They Say You Can Do Phonemic Awareness Instruction “In the Dark”, But Should You? A
Critical Evaluation of the Trend Toward Advanced Phonemic Awareness Training
Nathan H. Clemens
, Emily J. Solari
, Devin M. Kearns
, Hank Fien
, Nancy J. Nelson
Melissa V. Stalega
, Matthew Burns
, Kimberly St. Martin
, Fumiko Heoft
Department of Special Education, The University of Texas at Austin
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education, University of Virginia
Department of Educational Psychology, University of Connecticut
Department of Teaching and Learning, Boston University
Department of Special Education, University of Missouri
Michigan’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center, Michigan
Department of Education
University of Connecticut, University of California San Francisco, Haskins Laboratories
Author Note:
Nathan H. Clemens; @DrNathanClemens
Devin Kearns
Melissa V. Stalega
We thank Tiffany Hogan for her helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper. The
authors have no known conflicts of interest.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Nathan Clemens, SZB 4.714N 1
University Station D5300, Austin, TX 78712. Email: nathan.cleme[email protected].edu.
Updated December 21, 2021. This paper is currently undergoing peer review and will be revised
across the process. This paper is not the final copy of record and may not exactly replicate the
authoritative published document. DOI: 10.31234/
Purpose: A trend has emerged across schools in the United States in which phonemic awareness
is viewed as much more than a component of beginning reading instruction. This perspective
argues that “phonemic proficiency”, evidenced by mastery with skills such as phoneme elision or
substitution, is an important target for assessment and instruction well beyond initial grades.
Daily phonemic awareness instruction outside of print are hallmarks of the perspective, which
has influenced state policies on reading instruction.
Method: This paper evaluated the empirical and theoretical basis for advanced phonemic
awareness training.
Results and Conclusion: Although promoted as evidence-based, proficiency on so-called
advanced phonemic skills is not more strongly related to reading or more discriminative of
difficulties than other phoneme-level skills, not necessary for skilled reading, and is more likely
a product of learning to read and spell than a cause. Additionally, reading outcomes are stronger
when phonemic awareness is taught with print, there is no evidence that advanced phonemic
awareness training benefits reading instruction or intervention, and prominent theories of reading
development do not align with the claims. We conclude with implications for policy-makers and
educators, and discuss how experimental research could address open questions about phonemic
awareness instruction.
Keywords: phonemic awareness, word reading, instruction, intervention
They Say You Can Do Phonemic Awareness Instruction “In the Dark”, but Should You? A
Critical Evaluation of the Trend Toward Advanced Phonemic Awareness Training
The importance of phonological awareness in learning to read is one of the most well-
established findings across all of language and literacy research (e.g., Melby-Lervag et al., 2012;
Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). Representing a range of skills in recognizing and manipulating
sounds in words, phonological awareness involves perceiving rhyme and the ability to segment
words into syllables, and increases in sophistication to include the perception of the smallest
units of speech (i.e., phonemes) in words. Phonemic awareness the ability to isolate, segment,
blend, and manipulate phonemes is believed to facilitate a child’s ability to link speech sounds
to printed letters and letter combinations, thereby forming the basis for word reading and
spelling. In addition to elucidating its role in reading development, research has revealed the
importance of instruction in phonemic awareness for students in the early stages of reading
acquisition (Bus & Van IJzendoorn, 1999; Ehri et al., 2001; Phillips et al., 2008).
A convergence of evidence has resulted in two evidence-based recommendations. First,
variability in students’ ability to process words in terms of their phonemes, at the start of reading
instruction, has implications for early identification of risk for reading difficulties (e.g., Good et
al., 2001; Melby-Lervag et al., 2012). Second, it is important to teach children to recognize the
sound structure of words, link those sounds to letters (i.e., the alphabetic principle), and segment
and blend sounds as part of print-based instruction that teaches students to read and spell words
(e.g., National Reading Panel [NRP], 2000; Foorman et al., 2016; Torgesen, 2004). Much like
how a catalyst increases the rate of a biochemical reaction, phonemic awareness increases the
rate at which decoding skills are acquired.
Perspectives have recently emerged that view phonemic awareness as not just a skill that
facilitates word reading, but as a specific foci of instruction that should extend well beyond the
first two years of school. These perspectives, exemplified in popular programs and
recommendations (Heggerty & VanHekken, 2020; Kilpatrick, 2015, 2018, 2020; Kilpatrick &
O’Brien, 2019), advocate devoting instructional time to phonemic awareness activities beyond
first grade, and into upper elementary grades for students with reading difficulties. Instruction is
often presented using oral exercises without print (Heggerty & VanHekken, 2020). Instruction is
aimed at developing students’ proficiency with oral phoneme manipulation tasks that are
considered to represent the most sophisticated end of the phonemic skill continuum. Tasks
viewed as “more challenging” (Kilpatrick & O’Brien, 2019) or requiring “advanced” phonemic
awareness include phoneme elision (i.e., phoneme deletion, “say ‘cat’ without /k/”), phoneme
replacement (e.g., “say ‘cat’. Now change the /k/ to /p/”) including medial sounds or sounds in
blends (e.g., “say ‘bat’. Now change the /a/ to /i/”; or, “say ‘stop’. Now change /t/ to /l/”).
Advocates of these perspectives contend that advanced phonemic manipulation skills are critical
for reading proficiency, as opposed to limiting instruction to “basic” skills such as phonemic
segmentation (e.g., “tell me each sound you hear in ‘cat’”) or phoneme blending (e.g., “what
word do these sounds make: /k/-/a/-/t/”). We refer to this type of instruction and related
recommendations as advanced phonemic awareness training, given the way it has been referred
to by educators across the United States.
The core of the argument is that “phonemic proficiency” (i.e., well-developed phonemic
segmentation skills, best reflected by performance on challenging phoneme-level tasks such as
phoneme deletion and manipulation; Kilpatrick, 2020; Kilpatrick & O’Brien, 2019) is necessary
for establishing links between letter strings and pronunciations (i.e., orthographic mapping), and
that an absence of such proficiency explains difficulties progressing beyond beginning stages of
word-reading (Kilpatrick, 2019a,b). These perspectives and recommendations have been
disseminated as being evidence-based and consistent with the “science of reading,” and may be
being used by states in the US for crafting policy on reading instruction and evaluating reading
The recent positions about advanced phonemic awareness have sparked debate in the
field. Scholars have argued that advanced phonemic awareness training is inconsistent with
reading research, and related recommendations lack evidence (Brown et al., 2021; Shanahan,
2021). Additional examination of the current research base is needed to reconcile these divergent
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the validity of recommendations for advanced
phonemic awareness training, and the phonemic proficiency hypothesis, from empirical and
theoretical viewpoints. This paper does not refute the role of phonemic awareness in reading
development and instruction. We strongly support the conclusions of the NRP (2000) and the
What Works Clearinghouse (Foorman et al., 2016) that young students benefit from phonemic
awareness instruction to learn to read and spell words. We do, however, question the evidentiary
basis for spending instructional time on advanced phonemic manipulation skills beyond
segmentation and blending, implementing phonemic awareness instruction outside of print for
students that have learned print-based skills, and the claim that these skills are important for
reading proficiency or remediating word-reading difficulties.
We are particularly concerned about what might be omitted in the classroom while oral-
only advanced phonemic awareness exercises are taking place, as well as the instructional
implications if teachers view phonemic awareness as a central objective of reading instruction.
Limited time and resources demand a prioritization of activities that are most beneficial to
students’ acquisition of reading skills. Given the limited window for early intervention and
prevention (Torgesen, 2004) and the “tyranny of time” (Kame’enui, 1993), it is necessary to
question the validity of the phonemic proficiency hypothesis and the use of 10 to 15 min per day
of instructional time for teaching advanced phonemic awareness. We contend, particularly for
students with or at risk for reading difficulties, spending 50-75 minutes per week (4-6 hours per
month, 36-54 hours per year) on advanced phonemic awareness training that could have been
used for explicit instruction and supported practice opportunities to read and spell, could
represent, at minimum, a tremendous missed opportunity for children.
Theoretical and Empirical Bases for Specific Phonemic Awareness Instruction and
Phonemic Proficiency
Across the remainder of this paper, we examine whether evidence and theory support
allocating instructional time to advanced phonemic awareness training, and the assumed
importance of achieving phonemic proficiency. We consider evidence surrounding the explicit
and implied assumptions advocates make in promoting advanced phonemic awareness
instruction, including (a) the uniqueness and separability of “advanced” phonemic awareness
skills from other phoneme-level skills, (b) that performance on advanced phonemic manipulation
tasks discriminates skilled from struggling readers; (c) that phonemic proficiency is necessary for
proficient reading; (d) that advanced phonemic awareness plays a causal role in reading
development rather than simply being a consequence of it; (e) that specific, advanced phonemic
awareness training results in improved reading outcomes over approaches without such a focus,
and (f) the extent to which advanced phonemic awareness training aligns with theories of reading
acquisition that have been used to promote the idea.
Are “Advanced” Phonemic Awareness Skills Meaningfully Distinct from Other Phonemic
Awareness Skills?
Phonemic proficiency perspectives carry an assumption that successfully completing
advanced phonemic manipulation tasks (i.e., phoneme deletion, replacement, reversal) represents
a meaningfully distinct extension of phoneme awareness that is important to word reading
development above and beyond segmentation and blending of phonemes, and therefore
represents an important assessment target for evaluating reading difficulties and planning
instruction. To examine this assumption, studies can be considered that have investigated the
dimensionality of phonemic processing and separability of performance on specific types of
Factor analytic studies have found that performance on a range of phonemic awareness
tasks, including first-sound comparison, phoneme segmentation, phoneme blending, phoneme
deletion (i.e., elision), and phoneme replacement, are best represented by one factor (Anthony &
Lonigan, 2004; Runge & Watkins, 2006; Schatschneider et al., 1999; Stanovich et al., 1984). The
results suggest that phonemic processing is unidimensional; success on tasks like phoneme
deletion does not appear to be indicative of a skill set unique from phoneme-level processing
more generally. To be clear, these results do not suggest an absence of a continuum of skill
complexity in phonemic awareness. Rather, factor-analytic findings indicate that completing
phoneme-level tasks, regardless of complexity, are best viewed as part of a single skill, and that
performance on so-called “advanced” tasks are not a meaningfully distinct skill set.
Other studies have examined differential relations of phonemic awareness task
performance to word-reading. With first and second graders, Kilpatrick (2012) administered tests
of word reading and the Blending Words, Segmenting Words, and Elision subtests of the
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Wagner et al., 1999). Correlations among the
phonological awareness and word reading subtests ranged from .31 to .67 (all were statistically
significant). Correlations with the Segmentation subtests were relatively lower, and in stepwise
regression models, Segmentation often did not account for unique variance in predicting word
reading when the Blending and Elision subtests were included. Kilpatrick interpreted the results
as evidence that segmentation measures are less important than elision measures for
understanding a students’ phonemic processing skills. However, correlations between the
Blending subtest (considered “basic” under phonemic proficiency perspective) and word reading
were equivalent or stronger in magnitude compared to the Elision subtest, and both the Blending
and Elision subtests remained statistically significant in all regression models predicting word
reading. Additionally, the score range on the Segmentation subtest was lower compared to the
Blending and Elision tests, which may have explained its lower relations to word reading.
Regardless, the fact that Blending was just as predictive of word reading as Elision conflicts with
the argument that performance on advanced phonemic manipulation tasks is more important for
reading or assessment.
Casting additional doubt on the uniqueness of phonemic manipulation tasks, Choi et al.
(2017) analyzed students (ages 4 to 19) errors on rhyming, sound matching, phoneme blending,
phoneme segmenting, and deleting measures. A principal components analysis found that student
errors were best summarized by two error-type factors: A “basic” factor involving errors on
blending, rhyming, and sound matching tasks, and an “advanced” factor involving errors on
phoneme segmenting and phoneme deletion. The basic and advanced factors explained a sizable
portion of variance in students’ scores on tests of reading, writing, and oral language, with the
advanced error factor accounting for slightly more variance. However, contrary to phoneme
proficiency perspectives, students exhibited more errors in phonemic segmentation than in
phoneme deletion. Phoneme deletion did not appear to require greater sophistication in phonemic
processing than phonemic segmentation.
Does Performance on Advanced Phonemic Awareness Tasks Discriminate Good and Poor
A lack of phonemic proficiency is viewed as a reason for word-reading difficulties (e.g.,
Kilpatrick, 2019a,b, 2020). Hence, it is assumed that stronger and weaker word readers can be
better differentiated by assessments that involve more advanced phonemic manipulation tasks
(phoneme deletion or replacement), compared to measures that are viewed as more “basic” such
as phoneme segmenting or blending.
Melby-Lervag et al. (2012) meta-analyzed 235 studies on the relation of phonological
awareness to reading skills, and distinguished four types of phonemic processing tasks:
Composite measures of phoneme and syllable tasks, phoneme deletion, spoonerisms (i.e.,
swapping phonemes between two words), and “other” phoneme-level tasks that included
phoneme detection, phoneme segmentation, and phoneme blending. They also distinguished
rhyming measures as distinct from the phoneme processing tasks. Results of the meta-analysis
indicated that students with word-reading difficulties performed more poorly on tests involving
phoneme-level processing compared to age-matched control students without reading
difficulties, with a large and statistically significant effect (d = -1.37). However, there were no
statistically significant effects for the type of phonemic processing test used; the effects were
similar across composite syllable and phoneme, deletion, spoonerisms, and segmentation/
detection/blending measures.
In comparing students with word-level reading difficulties to younger students without
reading difficulties, Melby-Lervag et al. (2012) found that poor word readers again performed
lower on tests of phonemic processing (d = - 0.57), but there was still no statistically significant
effect of task type. Poor readers demonstrated similar deficits in performance across all
phonemic processing tasks, including those considered “basic” (phoneme segmentation,
blending) and those deemed “advanced” (phoneme deletion, spoonerisms) under the phonemic
proficiency perspective.
In summary, the Melby-Lervag et al. (2012) meta-analysis indicated that measures that
involve phoneme-level processing discriminate students with word-level reading difficulties
from typically-achieving readers. However, there was no evidence that phonemic processing
tasks can be subdivided in ways that offer unique, meaningful information for evaluating reading
achievement or reading difficulties.
Is Advanced Phonemic Awareness Necessary for Skilled Reading?
If teachers are to invest time on advanced phonemic awareness training, it is important to
know if this investment is necessary for proficient reading. Scarborough et al. (1998), with
adolescents representing a range of reading abilities, observed a significant range in accuracy on
phoneme deletion tasks among students without reading difficulties: Only 33% made no errors
deleting consonant cluster phonemes, and 31% made four or more errors on the eight items of
the task. A second study by Scarborough et al. (1998), with data from students between 2
grades, revealed an asymptotic function in phonemic awareness (including phoneme
deletion, specifically), in which score growth leveled off for higher-achieving readers around 7
grade, even when not completely mastered. The results suggested that poor performance on
phonemic awareness tasks observed among some skilled readers was a result of reaching reading
proficiency without attaining mastery in phonemic awareness, not due to a deterioration of skills
no longer used.
Other studies have reported that proficiency with phonological and phonemic tasks is not
necessary for successful word-reading. Byrne and Fielding Barnsley (1993) found that 33% of
students with decoding skills above the sample median scored very low on phoneme deletion
tasks. Ozernov-Palchik et al. (2017) observed that 10% of kindergarten students who scored
above the sample median in word reading demonstrated phonological awareness and non-word
repetition scores more than 1 SD below the mean. Kilpatrick (2012), in his study with first- and
second-graders, noted “there were numerous students who appear to be doing well in reading
that had a comparatively weak score on the Elision subtest” (p. 159).
The findings that advanced phonemic awareness is not necessary for skilled reading
coincide with evidence that low phonemic awareness is not the only skill deficit associated with
word-reading disability (Snowling & Melby-Lervag, 2016). Rather than a consistent link
between phonemic awareness deficits and reading disability, evidence reflects a multifactorial
perspective in which reading disability is the result of an interaction among multiple
environmental and genetic factors, and that low phonemic awareness is a majorbut one of
severalfactors that lead to poor reading (Pennington, 2006).
Some level of phonemic processing is important for beginning reading instruction;
studies have pointed to the ability to segment short words by phonemes as facilitative of reading
acquisition (e.g., Ball & Blachman, 1988; Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley, 1989). The NRP (2000)
found that interventions focused on blending and segmenting sounds demonstrated stronger
effects (d = 0.67 for reading outcomes and d = 0.79 for spelling) than those that focused on other
phonemic awareness skills, (d = 0.27 for reading outcomes and d = 0.23 for spelling). O’Connor
(2011) concluded that the ability to segment and blend three to four sounds in short words
provides a sufficient foundation for word-reading and spelling instruction. We are unaware of
evidence that continued instruction in increasingly sophisticated phonemic skills benefits reading
outcomes, or that attaining proficiency with complex phonemic manipulation is necessary for
introducing more advanced word-reading.
Is Proficiency with Advanced Phonemic Awareness Tasks At Least Partly a Consequence
of Reading Acquisition?
There is considerable evidence supporting a bi-directional relation between phonemic
awareness and reading acquisition. At the start of reading instruction, phonemic awareness may
have a causal role in helping children connect sounds to print (Melby-Lervag et al., 2012;
Wagner & Torgesen, 1987). However, the acquisition of print-related skills, particularly letter
knowledge (Foulin, 2005), is associated with further development of phonemic awareness
(Burgess & Lonigan, 1998; Lerner & Lonigan, 2016; Wagner et al., 1997). Castles et al. (2011)
observed that preschoolers’ phoneme isolation skills were stronger on letter-sound
correspondences they had learned in an intervention. Across studies, scholars have speculated
that letter knowledge may influence phonemic awareness growth by (a) directing children’s
attention to smaller units of speech, thus promoting greater refinement in the perception of
individual speech sounds, and (b) providing a concrete referent to sounds, which may reduce
demands on phonological memory and improve performance on oral phonemic tasks.
Although Wagner et al. (1997) observed that word reading skills were not predictive of
subsequent phonological awareness, other studies have observed that learning to read and spell
words is associated with further development of phonemic awareness. Studies indicated that
first-graders’ phoneme blending skills enabled decoding, but gains in phoneme deletion were
influenced by improvements in word reading skills (Perfetti et al., 1987), phoneme deletion skills
were likely a consequence of students’ spelling knowledge and pseudoword decoding (Byrne &
Fielding-Barnsley, 1993), and exposure to word spellings improved readers’ ability to detect and
identify phonemes in those words (see Ehri, 2020 for a review). Hogan et al. (2005) found that
kindergarten phonological awareness predicted Grade 2 word reading, but word reading in
second grade uniquely predicted fourth-grade phonological awareness, even when accounting for
the predictive effects of Grade 2 phonological awareness.
Orthographic (i.e., spelling) knowledge appears to be particularly important for
completing advanced phoneme manipulation tasks. Children and adults have been observed to
invoke spelling knowledge on phoneme deletion measures, and stronger spelling skills are
associated with stronger phoneme deletion (Castles et al., 2003). Adults with dyslexia reported
visualizing the spelling of words, or “writing” the word with their finger when completing
phoneme reversal assessments (Wilson et al., 2015).
Overall, research indicates that sophistication in phonemic awareness is, in part, a
consequence of learning to read and spell. Initial phonemic awareness helps facilitate students’
access to the alphabetic code. Subsequently, the acquisition of alphabetic knowledge, decoding,
and spelling appears to facilitate the further development of phonemic awareness. As Perfetti et
al. (1987) noted, “The two systems, orthographic and phonemic, are developing in mutual
support” (p. 309). Orthographic knowledge, which can only develop through exposure to word
spellings, appears to be particularly important for completing phoneme deletion and
manipulation tasks. This work has also not revealed that a lack of proficiency with “advanced”
phonemic manipulation skills is a cause of reading difficulty. Difficulties on advanced phonemic
tasks may be due to under-developed code-related skills and lack of reading opportunities, not a
direct cause. By extension, the reciprocal relation means that assessments of alphabetic
knowledge, decoding, and spelling involve access to phonological information, and that any
assessment that involves printed letters will likely be a stronger predictor of reading skills than
oral-only tasks (National Early Literacy Panel, 2008). These interactive, reciprocal relations have
been known for quite some time, yet appear to be insufficiently acknowledged by advocates of
advanced phonemic awareness training.
Does Instruction or Intervention Specifically Targeting Advanced Phonemic Awareness
Improve Reading Skills?
To date, only one experimental study investigated the Heggerty Phonological Awareness
programs. Coyne et al. (2021) randomly assigned kindergarten and first-grade students by school
to receive the Heggerty program or business-as-usual (BAU) reading instruction. Teachers in the
Heggerty condition were trained and coached to implement it according to the publisher’s
guidelines. Year-end literacy measures indicated that students in the Heggerty condition
outperformed students in the BAU condition on a measure of phoneme isolation, blending,
segmenting, and manipulation, with an effect size of 0.55. However, there were no statistically
significant differences between groups on measures of pseudoword decoding or oral reading
fluency, with effect sizes < .05. The results did not reveal a benefit of developing students’
advanced phonemic skills on their reading development.
Meta-analyses have investigated the effects of phonemic awareness instruction and
intervention (typically defined as instruction targeting phonemic awareness skills independent of
print) on reading outcomes, and have contrasted effects with other foci of instruction. Suggate
(2010) observed similar weighted effect sizes (d
) for phonemic awareness interventions
compared to phonics interventions on reading outcomes (d
= .38 and d
= .42, respectively), but
on follow-up assessments, weighted effect sizes for phonics interventions (d
= .32) were almost
twice that of phonemic awareness interventions (d
= .18). Suggate (2016) observed similar
weighted effect sizes comparing phonemic awareness and phonics interventions on reading
outcomes at immediate post-test (d
= .32 and d
= .26, respectively), however effects remained
for phonemic awareness interventions at follow-up (d
= .30) compared to phonics interventions
= .07). The unweighted effect size for phonics interventions at follow-up was .30. Suggate’s
use of sample-adjusted weighted effect sizes has been debated (Fletcher et al., 2021), as they
likely attenuated effects of the phonics intervention studies that had average samples over twice
as large as phonemic awareness studies.
Galushka et al. (2014) meta-analyzed randomized controlled trials of reading
interventions. Three studies investigated phonemic awareness interventions, resulting in an
average effect of g = .28 that was not statistically significant. Phonics interventions (k = 29)
demonstrated an average effect of g = .32, and it was the only approach in which effects were
statistically significant.
Gersten et al. (2020) conducted a meta-analysis of 33 intervention studies for students
with reading difficulties in grades 1 to 3. The average effect of all interventions on reading skills
was 0.39. Whether an intervention included focused on decoding, fluency, or comprehension did
not result in differential effects from the overall average. However, interventions that included
phonological awareness components were associated with statistically significant smaller effects
than average on reading skills. In contrast, interventions that included spelling or writing were
associated with stronger reading outcomes, compared to interventions with other elements.
A characteristic of advanced phonemic awareness training programs is an emphasis on
oral-only instruction, rather than explicitly teaching segmenting, blending, and manipulation of
phonemes connected to letters within words. What makes the rise of this perspective so
perplexing is the long-standing evidence that reading outcomes are stronger when phonemic
awareness is integrated with print (i.e., the hallmark of phonics instruction). A meta-analysis by
Bus and Van Ijzendoorn (1999) found that combining phonological awareness training with print
resulted in better reading outcomes compared to phonological awareness training alone. The
NRP report (2000) observed effect sizes for interventions that integrated phonemic awareness
activities with print (d = 0.67 for reading and 0.61 for spelling) were almost twice as large as
phonemic awareness training without letters (d = 0.38 for reading and 0.34 for spelling). The
panel unambiguously concluded, “Methods that teach children to manipulate phonemes with
letters are more effective than methods limiting manipulation to spoken units” (p. 2-41).
Another characteristic of advanced phonemic awareness training is the simultaneous
targeting of multiple phonological and phonemic awareness skills. The Heggerty programs, for
instance, target rhyming, onset fluency, blending, initial/medial phoneme isolation, segmenting,
adding, deletion, and substitution in the same lesson. In contrast, the NRP (2000) found that
interventions that taught one or two phonemic skills (d = 0.71 to 0.79 for reading outcomes and d
= 0.74 to 0.87 for spelling outcomes) were more effective than those that taught three or more
skills (d = 0.27 for reading outcomes and d = 0.23 for spelling). Additionally, interventions that
focused on blending and segmenting had larger effects (d = 0.67 for reading outcomes and d =
0.79 for spelling) than those focused on other phonemic skills (d = 0.27 for reading outcomes
and d = 0.23 for spelling).
Unsystematic Literature Reviews
Advanced phonemic awareness training has been promoted with claims that it results in
superior reading outcomes to interventions without this emphasis. Kilpatrick (2020) stated
Studies that involved phonemic manipulation tasks, which allow for an assessment and training
of phonemic proficiency, consistently demonstrate substantially higher standard score point
gains in intervention studies” (p. 14). Kilpatrick and O’Brien (2019) noted “when the phonemic
awareness training includes the more challenging phonemic manipulation activities, the results
represent the strongest outcomes in the word reading intervention literature” (p. 202-203).
We examined the research that Kilpatrick and O’Brien (2019) cited in support of these
claims. Eschewing effect sizes, which they stated, cannot be consistently relied upon to
determine intervention effectiveness” (p. 182), Kilpatrick and O’Brien used standard score point
gains to classify minimal, moderate, or highly-effective interventions. They concluded that
studies in the highly-effective category consistently represented interventions that implemented
“more challenging phonemic manipulation activities along with systematic phonics instruction
and reading practice” (p. 199). They cited 11 studies in this category.
None of the 11 studies cited by Kilpatrick and O’Brien (2019) as “highly-effective”
permit inferences that inclusion of advanced phonemic activities were responsible for reading
growth. Most studies were not even designed to investigate that possibility. Six of the studies
(Alexander et al., 2001; Baht et al., 2003; McGuinness et al., 1996; Truch, 1994, 2003, 2004)
involved only a single intervention group (i.e., no control or comparison group) a
methodologically weak, non-experimental design that provides little basis for causal inference.
This subset was further complicated by two studies (Truch 2003, 2004), both unpublished, that
included secondary analyses of intervention group data from different studies with different
measures. One study was not an intervention trial; Simos et al. (2002) compared changes in brain
activation patterns of students with and without reading disabilities following interventions.
Only 4 of the 11 studies were experimental intervention trials (Torgesen et al., 1999,
2001, 2010; Wise et al., 1999). Torgesen et al. (1999) randomly assigned kindergarten students
to either a phonological awareness and synthetic phonics (PASP) intervention, embedded
phonics intervention, school-designed intervention, or no-treatment control. PASP involved the
Audio Discrimination in Depth program (later, Lindamood Phoneme Sequencing), and allotted
approximately 80% of instructional time on word-level skills and 20% on text. It included
learning phoneme articulatory gestures; segmenting and representing phonemes in words using
mouth-form pictures, blocks, and letters; phonemic decoding; decodable texts; high-frequency
words; and fluency building in trade books. The embedded phonics program allotted 43% time to
word-level skills and 57% to text-level activities, and included whole-word activities and games,
identifying letter-sounds within words, writing words and sentences, reading sentences,
identifying phonemes in words before writing them, integrating phonological and semantic
information in text, and comprehension. Students in the PASP group outperformed the other
groups at post-test in phonological awareness, decoding, and untimed word reading on a
statistically significant basis. There were no differences between groups in reading
Torgesen et al. (2001) observed no differences in reading outcomes (at post-test or 1- and
2-year follow-ups) between two code-focused intervention conditions, one that included greater
emphasis in phoneme articulation and processing skills versus another that focused on text-based
instruction and practice. Both groups benefited and there were no advantages observed for either
Torgesen et al. (2010) randomly assigned students to one of two computer-based
intervention programs, or a BAU control condition. The two computer-based interventions
explicitly taught phonological awareness, decoding, and text-reading, but one included a greater
emphasis on word-level and phonological skills, and the other on text-level skills. Although
students in the two intervention groups outperformed the control group, the intervention groups
did not differ at post-test or one-year follow-up on any reading measures (word reading accuracy
or fluency, phonemic decoding accuracy or fluency, spelling, and reading comprehension).
Wise et al. (1999) contrasted three phonics interventions, (a) sound articulation training
(i.e., lip and mouth actions associated with sounds in words but no manipulation of them), (b)
letter-sound manipulation training (manipulating sounds in printed words by swapping or
changing letters, but no practice with articulation), and (c) sound articulation plus manipulation.
The three phonics groups were compared to a BAU control condition. All phonics intervention
groups outperformed the control group on reading and phonological awareness skills at post-test.
Although the conditions that included sound manipulation training outperformed articulation-
only on measures of phonemic awareness, the three phonics intervention conditions did not differ
on measures of word reading, spelling, or reading comprehension.
In summary, despite advocates claims advanced phonemic awareness training results in
superior reading outcomes, available evidence provides no such support. With the exception of
Coyne et al. (2021), no experiments have specifically tested such a hypothesis. Interventions that
emphasized phonemic awareness included multiple components known to be effective, such as
explicit phonics, word-level instruction, and extensive practice (e.g., Torgesen et al., 1999).
Kilpatrick’s reliance on standard score gains as indices of effects is also problematic; they are the
product of much more than the intervention (e.g., core instruction, contextual variables, student
maturation), and are not appropriate for determining the effect of specific instructional
components. Rather than indicating an advantage for advanced phonemic awareness training,
research reflects the benefits of explicit phonics instruction and extensive practice reading and
spelling words.
In Absence of Evidence, Is Advanced Phonemic Awareness Training Consistent with
Theories of Word-Reading Development?
Approaches to reading instruction and intervention should be evaluated in terms of their
theoretical plausibility (Ellis & Bond, 2016). There are practices that lack experimental evidence
of effectiveness but are accepted because they are consistent with theories and evidence of
reading development, and are unlikely to cause harm. For instance, studies have not
demonstrated a robust effect for vocabulary instruction on students’ generalized reading
comprehension (Elleman et al., 2009), however, it is universally agreed that teaching new
vocabulary is an important part of literacy instruction. Given that advanced phonemic awareness
training lacks evidence of effectiveness, the next step is to examine its theoretical plausibility
and alignment with perspectives on word-reading development.
Kilpatrick refers extensively to Ehri’s (2005) phase theory, and Share’s self-teaching
hypothesis (1995), as theoretical bases for his phonemic proficiency hypothesis (see Kilpatrick,
2015, Kilpatrick & O’Brien, 2019). Kilpatrick argues that the ability to segment or blend
phonemes is insufficient for reading proficiency, but that proficient phonemic segmentation
skills, best reflected by tasks that involve phoneme deletion and replacement, provide an
essential (and previously unrecognized) basis for orthographic mapping. The ability to complete
advanced oral phonemic manipulation tasks is thought to be indicative of automaticity with
phonemic representations, which “presumably allows students to more easily remember the
words they read” (Kilpatrick & O’Brien, 2019, p. 203).
Ehri’s Phase Theory
Ehri’s (2005, 2020) phase theory describes the predominant skills and knowledge sources
children use in their transition from non-readers to reading words with automaticity. Central to
the phase theory is the idea that letters are bonded to pronunciations in increasingly larger units,
to the point that whole-word spellings are linked to pronunciations and accessed efficiently.
Ehri (2020) emphasized the importance of phonemic segmentation skills, which enables
phonemes to be paired with letters. Letter-sound knowledge and phoneme blending help
beginning readers move from a pre-alphabetic phase (i.e., identifying words based on holistic
visual cues) to a partial alphabetic phase, in which students make use of letter-sound knowledge
to decode (Ehri, 2005, 2020). In progressing from partial alphabetic to full alphabetic and
consolidated phases, whereby students become increasingly proficient at decoding unknown
words and recognizing familiar letter patterns by sight, Ehri emphasizes the reciprocal effect of
orthographic knowledge on enhancing students’ perception of phonemes in spoken words (Ehri,
2020). Ehri’s theory and work do not suggest the need for proficiency with advanced phonemic
manipulation tasks, or instruction in such skills, to facilitate orthographic mapping.
Share’s Self-Teaching Hypothesis
Share’s (1995) self-teaching hypothesis offered an explanation for how readers amass
thousands of spelling-pronunciation linkages without requiring instruction in each one. He
argued that “some basic phonemic awareness” (p. 160) and letter-sound knowledge are “co-
requisites” (p. 161) for the origins of decoding and self-teaching process. In his view,
phonological processing problems experienced by many poor readers are associated with
difficulties encoding phonological information, and retaining it in short-term memory to make
accurate blending possible. Readers with difficulty encoding phonological information fail to
build high-quality phonological representations of printed words after reading themeven if
they produce a correct pronunciation.
Phonological representations are likely impaired in that only some phonological features
of the word are represented in memory. For example, beet might be encoded with only some
phonological features. The long e (/i/) sound might be strongly liked to eethe reader would not
confuse beet with bat. However, both /b/ and /t/ might have only partial representations. The next
encounter with beet will require more effort to pronounce than for a reader with stronger
phonological encoding. Blending is critical under Share’s view, as difficulties with phonological
short-term memory make it hard for the learner to retain correct phonological information. Even
if /bit/ is immediately represented with all the correct phonological components, this information
will degrade quicklyespecially when new phonological information is presented.
Connectionist Perspectives
Although not invoked in arguments for advanced phonemic awareness training, the
connectionist model of word-reading acquisition (Foorman, 1994; Harm & Seidenberg, 1999;
Seidenberg & McClelland, 1989) is useful for considering its theoretical plausibility. The
connectionist account posits that readers require strong phonological processing ability to read
words, however, the parallel distributed nature of the model raises concerns about the necessity
developing phonemic proficiency throughout the elementary grades. In the connectionist
account, orthographic and phonological information about words develop in parallel, that is,
learning about both facilitates improvement in the word-reading system. Reading (pronouncing)
a single word increases the quality of (a) the reader’s phonological and orthographic
representation of that word and (b) the reader’s phonological and orthographic knowledge of all
words. Because all words are connected in a single system, reading any word improves the
orthographic and phonological quality for every word in the reader’s lexicon. Children who
receive sound-spelling focused reading instruction see improvements in the phonological system
without focusing only on phonological features of the language (e.g., Harm et al., 2003). Readers
improve their knowledge of the phonemic units in words in part because reading unfamiliar
printed words requires the reader to break the word into sublexical orthographic units that map to
phonemic units (Harm et al., 2005). These roles are reciprocal and mutually facilitative, thus
removing the need for phoneme-focused instruction, especially once letter-sounds are learned.
Synthesis of Theoretical Perspectives
In summary, theories of word-reading acquisition acknowledge the importance of
phoneme-level processing for reading acquisition, particularly the ability to segment and blend
phonemes. However, these perspectives have not argued that proficiency with advanced
phonemic manipulation skills, such as phoneme deletion and replacement, is necessary for the
development of word-reading proficiency.
The argument for advanced phonemic awareness instruction is also not well-justified on a
broader theoretical basis. The phonological system involves implicit knowledge of the
articulatory features of sounds (e.g., /m/ is a bilabial nasal continuous sound) and the likely
connections among them (e.g., consonant clusters with three sounds almost always begin with
/s/; /s/ rarely precedes /v/ but can; /m/ frequently precedes /p/; /n/ never precedes /k/). The
implicit ability to use that system for functional purposes, like reading, is not the same as having
phonemic awareness skills, however. Phonemic awareness involves explicit knowledge and
manipulation of spoken words’ phonological features. Improving phonemic awareness skills will
certainly improve the strength of the phonological system. However, there is currently no
evidentiary or theoretical basis to conclude that advanced phonemic awareness training will
necessarily improve the reader’s implicit knowledge of the phonological structure of the
language better than (a) some other activity that requires phoneme-level processing or (b) word-
reading or spelling activities.
Another problem with the purported benefits of advanced phonemic awareness training is
that the English phonological structure is not composed of isolated phonemes that are
consistently pronounced the same way. The /t/ sound differs in step (canonical phoneme), top
(aspirated), butter (flap), kitten (glottal stop), bat (incomplete articulation), and train
(phonologically similar to ch). The notion that advanced oral phonemic manipulation activities
enhance mapping letters to sounds is complicated by the inconsistency of phoneme
pronunciation of English.
Pre-readers may benefit from phonemic awareness instruction independent of print,
because these activities are designed to foster the understanding that words have sublexical
features a fact that is neither intuitive nor necessary for using spoken language. However,
based on evidence of the superior effects of phonemic awareness combined with print, the
benefit of oral activities likely evaporates once letters become an option for instruction.
Available evidence and perspective indicate this is true for all students, regardless of whether
they are at-risk of reading difficulty (e.g., Bus & van Ijzendoorn, 1999; Fuchs et al., 2001). As
children learn the alphabetic principle, printed letters become anchors for phonemes, and the
basis for which phonemic awareness is relevant for reading and spelling.
Research is clear that phonemic awareness plays a significant role in learning to read.
Instruction in phonemic awareness benefits reading acquisition, especially when it is integrated
with print. However, evidence and theory do not support the recent trend in advanced phonemic
awareness training. The research to date can be summarized as follows.
There is no clear evidence that phoneme-level processing can be reliably differentiated
into categories representing basic or advanced skills. The ability to complete so-called
“advanced” phonemic manipulation tasks (e.g., phoneme deletion and replacement) does not
appear to be any more strongly related to word reading than the ability to perform other
phoneme-level tasks (e.g., phoneme segmentation and blending). Further, performance on
advanced phonemic awareness measures does not appear to discriminate good from poor readers
better than performance on other phoneme-level tasks.
Current evidence does not indicate that advanced phonemic proficiency is necessary for
skilled word reading. This statement is not to be confused with the evidence that some degree of
skills in segmenting and blending phonemes is important for students to access the alphabetic
code. However, there is no evidentiary or widely-accepted theoretical work that suggests
children must be able to accomplish advanced phonemic manipulation tasks as prerequisites for
learning to read certain types of words. Research suggests that proficiency with phoneme-level
tasks is, in part, a result of learning to read and spell. Phonemic awareness is certainly involved
in reading development, however the relation is far from perfect. Deficits in phonemic awareness
are a common factor in reading difficulty, but they are one of many. There is no evidence that a
lack of proficiency with advanced phonemic manipulation is a cause of their reading difficulties,
or “missing piece” needed for remediation.
At present, there is no evidence that targeting phonemic awareness separate from print
differentially benefits reading skills over integrating phonemic awareness activities with letters.
Available evidence indicates that student reading and spelling outcomes are stronger when
phonemic awareness instruction uses letters and words. To date, there is no basis for concluding
that interventions for struggling readers should include advanced phonemic awareness training.
There is no available evidence that activities aimed at developing proficiency with advanced
phonemic manipulation skills are a beneficial component of explicit phonics instruction.
Implications for Practice
Programs and professional development training focused on advanced phonemic
awareness, and notions about the importance of phonemic proficiency for instruction and
assessment, are popular in US schools. The Heggerty organization reportedly serves over 7,250
school districts across the country (, 2021), and their programs are endorsed by
several state departments of education and technical assistance agencies. Kilpatrick’s text,
instructional program, and assessment are in wide use, and his recommendations have been
endorsed by a number of state education agencies and influential professional support
organizations. Messaging around advanced phonemic awareness training appears to be used by
states for how they evaluate programs and curricula. For example, Arkansas has created a list of
approved programs and curricula based on their definition of the science of reading, and in
evaluating specific programs, reviewers have made comments such as “Advanced phonological
skills (addition, substitution, deletion) are not evident in the scope and sequence; these skills will
need to be added as they are critical to development of phonological awareness” (Arkansas
Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2020a). Some even recommended that
programs be altered to remove print, for example, “letters are used with sounds, which will need
to be adjusted to meet the Science of Reading; [phonological awareness] should not have print
attached” (Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2020b).
Although advanced phonemic awareness training programs and related recommendations
are not evidence-based, they have been promoted as if they are. Advocates include numerous
citations of well-known scholars and publications, creating an impression of empirical support,
when closer inspection reveals that the conclusions of these publications do not align with the
recommendations of the advocates, provide no evidence of support, or recommend a different
There have been instances in education wherein practitioners have overinterpreted or
overextended recommendations from trainers or program developers that have subsequently
impacted practice. However, we do not believe that the trend toward advanced phonemic
awareness instruction is entirely the result of educators’ misinterpretations, nor should educators
be blamed for implementing such practices. Both Heggerty and Kilpatrick strongly recommend
phonics instruction (Heggerty, 2020; Kilpatrick, 2015; 2019), however, both explicitly portray a
dichotomy between phonemic awareness and phonics. Although they are certainly different
things, advocating a dichotomy may communicate a potentially problematic notion that
phonemic awareness can only be improved through oral activities, and may lead teachers to
sacrifice phonics and other print-based instruction for oral phonemic awareness training.
Phonemic awareness is predictive of skilled reading, but correlational studies should not
be interpreted as evidence supporting advanced phonemic awareness training. There are many
constructs that correlate with reading development, but that does not mean they should all be
targets of instruction. For example, rapid automatized naming (RAN) the ability to quickly
name stimuli such as colors, letters, numbers, or objects is predictive of learning to read across
written languages (Araújo et al., 2015). However, evidence that RAN training improves reading
skills is tenuous at best (Kirby et al., 2010), and few would recommend that reading instruction
include teaching students to name colors, objects, or even letters more quickly.
Advocates of advanced phonemic awareness training have helped alert educators to an
important part of reading instruction that has historically been ignored by teacher training
programs and classroom practice. The Heggerty programs use explicit instruction, and anecdotal
reports indicate they are highly engaging for students. Kilpatrick’s work overall has helped draw
educators’ attention to reading research and prominent theories of reading development. We
reiterate that phonemic awareness is an important part of beginning reading instruction,
especially when integrated with print. We do not imply that phonemic awareness instruction
should cease, nor that state-wide efforts aimed at promoting practices consistent with the science
of reading are misguided. The present debate about the nature of phonemic awareness is an
indication that, although there is considerable work to be done, the field has made significant
progress in understanding effective reading instruction. A primary implication for practice is that
a lack of evidence supporting advanced phonemic awareness training should give educators
pause before devoting time or resources to it with students beyond initial reading instruction,
teaching it independent of print, or considering it as a primary objective of reading instruction.
Caution is especially warranted if educators are implementing advanced phonemic awareness
training instead of, or as a prerequisite for, phonics instruction and reading practice.
Implications for Research
Phoneme proficiency remains a hypothesis, not yet a basis for instructional
recommendations. Considering this issue, it is important to recall the argument from ignorance
fallacy an absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. In other words, a lack of evidence
that advanced phonemic awareness training is beneficial is not the same as evidence it is not.
However, in making the claim that advanced phonemic awareness training will improve reading
skills, advocates of the perspective hold the burden of proof to demonstrate this benefit
Before instructional recommendations are justified, experimental studies are needed that
demonstrate the added value of advanced phonemic awareness training over practices that
integrate basic phonemic awareness skills with print and that do not demand phonemic
“proficiency”. Studies in which advanced phonemic awareness training is added to phonics
instruction and compared only to BAU classroom instruction are not sufficient for inferring
causality. Rather, studies are needed in which advanced phonemic awareness activities are
experimentally manipulated across conditions, thus facilitating causal inferences regarding their
benefit. These studies must examine outcomes in students’ reading skills, not just improvements
in phonemic awareness. Studies must demonstrate a benefit of advanced oral phonemic
manipulation activities over using that same time for instruction and supported practice in
reading and spelling words.
It is possible that advanced phonemic awareness training may benefit word-reading for
reasons other than the hypothesis that phonemic proficiency enhances orthographic mapping. For
example, advanced phonemic awareness training may strengthen phonological memory (i.e.,
phonological short-term or working memory), observed to be positively correlated with reading
and spelling development (e.g., Cunningham et al., 2021) and implicated in Share’s (1995) self-
teaching hypothesis. Stronger phonological memory may allow students, when attacking an
unknown word, to retain partially decoded sound segments in working memory for longer
periods of time, which may enable more accurate recoding (i.e., blending). As another
possibility, the use of daily, oral phonemic awareness exercises with a variety of words may
expand entries in students’ oral vocabulary, thus providing a stronger basis for set-for-variability
(i.e., the ability to adjust approximate or partial pronunciations to match a correct pronunciation
in oral vocabulary), which is associated with word-reading especially for words that are
phonetically irregular (Elbro et al., 2012; Kearns et al., 2016; Tunmer & Chapman, 2012).
These are testable hypotheses. We envision randomized controlled trials in which one
condition includes explicit phonics instruction + advanced phonemic awareness training,
contrasted with explicit phonics instruction alone, and a control condition. Additional studies
could compare phonics + advanced phonemic awareness training versus phonics + additional
practice reading and spelling words. Mediation analyses could test three hypotheses; that specific
phonemic awareness training improves word reading and spelling via enhanced (a) phonemic
awareness, (b) phonological memory, or (c) set for variability. We invite advocates of advanced
phonemic awareness training to collaborate on such studies.
Is a stronger focus on advanced phonemic awareness potentially harmful? In and of itself,
probably not. But as we noted at the outset of this paper, our concern is about what is not
happening when advanced phonemic awareness training is taking place. Instructional time for
teaching reading is limited. Regardless of one’s side in the debates about the pedagogy of
reading instruction, one of the most agreed-upon notions is that children need repeated and
extensive opportunities to read words to develop reading proficiency. Unfortunately,
opportunities that many children have to engage with print are woefully low, especially for
students that need it the most (e.g., Kent et al., 2012). Isolating phonemic awareness training
from print threatens this even further.
We call on the advocates of advanced phonemic awareness training to more accurately
and responsibly describe the research behind their claims, acknowledge where evidence is absent
or insufficient, and take greater care in considering the messages they convey to educators.
Translating empirical findings into classroom-based practices is the ultimate goal and
responsibility of reading researchers. Communicating what we do not know from research is just
as important as translating what we do. Moreover, developing theories of word reading
development is an essential piece of reading research and an important step for scientific
research. However, theories that have not been empirically validated through robust and reliable
research methods should not be presented to practitioners as evidence-based practices. To do so
is irresponsible and confusing to the field. Finally, we encourage educators and policy-makers to
critically evaluate the recommendations made by program developers, vendors, and education
trainers, and demand clarification of the evidence behind their recommendations.
At present, recommendations to spend instructional time on advanced phonemic
awareness training outside of print, or that students should develop “phonemic proficiency” to
become proficient readers, are not evidence-based.
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