Ergonomics International Journal
ISSN: 2577-2953
Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout Ergonomics Int J
Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD and
Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout
Taposh Kumar K
*, Mustafizur R
, Muhammad AdibUz Z
and Moin
Uddin G
Depatment of Industrial and Production Engineering, Jessore University of Science and
Technology, Bangladesh
Depatment of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Northern Illinois University, USA
*Corresponding author: Taposh Kumar Kapuria, Dept. of Industrial and Production Engineering, Jessore University of
Science and Technology, Jessore-7408, Bangladesh, Email:
This study analyzed the probable mismatch between university table and chair dimensions and anthropometric
characteristics of 200 Bangladeshi (Jessore University of science & technology) students and emphasize on student needs.
Comfortable learning in a classroom depends on a number of concealed factors and appropriate university furniture like
tables and chairs. Ergonomically fit tables and chairs ensure the comfortable learning facilitation. However, an
anthropometric survey showed that most of these tables and chairs were not made according to ergonomic
considerations. Fifteen anthropometric measurements are considered and nine dimensions from the existing classroom
tables and chairs were measured and compared to identify the probable mismatch between them. Here, QFD tool is used.
For obtaining the important ratings of the student’s demands for QFD, a survey was held. By using QFD tool, final design
requirements are prioritized. The paper recommends the dimensions for ergonomically fit tables and chairs and also
represents the facility layout of one of the specific university classrooms of the Bangladesh to allocate the available tables
and chairs. Finally, new ergonomically fit new designs are proposed. As students spend most of their time in the
classroom, it is very essential to supply appropriate tables and chairs for them. Long time sitting on those inappropriate
tables and chairs can cause musculoskeletal disorders.
Keywords: Ergonomic design; QFD; Anthropometric measurement; Design; Layout
Classroom furniture namely table and chair are
considered important physical elements of the
learning environment. Human health is notably
impacted by the furniture and the arrangement of the
body and its limbs. An anthropometric survey
showed that incorrect furniture dimensions are
responsible for discomfort, pain and disorders,
namely in back, neck, shoulder, and hands, wrists and
Research Article
Volume 2 Issue 3
Received Date: April 23, 2018
Published Date: May 14, 2018
DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000146
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
many musculoskeletal diseases. Thus, it is very
important to design the classroom furniture more
specifically table and chair considering the
anthropometric dimensions and ergonomic
On an average, studying time in a typical university
of Bangladesh is from 9AM to 5PM. So, it is clear that
students generally spend their maximum time in the
classroom. Almost 75% of that time is put to use by
sitting on the table and chair to do the university
work. Experts think that the designing of classroom
furniture seems to be more important than designing
workplace furniture. So, the situation seems very
serious. In this case, higher authority of the university
needs to pay attention to build a classroom table and
chair by following the anthropometric measurement
and ergonomic guidelines. In Bangladesh, table and
chair in the classrooms are of low quality and made
with non-smooth wood surface. As a result, it causes
very rough writing surface and ergonomic problems.
In this study Quality function deployment (QFD) is
also used. A student survey was held to identify the
student comfort requirement. With QFD, design
requirements are assigned to the student’s demand,
according to the direction of experts in these fields.
Finally, design requirements are prioritized.
Prioritized design requirements tell which design
requirements are necessary at first to start the work.
Total 200 students are surveyed to get the
anthropometric data. Then the mismatch between
needing anthropometric measurement and an
existing tables and chairs is identified which leads to
design the ergonomic table and chair for the students.
In this study, facility layout is also included. Layout
of 233 (A) classroom of 4th year, Industrial and
Production Engineering, Jessore University of science
and technology is also used. This layout shows how
many tables and chair can be allocated in that room.
Also, some extra facilities for the students is
recommended. By using those extra facilities, learning
activities should be more comfortable.
After reviewing the literature on QFD, ergonomics
& facility layout, a methodology is proposed which
includes the QFD for identifying and satisfying
student’s needs, anthropometric measurement for
anthropometric dimensions of the students,
classroom furniture measures, mismatch between
university furniture and body dimensions. Finally,
results are proposed and implemented.
Literature Review
Review of Literature on QFD
Hamada [1] used QFD tools for quality
enhancement in curriculum plan and teaching
strategies to meet with customer requisites. He
applied QFD methodology to a university cause in
accounting. It helps him determine the genuine
customer requisites. Here, QFD allows him to classify
the wisdom needs of students in an accounting course
and then, students need convert into educational
strategies which pacify student’s requirements. The
finishing outcomes allowed to him to determine the
lawful things to do for the first time. The footstep is to
do QFD strictly is to decide purchaser prospect
appropriately. It is key to pacify customer necessities.
Fransis [2] showed an engineering approach with
quality function deployment for an accreditation
board of engineering and technology. He said
sensation of a quality function deployment (QFD)
inquiry is basically on the quality of the speech of the
customer, more specifically the customer
requirements and their importance ratings. He
applied QFD, on a main cause of mechanical
engineering plan ,where the considered cause
wisdom results as a speech of the customers (what)
and students issued by ABET as a technical
requirements (How).The prime objective of that
paper was to tarmac a clear road to faculty members
and engineering institutions to gratify the ABET
Sandra, et al. [3] added quality function
deployment and logical frame work to improve of
emergency care in Malta. Here, he used QFD to
identify and analyze issues and challenges of the
accident and emergency (A&E) department. In this
case logic framework approach helps to develop
detailed project plans for quality improvement. The
main purpose of combined QFD is to improve the
process and system performance substantially.
Danuta Kunecka [4] stated that quality function
deployment method enables rational design of
service. It’s not only technical prospective view but
also cause of market and customer needs. House of
Quality returns as a medium of transmit to customer
expectations. He applied quality function deployment
replica made by “Bartoszsolin S14” in his paper
“Development of the quality of educational the
nursing practice”.
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
In this paper, he applied QFD on different stages of
quality management process to uplift of practical
training of nurses. Katerina, et al. [5] applied quality
function deployment model in a housing association
located in the United Kingdom. By applying QFD here,
they improved a company’s exhibition. They
successfully adopted, applied and utilized the QFD
tool within the challenging of social housing and
other sectors. The trial result had an absolute effect
upon a company for developing statement-based
policy of operational exchanges, pilot and progress.
Hatice Cemgoz Akdog, et al. [6] employed quality
function deployment plan for translating internal
client needs and expectations into suitable benefit
enumeration for increasing internal client pleasure.
He integrated SERVQUAL into QFD to set the
prosperity Factors to improve quality in the textile
industry. Cordeiro and Barbosa [7] applied
customized QFD to management of automation
projects. The cardinal contribution at this paper was a
new matrix to assist the project manager to design
requirement verification over project by using team
skills based on client needs. They used proposed
customized QFD to identify a set of requirements for
each project phone which are difficult to project
Li and song [8] used Rough VIKOR-based audit
function deployment model for prioritizing design
attributes of product connected service. Emarh, et al.
[9] investigated multi-agent service quality difficulty
in the area of air management. They used QFD model
to compromise the needs of airlines and passenger to
assure the quality implementation. Here,
multidimensional QFD model is used which is able to
analyze the needs of all agents instead of traditional
QFD model to obtain suitable solutions.
Nora and Noor [10] used quality function
deployment model to decide the employers collection
criteria for selecting students for the industrial
training arrangement by using quality function
deployment model by obtaining feedback from the
employers out there. They found from the study that
communication skills and students’ participation in
sports and co-curricular activities in the university
are the most important design selection criteria. They
utilized QFD approach to convert employers’
feedback improving marketability of the students.
Lonica and Leba [11] integrated quality function
deployment in the new product deployment cycle.
They proposed a methodology to estimate the voice
of customers to design innovative products. They
applied this method on a biometric selection system
for emergency cases. They followed QFD steps to
develop a mathematical model which was quantified
by an overall index. Takeo, et al. [12] stated that
because of rapid growing and communication
technology, high functionality is not the only one,
pliability is also to cooperate with the others. They
used M-QFD model which means multi-space quality
function deployment. By suing M-QFD model which
helps designer to develop the elements based on
various needs such as client needs, company and
society needs etc.
Moradi and Raissi [13] improved client
gratification by using QFD in benefit quality analysis;
especially they applied the QFD methodology and
mathematical optimization to update the Tehran’s
metropolis service. As a result, proposed system
reduced the gap between metropolis managers and
citizens. The trial results also showed that QFD was
an operating tool for them to permit metropolis
managers to trial out the demand of the citizens and
to reserve with engineering and technical
requirements. Jian, et al. [14] investigated how to
prioritize engineering characteristics based on client
online survey to valuable client requirement. They
used an integer linear programming model to change
the couple sapient results into initial client pleasure
ratings. They also got client sentiment regarding
engineering characteristics. Finally they revealed the
merits of the proposed approach.
Romeo, et al. [15] used awareness and capability of
Quality Function Deployment in plan and
construction projects in Nigeria. Basically, they had
applied the QFD tools in the construction industry in
developed countries. In reality, developing countries
such as Nigeria have not been practically aware about
the profit of QFD, simply they investigated the
awareness and effectiveness at quality function
deployment. They improve the satisfaction of client in
terms of quality, cost and project delivery time in
design and construct plan.
Cerit B, et al. [16] applied quality function
deployment model on a Smartphone pattern. They
explored the application of quality function
deployment on a new product, Smartphone
improvement is consistent with client satisfaction. It
was for Turkeys leading mobile communication
operator to design a Smartphone. Here, QFD was used
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
to obey the voice of customer and quality
management technique was used to give guarantee
the quality to the product or service. They also used
Kano model during the grouping and prioritization of
the client necessities.
Review of Literature on Ergonomics
Samuel, Joel, Freivalds [17] showed that children
have been known to spend over 30% of their time at
school. Most classroom activities include sitting for
long periods of time, with little or no breaks. Every
exertion should be made to confirm that teenage
children do not have back pain and other
musculoskeletal disorders due to elongated sitting on
the improperly designed classroom furniture. The
anthropometric measures of twenty first graders
were used to improve regression equations for the
furniture dimensions. The inquiry of pertinent
anthropometric measures such as stature, weight,
Body Mass Index (BMI), popliteal height, buttock
popliteal length and hip breath shows that stature
and body mass index are vital factors in sketching out
the classroom furniture.
Rungtai Lin and Yen-Yu Kang [18] showed that the
conventional chair and desk are not capable of fitting
all students with various body figures. How to gain
the requirements of students for various body places
is the main deliberation in this study. The procedures
adopted for the assessment involve the present
school furniture survey, a plan analysis and personal
comfort estimation. Then, the result of study focuses
on the application of an anthropometric survey of
school in Taiwan. Finally, based on the
anthropometric database, the anthropometric
deliberations of school furniture are suggested for
designing the primary school furniture desks and
chairs in Taiwan. The design approximately proposed
a series of desks and chairs adjustable to ergonomic
Review of Literature on Facility Layout
Pedro and Rui [19], the design of facility layouts
involves in a decision process which, in common, its
complexity, has to be decomposed into several sub-
problems, namely: the selection of the most sufficient
manufacturing processes, the planning of the
equipment and worker needs, the allocation
manufacturing operators to machines, the grouping of
machines into sections , the selection of selection
handling, the specification of work-in-process parking
areas and the definition of the location machines and
sections on the manufacturing plant.
Heragu and Kusiak [20] two new models of the
facility layout problem are presented: linear
continuous with absolute values in the objective and
constraints and linear integer. The linear mixed
integer models have lesser number of model integer
variables than any other existing formulating of the
facility layout problem. While most other linear
mixed-integer models available in the literature
obtained through a linearization of the quadratic
assignment problem. An advantage of the
formulations presented in this paper is that the
location of sites need not be known a priori. More
importantly, two of the formulations model the layout
problem with facilities unequal area. Solving the
models presented with an unconstraint optimization
algorithm yields good quality suboptimal solutions in
a relatively low computation time.
Angel ford [21] the places where high school
teachers teach have a relationship with what and how
their students learn. Certain aspect of the physical
environment have been examined decades, such as
those affect basic physiological needs including but
not limited to climate control, air quality, appropriate
lighting and cleanliness. It is significant to investigate
knowledge spaces in light of changing pedagogies
that teachers are being encouraged to take on this
young generation of students. Without the suitable
facilities, teachers are restricted in the pedagogical
techniques they can apply. As teachers are being
needed to separate teaching strategies, they want to
be supplied with the suitable resources, including the
most effective physical environment and classroom
layout and the training to take those spaces
Cheryan and Ziegler, et al. [22] indicated that
developing student attainment is essential to their
nation competitiveness. Scientific research shows
how the physical classroom environment influences
student attainment. Two findings are key: first the
morphological facilities keenly mastery wisdom.
Insufficient lighting, sound, low air quality and
deficient warming in the classroom importantly
connected to worse students’ attainment. Over half of
U.S. schools have insufficient morphological facilities
and student are likely to attend schools with deficient
morphological facilities. Second, scientific studies
uncover the unforeseen significance of a classroom’s
emblematic aspect, such as objects and well décor, in
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
influencing student learning and acquirement in this
environment. Emblematic report students whether
they are valued learners and go to the classroom,
with far reaching consequences for students’
academic likes and attainment. They contour rule
connections of the scientific discovers-noting
pertinent rule audiences and specify crucial aspects
of classroom design that can develop student
attainment, particularly to the most unprotected
Participants are selected randomly for conducting
the data collection. Questionaries’ are prepared to
identify the student’s requirements. QFD is used to
prioritize the design requirements. Different types of
anthropometric measurements are discussed for
understanding the data collection. University
classroom furniture measures are also discussed.
Mismatch calculation procedure between the
furniture and body dimensions is also shown. Finally,
facility layout is described.
For the purpose of this study 200 students were
taken from many university of Bangladesh, in order
to collect various anthropometry measurements.
Dimensions of existing furniture are also taken in
order to find out mismatch with anthropometric
Student survey by considering Kano model was
held at the beginning. Student’s requirements are
identified to meet the satisfaction. Then another
survey was done by considering quality function
deployment model. After getting student demands,
House of quality is prepared to prioritize design
requirements. Then anthropometric measurements of
the students were taken. Also, dimensions of existing
furniture are also taken to calculate mismatch. From
the anthropometric measurements- mean, max, min,
standard deviation, 5
, 50
, 95
percentiles are
calculated. Then design of layout is prepared to
allocate the table and chair.
Quality Function Deployment
Quality function deployment is a total quality
management tool which represents all the analysis
structurally. QFD translates customer demand into
design requirements for better customer satisfaction.
This total quality management tool was first
introduced in Japan back in 1972.
This tool is widely used in various sectors such as
product development, manufacturing industries,
educational institution and service providers to
improve their customer service level. In general,
quality function deployment method finds out the
customer demand through voice of customer (VOC).
Then designed requirements are assigned to that
customer demand.
Finally, customers get responsive and improved
product to get better value from it. QFD method is
basically based on customer survey. Then rest of the
steps come to the front. Certain level of Questionnaire
development is the first initial stage of starting QFD
Appropriate questionnaire development to get the
best “Voice of the customer” which reflects the better
satisfaction. There are many ways of taking customer
survey such as with hard copy of questionnaire,
telephone call etc. Then VOC translated into
interpreted need. Quality function deployment
structured process is listed below.
Step 1: Questionnaire Development
Appropriate questionnaire development is the best
way to capture customer demand. In this step to build
questionnaire, we arranged a meeting of experts who
basically works with ergonomic research, human
factor engineers, students of ergonomics and other
experts in this field. For chair and multifunctional
table, we had developed 12 questions for chair and 15
questions for multifunctional table. Among them, we
have kept 9 questions for chair and 11 questions for
multifunctional table. Added that, unnecessary
questions are reduced because of expert opinions.
Step 2: Identifying customer requirements
From the survey, we got “Voice of customers”.
Then Voice of customer is translated into interpreted
need. Based on these customer demands, later
designed requirements are assigned.
Step 3: Determining the relative importance
of WHAT’s
To get the relative importance of WHAT’s, SATTY’s
pair wise comparison table was used to capture the
importance. Also mentioning that, getting importance
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
score is varied from one customer to another
customer. And the importance level was 1-9.
Step 4: Establishing Design requirements
After getting customer demands, the next vital step
is establishing design requirements. In this step, top
level experts are involved to build best design
requirements for the articulated customer demand.
The main target to call experts in these fields was to
fulfill the customer demand and to obtain better
customer satisfaction.
Step 5: Preparing inter-relationship matrix
between WHAT and HOW
Inter-relationship matrix is an essential part of
House of Quality. This inter-relationship matrix
represents “HOW” well design requirements are
related with customer demand “WHAT”. The higher
accuracy of the inter-relationship matrix means
better customer satisfaction.
Step 6: Determining of the technical ratings
of “HOW”
Technical ratings of “HOW” are calculated through
multiplication of two factors, Final importance ratings
of WHAT and the relationship between design
requirements and customer requirements.
Technical rating of Design requirements= Final
importance ratings of WHAT Interrelationship
matrix …………….………………………………………………… (3)
Step 7: Prioritizing of Design requirements
The final step of quality development process is
prioritize the design requirements. Basically from
these steps a company determines the essential
design requirements needed to be utilized for the
specific product. Here, design requirements are
prioritized through their relative weight percentage.
Higher to lower score form is used to prioritize
design requirements here.
Anthropometric Measurements
Anthropometric Dimensions of the Students:
Anthropometric measurements used as a key word
during designing furniture ergonomically. The
anthropometric measures were gathered to the
seated and standing positions in a bar foot. During
measurements, care was taken to be sure the
individual was sitting upright and that students feet
were perpendicular to the ground using a chair. The
following anthropometric measurements were taken
for each student:
Sitting height: Calculated to the vertical distance
from a horizontal sitting surface to the height point of
head. This is utilized to find out the vertical clearance
required for a seated posture.
Sitting eye height: Calculated to the vertical distance
from a horizontal sitting surface to the eye. Visual
displays should be positioned under the horizontal
plane defined by the eye height.
Sitting shoulder height: Calculated to the vertical
distance from horizontal sitting surface to acromion
(Figure 1).
Source of Image: S. O. Ismaila et al. [23].
Figure 1: Measured Anthropometric Data.
1- Sitting Height
2 - Sitting Elbow height
3 - Sitting Shoulder Height
4- Thigh Clearance
5 - Knee height
6 - Popliteal Height
7- Buttock-Popliteal Length
8- Eye Height
9 - Buttock-knee Length
10- Forearm- Hand Length
Sitting elbow height: Calculated to the vertical distance
from a horizontal sitting surface to the tip of the elbow
with fixed at 90 degrees. It assists to determine table
Hip breadth: Calculated to the maximum horizontal
distance between the hips in the sitting position. This is
used to find out the breadth of chairs and whole body
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
access for clearance. Hip breadth should be shorter than
the furniture.
Elbow to elbow height: Calculated to the horizontal
distance across the lateral surfaces of the elbows
spreading sideways was calculated. This is utilized to find
out the width of seat backs and distance between the
arms rests.
Thigh clearance: Calculated to the vertical distance from
a horizontal sitting plane to the maximum point on the
thigh. Sitting elbow height and thigh clearance assist to
determine how thick the table and top drawer can be.
Knee height: Calculated to the vertical distance from
floor to upper surface of thigh (90 degrees of knee
Buttock knee length: Calculated to the horizontal
distance from the front of the kneecap to the rearmost
piece to the buttock.
Buttock popliteal length: Calculated to the horizontal
distance from the posterior surface of the buttock to the
popliteal surface. This is assisted to find out the length of
eat pad. This length was calculated to a knee angle of 90
Popliteal height: Calculated to the vertical distance from
the foot rest surface to the popliteal place. This is assisted
to find out the range of adjustability for chairs. Popliteal
height should be shorter than seat height.
Stature: Calculated to the vertical distance to the highest
part of head, while the contributor stood erect, looking
fast. This is utilized to find out the lowest skyward
clearance required to evade head collisions.
University Classroom Furniture Measures: The
following dimensions of the classroom furniture which
are measured:
Chair Seat Height (SH): Calculated to the vertical
distance from the floor to the highest point on the front of
the seat.
Chair Seat Depth (SD): Calculated to the horizontal
distance from the back of the sitting surface of the seat to
its front.
Chair seat Width (SW): Calculated to the horizontal
distance from the outer left side of the sitting surface of
the seat to outer right side.
Chair Backrest Height (BH): Calculated to the vertical
distance from the side of the seat surface to the highest
point of the backrest.
Table Height (TH): Calculated to the vertical distance
from the floor to the top of the front edge of the table
(Figure 2).
Figure 2: Representation of the table and chair
TW= Table width
TD= Table depth
TH= Table height
RH= Rack height
BH= Backrest height
SW= Seat width
SD= Seat depth
SH= Seat height
Mismatch between University Furniture and
Body Dimensions: The rules of ergonomic and
anthropometric should be used for designing of classroom
furniture and defining the range in which suitable
furniture dimension is regarded. The anthropometric
measurements of every student were associated with
pertinent furniture dimension in order to identify match
or mismatch. In the literature various published
relationships have been established to identify match or
mismatch. Following equations are usually used:
Popliteal Height (PH) against Seat Height (SH): The
seat height is required to be balanced with respect to the
popliteal height (PH). It additionally requires enabling the
knee to be flexed with the goal that the lower legs frame a
most extreme of 30º point in respect to the vertical hub
As per the writing, SH ought to be lower than the PH
with the goal that the lower leg constitutes a 30° point
in respect to the vertical and the shin-thigh edge is in the
vicinity of 95° and 120° [25-27]. Too low SH builds weight
on the is chialtuberosities, though too high prompts
expanded weight at the popliteal crease (underside of
knees), diminishing blood dissemination and expanding
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
weight on the nerve. Be that as it may, SH does not have
an esteem higher than 4 cm or 88% of the PH to maintain
a strategic distance from pressure in the butt cheek area
Hence, 3 cm adjustment for shoe tallness is
incorporated to the PH for this exploration work. A
confound amongst PH and SH is characterized when the
SH is either >95% or <88% of the PH (Parcells 1999) and
it is conceivable to build up a basis for SH [27].
(PH+3) cos30
≤SH≤ (PH+3)
………………………………...……….…………… (1)
Buttock popliteal length (BPL) against seat depth
(SD): As per Poulakakis and Marmaras [30], situate
profundity ought to be no less than 5 cm not as much as
the butt cheek popliteal length. Be that as it may, the thigh
would not be bolstered enough if the SD is significantly
not exactly the BPL of the subjects. Different specialists,
for example, Milanese and Grimmer, Helande, Oborne,
Khalil et al., Pheasant, and Sanders and McCormick [31-
36] clarified that the seat profundity ought to be intended
for the fifth percentile of the BPL dissemination so the
backrest of the seat can bolster the lumbar spine without
pressure of the popliteal surface. Along these lines,
confound amongst SD and BPL is characterized when SD
is either <80% or >95% of BPL [26].
………………………………………..………….…….……. (2)
Sitting shoulder height (SSH) against backrest height
(BH): The proper backrest height (BH) should be
considered to encourage portability of the storage
compartment and arms. The estimation of the BH ought to
be not as much as the scapula [29]. Subsequently, Gouvaili
and Boundolos and Agha [27,37] prescribed keeping the
backrest lower than or nearly on the upper edge of the
scapula and an ideal BH ought to be kept at 60 80% of
shoulder tallness.
………….…...…………………..………………….………… (3)
Hip Breadth (HB) against Seat Width (SW): The seat
width (SW) ought to be sufficiently vast to suit the client
with the biggest hip broadness (HB) to accomplish
dependability and permit space for sidelong
developments [27,32,33,36].
Also, Gutiérrez and Morgado, Evans et al., Helander,
Mondelo et al., Occhipinti et al., Orborne, and Sanders and
McCormick [28,29,32,33,36,38,] demonstrated that the
HB ought to be smaller than the SW keeping in mind the
end goal to have a legitimate fit in the seat and an ideal
SW is assigned for the 95th percentile of HB conveyance
or the biggest HB. The altered proposed condition
demonstrates that the SW ought to be no less than 10%
(to suit HB) and no more 30% (for space economy) bigger
than the HB [27].
………………...………………….…………………………….. (4)
Sitting elbow height (SEH) against table height (TH):
EH+ (PH+3) cos30
≤TH<= (PH+3)
+0.8517EH+0.1483SH………………...…… (5)
Thigh clearance against SDC:
The appropriate SDC needs to be higher than thigh
clearance (TC) in order to provide leg movement [24,39].
The optimum SDC should be 2 cm higher than knee height
………………………………….……………………………………… (6)
Facility Layout
The following steps will be followed in facility layout:
a. Brainstorming about the selected room to do layout.
b. Gathering the dimension of the selected room.
c. Designing the layout.
d. Recommending extra facilities.
Table 1 shows the prioritization of relative weight
percentage of chair’s how and table’s how Table 2 shows
the anthropometric measures of the student’s. Table 3
shows the existing classroom furniture. Table 4 shows the
number & percentage of students who match or mismatch
with existing classroom furniture Figure 3 shows the
House of Quality (HOQ) for Chair. Table 5 shows the
proposed classroom furniture dimensions. Figure 4 shows
the HOQ for multifunctional table.
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
Requirements for
Weight percentage (%) for
Design requirements for
Weight percentage (%)
for chair
Foam seat
Plywood body
Steel body
Wooden body
Wooden body
Position indication to keep
Workers efficiency
Adding foot rest
Cotton seat
Reducing production cost
Adding lumbar
Workers efficiency
Adding hand rest
Position indication to keep
Avoiding waste
Good finishing
Reducing production
Lock system
Adding drawer
Good finishing
Medium size
Best accessories
Wheel system
Place for bags
Table 1: Prioritization of relative weight percentage of chair’s how and table’s how.
Anthropometric dimension
% tile
% tile
% tile
Popliteal height
Sitting height
Sitting eye height
Thigh clearance
Sitting elbow height
Buttock knee length
Knee height
Hip breadth
Elbow to elbow breadth
Sitting shoulder height
Sitting lowest rib bone height
Sitting upper hip bone height
Forearm fingertip length
Buttock popliteal length
Table 2: Anthropometric measures of the student’s.
Furniture Dimensions
Dimensions (cm)
Seat height
Seat width
Seat depth
Backrest height
Table height
Table Width
Table 3: Existing classroom furniture
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
Furniture dimensions
Match (%)
Mismatch (%)
Seat Height
Seat Depth
Seat Width
Backrest Height
Table Height
Table Width
Table 4: Number & percentage of students who match or mismatch with existing classroom furniture.
Figure 3: HOQ for chair.
Furniture Dimensions
Dimensions (cm)
Seat height
Seat width
Seat depth
Backrest height
Table height
Table width
Table 5: Proposed classroom furniture dimensions.
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
Figure 4: HOQ for table.
Implementation of Proposed Dimensions
Finally, proposed chair and table have the correct
dimensions for comfortable learning facility. New chair
design have the hand rest and lumbar support. New table
design have penholder, improved foot rest, wheel for
moving and drawer for keeping things. The modification
of existing furniture shown in Figure 5 and figure 6.
Figure 5 and Figure 6 showing the modified table and
Figure 5: Modified table.
Figure 6: Modified Chair.
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
Figure 7: Layout for room no: 233(A), Jessore University
of Science and Technology for the proposed table and
chair for the present.
Discussion & Recommendation
General Discussion
The study estimated the possible mismatch between
classroom furniture and anthropometric characteristics of
200 Bangladeshi university students. The study indicates
that, the proposed furniture dimensions are more
appropriate than the existing furniture. The proposed
dimensions for classroom furniture are also easily
adoptable. So, the modified classroom furniture design
will be appropriate for almost all university students.
However, the proposed dimensions and final
implementation of the present study should have some
Unique Contribution
The primary aim in this study is to relook at the
concept of ergonomically fit table and chair from a new
perspective. Listed things are relooked-
By using Kano model, student’s requirement has been
very well determined.
QFD methodology helps a lot to make the appropriate
relationship between student’s demands and design
requirements to overcome the shortcomings.
According to student’s demands new features namely
hand rest, proper lumbar support, drawer, pen holder
and wheel system are added.
For the proper allocation of the modified table and
chair, a layout is proposed.
Here, we have some recommendation to provide better
learning facility for the university students.
1. The classroom should be sound proof.
2. Air flow system must be developed.
3. Teacher stage should fit with blackboard.
4. The classroom should have air condition system.
5. The classroom furniture must be developed with
ergonomic consideration.
6. The chair should be lightweight.
7. The classroom furniture must have best aesthetics,
innovative features, and glossy colors.
This study has limitations. Data collection might vary
little bit up and down due to movements while collecting.
As students’ comfort level is emphasized, the price of the
proposed table might increase Extra facilities like air
condition; sound system can be provided but will incur
more costs.
Future Work
Table desk can be blocked by extra piece of material.
Price can be decreased. Chair hand rest should be foamed.
The sole purpose of this paper was to scrutinize
relation between body dimensions from a sample study of
200 Bangladeshi university students and ergonomic
classroom furniture design. A remarkable mismatch was
identified between student’s body dimensions and the
classroom furniture (namely chair and table) dimension.
Table height of the classroom furniture was low for the
students. Also, the seats were high for the students. These
conditions may lead to pain and musculoskeletal
disorders. This research proposed dimensions that
satisfied the anthropometric measurement to reduce the
problem. The findings of the study also clearly
demonstrate that the design and allocation of classroom
furniture for Bangladeshi university students should be
made according to anthropometric judgment to avoid
unnecessary problems.
Ergonomics International Journal
Taposh Kumar K, et al. Ergonomic Design of Table and Chair based on QFD
and Anthropometric Measurement and improved Facility Layout. Ergonomics
Int J 2018, 2(3): 000146.
Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
The author would like to thank Dr. A.S.M. Mojahidul
Hoque, Chairman of department of Industrial and
Production Engineering, Jessore University of Science and
Technology and students of department of industrial and
production engineering, Jessore University of science and
technology, Jessore, Bangladesh, for their uncountable
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Copyright© Taposh Kumar K, et al.
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