Best Practices For Gig
Drivers’ Transition to
Electric Vehicles
June 2024
Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Produced By:
June 2024
2035 NW Front Street
Portland, Oregon, USA, 97209
Lead Author:
Ian Sergeant, Forth
Page 02
Table of Contents
Page 03
Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Why Electric Vehicles
Why Supporting Gig Drivers in the Transition to Electric
Vehicles is Important
Successes and Challenges for EV Gig Drivers
Recommendations for a Successful Program
Key Stakeholders
Budget and Funding Strategies
Executive Summary
Transportation network company
(TNC) drivers, informally known as gig
drivers, travel more miles each year
than the average driver. They also use
hybrid vehicles much more often than
the average car owner. Even so,
greenhouse gas emissions for rides
taken with gig drivers are higher due to
“deadheading,” trips taken en route to
or from passenger pickups/drop-offs.
Transportation network companies are
thus significant contributors to
greenhouse gas emissions, and their
drivers could be valuable
ambassadors for the shift to electric
vehicles (EVs).
To address issues around
environmental justice and equity,
however, EVs need to be more
affordable and accessible to gig
drivers. On average, the earnings for a
full-time gig driver in Los Angeles, the
second-largest market in the U.S.,
barely reach above California’s poverty
line for a family of four. Including
purchase price, fuel and maintenance,
EVs cost half of what internal
combustion engine vehicles cost over
the lifetime of the vehicle. This means
that gig drivers can benefit financially
from driving EVs — but only if they can
get past the hurdle of high purchase
prices and financing requirements.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Gig drivers disproportionately come
from historically marginalized
communities, which often bear many
of the negative effects of air pollution
and climate change. Generations of
inequity and patterns of poverty mean
that many people from these
communities do not have the access
to higher credit ratings, lower interest
rates, and conventional loans that
people who live in more affluent areas
enjoy. Gig drivers are contract
workers, complicating their ability to
qualify their income for auto loans.
Forth has found that to equitably
support gig drivers’ transition to EVs,
successful programs must remove
barriers and center TNC drivers’
needs. In our experience, effective
elements of a program include:
Credit counseling and support
to build savings
Access to affordable financing
for the purchase of electric
Income-based grants to help
cover down-payment costs
Education on EV operation and
Vehicle vetting and help
avoiding predatory sales tactics
Assistance qualifying for local
and federal EV incentives
With transportation now the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the
United States, the country must rapidly scale adoption of EVs to meet national and
international climate goals. In fact, increased adoption of electric vehicles is critical
to support the U.S. goal of zero carbon emissions by 2050. Without continued
aggressive action, this problem will only get worse: by 2050, global demand for
freight transportation will nearly triple, and demand for passenger transport is
expected to double.
In order to curb the worst impacts of carbon pollution, improve
public health and increase energy security, the rapid electrification of the
transportation sector is critical.
The significant and rapid growth in EVs has the potential to bring substantial
benefits to the entire country. Electric vehicles can provide clean, reliable, affordable
transportation that saves families thousands of dollars — especially as more models
become available, including more used electric cars. This change brings with it an
opportunity to improve equitable access to clean transportation sources. All people,
regardless of where they live, should have the chance to benefit from the lower
operating costs, reduced maintenance needs and improved performance of EVs.
Mobility Increases Equity
The ability to access affordable transportation directly impacts an individual’s access
to education, professional development opportunities, childcare and healthy food
However, to date, much of the adoption of and investment in EVs has
occurred in affluent areas, resulting in low-income communities experiencing lower
awareness of EVs and their benefits, and lower availability of EV charging
Electrifying and broadening the transportation sector is a key
strategy to improve mobility options for historically marginalized communities.
As more governments take this issue seriously, there is increasing funding available
for programs that advance the equitable transition to electrified transportation.
Notable among them is the Justice40 Initiative, in which the U.S. government aims
to have 40% of the overall benefits of certain federal investments flow to
communities that are marginalized, underserved and overburdened by pollution.
1. Why Electric Vehicles
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
To cut down on gasoline use quickly, efficiently and equitably, we must refocus EV
policies around the biggest gasoline users. Drivers who work for TNCs, also known
as “rideshare services“ or “ridehailing apps,” offer a compelling opportunity to do just
that. Supporting gig drivers’ transition to EVs is an effective way to improve
equitable ownership and access to clean transportation while also reaching a large
segment of the driving public that currently operates greenhouse-gas emitting
According to a study conducted by Uber in 2021, drivers on the rideshare platform
use hybrid vehicles four times more than the average car owner.
Even so, the
Union of Concerned Scientists report that carbon intensity for non-pooled rides
taken on ridehailing apps is much higher than that of average-occupancy personal
The high amount of carbon-based fuel used qualifies TNC drivers as gasoline
“superusers,” and thus significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. At the
same time, industry figures put the average gross income for a full-time gig driver in
Los Angeles, the second-largest market in the United States, at just under than
$42,000 a year.
That’s about $2,000 dollars above the California poverty line for a
family of two adults and two children.
2. Why Supporting Gig Drivers in the
Transition to Electric Vehicles is Important
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
As ridehailing giants like Uber and Lyft
have grown to maturity, they have
transformed America’s roadways. There
are now more than eight million fewer
cars on the road because of rideshare,
according to Lyft’s 2023 Economic
Impact Report.
Addressing the needs
of TNC drivers is an important step
toward further reducing the number of
cars on the road. Facilitating the
transition of these drivers from
gasoline-powered vehicles to EV
models will in turn have a significant
impact on air pollution and climate
Currently, data shows that communities
with high concentrations of EVs tend to
be affluent, college-educated and
overwhelmingly white.
Conversely, Lyft
reports that 72% of gig drivers are
members of BIPOC communities.
are still extremely uncommon in these
communities, however. In California, for
example, the ZIP codes with the largest
percentages of Latino and Black
residents have among the lowest
percentages of electric vehicles,
averaging about 2%. In contrast, whiter,
wealthier ZIP codes in the Bay Area and
around Los Angeles have ownership of
10 to 15%.
Barriers such as financing
difficulties, unfamiliarity with EV
technology, long-term cost-effectiveness
and limited charging access in
low-income and rural areas hinder
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
At the same time, research shows that
the experience of riding in an electric
vehicle can be a valuable tool to help
drive EV sales and adoption. A recent
survey by Consumer Reports found that
someone’s willingness to buy an EV
increases the more a potential buyer or
someone close to them sees, rides in,
or drives an electric vehicle.
Lyft’s Economic Impact Report found
that passengers who were between
cars were 38% more likely to consider
purchasing an EV after having ridden in
Rideshare drivers, then, have a key role
to play in transportation electrification —
that of EV ambassadors. When they are
passengers in a gig driver’s electric
vehicle, consumers conveniently gain
direct experience with an EV without
having to navigate the high-pressure
sales tactics of a dealership or seek out
a ride-and-drive event hosted in their
community. With millions of drivers
worldwide, boosting the number of gig
drivers who use EVs for work will
effectively expose exponentially more
people to clean electric transportation.
3. Successes and Challenges for EV Gig Drivers
As we have noted from the Union of Concerned Scientists report, if gig drivers switch to
EVs we will see significant reductions in transportation-related greenhouse gas
emissions. This transition is underway around the globe as clean-transportation
advocates work to hasten EV adoption through policies, regulations and incentives at the
city and state level.
Here are examples of several successful efforts to date.
100% EV-driven in London: Uber now counts London as its top city for EVs
worldwide, with more than 10,000 electric vehicles on its platform, accounting for
17% of its worldwide EV fleet. The company aims to operate only EVs in the city
by the end of 2025.
It is an ambitious goal, Uber’s UK general manager
acknowledges, because “the availability and up-front cost of EVs can still be a
barrier for many drivers.”
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Equitable financing in Oregon: In the United States, Forth created a pilot
project to help low-income gig drivers access below-market-rate loans for the
purchase of an EV. We also worked alongside a Portland, Oregon,
community-based organization (CBO) to shift the focus of a similar program for
gas-powered vehicles to focus more on helping people from historically
underserved communities purchase clean vehicles.
The program, called
Portland Electric Ways to Work, provides financial counseling, grant money and
below market rate loans to clients, and exemplifies how necessary collaboration is
to deliver programs that successfully meet the needs of gig drivers. The CBO,
Metropolitan Family Service, had decades of experience supporting people from
marginalized communities. Forth, meanwhile contributed its transportation
electrification background, providing educational and technical assistance. The
partnership worked because we understood the benefits of the technology, while
Metropolitan Family Service had the capacity to help the project reach the people
who needed it most.
Free airport fast chargers for gig drivers: In Oregon, Forth consulted with
Portland International Airport (PDX) when airport officials wanted to improve their
services for gig drivers. Our work together resulted in the installation of a row of
free Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC) stations in the TNC staging lot for gig
drivers. In the months after installation, the number of EV gig drivers at the airport
increased exponentially. Forth is currently working with Seattle, Washington, on
its TNC electrification and driver outreach plan to reduce greenhouse-gas
emissions at the SEA airport as well.
Clean mileage in California: The state with the largest number of vehicles on
the road has taken a regulatory approach to hastening the electrification of TNC
fleets. Its Clean Miles Standard is a first-of-its-kind effort, adopted by the
California Air Resources Board in 2021. The idea behind the standard is that
targeting TNCs could markedly accelerate California’s clean energy transition.
TNC trips in non EVs are 69% more polluting than the trips they replace,
according to the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Changing a single full-time
ride-hailing vehicle to an EV would thus have the same emissions impact as
transitioning three private vehicles to EVs. The regulation includes gradually
increasing requirements for the percentage of passenger miles a TNC’s fleet must
travel by EV each year. It started with 2% in 2023 and will reach 90% by 2030.
Over the same time period, rideshare services must also lower overall
greenhouse gas emissions per passenger mile, reaching zero grams per
passenger mile by 2030.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
While Forth and others are finding
success with these regulatory, financial
and policy-driven approaches, there are
currently several challenges and
limitations for gig drivers to overcome.
Starting in the early 2020s, Forth
conducted outreach with TNC drivers in
Phoenix, Arizona; Las Vegas, Nevada;
Salt Lake City, Utah; and Portland,
Through interviews and
research surveys as part of the
DOE-funded Western Smart Regional EV
Adoption and Infrastructure at Scale TNC
EV Subproject (WestSmart EV@Scale),
we learned that TNC drivers’ major
concerns and barriers centered around:
1. The availability, affordability,
convenience and safety of using
fast chargers.
2. Limited understanding of EV
models, affordability and suitability
for gig work.
3. Ability to get financing for an EV,
since most TNC drivers are
contract workers.
4. Range anxiety, i.e. not being sure
an EV could drive the number of
miles they needed it to on a full
When designing a program to support gig
drivers’ transition to EVs, it is important to
keep in mind these challenges and seek
ways to mitigate them. Awareness of the
following details will help program
operators center drivers’ needs and offer
equitable solutions:
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Charging: For EVs to be a viable
option for gig drivers, they need
consistent, safe and affordable,
sometimes subscription-based, fast
charging options to fuel their vehicles.
The ability to charge at or near home
is important for all EV drivers, and
especially for gig drivers, who need to
start their shift on a full charge.
However, many gig drivers live in
multifamily housing. This can make the
ability to charge at home challenging,
if not impossible. Home chargers
require several hours at minimum to
fully charge a vehicle, making them
practical only during the hours gig
drivers aren’t working.
To get around
this, gig drivers may rely on public DC
fast chargers a couple times per day.
Unfortunately, they are finding that
fast-charging technology is not always
available in the places where they
need it most, such as in or near TNC
staging lots.
The WestSmart EV@Scale study
revealed that TNC drivers exhibit
distinct charging behaviors compared
to average drivers. TNC drivers charge
nearly twice as often at corridor and
public stations and less frequently at
residential locations. Their charging
patterns show a significant shift to
overnight hours (1 AM to 7 AM), with
decreased activity in the latter half of
the day. This suggests that
strategically placing DC fast chargers
for daytime use by regular drivers and
nighttime use by TNC drivers can
enhance utilization rates and improve
the business case for these chargers.
Education: Before considering EV ownership, gig drivers need to
envision themselves behind the wheel. A recent Pew Research Center
survey found that about 40% of Americans overall would consider an EV
for their next car purchase. However, EVs have not been widely marketed
to high-mileage, moderate- and low-income drivers, resulting in many gig
drivers being unaware of the feasibility and benefits of EV ownership for
their work.
Cost: Operating costs for electric vehicles are far lower than those of
gas-powered vehicles. EV owners can save more than $10,000 over the
life of an electric vehicle, a benefit that adds up more quickly for gig
24, 25
The up-front cost to purchase an EV remains a barrier, but
federal and local EV incentive programs can greatly lower the cost of
buying and fueling an EV. Unfortunately, gig drivers report that incentives
can be challenging to find out about and to apply for. Drivers who want to
use an EV for gig work often rely on renting one.
While using a rental vehicle opens a door to employment that might
otherwise not be available, gig drivers may need to work more than 40
hours a week to earn little more than minimum wage. Creating an
equitable path to EV ownership could alleviate some of this financial
strain, making sustainable transportation more accessible.
Lending: Many gig drivers face hurdles in borrowing money to purchase
a vehicle, and one of the most persistent barriers in the communities
where gig drivers live is the lack of affordable financing for EVs. The
current market for auto lending is rife with predatory lending practices,
including discrimination. Research shows that race and ethnicity can
result in high prices for cars and higher costs for financing, add-ons and
insurance. Drivers for TNCs like Uber and Lyft face additional challenges
since gig income is often classified as self-employment. Lenders may be
reluctant to consider loans to gig workers, seeing it as higher risk to make
a loan to an independent contractor when compared to a salaried
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Range: The concept of range anxiety — the concern that a drivers’ battery
charge won’t last long enough for them to complete their driving needs — is a
very real issue for gig drivers in spite of improvements in EV range.
TNC drivers will cover more than 250 miles in a single shift and need to feel
secure in their ability to do so safely and efficiently. There are now dozens of
EV models in the U.S. that exceed 300 miles in range.
Many of these
longer-range models recently came on the market, with moderate prices
ranging from $35,000 to $45,000 for vehicles from well-known automakers
such as Tesla, Kia and Hyundai. More importantly, newer EVs with a range of
at least 250 miles can be fully charged in around 20 minutes, compared with
older models of the same range that take upwards of an hour. TNC
companies like Uber and Lyft can alleviate range anxiety for their BEV drivers
by providing detailed trip information (destination, distance, time) before trip
acceptance. This allows drivers to determine if their vehicle has sufficient
charge for the journey without impacting their acceptance rates.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Forth's extensive work with gig drivers has provided not just insights into the barriers
they face, but also best practices for success. We continue to advocate for solutions
that make EV ownership equitably viable for TNC drivers by collaborating with
electric utilities, CBOs, individual gig drivers and public, private, and governmental
agencies. While there is still much to discover, our findings to date can help guide
EV adoption programs throughout the United States. We recommend taking the
following steps to ensure equitable program design.
Prioritize access to fast charging
Forth advocates for an increase in access to overnight, near- or at-home level 2
charging. However, robust Level 3 charging networks, also known as DC fast
charging (DCFC), are necessary for drivers trying to earn a living wage. Forth has
found that convenient public charging networks with DCFC coverage near the
routes gig drivers most often travel is a key factor in facilitating the switch to electric
vehicles. Successful programs will prioritize this need when it comes to installing DC
fast charging infrastructure.
Making more fast-charging stations available in city centers and at airport TNC
staging lots is also vital to enticing gig drivers into EVs. In addition to ensuring that
fast chargers are near high-traffic routes, they should be at or near places where gig
drivers wait for fares. Cities and ports may identify high-use staging areas, such as
taxi and TNC lots at airports, casinos and other entertainment venues. They can
then prioritize the installation of DCFC stations in these and other areas that depend
on rideshare traffic. This would reduce the number of “deadheads,” or drives without
passengers, when drivers might be forced to drive away from high-demand areas
and sacrifice fares to recharge.
Forward-thinking cities also will find funding to strengthen the built environment
around charging in TNC lots. If not installing chargers around pre-existing
infrastructure, this may include installing pavement, lighting, temperature-controlled
restrooms and covered areas that offer security cameras, trash receptacles and
access to food and water while drivers are using a charging station.
4. Recommendations for a Successful Program
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
DC fast charging can be made more affordable to gig drivers through solutions such
as low-cost subscription services and income-based charging discount programs.
One example is Portland General Electric’s collaboration with Shell Recharge, called
Electric Avenue. This subscription service allows drivers to pay $25 a month for
unlimited charging during off-peak hours. During peak hours, there is a small
per-use fee and the cost to charge is only 19 cents/kWh.
Reach out to drivers in equitable ways
Without representation in advertising campaigns or marketing outreach tailored to
them, many gig drivers may miss out on chances to learn about the benefits of EV
ownership. EV education should be targeted to members of historically underserved
communities. For example, to extend the reach of our messages, Forth designs and
translates our “EV 101” education and outreach materials into nine languages. We
make these materials widely available to the public and to our program partners.
More importantly, we need an affordable line of EVs that have the necessary range
and speed of charging that TNC drivers require for their work.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Help drivers lower EV up-front costs
While EV prices are declining, the high
up-front cost to purchase one is still a
significant barrier. State and federal
incentives, in the form of “cash on the
hood” discounts at the point of sale, are
an essential way to make EVs more
affordable. These can be combined with
local offers to help make an EV purchase
possible. For example, the Portland
Electric Ways to Work Program, run by
the community-based organization
Metropolitan Family Service and funded
by the Portland Clean Energy
Community Benefits Fund, provides
income-based grants to help low-income
earners with a down payment for an EV.
Educate drivers about the economics
of switching to an EV
It is too easy, when confronted with the
high upfront cost of a vehicle, to not
recognize a winning scenario that may
exist with fuel and maintenance savings.
Tools such as the one offered by the U.S.
Department of Energy
( that break
down the total cost of ownership of a
vehicle can help high-mileage gig drivers
recognize how much more of their
earnings will end up in their pocket.
Including purchase price, fuel and
maintenance, EVs cost half of what ICE
vehicles cost over the lifetime of the
vehicle, and in the first 7 years of
ownership, EV drivers will have already
gained more than $10,000 in savings.
Those savings will be much greater in
places that subsidize charging to
incentivize gasoline superusers.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Educate drivers about TNC incentives
for purchasing an EV
Support from TNCs is another crucial
element in making EV ownership easier
for gig drivers. Both Uber and Lyft offer
ride bonuses when drivers use an EV for
work. They also have steep discounts on
public DCFCs, and home charging
In addition, Uber incentivizes
drivers by offering $1,000 toward the
purchase of an EV.
Collaborate with lenders
Some lending institutions offer reduced
interest rates for EV purchases. For
example, the Portland Electric Ways to
Work program partners with Point West
Credit Union, which provides flexibility in
verifying income and risk assessment.
Point West has a fund set aside for
guaranteeing loans to gig drivers as they
transition to EVs.
Given that EVs are expected to last 1.5
times longer than ICE vehicles over their
lifetime, lenders might reconsider their
underwriting approaches. This increased
longevity could result in a flatter
depreciation curve, thereby lowering the
per-mile cost of EV ownership.
Forth is investigating what a scalable financing program can look like that addresses
the needs of historically underserved communities across the country. With partners
from urban and rural areas across the United States, we are assessing the varying
needs of different populations and compiling our data. The goal is to create an online
toolkit that organizations can use to shape their own programs geared toward
equitable access to EV financing.
Partner with community-based organizations
CBOs can provide outreach and education to members of historically underserved
communities, many of whom rely on gig work as their primary source of income.
Forth has found CBOs to be valuable partners who can offer culturally competent
assistance that pairs well with EV advocates’ technical knowledge. These
partnerships can help gig drivers:
Weigh the different EV options on the market.
Learn about the pros and cons of EVs, including total cost of ownership.
See whether the purchase of an EV can fit within a driver’s budget, including
an overview of affordable EVs that have at least a 250-mile range and/or the
ability to charge quickly.
Understand and apply for local and federal incentives.
Find affordable charging solutions, such as through low-cost subscription
services and income-based charging discount programs.
Get credit counseling and build financial savings.
Access affordable financing programs.
Vet vehicles and avoid predatory sales tactics.
Municipalities and states can implement policies mandating that a growing
proportion of total miles driven by transportation network company platforms be
electric, motivating TNC companies to support their drivers in transitioning to electric
vehicles. One such initiative is the Clean Miles Standard Program (CMS), a
regulatory framework developed by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and
enforced by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC). CMS offers a variety
of pathways TNC companies may use to meet the zero-emission and GHG emission
reduction targets. These targets can be met through using cleaner vehicles,
increasing vehicle occupancy, decreasing deadheading, investing in active
transportation infrastructure such as sidewalks and bikeways, and facilitating
connections to transit.
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Over the years, Forth has built strong partnerships across the transportation
electrification ecosystem. We have found that to build capacity for EV ownership
among gig drivers, advocates must develop relationships with many types of
stakeholders. Along with TNC companies and drivers, people and groups involved in
these efforts may come from government agencies, electric utilities, local
businesses or civic organizations and CBOs.
5. Key Stakeholders
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Because of their complexity, programs that advocate for equitable EV ownership
can be a significant investment. As noted in Section 3, designing a program
requires EV education and outreach that goes beyond the needs of traditional
auto-buying programs for lower-income buyers. Programs that focus on EVs and
charging stations have a strategic advantage, however. This is because
programs designed around electric vehicles can draw on funding opportunities
that do not exist with gas-powered vehicle ownership efforts.
In Forth’s experience, programs that are able to sustain their efforts choose to
rely on a diverse mix of funding sources, including government programs, utility
investment and philanthropy. While grants or tax credits may be available to help
with EV technology or up-front costs, different funding mechanisms will often be
necessary to support program operations, community engagement and other
Effectively making use of subsidies, grants and clean-energy funds can increase
the likelihood of a program’s scalable success. Funding streams to consider
when building a program’s budget may include:
Federal tax credits
State tax credits
Utilities’ clean-energy programs
City or state grants
Philanthropic foundations
Programs such as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, Climate
Pollution Reduction Grants and National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure
(NEVI) funding
It’s important to remember that funders will want to see evidence that a
program’s work meets their stated aims and qualifies for support under their
funding criteria. With each mechanism, it’s therefore important to understand
how the funding will shape program design, goals, reporting and metrics.
6. Budget and Funding Strategies
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Advocates for equitable EV adoption may find the following resources helpful in
making the case for programs that support gig drivers:
Accelerating EV Adoption for Gig Drivers, Forth
EV Rideshare Driver Testimonials, Forth
Portland Electric Ways to Work, Forth
Electrifying Ride-Hailing in the United States, Europe, and Canada: How to
Enable Ride-Hailing Drivers to Switch to Electric Vehicles, World Resources
Characteristics and Experiences of Ride-Hailing Drivers with Electric
Vehicles, World Electric Vehicle Journal
2023 Economic Impact Report, Lyft
2024 Environmental Social and Governance Report, Uber
Not all subsidies are equal: measuring preferences for electric vehicle
financial incentives, Environmental Research Letters
Forth also has compiled the findings from across its research and pilot program into
a series of white papers that can help make the case for investments in EV
programs. See to download these
Lead Author
Ian Sergeant, Forth
We would like to thank the many staff members, board members, project partners,
industry stakeholders, and others who have helped to shape and guide our work on
these issues over the past decade, particularly our partners on the WestSmart
EV@Scale project, Dr. Patrick Singleton at Utah State University and Jossi
Fritz-Mauer at FlexCharging, Pacific Power, Rocky Mountain Power, and the U.S.
Department of Energy. This paper was made possible, in part, by work funded by
the GM Climate Fund. All opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of Forth.
Additional Resources
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Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
TF Transport Outlook 2023, International Transport Forum, OECD, October 2023,,
accessed on 2024-04-29
A.P. Cohen et. Al., Carsharing: A guide for local planners, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC
Davis, January 2008,,
accessed on 2022-04-11
Community benefits of rural vehicle electrification, U.S. Department of Transportation,,
accessed on 2022-04-11
Justice40: A Whole-Government Initiative,, accessed on 2024-02-23
2021 Climate Assessment and Performance Report, Uber,
ea-699a09f8135a, accessed 2024-06-08
6. .
A Journalists Guide to California’s Clean Miles Standard Electrifying Ride Hailing Services, The
Union of Concerned Scientists, ,
accessed on 2024-02-24
Harry Campbell, How Much Do Uber Drivers Make? Pay & Salary for
2024,, accessed 2024-03-08
Public Policy Institute of California, October 2023,, accessed on 2024-04-29
2023 Economic Impact Report, Lyft,, accessed on
Who buys electric cars in California — and who doesn’t?, CalMatters, March 2023,, accessed on
2023 Economic Impact Report, Lyft,, accessed on
Who buys electric cars in California — and who doesn’t?, CalMatters, March 2023,, accessed on
Consumer Reports Electric Vehicle Survey,
Final.pdf, accessed on 2024-02-24
2023 Economic Impact Report, Lyft,, accessed on
Tracking progress: National governments, Accelerating to Zero Coalition,, accessed on 2024-02-28
Gwyn Topham, Uber aims for greener trips and to expand London electric vehicle fleet, The
Guardian, June 20223
ndon-electric-vehicle-fleet, accessed on 2024-02-28
Page 20
Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Pathway for zero emission vehicle transition by 2035 becomes law, United Kingdom Department
for Transport, January 2024,
-law, accessed on 2024-02-28
Portland Electric Ways to Work,, accessed
A Journalists Guide to California’s Clean Miles Standard Electrifying Ride Hailing Services, The
Union of Concerned Scientists, ,
accessed on 2024-02-24
Clean Miles Standard, California Air Resources Board,, accessed on 2024-02-24
J. Campbell, Final Technical Report-WestSmart EV: Western Smart Plug-in Electric Vehicle
Community Partnership, U.S. Department of Energy/PacificCorp, January 2021,, accessed on 2024-02-23
WestSmart EV@Scale: Western Smart Plug-in Electric Vehicle Community Partnership ,Clean
Cities and Communities, U.S. Department of Energy’s Vehicle Technologies Office,
%20Plug-in%20Electric%20Vehicle%20Community%20Partnership#WestSmart, accessed on
Charger Types and Speeds, U.S. Department of Transportation,, accessed on 2024-02-23
Car sharing market size by model (P2P, station-based, free-floating), by business model (round
trip, one way), by application (business, private), industry analysis report, regional outlook,
application potential, price trend, competitive market share & forecast, 2020 - 2026, Global Market
Insights,, accessed on 2022-04-17
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Page 21
Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles
Best Practices For Gig Drivers’ Transition to Electric Vehicles