NC United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries
Chestnut Ridge Don Lee Rockfish 
2020 Campership Assistance Program
Each summer, Camps Chestnut Ridge, Don Lee and Rockfish provide exciting camp
experiences where children and youth build relationships in Christian fellowship and fun! The
purpose of the Campership Assistance Program is to provide the camp experience to as many
campers as possible. The Campership Assistance Program provides financial support to those
who otherwise would not be able to attend summer camp.
The Campership Assistance Program is a 3-dimensional partnership between the local
churches and other community support agencies, the NC United Methodist Camp & Retreat
Ministries and families of campers. When local churches or community agencies provide
financial assistance to families, NC UM Camp & Retreat Ministries provides matching funds.
Camperships are based on financial need and unusual family hardship and are considered on a
case-by-case basis.
Steps to attaining financial assistance are as follows:
Complete a camp application for Chestnut Ridge, Don Lee or Rockfish.
Request a Campership Application from preferred camp.
Contact a local UMC Church, other denominational church or a local support agency to
seek possible financial support with the Campership need. If you are not a member of a
local church, request assistance. We’ll help you locate one.
Return Campership Assistance Application with secured funding from local church or
support agency to preferred camp. Attach to camp application form. (ALL Checks
should be made payable to preferred camp.)
The Campership Application will be reviewed by the camps, and parents will be notified
of the availability of Campership Funds.
Camper Parents/Guardians provide balance of camp registration fees.
3-Dimensional Campership Partnership
 Local Churches or Community Support Agencies 
United Methodist Camp & Retreat Ministries 
Camper Family 
This partnership results in expanding the opportunities for more children and youth
to experience camp.
…a unique experience for and of a lifetime…
The Word of God calls upon the church to have all things in common, particularly our
resources (Acts 2:44-47) and to “bear one another’s burdens.” (Galatians 6:2)
Upon completion and receipt of this form, a camp representative will call for confirmation
2020 Campership Assistance Application
Chestnut Ridge Don Lee Rockfish 
Name of Camper: _______________________________________________________
Name of Parent/Guardian: ________________________________________________
Phone: (Home:) __________________________ (Cell:)_________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Sponsoring Church/Local Agency/Supporting Individual:__________________________
Church/Agency/Individual Phone: __________________________________________
Pastor Name/Agency Representative: _______________________________________
List the employer of each working member of the family:
List the names and relationships of all persons living in the household:
Write a statement of financial need or hardship including information that needs to be taken into
consideration for assistance. (Use back of application if necessary.)
What portion of the camp fees are you able to pay? $___________________________
Would you be able to make monthly payments? If so, how much per month? $_______
What portion of camp fees will be covered by your church/agency? $________________
What portion of camp fees do you request to be covered by a Campership? $_________
Parent __________________(name) requests Campership Assistance support from the NC UM
Camp & Retreat Ministries. Circumstances described above are accurate and true. I understand
that this application doesn’t guarantee Campership distribution and that if funds are not available to
meet this need, I may request a refund of the deposit.
Parent’s Signature: ____________________________ Date: ___________________