Planning for third cycle River Basin
Management Plan 2021 - 2027
December 2019
Consultation on Significant Water
management Issues
Appendix 4: Further details on Urban Development
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
Urban Development
NIW: Provider of Sewerage Services in Northern Ireland
NIEA regulates NIW discharges to the environment under the Water and Sewerage
Services (Northern Ireland) Order 2006 and the Water (Northern Ireland) Order 1999,
and the Pollution Prevention and Control (Industrial Emissions) Regulations (Northern
Ireland) 2013. A significant regulatory regime is in place to ensure the continued
improvement to the quality of the discharges from NIW. All WWTWs and networks are
consented with conditions which are set to meet the requirements of the objectives of
the Water Framework Directive. NIEA assesses compliance by sampling the quality
of the effluent discharged from WWTWs and a site inspection programme.
NIW is currently funded under a Price Control Process, a 6 year investment
programme which is regulated by the Utility Regulator. This process is designed to
deliver a prioritised approach to investment ensuring the delivery of nominated
outputs with clear deliverables. For the period 2015 2021 (PC15), NIW has
planned investment of £446 million for upgrades. This funding includes upgrades to
19 wastewater treatment schemes to improve the quality of discharges from works
>250 population equivalent and 45 small wastewater treatment works as well as
improvements to 56 unsatisfactory intermittent discharges to meet quality standards.
NIEA are heavily involved in the prioritisation of investment to ensure funding is
targeted to those assets which would bring the most benefit to water quality.
Approximately £5.5 billion has been spent on NIW assets over the last 12 years
focusing on improving the quality of discharges into sensitive waters and achieving
compliance. Despite major improvements both in capital investment and operating
techniques significant investment is still required to make the difference on the
delivery of WFD Good Status and the protection of sensitive waters (Drinking Water
Protected Areas, Bathing Water, Shellfish Waters and N2K sites).
NIW is currently developing its business plan for the next price control period PC21
(2021-2027). The investment needs have been calculated to be approximately £3
billion by NIW. The funding requirements relate to a legacy of underfunding, ageing
assets, population growth including the need to respond to the pressures arising
from Climate change. However, before funding is made available, these investment
needs have to be determined by the Utility Regulator.
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
NI Water’s PC15 business plan had called for funding of £1.7 billion from 2015
2021 to address investment priorities in water and sewerage infrastructure. However
the Utility Regulator’s PC15 Final Determination concluded that £990 million was
appropriate in terms of delivering the improvements to water and sewerage services
as required by policy, while remaining affordable to the customer in terms of
charges. NIW has broadly achieved the PC15 investment requirements to date,
however constrained public expenditure budget allocations has resulted in a number
projects to be deferred into the next price control period with the agreement of the
It is clear that additional investment is required. Development constraints, in terms of
allowing new housing and business to connect to the sewerage network, are
beginning to emerge in over 70 towns and cities in Northern Ireland. If not prioritised
in PC21, this issue will have consequences in terms of curbs to economic
development and growth.
The introduction of a flow compliance assessment was one measure outlined in the
Programme of Measures for the 2
Cycle. We have been working closely with NIW
to develop robust data collection to facilitate reported compliance assessment for
flow. Through this process we have identified other opportunities to develop a new
compliance model which will fully inform the prioritisation of capital investment and
involve the full review of discharge consents, new sampling regimes for sanitary
parameters, and reporting on flow and priority substances.
4.2.2 Misconnections to NIW Storm Drainage Systems
All new houses and businesses should have two separate sewers, separating foul
water to the sewer and storm water to discharge to local watercourses. When pipes
are incorrectly connected, misconnections occur resulting in direct discharge of
sewage to watercourses. This tends to be either in older properties or where new
appliances are connected incorrectly.
Misconnections can pollute local streams, rivers and beaches, damage wildlife and
put health at risk. DfI, DAERA, NIW, District Councils and NIEA are working together
to tackle the issue of misconnections focusing on preventative measures.
ConnectRight campaign
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
NIEA and NIW are supporting the ConnectRight campaign. The campaign is a
partnership of organisations who are working to reduce water pollution from drains
and sewers. The campaign focuses on:
- Raising awareness and understanding of/about misconnections, sewers and
drains and the environmental problems that they cause.
- Helping property owners and professionals to check drainage connections and
take action.
- Ensuring new drainage is connected right.
- Helping to develop and support effective practice, policy and regulation.
- Sharing information and evidence about the problem and supporting research
and development of long term solutions.
Strategic Drainage Infrastructure Plan for Belfast
Within the 1
cycle RBMPs, the objective for Inner Belfast Lough was to achieve
moderate status by 2015, while making progress to good status by 2027. Although
the 2015 classifications were moderate overall, there were concerns during the 1
cycle that the dissolved inorganic
nitrogen loading is largely attributed to
combined sewer overflows from the
sewerage infrastructure and the
discharges from WWTWs. It is
estimated that together, these make up
50 % of the overall loading of DIN to
Inner Belfast Lough alone. There is also
evidence of deteriorating microbial
water quality at the Shellfish Water
Protected Areas located in Inner Belfast
Lough. The sewerage networks and
WWTWs serving Belfast are also
nearing capacity and need significant
upgrades to facilitate future growth and
development. Current estimates
indicate that without significant upgrades, there is a risk that NIW may not be able to
permit some new connections in Belfast from 2021. It is therefore unlikely that
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
Belfast City Council’s proposed Local Development Plan can be implemented
without significant parallel investment in drainage & wastewater treatment.
While there is already considerable joint working by the various organisations to
address flooding problems and improve/protect water quality in the environment
there is as yet no agreed cross-department infrastructure plan at a strategic level to
support economic growth, provide for the long term management of flood risk and
improve water quality in the wider environment.
In July 2014, the Northern Ireland Executive agreed to set up an interdepartmental
group to develop a ‘Strategic Drainage Infrastructure Plan’ (SDIP) for Belfast to
protect against flood risk, enhance the environment and support economic
growth. To facilitate the development of the SDIP for Belfast, DfI is taking forward
the Living with Water Programme (LWWP), the Board of which includes senior
representatives from: DfI Rivers and Roads, DfI Finance, and DfI Water and
Drainage Policy Division (WDPD); NIEA; The Utility Regulator; BCC and NIW. The
programme is focused on developing integrated, catchment based solutions and
where possible avoid traditional hard engineered drainage and wastewater solutions
involving long-term operating and maintenance costs. It is estimated that the delivery
of this programme will cost in the region of £1b. This funding is currently not secured.
Sustainable Drainage
In recent years there has been positive implementation of Sustainable Drainage
Systems (SuDS) in Northern Ireland, although most of the systems installed are ‘hard
engineered’, rather than softer open natural solutions. The Stormwater Management
Group (SMG), is an inter Departmental Group jointly led by DfI and NIEA seeking to
increase the implementation of SuDS across the province looking at ways to increase
use across Government Departments and considering the skills capacity in Northern
Ireland to deliver SuDS schemes. The Group is also investigating mechanisms for the
approval of SuDS schemes and solutions to the ongoing maintenance issues.
The Water and Sewerage Services Act (Northern Ireland) 2016, came in to operation
in May 2016 and introduced a definition of SuDS which can be adopted by NIW. The
new legislation ensures that ‘hard’ SuDS, which are normally large pipes or tanks,
usually with a flow control valve, and which have been constructed to appropriate
standards can be adopted and maintained by NIW.
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
Examples of sustainable drainage techniques can be seen across Northern Ireland,
with the installation of an infiltration tank in Dundonald where this retrospective storm
drainage system drains a 20 hectare housing development before a controlled
release of storm water to the natural environment and thereby removing a significant
quantity of storm water from the sewerage infrastructure.
NIW, DfI, Education Authority and the Department of Education invested in the
development of an innovative new rainwater garden to help reduce the risk of
flooding at the Clandeboye Primary School. £70,000 has been invested in the
garden, which is an innovative flagship project for NIW and the DfI, and is the first of
its kind in Northern Ireland. The garden demonstrates how sustainable design can
reduce the risk of flooding, whilst also enhancing the environment and providing a
valuable educational resource. NIW previously invested £1.7 million on a new
Pumping Station within the grounds of Clandeboye Primary School. This was part of
the overall ongoing £10 million investment to improve the infrastructure, reduce the
risk of flooding and improve bathing water quality in the Bangor area.
Catchment Based approach to consenting
NIW, AFBI and DAERA are working collaboratively on the development of an
Integrated Ecosystem Model. The Model has been designed to model the complete
catchment considering all inputs both point and diffuse sources within the freshwater
and marine environment. The Model outputs will identify where investment is needed
to make the most benefit to water quality and delivery of the WFD Good Status.
Strong evidence and source apportionment modelling is required to assist decision
makers and policy makers in how best to tackle the issues in both fresh water and
the marine environment.
Trial projects are underway with Dundrum, LWWP, Shared Waters Enhancement
and Loughs Legacy (SWELL) and the NIW Shellfish & Bathing Waters Remediation
Project (SABRE) all applying the Integrated Ecosystem model principles. The
outcome of the models will inform consenting decisions and investment prioritisation.
Shared Waters Enhancement and Loughs Legacy (SWELL)
The SWELL project aims to improve water quality in the shared transitional waters of
Carlingford Lough & Lough Foyle through the improvement of wastewater assets
investing approximately £25 million.
Appendix 4: Further information on Urban Development
The project will use a holistic modelling strategy which will amalgamate the various
catchment and marine models to form an Ecosystem model. The output from the
modelling will identify where investment is needed to ensure the greatest contribution
to improved water quality. The project will also deliver two sewerage network and
wastewater treatment schemes which will provide improved wastewater treatment for
an additional 10,000 people in the eligible regions.
It is anticipated that the project will leave an ecosystem model for use by the water
companies, environmental regulators and other stakeholders in the eligible area to
identify future improvements to enhance water quality.
Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Technologies:
One of the measures outlined in the 2
Cycle required the use of sustainable
technologies in wastewater treatment. NIEA has been working with NIW on the
development of these schemes to ensure the treatment meets the WFD
requirements. NIW has constructed three sustainable (naturally occurring e.g. reed
bed, Integrated Constructed Wetlands) WWTWs. In Castle Archdale, Co.
Fermanagh the wetland was constructed in April 2016, and has resulted in a 100 %
reduction in electricity usage when compared to the old aerated WWTWs, which has
now been fully decommissioned.
NIW has also installed a sustainable solution to replace the overloaded WWTWs
serving the village of Stoneyford to the northwest of Lisburn using an Integrated
Constructed Wetland (ICW) solution. This utilises a natural ecosystem to break
down and treat pollutants. The award winning treatment is based on processes that
occur naturally within indigenous wetlands and includes 2 initial settlement ponds
and 5 treatment ponds. Wastewater passes through the integrated system in which
water, plants, micro-organisms, the sun, substrate and air interact to improve water
quality. The scheme also includes community access providing walkways around the