Emerging Technology Zero Emission
Vehicle Household Travel and
Refueling Behavior
(CARB Contract 16RD009)
April 19, 2021
Prepared By:
Gil Tal
Vaishnavi Chaitanya Karanam
Matthew P. Favetti
Katrina May Sutton
Jade Motayo Ogunmayin
Seshadri Srinivasa Raghavan
Christopher Nitta
Debapriya Chakraborty
Adam Davis
Dahlia Garas
ared For:
Table of Figures i
Table of Contents
Table of Figures ............................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables ................................................................................................................................... ix
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... xi
Preface ............................................................................................................................................ xi
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ xii
Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................... 1
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3
2 Recruitment and Background Survey ...................................................................................... 8
Logger Installation Process ............................................................................................... 9
Data Collection and Limitations ..................................................................................... 12
Data Annualization ......................................................................................................... 13
Sampling of the Logged Participant Households ........................................................... 14
PHEV eVMT Calculation .................................................................................................. 18
3 Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs .......................................................................... 21
Data Description ............................................................................................................. 21
Battery Electric Vehicles Driving .................................................................................... 26
PEVs Used for Commuting ............................................................................................. 36
Battery Electric Vehicle Charging ................................................................................... 37
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Driving ............................................................ 48
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging ........................................................................ 57
Charging Distance Based on GPS Location of PEVs ........................................................ 63
4 Household Level Analysis of PEVs ......................................................................................... 67
Households with a BEV Only or BEV and ICEV ............................................................... 71
Households with a PHEV Only or PHEV and ICEV .......................................................... 76
Two-PEV Households: BEV and PHEV Mix ..................................................................... 85
Table of Figures ii
UF and GHG Profile ........................................................................................................ 89
Additional ICE Usage Metrics ......................................................................................... 94
5 PHEV Engine Starts Analysis ................................................................................................ 100
Cold Starts .................................................................................................................... 100
Proportion of Days with Engine Starts ......................................................................... 101
Engine Start Event Description ..................................................................................... 102
Travel Conditions at Engine Start ................................................................................. 103
Potential Emission Impacts of Engine Starts ................................................................ 112
Engine Starts Discussion ............................................................................................... 114
6 Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis ..................................................................................................... 115
Fuel Cell Vehicle Driving ............................................................................................... 118
Fuel Cell Vehicle Refueling ........................................................................................... 123
Fuel Cell Household Analysis ........................................................................................ 128
7 Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews ........ 132
Introduction to Charging Management Strategies ...................................................... 133
Methods ....................................................................................................................... 133
Results .......................................................................................................................... 133
Interviews Discussion ................................................................................................... 142
Interviews Policy Discussion ......................................................................................... 143
8 Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 144
Table of Figures iii
9 Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 146
10 References ........................................................................................................................... 148
11 Appendix A ........................................................................................................................... 153
Table of Figures iv
Table of Figures
Figure 1. California LDV Fleet Composition (2018) by Fuel Type .................................................... 3
Figure 2. Share of BEVs and PHEVs in New Vehicle Registration .................................................... 4
Figure 3. PEVs as share of all vehicles ............................................................................................. 5
Figure 4. Overview of Number of Logger Installations During Each Phase of the Project ........... 11
Figure 5. Home and Daytime Charging Locations 2015-2020....................................................... 12
Figure 6. Distribution of Household Income: Survey Respondents and Logged Households ...... 16
Figure 7. Distrubution of Household Size Among Survey Respondents and Logged Households 17
Figure 8. Average Annualized VMT by PEV Model ........................................................................ 24
Figure 9. BEVs: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph) ....................................... 25
Figure 10. PHEVs: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph) .................................. 26
Figure 11. Average and Maximum Trip Distance on Weekdays and Weekends by BEV Type ...... 28
Figure 12. Percentage of Trips by Trip Distance Bins (miles) and by BEV Type ............................. 28
Figure 13. Effect of Speed on Energy Consumption per Mile ....................................................... 29
Figure 14. Average Daily VMT of the Individual BEVs by BEV Model ........................................... 30
Figure 15. Proportion of annual VMT on days with and without routine destinations................ 32
Figure 16. Trip destinations of Tesla Model S-60_80 .................................................................... 33
Figure 17. Standard deviation ellipse of vehicle destinations plotted against annual VMT ......... 34
Figure 18. Percentage of Daily VMT by Distance Bins: Weekdays vs. Weekends ......................... 35
Figure 19. Share of VMT on LDT (50 miles or more) as Percentage of Total VMT by BEV Type ... 36
Figure 20. Number of PEVs Used for Commute Purposes by Type. .............................................. 37
Figure 21. Probability of Charging Within the Logging Window of Individual BEVs by BEV Type 39
Figure 22. Share of Charging Sessions by Charging Level and BEV Type ...................................... 40
Figure 23. Share of Charging kWh by Charging Level and BEV Type ............................................ 40
Figure 24. Charging Session Starting Time: Weekdays vs. Weekends .......................................... 41
Figure 25. Percentage of L1 Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type ........................ 42
Figure 26. Percentage of L2 Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type ........................ 42
Table of Figures v
Figure 27. Percentage of DCFC Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type ................... 43
Figure 28. Average L1 Charging kWh Charged and Charging Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends 44
Figure 29. Average L2 Charging kWh Charged and Charging Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends 45
Figure 30. Average DCFC Charging kWh and Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends ......................... 45
Figure 31. L1 Charging: Average Starting and Charged SOC ......................................................... 46
Figure 32. L2 Charging: Average Starting and Charged SOC ......................................................... 47
Figure 33. DCFC: Average Starting and Charged SOC .................................................................... 47
Figure 34. PHEV eVMT, gVMT, and VMT of Individual PHEVs by PHEV Type ................................ 49
Figure 35. Utility Factor (UF) for Each PHEV by Type .................................................................... 50
Figure 36. Average UF by PHEV Type ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 37. Average Trips per Day by Driving Mode ....................................................................... 51
Figure 38. Percentage of Total PHEV Trips by PHEV Driving Mode ............................................... 52
Figure 39. Share of Trips by Trip Distance Bins: Weekdays vs Weekends ..................................... 53
Figure 40. Daily Average VMT, eVMT, and gVMT Share by PHEV Type ......................................... 54
Figure 41. Share of ZE Days, CS Days and CDB/CS Days ................................................................ 55
Figure 42. Share of Long-Distance Travel (LDT; 50 miles+) Days: Weekdays vs Weekends .......... 56
Figure 43. Share of Long-Distance Travel (LDT; 100 miles+) Days: Weekdays vs Weekends ........ 56
Figure 44. Share of Daily VMT by Distance Bin: Weekdays vs Weekends ..................................... 57
Figure 45. Share of Charging Sessions Charged Energy by Charging Level ................................... 59
Figure 46. Share of Total Number of Sessions by Charging Level ................................................. 60
Figure 47. Average L1 and L2 Charging kWh/Session: Weekdays vs Weekends ........................... 61
Figure 48. Average L1 and L2 Charging Session Duration : Weekdays vs Weekends .................... 62
Figure 49. Percentage of Charging Sessions Starting Time (L1 and L2): Weekdays ...................... 62
Figure 50. Percentage of Charging Sessions Starting Time (L1 and L2): Weekends ..................... 63
Figure 51. Percentage of Charging Sessions More Than 1 Mile From Home ................................ 64
Figure 52. Percentage of DCFC Charging Sessions by BEV Type and Distance from Home .......... 65
Figure 53. Percentage of DCFC Charging Sessions by Distance from Last Night Location ............ 66
Table of Figures vi
Figure 54. Percentage of Level 2 Charging by BEV Type and Distance from Last Night Location . 67
Figure 55. Composition of Households Included in the Analysis .................................................. 69
Figure 56. Number of Households with only One BEV or PHEV Logged in the Study .................. 70
Figure 57. Household Utility Factor by BEV Type and Household Car Composition .................... 72
Figure 58. Average Daily VMT in HHs with BEVs, Showing the eVMT and gVMT Percentages .... 73
Figure 59. Percentage of BEV and ICEV trips in HHs with BEVs .................................................... 74
Figure 60. Number of Days/Year BEV was Used for Long Distance Travel (LDT) .......................... 75
Figure 61. Annualized Number of L1 or L2 charger (L1/L2), and DCFC Sessions in BEV HHs ....... 76
Figure 62. Individual HH UF by PHEV Type in PHEV HH ................................................................ 82
Figure 63. Average HH UF by PHEV Type; and Average HH UF by Number of Cars in the HH ...... 82
Figure 64. Average HH UF by Number of Cars per HH and PHEV Type ......................................... 83
Figure 65. Percentage of Household Trips Powered by Different PHEV Driving Modes or ICEVs . 84
Figure 66. Daily Average HH VMT and Percentage of PHEV eVMT, PHEV gVMT, and ICE gVMT .. 85
Figure 67. Daily Average HH VMT, and Percentage of eVMT and gVMT BEV-PHEV Households . 87
Figure 68. Average Annual HH VMT and Share of BEV eVMT and PHEV eVMT in BEV-PHEV HHs 88
Figure 69. Two car HHs VMT by Vehicle Type, PEV UF and HH UF ............................................... 90
Figure 70. Average GHG per Mile and Utility Factor ..................................................................... 91
Figure 71. Household Level GHG and Utility Factor per Mile ....................................................... 92
Figure 72. Ratio of PEV and ICE GHG/Mile to Total HH GHG/Mile ............................................... 93
Figure 73. Annualized ICE VMT in 2 Car HHs (Single ICE and Single PHEV or BEV) by PEV Type. . 95
Figure 74. Annualized ICE VMT in 3 Car HHs (Two ICEs and Single PHEV or BEV) by PEV Type ... 96
Figure 75. PHEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel. ............................................. 97
Figure 76. BEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel in 2 Car HHs. .......................... 98
Figure 77. PHEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel in 3 Car HHs. ........................ 99
Figure 78. BEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel in 3 Car HHs. ........................ 100
Figure 79. Share of Drive Days with No Engine Starts ................................................................ 102
Figure 80. Engine-on Time Trace ................................................................................................. 102
Table of Figures vii
Figure 81. SOC at First Engine Start ............................................................................................ 104
Figure 82. Maximum Power Requirement 5 Seconds before Engine Start ................................. 105
Figure 83. Catalyst Temperature at Engine Start ........................................................................ 106
Figure 84. Prius Plug-in-4.4 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start ................................................... 107
Figure 85. C-max Energi Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start ........................................................ 107
Figure 86. Prius Prime-8.8 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start .................................................... 108
Figure 87. Pacifica-16 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start ............................................................ 108
Figure 88. Volt-16 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start ................................................................. 109
Figure 89. Volt-18 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start ................................................................. 109
Figure 90. ICE Soak Time for the Conventional Gasoline Vehicles in Households ...................... 110
Figure 91. Distance from Start of Day to First Engine Start of Day for all PHEVs ........................ 111
Figure 92. Distance from Start of Trip to First Engine Start of Trip for all PHEVs ........................ 112
Figure 93. Probability of Engine Start per Vehicle Model ........................................................... 113
Figure 94. Average Daily Cold Starts ........................................................................................... 114
Figure 95. Fuel Cell Vehicle Sales by Model, Country, and Model for California ........................ 116
Figure 96. Annualized VMT of Mirais .......................................................................................... 117
Figure 97. Mirai: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph) .................................. 118
Figure 98. Average and Maximum Trip Distance on Weekdays and Weekends by Mirai ........... 119
Figure 99. Percentage of Trips per Vehicle by Trip Distance Bins (miles) ................................... 120
Figure 100. Average Monthly Vehicle VMT Across Deployments ............................................... 121
Figure 101. Average Daily FCV VMT per Vehicle ......................................................................... 122
Figure 102. Average FCV Energy Efficiency (miles/kg(H2) .......................................................... 122
Figure 103. Time (in minutes) Elapsed between Refuels ............................................................ 123
Figure 104. Distance Traveled Between Refuels ......................................................................... 124
Figure 105. Average Fuel in during Refuel Days per Vehicle ....................................................... 124
Figure 106. Number of Hydrogen Fueling Stations within 140 miles of a Block Group ............. 125
Figure 107. Areas within 5 and 10 Miles from a Refueling Station ............................................. 126
Table of Figures viii
Figure 108. Average Fuel pumped in during Refuel, per Station ................................................ 127
Figure 109. Refueling Share per Station ..................................................................................... 128
Figure 110. Household Utility Factor per Vehicle by Household Car Composition .................... 129
Figure 111. HH Average Daily VMT in HHs with FCVs, Showing eVMT and gVMT Percentages . 130
Figure 112. Percentage of FCV and ICEV trips in HHs with FCV .................................................. 130
Figure 113. Number of Days/Year FCV was Used for Long Distance Travel (LDT). ...................... 131
Figure 114. Percentage of FCV and ICEV LDT (>100 mi) Days over LDT Days in HHs with FCV ... 132
Figure 115. Interviewees reported home based charging (N=47) .............................................. 136
Figure 116. How often interviewees reported charging their vehicles in public (N=40). ........... 138
Figure 117. Break down of interviewee's work charging patterns and availability .................... 139
Figure 118. Three interviewees did not go into enough detail about their charging strategies 142
List of Tables ix
List of Tables
Table 1. Sociodemographics and Vehicle Types Among the Usable Surveyed Participants ......... 15
Table 2. Battery Capacity and Vehicle Types Among the Logged Participants ............................. 17
Table 3. BEV Driving Data Overview .............................................................................................. 22
Table 4. BEV Charging Data Overview ........................................................................................... 22
Table 5. PHEV Driving Data Overview ........................................................................................... 23
Table 6. PHEV Charging Data Overview ........................................................................................ 23
Table 7. FCV Driving Data Overview .............................................................................................. 24
Table 8. FCV Refueling Data Overview .......................................................................................... 24
Table 9. Annualized VMT by Vehicle Types ................................................................................... 25
Table 10. BEV Driving Trip Level Summaries (on days when the BEV was driven) ....................... 27
Table 11. Summary statistics for area of SDE activity space by vehicle type ................................ 34
Table 12. Charging Summaries on by BEV Type ............................................................................ 38
Table 13. PHEV VMT, eVMT, gVMT, Fuel and Energy Consumption by PHEV Type ....................... 48
Table 14. PHEV Charging Summary Statistics................................................................................ 58
Table 15. Double-PEV (1 BEV and 1 PHEV) With or Without an ICEV (N=11) ............................... 70
Table 16. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption in BEV HHs ........... 71
Table 17. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption in PHEV HHs ......... 77
Table 18. Annualized Estimates of PHEV VMT, HH VMT, and HH UF ............................................ 79
Table 19. Annualized Estimates of Charging Sessions and kWh Charged in PHEV HH ................. 80
Table 20. Annualized Estimates of Charging Sessions by PHEV Type in PHEV HHs ...................... 81
Table 21. Average Utility Factor (UF) of PHEVs by Model Year (MY) ............................................ 83
Table 22. Double-PEV (1 BEV and 1 PHEV) HHs With or Without ICEV(s) (N=9) .......................... 85
Table 23. Annualized Driving Metrics in BEV/PHEV HHs ............................................................... 88
Table 24. Annualized Charging Metrics in BEV/PHEV HHs ............................................................ 89
Table 25. FCV Driving Data Overview .......................................................................................... 116
Table 26. FCV Refueling Data Overview ...................................................................................... 117
List of Tables x
Table 27. Mirai Driving Trip Level Summaries (on days when the FCV was driven) ................... 118
Table 28. Refueling Summary...................................................................................................... 123
Table 29. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption on FCV HHs ........ 129
Table 30. Summary of Interviewee Information ......................................................................... 134
Results from this report highlight how alternative fuel vehicles are used based on data collected
between 2015 and 2020. Alternative fuel vehicles include plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), vehicles that
are either battery electric vehicles (BEVs) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell
vehicles (FCVs). This category of vehicle technologies is included in the California Air Resources Board’s
Zero Emission Vehicle regulations and is referred to as ZEV in this report. We explore the environmental
impacts of driving, charging behavior and infrastructure. In households with ZEVs, the data from surveys,
loggers, and interviews indicate that those vehicles are being used extensively. This report, which
combined the data collected in two consecutive studies between 2015-2020, includes first and second
generation PEVs popular in California between 2011-2018. The BEVs include the first-generation, short-
range Nissan Leaf and the long range BEVs such as the Chevrolet Bolt and Tesla Model S. The PHEVs
include short range sedans such as the Toyota Prius Plug-in and longer-range vehicles such as the Toyota
Prius Prime, Chevrolet Volt and Chrysler Pacifica. The FCVs include the most popular fuel cell vehicle, the
Toyota Mirai.
In replacing household gasoline miles with electric miles, the results of this study suggest a significant
difference of this driving behavior according to vehicle range and battery size. While we cannot say that
this driving behavior is directly influenced by vehicle characteristics such as range, size, and
performance, we can, however, observe the trends in driving behavior of participants who own the
same vehicles. For example, it is important to note that longer-range PHEV users in this study had the
tendency to plug in their vehicle more and achieve higher electric vehicle miles traveled (eVMT). It is
also plausible that similarities in driving behavior between users who own similar vehicles are
coincidental, since infrastructure availability and other variables aside from vehicle characteristics could
be the main variables in vehicle performance.
Overall, the results suggest, as expected, that longer-range PEVs have more electrified miles than those
of shorter range PEVs. However, to maximize the impact of PEVs, a full set of policies is needed to
address charging behavior and vehicle purchase. FCVs in our sample are being used for long commutes,
but not on long road trips, based on local refueling infrastructure deployment. The results in this report
point to factors that affect the environmental impact of ZEVs, including charging behavior, household
fleet composition, vehicle usage, and more. Further research is necessary to shape policies that lead to
more sustainable transportation and ZEV usage. The household analysis suggests that longer-range ZEVs
can reduce the environmental impact of transportation, however future households may move to two
ZEVs; combining BEVs or FCVs with PHEVs, or short-range BEVs with long-range BEVs, which would
significantly increase the electrification of miles at the household level. The report’s main limitation is
the sample size of logged households.
The purpose of this report is to understand, under real world conditions, the emission potential of zero
emission vehicles (ZEVs), as defined by CARB regulation, to highlight benefits and challenges, and to
present needs for improving and regulating future vehicles. This report includes data from three distinct
zero emission vehicle types; plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), which includes both battery electric vehicles
(BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs). This report covers data
collected from the original Advanced Plug-in Electric Vehicle Travel and Charging Behavior report (CARB
Contract 12-319
) and updates it with data collected from additional models between 2018-2020 and a
new section on fuel cell vehicles (CARB Contract 16RD009). We also updated the cold-start section that
was part of the original report. This Emerging Technology Zero Emission Vehicle Household Travel and
Refueling Behavior report allows us to monitor how new PEVs are being used on a day-to-day and
month-to-month basis within a household travel context, by placing data monitoring devices (loggers) in
all vehicles in participant households for a period of one year. The combined projects provide a common
basis to evaluate technologies comparatively and in a consistent way. The data was collected from all
the vehicles in the households, including ICEVs and the ones in the original report, with a focus on the
larger group of two vehicle households. The report includes the five years of data collection from
different vehicles that have no standardized protocol for data reporting. Over these five years, loggers
were installed on about 800 vehicles, including ZEVs and ICEVs. The result is the collection of 7 million
miles of data, including 4.3 million miles that were collected from alternative fuel vehicles.
The main additions to this report are: (1) updating the sample size of the original report to get a better
representation of vehicle usage in California, (2) updating the household level analysis by adding a larger
sample of two and three vehicle households, (3) adding battery electric vehicles with longer ranges,
lower priced BEVs, and larger platform PHEVs such as the Chrysler Pacifica minivan, (4) adding fuel cell
vehicle analysis, (5) updating the engine cold-start analysis for plug-in hybrids, and (6) conducting a new
set of interviews.
The authors would like to thank the California Air Resoures Board and California Energy Commission for
their funding of these aformentioned projects. The California Air Resources Board staff were essential
and thoughtful collaborators in executing these complex projects. The first phase of this study was made
possible with the additional prelimary support of the utilities in California for pre-testing, and the data
logger supplier FleetCarma. In addition to the authors, there were many staff and students who
supported and contributed to this project in many ways, and without which this project would not have
succeeded. Thank you to Eric Racadag, Nicole Tsugawa, Andrew Ferguson, Corey Hobbs, Tommy Garcia,
Marcelo Steinkemper, Alex Tang, Nicholas Magnasco, Valerie Silva, Alexa Monserret, Noh Kahsay,
Melissa Ng, Gene Uehara, Devin Ciriaco, Nathaniel Kong, Jonathan Gordon, Thomas Bradas, Ethan Khoe,
Scott Begneski, Courtney Carroux, Mae Moninghoff, Mounika Bodagala, Daniel Reif, and Mike Nicholas.
The statements and conclusions presented are those of the contractor and not necessarily those of the
California Air Resources Board or the California Energy Commission. The mention of commercial
products, their source, or their use in connection with material reported herein is not to be construed as
actual or implied endorsement of such products
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
This Emerging Technology Zero Emission Vehicle Household Travel and Refueling Behavior Report
monitors how new plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are being used on a day-
to-day and month-to-month basis within a household travel context. This was done by surveying owners
and placing data monitoring devices in all vehicles in participant households for approximately one year,
including conventional or non-plug-in hybrid internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). Over five years
of data collection, loggers were installed on about 800 vehicles, ZEVs and ICEVs alike, that had no
standardized protocol for on-board data reporting. The result is the collection of 7 million miles of data,
including 4.3 million miles that were collected from alternative fuel vehicles. The first project began with
studying several models of plug-in vehicles. PHEVs included the following: (1) the Toyota Prius Plug-in
(Model Years [MY] 20122016), (2) the first-generation Chevrolet Volt (MY 2010–2015), (3) the Ford C-
Max Energi PHEV (MY 2014-2016), (4) the Ford Fusion Energi PHEV (MY 2014-2016), and (5) the second
generation Volt (MY 2016). The BEVs included the following: (1) the first generation Nissan Leaf (MY
20102016), (2) the second generation Leaf with a 30kWh pack (MY 20142016), (3) the Tesla Model S
with battery size of 60-100kwh (MY 2013-2017), and (4) the Toyota RAV4 EV with battery size of
41.8kwh (MY 2012-2014). Over time, the project expanded to include new additions to the market,
including the Prius Prime-8.8, the Pacifica-16, the Bolt-66, and the Toyota Mirai FCV.
The data collected shows that longer-range BEVs and PHEVs, vehicles with larger batteries, had a greater
substitution of gasoline miles with electric miles. The same results are true for both vehicle level and
household level analyses. While exploring vehicle usage, we learn that short range BEVs were not used
for long road trips or long freeway speed trips. As battery price drops and driver preferences and needs
are clearer, the future supply is not anticipated to include BEVs with a range lower than 100 miles. The
analysis found significant differences between the use of the longer-range BEVs and that of shorter-
range vehicles. In addition, there were notable differences between long-range BEVs, the Bolt-60 and
the Tesla Model S, in our study. The Bolt-60, for example, recorded 6.8% of miles with speeds higher
than 75 mph whereas the Tesla sample population logged more than 12% of their miles as high-speed
miles. Tesla drivers also used DC fast charging further away from home than other BEVs, which
illustrates another difference in usage between long-range BEVs.
Our survey shows that there is a greater share of alternative vehicles used for commuting in comparison
to the California fleet. On average, the BEVs in our study charge less than once a day, including days
when the vehicle was not used as expected. DC fast charging is still used mostly around home, within a
radius of less than half the vehicle range from their home location. Only Tesla vehicles use DC fast
charging for longer trips in a substantial way. Level 1 charging was also significant for all vehicles’ long,
overnight trips. All the FCVs in our sample were used for commuting, similar to short range BEVs, and
other small vehicles in our sample and were not used for long road trips. In households with two
vehicles, the FCV accounted for 50%-70% of the total household annual miles.
While most modeling and early assumptions hypothesized that electric vehicle drivers would plug-in
every night and start each day with a full battery, our results show that charging every other night is
more common for longer range BEVs or when driving less, while charging more than once a day is
common for PHEVs who drive more than their electric mileage range. The interviews that were
conducted show the importance of charging policy and charging management in the workplace, which
can inform the optimization of charging infrastructure. The interviews explore what could cause a low
frequency of workplace charging such as charger congestion, convenience, and dependability.
Executive Summary
We had a small sample of Toyota Mirai FCVs in our study that were used for an average of 10,700 miles
per year including long commute days, but a small number of long road trips. In households with two
vehicles, the FCVs account for 50%-70% of the VMT.
For PHEVs, our study presents lower utility factor (share of electric miles driven over total miles driven)
values than those of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) results, primarily from driving more
than the expected mileage used for estimating the utility factor, but also from driving at higher speeds
than simulated. We also learned that PHEV drivers with larger batteries charge their vehicles more when
needed, achieve higher utility factors, and have many days with no engine starts at all, compared to
PHEV drivers with smaller batteries.
Overall, the results indicate that longer-range PEVs have more electrified miles than their shorter-range
counterparts, resulting in a reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint. The results of this study address
possible factors that affect the environmental impact of ZEVs. This study focuses on ZEV performance
and household performance but did not collect data to compare those households to the general
population and ICEV-only households. This nature of the data collected for this study introduces two key
limitations: first, no data was collected on ICEV-only households, which limits our ability to extrapolate
from these results to the general population or new-car-buying households; second, the data collection
for this study spans 5 years and may include behavioral changes in society as a whole or among ZEV
drivers. To maximize the benefits of PEVs, a full set of policies is needed to address charging behaviors
and vehicle purchases. As those factors continue to change over time, ongoing research is necessary to
better shape the policies that lead to more sustainable transportation and efficient ZEV usage.
Introduction 3
1 Introduction
Road transportation accounted for 21% of global energy consumption (Contestabile, Alajaji et al. 2017)
and it will increase unless the share of carbon intensive transportation fuels is substituted by cleaner
sources. Plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs), which include full battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as well as plug-
in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are promising alternatives to
conventional internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) because of their energy conversion efficiency
and reduced tail-pipe emissions. Over 1.5 million electric vehicles have been sold in the United States,
and over half of those were sold in California. Nevertheless, gasoline-powered vehicles and other
conventional-fuel vehicles still constitute 98% of the light duty vehicle (LDV) fleet (Figure 1). For this
report, conventional vehicle powertrains such as gasoline, gasoline-hybrid (HEV), flex-fuel, diesel, and
diesel hybrid vehicles will all be included under the umbrella term of ICEVs, since they are not the focus
of this report.
Figure 1. California LDV Fleet Composition (2018) by Fuel Type (CA Department of Motor Vehicles,
published 2019)
The market share of BEVs and PHEVs has been increasing over the past decade. The share of hydrogen
fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) has been considerably lower than the share of BEVs and PHEVs as illustrated in
Figure 1. According to the California DMV and data reported by the California New Car Dealers
Association, the share of PEVs in total new vehicle sales/registration went up from 3% in 2014 to 8% in
2019 (Figure 2). In addition, the share of PEVs in the total LDV stock of California increased from 0.4% in
2014 to 1.43% in 2018.
Introduction 4
Figure 2. Share of BEVs and PHEVs in New Vehicle Registration (Source: California New Car Dealers
The deployment of vehicles so far is not evenly distributed; areas with higher income population and
more total vehicles have a higher share of electric vehicles. (Figure 3)
Figure 3. PEVs as share of all vehicles
When it comes to BEVs, a large share of the rebates in the past couple of years have gone to Tesla
buyers while the share of Nissan Leaf rebates has dropped among first-time BEV adopters. In the case of
PHEVs, adopters of the Chevrolet Volt, Toyota Prius Prime, and the PHEVs offered by Ford, like the
Fusion and the C-Max Energi, have claimed the majority of CVRP (California Vehicle Rebate Project)
rebates. These trends in CVRP application data based on vehicle make reveal the composition of the PEV
fleet in California in terms of vehicle characteristics such as electric range and battery technology.
PEV usage, including charging and driving behavior have a major impact on the energy and
environmental benefits of these vehicles. There are many variables that discourage the adoption of
PEVs, including limited electric driving range, household access to charging locations with various
capabilities, costs, and charger access rights as well as behavioral variables, such as the habits and
desires of households for using these new types of vehicles. PHEVs may charge more or less frequently,
resulting in a higher or lower percentage of electric powered VMT (eVMT)where the proper
denominator for calculating the percentage is the household’s total VMT, not merely the total VMT of
the PHEV. Such complexities can complicate attempts to predict and calculate the impact of recent
technologies on emissions in the coming decades. This study identifies and begins to measure these new
Consumer’s perceptions on PEVsability in meeting daily mobility needs compared to ICEVs, higher
upfront capital cost compared to ICEVs, range anxiety, and reliable access to charging infrastructure
continue to be major barriers to large-scale PEV adoption (Dimitropoulos, Rietveld et al. 2013, Liao,
Molin et al. 2017, Lutsey, Meszler et al. 2017, Hardman, Jenn et al. 2018). These barriers create
uncertainties in the evolution of the PEV market. Heterogeneities in daily driving patterns and needs
across various sociodemographic indicators and geographical locations, further compound these
uncertainties. Since PEVs are uniquely positioned to interact with the energy and the transportation
sector, uncertainties in the evolution of the PEV market pose many problems for policy makers, auto
manufacturers, electric utility companies, and charging infrastructure developers (Wietschel, Plötz et al.
2013). Policy makers have to continually fine tune existing incentives (financial and/or non-financial) or
introduce new incentives to encourage the adoption of PEVs. Understanding daily driving needs is
crucial for auto manufactures for optimal PEV design and model choice offerings. Charging
infrastructure developers have to ensure that electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is efficiently
located and managed to alleviate concerns about range anxiety and accessibility to EVSE. Utility
companies are particularly concerned about PEV charging patterns as it has the potential to create
localized hot spots when not managed properly, necessitating network upgrade or expansion (Muratori
2018). Utility companies also would have to design their PEV specific rates keeping in mind when and
where PEVs are charged.
The decision to own a PEV or FCV will have long-term consequences on the user from a total cost of
ownership (TCO), value proposition, and life-time GHG reduction potential perspective. The user’s daily
driving and charging behavior will have short-term impacts on planning charging infrastructure roll out
and effectively managing the incremental demand imposed by PEV charging. To better understand the
impacts of PEVs across varying timescales given their negligible global share and the scarcity of their
usage data compared to ICEVs, studies have relied on existing data to model their behavior. Modeling
PEV driving behavior will offer qualitative and quantitative insights into the feasibility of PEVs in
replacing a conventional vehicle. The daily and long-term energy, emissions, and economics of
PEVs/FCVs are related to the extent in which prospective and current PEV/FCV owners perceive the daily
driving utility of these vehicles when compared to a conventional vehicle. The charging demand
imposed specifically by PEVs is affected by their daily driving distance and dependent on their trip start
times, end times, and dwelling times.
Given the relative scarcity of actual ZEV usage data, researchers and policymakers create scenarios by
combining various sources of travel data and superimposing a set of preconceived expectations about
ZEV driving and charging/refueling needs. There has been an increase in efforts to analyze data from the
real-world operation of PEVs to estimate eVMT, since it is the most widely adopted metric to determine
the potential of electricity as a transportation fuel. The scope of such efforts has expanded recently to
estimate the zero emission VMT, or zVMT, which is the miles traveled on electricity only. For BEVs and
FCVs, VMT, eVMT, and zVMT are the same. However, for the PHEVs, due to their dual modes of
operation, zVMT is lower than eVMT. Information about ZEV usage based either on assumptions or from
real-world operations have direct consequences on not only their VMT, eVMT, zVMT energy
consumption (electricity, hydrogen, and gasoline) and emissions (from driving and charging), but also on
specific policies that rely on them, such as credit allocation under the ZEV mandate (CARB 2017) and PEV
infrastructure projections and investments (Wood, Rames et al. 2018, Brecht and Orenberg 2019).
There are many variables that are presumed to interfere with the assumption of a ZEV for a previous
conventionally fueled vehicle, including limited electric driving range, household access to
charging/refueling locations with various capabilities, costs, and charger access rights as well as
behavioral variables such as the habits and desires of households for using these new types of vehicles.
Depending on travel needs, desires, fuel costs, charging opportunities, and how much drivers like or
dislike their ZEV, they may end up using their new ZEV for more or less vehicle miles traveled (VMT) than
they had for a previous vehicle. With PHEVs, they may charge more or less frequently, resulting in a
higher or lower percentage of electric powered VMT (eVMT)where the proper denominator for
calculating the percentage is the household’s total VMT, not merely the total VMT of the PHEV. This
report identifies and begins to measure these new patterns.
FCVs have even lower adoption rates than PEVs despite having high driving ranges, with the Toyota
Mirai surpassing 300 miles of range and refueling times equivalent to that of ICEVs. The main barriers
impeding the adoption of FCVs include scarcity of hydrogen infrastructure, relatively high purchase
price, inability to refuel at home and safety concerns (Hardman, Shiu, Steinberger-Wilckens, &
Turrentine, 2017). In California, there are 41 active hydrogen fueling stations that are mostly
concentrated in and around dense metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. The sparse
and selective spatial distribution of refueling stations can serve to discourage potential adopters from
purchasing FCVs due to refueling inconvenience. The high purchase price owed to the high cost of fuel
cells and hydrogen tanks coupled with the lack of economies of scale also drives potential buyers away
from FCVs (Hardman et al., 2017). The strategic, concurrent adoption of FCVs and PEVs can reduce a
significant proportion of transportation related carbon emissions. Despite FCVs having lower well to
wheel efficiencies than many PEVs, their usage can still have positive environmental benefits from an
emissions perspective if they are specifically adopted in regions where the electricity grid is largely coal
based (Hardman et al., 2017). As it is for PEVs, there is little empirical research on FCV usage. This study
analyzes vehicle usage data collected from a small number of households with Toyota Mirai to uncover
usage patterns that can potentially be indicative of FCV impacts on carbon emissions in the coming
Travel behavior researchers have known that the household is the critical unit to study because
activities are often allocated among a fleet of household vehicles on a trip-by-trip basis. Previous studies
of household vehicle travel have been for short periods or have not used data loggers. However, this
project studied the use of vehicles by the household, instrumenting all their vehicles with GPS enabled
logging devices, to accurately measure the trip allocation and activity route formation of the whole
household across a year.
This research is designed to investigate these household travel patterns and lifestyle activity spaces in
response to PEVs/FCVs across a large set of households.
The overarching objective of this research project is to collect and analyze longitudinal, spatial, and in-
use vehicle data, including eVMT, from a variety of plug-in electric vehicles (PEV models). PEVs are
imperative in achieving California’s long-term air quality and climate stabilization goals. This means
measuring the travel and fueling of all vehicles within a PEV-owning household is important. Usage and
charging habits of PEV owners remain ambiguous due to the diversity of PEV designs, technologies,
electric ranges, and the failure to account for other travel within households. However, these behaviors
will have significant implications for statewide emissions, energy consumption, and electrical grid
management based on the miles these vehicles travel using off-board electricity sources. The secondary
objective of this project is to collect and analyze in-use vehicle data from FCVs, specifically the Toyota
Mirais. FCVs can also serve to further California’s air quality goals, especially when used in regions with
high-carbon electricity grids. Objectives include:
1. Determining the share of PEV miles traveled, powered exclusively by off-board electricity (eVMT), and
how emissions profiles might differ between the several types of PEVs.
2. Learning the allocation patterns between household vehicles for daily, weekly, seasonal, and
infrequent trips. Knowing these reasons will assist CARB and others in creating policies to increase eVMT
in the future and better estimate current eVMT.
Recruitment and Background Survey
3. Learning recharging patterns of PEVs in a household context. These patterns can assist CARB and
other State partners in developing the charging network in ways that might help households maximize
their eVMT. Additionally, knowing the locations and times of charging events could help CARB and
partners to assess the time-of-day emissions impacts, and perhaps influence the recharging of PEVs in a
way to reduce emissions and optimize the use of the grid across time and seasons. The same data can
also assist utilities and their regulators to understand grid impacts from PEV charging, rate impacts on
charging behavior, and the need for public infrastructure. Temporal and spatial data would provide a
better picture of when and where PEVs are charging, which informs upstream emissions estimates.
4. Understanding how any measure of eVMT develops within the overall travel of households because of
systematic variation caused by, for example, household self-selection of different types of PEVs.
Furthermore, while an individual PEV may have a high share of eVMT, total transportation-related
emissions from the household, it will also depend on the activity and usage of all other vehicles in the
household fleet, as well as other modes of transportation used, such as public transportation.
5. Characterizing the engine start activity profiles of blended PHEVs. In the 2017 market, many PHEVs
are “blended” in the sense that an internal combustion engine (ICE) can start to help power the vehicle
before the battery is depleted. These ICE starts occur when the electric drivetrain is not sufficient to
meet immediate high torque demand, regardless of the battery state of charge. These ICE starts occur
under high power demand scenarios and are distinct from cold starts for conventional vehicles, which
typically occur with the vehicle stopped, in park/neutral, and with a low immediate torque demand.
PHEVs likely have a different distribution of engine-on events compared to conventional vehicles and
these can occur due to battery depletion as well as high-torque demand events. The results of this study
can be used to improve the emission inventory model (EMFAC) in estimating PHEV start emissions. The
results can also be used to guide the development of future clean car standards.
6. Studying the driving and refueling behavior of FCV vehicles. This includes understanding the allocation
patterns between household vehicles for daily, weekly, seasonal, and infrequent trips. It also involves
determining the location of and duration between refueling events. The metrics from these analyses can
help CARB and other state partners determine optimal locations for hydrogen fueling stations in order
to promote the adoption of these environmentally clean vehicles.
2 Recruitment and Background Survey
This report seeks to collect the data that can answer essential questions about future travel and
charging behavior and refueling of ZEV owners in California households and the benefits that are likely
to result. What are the environmental benefits of these vehicles? How much travel can and will be
shifted to PEVs, and specifically to BEVs and to PHEVs, per vehicle and for the household fleet? What
kind of charging network is needed?
The funds for this project cover collection, cleaning, and basic analysis of the data, but not the analysis
aimed at understanding the interaction between the data factors collected and potential correlations.
This study uses data from three main sources: 1) survey data of PEV households, 2) vehicle-level data
collected from 303 households through loggers connected to the vehicle telematic system, and 3)
interviews of 40 PEV users that participated in the logging component. This research helps identify ways
to facilitate increased use of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by Californians. Also, longitudinal, temporal,
and spatial data provide a picture of when and where PEVs are charging, as well as the electric- and
gasoline-vehicle miles traveled by PEVs and other vehicles in the household.
A detailed, 30-minute recruitment survey of ZEV owners/lessees (hereafter referred to as owners for
simplicity) was conducted to determine how many participants would be needed for each region and
Recruitment and Background Survey
sociodemographic group so that the results would be representative of statewide ZEV owning
householdsi.e., so the results could be generalized to the wider population. The survey included eight
categories of questions: travel behavior, driving behavior, vehicle performance (MPG), vehicle
characteristics, response to ZEV related incentives, vehicle purchase history, current household vehicle
fleet, sociodemographic characteristics, PEV charging behavior and FCV refueling behavior. The survey
targeted owners of all ZEV models in the market at the time of the survey. The initial survey also was the
first step in recruitment, asking whether respondents would be willing to participate in the second part
of the study by having a logger installed in their vehicle. The information also helped determine whether
household vehicles were suitable for participation based on logger limitations and vehicle usage
(appropriate mileage, accessible OBD port, household with vehicles newer than 1996). In addition, the
surveys allowed us to capture information about the households such as commute location, charger
access, sensitivity to price, demographics, etc. We invited participants to take the internet-based survey
in three different methods. First, CARB sent email invitations to ZEV owners who had applied for the
California Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP); second, CARB sent postcards to a random selection of persons
who had a ZEV registered based on the DMV records but did not apply for CVRP; and third, CARB sent
postcards to a random selection of owners of used PEVs based on DMV records. The result of the
surveys and the total response rate were estimated, based on the DMV records, for the total number of
light duty vehicles and plug-in vehicles by region and year, based on model year for vehicles model
2010-2017. Updated VMT records allow for re-evaluation of the survey data and logger data
representation of the state light duty fleet, comprised of light duty vehicles, plug in vehicles, and new
and used vehicles. The DMV data allow us to estimate the total number of ZEV on the road each year, in
addition to the information about new vehicles sold based on the CVRP application.
21,000 new PEV owners and lessees started our survey between May 2015 and August 2018 in addition
to 680 used PEV owners. Of those surveyed, 12,396 PEV households and 470 FCV households had
enough information, answered all parts of the survey, and indicated that we could contact them for the
logging phase, but this number included surveys with missing information for some survey part based on
our skip logic or households that owned a vehicle that was incompatible with the loggers. The overall
response rate to the surveys was 18%, and 82% of these respondents completed the survey. However,
this 82% included persons who were not eligible for the logging study because they utilized their PEV for
business purposes, no longer owned a PEV, and similar cases.
Logger Installation Process
The combined project design called for a straightforward process. After identifying potential households
for the logging part of the study, we emailed those households to reaffirm their interest, that they still
had the PEV, and that they planned to have it for the next 12 months. Of the households we invited, 15
25% agreed to participate and moved to the next phase. The overall rate of recruitment was 1 logger
installation for every 300 households that received the initial survey.
The project was budgeted to allow two visits to each household, one to install loggers on all household
vehicles and another to remove them. The initial plan also called for the project team to make one trip
per region to do all installations in that region and a second trip to do all the removals. The regions
included areas from San Diego in the south to Crescent City in the north, and the project team was
based in Davis. The installation-removal team included the project researchers, a full-time project
manager, part time staff member, and 16 undergraduate students.
The loggers for this project were obtained from FleetCarma, a vendor selected by a bid conducted by UC
Davis. FleetCarma’s OBD loggers (C2 and C5) are configured to collect real-time data with automatic
data upload via the cellular network and contain internal GPS, making them the ideal data loggers for
Recruitment and Background Survey 10
capturing vehicle data. Each logger had to be programed to a specific ZEV model, a process that was
done manually at the beginning of the project and through the logger’s internet connection later. The
data collected by the loggers was analyzed and then sent by cellular connection to the vendor servers
and from there to UC Davis servers.
By the end of the project we had to make many more trips to each region than what was originally
planned for and budgeted. The main reason for this difference between the planned and actual
execution was the difficulty of scheduling installations during weekdays, when people had their vehicle
or vehicles away from home (e.g., at work). As a result, evenings and weekends were often the only
times when we could install, and later remove, loggers in all the household vehicles at once. Other than
these limitations on workable time windows, we underestimated the number of additional visits that
would be necessary beyond the initial installation and final removal of the loggers. Over the project
period we had to replace more than 30 faulty loggers or data cables, we had to remove loggers from
vehicles owned by households who chose to leave the study, sold the vehicle, had an accident, moved
out of the state, etc. In many cases, we recruited an additional household to maintain the total sample
size. We had to make approximately 25 trips to Los Angeles, 20 to the San Diego area, 200 to the Bay
Area, 50 to the Sacramento area, and 25 to the regions north and east of Davis.
The participation incentive was $350 split between the installation ($150) and completion of the data
collection and return of the data logger ($200). Overall, we had to pay incentives to about 80% more
households than the number used in this final report and visit each household 4–6 times instead of the 2
times planned. We recruited 424 Households and installed loggers at 402 vehicles, including 14 FCVs,
388 PEVs, and about 300 ICEVs. We dropped vehicles with data collected for less than 90 days, all with a
sample of less than 4 vehicles of the same model.
Figure 4 presents the number of installations along the study timeline, including information on the
model of ZEVs that had loggers installed. To reduce the project cost, we reinstalled the loggers from
phase 1.0 in phase 2.0 vehicles, those from phase 1.5 in phase 2.5 vehicles, and those from phase 3 in
phase 4 vehicles. Therefore, this final project report includes data collected between June 2015 and May
2020 for some part of the analysis. As Of July 2020, we continue to collect data from about 30
households as we are unable to uninstall the loggers due to the stay at home order resulting from the
COVID-19 global pandemic. We hope that this data will be used in a future project to study travel
behavior of electric vehicle owners in the time of Coronavirus.
Recruitment and Background Survey
Figure 4. Overview of Number of Logger Installations During Each Phase of the Project, Classified by
Number and Type (New or Used) of Vehicles per Household. MUD= multi-unit dwelling
We planned the recruitment to cover the main vehicle models at the time of each phase and to cover
the shift from buyers of new PEVs to buyers of used PEVs and households with two PEVs. We also
covered all main electric utilities in California. However, due to the extended period of data collection
20152020, the relatively small sample, and logger problems that forced us to drop some of the
samples, we experienced a limitation in having statistically significant results in every category needed
to fully represent the changing ZEV owner population.
Recruitment and Background Survey
Figure 5. Home and Daytime Charging Locations 2015-2020
Data Collection and Limitations
As for all social science studies, this work suffers from self-selection bias resulting from the recruitment
being based on survey takers who volunteered for the logging phase. We controlled for basic social
demographic characteristics, but we could not control for any correlation between the probability to
take a survey and volunteer for the study and specific driving and charging behavior. Another important
bias in the household selection and the results presented is the fact that no participants were chosen
who did not plug in their PEV on a regular basis. On the other hand, the self-selection of vehicle model
by the households, for example users with lower daily miles select short range vehicles, is not a bias but
a representation of the vehicle owners’ population. To explore the potential bias of our selection please
refer to a paper we published based on the servey response (Chakraborty, et. al 2020). For both the
PEVs and the ICEs in the study, not all logger parameters were available on all vehicle models and the
parameters collected changed over time with changes made by the logger vendor to the dataset design,
the logger hardware, and the vehicle software. In general, the relevant set of parameters collected
varied between the ICEs, the BEVs and the PHEVs due to differences in fuel sources. Other than speed
and GPS metrics which were collected for all vehicles, the ICE data includes vehicle parameters such as
fuel rate, mass air flow, etc. to calculate fuel consumption, the BEV data includes attributes such as
battery voltage and power to estimate electrical enery consumption and the PHEV data contains both
fuel and electrical energy determining metrics.
Recruitment and Background Survey
The data transferred from the logger includes raw data from the vehicles and calculated data based on
algorithms programmed in the loggers. Some parameters, such as miles per gallon (MPG), are derived
from multiple parameters such as revolutions per minute (RPM), engine load, mass air flow, and intake
air temperature. Other parameters, such as distance, were derived from speed and time. Most
parameters were collected every second but others, such as GPS and State of Charge (SOC), were
collected every 10 seconds. Battery capacity was derived for each vehicle individually based on the
average value, over the data collection period of SOC change and energy used. We did not use the
manufacturer stated capacity or EPA range in our analysis.
One of the most important limitations of the data is that if one of the parameters being recorded
changed, a new row would be generated in the dataset/spreadsheet and values for all the parameters
would be populated in that row. However, because different parameters were recorded at different
rates, a parameter that had the same value between adjacent rows may have been updated and had
truly stayed the same over two collection times, or it may not yet have been updated and the program
had populated the cell with the last recorded value from the previous row. In summary, although we
attempted to resolve limitations within our study, due to the unreliability of certain data, it was not
possible to distinguish whether an unchanged parameter was copied from the last collection time or
recollected but had the same value.
Another limitation in the data collection was that data from ICEVs. First, our ICEVs sample includes only
vehicles in households with one PEV or FCV that are, in most cases, newer than the ICEV and therefore
are not a representative sample for ICEVs in California. Second, ICEVs within a given household that
were estimated to be driven less than 1000 miles per year did not have loggers installed. Thus, logger
data was not collected from these vehicles. However, the VMT on these ICEVs was recorded manually
from odometer readings with only one vehicle exceeding 1000 miles.
We developed four different methods to estimate energy consumption from PHEVs (and ICEVs) based
on the data reported for each vehicle. Overall, we identified a wide variation of results based on trip
distance, speed, etc.
Data Annualization
While collecting vehicle data, the vehicle loggers sometimes malfunctioned due to internal software
issues or external mishandling, leading to gaps in the time series data we received. If we analyzed the
data without accounting for these gaps, we would be underestimating the annualized values of key
vehicle metrics. Therefore, we developed a process to annualize vehicle metrics, while minimizing the
miscalculation associated with this incomplete data issue to the best of our ability. For annualizing
vehicle-level metrics for a given car, we first condensed the vehicle’s events into days this includes all
days between the vehicle’s first logging event to its last logging event. Next, we identified major gaps
(more than 7 days) within the data collected by locating the dates and times when the vehicle logger
didn’t record any data. We then contacted the driver(s) of the car to gauge If the car was indeed not
used during those identified gap days or if the logger simply malfunctioned. We marked the vehicle’s
days for which we knew the logger malfunctioned as invalid, given those days do not represent real
travel behavior. Finally, we scaled the vehicle’s totalized metrics to 365 days based on the number of
valid logged days to attain annualized estimates of those metrics.
Similarly, for annualizing the metrics of a given household, we first condensed the events from each
vehicle within that household into days (separately). Next, we located gaps within the data collected for
each vehicle in the household. We then contacted the driver(s) of the vehicles to gauge If the vehicles
were not being used during their identified gap days or if their loggers were simply malfunctioning. We
Recruitment and Background Survey 14
marked all the vehicles’ days for which we knew at least one vehicle’s logger malfunctioned as invalid,
since those days do not accurately capture real household travel behavior. Lastly, we merged the days
data of all the vehicles and scaled the household’s totalized metrics to 365 days based on the number of
valid households logged days to attain annualized estimates of those metrics. In many cases, not all the
vehicles within a household began or ended logging data at the same time; to handle data gaps
introduced by mismatched start/end logging dates, we decided that the start date for the household
days data is the start date of the vehicle in the household that started logging the latest, while the end
date for the days data is the end date of the vehicle in the household that ended logging first. We did
not directly account for weekday/weekend differences or seasonal variation while annualizing both
vehicle and household metrics as we log data from all four seasons, for around 365 days for most of the
household vehicles in our sample.
Sampling of the Logged Participant Households
The distribution of households was selected by electric utility and generally follows the market for
electric vehicles with most participants being in one of the four largest metropolitan regions in
California: San Francisco, Sacramento, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Some participants were in
exceptional locations, such as in the mountains or along the coast, where isolation or temperature may
have had an impact on how they used their vehicles compared to those in major metropolitan regions.
Although the sample size is small in those cases, interacting with them and observing their behavior
presents the possibility for additional learning from the project. All the results presented in the report
are based on the relevant sample and are not weighted, as we focused on the impact of different
technology types and did not estimate total impact.
This survey’s participantsPEV households who purchased or leased their vehicle in the last 4 years
differ from average Californian households. For the general population, less than one-third of
households buy a new car every 3-5 years, according to the 2012 California Household Travel Survey
(CHTS) (CalTrans 2013). To compare PEV buyers to the general population (based on the CHTS 2012), we
combined the income distribution by vehicle type and purchase year.
Considering the market penetration of alternative fuel vehicles, many of the current ZEV owners are
early adopters of the technology. As observed in cases of other technologies, early adopters may have
unique characteristics compared to other new car buyersage group, education level, and technology
awareness, among others.
Table 1 presents the statistics on sociodemographics and vehicle models among the survey participants.
The sample was stratified by income to represent the income of the larger survey sample. More than
80% of households had an income higher than the median income in California ($67,739 according to
the Census American Community Survey 1-year survey) and the percentage of people with graduate or
professional degrees was 48.7% (California statewide 12.3%). In our dataset, males tended to drive the
PEV more than females in a household, and slightly more BEVs were driven than PHEVs. More than 80%
of respondents owned their houses, and more than 80% lived in detached units. About 50% of
respondents had the Chevrolet Volt, Tesla (Model S-60_80 or Model S-80_100), or the Nissan Leaf, and a
considerable number of the rest used the Prius Plug-in-4.4 or the Bolt-60.
Recruitment and Background Survey
Table 1. Sociodemographics and Vehicle Types Among the Usable Surveyed Participants
Income Age Education
<50K 217 10-19 years old 11 High school 995
50-99K 1,064 20-29 years old 326 College 3,247
100-149K 1,686 30-39 years old 1,767 Post-graduate 4,059
150-199K 1,529 40-49 years old 2,166 Gender
200-249K 1013 50-59 years old 1,932 Male 6,201
250-299K 667 60-69 years old 1,428 Female 2,052
300-350K 368 70-79 years old 554 Decline to state 77
350-399K 206 > 80 years old 74
Household size
400-449K 154 Missing 79 1 person 868
450-499K 105
2 persons 3,236
> 500K 363
3 persons 1,523
4 persons 2,021
5+ 706
Recruitment and Background Survey 16
Number of Vehicles Types of ZEV Model
1 1000 Battery 4,230 500e 160
2 4,303 Plug-in Hybrid 3,749 Bolt-60 748
3 2,049 Fuel cell vehicle 375 C-Max Energi 480
4 694 Purchase or Lease e-Golf 472
5+ 290 Purchased 3,812 Fusion Energi 377
Number of drivers Leased 4,202 i3 590
1 1,101
Housing types
Leaf 1,175
2 2,692 Own houses 6,998 Prius Plug-in 792
3 971 Rent or others 1,337 Tesla 1,384
4 486 Detached housing
Volt 1,442
5+ 86 Detached 6,751 Others 391
Others 1,585 Mirai 334
Table 1 presents the distributions of income, household size, and number of vehicles per household
among the survey population. We tried to select households for logging that would reflect the
geographic distribution and sociodemographic distribution of ZEV households as reflected in the initial
Figure 6. Distribution of Household Income Among Survey Respondents and Logged Households
Less than
$50,000 to
or more
I prefer
not to
Survey Logged
Recruitment and Background Survey
Overall, the logged households are similar to the surveyed households, other than having a minor
oversampling of households with incomes of $50k-$100k and households with two vehicles.
Figure 7. Distrubution of Household Size Among Survey Respondents and Logged Households
The main difference between the logged households and the survey and general populations that is not
reflected in the sampling methods is the exclusion of PHEV users who are not plugging in their vehicles.
Our 2014 research article suggests that short-range PHEVs are more likely to be used as conventional
hybrids (Tal et al. 2014). A more recent study suggests that about a third of the short-range secondary
PHEV owners who finished the survey are using the vehicle as a hybrid only without pluging in.
(Turrentine, Tal, and Rapson 2018)
For the Toyota Mirai we had to recruit three households for every working loggers becouse of loggers
rialbility problems and becouse of the small sample we did not aim for a reprasentative sample.
Table 2. Battery Capacity and Vehicle Types Among the Logged Participants
1 2 3 4 5 or more
Household size
Survey Logged
Make Model and Battery Capacity
Major data collection period
Nissan Leaf-24 kwh BEV 29 2015-2017
Nissan Leaf-30 kwh BEV 28 2016-2018
Toyota RAV4 EV-42 kwh BEV 5 2016-2017
Chevrolet Bolt-60 kwh BEV 27 2017-2020
Tesla Model S-60_80 kwh BEV 23 2016-2019
Tesla Model S-80_100 kwh BEV 25 2016-2019
Recruitment and Background Survey
Make Model and Battery Capacity
Major data collection period
Toyota Prius Plug-in-4.4 kwh PHEV 22 2015-2016
Ford C-Max/Fusion-7.6 kwh PHEV 60 2015-2018
Toyota Prius Prime-8.8 kwh PHEV 27 2017-2020
Chrysler Pacifica-16 kwh PHEV 28 2019-2020
Chevrolet Volt-16 kwh PHEV 44 2015-2017
Chevrolet Volt-18 kwh PHEV 40 2017-2019
Toyota Mirai FCV 11 2018-2020
Total - 369 -
Throughout this report, letters are used in figures to identify significant differences between the average
usage characteristics of different vehicle models among logged vehicles. These significance tests are
performed using the Tukey-Kramer range test for groups of unequal sizes (Tukey, 1977); this method is
commonly used to identify pairwise differences between groups when a one-way ANOVA test confirms
that a significant difference exists in the data. In charts where these letters are used to indicate
significance, each vehicle model will have one or more letters. If two models share any of the same
letters, the test does not identify a significant difference between them for the variable in question; if
not, the test does find a significant difference. For example, consider a chart showing the mean
efficiency for three vehicle models: if model 1 has the lowest mean and is marked with the letter a,
model 2 has the middle mean and is marked with the letters ab, and model 3 has the highest mean and
is market with the letter b, then the pairwise mean comparison finds a significant difference between
models 1 and 3 but not between model 2 and either of the other models.
PHEV eVMT Calculation
Attributing vehicle miles travelled (VMT) to either electricity (eVMT) or gasoline (gVMT) in an ICEV or
BEV or FCV is trivial, all the VMT fall into either one or the other category; however, PHEVs have two
energy sources and correctly tracking the energy can be challenging when both sources are used during
a trip. The following sections describe the methodology used to calculate eVMT for PHEVs.
Need for Energy Efficiency Ratio
One obvious way of calculating the portion of VMT that should be attributed to eVMT would be to
calculate the ratio of total electrical energy consumed to the total energy consumed for both gasoline
and electric, and multiply this ratio by the total VMT. The problem with this approach is that energy
consumption for the two sources does not yield the same number of miles. For example, the 2011 Chevy
Volt has an EPA rated 37 MPG on gasoline and a 93 MPGe when running purely electric. That means that
Recruitment and Background Survey 19
for every kWh of electricity the Volt can travel over 2.5 times as far as with the equivalent energy in
To correct for this, an Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) needed to be calculated for comparing the electrical
and gasoline usage of energy. Ideally the EER would be calculated for every operating condition of the
vehicle (i.e., every combination of vehicle speed, engine speed, engine torque, motor speed, motor
torque, battery SOC, etc.). However, since this approach is not practical, a single EER was calculated
based upon the vehicle type. The combined fuel economy numbers from fueleconomy.gov was used for
calculating the EER. The EER was calculated by dividing the all-electric fuel economy in MPGe by the
gasoline-only fuel economy in MPG. For example, the 2011 Chevy Volt described previously would have
an EER of 2.5 (93 MPGe / 37MPG). The calculated EER was used to adjust the electrical energy
consumed by the vehicle before calculating the ratio of electrical energy consumed to total (gas and
Equation 1 shows the calculation of the EER; Equation 2, the calculation of the gasoline equivalent
electrical energy consumption; and Equation 3, the calculation of eVMT.
Equation 1. EER Equation
 =
where MPGe
is the EPA electric only fuel economy and MPG
is the EPA combined highway and city
fuel economy for the vehicle using gasoline only.
Equation 2. Electrical Energy Consumption to Gasoline Equivalent
= 
where E
is the measured electric energy consumption and E
is the gasoline equivalent electrical
energy consumption.
Equation 3. eVMT Calculation
 = 
where E
is the value calculated from Equation 2 and E
is the measured gasoline energy
Adjusting for Battery Efficiency
The eVMT calculated using Equation 3 is dependent upon the calculation of E
, which in turn is
dependent upon the measurement (or calculation) of E
. One may intuitively think that the E
should not be calculated, but directly measured by integrating the power in and out of the battery.
However, this approach would not be correct because batteries are not 100% efficient. Energy is lost
when it is either put into or taken out of the battery. To correct for this, the energy consumed (energy
taken from the battery) and energy produced (energy put into the battery) are maintained separately
and an efficiency factor is applied to the energy produced.
Equation 4 is the equation for calculating the electrical energy consumed. Ideally the battery efficiency
should be determined by testing each individual vehicle, and will vary with temperature, rate of power
Recruitment and Background Survey 20
draw, age of the battery, etc. Since this approach would not be practical, a 90% battery efficiency was
used for all vehicles. The 90% efficiency was based on a linear fit of data analyzed for energy consumed,
energy produced, and delta SOC.
Equation 4. Electrical energy consumption calculation
where E
and E
are the energy consumed and produced measured at the battery, and Eff
the battery efficiency.
eVMT Before Engine On
The eVMT calculation for the equations provided thus far apply a fraction of the VMT to eVMT on a trip
basis. While this approach is valid, further improvements can be made to increase the accuracy of the
calculations by addressing other variables that could influence eVMT. For example, one such variable is
that during a single trip the driving conditions (as well as vehicle efficiency) may vary dramatically and
therefore the use of energy consumption alone may not accurately attribute VMT to gasoline or electric.
It was observed that all the miles traveled prior to the first engine-on event were eVMT, where the miles
travelled after the first engine-on were a blend of gVMT and eVMT. It was this observation that
prompted the change to Equation 3. Equation 5 is the updated eVMT equation (Equation 3) that
attributes 100% of miles traveled to eVMT prior to the first engine-on event, and the fraction of the
miles after to eVMT based upon the fraction of energy.
Equation 5. Updated eVMT calculation
 = 
 
where VMT
is the VMT at the first engine-on, and E
is the gasoline equivalent electrical
energy consumption after the engine is first turned on.
Adjusting for Kinetic Energy
The initial eVMT equation provided assumed that it was on a trip basis, so the vehicle both starts and
ends at rest. However, the starting point of the hybrid mode may not be at rest, therefore, in the
updated eVMT equation (Equation 5), the E
accounts for the kinetic energy of the vehicle. The
kinetic energy of the vehicle, when it is moving and the engine is on, will carry the vehicle some further
distance. One may wonder if this energy is significant or not. Consider a 2011 Chevy Volt with a curb
weight of 3,781 lbs carrying 200 lbs (passenger and cargo) at 80 mph, the kinetic energy in the vehicle
would be 1.15MJ or 0.32kWh which is equivalent to approximately 3% of the 10.9kWh of usable battery
capacity. This amount of energy would propel the vehicle 0.89 mi according to the EPA all-electric fuel
economy for the Volt (before any adjustments for battery and motor efficiencies). Considering that the
measured median trip distance for Volts was 5.35 mi the 0.89 mi represents approximately 16.6% of the
median trip length. PHEVs with smaller battery packs will potentially have a higher percentage of the
usable battery capacity converted into kinetic energy. This is because the kinetic energy of a vehicle is
related to the mass of the vehicle, and there is not a 1:1 scaling of vehicle mass to battery capacity. A
doubling in battery capacity will roughly double the mass of the battery pack, but this will not double
the mass of the vehicle.
Equation 6 is the equation for kinetic energy.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 21
Equation 7 is the calculation for the gasoline equivalent electric energy at engine-on. The kinetic energy
is divided by Eff
which is the assumed motor efficiency of 90%. The 90% motor effieciency was
chosen as it provided a simple round number that was in line with published motor efficiencies and fit
the data that had been collected. The energy consumed at the battery would be higher than the output
of the electric motor and must be accounted for.
Equation 6. Kinetic Energy Calculation
where m is the mass of the vehicle (assumed to be curb weight plus 200lbs), and v
is the velocity of
the vehicle at engine-on.
Equation 7. Electric Energy Gasoline Equivalent at Engine-On
=  
where Eff
is the motor efficiency, which was assumed to be 90%.
3 Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
In this section, we present our results and observations on PEV usage at the vehicle level using data
collected from the loggers. In total, 137 BEVs, 221 PHEVs, and 11 FCVs. 23 BMW i3 REX had trouble
acquiring data and were dropped from our analysis. There was one Kia Soul (111 mile range) and one
Fiat 500e (84 mile range), which were also dropped for our analysis due to exceptionally low sample
size. The other vehicles have reliable data for most parameters, have reliable data for longer than 120
days, and can be considered for the analysis. They are considered in the vehicle level analysis presented
in this section. To take advantage of the wealth of vehicle-usage information, all the remaining PEVs
were considered in the vehicle-level analysis. The sample size of vehicles and households used in the
household level analysis is provided in the following section. All the descriptive analyses and related
summary statistics summarized in Table 3 to Table 14
are from the loggers. Likewise, the descriptive
analyses and related summary statistics depicted in Figure 8 to Figure 54 are from the loggers.
Data Description
Table 3-Table 29 summarize, respectively, the data collected on BEV driving, BEV charging, PHEV driving,
PHEV charging, FCV driving and FCV refueling from the loggers. The summaries include vehicle data,
spanning approximately 1 year for each logged car, collected over the five year course of this study.
More granular breakdowns of the PEV driving and charging summaries are provided in following
chapters. From the raw data, which includes noticeably short trip events of zero to a few hundred yards,
we used a filtering criteria of 1 km to denote a valid trip for PHEVs, BEVs and FCVs. The filtering criteria
of 1 km is based on filtering out GPS noise and extemely short trips registered at the loggers with no
energy use and the rule of thumb values for acceptable walking distances (Smith and Butcher 2008;
Yang and Diez-Roux 2012). For the charging sessions, a cutoff of 1 kWh for the BEVs and 0.25 kWh for
the PHEVs was used. In addition, we filtered out trips and charging sessions that did not report variables
that are usually included for this type of vehicle such as: battery SOC, distance traveled, energy charged,
and driving energy (electrical and gasoline) consumed. Overall, 99.8% of charging energy (PHEVs and
BEVs), 99.7% of BEV VMT, 99.6% of PHEV VMT and 88% of FCV VMT were still retained after filtering.
We further classified the BEVs into 6 types based on the battery capacity: Leaf-24, Leaf-30, RAV4 EV-42,
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Bolt-60, Tesla Model S-60_80, and Tesla Model S-80_100. For the PHEVs, we adopted a similar approach
and classified the PHEVs into 6 types: Prius Plug-in-4.4, C-Max/Fusion-7.6, Prius Prime-8.8, Pacifica-16,
Volt-16, and Volt-18. Since both the Ford C-Max Energi and Fusion Energi 7.6 have the same battery
capacity, we combined them together as C-Max/Fusion-7.6. Chevy Volts model year (MY) 2016 or later
have bigger batteries than those of earlier model years and are classified as Volt-18. The rest of the Volts
were classified as Volt-16.
Table 3. BEV Driving Data Overview
BEV Type
Raw Data
Raw Data
Filtered Data
Leaf-24 29 40714 263645 34061 262210 264
Leaf-30 28 38488 268780 33435 267535 266
RAV4 EV-42 5 8775 60163 7716 60005 344
Bolt-60 27 47760 382603 39479 381032 295
Model S-60_80 23 24295 375573 21057 374908 279
Model S-80_100 25 22066 285046 20032 284682 241
All BEVs 137 182098 1635810 155780 1630372 272
Table 4. BEV Charging Data Overview
BEV Type
Raw Data
Filtered Data
Leaf-24 29 9211 57739 8707 57638 219
Leaf-30 28 6880 62836 6744 62804 185
RAV4 EV-42 5 1527 20003 1482 19993 253
Bolt-60 27 9434 100612 8351 100535 176
Model S-60_80 23 6994 139844 6737 139777 217
Model S-80_100 25 5079 106753 4902 106710 152
All BEVs 137 39125 487787 36923 487456 192
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 5. PHEV Driving Data Overview
Filtered Data
Prius Plug-in-4.4 22 36915 315465 31473 314231 312
C-Max/Fusion-7.6 60 88796 729091 74971 726389 273
Prius Prime-8.8 27 42548 337533 37205 336465 301
Pacifica-16 28 39602 273916 34661 272970 238
Volt-16 44 60830 568379 51419 566354 291
Volt-18 40 56957 460974 49946 459257 299
All PHEVs 221 325648 2685359 279675 2675665 284
Table 6. PHEV Charging Data Overview
Raw Data
Total kWh-
Raw Data
Total kWh-
Filtered Data
Filtered Data
Prius Plug-in-4.4 22 8101 17803 7700 17774 232
C-Max/Fusion-7.6 60 25267 76506 21727 76192 213
Prius Prime-8.8 27 9587 29975 8629 29948 226
Pacifica-16 28 10342 70338 9936 70301 199
Volt-16 44 26501 100008 15868 99949 251
Volt-18 40 14104 83679 11043 83621 213
All PHEVs 221 93902 378311 74903 377785 222
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 7. FCV Driving Data Overview
FCV Type
Number of
Trips- Raw
VMT- Raw
Total VMT-
Filtered Data
Mirai 11 15301 104133 11327 91164 247
Table 8. FCV Refueling Data Overview
FCV Type
Number of
Mirai 11 408 823.40 20.67
*If two vehicle models’ annualized VMT means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 8. Average Annualized VMT by PEV Model
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 25
Table 9. Annualized VMT by Vehicle Types
Vehicle Type Average Standard Error Median Standard Deviation Max
ICE 9009.7 308.5 8106.3 5560.8 37786.1
PHEV 12808.0 363.3 12080.6 5400.2 36273.1
BEV 12876.3 600.0 11722.6 7022.7 50326.6
SRBEV 10311.8 594.0 10017.3 4677.2 26642.5
LRBEV 14996.2 913.2 12502.4 7908.3 50326.6
FCV 10737.8 879.9 10148.4 3048.3 16009.5
Figure 8 and Table 9 summarize descriptive statistics of annual VMT for all types of logged vehicles. On
average, the BEVs had a slightly higher annualized VMT than the PHEVs. LRBEVs (Long-range BEVs) had
the highest average and median annual VMT out of all vehicle technologies logged, even compared to
the ICE. SRBEVs refer to short-range BEVs.
Figure 9. BEVs: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph)
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 26
Figure 10. PHEVs: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph)
Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the share of total VMT by trip speed bin (the vehicles driving speed) for
BEVs and PHEVs, respectively. Compared to all other PEVs (Leaf, RAV4, Bolt, and all PHEV types), the
Model S BEVs have a higher share of VMT at trip speeds 60 mph or faster. In fact, almost 50% of Model S
total VMT was from trips at speeds of 60 mph or faster, whereas only around 15% of its VMT was from
trips with speeds less than 30 mph. Furthermore, the high all-electric range (AER)/battery capacity could
have contributed to the Model S having the highest share of VMT at very high speeds (75 mph or more)
compared to all other PEVs. Among the PHEVs, there is a comparable share of VMT from trips driven at
speeds of 60 mph or faster (about 40%) and from trips driven at speeds less than 45 mph (about 40%).
At very high speeds (75 mph or more), Prius Plug-in-4.4 has the lowest share of total VMT, followed by
Volt 16, Prius Prime-8.8, Volt 18, Pacifica 16, and C-Max/Fusion-7.6.
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8 Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Percentage of Total VMT
0-15 mph 15-30 mph 30-45 mph 45-60 mph 60-75 mph 75-155+ mph
Battery Electric Vehicles Driving
As shown in Table 10, on average, the Leaf-24 and Leaf-30 drivers make more trips and drive shorter trip
distances than do Tesla Model S-60_80 and Tesla Model S-80_100 BEV drivers. The average trip distance
of the RAV4 EV-42 is comparable to that of the Leafs (Leaf-24 and Leaf-30). The average trip distance of
the Model S BEVs (60_80 and 80_100) was almost twice that of the Leafs and RAV4 EV-42. The average
trip distance of the Leafs did not vary much between weekdays and weekends. Except for the Leaf-30
and Tesla Model S-80_100 vehicles, the weekday maximum trip distance of Leaf-24, RAV4 EV-42, Bolt-
60, and Tesla Model S-60_80 vehicles was higher than their respective weekend maximum trip distance
(). More than half of the Leaf-24, Leaf-30, RAV4 EV-42 and Bolt-60 trips were less than 5 miles. About
15% of Tesla Model S-60_80 and Tesla Model S-80_100 trips were more than 30 miles, whereas around
95% of the Leaf-24, Leaf-30, RAV4 EV-42 and Bolt-60 trips were less than 30 miles (Figure 12). RAV4 EV-
42 had the highest kWh/mile consumption for average trip speeds ranging from 15 mph to 75 mph.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 27
Tesla Model S-60_80 and Tesla Model S-80_100 have significantly lower average kWh/mile consumption
at higher trip speeds than their respective average kWH/mile consumption at lower trip speeds (Figure
Table 10. BEV Driving Trip Level Summaries (on days when the BEV was driven)
BEV Type
Average Trip
Distance (miles)
Leaf-24 4.5 7.7 1.8 0.2
Leaf-30 4.5 8.0 2.1 0.3
RAV4 EV-42 4.5 7.8 2.9 0.4
Bolt-60 4.8 9.7 2.4 0.3
Model S-60_80 3.3 17.8 6.0 0.4
Model S-80_100 3.3 14.2 4.9 0.4
All BEVs 4.2 10.5 3.0 0.3
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
*If two vehicle models’ weekday daily mile means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 11. Average and Maximum Trip Distance on Weekdays and Weekends by BEV Type
re 12. Percentage of Trips by Trip Distance Bins (miles) and by BEV Type
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 13. Effect of Speed on Energy Consumption per Mile
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 30
*If two vehicle models’ VMT means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 14. Average Daily VMT of the Individual BEVs by BEV Model
Figure 14 shows the average daily VMT of the individual BEVs. The average daily VMT of the Leaf-24,
Leaf-30, and RAV4 EV-42 was less than the overall BEV fleet average daily VMT of 43.54 miles. The
average daily VMT of the Bolt-60, Tesla Model S-60_80 and Tesla Model S-80_100 was greater than
overall BEV fleet average daily VMT. Though the average daily VMT could be a useful and
straightforward metric to compare how different BEVs utilize their All-Electric Range (AER), it could be
quite misleading as we will illustrate in the following subsection.
Routine Destinations and Activity Spaces
In addition to their effect on daily and annual VMT and trip distance, battery capacity and AER have a
strong impact on the number of different destinations BEVs are used to access and over how wide an
area these destinations are spread. Short-range vehicles that are reliant on daily charging at one or
more locations cannot be used as flexibly as longer-range vehicles that can go multiple days between
charging events, and their owners are more likely to use an internal combustion engine vehicle as the
household’s primary means of transportation for long trips. Supplemental data to support this can be
found in Figure 76. In this section, analysis of the importance of routine destinations on annual travel
and of the total area covered by each vehicle’s annual travel show that shorter-range BEVs are used
largely for regular travel between home and a single other location whereas longer-range luxury BEVs
are used to access a wider range of destinations spread over a much larger area.s The Bolt-60 in our
sample, have usage patterns in between the shorter-range and longer-range BEVs, despite larger
batteries and range similar to the shorter-range Tesla Model S.
An analysis of the common destinations visited by vehicles in this study that were supplied with GPS
loggers indicated that shorter-range BEVs are mainly used for regular travel between home and a small
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 31
number of routine destinations, whereas longer-range BEVs are used for less routine travel and are
much more likely to be used for overnight travel away home. Routine locations were identified by
clustering the spatial coordinates of the endpoints of all trips made by each vehicle using the Density-
Based Spatial Clustering of Applications and Noise (DBSCAN) algorithm with a distance threshold of 250
meters and a cluster density threshold of 5 neighboring points. DBSCAN is commonly used to identify
distinct locations from GPS points because this method clusters points based only on proximity rather
than to populate a predetermined number of clusters and because it distinguishes between points that
are part of a feature and “noise” points (Schubert et al., 2017). Across all vehicles in the study, 87.9% of
destinations were classified as being in a cluster and 24.4% of destinations were classified as being in the
most-visited cluster. Destinations within a single cluster were classified as being the same location, and
points not within any cluster were classified as having been visited only once. For all vehicles, the most-
visited location was also the last destination of almost every day, which indicates that it is a home
location. Locations that were visited more than 12 times (approximately once per month) over the study
period were classified as routine destinations for the purposes of this analysis. Monthly recurrence was
chosen as the cutoff for routineness because it is near the maximum suggested duration for studies of
routine activity space and routine travel behavior (Schönfelder & Axhausen, 2003; Zenk et al., 2018), but
the results were similar when the threshold was set to visits every two weeks.
To analyze the relative significance of routine travel for vehicles of different ranges, each vehicle’s
annual VMT was partitioned based on whether any routine destinations were visited on the travel day.
The four categories used for this analysis were Primary nonhome destination, which comprised days in
which the vehicle started or ended the day at home and made at least one trip to the most common
non-home destination; Other routine nonhome destinations, which comprised days in which the vehicle
started or ended the day at home, did not visit the most common non-home destination, but visited
another destination that was classified as routine; No routine nonhome destinations, which comprised
days in which the vehicle started or ended the day at home but did not travel to any other routine
destinations; and Away from home area, which included all travel on days in which the vehicle did not
start or end at home.
The results of this partitioning are shown in Figure 15. In general, the most-visited destination is most
important for short-range BEVs, and days with non-routine travel (both local and overnight) make up a
much larger share of travel for longer-range BEVs. Interestingly, the Bolt-60 in the study showed a
similar importance of routine travel as the Leafs, despite having as much range as some of the Teslas,
which suggests that the size and comfort of the vehicles together with cast charging availability may
influence the way these vehicles are used separate from the impact of battery capacity. For all vehicle
types, the largest fraction of annual VMT occurred on days that included the most-common non-home
destination (likely a commute location); this ranged from about 60% of annual VMT for the Leaf vehicles
in the study to less than 40% of annual VMT for the Tesla Model S and RAV4 EV-42 vehicles. The smallest
portion of travel for all vehicle types occurred on days in which none of the trips ended at home, but
these days accounted for a much larger proportion of annual VMT for Tesla Model S vehicles (about
15%) than for Leaf and Bolt-60 vehicles (under 6%). Travel on non-commute days to locations visited at
least once a month made up a similar share of VMT across all vehicle types, although it was slightly
higher for the small number of RAV4 EV-42 in the study.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 32
Figure 15. Proportion of annual VMT on days with and without routine destinations
Activity spaces are a geographic concept that are used to model the range of opportunities and
interactions a person has access to during their habitual movements. Standard deviational ellipses
(SDEs) are particularly useful for estimating activity spaces from GPS data both because they can be
processed quickly without relying on secondary information about the road network and because they
can be scaled to include an arbitrary proportion of destinations (Sherman et al., 2005). SDEs are
constructed from a set of coordinates by identifying an axis on which the points vary most significantly
and determining the standard deviation of the coordinates along that axis and a perpendicular axis. An
ellipse is constructed with its center at the midpoint of the coordinates and its axes scaled to the
standard deviations along the two rotated axes. For this analysis, we calculate SDEs with a radius of a
single standard deviation to capture approximately 68% of each vehicle’s destinations that are closest to
the center and then compute the area of this ellipse in square miles. GPS coordinates with destinations
spread over a larger geographic area will have larger SDEs, and those with fewer destinations will have
smaller SDEs, even if those destinations are far apart. An example of an SDE computed from destinations
visited by a Tesla driver is shown in Figure 16; note that the SDE covers their frequently visited
destinations, but not their less-frequently visited ones.
Primary nonhome
Other routine nonhome
No routine nonhome
Away from home area
Proportion of Annual VMT
Leaf 24 Leaf 30 RAV4 EV 41.8 Bolt 66 Model S 60-80 Model S 80-100
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 33
Figure 16. Trip destinations of Tesla Model S-60_80
Analysis of vehicles SDE activity spaces show that longer-range BEVs (particularly Tesla Model S vehicles)
are also used to travel frequently over a much wider area and potentially a much larger range of
opportunities than shorter-range BEVs. The results of the SDE analysis are plotted against annual VMT in
Figure 17, with a logarithmic scale on the vertical axis. Vehicles with larger SDEs are used to visit
destinations spread over a much larger area. As the slight upward trend in the plot shows, vehicles that
travel more miles per year generally cover a larger area, but longer-range BEVs, particularly Teslas, have
larger SDEs than other BEVs with similar annual VMTs. The several Teslas and one Bolt-60 with SDEs
larger than 3,000 square miles were used to travel over an area more than an order of magnitude larger
than the most wide-ranging Leafs.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 34
Table 11. Summary statistics for area of Standard Deviation Ellipse area activity space by vehicle type
Vehicle Type
Leaf-24 4 15 32 70 335
Leaf-30 9 27 46 144 357
RAV4 EV-42 17 33 42 71 88
Bolt-60 19 58 101 155 2,941
Model S-60_80 33 221 341 866 6,870
Model S-80_100 62 164 487 1,624 5,100
Figure 17. Area of standard deviation ellipse of vehicle destinations plotted against annual VMT
Table 11 identifies quartiles of SDE areas for the six vehicle types and shows that almost all the Tesla
Model S traveled over a wider area than the median Leaf. In addition, the median Tesla traveled over a
wider area than any Leaf. As is the case with the analysis of destinations, the activity spaces of Bolt-60
0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000
Standard Deviation Ellipse Area, square miles
Annual VMT
Leaf 24 Leaf 30 RAV4 EV 41.8 Bolt 66 Model S 60_80 Model S 80_100
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 35
drivers are roughly halfway between those of Leaf and Tesla drivers, despite their vehicles having as
much range as many of the Tesla Model S, perhaps due to differences in access to chargers away from
Figure 18. Percentage of Daily VMT by Distance Bins: Weekdays vs. Weekends
Figure 18 shows the share of weekdays and share of weekends when the BEV was driven, binned by
daily VMT. For all BEV models, the percentage of days with trips that were 10 miles or less was higher on
the weekends than on weekdays. The Leaf-24, Leaf-30, RAV4 EV-42 and Tesla Model S-60_80 had a
higher percentage of days with trips that were 100 to 200 miles on weekends than on weekdays.
Using the criteria for 50 miles or more to define Long Distance Travel (LDT)(BTS 2017) days, Figure 19
shows the share of VMT accomplished on these days as a percentage of the total VMT. A given point on
one of the six box and whisker plots denotes the average share of LDT VMT for a specific vehicle,
belonging to the vehicle model category represented by that box plot. The box outlines the range of
data between the first and third quartile. VMT on LDT days accounted for an average of 52% of the total
VMT for all BEVs, and 36.1%, 44.7%, 40.0% and 57.3% for the Leaf-24, Leaf-30, RAV4 EV-42, and Bolt-60,
respectively. Both the Tesla Model S-60_80 (65.9%) and Tesla Model S-80_100 (64.8%) have almost two-
thirds of their VMT accomplished on LDT days, perhaps indicating that long-range BEVs are more often
used for long-distance travel rather than regular weekday commuting.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 36
Figure 19. Share of VMT on LDT (50 miles or more) as Percentage of Total VMT by BEV Type
PEVs Used for Commuting
Figure 20 below shows share of PEVs by type that were used by HH members working fulltime for
commuting purposes and non-commuting purposes across all the HHs in which logger data was used.
Overall, about 70% of each vehicle type was used for commuting, except for the Chrysler Pacifica-16
where only 50% were used for commuting. This could be attributed to the fact that the Chrysler Pacifica-
16 was the only minivan in our sample and the rest of the vehicles were all sedans.
The whiskers, or lines connected to the box, illustrate the range between the minimum value and first quartile as
well as the range between the third quartile and the maximum value. The line intersecting the box denotes the
median value and the cross shows the average value.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 37
Figure 20. Number of PEVs Used for Commute Purposes by Type.
Toyota Prius
Toyota Prius
Pacifica Hybrid
Ford Energi Chevrolet Volt Nissan Leaf Chevrolet Bolt
Tesla Model S
Used for Commuting Not Used for Commuting
Battery Electric Vehicle Charging
Descriptive summaries and analyses depicted in Figure 21- Figure 33 are based on the data collected
from the loggers. BEV charging summary statistics are presented in Table 12. Figure 21 shows the
probability that the BEV charges on a given day within the duration for which it was logged, called the
logging window. Figure 22 and Figure 23, respectively, depict the percent share of charging sessions and
charged kWh by charging level.
Table 12 summarizes the key charging related information of the BEVs. When we consider only the days
when the BEV charged, the Bolt-60 had a comparable number of charging sessions per day, as did the
Leaf-24 and Model S-60_80. However, when we include the days on which the BEV did not charge, as
may be expected, the Model S-60_80 and Model S-80_100 had fewer charging sessions per day than the
Leaf-24 and Leaf-30, respectively. The Bolt-60 had the longest average charging duration per day,
whereas the RAV4 EV-42 had the lowest.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 12. Charging Summaries on by BEV Type
Within the
Days When
BEV Did not
Leaf-24 0.9 0.0 0.8 5.8 196.0 27.2
Leaf-30 0.7 0.1 0.6 6.7 138.2 28.8
RAV4 EV-42 0.8 0.0 0.8 10.5 106.3 31.7
Bolt-60 0.8 0.0 0.8 10.1 246.2 38.6
Model S-
0.8 0.1 0.7 17.6 160.1 47.3
Model S-
0.6 0.1 0.5 13.3 108.6 35.1
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
On Days
When the
BEV Charged
Leaf-24 1.4 0.1 1.3 9.0 306.9 36.4
Leaf-30 1.3 0.3 1.0 12.1 247.9 43.3
RAV4 EV-42 1.2 0.0 1.2 15.8 159.2 39.2
Bolt-60 1.7 0.0 1.7 20.5 499.1 53.4
Model S-
1.4 0.2 1.2 28.0 254.6 62.9
Model S-
1.3 0.2 1.1 27.7 159.2 56.4
Figure 21. Probability of Charging Within the Logging Window of Individual BEVs by BEV Type
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 22. Share of Charging Sessions by Charging Level and BEV Type
23. Share of Charging kWh by Charging Level and BEV Type
Out of the 36,921 charging sessions in total, 22% were at L1, 69% were at L2, and 9% were DCFC
sessions. L2 charging accounted for most charging sessions and charged kWh for all the BEV types. Leaf-
30 had the highest share of DCFC sessions and the highest share of charged kWh from DCFC charging.
DCFC charging sessions by Leaf-30 accounted for close to 40% of all the DCFC charging sessions,
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 41
followed by Model S-60_80 and Model S-80_100, which respectively accounted for 23% and 20% of all
the DCFC charging sessions. Figure 24 shows the percent of charging sessions (all charging levels
combined) by start time (hourly intervals) on weekdays and weekends. There was a noticeable weekday
peak around 8 am, which can be attributed to charging at work, and the 11 pm-1am window on
weekdays, which is typical of home charging. On the weekends, the highest percentage of charging
sessions occur during the 11pm-1am window, followed by 9 pm and 7 pm. Since the RAV4 EV-42 had
only a few L1 sessions and is not DCFC compatible, it has been omitted from the charging session
starting time, charger utilization, charging session starting and charged SOC plots (Figure 25
, Figure 27,
Figure 29, Figure 31, Figure 32).
Figure 24. Charging Session Starting Time: Weekdays vs. Weekends (all BEVs and all charging levels)
Figure 25-Figure 27 show the results of a closer inspection of the charging session start time by charging
level (L1, L2, and DCFC). For all BEV types, most of the highest percentages of L1 Sessions were between
2pm and 11pm. The peak in L1 charging session start time was around 9pm for Leaf-30 and around
11pm for the Leaf-24, respectively. Across all BEV types, the highest percent of L2 sessions started
around or after 11pm. There was a noticeable spike in the share of L2 charging sessions for all BEVs
starting at around 8am, perhaps indicative of access to L2 charging away from home. Another noticeable
spike in the share of L2 charging sessions was for the RAV4 EV-42 at 3am. Not all BEV drivers use DCFC
on our study as 3 Bolt-60 and 5 NIssan Leaf havn’t had DCFC capabilties but 22 Bolts-60, 13 Leaf-24s, 5
Leaf-30s, and 1 Model S-80_100 did not use it even once on the logging period. An interesting
observation with respect to DCFC charging was the noticeable peak in DCFC charging session start times
of the Leaf-30 at 5am. This time window could potentially reflect the preference of Leaf-30 owners to
stop and use DCFC charging on their commutes. The peak DCFC sessions were 9am and noon for Bolt-60,
8am and 6pm for both the Model S-60_80 and Model S-80_100, and 11am and 2pm for the Leaf-24.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 25. Percentage of L1 Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type (RAV4 EV-42 is
excluded from this dataset, as it was very rarely charged on an L1 charger)
Figure 26. Percentage of L2 Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 43
Figure 27. Percentage of DCFC Charging Start Times by Time of Day and BEV Type (RAV4 EV-42 is
excluded from this dataset, as it cannot be charged on a DCFC)
Figure 28-Figure 30 show the average charging session duration and average kWh charged by charger
level. For L1 charging, the Leaf-30, on average, had higher charging energy per session and longer
charging session duration on weekends than on weekdays. The Bolt-60, on average, had similar charging
energy per session and similar charging session duration on weekends and on weekdays when using L1
charging. On average, the Leaf-24, Model S-60_80, and Model S-80_100 all had lower L1 charging energy
per session and shorter L1 charging session duration on weekends than on weekdays. When using L2
charging, all BEV models, except the Bolt-60 and RAV4 EV-42, on average, had lower charging energy per
session and shorter charging session duration on weekends than on weekdays. The Bolt-60 had higher
average charging energy per session and longer average charging session duration on weekends than on
weekdays, when using L2 charging. The RAV4 EV-42 had similar average L2 charging energy per session
and similar average L2 charging session duration on weekends and on weekdays.
The average charging session duration and average amount of charge per session on DCFCs were similar
between the weekdays and weekends for the Leaf-30, but greater on weekends than on weekdays for
the Bolt-60, Model S-60_80, and Model S-80_100 (Figure 30). On the other hand, a vehicle with a large
battery size, the Leaf-24, had shorter average charging session duration and less average charge per
session on weekends than on weekdays.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
*If two vehicle models’ weekday kWh charged energy means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 28. Average L1 Charging kWh Charged and Charging Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends (RAV4
EV-42 is excluded from this dataset, as it was very rarely charged on an L1 charger)
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
*If two models’ weekday kWh charged means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 29. Average L2 Charging kWh Charged and Charging Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends
*If two vehicle models’ weekday kWh charged energy means do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 30. Average DCFC Charging kWh and Duration: Weekdays vs Weekends
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 46
Figure 31-Figure 33 show the average charging session starting and ending battery SOC by charger level
on weekdays and on weekends. When using L2 charging, the Leaf-30 compared to the other BEV types
had the lowest average starting SOC on weekdays, but when using L1 charging, it had the second highest
average starting SOC on weekdays. The Bolt-60, compared to all other BEV types, had the lowest
average charged SOC when using L1 charging on weekdays, L1 charging on weekends, and when using
L2 or DCFC charging on weekdays. The Bolt-60 also had the highest average starting SOC when using L1
or L2 charging on weekdays and on weekends. When using DCFCs, the Leaf-30 average starting SOC on
weekdays was the lowest and its charged SOC on weekdays and on weekends was the highest. Overall,
for short-range BEVs (Leaf-24 and Leaf-30), the charging session ending SOC was around 90% or more on
weekdays and on weekends when using L1 or L2 charging. In addition, the Leaf-30 average charging
session ending SOC was highest (90% or more) when using DCFCs on weekdays and on weekends. The
Model S-60_80 and Model S-80_100 started their L2 charging sessions on weekdays and on weekends at
higher SOCs compared to the short-range BEVs (Leaf-24 and Leaf-30).
Figure 31. L1 Charging: Average Starting and Charged SOC
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 32. L2 Charging: Average Starting and Charged SOC
Figure 33. DCFC: Average Starting and Charged SOC
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 48
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) Driving
Results presented in Table 13 and depicted in Figure 34-Figure 44 in this section are based on the data
collected from the loggers. In this section, we present the vehicle level analysis of the PHEVs. We used
the methods presented in Section 2.5 to estimate the trip level distribution of electric vehicle miles
travelled (eVMT), gasoline vehicle miles travelled (gVMT), and the total energy consumption per trip,
reported in gallons of gas and kWh of electricity used. We also compare the different PHEVs in terms of
their utility factor (UF), which is the ratio of the charge depleting range to the distance travelled (SAE
2010). Compared to BEVs, which have only one source of propulsive power, estimating the eVMT of
PHEVs is not as straightforward since the PHEVs have three driving modes: Charge Sustaining (CS),
Charge Depleting Blended (CDB), and All Electric (AE) or Zero Emission (ZE) modes. In the CS mode, a
PHEV is driven like a regular hybrid electric vehicle using only gasoline. When the PHEV is driven in ZE
mode, the engine is never turned on and only electricity is consumed, whereas in the CDB mode, both
gasoline and electricity are consumed.
Table 13. PHEV VMT, eVMT, gVMT, Fuel and Energy Consumption by PHEV Type
Table 13 provides an overview of the PHEV driving and charging data considered in the vehicle level
analysis. Table 13 shows the total eVMT, total miles travelled on gasoline (gVMT), and total PHEV VMT
for the individual PHEVs by type.
Figure 35 shows the average utility factor UF by PHEV type. On average, the Volt-18 had the highest UF,
followed by the Volt-16. The UF of the C-Max/Fusion PHEV was half that of the Volt-18. The UF
measured in our project is different than that used for current policies and regulations. Current
regulations are based on a UF standardized in the SAE J2841 (SAE 2010) that is based on daily miles from
travel surveys and the assumption that each vehicle starts the travel day fully charged. Our sample
suggests that not all PHEVs are charged every day and that different PHEVs charge differently.
Furthermore, we did not install loggers in vehicles that were used as hybrids or charged less than 4
times per month. Based on the project survey, 4% of the Chrysler Pacifica-16, 5.9% of Volt owners, 9% of
the Toyota Prius Prime-8.8, 16.5% of the Ford Energi owners, and 18.5% of the Prius Plug-in-4.4 owners
Total eVMT
Total gVMT
Total VMT
Prius Plug-in-4.4 46106 268125 314231 5528 17774
C-Max/Fusion-7.6 249868 476501 726389 11800 77174
Prius Prime-8.8 142209 184477 336465 3593 29948
Pacifica-16 137049 123153 272970 4131 70301
Volt-16 361704 204650 566354 5947 99949
Volt-18 313926 145331 459257 3952 83621
All PHEVs 1250863 1402236 2675665 34951 378767
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 49
drove mostly on gas and were not accumulating eVMT. We believe that these figures underestimate the
phenomena because of a selection bias, where users who do not plug in their cars are less likely to take
and finish a survey on the topic. Figure 36 shows the UF for each of the vehicles based on the SAE2841
standard, the actual eVMT and VMT measured, and the utility factor adjusted to the survey results,
including the vehicles with utility factor of zero. For all vehicles, except the Volt-16, we measured lower
UFs than the SAE standard. For instance, the logged Prius PHEVs achieve only 62% of the expected UF or
48% when accounting for users who are not plugging in. For the longer-range Volts, we measured UFs
that were closer to the values determined by the SAE2841.
Figure 34. PHEV eVMT, gVMT, and VMT of Individual PHEVs by PHEV Type
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 35. Utility Factor (UF) for Each PHEV by Type
Figure 36. Average UF by PHEV Type
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8 Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Comb Utility Factor UC Davis Study with Hybrid only Users
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 51
Figure 37. Average Trips per Day by Driving Mode
As shown in Figure 37, At the day level, on average, the Prius Plug-in-4.4 was driven approximately 7
trips per day, the C-Max/Fusion-7.6 and Pacifica-16 were driven approximately 6 trips per day, and the
Volt-16, appoximately 5.5 trips per day. The Volt-16, Volt-18, and Prius-Prime-8.8 had fewer average
daily trips than the PHEV fleet (5.52 trips/day). On average, when compared to other PHEVs, the Volt-18
had the greatest share of trips accomplished on electricity alone (ZE only mode), also referred to as zero
emission trips. The Volt-18 also had the lowest share of trips that were accomplished on gasoline alone
in the charge sustaining mode (CS only mode).
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 52
Figure 38. Percentage of Total PHEV Trips by PHEV Driving Mode
Referring to Figure 38, we can see that, compared to the other PHEVs, the Volt-18 by far had the lowest
percentage of CS only trips and the highest percentage of ZE only trips. In contrast, the Prius Plug-in-4.4
had the highest percentage of CS only trips and CDB/CS trips. At the PHEV fleet level, there was a
relatively even split between ZE only trips and CS only or CDB/CS trips. The Volt-18 had a higher share of
ZE only trips and lower share of CS only trips than did the Volt-16.
Referring to Figure 10, which showed the total share of VMT by trip speed bins and PHEV type, we see
that the Volt-18 had a slightly higher share of VMT accomplished at low trip speeds (30 mph or less) and
at high speeds (75 mph or more). The incremental battery capacity of Volt-18 compared to Volt-16 is
enabling the Volt-18 to do a higher share of blended trips. The share of CDB and CS trips for the Prius
Plug-in-4.4 is higher than for other PHEVs, simply due to its smaller battery.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 53
Figure 39. Share of Trips by Trip Distance Bins: Weekdays vs Weekends
Figure 39 shows the percent share of trip distance by trip distance bin on weekdays and weekends. At
least 90% of the trips were less than 30 miles for all the PHEV types on weekdays and weekends. During
weekends as compared to weekdays, PHEVs, except for the Pacifica-16, are driven on a higher share of
trips less than 10 miles and a lower share of trips of 1020 miles. The Pacifica-16 has a slightly lower
share of trips less than 10 miles and around the same share of trips of 10-20 miles, during the weekends
as compared to weekdays. The Volt-18 has the same share of trips between 30–50 miles on weekends
(3%) as it does on the weekdays (3%); this contrasts with the Volt-16, which has a lower share of 3050
mile trips on weekends(4%) than it does on weekends (7%).
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 54
Figure 40. Daily Average VMT, eVMT, and gVMT Share by PHEV Type
Figure 40 shows the average daily VMT, eVMT and gVMT along with the percentage share of eVMT and
gVMT. The Prius Plug-in-4.4 had the highest daily average VMT, and the Volt-18 had the lowest daily
average VMT. Compared to the Volt-18, the Volt-16 had a higher daily average VMT, higher share of
gVMT, and lower share of eVMT. The average daily VMT of the C-max/Fusion-7.6 and the Volt-16 were
approximately equal but their split between eVMT and gVMT were opposite, with the Volt-16 eVMT
share being 64% and the C-max/Fusion-7.6’s gVMT share being 66%.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 55
Figure 41. Share of ZE Days, CS Days and CDB/CS Days
Figure 41 shows the share of days the travel was accomplished on electricity alone (ZE only days),
gasoline alone (CS only days), and gasoline and electricity (CDB/CS days). It also shows that even among
households that charged the vehicle regularly, for all PHEVs, 4.2% of days start with zero SOC, and this is
more common for the C-max/Fusion-7.6 than other vehicle types. The Volt-18 had an almost negligible
percentage of days when it was driven on gasoline only, with two-thirds of its driving days being ZE only
days. Even though the C-max/Fusion-7.6 has a bigger battery than the Prius Plug-in-4.4 has, it had a
higher percentage of CS only days.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 56
*If two vehicle models’ weekday LDT shares do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 42. Share of Long-Distance Travel (LDT; 50 miles or more) Days: Weekdays vs Weekends
*If two vehicle models’ weekday LDT shares do not share a letter, they are significantly different.
Figure 43. Share of Long-Distance Travel (LDT; 100 miles or more) Days: Weekdays vs Weekends
Figure 42 and Figure 43 show the share of days on weekdays and weekends, out of the total logged
days, that the PHEV was driven 50 miles or more and 100 miles or more, respectively. Pacifica-16 and
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 57
Volt-18 had a higher percent of weekends than weekdays when the vehicle was driven 50 miles or more.
All the PHEVs had a higher percent of weekends than weekdays when they were driven 100 miles or
Figure 44. Share of Daily VMT by Distance Bin: Weekdays vs Weekends
Figure 44 shows the percentage of weekdays and weekends by daily VMT bin. Approximately 70% of all
the PHEV distances (except for the Pacifica-16 and Volt-18) on weekdays were less than 50 miles. About
84% of the Volt-18 VMT on weekdays were less than 50 miles. During the weekends, for all the PHEVs,
60% of the distances were less than 35 miles. The Volt-18 had the highest percentage of weekdays when
it was driven 3550 miles or 2035 miles. The percentage of days when VMT was less than 10 miles was
almost double on weekends compared to weekdays, for all PHEV types. The percentage of days when
the VMT was 75100 miles was lower on weekends than on weekdays for all PHEVs.
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging
Results presented in Table 14 and depicted in Figure 45Figure 50 are based on the logger data. Table
14 summarizes the average number of PHEV charging sessions, kWh charged, and the duration of
charging per day by charging level.
Prius Plug-in 4.4
C-Max-Fusion 7.6
Prius Prime 8.8
Pacifica 16
Volt 16
Volt 18
Prius Plug-in 4.4
C-Max-Fusion 7.6
Prius Prime 8.8
Pacifica 16
Volt 16
Volt 18
Weekday Weekend
Percentage of Weekdays and Weekends (%)
Percentage of Days by Daily VMT Bin(miles) by PHEV Type
0-10 10-20 20-35 35-50 50-75 75-100 100-150 150-200 200-400 400-600 600-800
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 14. PHEV Charging Summary Statistics
On Days
when the
PHEV Charged
Average L1
Prius Plug-in 4.4 1.49 1.37 0.12 3.43 150.64 8.19
C-Max-Fusion 7.6 1.67 0.92 0.75 5.92 252.26 18.13
Prius Prime 8.8 1.39 0.98 0.41 4.83 228.47 21.12
Pacifica 16 1.57 0.59 0.98 11.72 344.68 22.77
Volt 16 1.43 0.66 0.77 9.03 375.84 30.16
Volt 18 1.29 0.53 0.76 9.80 388.75 30.27
Within the
Days When
PHEV Did not
Average L1
Prius Plug-in 4.4 0.93 0.86 0.07 2.15 94.45 5.59
C-Max-Fusion 7.6 1.08 0.59 0.48 3.83 163.08 12.48
Prius Prime 8.8 0.93 0.65 0.27 3.21 151.84 15.35
Pacifica 16 1.11 0.42 0.69 8.27 243.26 17.35
Volt 16 1.01 0.46 0.54 6.36 264.50 23.00
Volt 18 0.76 0.31 0.45 5.76 228.52 21.63
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 59
Figure 45. Share of Charging Sessions Charged Energy by Charging Level
Referring to Figure 45, L1 charging accounted for most of the Prius Plug-in-4.4, C-max/Fusion-7.6, and
Prius Prime-8.8 charging sessions and charging energy. The Volt-16 almost had an even split between L1
and L2 charging sessions and charged energy. For the Volt-18 and Pacifica-16 roughly 40% of its charging
sessions and 40% of its charged energy were using L1 charging.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 60
Figure 46. Share of Total Number of Sessions by Charging Level
Referring to Figure 46, C-max/Fusion-7.6, Pacifica-16, and Volt-16 had a comparable number of L1 and
L2 charging sessions on weekdays. Compared to the Volt-16, the Volt-18 had a slightly lower percentage
of L1 charging sessions on weekends and weekdays and a relatively higher percentage of L2 charging
sessions on weekends and weekdays.
Figure 47-Figure 48 show the average kWh charged per charging session and the average charging
session duration by charging level on weekdays and weekends. Except for the Pacifica-16, on average, all
PHEVs were plugged in for relatively longer times (irrespective of the charger level) on weekdays than
on weekends and subsequently the average charging energy per session was also higher on weekdays
than on weekends. Compared to other PHEVs, the Volt-18 and Pacifica-16 had relatively longer charging
sessions and higher charged energy per session (irrespective of the charger level) on weekdays and
Prius Plug-in
Prius Prime
Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Percentage of Charging Sessions
Percentage of Sessions by Charging Level on
Weekdays and Weekends
Weekday L1 Weekday L2 Weekend L1 Weekend L2
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 47. Average L1 and L2 Charging kWh/Session: Weekdays vs Weekends
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8 Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Charging Energy, kWh
Average Charging kWh/Session
Weekday L1 Weekday L2 Weekend L1 Weekend L2
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 48. Average L1 and L2 Charging Session Duration : Weekdays vs Weekends
Figure 49. Percentage of Charging Sessions Starting Time (L1 and L2): Weekdays
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8 Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Duration, Minutes
Average Charging Session Duration
Weekday L1 Weekday L2 Weekend L1 Weekend L2
% of Weekday Sessions
Hour Beginning
% of Charging Sessions Start Time by Time of Day
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8
Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 63
Figure 50. Percentage of Charging Sessions Starting Time (L1 and L2): Weekends
Figure 49 and Figure 50 show the percentage of charging sessions for each starting time on weekdays
and weekends. The percentage of charging sessions noticably spike on weekdays at around 8 am,
around noon-1pm, and between 5-7pm; and on weekends at around 1pm, 6pm-8pm and after 11 pm.
Charging Distance Based on GPS Location of PEVs
We used the survey data to analyze charging location based on self-reported information about home,
work, or public charging events. We used the logger GPS location to estimate charging location based on
a “crow’s flight” distance from the most common vehicle location at 3am while collecting data
(designated as “home” in this section), and from the over-night location before the charging. The total
number of charging events used in this section is 133,027; of those, 27,031 are out of home events
logged from 324 vehicles. Overall, 88% of the recorded level 1 charging events happened at the highest
frequency over-night location, meaning that other level 1 charging events may have happened in the
household’s other “home”, or in public locations. Similarly, 72% of the level 2 charging events occured at
the same location, and even 4% of the DC fast charging events happened within a one mile distance
from home.
1:00 AM
8:00 AM
12:00 PM
11:00 PM
% of Weekend Sessions
Hour Beginning
% of Charging Sessions Start Time by Time of Day
Prius Plug-in 4.4 C-Max-Fusion 7.6 Prius Prime 8.8
Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 51. Percentage of Charging Sessions More Than 1 Mile From Home (includes 13% of the L1
events, 29% of L2 events and 97% of DCFC events)
Share of Charges Away from Home
Distance from Home (miles)
BEV and PHEV Charges Away from Home
Level 1 Level 2 DC Fast
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs 65
Figure 52. Percentage of DCFC Charging Sessions by BEV Type and Distance from Home
As presented in Figure 51, around 25% of the level 2 and DCFC events are within 5 miles from home,
while level 1 peaked at 27% within 10-15 miles from home, most likely at the commute location. 63% of
the DCFC events are within 25 miles from home and only 8% are more than 100 miles from the main
home. Charges that are within 25 miles or more categorize 78% of level 2 events and 70% of level 1
events, respectively. 8% of level 1 events and 5% of level 2 events are more than 100 miles from home.
Figure 52 shows that more than 70% of the DCFC charging events happen within 35 miles from home for
the Leaf-24, Leaf-30, and Bolt-60 vehicles. Charging events within 35 miles from home categorize around
50% of the Model S-60_80 and 80_100 vehicles, respectively. When exploring the number of DCFC
charging events based on one way trips (using two thirds of the BEV travel range to reflect the
difference between straight lines and the road network) we conclude that 99% of the Leaf-24, 98% of
the Leaf-30, 80% of the Bolt-60 and more than 71% of the Tesla charging events are within range for a
round trip from home, if starting the day with a full battery.
Logger Data: Vehicle Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 53. Percentage of DCFC Charging Sessions by BEV Type and Distance from Last Night Location
Using the “last night’s” location rather than the “home” location reduces the distance even more,
especially for the longest trips. Away from the start of day location, around 85% of DCFC charges were
within 25 miles from the start of day location for the Leaf-24 and Leaf-30, whereas the Bolt-60, Tesla
60_80 and 80_100 had a share of 69%, 33%, and 59% respectively. The Tesla 80-100 DCFC charging
sessions over 100 miles from home drops from 19% to 14%, most likely because of multi-day trips that
end and start on the road without an overnight charging opportunity. This method also accounts for
long vacations, summer homes, etc. that result in short trips every day but many charging events far
from home.
Share of BEV
DCFC Charges Away from Start of Day
Distance from Start of Day Location (miles)
BEV DCFC Charges Away from Start of Day Location
Leaf-24 Leaf-30 Bolt-66 Model S-60_80 Model S-80_100
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 54. Percentage of Level 2 Charging Sessions by BEV Type and Distance from Last Night Location
As expected, most of the L2 events are within 1-25 miles from home, with additional smaller spikes for
Tesla 60_100 and 80_100 who travel longer trip distances. There is also a noticeable 25% share of L2
events within 25-30 miles for Bolt-60 BEVs. Overall, level 2 is being used at the destination, and
therefore most events are at work and within the vehicle range.
4 Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Self-reported trip diaries of travel behavior surveys (PSRC TCS 2006, Kunzmann and Masterman 2013,
TxDOT 2015, FHWA 2017) are often used as the starting point for generating the set of assumptions
about PEV driving and charging behavior. Instrumented ICE data has better spatio-temporal resolution
compared to trip diaries(Aviquzzaman 2014). This still cannot characterize PEV travel patterns because
of the implicit assumption that ICEs and PEVs are operated the same manner. It dilutes the risk
perception associated with modern technology adoption, especially in the case of range anxiety
associated with ZEVs. stated and revealed preferences of current PEV owners are increasingly being
used to obtain information about how current PEV owners drive and charge(Nicholas, Tal et al. 2017).
Instrumented PEVs by far are the best source of data compared to cross sectional or longitudinal survey
data of ICEs and stated or revealed preferences of existing PEV users(Nicholas, Tal et al. 2017, Raghavan
and Tal 2019). Prior research advocates the need to have realistic representation of PEV usage to
increase their usefulness to policymakers. Assuming homogenous usage of a specific PEV model across
diverse strata of demographics and travel needs, and subsequently their emission reduction potential
presents an inaccurate picture of the day-to-day substitution patterns between an ICE and PEV. Even if
high-resolution data from actual PEV usage is available, it is necessary to observe them over a longer
duration of time to capture rare and infrequent long-distance travel, which may have a bearing on the
purchase or lease and use of the vehicle.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 68
A crucial aspect, which is often overlooked in majority of PEV usage studies in literature as well as in the
policy realm, is the household (HH) context. While evaluating travel behavior and emissions implications
of PEV adoption, household context is pivotal because day-to-day activities are allocated between PEVs
and the other vehicles in the household on a per-trip basis at disaggregated temporal levels.
Furthermore, in a survey of 15,000 PEV owners in California, roughly 45% of BEVs and 42% of PHEVs
belong to two-car households(Turrentine and Tal 2015, Nicholas, Tal et al. 2017). PEVs have unique
features that will alter how they are driven and charged compared to ICEs. Depending on travel needs,
individual driver preferences, fuel, and electricity costs, charging access and opportunities, VMT by the
PEV has cascading effects on VMT of other household vehicles. Apart from the quantity of miles, it is
also important to account for the derived impact of miles (GHG/mile) PEVs substituted at the household
level. Therefore, studying PEV usage in isolation may lead to inaccurate estimates of their net
environmental impacts, since it is based on partial information.
To ensure parity when comparing different PEV households, we excluded households that have more
than 1 PEV of the same type, irrespective of the number of ICEs in the household (for example a 3-car
household with 2-Leaf and one ICE or a 2-car household with 2 Volts were dropped). Furthermore, to
understand substitution and emission profile at the household, the sample size of the household was
limited to single PEV(BEV or PHEV), single ICE-PEV(ICE-BEV or ICE-PHEV), double ICE and single PEV (ICE-
ICE-BEV or ICE-ICE-PHEV), and household with both BEV and PHEV (BEV-PHEV or ICE-BEV-PHEV). The
above selection criteria was deemed fit because 65% of California households have 2 or less vehicles ;
16% of California households have 3 vehicles(McGuckin and Fucci 2017). Since only 9% of California
households have 4 or more vehicles (McGuckin and Fucci 2017), we excluded households and the
respective vehicles with 4 or more vehicles from our analysis. In addition, as outlined in Section 3, the
BMW i3 REX and its households were excluded because the logger could not acquire any data from
them. Out of the 364 Households that were logged, 61 households were dropped which accounted for
all the BMW i3, Soul EV, and Audi Etron households as well as any households with over three vehicles
or an extremely low share of PEV/ICE driving days.
The sample size of PEVs used in the household level analysis differs from the sample size referred in
Table 3-Table 6 simply because of excluding the households and their vehicle holdings due to household
car ownership patterns exceeding the 3 and/or the type of vehicles belonging to the household (double
BEV or PHEV of the same type). In our household (HH) level analysis, there are 117 BEVs (21 Leaf-24, 25
Leaf-30, 27 Bolt-60, 19 Tesla Model S-60_80, 22 Tesla Model S-80_100, and 3 RAV4 EV-42) and 197
PHEVs (20 Prius Plug-in-4.4, 50 C-max/Fusion-7.6, 26 Prius Prime-8.8, 26 Pacifica-16, 41 Volt-16, and 34
Volt-18). The total household level sample size is 303.
Table 15 summarizes the multi-PEV HHs with and without an ICEV. Approximately 60% of the HHs in our
study had two-vehicles, 30% had one vehicle, and 10% had three vehicles. Out of the 85 single-vehicle
HHs, 63 had a PHEV and 22 had a BEV. Referencing Figure 55-Figure 56, Of the 190 two-vehicle HHs, 111
have an ICEV and a PHEV, 72 have an ICEV and a BEV, and 7 had a BEV and PHEV. Among the 28 HHs
with three-vehicles, 12 had two ICEVs and a PHEV, 12 had two ICEVs and a BEV, and 4 had an ICE, a BEV,
and a PHEV. Overall, 96% (292 out of 303) of the HHs had only one PEV (BEV or PHEV). There were 85
single-vehicle HHs with only a BEV or a PHEV, 183 two-vehicle HHs with an ICEV and a PHEV or BEV, 24
three-vehicle HHs with a PEV and two ICEVs, and 11 multi-PEV HHs (with and without an ICEV).
Summary statistics and results presented in Table 15Table 24 and depicted in Figure 55Figure 72
are based on the logger data.
Compared to the vehicle level analysis, where we focused on the days when the PEV was driven or
charged, in the HH context, it was important to have parity in terms of the number of days each vehicle
was logged within each HH as well as across different HHs. When comparing two HHs with the same
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 69
number of vehicles and vehicle typesfor example two-vehicle HHs with one ICEV and one Leaf-24if
the first HH was logged for 350 days and the second household was logged for 400 days, at an aggregate
level, comparing the VMT and energy consumption (gasoline and electricity) between these two HHs
would be inaccurate and could potentially lead to false conclusions about PEV usage and the HH level
eVMT. It was crucial to classify the days on which we had no data (no trips or charging sessions) as
unobserved or unused to avoid over- or underestimating HH level eVMT, which depends on the VMT of
not just the PEVs but also the ICEVs.
Unobserved days typically denoted days when we knew the data logger had a problem, and the unused
days denoted days when we had no issues with the data logger and the vehicle was simply not used.
Reasons for the vehicle not being used could be that the study participant was out of
town/traveling/taking a vacation, the car was temporarily unavailable because of service/maintenance,
or there was no demand for travel on that day. Consider the same example of 2 HHs each having an ICEV
and a Leaf-24. If the ICEV in one HH had data logger issues for a few weeks, and we had data from the
BEVs during the period, if we incorrectly assume the ICEV was not used, then eVMT will be
We used the days the individual vehicles (ICEV, BEV, PHEV) were logged (used and unused days) to
annualize all the key metrics (trips, charging sessions, VMT, driving/charging energy, gasoline
The HH level analysis section is organized as follows: we present first the results from BEV HHs (only a
BEV; an ICEV and BEV; and two ICEVs and a BEV) and then the results from PHEV HHs (only a PHEV; an
ICEV and PHEV; and two ICEV and a PHEV). Finally, since only 4% of the HHs (11 HHs in total) in our study
had both a BEV and PHEV (with or without an ICEV), and 9 of these 11 HHs did not have any of the same
types of BEVs and PEVs, their results are presented separately and are not analyzed as a group. Table 15
shows the breakdown of double PEV HHs.
Figure 55. Composition of Households Included in the Analysis
Households Logged by Vehicle Types
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 56. Number of Households with only One BEV or PHEV Logged in the Study (Upper) and
Number of Two Car Households with One ICEV and One BEV or PHEV Logged (Lower)
Table 15. Double-PEV (1 BEV and 1 PHEV) With or Without an ICEV (N=11)
Type of HH BEV, PEV in the HH Number of HHs
ICE-BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42, C-Max/Fusion-7.6 1
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 71
Type of HH BEV, PEV in the HH Number of HHs
ICE-BEV-PHEV Leaf-24, C-Max/Fusion-7.6 2
ICE-BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42, Volt-16 1
BEV-PHEV Model S-60_80, Volt-16 1
BEV-PHEV Leaf-30, Volt-18 1
BEV-PHEV Leaf-24, C-Max/Fusion-7.6 1
BEV-PHEV Model S-60_80, Pacifica-16 1
BEV-PHEV Bolt-60, Prius Prime-8.8 1
BEV-PHEV Leaf-24, Volt-16 1
BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42, Prius Plug-in-4.4 1
Households with a BEV Only or BEV and ICEV
Table 16 summarizes the (average) annualized estimates of key metrics such as eVMT, gVMT, HH VMT,
UF, and energy consumption (driving and charging). Figure 57 depicts the HH UF in BEV HHs by number
of vehicles in the HH and the type of BEV in the HH.
Table 16. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption in BEV HHs
HH Type
2-ICEV-BEV 2 L24 1191 12287 3000 18610 722 30897 0.41
4 L30 1425 12982 3400 20682 891 33664 0.39
1 B60 1395 22917 5285 16316 888 39233 0.58
2 T60 1187 22276 6918 8900 395 31176 0.71
3 T80 405 10483 3462 22457 1024 32940 0.33
ICEV-BEV 13 L24 1483 10326 2395 10908 451 21233 0.49
15 L30 1456 12352 3218 8689 335 21040 0.57
22 B60 1438 13399 3338 9530 387 22929 0.58
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
HH Type
12 T60 984 17716 6000 7885 393 25601 0.65
10 T80 916 14797 5118 7154 334 21951 0.67
BEV 2 L24 1235 7955 1806 0 0 7955 1
5 L30 1137 7169 1892 0 0 7169 1
3 B60 1336 13489 2500 0 0 13489 1
3 T60 1085 9797 3322 0 0 9797 1
9 T80 1054 13639 4889 0 0 13639 1
Figure 57. Household Utility Factor by BEV Type and Household Car Composition
Some of the key insights regarding the HH level UF of HHs with ICEVs and BEVs are as follows:
The average UF of HHs with a Bolt-60 with either one or two ICEVs were relatively similar (0.578
vs. 0.584).
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 73
On average, among two-vehicle HHs and three vehicle HHs, HHs with a Model S-60_80 and two
ICEVs had the highest UF, whereas HHs with a Model S-80_100 and two ICEVs, had the lowest
The UF in ICEV-BEV HHs increased with the battery capacity.
HHs with a Bolt-60 tended to have a higher average daily HH VMT relative to other BEV types in
HHs with either one ICE or two ICEs.
Figure 58. HH Average Daily VMT in HHs with BEVs, Showing the eVMT and gVMT Percentages
Figure 58 shows the average daily HH VMT and the share of eVMT and gVMT in BEV HHs. Three-vehicle
HHs with two ICEVs and one BEV, apart from having a Leaf-24, had higher average daily HH VMT than
did three-vehicle HHs with one Model S-60_80 BEV. HHs with two ICEVs and one Leaf had nearly two-
thirds of their VMT attributable to gasoline-power (gVMT). In two-vehicle HHs, there is a trend of higher
eVMT as battery size increses.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 74
Figure 59. Percentage of BEV and ICEV trips in HHs with BEVs
Figure 59 summarizes the percentage of HH trips taken using the BEV and the ICEVs. In three-vehicle
HHs, the household with two ICEVs and one Bolt-60 had the highest percentage of BEV trips (55%)
whereas HHs with two ICEVs and one Model S-80_100 had the lowest percentage of BEV trips (21%). On
average, the BEV share of HH trips in two-vehicle HHs was approximately 60% for HHs with one ICEV and
either one Leaf or Bolt-60 and approximately 50% for HHs with one ICEV and one Tesla. Figure 58 and
Table 16 together show that, in two-vehicle BEV HHs, roughly 50% of HH trips were taken using the
ICEV, but the share of miles replaced by the BEV is noticably different between HHs with a smaller
battery capacity BEV and a larger battery capacity BEV. The percentage of total HH VMT driven using the
ICEV in two-car BEV HHs was 52%, 43%, 41%, 33%, and 33% in Leaf-24, Leaf-30, Bolt-60, Model S-60_80
and Model S-80_100 HHs.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 75
Figure 60. Number of Days/Year BEV was Used for Long Distance Travel (LDT). LDTx: 50-300 or More
Figure 60 shows the absolute number of days per year BEV was used for LDT. In the three-vehicle
households, the Bolt-60 was the most used BEV for LDT50, while for the two-vehicle households it was
the Model S-80_100, and for single-BEV households it was the Bolt-60. However, the Model S-60_80
was the most used BEV among three-vehicle and two-vehicle households for trips greater than 100 and
200 miles. LDT50 days for Leaf-30 were greater than those for Leaf-24 in three-vehicle and two-vehicle
HHs, but the contrary was observed in HHs with just one BEV.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 76
Figure 61. (Average) Annualized Number of L1 or L2 charger (L1/L2), and DCFC Sessions in BEV HHs
Figure 61 shows the average annualized number of L1 or L2 charger and DCFC sessions by BEV type and
number of cars in the HH. The Model S-60_80 in three-vehicle HHs used DCFCs the most (103 times per
year) followed by the Leaf-30 in two-vehicle HHs (87 times per year). In two-vehicle ICE-BEV(Tesla)
households, the BEV was used for commuting in 10 out of the 14 Model S-60_80 cases, and 7 out of the
18 Model S-80_100s cases.
Households with a PHEV Only or PHEV and ICEV
Analyses and results summarized in Table 17Table 21 and shown in Figure 62Figure 66 are based on
the logged data. Households with a PHEV only or a PHEV and ICEV have no range limitation on their
trips, but have lower potential for eVMT. Table 17Table 19 summarizes the average annualized
estimates of VMT and energy consumption by number of vehicles in the HH and the PHEV type. As a
reminder, we recruited only PHEV households that plugged-in their vehicle, which complicates the
interpretation of our results in this section.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 17. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption in PHEV HHs by Number of
Cars in HH and PHEV Type
Prius Plug-
1327 38 642 647 13685 1671 12015 248 -482 2159 28104 958
1269 426 303 541 13353 3463 9890 239 -1058 1930 18283 765
Volt-16 976 846 70 60 8610 7228 1382 39 -2077 1941 18762 678
Prius Plug-
1383 171 745 467 14779 2040 12739 266 -571 906 6422 288
1385 470 464 450 14475 4769 9705 245 -1423 1182 9955 424
1463 704 356 391 14077 5589 8488 162 -1259 1049 8096 368
Pacifica-16 1485 811 339 314 11599 6295 5304 179 -2464 976 7071 279
Volt-16 1206 855 210 141 15073 9705 5369 157 -2641 889 7961 350
Volt-18 1238 980 191 68 11264 7731 3533 95 -2221 1021 8632 356
PHEV Prius Plug-
1298 360 647 291 10851 2354 8497 168 -623 0 0 0
1303 548 400 355 12029 4061 7968 195 -1281 0 0 0
1399 1048 162 189 9754 5706 4049 78 -1268 0 0 0
Pacifica-16 1707 969 456 262 13734 6004 7730 250 -2412 0 0 0
Volt -16 1249 977 104 169 10744 6322 4422 129 -1815 0 0 0
Volt -18 1330 941 284 105 12103 7285 4818 128 -2006 0 0 0
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 78
Table 17 shows that in three-car HHs with two ICEVs and one PHEV, the total HH VMT decreased and
the average HH UF increased with an increase in the AER of the PHEV. The percentage of HH miles
driven in ICEVs was the highest in Volt-16 HHs (69%), followed by Prius Plug-in-4.4 HHs (67%), and C-
max/Fusion-7.6 HHs (58%). Annual mileage of ICEVs in C-max/Fusion-7.6 and Volt-16 HHs was almost
the same (18,283 and 18,762 miles), but the number of trips and the VMT of the C-max/Fusion-7.6 was
higher than those of the Volt-16. Table 18 collapses the data presented in Table 17 by household fleet
type and utility factor.
In two-car HHs, the percentage of total HH VMT driven using the PHEV was roughly the same in Prius
Prime-8.8 and Pacifica HHs (63% and 62%). The average HH UF was higher in Pacifica HHs than in Prius
Prime-8.8 HHs (0.35 vs. 0.28) compared to the vehicle’s measured utility factor (0.47 vs. 0.51), but the
Prius Prime-8.8 had about 2500 miles more than the Pacifica-16 (14,077 miles vs. 11,599 miles), had a
lower share of ZE only trips (28% vs. 33%), and charged less often (316 sessions vs. 390 sessions). The
Volt-18 has a slightly bigger battery than the Volt 16 and its eVMT was greater than that of the Volt-16
(9,705 miles vs. 7,731 miles), within two-car households. The average household UF did not improve by
upgrading from a Volt-16 to a Volt-18 within ICE-PHEV households (0.44 vs. 0.41) or within 1-car single
PHEV households (0.62 vs. 0.60). In 2 car HHs, as compared to 1-car single PHEV HHs, the Volt-18 had a
lower UF, as did all other PHEV types. To better understand these aspects, we looked at certain key HH
level attributes reported by the respondent in the survey; our observations are summarized below for
the 2 car (ICE-PHEV) and 1 car (single PHEV) HHs separately.
Volt-16 and Volt-18 in 2-car HHs:
Out of the 22 Volt-16 HHs (ICE-Volt-16 HHs), only 1 was leased, whereas out of the 19 Volt-18 HHs (ICE-
Volt-18 HHs) 13 of them were leased. 21 of the 22 Volt-16 HHs reported that they either charged at
home only, or home and away in the past 30 days. Out of the 19 Volt-18 HHs, 15 of them reported that
they either charged at home only, or home and away in the past 30 days. Only 1 of the Volt-16 HHs
reported that they charged away only, whereas this number was slightly higher in Volt-18 HHs, where 4
of them reported that they charged away only. The average number of drivers in both the Volt-16 and
Volt-18 HHs was comparable (2.1 vs. 2). The average HH size of Volt-18 HHs was slightly higher (3)
compared to the average HH size of Volt-16 HHs (2.36). 70% of the Volt-16 (16 out of the 22) and 90% of
the Volt-18 (17 out of the 19) were used by HH members working full-time for commuting purposes.
Despite the longer range of the Volt-18 compared to the Volt-16, the ICE was probably used more often
due to the HH size. Since the Volt-16 was the first ever mass-produced series type PHEV, higher annual
VMT of Volt-16 in two car HHs could also be because these were driven by early adopter technology
enthusiasts who were also innovators. Furthermore, the smaller HH size and lower share of Volt-16
being leased and charging exclusively away as compared to Volt-18 are the other reasons for the
difference in usage between Volt-16 and Volt-18 in 2 car HHs (ICE-PHEV HHs).
Volt-16 and Volt-18 in 1-car HHs:
9 out of 12 Volt-16 were purchased, whereas only 5 of out of 14 Volt-18 were purchased. The higher
annual VMT of Volt-18 compared to Volt-16 can be primarily attributed to the higher share of drivers in
Volt-18 HHs who used it for commute purposes.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 79
Table 18. (Average) Annualized Estimates of PHEV VMT, HH VMT, and HH UF
HH Type PHEV Type
Number of
Prius Plug-in-4.4 2 1671 41789 0.04
C-max/Fusion-7.6 6 3463 31635 0.12
Volt-16 4 7228 27373 0.27
ICE-PHEV Prius Plug-in-4.4 12 2040 21201 0.11
C-max/Fusion-7.6 24 4769 24430 0.22
Prius Prime-8.8 17 5589 22173 0.28
Pacifica-16 18 6295 18670 0.35
Volt-16 22 9705 23034 0.44
Volt-18 18 7731 19897 0.41
PHEV Prius Plug-in-4.4 5 2354 10851 0.25
C-max/Fusion-7.6 16 4061 12029 0.36
Prius Prime-8.8 8 5706 9754 0.62
Pacifica-16 7 6004 13734 0.47
Volt-16 12 6322 10744 0.62
Volt-18 15 7285 12103 0.60
Table 19 summarizes the average annualized estimates of PHEV charging needs by number of cars in the
HH and the PHEV type and Table 20 summarizes the average daily estimates of PHEV charging by PHEV
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 19. (Average) Annualized Estimates of Number of Charging Sessions and kWh Charged in PHEV
HHs by Number of Vehicles and PHEV Type
HH Type PHEV Type
Charging kWh
Average Charging
Average kWh/
2ICEV-PHEV Prius Plug-in-4.4 272 658 112 3
C-max /Fusion-7.6 218 956 270 5
Volt-16 379 2085 223 7
ICE-PHEV Prius Plug-in-4.4 350 812 118 3
C-max /Fusion-7.6 401 1458 204 4
Prius Prime-8.8 316 1168 217 4
Pacifica-16 390 3023 323 10
Volt-16 393 2612 331 8
Volt-18 287 2131 281 8
PHEV Prius Plug-in-4.4 410 874 105 2
C-max /Fusion-7.6 380 1309 178 4
Prius Prime-8.8 410 1213 159 3
Pacifica-16 541 2997 109 8
Volt-16 328 1784 326 6
Volt-18 249 1962 344 9
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 81
Table 20. (Average) Annualized Estimates of Charging Sessions by PHEV Type in PHEV HHs
Average Annual PHEV
Charging Energy
Prius Plug-in-4.4 357 812
C-max/Fusion-7.6 370 1341
Prius Prime-8.8 346 1183
Pacifica-16 433 3016
Volt-16 371 2295
Volt-18 270 2054
Average Daily PHEV
Prius Plug-in-4.4 0.984 2.23
C-max/Fusion-7.6 1.040 3.73
Prius Prime-8.8 0.950 3.24
Pacifica-16 1.108 8.28
Volt-16 1.018 6.32
Volt-18 0.740 5.63
Figure 62Figure 64 depict the HH UF from four different perspectives calculated using the logged data:
individual HH level UF by number of vehicles in the HH and PHEV type, average HH UF by PHEV type, and
average HH UF by number of vehicles in the HH and PHEV type.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 62. Individual HH UF by PHEV Type in PHEV HH
Figure 63. Average HH UF by P
HEV Type (Left: all HHs); and Average HH UF by Number of Cars in the
HH (Right: all PHEVs)
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 83
Figure 64. Average HH UF by Number of Cars per HH and PHEV Type
Table 21. Average Utility Factor (UF) of PHEVs by Model Year (MY) According to the EPA Dataset
City EPA Fuel
Economy UF
EPA Fuel
Economy UF
EPA Fuel
Economy UF
Prius Plug-in-4.4 2012-2014 0.320 0.250 0.290 0.15
C-max/Fusion-7.6 2013-2017 0.481 0.421 0.455 0.32
Prius Prime-8.8 2017 0.553 0.498 0.529 N/A
Pacifica-16 2017-2018 0.640 0.586 0.617 N/A
Volt-16 2011-2015 0.664 0.642 0.652 0.6
Volt-18 2016-2017 0.778 0.737 0.761 0.6
Table 21 shows the average UF of PHEVs by different model years that are in the logged vehicle dataset
from the EPA. The UF based on the CARB Midterm Review (CARB 2017b, 2017a) is also added to Table
21 for comparison purposes. Overall, the EPA UFs are higher than the CARB Midterm Review (MTR) UFs
Prius Plug-in C-max Fusion Prius Prime Pacifica 16 Volt 16 Volt 18
Average HH Utility Factor (UF)
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 84
and the UC Davis values calculated from the logger data. UFs of logged PHEVs from single PHEV HHs are
closer to the CARB MTR UFs except in the case of the Prius Plug-in-4.4 UF.
The interpretation of UFs varies noticeably by level of aggregation (vehicle or household level) and the
number of vehicles in the household. In addition, the marginal improvements in upgrading from Volt-16
to Volt-18 were negligible in one-car HHs and two-car HHs. If we ignore the context of the HH (Figure 63,
left), we find that the fleet average UFs of PHEVs in our study were lower than the CARB MTR UFs by
0.01-0.12, depending on the PHEV type.
Figure 65. Percentage of Household Trips Powered by Different PHEV Driving Modes or ICEVs
Prius Plug-in
Prius Plug-in
Prius Prime
Volt 16
Volt 18
Prius Plug-in
Prius Prime
Volt 16
Volt 18
% of Household Trips
ZE Only CDB/CS CS Only ICE Trips
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 85
Figure 66. Daily Average HH VMT and Percentage Share of PHEV eVMT, PHEV gVMT, and ICE gVMT
Figure 66 shows the average daily HH VMT and percentage share of eVMT and gVMT. This figure
demonstrates that the average daily HH VMT of C-max/Fusion-7.6 HHs did not change much between
three car HHs and two car HHs. Daily eVMT of Pacifica-16 was similar in two car and single car HHs
(within 10 miles). On average, the daily HH VMT of Volt-16 HHs was lower than that of C-max/Fusion-7.6
HHs in one car, two car, and three car HHs.
Two-PEV Households: BEV and PHEV Mix
In the following section we present data from households with two PEVs. The sample size is only 11
households and, even though the total number of days and miles is high, the analysis cannot be
generalized to the population of PEV users. Analyses and results presented in Table 22Table 24 and
depicted in Figure 67Figure 69 are based on the logger data.
Table 22. Double-PEV (1 BEV and 1 PHEV) HHs With or Without ICEV(s) (N=9)
Type of HH BEV, PHEV in the HH Number of HHs
ICE-BEV-PHEV Leaf-24-C-Max/Fusion-7.6 2
ICE-BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42-Volt-16 1
ICE-BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42-C-Max/Fusion-7.6 1
Prius Plug-in
C-max Fusion
Volt 16
Prius Plug-in
C-max Fusion
Prius Prime
Pacifica 16
Volt 16
Volt 18
Prius Plug-in
C-max Fusion
Prius Prime
Pacifica 16
Volt 16
Volt 18
Daily Average HH VMT, Miles
Percentage Share by Vehicle
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 86
Type of HH BEV, PHEV in the HH Number of HHs
BEV-PHEV Leaf-24-C-Max/Fusion-7.6 1
BEV-PHEV Model S-60_80-Pacifica-16 1
BEV-PHEV Bolt-60-Prius Prime-8.8 1
BEV-PHEV RAV4 EV-42-Prius Plug-in-4.4 1
BEV-PHEV Leaf-24-Volt-16 1
BEV-PHEV Model S-60_80-Volt-16 1
BEV-PHEV Leaf-30-Volt-18 1
Households with a BEV and a PHEV
As shown in Figure 67 and Figure 68, the average household VMT of Leaf-30-Volt-18 HHs was lowest but
had the highest UF compared to all other BEV-PHEV HHs.
The average annualized estimates of other metrics in BEV-PHEV HHs are summarized below in Table 23
and Table 24.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 67. Daily Average HH VMT, and Percentage of eVMT and gVMT BEV-PHEV Households
Household VMT (Miles)
eVMT Share of Household VMT (%)
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 68. Average Annual HH VMT and Share of BEV eVMT and PHEV eVMT in BEV-PHEV HHs
Table 23. Annualized Driving Metrics in BEV/PHEV HHs
Leaf-24-CMax/Fusion-7.6 4601 12851 4296 21748 0.802 113 -1497 -3317
Model S-60_80-Pacifica-16 4632 9337 6801 20771 0.673 86 -704 -1128
Bolt-60-Prius Prime-8.8 6706 8937 5806 21449 0.729 78 -1269 -2089
RAV4 EV-42-Prius Plug in-4.4 1772 13368 11242 26382 0.574 258 -585 -5379
Leaf-24-Volt-16 8741 13454 9801 31996 0.694 261 -2608 -3350
Model S-60_80-Volt-16 8985 20507 6054 35546 0.830 189 -2806 -6342
Leaf-30-Volt-18 4592 5485 224 10300 0.978 7 -1496 -1674
Average Annual HH VMT
BEV eVMT share PHEV eVMT share HH VMT
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Table 24. Annualized Charging Metrics in BEV/PHEV HHs
PHEV Total
PHEV Total
BEV Total
BEV Total
Leaf-24-CMaxFusion 470 1620 484 3217 0.0
Model S 60_80-Pacifica-16 257 1525 226 3288 2.6
Bolt-60-Prime 321 1381 133 2537 0.0
RAV4 EV-42-Prius Plug-in-4.4 278 749 343 4823 0.0
Leaf-24-Volt-16 393 2647 381 3346 4.0
Model S 60_80-Volt-16 361 2858 275 6832 33.0
Leaf-30-Volt-18 230 1372 183 1276 0.0
UF and GHG Profile
In this section, we focus on the utility factors and GHG emissions of the PEVs and the household fleets
using the logger data. Of the total 303 HHs, we use a subset of HHs with one PEV and one ICE, exclude
households with one vehicle and households with more than two vehicles, and we analyze the
disparities in vehicle level and household level UF and GHG emissions. The UF and GHG profile of the
183 two car households (72 HHs with ICE-BEV and 111 HHs with ICE-PHEV) is analyzed using the average
annualized estimates of the relevant PEV usage metrics by PEV type covered in Sections 4.1-4.2. For
parity purposes, we restrict this analysis to only two car HHs with single ICE and single PHEV or BEV.
Since the logged HHs are PEV early adopter HHs, the ICEs in these HHs are not representative of general
population of ICE owners. The well to wheel emissions factors for electricity and gasoline are 378.54
gCO2e/kWh and 11405.85 gCO2e/Gallon of gasoline.(CARB 2017c)
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 90
Figure 69. Two car HHs VMT by Vehicle Type, PEV UF and HH UF
Figure 69 presents the VMT of ICE-PEV HHs by PEV type, fuel source, PEV UF, and HH UF. The total
annual miles of these households range between 18,700 for the Pacifica-16 and 25,600 for the Tesla
Model S-60_80, but, apart from Volt-18 HHs, the HH utility factor is always increasing with the PEV
range. For short range PHEVs, the household utility factor is just over half of the PEV utility factor. For
the Volts, the PHEVs electrify about 40% of the household miles. The longer range BEVs electrify around
60% to 70% of the household VMT partly because of lower miles for the ICEV in long-range Tesla HHs.
Figure 70 presents the average GHG per mile for the PEVs in the studied fleet. As expected, the short-
range BEVs have the best performance followed by the larger battery capacity BEVs and the PHEVs. We
see that the relatively gas-efficient engine on PHEVs results in GHG emissions not much higher than
larger battery vehicles. The results are based on average electricity derived GHG described above and on
the logged travel behavior.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 91
Figure 70. Average GHG per Mile and Utility Factor
Figure 71 has the household level (PEV+ICEV households) GHG sources in comparison to the GHG per
mile from energy (gas and electricity) consumed by the PEVs and from gasoline consumed by the ICEV in
two vehicle households. We also include the household utility factor (HH eVMT/VMT).
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 92
Figure 71. Household Level GHG and Utility Factor per Mile
The actual performance of each household depends on the metric considered. At the household level,
the total VMT and ICE VMT substituted with PEV eVMT are the major determinants of the HH UF. From
an emissions perspective, in addition to the aforementioned factors, it is also important to account for
not just the quantity of ICE VMT substituted but also the quality. The disparities in HH GHG/mile
between HHs with different PEVs is therefore influenced by (1) energy and carbon intensity of ICE; (2)
usage intensity of the ICE (absolute VMT); (3) energy intensity (kWh/mile) of the PEV and its charging
related emissions; (4) battery capacity of the PEV which directly impacts the eVMT; (5) CDB or CS mode
miles and gasoline consumption in PHEV HHs. Figure 69, Figure 71, and Figure 72, when analyzed
together, present a complete picture of HH level emission impacts of PEVs for a two-vehicle household.
The mean ICE gVMT in Tesla HHs is between 7000-8000 miles, whereas in the Leaf HHs, it is between
8000-11000 miles. Leaf-30 HHs have lower HH GHG/mile compared to Leaf-24 HHs because of its bigger
battery. The incremental eVMT enabled is also due to the bigger battery of the Leaf-30, which
overcompensates for the fact that ICEs in Leaf-30 HHs are less efficient compared to the ones in Leaf-24
HHs (445 gCO2e/mile compared to 415 gCO2e/mile).
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 72. Ratio of PEV and ICE GHG/Mile to Total HH GHG/Mile
The ICEs in Model S-60_80 HHs are the most inefficient (599 gCO2e/mile) but have the fourth lowest ICE
usage intensity on an absolute VMT basis, and thereby the second highest HH UF. However, on a per
mile HH GHG/mile it performs best among the rest of PEV types simply because of its lower ICE usage
intensity. In contrast, the ICE in Model S-60_80 HHs has a higher usage intensity on an absolute VMT
basis when compared to the ICE in Tesla Model S-80_100 HHs. The ICE GHG/mile in Tesla Model S-
80_100 HHs was only 6% lower (561 gCO2e/mile vs. 599 gCO2e/mile) when compared to ICE in Tesla
Model S-60_80 HHs, but the usage intensity of ICE in Model S-60_80 HHs was 10% higher than those in
Model S-80_100 HHs (7885 miles vs 7154 miles).
The Leaf HHs on the other hand have a higher ICE usage intensity compared to the Model S HHs on an
absolute VMT basis, which is the reason for Leaf HHs having lower UF compared to the UF of Model S
HHs. On average, the ICEs in Bolt-60 HHs are about 15% more efficient than the ICEs in the Model S HHs
(both 60-80 and 80-100 kWh) on a gCO2e/mile basis and this causes the overall HH GHG/mile in Bolt-60
HHs to be lower than that of the Model S HHs.
Three factors cumulatively work in favor of the Bolt-60 HH to have the lowest HH GHG/mile compared
to other BEV HHs: lower ICE usage intensity compared to Leaf-24 HHs, lower energy intensity of the PEV
and carbon intensity of the ICE compared to Model S HHs. When we look at the PHEV HHs, Volt-16 HHs
have the lowest HH GHG/mile. Though the UF of Volt-16 HH was similar to that of the Volt-18 HH, the
Volt-18 HH GHG/mile is higher. This is because the ICEs in Volt-18 HHs have higher usage intensity.
Referring to Fig. 83, we can clearly see that on a GHG/mile basis, the only distinguishing aspect between
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 94
Volt-16 and Volt-18 HHs is the ICE usage intensity. Prius Prime-8.8 HHs have the highest ICE usage
intensity among PHEV HHs and C-Max/Fusion-7.6 HHs have the highest HH GHG/mile across all PEV HHs.
The HH GHG/mile (blackline in the middle of Figure 71) shifts upwards if the ICE usage intensity and ICE
carbon intensity increases. As far as determining how the curve would shift, we must consider the
carbon, energy, and usage intensity of the ICE and PEVs. If we ignore the specific ICE class/segment
(compact, SUV, sedan etc.), ICE carbon intensity increases with the AER in BEV HHs. The reverse of this
trend can be observed as we move (left to right) from C-max/Fusion-7.6 HHs up to Volt-18 HHs. Long-
range BEV HHs (Model S HHs) on average have higher emissions from the ICE on a per-mile basis
compared to all other PEVs.
Additional ICE Usage Metrics
We briefly summarize usage metrics of the ICE in PEV HHs using the average annualized estimates
summarized in Table 16 - Table 24 based on the logger data. For clarity, the ICE usage summaries of 2
car HHs and 3 car HHs are presented separately. In the case of 3 car HHs (2 ICEs and 1 BEV or PHEV), the
total ICE VMT is considered. Due to a low sample size of HHs with single ICE and more than 1 PEV (4
HHs) and HHs with two PEVs (7 BEV-PHEV HHs), we have excluded them, therefore the sub-sample of
HHs considered is 207. Overall, among the logged households, the average fuel economy of the ICE was
23.89 mpg and the average model year was 2010.
Average Annual ICE VMT
Figure 69 depicts the average annualized ICE VMT in 2 car HHs with one PEV and one ICE. In most cases,
the ICE vehicle in a mixed PEV-ICEV household is used less than the average vehicle in California and less
than the plug-in vehicle in the household.
Referring to Figure 73, we notice a steady decline in the annual ICE VMT in BEV HHs with increase in
range/battery capacity in 2 car HHs, except for 2 car Leaf-30 HHs. In the case of PHEV HHs, the annual
ICE VMT exhibited a variation. ICEs in Prius Plug-in-4.4 HHs drove the least among the 2 car PHEV HHs
and was even lower than the ICE VMT in 2 car Model S-80_100 HHs.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 73. Average Annualized ICE VMT in 2 Car HHs (Single ICE and Single PHEV or BEV) by PEV Type.
N=183 HHs
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 96
Figure 74. Average Annualized ICE VMT in 3 Car HHs (Two ICEs and Single PHEV or BEV) by PEV Type.
N=24 HHs.
Referring to Figure 74, there was considerable variation in annual ICE VMT of 3 car HHs across all PEV
types. The ICEs in 3 car Prius Plug-in-4.4 HHs had the highest annual ICE VMT followed by Model S-
80_100 HHs and the ICE VMT in Leaf-30 HHs.
ICE Usage for Long Distance Travel (LDT)
We characterized long distance travel (LDT) using two daily VMT thresholds, 50 miles and 100 miles
(LDT50 and LDT100). Figure 75 and Figure 76 depict the average annualized number of days per year the
PEV and ICE was used for LDT50 and LDT100 in 2 car PHEV and 2 car BEV HHs, respectively. The ICE
share (%) of total HH LDT50/100 days is shown using the secondary Y axis in Figure 75 and Figure 76.
Referring to Figure 75, in 2 car ICE-PHEV HHs, the ICE share of total HH LDT50 days per year was lowest
for Volt-16 HHs (22%), whereas the ICE share of total HH LDT100 days per year was lowest for Prius Plug
in 4.4 HHs (27%). The ICE usage for LDT50 and LDT100 in Prius Plug-in-4.4 HH were comparable on a
percentage share of the HH LDT50(100) days/year and a similar trend was observed in Volt-18 HHs and
Pacifica-16 HHs. The ICE in 2 car Volt-16 HHs was used roughly on 15% more days for LDT100(38%)
compared to LDT50(22%).
Household Level Analysis of PEVs
Figure 75. PHEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel 50(100) Miles or More in 2 Car HHs
(Single ICE and Single PHEV); ICE Share (%) Total HH LDT50(100) days/year shown on the secondary Y
axis. N=77 HHs.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 98
Figure 76. BEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel 50(100) in 2 Car HHs (Single ICE and
Single BEV); ICE Share (%) of Total HH LDT (50/100) days/year shown on the secondary Y axis. N=72
Referring to Figure 76, in 2 car ICE-BEV HHs, we notice a clear trend in decreasing ICE usage for LDT with
an increase in the range of the BEV, and this effect is more pronounced in the case of LDT100. There was
only a 6% reduction in ICE usage for LDT50 in Bolt-60 HHs (33%) compared to Leaf-30 HHs (39%).
However, the reduction in ICE usage for LDT100 was greater in Tesla Model S HHs compared to Leaf
HHs. Overall, on an absolute days/year basis, Leaf-24 HHs had the least number of LDT50 and LDT100
days compared to all other BEVs.
Household Level Analysis of PEVs 99
Figure 77. PHEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel 50(100) Miles or More in 3 Car HHs
(Two ICEs and Single PHEV); ICE Share (%) of Total HH LDT50(100) days/year shown on the secondary
Y axis. N=12 HHs.
Figure 77 and Figure 78 depict the average annualized number of days/year the PEV and ICE was used
for LDT50 and LDT100 in 3 car PHEV and BEV HHs, respectively. The ICE share (%) of total HH LDT50/100
days is shown using the secondary Y axis in Figure 77 and Figure 78.
Referring to Figure 77, in 3 car HHs, we can observe that the ICEs in Volt-16 HHs were used the most for
LDT50 and LDT100 followed by the ICEs in Prius Plug-in-4.4 HHs and the ICEs in C-Max/Fusion-7.6 HHs.
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 100
Figure 78. BEV and ICE Use (Days/Year) for Long Distance Travel 50(100) Miles or More in 3 Car HHs
(Two ICEs and Single BEV); ICE Share (%) of Total HH LDT50(100) days/year shown on the secondary Y
axis. N=12 HHs.
Referring to Figure 78, in 3 car HHs, we can observe that the ICEs in Leaf-24 HHs were used the most for
LDT50, whereas the ICEs in Leaf-30 HHs were used the most for LDT100. The ICE usage in Bolt-60 and
Tesla Model S-60_80 HHs for LDT50 was almost similar whereas the LDT 100 data showed no similarities
in ICE shares across BEV types.
5 PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
Cold Starts
According to CARB’s vehicle emission inventory model (EMFAC), for typical ICE vehicles, a cold start is
defined as an engine ignition event after the engine has been off and the vehicle is stationary for 12
hours(CARB 2018). PHEVs have both a battery and an ICE engine and under certain circumstances, the
ICE engine may go through an ignition event while the vehicle is already on the road after it was initially
started by the battery. Under this circumstance the ICE engine in a PHEV may be going through both a
cold start under the usual ICE vehicle definition while also being high power because it is already on the
road and operating at an elevated speed or at high torque. In some PHEVs, the first time an engine
starts may be when higher power is required at some point during a trip, negating some of the
environmental benefits of reducing total number of cold engines starts results from completing trips and
travel days on electric mode only and the benefit of the low total gas consumption. High-power engine
starts have been associated with high local emissions of NOx and organic gases. Estimates based on
dynamometer measurements demonstrate that during such events, blended PHEVs emit at rates higher
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 101
than they do during the lower power start events that occur during emission certification tests(CARB
2017, Pham and Jeftic 2018).
The objectives of this section are to characterize the engine start activity profiles of PHEVs, including: 1)
to define characteristics associated with all PHEV engine start events; 2) to identify conditions including
driving behavior, battery level, and other factors that trigger high SOC start engine events; and 3) to
determine the frequency of various types of starts. Further, more information is needed on total
number of engine-starts and how these compare with conventional vehicles. The analysis of this activity
data will be combined by CARB with previous emissions test results to better characterize real-world
emissions levels and to improve a future version of CARB’s EMFAC vehicle emission inventory model.
Based on results of this project, regulators may want to work with car manufacturers to devise emission
control strategies that mitigate high emission events during high power cold starts.
This study logged combined PHEV models (i.e., C Max/Fusion Energi) and non-blended PHEV models
(i.e., Volt). The second-by-second logger activity data from the logged PHEV models were analyzed to
better understand ICE-engine high power cold starts in the PHEVs described in this report. Because the
data on some parameters was collected at high frequency (approximately once every 1 to 10 seconds),
we can monitor the existing conditions in the few seconds before the engine starts in a PHEV. Our
analysis was able to classify all engine starts by state of charge (SOC), soak time, travel distance, and
speed. However, due to technical limitations inherit in the loggers in the second-by-second activity
logging, we were unable to pinpoint the reason for engine starts, such as high-power requirement
resulting from acceleration or a change in road grade.
The data collection was not synchronized for all parameters despite some parameters updating every 1
to 10 seconds. Furthermore, any parameter update generates a new timestamp and update of all the
old values of the other parameters that were not updated. We cannot distinguish between parameters
that have been updated but remained constant over several seconds versus those that have not been
updated and are simply duplicated from the previous measurement. A quick split-second change in
pedal position from 0% to 100% and back to 0%, for example, can be missed all together or alternatively
“stuck” for a few seconds on 100%. To overcome this limitation, we used the maximum value recorded
five and ten seconds before the engine start (RPM>500) to explore reasons for engine starts. For vehicle
models older than 2019, the SOC On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) Parameter Identification (PID) value is not
reported in a standardized way. Note that results for SOC reported here are shown as reported by the
CAN bus, but may not reflect absolute battery SOC. Our logger reported modeled catalyst temperature
only for the Volt and Energi. The data shows that cold starts happened mostly for the first engine start
of a trip and even for the longer-range Volt we did not record even one cold start that is not the first in
the trip. Our analysis, therefore, is focused on the first engine start in each trip.
Proportion of Days with Engine Starts
For PHEVs, engine starts are a function of many parameters, including SOC and power requirement,
among others. Figure 79 suggests a high correlation between battery size and days with no engine starts
that is similar to the zero emission trips and zero emission miles described in Section 3.5. For example,
the percentage of travel days that end without engine starts is around 4% for the short-range Prius Plug-
in-4.4 compared to 17% for the Energi. The Volts have a relatively high percentage of zero-emission
driving days (35%, 39%) because they are a non-blended PHEV. These percentages may be lower when
including PHEV users who drive their vehicle primarily as a conventional non-plug-in hybrid (charge less
than 4 times per month).
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 102
Figure 79. Share of Drive Days with No Engine Starts
Engine Start Event Description
The data collected per trip was chronologically ordered in a time series database to extract valid engine
start events. An engine start event captures key metrics such as travel time and SOC within or around a
timeframe in a trip wherein the RPM is greater than zero for more than 10 seconds. Figure 80 provides a
snapshot of the raw, time trace of a valid engine-on event. The total number of engine start events
shared with CARB and used for this anlysis is 2,252,785 events, generated using data collected from 166
PHEVs, for up to one year per vehicle.
Figure 80. Engine-on Time Trace
Percentage of Driving Days (%)
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 103
It is critical to note that the sample frequencies of the collected data attributes are not always
consistent. For instance, some attributes are collected every few seconds while other parameters are
recorded only when a change in value is detected; in such cases, a distinction cannot be made between
parameters that have been updated but remained constant over several seconds versus those that have
not been updated and are simply duplicated from the previous measurement. This lack of synchronicity
makes is extremely challenging to analyze the relationship between certain attributes. In Figure 80, for
example, we have a consistent speed trace for 10 seconds with one change in pedal position 3 seconds
in. We do not know if the speed change and pedal position change happened within 3 seconds as both
events could have happened within 5-10 seconds from reporting.
Travel Conditions at Engine Start
We first isolated and analyzed the following metrics, recorded at or prior to engine start events: SOC,
maximum power requirement (calculated based on battery current and voltage), and catalytic converter
temperature when available. We then analyzed the engine soak time (i.e., time elapsed between two
consecutive engine start events). Although we aimed to explore the relationship of vehicle power
requirements with road grade, we could not do so due to the differing data sample rates and imprecise
data values. The relationship with accelerator pedal position is based on max pedal position recorded 10
seconds before the engine start to cover for the data limitations.
SOC at Engine Start
One of the major causes for engine starts is the inability of the electric motor to propel the vehicle due
to a low battery SOC (state of charge). We, therefore, explored the distribution of battery SOC when the
engine is first turned-on within trips for all three PHEV models in the study. Figure 81 illustrates this SOC
distribution and highlights the fact that, for all vehicle models, most engine starts are invoked at a near-
zero usable SOC (reported by the vehicle) as expected. Over 70% of Energi, Prius Prime-8.8 and Volt
engine starts occur at SOCs below 5% while over 60% of Prius Plug-in-4.4 and Pacifica-16 engine starts
occur at SOCs under 5%. As presented in previous sections, the Prius Plug-in-4.4 engine is more likely
than the other models to start at high SOCs due to its relatively low battery capacity while the Volt
engine is least likely to start at high SOCs due to being a non-blended PHEV and having a significantly
higher battery capacity. The Pacifica-16’s engine is more likely to start than other vehicles with similar
battery capacities because it is a minivan, and therefore a heavier vehicle, leading to potentially higher
overall power demand.
PHEV engine starts can be invoked by either low battery energy or high power demand. A PHEV can start
its engine even with relatively high SOC if the power demand imposed on it exceeds the power that can
be supplied by just its electric motor. Therefore, to decouple the effect of vehicle SOC and power
demand, we developed three SOC classifications for engine starts. For all vehicle models, low or Empty
(E) SOC is between 0% to 1%, medium (M) SOC is between 1% to 10%, and High (H) SOC is over 10%.
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 104
Figure 81. SOC at First Engine Start
Maximum Estimated Power Requirement before Engine Start
As discussed earlier, in certain driving situations such as traveling at high speeds or climbing a steep
incline, a PHEV’s power requirement may exceed the power that can effectively be provided by its
electric motor, regardless of the vehicle’s battery SOC; these situations can force the internal
combustion engine to start up to provide the additional power required to propel the vehicle at an
appropriate speed. We explored the distribution of the maximum power requirement 5 seconds before
the first engine start within trips, acknowledging the potential error due to time reporting gaps between
the parameters, broken down by the SOC classifications determined in section 5.4.1, for each vehicle
model (Figure 82). For the PHEVs with relatively lower battery capacities such as the Prius Plug-in-4.4
and the Energi vehicles, most low SOC engine starts correlate with lower power requirements (0-12 kW)
while majority of high SOC engine starts correlate with relatively higher power requirements (25-42 kW).
On the other hand, the engine starts of PHEVs with relatively high battery capacities, such as the Volts,
do not seem to correlate strongly with power requirements; these vehicles are least likely of the models
to invoke an engine start in the incidence of high-power requirements, regardless of their SOC.
However, the Pacificas, despite having battery capacities close to that of the Volts, seem to invoke the
engine at medium and high SOCs under a wide range of power requirements. This is probably because
the Pacificas, being classified as mini-vans, are much larger and heavier than the Volts, potentially
leading to a higher incidence of greater power requirements from larger road loads. Overall, the Prius
Plug-in-4.4 and Energi vehicles, having relatively smaller battery capacities, are more likely to turn on
their engine to meet high power requirements while the Volts, being non-blended PHEVs and having a
larger battery capacity, are least likely to start their engine in the presence of high-power requirements.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100
Share of Engine Starts (%)
Battery SOC at Engine Start
SOC At Engine Start
Plug-in Prius
Prius Prime
Volt 16
Volt 18
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 105
Figure 82. Maximum Power Requirement 5 Seconds before Engine Start
Catalyst Temperature before Engine Start
Our loggers captured modeled catalyst temperature data for only the Energi and Volt vehicles. For all
engine start trips of these two PHEV models, we analyzed the distribution of catalyst temperature for
the first engine starts and all subsequent engine starts separately, assuming that the first starts would
include a mixture of cold and hot starts and that subsequent starts would include hot starts. Figure 83
depicts the distribution of catalyst temperature of first engine starts in blue and all subsequent engine
starts in red. For both vehicle models, around half of the first engine starts occurring at temperatures
above ambient temperatures. We did not observe any cold starts after the first start for all trips even
though 0.4% of the starts may not be fully warmed up to 425ºC. The lack of cold restarts could be
because the vehicles are keeping the engine on for enough time to ensure that the first engine start
warms the catalyst for any potential subsequent starts within the same trip. In addition, the time
elapsed between consecutive engine starts is fairly small; among all the PHEV trips, the longest time
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 106
elapsed between the first engine start and its successive start was 245 seconds (about 4 minutes) which
is not enough time for the catalyst to completely cool off.
Figure 83. Catalyst Temperature at Engine Start
Engine Soak Time
For all engine start trips, we analyzed the time elapsed between two consecutive engine starts (soak
time). This analysis includes any engine start regardless of travel distance and is based only on time and
RPM. Engine starts that were not the first engine start of trips were filtered out; we solely studied the
soak time of the first engine start of every trip. Cold starts were defined, as starts after 720 minutes (i.e.,
12 hours) , which is consistent with EMFAC, with variation of warm starts depending on the minutes the
engine is at idle. The soak time of each engine start was calculated by measuring the duration between
it and the engine start preceding it. The SOC classification criteria derived in section 5.4.1 was again used
to categorize the engine starts. Figure 84 to Figure 89 present the soak time distribution of Prius, Energi,
Pacifica, and Volt engine starts, respectively.
For all vehicles, there seems to be an inverse relationship between soak times and engine start shares;
the proportion of engine start events decay as soak time increases. For all PHEV starts, high SOC starts
seems to be more prevalent with greater soak times. Engine starts with higher soak times may be more
likely to have higher SOCs than engine starts with lower soak times because vehicle charging sessions
are more likely to have occurred between trips that result in a high soak times given there is a relatively
larger potential charging window.
For comparison to the PHEVs, Figure 90 presents the soak time distribution of ICE vehicles starts from
the conventional gasoline vehicles from the households participating in this study. The soak distribution
from these conventional vehicles seems to be similar to that of the PHEVs.
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
Figure 84. Prius Plug-in-4.4 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
Figure 85. C-max Energi Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
Figure 86. Prius Prime-8.8 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
Figure 87. Pacifica-16 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
Figure 88. Volt-16 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
Figure 89. Volt-18 Soak Time by SOC at Engine Start
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 110
Figure 90. ICE Soak Time for the Conventional Gasoline Vehicles in Households
Distance Between Engine Starts
For each engine start trip, we analyzed two key distance metrics: the distance traveled from the
beginning of a day to the first engine start of the day and the distance traveled from the beginning of a
trip to the first engine start of the trip. To derive the first distance metric, we first grouped trips into
days with a 3AM cutoff rather than the standard 12AM cutoff and then aggregated the distance of all
trips that took place between the start of a day and the first engine start of the day for all days with an
engine start. We chose a 3AM cutoff as it is the hour with the lowest trip frequency for all vehicle trips in
our dataset. For the second distance metric, we simply calculated the distance from the start of a trip to
the point at which the engine is first initiated for all engine start trips. For the first metric, we are only
considering the first engine start of each day with an engine start while for the second metric, we are
considering the first engine start of every trip. Figure 91 and Figure 92 depict the distribution of these
two-distance metrics for all PHEV vehicles.
Over 80% of the Prius Plug-in-4.4’s first engine starts occurring after less than 5 miles of travel from the
beginning of the day; most of these starts happening at medium to high SOCs. On the other hand, less
than around 40% of the Prius Prime-8.8, Pacifica-16 and Volt first engine starts occur after less than 5
miles of travel from the beginning of the day; while in this case, most of the Volts’ starts occur at low
SOCs, the Pacifica-16 starts occur at mostly medium to high SOCs. The Volts are also more likely to have
engine starts after longer distances of travel from the start of the day than other PHEVs. The Energi
vehicles have a lower proportion of engine starts than the Prius-Plug-in-4.4 and a greater proportion of
engine starts than the Volts after less than 5 miles of travel from the beginning of the day. These
observations are in line with section 5.4.2 which found that PHEVs with relatively small battery
capacities such as the Prius Plug-in-4.4’s and the Energi vehicles are more susceptible to engine starts at
medium and high SOCs than PHEVs with larger battery capacities such as the Volts, to meet high power
demands. Overall, the occurrence of engine starts is more correlated to power demand than with SOC
(vehicle range) for small battery PHEVs than it is for large battery PHEVs. For all PHEVs, over about 70%
% of All Trips
Soak Time (minutes)
ICE Soak Time
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
of engine starts occurring after less than 5 miles of travel from the start of the trip; most of these starts
happening at low to medium SOCs, suggesting that most engine start trips start with low SOCs.
Figure 91. Distance from Start of Day to First Engine Start of Day for all PHEVs
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 112
Figure 92. Distance from Start of Trip to First Engine Start of Trip for all PHEVs
Potential Emission Impacts of Engine Starts
Figure 93 illustrates the probability of various engine starts to occur on a given day for each vehicle
model. The probabilities were derived from the annualized engine start days for each vehicle in the
study. For this analysis, a cold start is an engine start with a soak time greater than 12 hours and a high-
power cold start is a cold start with a maximum power requirement 5 seconds before the start of over
25 kW. There is an inverse correlation between vehicle battery capacity and the probability of an engine
start with the Prius Plug-in vehicles having far more engine start days than the Volt vehicles. However,
this is not the case for cold starts and high-power cold starts. The Prius Plug-in vehicles and the Volts
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis 113
logged fewer instances of cold starts than the mid battery capacity vehicles; this is probably because the
Prius Plug-in starts it engine more frequently, resulting in shorter engine cool down periods than the
other vehicles, while the Volt vehicles are least likely to start the engine in the first place given their
larger battery capacity.
The mid-sized battery vehicles show large variation in engine start probabilities since, as observed in the
previous section, there are several factors, ranging for low peak electric motor power to frequent high-
power demands due to high curb weight, that determine when the engine is invoked for these cars. The
C-Max-Fusion cars and the Pacificas, on average, have much higher proportions of cold start days than
the other vehicles. The C-Max-Fusion cars have low electric motor power capabilities than the other
vehicles, owing to its considerable proportion of high-power cold starts. The Pacificas, being minivans,
are far heavier than the other models and so are more likely to have high power demand instances,
resulting in a high frequency of cold starts despite their high battery capacity.
Figure 93. Probability of Engine Start per Vehicle Model (Derived from Annualized Engine Start Days)
Figure 93 depicts the average number of daily cold starts that occur for each vehicle model juxtaposed
with the average number of daily cold starts if the models behaved like conventional ICE vehicles with
the engine being invoked at the beginning of every trip. As expected, the Volts had fewer real cold starts
than their hypothetical ICE cold starts given that their larger battery capacity and drivetrain design seek
to reduce engine starts to optimize fuel displacement. The Plug-in Prius also had few real cold starts
compared to its hypothetical ICE vehicle performance since it is more likely to have shorter engine cool
PHEV Engine Starts Analysis
down periods between starts than the other vehicles. The C-Max-Fusion vehicles and Pacificas do not
seem to have a stark difference between actual cold starts and Hypothetical ICE cold starts because they
are more likely to have high-power requirement instances during trips, owing to their low electric power
capabilities or high curb weight. The mid capacity battery vehicles are less likely than the Prius-Plug in
cars to have short engine cool down periods between starts and more likely than the Volts to have
engine starts, making then more prone to cold starts than PHEVs with considerably lower or higher
battery capacities. Overall, the Volts do a much better job than the other vehicles at both curbing start
emissions via logging very few engine starts and maximizing fuel displacement.
Figure 94. Average Daily Cold Starts
Engine Starts Discussion
This section includes only the initial analysis of the data collected. The main task of this project was to
provide to CARB the full dataset of engine starts including the events before and after the engine starts
for further analysis. The data preparation included quality control and cleaning missing and bad data
results from problems in logger configurations. We also tested the GPS elevation data using GIS models
and conclude that the accuracy level was not sufficient for energy and power analysis. Overall, the data
collected, and the sample times are not sufficient for calculating their power requirement and other
factors for engine starts. Nevertheless, data analysis shows that long-range plug-in hybrids can finish
many days and trips without any engine starts. We also conclude that long-range plug-in hybrids engine
starts are mostly correlated with battery state of charge, while short range PHEVs’ engine starts may be
correlated with other factors. For all vehicles, there seems to be an inverse relationship between soak
times and engine start shares; the proportion of engine start events decay as soak time increases. For all
PHEV Starts, high SOC starts to seem to be more prevalent with greater soak times; engine starts with
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 115
higher soak times may be more likely to have higher SOCs than engine starts with lower soak times
because the vehicles had more time to potentially recharge their batteries.
The probability of an engine start to occur in a day, for each model, can be explained by the models’
individual specifications. In general, there is an inverse correlation between vehicle battery capacity and
the probability of an engine start with the Prius Plug-in vehicles having logged far more engine start days
than the Volt vehicles. However, this trend does not hold for cold starts and high-power cold starts. The
Prius Plug-in vehicles and the Volts logged fewer instances of cold starts than the mid battery capacity
vehicles; this is probably because the Prius Plug-in starts it engine more frequently, resulting in shorter
engine cool down periods than the other vehicles, while the Volt vehicles are least likely to start the
engine in the first place given their larger battery capacity. The mid-sized battery vehicles show large
variation in engine start probabilities since there are several factors, ranging for low peak electric motor
power to frequent high-power demands, that determine when the engine is invoked for these cars.
Comparing the average daily cold starts for each PHEV model to the average daily cold starts if the
model vehicles behaved like conventional ICE vehicles showed that all models would have logged more
cold starts if they behaved as ICE vehicles, suggesting that they all incur start emission savings
functioning as PHEVs. The vehicles with mid electric range are less likely than those with low electric
range (Prius Plug-in) to have short engine cool down periods between starts and more likely than those
with high electric range (Volt) to have engine starts, making them more prone to cold starts than PHEVs
with lower or higher battery capacities. There was a 136% increase in cold starts for the Volt 18 vehicles
if they behaved as ICE vehicles compared to just 11% increase in cold starts for the C-Max-Fusion cars.
The Volts, the PHEVs with the highest electric range, do a much better job than the other vehicles at
both curbing start emissions via logging very few engine starts and maximizing fuel displacement as
suggested by their relatively high electric miles to total miles ratio.
6 Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
In this section, we present the data collected from Fuel Cell Vehicle (FCV) usage at the vehicle and
household level using data collected from the loggers. In total, we have 12 Toyota Mirais in our FCV
dataset, but one Mirai was dropped from our analysis as it had trouble acquiring key data points (speed,
GPS, etc.) for lengthy periods of time within its logging window. The remaining 11 vehicles that have
reliable data for calculating key distance, speed, and energy metrics for at least 120 days are included in
the analysis. Problems with logger reliability allow us to use only 60% of the days when loggers were
installed, loggers that were connected for more than one year.
FCVs have driving ranges of more than 300 miles and can be refueled in less than 10 min at a hydrogen
fueling station. Three original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) currently offer FCVs in California, with
the Toyota Mirai being the most common (Figure 95). Sales of these vehicles began in 2014, with most
vehicles leased for a period of three years. In most cases, hydrogen fuel cost is subsidized by the OEM.
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 116
Figure 95. Fuel Cell Vehicle Sales by Model, Country, and Model for California
California currently has 41 active hydrogen-fueling stations, built through a combination of industry
funds and capital and operating cost support from the California Energy Commission (CEC). These are in
the Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay, and Sacramento areas as shown in Figure 106. In our study, we focus
on the Toyota Mirai which can hold approximately five kilograms of compressed hydrogen gas, enabling
it to travel up to 312 miles on a full tank. The descriptive summaries and analyses of the FCVs are
presented in Table 25-Table 26 and visualized in Figure 96-Figure 97. Table 25-Table 26 summarize the
data collected on FCV driving and refueling. As we did for filtering BEV and PHEV trips, we used a
distance threshold of 1 km to filter out GPS noise and noticeably short trips recorded by the loggers with
zero to minimal energy usage. Overall, around 88% of FCV VMT still remained after filtering. The
refueling sessions were not directly reported by the loggers but were determined by looking at the
difference between the fuel levels of consecutive trips; if there is a significant difference the ending fuel
level of a trip and the starting fuel level of the trip immediately following it, we gauged that a refueling
event occurred between those trips. Unfortunately, fuel level was one of the raw data points that was
reported very sparsely by the loggers for most vehicles, so we probably failed to capture some refueling
events that occurred within the logging window of each vehicle.
Table 25. FCV Driving Data Overview
FCV Type
Number of
Raw Data
Raw Data
Total VMT
Data Trips
Data Total
Filtered Data
Mirai 11 15301 104133 11327 91164 247
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 117
Table 26. FCV Refueling Data Overview
FCV Type
Number of
Mirai 11 408 823.4 228
Figure 96. Annualized VMT of Mirais
Figure 96 shows the annualized VMT of the Mirais based on data collected from the loggers. The fleet
average annualized VMT for the Mirais is 10,738 miles. There is a difference of over 10,000 miles
between the vehicle with the highest annualized VMT and the vehicle with the lowest annualized VMT,
showing a wide range in vehicle mileage.
V1 V4 V2 V5 V3 V8 V6 V7 V9 V10 V11
Annualized VMT (miles)
Annualized VMT Mean VMT
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 118
Figure 97. Mirai: Percentage Share of Total VMT by Trip Speed (in mph)
Figure 97 depicts the share of total VMT by trip speed bin for each Mirai. Most vehicles cover a high
proportion of miles at speed of 30-75 mph and cover very few miles at speeds over 75 mph. V8,
however, covers a considerable proportion of miles at speeds over 75 mph.
Fuel Cell Vehicle Driving
Table 27 and Figure 98-Figure 102 provide descriptive summaries of Mirai driving patterns captured by
data collected from the loggers. As shown in Table 27, on average, Mirai drivers, make around 4 trips
per day with each trip ranging from 6 to 11 miles. There is extremely low variation in hydrogen usage
amongst the vehicles; all vehicles consistently use about 0.02 kg of Hydrogen, on average, for covering
one mile. The average trip distance of Mirai weekday trips is higher than the average weekend trip
distance by about 2 miles while there is around a 23-mile difference between the maximum distance of
weekday and weekend trips. 70% of the trips of half the vehicles (namely V1-V5) were less than 35 miles
long whereas roughly 60% of the trips of most of the remaining vehicles (V7-V11) were over 35 miles.
Table 27. Mirai Driving Trip Level Summaries (on days when the FCV was driven)
Mirai Vehicles
Average Trip
V4 4.11 7.29 0.12 0.0163 21.71
V10 5.86 8.14 0.16 0.0204 42.18
V2 3.76 6.69 0.12 0.0168 10.28
V6 4.75 6.93 0.14 0.0206 32.13
V4 V10 V2 V6 V7 V5 V8 V3 V1 V9 V11
Percentage of Total VMT
0-15 mph 15-30 mph 30-45 mph 45-60 mph 60-75 mph 75+ mph
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
Mirai Vehicles
Average Trip
V7 3.85 8.57 0.19 0.0266 38.53
V5 4.09 7.52 0.15 0.0208 26.48
V8 3.70 10.25 0.20 0.0191 36.2
V3 4.14 6.81 0.12 0.018 25.36
V1 4.18 5.59 0.09 0.0157 17.7
V9 4.00 10.54 0.20 0.0208 43.58
V11 4.96 11.00 0.18 0.0182 52.05
All Vehicles 4.13 8.05 0.15 0.019 30.8
Figure 98. Average and Maximum Trip Distance on Weekdays and Weekends by Mirai
mean distance max distance
Daily Miles
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
Figure 99. Percentage of Trips per Vehicle by Trip Distance Bins (miles)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11
Percentage of Trips (%)
200+ mi
100-200 mi
75-100 mi
50-75 mi
35-50 mi
20-35 mi
10-20 mi
0-10 mi
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 121
Figure 100. Average Monthly Vehicle VMT Across Deployments
Figure 100 depicts the monthly average VMT of the Mirais in the dataset broken down by individual
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 122
Figure 101. Average Daily FCV VMT per Vehicle
Figure 102. Average FCV Energy Efficiency (miles/kg(H2)
Figure 101 presents the average daily VMT of individual Mirais while Figure 102 shows the average
energy efficiency of the vehicles. Only 4 out the 11 Mirais had an average daily VMT higher than the
fleet average of 35 miles. The fleet average efficiency of the vehicles was around 60 miles per 1 kg of
hydrogen. While most vehicle noted average efficiencies that were fairly close to the fleet average,
some vehicles recorded efficiencies far lower than the fleet average. V7 showed a particularly low
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 V11
Average Daily Distance (miles)
Average Daily FCV VMT per Vehicle
Average Daily VMT Overall Average VMT
V7 V5 V10 V6 V9 V8 V3 V11 V2 V4 V1
Energy Efficiency (miles/kg(H2))
Average FCV Energy Efficiency (miles/kg(H2))
Average miles/kg(H2) Overall Average miles/kg(H2)
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 123
efficiency of just around 40 miles per kg of hydrogen; this observation could be attributed to the fact
that over 70% of V7’s VMT is covered at speeds over 45 mph, according to Figure 97. Vehicles that use
an electric motor to power themselves tend to be more efficient at low to medium speeds, so a greater
frequency of high-speed driving can lower the average efficiency of these cars.
Fuel Cell Vehicle Refueling
Table 28 and Figure 103-Figure 109 provide descriptive summaries of Mirai refueling patterns captured
by data collected from the loggers. Refueling events were identified from significant increases in
hydrogen level between trips. Refueling events were matched to fueling stations using the GPS
coordinates at the end of the trip preceding the refueling event. Over 90% of refueling events had GPS
coordinates within 100m of a known hydrogen fueling station, and over 96% could be matched to a
fueling station within 200m. No refueling events matched multiple stations. Mirai refueling summary
statistics are presented in Table 28. Figure 103 illustrates the distribution of the time elapsed between
the refueling events of all vehicles while Figure 104 displays the distribution of the distance traveled
between the events. About 70% of refueling events occur within a week after their immediately
preceding refueling event and around 80% of the events occur after covering distances of over 100 miles
(32% of the vehicle’s range of 312 miles) from their preceding refuel.
Table 28. Refueling Summary
Average Sessions/Day Average kg(H)/Day
Days within Logging Window 0.08 0.17
Days when the FCV Refueled 1.02 2.59
Figure 103. Time (in minutes) Elapsed between Refuels
Share of Refuel Events (%)
Time (minutes)
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 124
Figure 104. Distance Traveled Between Refuels
Figure 105. Average Fuel in during Refuel Days per Vehicle
Figure 105 displays the average fuel in during refuel days for each vehicle. While on average Mirai
drivers seem to fill their tank with around 1.97 kg of hydrogen on refuel days, there seems to be a wide
Share of Refuel Events (%)
Distance (miles)
V4 V10 V6 V7 V2 V1 V11 V5 V3 V9 V8
Average Fuel in (kg(H2))
Average Fuel in during Refuel days per Vehicle
Avg. Fuel in (kg(H2)) Overall Avg. Fuel in (kg(H2))
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 125
variation in refuel behavior. Some drivers seem to top off their tanks while others seem to wait to fill up
their tanks after covering a significant amount of distance. V8 and V9, on average, wait until over 60% of
their fuel is consumed before refueling. This variation could be linked to the distance between the
typical trip origin/destination sets of these vehicles and the hydrogen stations that they frequent;
further analysis is required to assess this connection.
Figure 106. Number of Accessible Hydrogen Fueling Stations within 140 Miles of Each Block Group
Figure 106 captures how many hydrogen stations that are open to the public are accessible from each
block group within the range of half a tank of a Mirai FCV. There seems to be a high to moderate
concentration of accessible public hydrogen stations around areas (colored in red to beige), surrounding
major metropolitan areas i.e. San Francisco and Los Angeles. On the other hand, the regions to the far
north and far east of the state (colored in white) have no public stations that can be reached on half of a
fuel tank when driving a Mirai, constraining the travel radius of FCV drivers that enter those regions.
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 126
Figure 107. Areas within 5 and 10 Miles from a Refueling Station
Figure 107 visualizes the areas that are less than 5 and 10 miles away from a public hydrogen refueling
station. There seem to be a limited number of areas that have public hydrogen refueling stations within
a 10-mile radius. The areas are mostly clustered around the state’s major metropolitan regions (San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacramento, etc.). However, since most of the state does not have accessible
hydrogen stations within a 10-mile driving distance, it potentially plays a role in dissuading drivers from
investing in FCVs.
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
Figure 108. Average Fuel pumped in during Refuel, per Station
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S15 S16 S17 S18 S19 S20 S21 S22 S23 S24 S25
Average Fuel in (kg(H2))
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 128
Figure 109. Refueling Share per Station
Figure 108 shows the average fuel during a refuel for individuals at hydrogen stations while Figure 109
presents the share of refuels per hydrogen station. Majority of the refuels seem to take place at 10 out
of the 25 stations visited by the vehicles in the dataset. This could be attributed to the fact that there
are a lot of missing refuel events due to a high proportion of missing fuel level data for some cars as
mentioned earlier. Of these 25 stations, 11 are in Los Angeles County (stations 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 18,
19, 24, and 25), 7 are in Santa Clara County (1, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, and 17), 4 are in Orange County (7, 11,
15, 21), and one each are in Fresno (20), San Diego (22), and Ventura (23) counties.
Fuel Cell Household Analysis
Our dataset contains 11 FCV households with 4 Mirai-only households, 6 single ICEV Mirai household
and one double ICEV Mirai household. The double ICEV household was dropped from this analysis due
to low sample size. Seven of these households are in the San Francisco Bay Area and four are in the Los
Angeles Area. Table 29 summarizes the (average) annualized estimates of key FCV metrics at the
household level. The metrics include eVMT, gVMT, HH VMT, UF and energy consumption. Figure 110
presents the HH UF of individual FCV households. The UF of individual Mirai households ranged from
0.47 to 0.83 with an average of 0.65. Figure 111 shows the average daily HH VMT and the share of
eVMT, gVMT in FCV HHs.
Based on Figure 111 that plots the average VMT of individual households, households with higher daily
average VMT (>40 miles) tend to have high UF; this can be observed in HH6, HH8 and HH10.
S17 S9 S12 S8 S5 S13 S6 S10 S1 S15 S11 S18 S19 S2 S21 S3 S4 S16
Share of Fuel consumed from station (%)
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
Table 29. (Average) Annualized Estimates of VMT and Energy Consumption on FCV HHs
HH Type Num HHs FCV Trips
FCV Hydrogen
Consumed (kg)
ICE-FCV 6 1282 9892 139 5337 250 15229 0.65
FCV 4 1171 10620 190 0 0 10620 1
Figure 110. Household Utility Factor per Vehicle by Household Car Composition
1 1 1 1
HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6 HH7 HH8 HH9 HH10
Household Utility Factor
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis
Figure 111. HH Average Daily VMT in HHs with FCVs, Showing the eVMT and gVMT Percentages
Figure 112. Percentage of FCV and ICEV trips in HHs with FCV
100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0
HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6 HH7 HH8 HH9 HH10
% of Household Trips
ICEV Trips
FCV Trips
Fuel Cell Vehicle Analysis 131
Figure 112 depicts the percentage of HH trips taken using the FCV and the ICEVs. On average, FCV share
of HH trips was approximately 61% for the two car HHs. HHs that reported high UFs did not necessarily
have high ratio of FCV trips to ICEV trips. For instance, HH7 and HH10 showed relatively high UF but they
have relatively low ratio of FCV to ICEV trips (less than 57%), suggesting that some HHs are using their
FCVs for trips covering longer distances.
Figure 113. Number of Days/Year FCV was Used for Long Distance Travel (LDT).
0 0
0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6 HH7 HH8 HH9 HH10
Number of Days/Year
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 132
Figure 114. Percentage of FCV and ICEV LDT (>100 mi) Days over LDT Days in HHs with FCV
Figure 113 shows the absolute number of days the FCVs were used for LDT while Figure 114 shows the
ratio of FCV and ICE LDT (over 100 miles) days. As expected HH7 and HH10 which showed relatively high
UFs and low FCV to ICE trip ratios, have a substantial proportion of FCV LDT days. On the other hand,
HH9 which had a relatively low HH UF and high FCV to ICE trip ratio, covered all its trips exceeding 100
miles in the ICE.
7 Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
The data for this section is from forty semi-structured qualitative interviews that were conducted with
PEV drivers across California. The interviews explored driver commute information, charging behavior,
and experiences with charging etiquette (see Appendix 1 for the topics explored in the interviews).
Interviews lasted on average 45 minutes and were conducted at the interviewees’ homes. Interviewees
were selected based interviewer’s availability and the driver’s willingness to share their experiences.
Only forty interviews were conducted because that was when saturation occurred, and no innovative
ideas were being put forth. This section aims to uncover how workplaces manage charging to increase
the utilization of charging stations, and to understand drivers’ experiences with them. We can then
recommend improved techniques to maximize the utilization of charging infrastructure at work. By
managing how people charge at work, more people can use the workplace chargers per day, meaning
fewer chargers are needed to support a larger number of PEVs, and more vehicles can be driven on
electric miles. Workplace charging stations can be seen as a scare resource when improperly managed
due to their limited availability. Appropriately managed workplace charging can alleviate congestion and
increase the availability of the scarce resource. Some workplaces may experience charging station
stagnation if there is no motivation to move the vehicle when it has done charging. Conversely, if there
was higher turnover of vehicles per day, fewer chargers would be needed to meet demand. Workplaces
who are considering installing chargers can use this research to plan charging stations locations with
maximum benefits for charging vehicles and minimizing charging congestion. Compared to home-based
100 100 100 100
0 0 0 0
HH1 HH2 HH3 HH4 HH5 HH6 HH7 HH9 HH10
% of Household LDT Days
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 133
charging, workplace charging stations can support a higher number of PEVs with a lower amount of
stations which can reduce infrastructure investment costs.
Introduction to Charging Management Strategies
Here we define three terms used throughout the section, these are charging congestion, charging
station stagnation, and charge management strategies. Charging congestion is defined as a greater
number PEVs wanting to charge than available electric vehicle chargers for those vehicles. This generally
means PEV owners are unable to charge or must wait to access a charger. Charging station stagnation is
when a PEV plugged into the charger has completed charging and the owner has not made the charger
available to other PEV owners, either due to not moving their vehicle or unplugging the charge outlet.
This can exacerbate the issue of charging congestion and can lead to chargers being underutilized.
Finally, charging management strategies are any rules aimed at reducing stagnation and congestion,
which results in higher utilization of chargers. These rules could be formal or informal, and may include
time restrictions, pricing, formalized queuing, or anything else.
The data for this section was collected from drivers across California, which were selected from the
households that participated in logged study and survey, in the summer of 2018. The interviews
explored driver commute information, charging behavior, and experiences with charging etiquette.
Interviews lasted on average 45 minutes and were conducted at the interviewees’ homes. Interviewees
were selected based interviewer’s availability and the driver’s willingness to share their experiences.
Forty interviews were conducted because that was when saturation occurred, and no innovative ideas
were being put forth. All interviews were then transcribed and coded in NVIVO software package.
This section focuses on a subset of forty drivers from the vehicle logger project who were part of the
study in 2018 and who agreed to be interviewed.
There is potential for selection bias in the sample as interviewees had previously agreed to and
participated in this project. We reached topical saturation with a diverse sample (geographically, by PEV
type, by house type, etc.), shown in Table 30 below, leads us to believe the interviews detect the most
common charging management strategies currently employed.
Interviewee Descriptions
The PEVs discussed are as follows: four Nissan Leaf (9%), fifteen Tesla Model S (35%), six Ford C-Max
(12%), three Ford Fusion (7%), sixteen Chevrolet Volt (35%), and three other vehicles (5%) (one
Chevrolet Bolt, one Fiat 500e, and one Toyota RAV4 EV). There were 22 (47%) BEVs and 25 (53%) PHEVs
in the study. There were 11 (28%) MUD drivers and 29 (73%) single-family household drivers. Table 30
below has a full description of the households.
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
Table 30. Summary of Interviewee Information
# Cars
# of
# ICEs MUD Gender Age Region
1 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Male 19-29 Bay Area
2 2 1 Ford C-Max PHEV 1 0 Male 30-39 Bay Area
3 2 1 Nissan Leaf BEV 1 0 Male 40-49 Bay Area
4 1 1 Tesla Model S BEV 0 0 Male 40-49 Bay Area
5 3 1 Tesla Model S BEV 2 0 Male 50-59 Bay Area
6 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Male 19-29 Bay Area
7 3 1 Tesla Model S BEV 2 0 Male 60-69 Bay Area
8 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 0 Male 30-39 Northern
9 2 1 Nissan Leaf BEV 1 0 Male 30-39 Bay Area
10 2 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 1 1 Male 30-39 Bay Area
11 2 2
Tesla Model S /
Chevrolet Volt
0 0
Male &
Bay Area
12 2 1 Ford Fusion PHEV 1 0 Male 40-49 Sacramento Area
13 1 1
Chevrolet Volt /
Fiat 500e
0 0 Male 50-59 Bay Area
14 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Male 30-39 Bay Area
15 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Male 30-39 Los Angeles Area
16 3 1 Tesla Model S BEV 2 0 Male 40-49 Los Angeles Area
17 2 1 Tesla Model S BEV 1 0 Male 50-59 Los Angeles Area
18 2 2 Ford C-Max /
Chevrolet Volt
0 0 Male 30-39 Los Angeles Area
19 2 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 1 1 Male 30-39 Los Angeles Area
20 2 2 Chevrolet Volt /
Nissan Leaf
0 0 Male &
Los Angeles Area
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
# Cars
# of
# ICEs MUD Gender Age Region
21 1 1 Tesla Model S /
Toyota RAV4 EV
0 0 Male 40-49 San Diego Area
22 2 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 1 0 Male 50-59 Bay Area
23 2 1 Tesla Model S BEV 1 0 Female 50-59 Bay Area
24 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Male 40-49 Los Angeles Area
25 3 1 Tesla Model S BEV 2 0 Male 50-59 San Diego Area
26 1 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 0 1 Female 40-49 Los Angeles Area
27 2 1 Tesla Model S BEV 1 0 Male 40-49 Los Angeles Area
28 2 1 Ford Fusion PHEV 1 0 Male 30-39 San Diego Area
29 2 2
Nissan Leaf /
Chevrolet Bolt
0 1
Male &
San Diego Area
30 2 2
Chevrolet Volt /
Ford Fusion
0 0 Male 50-59 San Diego Area
31 2 1 Tesla Model S BEV 1 0 Male 40-49 Los Angeles Area
32 1 1 Tesla Model S BEV 0 0 Male 70-79 Sacramento Area
33 2 1 Tesla Model S BEV 1 0 Female 60-69
34 1 1 Tesla Model S BEV 0 1 Male 30-39 Bay Area
35 4 1 Chevrolet Volt PHEV 3 0 Female 19-29 Sacramento Area
36 1 1 Ford C-Max PHEV 0 0 Male 19-29 Sacramento Area
37 2 1 Ford C-Max PHEV 1 0 Male &
Bay Area
38 1 1 Ford C-Max PHEV 0 1 Male 30-39 Bay Area
39 2 1 Ford C-Max PHEV 1 0 Male 40-49 Bay Area
40 4 1 Tesla Model S BEV 3 0 Male 50-59 Bay Area
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 136
Charging Behavior
Interviewee charging behavior is discussed below because of its relevance to workplace charging
management. First, we explore home charging, followed by public, and then workplace charging. Then
we discuss workplace charging management in detail.
Home Charging
Thirty-five people charge their vehicles at home, ten are unable to, and two chose to not charge at
home (Figure 115). The interviewees who charge at home cite convenience and low refueling cost as
their main reasons behind this choice. Of those that live in MUDs, eight (73%) are unable to charge at
home. The drivers who live in a MUD noted the nuisances of not having a garage or access to electricity
at their parking spot. Of those who choose to not charge at home (a Tesla Model S and Nissan Leaf), the
Tesla Model S charges exclusively at work, and the Nissan Leaf has no issues relying solely on public
charging. The quotes below outline reasons why interviewees do not charge at home.
“I don’t have a garage, so I have to do street parking and that ultimately means I don’t charge my car
when I’m at home” (Interview 01, Chevrolet Volt)
“With the free options there didn’t really seem to me to be much need for that, um, and it’s not
inconveniencing me at the moment to do it the way I’m doing it. Umm so, yeah, I haven’t seriously
considered the charging at home” (Interview 03, Nissan Leaf)
Figure 115. Interviewees reported home based charging (N=47)
Public Charging
Public charging is classified as charging that is not at home or while at work, as defined by (Lee, J.H.
2020) [5]. The frequency of charging in public is broken down by always, frequently, occasionally, rarely,
and never (Figure 116).
Seven drivers reported always charging their vehicles when available in public. The vehicles include two
Nissan Leafs, three Chevrolet Volts, one Chevrolet Bolt, one Ford C-Max, and two Tesla Model S. Of
those seven, three are unable to charge at home. A few participants also mentioned that charging was a
determining factor of where they travel.
I also charge when I go shopping at the mall or the park, wherever there’s a charging station…
[charging] actually kind of skews on where I watch a movie, so … I just look at which one has more
availability on charging stations and then that’s where I go.(Interview 24, Chevrolet Volt)
Yes No, can't No, don't want to
Reported Home Charging
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 137
Seven interviewees reported charging in public frequently. This was defined as those who would charge
in public more likely than not when they go out. They may check the local EVSE they know for
availability and may not mind adjusting their parking patterns to charge their vehicles. The vehicles in
this category are two Chevrolet Volts, one Ford Fusion, one Ford C-Max, and three Tesla Model S. A few
mention the secondary benefits of charging in public such as parking priority or saving money.
“Whenever we go out if there’s a charger available well try to, to get it and just park there and you
know, even if we have to walk a little extra, we’ll do that” (Interview 08, Chevrolet Volt)
Sixteen drivers charge in public occasionally; from this sample, this is the largest segment. Occasional
public charging interviewees were defined as those who know their routine charging stations, but do not
seek out additional stations. As one interviewee put it, “I don’t really search for them. If they’re there,
they’re there(Interview 02, Ford C-Max).
If it is convenient for them, they will charge their vehicle. The vehicles in this grouping are seven
Chevrolet Volts, two Ford C-Maxes, five Tesla Model S, and two Nissan Leafs.
I generally just try to charge it when I can when it’s convenient for me. I don't want to go out of my
way(Interview 14, Chevrolet Volt)
Ten interviewees rarely charge in public. Five Tesla Model S, one Ford Fusion, three Chevrolet Volts, and
one Ford C-max are part of this group. These drivers only use public charging as a last resort or very
Public chargers are literally for emergency use cause especially since I have it at home, like I just don’t
need to use public chargers (Interview 27, Tesla Model S)
One interviewee with a Ford C-Max does not charge in public. He cited the hassle of charging compared
to home charging and time to charge as preventing him from seriously considering using it.
“I don’t go that many places where I would have time to charge my car” (Interview 37, Ford C-Max)
Irrespective of public charging frequency, seven drivers only charge in public when it is free (Figure 116).
This is an additional grouping and is not a category of charging frequency. It contains two Ford C-Maxes,
three Chevrolet Volts, and two Tesla Model S. Paying for charging is not always a disincentive for drivers
to charge.
I will only use a public charger if it’s available and they’re free(Interview 23, Tesla Model S)
“There’s a lot of them that are like paid um I don’t usually bother using those um because we can do it
at home and get the electricity from the solar panels” (Interview 34, Tesla Model S)
Some drivers had no problem paying to charge their vehicle or had a maximum amount they would pay
to charge in public. Some find it useful to have a payment system to increase the chance of finding a
vacant charging station. A few PHEVs mention the emissions offset from driving on electric while others
want to support the EVSE companies by charging when they can.
If you have to pay, then there’s better turnover. And I can usually find a place to charge.(Interview 12,
Ford Fusion)
“We always have gas but I hate oil. So, we try to avoid it as much as we can.” (Interview 38, Ford C-Max)
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 138
Figure 116. How often interviewees reported charging their vehicles in public (N=40).
Workplace Charging
Workplace charging is defined as where people charge while they are working. Some workplace
charging locations are in public lots; interviewees perceive this as workplace charging as it is where they
park their car while at work. This definition is consistent with Lee et al. (Lee, J.H. 2020) [5]. Seventeen
interviewees reported always charging their vehicle at work, six charged sometimes, five had the option
to charge at work and chose not to, and seven had no access to charging at work. An additional nine
interviewees were either retired, did not commute, or had an irregular driving schedule with no regular
commute location so they cannot charge at work (Figure 117).
Seventeen interviewees reported charging their vehicles at work whenever there is an available charging
station. The vehicles are ten Chevrolet Volts, two Ford C-Maxes, two Tesla Model S, one Ford Fusion,
one Nissan Leaf, and one Chevrolet Bolt. The main motivator to charge at work was cost-savings and
convenience. Free workplace charging meant that some interviewees prioritized charging at work over
charging at home. Ten MUD drivers (of 11 interviewed) always charge at work. Some drivers reported
wanting to charge every day but were unable to because of charging station congestion. Some reported
driving in earlier or later (after lunch when others would move their vehicle) to ensure they would be
able to access a charging station.
“It was kind of in the middle of a big parking garage that was a little bit further away, um but that was
totally fine” (Interview 10, Chevrolet Volt)
I charge at work because it’s free. It’s convenience.” (Interview 11, Tesla Model S)
Six interviewees in the sample charged at work sometimes. These interviewees include two Tesla Model
S, one Nissan Leaf, one Ford Fusion, one Ford C-Max, and one Toyota RAV4 EV owning households.
These drivers used workplace charging as secondary to home charging. They would sometimes charge at
work because they needed additional charging because they forgot to charge at home or drove
additional miles beyond their normal routine. Some interviewees reported charging at work because the
parking space was in a better location than the non-charging spaces.
The reason we’d charge at work is that someone forgets to plug it [the household’s BEV] in it at night.
That's the primary reason like, “oh!” Or if she's running errands during the day and just needs a quick
charge to get home.(Interview 09, Nissan Leaf)
Five interviewees do not charge at work; the vehicles owned by these interviewees are three Tesla
Model S, one Nissan Leaf, and one Ford C-Max. Some drivers find workplace charging inconvenient
7 7
Always Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never
Public Charging Frequency
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews 139
because the EVSE was too far from their office, due to cost, or because the charging management
strategies did not align with their schedule. One PHEV driver chose not to charge at work to keep the
spaces open for BEVs owners who may need to charge.
[Work] has charging stations, but it’s a dollar an hour, and you have to move your car every 2 hours so
that's very inconvenient.(Interview 33, Tesla Model S)
Seven interviewees reported being unable to charge at work. These include those who own the
following vehicles: one Fiat 500e, three Chevrolet Volts, two Ford C-Maxes, and one Tesla Model S.
Reasons for this include having no charging infrastructure installed or parking being too much of a luxury
to dedicate to charging at their workplace.
We don’t have any outdoor outlets on our building. And even if we did, you would have to drape the
cord across sidewalks and planters, across parking lots, so, um, it’s just not practical and not worth it.
(Interview 22, Chevrolet Volt)
Nine interviewees do not commute, have an irregular commute, or are retired. These people are
excluded from the workplace sample because their travel patterns do not allow them to charge at a
Figure 117. Break down of interviewee's work charging patterns and availability. Nine interviewees
did not have a regular commute or were retired. (N=44)
Workplace Charging Management Strategies
Twenty-three (58%) interviewees reported charging at work either every day or sometimes while five
people said they have the option to charge at work, but do not (Figure 118). Twenty-six of these 28
interviewees provided information on charging management strategies at their workplace charging
location. From these interviewees, three categories of approaches were detected. We refer to these as
‘authoritative charging management strategies’, ‘collective charging management strategies’, and
‘unmanaged charging’.
No -
want to
No - Can't Yes -
Workplace Charging Frequency
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
Authoritative Management Strategies
Twelve interviewees reported having a set of rules enforced and created by their workplace, which we
call ‘authoritative charging management strategies’. These are rules that have been applied to
workplace charging by the company, without input from the charging station users.
Reported authoritative management strategies include digital queuing, rotation, a time limit with
pricing, and valet charging. Digital queuing occurs when one vehicle is charging and a second parks next
to it waiting to charge. This required having more parking sports surrounding the EVSE than there were
ports. The driver of the second vehicle taps a card (in this case a ChargePoint card) against the reader to
get in the virtual queue to use the charging station. When the first vehicle has finished charging, the
second driver is notified via email that they can unplug the first vehicle and plug in their vehicle.
Rotation is defined as the company forcing the driver to move their vehicle after a time limit or the
vehicle has completed its charge; this information is usually conveyed in the form of signs or digital
messaging. Non-compliance can lead to a penalty. These are not independent strategies: one workplace
could employ multiple strategies.
[There is] a rotation system where you, since there are more cars than there are charging spots, park
next to charging station and you badge in and then whenever the car next to you is fully charged you get
notified and then you go down and you switch the charger.” (Interview 01, Chevrolet Volt)
Time limit with pricing is when the system is set up to be free or exceptionally low cost, and after a set
number of hours, the price ramps up significantly.
If you keep your car charged for longer than 3 hours, then they uh start charging you like 5 bucks an
hour. So that’s ah, it’s a real- it’s a strong incentive to move your car and let other people use it.
(Interview 19, Chevrolet Volt)
Valet charging was observed in workplaces that already had valet parking for their employees with EVSE
in the lot. The valets are responsible for charging the vehicles and rotating them, as necessary. The two
interviewees who had workplace valet charging were less aware of how their vehicle’s charging was
being managed because they were not physically involved in the charging process. These interviewees
were indifferent about how their vehicle was charged so long as it was ready for them upon leaving
work. For workplaces in this sample who had valet parking for their employees, the charging was
managed by the valet, and was paid.
Valets are good about rotating the cars around, so everybody gets a charge and like, I’m usually
charged up full by the time I go home(Interview 18, Ford C-Max)
Eighteen (64%) workplaces required joining a charging network company before being able to charge.
Requiring employees to have an EVSE membership (e.g. ChargePoint) does not qualify as authoritative
management because no mechanisms to increase charger utilization were in place.
Collective Management Strategies
Four interviewees stated they and their fellow co-workers created rules for charging at work, known
here as ‘collective management strategies’. These systems are organized by the employees who drive
and charge their PEVs at work. These interviewees’ workplaces did not have any formal rules in place
(i.e. Unmanaged Charging). Examples of collective charging management strategies include day
restrictions (e.g. only being able to charge on Mondays and Wednesdays), time of day restrictions (e.g. a
4-hour limit on charging), messaging an email group when your vehicle is done charging, and well-
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
maintained spreadsheets of vehicle owner contact information which could be used to request someone
to move their vehicle. The vehicles in this category are two Chevrolet Volts and two Nissan Leafs.
Collective charging is only functional if there is a strong intent of commitment and leadership to get
everyone’s vehicle charged with a shared resource. One interviewee reported that their office’s “leader”
left the company, and it was proving difficult to pick up the pieces of their charging patterns. This
technique only arises when there is unmanaged charging at work, and the collective wants to do
something about it.
“I’m part of that google doc, so you know you have to coordinate with another person, go down and
meet them, swap cars, um you know and then you have to check the doc ‘cause someone may say I
want it when you’re done.” (Interview 20, Nissan Leaf)
One interviewee (quoted below) stood out because they were collectively charging from an 110V outlet.
Due to the inefficient time required to charge at this power level, it was it was unexpected that co-
workers would justify time to create a schedule for them all to charge. This interviewee does live in an
MUD without home-based charging, so this is one way he is able to charge his Chevrolet Volt.
We just kind of had a meeting and said okay how can we best handle this without fighting for it?”
(Interview 24, Chevrolet Volt)
Unmanaged Charging
Ten (38%) drivers reported no organization or rules for charging at work; we have classified these as
‘unmanaged charging.’ Drivers report there is often competition to charge and sometimes cannot
charge if they arrive at work too late in the day. Two interviewees recently changed jobs and went from
an authoritative management strategy to unmanaged workplace charging. They both reported
frustrations with the lack of management for the EVSE. One even asked HR for some sort of managed
charging but had not heard back.
It’s just like, you grab it, and it’s yours all day. If you’re going to be really nice you could move the car
out and like, move to a different spot, but I usually don't have time during the day to do that.
(Interview 10, Chevrolet Volt)
“Over the course of the past few years, as more electric vehicles have come to [work], it’s become a
little bit more challenging to make sure you get charge” (Interview 40, Tesla Model S)
Five interviewees report that they charge by bringing their own charging cord to plug into an 110V or
240V outlet at the workplace. Five people have charging at work with installed charging infrastructure
that has no rules. Vehicles here include two Chevrolet Volts, three Tesla Model S, one Ford Fusion, one
Nissan Leaf, one Chevrolet Bolt, and two Ford C-Maxes.
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
Figure 118. Three interviewees did not go into enough detail about their workplace charging
management strategies to categorize (n=26)
sInterviews Discussion
Charging management strategies appear to be effective in increasing vehicle turnover at workplace
EVSE. With higher turnover, more people can use the stations thus increasing their utilization and
availability. This allows more PEVs to charge and reduce the number of EVSE a workplace may need to
install. Most interviewees liked their workplace’s authoritative charging management strategies. Four
BEV owners chose to not charge at work. One has a collective charge management (messaging and
moving vehicle when done charging), one has authoritative charge management (priced charging), and
two did not give enough detail to classify (their lack of knowledge of the system indicative of the fact
they never charge at work). Drivers can complete their travel without using the EVSE which leaves the
stations available for others to use. The rules for those charging stations have the intended effect of
increasing availability of EVSE and decreasing congestion. Decreasing congestion leads to a more reliable
charging experience because drivers are more likely to be able to charge their vehicles when needed.
Had they charged when they did not need to, they would have created unnecessary congestion to the
workplace EVSE; charging management strategies are mitigating potential congestion. A few drivers
stated that if the management strategies aligned better with their work habits, they would charge at
work instead of or in addition to home.
Interviewees who were part of collective charging management systems also reported positive
experiences. They liked designing their own rules to fit the needs to the drivers. These systems also
increased the number of vehicles that could be serviced by the limited number of EVSE. Collective
strategies were only found at workplaces with a small number of stations and PEV drivers; this could be
because in a smaller office there can be more of a community mindset where the drivers interact more
regularly. Collective strategies, however, may not be intuitive to newcomers and could be impeded by
unaware drivers. Even a strategy designed by the drivers, for the drivers might not necessarily work for
For those without any charging management rules in place, drivers may not always be able to charge
when they want or need. These workplaces may have underutilized charging stations, not necessarily
due to high charging congestion, but a high charging station stagnation as the drivers have no incentive
to move their vehicle when charging is complete. By increasing the availability of the EVSE, they can be
used more frequently throughout the workday.
Authoritative Collective Unmanaged
Charging Management Strategy
Workplace Charging and Out of Home Charging: Lessons from In-depth Interviews
Interviews Policy Discussion
The charging management strategies presented in this section can be a good starting place for how
companies can offer charging to their workforce. Without enforced charging management, stagnation
and congestion can occur at the charging stations reducing the number of PEVs that charging stations
can support. This in turn increases the number of EVSE that a workplace would need to install, which can
increase costs.
From the interviewees’ perceptions, it appears that digital queuing and time limit with pricing are the
best received. With digital queuing, if the EVSE cord can reach multiple parking spots, then drivers do
not have to move vehicles during the workday and have to re-park the vehicle. Time limit with pricing
still allows drivers to obtain reasonable amount of SOC within the free time limit and motivates drivers
to move their vehicle.
When designing the infrastructure layout, digital queuing should be kept in mind. We recommend
considering more parking spaces around the EVSE and charge cords that can reach multiple parking
spaces. This coupled with an electronic queue means drivers do not have to move the PEV when it has
done charging, and others can plug their vehicle in when one is finished. A rotational system like this can
reduce congestion and allow more vehicles throughout the day to charge. Locating chargers away from
the front of the building can solve the issue of PEV owners charging just to get a good parking location.
Keeping the stations visible, however, can help create awareness of the available charging
Another EVSE layout is to install slower charging stations in the front of the building and faster charging
stations farther away; this can create an additional soft barrier from charging to save the charging
stations for people who make need to charge for a longer time or have a larger battery to refuel. An
alternative is to install costly faster chargers in the front of the building, and many free slower charging
stations toward the back of the lot. People who need to refuel quickly can spend the money to charge
swiftly and maintain a nice parking spot, but those who are just taking advantage of free electricity can
choose to park further back.
For workplaces with existing unmanaged charging we recommend adding enforceability, cost, and/or
idle fee components to the EVSE to spur vehicle turnover. Adding a reasonable cost to charging vehicles
may help alleviate congestion from vehicles who otherwise could charge at home. A reasonable rate,
such as a few cents over the cost of electricity in the area (at home), would in theory not dissuade MUD
drivers who rely on workplace charging, since the electricity price would be cost comparable to what
they would pay if they had access at home. The threat of banning people from charging if the rules are
not followed may also be a strong motivator to honor the guidelines. Idle fees or a steep fee increase
when the car is done are particularly useful turnover techniques because the driver would be monetarily
charged when not receiving any electrical charge.
These charging strategies are intended for workplaces whose employees park locally. A driver who parks
at a public transit station, for example, would struggle to move their vehicle during the workday. The
ideal charging management strategy for those parking lots would be on a per kWh or on a per charging
session paid scheme, this may mean drivers will only charge when they need to do so. Making sure any
charging strategy design is simple and easy for the drivers to use is important.
8 Conclusions
This report encompasses the findings of two projects, presents the collection of data from alternative
fuel vehicles in California, and incorporates the largest independent objective source reporting on
vehicles’ performance. The project includes five years of data collection from different vehicles that
have no standardized protocol for on-board data reporting. Over these five years, loggers were installed
on about 800 vehicles, including ZEVs and ICEVs. The result is the collection of 7 million miles of data,
including 4.3 million miles that are collected from alternative fuel vehicles. The data includes second by
second observations of energy consumption, driving conditions, charging engine operations, and more,
which can serve as the basis for many more scientific publications and reports in the future. Results
from this study provide insights on first and second generation PEVs and FCVs as well as the
environmental impacts of their battery size, range, driving behavior, and charging/refueling behavior.
The data collected shows that longer-range BEVs and PHEVs with larger batteries had a greater
substitution of gasoline miles with electric miles. BEVs, PHEVs, and FCVs are used for commuting at
higher rates than those of the rest of the fleet. In addition, these vehicles tend to account for a higher
share of miles than that of other household vehicles, however, FCVs and small, short-range BEVs are
rarely used for long road trips. Among longer-range BEVs, the Model S was used for a higher proportion
of freeway driving and utilized DC fast charging far from home much more frequently than the Bolt-60
was used in a comparable manner. Other than battery size variations, the difference in behavior of these
two long-range BEVs can partly be attributed to the fact that the Model S has a wider available DC fast
charging network in California. There are three types of DC Fast charging available in the state to date:
Combined Charging System (CCS), CHAdeMO and Tesla Supercharger. While the Bolt-60 is only capable
of charging via CCS, the Model S can charge using a Tesla supercharger or CHAdeMO with an adapter.
According to the Alternative Fuels Data Center, there are approximately 1000 Tesla supercharger and
CHAdeMO public charging stations currently available in California compared to just around 780 public
CCS stations, making DC fast charging far more accessible to the Tesla than to the Bolt-60. Furthermore,
the Model S is larger than the Bolt-60 and therefore, is more likely to be used for long distance trips.
Most modeling and early assumptions hypothesized that electric vehicle drivers would plug-in every
night and start each day with a full battery, but our results show that charging every other night is more
common for longer range BEVs or when driving less, while charging more than once a day is common for
PHEVs. On average, the BEVs in our study charge less than once a day, including days when the vehicle
was not used as expected. PHEVs in the study had lower utility factor values than found in EPA results,
because of driving more and faster than expected. PHEV drivers with larger batteries charge their
vehicles more when needed, achieve higher utility factors, and have many days with no engine starts at
Home charging and level 2 charging are the main sources of energy. DC fast charging is mostly near
home, and only Tesla vehicles use DC fast charging often for longer trips. Level 1 charging was also
significant for long, overnight trips. A sizable portion of users start charging events at midnight,
regardless of utility rates. The interviews highlight the importance of charging policy and charging
management in the workplace, where improving charger congestion, convenience, and dependability
could increase usage.
The fuel cell vehicles in our study are mostly used in metropolitan areas where fueling stations exist. In
interviews, FCV users report adjusting their driving needs based on long term experience with
infrastructure reliability. FCV users do not drastically change their driving behavior in situations where
infrastructure is unreliable, such as a station being out of order or there being an energy shortage.
Overall, longer-range PEVs have more electrified miles than their shorter-range counterparts, resulting
in a reduced greenhouse gas (GHG) footprint. However, to maximize the benefits of PEVs, a full set of
policies is needed to address charging behaviors and vehicle purchases. This study focuses on ZEV
performance and household performance but did not collect data to compare those households to the
general population and ICEV-only households. The results of this study address possible factors that
affect the environmental impact of ZEVs. As those factors continue to change over time, ongoing
research is necessary to better shape the policies that lead to more sustainable transportation and
efficient ZEV usage.
9 Glossary
AE all electric (a mode of PHEVs)
AER all-electric range
BEV battery electric vehicle
CDB charge depleting blend
CS charge sustaining
DCFC DC fast charger
electric vehicle miles traveled
fuel cell electric vehicle
GHG greenhouse gas
gVMT gasoline vehicle miles traveled
HDD habitual driving distance
HH household
HOV high occupancy vehicle
ICEV internal combustion engine vehicle
L1 Level 1 (refers to type of charger)
L2 Level 2 (refers to type of charger)
LDT long distance travel
MPG miles per gallon
MPGe miles per gallon equivalent
MY model year
PEV plug-in electric vehicle
PHEV plug-in hybrid electric vehicle
SOC state of charge
UF utility factor
VMT vehicle miles travelled
ZE zero emission
zVMT zero tailpipe emission trip
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Appendix A
11 Appendix A
Appendix 1 is a list of academic papers that uses data collected, by survey or loggers, as part of the
Emerging Technology Zero Emission Vehicle Household Travel and Refueling Behavior (CARB Contract
16RD009) and Advanced Plug-in Electric Vehicle Travel and Charging Behavior project (CARB Contract
1. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle observed utility factor: Why the observed electrification performance
differ from expectations
Authors: Seshadri Srinivasa Raghavan, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2020/11/13
Journal: International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are an effective vehicle technology to reduce light duty vehicle
greenhouse gas emissions and gasoline consumption. They combine all-electric driving capabilities of a
battery electric vehicle with the engine downsizing and fuel economy improvements of a hybrid electric
vehicle. Their environmental performance is predicated upon the metric utility factor (UF). It is formally
defined in the Society of Automotive Engineers J2841 standard and denotes the fraction of vehicle miles
traveled (VMT) on electricity (eVMT). Using year-long driving and charging data collected from 153
PHEVs in California with 1153 miles range, this article systematically evaluates what aspects of driving
and charging behavior causes observed UF to deviate from J2841 expectations. Our analyses indicated
that charging behavior, distribution of daily VMT, efficiency of electrical energy
2. Why do some consumers not charge their plug-in hybrid vehicles? Evidence from Californian plug-in
hybrid owners
Authors: Debapriya Chakraborty, Scott Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2020/4/23
Journal: Environmental Research Letters
Publisher: IOP Publishing
The environmental benefits of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are closely related to the driving
and charging behavior of vehicle owners. It is often wrongly assumed that PHEV drivers plug-in once per
day. Using data from drivers of the vehicles we show this is not the case and that some drivers rarely
charge their PHEV. If the vehicle is not plugged-in regularly, the vehicle will drive fewer electric miles
and more gasoline miles, thereby losing out on potential emission savings. Analyzing 30-day charging
behavior of 5,418 PHEV owners using a logistic regression model, we explore the factors that influence
driver's decisions to not charge their vehicle. Several factors play a role in drivers' decision to plug-in
their PHEV or not, including vehicle characteristics and the availability and cost of charging at various
locations. Higher home electricity prices, lower electric driving range, lower electric motor power to
Appendix A
3. Influence of User Preferences on the Revealed Utility Factor of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles
Authors: Seshadri Srinivasa Raghavan, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2020/3
Journal: World Electric Vehicle Journal
Issue: 1
Pages: 6
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are an effective intermediate vehicle technology option in the
long-term transition pathway towards light-duty vehicle electrification. Their net environmental impact
is evaluated using the performance metric Utility Factor (UF), which quantifies the fraction of vehicle
miles traveled (VMT) on electricity. There are concerns about the gap between Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) sticker label and real-world UF due to the inability of test cycles to represent
actual driving conditions and assumptions about their driving and charging differing from their actual
usage patterns. Using multi-year longitudinal data from 153 PHEVs (1153 miles all-electric range) in
California, this paper systematically evaluates how observed driving and charging, energy consumption,
and UF differs from sticker label expectations. Principal Components Analysis and regression model
results indicated that UF of short-range PHEVs (less than 20-mile range) was lower than label
expectations mainly due to higher annual VMT and high-speed driving. Long-distance travel and high-
speed driving were the major reasons for the lower UF of longer-range PHEVs (at least 35-mile range)
compared to label values. Enhancing charging infrastructure access at both home and away locations,
and increasing the frequency of home charging, improves the UF of short-range and longer-range
PHEVs, respectively. View Full-Text
4. Exploring electric vehicle charging patterns: Mixed usage of charging infrastructure
Authors: Jae Hyun Lee, Debapriya Chakraborty, Scott J Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2020/2/1
Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Volume: 79
Pages: 102249
Publisher: Pergamon
This paper examines the charging behavior of 7,979 plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) owners in California.
The study investigates where people charge be it at home, at work, or at public location, and the level of
charging they use including level 1, level 2, or DC fast charging. While plug-in behavior can differ among
PEV owners based on their travel patterns, preferences, and access to infrastructure studies often
generalize about charging behavior. In this study, we explore differences in charging behavior among
different types of PEV owners based on their use of charging locations and levels, we then identify
Appendix A
factors associated with PEV owner’s choice of charging location and charging level. We identified socio-
demographic (gender and age), vehicle characteristics, commute behavior, and workplace charging
availability as significant factors related to the choice of charging location.
5. An in-depth examination of electric vehicle incentives: Consumer heterogeneity and changing
response over time
Authors: Alan Jenn, Jae Hyun Lee, Scott Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2020/2/1
Journal: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice
Volume: 132
Pages: 97-109
Publisher: Pergamon
We investigate the impacts of a combination of incentives on the purchase decision of electric vehicle
buyers in California from 2010 through 2017. We employ a comprehensive survey on over 14,000
purchasers of electric vehicles in the state of California. The survey covers a swath of purchase
intentions, general demographics, and importance of various incentives. Our results indicate that the
most important incentives for plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) owners are the federal tax credit, the
California state rebate, and high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane access. In addition, the importance of the
incentives and their associated effect on purchase behavior has been changing over time: respondents
are less likely to not change their decision and more likely to not buy a vehicle at all as time passes and
the technology moves away from early adopters. Incentives are becoming more important for vehicle
adopters as PEV
6. Factors Affecting Demand for Plug-in Charging Infrastructure: An Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle
Authors: Gil Tal, Debapriya Chakraborty, Alan Jenn, Jae Hyun Lee
Publication date: 2020
The public sector and the private sector, which includes automakers and charging network companies,
are increasingly investing in building charging infrastructure to encourage the adoption and use of plug-
in electric vehicles (PEVs) and to ensure that current facilities are not congested. However, building
infrastructure is costly and, as with road congestion, when there is significant uptake of PEVs, we may
not be able to “build out of congestion.” We modelled the choice of charging location that more than
3000 PEV drivers make when given the options of home, work, and public locations. Our study focused
on understanding the importance of factors driving demand such as: the cost of charging, driver
characteristics, access to charging infrastructure, and vehicle characteristics. We found that differences
in the cost of charging play a key role in the demand for charging location. PEV drivers tend to substitute
workplace charging for home charging when they pay a higher electricity rate at home, more so when
the former is free. Additionally, socio-demographic factors like dwelling type and gender, as well as
vehicle technology factors like electric range, influence the choice of charging location.
Appendix A
7. Demand drivers for charging infrastructure-charging behavior of plug-in electric vehicle commuters
Authors: Debapriya Chakraborty, David S Bunch, Jae Hyun Lee, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019/11/1
Journal: Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
Volume: 76
Pages: 255-272
Publisher: Pergamon
The public as well as the private sector that includes automakers and charging network companies are
increasingly investing in building charging infrastructure to encourage the adoption and use of plug-in
electric vehicles (PEVs) as well as to ensure that current facilities are not congested. However, building
infrastructure is costly and, like road congestion, when there is significant uptake of PEVs we may not be
able to “build out of congestion.” Modelling the choice of charging infrastructure of more than 3000 PEV
drivers who had the opportunity to select among home, work, and public locations, we focus on
understanding the importance of factors driving demand such as: the cost of charging, driver
characteristics, access to charging infrastructure, and vehicle characteristics. We find that differences in
the cost of charging play a significant role in the demand for charging location. PEV drivers tend to
8. Incentives for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Are Becoming More Important Over Time for Consumers
Authors: Alan Jenn, Scott Hardman, Jae Hyun Lee, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019/10/1
Federal and state governments are offering incentives to those who purchase or lease plug-in electric
vehicles (PEVs), which include both battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
(PHEVs). Policymakers are beginning to consider the phase-out of these incentives and how a phase-out
might impact PEV market growth. This brief highlights new research on the importance of incentives to
consumers over time, based on survey data from 14,000 PEV-owning households in California between
2010 and 2017, collected and analyzed by the Plug-in Hybrid & Electric Vehicle Research Center at UC
Davis. The PEV incentives included as part of this research are those currently available to Californian
consumers: high occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane access; the US federal tax credit, which offers up to
$7,500 to PEV buyers; and the California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (CVRP), which offers $1,500 for a
PHEV, $2,500 for a BEV, and an additional $2,000 for low-income consumers.
Appendix A
9. Who is buying electric vehicles in California? Characterizing early adopter heterogeneity and
forecasting market diffusion
Authors: Jae Hyun Lee, Scott J Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019/9/1
Journal: Energy Research & Social Science
Volume: 55
Pages: 218-226
Publisher: Elsevier
The successful market entry of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) is contingent on them being adopted by
consumers, the first of which will be early adopters. The current understanding of these early adopters
is based on small samples of PEV buyers gathered at one point in time. Here we present multi-year
(20122017) questionnaire survey data on the socio-demographic profile of 11,037 PEV adopters in
California. Latent class cluster analysis reveals four heterogeneous groups of PEV buyers. 49% are High
income families, 26% Mid/high income old families, 20% Mid/high income young families, and about 5%
are Middle income renters. Using the latent classes as input factors in Bass diffusion models we show
that high income families may not continue to be the largest group of PEV adopters, while high income
families are 49% of the PEV market today, they only represent 3.6% of California households. For
10. An early look at plug-in electric vehicle adoption in disadvantaged communities in California
Authors: Kathryn Canepa, Scott Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019/6/1
Journal: Transport Policy
Volume: 78
Pages: 19-30
Publisher: Pergamon
Prior research on plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) adoption has revealed that early adopters tend to be
wealthy consumers, this may mean that the benefits of PEVs are not being equitably distributed.
Extensive research has shown that low-income and minority commutes are disproportionately impacted
by environmental and transportation injustice. PEVs can contribute to importing air quality and could
provide lower cost and more reliable transportation to low-income and minority communities if they are
deployed there. This paper takes an early quantitative look at PEV adoption in disadvantaged
communities (DACs), which are census tracts in California that suffer from a combination of economic
barriers and environmental burden. We use six datasets to examine PEV market share, socioeconomic
characteristics of PEV owners, and PEV charging infrastructure. Analysis confirms that adoption of both
new and used
Appendix A
11. An Examination of the Impact That Electric Vehicle Incentives Have on Consumer Purchase Decisions
Over Time
Authors: Alan Jenn, Jae Hyun Lee, Scott Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019/5/1
We investigate the impacts of a combination of incentives on the purchase decisions of electric vehicle
(EV) buyers in California from 2010 through 2017. We employ a comprehensive survey on over 14,000
purchasers of EVs in California. The survey covers a range of purchase intentions, general demographics,
and the importance of various incentives. Our results indicate that the most important incentives for
plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) owners are the federal tax credit, the state rebate, and HOV lane access. In
addition, the importance of the incentives and their associated effect on purchase behavior has been
changing over time: respondents are more likely to change their decisions and to not buy a vehicle at all
as time passes and the technology moves away from early adopters.
12. Characterizing Plug-In Electric Vehicle Driving and Charging Behavior: Observations from a Year Long
Data Collection Study
Authors: Seshadri Srinivasa Raghavan, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019
Source: Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board
Issue: 19-03573
This paper analyzes driving and refueling/charging data using high-resolution GPS for plug-in electric
vehicles (PEV) in households. This will help in understanding the energy efficiency and emission
reduction associated with PEV usage. Consumer perceptions of PEVs’ ability to meet driving needs as
opposed to the ability of internal combustion engine vehicles may contribute to the low market share in
the overall light-duty vehicle market. The results of this study can be used to help policymakers develop
policies that encourage PEV adoption.
13. Exploring the Value of Clean Air Vehicles High Occupancy Lane Access in California
Authors: Wei Ji, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2019
Source: Transportation Research Board 98th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board
Issue: 19-03755
This paper estimates the value of the California program that allows single-occupant use of high
occupancy vehicle lanes by plug-in vehicles and to benefit from reduced tolls same as high occupancy
vehicles. A survey was conducted that targeted PEV owners in California to understand their attitudes
towards EV-related incentive policies, as well as their commute routes and the frequency of their access
Appendix A
to high occupancy vehicle/toll (HOV/T) lanes. In San Francisco Bay Area for example, 32% reported that
they are paying reduced tolls of about $540 dollars per year and 28% save on commute time while
driving alone. The value of a program was estimated based on the toll savings reported and the value of
travel time savings for each survey respondent while commuting, and the estimated value was
compared with the corresponding Clean Vehicle Rebate for which the respondent was eligible. The
authors also examined the spatial heterogeneity of CAV decal value across different regions and tested
the impact of local HOV/T lane accessibility to the value of CAV decals.
14. Who are the early adopters of fuel cell vehicles?
Authors: Scott Hardman, Gil Tal
Publication date: 2018/9/13
Journal: International Journal of Hydrogen Energy
Volume: 43
Issue: 37
Pages: 17857-17866
Publisher: Pergamon
All modern technologies, including automotive technologies, are first purchased by early adopters.
These consumers are currently posed with the choice of purchasing a fuel cell vehicle (FCV) or a variety
of other alternatively fueled vehicles, including battery electric vehicles (BEVs). For FCVs to be
commercially successful they need to carve out their own niche in the automotive market, something
which may prove challenging in the face of strong BEV market growth. The results in this paper come
from a questionnaire survey of 470 FCV owners and 1550 BEV owners. The paper explores the socio-
economic profile, travel patterns, and attitudes of FCV buyers and compares them to the buyers of BEVs.
The result suggests that the adopters of BEVs and FCV are similar in gender, level of education,
household income, and have similar travel patterns. They have differences in age, ownership of previous
alternative fuel
15. Estimating the Longest Trip for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Households
Authors: Rosaria M Berliner, Gil Tal, Alan Jenn
Publication date: 2018
Source: Transportation Research Board 97th Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board
Issue: 18-04792
Long distance road trips are underreported and underestimated in many travel behavior studies. These
infrequent trips of several hundred miles account for a non-trivial percentage of vehicle and household
vehicle miles traveled (VMT), yet many studies tend to overlook, underreport, or misrepresent them.
Overall, for households that own a new plug-in vehicle, a single trip (the longest in the last 12 month)
accounts for 10% of the household’s annual VMT for almost 95% of households. In terms of greenhouse
Appendix A
gas (GHG) emissions, 10% of the household’s GHG emissions are accounted for by that trip for
approximately 90% of households in the sample. The authors explore the variables and characteristics
that effect the distance of the longest trip. They use data collected in California during June and July
2017 as part of a study that focused on plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) households. The authors estimate a
log-linear model to understand the factors that influence the length of the longest road trip made in the
previous 12 months. The number of household vehicles, the presence of low-range battery electric
vehicles, and the number of passengers on the longest trip have the greatest impact on trip-length.