Syllabus: CHM 2045 Chemistry 1
Fall 2024
Welcome to Chemistry 1! This course is part of the STEM Core, a set of critical and foundational courses
consisting of mathematics, chemistry, physics, programming, and STEM applications. These courses
build the skills and conceptual understanding you need to succeed in all degree programs. Data show
that completing these courses in your freshman (first) year is the best path towards a high-powered
STEM degree and an on-time graduation. Courses in the STEM Core share similar formats and
expectations. The faculty across the STEM Core work together to help you succeed. Make these courses
a priority!
Academic Integrity: Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity.
Violations of academic integrity, particularly cheating and plagiarism, undermine the central mission of
the university and negatively impact the value of Florida Poly degrees. Suspected violations will be fully
investigated, possibly resulting in an academic integrity hearing and sanctions against the accused
student. More information about Florida Poly’s academic integrity policies and procedures can be found
Course Information
Course Number and Title: CHM 2045 Chemistry 1
Credit Hours: 3 credit hours
Academic Term: Fall 2024
Instructor Information
Instructor: Dr. Tracy Olin
Office Location: BARC 2262
Office Hours: In-person MWF 11:00 am -12:00 pm or by appointment
Email address: [email protected]
Course Delivery and Course Description
Delivery Mode: This course will be held face-to-face (in-person) at the rooms and times given
Section 1: IST-1068 MWF 8:00 am 8:50 am
Section 2: IST-1068 MWF 9:00 am 9:50 am
Section 3: IST-1067 MWF 9:00 am 9:50 am
Section 4: IST-1068 MWF 10:00 am – 10:50 am
Section 5: IST-1068 MWF 11:00 am 11:50 am
Section 6: IST-1067 MWF 2:00 pm – 2:50 pm
Section 7: BARC-1123 MWF 2:00 pm 2:50 pm
Section 8: IST-1014 MWF 3:00 pm 3:50 pm
Section 9: IST-1045 MWF 3:00 pm 3:50 pm
Official Catalog Course Description: This course is designed for students pursuing careers in the
sciences or who need a more rigorous presentation of chemical concepts than is offered in an
introductory course. Students will engage in problem solving and critical thinking while applying
chemical concepts. Topics will include the principles of chemistry including atomic theory,
electronic and molecular structure, measurement, stoichiometry, bonding, periodicity,
thermochemistry, nomenclature, solutions, and the properties of gases.
o Course Pre-Requisites: N/A
o Course Co-Requisites: CHM 2045L Chemistry 1 Laboratory
o Communication/Computation Skills Requirement (6A-10.030): No
Required Texts and Materials:
o Brown, T.E.; LeMay, H.E.; Bursten, B.E.; Murphy, C.; Woodward, P.; Stoltzfus, M.E.
Chemistry: The Central Science (15th edition); Pearson: New York, NY. ISBN:
o All STEM Core courses will require the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS calculator
or a very
similar calculator (must be approved by instructor). No other type of calculator is
allowed on exams. It is advised that you obtain this calculator and become familiar with
it prior to the first exam. It is also strongly recommended that you bring it to class daily,
as there may be in-class work that requires the use of a calculator.
o Access to the course Canvas LMS website. Course resources will be posted here,
including any course announcements, changes in the syllabus, etc. The Homework will
also be through the Canvas website.
o Access to the University Email System.
Communication: Florida Polytechnic University email is the official method of communication
for the University. Students are required to check their email frequently. The subject of your
emails must start with “CHM 2045 Section X” followed by the topic. Failure to provide the
correct subject, may result in ignoring the email or delayed response. Any email received from
an address other than the one with the domain will not be replied to. Emails will
typically be answered within 24-48 hours, Monday-Friday.
Course Objectives and Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes:
o Students will apply the law of conservation of matter and energy.
o Students will implement rules of significant numbers to all measurements.
o Students will explain the fundamental properties of matter including but not limited to
atomic and electronic structure, and periodicity.
o Students will apply IUPAC rules of nomenclature.
o Students will predict molecular geometry and properties from bonding theories
o Students will predict and explain the products of chemical reactions (e.g., acid-base,
oxidation-reduction, precipitation, dissociation).
Alignment with Program Outcomes:
o This course supports General Education competency for scientific reasoning. Program
Learning Outcomes and General Education Competencies may be found in the Academic
Catalog (
). Additionally, outcomes may be aligned with
level of difficulty per Bloom’s taxonomy (see University’s Institutional Effectiveness
Manual for Academic programs).
Course Learning Outcome
Learning Level (e.g. Bloom’s,
Anderson/ Krathwohl; Rogers
Hatfield (ABET Assessment
Program Learning
Outcome (ABET,
GenEd, Other)
Learning and exploring chemistry via
critical thinking based on Socio-Chemistry
(problem-oriented approach to chemistry
Compare and contrast
Exploring chemistry as engineering based
on mathematical approach and
1-e, 1-k
Ability explore chemistry in application
aspects for example, Redox chemistry,
Thermal energy changes involved, etc.
2-c, 2-k
Ability to discuss chemistry, understanding
of theories in the manner of a problem
solving approach
3-g, 4-f, and 5-d
Applying knowledge of lectures in
laboratory experiments
6-b, 7-i
Introducing analytical aspects in lectures
to understand examples
Motivating students for upper-level
courses, advanced training, and growing
up as a scientist
5-d, 7-i
Course Schedule: Tentative Weekly Schedule:
Week 1
8/20 8/23
Syllabus, Concepts of matter: Basic definitions,
measurements and units, uncertainty and significant figures.
Week 2
8/26 – 8/30
Problem-Solving- Dimensional analysis, Atoms and Elements:
Atomic theories, structure of atom, atomic symbols, isotopes,
average atomic mass, the periodic table.
Week 3
9/3 – 9/6
Molecules and Compounds: ions and Ionic formulas,
polyatomic ions, Naming compounds.
Week 4
9/9 – 9/13
Chemical Reactions and Chemical Quantities: Balancing
chemical equations, types of chemical reactions, formula
weights, the mole concept
Week 5
9/16 – 9/20
Molar mass, percent composition, Empirical formulas.
Stoichiometry: Limiting reactant and reaction yields.
Midterm #1 TBDwill be a common exam
Week 6
9/23 – 9/27
Introduction to Aqueous Reactions: precipitation reactions,
solubility rules, net ionic equations, Acid-Base reactions,
neutralization, titrations, oxidation-reduction reactions,
activity series.
Week 7
Aqueous solutions: Conductivity, molarity and solution
concentrations, dilution, titrations. Properties of gases: gas
laws, ideal gas law
Week 8
10/7 – 10/11
Gas mixtures/partial pressures, Kinetic-Molecular theory,
diffusion, Thermochemistry: Energy, heat transfers,
quantifying Heat and Work, Enthalpy
Week 9
10/14 – 10/18
Heat capacity/specific heat, Calorimetry-measuring ΔH
Hess’s law, Standard Enthalpies of Formation, bond
enthalpies, Intro to Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
Midterm #2 TBDwill be a common exam
Week 10
EM radiation, frequency and wavelength, Photoelectric
effect, Atomic emission, line spectra Bohr model, Uncertainty
principle, atomic orbitals
Week 11
10/28 – 11/1
Electronic structure of atoms, quantum numbers and electron
configurations, Periodic Properties of the Elements: effective
nuclear charge
Week 12
11/4 – 11/8
Periodic trends: atomic size, ionization energy and electron
affinity, electronegativity Chemical Bonding I -The Lewis
Model: The octet rule, Ionic bonding, covalent bonding
Veteran’s Day NO CLASSES
Week 13
11/12 – 11/15
Electronegativity, Bond polarity, Lewis symbols, Formal
charge, Resonance structures
Midterm #3 will be a common exam
HW #11 due 4/8
Week 14
11/18 – 11/22
Octet exceptions, bond strengths and bond lengths, VSPER
model - effect of lone pairs, Molecular polarity Chemical
Bonding II: covalent bonding/orbital overlap,
Week 15
Hybrid orbitals, hybridization
11/27 11/29
Thanksgiving Break NO CLASSES
Week 16
12/2 12/4
MO theory and molecular orbitals (if time permits) and final
S, M-Th (Dec 7, 9-12)
Course Policies
Please Note: Changes in this syllabus, assignments, exams dates, etc. may be modified as deemed
appropriate. All changes will be announced in class and/or in Canvas Announcements.
Late Work/Make-up work
Make-up exams will be given only in extreme circumstances with a documented university-approved
excuse. Any exceptions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If you will miss an exam because you
are participating in a college-sponsored activity, inform your instructor before the exam and provide them
with documentation. See the Student Attendance Policy
for more information.
Homework answer keys are posted the day after they are due, so for this reason there is no late homework
accepted. The lowest homework grade will be dropped at the end of the semester, so if you happen to
miss one, this will be your dropped score. You will have roughly 4-5 days to complete the homework once
posted. It is strongly encouraged that students do not wait until the last possible minute to complete the
assignments in case there is a technical or other issue.
Grading Scale
< 60%
Assignment/Evaluation Methods
Assignment/Evaluation Methods:
Attendance: 5%
In-class work and participation: 5%
Homework (lowest grade dropped): 20%
Exams (three at 15% each) 45%
Final Exam 25%
Total 100%
Attendance: Students in face-to-face courses are expected to attend all of their scheduled
University classes and to satisfy all academic objectives.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class period using A+ Attendance
through Canvas. It is the student’s responsibility to be sure to enter the code each
lecture period. If the system is not working properly, let the professor know before or
after class so your presence can be documented. Recall, attendance and participation
are part of the overall grade in this course. You will lose part of the 5% attendance grade
for each unexcused absence.
Bonus questions and/or in-class work may be given out during lecture time. If a student
is absent on a day such an assignment is given, they will not be awarded any points.
The instructor will not repeatedly enter your attendance because you forgot to enter it.
Please be sure to do this EVERY CLASS PERIOD. After 2 manual entries by the instructor,
you will be counted as absent.
For university-approved absences (see Student Attendance Policy), it is the student’s
responsibility to contact the instructor promptly, or in advance when possible. Excused
absences will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Note: Falsifying attendance for yourself or for another student is an act of academic
dishonesty and is considered a violation of the university’s academic integrity policy.
Exceptions to any attendance requirements may be made on a case-by-case basis.
Participation: Students are expected to participate in the classroom experience. In-class
activities and group work may be done and will count towards part of your overall grade. The
use of earbuds/headphones during class is specifically not allowed and students who engage in
this behavior may be asked to leave the class for the day (noting exceptions for authorized
accommodations). In addition, students who routinely do not bring materials to class that are
required for participation, will not be given credit for class attendance and participation, and if
this becomes a pattern of behavior, may be asked to leave the class for the day. Persistent
problems with participation may result in a code of conduct referral.
Homework: The weekly homework will be through Canvas and will be due each week on
Monday by 11:59 pm. The assignments will open on the Thursday prior to the Monday they are
due. The homework due dates are given in the weekly schedule given below. Please see the Late
work policy for more information on late homework.
Homework Format: The assignments will be on Canvas. There is only one attempt for
each assignment. They will consist of a mixture of multiple-choice questions and long
answer/written work questions. For the written answer questions, you will need to
show your work in an organized, clear way with appropriate units and significant figures
and upload this to canvas under the appropriate question on the assignment. Please
only upload your files as a pdf. There is a tutorial for how to do this posted on the
Canvas site. In addition, if you need assistance, just ask your instructor. If you are
uncertain on what is expected at any time, please ask your instructor.
Exams: Midterm exam dates will be finalized early in the semester and those dates/times will be
posted to our Canvas course site once available. Exam dates are subject to change and you
should refer to the Academic Calendar website for the most up-to-date exam schedules for
midterms and finals. Exam dates will also be announced in class and on Canvas roughly one
week prior to the scheduled event. Prior to each exam, a topics list, student guide, and formula
sheet will be posted on Canvas.
Please note: no electronic devices, besides an approved calculator, are permitted on
exams. All cell phones and smart watches/other devices should be powered off and put
away so that they are inaccessible during the exam. If a student has a phone or other
smart device accessible during an exam, they will be recommended for an academic
integrity investigation and will receive a zero on the exam.
Final Exam: The date for the final exam will be announced once scheduled by the registrar. As
with other exams, an announcement will be made with all information pertinent to the final.
Grades on Canvas
Grades will be posted to Canvas for reference only, and students should make sure they are recorded
correctly. However, there is no guarantee that the percentages or projected grades provided in
Canvas are correct. The instructor will calculate final percentages and will determine final grades
regardless of Canvas calculations.
Grade Redemption
If a student earns a score between 50-69% on an exam, there is an option for a grade improvement
plan. This plan will all students to earn points to improve their exam score. The instructor will
make the announcement in class. Students may utilize this plan for only ONE midterm exam per
semester (not the final).
If you wish to dispute a score for an assignment or exam, you must describe the nature of the
dispute in writing and communicate it through an email no later than one week after the due
date/posting the scores of the assignment or the exam. Scores outside of this window will be
considered final.
Academic Support Resources
Library: Students can access the Florida Polytechnic University Library through the University
website and Canvas
, on and off campus. Students may direct questions to
Peer Learning Strategists (PLS): Are specially trained student leaders who help their peers
strategize approaches to course content and work through solution methods. PLS work in
collaboration with the courses they support so the content and methods are aligned with your
instructors’ expectations. Students can meet with a PLS in The Learning Center, which is located
on the first floor of the Innovation, Science and Technology (IST) building in room 1019.
Academic Success Coaches: All students at Florida Poly are assigned an Academic Success
Coach. Your Academic Success Coach can assist you with academic success strategies. Please
visit the Student Success Center on the second floor of the IST building to meet with an
Academic Success Coach.
Writing Center: Located on the second floor of the IST (2059/2061), the Writing Center helps
students to develop their writing and presentation skills. Consultations are available in person
and virtually. For more detail, visit center.
Civility and Collegiality
Faculty and students come to the university for the same reason, which is to participate in a highly
professional educational environment. To that end, both students and faculty are expected to treat each
other with mutual regard and civility. Communication, written, oral and behavioral, between faculty and
students must remain respectful. Within and outside of the classroom, students must refrain from
derogatory comments toward the faculty member and their fellow students, and faculty as well must
refrain from derogatory comments toward their students. Faculty and students should address each other
with respect, in accordance with the wishes of the faculty and the students: for example, no one should
be addressed by their last name alone.
Faculty from the outset of a course can and should specify what constitutes activities and behavior that
take away from, that diminish, the educational environment. An individual student’s distracting behavior
impedes the education of fellow students, which itself is a form of disrespect. Civility and collegiality also
include respecting each other’s time: for example, neither students nor faculty should arrive late to class
(unless unforeseen, pressing circumstances prevail); faculty should be present at the posted office hours;
and students and faculty should be punctual when meeting times are scheduled. In more general terms,
collegiality means respecting the right of both faculty and students to participate fully and fairly in the
educational enterprise.
Reasonable Accommodations
The University is committed to ensuring equal access to all educational opportunities. The University, through the
Office of Disability Services (ODS), facilitates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and
documented eligibility. It is the student’s responsibility to self-identify as a student with disabilities and register
with ODS to request accommodations.
If you have already registered with ODS, please ensure that you have requested an accommodation letter for this
course through the ODS student portal and communicate with your instructor about your approved
accommodations as soon as possible. Arrangements for testing accommodations must be made in advance.
Accommodations are not retroactive.
If you are not registered with ODS but believe you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability
requiring an accommodation, please contact ODS as soon as possible.
The Office of Disability Services (ODS):
(863) 874-8770
The Access Point
ODS website: www.floridapoly.edy/disability
Accommodations for Religious Observances, Practices and Beliefs
The University will reasonably accommodate the religious observances, practices, and beliefs of individuals in
regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work assignments. (See
Title IX
Florida Polytechnic University is committed to ensuring a safe, productive learning environment on our campus
that prohibits sex discrimination and sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating
violence, domestic violence and stalking. Resources are available if you or someone you know needs assistance.
Any faculty or staff member you speak to is required to report the incident to the Title IX Coordinator. Please
know, however, that your information will be kept private to the greatest extent possible. You will not be required
to share your experience. If you want to speak to someone who is permitted to keep your disclosure confidential,
please seek assistance from the Florida Polytechnic University Ombuds Office
, BayCare’s Student Assistance
Program, 1-800-878-5470 and locally within the community at Peace River Center, 863-413-2707 (24-hour hotline)
or 863-413-2708 to schedule an appointment. The Title IX Coordinator is available for any questions to discussion
resources and options available.
Academic Integrity
The faculty and administration take academic integrity very seriously. Violations of academic integrity regulation
include actions such as cheating, plagiarism, use of unauthorized resources (including but not limited to use of
Artificial Intelligence tools), illegal use of intellectual property, and inappropriately aiding other students. Such
actions undermine the central mission of the university and negatively impact the value of your Florida Poly
degree. Suspected violations will be fully investigated, possibly resulting in an academic integrity hearing and
sanctions against the accused student if found in violation. Sanctions range from receiving a zero on the exam or
assignment, to expulsion from the university. Repeat offenders are subject to more severe sanctions and
Any “special” instructions that are appropriate for academic integrity and the course should go here.
(It is essential that a heading and a statement on what constitutes, includes, academic integrity be included in the
syllabus, and that the students be made aware of academic integrity at the beginning of a course.)
Recording Lectures
Students may, without prior notice, record video or audio of a class lecture for a class in which the student is
enrolled for their own personal educational use. Recordings may not be used as a substitute for class participation
or class attendance. Recordings may not be published or shared in any way, either intentionally or accidently,
without the written consent of the faculty member. Failure to adhere to these requirements is a violation of state
law (subject to civil penalty) and the student code of conduct (subject to disciplinary action).
Recording class activities other than class lectures, including but not limited to lab sessions, student presentations
(whether individually or part of a group), class discussion (except when incidental to and incorporated within a class
lecture), and invited guest speakers is prohibited.