Curriculum Objective
Pre-Kindergarten OBJECTIVES
Works and plays cooperatively in a variety of settings (e.g., in large and small
groups, learning centers).
Exhibits behavior that demonstrates an understanding of school and classroom
guidelines (e.g. rules, routines)
Attentive when listening to others while in large and small groups.
Shows honor and respect for others and their property.
Demonstrates a right heart attitude.
The student will participate in activities to develop the skills necessary for caring for
Attends to personal tasks (e.g., dressing self, washing hands).
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
A Reason for Handwriting Based on Scripture Verses (Kindergarten) use at home
Handwriting Packet used at school and at home via PIF
Start Write Program handwriting printouts
Handwriting Paper and No. 2 pencils
Dry Erase boards / Eraser / Dry Erase Markers
Journals and ABC Books
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Comprehensive Teacher’s Guidebook - A Reason for Handwriting (K- 6
Start Write Software
Chart Paper
Dry Erase Board and Markers
2. Course Objectives:
(Adapted from the Oklahoma State Department of Education Kindergarten Standards)
Trace, copy and generate letters and numbers.
Print his/her first and last name.
Hold and use pencils, crayons, and markers using thumb and two fingers
Demonstrate the process of representing language by means of a writing system.
Participate in frequent writing opportunities.
Dictate stories about events or experiences
Reads his or her own writing (pictures, symbols, or letters) to others.
Participate in small motor skills activities that strengthen muscles and develop
handwriting control.
Demonstrate increased control of hand and eye coordination while using scissors,
painting, etc.
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
Spell to Read and Write Phonogram CD (Family copy of the CD kept at home)
SWR Spelling Lists A and B (Family copy of the book kept at home.)
SWR Phonogram Cards (Family copy of the book kept at home.)
Alphabet Magnets
Dry Erase Boards / Markers / Eraser
Handwriting Paper
No. 2 pencils (Ticonderoga Brand) with erasers
ABC Books (used along with Handwriting at school)
Pre-K Readers (4
Quarter only)
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Alpha Tales Book Set by Scholastic
Sign Language Chart
Alphabet on Parade (Pre K)
Various Games and Supplemental Activity Resource Books
Handwriting Without Tears Stamp & See (At Home Resource)
Detailed Phonics Course Skill Objectives
(Adapted from the Oklahoma State Department of Education Kindergarten Standards)
A. Print Awareness
Recognize and name the capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
State each sound for each letter of the alphabet.
Demonstrate correct book orientation by holding book correctly (right side up) and
indicating where to begin (e.g., front to back, top to bottom, left to right).
Identify the front cover, back cover, title page of a book and title and author.
Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.
Understand that printed materials provide information.
Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words.
Distinguish letters from words.
B. Phonological/Phonemic Awareness
Identify and produce simple rhyming pairs.
Identify and count syllables in spoken words.
Distinguish onset (beginning sound(s)) and rimes in one-syllable words. (Word
Recognize ending sounds in spoken words.
Recognize the same sounds in different words.
Begin to blend phonemes to form a word.
Begin to segment phonemes of one syllable words.
C. Phonics/Decoding
Identify the capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet by name.
Begin to identify each letter of the alphabet by its sound/s.
D. Vocabulary
Form each letter of the alphabet in Sign Language.
Learn 30 familiar everyday words in Sign Language.
Increase personal vocabulary by listening to a variety of text and literature.
Use new vocabulary and language in own speech and writing.
E. Fluency
Begin to recognize familiar words in text.
F. Oral Language - Listening and Speaking
Hear and repeat sequences of sounds, letters, and rhythms.
Listen and recall details to stories read aloud.
Follow one- and two-step directions.
Share information and ideas speaking in clear, complete, coherent sentences.
Recite nursery rhymes and learning jingles.
Show respect and consideration for others in verbal communications.
Reference: Oklahoma State Department of Education Kindergarten PASS Skills Objectives.
Retrieved on March 20, 2009, from the World Wide Web site,
Pre-Kindergarten Phonics and Handwriting Scope & Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Introduce & write upper and lowercase alphabet letters: Aa, Rr, Bb, Ss, Mm, Nn, Ee
Read Alpha tales books for letters: Aa, Rr, Bb, Ss, Mm, Nn, Ee
Learn the phonograms (sounds) for letters: Aa, Rr, Bb, Ss, Mm, Nn, Ee
Complete ABC’s Book pages: Aa, Rr, Bb, Ss, Mm, Nn, Ee
Complete journal pages that correlate with the topic of study.
Learn alphabet letters (Aa, Rr, Bb, Ss, Mm, Nn, Ee) in sign language.
Learn designated sign language words.
Quarter 2
Introduce & write upper and lowercase alphabet letters: Hh, Ff, Pp, Kk, Tt, Gg, Cc, Jj
Read Alpha tales books for letters: Hh, Ff, Pp, Kk, Tt, Gg, Cc, Jj
Learn the phonograms (sounds) for letters: Hh, Ff, Pp, Kk, Tt, Gg, Cc, Jj
Complete ABC’s Book pages: Hh, Ff, Pp, Kk, Tt, Gg, Cc, Jj
Complete journal pages that correlate with the topic of study.
Learn alphabet letters (Hh, Ff, Pp, Kk, Tt, Gg, Cc, Jj) in sign language.
Learn designated sign language words.
Quarter 3
Introduce & write upper and lowercase alphabet letters: Ww, Ii, Dd, Uu, Ll, Vv, Oo, Zz, Yy
Read Alpha tales books for letters: Ww, Ii, Dd, Uu, Ll, Vv, Oo, Zz, Yy
Learn the phonograms (sounds) for letters: Ww, Ii, Dd, Uu, Ll, Vv, Oo, Zz, Yy
Complete ABC’s Book pages: Ww, Ii, Dd, Uu, Ll, Vv, Oo, Zz, Yy
Complete journal pages that correlate with the topic of study.
Learn alphabet letters (Ww, Ii, Dd, Uu, Ll, Vv, Oo, Zz, Yy) in sign language.
Learn designated sign language words.
Quarter 4
Introduce, write, learn phonograms for, and do related activities with the letters: Xx, Qq
Participate in the Q&U Wedding and learn the spelling rule that applies.
Review and assess all upper and lowercase alphabet letters.
Learn the multi-letter phonograms (sounds): th, sh, ch, ee, er, oo, ow, oi, oy, ou
Write multi-letter phonograms: th, sh, ch, ee, er, oo, ow, oi, oy, ou
Practice spelling word lists A and B from the SWR materials in preparation for Kindergarten.
Complete ABC Books (any missed pages).
Complete journal pages that correlate with the topic of study.
Administration of the Missouri Assessment to each Pre-Kindergarten student.
Pre-Kindergarten Phonics and Handwriting Blueprint
Quarter 1
Week 1: Formation of straight lines, diagonal lines, & circles
Week 2: Aa (3 sounds)
Week 3: Rr (1 sound)
Week 4: Bb (1 sound)
Week 5: Ss (2 sounds)
Week 6: Mm (1 sound)
Week 7: Nn (1 sound)
Week 8: Ee (2 sounds)
Quarter 2
Week 9: Hh (1 sound)
Week 10: Ff (1 sound)
Week 11: Pp (1 sound)
Week 12: Kk (1 sound)
Week 13: Tt (1 sound)
Week 14: Gg (2 sounds)
Week 15: Cc (2 sounds)
Week 16: Jj (1 sound)
Quarter 3
Week 17: Ww (1 sound)
Week 18: Ii (2 sounds)
Week 19: Dd (1 sound)
Week 20: Uu (3 sounds)
Week 21: Ll (1 sound)
Week 22: Vv (1 sound)
Week 23: Oo (3 sounds)
Week 24: Zz (1 sound)
Week 25: Yy (3 sounds)
Quarter 4
Week 26: Xx (1 sound)
Week 27: Qq (1 sound plus the rule)
Week 28: Q&U Wedding
Week 29: Review & Assess; Introduce SWR (List A: 1-5); sh
Week XX: SWR (List A: 6-10); th, ee
Week 30: SWR (List A: 11-15); oo, er
Week 31: SWR (List A: 16-20); ch, ow
Week 32: SWR (List B: 21-25); oi, oy
Week 33: SWR (List B: 26-30); ou
Week 34: End of the Year Assessments
Pre-Kindergarten Sign Language Blueprint
Sign Language Word List
Quarter 1
thank you
you’re welcome
Quarter 2
Words to Silent Night:
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Bible Verses in Sign Language
Proverbs 17:17
1 Peter 5:7
Matthew 6:11
Luke 1:31
Matthew 5:14
John 15:17
Psalm 100:1
John 3:16
Sign Language - Alphabet
The class will learn the signs for each
alphabet letter as the letters are
introduced weekly in accordance with the
phonics scope and sequence chart.
Additional Signs Learned:
We occasionally learn sign language to
songs as well.
Learning the Finger Names:
“Where is Thumbkin?” is used to help the
children determine which fingers are used
to form sign language letters. The words
are listed below:
Where is Thumbkin?
Where is Thumbkin?
Here I am?
Here I am?
How are you today sir?
Very well I thank you.
Run away. Run away.
(Continue with each finger)
Where is Pointer?
Where is Tall Man?
Where is Ring Finger?
Where is Pinky? (This one is a girl.)
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
Dramatic Play Area Materials
Literature related to each topic studied.
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Me and My World (PreK-K)
Made in God’s Image Books (made at school)
All Around the Neighborhood (Grades PreK-K)
2. Course Objectives
State his/her full name, age, birth date, address, telephone number, and name of
parent or guardian.
The student will discuss how children in various communities and cultures are alike
and different.
The student will understand that history relates to events / people of other times and
places. (e.g. Johnny Appleseed) .
The student will demonstrate knowledge of basic geographic concepts.
Recognize potential safety hazards and take action to protect self (e.g. fire, vehicle -
Begin to develop an understanding of city/town, state, and country.
The student will explore various careers and the concept of employment (e.g.
community helpers).
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
File Folder Games taken from: Take It to Your Seat Science Centers. (used in
Classroom Science Manipulatives (magnifying glasses, magnets, etc.)
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Take It To Your Seat Science Centers (Pre K K)
Science Through the Year (Pre K K)
Classroom Science Materials and Manipulatives (magnifying glasses, magnets, etc.)
2. Course Objectives
Participate in simple experiments to discover information.
Ask questions, make predictions, and communicate observations orally and/or in
Observe, describe, sort, and classify the sensory attributes of objects according to
taste, smell, hearing, touch, and sight; and according to their common properties.
Compare and describe the properties of some objects (e.g., magnetic-nonmagnetic,
Observe and describe what various plants and animals need for growth, as well as
the changes that plants and animals go through during their life (e.g., seed/plant,
Observe and describe daily weather (e.g., sunny, cloudy, rainy, snowy, windy, hot,
warm, cold).
Observe and describe characteristics of the four seasons (e.g., temperature,
weather, appropriate clothing, changing leaves).
Describe simple conservation measures used to protect the environment (e.g.,
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
Earlybird Kindergarten Math Standard Ed. Activity Book A
Singapore Math Essential Math Kindergarten A
Number Line (can be purchased at Mardels)
Hundreds Chart (can be purchased at Mardels)
Calendar Activity Resources (sent home in PIF)
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Earlybird Kindergarten Math Standard Ed. Activity Book A
Singapore Math Essential Math Kindergarten A
Earlybird Textbook A
Earlybird Teacher’s Book A
Variety of Math Manipulatives (such as, teddy bear counters or pattern blocks)
Number Tales Book Set by Scholastic
Math Envelope Centers (Preschool)
(CD) Kindergarten Songs by Kidzup
Various Games and Supplemental Activity Resource Books.
2. Course Objectives
Count aloud from 1 to 20
Recognize numbers 1 to 20
Sort objects in two different ways using different characteristics (color, shape and
size) and tell how they are sorted
Identify colors
Understand and use positional words, such as up, down, over, under
Understand spatial concepts (more, nearer, bigger, etc.)
Begin to understand and create simple patterns such as red, blue, red, blue
Identify shapes
Explore measurement such as full, empty, long, short, small, medium, large
Count using one-to-one correspondence
Make sets of objects
Write numbers 1-20
Use the calendar to explore concepts, such as days of the week, months, and
Complete a 15-18 piece puzzle
Construct a group graph and interpret information gained from the graph
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
Library Card Children’s Books
Nursery Rhyme Treasury Book- At home resource
Books on CD (Listening Center)
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Literacy Centers & Activities for Nursery Rhymes, Volume 1, (Pre K Grade 1)
Literacy Centers & Activities for Nursery Rhymes, Volume 2, (Pre K Grade 1)
Nursery Rhyme Treasury
Designated Children’s Book Titles that Correlate with the Curriculum Objectives
Various Games and Supplemental Activity Resource Books
2. Course Objectives:
Print Awareness
Demonstrate correct book orientation by holding book correctly (right side up) and
indicating where to begin (e.g., front to back, top to bottom, left to right).
Identify the front cover, back cover, title page of a book and title and author.
Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page.
Understand that printed materials provide information.
Learn Nursery Rhymes throughout the year.
Listen and recall details to stories read aloud.
Learn to recognize the parts of a story; characters, setting, plot.
Quarter 1
Week 1: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Week 2: Mary Had a Little Lamb
Week 3: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Week 4: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe
Week 5: Hey Diddle Diddle
Week 6: Hey Diddle Diddle
Week 7: Humpty Dumpty
Week 8: Humpty Dumpty
Quarter 2
Week 9: Nursery Rhyme Review
Week 10: Little Jack Horner
Week 11: Little Jack Horner
Week 12 There Was an Old Woman (who lived in a Shoe)
Week 13: There Was an Old Woman (who lived in a Shoe)
Week 14: Hickory Dickory Dock; Gingerbread Stories
Week 15: Hickory Dickory Dock; Gingerbread Stories
Week 16: Nursery Rhyme Review
Quarter 3
Week 17: The Three Little Kittens that Lost their Mittens
Week 18: The Three Little Kittens that Lost their Mittens
Week 19: Rub a Dub Dub Three Men in a Tub
Week 20: Rub a Dub Dub Three Men in a Tub
Week 21: Jack and Jill
Week 22: Jack & Jill
Week 23: Jack Be Nimble
Week 24: Jack Be Nimble
Week 25: Little Bo Peep; Green Eggs & Ham
Quarter 4
Week 26: Little Bo Peep
Week 27: Old Mother Hubbard
Week 28: Old Mother Hubbard
Week 29: Little Boy Blue
Week XX: Little Boy Blue
Week 30: Little Miss Muffet
Week 31: Little Miss Muffet
Week 32: Nursery Rhyme Review
Week 33: Nursery Rhyme Celebration
Week 34: End of the Year Assessments
Additional Book Series Used:
Froggy Books by J. London
Berenstain Bears Books by Jan and Stan Berenstain
Dr. Seuss Books
Jan Brett Books
Eric Carle Books
Quarter 1
Mary Had a Little Lamb
1, 2 Buckle My Shoe
Hey Diddle Diddle
Humpty Dumpty
Quarter 2
Little Jack Horner
There Was an Old Woman (who Lived in a Shoe)
Hickory Dickory Dock
Quarter 3
The Three Little Kittens that Lost Their Mittens
Three Men in a Tub
Jack & Jill
Jack Be Nimble
Quarter 4
Little Bo Peep
Old Mother Hubbard
Little Boy Blue
Little Miss Muffet
Nursery Rhyme Celebration
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials:
Memory Verse / Bible Lesson Story Illustration Journal Pages (completed at school)
Sign Language Bible Verse worksheets (Sent in PIF when needed)\
Leading Little Ones to God by Schoolland
B. Teacher Materials/Resources:
Holy Bible (NIV, NIrV, NAS)
Read with Me Bible by Zonderkidz (NIrV)
Leading Little Ones to God by Schoolland
The Fruit of the Spirit - Teacher’s Guide (Pre-K)
Encyclopedia of Bible Crafts for Preschoolers
Bible Stories to Color and Tell
Old Testament Take Home Bible Stories Activity Book
New Testament Take Home Bible Stories Activity Book
Various Children’s Bible and Worship Songs
2. Course Objectives
Identify the two parts of the Bible, Old and New Testaments
Learn the history of Redemption by learning the major stories and individuals through
whom God wrote this history.
Be able to orally recount the basic story of redemptioncreation, fall, covenant
promises, incarnation, death, resurrection and ascension, and return of Christ.
Books of the Old and New Testaments
The Apostles’ Creed
The Lord’s Prayer
Psalm 23
First Catechism QA’s 1-50
Selected poems, songs or Bible verses for Fall and Spring Recitation Day performance
Pre-Kindergarten Science Scope & Sequence Chart
Summer Season
Apple Trees /
Labeling Body
Animal Families
Colors of the
Five Senses
Fall Season
Basic Nutrition
Healthy vs. Non-
Dental Care
Magnet Exploration
Winter Season
Winter Clothing
Forms of Winter
Functions of a Heart
Sink / Float
Spring Season
Weather / Clouds
Taking Care of Our Pets
Animal Life Cycles
Parts of a Flower
Seeds / Plant Life Cycles
Reduce /Reuse /Recycle
Living vs. Non-Living
Parts of an Insect
Butterflies & Ladybugs
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
(Weeks 1-8)
(Weeks 9-16)
(Weeks 17-25)
(Weeks 26-34)
Establishing Rules
Taking Care of
Your Body
Winter Activities
Com. Helper -
Community Building
Com. Helper - Mail
Taking Care of
Our Pets
Com. Helper-
Police Officer
Com. Helper -
Com. Helper -
God Made Me
Personal Safety
St. Valentine Origin
of Val. Day
Taking Care of Our
Healthy Habits
Fall Changes
President’s Day
Com. Helper-
Sanitation Worker
Family Holiday
Com. Helper -
Manners /
Com. Helper -
Showing Honor to our
Wants and Needs
Com. Helper
Pre-Kindergarten Science and Social Studies Blueprint
Quarter 1
Week 1: Orientation Establishing rules / Community Building (Social Studies)
Community Helper Librarian (Social Studies)
Week 2: Apples / Seasons / God Made Me Unique-Our Bodies (Social Studies & Science)
Week 3: Animal Families / Colors of the Rainbow (Science)
Week 4: Sense of Sight and Touch (Science)
Week 5: Sense of Sound and Smell (Science)
Week 6: Sense of Taste / Intro to Healthy Habits (Science/ Social Studies)
Week 7: Healthy Habits contd. / Nutrition (Healthy Choices) (Science)
Week 8: Nutrition (Unhealthy Choices) / Community Helper Dentist (Social Studies/Science)
Quarter 2
Week 9: Exercise Taking Care of Your Body (Social Studies)
Week 10: Feelings / Community Helper Police Officer (safety discussion) (Social Studies)
Week 11: Fall Changes (Science)
Week 12: Fall Pumpkins (Science)
Week 13: Thanksgiving Activities / Wants vs. Needs / Manners / Family (Social Studies)
Week 14: Family Traditions Gingerbread (Social Studies)
Week 15: Christmas Traditions carols & trees (Social Studies)
Week 16: Christmas Traditions cards & gifts (Social Studies) / Happy Birthday Jesus Party
Quarter 3
Week 17: Winter Clothing (Science)
Week 18: Forms of Winter Weather (Science)
Week 19: Winter Time Activities (Social Studies)
Week 20: Community Helper Mail Carrier (Social Studies)
Week 21: Hibernation / Community Helper Doctor (Social Studies/Science)
Week 22: Community Helper Doctor / Friendship / Valentine Celebration (Social Studies)
Week 23: President’s Day / American Symbols / Sink & Float (Social Studies/Science)
Week 24: Community Helper Firefighter (Social Studies)
Week 25: Community Helper Chef / Baker (Social Studies)
Quarter 4
Week 26: Spring Theme Weather / Clouds (Science)
Week 27: Community Helper Veterinarian (Taking Care of Our Pets) - (Social Studies)
Week 28: Q&U Wedding Preparation & Celebration
Week 29: Community Helper Farmers / Farm Animal Life Cycles (Science & Social Studies)
Week xx: Parts of a Flower / Seeds / Plant Life Cycles (Science)
Week 30: Taking Care of Our Earth / Community Helper Sanitation Worker (Social Studies &
Week 31: Identifying Living and Nonliving Things / Dinosaurs (Science)
Week 32: Summer Theme Mother’s Day (Social Studies)
Week 33: Summer Theme Insects, Butterflies, and Ladybugs (Science)
Week 34: Review concepts
Note: “Made In God’s Image” books will be included in the plans each week starting the first semester.
Kindergarten OBJECTIVES
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones
! Jesus Storybook Bible worksheets
! blank book for creating a memory verse book
! Bible (ESV)
B. Teacher Materials
! The Children’s Illustrated Bible, Tomy Nelson
! Big Picture Bible Time Line, Gospel Light
! My ABC Bible Verses, Susan Hunt
! various children’s Bible and worship songs
! The Child’s Story Bible, Catherine F. Vos
! Bible Stories to Live By, V. Gilbert Beers
2. Course Objectives
! Discuss in class and at home the stories represented in the timeline.
! Pray and sing Bible/worship songs in class each day.
! Describe in his/her own words: the basic Gospel, what sin is, what
obedience is, God’s love and forgiveness, God’s creative and sustaining
power, God’s holiness and God’s unchanging character.
! Memorize 26 verses that each correspond with an alphabet letter.
! Make a book to enjoy that includes each verse memorized.
! Understand that God gave us the Bible as His only Written Word.
! Have a general overview of the major events in both the Old and New
Testament through a timeline study.
Kindergarten Bible Course Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Old Testament
Bible: Read various
Bible Stories from
Genesis to Exodus.
Old Testament
Continued: Read
various Bible stories
from Exodus to
New Testament
Stories: Read
various Bible stories
from the Gospels.
New Testament
Stories: Read
various Bible stories
from the Gospels to
Begin coloring a
timeline to correlate
with Bible stories.
Continue coloring
timeline pictures
that correlate to
stores read.
Complete Old
Testament portion
of timeline
reinforcing stories
Complete New
Testament portion
of timeline built
around stories read.
Begin memorizing 8
Bible verses, each
one beginning with
the alphabet letters
Memorize 8 Bible
verses, each one
beginning with the
alphabet letters I-P.
Memorize 10 Bible
verses, each one
beginning with the
alphabet letters Q-
1. Teacher Materials and Resources:
! Oklahoma is Home to Me by Miss Jo Publications
! Various library books on Community Oklahoma, The USA, and The Solar
! Educational Internet Sites for additional enrichment
! Globes, Maps, Puzzles, and Other Manipulatives for Visual
! The Geography Book & CD by SonLight
2. Parent Materials and Resources:
! The Geography Book & CD by SonLight
3. Course Objectives:
! Development of a concept that we live in a community called Oklahoma
! Exploration of Oklahoma City/Norman, the community in which we live.
! Familiarize students with the state we reside in called Oklahoma.
! Enhance understanding of the state of Oklahoma with specific activities.
! Introduce the United States of America and identify where Oklahoma is in
the U.S.
! Enrichment activities to heighten interest in the study of the 50 states in
the U.S.
! Brief unit on the 7 continents and 4 major oceans. Introduce their
! Finalize the geography exploration with identification and location of
planets in our solar system.
! Help students to understand the expanding progression of community,
state, United States, continents in our world, and solar system.
Kindergarten Geography Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
What is a
Facts on My state:
The State of
The United States
of America
The Continents and
City/Norman: My
The Solar System
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials:
! Earlybird Kindergarten Math Std Ed Textbook Book B
! Earlybird Kindergarten Math Std Ed Activity Book B
! Singapore Math Essential Math Kindergarten
! Addition and Subtraction Flashcards
B. Teacher Materials:
! Earlybird Kindergarten Math Std Ed Textbook Book B
! Earlybird Kindergarten Math Std Ed Activity Book B
! Singapore Math Essential Math Kindergarten
! Add Earlybird Teacher’s Guide B
C. Teacher Resources:
Calendar Time
! Weight Scales
! Folder Activities
! Money
! Fraction Bars
! Base Ten Blocks
! Geoboard
! Rulers
! Addition and Subtraction Flashcards
2. Course Objectives:
Learn and chant the multiplication table
Use manipulatives in order to move from concrete to symbolic levels
Understand and extend a variety of patterns into different mediums
Extend knowledge of number concepts through story problems, graphing, and
Demonstrate an understanding of attributes (size, shape, color, amount, function)
through sorting activities
Recognize and correctly form numerals 1-100
Count by ones, fives, and tens to 100 and by twos to 40
Understand number concepts: one-to-one correspondence of numbers; ordinal
position first through tenth; more than, less than, and equal to
Know and use terms of orientation and relative position such as: on, under, next to,
around, far, and above
Understand concept of addition and subtraction, zero to ten, using manipulatives
Use plus, minus, and equal signs correctly when writing equations
Identify coins and know their value (penny, nickel, and dime)
Read time on a clock correctly (hour and half hour)
Estimate quantities of a set
Complete math worksheets at home 1-3 times per week in order to enhance mastery
1. Teacher Materials and Classroom Resources:
! Mailbox Teacher’s Magazines
! Internet Resources
! Frank Schaffer Science Books Grades K-2
! Various Library Books on Topical Studies
! Visual Aides: Globes, Posters, Reinforcement Videos, Hands on
! Field Trips for Additional Enrichment
! Take It To Your Seat Science Centers
2. Three to Four Week Course Units and Objectives:
! Health and Safety: Healthy Eating, Food Pyramids, Taking Care of Self
and Cleanliness, Fire Safety, Car Safety, Safe Playing, Emergency
Numbers, Dental Health.
! Weather and Seasons: Identification, Characteristics, and Months of
! Insects, Mammals and Sea Creatures: Learn about and categorize
animals and their habitats.
! Trees, Plants, and Flowers: Learn the various parts of their structures. Be
able to identify some trees, plants, and flowers. Nature walks to learn
varieties. Teach pollination.
Kindergarten Science Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Season: Autumn
The Fabulous Five
Trees, Flowers, and
Health and My Body
Coral Reef
Fire Safety
Dental Health
Insects and Spiders
Personal Safety
Animals: Hatched or
Live Birth?
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Twentieth Century Children’s Book of Treasury by Schulman
! Saxon Readers (Kindergarten Advanced)
B Teacher Materials
! Twentieth Century Children’s Book of Treasury by Schulman
! Book Cooks (songs, poems, chants, and recipe’s) CTP (copies)
! Frank Schaffer Literature Folders (copies)
2. Course Objectives:
! Recite and identify letters of alphabet
! Write uppercase and lowercase letters of alphabet
! Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonic fundamentals
! Apply a satisfactory number of new vocabulary words to his or her written
and oral presentations
! Gain understanding of the meaning of new words through the application
of contextual clues and word derivation
! Recall the qualities of the characters in stories that are Christ-like
! Show where to find the author and illustrator
! Increase in confidence on oral presentations
! Demonstrate a love of reading that manifests itself by showing interest in
and ability to comprehend and enjoy books with increasing levels of
difficulty and complexity
! Enrich literature stories by using creative and critical thinking skills
through developing story sequels.
Kindergarten Literature Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
The Gingerbread
If you Give a Mouse
a Cookie
Mouse Paint
The Doorbell Rang
Ira Sleeps Over
Frog and Toad: The
Katie No Pocket
Curious George and
the Fire Station
Chicka Chicka
Boom Boom
When I Grow Up
Guess Who?
Shhhh! Everybody’s
Curious George
Johnny Appleseed
The Little Red
The Giving Tree
The Very Hungry
A Boy, A Dog, and
A Frog
Officer Buckle and
Eating the Alphabet
How to Make an
Pie and See the
Books on Safety
Books on the State
of Oklahoma
Goldilocks and the
Three Bears
Weather Information
Books on the
Sheep in a Jeep
Cloudy With a
Chance of
The Snowy Day
The Cloud Book
Christmas and
Thanksgiving Books
Here Comes the
Animals in Winter
My Five Senses
The Three Little
The Listening Walk
Our Country
USA Information
Freight Train
Groundhog Gets a
Goodnight Moon
The Napping House
Hot, Cold, Shy,
Book of Opposites
Books on Shadows
Abraham Lincoln
George Washington
Guess How Much I
Love You?
Lump Frog, Jump
What Makes us Ill?
A Book on Germs
Harry and The Dirty
Dr. Seuss Book
Resurrection Stories
The Little Red Hen
Our World
Is Your Mama a
A Chair for Mother
Selected Books on
the Solar System
Selected Books on
Selected Books on
Insects and Spiders
Flowers and Plants
1. Materials and Resources
A. Student Materials
! Wise Guide for Spelling by Wanda Sanseri
! Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri
! Phonogram Cards
! Rule Cards
! Saxon Readers
! Manipulatives: popsicle sticks, magnetic letters, card stock blocks
! Phonics Word Sorts by Teacher Created Resource
B. Teacher Materials
! Wise Guide for Spelling by Wanda Sanseri
! Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri
! Phonogram Cards
! Rule Cards
! Saxon Readers
! Start write (The Handwriting Worksheet Wizard)
! Draw Write Now Vol. 1 & 2 by Startwrite
! A,B,C Bible Verse Book
! Phonics Word Sorts by Teacher Created Resource
! Manipulatives: popsicle sticks, magnetic letters, card stock blocks
! SWR Enrichment Exercises by Heidi Thomas
2. Course Objectives:
A. Review
! Identify and recite letters of the alphabet
! Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet
B. New
! Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonic fundamentals
! Apply a satisfactory number of new sight words to his or her list
! Correctly identify and write single-letter phonogram sounds
! Be able to identify and write most multi-letter phonogram sounds
! Form sentences using spelling words
! Identify rhyming words
! Correctly spell new words by learning how to think through the sounds to
! Recall spelling words through finger grams and sentence dictation
Kindergarten Spelling Sequence Chart
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Introduce Alphabet
Lower Case Letters
Upper Case Letters
Single Letter
Days of Creation
Ten Plagues of Egypt
Ten Commandments
Bible Verses
Countries in Africa
Parts of the Body
Six Habitats
Shurley Jingles for the eight parts of speech
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Bible (ESV)
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Veritas Press Bible Cards Bible Egyptian History
B. Teacher Materials
! Bible (ESV)
! Bible for Children, Claire A. Larsen
! Genesis Through Joshua, Veritas Press
! Heroes for Young Readers, Renee Taft Meloche
! Old Testament and Ancient Egypt Teacher’s Manual- Veritas Press
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Veritas Press Bible Cards Bible Egyptian History
2. Course Objectives:
! Understand that God gave us the Bible as His only written Word.
! Correctly identify the two parts of the Bible; Old and New Testaments.
! Understand that Jesus is God and was born of an earthly mother (i.e., He
was God incarnate).
! Describe the major Biblical events in the Old Testament from Genesis to
Exodus in chronological order.
! Describe Ancient Egyptian History.
! Learn the location and culture where famous missionaries served.
! Locate verses in the Bible.
1. Primary Texts and Materials:
A. Student Materials
! Singapore Math 1A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 1
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 1A-3B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 1A (Opt)
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 1B (Opt)
B. Teacher Materials
! Singapore Math 1A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 1B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 1
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 1A-3B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 1A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 1B
! Singapore Sprint Blackline Masters
C. Classroom Resources
! Play Money
! Clocks
! Geoboards
! Interlocking Cubes
! Flashcards
3. Course Objectives:
Numbers 0-100
o Place Value
Ordinal Numbers
Number Bonds
Addition and Subtraction, up to 3 numbers
Division by Sharing and Grouping
o Halves and Quarters
Telling Time
o Bills and Coins, Shopping
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Usborne Internet-linked First Encyclopedia of Animals
! Science Packet
B. Teacher Materials
! Science Grades 1-2 (Frank Schaffer Publications)
! Human Body Grades 2-4 (Scholastic)
! My Body (Teacher Created Resources)
! Our Father’s World
! Discovering God’s World (Abeka)
! Habitats Grades 1-3 (Science Works for Kids Series)
C. Classroom Resources
! Pretend Skeleton
! Pine Cone
! Flower
! Globe
! Animal Furs
2. Course Objectives:
! Know that God is the ultimate creator of the universe.
! Know we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
! Identify the organs of the body and describe their function.
! List the systems of the body.
! Understand the importance of a healthy diet, regular exercise, and good
! List the six habitats.
! List plants and animals living in each habitat.!
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh
! All Kinds of Animals by Abeka
! Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found
! The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
B. Teacher Materials
! The Bears on Hemlock Mountain by Alice Dalgliesh
! All Kinds of Animals by Abeka
! Tut’s Mummy: Lost and Found
! The Courage of Sarah Noble by Alice Dalgliesh
! Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
! The Story about Ping
! Winter Days in the Big Woods
! Manana Iguana
! My Great Aunt Arizona
! Doctor Desoto Goes to Africa
! Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
! Christmas in the Big Woods
! Hooray for Oklahoma 1889
! Thundercake
! Little Engine That Could
! Floss
! If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
! Corduroy
! A New Coat for Anna
! The Crippled Lamb
! Stone Soup
! Dr. Desoto
! So You Want to be a President
! Peter Rabbit
! First Favorites Comprehension Guide, Volume 1 & 2 (Veritas Press)
! Stone Soup Literature Notes by Frank Schaffer Publications, Inc.
2. Course Objectives:
Demonstrate adequate knowledge of decoding skills using phonics.
! Apply a satisfactory number of new vocabulary words to his or her written
and oral presentations.
! Gain understanding of the meaning of new words through the application
of contextual clues and word derivation.
! Correctly comprehend the literal and inferential meaning from a context of
a story.
! Recall the qualities of the characters in stories that are Christ-like.
! Show where to find the author, title, publisher, title page, content page,
and dedication page in a book.
! Increase in confidence during oral presentations.
! Demonstrate a love of reading by showing interest in and ability to
comprehend and enjoy books with increasing levels of difficulty and
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Shurley Method Level 1, Jingle CD (grade 3-8), Student Textbook,
Teacher’s Key, Student Workbook
B. Teacher Materials
! The Shurley Method Level 1, Jingle CD (grade 3-8), Teacher Textbook,
Teacher’s Key
2. Course Objectives:
! Demonstrate understanding that God gave us letters and language.
! Consistently use the Shurley Method question/answer flow.
! Accurately identify the complete subject/predicate in a sentence.
! Select synonyms and antonyms for given words
! Recognize and use contractions; I’m, can’t, don’t, doesn’t, didn’t.
! Identify verb tenses.
! Differentiate between simple sentences and fragments.
! Consistently and correctly write his/her name on all assignments.
! Demonstrate increasing ability to form letters correctly in size, shape, and
! Consistently use correct capitalization and punctuation when writing.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Wise Guide for Spelling by Wanda Sanseri
! Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri
! Phonogram Cards
! Rule Cards
! Saxon Readers 1, Level C
B. Teacher Materials
! Wise Guide for Spelling by Wanda Sanseri
! Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri
! Phonogram Cards
! Rule Cards
! Saxon Readers 1, Level C
! McCall & Hobbs Comprehension Exercises
2. Course Objectives:
Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonic fundamentals.
! Apply a number of new sight words to his or her vocabulary.
! Correctly identify and write single-letter phonogram sounds.
! Recognize prefixes and suffixes.
! Understand homophones and analogies.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Integrating Science with Reading Instruction for Grades 1-2
B. Teacher Materials
! Integrating Science with Reading Instruction for Grades 1-2
2. Course Objectives:
! Understand that all things, living and non-living, are created and
sustained by the Creator God.
! Understand that organisms have basic needs that must be met to survive.
! Understand the difference between solids, liquids, and gases.
! Realize the world has many different environments that support life.
! Describe Earth materials that provide resources for humans.
! Learn that objects have observable properties that can be measured.
! Describe the production of sound and light.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Bible (ESV)
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Wide Ruled Composition Journal (to write verses)
B. Teacher Materials
! Bible (ESV)
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Judges through Kings, Teacher’s Manual, Veritas Press (used in Bible
! Bible for Children, Book 1, The Pathway of God’s Promise by Claire A.
Larsen (used in Bible Packet)
! Bible Puzzles for Kids, Ages 6-8, by Standard Publishing (used in Bible
! The Greenleaf Guide to Old Testament History by Rob and Cyndy
Shearer (used in Bible Discussion)
! Judges through Kings Bible Cards from Veritas Press
2. Course Objectives:
! Recall the major events from Judges through Kings
! Recall the Judges of Israel
! Recall the Kings of Judah
! Recall the Kings of Israel
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Story of the World, Volume 1, Ancient World, Bauer
! History Packet (from Coram Deo Academy)
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
B. Teacher Materials
! The Child’s Story Bible, by Catherine F. Vos
! Story of the World, Volume 1, Ancient World, Bauer
! History Packet (from Coram Deo Academy)
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
2. Course Objectives:
Chapter One: The Earliest People
Chapter Two: Egyptians Lived on the Nile River
Chapter Three: The First Writing
Chapter Four: The Old Kingdom of Egypt
Chapter Five: The First Sumerian Dictator
Chapter Six: The Jewish People
Chapter Seven: Hammurabi and the Babylonians
Chapter Eight: The Assyrians
Chapter Nine: The First Cities of India
Chapter Eleven: Ancient Africa
Chapter Twelve: The Middle Kingdom of Egypt
Chapter Thirteen: The New Kingdom of Egypt
Chapter Fourteen: The Israelites Leave Egypt
Chapter Fifteen: The Phoenicians
Chapter Sixteen: The Return of Assyria
Chapter Seventeen: Babylon Takes Over Again!
Chapter Eighteen: Life in Early Crete
Chapter Nineteen: The Early Greeks
Chapter Twenty: Greece Gets Civilized Again
Chapter Twenty-One: The Medes and the Persians
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sparta and Athens
Chapter Twenty-Three: The Greek Gods
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Wars of the Greeks
Chapter Twenty-Five: Alexander the Great
Chapter Twenty-Six: The People of the Americans
Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Rise of Rome
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Roman Empire
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Rome’s War with Carthage
Chapter Thirty: The Aryans of India
Chapter Thirty-One: The Mauryan Empire of India
Chapter Thirty-Three: Confucius
Chapter Thirty-Four: The Rise of Julius Caesar
Chapter Thirty-Five: Caesar the Hero
Chapter Thirty-Six: The First Roman Prince
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Beginning of Christianity
Chapter Thirty-Eight: The End of the Ancient Jewish Nation
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Rome and the Christians
Chapter Forty: Rome Begins to Weaken
Chapter Forty-One: The Attacking Barbarians
Chapter Forty-Two: The End of Rome!
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Singapore Math 2A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 2
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 2A-3B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 2A (Opt)
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 2B (Opt)
B. Teacher Materials
! Singapore Math 2A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 2B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 2
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 2A-3B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 2A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Ed 2B
! Singapore Sprint Blackline Masters
C. Resources
! Money
! Counters
! Clocks
! Pattern Blocks
! Flashcards
! Base Ten Blocks
2. Course Objectives:
Includes review of concepts from previous grade(s)
Numbers 0-1,000
Addition and Subtraction with Renaming
o Renaming
o Finding the Missing Number
o Mental Math
Multiplication and Division
o Multiplication Tables of 2, 3, 4, 5, 10
o Halves and Quarters
o Writing Fractions
Second!Grade!Grammar!Ob jectives!
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Shurley Grammar Student Workbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Student Textbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Answer Key, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Test Booklet, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Jingles, Levels 8-12
B. Teacher Materials
! Shurley Grammar Student Workbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Textbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Answer Key, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Test Booklet, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Jingles, Levels 8-12
2. Course Objectives:
! Consistently use the Shurley Method question-answer flow for the parts of
speech that have been covered.
! Accurately identify the complete subject/predicate in a sentence.
! Identify nouns as singular/plural and commom/proper.
! Understand when to use a/an.
! Consistently use correct capitalization and punctuation in a written
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials:
! Frog and Toad Together by Lobel
! Nate the Great by Sharmat
! The Boxcar Children by Warner
! Homer Price by McCloskey
! Charlotte’s Web by White
! Nicky by Wright Group
! Uncle Bunny by Wright Group
! Aesop’s Fables by Abeka
! Pompeii: Buried Alive by Kunhardt
! The Trojan Horse by Little/Eagle
B. Teacher Materials:
! Frog and Toad Together by Lobel
! Nate the Great by Sharmat
! The Boxcar Children by Warner
! Homer Price by McCloskey
! Charlotte’s Web by White
! Nicky by Wright Group
! Uncle Bunny by Wright Group
! Aesop’s Fables by Abeka
! Pompeii: Buried Alive by Kunhardt
! The Trojan Horse by Little/Eagle
! Nicky Teacher’s Edition
! Uncle Bunny Teacher’s Edition
2. Course Objectives:
! Apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate,
appreciate, and respond to a wide variety of texts.
! Develop and expand knowledge of words and meanings to increase
! Read independently, effortlessly, and with expression.
! Ask and respond to questions to aid comprehension.
! Make inferences about events, characters, and ideas by connecting
knowledge and experience to the story.
! Support interpretations or conclusions with examples taken from the text
! Retell text by sequencing events
1. Materials and Resources for Student and Teacher:
! Saxon 2 Phonics Fluency Readers, Level C
! Spell to Write and Read by Wanda Sanseri
! Phonogram Cards
! Rule Cards
2. Course Objectives:
! Demonstrate the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate words, syllables,
and individual sounds in spoken words.
! Correctly segment and blend the phonemes of one to four syllable words.
! Build and understand compound words.
! Apply knowledge of basic syllabication rules to decode words in text.
! Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonetic fundamentals.!
! !
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Veritas Bible Packet (Veritas Press-Chronicles through Malachi)
! Chronicles through Malachi series card set (Veritas Press)
! The Child’s Story Bible (Vos)
! ESV Bible
! Veritas Recitation CD
B. Teacher Materials
! Veritas Bible Packet (Veritas Press-Chronicles through Malachi)
! Chronicles through Malachi series card set (Veritas Press)
! The Child’s Story Bible (Vos)
! ESV Bible
! Veritas Recitation CD
2. Course Objectives:
! Chronologically list the 32 events studied from the card set, with
applicable dates and scripture references
! Locate in his or her Bible the events studied
! Recall basic facts pertaining to each card, including people, place and
primary events
! Understand God’s purpose and work in Old Testament history.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Story of the World, Vol. 3: The Middle Ages
! History Packet
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
B. Teacher Materials
! The Story of the World, Vol. 3: The Middle Ages
! History Packet (Veritas Press Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation
and Story of World Activity Book Vol. 3)
! Story of World Activity Book Vol. 3
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
2. Primary Objectives:
Chapter One: The Glory That Was Rome
Chapter Two: The Early Days of Britain
Chapter Three: Christianity Comes to Britain
Chapter Four: The Byzantine Empire
Chapter Five: The Medieval Indian Empire
Chapter Six: The Rise of Islam
Chapter Seven: Islam Becomes an Empire
Chapter Ten: The Bottom of the World
Chapter Eleven: The Kingdom of the Franks
Chapter Twelve: The Islamic Invasion
Chapter Thirteen: The Great Kings of France
Chapter Fourteen: The Arrival of the Norsemen
Chapter Fifteen: The First Kings of England
Chapter Sixteen: England After the Conquest
Chapter Seventeen: Knights and Samurai
Chapter Eighteen: The Age of Crusades
Chapter Nineteen: A New Kind of King
Chapter Twenty: The Diaspora
Chapter Twenty-Three: The First Russians
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Ottoman Empire
Chapter Twenty-Five: The End of the World
Chapter Twenty-Six: France and England at War
Chapter Twenty-Seven: War for the English Throne
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal
Chapter Twenty-Nine: African Kingdoms
Chapter Thirty: India Under the Moghuls
Chapter Thirty-One: Exploring New Worlds
Chapter Thirty-Two: The American Kingdoms
Chapter Thirty-Three: Spain, Portugal, and the New World
Chapter Thirty-Four: Martin Luther’s New Ideas
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Renaissance
Chapter Thirty-Six: Reformation and Counter Reformation
Chapter Thirty-Seven: The New Universe
Chapter Thirty-Eight: England’s Greatest Queen
Chapter Thirty-Nine: England’s Greatest Playwright
Chapter Forty: New Ventures to the Americas
Chapter Forty-One: Explorations in the North
Chapter Forty-Two: Empires Collide
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Singapore Math 3A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Ed 3
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 1A-3B
B. Teacher Materials
! Singapore Math 3A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 3B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Ed 3
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 1A-3B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 3A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 3B
! Singapore Sprint Blackline Masters
2. Course Objectives:
Includes review of concepts from previous grade(s)
Numbers 0-10,000
Mental Calculation
Addition and Subtraction
o Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
o Finding the Missing Number
o Mental Addition and Subtraction
o Two-step Word Problems
Multiplication and Division
o Multiplying Ones, Tens, Hundreds
o Word Problems
o Tables 1-10 and Application
o Quotient and Remainder
o Fractions of a Whole
o Equivalent Fractions
o Dollars and Cents
o Adding and Subtracting Money
Area and Perimeter
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student and Teacher Materials
! Exploring Creation with Astronomy, Jeannie K. Fulbright (Young Explorer
2. Course Objectives:
! Recognize that God is the Creator of the universe.
! Recognize that there are unalterable truths in the universe which reflect
the unalterable nature of God.
! Understand that God takes delight in His Creation.
! Understand that the universe was created to “declare the glory of God.
! Understand that the earth, and the life upon it, is an extremely unique
phenomenon intended by God.
! Name the planets in the solar system.
! Define astronomical terms.
! Understand specific characteristics of bodies in the solar system: sun,
planets, moons, and space rocks.
! Learn earth’s layers.
! Learn the phases of the moon.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe by CS Lewis
! The Whipping Boy Fleischman
! From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by Konigsburg
! The Door in the Wall by DeAngeli
! Thunderstorm in the Church by Vernon
! Veritas Literature Packet
B. Teacher Materials
! The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe by CS Lewis
! The Whipping Boy Fleischman
! From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by Konigsburg
! The Door in the Wall by DeAngeli
! Thunderstorm in the Church by Vernon
! The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe, Family Guide
! The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe, Veritas Press Guide
! Roar, A Christian Guide to Chronicles of Narnia
! The Whipping Boy Literature Guide
! From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Literature Guide
! Veritas Literature Packet
2. Course Objectives
! Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonetic fundamentals,
applied in his/her day to day reading (including decoding skills).
! Demonstrate an adequate improvement in his/her reading skills through
the level comprehension apparent in normal reading through written and
oral presentation.
! Apply new vocabulary words to written and oral presentations
! Gain understanding of the meaning of new words through the application
of contextual clues, and frequent use of the dictionary.
! Recall the qualities of the characters in stories and recognize those that
are worth admiring, e.g., God-fearing, generous, kind, etc.
! Regularly participate in oral and silent reading of literature both in class
and at home.
! Complete several kinds of oral presentation in front of the class, parent
groups, and other students as an audience.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 3
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 3
! Shurley Grammar Student Textbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
B. Teacher Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 3
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 3
! Shurley Grammar Student Textbook, Level 2
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
! Shurley Grammar Teacher’s Manual, Level 3
2. Course Objectives:
! Classify sentences with question/answer flow.
! Identify all eight parts of speech and function of each.
! Memorize/Recite Jingles.
! Learn to use appropriate references to aid in work.
! Understand and use proper grammar in speech/writing.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Core Kit
! Black Composition Book
B. Teacher Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Core Kit
! Chart Masters
2. Course Objectives:
! Identify and sound out 2-4 advanced phonograms.
! Use phonograms and spelling rules to correctly spell and decode.
! Memorize spelling rules.
! !
(The!Gosp els) !
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! Veritas Press Gospels Series Teacher’s Manual
! Veritas Press Gospels Series Cards
! ESV Bible
! Veritas Bible Packet
B. Student Materials
! Veritas Press Gospels Series Cards
! Veritas Bible Packet
! ESV Bible
2. Course Objectives:
! Grow in the knowledge of God’s word as a Narrative.
! Gain new insight of the life of Christ as witnessed through his disciples
and written in the Gospels.
! Understand the events studied by reading them in Scripture.
! Articulate that God is sovereign through all of Scripture.
1. Primary Texts and Materials
A. Teacher Materials
! Story of the World, Vol. 3
! Academy Recitation CD
! Academy History Packet(Veritas Press and Story of the World, Volume 3)
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
B. Student Materials
! Story of the World, Vol. 3
! Recitation CD
! History Packet (Veritas Press and Story of the World Activity Book,
Volumes 4)
! Geography Workbook and CD by Sonlight Curriculum
2. Course Objectives:
Chapter One: A World of Empires
Chapter Two: Protestant Rebellions
Chapter Three: James, King of Two Countries
Chapter Four: Searching for the Northwest Passage
Chapter Six: New Colonies in the New World
Chapter Seven: The Spread of Slavery
Chapter Eight: The Middle of the East
Chapter Nine: The Western War
Chapter Eleven: The Moghul Emperors of India
Chapter Twelve: Battle, Fire, and Plague in England
Chapter Thirteen: The Sun King
Chapter Fourteen: The Rise of Prussia
Chapter Fifteen: A New World in Conflict
Chapter Sixteen: The West
Chapter Seventeen: Russia Looks West
Chapter Eighteen: East and West Collide
Chapter Nineteen: The English in India
Chapter Twenty: The Imperial East
Chapter Twenty-One: Fighting Over North America
Chapter Twenty-Two: Revolution!
Chapter Twenty-Three: The New Country
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sailing South
Chapter Twenty-Five: Revolution Gone Sour
Chapter Twenty-Six: Catherine the Great
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Changing World
Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Rise of Bonaparte
Chapter Thirty: Freedom in the Caribbean
Chapter Thirty-One: A Different Kind of Rebellion
Chapter Thirty-Two: The Opened West
Chapter Thirty-Three: The End of Napoleon
Chapter Thirty-Four: Freedom from South America
Chapter Thirty-Five: Mexican Independence
Chapter Thirty-Six: The Slave Trade Ends
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Troubled Africa
Chapter Thirty-Eight: American Tragedies
Chapter Forty: Mexico and Her Neighbor
Chapter Forty-One: New Zealand and Her Rulers
Chapter Forty-Two: The World of Forty-Nine
3. Primary Teaching Methods
! Completion of Worksheets and Tests from Veritas Press Teacher’s
Manual and Story of the World Activity Pages
! Research Work by Small Groups and Individuals on Specific Projects
! Integration with Art, Geography, Literature, and Music
! Build Models, Make Drawings, Write Stories, and Play Games
! Study, Drill, and Review History Cards
! Field Trips to Related Sites and Museum Exhibits
! Guest Speakers
1. Primary Texts and Materials
A. Student Materials
! Singapore Math 4A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 4
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 4A-6B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 4A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 4B
B. Teacher Materials
! Singapore Math 4A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 4B Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 4
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 4A-6B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 4A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 4B
! Singapore Sprint Blackline Masters
C. Materials
! Flash Cards
! Rulers
! Measurements
2. Objectives
Includes review of concepts from previous grade(s)
Numbers 0-10,000
Mental Calculation
Addition and Subtraction
o Ones, Tens, Hundreds, Thousands
o Finding the Missing Number
o Mental Addition and Subtraction
o Two-step Word Problems
Multiplication and Division
o Multiplying Ones, Tens, Hundreds
o Word Problems
o Tables 1-10 and Application
o Quotient and Remainder
o Fractions of a Whole
o Equivalent Fractions
o Dollars and Cents
o Adding and Subtracting Money
Area and Perimeter
1. Primary Texts and Materials:
A. Teacher Materials
! Young Explorers Series: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day
! Young Explorers Series: Flying Creature of the Fifth Day Activity Book
! Course Website:
B. Student Materials
! Young Explorers Series: Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day
! Course Website:
C. Other Materials
! Lady Bugs
! Various Experiment Related Manipulatives
2. Primary Objectives:
! Give evidence that God is the Creator of all living things.
! Understand the usefulness of birds, insects, bats, and pterosaurs.
! Accurately describe complete and incomplete metamorphosis.
! Articulate the importance of migration to certain species.
! Apply the steps of the Scientific Method to experiments.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! The Witch on Blackbird Pond by Speare
! Magician’s Nephew by Lewis
! Roar: A Christian Family Guide to the Chronicles of Narnia
! The Chronicles of Narnia Comprehension Guide
! Voyage to Freedom by David Gay
! The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
! A Guide for Using the Sign of the Beaver in the Classroom
! Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
! Carry On, Mr. Bowditch Study Guide
! Once on This Island by Gloria Whelan
! Veritas Literature Packet
! Veritas Literature Packet Answers
B. Student Materials
! Magician’s Nephew by Lewis
! Voyage to Freedom by David Gay
! The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare
! Carry On, Mr. Bowditch by Jean Lee Latham
! Once on this Island by Gloria Whelan
! Witch on Blackbird Pond by Speare
! Veritas Literature Packet
! Veritas Literature Packet Answers for Parents
2. Primary Objectives:
! Demonstrate adequate knowledge and use of phonetic fundamentals,
applied in his/her day to day reading (including decoding skills).
! Demonstrate an adequate improvement in his/her reading skills through
the level of comprehension apparent in normal reading through written
and oral presentation.
! Gain understanding of given vocabulary using contextual clues, and
frequent use of the dictionary.
! Participate in oral and silent reading both in class and at home.
! Complete oral presentations both in class and in front of parent groups.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Student Textbook, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
B. Teacher Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Textbook, Level 4
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
2. Objectives:
! Comprehend a basic sentence structure and recognize the use of
sentences and paragraphs in verbal communication.
! Demonstrate a consistent, correct use of predicate nouns, interjections,
conjunctions; identify them in a complete sentence.
! Know and use helping verbs, NOT as an adverb.
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Core Kit by Wanda Sanseri
! Spell to Write and Read Advanced Phonogram Cards
! Spell to Write and Read Chartmasters
B. Student Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Core Kit
! Black Log Book
2. Primary Objectives:
! Apply spelling rules and markings to new word lists.
! Recognize rules needed to spell unfamiliar words.
! Understand the characteristics and formatting of a Fable and a Narrative.
! Demonstrate the ability to pick out the important parts of a story to create
a summary.
! Complete oral presentations of original material in front of the class.
(Acts!throug h!R e v ela tion )!
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! ESV Bible
! Veritas Bible Packet
! Veritas Recitation CD
! Veritas Press Acts-Revelation Teacher’s Manual
! Veritas Press Acts-Revelation Series Card Set
! Journey through the Bible
B. Student Materials
! ESV Bible
! Veritas Bible Packet
! Veritas Recitation CD
! Veritas Press Acts-Revelation Series Card Set
2. Primary Course Objectives:
! Cover 32 Veritas Press Bible Cards Acts-Revelation.
! Identify major characters, events, places, and themes from Acts-
! Construct a chronological time line of major events from Acts-Revelation
with accompanying scripture references.
! Identify authors and settings of epistles.
! Apply wisdom from the epistles to self and society.
! Read directly from ESV Bible as well as Bible cards.
3. Bible Memory Work:
! Students memorize the 32 events from their Bible cards with dates and
scripture references as well as the following verses:
! Isaiah 9:2-7 and Isaiah 53:3-6 (Christmas program recitation)
! Acts 2:38-39 (Card 1 Pentecost)
! Acts 4:11-12 (Card 2 The Early Church)
! Acts 7:51-53 (Card 3 Stephen, the First Martyr)
! Acts 9:3-5 (Card 4 The Conversion of Paul)
! Acts 10:34-35 (Card 5 First Gentile Converts)
! James 1:22, 2:14, 2:19 (Card 6 Letter by James)
! Acts 13:38-39 (Card 7 Paul’s First Missionary Journey)
! Galatians 2:20-21 (Card 8 Letter to the Galatians)
! Acts 15:8-10 (Card 9 The Jerusalem Council)
! Acts 17:24 (Card 10 Paul’s Second Missionary Journey)
! I Thessalonians 4:16-17 (Cards 11 & 12 First & Second Letters to the
! Acts 20:33 and 20:35 (Card 13 Paul’s Third Missionary Journey)
! Romans 3:23-24 (Card 16 Letter to the Romans)
! Acts 26:22-23 (Cards 17 & 18 Paul’s Arrest and Trial & Paul in Rome)
! Colossians 1:15-16 (Card 19 Letter to the Colossians)
! Ephesians 6:10-17 (Cards 20 & 21 Letter to Philemon & Letter to
! Philippians 2:14-15 (Card 22 Letter to the Philippians)
! I Timothy 4:12 (Cards 23 & 25 Letters to Timothy)
! Titus 3:1-2 (Card 24 Letter to Titus)
! Jude 18-19 (Card 26 Letter by Jude)
! II Peter 1:20-21 (Cards 27 & 28 Letters by Peter)
! Hebrews 12:28-29 (Card 29 Letter to the Hebrews)
! (Card 30Letters by John)
! Revelation 21:3-4 (Card 31 Revelation to John)
1. Primary Texts and Materials:
A. Teacher Materials
! Geography Book/CD by Sonlight
! Story of the World Volume 4 Books
! Story of World Volume 4 Activity Books
! History Packet
! Recitation CD
B. Student Materials
! Geography Book/CD by Sonlight
! Story of the World Volume 4 Books
! History Packet
! Recitation CD
C. Classroom Resources
! U.S. and World Map
! U.S. States with Capitals Placemats
2. Course Objectives:
Chapter One: Britain’s Empire
Chapter Two: West Against East
Chapter Three: British Invasions
Chapter Four: Resurrection and Rebellion
Chapter Five: The American Civil War
Chapter Six: Two Tries for Freedom
Chapter Seven: Two Empires, Three Republics, and One Kingdom
Chapter Eight: Becoming Modern
Chapter Nine: Two More Empires, Two Rebellions
Chapter Ten: A Canal to the East and a Very Dry Desert
Chapter Eleven: The Far Parts of the World
Chapter Twelve: Unhappy Unions
Chapter Thirteen: The Old-Fashioned Emperor and the Red Sultan
Chapter Fourteen: The Czars and the Two Emperors
Chapter Fifteen: Small Countries with Large Invaders
Chapter Sixteen: The Expanding United States
Chapter Eighteen: Europe and the Countries Just East
Chapter Twenty: Revolution in the AmericasWar in the World
Chapter Twenty-One A Revolution Begins, and the Great War Ends
Chapter Twenty-Two: National Uprisings
Chapter Twenty-Three: “Peace” and a Man of War
Chapter Twenty-Four: The King and I1 Duce
Chapter Twenty-Six: The Great Crash, and What Came of It
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Civil War and Invasion
Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Second World War
Chapter Twenty- Nine: The End of World War II
Chapter Thirty: Partitioned Countries
Chapter Thirty-One: Western Bullies and American Money
Chapter Thirty-Four: Dictators in South America and Africa
Chapter Thirty-Five: The Cold War
Chapter Thirty-Six: Struggles and Assassinations
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Two Short Wars and One Long One
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Two Ways of Fighting
Chapter Thirty-Nine: The 1980s in the East and the Mideast
Chapter Forty: The 1980s in the USSR
Chapter Forty-One: Communism Crumbles but Survives
Chapter Forty-Two: The End of the Twentieth Century
1. Primary Texts and Materials:
A. Student Materials
! Singapore Math 5A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 5
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 4A-6B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 5A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 5B
B. Teacher Materials
! Singapore Math 5A Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5A Workbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Math 5B Textbook US Edition
! Singapore Extra Practice for Primary Math US Edition 5
! Singapore Primary Math Answer Key Booklet US Ed 4A-6B
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 5A
! Singapore Math Teacher’s Guide US Edition 5B
! Singapore Sprint Blackline Masters
C. Materials
! Math Minutes
! Various Math Puzzles
! Fraction Bars
! Fraction Circles
2. Objectives:
Includes review of concepts from previous grade(s)
Numbers to 100,000
o Rounding off Numbers
o Factors and Multiples
Multiplication and Division
o By 1 Digit Number and 10s
o Multiplication by 2 Digit Number
o Fraction of a Whole
o Equivalent Fractions
o Adding and Subtracting Fractions
o Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
o Hours and Minutes
o Other Units of Time
Area and Perimeter
o Rectangles and Squares
o Recognition and Rounding
o Four Operations of Decimals
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! Exploring Creation with Botany by Fullbright
B. Student Materials:
! Exploring Creation with Botany by Fullbright
2. Primary Course Objectives:
! Cover Exploring Creation with Botany chapters 1-10, continuing on if time
! Connect Greek and Latin roots to botany vocabulary
! Differentiate between the two types of seed-making vascular plants:
angiosperms and gymnosperms
! Locate, name, and describe the function of each of the five main parts of a
seed embryo: epicotyl, hypocotyl, cotyledons, plumule, radicle
! Classify angiosperms as monocot or dicot
! Locate, name, and describe the function of each of eight main parts of a
flower: stigma, style, ovary, ovule, anther, filament, petal, sepal
! Describe different families of carnivorous plants: Venus flytrap, bladderwort,
pitcher plant, sundew.
! Explain the process of pollination, name several animal pollinators, and
describe the types of plants that attractive specific pollinators
! Understand self-pollination
! Differentiate between fruits and vegetables
! Explain five types of seed dispersal: human, water, wind, animal, mechanical
! Name, describe, and provide examples of twelve fruit types: berry, pepo,
hesperidium, pome, drupe, grain (caryopsis), pods (legumes), capsules,
! Explain the processes of photosynthesis and transpiration
! Know the anatomy of a leaf: midrib, margin, apex, lamina, petiole
! Differentiate between simple and compound leaves
! Classify leaves according to arrangement, venation, shape, and margin
! Explain geotropism and phototropism
! Describe how roots grow and purposes roots serve
! Differentiate between taproot and fibrous root systems
! Differentiate between woody and herbaceous stems
! Describe the function of xylem and phloem
! Know the anatomy of a twig: terminal bud, auxiliary buds, lenticels, nodes,
internodes, terminal bud scar
! Name and describe the five layers of a tree trunk: heartwood, sapwood,
vascular cambium, inner bark, bark
! Identify the oldest and the largest trees on earth
! Differentiate between pollen cones and seed cones
! Differentiate between evergreen and deciduous trees
! Describe the three kinds of leaves found on conifers
3. Science Labs:
! Dissect lima bean seed embryo
! Determine what is necessary for a seed to germinate by placing seeds in
plastic baggies with moist paper towels then distributing the baggies to a
sunny window, dark closet, and refrigerator
! Plant and document germination times of various seeds
! Make a seed collection
! Dissect flowers
! Make a leaf collection
! Examine various geophytes: bulbs, corms, tubers, rhizomes
! Demonstrate xylem at work by placing celery and white carnations is food
! Force a pinecone to open by placing it in an oven
Fifth!Grade!Literature!Obje ctives!
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! The Hobbit by Tolkien
! Across Five Aprils by Hunt
! The Silver Chair by Lewis
! Where the Red Fern Grows by Rawls
! Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Taylor
! A Christmas Carol by Dickens
! The Jungle Book by Kipling
! The Hiding Place by Ten Boom
! Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery
B. Teacher Materials
! The Hobbit by Tolkien
! Veritas Press Study Guide for The Hobbit
! Across Five Aprils by Hunt
! Teacher Created Resources Study Guide for Across Five Aprils
! The Silver Chair by Lewis
! Where the Red Fern Grows by Rawls
! Veritas Press Study Guide for Where the Red Fern Grows
! Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Taylor
! Teacher Created Resources Study Guide for Roll of Thunder, Hear My
! A Christmas Carol by Dickens
! The Jungle Book by Kipling
! The Hiding Place by Ten Boom
! Anne of Green Gables by Montgomery
! Academy’s Literature Packet
2. Primary Objectives:
! Connect literary events and settings to history cards and biblical concepts
! Begin to make evaluations of character choices and identify character
! Identify plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action,
! Comprehend dialect and understand its purpose within a story
! Comprehend literature through independent reading and through listening in
! Increase vocabulary
! Answer worksheet questions thoroughly and in complete sentences
! Build upon novels through creative projects
! Participate in classroom discussion of novels
3. Literature Reading List and Associated Projects:
! The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis - diorama and oral presentation. The Silver Chair
continues the Chronicles of Narnia series throughout 3
, 4
, and 5
grades, andsets the
stage for the triennial Narnia Festival.
! The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien - hobbit project board
The Hobbit is recognized as a classic in children’s literature and is the theme of the
Durin’s Day Festival.
! Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt - character poem and art work
Across Five Aprils is a Newberry Honor book that presents the story of a brave boy who
comes of age during the turbulent years of the Civil War.
! Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls - no project due to spring break
Where the Red Fern Grows is set in Oklahoma during the 1930’s.
! Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor - newspaper page
Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry is a Newberry Medal winning book of historical fiction
based on racial segregation of the 1930’s.
! A Christmas Carol
! The Jungle Book
! The Hiding Place
! Anne of Green Gables
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Student Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Textbook, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
B. Teacher Materials
! Shurley Grammar Workbook, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Teacher Key, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Textbook, Level 5
! Shurley Grammar Jingle CD
! Shurley Grammar Teacher’s Manual, Level 5
2. Course Objectives:
! Cover Shurley Grammar chapters 1-13
! Identify five sentence types: declarative, interrogative, imperative,
! Continue to build knowledge of capitalization and punctuation rules
! Punctuate beginning, ending, and split quotes
! Identify five sentence patterns:
o Subject Noun -Verb
o Subject Noun-Transitive Verb-Direct Object
o Subject Noun-Transitive Verb-Indirect Object-Direct Object
o Subject Noun-Linking Verb-Predicate Noun
o Subject Noun-Linking Verb-Predicate Adjective
! Recognize prepositional phrases
! Recognize noun jobs
! Distinguish between natural and inverted word order
! Distinguish between an adverb and a preposition
! Classify each word in a sentence according to its part of speech and job
! Identify and write simple sentences, simple sentences with compound parts,
compound sentences, and complex sentences
! Use coordinate conjunctions and connective adverbs
! Recognize comma splices and run-on sentences
! Identify eight common relationships used in analogies:
o Synonym
o Antonym
o Part-to-whole
o Purpose or use
o Type or kind
o Descriptive or characteristic
o Rhyming
o Homonym
! Distinguish among 80 common homonyms
! Differentiate between regular and irregular verbs
! Know principal parts of forty-five irregular verbs
! Understand simple verb tenses and tenses of helping verbs
! Know rules for making nouns plural
! Know rules for making nouns possessive
! Identify subjective, objective, and possessive pronoun cases
! Identify personal pronouns and antecedents
! Understand simple, comparative, and superlative forms of adjectives
3. Grammar Memory Work:
! 8 parts of speech
! 5 noun jobs
! 53 common prepositions
! 23 helping verbs
! 7 subject pronouns
! 7 object pronouns
! 7 possessive pronouns
! 7 present-tense helping verbs, 5 past-tense helping verbs, 2 future-tense
helping verbs
1. Materials and Resources:
A. Teacher Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Kit (Red SWR Book, Brown Wise Guide, 70
Basic Phonogram Cards, 70 Basic Phonograms CD, Spelling Rule Cards)
! Black Composition Book Used for a Learning Log
! Advanced Phonograms
! SWR Chart Masters
B. Student Materials
! Spell to Write and Read Kit (Red SWR Book, Brown Wise Guide, 70
Basic Phonogram Cards, 70 Basic Phonograms CD, Spelling Rule Cards)
! Black Composition Book Used for Learning Log
! SWR Chart Masters
2. Primary Course Objectives:
! Cover 29 spelling lists of twenty words each from Section S through Section
Z of the Wise Guide
! Alphabetize
! Form derivatives
! Work with prefixes and suffixes
! Identify synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms
! Form plurals
! Form possessives
! Form compound words
! Employ alliteration
! Identify Greek and Latin roots
! Read, analyze, imitate, and create fables
! Know the five narrative questions and be able to answer them when reading
various selections
! Name and describe the five elements of plot structure: exposition, rising
action, climax, falling action, resolution
! Produce a plot outline for various reading selections
! Summarize
! Read, analyze, imitate, and create folktales
! Consciously choose tense and apply it consistently
! Make intentional, vivid word choices
! Utilize synonyms to avoid repetition of words and phrases without purpose
! Incorporate transition wording, dialogue, and time markers when writing
! Name and describe the parts of a chreia
! Read, analyze, imitate, and create chreias
! Write three to four chreias before end of year
! Properly indent
! Write organized paragraphs with well-structured sentences that are
connected smoothly with well-placed transitions
! Apply correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation
! Utilize brain-storming and proof-reading
! Use internet to accomplish writing research, find quotations, and look up