power efficiency will drive a site’s Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) up and reduce economic productivity.
Because of these increasing power needs, square feet costs
of a data center are irrelevant; costs will be driven by the
power consumption of the IT equipment. The increasing
demand and cost of electricity has big tech companies
moving to areas where they can get power at less than
$0.03 a kilowatt-hour or to areas of the country that have
surplus power.
Mr. Brill suggested four metrics to determine whether your
data center is “green”: (1) IT strategy optimization; (2)
hardware asset utilization; (3) energy-efficient hardware
deployment; (4) site infrastructure overhead minimization.
Turn off machines that aren’t doing work, virtualize, and
use what you have efficiently. As spindle speed doubles,
power consumption goes up by a factor of 8. Does every-
thing need to be on the fastest disk? Buy energy-efficient
hardware. It’s available but currently does cost slightly
more, but you’ll likely save in incremental cost. Remember
that less than half of what comes out of the plug goes to
computation. The remainder is overhead.
A green data center for a large global enterprise can make
an estimated $100 million in profit or competitive advan-
tage over 10 years. Scaled-down savings are available for
smaller centers.
Business units want the latest and greatest equipment for
their money. However, IT’s current economic chargeback
systems typically fail to take the true cost of ownership
into consideration. Part of those new, faster computers is
the cost of electricity, which as a single site cost element
all by itself will soon exceed the cost of the server over
three years. Unfortunately, this is only one of several major
site infrastructure cost components that need to be billed
back to users.
Until the IT cost chargeback system is fixed to determine
true costs, users will be motivated to make suboptimal de-
cisions. It is the responsibility of an IT manager to explain
those true costs and try to convince business units that
they don’t have to sacrifice much in performance to see a
substantial reduction in the three-year TCO for a piece of
equipment. Ideally, chargeback to those business units is
key to containing TCO for a site.
Another way a company can reduce site costs is by using
the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL).
ITIL was originally developed by IBM for the United King-
dom. ITIL uses checklists and detailed descriptions of
processes and practices that can be tailored to fit any IT
organization. Mr. Brill pointed out that a site’s IT equip-
ment needs to be included in the configuration database
when building or moving to a new data center.
Summarized by Kevin James ([email protected])
Moobi: A Thin Server Management System Using
Chris McEniry, Sony Computer Entertainment America
Chris presented a solution used by Sony Computer Enter-
tainment America (SCEA) to update and deploy their
2000+ game servers. Moobi is an image distribution sys-
tem based on PXE, DHCP, TFTP, and BitTorrent that he de-
veloped after years of searching for ways to deploy his
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many server instances and minimize downtime. He began
by describing the motivation for Moobi.
SCEAs online gaming servers grew from 350 in 2004 to
more than 2000 in 2007, while tasking two administrators
at most to maintain them. Initially he turned to Cfengine
but found that he was unable to express what he needed
using this powerful tool. Chris is quick to say that the prob-
lem was not with Cfengine; they simply couldn’t accurately
express what they needed in their classes. In one instance,
after updating the ntp configuration on the game servers,
several cascading events caused the servers to crash. Realiz-
ing several deficiencies in their process, Chris was inspired
by the Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP). LTSP works
by intercepting the normal boot order of the kernel. He
thought, “Why can’t we do other environment setup here?”
The decision was to load an image during this step.
Unfortunately, the booting of the servers became a bottle-
neck. He decided to leverage the spare capacity of the
servers and available network bandwidth and run the Bit-
Torrent client during the initial kernel boot. By sending
different segments of the image to different nodes within a
subnet, not only are the servers able to load an image
faster but slow-to-start servers are able to quickly catch up.
After running a controlled experiment, Chris reports that
Moobi running with only three boot servers was able to
update an impressive 600 nodes in approximately an hour,
with 95% of the machines finished in the first 15 minutes.
The last 5% were slowed by PXE boot failures.
In the future, Chris plans to port Moobi to more OS distri-
butions and provide better hardware detection on boot.
Another improvement would be to develop a method for
integrating Moobi into existing configuration management
PoDIM: A Language for High-Level Configuration
Thomas Delaet and Wouter Joosen, Katholieke Universiteit
Leuven, Belgium
Awarded Best Paper!
Thomas Delaet presented PoDIM: an object-oriented lan-
guage aimed at creating high-level specifications for con-
figuration management tools. Instead of defining what
processes are necessary to complete the configuration of a
host or how to enforce the configuration, PoDIM focuses
on defining the relationships between different entities
within the host and network, delegating the details to vari-
ous tool-specific translators. He cites Paul Anderson’s
paper “Towards a High-Level Machine Configuration Sys-
tem” given at the 8th annual LISA Conference [Proceedings
of the 8th Large Installation Systems Administration (LISA)
Conference (Berkeley, CA: USENIX, 1994), pp. 19–26] as a
In PoDIM, “all ‘things’ are objects.” It leverages existing re-
search in language creation and software engineering in
the “Rule Language,” used to define your site policy. De-
laet lists static typing, multiple inheritance, and contrac-
tual programming constraints (preconditions, post-condi-
tions, and class invariants) as advantages of their ap-
proach. Another advantage is the use of object references
when attributes refer to other objects versus actual object
copies. This is used to define dependencies between differ-
ent object classes. One creates a site policy by creating sev-
eral rules and constraints that define the composition of
each object as well as how their attributes may be modi-
fied. This is accomplished by using an SQL-like syntax.
After the site policy is defined, it is fed to the PoDIM com-
piler, resulting in several complete object descriptions,
much like a normal compilation step. In response to an
audience question, Delaet explained that failures during
this step do not necessarily cause the entire compilation
process to fail. Only objects that depend on a particular
rule definition, either directly or through reference, fail
during compilation. These are used by a configuration-
tool-specific templating engine, which generates the files
necessary for that tool. The code that results is then sup-
plied to the configuration system. This allows for easy in-
tegration into current configuration frameworks. The cur-
rent reference implementation for the templating engine
generates Cfengine code.
In the future, Delaet plans to introduce greater modular-
ization into the translation process by separating the rule
logic from the object definitions. Other improvements in-
clude simplifying the integration of PoDIM into higher-
level tools and GUIs, creation of templating engines for
other tools (LCFG, Bcfg2, Puppet), as well as a method for
translating the native configurations of such tools into
PoDIM. Finally, he stressed the need for a communication
mechanism to facilitate the resolution of cross-machine de-
Network Patterns in Cfengine and Scalable Data
Mark Burgess and Matt Disney, Oslo University College; Rolf
Stadler, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Matt Disney presented the results of work toward intro-
ducing decentralization into Cfengine. Recognizing that
centralized management strategies will eventually fail on
some level, they took cues from network management pat-
terns to develop decentralization schemes in Cfengine’s
monitoring. Drawing on graph and tree traversal algo-
rithms, they developed a logical overlay network for each
scheme, independent of the actual physical layout of the
network. Each scheme is characterized by an expansion
phase, during which nodes are queried, and a contraction
phase, during which the responses of each node are aggre-
gated. One highlighted application of this approach is in
the field of autonomics, during which such feedback from
nodes is necessary in the reconfiguration process.
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To study the behavior of these schemes, three different ex-
periments were developed, and statistics were collected
over 50 runs. They first tested a scheme called Echo, in
which a query is pushed to nodes arranged in a tree over-
lay and then the responses are collected; this is repeated
and compared to the performance over parallel star and se-
rial star overlays. The results from this experiment showed
that although the parallel star overlay performed the
fastest and the serial star overlay required the lowest work-
load, the echo overlay provided a nice trade-off between
the two, running in half the time of the serial star while
generating one-fifth the workload of the parallel star.
The next experiment, GAP chain, arranged the nodes into
a chained overlay, but did not use an expansion phase. In-
stead, responses were simply aggregated from the nodes.
After test runs similar to the Echo experiment, the results
showed that the GAP chain performed even better than
they had originally expected. Further investigation of this
showed that adding a sleeping factor to the nodes in-
creased performance, even allowing for a single-cycle up-
date after some adjustment.
The third experiment used the same methodology as the
second, but with a tree overlay. The results showed the
performance of this overlay to be quite stable, but similar
to the chain; greater performance can be achieved by ad-
justing the sleeping factor attached to the nodes.
Although the results of their experiments are quite promis-
ing, Disney does report some limitations and errors they
encountered. Virtual machines were used to simulate the
test network; therefore the time on each node could have
become skewed. Also, the sample sizes were small, only 20
nodes; he believes that more representative results could
be obtained with larger sample sizes. In conclusion, they
plan to implement more pattern overlays in Cfengine. To
facilitate this, the group plans to explore enhancements to
pattern specification in Cfengine.
Hardening Your Systems Against Litigation
Alexander Muentz, Esq.
Summarized by Kimberly McGuire ([email protected])
First and foremost, Mr. Muentz does not work for Mi-
crosoft. The information contained in this summary or in
his presentation is not legal advice and is for informational
purposes only. This area of the law is in flux and what may
be law today may not be tomorrow.
Civil litigation is an IT risk for which preparations must be
made in the event a lawsuit is filed against your company.
Civil litigation poses a security risk as it allows outsiders
to view and handle sensitive data and could potentially
lead to financial losses for you and/or your organization.
There are myriad reasons a person or persons could file a
civil suit against a company.
A civil lawsuit starts with a complaint that lists all legally
supported claims. The next step in the process is discovery.
During the discovery process each side produces all re-
sponsive information related to the lawsuit. Additionally,
during discovery each side gets to interview, under oath,
selected individuals from the other side and each side can
subpoena information from third parties with relevant in-
formation. Discovery is based on good faith; if either side
fails to produce relevant information purposely or acciden-
tally, they can face fines, data recovery fees, dismissal of
claim or defense, dismissal of lawsuit, or loss of suit. Fi-
nally there is a settlement, trial, or arbitration to determine
the outcome of the lawsuit.
Litigation is so expensive primarily because of the discov-
ery process. Once a civil lawsuit is filed a litigation hold is
put into place requiring you to preserve all responsive data
and documents. Data and documents include but are not
limited to email, digital documents, voicemail, backup
tapes, system logs, and slack space on disk drives. Then
the data and documents are collected and a discovery con-
ference is held. During this conference each side discusses
the sources and people they have and sets a schedule and
format. After the discovery conference all the data is re-
viewed at least twice—in some cases, three times. The first
review is usually done by a junior attorney; the second and
third reviews are done by more experienced lawyers. At
between $90 and $150 an hour for each lawyer it is easy to
see how quickly the expenses can grow.
The discovery process is also the biggest security and pri-
vacy risk for a company and its employees. It is a privacy
risk for employees because of the grey area between per-
sonal lives and business. It is no longer uncommon to find
people who work from home on a regular basis or use per-
sonal email for business. It is an IT security risk because of
the broad sweep of the process. The law firm takes every-
thing and anything that may be related to the civil suit.
The law firm may have inadequate security or may con-
tract out some of the work to third-party vendors, leaving
sensitive data in insecure hands.
What can you do to prepare yourself? Do an ESI (Electron-
ically Stored Information) audit. Identify all key systems
and determine their contents. Use policies to define reten-
tion of ESI, how users can remotely access systems, the de-
commissioning of systems, and use of personal email for
work, and follow those policies. Finally, implement a col-
lection plan for end-user PCs and file servers. Preparation
is key.
There are also some steps you can take if you find yourself
already in the middle of litigation. First and most impor-
tantly, cooperate with your lawyers. Enforce the litigation
hold and request additional storage capacity to handle the
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additional data. Attend the discovery conference, assist in
working out a technical plan, and be prepared to correct
any bad technical information the other side may be trying
to pass off as legitimate. If required, help select third-party
vendors to ensure that data is reviewed in a secure loca-
tion. If you are deposed, explain exactly what you did and
why you did it.
Alexander Muentz is based in Philadelphia, PA, and is li-
censed to practice in the state courts of New Jersey and
Pennsylvania. The slides from his presentation are up at,
and a related article appeared in ;login:, Oct. 2007.
Should the Root Prompt Require a Road Test?
Alva L. Couch, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Tufts
Summarized by Kevin James ([email protected])
At this year’s Lunch & Learn session, Professor Alva
Couch led a discussion on an issue that has great impor-
tance for the future of the system administration profes-
sion: What makes a good system administrator and how
do we measure this? Alva began by asking, “Is there a mys-
terious compound ‘W’ that makes system administrators
functional and ensures success”? Often certification is
thought of as being the proper way to become a good sys-
tem administrator, but Alva believes that we have this rela-
tionship backward: certifications serve experienced system
administrators far more than new ones. He takes the
stance that certification tests cannot measure what makes a
good system administrator, “Quality X,” but instead meas-
ure an individual’s knowledge of a specific product or
brand. Yes, we should attempt to determine functional sys-
tem administrators by certifying them, but there are some
things that tests cannot measure.
He proffered driving as a metaphor for our current prob-
lem, as “we are drivers of the technological revolution.”
We certify a driver’s knowledge using a written test and
skills using a road test; our current testing frameworks ac-
complish the first well enough, but there isn’t an equiva-
lent for the road test in system administration. Again, Alva
believes we are asking the wrong question. A better ques-
tion would be, “What is the difference between new driv-
ers (and sysadmins) and more experienced ones?” Acci-
dents: New drivers are associated with higher accident
rates, and rates seem to decrease with the experience of
the driver. Alva credits this to an increase in situational
awareness and judgment, which allows drivers, system ad-
ministrators, and even pilots to “understand the broader
effects of your actions.” These make up our Quality X, that
which makes sysadmins good. This quality is only attained
through causing accidents and learning from them.
Having identified Quality X, Alva continued breaking
down its role in system administration. Situational aware-
ness entails determining not only what could be wrong
and what could have caused it but also the side-effects of
your solution both on your systems and on your con-
sumers. The extent of one’s situational awareness can be
considered the “maturity level of a system administrator”;
when solving problems, whether our focus is limited to the
local system or extends to the whole enterprise and be-
yond to your lifecycle planning depends on the amount of
experience you have attained. Mentoring becomes indis-
pensable; the inexperienced can learn from their mistakes
in an environment where someone can guide them on a
path to greater awareness.
He concluded that we will never be able to measure matu-
rity as an administrator and therefore should give up on
knowledge-based tests to achieve this. Instead, we should
focus on increasing the availability of mentoring and other
methods for expanding experience. Handing the discus-
sion over to the audience, Alva left us with a few thoughts.
In the technological revolution, we are drivers. We want
“professional” status and “respect.” Please drive safely.
Summarized by Gautam Singaraju (gau-
Fettle, a Program for Populating and Dressing Racks
Andrew Hume, AT&T Labs—Research
Maintaining multiple numbers of servers and racks poses a
significant administration problem when placement at dif-
ferent locations is required. Andrew Hume developed a
program that allows users to place the servers on racks
based on the number of Ethernet connections, power sup-
plies, switches, etc. The tool creates a 3D presentation to
show how the servers can be placed. The tool, Fettle,
should be available soon on under an open
source license.
Excellent Performance with Aging Hardware
Alberto D’Ambrosio, National Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Turin, Italy
Citing the Brooklyn Bridge as an example, Alberto
D’Ambrosio suggested that system administrators now
have to monitor and support systems developed by others.
At his organization, two machines were used as mail
servers. These could handle the load for the first few years,
simply fixing any problems that started showing up. How-
ever, as spam started increasing, the servers began to reject
emails, and processing and storage increased tenfold. The
cluster had become less reactive owing to SCSI starvation.
Performance increased once they relocated to a Bayesian
database. They started recycling their old servers to pro-
vide additional performance benefits.
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What’s New in Amanda: The Open Source Backup
Dustin J. Mitchell, Storage Software Engineer, Zmanda, Inc.
Amanda supports a device API that allows pluggable stor-
age backends such as tape, disk (vtape), RAIT (Redundant
Array of Independent Tapes), WAN, and optical media.
Application API integrates Amanda with tar, dump/restore,
different databases, Windows, AFS, and NDMP. The
Amanda transfer architecture (XFA) has a client-server
model, in which the client passes the messages to the su-
pervisor, which is present on the server over the network.
The client compresses the data received from the applica-
tion, which is then encrypted by the server and sent to the
taper. Perl in the code allows new contributors to join the
system while providing low-level processing and using the
high-level libraries. Dustin Mitchell invited new develop-
ers and contributors to join in development of Amanda.
Analysis and Verification of XACML Policies
Saurabh Arora, Pablo Giambiagi, and Olav Bandmann,
Security, Policy and Trust Laboratory, Swedish Institute of
Computer Sciences, Sweden
XACML provides access to a rich language for expressing
security policies and makes it possible to integrate many
different authorization models into the same framework.
Policy management tools need to be enhanced in order to
help system administrators design sound policies, support
policy change management including policy optimization,
facilitate cooperation among administrators, support GUI
functionality, and support properties that are not directly
expressible in standard policy languages (e.g., Separation
of Duties or Chinese wall). In the upcoming XACML 3.0,
one of the most important additions is a mechanism for
delegation of security administration. It provides a rich
language for expressing security policies in which policies
can be issued by authorized issuers. The new specification
can be used to implement decentralized administration in
applications and a mechanism for delegating security ad-
The authors developed a Policy Analysis Subsystem (PAS)
that translates policies and queries to propositional logic.
External data such as XACML policies, attributes, and rela-
tions can be fetched by PAS to compose queries. Saurabh
discussed SAT solver as a tool for (a) solving the Boolean
satisfiability problem and (b) analysis of counter-model
examples. PAS can iterate queries and/or adapt queries
based on results of previous queries, as needed, to express
higher-level queries.
Grid Services at Yahoo! Comes to LISA
Marco Nocosia
Marco Nocosia introduced Hadoop, a distributed file sys-
tem and map-reduction programming platform designed to
scale out to satisfy the requirements of a full-scale Web
content system. Typical SAN and NAS do not support
enough storage or IO bandwidth. Hadoop combines the
storage and computation power of any set of computers
and is written in Java; the user’s program can be written in
the user’s preferred language. Hadoop has been developed
as an open source project and interacts with HDFS. The
information can be seen in a browser and Hadoop allows
the clusters to run both DFS and M-R.
Nathan Hubbard
Every organization rolls their own machine DB, which is
usually independent of the organization’s. MachDB is a
scalable, open source implementation of the most needed
of system administrator tools to maintain the machine
database. MachDB began as a quickly growing startup,
but it is scalable for enterprise environments. There are
several design goals for MachDB: Information gathering
should be architecture- and OS-agnostic, the back end
should be LAMP, the XML spec should be the API, and it
should be scalable to 10,000+ hosts, have human and ma-
chine readable interfaces, have an easy-to-use Web front
end, and offer a history on everything and templates for
easy UI modifications. The code is now in its alpha phase
and will be released in a few weeks at the project Web site:
Maarten Thibaut
Maarten Thibaut needed to synchronize huge amounts of
data among multiple servers. Serial rsync does not serve
this purpose because it requires too much time. Maarten
suggests using parallel rsync, which uses a fork mecha-
nism called mfork, a simple command that allows paral-
lelization. The command mfork forks rsync and copies
data. Make was not used, as it depends on gnu and takes
additional time. Parallel rsync also allows users to save the
results without any issues of parallelization.
Migrating to Internet Protocol Version 6 (PDF)
Dennis Underwood and Jon Lavender, University of North
Carolina at Charlotte
Migration to IPV6 is a long-term necessity, but experience
with the protocol is limited and usage and implementation
policies need to be established. However, migration from
IPv4 to IPv6 affects the entire network and middleware
will need to be replaced with end-to-end administration
policy. Although the new protocol eases network adminis-
tration, associated technologies keep developing rapidly.
Dennis Underwood and Jon Lavender suggest that policy
should be valued first and different alternatives should be
devised for short-term and long-term migration strategies.
Ignoring IPv6 is not an option; their alternate option of
immediate migration has advantages and disadvantages.
Because the models are still developing and vendors may
not leverage all IPv6 capabilities, immediate adoption is
simply not possible. The authors suggest the development
of long-term policy strategies to gain eventual full IPv6
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User Satisfaction and Technology Acceptance Among
System Administrators
Nicole F. Velasquez, University of Arizona
Nicole Velasquez studies user satisfaction and technology
acceptance among system administrators. Human-Com-
puter Interaction (HCI) among system administrators is
completely different from that of the usual users. Presently,
more money is being spent on human development cost.
Nicole uses verification and login information to deter-
mine information quality. The system quality that is being
used should be reliable, flexible, and integrable. Nicole
proposes scalability, credibility, and situational awareness.
Frequency Domain Analysis and Visualization of Web
Server Performance
Marc Chiarini and Alva Couch, Tufts University
Frequency domain analysis and visualization of the Web
server provide an external model of behavior of the Web
server. It allows one to check how a Web server responds
to simple requirements. With the help of frequency analy-
sis, the server measures the effects of increasing load and
checks for abnormal behavior. Input classes are important
for performing frequency domain analysis because they
take into account the different types of inputs coming into
the system by checking the caching mechanisms, dynamic
pages, and database server performance. The authors
demonstrated their frequency domain analysis using
graphs and discussed how the frequency domain analysis
helps in plotting expected domain behavior and the per-
formance of the servers.
How Do You Protect the Data of 1500 Very Nontechnical
Ski Kacoroski
Dealing with a nontechnological user base usually implies
that people cannot back up their critical information. The
solution presented here is to use
This enabled machines at a K–12 school to be fully backed
up. The helpdesk has a Web site that can be used and
backups can be made using different techniques. The sys-
tem is optimized to back up the users’ data at night.
Prince Caspian on Location: Commodity Hardware and
Gaffer Tape
Trey Darley, Technical Consultant
Summarized by Kimberly McGuire ([email protected])
Working on the set of a big-budget, major motion picture
sounds like a great job. Traveling across Europe to exotic
locations, Trey Darling did this for the new Narnia movie,
Prince Caspian, for approximately six months. Trey worked
with a team of four for Walt Disney Productions and
Walden Media. He started working at the Barrandov studio
in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He immediately found himself
working as a reactive system administrator. Because of the
way contracts were set up, cast and crew brought their
own equipment, including their own computers. This myr-
iad of computers required expertise to support OS 9, Vista,
and everything in between.
Working in a building constructed during World War II
presented its own problems. Thick walls made it difficult
to run cable. Requests for connectivity would come in on a
Friday to be completed by Monday. The original network
was to be for 50 to 60 users, but by the time Trey left the
project the network was handling 500 to 600 users. The
Linksys switches, originally selected for a network of 50 to
60, had to be replaced every two weeks. Management de-
termined that it was less expensive to buy and replace the
cheaper switches than to spend more money on switches
that could adequately handle the traffic.
Next on the location list was Bledne Skaly, Poland, a small
town in the middle of nowhere. The base camp consisted
of trailers and tents, both of which changed configuration
daily. Trey started in a pop-up tent, with a battery and a
bench. Everything in the tent, including equipment, had to
be packed up during thunderstorms, which hit the area
regularly. The IT department eventually got its own trailer.
There was no Internet access in Bledne Skaly, so they had
to use a wireless modem. The base camp and “the set”
were divided by a stretch of woods. To get Internet access
to the set from the base camp required a series of wireless
access points to be constructed through the woods. Trey
and his team used garden hose as conduit to run cable
through the muddy fields that surrounded the base camp.
Good-quality services were difficult to find. An example
Trey gave was when one of the stars of the movie required
a data recovery service on a dropped laptop. The team
found a company to do the data recovery, but the hard
drive was seized by the police during a raid on the com-
pany. After “talking” to the right people the drive was re-
Avid Unity systems were used for redigitizing and cutting
the movie. Each Avid system stored 25–30 terabytes of
data. There were no backup plans in place for these sys-
tems and instead of getting good-quality power converters,
each $20,000 system used a $20 converter.
Trey was asked whether he would do this kind of work
again. While he never said yes or no to the question, he
did say that if he did it again he would press production
hard to get a better feel for the scope.
The Security Butterfly Effect
Cat Okita, Earthworks
Summarized by Nathaniel Husted ([email protected])
Cat’s talk involved quite a lot of audience interaction. In
fact, in a response to an audience member, she said that if
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106 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
you have ethical problems with raising your hand, please
feel free to raise any other body part. There was also a
member of the audience who provided sound effects for
the technical session. Although these portions of the ses-
sion cannot be recreated in the summary, the educational
information can. It is recommended that the readers view
her PowerPoint slides at
lisa07/tech/okita_talk.pdf while reading this summary.
Cat introduced her talk by posing the question, “Does the
flap of a butterfly’s wings in Brazil set off a tornado in
Texas?” This was a question asked by a paper in the 1960s.
The author of the paper did one set of calculations, then
manually entered his calculations a second time and re-
ceived a completely different answer. The Butterfly Effect
is when small variations in the initial condition of a system
produce large variations in the long-term behavior of the
Cat then defined the characteristics of the Butterfly Effect,
or rather what it is not, since it is a subtle effect. It is not
the domino effect, nor is it linear or cascading. It does not
involve one clearly identifiable thing leading to a problem
that spans out.
She then asked whether any of us know the initial condi-
tions of our systems. The answer to this question is no. As
we become more specialized and modularization increases,
and as our software becomes more complex, this situation
will get worse. It is from this lack of knowledge that we
make assumptions about our systems.
Cat split the assumptions we make into three categories:
environmental assumptions, behavioral assumptions, and
blind spots. Environmental assumptions are those in
which we think we know everything about our environ-
ment. As an example, she gave “Everyone knows it doesn’t
snow in the deserts.” In fact, sometimes it does. Behavioral
assumptions are those based on how people and systems
behave. Blind spots are situations when we think a system
always works in a specific way.
The rest of Cat’s talk was structured as nine specific stories
created from these three assumptions. The stories were
split into three sections: the cast of characters involved,
the problem, and the assumptions.
The first story was about THERAC-25, a medical linear
accelerator produced by Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.
(AECL). It was inspired by the THERAC-6 and the
THERAC-20. These older models were created by AECL
as well as CGR, a French company. Before the THERAC-25
was built, there was a fallout between AECL and CGR.
AECL decided to reuse the software from the THERAC-6
and THERAC-20, but not implement any of the hardware
controls that the THERAC-6 and THERAC-20 used. The
THERAC-25 would only use software controls, but the
THERAC-25 would either underdose or overdose the pa-
tients. It would also produce strange errors and sometimes
just not work. AECL explained that this was not the com-
pany’s fault; it must be user error. After the deaths of some
patients and radioactive overdoses of others, AECL finally
agreed to add hardware controls. The assumptions made in
this situation included the idea that a hardware company
could write software and that the users were not providing
accurate information. The first was a blind spot; the sec-
ond was an environmental assumption.
The second story, “Samy Is My Hero,” involved the MySpace
social networking site and a boy named Samy who was in-
terested in looking at pictures of the fairer sex. To look at
these pictures he needed a large number of “friends.” To
reach this goal he put a little snippet of code in his profile
that automatically added any viewers of his profile to his
friends list. This code would then add a copy of itself to the
visitor’s profile as well. MySpace was not amused. In this sit-
uation MySpace assumed that users would not and could
not put malicious code in their own profiles. This was both
a behavioral assumption and a blind spot.
In the third story, “How to Fit an Elephant Into a Teacup,”
a secure data center was experiencing impressive growth
and had a set of “world-class” access controls to secure the
building. The operation of these world-class access con-
trols was based on the weight of the subject. The problem
was that the access controls thought one of the data cen-
ter’s talented employees was more than one person. This
happened because the weight cutoff for the access controls
was 400 pounds. This also meant that multiple people
with a cumulative weight of less than 400 pounds could
get in. To solve this problem, the staff members propped
open the fire door of the “secure” data center. There were
multiple behavioral assumptions in this situation. The first
was that everyone weighs the same. The second was that
multiple small people would not enter the facility at once.
The third assumption was that people would never go
through the fire exit unless it was necessary. The final as-
sumption was that the physical security staff would not
open the doors for someone who shouldn’t be there.
The fourth story, “A Scandal in Bohemia,” dealt with para-
noid privacy enthusiasts and a “security researcher” named
Dan Egerstad. The privacy enthusiasts were using Tor as a
way to keep their browsing habits secret. Tor is a program
that redirects Internet traffic to make it hard to identify
where the traffic originated. It also makes it hard to block
the traffic. The fine print, however, states that it does not
protect any information in the traffic and provides no
guarantees. Dan Egerstad posted details of sensitive email
accounts he received from sniffing the traffic at the edge of
the Tor network. The paranoid privacy enthusiasts were
not amused. One of the assumptions the paranoid privacy
enthusiasts had was that Tor would hide sensitive informa-
tion. This was a blind spot. The Tor group also made an
assumption that people read fine print. That was a behav-
ioral assumption.
The final story, “Monkey Business,” involved, well, mon-
keys. This story begins with the crashing of a VAX main-
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frame. A Digital Field Service Engineer (DFSE) was called
in to fix the problem. The system administrators didn’t call
the researchers, because nothing looked unusual about this
VAX. Problems arose when the DFSE ran a diagnostic on
the system. It turns out that everyone neglected to heed a
sign saying “Do not disable read-only mode” on the drive
controller. After the diagnostics everyone found out there
were monkeys attached to the VAX and monkeys do not
operate in write mode. Some monkeys were recovered, but
others experienced “fatal errors.” The biggest assumption
in this story was that the system administrators knew ex-
actly what the machine was being used for. This was a big
blind spot.
After Cat told her nine stories, five retold here, she dis-
cussed what she saw in the future of computing. In sum-
mary, she found the Butterfly Effect to become more prom -
inent. Cat warned that as we continue to become more
specialized people will know less and less about things
outside their area of specialization. We’re also experiencing
a “rise of the machines.” It has become more common to
outsource what we know to machines and hope they prop-
erly take care of all the blind spots and other assumptions.
In response to a question about applying the wisdom from
this talk to smaller systems, Cat affirmed that this Butterfly
Effect analysis is most certainly applicable to smaller sys-
tems. She said that many times things will work fine with
one or two programs, but when three or more are intro-
duced, weird things can happen. In response to another
question she advised that we should always expect the un-
expected and we can glean wisdom from the superstition,
myth, and lore we pass around as system administrators.
Finally, she said that there is value in differing opinions.
Cookin’ at the Keyboard
David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University CCIS; Lee
Damon, University of Washington
Summarized by Josh Simon ([email protected]g)
The conference’s closing session began with the usual
close-of-conference announcements, then we segued into
“Cookin’ at the Keyboard” with David Blank-Edelman and
Lee Damon. While neither has any formal culinary experi-
ence, both like to cook. Lee demonstrated by preparing
(from chopping the vegetables through serving it to
David), on-stage while David spoke, a tofu and vegetable
stir-fry and ice cream with homemade hot chocolate sauce.
Unfortunately, for liability reasons, David and Lee were un-
able to share the stir-fry or the chocolate sauce. David
spoke about how system administrators could learn from
restaurant cooking procedures. First, as an appetizer,
David spoke about why cooking is hard: You’re not just ap-
plying heat to some food, you’re managing the conditions
with lots of variables, such as the quality of the ingredi-
ents, the temperature and humidity of the air, and the level
of heat involved.
As the first course, David discussed recipes. Based on dis-
cussions with cookbook authors and chefs, he talked
about how writing recipes is hard. You never make the
same food twice, you can’t go into explicit detail at every
step (including such things as the suppliers of the food
and manufacturers of the stove and pans and so forth)
without scaring your audience, and most people don’t use
common sense in terms of recovery (if a recipe says “cook
10 minutes” they’ll cook it for 10 minutes even if it’s obvi-
ously done after 5). Solutions to these problems are to
treat recipes as general guidelines and to never expect
someone to duplicate a recipe but instead to approximate
it. You also find that cookbooks specify common units and
time ranges and provide visual and textual clues to let the
reader (cook) make judgments. As you get more experi-
ence, you can come up with simpler recipes with fewer in-
gredients to achieve the same or better flavors. In other
words, the better you get, the simpler it gets. So learn to
simplify: It takes experience. Learn where to cut corners,
when to ask questions, when to question every ingredient,
and how to compromise when necessary.
As the second course, David had talked to several chefs
about working in a world-class kitchen. Starting with a
definition of restaurant terms and continuing through a
comparison of trade (such as a burger-flipper or help desk
worker) to craft (cook or system administrator) to art
(chef or ubergeek), he went through the skills you need.
The chefs agreed that to be a good cook you’d need a sense
of urgency, the ability to take direction and clean up as you
go, precision, a thorough knowledge of the subject matter,
initiative, focus, and dedication. You also need to be part
of a team, be willing to jump in and help when needed,
and be able to receive new information and produce with
it. These skills, with minor changes from food-industry to
technological terms, describe much about system adminis-
tration. In the case of cooking, preparation (mise en place)
is included in the process. You need to be prepared physi-
cally and mentally; you need to know where everything is
and have everything at hand, ready when you are, and be
as fast and as efficient as possible. As you get more experi-
ence you’re able to work better under pressure, to help
others, and to show your creativity.
Finally, for dessert, David provided an overview of what
we as system administrators can take away from the talk.
We need to write better recipes and recipe interpreters,
such as configuration management tools. We need to de-
velop our skills and moves better. We need to prepare,
work clean, and focus on the task. Finally, like a line cook
becoming a chef, we need to chase perfection: Take teach-
ing opportunities but not necessarily every learning oppor-
tunity, communicate with your team, document what you
do, learn more things, ask for help when you need it, and
be able to roll back and start over when you have to.
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Fighting Spam: The State of the Art
Chris St. Pierre, Nebraska Wesleyan University
Summarized by Chris St. Pierre
Although spam is far from a solved problem, most atten-
dees at the Spam Fighting workshop appeared to consider
it about 95% or more solved. The remaining 5% still poses
a concern, though, as does the fact that spammers have a
growing army of programmers and computers dedicated to
eliminating or obsoleting the hard-earned gains that have
gotten us to this point.
The issue is complicated by the fact that nowadays spam is
rarely an issue that is isolated to incoming mail. Many of
the attendees had concerns about outgoing spam, whether
sent or forwarded by their clients. Soft topics in spam
fighting, including access and acceptable use policies,
amount of functionality granted to the user, and more,
were also discussed.
Currently one of the biggest guns in the spammer’s arsenal
is the botnet, and we detected botnets and ended spam
from them. Tools such as p0f, which passively detects what
operating system a given connection is from, are gaining
traction since they allow mail server operators to score or
reject messages that come from non-server OSes. Detecting
botnets on one’s own network, conversely, is getting harder,
since botnet authors have started using “hide-and-seek”
bots that deliberately void the high-traffic fingerprint that
usually allows easy identification.
We also discussed the degree of customization granted to
the end user. Although most attendees thought that allow-
ing significant user-level customization of spam filters was
ideal in theory, it is often not feasible, especially for high-
volume sites, and the difference in effectiveness may not
be as large as one might think.
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Domain Keys (DKIM)
were discussed and discounted as reasonable antispam
measures, although they might be useful in combination
with other tools. Many spammers have embraced SPF and
DKIM, which has reduced their reliability, and slow uptake
by major corporations has reduced it further. Even their
usefulness as antiforgery devices was debated, since they
break mail forwarding as it is normally done.
Greylisting, the hot new technology from the past two
years, is slowly but surely waning in effectiveness. One site
reported that the effectiveness of greylisting has dropped
from 21% of incoming mail dropped to only 12% in the
past year.
As greylisting wanes, sender verification waxes, but it is
beset by major technical difficulties. The high overhead
makes it difficult to justify at high-traffic sites, even with
aggressive caching. More important, spammers can use
sites that perform sender verification as proxies to verify
their own lists of addresses or, more nefariously, as proxies
to run a Denial of Service attack against a common mail
server. It was generally agreed that the potential damage
one could do by enabling sender verification was not
worth the benefit, which was itself high-cost.
Another high-cost antispam solution is tarpitting, which is
also growing in popularity to fill the void left by greylist-
ing. Tarpitting has roughly two forms: slowing the connec-
tion or pausing it. Either way is quite expensive, since it
requires an open connection to be left open. There are sev-
eral promising options, though, for reducing the cost of
tarpitting. Some attendees suggested creating a purpose-
built tarpit device that would pause connections, consum-
ing resources only on that machine, and then pass the con-
nection off to a real MTA when tarpitting was complete.
Others felt it was reasonable to only tarpit after some sus-
picious activity was detected, perhaps as an alternative to
rejecting mail that’s only marginally suspicious.
Looking to the future, reputation services, including the
recently launched KarmaSphere, promise to be the next
must-have technology for fighting spam. At the moment,
the field lacks much-needed standards, but several draft
RFCs describing the SIQ standard for reputation services
aim to plug this hole. Centralizing reputation services
should provide a significant boon to mail administrators
who have heretofore been forced to make binary spam-or-
not decisions on multiple blacklists, whitelists, etc., indi-
Interestingly, we found that although spam was still a
major, growing problem, email viruses had virtually disap-
peared. Virus writers have mostly relocated to the malware
sector, where the means of transmission is generally the
Web, not email. One site reported detecting fewer than 20
incoming viruses in the past eight months.
In the final segment of the workshop, we turned to one at-
tendee’s very specific issue of performance in a very high-
capacity environment. Many of the spam technologies we
had discussed were resource-intensive, and he needed to
limit resource consumption in his 10-million-mailbox en-
The common approaches of rejecting as many messages as
possible and splitting inbound and outbound mail had al-
ready been tried, but these were insufficient. Other sug-
gested performance tweaks were to put mail processing en-
tirely in memory or to use machines capable of high num-
bers of concurrent threads.
From there, we discussed using an automated firewall
management tool, such as FUT or fail2ban, to block con-
nections from repeat spammers and create a very nimble,
site-specific blacklist of sorts. This would also save the
overhead of accepting connections from known spammers.
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Other attendees recommended using a set of high-cost
MXes as a sort of honeypot; those machines would get
very slow, but this would mostly inconvenience spammers.
The traffic they took away from the real MXes would allow
legitimate mail more resources. As an illustration, the mail
to one site’s primary MX was only 86% spam, whereas the
higher-cost backup MX received 98% spam.
The last solution suggested was to use an ever-growing
cluster of cheap appliances. With the attractive price-point
of many appliances, it could be feasible to throw enormous
amounts of hardware at the problem of spam filtering in a
very large environment and, by using appliances, make it
essentially someone else’s problem. Unfortunately, the
workshop attendees couldn’t agree on any appliances that
had worked well across the board. Every appliance or
commercial service that had worked well for one attendee
had invariably worked dismally for another attendee,
demonstrating the extreme variability of spam by site.
Robert Au
Summarized by Ski Kacoroski (kacor[email protected])
The first MicroLisa workshop was held on Sunday, Novem-
ber 11. This workshop is aimed at the unique problems of
sites with a limited number of staff, which means that each
admin has a unique skill set, cross-training is very limited,
and there is no time to specialize in storage, clustering, or
other technologies. The goal of the workshop was to iden-
tify the unique problems of small sites, develop best prac-
tices, and determine how to get more of the larger commu-
nity to address these issues.
Sites represented included a secondary school district, a
few colleges, a computational R&D center, a small ISP, and
a few startups. Some sites were standalone, whereas others
were part of a larger organization from which they could
get some support.
Our first discussion was on emergency and vacation cover-
age issues. How do you provide service when you are gone
at a conference or on vacation? How can you balance your
private life and the demands of work? One idea is to create
the illusion of a big help desk by setting up an auto-reply
message. Other ideas were to push back on management to
set more realistic service levels, work to make systems
more reliable to avoid pages, use service contracts to push
the problems onto an external source, and rotate the pager
among other IT staff to screen out noncritical issues. In
terms of vacation coverage, options ranged from no cover-
age, people checking their phones once a day, or hiring an
on-call consultant.
Our second discussion covered tools we used to monitor
our systems. Nagios was the most common tool used with
pages being sent to cell phones. Other tools were In-
termapper, OpenNMS, and home-grown scripts. People
seemed to be pretty happy with the way their monitoring
tools were working. Many noted that scripts sending email
were also primary monitoring tools and that it wasn’t so
much what was in the emails, just that they received the
emails (e.g., I expect three emails an hour from this ma-
chine). In other words, we learned patterns in our incom-
ing email. A few people felt that tools such as Zenoss and
Splunk had too much overhead when compared to Nagios,
SEC, or emails sent from cron jobs. Small sites need very
simple low-maintenance solutions.
We had a long discussion about configuration manage-
ment. How do we manage configurations? How do we de-
termine if the overhead of a configuration management
tool is worth it? A few sites used Cfengine, but most sites
could not justify the overhead of setting up a configuration
management tool, because they were either very heteroge-
neous or had very rapid changes. A mix of home-grown
scripts and ad hoc solutions was the most common. It was
also noted that configuration management tools puts one
more layer between the admin and the machine and re-
quires additional training, which makes it difficult to im-
plement at small sites. Decisions on when to implement a
configuration management tool at a small site were based
on (1) whether it would save time and money by allowing
lower-skilled staff or customers to make changes rather
than the system admin and (2) whether it would help in
documenting the systems.
The next discussion covered how to get help, especially
expert help in areas that we just do not have time to learn
in depth. The key is to get some vendors you can trust and
obtain the knowledge from the vendor so you can support
the system. None of us had good answers to this problem.
Most folks did not like to outsource entire services because
they were on the hook when something went wrong with
the outsourcer and they had been burnt in the past.
Funding and working with management were discussed
next. How do we convince management that equipment
refreshes are a good thing? Because of funding sources,
some people have big budgets for capital but little budgets
for labor. In this situation people can use redundant sys-
tems as a replacement for staff. Normal maintenance and
equipment refreshes are typically hard to sell to manage-
ment, although some groups who are part of a larger or-
ganization are able to get this done via a central adminis-
tration policy. If you are at a small site, then the best bet
seems to be to determine management’s pain points and
figure out ways to minimize the pain in return for getting
some funding for critical items.
This led into a discussion on communication with the or-
ganization. We all agreed that it is important to get out
with your users and see what works and what doesn’t work
for them. This also helps with planning for future projects.
In addition, you might be able to have the users bring some
pressure on management for funding critical projects.
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Once you have funding, then you have to figure out what
to purchase. How do you pick a vendor? How do you test
that the equipment meets your needs? What can be done to
assure the vendor performs as expected? The key here is to
create relationships with a few trusted vendors. For larger
systems, spend the time to do testing. For smaller systems,
get recommendations from people you trust and just imple-
ment them.
We touched briefly on regulatory issues and, yes, they are
affecting small sites. Who needs to understand regulations?
Who cares or has the liability or time? One site refused to
keep critical data, believing adequate protection would be
impossible for it to maintain, but many sites do not have
this choice. Another idea was to outsource critical data
storage (e.g., use Paypal for credit card transactions). In ad-
dition to the regulations, special privacy concerns might be
important (e.g., for the rich, those in witness protection
programs, etc.).
The last discussion before lunch centered on asset tracking
and whether we could use that data for other purposes
such as IP databases. We felt that asset tracking databases
were not accurate enough and had lots of exceptions, mak-
ing them not particularly useful in the system admin con-
text. What we need is an automated way to have the equip-
ment update the asset management database. One attendee
has the beginning of a lightweight system that does this.
Tools used for asset tracking were spreadsheets, wikis, and
an asset tracking module on a helpdesk system.
After lunch the first topic was storage. What kind do we
use? What are our criteria for picking storage? DAS is the
most common at small sites because of low cost and the
low level of skill needed for its operation, but it does not
provide management tools. What we would like is a tool
that will scan a network and map out the storage, shares,
and mounts (especially when a person is just starting at a
job). SATA disks were deemed to be as good as SCSI for al-
most all applications, but there were some concerns about
costs (both training and maintenance) and the idea of put-
ting all services onto a single storage device (NAS or SAN).
The storage discussion led nicely into a discussion about
backups and disaster recovery. Most folks still use tape,
although some are looking at remote disk arrays as their
storage grows into the 20-TB range, because tapes are too
labor-intensive. People who are part of larger organizations
often make use of the resources of their parent organiza-
The next discussion concerned how to train a new person.
If you have the time, a good way is to have the new person
do an audit of all machines and services. If not, have them
shadow you for a few days or weeks and then start giving
them small projects to work on. This led to how we learn
and the resources we use to solve our problems. The most
common learning process was to poke at a system (typi-
cally in production) and hope it doesn’t break, as we do not
have resources for spare test systems.
Occasionally people would have time and an extra machine
to work on, but often that is not the case. For getting help
people used Google, mail lists, IRC, Webcasts, LISA, and
the LOPSA tool page. The biggest problem we all had was
how to find the good information in the deluge that we
face all day (e.g., which of the 17 million books on Ex-
change is the good one?). A dream would be a clipping
service that would have some intelligence to determine
which articles should be passed on to the subscribers. Per-
haps we could use blog aggregators with tags to determine
good content.
The discussion then led into time management. The biggest
problem for all of us was getting large enough blocks of
time on a regular basis for project work, because of the
daily fires we have to put out. Keeping a log of what you do
helps; so does a good ticket tracking system (with RT and
OTRS being the most common).
How we document and plan was next on the agenda. Wikis
are the most common documentation tool. The key is to
document at the correct level, which means not a step-by-
step procedure, but instead a summary that assumes the
reader has a basic level of competence in the subject. The
biggest issue with wikis was being able to easily control ac-
cess to its pages. Planning is often very ad hoc, although
some sites have a budget cycle (e.g., four years for a school
district) or can use trend graphs to predict what new equip-
ment will be needed.
The last discussion centered on the unique characteristics
of small shops and whether there is a good way to define
them. Small shops tend to have more budget limitations,
which leads them to use more open source software. Small
staff size leads to many other key issues, such as time man-
agement, knowledge depth, lack of specialists, and the need
to rely on consultants. Many of the tools discussed at LISA
are difficult to implement at small shops because of the
time necessary to learn, implement, and maintain them
even though they would save time once in place. We defi-
nitely need to figure out more multipliers to make better
use of our skills. Ideas were to use students, interns, and
We wrapped up with the notion of creating a mail list dedi-
cated to discussion of small site issues and to explore the
idea of a MicroLisa column in a magazine or on a Web site.
Configuration: From Managing Nodes to Managing
Mark Burgess, Oslo University College; Sanjai Narain, Telcor-
dia Technologies, Inc.
Summarized by Anu Singh ([email protected]) and
Mukarram Bin Tariq ([email protected])
Sanjai Narain highlighted the important role configuration
plays in keeping networked systems up and running, along
with the general lack of formalized tools for automating
configuration to assure end-to-end communication re-
quirements. He thanked the participants for attending the
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workshop and sharing their views, work, and knowledge
on this subject.
Sanjai also reminded the participants of the upcoming
deadline for the special issue of the Journal on Selected
Areas in Communications (JSAC) on configuration; the
deadline is March 1, 2008.
Verification and Adaptation of Network Security Policies
Ehab Al-Shaer, DePaul University
Ehab talked about management of security policy configura-
tion, a complex issue because of the many rules required—
which are written in 5-tuple forms and have complex se-
mantics—the presence of distributed devices, and distrib-
uted policy interactions. This means that often not all con-
figurations can be checked ahead of time, leading to poten-
tial security breaches. Ehab provided an overview of existing
set-theoretic formalizations of intrafirewall conflicts in dis-
tributed environments and provable sets of constraints that
are sufficient. He pointed to some limitations of this ap-
proach. Ehab introduced an approach based on BDDs (Bi-
nary Decision Diagrams) and contended that BDDs are a
more effective way to formalize the rules; he showed how
conjunctions and disjunctions of rules are expressed using
BDDs. He also showed how IPSec policies can be repre-
sented using BDDs and how one can verify policy conflicts
for paths and compositions. Ehab presented how to use
BDDs to model routing configurations. The developed tool
is available for download from Ehab’s Web site.
Question (Mark Burgess): Have you considered using on-
tology or description logic?
Answer: We tried a little bit, but BDD is a mature area and
we can leverage on its maturity.
Question: How useful would a description logic be instead
of BDD for this work?
Answer: It could be more expressive, but the vast literature
and research already done on BDD means that we can
leverage on the success of BDD as a proven tool.
WISE: Predicting Service Response Times in “What-If”
Deployment Scenarios
Mukarram Bin Tariq, Georgia Tech
Mukarram presented a tool for evaluating the effect of re-
sponse time distribution for hypothetical deployment sce-
narios for content distribution networks. The deployment
scenarios include deployment of new data centers, chang-
ing DNS mapping for subsets of clients, and having new
peering with a new ISP. For networks such as content dis-
tribution networks, no accurate model for response time
exists, and it is generally hard to develop such models,
owing to the scale and complexity of the system. Mukar-
ram showed how machine learning can be used to model
response time as a function of variables that can be easily
observed in existing deployments; further, he presented
how interactions among the observed variables can be cap-
tured in the form of a causal Bayesian network and be sub-
sequently used to evaluate “what-if” scenarios. The What-
If Scenario Evaluator (WISE) includes a high-level, declar-
ative specification language called WISE-SL, which the
network designers can use to express in a very succinct
manner the scenarios they wish to evaluate. Mukarram
also presented results on accuracy and effectiveness of
WISE predictions based on dataset and events observed in
Google’s Web search service delivery network.
Question: How is the WISE approach better than doing,
say, NS simulations?
Answer: Generally, it is difficult to make accurate simula-
tions for the kinds of large, complex systems that we are
talking about here. Trace-driven simulations can help
somewhat in terms of input to the system, but still we
need to model the system accurately, which is hard. The
WISE-based approach is good in the sense that it does not
require explicit modeling of the system.
Question: To what network scenarios can WISE be applied?
Answer: The cases where there are no hidden variables
that can affect a scenario can be easily evaluated with this
MulVAL: A Logic-Based, Data-Driven Enterprise Security
Xinming (Simon) Ou, Kansas State University
MulVAL presents a logic-based approach for security
analysis in multihost networks. The formal definitions of
security risks from OVAL and the National Vulnerability
Database (NVD) serve as input (base data) to the MulVAL
tool. The interactions within a network are formulated as
rules in Datalog. Rules are completely independent of the
network setting and are generic enough to be applied to
any network. The tool can detect multistage attacks in
multihost networks. The cause of an attack is represented
through an attack graph.
Question: How is analysis done over multiple stages in the
Answer: The interaction rules are written in Datalog and
multistage attacks are formulated in Datalog using recursion.
Question: How fast is MulVAL analysis?
Answer: All the interaction rules for Linux are written
using approximately 20 Datalog rules. The time it takes to
perform the analysis is quadratic in terms of the machines
in the network. For large networks the analysis takes a few
seconds and generation of attack graphs takes about 1–2
Maestro: A New Architecture for Realizing and Managing
Network Controls
T.S. Eugene Ng, Rice University
There is a lack of interface and abstraction for coordina-
tion among protocols. Eugene proposed an OS that over-
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sees the whole network. The idea is to insert safety-check-
ing applications in the network to look for network misbe-
haviors, such as routing loops and security breaches. The
proposed OS for a network runs the logic of routing, and
routers only perform forwarding. Further, a “BIOS” is re-
quired for the network. Maestro is an operating platform
that provides an API to the applications and an interface for
network state exchange (BIOS). Routers essentially work as
“sensors” that measure the state of the network; the state is
presented as Network Views and gets passed to the applica-
tions. Applications are stateless functions that can form an
Application DAG (a sequence of applications). The Appli-
cation DAG is triggered by some prespecified triggers.
Question: How does Maestro contrast to InfiniBand?
Answer: We have not specifically contrasted with their ap-
Question (Burgess): Is it tailored somehow to BGP?
Answer: An OS controls one administrative network.
Question: What about security implications as well as del-
Answer: We are looking into that.
Request and Response Monitoring of Online Services
Juhan Lee, Microsoft
The goal of this project is to monitor request and response
streams for massive online services. Typical monitoring
systems do not scale to the requirements of large, complex
systems such as MSN online services, where there are
thousands of servers in the network.
In the presented scheme, an application overlay network is
used for request-response exchange. A token-based ap-
proach is used for scheduling requests. A token is generated
when a new request arrives. The generated token is passed
along the servers serving the request and application-spe-
cific logs are generated. The logs of the requests and their
responses are enormous. It is difficult to store such large
logs. Conditional logging is used to reduce the storage re-
quirements. Correlated sampling is used to lower the sam-
pling rate for request-response. Lee showed a couple of ex-
amples of scenarios where their technique was able to use
the logs to point out problems in the services, in particular a
case where information was being served in an incorrect
language at an international portal of MSN services.
Question: Is correlated sampling done among domains or
across the entire network?
Answer: Sampling is done across the entire network and
all the components. It allows us to pinpoint what’s taking
the most time. In the MSN publishing platform (portal),
multiple requests (asynchronous requests) are sampled in
a single session. The MSN publishing platform is incre-
mentally deployable.
Question: What configuration errors are detected?
Answer: Generally, misconfigurations that can lead to un-
expected application behavior can be detected.
Panel on Security Configuration
Moderator: Steve Bellovin, Columbia University; attendees as
Configuration is important for firewalls, depends on what
services are being run and on whether the service set is
contingent on the versions or patch levels, and has impli-
cations for authorized parties changing configuration and
how one manages the authorization list.
There are various security scenarios to be considered. (1)
Appliance (firewalls, filtering routers, etc): What should
the configuration be in a complex topology? Typical cor-
porate networks have several entry points into the net-
works. How do we reconcile different policy needs? (2) In-
frastructure: Do the infrastructure nodes have proper secu-
rity configuration? How do you know whether some ele-
ment’s configuration is wrong? (3) Servers: What services
are they running? What versions? How do you monitor
changes, new nodes, etc.? (4) Personal machines: How do
you balance personal needs versus corporate needs? How
do you enforce or prevent upgrades? How do you change
the configuration of a laptop or home computer? How do
you balance the need for central control with what cannot
be enforced?
Mark Burgess asked whether control is the same as secu-
rity, especially if it is not enforceable. Steve and other par-
ticipants noted that exerting control is a way to enforce se-
curity; it is necessary but not sufficient. Andrew Hume
equated it with ensuring border security and immigration
issues. Mark remarked that we should think of security in
civil society, where if most of us agree to abide by a law,
then it makes it easier to enforce it.
Steve directed the participants to focus back on configura-
tion issues of security. Assuming a certain policy of con-
trolling, how do you enforce it? One of the participants re-
marked that there are various constraints, which may not
be overspecified, and certain things are left free. How do
you compose such constraints? Steve asked whether there
is sufficient homogeneity in configuration and devices to
allow such compatibility.
The ensuing discussion again drifted toward the inconven-
ience that security poses and causes people to “disable se-
curity.” The problem arises because of mismatch of values
between the system administrators and the users of the
network. One of the participants remarked that usually
there is a gap between what a human administrator wishes
to achieve and what gets translated into configuration.
Ehab observed that a necessary component that is usually
not explicitly evaluated in configuration management is
risk assessment; if configuration management is integrated
with such assessment, it will lead to consistent and sensi-
ble configurations.
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Steve Bellovin asked the participants to consider the ques-
tion of how to introduce new technologies and how to
deal with new applications in terms of configuration. Paul
Anderson affirmed the need to state goals and criteria, for
the criteria, not the specific images of OSes, are what we
wish to enforce. And we do not want to specify everything
else. Ehab remarked that, generally speaking, creating a
program from a specification is not solvable; are we going
that route? Andrew commented that because of this prob-
lem, we are stuck with configurations that work, or a cer-
tain subset of use cases that have been tested.
Mark believes that it should not be so hard to manage the
variances if we are not afraid of sophistication, specifically,
dealing in probabilities. We tend to operate in paranoid
mode, where we want to address issues that are highly im-
probable, which leads to complex security configurations
that are difficult to work with. Ehab also asked whether
there have been any incidents of remote malicious configu-
ration change.
Steve Bellovin shepherded the audience back to the topic,
refocusing on two issues: (1) keeping track of only the au-
thorized users and what changes they make (i.e., managing
the list of users and what they are allowed to do); (2) what
to do when someone breaks in through a hack.
Sanjai added that composability is important for abstrac-
tion. A declarative approach and the inference engine will
allow us to verify whether two rules are in conflict. Mark
mentioned IETF BDIM WG activity, which is looking at
how to convert high-level goals into low-level policy.
Automata-Driven Techniques for Managing Firewall
Alok Tongaonkar, Stony Brook University
Alok talked about optimizing the performance of firewall-
rules analysis using automata-based techniques. He talked
about syntax- and semantics-driven analysis techniques for
firewall configuration analysis. Rule interaction makes the
analysis difficult. Alok mentioned that the BDD-based
techniques proposed by Ehab (the first session) are seman-
Alok told how a finite state automata (FSA) is built for
packet classification. The enormous state space of a packet
is divided into finite regions of the automata. Packet space
is divided into regions based on their match with the fire-
wall rules. Priorities of rules can govern the classification
(i.e., application to a packet). He also discussed shadowing
of rules. The rules are analyzed, and intersections and
shadowing among them are found. FSA size explosion is
possible because of duplication of rules that may occur
from ranges and “less than” and “greater than” occur-
rences in the rules. Their algorithm minimizes the duplica-
tion of rules. The FSA is built incrementally using candi-
date (probable) and match (matched) sets, resulting in a
compact automata.
Sanjai: Why do this kind of analysis? Why should we not
just build right configurations to begin with?
Answer: “Evolution” of rules may inadvertently result in
conflicts and misconfiguration.
Steve: Should we have a better abstraction than priority-
based mechanisms?
Answer: We are trying to convert priority-based rules into
nonpriority-based rules; however, this results in an explo-
sion of the number of rules.
Steve: Is a human factor involved here and does the explo-
sion make it more or less comprehensible?
Answer: It is not clear at this stage.
Sanjai: Are these rule lookups O(n) and are there really
that many rules?
Answer: Yes; for priority-based rules it has to be.
Steve affirmed that there are indeed many rules for secu-
rity configuration and referenced a study by Arbor Net-
Vulnerability Analysis via Deductive Spreadsheets (DSS)
Anu Singh, Stony Brook University
Anu explained the desired properties of a security policy
analysis tool. She explained the Role Based Access Control
(RBAC) model as background. The current prototype im-
plementation of DSS, called XcelLog, is built as an add-in
to MS Excel. The formula language of DSS supports sets
and tuples. Recursive relations can be represented by using
DSS. XcelLog uses XSB (Prolog) as the underlying evalua-
tion engine. The features of DSS include highlighting of
explanations for results and incremental evaluation. Anu
gave a demo of the DSS using the RBAC example. She also
showed how to do vulnerability analysis for a multihost
network in DSS.
Question: If there is more than one way of getting to a
condition (attack), will DSS be able to highlight?
Answer: The tool can find multiple ways of getting to a
condition (attack), but it may not be able to distinguish
among them.
Question: What are the relations between DSS cells and
prolog predicates?
Answer: DSS expressions represent logical conditions
using cell references. Anu explained with a demo.
An Analysis of the VLAN Design of an Operational
Campus Network
Yu-Wei Sung, Purdue University
Yu-Wei talked about generation of task-driven network-
wide abstractions to configure enterprise network design.
He emphasized the need for abstraction of a network de-
sign by elevating the observations to abstraction that
would simplify the design. It is important to understand
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114 ;LOGIN: VOL. 33, NO. 1
the intent of the operator, he added. VLAN configuration
is error-prone and time-consuming, which is why abstrac-
tion of the VLAN is useful. VLANs can be abstracted by
logical grouping of hosts. The key components in a VLAN
configuration are the access port and trunk ports not di-
rectly connected to hosts serving as carriers for other
VLANs. Abstractions model the network as a topology of
hosts and switches, and a router placement strategy deter-
mines where to place the routers.
Question: How does the firewall interact with VLAN?
Answer: This hasn’t been considered yet.
Question: What data size is used?
Answer: A single network with 1300 switches.
Question: Can the tool generate configuration consistent
with the abstract model?
Answer: It can generate useful recommendations that can
help the operator in network design.
Fixing Configuration Errors via Unsatisfiability
Sanjai Narain, Telcordia Technologies, Inc.; Daniel Jackson,
MIT; Sharad Malik, Princeton University
Security cannot be divorced from functionality. Since there
are usually so many interweaving requirements, we can
put all the various requirements in a melting pot and gen-
erate a configuration from that. The specific problem ad-
dressed in the talk was fixing configuration errors via un-
satisfiability analysis. Sanjai explained, through an exam-
ple, how security and reliability are interrelated, where if a
separate IPSec tunnel is not established for the backup
router, the communication would break down even if the
backup router took over.
Sanjai discussed how to specify security, routing, and relia-
bility in a single unified framework and how to do it effi-
ciently. He presented a requirement solver that takes as
input a specification in first-order logic and the configura-
tion variables database and produces the configurations.
ALLOY, a first-order language, is used for specifying the
constraints, which are solved using SAT solver. Once the
requirements are, at a high level, expressed as FOL con-
straints, the Un-SAT-core (unsatisfiability) finds the subset
of the sets that are unsatisfiable. A counterexample can be
obtained from the result of the constraint solver. The next
step is to find the configuration variables that violate the
constraint and then relax the constraints and re-solve it.
The issue of scalability arises if the constraints are speci-
fied in an obvious way. The aim is to scale this. The re-
quirements are preprocessed and constraints are partially
evaluated using the constraint SAT solver. This makes it
practical to apply to large network configurations. The sys-
tem uses a deductive spreadsheet to specify constraints on
cell values and display results.
Question: How helpful is this analysis for network config-
uration management?
Answer: Host-level configurations can be modeled and an-
alyzed using this framework.
Question: What about constraints crossing the layers of
the protocol stack (application layer versus the network
Answer: The solver can capture all dependencies, includ-
ing cross-layer dependencies.
Question: Does the solver give the best answer or just an
Answer: Presently it gives an answer. If the notion of
“best” can be formalized as a constraint, then it can give
the best answer.
Panel on Autonomic Configuration
Moderator: John Strassner, CTO Motorola; attendees as
John Strassner gave a brief introduction to autonomic net-
working, which he described as the process of offloading
simpler automatable things to automated processes. He
contended that operators are losing money because the
OSS (Operations Support System) is too complicated to
address business and customer needs. He said that we
want to build something that takes care of autonomic
functions, so that the human in charge has less to do. We
want the system to “learn” how to do everyday things. He
gave an overview of the system being built by his group.
The system uses machine-learning techniques. [Editor’s
note: Strassner’s talk was similar to his keynote.]
Andrew: Autonomics are applicable to simple and very
well-defined tasks, such as breathing or heart pumping.
John: If there is a set of transformations that can take the
service and business goals, along with the environments,
and give out CLI commands and configuration, then this is
autonomics. Our research is about merging ontology with
CLI-level stuff. It is like a “multigraph.” At the higher level
of the graph there is a different interpretation of “errors”
than at the lower layer; the following steps are involved in
such a system: IOS Model-based translation ACML
Analyze data and event and determine actual state If
not desirable Reconfigure Repeat.
Andrew: Telephony built a similar network to map errors
to the customer, but this mapping has to be dynamic be-
cause the relationships are fluid. We live at a 99.99% up-
time level, but that does not have too much bearing on
how the operator is doing at a business level.
Sanjai Narain: The emphasis in this work seems to be on
performance; aren’t things like security configuration just
as important? And in that case, how do you see the system
learning its state and changing the configuration?
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John: Learning that kind of semantics and subsequent con-
figurations can be hard but, given higher-level goals, it can
be achieved.
Advanced Topics Workshop
Summarized by Josh Simon ([email protected]g)
The Advanced Topics Workshop was once again hosted,
moderated, and refereed by Adam Moskowitz. We started
with cable management 101 in separating the large bundle
of CAT-5 cable into strands for us to connect our laptops
to the local network switch, as there are enough of us that
we overload the wireless access point. We followed that
with introductions around the room. For a variety of rea-
sons, several of the Usual Suspects weren’t at this year’s
workshop. Despite this, in representation, businesses (in-
cluding consultants) outnumbered universities by about
four to one; over the course of the day, the room included
six LISA program chairs (four past, present, and future; up
from three last year) and 11 past or present members of
the USENIX, SAGE, or LOPSA Boards (up from five last
Setting up involved untangling the bundled CAT-5 cables,
connecting them to attendees’ laptops and the local switch,
getting the moderation software up and running, setting
the correct time zone on the server, and so on.
Our first topic was on management versus technology.
About half of the room were either full- or part-time man-
agers, and we discussed some of the problems we have in-
teracting with our management. Some of the concerns
were knee-jerk, too-shiny managers, cultural differences
when your manager is in another country, and managers
who used to be in sales positions. Some folks discussed
their specific situations and asked for advice in solving
them. One common suggestion was to communicate dif-
ferently; remember that managers (especially those on the
financial side who approve capital budgets) tend to speak
business-speak and not “techie.” They don’t care about the
new gee-whiz neato-peachy-keen technology but, rather, in
how this new thing will solve their problems and provide a
decent return on investment.
A side discussion took place on cultural issues that differ
from the North American standard most of us are used to,
and how that can affect communication styles as well as
After the morning break, we discussed career concerns.
Most of the people in the room had 15 or more years of
experience, and many of us had more than 20 years of ex-
perience. Assuming that retirement isn’t an option (for
whatever reason, be it financial or boredom), what’s the
right thing to do if you wind up looking for work? One
person discussed how he neglected to ask questions of the
company during the interview process; after accepting the
offer and working for some length of time, he realized he
was a bad fit for the position. One suggestion for avoiding
this in the future was to ask better questions before accept-
ing any offer; another suggestion was to consider a con-
tract-to-permanent position, since it gives both parties an
out without the company having to let a senior person go.
One topic that fell out of this is whether there’s a technical
growth path at your company or whether “senior” implies
a management position. Another topic was the technology
refresh rate for individuals and whether staying generalists
or becoming specialists was the better course of action.
(Consensus seemed to be for the former.) Those who are
retiring in the fairly near future have to make peace with
what’s good enough and remember that “good enough”
isn’t necessarily the same as settling. Do what needs to be
done and find enjoyment in that. Whatever you’re doing,
remember to work, to play, and to live, not just to exist.
Do things to keep yourself interested and awake at your
job; don’t just settle into a rut.
We next discussed patterns as an abstraction layer in sys-
tem administration. There’s apparently some controversy
in patterns; some think they’re a good way to abstract
problems and provide a common shorthand; others think
they’re not worth the electrons and doubt they’re applica-
ble to system administration.
After our lunch break, we discussed things we should have
done differently. One example was the whole IPv6 rollout.
A lot of places don’t see any need to deploy it and wonder
whether ignoring it now will cause problems later. CFOs
don’t see the benefit from or ROI in another technology re-
fresh. Widespread adoption of something new requires
there be some kind of benefit on the business level, and
right now businesses don’t tend to see a need for IPv6.
Right now, there is very little IPv6-only content out there;
if services or content were made IPv6-only, that could
drive folks to convert, assuming that their equipment is
IPv6-capable (e.g., not all SOHO equipment is).
We next had a brief discussion on the different uses of
DNS and search engines. Both are treated as a way to find
resources: DNS is a way of finding IP address-to-name
mappings and search engines are a way of finding some
specific document or site.
We next went around the room to discuss our favorite
new-to-us tools from the past year. Common examples
were AFS and ZFS, certain KVM cards, load balancers,
ntop, Puppet, Ruby and jRuby, spam management tools,
svk, tcptrace, the iPhone, Time Machine in Mac OS 10.5,
virtualization, and zones in Solaris. Several people chose
Puppet for their configuration management, mainly be-
cause it was faster to get it up and running and it had a
sufficiently low learning curve for installation and configu-
Our next discussion was on virtualization. At least one
participant has done nothing with it and wondered if it
was worthwhile; the consensus seemed to be that there are
some areas where it’s not a benefit, such as in a high-per-
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formance computing environment. Someone plugged this
year’s refereed paper, “Decision Support for Virtual Ma-
chine Re-Provisioning in Production Environments,” by
Kyrre Begnum, Matthew Disney, Æleen Frisch, and Ingard
Mevåg, for performance statistics. Some are only using vir-
tualization in nonproduction environments.
We next talked about delegating identity management. The
example environment is a department within a university
that uses automated identity management to manage au-
thentication and authorization controls for students, fac-
ulty, staff, alumni, and guests (e.g., investigators on re-
search grants from other universities). The central IT or-
ganization can provide some of the information they need,
but not all of it. The question of how they can cascade in-
formation management systems was addressed. The short
answer is that processes need to be put into place to incor-
porate the data to allow for both provisioning and revoca-
tion and to make sure essential safeguards are in place
such that a failure upstream (e.g., HR’s database failing
miserably) doesn’t accidentally cause a disaster down-
stream (e.g., the deletion of all staff accounts).
The next major discussion concerned distributed or geo-
graphically disparate personnel. We talked about what
server infrastructure needed to be used in remote data cen-
ters for part-time workers; the answer generally depends
on how many people and how much network traffic there
is. Items to consider are VOIP or POTS phones, home di-
rectory access over the WAN, docking stations, printers,
reserved offices or cubes (“hoteling”), and possibly a con-
ference room, depending on the size of the office and the
data center. We also talked about tools for communication
and collaboration; many use some form of instant messen-
ger client (such as internal IRC channels or logged IM
conversations), email, trouble ticketing systems, and wikis.
If you are using any of these technologies, remember to in-
clude them in (as a critical part of, where need be) your
disaster recovery planning.
Our final discussion was a quick around-the-room on the
cool tool for next year. Ruby, Solaris 10, and virtualization
were the most commonly mentioned, with configuration
management tools, Perl 6, VOIP, wiki deployment, and
ZFS rounding out the list.
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Important Dates
Extended abstract and paper submissions due: May 8, 2008, 11:59 p.m. PDT
Invited talk and workshop proposals due: May 20, 2008
Guru Is In and Hit the Ground Running proposals due: May 31, 2008
Notification to authors: Mid-June 2008
Poster proposals due, first round: July 16, 2008
Notification to poster presenters, first round: July 23, 2008
Final papers due: August 20, 2008
Poster proposals due, second round: October 22, 2008
Notification to poster presenters, second round: October 29, 2008
Conference Organizers
Program Chair
Mario Obejas, Raytheon
Program Committee
Paul Anderson, University of Edinburgh
Derek Balling, Answers Corporation
Travis Campbell, AMD
Narayan Desai, Argonne National Laboratory
Æleen Frisch, Exponential Consulting
Peter Baer Galvin, Corporate Technologies
Brent Hoon Kang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Chris McEniry, Sony Computer Entertainment America
David Parter, University of Wisconsin
David Plonka, University of Wisconsin
Melanie Rieback, Vrije Universiteit
Kent Skaar, Bladelogix
Chad Verbowski, Microsoft
Invited Talks Coordinators
Rudi van Drunen, Competa IT/Xlexit
Philip Kizer, Estacado Systems
Workshops Coordinator
Lee Damon, University of Washington
Guru Is In Coordinator
John “Rowan” Littell, California College of the Arts
Hit the Ground Running Coordinator
Adam Moskowitz, Permabit Technology Corporation
Work-in-Progress Reports and Posters Coordinators
Brent Hoon Kang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Gautam Singaraju, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Since 1987, the annual LISA conference has become the premier meeting
place for professional system and network administrators. System adminis-
trators of all ranks, from novice to veteran, and of all specialties meet to
exchange ideas, sharpen skills, learn new techniques, debate current issues,
and mingle with colleagues and friends.
Attendees are diverse, a rich mix of nationalities and of educational, gov-
ernment, and industry backgrounds. We work in the full spectrum of com-
puting environments (e.g., large corporations, small businesses, academic
institutions, government agencies). We include full- and part-time students
engaged in internships, as well as students and faculty deeply involved in
system administration research. Whereas many attendees focus on practical
system administration, others focus on speculative system administration
research. We support a broad range of operating systems (e.g., Solaris, Win-
dows, Mac OS X, HP-UX, AIX, BSD, Linux) and commercial and open
source applications, and we run them on a variety of infrastructures.
The conference’s diverse group of participants are matched by a broad
spectrum of conference activities:
A training program for both beginners and experienced attendees covers
many administrative topics, ranging from basic procedures to using cut-
ting-edge technologies.
Refereed papers present the latest developments and ideas related to
system and network administration.
Workshops, invited talks, and panels discuss important and timely topics
in depth and typically include lively and/or controversial debates and
audience interaction.
Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs) and poster sessions provide brief looks
ahead to next years innovations.
The Hit the Ground Running track presents multiple important topics in
single sessions, distilled down to a few solid points.
LISA also makes it easy for people to interact in more informal settings:
Noted experts answer questions at Guru Is In sessions.
Participants discuss/celebrate/commiserate about a shared interest at
Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions.
Vendors answer questions and offer solutions at the Exhibition.
Finally, we strongly encourage informal discussions among participants on
both technical and nontechnical topics in the famous “hallway track.” LISA
is a place to learn and to have fun!
Refereed Papers
Effective administration of a large site requires a good understanding of
modern tools and techniques, together with their underlying principles—but
the human factors involved in managing and applying these technologies in a
November 9–14, 2008 San Diego, CA, USA
Announcement and Call for Participation
22nd Large Installation System Administration
Conference (LISA ’08)
Sponsored by USENIX and SAGE
Get Involved!
The theme for LISA ’08 is “Real World System Administration.”
Experts and old-timers don’t have all the good ideas. We welcome par-
ticipants who will provide concrete ideas to immediately implement, as
well as those whose research will forge tomorrow’s computing infrastruc-
tures. We are particularly keen to showcase novel solutions or new applica-
tions of mature technologies. This is your conference, and we want you to
participate. Here are examples of ways to get involved in this 22nd LISA
Submit a draft paper or extended abstract for a refereed paper.
Suggest an invited talk or panel discussion.
Propose a short Hit the Ground Running presentation.
Share your experience by leading a Guru Is In session.
Create and lead a workshop.
Propose a tutorial topic.
Present a Work-in-Progress Report (WiP) or submit a poster.
Organize a Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session.
Email an idea to the Program Chair: [email protected].
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production environment are equally important. Bringing together theory and
practice is an important goal of the LISA conference, and practicing system
administrators, as well as academic researchers, all have valuable contribu-
tions to make. A selection of possible topics for refereed papers appears in a
separate section below, but submissions are welcome on any aspect of system
administration, from the underlying theory of a new configuration technique
to a case study on the management of a successful site merger.
Whatever the topic, it is most important that papers present results in the
context of current practice and previous work: they should provide references
to related work and make specific comparisons where appropriate. The cru-
cial component is that your paper present something new or timely; for
instance, something that was not previously available, or something that had
not previously been published. Careful searching for publications on a sim-
ilar theme will help to identify any possible duplication and provide pointers
to related work; the USENIX site contains most previous LISA conference
proceedings, which may provide a starting point when searching for related
Cash prizes will be awarded at the conference for the best refereed paper
as well as for the best refereed paper for which a student is the lead author; a
special announcement will also be made about these two papers.
Proposal and Submission Details
Anyone who would like help in writing a proposal should contact the pro-
gram chair at [email protected]. The conference organizers are keen to
make sure that good work gets published, and we are happy to help at any
stage in the process.
Proposals may be submitted as draft papers or extended abstracts.
Draft papers: This is the preferred format. A draft paper proposal is lim-
ited to 16 pages, including diagrams, figures, references, and appendices.
It should be a complete or near-complete paper, so that the Program
Committee has the best possible understanding of your ideas and presen-
Extended abstracts: An extended abstract proposal should be about 5
pages long (at least 500 words, not counting figures and references) and
should include a brief outline of the final paper. The form of the full
paper must be clear from your abstract. The Program Committee will be
attempting to judge the quality of the final paper from your abstract. This
is harder to do with extended abstracts than with the preferred form,
draft papers, so your abstract must be as helpful as possible in this
process to be considered for acceptance.
Paper authors are also invited to submit posters, as outlined below, to
accompany their presentations; these provide an overview of the work and a
focal point for delegates to meet with the author.
General submission rules:
All submissions must be electronic, in ASCII or PDF format only. Pro-
posals must be submitted using the Web form located on the LISA ’08
Call for Papers Web site,
Submissions whose main purpose is to promote a commercial product or
service will not be accepted.
Submissions may be submitted only by the author of the paper. No
third-party submissions will be accepted.
All accepted papers must be presented at the LISA conference by at
least one author. One author per paper will receive a registration dis-
count of $200. USENIX will offer a complimentary registration for the
technical program upon request.
Authors of an accepted paper must provide a final paper for publication
in the conference proceedings. Final papers are limited to 16 pages,
including diagrams, figures, references, and appendices. Complete
instructions will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. To aid authors
in creating a paper suitable for LISA’s audience, authors of accepted
proposals will be assigned one or more shepherds to help with the
process of completing the paper. The shepherds will read one or more
intermediate drafts and provide comments before the authors complete
the final draft.
Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submis-
sion of previously published work, and plagiarism constitute dishonesty
or fraud. USENIX, like other scientific and technical conferences and
journals, prohibits these practices and may, on the recommendation of a
program chair, take action against authors who have committed them. In
some cases, to ensure the integrity of papers under consideration, pro-
gram committees may share information about submitted papers with
other conference chairs and journal editors. If a violation of these princi-
ples is found, sanctions may include, but are not limited to, barring the
authors from submitting to or participating in USENIX conferences for
a set period, contacting the authors’ institutions, and publicizing the
details of the case. Authors uncertain whether their submission meets
USENIX’s guidelines should contact the program chair, lisa08chair, or the USENIX office, [email protected].
Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be con-
sidered. All submissions will be treated as confidential prior to publica-
tion in the Proceedings.
For administrative reasons, every submission must list:
1. Paper title, and names, affiliations, and email addresses of all authors.
Indicate each author who is a full-time student.
2. The author who will be the contact for the Program Committee. Include
his/her name, affiliation, paper mail address, daytime and evening
phone numbers, email address, and fax number (as applicable).
For more information, please consult the detailed author guidelines at Paper and
extended abstract submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. PDT on May 8,
2008. Authors will be notified by mid-June whether their papers have been
Training Program
LISA offers state-of-the-art tutorials from top experts in their fields. Topics
cover every level from introductory to highly advanced. You can choose from
over 50 full- and half-day tutorials ranging from Linux-HA, through perfor-
mance tuning, Solaris, Windows, Perl, Samba, network troubleshooting,
security, network services, filesystems, backups, Sendmail, spam, and legal
issues, to professional development.
To provide the best possible tutorial offerings, USENIX continually
solicits proposals and ideas for new tutorials, especially on subjects not yet
covered. If you are interested in presenting a tutorial or have an idea for a
tutorial you would like to see offered, please contact the Education Director,
Daniel V. Klein, at [email protected].
Invited Talks
An invited talk discusses a topic of general interest to attendees. Unlike a ref-
ereed paper, this topic need not be new or unique but should be timely and
relevant or perhaps entertaining. A list of suggested topics is available in a
separate section below. An ideal invited talk is approachable and possibly
controversial. The material should be understandable by beginners, but the
conclusions may be disagreed with by experts. Invited talks should be 60–70
minutes long, and speakers should plan to take 20–30 minutes of questions
from the audience.
Invited talk proposals should be accompanied by an abstract of less than
one page in length describing the content of the talk. You can also propose a
panel discussion topic. It is most helpful to us if you suggest potential pan-
elists. Proposals of a business development or marketing nature are not
appropriate. Speakers must submit their own proposals; third-party submis-
sions, even if authorized, will be rejected.
Please email your proposal to [email protected]. Invited talk proposals
are due May 20, 2008.
The Guru Is In
Everyone is invited to bring perplexing technical questions to the experts at
LISAs unique Guru Is In sessions. These informal gatherings are organized
around a single technical area or topic. Email suggestions for Guru Is In ses-
sions or your offer to be a Guru to [email protected]. Guru Is In pro-
posals are due May 31, 2008.
Hit the Ground Running
This track consists of five high-speed presentations packed into each 90-
minute session. The presentations are intended to give attendees a “brain
dump” on a new technology, new features in an existing protocol or service,
an overview of the state of the art of a technique or practice, or an introduc-
tion to an existing technology that is becoming more widely used.
HTGR proposals should be accompanied by an abstract of less than one
page in length describing the content of the talk. Proposals of a business
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development or marketing nature are not appropriate. Speakers must submit
their own proposals; third-party submissions, even if authorized, will be
rejected. Suggestions for desired HTGR presentations are also welcome (if
possible, accompanied by a suggestion for a speaker).
Please email your proposal to [email protected]. HTGR proposals
are due May 31, 2008.
One-day workshops are hands-on, participatory, interactive sessions where
small groups of system administrators have an opportunity to discuss a topic
of common interest. Workshops are not intended as tutorials, and participants
normally have significant experience in the appropriate area, enabling discus-
sions at a peer level. However, attendees with less experience often find
workshops useful and are encouraged to discuss attendance with the work-
shop organizer.
A workshop proposal should include the following information:
Organizer name(s) and contact information
Potential attendee profile
Outline of potential topics
Please email your proposal to [email protected]. Workshop
proposals are due May 20, 2008.
This year’s conference will include a poster session. This is an opportunity to
display a poster describing recent work. The posters will be on display during
the conference, and fixed times will be advertised when authors should be
present to discuss their work with anyone who is interested. This provides a
very good opportunity to make contact with other people who may be inter-
ested in the same area. Student posters, practitioners sharing their experi-
ences, and submissions from open source communities are particularly
To submit a poster, please send a 1–5 page proposal or 6–12 PowerPoint
slides in PDF to [email protected]. Please include your name, your
affiliation, and the title of your poster. There will be two rounds of submis-
sion and review of poster proposals. You may submit your poster during
either the first or the second round.
The first deadline for submissions is July 16, 2008. Please submit your
poster by this deadline if you plan to apply for a student conference grant or
will be traveling to LISA ’08 from outside the United States and need to
allow time for visa preparation. Accepted poster authors from the first round
will be notified by July 23.
The second deadline for submissions is October 22. Accepted poster
authors from the second round will be notified by October 29. Completed
posters from both rounds will be required by the start of the conference.
Poster presenters who would also like to give a short presentation may
also register for a WiP as below.
Work-in-Progress Reports (WiPs)
A Work-in-Progress Report (WiP) is a very short presentation about current
work. It is a great way to poll the LISA audience for feedback and interest.
We are particularly interested in presentations of student work. To schedule a
short presentation, send email to [email protected] or sign up on the
first day of the technical sessions.
Birds-of-a-Feather Sessions (BoFs)
Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) are informal gatherings organized by
attendees interested in a particular topic. BoFs will be held in the evening.
BoFs may be scheduled in advance by emailing [email protected]. BoFs may
also be scheduled at the conference.
Possible Topics for Authors and Speakers
Technical Challenges
Authentication and authorization: “Single sign-on” technologies, identity
Autonomic computing: Self-repairing systems, zero administration sys-
tems, fail-safe design
Configuration management: Specification languages, configuration
Data center design: Modern methods, upgrading old centers
Data management: DBMS management systems, deployment architec-
tures and methods, real world performance
Email: Mail infrastructures, spam prevention
Grid computing: Management of grid fabrics and infrastructure
Hardware: Multicore processor ramifications
Mobile computing: Supporting and managing laptops and remote com-
Multiple platforms: Integrating and supporting multiple platforms (e.g.,
Linux, Windows, Macintosh)
Networking: New technologies, network management
Security: Malware and virus prevention, security technologies and pro-
cedures, response to cyber attacks targeting individuals
Standards: Enabling interoperability of local and remote services and
Storage: New storage technologies, remote filesystems, backups, scaling
Web 2.0 technologies: Using, supporting, and managing wikis, blogs,
and other Web 2.0 applications
Virtualization: Managing and configuring virtualized resources
Professional Challenges
Budgeting: Definitions and methods
Communication: Tools and procedures for improving communication
between administrators and users, distribution organizations, or teams
Consolidation: Merging and standardizing infrastructures and procedures
Devolution: Managing dependence on devolved services (calendars,
mail, Web 2.0, etc.) and users
Ethics: Common dilemmas and outcomes
Flexibility: Responding effectively to changes in technology and busi-
ness demands
In-house development: The (dis)advantages and pitfalls of in-house
technology development
Legislation: Security, privacy
Management: The interface and transition between “technical” and
Metrics: Measuring and analyzing the effectiveness of technologies and
Outsourcing/offshoring system administration: Is it possible?
Proactive administration: Transitioning from a reactive culture
Standardizing methodologies: Sharing best practice
Training and staff development: Developing and retaining good system
administrators; certifications
User support: Systems and procedures for supporting users
Contact the Chair
The program chair, Mario Obejas, is always open to new ideas that might
improve the conference. Please email your ideas to [email protected].
Final Program and Registration Information
Complete program and registration information will be available in August
2008 at the conference Web site, If you would
like to receive the latest USENIX conference information, please join our
mailing list at
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
The oldest and largest conference exclusively for system administrators pre-
sents an unparalleled marketing and sales opportunity for sponsoring and
exhibiting organizations. Your company will gain both mind share and
market share as you present your products and services to a prequalified
audience that heavily influences the purchasing decisions of your targeted
prospects. For more details please contact [email protected].
Rev. 1/17/08
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Software Development
Conference & Expo West
March 3-7, 2008
Santa Clara Convention Center
Santa Clara, CA
Keynotes, Expo, Birds-
of-a-Feathers, Panels,
Case Studies, Parties
and other Special
Register by JAN 11
TO $500
Register by FEB 8
TO $300
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April 16–18, 2008, San Francisco, CA
Sponsored by USENIX in cooperation with ACM SIGCOMM & ACM SIGOPS
Early Bird Registration Deadline: Monday, March 24, 2008
USENIX Association
2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710
Send Address Changes to ;login:
2560 Ninth Street, Suite 215
Berkeley, CA 94710
The Advanced Computing
Sytems Association
The 5th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation will focus on the
design principles of large-scale networks and distributed systems. Join researchers from across the
networking and systems community in fostering cross-disciplinary approaches and addressing
shared research challenges.
Don’t miss these co-located workshops:
• Usability, Psychology, and Security 2008 (UPSEC ’08), April 14, 2008
• First USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET ’08), April 15, 2008
• Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia for Computer Systems
(WOWCS ’08), April 15, 2008
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