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1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Glorify God
Good morning Church, thank you for joining us this
Before we get into the teaching this morning, I just
wanted to encourage you all.
You all are a light to a hurting community and world.
You stand out here, in the midst of what is considered
a dark part of town.
And in your work places and places of influence you
are having an impact for Christ.
We should see ourselves as missionaries in our
Some of the things the staff and I see throughout the
week are incredible.
There is incredibly dark forces at work here.
I know since Stanton Bus has been here, the warfare
has amplified, as Satan is terribly upset at the lives that
they are saving.
Some weeks it seems like we are living in a sci-fi movie,
only to realize it is not a movie, but real life.
There is a drug epidemic that we are right in the
middle of here, and these new drugs are leaving the
people like Zombies, not even coherent enough to talk
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with, their souls are darkened, and their personalities
taken, and they are enslaved to their demonic vices.
We have incidents that just leave me with this sadness
trying to wrap my mind around how someones son,
could ever get so far from sanity that demons control
seemingly are controlling these people, and even
causing harm to themselves.
I know, and I hear often, “Who would go to Church in
that neighborhood?”
Well, I do, and you all do, and sometimes Church goers
look for a Church that is fancy, which makes them feel
a certain way that has emotionalism set throughout its
But you all, like me, get to go to a Church that is on the
front lines.
A brother this week came by the Church, and he told
me that he comes here, because this is where
Christians should be, and he said, “On the edge of
I really like that perspective, we go to a Church on the
edge of hell.
C.T. Studd once said…
“Some wish to live within the sound of Church or
Chapel bell; I want to run a Rescue Shop within a yard
of hell.”
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Now, what a noble calling for each of you to be
entrusted to this post.
Spurgeon said this… “If sinners be damned, at least
let them leap to Hell over our dead bodies. And if
they perish, let them perish with our arms wrapped
about their knees, imploring them to stay. If Hell
must be filled, let it be filled in the teeth of our
exertions, and let not one go unwarned and
unprayed for.”
If indeed we are a Church on the edge of hell, we may
be the sinner’s last stop, last chance before they enter
into an eternity of either eternal reward or eternal
Church, be aware of the “why”, the reason that God
has you in this Church, it is not because of the feels
that we can produce for you, it is not because of the
worship experience that you get, it is not because of
the entertainment value, you are here because you
have been entrusted with a great responsibility and
The warfare is intense, and this is not for the
And understand every week that you all fill up that
parking lot, and you bring your families here, you are
bringing light and hope to the people in this
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What a privilege we have to serve the Lord here.
So I wanted to say these things to you, sometimes we
forget that our Church experience is not about what
we get out of it, but what we can give out towards it.
So, let’s pray, and then we will get into God’s Word
this morning.
We are in the midst of a verse by verse study of the
Book of 1 Corinthians, we are in 1 Corinthians Chapter
6 this morning, in verses 12-20.
Let’s read the portion before us, and we will come
back through and discuss it in detail…
Glorify God in Body and Spirit
6:12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not
helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be
brought under the power of any. 13 Foods for the
stomach and the stomach for foods, but God will
destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for
sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the Lord for the
body. 14 And God both raised up the Lord and will also
raise us up by His power.
15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of
Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and
make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 16 Or
do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is
one body with her? For "the two," He says, "shall
become one flesh." 17 But he who is joined to the
Lord is one spirit with Him.
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18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is
outside the body, but he who commits sexual
immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not
know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are
not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price;
therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit,
which are God's.
Now, as I mentioned last week, we are a verse by verse
teaching Church.
This has many advantages for us as a Church, for one
the Pastor cannot get stuck on his favorite topics.
It protects you all from the Pastor becoming a wanna-
be Holy Spirit, trying to teach what I think you need to
As we go through the Scriptures we get a balanced diet
of God’s Word, as we look at the Whole Council of
Now, on the other hand there are some difficulties
with this approach, because there are weeks that we
deal with some topics that are maybe uncomfortable,
confrontational, or even counter cultural.
Today, we have a topic that perhaps a typical church
would not be dealing with on a Sunday morning.
If you have been here for more than a couple months,
you know and understand that we are not a typical
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We are bound to the text, we go where the text takes
I knew when we began our study of 1 and 2
Corinthians that there would be many topics that
would be brought up that may be difficult.
Today we are going to deal with sexual immorality, and
before you runaway, right off the bat, I will tell you,
and admit that the Church has not done the best job
with this topic historically.
I grew up in the Church, and spending many years in
youth ministry, I can tell you firsthand the Church has
come close to failing on this issue.
Either it is too legalistic and unbiblical in regards to
sexual immorality, treating those who have committed
this sin as though they are lepers and outcast, wanting
to brand them with a scarlet letter.
Or, just as terrible as that, the Church has ignored it all
Growing up in the Church, the tactic often used,
instead of simply teaching what the Bible had to say
about sex, the Church used fear tactics in hopes it
could keep the young person from indulging in these
kinds of things.
I have sat through a youth meeting where the youth
pastor was showing genitalia with STDs to the youth,
and they were not detoured one bit in their sexual
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I cannot say it was the best approach.
I have done premarital counselling for over a decade,
and I can say too that many of the young couples
coming to the marriage bed have never been talked to
about sex by their parents or anyone in the Church,
they have never been taught the biblical truths
surrounding the marriage bed, they don’t even know
that it is something to look forward too, it is a fearful a
dreaded thing, even a bad thing, when it is supposed
to be something wonderful for them to look forward
Their parents just figured if they never talked about it,
that their kids would never deal with it.
The Church kids have been left to hearing about it from
their social media platforms, from movies, their
debased teachers in school, and little Johnny down the
And they have only heard from the Church that sex is
Well, that is tragic, it is unfortunate, and the Church is
in the wrong.
Now, I will say too, some might be offended by this
topic in the Church, but only to go home to indulge in a
TV show that openly talks about it, or a movie, or a
News Feed on a social media platform.
But believe it or not the Bible has much to say about
this topic.
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The last thing I will say before we get into the text, is
this, I am not judging anyone here this morning, if you
feel singled out, know this, I did not choose this text
just for you this morning.
We are here in our study, and I am not trying to make
anyone feel bad on purpose, I am not trying to make
you feel guilty, I am not coming after you in any way.
I am simply teaching God’s Word.
And I could never judge you, never could I look at your
lifestyle and think, “Oh, how could they?”
My wife and I have experienced an immense measure
of Grace from God, and we know that sexual
immorality is not an unforgivable sin.
We know firsthand the consequences of living in sin,
we know the guilt, the shame, and we know the
hardship that comes to a relationship and a family
from disobeying God’s institution of marriage.
To be real and honest with you, I was married before
Jessica came into my life, and in fact, she and I had an
I was divorced, and after these things Jess found Jesus,
then I soon followed and surrendered my life to Jesus.
When she found the Lord, she wanted to get right with
Jesus, and our relationship was wrong and sinful, and
she told me I either marry her, and make things right,
or she would not hang around for much longer.
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I fought the idea, because I was just divorced, and
honestly I just did not trust myself to be married again.
Now, I even had family, close family, telling me it was a
mistake to marry Jess, that Jess would never be
welcomed in their home, at her dinner table, or
anywhere else near them.
I had co-workers telling me it was a huge mistake, and I
had close friends telling me it was foolish.
But Jess had such a sincere and simple faith in the
Lord, and she only cared about getting right with Him,
no one else’s opinion mattered, and that really spoke
to me, her conviction about what God thought about
things stood out to me, she really loved the Lord above
everything else in her life.
Now, this is very important, I am not judging you for
your sinful relationships this morning, but the
scriptures are clear at what God expects, and what
God will bless, He does not make an exception for you
or for anyone, He most definitely did not for me and
And I want to explain something, this teaching here
comes from a place of knowing the harsh misery of
trying to cheat God’s Way, and I also know first-hand
the immense blessing that He pours out on our lives
for obeying Him in this area of marriage.
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It is something very difficult to explain to people, but I
now have a passion to see couples get right with God,
in Holy Matrimony.
So, understand if you are living in sin this morning, I
will not judge you, but I will help you in any way that I
can to get right with the Lord.
If you are living in sin this morning, I do not expect you
to go through some legalistic show to prove yourself to
me or the Church, I will marry you next week, if you
want to get right with God.
Jess and I were married this way, and of course the
religious people said it would never last, we needed to
get some kind of special counseling.
Maybe we won’t last, but we are 16 years into it, and I
am still very much head over heals for her.
And another reality is this, I don’t mind doing the
traditional counseling sessions with you, they are great
for the young newlyweds coming into marriage, but
the divorce rate with those who got married to simply
get right with God of those that I have officiated, are
far, far less than those who sat through the 13 week
class with me.
There is something real and genuine with just wanting
to get right with God, and wanting to obey your God.
We do these types of weddings out here by the big
tree out there.
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Hopefully if the Lord is speaking to you this morning
about this, then make an appointment to get your
marriage license, and then come here, and get right
with the Lord in marriage.
Now, I have made my introduction as long as I could,
but now it is time to teach the text.
Last time Paul dealt with the tragedy of Christians
going to court against one another, and here he will
deal with sexual immorality.
Look again here at verse 12…
6:12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not
helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be
brought under the power of any.
Remember last time Paul mentioned a list of sins that
some who were in Corinth were once partakers of.
Paul said… 1 Cor. 6:9-11 Do you not know that the
unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do
not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor
thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And
such were some of you. But you were washed, but you
were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of
the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
Christ had saved them from terrible lifestyles.
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Understand, some people try to argue that the Bible
was written for an ancient people group who could
know nothing of our modern world.
They did not struggle with the things that we struggle
with in our culture.
They did not have to try to live out these Christian
ethics and values in a time where the sexual revolution
had made once perversities the norm and even
Well, that is a terrible understanding of the scriptures.
Take a trip into the city of Corinth with me for a
Paul will bring up prostitution here in a moment.
In Corinth prostitution was not done in secretive dark
allies, it was not hidden from society.
In fact, prostitution in the ancient world was much
more common than today and even an acceptable
sexual practice.
It was normal for a man, after a hard day’s work to visit
a brothel.
A man’s wife was considered important for bearing
him heirs and marriages were often made for social
alliances and political positioning.
Prostitution was for their sexual pleasure.
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Something like many today who indulge their senses
with a computer screen, while treating the marriage
bed as a dull duty.
Rome was debased, I read that 14 out of the first 15
Roman Emperors were bisexual or homosexual, Nero
even had a marriage ceremony with a boy named
Sporus, who looked like the wife that he had beaten to
Understand something, these Biblical principles and
the biblical standard of marriage was in direct contrast
to the culture of Paul’s day.
This letter is not an old fashion look at sex, something
for an older generation, this is for every generation to
hear, not for another time.
In many ways, Corinth was like California, some have
even jokingly referred to these letters as 1 and 2
And just like the Church in Corinth wanted to justify
the acceptance of a cultural morality, today some in
the Church want to justify an acceptance to what they
call a New Morality.
It is not new as we just discussed, these things that we
are seeing today are just old things that are being
presented as new.
Today people think that marriage is old fashion,
something that Grandpa and Grandma took serious.
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Surely the Bible cannot be taken serious in light of our
enlightened society.
But God’s Word is the standard, the truth for all ages.
Now, here in verse 12 Paul talks about their argument
of being free in Christ, having liberties to compromise
to societal standards.
These Christians were free indeed, free in Christ,
formerly enslaved to their sin, and to the Law, and now
they are free.
But as it often happens, many misuse their freedom or
misunderstand it completely.
They think they can do those former things because
Grace covers us.
Paul makes a pretty powerful claim here, “I will not be
brought under the power of any”
When Paul talks about our Freedom in Christ,
understand the list mentioned prior are not what we
are free to take part in, those things are evidence of an
unbeliever, yet there are those who like to get drunk
still, and they will articulate their belief that it is still
okay to drink, that is their Christian liberty.
That is backwards Christian thinking, because it is
selfish, if we are concerned about “My liberty,” it is a
selfish thought.
We are free from the Law and Sin, free to live for
Christ, to bring Glory to God.
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Our goal as a Christian is to Glorify Christ not to
express our freedoms.
It is possible for a person to exercise their liberty in a
way that brings them back under the bondage of sin.
Gal 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no
longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life
which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of
God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.
We have been Crucified with Christ, and we put to
death our selfish ways, and it is Christ who now lives in
We are to live for His Glory.
You see when we exercise our Christian liberties or
freedoms, we should not be so foolish to participate
things that can bring us under their power.
Because once we become under the power of any kind
of activity then we are no longer free.
Paul further illustrates this next starting in verse 13…
13 Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods,
but God will destroy both it and them. Now the body is
not for sexual immorality but for the Lord, and the
Lord for the body. 14 And God both raised up the Lord
and will also raise us up by His power.
Once again we need to remember the background of
the people Paul is writing too here in Corinth.
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They had a temple to Aphrodite with 1000 temple
prostitutes that would lure men into a sensual
The Corinthians perhaps used the commonality of
sexual expression as an excuse to just give their bodies
what it was demanding.
They had this proverb “food for the stomach and
stomach for food.”
They carried this idea into their sexual appetites.
“My body demands food, so I eat, and so my body
demands sex, so I will go to the prostitute, no big
But Paul explains there in verse 14 as God raised Jesus
up from the dead, so too will our bodies be raised up
by His power.
Thus our bodies are His, not ours to do as we wish with
We are One Body with Christ, and because of this it is
ridiculous to think our bodies can be joined to
Verse 15 now…
15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of
Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and
make them members of a harlot? Certainly not! 16 Or
do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot is
one body with her? For "the two," He says, "shall
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become one flesh." 17 But he who is joined to the
Lord is one spirit with Him.
How can a person be joined with Jesus and joined with
sin at the same time?
When someone is joined with a prostitute, or
participating in immorality, they are bringing Christ
into it.
When they indulge in drunkenness, in extortion, in
lying, and cheating you are bringing Christ into it with
Paul is explaining that we were bought with a price,
purchased by the Blood of Christ, and our life is no
longer our own to do as we wish.
This is a direct assault to our modern thinking of
individualism, we are offended if someone asks us to
anything anymore.
We believe we are entitled to whatever we want.
But the true reality is that we need to yield ourselves
to God and not our sinful nature.
Paul mentioned this in other places as well…
Rom 12:1-2 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the
mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living
sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your
reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this
world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
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mind, that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God.
Understand, because we have been given salvation,
freely, and without merit or deserving it at all, we are
to give ourselves to Him and in a sacrificial way.
A living sacrifice, desiring to walk with Him, in sync
with God’s Will, and empowered by His Spirit.
We should not justify our sins as freedoms, or make
excuses for our sins, like the Corinthians were.
“Well this is the way God made me, and God loves me
for who I am.”
We cannot even play around with sexual immorality,
we cannot simply try to justify it.
It is a fire that consumes once we start to indulge, and
its destruction is swift and painful.
Warren Wiersbe says There may be excitement and
enjoyment in sexual experience outside of marriage,
but there is not enrichment. Sex outside of marriage is
like a man robbing a bank: he gets something, but it is
not his and he will one day pay for it. Sex within
marriage can be like a person putting money into a
bank: there is safety, security, and he will collect
dividends. Sex within marriage can build a relationship
that brings joys in the future; but sex apart from
marriage has a way of weakening future relationships,
as every Christian marriage counselor will tell you. Wiersbe,
W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 589). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
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Now Paul is saying here, when two sleep together or
have sex, they become one flesh.
This is what is meant in Genesis when God gives the
command that a man leave his mother and father and
be joined to his wife, and the two will become one
This means a sexual union.
Listen sex is never casual, that is a lie from the pit of
And you young people who have a boyfriend or a
girlfriend that is telling you to become one flesh with
them, “I love you,” they might say…
They don’t, they simply love themselves, because if
they loved you, they would marry and wait until sex
has its proper place.
If a man is trying to get into bed with you, tell them to
put a ring on your finger first.
That part of your life is intended to be shared with
your husband and wife, no one else.
You give a part of yourself away every time; that
belongs to your husband or wife.
Paul says we are joined to the Lord, we are one spirit
with Him, and there are certain parameters that we
are to enjoy our sexual passions within.
Listen, God did give us these passions, that is true, He
did make us this way, but He gave us the marriage bed
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to enjoy it, and yes the Bible makes it clear that sex is
simply not just for procreation, it is to be enjoyed.
Heb. 13:4 Marriage is honorable among all, and the
bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will
You are free within the marriage bed to have a good
time, within the parameters God laid out, sex is pretty
exciting, thrilling, but outside those parameters there
is shame and judgement.
I remember when we were living in Havasu, well,
people barely wear clothes at the Channel there, and I
remember being in a men’s study and hearing
seasoned Christians kind of justifying their eyes taking
in the scenery at the Channel there.
They said pompously, “Really it does not phase me, I
don’t see their skin really.”
“I have control over my mind, I can go down there and
muse without entering into lust.”
And I was skeptical of that, or I was of a different
genetic makeup than them.
My eyes and mind cannot be wholesome around
naked women and partying like that.
So I stayed quit because I did not want to sound
unspiritual, but I wondered if these things were true.
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Well, time went on, and some of those boastful men,
overtime turned out not to be as spiritual as they were
bloviating that day to us.
Paul gives more practical advice for us simpletons next,
he does not say that we just simply can handle and
learn to deal with it, but he will say that it is simply
better not hang around sexual temptation.
Because if we are honest, and those of you who hide
out on your computer screens know this, you cannot
stop any time you want, and once you look or touch,
you cannot stop.
Our sexual passions when aroused have a drive that I
think is stronger in many ways than our need to drink
water and eat food or even breathe air.
Of course we cannot play around with it, Paul simply
says next in verse 18…
18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is
outside the body, but he who commits sexual
immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not
know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit
who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are
not your own?
Run young man, young woman, get away from that
boyfriend that is trying to take from you, run from that
woman who attempting to steal what is only your
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Smash that computer or phone that has you enslaved
to its videos and pictures.
I cannot read this portion of scripture without thinking
of the example that Joseph left in the Old Testament,
when Potiphar, Joseph’s master’s wife, came onto him.
She pled with him to lay with her, of course her
husband being a eunuch most likely, it would not be
uncommon for her to satisfy her sexual desires with a
Gen 39:6-7
Now Joseph was handsome in form and appearance.
7 And it came to pass after these things that his
master's wife cast longing eyes on Joseph, and she
said, "Lie with me."
But Joseph instead of getting caught up in her spider
web, and committing a terrible sin, he ran, even to his
shame, Gen 39:12 …she caught him by his garment,
saying, "Lie with me." But he left his garment in her
hand, and fled and ran outside.
And sometimes this is all a man can do to get away
from something like this, if you linger around too long,
you become ensnared and doomed.
Too many people think they can mess around a little,
just check things out a little, maybe just a little
pleasure, thinking that they can control it, “I can quite
any time.”
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A little bit won’t hurt, you know, “we might be married
one day, why does it matter if we have sex now?”
A little bit matters a whole lot…
My wife made some pretty amazing brownies this
week, she nailed the ingredients, personally, I like a
nice hard edge on my brownies, with a cold glass of
almond milk.
It does not matter what diet I am attempting to be on,
when brownies are before me with the right
consistency, I cannot say “no,” it is impossible.
My wife is the only one who can make them as perfect
as I need them to be, but I would be fine with anybody
trying to prove me wrong on this.
But in regards to just a little bit, imagine my wife,
presenting this batch of brownies before me, my
mouth watering, and she confesses, “Babe, one of the
eggs from our chickens had poop on it, and the chicken
poop got into the mix, only a little bit, really nothing
compared to the whole batch.”
Well, all the sudden that batch of brownies would be
I don’t care that it might be a little bit, the whole batch
is ruined for me.
A little bit matters, and a little bit of sexual immorality
has a huge impact on our lives.
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Some people wonder how far they can push it, before
it is considered sin even, and if that is your mindset
you are heading in the wrong direction all together.
Paul explains here the severity of sexual sin, that it is
different from other sin.
Now, as we mentioned last week, this does not make
sexual sin separate you from God further than other
sins, sin is sin as far as separating us from God, sin is
sin as far as Jesus being a propitiation for our sin, and
washing us clean of our sin.
But the impact on our lives is different with sexual sin.
Prov. 6:32 Whoever commits adultery with a woman
lacks understanding; He who does so destroys his own
All other sin is outside the body, whereas sexual sin is
different, as sex was designed to be intimate, special,
privileged, and wonderful.
It is where a husband and wife become one, and it is
unique and for them alone, and it goes right to the
core of who we are.
When we cheat the system, this type of sin is
devastating even crippling to our walk with Jesus.
Paul says that our body is the temple of the Living God.
Not those opulent, extraordinary temples that stood
high above the rest of the city in Corinth.
Our bodies is where God dwells, His Spirit is within us.
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Jesus said to His disciples when He was about to depart
this earth…
John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth. It is to your
advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the
Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send
Him to you.
When we find salvation in Jesus, we are then sealed
with His Holy Spirit, the promised Helper, He is in us,
whom we have from God, as Jesus promised.
Because we are possessed with God’s Spirit, as He
tabernacles within us, we are no longer our own, we
are His.
This is a profound revelation, we are free, not to live
for our own pleasures and selfish ambitions, but we
are free to live for Him, we are not our own.
God freed us from our sins, which we were enslaved
too, He freed us to live for Him.
Paul said to the Romans…Rom 6:7-11 For he who has
died has been freed from sin. 8 Now if we died with
Christ, we believe that we shall also live with Him, 9
knowing that Christ, having been raised from the dead,
dies no more. Death no longer has dominion over Him.
10 For the death that He died, He died to sin once for
all; but the life that He lives, He lives to God. 11
Likewise you also, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed
to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
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Because we are the temple of the Holy Spirit, this
bears immense weight on us living a life of purity, even
though we are under Grace.
Paul sums it all up here in verse 20…
20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify
God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
Now Paul here brings the weight of this Chapter into
focus here.
Reading a section of scripture like this one sometimes
stirs up a debate over eternal security, is a person,
once they are saved, always saved, or can a believer
join himself with this world in such a way that he walks
away from the Lord, if a person chooses sin over his
I would never claim to know the answer to that
debate, it has lasted for centuries, and could not be
solved in one sermon.
But I can say confidently that it is a scary place to
tread, taking your walk with the Lord for granted,
dabbling in places that are against His Will and His
Paul warned the Corinthians and us this morning, not
to live with the same passions as we did when Christ
saved us.
Those passions that once destined us to hell, and were
in complete rebellion toward a Holy God.
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We have been saved, redeemed, and bought with a
Jesus’ suffering and death was the price.
An Innocent Man, took our guilt and our punishment
upon Himself, it is a high price that He paid.
And instead of rolling dice with your eternity and
hoping that your doctrine on eternal security is right,
why not recognize what Paul is writing here.
We were bought at a price, and our purpose is not to
live and indulge in our fleshly liberties, but we are to
live to bring Glory to God.
1 Peter 1:18-19 knowing that you were not redeemed
with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your
aimless conduct received by tradition from your
fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a
lamb without blemish and without spot.
Our lives were redeemed by the precious blood of
And now, the only reasonable thing is to now Glorify
Live in such a way that there is no question that you
are redeemed.
It is important to be more concerned about the image
of Christ that is being lived out in us, than it is to be
worried about our liberties and rights.
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Church there is a higher plane to be living on than our
selfish wishes and desires.
We have the ability and privilege to live for Jesus and
to Glorify God.
Please do not be defensive about what has been
spoken this morning, as I mentioned earlier, I know
personally the misery of trying to justify a sinful
lifestyle, and I know personally the joy and blessings
that come from obeying God.
If the Lord is speaking to you this morning, and maybe
you are not living in such a way that is Glorifying to
God, but more according to your flesh and sinful
Respond to Him this morning…
If there was Grace enough for me, there is more than
enough for you.
Listen, sexual sin comes with terrible consequences,
but it is not to heinous that God’s Grace cannot heal.
My life has been restored and redeemed from terrible,
ugly sins, and I know yours can too this morning.
Respond to the Word Spoken and be healed this
Maybe you are not a Christian yet this morning, we are
so happy that you are here with us, but if you are
caught up in life controlling sins, you feel chained by
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the things you are doing, and you don’t think you can
be free.
I want to testify this morning you can be free, I was
touched personally by the Grace of God, these Good
people here this morning know the power of found in
the Grace of God, and it has changed their lives, and
the Power we have experienced you can have too this
There will be men up here that desire to pray with you
this morning, make your way up during this last song,
and surrender your life to Jesus.
Let’s pray…