2024 Baseball Season
This document attempts to clarify and simplify as many rules as possible. The intent is
to eliminate loopholes so that any one team does not receive an unfair advantage over
another. In the event an issue, matter, or circumstance has not been addressed herein,
the Rochester Baseball League reserves the right to resolve said occurrence in the best
interest of the League as a whole, in the spirit of the game of Baseball and with
impartiality to all the participants.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Page # Rule Provision Header
3 1 Teams & Rosters
5 2 Scheduling
7 3 Game Play
14 4 Roster Additions
14 5 Other Rule Provisions
15 COVID COVID Guidelines
20 Manager’s Signature Page
21 Player’s Signature Page
Official Mailing Address
88 Snowy Owl Ridge, Rochester NY 14612
FED ID: 46-45541
League President Nicholas D'Ambrosio
AA Commissioner Ari Freedman
AAA Commissioner N/A
Treasurer N/A
Marketing/Website N/A
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
League Mission Statement
Our mission is to offer the baseball community an adult league that's organized and
League Vision
Our goal is to be an all-inclusive league, that caters to any adult over the age of 17
within any variance of skill level.
Rules Committee
The key personnel of the league will meet in the off season between December and
February to discuss any rule changes. Any player or member can propose a rule
change, some will be determined by the committee itself, others will be brought forth at
the manager's meeting for a league-wide vote.
Rochester Baseball League - Rule Book & Bi-Laws
1. Teams/Rosters
1.1A Post Season Eligibility AAA ONLY
At the conclusion of the 6
week of the new season, Sunday at 8 pm, all
managers are required to submit a roster with 16 position players/2-way players
and 4 Pitcher Only to league email for documentation for a total of 20. Any
roster turned in after the deadline is deemed invalid and could result in roster
spots being taken away as penalty.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
A player must participate in a minimum of 12 games with a team to be eligible
for postseason play for hitters and 2-way players; 6 games appeared in for
Pitcher Only. Waivers to this due to injury or other extenuating circumstances
must be requested prior to post season play.
o Game played in AA DO NOT count towards the game goal requirement to
be eligible for AAA playoffs
1 week prior to the first scheduled post-season game (for the entire league, not
a single team), each playoff bound team is allowed to substitute 1 position
player/2-way player and 1 pitcher only who were not named on the original
roster but are taking the place of a player no longer active on the roster.
By being listed on a playoff roster, each player has automatically agreed to our
insurance waiver and this book of rules and it is each team manager’s
responsibility to make known the league rules to their players.
1.1B Post Season Eligibility AA ONLY
At the conclusion of the 10
week of the new season, Sunday at 8 pm, all
managers are required to submit a roster with 18 players, designating who also
pitches, to league email for documentation. Any roster turned in after the
deadline is deemed invalid and could result in roster spots being taken away as
1 week prior to the first scheduled post-season game (for the entire league, not
a single team), each playoff bound team is allowed to substitute 1 position
player/2-way player and 1 pitcher only who were not named on the original
roster but are taking the place of a player no longer active on the roster.
A player must participate in a minimum of 10 games with a team to be eligible
for postseason play for hitters or 2-way players and a minimum of 4 games
appeared in for pitchers. Waivers to this due to injury or other extenuating
circumstances must be requested prior to post season play.
By being listed on a playoff roster, each player has automatically agreed to our
insurance waiver and this book of rules and it is each team manager’s
responsibility to make known the league rules to their players.
1.2 Canceling/Postponing Games
Teams must provide at least 24 hour notice for game postponements due to
anything except inclement weather. If less than 24 hours, then it is the opposing
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
team's decision whether to accept forfeit wins or schedule a make-up. If there is
a requirement for a second set of umpire fees due to tardiness of the
postponement notice, that cost will be entirely paid for the original postponing
On mornings of inclement weather, home teams are expected to check their own
fields at least two hours before the official start of the game. If games are being
played on a neutral field, then between the two managers, one needs to agree to
check the fields. All field reports are to be sent to the League Commissioner
and/or League President.
If a game is started and encounters extenuating circumstances and has play
“suspended” the game, completion of the game and subsequent costs are
incurred by the teams to complete the game. If the game can be completed as
part of another game, the umpires offer up a half rate and the game will resume
where paused; If the game has to be scheduled on a lone date, a full umpire
rate will occur and therefore the game will start over.
1.3 Uniforms/Equipment/Safety
Catchers must have the proper equipment consisting of a mask, chest protector
and shin guards.
All players must wear baseball pants but baseball tops and hats are optional
dependent upon team requirements.
Players can wear turf shoes, molded cleats or metal cleats, unless there are field
specified restrictions.
Base coaches, starting in the 2017 season must have some form of a helmet,
whether it be a batting helmet or a catcher's skull cap.
1.4 League Fees
Each team is required to have paid 100% of their fees by the first game or else
they will be subject to possible forfeit depending on the other team's makeup
availability. Once league fees are paid in full, each team will receive their allotted
baseballs, scorebook and lineup cards.
Individual teams set their per player fee, which does not come from the league.
We set the team fees, the teams can decide player fees based on the number of
participants, full time vs part time and if you’re lucky enough to get sponsorship
assistance from the community.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
1.5 Sportsmanship
All league participants are expected to conduct themselves as adults when on or
around the field of play.
Rude and inconsiderate behavior will not be tolerated, whether between
opposing teams or players and umpires. We are an adult baseball league, we
need to conduct ourselves as such. We may not agree all the time, we may not
like every call on the field but that doesn’t mean we lose respect for each other.
1.6 Safety Rules for Stands, Playing Field, Benches/Dugouts
Only players, managers, and coaches are allowed on the field or in the dugouts
NO EXCEPTIONS! Only players, managers, and coaches under contract to the
Rochester Baseball League and in uniform are permitted to coach bases.
Scorekeepers, other than a manager, coach or player must remain in the stands.
1.7 Players & Ages
AAA League is now a 16 and older league. To encourage more participation, if a
potential member is 16 and interested in participating, they can do so with a
parent or guardian signature and clearance.
AA League. The minimum age is 24 years old and turning 25 during the current
season. There is no exception to this rule other than players that were
grandfathered into the league during the RBL/MSBL merger in 2022.
There are no age limits in either league.
All players, full time, part time, or a single game substitute, must sign the
Current Player Registration Waiver prior to playing. If a team is caught in
violation of this, they will be subject to being stripped of wins. Current Player
Registration waiver can be found on the home screen at
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
2. Scheduling
2.1 Season Schedule
The league will release the schedule as field venues allow us to finalize field
At times, there will be TBA/TBD (To Be Announced/Determined) next to game
listings if a field venue hasn't been finalized yet.
We will actively do the best we can to accommodate home field requests but
understand that we are limited at times and often have to shuffle venues around
to accommodate requests from others.
Players can only play for one (1) team during that specific season unless said
player is granted his “release” and thus can find a new team to play for.
2.2 Make Up Games
Both teams have one week to announce a make-up date. If said date is not
reached then the league can issue a make-up date. If that date is still
unacceptable and the game is not made up before the end of the season, then
each team will receive losses for standings purposes.
Please include league personnel when scheduling make ups as it helps facilitate
requests faster. Also, if one party is actively trying to schedule a game(s) and
another is stalling, we will award forfeitures when necessary.
Remember, for standings calculations, any game not made up is a loss for both
2.3 Quantity of Games
The Rochester Baseball League does not guarantee a certain amount of games.
If weather causes postponements, they will be re-scheduled as efficiently as
possible. Understand that most limitations when it comes to rescheduling games
is from the lack of aggressiveness on the teams’ parts to establish make up dates
with your opponents. Be proactive and be persistent.
Quantity of games is dependent on manager's reluctance to reach a neutral date
for both teams
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
2.4 Playoff Games
Playoff games will be scheduled on the best available field choices, giving teams
with higher seeding the opportunity to secure their fields when possible and if
Due to inclement weather, there will be instances where games will be stacked
on weather resistant fields. If that is the case, the higher seed gets to choose
the start time they prefer and everyone else will fall in line after that.
During playoff games, time limits are suspended and the games will play until
2.5 All-Star Game
Every year we strive to host a league all-star game. Every year we budget to
host said game at Frontier Field. The exchange for field access is the purchasing
of Red Wings tickets, which get distributed to the managers at the final manager
meeting. Which means, if the game gets canceled or re-scheduled at another
venue, there is no refund as our payment to the Red Wings was for game tickets,
not “field rental”.
During the 2023 season, AAA will be forming one allstar team to play against the
Muckdogs in Batavia at Dwyer Stadium as their All-Star Game.
At the designated break point, usually two weeks prior to the game, the
standings will lock to determine participants. If there are divisions, then each
division winner will be managing a side for the all star game, if there are no
divisions that year, then it will fall to first and second place respectively.
Quantity of players representing each team has always been based on where the
team ranks in the standings with the idea that the better performing teams are
allowed to send more players.
ONLY the league can substitute in all star players. As an elected manager of the
all star game, if you choose to not participate and just manage, you can select
another representative from your team, that is the only case of anyone outside
of the league personnel being to add to the allstar roster. After that, any
substitution will be made by league personnel at their discretion. The idea is for
elected players to get the opportunity to play and we want to avoid the rosters
getting too large.
There is a provision to allow balloting for the allstar game should the league
choose to do so. Results will still favor a tiered system to allow all teams to be
represented and make sure dominant teams aren’t supplying most of the players.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
3. Game Play
3.1 Official Game
Each team must have at least 8 players before a game is legal and can start.
Teams will be permitted 20 minutes past the official start of the game for late
players, however that will count towards the total game time allotment. After the
20 minute allotment, the game is a forfeit.
Games are official at the completion of the top of the 4
inning if the home team
is ahead, for 7 inning games and after the completion of top of the 5th inning if
the home team is heard, for 9 inning games.
o Games can end in a Tie if past the “official game” mark. Any decision to
complete the game will have to be agreed upon by BOTH teams.
o If the game is not official when, for example, weather hits, the game will
have to be completed at a later date.
If completed as part of another scheduled game, the game will
resume where suspended and the umpire fee is half the cost, split
payment by both teams
If completed on another or separate date, the game will be start
over and the umpire fee is full cost, split payment by both teams.
o Games not played or not completed within the final two weeks of the
season will be granted a “tie scenario” for both teams due to lack of time
allowance to coordinate a reschedule.
o 7 Inning Games: 15 after 5
o 9 Inning Games: 15 after 5 and 10 after 7
3.2 Home/Away for Double Headers
Each team will split home and away, no matter where the venue is played. If a
make-up game, then home and away will alternate on each separate date no
matter where the games are played.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
3.3 Ejections
If a player(s) is ejected, for the first offense of the season, it is an automatic (1)
one game suspension. If it is a second offense of the season, then that player is
suspended for the rest of the season and will be subject to a league evaluation
of reinstatement. Any team caught violating this rule will be subject to forfeit
wins, first, possible league banishment after.
Each player has the right to petition the league regarding an ejection however
understand we are not obligated to overturn an ejection without evidence of an
egregious error on the part of the umpire.
If a player cannot demonstrate constraint, the league will enact a lifetime ban.
To reiterate, we are an adult baseball league, please conduct yourself like an
3.4 Collisions
Any collisions during the game are subject to the umpire's discretion of intent. If
deemed that the player in question intended on engaging in contact with the
other player then the player in question is subjected to an automatic ejection. If
deemed contact was accidental, then warnings may be issued and the game
Players sliding into a base must be within an arm's reach of any base in order to
be considered within our rules and allowable for injury prevention purposes.
3.5 Playing with 8 Players
If a team has 9 players (or more), they must have at least 9 players in their
lineup for that game.
If a team has 8 players, they will be allowed to start a game without a lineup
penalty and play with 8 players. The opposing team does not have to lend them
a defensive player to help, but there is not going to be a rule outlawing that. If a
(or more) shows up after the game has started, the team in question will be
allowed to place them at the bottom of the order.
If a team has 9 (or more) players and one is ejected, then there is an automatic
out in that player's lineup spot. If a team has 8 players and one is ejected then
the game is called. If a team has 9 (or more) and a player is ejected, but there is
a player that has not been listed in the official lineup, he may substitute in for
the ejected player in that exact spot in the lineup.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
If a team has 9 (or more) players and one is injured, that team must substitute
any player not in the original lineup into the open spot. If a team does not have
any substitutes available, they will be allowed to complete their game with 8
players and skip his lineup spot and play without penalty. If a team has 8 players
and one is injured then the game is called.
In summary, you must end the game with the same amount of lineup
participants except in the case of injury but only in the case that there are still 8
or more players actively playing.
3.6 Substitutions/Line-Ups
Starting Pitcher. A starting pitcher is allowed to exit the game and re-enter the
game on the mound once.
Relief Pitcher. Any pitcher after the starter, once substituted for, is out of the
game for good on the mound.
Position Player. Any starter in the lineup may be "pinch hit" for at any time and
that starter may re-enter at any point after in his original lineup spot once. Once
he does, the player that substituted for him, is out for the remainder of the
game. After the re-entry, if the starter is "pinch hit" for again, then he is out of
the lineup for the remainder of the game.
Pinch Runner/Designated Runner. If a team chooses to do so, it may designate
players in its lineup that are going to be run for, this designation must occur prior
to the start of the game and it will not constitute as a substitution or else it is
considered a pinch runner and a lineup substitution. In AA teams are allowed to
designate up to three players to run for prior to the start of any game. In AAA
teams are allowed to designate up to one player to run for prior to the start of
any game. For designated runners, the last batted out runs for said designated
player, not necessarily the last recorded out. For pinch runners, anyone not in the
lineup can run but this is considered a lineup substitution, starter may re-enter
League-wide for speed up rule, each team can run for the catcher with two (2)
outs and there will be no lineup substitution requirements. Runner will be last
batted out except for PITCHER or a batter in the lineup that has a designated
runner themself. If anyone other than the last batted out runs, assuming the
stipulation of being a pitcher or a batter with a designated runner, then that will
be considered a lineup substitution.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Defensive replacements are not considered lineup substitutions. In fact, you
could have a totally different set of players play defense compared to those listed
in the lineups.
All subs should be listed on the substitution portion of the lineup card.
All subs must be reported to the lineup and opposing manager.
To encourage participation and play time, teams can add players to the bottom
of the lineup after the game has started however once done, that lineup must
stay and can only be altered by legal substitutions, i.e. you can't start with 10
lineup, go to 12 and then for whatever reason, try to go back to 10 in your
Starting in 2022 we are instituting an A/B lineup scenario in which managers,
before the game starts, announce they are using an alternating lineup in which
A” bats first, then “B” lineup, then “A” again.
o Starting in 2024, if a team has 11 players in the lineup and the 10 spot is
an A/B scenario, at any point in the game, if the team elects, both players
can bat and in that scenario, player “A” enters permanently in the lineup
spot (in this scenario spot 10), and player “B” enters permanently in the
lineup spot (in this scenario spot 11). Both players are in the lineup until
the end of the game and can only be taken out of the lineup by a legal
o Further clarification on the A/B scenario, if at any point in time, a team
decides one player is taking over, that is considered a permanent
substitution and the other player is done for the game, i.e. if the 10 spot
is an A/B and in the 5th, player B takes over the A spot, A is done for the
game, the A/B scenario is eliminated and player is now in the lineup full
3.7 Start of Games
Each team is required to have their team ready to play within 15 minutes of the
proposed, original start time.
Start of games are not to be delayed to accommodate infield/outfield and/or
Batting Practice. If a team wishes to perform these tasks prior to playing, it is
their obligation to show up early to accomplish such a task.
Game start times will be determined when the schedule is released dependent
upon town requirements.
If due to inclement weather, game start times can be delayed so that at least
one if not both games can be played.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Each team will be expected to split the supply of baseballs, whether it be
splitting within each game or else each team taking a specific game to supply.
Each team has been supplied 3 baseballs per game, with two teams, that is six
Any team arriving without umpire money or baseballs is subject to discipline. If
a particular team becomes a frequent offender, their league status will be
3.8 Foul Balls
Each team is responsible for retrieving their own respective foul balls. This is the
manager's responsibility to enforce. If the league receives complaints of slow
play due to the lack of hustle for foul balls, the offending team may be subject to
discipline. If a team runs out of supplied baseballs because they do not retrieve
their own baseballs, they will be responsible for purchasing league approved
baseballs to complete their season or face possible forfeits. Extra balls will not be
handed out because of laziness.
If foul balls enter adjacent property to the field being played on, please be
respectful while retrieving the ball. If there is a fence, DO NOT climb the fence.
Please use common courtesy and ask permission when necessary.
3.9 Bats
All wood (bamboo, ash, oak, maple or birch) is permitted for use. Wood
composite bats are also permitted for use.
3.10 Player Conduct
All players will conduct themselves as adults and maintain an appropriate
demeanor before, during and after games.
Control yourself and your players. Make sure your players know the rules that
affect them. Make sure they read the contract they sign. Good sportsmanship is
expected of every player. It is up to each player to make the game competitive
and enjoyable for the other players, managers, and umpires that participate, as
well as for friends, family and other spectators who come to watch. Fighting
and/or physical abuse of players, umpires, or spectators, or abusive language
directed at players, umpires, or spectators will not be tolerated by the Rochester
Baseball League.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Starting in 2024, players that are ejected will be subject to a review panel
comprised of umpire reps and fellow RBL reps. If the ejection is upheld, the
player is subject to a fine of $150 per occurrence, money to be collected and
donated to charity.
3.11 Alcohol, Drugs & Tobacco
A second violation may result in expulsion from the Rochester Baseball League,
either individually or as a team. Please notify all participants and spectators of
this rule. Umpires have the authority from the Rochester Baseball League to stop
or forfeit games if there is a problem with drinking or drugs at any game or
facility being utilized. Teams are to police their fans, friends, family members or
spectators for violations of league rules.
Both team managers should attempt to persuade any person or persons
participating in or watching the game and who are in violation of this section to
leave the premises. To Reiterate: Umpires have the authority from the Rochester
Baseball League to stop or forfeit games if there is a problem with drinking or
drug use at any game or facility. Many school districts, city or county ordinances
may prohibit all or some forms of tobacco use (cigarettes, dip, chew, etc.) at a
facility. It is very important to observe these rules wherever and whenever they
may be in force. In those instances where tobacco use is not prohibited, please
use courtesy, common sense, fire-safety awareness and sanitation in both the
use and disposal of all tobacco products. No coach or incoming team wants
to see cigarette butts and chew-spit tarnishing the field and dugouts. League
Presidents may enforce penalties or prohibit use for repeated offenses.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
The objective of the league is to provide an athletic outlet in a family setting and
all players are requested to conduct themselves in such a fashion that doesn't
conflict with those goals.
Any violations to the conduct policy will yield an indefinite suspension, pending a
league investigation.
3.12 Game Time Constraints
On certain fields, at certain times during the season, there may not be a given
time constraint, of which then, we can and will permit extra innings to a
maximum of 3 for each game.
If there are time constraints, then the limits are as follows:
o 2.5 hrs for 7 inning games, No new inning after 2:15
o 3.0 hrs for 9 inning games, No new inning after 2:45
There are no time constraints for playoff games, games must be played to
3.13 Game Baseballs
Teams will be issued league sanctioned baseballs at the start of the season.
League issued baseballs must be used to start the game. If, due to lost
baseballs, alternate balls need to be utilized, please utilize the best ones you
have and clear any non-league ball being used with the opposing manager.
Umpires shall not be physically or verbally abused. If you have a complaint about
an umpire's call, explain it to him. If you are reasonable, they will be reasonable.
If problems develop between you and an umpire, notify the League President
and provide them with the umpire's name and number.
THEIR PERSONAL PROPERTY (i.e., automobile, equipment, etc.) IN ANY WAY IS
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
The Umpire Evaluation form (if provided) in the form section of this booklet is to
be used to rate all umpires. Unless these are sent in regularly to the ROCHESTER
BASEBALL LEAGUE, we cannot evaluate umpires. The umpires are subject to
review by the ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE. They also provide to the
ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE written reports about ejections, protests and
other incidents. Umpires may be asked to evaluate teams for attitude or level of
ability. The intent is to ensure that teams are playing in the appropriate league
and to weed out teams with abusive conduct.
Discussions with umpires are to be done on the field. If any player or manager
follows an umpire off the field they will be subject to suspension and expulsion
from the ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE. Remember that, as with players, no
umpire is perfect. Some are better than others. It is your place as manager to
deal with the umpires; keep your players away from them. If anybody is ejected,
it should be you, not your players. However, don't make a habit of being ejected.
Each ejection comes with an automatic two (2) game suspension if the ejection
is upheld along with a $150.00 fine to be collected and donated to charity. The
ejected player will be indefinitely suspended until the fine is paid, even if the
length of suspension stretches past two (2) games.
If the Umpire Union deems a trend is starting, generally upon second ejection
and second non-payment, they reserve the right to start pulling umpires from
that particular teams’ schedule. The manager of said team has the ability to
settle all debts or forfeit games until debts are settled.
As always, a second suspension in the same season garners a season long
suspension and a second fine, which will be paid by the end of the same season
or else that player will be subject to a permanent ban from RBL.
3.15 Appeals
Each team has the right to appeal an outcome. There will be an ejection panel
comprised of Umpire Union representatives and RBL senior members.
3.16 Various Game Play Rules Highlighted for Ease
Balks, we do not issue warnings for balks in our league. If you balk the first time,
it will be called and the runners will advance. You are entitled to ask what you
balked for and the umpires are encouraged to share their observations.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Pitchers cannot fake a throw to third base and throw to first in a pick off
attempt, that is a balk.
Mound Visits. Each team is allowed 2 non-substitution mound visits per game.
3.17 Extra Inning Rule
Extra innings during the regular season are not guaranteed and can only be
played if the game is within time constraints or an agreement between umpires
the field venue to allow the game to proceed past the agreed upon time
Extra innings during the regular season will adopt a new MLB rule with the last
batted out the previous inning starting on second base. If that runner shall
score, the run is considered unearned.
Extra innings during the playoffs will default to traditional format, no runners on
and play until completion.
3.18 Pace of Play
In an effort to increase pace of play, the league will adopt and permit 2-out
runners for Catchers without that change being considered a lineup substitution.
Runner must be the last batted out.
4. Roster Additions
4.1 Free Agents
Free agents are free to sign with any team they so choose. Once signed, they
are obligated to finish that particular season with the claiming team and will not
be permitted to leave one team for another mid-season without each manager's
Free agents are signed as a first to notify the league, first to claim the player.
4.2 Mid Season Roster Additions
Teams are permitted to add players throughout the season, specifically if it
allows them to have enough to play a game, as long as they are not an active
member on another team.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
4.3 Using other RBL Team Players
AAA this is not permitted
AA teams should make every effort to field a team without using players from
other RBL teams. In the event that a team needs to ask other RBL teams for
player(s) to avoid a forfeit, the following guidelines must be followed:
o Request for substitute is to be made directly to the team’s manager (not
the player) and the league commissioner is to be included in
o Opposing team manager must approve of the substitution
o Substitute may not pitch in the game
o Substitute should not be of a “game-changing” talent level
5. Other Rule Provisions
5.1 Arbitration & Protests
Each team is allowed to protest a game but must submit their protest, in writing
within 12 hours of the completion of the game.
Once a protest is documented, the acting commissioner has the option to rule on
the protest by himself or, in an event of conflict of interest, enact an arbitration
panel to make a collective decision. The panel will be 5 senior members of each
league and the majority decision will be the final decision.
If the game must be completed, or replayed, after a ruling, the game costs must
be split between both affected teams evenly.
5.2 Rules not listed
Anything not specifically listed above as a ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE's own
specific rule, will be governed by Major League Baseball’s official rule book with
exceptions and practicality.
5.3 Rule Changes
The ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE observes the right to change any rule,
mid-season if necessary, that they deem necessary.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
5.4 Field and Facility Protocols
All teams are to treat every park and every facility as a carry-in, carry-out policy
for trash in case there are not dumpsters available.
If you arrive at a game and the field or facility was not left in proper condition by
our standards, you are to take photographs immediately and email them to
myself so that they are accompanied by a time stamp.
Please clean up the mess to the best of your ability to get your game in.
With the time stamp, I can prove to facilities that the messed occurred
prior to our rental.
Each team is encouraged to purchase their own landscape rake and bring it with
them to each game to help tidy up the field after their game.
If upon arrival to a facility and there are tarps on the field, it is our responsibility
to replace the tarps after our game. If there is a double header, teams from the
first game must make teams in the second game aware to replace tarps.
5.5 Playoff Standings Tie Breakers
In the event teams are tied with the same record at the end of the season, the
following tie breakers will go into affect:
If teams played each other more than one time in the current season,
head to head record will decide
If teams played each other only once during the current season or the
head to head record is tied in multiple matchup instances, the following in
order of sequence
Runs Differential
Runs Against
Runs Forward
Record vs Other Playoff Teams
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Rochester Baseball League – 2020 COVID-19 Guidelines
This season, until further notice, one umpire will be positioned in the grass of
the infield behind the pitcher while the other umpire is back, behind the batter’s
box at least 6-8 feet away. Balls and strikes will be called by the umpire behind
the pitcher.
Each player is expected to have his own helmet, no sharing
Before the game we will eliminate the meeting at home plate between umpires
and coaches
Lineups will be exchanged via text message to the opposing team
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
All participants, spectators and those working on the field or monitoring a field
must adhere to a six-foot physical distance while at the baseball facility. Face
covers are required within the six-foot distance.
There is a mandatory self-evaluation assessment of the daily symptoms. If you
are experiencing any of the symptoms you must stay home.
o If you have any symptoms related to Covid-19 do not play and go to the
Doctor and get tested.
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Repeated shaking with chills
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
o If you have anyone in your immediate family who has tested positive for
Covid-19 please do not play two complete weeks.
o Cover your coughs and sneezes
Each player must bring their own drinks and must not share with other players.
There must not be any communal drinking containers.
These requirements must be shared prior to the event with all players, coaches,
spectators, officials, and employees prior to their arrival at the venue.
Teams will form in large areas near the field where social distancing can take
place and away from other teams.
Players should not congregate in the parking lot prior to the games, and should
come to the field alone and not with any teammates.
Each team should have baseballs designated for when they are on defense.
These baseballs will be disinfected after each inning of use, and after every foul
ball retrieved. Each team should have disinfectant available to disinfect their
baseballs during the game, and in between each inning. Lysol spray, or
something of that nature, will suffice.
Infection Control and Prevention – Mandatory Precautions and Recommendations
While Warming Up, and Playing the Game for Coaches and Players
o Coaches and players must adhere to the physical six-foot distancing
except when the ball is in play.
o Athletes and coaches must wear face coverings at all times while not
actively participating in the field of play.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
o Coaches should ensure the players are adhering to social distancing in the
dugouts and other seating areas and wearing face coverings while not
actively participating on the field of play.
o Athletes must not share equipment of any kind with another player. Keep
your equipment separate from all other players' equipment. This includes
bats, helmets, catchers equipment, sunglasses, gloves, batting gloves,
belts, shoes, etc.
o Athletes during the game and after the game must not high five each
other, and do not fist bump each other.
o Each player must bring their own drinks and must not share with other
players. There must not be any communal drinking containers.
o No spitting or eating seeds, gum, or other similar products.
o After the game is over your dugout must be 100% cleaned out of all
trash, paper, bottles, baseballs, etc; so the next team coming in for the
next game has a clean dugout.
o When you go home you should immediately wash your hands or take a
shower, and you should sterilize all of your equipment, including washing
your uniform and pants. We also recommend that you clean your shoes
after each game.
Infection Control and Prevention – Mandatory Precautions and Recommendations
for Umpires and Officials
o Must adhere to six-foot social distancing practices when interacting with
players, coaches, and spectators off the field of play.
o Must conduct daily symptom assessments.
o Until social distancing guidelines are relaxed that umpires behind the plate
wear masks and gloves and/or stand 6 feet behind the pitcher.
o Umpires should be wearing gloves especially when exchanging line up
cards or documents.
o Umpires should have a bottle of sanitizer with you during the game and to
utilize it.
o When the game is over do not congregate in the parking lot and go home.
o When you go home from the game you should immediately wash your
hands or take a shower, and you should sterilize all of your equipment,
including washing your umpire shirt and pants. We also recommend that
you clean your shoes after each game.
Infection Control and Prevention – Mandatory Precautions and Recommendations
For Spectators
o Must adhere to the six-foot social distancing practices. This includes in and
around the bleachers for anyone not in the same family.
o Must conduct daily symptom assessments
o Must not enter player areas on the field of play or bench area.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
o Must keep six-feet or more distance from the backstop.
o Have a bottle of sanitizer with you during the game and to utilize it.
o Put all trash and drinking bottles immediately into a trash receptacle when
you are finished with it, and do not leave any trash or bottles on the
ground or in the bleachers.
o When the game is over do not congregate in the parking lot and go home.
o When you go home immediately wash your hands and sterilize all of your
articles/possessions taken to the field with you. We also recommend that
you clean your shoes after the game.
Please note that our liability insurance does not cover infectious or communicable
disease situations.
The ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE Waiver and Indemnification Agreement is
very clear regarding your responsibility for playing in the ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE. We have placed a copy of the waiver and indemnification below for
your perusal. Each player, and manager must sign a copy of the ROCHESTER
BASEBALL LEAGUE Waiver and Indemnification on the ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE website, and each league agrees to use the ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE Waiver and Indemnification process without altering its content.
By placing a name on this page, as a player and/or as an individual playing on
the team set forth herein or as assigned by ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE or
tournament officials, hereby consent and agree to the following parameters as
conditions of participation in the Rochester Baseball League, Inc.'s (ROCHESTER
BASEBALL LEAGUE) leagues and tournaments.
I and the team certify that I/We have a valid ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE
contract on file with my league president or the ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE
National Office and that this is subject to verification. I/We also understand that
if the contract is not on file, any league or tournament game I/We participate in
will be subject to forfeiture.
I and the team certify that I/We are aware of the league and tournament rules
and guidelines and ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE rules regarding player
conduct and I/We are aware that these rules apply to this league or tournament.
I and the team understand that violation of any part of this contract (and/or the
rules contained in the regular season or tournament ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE contract) can result in disciplinary action against me or the team,
including forfeiture of games, suspension from play, or permanent expulsion from
this league and/or ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE events/tournaments. I and
the team understand that the ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE reserves the right
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
to refuse any player or team permission to play in any ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE event, including league.
I and the team understand the risk to have contact with individuals, who have
been exposed to and/or have been diagnosed with one or more communicable
diseases, including but not limited to COVID-19 or other medical conditions,
diseases, or maladies does exit, and it is impossible to eliminate that risk, and
that I could be exposed to and/or become infected through contact with or close
proximity with an individual with a communicable disease. I and the team realize
that the total responsibility of any personal injury, accident, illness, disability,
death, property damage, lawsuit, legal issues, and/or other occurrence to any
person, place or thing, including me and mine, that occurs due to my actions or
the actions of others while I am participating in any ROCHESTER BASEBALL
LEAGUE game/tournament, and/or other function, is solely mine and the team. I,
the manager and the team knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both
known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releasees or
others, and assume all and full responsibility for me and my teams participation
in any ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE event, league or tournament.
I and the team will not possess or consume any alcoholic beverages or drugs at
any time on the playing field, in the dugouts, bleachers, or other areas near or
around the playing field, or within one hundred (100) yards of the playing field
facility, including, but not limited to, the parking lots of any facility.
I and the team understand that I/We must be able to identify ourselves with a
driver's license or other photo ID at any officially scheduled ROCHESTER
BASEBALL LEAGUE or tournament game, or I/We will be ineligible to continue in
the game. Any substitute for I/We will enter the game under the rules governing
player ejection.
In consideration of the foregoing and being allowed to participate in the
ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE activities or functions, including, but not limited
to, tournaments, this league, its games, practices and meeting, and intending to
be legally bound for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, I and the
team do hereby release and discharge the ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE,
including but not limited to, the National Organization, its officers, directors,
agents, contractors and employees, any city, county and/or state organization or
any other governing body that may have jurisdiction over any baseball field or
other facility that I and the team might play on, any other owners, lessors or
provider of fields or facilities (whether privately held or otherwise), any umpires
or umpire organizations, and their respective officers, directors, agents,
contractors, employees and other players in the Association, jointly and severally,
from any and all liability from personal injury, accident, illness, disability, death,
property damage, legal issue, lawsuit or other occurrence which I and the team
may suffer in any manner whatsoever arising out of or resulting from my
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
participation in this league or any ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE activity of
function held in conjunction therewith; and I expressly assume all risk of my
participation in these activities or functions.
I and the team agree that in the event of rain, any Acts of God or forces beyond
ROCHESTER BASEBALL LEAGUE's control, league and tournament officials may
make every reasonable effort to complete the full league/tournament schedule.
Alternate schedules, shortened games, reduced numbers of playoff teams or
other means may be used to attempt to complete the league/tournament play.
I and the team hereby acknowledge and agree that neither the ROCHESTER
BASEBALL LEAGUE nor its agents may be held liable for games which cannot be
played for reasons as described herein.
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Rochester Baseball League (RBL)
Rules & Code of Conduct Manager Contract
As manager, by signing this, I acknowledge that I've read and understand the rules that
are clarified above and acknowledge that I will make my team aware of them and agree
to abide by them. I certify that all the players appearing on my roster will electronically sign
the Rochester Baseball League waiver form before participating in any Rochester Baseball
League sanctioned events and that failure to do so will make them ineligible.
I will take full responsibility for the conduct and behavior of my players and assistant
coaches and will make every effort to ensure that collectively, we will fully respect umpires,
opposing players, managers, coaches, spectators, and the facilities that the Rochester
Baseball League utilizes.
I understand that if at any point during a game or the season, an issue arises that is
not clearly spelled out in the rules above, I agree to use my best judgment as well as
utilize the umpires or the league as arbiters to settle the situation.
I accept that failure to comply with this Code of Conduct may result in the expulsion of my
team or specified individuals within it, from the Rochester Baseball League.
Print Name:
Print Team Name:
Rochester Baseball League Rule Book (Updated March 2024)
Rochester Baseball League (RBL)
Player Contract
As a baseball player in the Rochester Baseball League, by signing this, I acknowledge that I've
read and understand the rules that are clarified in the league’s bylaws, rules and regulations,
code of conduct and acknowledge as well as the following Rochester Baseball League athletic
waiver and release of liability:
1) The risk of injury from the activities involved in this program is significant, including the potential
for permanent paralysis and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline
may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and,
ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility
for my participation; and,
3) I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation.
If, however, I observe any unusual significant hazard during my presence or participation, I will
remove myself from participation and bring such to the attention of the nearest official
immediately; and,
4) 4) I, for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin,
HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS Rochester Baseball League, their directors, team
managers, officials, agents, volunteers, umpires, spectators, other participants, sponsoring
agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and the owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the
OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law. I HAVE READ THIS RELEASE OF
I understand failure to electronically sign the Rochester Baseball League Player Contract will
make me an indelible, rostered player and that my team may suffer the repercussions should I
participate in a Rochester Baseball League sanctioned event prior to doing so.
PRINTED NAME: _____________________________________________________________________
DATE OF BIRTH: _____________________________________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: ____________________________________________________________________
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: _______________________________________________________
SIGNED: ____________________________________________________________________________
(Participant’s Signature)