Spanish & French Level I Learning Targets
1. Utilize the appropriate vocabulary of the target language in oral and written form.
a) I can use a variety of salutations to greet others.
b) I can use a variety of farewell statements.
c) I can use expressions of courtesy.
d) I can express my likes and dislikes and those of others.
e) I can express my feelings, needs and emotions.
f) I can express agreement and disagreement with others.
g) I can describe the physical attributes and the personality traits of myself and
h) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to chronology
including time, days of the week, months of the year and seasons.
i) I can respond to basic instructions and commands.
j) I can formulate basic questions and respond appropriately.
k) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to classroom
objects and school subjects.
l) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to basic foods and
m) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to sports and leisure
n) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to clothing and
o) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to the house and
p) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to the family.
q) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to the weather
r) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to places in town
and transportation.
s) I can recognize and utilize numbers to count, to discuss dates, prices, and a
variety of other needs.
2. Formulate appropriate grammatical structures in oral and written form.
a) I can structure nouns and adjectives to appropriately reflect gender and number.
b) I can position adjectives and adverbs appropriately in a sentence.
c) I can include appropriate articles.
d) I can use correct grammatical structures to express possession.
e) I can implement adverbs related to time.
f) I can distinguish when to use subject pronouns vs. object pronouns.
g) I can connect ideas using prepositions and conjunctions.
h) I can demonstrate understanding of verb conjugations by using them correctly in a
i) I can tell basic information about myself and others using a variety of regular and
irregular verbs, including, but not limited to, “to have, to be, to do, to go.”
j) I can write short paragraphs using correct verb conjugations and noun-adjective
3. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language.
a) I can identify the main ideas from print and non-print materials.
b) I can infer the meanings of words and phrases based on context.
c) I can identify and use cognates.
4. Create formal and informal responses to target language prompts.
a) I can create brief oral and written presentations.
b) I can demonstrate basic pronunciation rules.
c) I can express main ideas from non-print materials such as videos, listening
comprehension activities, and songs.
d) I can tell basic information about myself and others orally using correct subject-
verb agreement, and noun-adjective agreement in the present tense.
1. Incorporate other subjectarea topics in the target language class.
a) I can define and apply the terminology of language acquisition (cognate,
infinitive, tense, syntax, conjugation, idiom, etc.)
b) I can compare and contrast the letter systems of my native language versus the
target language.
c) I can compare and contrast the capitalization and punctuation rules of my native
language with the target language.
d) I can locate major countries, cities, and geographical features of places where the
target language is spoken.
e) I can identify some of the major historical figures and important historical events
of the cultures where the target language is spoken.
f) I can identify some of the major artistic products and/or artistic movements of the
cultures where the target language is spoken.
g) I can compare and contrast the metric system with the American system of
h) I can compare and contrast the currency systems used in the cultures where the
target language is spoken with the American currency system.
2. Apply study skills in the target language class to ensure success.
a) I can organize my materials.
b) I can use my print and online textbook and all ancillary materials for practice,
remediation and/or enrichment.
c) I can implement various memorization techniques, mnemonic devices, and
graphic organizers.
Cultures: Comparisons & Communities
1. Use appropriate target language vocabulary and nonverbal behavior in formal and
informal situations.
a) I can apply appropriate target language vocabulary and nonverbal behavior to greet
b) I can apply appropriate voice inflection to infer multiple registers of communication.
c) I can compare and contrast the concept of personal space between my own culture
and those of the target language.
d) I can identify formal and informal structures and their appropriate cultural uses.
2. Identify tangible products of a target culture including food, clothing, and holidays.
a) I can explain the importance of major holidays within certain target cultures.
b) I can distinguish the major components of the diet within certain target language
cultures and how geography impacts these diets.
c) I can interpret some major works of art (visual, literary, musical) and their cultural
d) I can identify some important cultural icons of certain target cultures: national
anthems, flags, historical figures, cartoon figures, sports figures.
3. Identify similarities and differences between words in the target language and in
English, including pronunciation, intonation, stress patterns, and simple written
conventions of language.
a) I can demonstrate proficiency in phonemic awareness.
b) I can apply a variety of syntactic structures.
c) I can explain how the target language has impacted the development of English.
(borrowed words, cognates)
d) I can infer the literal meaning of cultural idioms.
4. Compare the lifestyles of certain cultures with those of Americans.
a) I can compare and contrast the school systems (schedules, grading, etc…), leisure
activities and holiday traditions of target cultures with the American system.
5. Identify situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural knowledge
may be applied beyond the classroom setting and/or in the community.
a) I can explain the benefits of learning the target language.
b) I can list activities and events in my community that are relevant to the target
c) I can dispel cultural stereotypes.
6. Demonstrate language proficiency through traditional and technological resources.
a) I can access and use the online textbook.
b) I can use a bilingual dictionary.
c) I can use technology to make a voice recording and to create multi-media
d) I can choose pertinent websites to support the study of the target language.
Spanish & French Level II Learning Targets
1. Utilize the appropriate vocabulary of the target language in oral and written form.
a) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to body parts, sports
and health.
b) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to my daily routine.
c) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to traveling and
taking vacations.
d) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to school activities.
e) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to entertainment.
f) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to storytelling.
g) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to life in different
places and times.
h) I can recognize and utilize a wide range of vocabulary related to shopping for and
preparing foods.
i) I can describe my childhood.
j) I can understand and give directions.
2. Formulate appropriate grammatical structures in oral and written form.
a) I can structure nouns and adjectives to appropriately reflect gender and number.
b) I can position adjectives and adverbs appropriately in a sentence.
c) I can include appropriate articles.
d) I can conjugate and use verbs correctly in multiple tenses.
e) I can narrate past events using regular and irregular verbs in the preterit tense.
f) I can describe the past using verbs in the imperfect tense.
g) I can defend the uses of the preterit and imperfect tenses when communicating in
the past.
h) I can formulate a variety of sentence structures utilizing object pronouns.
i) I can identify and replace direct and indirect objects with an appropriate pronoun.
j) I can utilize the appropriate pronoun required after a preposition.
k) I can construct a variety of sentences effectively using correct reflexive verbs and
l) I can write paragraphs effectively incorporating the aforementioned grammatical
3. Interpret basic oral and written information in the target language.
a) I can translate basic information.
b) I can identify the main ideas and supporting details from print and non-print
c) I can summarize information from print and non-print materials.
4. Create formal and informal responses to target language prompts.
a) I can create narrative and descriptive oral and written presentations.
b) I can demonstrate competence in pronunciation and intonation.
c) I can use circumlocution to communicate.
d) I can express main ideas from non-print materials such as videos, listening
comprehension activities, and songs.
e) I can initiate comments with or without prompting.
1. Incorporate other subjectarea topics in the target language class.
a) I can apply the terminology of language acquisition (cognate, infinitive, tense,
syntax, conjugation, idiom, etc.)
b) I can compare and contrast major countries, cities, and geographical features of
places where the target language is spoken.
c) I can distinguish major historical figures and important historical events of the
cultures where the target language is spoken.
d) I can analyze some of the major artistic products and/or artistic movements of the
cultures where the target language is spoken.
2. Apply critical thinking skills in the target language class to ensure success.
a) I can implement an organizational plan for my materials.
b) I can use my print and electronic textbook and all ancillary materials for practice,
remediation, and/or enrichment.
c) I can implement various memorization techniques, mnemonic devices, and
graphic organizers.
d) I can express myself with limited vocabulary by employing circumlocution.
Cultures: Comparisons & Communities
1. Use appropriate target language vocabulary and nonverbal behavior in formal and
informal situations.
a) I can apply appropriate voice inflection to infer multiple registers of communication.
b) I can identify formal and informal structures and their appropriate cultural uses.
2. Discuss tangible products of a target culture including food, clothing, and holidays.
a) I can explain the importance of major holidays within certain target cultures.
b) I can distinguish the major components of the diet within certain target language
cultures and how geography impacts these diets.
c) I can interpret some major works of art (visual, literary, musical) and their cultural
3. Identify similarities and differences between the target language and English.
a) I can infer the literal meaning of cultural idioms.
b) I can explain how the target language has impacted the development of English.
(borrowed words, cognates)
4. Appraise situations and resources in which target language skills and cultural
knowledge may be applied beyond the classroom setting.
a) I can list activities and events in my community that are relevant to the target
b) I can dispel cultural stereotypes.
5. Demonstrate language proficiency and production through appropriate resources.
a) I can access and use the online textbook.
b) I can use a bilingual dictionary.
c) I can use technology to make a voice recording and to create multi-media
d) I can choose pertinent websites to support the study of the target language.
Latin Level I Learning Targets
1. Students read, understand and respond to written Latin.
A) I can recall the meanings of common Latin words.
B) I can recall the Latin word for Level 1 vocabulary given in English.
C) I can paraphrase a Latin sentence in English.
D) I can identify main ideas from Latin paragraphs.
E) I can demonstrate reading comprehension by answering simple questions in Latin or
English about short passages of Latin.
F) I can formulate basic questions about a reading passage (using words like ubi, quid, quis,
-ne, nonne, quot).
G) I can translate Latin sentences and short stories using idiomatic English.
H) I can guess the meaning of words and phrases based on context.
2. Students recognize and formulate appropriate grammatical structures in written form.
A) I can recognize Roman numerals and Latin numeral words.
B) I can express quantity through Roman numerals and Latin words.
C) I can categorize Latin words according to part of speech.
D) I can determine the gender, number, and case of nouns and adjectives in the 1
, 2
, and
E) I can infer the syntactical function of a noun from its form and declension.
F) I can match adjectives and adverbs to the words they modify.
G) I can transform nouns and adjectives to appropriately reflect gender, number, and usage.
H) I can recognize the forms and uses of irregular verbs such as sum and possum.
I) I can identify and translate personal, reflexive, relative, demonstrative, and interrogative
pronouns and adjectives.
J) I can use personal, reflexive, relative, demonstrative, and interrogative pronouns and
K) I can classify the forms of regular verbs in six tenses and both active and passive voice.
L) I can use regular verbs in six tenses and both active and passive voice
M) I can identify the form and usage of infinitives in the present and perfect tenses.
N) I can use infinitives in the present and perfect tenses.
O) I can choose the correct form of a noun, adjective, or verb to complete a sentence.
P) I can transform Latin sentences and paragraphs according to grammatical form.
Q) I can translate English sentences and short stories using idiomatic Latin.
R) I can formulate phrases and simple sentences in authentic Latin.
S) I can write short sentences and paragraphs using correct verb conjugations and noun-
adjective agreement.
3. Students speak and listen to Latin.
A) I can respond appropriately to simple questions, statements, commands, or non-verbal
B) I can demonstrate proficient pronunciation of Latin words, phrases, and sentences.
C) I can subdivide a Latin sentence into phrases and clauses while reading aloud.
D) I can express commands in Latin.
E) I can respond to and use greetings.
F) I can tell basic information about myself and others orally using correct subject-verb
agreement, and noun-adjective agreement in the present tense.
Cultures: Comparisons and Communities
1. Identify and analyze the perspectives of Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the
practices of the Greeks or Romans.
A. I can identify terms related to the Roman calendar system.
B. I can describe and analyze the place of education in the ancient world.
C. I can describe the ancient Roman practice of slavery.
D. I can analyze economic and social ramifications of slavery in the ancient world and
contrast that to the practice of slavery in America.
E. I can identify the principal Greek or Roman deities and heroes by their names, deeds, and
spheres of influence.
F. I can discuss the causes, outcome, and major figures of the Trojan War.
2. Identify tangible products of the Greco-Roman world including food, clothing and
A. I can recognize and describe basic architectural features and art forms of the Greeks or
B. I can locate and describe important sites in Rome.
C. I can describe the houses, clothing, recreation, and entertainment of the ancient Roman
D. I can compare Roman housing with modern housing.
3. Analyze the influence of geography and politics on ancient Roman life.
A. I can locate important geographical sites and features in the Roman world and its
B. I can chart the basic historical divisions or the Roman Empire and the terms and figures
associated with them.
C. I can describe the structure of Roman religious and governmental systems.
D. I can draw conclusions about the influence of Roman government on the modern political
Identify and use elements of the Latin language to increase knowledge of their own
A. I can recognize English words and letter patterns that have Latin roots.
B. I can identify the Latin word root in English and Romance language derivatives.
C. I can hypothesize about unfamiliar English words from Latin words.
D. I can identify Latin mottoes, phrases, and abbreviations in common use in English.
E. I can compare the structure of English sentences, phrases, and other grammatical ideas to
that of Latin ones.
Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Expand Knowledge
1. Identify Latin influences on other disciplines.
A. I can describe the role of Latin in mathematical and scientific terminology and
B. I can define and apply the terminology of language acquisition (infinitive, tense, syntax,
conjugation, idiom, etc.).
2. Identify evidence of contributions of Roman civilization and language to diverse cultures.
A. I can identify Roman architectural sites in various regions of the world.
B. I can describe the role of classical themes in artistic products of later time periods.
C. I can apply knowledge of Greco-Roman culture to interpret the significance of particular
customs in cultures influenced by classical civilization.
D. I can identify and analyze motifs from mythological stories from ancient cultures,
including Greco-Roman.
3. Apply study skills in the target language class to ensure success.
A) I can organize my materials.
B) I can use my textbook and all ancillary materials for practice, remediation and/or
C) I can implement various memorization techniques, mnemonic devices, and graphic
Latin Level II Learning Targets
Communication: Communication in a Classical Language
1. Understand and interpret Level II Latin vocabulary, grammar, and syntax.
A. I can recall the full range of meanings of common Latin words, especially those
pertaining to travel and the military.
B. I can recall the meaning of the irregular verbs fero and eo.
C. I can use fero idiomatically to express several different ideas.
D. I can determine the gender, number, and case of nouns and adjectives in the 4
and 5
E. I can use 4
and 5
declension noun in Latin sentences.
F. I can identify the forms and uses of indefinite and intensive pronouns.
G. I can distinguish between the intensive pronoun/adjective and the reflexive pronoun.
H. I can use indefinite and intensive pronouns and adjectives to create accurate Latin
I. I can recognize comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs.
J. I can compose comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs in accurate Latin
K. I can compare two items or people using the comparative adverb quam.
L. I can identify deponent verbs.
M. I can translate deponent verbs into English.
N. I can compose sentences containing deponent verbs.
O. I can categorize participles according to tense and voice.
P. I can identify infinitives in the present, perfect, and future tenses, both active and passive
Q. I can determine the meaning of an infinitive when used in one of the four main uses:
complementary, subjective, objective, and indirect statement.
R. I can identify the components of an indirect statement.
S. I can compare and contrast the expression of indirect speech in Latin and English.
T. I can express ideas both directly and indirectly in Latin.
U. I can recognize usage of the passive periphrastic.
V. I can distinguish between the forms and uses of gerunds and gerundives.
W. I recognize a variety of purpose expressions.
X. I can express purpose in a variety of ways (causa + gen., ad + gerund, ut clause, gratia +
Y. I can categorize subjunctive verbs based on their tense and voice.
Z. I can identify the use of subjunctive verbs in independent clauses.
AA. I can identify the use of subjunctive verbs in subordinate clauses.
BB. I can use subjunctive verbs to express volition, purpose or result.
CC. I can justify the tense used in a subordinate clause.
DD. I can identify the partitive use of the genitive case or the genitive with special
EE. I can identify uses of the dative case, including object of special (e.g., persuadeo)
and compound (e.g., succedo) verbs, purpose, reference, possession, and agent.
FF.I can recognize the uses of the ablative case, including ablative absolute, causal, object of
deponent verbs, description, comparison, separation, place from which, and degree of
GG. I can identify the locative case in a reading passage.
2. Use orally, listen to, and write simple Latin as part of the language learning process.
A. I can read aloud passages in Latin using accurate pronunciation and meaningful phrasing.
B. I can answer orally in Latin questions based on a reading passage.
C. I can ask questions orally in Latin based on a reading passage.
D. I can demonstrate proficient pronunciation of Latin vocabulary words and stories from
the text.
3. Demonstrate comprehension and interpretation of Latin phrases and passages.
A. I can paraphrase a Latin passage in English.
B. I can paraphrase a Latin passage in simpler Latin.
C. I can answer detailed questions regarding the characters, events, and settings in a Latin
D. I can anticipate the next plot point in a Latin story from context and knowledge of Roman
Cultures: Comparisons and Communities
1. Explain the significance of people, events, and political terms in Roman history.
A. I can recount the earliest stories of the Roman kings.
B. I can identify significant themes for Republican-era Romans in their earliest stories.
C. I can critique the actions and motives of political figures such as Pompey, Julius Caesar,
Antony, and Octavian during their civil war.
D. I can recount the events leading up to and perpetuating the civil war between Pompey and
E. I can describe the third stage of Roman education.
F. I can identify Roman prejudices toward the Greeks.
G. I can contrast Greek and Roman concepts of virtue and heroism.
H. I can describe Caesar’s conquest of Gaul as told by Caesar himself.
I. I can discuss the implications of Caesar’s conquest on Gaul on the people of Gaul.
J. I can draw conclusions about the historical significance of Caesar’s actions in Gaul and
K. I can identify Roman values from reading Caesar.
2. Identify and interpret important geographical locations and features in the Roman
A. I can locate major rivers in the Roman world, including the Rhine, Po, Nile, and Rubicon.
B. I can recognize important bodies of water in the Roman world, such as the Adriatic Sea.
C. I can explain how the geography of the Mediterranean influenced the spread of Roman
D. I can connect various islands and provinces to the Roman Empire, including Germany,
Egypt, Sicily, and Crete.
E. I can list major geographical and historical sites in Ancient Greece.
F. I can discuss the significance of major geographical and historical sites in Ancient
G. I can analyze the influence of Greek history on the Roman tradition.
H. I can analyze viewpoint of Republican-era Romans on ancient Greek cities, history,
culture and values.
I. I can describe the geographic and tribal divisions and features of ancient Gaul.
3. Describe daily life, recreation and entertainment in the Roman world.
A. I can describe a Roman wedding ceremony.
B. I can analyze the place of marriage in Roman society.
C. I can characterize Roman views on violence in entertainment.
D. I can describe a Roman dinner party.
E. I can contrast Roman dining customs with those of other cultures.
F. I can list foods eaten by Roman citizens.
G. I can explain why certain foods were unavailable to Romans.
Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Expand Knowledge
1. Identify Latin influences on other disciplines.
A. I can describe Latin’s role in the language of Medieval Europe.
B. I can analyze the transformation of ancient Roman society to medieval Italian society.
C. I can draw conclusions about the place of Latin in the Early and Medieval Christian
D. I can describe the influences of Greco-Roman philosophy on contemporary philosophy
and literature.
E. I can compare the political boundaries in the Roman empire to contemporary national
F. I can utilize knowledge of economic, legal, and social policies in ancient Rome to justify
a viewpoint on modern economic, legal, and social issues.
G. I can relate Caesar’s military tactics with those of modern military organizations.
2. Describe the influences of Roman history on the modern world.
A. I can compare and contrast forms of entertainment in ancient Rome (gladiatorial combat,
mock naval battles, chariot races, etc.) to sports and entertainment in the modern world.
B. I can assess archaeological evidence uncovered today based on knowledge of the ancient
world drawn from literary sources.