ICVI Data Concepts Page 1
Data Standards for Interstate Certificates of
Veterinary Inspection (ICVI)
USDA/APHIS/Veterinary Services
July 2012
ICVI Data Concepts Page 2
Forward 3
Introduction to Data Standards 4
ICVI Data Concepts
Data Concept: Event = Certificate
Data Concept: Animal
Data Concept: Required Diagnostic Test Results Information
Data Concept: Person/Location
Standards for Database Systems
Data Storage, Accessibility, and Transfer
Data Security and Backup
Security Certification and Accreditation (C&A)
Data Quality
Data System Documentation
Data Confidentiality
Data Format/Data Exchange
Appendix 1: Purpose Codes 27
Appendix 2: Area Status Codes 28
Appendix 3: Species Codes 29
Appendix 4: Premises Status Codes 30
Appendix 5: Breed Codes 31
Appendix 6: Identification Types 72
Appendix 7: Identification Standards 73
Appendix 8: Gender Codes 78
Appendix 9: Result Interpretation Codes 79
Appendix 10: Person Type Codes 80
Appendix 11: ICVI XML Message 81
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Safeguarding animal health in the United States is achieved through State, Federal, and industry
collaboration. As part of its role in this collaboration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary Services (VS) institutes regulations governing animal
disease traceability and health certifications of various classes of animals moving interstate. It is the
purpose of this document to define the data concepts that are associated with electronically generated
Interstate Certificates of Veterinary Inspection (ICVI).
Several States and private entities have developed or are developing electronic versions of ICVIs for use
by State animal health officials and accredited veterinarians. In order to be better prepared for any animal
health event, systems that use a set of common data elements and that have clearly documented
methods for effective data exchange will greatly shorten the response time associated with the traceability
of animals moved through interstate commerce.
A common set of data elements is necessary for any entity; Federal, State, or private, to effectively share
information for the purposes of animal disease traceability and as an overall part of an integrated national
surveillance strategy. Additionally, standards are required that allow for effective, error-free data
exchange. To ensure congruency and to facilitate discussion and implementation of data-sharing
requirements among States, Tribes, eCVI vendors, and industry stakeholders, VS, in collaboration with
the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials, is publishing this set of standards for all systems
choosing to generate ICVI data.
These standards were derived from the standard set of data fields identified by the National Assembly of
Chief Livestock Health Officials as necessary to comprise an official ICVI. Additionally, data tables were
selected based on the established data tables in the
Surveillance Collaborative Services (SCS) system.
This harmonization between SCS and standard ICVI data was done in order for data to be readily
extracted from an ICVI system and compared to data in the standardized SCS system, being deployed as
a cooperative State/Federal surveillance system.
Certificate data residing within an approved ICVI system should meet the established requirements for
the interstate movement of livestock. The approval process within any system that generates an ICVI
should comply with any approved approval procecess and requirement for the movement of livestock
between two States. However, the data within an ICVI system does not constitute an approved
movement unless that data was associated with an officially approved certificate.
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Introduction to Data Standards for ICVIs
This document provides standards and guidelines for the construction and operation of an ICVI with
essential data fields, as approved by the National Assembly of State Animal Health Officials. The
standards ensure that the data used to generate the ICVI is predefined; that the collection, organization,
and analysis of appropriate data are uniform; and that data can be shared among Federal, State, and
third-party systems. Further, these standards allow for review and evaluation to ensure that the standards
are providing the appropriate type and quality of information. This uniformity will promote consistent
meaning of essential data when CVIs are shared among stakeholders.
A data standard is a conglomeration of many entities, all working together to provide a reliable data set
that can be shared between systems. Data standards contain:
Data Concepts – These are the basic building blocks of a data table; data field names, field
lengths, characters types, and if the field is required or not.
Standard Lists – Some data fields depend on a standardized list of elements that are required to
populate that field. Therefore, every time that particular field is populated with data, the choice
can only be from the predefined list.
Standard Data Storage Practices – Systems that exchange data with government systems must
operate within some basic and standard pre-defined parameters and conform to some basic IT
governance standards.
Messaging Standards – This standard defines the style and format of data that is packaged for
the purposes of transfer to another data system.
These standards offer many benefits to entities wishing to generate ICVI data. The first benefit is the
convenience of predefined classes that developers can use for variables within a data field. For example,
a predefined list of breed and species codes may be quickly indexed and include suggestions for
parameters such as variable lengths, types, and business rules. The next benefit is ease of
communication between different databases to allow analysis of information from multiple sources.
Additionally, without a data standard, data of poor quality and consistency may not be reliable; therefore,
deriving conclusions and analysis from this information would be problematic. Standardization will replace
these errors with common, consistent business rules and coding. Finally, standards for data storage and
quality ensure proper data entry and storage, and the proper structuring of data systems so they integrate
readily with existing and future databases.
ICVIs serve several important functions in our efforts to protect animal health. Primarily, they document
the health status of animals moving interstate. They also enhance traceability of livestock by recording
the magnitude and spatial characteristics of livestock movements. ICVIs contain information on
observational surveillance for physical evidence of freedom from syndromic diseases and laboratory test
evidence of freedom from specific diseases. Through ICVIs, States monitor animal movements into and
out of States and assist with enforcement of regulations, and individual States can use ICVIs to augment
Federal regulations by addressing specific animal health concerns within each State.
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ICVI Data Concepts
Data Concept: Event = Certificate
Generation of an ICVI requires a series of information specific to that certificate.
Data class Description
Specifications (Type,
length, precision, units)
Certificate Number
Identifier used to uniquely identify an
individual ICVI; may be recorded as a
numeric code or string variable
String or integer or double A12345
The trigger for the event or reason event is
String or integer (see appendix)
Valid For
Number of days that the certificate is valid
Integer 15, 30, etc…
Current State/Area
Status of the origin area (e.g., Accredited
Free of Tuberculosis)
See Appendix “Area
Status Codes”
Species associated with the event; may be
recorded as numeric code or string variable
String or integer
See Appendix
“Species Codes
X Number of Animals
on the ICVI
The number of animals covered by this
Integer 1,10,200, etc…
Flock/Herd Free For:
Status of the premises (e.g., quarantine,
certified, exposed)
See Appendix
“Premises Status
Flock/Herd Number
A unique identifier for the premises
assigned by the State of Origin for
herds/flocks with disease program status
Mode of
String Truck, Air, etc…
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Estimated Shipping
Proposed Date of animal movement
The standard format for
date fields is mm/dd/yyyy
X Veterinary
The six-digit number issued to the
Accredited Veterinarian enrolled in the
National Veterinary Accreditation Program
Integer 000001, 123456
X Veterinary Signature
Date which Accredited Veterinarian
generated the ICVI
The standard format for
date field is mm/dd/yyyy
Inspection Date
Date the animal or group of animals were
inspected for the purposes of generating
the ICVI
The standard format for
date field is mm/dd/yyyy
Permit Number
Identifier generated by the State of
Destination that corresponds to an
animal import permit issued to the
animal(s) associated with the ICVI
String or integer or double A12345
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Data Concept: Animal
Data classes in this concept may describe an individual animal.
Required Data class Description
Specifications (type,
length, precision, units)
Breed of the subject; may be recorded as a
numeric code or string variable
See Appendix “Breed
Description of the breed or color of the
animal or the type of cross-breed of animal
String BWF (black white face)
Numeric value of the subject’s age, usually in
months or years
Single 5
Age Unit
Unit of measure for age, usually indicates
month or year
String or integer
1, 2
Description of the age of the animal based
on dentition or a common term other than
year or month
String Broken mouth, Adult
Type of animal identification methods (e.g.
tag type)
String or integer
See Appendix
“Identification Types”
multiple fields.
ICVIs should
allow for at
least 3 forms
of animal
Official ID
should be in
first field.
Variable(s) used to identify the animal or
herd in the database (e.g., id numbers for the
database record) and/or in the field (e.g., tag
numbers) When Official Identification is
required, that form of ID should occupy the
first ID field and conform to the ID standard
set in the Appendix “Identification Standards”
String ---
ICVI Data Concepts Page 8
Gender of the subject; may be recorded as a
numeric code or string variable
String or integer
See Appendix “Gender
* Additionally, unless the species-specific requirements for ICVIs provide an exception,
• the ICVI must list the official identification number of each animal, except as provided in paragraph (b) of this definition, or group
of animals moved that is required to be officially identified, or, if an alternative form of identification has been agreed upon by the
sending and receiving States, the ICVI must include a record of that identification.
• If animals moving under a GIN also have individual official identification, only the GIN must be listed on the ICVI. An ICVI may
not be issued for any animal that is not officially identified if official identification is required.
• If the animals are not required by the regulations to be officially identified, the ICVI must state the exemption that applies (e.g.,
the cattle and bison belong to one of the classes of cattle and bison exempted under § 90.4 of this chapter from the official
identification requirements of 9 CFR part 90 during the initial stage of the phase-in of those requirements).
• If the animals are required to be officially identified but the identification number does not have to be recorded on the ICVI, the
ICVI must state that all animals to be moved under the ICVI are officially identified.
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Data Concept: Required Diagnostic Test Results Information
Data classes in this concept describe results from tests performed on samples or observational data collected during the generation of an ICVI.
Required Data class Description
Specifications (type,
length, precision, units)
Test type
Name of disease
Type of test performed or test name
Brucellosis, TB, other
Coggins test
Test date Date test was conducted
The standard format for
date field is mm/dd/yyyy
Laboratory Name
Name of laboratory where the sample
was sent
NVSL, Cornell
University, etc…
Accession Number
Identifier used to uniquely identify
individual samples; may be recorded as
a numeric code or string variable
String or integer or double A12345
Test result date Date the sample results were reported
The standard format for
date field is mm/dd/yyyy
Test result
A qualitative judgment regarding the test
See Appendix “Result
Interpretation Codes”
or positive, suspect,
Date of Vaccination /
Date the animal(s) was (were)
vaccinated or treated with a specific
The standard format for
date field is mm/dd/yyyy
ICVI Data Concepts Page 10
Product the animal(s) was (were)
vaccinated with or treated with a specific
Reason for vaccination or treatment with
a specific medication
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Data Concept: Person/Location
Classes in this concept describe the attributes of any person directly or indirectly related to the generation of an ICVI. For the purposes of a
standard ICVI, the same type of person data is required for SIX person categories:
Origin (**required)
Destination (**required)
Consignor (**required if different from Origin)
Consignee (**required if different from Destination)
Accredited Veterinarian (validated against a list provided by USDA, APHIS, VS)
Required Data class Description
Specifications (type, length,
precision, units)
X** Last Name
Person’s last name; should be in a
separate field from the first name
String, upper Smith
X** First Name
Person’s first name; should be in a
separate field from the last name
String, upper
John or
John Jacob
Business Name
Agency name or professional
affiliation; names or
acronyms/codes must be uniform
throughout a database so that one
agency is not indicated by multiple
names or acronyms
require multiple
Area code plus 7-digit number
char(10) - a string of 10
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Fax Number Area code plus 7-digit number
char(10) - a string of 10
Premises id
The unique identifier for the
Premises identification numbers
should be assigned using the
National Animal Identification
Premises identification
numbers should be
assigned using the National
Animal Identification System
(alpha-numeric 7, random,
character 7 is a check
X** Address 1 Physical address of the location
Use postal service
17454 Roller Coaster Rd
X** Address 2
Remainder of physical address of
the location
Use postal service
Suite 200, etc…
X** City City name String
X** State Two-character state abbreviation
Use postal service
X** County County name String Erie
X** Zip Code
U.S. Postal Service 5-digit mail
delivery area.
String 80132
E-mail address Person’s e-mail address String; no spaces [email protected]
Person type
The person’s role as it relates to the
Origin, Destination,
Consignor, Consignee,
Carrier, Accredited
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Prefix Prefix to a person’s name String Dr., Mrs.
State / County
FIPS code
State/County Federal Information
Processing Standard Code
String 08041
City FIPS code
Metropolitan Areas Federal
Information Processing Standard
String CO322
Suffix Suffix to a person’s name String Jr., Sr.
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Standards for Database Systems
Data Storage, Accessibility, and Transfer
Standard: Data for ICVIs are stored in an electronic relational database using standardized
naming and formatting conventions for data fields. The database system allows
access to different types of authorized users and allows for easy data transfer and
integration with other systems.
a. Electronic, relational databases are used to store data and are designed
using industry standards.
b. To facilitate the flow of information among systems, the database uses the
standardized data naming and formatting conventions described previously.
c. The data are stored in a manner that facilitates the flow of information
across systems.
d. The database should be scalable to allow for appropriate expansion of the
system and reliable for continuous use.
e. The data storage system should maintain and make accessible legacy data
that may not meet the standard set forth in this document.
Supporting Information:
Relational databases. Electronic, relational databases provide the most accessible,
reliable, scalable, and secure form for storing surveillance information. Spreadsheets are
typically not appropriate for long term storage of ICVI data. Relational databases provide
these advantages:
Tools for efficient and secure data storage, retrieval, and update
Descriptions of the stored data items and their formats (i.e., metadata, data
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Tools for transaction and concurrency control that allow multiple users to access
and use the database(s) simultaneously
Tools for data recovery
Tools for database security, including user authorization and backups
Standardized data formatting. One of the challenges of database design and development
is deciding what data to include (i.e., what fields or elements), and how to format the data
so it is compatible with other systems. Use of standardized naming and formatting of data
fields greatly increases the ability to integrate information from multiple data collection
systems. The previous section describes the naming and formatting for ICVI data.
Accessibility. Data and information accessibility is critical to a successful surveillance
program. ICVI data must be accessible, in a timely manner, to a variety of authorized users
who may need this information for analysis, reporting, and decision-making, particularly in
emergencies. Tools should be available that allow access to data by authorized users so
this information can be queried or extracted to other software for analysis (e.g., statistical or
geospatial analysis).
Exchange of Data Among Systems. More information can be obtained from the same
amount of data if the data are stored in a manner that facilitates the transfer of data to other
systems or integration of data with other systems. Extensible Markup Language (XML) is
commonly used for this purpose; XML facilitates information exchange among systems by
encoding data with meaningful structure and semantics that computers and humans can
understand (see <www.orafaq.com/glossary>). Other technologies or industry practices
may also facilitate data flow among systems. ICVI data must be provided to cooperating
partners, using the data standards mentioned in the previous section and in the format
described below, under the topic; ‘Data Format/Data Exchange’.
Scalable. The database technology and architecture should allow appropriate levels of
expansion of the system without compromising system efficiency.
Reliability. Reliability refers to the user’s ability to consistently and efficiently use the
database system for data entry or retrieval. Systems that store ICVI data must be able to
consistently provide many users with simultaneous access to high quality data.
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Legacy data (or historical data). Older data from some applications may have been
collected and stored using outdated computer technologies. These data are often still a
vital source of national animal health surveillance information and should be maintained for
use by analysts and decision-makers. Legacy data should be accessible, and clear
documentation should be available to describe these data to ensure usability in the future.
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Data Security and Backup
Standard: Data stored in systems that generate ICVIs should be accessible to authorized
users and be secure, recoverable, and reliable. The database is backed up to
minimize intentional or accidental loss of information.
Supporting Information:
Security. The database should be strictly controlled and managed to prevent intentional or
accidental loss of information. Security measures should include, but not be limited to,
authorization and authentication of users, limiting privileges of users based on roles,
encryption, data backups, and data storage in multiple locations. Security measures should
address loss of data, loss of confidentiality, loss of privacy, loss of integrity, and loss of
Database backup. Backup is the process of periodically taking a copy of the database and
moving it to an offline storage media. Complete backup protocols and systems for animal
health surveillance databases should be implemented to prevent loss of data that would
affect daily operations. The backup system should consider how fast data recovery needs
to occur, how long data must be available online, and methods for maintaining permanent
backup media.
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Security Certification and Accreditation (C&A)
Standard: All federal IT systems must be officially authorized, from a security standpoint, to
Systems that hold ICVI data that will be dynamically linked to federal IT systems
must meet security standards set forth in an Information Security Agreement (ISA)
adopted between VS and the entity wishing to dynamically exchange data.
Systems that hold ICVI data that is provided to federal IT systems in the form of a
standardized data file should also have security standards in place to assure the
integrity of the data.
Supporting Information:
Numerous directives explicitly state the requirement for Federal agencies to perform a
security certification and accreditation (C&A) of their IT systems. The C&A process
involves a comprehensive evaluation of the technical, operational, and management
controls in place to properly secure both the data and infrastructure of a given application.
Accreditation is a formal acceptance, by the agency in question, of any residual risks once
the security measures identified are in place, and is the official authority to operate the
system as described in the associated documentation.
C&A standards require these steps:
Establish and document access controls
Maintain configuration management plan
Perform a risk assessment
Assess impact of data to personal privacy
Ensure existence of a disaster recovery plan
Create and maintain a system security plan
Critical components of the C& A process include:
The system is certified and accredited every 3 years or following any major change
ICVI Data Concepts Page 19
to the system
The security classification of the system is properly assessed
Required security documents are in place and updated as related attributes of the
application evolve
The C&A process is integrated into the system development life cycle of any new
Information about the C&A process for federal IT systems and specific information about
what is required for an ISA is available through the Office of the Chief Information Officer for
VS. Developers unfamiliar with the C&A requirements and process should contact VS
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Data Quality
Standard: The database system is designed, implemented, and maintained to ensure that
data are of high quality.
a. Systematic and proactive procedures, used at multiple points in the data
flow for the generation of a ICVI, are implemented to ensure data quality;
this includes feedback processes designed to not only inspect data for
quality but also to address and fix the root causes of data errors.
b. Those responsible for data quality are identified and have a clear role in the
data quality feedback process.
c. Programming tools are used to prevent data entry errors (e.g., code that
enforces business rules or filters data that is out of range for particular
d. Individuals responsible for data entry have training and resources to
perform their job correctly.
e. Data are periodically validated and verified to ensure that the information is
sufficiently accurate and complete to meet the needs of the surveillance
program, and feedback from this process is used to improve the
procedures used to ensure data quality.
Supporting Information:
Data that are complete and error-free are essential for an ICVI system to provide accurate
reports and meaningful analyses in a timely manner. Data quality is defined as the ability of
the data to meet the requirements of all internal and external customers. In particular, it is a
core requirement that data are accurate, complete, accessible, available, and compatible
with data from multiple systems. To achieve this, all ICVI data systems must demonstrate
commitment to data quality. High quality data is not something that “just happens;” it is the
result of systematic and proactive quality management efforts throughout data system.
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The measurement and improvement of data quality is a broad subject, and there are many
books and Web sites on this topic. However, these considerations are of particular concern
to data quality in an ICVI system:
ICVI data should reflect a commitment to implementing systematic and proactive
procedures to assure data quality. These procedures should go beyond mere data
inspection/correction and reflect a system-wide strategy to identify and eliminate
causes of inadequate data quality.
Systems that generate ICVIs should identify teams of individuals who are tasked
with data quality management; this group should include database managers as
well as those involved with data entry, analysis, and reporting.
Data entry user interfaces should be designed to minimize data entry errors. This
may be achieved by restricting data entry in particular fields to acceptable values,
cross-validating information within and between records, minimizing the use of
free-text fields, using standardized terminology, using standardized lookup tables to
control data entry, forcing users to double-key critical information, and constraints
on data entry that assure data integrity.
Training those responsible for data collection and data entry is recognized as a
critical component to the data quality management process. Data entry personnel
should be provided with resources (e.g., documents, protocols, user’s guides, web-
based resources, help desk contacts) to facilitate data entry and address questions
or concerns. Feedback processes should be established to help data collectors
and data entry staff-identify and correct errors.
Data validation and verification processes should be established to periodically
review the data for accuracy, integrity, and completeness. These processes can
identify systematic problems with a data system and avert data integrity problems
that can affect quality reporting and analysis. These processes should not only
identify and correct errors, but should also identify causes of data quality problems
and provide solutions. Further, mechanisms should be in place to implement
solutions to data quality problems when they are identified.
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Data System Documentation
Standard: Data system documentation must be readily available and clearly describe:
The system requirements and business rules
The system users, including their access and roles
The system components and their relationships (database schemas,
entity-relationship diagrams, and descriptions of tables, views, and
stored procedures)
Data dictionaries that explain what data are stored in the database(s),
how these are formatted
Details regarding data backup and recovery procedures
Changes to the data system over time, including changes to data
elements that may impact analysis and reporting
The activities of the system’s Change Control Board (CCB), if applicable
Supporting Information:
Comprehensive system documentation provides critical information to IT developers, data
end users, and other stakeholders about what, where, and how data are stored. System
documentation should be developed for all systems that are developed to generate ICVIs.
Documentation of Changes to the Data System. Changes to a data system must be
carefully considered and fully documented. Changes to any data system can have far-
reaching ramifications both to developers of the system and stakeholders who use the data
in the system, especially when data systems are integrated and pull or receive data from
multiple sources. It is important to have a critical review process of all changes that occur
to a data system’s architecture and design. This includes, but is not limited to, changes in
data collection, table design, table relationships, and coding systems used within tables.
Critical Components:
A Change Control Board (CCB) should be established that has members
representing the IT team and officials involved in planning and implementing the
surveillance system. The CCB approves the original system, the system
ICVI Data Concepts Page 23
documentation, and system changes.
Periodic reviews of the data system should be conducted to evaluate new
technologies and modernization of the current system.
The data system should be evaluated periodically by unbiased experts to evaluate
system efficiency and design.
Any changes to the data system should be documented completely, including
updates to the data dictionary, entity relationship diagrams (ERDs), and user
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Data Confidentiality
Standard: The data system ensures the confidentiality of sensitive or private information.
a. Appropriate authority is obtained to collect and maintain data that may
be sensitive or confidential.
b. Sensitive or confidential data elements are identified and a protocol is
developed and implemented to restrict access to these elements; access
is limited to authorized individuals.
c. Staff are trained on data confidentiality policies and protocols.
d. Information-sharing policies for databases are documented and adhered
to, ensuring confidentiality.
e. Federal and State information sharing laws and practices are carefully
evaluated before linking, transferring, or sharing data with any
Supporting Information:
Data confidentiality and privacy is a top priority for all systems that generate ICVIs. Such
systems must include approved protocols for collecting, storing, restricting access to, and
working with confidential information. In addition, confidential information may only be
shared when the situation complies with Federal and State laws.
First steps for addressing data confidentiality issues include:
o Obtain authority to gather and maintain private information
o Identify data that require restricted access
ICVI Data Concepts Page 25
o Identify groups of users (roles) and the data they can access
o Restrict user access to data based on group membership (roles)
o Determine if information on individuals or groups of individuals can easily be
o Ensure the information stored is used as authorized
For VS data systems, refer questions on data confidentiality and information sharing to
APHIS Legislative and Public Affairs.
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Data Format/Data Exchange
Standard: Data that complies with the standards set forth in this document should be
formatted and packaged in XML (see Appendix 11)
Supporting Information:
Data should be transferred between approved systems in a format that allows for a
standardized method of reliable data sharing. In most cases a simple Extensible Markup
Language (XML) file will suffice for effective data transfer between systems. XML is a
markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both
human-readable and machine-readable. A sample XML file is included in Appendix 11, but
other XML packaging can be used as long as the data standards defined in this document
are met.
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Appendix 1: Purpose Codes
Medical Treatment
Other (Specify)
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Appendix 2: Area Status Codes
Class A
PRV Free
Other (Specify)
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Appendix 3: Species Codes
Name Code
Bovine BOV
Caprine CAP
Equine EQU
Ovine OVI
Porcine POR
Poultry POU
Other (Specify)
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Appendix 4: Premises Status Codes
Flock/Herd Free For:
Other (Specify)
ICVI Data Concepts Page 31
Appendix 5: Breed Codes
short name
(10) species long name (50) breed long name (50)
name (3)
Frogs Frogs Atelopus zeteki (Golden panamaniam frog) GPN
Frogs Frogs Ceratophrys cornuta (Neotropical horned frog) NEO
Frogs Frogs Dendrobates azureus (Blue poison dart frog) BPD
Frogs Frogs Hyla chrysoscelis (Cope's gray tree frog) CGT
Frogs Frogs Hyla cinerea (Green tree frog) GRT
Frogs Frogs Hyla versicolor (Gray tree frog) GAT
Frogs Frogs Litoria caerulea (Whites tree frog) WHT
Frogs Frogs Pseudacris triseriata (Western chorus frog) WCF
Frogs Frogs Rana capito (Gopher frog) GOP
Frogs Frogs Rana clamitans (Green frog) GRE
Frogs Frogs Rana palustris (Pickerel frog) PCK
Frogs Frogs Rana pipiens (Northern leopard frog) NLF
Frogs Frogs Rana sphenocephala (Southern leopard frog) SLF
Frogs Frogs Rana sylvatica (Wood frog) WOO
Salamander Salamanders Ambystoma maculatum(Spotted salamander) SPT
Salamander Salamanders Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger salamander) TIG
Toads Toads Bufo alvarius (Colorado River/Sonaran Desert toad) COR
Toads Toads Bufo marinus (Cane/Marine/Giant Neotropical toad) CAN
Toads Toads Pipa pipa (Surinam/Star-fingered toad) SUR
Toads Toads Scaphiopus holbrookii (Eastern spadefoot toad) ESF
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Abalone Abalone Haliotis asinina (Abalone) ABL
Abalone Abalone Haliotis corrugata (Pink abalone) PIA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis cracherodii (Black abalone) BLA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis discus (Japanese black abalone) JBA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta (none) SUP
Abalone Abalone Haliotis fulgens (Green abalone) GRA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis laevigata (Greenslip abalone) GSA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis rubra (Blacklip abalone) BLP
Abalone Abalone Haliotis rufescens (Red abalone) REA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis sorenseni (White abalone) WHA
Abalone Abalone Haliotis wallalensis (Flat abalone) FLA
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Ambloplites ariommus (Shadow bass) SHB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Ambloplites constellatus (Ozark bass) OZB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Ambloplites rupestris (Rock bass) ROB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Centropristis striata (Black sea bass) BSB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Dicentrarchus labrax (European sea bass) ESB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Micropterus coosae (Redeye bass) REB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater
Micropterus dolomieu (Smallmouth bass)
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Micropterus notius (Suwannee bass) SWB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Micropterus punctulatus (Spotted bass) SPB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater
Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth bass)
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Morone americana (White perch) WHT
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Morone chrysops (White bass) WHB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Morone chrysops x Morone saxatilis (Sunshine bass) SUB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Morone mississippiensis (Yellow bass) YEB
Bass Bass - Freshwater & Saltwater Morone saxatilis (Striped bass) STB
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Carassius auratus (Goldfish) GLF
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Carassius carassius (Crucian carp) CRC
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Ctenopharyngodon idella (Grass carp) GRS
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Cyprinidae (Carp) CRP
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Cyprinus carpio (Common carp) COC
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Cyprinus carpio (Koi carp) KOI
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Cyprinus carpio (Mirror carp) MRR
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix (Silver carp) SIL
Carp Cyprinids - Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis (Bighead carp) BHC
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus brunneus (Snail bullhead) SNB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus catus (White catfish) WHC
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus melas (Black bullhead) BLB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus natalis (Yellow bullhead) YEB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus nebulosus (Brown bullhead) BRB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus platycephalus (Flat bullhead) FLB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ameiurus serracanthus (Spotted bullhead) SPB
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ictalurus furcatus (Blue catfish) BLC
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Ictalurus punctatus (Channel catfish) CHC
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Noturus flavus (Stonecat) STC
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Catfish - North American
Freshwater Noturus gyrinus (Tadpole madtom) TPM
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Noturus insignis (Margined madtom) MGM
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Noturus placidus (Neosho madtom) NEM
Catfish - North American
Freshwater Pylodictis olivaris (Flathead Catfish) FLC
CatfishOT Catfish - Other Ameiurus sp. (Bullhead) BUL
CatfishOT Catfish - Other Clarias batrachus (Walking catfish) WKC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Couesius plumbeus (Lake chub) LKE
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Erimonax monachus (Spotfin chub) SPF
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila atraria (Utah chub) UTC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila bicolor (Tui chub) TUI
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila coerulea (Blue chub) BLC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila cypha (Humpback chub) HMP
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila intermedia (Gila chub) GIL
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila orcuttii (Arroyo chub) ARY
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila purpurea (Yaqui chub) YAQ
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Gila robusta (Roundtail chub) RDT
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Macrhybopsis meeki (Sicklefin chub) SFC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Nocomis biguttatus (Hornyhead chub) HHC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Nocomis leptocephalus (Bluehead chub) BHC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Nocomis micropogon (River chub) RVC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Platygobio gracilis (Flathead chub) FHC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Semotilus atromaculatus (Creek chub) CRC
Chub Cyprinids - Chub Semotilus thoreasuianus (Dixie chub) DXC
CIC Cichilds Astronotus ocellatus (Oscar cichlid) OSC
CIC Cichilds Cichla ocellaris (Butterfly peacock bass) BPB
CIC Cichilds Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum (Convict cichlid) CVC
CIC Cichilds Cichlasoma urophthalma (Mayan cichlid) MYC
CIC Cichilds Cichlidae (Cichlid) CCH
CIC Cichilds Hemichromis bimaculatus (Jewelfish) JWF
CIC Cichilds Heros severus (Banded cichlid) BAC
CIC Cichilds Symphysodon sp. (Discus) DIS
Clam Clams Anadara transversa (Transverse ark) TRA
Clam Clams Austrovenus stutchburyi (New Zealand cockle) NZC
Clam Clams Barbatia novaezealandiae (New Zealand ark clam) NZA
Clam Clams Chama pacifica (Reflexed jewelbox) RFJ
Clam Clams Chamelea gallina (Striped venus clam) STV
Clam Clams Clinocardium nuttallii (Cockles clam) COC
Clam Clams Corbicula fluminea (Asian clam) ASC
Clam Clams Cyrtopleura costata (Angelawing clam) ANC
Clam Clams Ensis arcuatus(Razor shell clam) RSC
Clam Clams Ensis directus (Atlantic jackknife clam) AJC
Clam Clams Eupera sp. (Fingernail/pea/pill clam) FNE
Clam Clams Katelysia rhytiphora (Ridged venus clam) RVC
Clam Clams Leukoma staminea (Native little necks) NLN
Clam Clams Macoma balthica (Baltic macoma clam) BMC
Clam Clams Macoma brota (Macoma clam) MCB
Clam Clams Macoma nasuta (Macoma clam) MCN
Clam Clams Macomona liliana (Large wedge shell) LWS
Clam Clams Mactromeris polynyma (Stimpson's surf clam) STS
Clam Clams Mercenaria campechiensis (Southern quahog clam) SQC
Clam Clams Mercenaria mercenaria (Hard clam) HRC
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Clam Clams Mercenaria mercenaria (Quahog clam) QUC
Clam Clams Musculium sp. (Fingernail/pea/pill clam) FNM
Clam Clams Mya arenaria (Softshell clam) SSC
Clam Clams Nuttallia obscurata (Savory/vanish clam) SVC
Clam Clams Panopea generosa (Geoduck) GEO
Clam Clams Paphia undulata (Undulated surf clam) USC
Clam Clams Paphies astralis (New Zealand pipi) NZP
Clam Clams Pisidium sp. (Fingernail/pea/pill clam) FNP
Clam Clams Pitar rostratus (Uruguayan clam) URC
Clam Clams Polititapes aurea (Golden carpet shell clam) GCS
Clam Clams Protothaca jedoensis (Jedo venus clam) JVC
Clam Clams Protthaca staminea (Pacific littleneck clam) PLC
Clam Clams Saxidomus gigantea (Butter clams) BUC
Clam Clams Siliqua alta (Alaska razor clam) ARC
Clam Clams Siliqua patula (Pacific razor) PCR
Clam Clams Solen marginatus (Grooved razor shell) GRS
Clam Clams Sphaerium sp. (Fingernail/pea/pill clam) FNS
Clam Clams Spisula solidissima (Surf clam) SUC
Clam Clams Tellina palatum (Hawaiian clam) HIC
Clam Clams Tresus capax (Horse clam/Fat gaper) HFG
Clam Clams Tresus nuttallii (Horse clam) HOC
Clam Clams Tridacna cocea (Crocus/Saffron-coloured clam) CSC
Clam Clams Tridacna maxima (Small Giant Clam) SGC
Clam Clams Tridacna sp. (Giant clams) GIC
Clam Clams Venerupis decussata (Grooved carpet shell clam) GRC
Clam Clams Venerupis philippinarum (Manila clam) MAC
Clam Clams Venerupis pullastra (Pullet carpet shell clam) PCS
Cods Cods Gadus macrocephalus (Pacific cod) PAC
Cods Cods Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod) ATC
Cods Cods Lota lota (Burbot) BUR
Cods Cods Melanogrammus aeglefinus (Haddock) HAD
Crabs Crabs Acantholithodes hispidus (Spiny lithode crab) SLI
Crabs Crabs Ashtoret miersii (none) MIE
Crabs Crabs Atergatis integerrimus (Red egg crab) REG
Crabs Crabs Barytelphusa pulvinata (none; freshwater) FWC
Crabs Crabs Calappa lophos (Common box crab) CBC
Crabs Crabs Calappa philargus (Spectacled box crab) SBC
Crabs Crabs Callinectes ornatus (Ornate blue crab) OBC
Crabs Crabs Callinectes sapidus (Blue crab) BLC
Crabs Crabs Callinectes similis (Lesser blue crab) LBC
Crabs Crabs Cancer antennarius (Pacific rock crab) PRC
Crabs Crabs Cancer gracilis (Slender crab) SLC
Crabs Crabs Cancer irroratus (Atlantic rock crab) ARC
Crabs Crabs Cancer magister (Dungeness crab) DUN
Crabs Crabs Cancer oregonensis (Pygamy rock crab) PYG
Crabs Crabs Cancer pagurus (Brown crab) BRC
Crabs Crabs Cancer productus (Red rock crab) RRC
Crabs Crabs Carcinus maenus (Green crab/Shore crab) GRC
Crabs Crabs Chaceon quinquedens (Deep sea red crab) DSR
Crabs Crabs Charybdis annulata (Banned-leg swimming crab) BSC
Crabs Crabs Charybdis feriata (Red Flowery crab) RFC
Crabs Crabs Charybdis granulata (Portunid crab) PTC
Crabs Crabs Charybdis hoplites (none) HOP
Crabs Crabs Charybdis lucifera (none) BOX
ICVI Data Concepts Page 35
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes (Snow crabs) SNW
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes angulatus (Triangle tanner crab) TRI
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes bairdi (Southern Tanner/Tanner crab) TAN
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes elongatus (none) ELO
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes japonicus (Beni-zuwai crab) BZC
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes opilio (Snow crab; Opilio) OSC
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes pacificus (Tanner crab) TAP
Crabs Crabs Chionoecetes tanneri (Grooved tanner crab) GRT
Crabs Crabs Cryptolithodes typicus (Butterfly crab) BUT
Crabs Crabs Cyclograpsus intermedius (Grapsid crab) GRS
Crabs Crabs Damania splendida (none) SPL
Crabs Crabs Dyspanopeus sayi (Say Mud crabs) SMC
Crabs Crabs Dyspanopeus texanus (Gulf grassflat crab) MUD
Crabs Crabs Erimacrus isenbeckii (Hair crab) HAI
Crabs Crabs Eriocheir sinensis (Chinese mitten crab) CMC
Crabs Crabs Eurypanopeus depressus (Flatback Mud crab) DEM
Crabs Crabs Eurypanopeus spp. (Mud crabs) MUE
Crabs Crabs Gelasimus marionis nitidus (Indian fiddler crab) IFC
Crabs Crabs Grapsus albolineatus (Mottled Sally-light-foot) MSL
Crabs Crabs Halimede ochtodes (none) OCH
Crabs Crabs Hemigrapsus nudus (Purple shore crab) PSC
Crabs Crabs Hemigrapsus oregonensis (Yellow shore crab) YSC
Crabs Crabs Hemigrapsus penicillatus (none; Verunid crab) PES
Crabs Crabs Hemigrapsus sp. (Shore crab) SHR
Crabs Crabs
Liagore rubronaculata (none) RUB
Crabs Crabs Liocarcinus depurator (Harbor/Sandy Swimming crab) DEP
Crabs Crabs Lithodes aequispinus (Golden king crab) GKC
Crabs Crabs Lithodes couesi (Scarlet king crab) SKC
Crabs Crabs Lithodes maja (Northern Stone/Deepsea King crab) MAJ
Crabs Crabs Lopholithodes foraminatus (Brown box crab) BBC
Crabs Crabs Lopholithodes mandtii (Puget Sound King crab) KNG
Crabs Crabs Lophopanopeus bellus (Blackclaw Crestleg crab) BCC
Crabs Crabs Macrophthalmus sulcatus (none) OCY
Crabs Crabs Matuta planipes (Flower/Reticulated Moon crab) MOO
Crabs Crabs Menippe adina (Gulf stone crab) GSC
Crabs Crabs Menippe mercenaria (Flordia stone crab) FSC
Crabs Crabs Menippe rumphii (none) RUM
Crabs Crabs Metapograpsus messor (Mangove rock crab) MRC
Crabs Crabs Necora puber (Velvet swimming crab) VSC
Crabs Crabs Paradorippe granulata (none) GRA
Crabs Crabs Paralithodes camtschaticus (Red king crab) RKG
Crabs Crabs Paralithodes platypus (Blue king crab) BKG
Crabs Crabs Paralithodes rathbuni (Spiny king crab) SKG
Crabs Crabs Paralomis multispina (King crab) ORH
Crabs Crabs Paratelphusa hydrodomous (Freshwater field crab) FFC
Crabs Crabs Parthenope prensor (none) PRE
Crabs Crabs Podophthalmus vigil (Long-eyed Swimming crab) LES
Crabs Crabs Portunus pelagicus (Bl. Swimming/Flower/Sand crab) FLW
Crabs Crabs Portunus pelagicus (Sand crab) SND
Crabs Crabs Portunus sanguinolentus (Three-spot swimming crab) TSS
Crabs Crabs Portunus trituberculatus (Horse crab) HOR
Crabs Crabs Pugettia gracilis (Graceful kelp crab) GRK
Crabs Crabs Pugettia producta (Kelp crab) KLP
Crabs Crabs Pugettia ricci (Cryptic kelp crab) CRK
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Crabs Crabs Ranina ranina (Kona crab/spanner crab/frog crab) KON
Crabs Crabs Rhithropanopeus harisii (Harris mud crab) HMC
Crabs Crabs Scylla serrata (Giant Mud crab) GIM
Crabs Crabs Scyllarus arctus (Small European locust lobster) SEL
Crabs Crabs Scyra acutifrons (Sharpnose crab) SHA
Crabs Crabs Sesarma mederi (Red crab) REC
Crabs Crabs Thalamita danae (none) DAN
Crabs Crabs Uca pugilator (Atlantic Sand Fiddler crab) PUG
Crabs Crabs Uca vocanus (Orange Fiddler Crab) OFD
Crayfish Crayfish Astacus leptodactylus (narrow clawed crayfish) NCC
Crayfish Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus (Red claw crayfish) RCL
Crayfish Crayfish Orconectes immunis (Papershell crayfish) PSC
Crayfish Crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus (Signal crayfish) SIC
Crayfish Crayfish Procambarus blanding acutus (White crayfish) WHC
Crayfish Crayfish Procambarus clarkii (Red swamp crayfish/crawfish) RSC
Crayfish Crayfish Procambarus zonangulus (White river crayfish) WRC
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Acrocheilus alutaceus (Chiselmouth) CHS
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Cyprinidae (Hybrid Cyprinid) HYC
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Hesperoleucus symmetricus (California Roach) CAR
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Mylocheilus caurinus (Peamouth) PEA
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Pogonichthys macrolepidotus (Splittail ) SPL
CyprinidOT Cyprinids - Other Tinca tinca (Tench) TEN
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Agosia chrysogaster (Longfin dace) LFD
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Clinostomus funduloides (Rosyside dace) RSY
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Lepidomeda albivallis (White river spinedace) WRS
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Meda fulgida (Spikedace) SKD
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Phoxinus eos (Northern redbelly dace) NRD
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Rhinichthys atratulus (Eastern Blacknose dace) EBD
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Rhinichthys cataractae (Longnose dace) LND
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Rhinichthys falcatus (Leopard dace) LEP
Dace Cyprinids - Dace Rhinichthys osculus (Speckled dace) SPK
Drum Drums Aplodinotus grunniens (Freshwater drum) FRW
Drum Drums Bairdiella chrysoura (Silver perch) SLP
Drum Drums Cynoscion nebulosus (Spotted seatrout) SPS
Drum Drums Pogonias cromis (Black drum) BLA
Drum Drums Sciaenops ocellatus (Red drum) RED
Eels Eels Anguilla rostrata (American eel) AME
Eels Eels Electrophorus electrius (Electric eel) ELE
Eels Eels Electrophorus Muraenidae (Moray eel) MRY
Eels Eels Monopterus albus (Asian swamp eel) ASW
FinfishOT Other Finfish Acipenser fulvescens (Lake sturgeon) LKS
FinfishOT Other Finfish Albula vulpes (Bonefish) BNF
FinfishOT Other Finfish Amia calva (Bowfin) BWF
FinfishOT Other Finfish Apteronotus albifrons (Black ghost knifefish) BGK
FinfishOT Other Finfish Channa argus argus (Northern snakehead) NSH
FinfishOT Other Finfish Chanos chanos (Milkfish) MLK
FinfishOT Other Finfish Cyprinodon macularius (Desert pupfish) DSP
FinfishOT Other Finfish Engraulidae (Anchovy) ANC
FinfishOT Other Finfish Gymnotus carapo (Banded knifefish) BND
FinfishOT Other Finfish Lagdon rhomboides (Pinfish) PNF
FinfishOT Other Finfish Mugil cephalus (Striped mullet) STM
FinfishOT Other Finfish Opsanus tau (Oyster toadfish) OYT
FinfishOT Other Finfish Orthopristis chrysoptera (Pigfish) PIG
FinfishOT Other Finfish Oryzias latipes (Medaka) MDK
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FinfishOT Other Finfish Other Finfish not listed OT
FinfishOT Other Finfish Polyodon spathula (Paddlefish) PDF
FinfishOT Other Finfish Pomatomus saltatrix (Bluefish) BLF
FinfishOT Other Finfish Psetta maxima (European turbot) EUT
FinfishOT Other Finfish Pterophyllum sp. (Angelfish) ANG
FinfishOT Other Finfish Pygocentrus nattereri (Red-bellied piranha) RBP
FinfishOT Other Finfish Scomberesox saurus (Atlantic saury) ATS
FinfishOT Other Finfish Umbra limi (Central mudminnow) CNM
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus (Atlantic halibut) ATL
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis (Pacific halibut) PAC
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Paralichthys californicus (California halibut) CAH
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Paralichthys lethostigma (Southern Flounder) SOU
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Paralichthys olivaceus (Japanese flounder) JAP
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Paralichthys squamilentus (Broad flounder) BRD
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides (Greenland halibut) GLH
Flou/Hal Flounders/Halibut Verasper variegates (Spotted halibut) SPH
GAR Gar Lepisosteus oculatus (Spotted gar) SPG
GAR Gar Lepisosteus osseus (Longnose gar) LGN
GAR Gar Lepisosteus platostomus (Shortnose gar) STN
Gobies Gobies Brachygobius sp. (Bumblebee goby) BBG
Gobies Gobies Clevelandia ios (Arrow goby) ARW
Gobies Gobies Elacatinus sp. (Neon goby) NEO
Gobies Gobies Neogobius melanostomus (Round goby) RND
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus akaara (Hong Kong grouper) HKG
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus awoara (Yellow grouper) YEL
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus bruneus (Longtooth grouper) LGT
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus coioides (Orange-spotted grouper) OSG
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus (Brown-marbled grouper) BMG
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus lanceolatus (Giant grouper) GIA
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus malabaricus (Malabar grouper) MLB
Grouper Grouper
Epinephelus septemfasciatus (Convict grouper) CNV
Grouper Grouper Epinephelus tauvina (Greasy grouper) GRE
Grouper Grouper Mycteroperca bonaci (Black grouper) BLG
Herrings Herrings Alosa aestivalis (Blueback herring) BLB
Herrings Herrings Alosa chrysochloris (Skipjack herring) SKP
Herrings Herrings Alosa mediocris (Hickory shad) HCK
Herrings Herrings Alosa pseudoharengus (Alewife) ALE
Herrings Herrings Alosa sapidissima (American shad) AMS
Herrings Herrings Brevoortia tyrannus (Atlantic menhaden) ATM
Herrings Herrings Clupea harengus (Atlantic herring) ATH
Herrings Herrings Clupea pallasil (Pacific Herring) PAH
Herrings Herrings Clupea sp. (Herring) HER
Herrings Herrings Dorosoma cepedianum (American Gizzard shad) AGS
Herrings Herrings Dorosoma petenense (Threadfin shad) THS
Killifish Killifish Fundulus diaphanus (Banded killifish) BND
Killifish Killifish Fundulus parvipinnis (California killifish) CAK
Killifish Killifish Fundulus serninolis (Seminole killifish) SEM
Lampreys Lampreys Lampetra tridentata (Pacific lamprey) PAC
Lampreys Lampreys Petromyzon marinus (Sea lamprey) SEA
Livebearer Livebearers Gambusia affinis (Western mosquitofish) SEM
Livebearer Livebearers Gambusia heterochir (Clear creek gambusia) CCG
Livebearer Livebearers Poecilia reticulata (Guppy) GUP
Livebearer Livebearers Poeciliopsis occidentalis (Gila topminnow) GIL
Loach Loach Balitoridae (Hillstream loach) HIL
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Loach Loach Cobitidae (Loach) LOA
Loach Loach Gyrinocheilus sp. (Algae eater loach) ALE
Lobster Lobster Homarus americanus (American lobster) AML
Lobster Lobster Homarus gammarus (European lobster ) EUL
Lobster Lobster Panulirus argus (Caribbean spiny lobster) CSP
Lobster Lobster Panulirus interruptus (California spiny lobster) CAP
Lobster Lobster Panulirus longipes (Longlegged spiny lobster) LLS
Lobster Lobster Panulirus marginatus (Banded spiny lobster) BNS
Lobster Lobster Panulirus ornatus (Ornate spiny lobster) ORS
Lobster Lobster Panulirus penicillatus (Pronghorn spiny lobster) PRS
Lobster Lobster Panulirus vesicolor (Paintede spiny lobster) PAS
Lobster Lobster Parribacus antarcticus (Chinese slipper lobster) CHS
Lobster Lobster Scyllarides haanii (Ridgeback slipper lobster) RDS
Lobster Lobster Scyllarides squammosus (Common slipper lobster) CMS
Lobster Lobster Scyllarus arctus (Small european locust lobster) SEL
Mackerel Mackerel Scomber japonicus (Chub mackerel) CHB
Mackerel Mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius (Japanese Spanish mackerel JPS
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Campostoma anomalum (Central Stoneroller) CES
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Danio rerio (Zebrafish) ZBR
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Exoglossum maxillingua (Cutlip minnow) CTL
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Hybognathus amarus (Rio Grande silvery minnow) RGS
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Lavinia exilicauda (Hitch) HIT
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Mylopharodon conocephalus (Hardhead) HHD
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Opsopoeodus emiliae (Pugnose minnow) PGN
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Pimephales notatus (Bluntnose minnow) BNM
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Pimephales promelas (Fathead minnow) FHM
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Pimephales tenellus (Slim minnow) SLM
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Pimephales vigilax (Bullhead minnow) BHM
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Ptychocheilus grandis (Sacramento pikeminnow) SCP
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Ptychocheilus oregonensis (Northern pikeminnow) NOP
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Rhinichthys cobitis (Loach minnow) LOA
Minnows Cyprinids - Minnows Semotilus corporalis (Fallfish) FALL
Mooneyes Mooneyes Hiodon alosoides (Goldeye) GDE
Mooneyes Mooneyes Hiodon tergisus (Mooneye) MOE
Mullet Mullet Mugil cephalus (Striped/Black/Sea/Flathead grey) SBS
Mullet Mullet Mugil curema (White/Silver mullet) WHS
Mussels Mussels Actinonaias ligamentina (Mucket) MUC
Mussels Mussels Alasmidonta heterodon (Dwarf wedgemussel) DWW
Mussels Mussels Alasmidonta marginata (Elktoe mussel) ELK
Mussels Mussels Alasmidonta undulata (Triangle floater) TRI
Mussels Mussels Alasmidonta varicosa (Brook floater) BRK
Mussels Mussels Amygdalum papyrium (Atlantic paper mussel) ATP
Mussels Mussels Anodonta implicata (Alewife floater mussel) ALF
Mussels Mussels Anodonta suborbiculata(Flat floater mussel) FLF
Mussels Mussels Anomia simplex (Jingle shell) JNG
Mussels Mussels Arcidens confragosus (Rock pocketbook mussel) RPB
Mussels Mussels Astyris lunata (Lunar dovesnail) LUN
Mussels Mussels Brachidontes exustus (Scorched mussel) SCR
Mussels Mussels Dreissena (Freshwater mussels) FWM
Mussels Mussels Dreissena polymorpha (Zebra mussel) ZEB
Mussels Mussels Ellipsaria lineolata (Butterfly mussel) BUT
Mussels Mussels Elliptio buckleyi (Florida shiny pike) FLS
Mussels Mussels Elliptio complanata (Eastern elliptio mussel) EEL
Mussels Mussels Fusconaia burkei (Tapered burkei) TPB
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Mussels Mussels Geukensia demissa (Ribbed mussel) RIB
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis cardium (Plain pocketbook mussel) PPM
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis cariosa (Yellow lampmussel) YEL
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis higginsii (Higgins' eye mussel) HIG
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis radiata (Eastern lampmuessel) EAL
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis siliquoidea (Fatmucket) FTM
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis teres anondontoides (Yellow sandshell) YES
Mussels Mussels Lampsilis teres teres (Slough sandshell) SLS
Mussels Mussels Lasigoman costata (Flutedshell mussel) FLT
Mussels Mussels Lasmigona complanata (White heelsplitter) WHH
Mussels Mussels Lasmigona compressa (Creek heelsplitter) CRK
Mussels Mussels Leptodea fragilis (Fragile paperwhell) FRP
Mussels Mussels Leptodea ochracea (Tidewater mucket) TDW
Mussels Mussels Ligumia nasuta (Eastern pondmussel) EAP
Mussels Mussels Ligumia recta (Black sandshell) BLS
Mussels Mussels Ligumia subrostrata (Pondmussel) PND
Mussels Mussels Margaritifera margaritifera (Eastern pearlshell) EPS
Mussels Mussels Mytilopsis leucophaeta (Dark falsemussel) DRK
Mussels Mussels Mytilus californianus (California sea mussel) CAS
Mussels Mussels Mytilus edulis (Blue mussel) BLM
Mussels Mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis (Gallo/Mediterranean) GAL
Mussels Mussels Mytilus trossulus (Foolish mussel) FOO
Mussels Mussels Obliquaria reflexa (Threehorn wartyback mussel) THW
Mussels Mussels Obovaria olivaria (Hickorynut mussel) HNM
Mussels Mussels Polymesoda caroliniana (Carolina marshclam) CAM
Mussels Mussels Potamilus alatus (Pink heelsplitter mussel) PHM
Mussels Mussels Potamilus capax (Fat pocketbook mussel) FAT
Mussels Mussels Potamilus purpuratus (Bleufer mussel) BLE
Mussels Mussels Potmailus ohiensis (Pink papershell) PNK
Mussels Mussels Pyganodon cataracta (Eastern floater mussel) EFM
Mussels Mussels Pyganodon grandis (Giant floater mussel) GIF
Mussels Mussels Rangia cuneata (Atlantic rangia) ATR
Mussels Mussels Simpsonaias ambigua (Salamander mussel) SAL
Mussels Mussels Strophitus undulatus (Creeper mussel) CRE
Mussels Mussels Toxolasma parvus (Lilliput mussel) LIL
Mussels Mussels Truncilla donaciformis (Fawnsfoot mussel) FSF
Mussels Mussels Truncilla truncata (Deertoe mussel) DEE
Mussels Mussels Utterbackia imbecillis (Paper pondshell mussel) PAP
Mussels Mussels Villosa choctawensis (Choctaw bean) CHO
NWSilver Silversides - New World Atherinops affinis (Topsmelt) TPS
NWSilver Silversides - New World Labidesthes sicculus (Brook silverside) BRK
NWSilver Silversides - New World Menidia beryllina (Inland silverside) INL
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea ariakensis(Suminoe oyster) SUM
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea corteziensis (Cortez oyster) CTZ
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea gigas (Pacific oyster) PAC
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis (Hong Kong oyster) HKO
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea nippona (Iwagaki oyster) IWG
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea rhizophorae (Mangrove oyster) MNG
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea sikamea (Kumamoto oyster) KUM
Oysters Oysters Crassostrea virginica (Eastern/American oyster) EAO
Oysters Oysters Dendostrea sandvicensis (Hawaiian oyster) HIO
Oysters Oysters Ostrea angasi (Australian Southern flat oyster) ASF
Oysters Oysters Ostrea chilensis (New Zealand flat oyster) NZF
Oysters Oysters Ostrea conchaphila (Olympia oyster) OLY
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Oysters Oysters Ostrea denselamellosa (Asian Milin/Asiatic oyster) ASM
Oysters Oysters Ostrea edulis (European flat oyster) EFO
Oysters Oysters Ostrea lutaria (New Zealand dredge oyster) NZD
Oysters Oysters Ostrea puelchana (Argentinian flat oyster) ARG
Oysters Oysters Pinctada fucata (Pearl oyster) PER
Oysters Oysters Pinctada margaritifera (Black-lipped pearl oyster) BLP
Oysters Oysters Saccostrea glomerata(Sydney rock oyster) SRO
Perches Perches Aphredoderus sayanus (Pirate Perch) PIR
Perches Perches Etheostoma blennioides (Greenside darter) GSD
Perches Perches Etheostoma exile(Iowa darter) IAD
Perches Perches Etheostoma flabellare (Fantail darter) FTD
Perches Perches Etheostoma fonticola (Fountain darter) FNT
Perches Perches Etheostoma nigrum (Johnny darter) JHN
Perches Perches Etheostoma olmstedi (Tessellated darter) TSL
Perches Perches Etheostoma spectabile (Orangethroat darter) OTD
Perches Perches Etheostoma thalassinum (Seagreen darter) SEG
Perches Perches Etheostoma zonale (Banded darter) BND
Perches Perches Gymnocephalus cernua (Ruffe) RUF
Perches Perches Hysterocarpus traskii (Tule perch) TUL
Perches Perches Perca flavescens (Yellow perch) YEL
Perches Perches Percina caprodes (Logperch) LGP
Perches Perches Percina macrolepida (Bigscale Logperch) BSL
Perches Perches Percopsis omiscomaycus (Trout-perch) TRT
Perches Perches Sander canadensis (Sauger) SAU
Perches Perches Sander vitreus (Walleye) WLE
Pikes Pikes Esox americanus americanus (Redfin pickerel) RDF
Pikes Pikes Esox americanus vermiculatus (Grass pickerel) GRA
Pikes Pikes Esox lucius (Northern pike) NOP
Pikes Pikes Esox masquinongy (Muskellunge) MSK
Pikes Pikes Esox niger (Chain pickerel) CHA
Pollock Pollock Pollachius virens (Saithe, Pollack, Pollock) SAP
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha (Pink salmon) PNK
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus keta (Chum salmon) CHU
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch (COHO salmon) COH
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Kokanee salmon) KKN
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka (Sockeye salmon) SOK
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha (Chinook salmon) CHN
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Salmo salar (Atlantic salmon) ATL
Salmon Salmonids - Salmon Thymallus thymallus (Grayling) GRY
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Coregonus artedii (Cisco; Lake herring) CIS
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Coregonus clupeaformis (Lake whitefish) LKW
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Coregonus hoyi (Bloater) BLO
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Prosopium cylindraeceum (Round whitefish) RDW
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Prosopium williamsoni (Mountain whitefish) MNW
SalmonidOT Salmonids - Other Salvelinus alpinus (Artic char) ARC
Scallops Scallops Argopecten gibbus (Calico scallop) CAL
Scallops Scallops Argopecten irradians (Bay scallop) BAY
Scallops Scallops Chlamys hastata (Spiny scallop) SPN
Scallops Scallops Chlamys islandica (Iceland scallop) ICE
Scallops Scallops Chlamys rubida (Pink scallop) PNK
Scallops Scallops Crassedoma giganteum (Rock scallop) RCK
Scallops Scallops Patinopecten caurinus (Weathervane scallop) WVS
Scallops Scallops Placopecten magellanicus (Atlantic sea scallop) ATS
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus asper (Prickly sculpin) PRK
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Sculpins Sculpins Cottus bairdii (Mottled sculpin) MOT
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus beldingii (Paiute sculpin) PAI
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus carolinae (Banded sculpin) BND
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus cognatus (Slimy sculpin) SLM
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus confusus (Shorthead sculpin) SHT
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus greenei (Shoshone sculpin) SHO
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus gulosus (Riffle sculpin) RIF
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus leiopomus (Wood river sculpin) WOR
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus perplexus (Reticulate sculpin) RTC
Sculpins Sculpins Cottus ricei (Spoonhead sculpin) SPH
SeaSnail Sea Snails Bittiolum varium (Grass cerith) GRA
SeaSnail Sea Snails Boonea impressa (Impressed odostome) IMP
SeaSnail Sea Snails Boonea seminuda (Half-smooth odostome) HSO
SeaSnail Sea Snails Bostrycapulus aculeatus (Spiny slippersnail) SPS
SeaSnail Sea Snails Busycon carica (Knobbed whelk) KNW
SeaSnail Sea Snails Busycon contrarium (Lightning whelk) LGH
SeaSnail Sea Snails Busycon spiratum pyruloides (Pearwhelk) PEA
SeaSnail Sea Snails Busycon spp. (Whelks) WHK
SeaSnail Sea Snails Caecum pulchellum (Beautiful caecum) BEA
SeaSnail Sea Snails Cerithiopsis greenii (Green's small cerith) GRE
SeaSnail Sea Snails Costoanachis avara (Greedy dovesnail) GRD
SeaSnail Sea Snails Crepidula convexa (Convex slippersnail) CNV
SeaSnail Sea Snails Crepidula plana (Eastern white slippersnail) EAW
SeaSnail Sea Snails Diodora cayenensis (Cayenne keyhole limpet) CAY
SeaSnail Sea Snails Eupleura caudata (Thick-lip drill) TLO
SeaSnail Sea Snails Eupleura sulcidentata (Sharp-rib drill) SHR
SeaSnail Sea Snails Pomacea sp. (Apple snails) APP
Sharks Sharks Apristurus sp. (Roughskin catshark) RSK
Sharks Sharks Asymbolus rubiginosus (Orange spotted catshark) OSC
Sharks Sharks Asymbolus vincenti (Gulf catshark) GLF
Sharks Sharks Atelomycterus marmoratus (Coral catshark) COR
Sharks Sharks Aysmbolus analis (Grey spotted catshark) GSC
Sharks Sharks Brachaelurus waddi (Blind shark) BLN
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus albimarginatus (Silvertip shark) SLT
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus amblyrhynchos (Grey reef shark) GRR
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus brachyurus (Bronze whaler shark) BRZ
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus brevipinna (Spinner shark) SPN
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus falciformis (Silky shark) SLK
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus galapagensis (Galapagos shark) GAL
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus leucas (Bull shark) BUL
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus limbatus (Blacktip shark) BLK
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus longimanus (Oceanic whitetip shark) OWS
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus (Blacktip reef shark) BRS
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus obscurus (Dusky shark) DUS
Sharks Sharks Carcharhinus perezi (Caribbean reef shark) CAR
Sharks Sharks Carcharias taurus (Sand tirger shark) SDT
Sharks Sharks Carcharodon ccarcharias (Great white shark) GWS
Sharks Sharks Carcharodon megalodon (Megalodon shark) MEG
Sharks Sharks Cephaloscyllium laticeps (Draughtboard swell shark DGT
Sharks Sharks Cephaloscyllium nascione (Whitefish swell shark) WSS
Sharks Sharks Cephaloscyllium sp. A (Whitefish catshark) SHC
Sharks Sharks Cephaloscyllium ventriosum (Swell shark) SWL
Sharks Sharks Cetorhinus maximus (Basking shark) BSK
Sharks Sharks Chiloscyllium griseum (Gray bamboo shark) GRB
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Sharks Sharks Chiloscyllium plagiosum (Bamboo/cat shark) BAM
Sharks Sharks Chiloscyllium punctatum (Brownbanded bamboo shark) BRB
Sharks Sharks Chlamydoselachus anguineus (Frilled shark) FRL
Sharks Sharks Dalatias icha (Black shark) BLS
Sharks Sharks Etmopterus granulosus (Southern lantern shark) SLN
Sharks Sharks Etmopterus molleri (Mollers lantern shark) MLN
Sharks Sharks Etmopterus pusillus (Slender Lantern shark) SLS
Sharks Sharks Eucrossohrinus dasypogon (Tasselled wobbegong) TSW
Sharks Sharks Furgaleus macki (Whiskery shark) WHK
Sharks Sharks Galeocerdo cuvier (Tiger shark) TIG
Sharks Sharks Galeorhinus galeus (School shark) SCH
Sharks Sharks Galeus boardmani (Sawtail shark) SWT
Sharks Sharks Ginglymostoma cirratum (Nurse shark) NUR
Sharks Sharks Haploblepharus pictus (Dark shyshark) DKS
Sharks Sharks Hemiscyllium freycineti (Freckled carpet shark) FRC
Sharks Sharks Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Epaulette shark) EPL
Sharks Sharks Heptranchias perlo (Sharpnose sevengill shark) SSS
Sharks Sharks Heterodontus francisci (California horn shark) CAH
Sharks Sharks Heterodontus galeatus (Crested horn shark) CRH
Sharks Sharks Heterodontus mexicanus (Mexican horn shark) MXH
Sharks Sharks Heterodontus portusjackoni (Port jackson shark) PTJ
Sharks Sharks Heterodontus quoyi (Galapagos horn shark) GHS
Sharks Sharks Hexanchus griseus (Bluntnose sixgill shark) BSS
Sharks Sharks Isurus oxyrinchus (Mako shark) MAK
Sharks Sharks Lamna ditropis (Salmon shark) SAL
Sharks Sharks Mitsukurina owstoni (Gobling shark) GOB
Sharks Sharks Mustellus californicus (Grey smoothound shark) GSM
Sharks Sharks Mustelus antarcticus (Gummy shark) GUM
Sharks Sharks Nebrius ferrugineus (Tawny nuse shark) TWN
Sharks Sharks Negaprion brevirostris (Lemon shark) LEM
Sharks Sharks Notorynchus cepedianus (Broadnose sevengill shark) BNS
Sharks Sharks Odontaspis ferox (Smalltough sand tiger shark) SST
Sharks Sharks Orectolobus maculatus (Spotted wobbegong shark) SWS
Sharks Sharks Orectolobus ornatus (Ornate wobbegong shark) OWO
Sharks Sharks Orectolobus sp. (Western wobbegong shark) WWO
Sharks Sharks Oxynotus bruniensis (Prickly dogfish shark) PDS
Sharks Sharks Parascyllium collare (Collared carpet shark) CCS
Sharks Sharks Parascyllium ferrugineum (Varied carpetshark) VAR
Sharks Sharks Poroderma africanum (Pyjama catshark) PYJ
Sharks Sharks Prionace glauca (Blue shark) BLU
Sharks Sharks Pristiophorus cirratus (Longnose sawshark) LNS
Sharks Sharks Rhincodon typus (Whale shark) WHS
Sharks Sharks Sphyrna lewini (Hammerhead shark) HMH
Sharks Sharks Sphyrna mokarran (Great hammerhead shark) GHM
Sharks Sharks Squalus megalops (Piked spurdog shark) PSS
Sharks Sharks Squalus mitsukurii (Greeneye spurdog shark) GSS
Sharks Sharks Squantina californica (Pacific angel shark) PAN
Sharks Sharks Squantina sp. (Eastern angel shark) EAN
Sharks Sharks Squatina australis (Australian angel shark) AUA
Sharks Sharks Stegostoma fasciatum (Zebra shark) ZEB
Sharks Sharks Sutorectus tentaculatus (Cobbler wobbegong shark) COW
Sharks Sharks Triaenodon obesus (Whitetip reef shark) WTR
Sharks Sharks Triakis semifasciata (Leopard shark) LEO
ShellOT Other Shellfish Artemia spp. (Brine shrimp; Sea Monkeys) BRS
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ShellOT Other Shellfish Balanus spp. (Barnacles) BRN
ShellOT Other Shellfish Other Shellfish not listed OT
ShellOT Other Shellfish Triops spp. (tadpole shrimp) TSH
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Cyprinella analostana (Satinfin shiner) SAT
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Cyprinella caerulea (Blue shiner) BLS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Cyprinella galactura (Whitetail shiner) WHT
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Cyprinella lutrensis (Red shiner) RED
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Cyprinella pyrrhomelas (Fieryblack shiner) FIE
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Luxilus cerasinus (Crescent shiner) CRS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Luxilus coccogenis (Warpaint shiner) WRP
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Lythrurus ardens (Rosefin shiner) RSF
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notemigonus crysoleucas (Golden shiner) GLD
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis atherinoides (Emerald shiner) EMS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis chiliticus (Redlip shiner) RDL
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis cornutus (Common shiner) COM
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis girardi (Arkansas river shiner) ARR
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis hudsonius (Spottail shiner) STS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis leuciodus(Tennessee shiner) TNS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis lutipinnis (Yellowfin shiner) YFS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis mekistocholas (Cape Fear shiner) CFS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis photogenis (Silver shiner) SLV
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis procne (Swallowtail shiner) SWT
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis scepticus (Sandbar shiner) SND
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis spilopterus (Spotfin shiner) SPF
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Notropis volucellus (Mimic shiner) MIM
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Richardsonius balteatus (Redside shiner) RDS
Shiners Cyprinids - Shiners Richardsonius egregius(Lahontan redside) LAH
Shrimp Shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Blue and Red shrimp) BRS
Shrimp Shrimp Ascetes japonicus (Akiami Paste shrimp) AKP
Shrimp Shrimp Cheraxdestructor albidus (Yabby shrimp) YAB
Shrimp Shrimp Crangon crangon (Common shrimp) COM
Shrimp Shrimp Exopalaemon orientalis (Oriental prawn) ORI
Shrimp Shrimp
Exopalaemon styliferus (Roshma prawn) RSH
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus aztecus (Brown shrimp) BRN
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (Redspotted shrimp) RSS
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus californiensis(Yellowleg shrimp) YEL
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus duorarum (Pink shrimp) PNK
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus notialis (Candied shrimp) CND
Shrimp Shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (São Paulo Shrimp) SPS
Shrimp Shrimp
Farfantepenaeus subtilis(Southern Brown shrimp) SBS
Shrimp Shrimp Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Fleshy prawn) FLS
Shrimp Shrimp Fenneropenaeus indicus (Indian/white/tugela prawn) IND
Shrimp Shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis (Banana prawn) BNN
Shrimp Shrimp Fenneropenaeus penicillatus (Redtail prawn) RTP
Shrimp Shrimp Heterocarpus reedi (Chilean Nylon shrimp) CNS
Shrimp Shrimp Litopenaeus occidentalis (Western White shrimp) WWS
Shrimp Shrimp Litopenaeus schmitti (Southern White shrimp) SWS
Shrimp Shrimp Litopenaeus setiferus (Northern white shrimp) NWS
Shrimp Shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris (Pacific blue shrimp) PAB
Shrimp Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Pacific white shrimp) PAW
Shrimp Shrimp Macrobrachium idella (Sunset shrimp) SUN
Shrimp Shrimp Macrobrachium lamerrae (none) LAM
Shrimp Shrimp Macrobrachium lanchesteri (Riceland prawn) RCL
Shrimp Shrimp Macrobrachium rosenbergii (Giant freshwater prawn) GFP
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Shrimp Shrimp Macrobrachium sintangense (Sunda river prawn) SNR
Shrimp Shrimp Marsupenaeus japonicus (Karuma prawn/shrimp) KAR
Shrimp Shrimp Melicertus marginatus (Marginated shrimp) MRG
Shrimp Shrimp Melicertus plebejus (Eastern King prawn) EKP
Shrimp Shrimp Metapenaeus dobsoni (Kadal shrimp) KAD
Shrimp Shrimp Metapenaeus elegans (Fine shrimp) FIN
Shrimp Shrimp Metapenaeus ensis (Greasyback shrimp) GRE
Shrimp Shrimp Metapenaeus lysianassa (Bird shrimp) BRD
Shrimp Shrimp Metapenaeus monoceros (Speckled shrimp) SPC
Shrimp Shrimp Palaemon adspersus (Baltic prawn) BAL
Shrimp Shrimp Palaemon serrifer (Barred Estuarine shrimp) BRE
Shrimp Shrimp Panaeus esculentus (Brown Tiger prawn) BRT
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalopsis dispar (Sidestripe shrimp) SSS
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus borealis (Nothern pink shrimp) NPN
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus danae (Dock/coonstripe shrimp) DCS
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus eous (Rough/northern pink shrimp) RNP
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus goniurus (Humpy shrimp) HUM
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus hypsinotis (Humpback/coonstipe shrimp) HMP
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus jordani (Ocean/smooth pink shrimp) SMP
Shrimp Shrimp Pandalus platyceros (Spot/Alaskan prawn) SPT
Shrimp Shrimp Paraperaeopsis stylifera (Karikkadi shrimp) KRK
Shrimp Shrimp Penaeus monodon (Black tiger shrimp) BLT
Shrimp Shrimp Penaeus semisulcatus (Green tiger prawn) GRT
Shrimp Shrimp Rimapenaeus similis (Yellow Roughneck shrimp) YER
Shrimp Shrimp Sicyonia brevirostris (Rock shrimp) RCK
Shrimp Shrimp Solenocera crassicornis (Coastal Mud shrimp) CMC
Shrimp Shrimp Solenocera indica (Costal mud shrimp) CMI
Shrimp Shrimp Squilla mantis (Mantis shrimp) MNT
Shrimp Shrimp Trachysalambria curvirostris (S. rough shrimp) SRS
Shrimp Shrimp Xiphopenaeus kroyeri (Seabobs shrimp) SEB
Smelts Smelts Hypomesus transpacificus (Delta smelt) DLT
Smelts Smelts Osmerus mordax (Rainbow smelt) RNB
Smelts Smelts Spirinchus thaleichthys (Logfin smelt) LGF
Squids Squids Loligo opalescens (Pacific squid) PAC
Stickle Sticklebacks Culaea inconstans (Brook stickleback) BRK
Stickle Sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus (Threespine stickleback) THS
Stickle Sticklebacks Pungitius pungitius (Ninespine stickleback) NNS
Suckers Suckers Caipiodes carpio (River carpsucker) RVC
Suckers Suckers Caipiodes velifer (Highfin carpsucker) HFC
Suckers Suckers Carpiodes cyprinus (Quillback) QUL
Suckers Suckers Castostomus clarkii (Desert sucker) DST
Suckers Suckers Castostomus latipinnis (Flannelmouth sucker) FLM
Suckers Suckers Catostomus ardens (Utah sucker) UTS
Suckers Suckers Catostomus catostomus (Longnose sucker) LNS
Suckers Suckers Catostomus columbianus (Bridgelip sucker) BRD
Suckers Suckers Catostomus commersonii (White sucker) WHT
Suckers Suckers Catostomus insignis (Sonora sucker) SON
Suckers Suckers Catostomus macrocheilus (Largescale sucker) LGS
Suckers Suckers Catostomus occidentalis (Sacramento sucker) SAC
Suckers Suckers Catostomus platyrhynchus (Mountain sucker) MOU
Suckers Suckers Catostomus tahoensis (Tahoe sucker) TAH
Suckers Suckers Chasmistes brevirostris (Shornose sucker) SHN
Suckers Suckers Chasmistes cujus (Cui-ui) CUI
Suckers Suckers Cycleptus elongatus (Blue sucker) BLU
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Suckers Suckers Deltistes luxatus (Lost river sucker) LRS
Suckers Suckers Erimyzon sucetta (Lake chubsucker) LKC
Suckers Suckers Hypentelium etowanum (Alabama hog sucker) ALH
Suckers Suckers Hypentelium nigricans (Northern hog sucker) NHS
Suckers Suckers Hypentelium roanokense (Roanoke hog sucker) ROA
Suckers Suckers Ictiobus bubalus (Smallmouth buffalo) BMB
Suckers Suckers Ictiobus cyprinellus (Bigmouth buffalo) BMO
Suckers Suckers Ictiobus niger (Black buffalo) BLK
Suckers Suckers Minytrema melanops (Spotted sucker) SPO
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma anisurum (Silver redhorse) SLR
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma carinatum (River redhorse) RVR
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma duquesnii (Black redhorse) BLR
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma erythrurum (Golden redhorse sucker) GRS
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma lachneri (Greater jumprock) GRJ
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma macrolepidotum(Shorthead redhorse) SHR
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma poecilurun (Blacktail redhorse) BLT
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma robustum (Robust redhorse) ROR
Suckers Suckers Moxostoma sp. (Redhorse sucker) RDH
Suckers Suckers Thoburnia rhothoeca (Torrent sucker) TOR
Suckers Suckers Xyrauchen texanus (Razorback sucker) RZB
Sunfishes Sunfishes Acantharchus pomotis (Mud sunfish) MUD
Sunfishes Sunfishes Centrarchus macropterus (Flier; Flier bream) FLI
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis auritus (Redbreast sunfish) RBS
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis cyanellus (Green sunfish) GRN
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis gibbosus (Pumpkinseed) PMK
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis gulosus (Warmouth) WAR
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis humilis (Orangespotted sunfish) ORS
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis macrochirus (Bluegill) BLU
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis marginatus (Dollar sunfish) DOL
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis megalotis (Longear sunfish) LNG
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis microlophus (Redear sunfish) RDE
Sunfishes Sunfishes Lepomis punctatus (Spotted sunfish; Stumpknocker) SPS
Sunfishes Sunfishes Pomoxis annularis (White crappie; Speckled Perch) WHC
Sunfishes Sunfishes Pomoxis nigromaculatus (Black crappie) BLK
Tenpounder Tenpounders Elops affinis (Machete; Pacific Ladyfish) MCH
Tenpounder Tenpounders Elops saurus (Ladyfish; John; Skipjack) LDY
Tilapia Tilapia
Oreochromis andersonii (Threespot tilapia) THS
Tilapia Tilapia
Oreochromis macrochir (Longfin/Greenhead) LNG
Tilapia Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus (Mozambique tilapia) MOZ
Tilapia Tilapia
Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia) NIL
Tilapia Tilapia
Tilapia rendalli (Redbreast tilapia) RDB
Tilapia Tilapia Tilapia sparrmanii (Banded tilapia/bream) BND
TRA Tragulidae Water chevrotain CH
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus (Gila trout) GIL
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus clarkii (Cutthroat trout) CTT
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus clarkii henshawi (Lahontan cutthroat) LAH
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus clarkii utah (Bonneville cutthroat) BON
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus clarkii virginalis (Rio Grande cutth) RGC
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus gilae apache (Apache trout) APC
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus gilae apache x Oncorhynchus mykiss OGM
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus mykiss aguabonita (Golden trout) GLD
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus mykiss x oncorhynchus cla. (Cutbow) CTB
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus myskiss (Rainbow trout) RNB
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Oncorhynchus myskiss (Steelhead) STH
ICVI Data Concepts Page 46
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salmo trutta (Brown trout) BRW
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salvelinus confluentus (Bull trout) BUL
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salvelinus fontinalis (Brook trout) BRK
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salvelinus fontinalis x salvelinus confluentus SFC
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salvelinus malma (Dolly varden trout) DVT
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Salvelinus namaycush (Lake trout) LKE
Trout Salmonids - Trouts Thymallus arcticus (Arctic grayling) ARG
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CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Ameraucana chicken breed AM
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Ancona chicken AN
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Andalusian chicken AD
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Arbor Acres chicken strain AA
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Arucana chicken AR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Australorp chicken AT
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Babcock White Leghorn chicken BW
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Bantam BA
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Brahma chicken BR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Brown commercial egg layer chicken BC
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Buttercup chicken BT
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) chicken - breed not on list OT
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) chicken - breed not specified/unknown UN
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Cochin chicken CH
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Cochin, Standard chicken breed CS
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Cornish chicken CR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Crossbred chicken MX
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Cubalaya chicken CB
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Dekalb chicken strain DK
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Delaware chicken DE
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Dorking chicken DR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Dutch Bantam chicken breed DB
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Faverolle chicken FV
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Hubbard chicken strain HB
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Leghorn chicken LH
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Marans chicken MR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Minorca chicken MN
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) New Hampshire chicken NH
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Old English Bantam Game chicken breed EB
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Old English Game chicken breed EG
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Orpington chicken OP
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Peterson Farms chicken strain PT
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Phoenix chicken PH
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Plymouth Rock chicken PR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Polish chicken PL
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Red Jungle Fowl chicken breed RJ
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Rhode Island red chicken RR
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Rhode Island White chicken breed RW
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Rosecomb Bantam chicken breed RB
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Rosecomb chicken RC
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Silkie chicken SK
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) White commercial egg layer chicken WC
CHI Chickens (Gallus gallus) Wyandotte chicken WY
DUC Duck Ancona breed duck AN
DUC Duck Crossbred duck MX
DUC Duck Domestic duck - breed not specified/unknown UN
DUC Duck Domestic duck - breed not on list OT
DUC Duck Orpington breed duck OP
GEE Goose (Anser anser) Domestic goose MG
QUA Quail Coturnix japonica CJ
SWAN Swan Swan - breed not specified/unknown UN
TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) British United Turkeys turkey strain BU
TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Broad breasted white turkey BB
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TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Crossbred turkey MX
TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Domestic turkey - breed not on list OT
TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Domestic turkey - breed not specified/unknown UN
TUR Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo) Nicholas turkey strain NL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Aleutian Cackling AC
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Black Duck AB
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Coot CO
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Crow CR
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Green-winged Teal GT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Pipit AP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl American Wigeon AW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Arctic Tern AT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Atlantic Brant BR
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Atlantic Puffin PU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Bairds Sandpiper BS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Barrows Goldeneye GO
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black Bellied Plover BP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black Brant BB
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black Guillemot BG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black Scoter SC
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black Skimmer SK
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black-Crowned Night Heron NH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black-legged Kittiwake BK
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Black-Necked Stilt ST
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Blue-winged Teal BW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Bonapartes Gull BN
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Brown Pelican PE
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Buff-Breasted Sandpiper SA
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Bufflehead BU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Cackling Goose BL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Canada Goose CA
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Canvasback CG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Cedar Waxwing CW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Cinnamon Teal CT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Eider CE
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Goldeneye GL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Loon CL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Merganser CM
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Moorhen MH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Raven RV
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Snipe SN
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Common Tern TN
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Double-crested Cormorant DC
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Dunlin DU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Emperor Goose EG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Eurasian Green-winged Teal ET
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Eurasian Wigeon EW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl European Starling ES
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Fish Crow FC
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Fork-tailed Storm Petrel FP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Franklin's Gull FG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Gadwall GW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Glaucous Gull GG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Glaucous-winged Gull WG
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WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Gray-Cheeked Thrush GC
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Great Black-backed Gull GB
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Great Blue Heron BH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Greater Scaup GS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Greater Snow Goose SG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Greater White-Fronted Goose WF
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Greater Yellowlegs GY
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Harlequin Duck HD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Herring Gull HG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Hooded Merganser HM
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Horned Grebe GR
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Killdeer KD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl King Eider KE
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Laughing Gull LG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Least Auklet LA
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Least Sandpiper SE
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Lesser Scaup LP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Lesser Snow Goose LS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Lesser White-fronted Goose LW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Lesser Yellowlegs YL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Long-Billed Dowitcher LD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Long-tailed Duck LT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Mallard MA
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Mew Gull MG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Mottled Duck MO
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Mourning Dove MD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Muscovy Duck MU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Mute Swan MS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Northern Fulmar NF
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Northern Gannet NG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Northern Pintail NP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Northern Shoveler NS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Pacific Golden Plover PP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Pectoral Sandpiper PS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Purple Sandpiper PL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red Knot RK
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red Phalarope RP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red-Breasted Merganser RM
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Redhead RH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red-legged Kittiwake KI
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red-necked Grebe RG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Red-necked Phalarope RN
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ring-billed Gull RB
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ringed Turtle Dove TD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ring-necked Duck RD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Rock Pigeon PG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Rock Sandpiper RO
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ross Goose RS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Royal Tern RT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ruddy Duck RY
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Ruddy Turnstone RU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Sanderling SD
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Sandhill Crane SH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Semipalmated Sandpiper SS
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WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Sharp-tailed Sandpiper PI
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Short-billed Dowitcher DW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Snow Bunting SB
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Solitary Sandpiper SL
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Spotted Sandpiper SP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Stilt Sandpiper SI
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Surf Scoter SU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Swainsons Thrush SW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Thayers Gull TG
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Trumpeter Swan TS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Tundra Swan TU
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Wedge-tailed Shearwater WT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Western Sandpiper WS
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Whimbrel WH
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl White-winged Scoter WW
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Whooper Swan WO
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Wild bird - species not on list OT
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Wild bird-species not specified/unknown UN
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Willet WI
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Wilsons Phalarope WP
WB Wild Birds/Waterfowl Wood Duck WD
ICVI Data Concepts Page 51
BIS Bison American American bison X AE
BIS Bison American Bison bison BIS
BIS Bison American Plains Bison PB
BIS Bison American Wood Bison WB
Camelid Camel, New World (Lama pacos) Alpaca AL
Camelid Camel, New World (Lama glama) Llama LL
Camel, Old World (Camelus
dromedarius) Dromedary Camel DC
Camel, Old World (Camelus
bactrianus) Bactrian Camel BC
ICVI Data Concepts Page 52
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Aberdeen Angus AN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Abondance AB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Africander AF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Alberes EE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Alentejana AJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Allmogekor AO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) American Bucking Bull MB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) American White Park AWP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Amerifax AM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Amrit Mahal zebu AH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Anatolian Black AQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Andalusian Black AD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Andalusian Blond AI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Andalusian Gray AV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Angeln AG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Angus Plus AP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ankina AK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ankole AL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ankole-Watusi AW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Argentine Criollo AC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Asturian Mountain AT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Aubrac AU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Aulie-Ata cattle breed AA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Australian Braford X zebu ZA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Australian Friesian Sahiwal X zebu AS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Australian Lowline cattle breed LO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Australian Milking Zebu X zebu AZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ayrshire AY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bachaur BC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Baladicattle BAL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Baltana Romaneasca BH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Barka zebu BZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Barzona BA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bazadais BY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bearnais BK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Beef breed - not specified ZB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Beef friesian BF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Beef shorthorn BES
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Beefmaker BV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Beefmaster cattle breed BM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belarus Red cattle breed VB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belgian Blue cattle breed BB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belgian Red cattle breed BRC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belgian Red Pied cattle CP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belgian White and Red cattle breed DX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belmont Adaptaur cattle breed BT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belmont Red cattle breed RQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Belted Galloway cattle breed BG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bengali cattle breed IG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Berrendas cattle breed EB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bhagnari cattle breed BHA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Black Angus cattle breed BAN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Black Maximizer BX
ICVI Data Concepts Page 53
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Black Welsh cattle breed WB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Blacksided Trondheim and Norland cattle breed TR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Blanco Orejinegro cattle breed OJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Blonde dAquitaine BD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bonsmara cattle breed NS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Boran cattle breed ON
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bordelais OR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bos grunniens GX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bos taurus indicus ZX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bos taurus X Bison bison hybrid cattle breed BE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Braford X zebu cattle breed BO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brahma cattle breed BR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brahmanstein ZH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brahmental BHM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brahmousin X zebu cattle breed BI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bralers X zebu cattle breed BL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brangus cattle breed BN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Braunvieh cattle breed BU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brindle BRI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) British White cattle breed BW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brockle Face BRF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brown Swiss (beef) SB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brown Swiss cattle breed BS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Brown Welsh cattle breed WBR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Bubalus bubalus XU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Buelingo cattle breed BQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Busa cattle breed BUS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cachena cattle breed CE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Canadian cattle breed LK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Canadienne CN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Canary Island cattle breed CY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Canchim X zebu cattle breed CK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Carinthian Blond cattle breed CO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cattalo cattle breed CT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cattle - breed not on list OT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cattle - breed not specified/unknown US
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cattle - breed not specified/unknown XK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Caucasian cattle breed CD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Channi cattle breed CI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Charbray X zebu cattle breed CB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Charford X zebu cattle breed CJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Charolais cattle breed CH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Char-Swiss CS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chiangus cattle breed CG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chianina cattle breed CA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chiford cattle breed CF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chimaine CM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chinampo cattle breed CHC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Chinese Black-and-white CW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cholistani cattle breed CL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Corriente cattle breed MC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Costeno con Cuernos cattle breed CC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Criollo cattle breed CR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - black BLA
ICVI Data Concepts Page 54
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - black and white BLW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - black-white face BWF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - red RED
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - red-white face RW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - roan (blue or red) ROA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred - white WI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred Beef XB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred cattle - type not specified XX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred Dairy XD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Crossbred Twinner XT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Cumberland CU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dairy breed - not specified DY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dairy Synthetic cattle breed DD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dajal cattle breed DC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Damascus cattle breed DK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Damietta cattle breed DM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dangi cattle breed DG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Danish Black and White DB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Danish Jersey cattle breed DJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Danish Red cattle breed RD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Danish Red Pied cattle breed DP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Deoni cattle breed DQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Devon cattle breed DE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dexter cattle breed DR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dhanni cattle breed DH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dolafe cattle breed DO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Droughtmaster X zebu cattle breed DZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dutch Belted cattle breed DL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Dutch Friesian cattle breed DF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) East Anatolian Red cattle breed EA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Enderby Island cattle breed EI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) English Longhorn cattle breed EL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Eringer ER
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Estonian Red cattle breed ES
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) European Red Dairy RE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Evolene cattle breed EV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Fighting Bull cattle breed FB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Finnish Ayrshire cattle breed FI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Fjall cattle breed FJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Fleckvieh FL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Flemish cattle breed FA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Florida Cracker cattle breed FC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Fribourg FR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Galician Blond cattle breed GB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Galloway cattle breed GA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gaolao cattle breed GL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gascon cattle breed GS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gayal cattle breed GC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gelbray X zebu cattle breed GE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gelbveih cattle breed GV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) German Angus cattle breed GG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) German Fleck-Vieh cattle breed GF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) German Red Pied cattle breed GP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gir cattle breed GY
ICVI Data Concepts Page 55
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Glan cattle breed GN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gloucester cattle breed GO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Grauvieh cattle breed GI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Greek Shorthorn cattle breed GH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Greek Steppe cattle breed GT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Groningen Whiteheaded cattle breed GR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Guernsey cattle breed GU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Gujarati cattle breed GJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Guzerat cattle breed GZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hallikar cattle breed HK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hariana cattle breed HI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Harton cattle breed HR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hays converter cattle breed HC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hereford cattle superbreed HB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Herens cattle breed HE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hinterwald cattle breed HT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Holando-argentino HA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Holstein - red and white WW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Holstein-Friesian cattle breed HO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Horned Hereford HH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Horro cattle breed HQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hungarian Gray cattle breed HG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Hybrid (Alberta) HY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ibage X zebu cattle breed IZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Illawarra cattle breed IS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Indo-Brazilian cattle breed IB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Irish Moiled cattle breed IM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Israeli Holstein cattle breed IH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Israeli Red cattle breed IR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Istoben cattle breed IT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Jamaica Black X zebu cattle breed JZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Jamaica Hope X zebu cattle breed JH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Jamaica Red X zebu cattle breed JR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Jaulan cattle breed JU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Jersey cattle breed JE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kangayam cattle breed KG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kankrej cattle breed KK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Karan Fries X zebu cattle breed KF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Karan Swiss X zebu cattle breed KS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kazakh cattle breed KZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kerry cattle breed KY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kherigarh cattle breed KH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Khillari cattle breed KL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kholmogory cattle breed KM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kilis cattle breed KI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Krishna Valley cattle breed KR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kurdi cattle breed KD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Kuri cattle breed KU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Latvian Brown cattle breed LB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Limousin cattle breed LM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Limpurger cattle breed LP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Lincoln red cattle breed LR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Lineback cattle breed LD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Lithuanian Red cattle breed LT
ICVI Data Concepts Page 56
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Lohani cattle breed LI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Longhorn cattle breed LH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Lourdais cattle breed LA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Luing cattle breed LU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Madagascar Zebu cattle breed MD
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Maine Anjou cattle breed MA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Malvi cattle breed MV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mandalong Special ML
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Marchigiana cattle breed MR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Maremmana cattle breed ME
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Masai cattle breed MAS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mashona cattle breed MH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Maure cattle breed MAU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mazandarani cattle breed MZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Meusse-Rhine-Ijssel cattle breed MI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mewati cattle breed MW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Milking Devon cattle breed MK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Milking Shorthorn cattle breed MS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mirandesa cattle breed MN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Modicana cattle breed MJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Mongolian cattle breed MY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Montbeliard cattle breed MO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Morucha cattle breed MQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Murboden cattle breed MUR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Murrah MU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Murray Gray cattle breed MG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Nagori cattle breed NA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Nanyang cattle breed NY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ndama cattle breed ND
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Nellore cattle breed NE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Nguni cattle breed NG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Nimari cattle breed NI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Normandie cattle breed NM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Norwegian Red cattle breed NR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ongole cattle breed OG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Orma Boran cattle breed OB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Oropa cattle breed OO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ovambo cattle breed OV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ox OX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Parthenais cattle breed (organism PA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Philippine Native cattle breed PN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Pie Rouge de lEst cattle breed PR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Piedmontese cattle breed PI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Pinzgauer cattle breed PZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polish Red cattle breed PL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polled Hereford HP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polled Jersey cattle breed PJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polled Lincoln Red cattle breed PX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polled Shorthorn (US) cattle breed SP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Polled Simmental cattle breed PS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ponwar cattle breed PW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Qinchuan cattle breed QC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ranger X zebu cattle breed RA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Rath cattle breed RC
ICVI Data Concepts Page 57
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Rathi cattle breed RH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ratien Gray cattle breed RT
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Angus cattle breed AR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Brahman RR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Brangus X zebu cattle breed RB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Flemish cattle breed WF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Friesian cattle breed RF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Galloway cattle breed RG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Poll cattle breed RP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Polled Ostland cattle breed RL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Sindhi cattle breed RSI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Red Steppe cattle breed RST
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Reggiana cattle breed RJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Retinta cattle breed RI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Rojhan cattle breed RK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Romagnola cattle breed RN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Romosinuano cattle breed RS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Rotbunte RO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Russian Black Pied cattle breed RU
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) RX3 cattle breed RX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Sahiwal cattle breed SW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Salers cattle breed SA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Salorn cattle breed SL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) San Martinero cattle breed ST
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Sanhe cattle breed SN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Santa Cruz X zebu cattle breed SC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Santa Gertudis cattle breed SG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Sarabi cattle breed SAR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Scottish Highland cattle breed SH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Senepol cattle breed SE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Sharabi cattle breed SY
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Shaver Beef Blend SV
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Shetland cattle breed SZ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Shorthorn cattle breed SS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Siboney X zebu cattle breed SO
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Simbrah cattle breed SI
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Simmental cattle breed SM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Siri zebu cattle breed ZS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Slovenian Cika cattle breed (organims) SK
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) South Devon cattle breed DS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) South Poll OP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Sussex cattle breed SX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Swedish Friesian cattle breed SF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Swedish Red Polled cattle breed SQ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Swedish Red-and-white cattle breed SR
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Tabapua cattle breed TB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Tarentaise cattle breed TA
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Taurindicus TN
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Telemark cattle breed TE
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Texas Longhorn cattle breed TL
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Texon cattle breed TX
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Tharparkar cattle breed TH
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Tswana cattle breed TW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Tuli cattle breed TI
ICVI Data Concepts Page 58
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Turkish Gray Steppe cattle breed TS
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ukrainian Gray cattle breed UG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ukrainian Whiteheaded cattle breed UW
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Umblachery cattle breed UM
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Ural Black Pied cattle breed UP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Vestland Fjord cattle breed VF
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Vestland Red Polled cattle breed VP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Vosges cattle breed VG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Wagyu cattle breed KB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) White Caceres cattle breed (organism) WC
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) White Galloway cattle breed WG
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) White Park cattle breed WP
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Xinjiang Brown cattle breed XJ
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Yanbian cattle breed YB
BOV Cattle (Bos tarus/indicus) Zebu (unspecified) ZE
ICVI Data Concepts Page 59
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Axis deer - Axis axis AX
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Barasingha - Rucervus duvaucelii BA
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Black tailed deer - Odocoileus hemionus spp BT
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Brocket deer - Mazama spp. BR
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Caribou -Rangifer tarandus CA
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Cervid hybrid MC
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Deer - species not on list OT
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Deer - species not specified/unknown NS
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Dybowski SIKA deer - Cervus nippon subspecies DY
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Elk ELK
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Fallow deer - Dama dama FD
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Hog deer - Hyelaphus porcinus HG
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Maral deer - Cervus maral ML
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Marsh deer -Blastocerus dichotomus MS
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Mule deer - Odocoileus hemionus MD
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Muntjac - Muntiacus spp. MJ
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Pampas deer - Ozotoceros bezoarticus PA
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Pere david's deer - Elaphurus davidianus PE
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Pudu - Pudu spp. PU
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Red deer - Cervus elaphus RD
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Reindeer - Rangifer tarandus RND
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Roe deer (European) - Capreolus capreolus RO
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Sambar deer - Rusa spp. SA
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Sika deer - Cervus nippon SD
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Thorold's deer - Cervus albirostris TH
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Tufted deer -Elaphodus cephalophus TF
DEER Deer (Cervidae) Water deer (Chinese) - Hydropotes inermis WD
DEER Deer (Cervidae) White-tailed deer - Odocoileus virginianus WT
ELK Elk (Cervus canadensis) N.A. Elk /American Wapiti - Cervus canadensis WA
MOOSE Moose (Cervidae) Moose - Alces alces MO
ICVI Data Concepts Page 60
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Abyssinian horse breed AB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Akhal-Teke horse breed AK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Albanian horse breed AL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Altai horse breed AT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Bashkir Curly horse breed AC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Buckskin horse BU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Cream Draft horse breed CD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Creme And White CW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American miniature horse AM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Mustang horse breed MS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American paint horse PT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American saddlebred horse AS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) American Walking Pony horse breed AW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Andalusian horse AA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Anglo-Arab horse breed AO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Anglo-Kabarda horse breed KB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Anglo-normand horse breed NO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Appaloosa horse AP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Arabian horse AD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Ardennes horse breed AN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Argentine Criollo horse breed CL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Asturian tarpan horse X domestic horse breed TX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Australian Brumby horse breed BR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Australian Stock Horse horse breed SA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Australian warmblood horse breed WA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Azteca horse breed AZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Baden Wurttemburg horse breed BW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Balearic horse breed BA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Baluchi horse breed BL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Ban-ei horse breed BI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Banker Horse horse breed BH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Barb horse breed BB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Bashkir Curly horse breed BC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Bashkir horse breed BK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Basotho Pony BT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Bavarian Warmblood horse breed WB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Belgian horse GI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Belgian Warmblood horse breed GW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Bhirum Pony horse breed BP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Bhotia Pony PB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Black Forest BF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Boer BO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Breton horse breed BE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Budyonny horse breed BY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Burro BUR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Byelorussian Harness horse breed BN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Camargue horse breed CG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Campolina horse breed CP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Canadian horse CI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Canadian Rustic Pony horse breed CR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Carthusian horse breed CA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Caspian horse breed CS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Cayuse horse breed CU
ICVI Data Concepts Page 61
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Cheju horse breed CJ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Chilean Corralero horse breed CC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Chincoteague Pony horse breed CT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Cleveland bay horse CV
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Clydesdale horse CY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Colorado Ranger horse breed CO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Connemara Pony horse breed CM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Criollo horse breed CH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Crioulo horse breed HC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Crossbred horse (grade) MX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dales Pony horse breed DP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Danish Warmblood horse breed DW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Danubian horse breed DA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dartmoor Pony horse breed DT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Deliboz horse breed DB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Djerma horse breed DJ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dole horse breed DO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Don horse breed DN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dongola horse breed DG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Donkey- breed not specified/unknown DK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Draft breed -not on list DX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dulmen Pony horse breed DL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dutch Draft horse breed ND
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Dutch Warmblood horse breed NW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) East Bulgarian horse breed EB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Egyptian horse breed EG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Eleia horse breed EL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Eriskay Pony horse breed EK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Estonian Native horse breed ES
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Exmoor Pony horse breed EX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Faeroes Island Horse horse breed FA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Falabella horse breed FL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Fell Pony horse breed FE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Finnhorse horse breed FN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Fjord horse FJ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Fleuve horse breed FU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Florida Cracker horse breed FK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Fouta horse breed FT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Fredericksborg FD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) French Horse FH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) French Saddle pony horse breed FC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) French Saddlebred FS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) French Trotter horse breed TF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Friesian horse breed FR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Galiceno horse GA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Galician Pony horse breed GP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Gelderland horse breed GL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) German Warmblood WG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Gidran horse breed GD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Golden American Saddlebred horse breed GS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Gotland horse breed GT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Groningen horse breed GR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Guangxi horse breed GG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Gypsy Vanner horse GY
ICVI Data Concepts Page 62
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hackney horse HN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hackney Pony horse breed HP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Haflinger horse HF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hanoverian horse HV
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hequ horse breed HQ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hessen horse breed HE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Highland Pony horse breed HG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hokkaido horse breed HK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Holsteiner horse HT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Horse - breed not on list OH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Horse - breed not specified/unknown US
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hucul horse breed HL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hungarian warmblood horse breed HW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Hunter horse HU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Icelandic horse IC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Iomud horse breed IM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Irish Draft horse breed ID
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Jinzhou horse breed JZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Jutland horse breed JT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kabarda horse breed KH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Karabair horse breed KR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Karabakh horse breed KK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kentucky Mountain Horse KM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kerry Bog Pony KP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kiger Mustang horse breed KG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kirdi Pony horse breed KD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kisber Felver horse breed KF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kiso horse breed KS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kladruby horse breed KL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Knabstrup horse breed KT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kushum horse breed KU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Kustanai horse breed KZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Large Standard donkey breed LD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Latvian horse breed LV
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Lipizzaner horse LZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Lithuanian Heavy Draft horse breed LH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Lokai horse breed LK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Losino LS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Lusitano horse breed LU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Malopolski horse breed MP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mammoth Jack Stock Donkey breed MD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mangalarga horse breed MG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mangalarga Marchador horse breed MM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Marwari horse breed MW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) MBayar horse breed MB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Merens horse breed MR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Messara horse breed MZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Miniature Donkey breed SD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Miniature horse (unspecified) MHU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Miniature Mediterranean Donkey MI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Misaki horse breed MK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Missouri fox trotting horse MF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Miyako horse breed MY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mongolian horse breed MH
ICVI Data Concepts Page 63
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Morab horse breed MA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Morgan horse MN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Moyle horse breed MO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mule ML
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Murgese horse MU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Mustang horse breed MT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) National Show Horse horse breed NH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) National Spotted Saddle Horse horse breed NS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) New Forest pony NF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) New Kirgiz horse breed NK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Newfoundland Pony horse breed NP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Noma horse breed NM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Nooitgedacht Pony horse breed NG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Noric horse breed NR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Norland NL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) North Swedish Horse horse breed SH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Northeastern horse breed NE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Oldenburg horse breed OB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Orlov Trotter horse breed OT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Palomino horse PL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pantaneiro horse breed PI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Paso Fino horse PF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Peneia horse breed PE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Percheron horse PH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Peruvian Paso horse PV
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pindos horse breed PD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pintabian horse breed PO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pinto PN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Poitou Donkey PU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Polish Konik PK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Polish Warmblood PW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Polo Pony OL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pony - breed not specified/ unknown PY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pony of the Americas (POA) PA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pottok tarpan horse X domestic horse breed PX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) PRE PR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Priob horse breed PC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Pyrenean Tarpan PZ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Qatgani QG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Quarab horse breed QR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Quarter horse QH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Quarter Pony horse breed QP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Racking Horse horse breed RK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Rhinelander warmblood RW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Rocky Mountain Horse horse breed RH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Russian Heavy Draft horse breed RD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Russian Trotter horse breed RT
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Sanhe horse breed SO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Schleswig horse breed SC
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Schwarzwalder Fuchse horse breed SW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Selle Francais horse breed SJ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Shagya horse breed SG
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Shetland pony SE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Shire horse SY
ICVI Data Concepts Page 64
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Single-Footing Horse horse breed SI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Skyros horse breed SK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Small Standard Donkey breed SS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Somali Pony horse breed SL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Sorraia horse breed SR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Soviet Heavy Draft horse breed HD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Spanish Barb horse breed SB
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Spanish mustang horse SM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Spanish-Norman horse breed SP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Standard Donkey breed ST
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Standardbred horse SN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Sudan Country-Bred horse breed SU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Suffolk horse SF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Swedish Warmblood horse breed WW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Swiss Horse WI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Swiss Warmblood horse breed IW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Taishuh horse breed TA
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tarpan horse breed TP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tawleed horse breed TL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tennessee walking horse TW
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tersk horse breed TK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Thessalian TN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Thoroughbred horse TH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tokara Horse TO
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Tori horse breed TI
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Trakehner horse TR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Ukrainian Saddle Horse horse breed UK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Viking horse VK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Vlaamperd horse breed VL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Vladimir Heavy Draft horse breed VD
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Vyatka horse breed VY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Warlander WL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Warmblood horse breed WM
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Welara Pony WP
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Welsh Pony horse breed WE
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) West African Barb horse breed WS
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Western Sudan Pony horse breed WY
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Westphalian horse WF
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Wielkopolski horse breed WR
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Wielkopolski horse breed WH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Wild Burro BX
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Wurttemberg horse breed WU
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Xilingol horse breed XH
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Yakut horse breed YK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Yanqi horse breed YQ
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Yili horse breed YL
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Yonaguni horse breed YN
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Zaniskari Pony ZK
EQU Horse (Equus cabalus) Zhemaichu horse breed ZH
ICVI Data Concepts Page 65
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Alpine goat AI
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) American Cashmere goat breed CS
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Anglo nubian goat NU
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Angora goat AG
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Boer goat breed BZ
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Crossbred goat - dairy DX
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Crossbred goat - fiber FX
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Crossbred goat - meat MT
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Crossbred goat - type not specified MX
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Goat - breed not on list OT
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Goat - breed not specified/unknown UK
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Golden Guernsey goat breed GG
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Kiko goat breed KK
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) La Mancha goat LN
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Myotonic goat breed MY
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Nigerian Dwarf goat breed ND
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Oberhasli goat breed OH
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Pygmy goat PY
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Pygora goat breed PG
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Saanen goat EN
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Sable SB
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Savannah SV
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Spanish goat breed SG
CAP Goats (Capra hircus) Toggenburg goat TO
ICVI Data Concepts Page 66
Invert Invertabrates Cliona spp. (Boring sponges) BSP
Invert Invertabrates Epitomapta roseola (none) ROS
Invert Invertabrates Glycera dibranchiata(blood worms) BLW
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Actiniaria (sea anemones) SAN
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Anthozoa (corals) COR
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Asteroideae (star fish; sea star) STR
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Cliona/Pione spp. (Boring sponges) BRS
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Cubozoa (jellyfish) CJY
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Echinoidea (sea urchins) URC
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Epitomapta roseola (sea cucumber) SEA
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Glycera dibranchiata(Bloodworm) BLD
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Holothuroidea (sea cucumbers) CUC
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Hydrozoa (jellyfish) HJY
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Other Invertabrates not listed OT
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Polypodiozoa (jellyfish) PJY
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Scyphozoa (jellyfish) SCJ
InvertOT Other Invertabrates Staurozoa (jellyfish) STJ
ICVI Data Concepts Page 67
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Acipayam AC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Adal AD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Afghan Arabi AA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Africana sheep breed AF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Alai AL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Alcarrena AR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Algarve Churro AG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Algerian Arab AE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Altai (ovine) AT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Altay sheep breed AY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) American Blackbelly Sheep AB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Apennine sheep breed AP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Arabi sheep breed AS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Arapawa Island sheep breed AI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Argentine Merino AM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Arles Merino AN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Armenian Semicoarsewool AQ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Askanian AV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Awassi sheep breed AW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Balkhi sheep breed BK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Baluchi sheep breed BA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Balwen Welsh Mountain sheep breed WB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Barbado sheep breed BS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Barbados Blackbelly sheep breed LY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Basco-Bearnais BN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bavarian Forest sheep breed BVF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bentheimer Landschaf sheep breed BH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bergamasca sheep breed BG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Berrichon du Cher BR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Beulah Speckled-Face sheep breed BU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bibrik sheep breed BI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Biellese sheep breed BE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Black Welsh Mountain Sheep breed BW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Blackhead Persian sheep breed BP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bleu du Maine sheep breed MB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bluefaced Leicester sheep breed BF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bond sheep breed BB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Booroola Merino sheep breed BO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Border Cheviot sheep BC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Border Leicester sheep breed BL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Boreray sheep breed BY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bovska sheep breed BV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Braunes Bergschaf sheep breed BJ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Brazilian Somali sheep breed BZ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Brecknock Hill Cheviot sheep breed BT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Brillenschaf sheep breed BQ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) British Milk Sheep breed MS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Bunndner Oberland sheep breed BX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) California Red sheep breed CN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) California Variegated Mutant sheep breed CM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Campanian Barbary sheep breed CB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Canadian Arcott sheep breed CD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Castlemilk Moorit sheep breed MC
ICVI Data Concepts Page 68
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Charollais sheep breed CO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Cheviot sheep CV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Cholistani sheep breed CH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Cine Capari CC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Clun Forest sheep CF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Coburger Fuchsschaf sheep breed CG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Columbia sheep breed CL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Comeback sheep breed CK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Comisana sheep breed CI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Coopworth sheep breed CP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Cormo sheep breed CS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Corriedale sheep CR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Cotswold sheep CW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Crossbred sheep - black-faced FB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Crossbred sheep - face color not specified HY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Crossbred sheep - mottled-faced MF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Crossbred sheep - solid face color (not black) OS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Crossbred sheep - white-faced WF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Daglic DG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dala sheep breed DS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dalesbred sheep breed DB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Damani sheep breed DI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Damara sheep breed SD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dartmoor sheep breed DT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Debouillet sheep DE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Delaine merino sheep DM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Derbyshire Gritstone sheep breed DQ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Deutsches Blaukoepfiges Fleischschaf sheep breed DF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Devon Closewool sheep breed DC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Devon Longwoolled DW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) DLS sheep breed DL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dorper sheep breed DO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dorset DR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Dorset Down sheep breed DD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Drysdale sheep breed DY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) East Friesian sheep breed EF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Elliottdale sheep breed EL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Est A Laine Merino EM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Exmoor Horn sheep breed EX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Fabrianese sheep breed FA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Faeroes sheep breed FR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Finnish landrace sheep FN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Finnsheep FS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Florida Native FL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Fonthill Merino sheep breed FT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Friesian Milk Sheep breed FM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Galway sheep breed GY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gansu Alpine Fine-wool sheep breed GA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gentile di Puglia sheep breed GP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) German Blackheaded Mutton sheep breed GB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) German Mountain sheep breed GM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) German Mutton Merino sheep breed GX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) German Whiteheaded Mutton sheep breed GW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Ghezel GZ
ICVI Data Concepts Page 69
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gokceada GK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gotland GL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Graue Gehoernte Heidschnucke sheep breed GG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gromark sheep breed GR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gulf Coast Native sheep breed GU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Gute sheep breed GS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hampshire sheep breed HS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Han sheep breed HAN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Harnai sheep breed HI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hasht Nagri sheep breed HN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hazaragie sheep breed HZ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hebridean sheep breed HB
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Herdwick sheep breed HA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Herik HW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hill Radnor sheep breed HR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hog Island Sheep breed HG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Horn dorset DH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Hu HU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Icelandic sheep breed IL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Ile-de-France sheep breed IF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Istrian Pramenka sheep breed IP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Jacob sheep breed JA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Jezerskosolcavska sheep breed JZ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Kachhi sheep breed KC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Kajli sheep breed KJ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Karacabey Merino KM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Karakul sheep KK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Karayaka KR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Katahdin sheep breed KA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Kerry Hill sheep KH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Kivircik KV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Kooka sheep breed KO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lacaune dairy sheep breed CU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Landais LD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Langhe sheep breed LG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lati sheep breed LT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Leicester - English LE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Leicester - Hexam HL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Leicester sheep LS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Leineschaf sheep breed LF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lincoln sheep LI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Llanwenog sheep breed LW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lleyn sheep breed LL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lohi sheep breed LH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Lonk sheep breed LK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Louisiana Native LN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Luzein sheep breed LZ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Maltese MA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Manchega MG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Manech MN
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Manx Loaghtan sheep breed MX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Masai sheep breed MI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Massese MZ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Medium-Wool Merino sheep breed MM
ICVI Data Concepts Page 70
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Mehraban MH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Merinizzata Italiana MJ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Merino sheep superbreed ME
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Merinolandschaf sheep breed MO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Miniature Southdown SM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Moghani MQ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Montdale sheep MT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Morada Nova MV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Mouflon sheep MK
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Mule Sheep ML
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Natural Colored NT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Navajo sheep NJ
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Navajo-Churro sheep breed NA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Nellore NE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Newfoundland sheep breed NL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Norfolk Horn sheep breed NH
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) North County cheviot sheep NC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) North Ronaldsay NR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Norwegian Fur sheep breed NF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Olde English Babydoll Southdown BD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Outaouais Arcott sheep breed OU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Oxford Down sheep OX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Panama sheep PA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Perendale sheep PE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Poll Merino sheep breed MP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Polled dorset sheep breed DP
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Polypay sheep breed PO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Rambouillet sheep RG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Rideau Arcott sheep breed RI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Romanov sheep RV
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Romnelet sheep RM
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Romney sheep breed RY
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Rouge de lQuest sheep breed RO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Royal White RW
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Ryeland sheep breed RL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Scottish Blackface sheep SC
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Sheep - breed not listed OT
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Sheep - breed not specified/unknown NI
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Shetland sheep breed SL
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Shropshire sheep SR
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Soay sheep breed SO
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) South African Mutton Merino sheep breed SF
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Southdown sheep ST
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) St. Croix sheep breed SX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Steigar sheep breed SG
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Suffolk sheep SU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Targhee sheep TA
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Teeswater sheep breed TS
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Texel sheep breed TX
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Tunis sheep breed TU
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Wensleydale sheep breed WE
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) White Dorper WD
OVI Sheep (Ovis aries) Wiltshire horn sheep WH
ICVI Data Concepts Page 71
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) American Landrace pig breed LA
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) American Yorkshire pig breed YO
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Berkshire pig BK
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) British saddleback pig BS
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Chester white pig CW
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Crossbred pig CB
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Duroc pig DU
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Eurasian Lineage EL
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Feral Pig FP
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Hampshire pig HA
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Hereford pig HF
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Lacombe pig LC
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Large black pig LB
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Large white pig LW
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Meishan pig breed MH
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Minzhu pig breed MZ
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Pietrain pig PE
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Pig - breed not on list OT
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Pig - breed not specified/unknown XK
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Poland China pig PC
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Red wattle pig RW
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Spotted pig SO
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Sus cebifrons SC
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Synthetic breed SB
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Tamworth pig TM
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Vietnamese Pot-Bellied Pig pig breed VP
POR Swine (Sus scrofa) Wessex saddleback pig WS
Unknown Unknown Unknown ZZ
ICVI Data Concepts Page 72
Appendix 6: Identification Types
Metal Tag
Equine Name
Registration Tattoo
Registration Brand
Bangle Tag
Back Tag
Breed Tattoo
Bangs Tattoo
Brand Inspection #
American ID Metal
Lip Tattoo
ICVI Data Concepts Page 73
Appendix 7: Identification Standards
Official Identification Numbers - Animals
Official identification numbering systems are fundamental to animal disease programs. Numbers for both
individual animals and groups of animals are defined to support methods of official identification for the
various species and for meeting production management practices. Official animal identification devices,
such as eartags, have an official identification number imprinted on them. Group/lot numbers are
associated to the animals through records maintained by individuals responsible for the group throughout
the production chain.
Official identification numbers are nationally unique numbers permanently associated with individual
animals or groups of animals. Official identification numbers are associated with individual animals or
groups of animals through official identification devices or methods. Official identification numbers adhere
to one of the following numbering systems:
National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES)
Animal identification number (AIN)
Location-based number system
Flock-based number system
Any other numbering system approved by the APHIS Administrator for the official
identification of animals
Individual Animal Numbers
Official animal numbering systems provide a way to uniquely identify individual animals. Official
identification for certain species is based on identification devices (e.g., official eartags) that have an
official animal number imprinted on them. The following table specifies the format for each official
numbering system used for individual animals.
ICVI Data Concepts Page 74
Table 1. Individual Animal Identification Numbers
Data Element Length Format Example Comments
National Uniform
System (NUES)
9 or 8 Alphanumeric 23 ELV 4574
PA ELV 4574
23 DX 1234
PA DX 1234
[2] 23
Default is State or Tribe
numeric code. State postal
abbreviation is optional.
[3] or
See official tag specification
in Section C, Table 5, for
details on the use of the
letters in these positions.
[4] 4574 4 digits in a chronological
numerical sequence.
Animal ID
number (AIN)
15 Numeric 840003456789012
[3] 840 The first 3 digits are the
country code (840 = USA).
(See note below regarding
USA and manufacturer
[12] 003456789012 The last 12 digits are the
animal number.
Start number >
number with a
Alphanumeric MN0456 4275
MN0456 See flock standard below.
4275 Unique herd management
number with a
Alphanumeric IA123456 123456
IA123456 See LID and PIN standard
123456 Unique herd management
AINs with the alpha characters USA or the numeric code assigned to the manufacturer’s ISO 11784/85-
compliant identification device by the International Committee on Animal Recording may be used as
alternatives to the 840 prefix until 1 year after the effective date of the final rule, APHIS Docket-2009-
0091, “Traceability of Livestock Moving Interstate.”
Note: AINs beginning with the 840 prefix are recognized for use only on animals born in the United
ICVI Data Concepts Page 75
Animal Group Identification Numbers
Group/Lot Identification Numbers (GINs)
The use of GINs provides a way to uniquely identify a unit of animals of the same species that is
managed as one group throughout the preharvest production chain. The GIN consists of the following:
One of the location identifiers (premises identification number (PIN) or location identification
number (LID)) defined in the following pages
A six-digit representation of the date on which the group or lot of animals was assembled or
date the group was initiated if more than one day (MM/DD/YY)
Two additional digits, ranging from 01 to 99, for the numbering of different groups or lots of
animals assembled on the same premises on the same day. When more than one group of
animals is assembled, the groups would be designated consecutively as 01, 02, 03, etc.
Flock Identification Numbers
The National Scrapie Eradication Program furnishes eartags to sheep and goat producers. The
numbering system for these tags combines a nationally unique flock identification number (FIN) with the
producer’s unique livestock production numbering system. This flock-based numbering system represents
an animal group that is associated with one or more locations. The system serves the sheep and goat
industries well in their disease control and eradication efforts.
A State or Federal animal health authority assigns the FIN to a group of animals managed as a unit on
one or more premises under the same ownership.
The following table specifies the official GINs.
ICVI Data Concepts Page 76
Table 2. Animal Group Identification Numbers
Data Element Length Format Example Comments
Group/Lot ID
Number (GIN)
- Using a PIN
15 Alphanumeric 004T56711221105
[7] 004T567 The first 7 characters are
the PIN.
[6] 112211 The next 6 characters are
the date the lot was
established: MMDDYY.
05 The last 2 characters are
the number (count 01-99) of
the group assembled at a
premises on the same day.
(01 is the default when one
group is assembled.)
Group/Lot ID
Number (GIN)
- Using a LID
14 or
Alphanumeric WA123411221105
[6] or
The first 6 or 8 characters
are the location ID
[6] 112211 The next 6 characters are
the date the lot was
established: MMDDYY.
05 The last 2 characters are
the number (count 01-99)
of the group assembled at
a premises on the same
day. (01 is the default
when one group is
Number (FIN)
[2] PA State postal abbreviation
required as the first two
of [7]
723456A FINs exclude the letters I,
O, or Q from the
characters following the
State abbreviation.
LIDs may also use the 7-character format. The check digit must be used as prescribed for PINs.
Location Numbering Systems
States and Tribes may elect to use location identifiers to support their animal disease traceability plan.
Two processes, explained below, support the administration of location identifiers that adhere to the
standards defined in Table 3. PINs are available through the PIN allocator, a software application tool that
APHIS provides to States and Tribes electing to use it. States may also use their own process for
administering unique State-issued location identifiers. To avoid confusion in presenting these options in
ICVI Data Concepts Page 77
this document, State-issued location identifiers are referred to as LIDs, and the numbers States and
Tribes obtain through the allocator are referred to as PINs (or standardized PINs). States and Tribes may
choose to use other terms in their materials.
States and Tribes are not required to provide PINs or LIDs for the administration of their traceability plans.
However, if they choose to use location identifiers to administer their traceability activities, following the
standards below will ensure that their information systems are compatible with other traceability and
animal health databases.
Location Identification Numbers
LIDs are administered through a State’s or Tribe’s internal system. The LID consists of six or eight
alphanumeric characters. Seven alphanumeric characters may be used only when the last character is a
check digit based on ISO 7064:1983, a standard published by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO). Using the State postal abbreviation as the first two characters ensures LIDs are
nationally unique.
Premises Identification Numbers
States and Tribes may elect to use the PIN in their traceability system. The standardized PIN, obtained
through the APHIS PIN allocator, consists of seven alphanumeric characters. The last character is a
check digit based on ISO 7064:1983. States may use the State’s postal abbreviation as the first two of the
seven characters (for example, OH341T4) unless the State is using a seven-character LID. Tribes may
also have codes reserved for use with PINs they administer. The codes for Tribes will be assigned upon
request. States and Tribes obtaining PINs from the PIN allocator may use either the Standardized
Premises Identification System or a Compliant Premises Identification System. The standardized and
compliant systems are defined in the Animal Disease Traceability Information Technology technical
The LID and PIN data standards are defined in the following table.
Table 3. Location Identifiers
Data Element Length Format Example Comments
6 Alphanumeric MN4321
First 2 characters are the State
postal abbreviation.
8 Alphanumeric CA654321
First 2 characters are the State
postal abbreviation.
PIN 7 Alphanumeric A123R69 Last character is a check digit.
States and Tribes may issue LIDs in the 7-character format only when the ISO 7064:1983 check digit
is used as the last character.
The check digit calculation algorithm is based on ISO 7064:1983, “Data Processing – Check
Character Systems.” (See Animal Disease Traceability Technical Standards document.)
Note: To avoid confusion with the numbers 0 and 1, the LID and PIN will not contain the letters O or I
except when the letters are contained in the State or Tribal code.
ICVI Data Concepts Page 78
Appendix 8: Gender Codes
Female F
Male M
Neutered/Castrated Male C
Neutered/Spayed female S
Multiple Genders (Mixed) X
ICVI Data Concepts Page 79
Appendix 9: Result Interpretation Codes
Not Required
ICVI Data Concepts Page 80
Appendix 10: Person Type Codes
Accredited Veterinarian
ICVI Data Concepts Page 81
Appendix 11: Sample ICVI XML Message
The following is a sample of an XML message that could be used to transmit ICVI data
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
targetNamespace="http://aphis.usda.gov" xmlns="http://aphis.usda.gov"
<xs:element name="interstate_certificate" type="interstate_certificate_type" />
Data that describes the inspection performed to grant an interstate movement
<xs:complexType name="interstate_certificate_type">
<xs:element ref="certificate_number" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="purpose_for_inspection" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="days_certificate_is_valid_for" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="current_state_or_area_status" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="species" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="number_of_animals_on_the_icvi" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="flock_or_herd_status" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="flock_or_herd_number" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="mode_of_transportation" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="estimated_shipping_date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="veterinary_accreditation_num" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="veterinary_signature_date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="inspection_date" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="permit_number" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="remarks" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="origin" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="destination" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="consignor" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="consignee" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="carrier" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="accredited_veterinarian" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="animal" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Data that describes an individual animal or group of animals.
ICVI Data Concepts Page 82
<xs:element ref="animal_identification" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:element ref="breed" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="breed_description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="age" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="age_unit" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="age_description" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="gender" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="test_result" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Data that describe results from tests performed on samples or
observational data collected during the generation of an ICVI.
<xs:element ref="disease" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="test_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="test_date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="laboratory_name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="laboratory_accession_number" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="test_result_date" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="test_result" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="date_of_vaccination_or_treatment" minOccurs="0"
maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="product" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="reason" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
</xs:element> <!-- closing element name="test_result" -->
</xs:element> <!-- closing element name="animal" -->
<xs:element name="origin" type="person_type" >
<xs:element name="destination" type="person_type" >
<xs:element name="consignor" type="person_type" >
<xs:element name="consignee" type="person_type" >
ICVI Data Concepts Page 83
<xs:element name="carrier" type="person_type" >
<xs:element name="accredited_veterinarian" type="person_type" >
<xs:complexType name="person_type">
Data that describe the attributes of any person directly or indirectly related
to the generation of an ICVI.
<xs:element ref="last_name" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="first_name" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="business_name" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="phone" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="fax_number" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="premises_id" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="address_1" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="address_2" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="city" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="state" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="county" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="zip_code" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="email_address" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="person_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="prefix" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="state_county_fips_code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="city_fips_code" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element ref="suffix" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
<xs:element name="certificate_number">
Information specific to an ICVI certificate.
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="purpose_for_inspection">
ICVI Data Concepts Page 84
The trigger for the event or reason event is recorded
(see appendix)
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="days_certificate_is_valid_for" type="xs:int" >
Number of days that the certificate is valid for. ie; 15, 30, etc
<xs:element name="current_state_or_area_status" >
Status of the origin area (e.g., Accredited Free of Tuberculosis)
See Appendix Area Status Codes
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="species">
Species associated with the event
See Appendix Species Codes
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 85
<xs:element name="number_of_animals_on_the_icvi" type="xs:int" >
The number of animals covered by this ICVI ie; 1,10,200, etc
<xs:element name="flock_or_herd_status">
Status of the premises (e.g., quarantine, certified, exposed)
See Appendix Premises Status Codes
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="flock_or_herd_number">
A unique identifier for the premises assigned by the State of Origin for
herds/flocks with disease program status
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="mode_of_transportation">
ie; Truck, Air, etc
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 86
<xs:element name="estimated_shipping_date" type="xs:date" >
Proposed Date of animal movement See Date/Time data concept
<xs:element name="veterinary_accreditation_num">
The six-digit number issued to the Accredited Veterinarian enrolled in the
National Veterinary Accreditation Program ie; 000001, 123456
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="6" />
<xs:element name="veterinary_signature_date" type="xs:date" >
Date which Accredited Veterinarian generated the ICVI See Date/Time data concept
<xs:element name="permit_number" >
Identifier generated by the State of Destination that corresponds to an animal
import permit issued to the animal(s) associated with the ICVI ie; A12345
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="inspection_date" type="xs:date" >
ICVI Data Concepts Page 87
Date the animal or group of animals were inspected for the purposes of generating
the ICVI See Date/Time data concept
<xs:element name="remarks" >
Remarks attached to the ICVI, such as exemptions claimed
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="4000" />
<xs:element name="animal_identification">
Type of animal identification methods (e.g. tag type)
See Appendix Identification Types
<xs:element name="group_identification_number" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Group identification number
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="animal_identification_type" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Animal identification device
ICVI Data Concepts Page 88
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="animal_identification_value" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1">
Value on animal identification
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="breed">
Breed of the subject See Appendix Breed Codes
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="2" />
<xs:element name="breed_description">
Description of the breed or color of the animal or the type of cross-breed of
animal ie; BWF (black white face)
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 89
<xs:element name="age" type="xs:int" >
Numeric value of the subjects age, usually in months or years Single ie; 5
<xs:element name="age_unit">
Unit of measure for age, usually indicates month or year
ie; YR, MO 1, 2
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="1" />
<xs:element name="age_description">
Description of the age of the animal based on dentition or a common term other
than year or month ie; Broken mouth, Adult
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="gender">
Gender of the subject See Appendix Gender Codes
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="1" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 90
<xs:element name="disease">
Name of disease ie; Brucellosis, TB, other
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="test_type">
Type of test performed or test name ie; Coggins test
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="test_date" type="xs:date" >
Date test was conducted See Date/Time data concept
<xs:element name="laboratory_name">
Name of laboratory where the sample was sent ie; NVSL, Cornell
University, etc…
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 91
<xs:element name="laboratory_accession_number">
Identifier used to uniquely identify individual samples; ie; A12345
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="test_result_date" type="xs:date" >
Date the sample results were reported See Date/Time data concept
<xs:element name="test_result">
A qualitative judgment regarding the test outcome See Appendix
Result Interpretation Codes or positive, suspect, negative
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="20" />
<xs:element name="date_of_vaccination_or_treatment" type="xs:date" >
Date the animal(s) was (were) vaccinated or treated with a specific medication.
See Date/Time data concept
ICVI Data Concepts Page 92
<xs:element name="product">
Product the animal(s) was (were) vaccinated with or treated with a specific
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="reason">
Reason for vaccination or treatment with a specific medication
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="last_name" type="name_type" >
Persons last name; should be in a separate field from the first name
upper, no spaces Smith
<xs:element name="first_name" type="name_type" >
Persons first name; should be in a separate field from the last name
upper ie; John or John Jacob
<xs:element name="business_name" type="name_type" >
ICVI Data Concepts Page 93
Agency name or professional affiliation; names or acronyms/codes must be uniform
throughout a database so that one agency is not indicated by multiple names or
acronyms ie; APHIS
<xs:simpleType name="name_type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="phone" type="phone_type" >
number(s)(may require multiple fields) Area code plus 7-digit number
Number, xxx-xxx-xxxx
<xs:element name="fax_number" type="phone_type">
Area code plus 7-digit number Number, xxx-xxx-xxxx
<xs:simpleType name="phone_type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="20" />
<xs:element name="premises_id">
The unique identifier for the premises Premises identification numbers should be
assigned using the National Animal Identification System (alpha-numeric 7,
random, character 7 is a check value) ie; 002FVPL
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="20" />
ICVI Data Concepts Page 94
<xs:element name="address_1" type="address_type" >
Physical address of the location Use postal service standards
ie; 17454 Roller Coaster Rd
<xs:element name="address_2" type="address_type" >
Remainder of physical address of the location Use postal service standards
ie; Suite 200, etc…
<xs:simpleType name="address_type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="city">
Postal service City name
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="state">
Two-character state abbreviation Use postal service standards
ie; AK, CO, NY
ICVI Data Concepts Page 95
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="2" />
<xs:element name="county">
County name ie; Erie
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="50" />
<xs:element name="zip_code">
U.S. Postal Service 5-digit mail delivery area. ie; 80132
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="5" />
<xs:element name="email_address">
Person’s e-mail address with no spaces ie; person@agency.gov
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="100" />
<xs:element name="person_type">
ICVI Data Concepts Page 96
The person’s role as it relates to the ICVI
ie; Origin, Destination, Consignor, Consignee, Carrier, Accredited Veterinarian
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="16" />
<xs:element name="prefix" type="name_part_type" >
Prefix to a persons name ie; Dr., Mrs.
<xs:element name="suffix" type="name_part_type">
Suffix to a persons name ie; Jr., Sr.
<xs:simpleType name="name_part_type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="10" />
<xs:element name="state_county_fips_code" type="fips_code_type">
State/County Federal Information Processing Standard Code String
ie; 08041
<xs:element name="city_fips_code" type="fips_code_type">
Metropolitan Areas Federal Information Processing Standard Code String ie; CO322
ICVI Data Concepts Page 97
<xs:simpleType name="fips_code_type">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:maxLength value="5" />